Explore tagged Tumblr posts
fishrpg · 14 days ago
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2025-01-26: Taiga Encounter Map Environmental Features
These are a list of things that may have a small use outside of encounters, but probably aren't very useful in the heat of combat.
Taiga Environmental Features (d8)
Fallen limbs from evergreen trees have resin that makes them ideal for torches.
Peeling bark from some of the trees can make a substitute for parchment or paper.
Fresh pine needles from some of the young trees can be boiled into a tea that will remove a single level of exhaustion during a short rest.
The frozen corpse of a large creature sits here; its pelt is still intact and usable for protection from the elements if you can find a way to remove it
Stunted trees with brittle limbs make good firewood
Plants here can be brewed into a stout drink that may or may help someone become more charismatic (for a while at least)
Crushed berries from the area can make a sour-tasting drink that provides advantage on CON saving throws for the next 24 hours.
A certain mildly toxic berry grows here. If only one berry is consumed in a day, it doubles the amount of time a creature can hold its breath. Any more than that applies the Poisoned condition for 12 hours and the creature takes 1d4 poison damage; the damage from the berries occurs only once per Poisoning and does not stack.
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fishrpg · 24 days ago
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2025-01-16: Forest Encounter Map Environmental Features
These are a list of things that may have a small use outside of encounters, but probably aren't very useful in the heat of combat.
Forest Environmental Features (d8)
Timber from some of the trees here could make a good canoe.
Leeches from the water can help remove poisons from the blood if allowed to feed for long enough.
Hollow reeds and plants sticking out above the water can be used to craft flutes and blowguns
Thick mats of algae or peat can be used to filter water to drinkable purity
Food can be preserved in the acidic peat by burying it in a closed wooden container.
Strips of peat can be applied like bandages to function like a healing kit, though the peat is only usable for this purpose for 24 hours after collecting.
If dried, chunks of peat can function as great firestarters.
Fibrous vegetation can be woven into mats or used as thatching.
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fishrpg · 1 month ago
Coming Next Month Year on FishRPG...
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It doesn't have quite the same ring as #Hexplore24, but it's hard to come up with a good and catchy name for a big project about creating random tables.
I like creating random tables, and I have a big system document that I've been working on for a few years for solo roleplaying that do everything from determining climate, elevation, weather, encounters, rumors, quests, world-shaking events, religions, contents of houses and a bunch of other stuff. Almost all of the things I've made over the past year for Hexplore were actually created at least in part with those tables I've been building, and several months were basically exclusively using those tables.
Even though a lot of the system is usable now, I have probably about 200 tables left to finish. Most of those tables are interrelated and my brain gets overwhelmed at the holistic thinking needed to create them, so I'm going to try to force myself to just create a rough draft of these tables and try to polish them up later.
My mission is to create a random table each day with at least d6 entries and broadly follow my goal of filling in the missing tables. These posts are going to be much shorter than my hexplore posts because they are going to be pretty much just the tables. Hopefully they will be of use to you! It might not go the whole year, but I'm definitely going to try to keep it going at least for 6 months.
Image credit QFamily
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fishrpg · 6 days ago
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2025-02-03: Tundra Encounter Map Hazards
This table is for items that are generally stationary and will primarily cause adverse effects/damage to antagonize players. Unless otherwise specified, the hazard is located where the d12 falls on the map.
Tundra Hazards (d12)
Underground gas. The ground bulges up in 25-foot circle. Any creature that is Medium or larger who traverses the ground expels some of the gas and must make a DC 10 CON save or be poisoned until the end of their next turn. Damaging the ground will also release the gas and affect all creatures within the circle
Restless Dead. The animated hand of an undead skeleton sticking up from the frozen ground is the only thing that indicates something is off about this 20x20 foot area. Although the skeleton is harmless, those who traverse the area have disadvantage on any saves to resist Fear and vulnerability to necrotic damage for the next 10 minutes
Snow drift (mud in summer). This 30x30 patch of ground is covered in snow/mud that counts as difficult terrain
Strong wind. An unusually strong corridor of wind 15 feet wide blows in a straight line across the map. Speed is halved when traveling against the wind, but Speed is increased by 10 if traveling with the wind
Unstable terrain. Whether ice or shifting pebbles and mud, this 20x20 foot area requires a DC 13 DEX saving throw to avoid being knocked prone and moving 10 feet in a random direction within the unstable area.
