mahalo6365 · 11 months
羽田に戻ってきました 7日間の沖縄旅行も終わりです 海🌊での出来事(🎶ナイナイナイ ナニモナイ🎶 )美味しい食事 ナガーイバスの旅ꉂ😂も何ーも かもが🎶 オモイデイッパイ ユメイッパイ🎶ꉂ🤣𐤔の旅でした☺
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highants · 11 months
アプデで入力カーソルみえなくなってしまったぞwww tumblrとついったは角が丸くなる合戦でもしてるのか?w
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reeddraws · 11 months
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23.10.17 Running Raine
As part of the oc theme for the month, I had written down to draw an oc in one of my favorite shows. So I started thumbnailing for an oc or self insert into Owl House, but I realized pretty early on that I was mostly just drawing Raine Whispers, so i just decided to lean into it because I love them 🥰 // daily drawing 1478
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vannersource · 11 months
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Good Neighbors TV Twitter update (23.10.17)
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write-on-world · 11 months
"You know how they say a wolf in the wild has the same instincts as a dog in a house? Well, theoretically a cat has the same instincts as a -"
"Stop! Hold it there! Does this little plan of yours have anything to do with that ridiculous paper you wrote on extracting base genes from household pets to make a lion-sized house cat or whatever it was?"
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cheltranslations · 11 months
#DaaChel Sign Event!@Nonaka Miki (23.10.17)
Chel here 😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
Do you buy blind bags
Was the vast majority!
I've started buying them more and more…!
Blind bags
Are really fun right、、💕
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
Releasing on 10/25日
73rd Single
「Suggoi FEVER!
Wake-up Call〜Mezameru Toki〜
Neverending Shine」
Internet Sign Event
Thank you very much!
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My Sign Event
Was in a pair with Ishida Ayumi-san 💙
I'm also paired with Ishida-san、
At our event this weekend!
I'm so excited 🥺
The archived stream is here
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
Sweet potato?
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much ❤️
Please come by again tomorrow!
See ya 🐾
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sunaoruyama-news · 3 months
14日と15日は、介護老人福祉施設「ひまわり」にて、学生たちが主体の壁画制作と、多世代が集まった様々な美術教室を開催しました。主に高校生が集まったデッサン教室。子どもたちから大人まで幅広い世代が集まった色について学ぶ教室。中高生が多かった漫画教室。小さな子どもから年配の方々まで、多くの人が集まりました。 オープンな介護施設の可能性をとても感じました。
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puddingmilkt · 11 months
[歌詞翻譯] 金昇旻 x 韓耀漢 - 成為我的星星 Be My Star (Prod. Minit & Heondred)
原名:별이 되어줘 / 發行: 23.10.17 / 專輯: minit - be my star (double single)
(金昇旻) 除你以外 我統統拋棄 除了無法拋下你走 就算世界治我的罪 請你成為我的星星 這段時間對你只是云云流逝嗎 到頭來你究竟有沒有理解過我 如果你亦有著和我同樣的心意 不妨在這個晚上向我通宵述訴 必須要離開 又要鬧翻嗎 我喜歡過的 無數的提點 對你來說 不過是首歌嗎 全都放下吧 我送贈你的許多回憶 過去都是我在妥協吧 如今那份從容不再 逐一賠償吧 我送贈你的心和時間 最終目的地 只能是我們的結束嗎 除你以外 我統統拋棄 除了無法拋下你逃走 就算世界治我的罪 請你成為我的星星 除了你一個 我全部都捨棄 除了無法拋下你獨自逃走 就這樣留在我身邊 繼續成為我的星星 (韓耀漢) 穿著骷髏骨頭的衣服 undertaker 喝至天亮 im a rockstar 大概能為了你 獻出生命 我和已經死去 有分別嗎 仍然broken heart tell me why 耀眼的你 對我來說 遙不可及 我的shining star啊 想起你 我的心就作痛 離開你 就會馬上墜毀 想起了你 是我太惡劣 那邊起火的溫室 內裏是廢墟 Oh baby fuck up now 愛情啊 一直為你發光發亮 Bye bye 走好 不對 該抓住 (金昇旻) 除你以外 我統統拋棄 除了無法拋下你逃走 就算世界治我的罪 請你成為我的星星 除了你一個 我全部都捨棄 除了無法拋下你獨自逃走 就這樣留在我身邊 繼續成為我的星星 成為我的星星 就這樣
lyrics by kim seungmin, han yo han & derek composed by kim seungmin, han yo han, derek, minit & heondred
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k-tasho · 11 months
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gettatranslations · 11 months
What Became of the Carrot。Yumigeta Ako (23.10.17)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday❗️
And And、an announcement📣
Yesterday I finally ate my buratta cheese with persimmon and olive oil and salt and black pepper!
