vhscorp · 2 months
On sait qu’on a fait une belle rencontre lorsqu’on n’a pas à faire semblant d’être un autre que soi…
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gac-nho-cua-mach · 2 months
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Tình hình là sau rất nhiều, rất nhiều ngày làm biếng thì Mạch quyết định sẽ “khởi động” lại các tài khoản mạng xã hội cũ của mình. Thế nên nếu các cậu muốn đọc trích dẫn và ngắm ảnh xinh ở Instagram hay Threads thì hãy nhấn follow tui nhe.
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Vậy đó, hứa sẽ chăm!
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nicoscheer · 2 months
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The reel
Your way. Your world. We are all yours X
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elicatkin · 2 months
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flm5 · 2 months
Terça-feira, 23/7/2024
Arrecadação de tributos no Brasil bate R$ 2 trilhões. O governo celebra, mas o contribuinte chora. Com tanto dinheiro entrando, a pergunta que fica é: onde estão os resultados? Parece que o bolso do cidadão continua sendo o tesouro mais fácil de explorar. Governo corta previsão de arrecadação em R$ 64 bi e aumenta gastos em R$ 20,7 bi. Parece que a matemática em Brasília segue a lógica do…
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puckpocketed · 2 months
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olafkardanadam · 2 months
Merhaba kadın, sesine ve sana merhaba... Ben ölü bir bedenden, çığlıklarla senfoni düzdüm. Böyle ağır, böyle argo. Çıkabilmek için bu kardan'adamın içinden, belkide millerce yüzdüm. Yarınlar işlerle dolu, kulbu kırık. Yarınlardan kaçmaya yoktu ki sığınak, bu bir şiir, ben şiirden anlamam! Hepsi, bir göz seyremesi kadar şipşak.
Ellerim terliyor, endişelenenim yok, her şey etrafımda yaşlanıyor, "duvar olsaydım" diyorum keşke, darlanan bende dinleniyor, yorulan bana yaslanıyor, bu ne uzun bir eziyet.
Aklımda kalmamıştı takât, farkındalığı al, bir odaya kapat, çıktığını görmesin gözlerim. Hayâllerim, edilişlerine imreniyorlar, ben onlara imreniyorum, çok geç, artık çok geç! Alıp başını giden herkes haklı, gücenmiyorum. Ben yine, yine ben suçlu, ben yine günahkâr, ben kuralsız, ben aptal, ben deli, ben katil, ben sefil, ben aşağılık, ben züppe, bencil, ben çirkin, karamsar, suskun, beceriksiz, pısırık, her şeye küskün, saklanan ve bahanelere düşkün, ben mağdur, ben mahcup, ben müşkül. Tek kelime yetmiyor, bir sürü pisliğim! Binlerce türe dayatılan kötülüğüm. Bir parça umut, iyilik, ihtimal dahi asla!
Merhaba kadın, bu bir mektup olsun ne çok isterdim. Kalkıp gidebilmeyi ne çok isterdim. Hiçbir şey yerli yerinde olmayacak. Ben, gördüğüm kabusları anlatana kadar olmayacak. Merhaba kadın, çok güzelsin. Kalkıp gidebilmeyi, ne çok. Bırakıp gidenlere gücenmiyorum.
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guroria48 · 2 months
わたしの 「好き」 はきっとただの好意ではない
「男になりたい」 という願望の裏返し
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dopingconsomme · 3 months
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biniih · 4 months
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wecreatys · 14 days
High-Quality Backlinks: An In-Depth Exploration
High-Quality Backlinks: An In-Depth Exploration - YES Interactive Performance AgencyBacklinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, are links from one website to another. In simple terms, when one website links to another, it creates aYES Interactivetysarac
TYS Digital Performance Video Production Ltd
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lksrst · 1 month
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fernand0 · 2 months
¿Vendrán semillas?
(2024-07-23) (2024-07-11) (2024-06-29) (2024-06-01) (2024-06-29) (2024-06-29) (2024-06-29) (2024-07-11) (2024-06-29)
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Cuando se ha vivido episodios repetitivos de abandono, en especial, por parte de los seres más importantes en la etapa de la infancia, luego, de adulto, al abrirse a un otro puede significar experimentar un considerable viaje para lograr llegar a una expectativa de seguridad que puede ser interminable.
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alligator-dreaming · 2 months
Had a couple interesting dreams the other night
First I had a dream that I was sitting back and watching the solar system from afar with my sister. The way that things were, Jupiter and the Earth appeared the same size, so I claimed that the Earth was actually bigger because the visual portion of the Earth did not include the upper atmosphere. Mars was in an apocalyptic state, with lava and electricity bursting out of every crack in the ground, and we wondered what could have possibly happened to our poor neighbor Mars.
Then the dream shifted and we were playing multiplayer Half-Life as scientists. My sister played as an NPC named Doctor Skorr. We explored the map and compared differences between the original version and a modern remake (which was not Black Mesa, btw).
Later in the night I dreamed that I was on a farm with three men. The youngest was named Harry, and he told me my last name but I forgot, and then the others made me guess what it was instead of telling me again. Then the farm flooded and I sailed around on the King of Red Lions from The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker.
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yo-sostenible · 2 months
La reserva hídrica española está al 58,8% de su capacidad total. Los embalses almacenan actualmente 32.960 hectómetros cúbicos (hm³) de agua, disminuyendo en la última semana en 892 hectómetros cúbicos (el 1,6% de la capacidad total actual de los embalses). La reserva por ámbitos es la siguiente: Cantábrico Oriental se encuentra al 82,2% Cantábrico Occidental al 90% Miño-Sil al 83% Galicia Costa al 70,5% Cuencas internas del País Vasco al 90,5% Duero al 81,7% Tajo al 69,4% Guadiana al 45% Tinto, Odiel y Piedras al 82,1% Guadalete-Barbate al 25,4% Guadalquivir al 39,1% Cuenca Mediterránea Andaluza al 28,5% Segura al 21% Júcar al 48,2% Ebro al 68,2% Cuencas internas de Cataluña al 35,9% Las precipitaciones han afectado a la vertiente Atlántica y han sido escasas en la vertiente Mediterránea. La máxima se ha producido en San Sebastián – Donostia con 19,9 mm (19,9 l/m²). La situación de las cuencas, en hectómetros cúbicos, se detalla en el cuadro adjunto: Esta información está también disponible de forma más visual en la nueva aplicación web del MITECO. Además, todas las semanas se actualiza en este apartado el fichero BD-Embalses_1988-2022.zip, que incluye una tabla con los datos de los embalses peninsulares con capacidad superior a 5 hm³ desde 1988.
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