Steam vents. Geothermal activity reacts with underground water in this 30x30 foot area to produce a constant supply of steam. Everything is completely obscured, and there is a 1-in-6 chance of taking 2 points of Fire damage from getting too close to the source of the steam.
Alluring Frost Flowers. Fragrant blossoms grow from the frozen ground regardless of season in this 25x25 foot area. Creatures who traverse this area have a 1-in-6 chance of being compelled to remain within the flower patch, and have a 50% chance of escaping the compulsion at the start of each following turn within the flower patch.
Landslide Threat. A delicate pile of loose rocks may collapse at any moment. It is a 10 foot square with a 1-in-6 chance to turn into a landslide on initiative count 0. It will create an area of difficult terrain that is 10 x 30 that flows downhill. Anyone caught in the landslide is knocked prone.
Supercold Spring. A spring of supercold water burbles from the ground in a roughly 15 foot wide poo with icy edgesl; any creature who enters the pool or is covered in the water will become petrified/frozen solid after 3 turns unless warmed up. After 1st turn, disadvantage on attack rolls. After 2nd, Speed is halved.
Rolling Boulder Trap. A boulder rests at the top end of a 10x30 foot channel and is magically enchanted to start rolling back and forth in the channel the moment a creature enters the channel. The 10x10 foot boulder moves 5 feet immediately, and then moves an additional 5 feet at the end of every creature's turn. Any creature caught by the boulder takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage.
No Wagon Zone. The terrain here in this 20 x 20 area is particularly difficult. It can be traversed at half speed on foot like normal difficult terrain, mounts are reduced to 10 movement speed, and wagons/carts cannot traverse the area at all.
Chasm. A chasm approximately 10ft wide runs through this point and bisects some or all of the encounter area.
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fishrpg · 7 days ago
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2025-02-02: Tundra Encounter Map Set Dressing
Set dressing is information that doesn't have much of an impact on tactics if a combat situation breaks out and serves to flesh out the scene a little more.
Tundra Set Dressing (d10)
Wind-bent shrub that grows almost perpendicular to the ground
Stacked stones used for navigation
Burrow of a small animal
Small pool of meltwater (frozen solid outside of summer)
A dead shrub with broken limbs
A crack in the ground completely filled with solid ice
Tusks from an ancient buried mammoth protrude from the permafrost
Stone eroded by wind and glacial activity into an unusual shape
Bright berries grow from a squat bush poking out of the slush
A weather-beaten monolith has been erected here for some unknown purpose
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fishrpg · 9 days ago
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2025-01-31: Tundra Encounter Map Environmental Features
These are a list of things that may have a small use outside of encounters, but probably aren't very useful in the heat of combat.
Tundra Environmental Features (d8)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms found here might provide insight about future events if consumed
Brown spotted mushrooms can be dried and fed to an animal to give advantage on Handle Animal checks against the creature who consumed the mushrooms
Yellow lichens harvested from the ground can be consumed to negate the effects of a curse for up to 7 days.
Some of the vegetation here can be prepared as a tea to give advantage on checks or saving throws to end the Poisoned condition
A patch of dried moss found here makes a perfect fire starter because it burns slowly and is not easily blown out by the wind
Strong-smelling grasses can be applied to a creature’s body to mask its scent.
Leaves from a tiny shrub can be burned to ward off evil spirits for a day
The burning of certain plants here provides a +1 bonus to the first skill check performed if a creature inhales some of the smoke. The effect lasts 24 hours and does not stack if more plants are smoked.
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fishrpg · 13 days ago
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2025-01-27: Taiga Encounter Map Description and Modifiers
Each terrain type has different ways that it affects the people traveling through it, usually through small bonuses or penalties. This terrain-specific table is used in conjunction with a more general elevation-focused table to provide about a 60% overall chance for a modifier to be in effect.