As I ate it my eyes widened、that cheese was so delicious❗️
I bet it would also be delicious with peach〜!And it would be delicious with shine muscat grapes 🤤
I'll buy it as a reward for myself if I work really hard again…
Also today
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When I got home from school、I found this at home…✨️
Apparently Mama found it at the supermarket…
You can even eat the leafy part!🍃
But I thought I'd give the carrot leaves to our household idol Anzu-chan、and when I started walking towards her with the leaves…‼️
She came running over to see me😭
And she ate them from me!
I was so happy
I was kinda worried that she wouldn't like them since she hasn't had them in a while?、but I'm glad she enjoyed them❣️
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As she kept munching she got closer and closer to my hand、she's an angel👼
She's so cute ♥️
Also normally she's pretty standoffish (which is cute too) but today she sat and wanted fussing from me🥰
I hope she's always this energetic and healthy!
Oh yeah、
Anzu-chan has a yearly molt、when her winter coat grows in。
And it's ended recently!
Anzu-chan's coat is now super soft and fluffy!
While fussing her I just kept thinking I wanna sleep curled up with her…、but Anzu-chan doesn't really like being cuddled &she generally runs off when I try (笑lol) So I'll just settle for saying 「You're so cute〜」✋
But sometimes she allows me to touch her✋
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today I went into town after school!
I suddenly realised I have absolutely no winter clothes!So I went to buy some、and incrediblyyyyy…
I spotted a kanzashi shopー‼️
Aren't they so prett〜y??
Loads of kanzashi were lined up in front of the store。
There were cream soda kanzashi、kanzashi coloured like the sunset、goldfish kanzashi… there were so many!!!
Don't kanzashi make you think of Oda-san!
Oda-san was using a kanzashi in the dressing room the other day、and watching her use it to put her hair up so easily was almost an art to behold
I was like
「Kanzashi are amazing‼️」!
So、when my hair grows long enough to tie back I want to find a cute shop and buy a kanzashi!
I Getted 「Appreciation for Japanese Culture」✨
By the way they were also selling a kanzashi that looked like a plum、and it was simple and cute that maybe I'll go back and buy it〜
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Today after I went to the kanzashi shop I went to the food department in a department store and bought 6 cups of 31 ice cream❗️ (T/N 31 = Baskin Robbins)
Matcha and Caramel ribbon and Love potion 31 and Popping shower and Rocky road and Chocomint!
In her blog yesterday Haga-san posted about the chocomint cream that she and Inoue ate and it looked so delicious that I wanted to eat chocomint myself today!
It's my first time trying 31's chocomint ice cream…((((;゚Д゚))))ガクガクブルブル
I'm so excitedー♡
Everyone which of these 6 flavours would you eat first????
And what's your favourite 31 flavour?
Please let me know in the comments💕︎
I love Orange sorbet and Cotton candy and also the floats but right now Popping shower is probably my favourite!
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🦀🦀🦀
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mahalo6365 · 11 months
短い距離だったが久しぶりのウォーキング🚶‍♀️太陽️☀️.°波の音🌊心地よい風につつまれて ヤッパ南国🌴はイイスネ✨
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loverintranslations · 11 months
『LimiSta Internet Sign Event♡ #MariRiley♪*゚』 Makino Maria (23.10.17)
(Baseball content has been omitted)
Morning Musume。'23 73rd Single
『Suggoi FEVER!/Wake-up Call~Mezameru Toki~/Neverending Shine』 Release Commemoration
✨<LimiSta Internet Sign Event>✨
💗Sakurai Rio-chan & Makino Maria💗
Thank you very much 💕💕💕
Your messages、made me super happy💗💗
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#MariRiley ☕💕
・・・etc etc。
I #thought of it with Rio-chan ✨
Watch the archived stream on “LimiSta YouTubeLive” okay💕
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Take a look at MariSta 🐰Makino Maria's Instagram okay 💗
🍀Makino Maria🍀
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aimeevnn · 11 months
Just watched “Aquamarine” on a typical gloomy day in Budapest. I don’t know how we’ll survive this coldness inside and out, with people being moody and not so talkative. But it’ll be much better around Christmas! 🫶🏼
23.10.17 | PM 7:06
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vannersource · 11 months
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Gon 🫧 update (23.10.17)
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m0raiakubi-zzz · 11 months
「資本主義でもなく社会主義でもないシステムってどういうのやと思います? 資本主義は長続きしないって学者とかは言うけど、誰も次のこと教えてくれんでしょ。僕まだ分からないんですよ」
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butterflyeffect2017 · 11 months
Lassan 5 éve Szeretlek, de úgy látom mit sem számít ez.
Úgy hiszek a szavaidban, mintha nem tudnám, hogy hazugság.
Pedig tudom.
Újra hazudtál.
És én hagytam.
Ismét pótlék voltam.
És én hagytam.
Ismét sírtam miattad.
És Te hagytad.
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