Taiga Setting Modifiers (d10)
Conifer trees sway in the wind and their shallow roots make the ground heave as though it is breathing. On Initiative 0, every creature standing upright has a 1-in-12 chance of being knocked prone by the movement of the earth.
The sharp smell of evergreens bolsters the constitution and gives advantage on checks to resist becoming Poisoned.
The fresh air out here fills creatures with vim and vigor; base Speed is increased by 5.
Tendrils of fog crawl across the ground of this humid area.
Broken branches litter the ground from the heavy snowfall of past winters
This area is part of an open clearing whose ground is covered in knee-high grasses
A recent landslide has ripped much of the vegetation out of the poor, rocky soil
Sunlight/moonlight filters down through the loose canopy onto the ground below
Fallen logs and decaying vegetation are covered in sprouting mushrooms
Narrow patches of ground cover are worn away by crisscrossing animal trails.
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fishrpg · 15 days ago
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2025-01-25: Jungle Encounter Map Tactical Features
Tactical elements are things that creatures in the encounter map can interact with and stack the odds in their favor. Every tactical element is influenced in part by a d6 that is rolled at the same time.
Jungle Tactical Elements (d20)
Chittering creatures in the trees (1d6 trees, scattered) screech whenever anyone is within 10 feet of their tree, even if the creature is invisible or magically cloaked.
Territorial creatures in the trees (1d6 trees, scattered) throw twigs, pebbles, and nuts at anyone adjacent to their tree. It doesn't do damage, but attack rolls and concentration checks are at disadvantage while being pelted.
An empty treehouse platform (1d6 squares, clumped) stands 10 feet aboveground and provides half cover and high ground while on the platform.
A wall of vine (1d6 squares, rough line) doesn't provide cover, but the twisting vegetation allows anyone to take the Hide action as a bonus action.
A patch of small carnivorous plants (1d6+3 squares, contiguous) attempt to digest any creature that passes through here. DC 12 CON save or take 1d3 acid damage.
Roots between two different trees have been woven together to make a bridge (1d6 / 2 squares, line, rounded up) across a washed out area of soil.
Carved totems (1d6+2, rough circle) emanate old elemental magic. Touching one embues a creature with elemental energy and replaces the damage done on their next attack with that type of elemental energy (Fire, Cold, Radiant, Necrotic, Force, Thunder, Lightning, Acid).
Sunlight/moonlight penetrates the dense canopy (1d6 squares, scattered). Any attacks targeting a creature illuminated this way has a +1 bonus to hit.
Plants with spiky fronds (1d6 squares, scattered) do 1d4 piercing damage to anyone who gets dragged into their square.
Plants with massive leaves (1d6 squares, scattered) can have a leaf plucked as a bonus action. The leaves can be used as a fan/source of wind or as a way to extinguish 1 square of mundane fire.
Uncommonly large pitcher plants (1d6 squares, scattered) store water inside them, enough to completely submerge a Small creature.
A gelatinous substance growing inside hollows of trees (1d6 squares, scattered) provides resistance to Acid damage for 10 minutes if applied to the body as a bonus action. Each tree can be harvested only once.
Phosphorescent Plants (1d6 squares, scattered) provide dim light in a 5-foot radius
Thorny trees (1d6 squares, scattered) have small spines that can be broken off as a bonus action and used as a dart
Stone-lined water retention pool (square whose sides are 1d6 x 5 feet, and is 5 feet deep) holds a foot of water. It takes 15 movement to climb out
Dark viscous substance seeps down the side of trees (1d6 squares, scattered) and can be scooped up as a bonus action and thrown as an improvised weapon. It does no damage, but blinds the target until the start of your next turn.
Loose vine (1d6, scattered) hang from trees. They are each 30 feet long and can be used as ropes, or a character can swing from them to double their remaining move speed (up to 30 feet)
Sharp limbs (1d6, scattered) on the ground are perfectly suited to being used as spears without any preparation, but they cannot be thrown.
Flexible saplings (1d6 scattered) can be pulled back and let go to injure an opponent. It is considered to be a melee attack with a reach of 10 feet and does 2d4 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
Big lily pads (1d6 Medium size lily pads, clumped) Float in place in a 4x4 square pond.
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fishrpg · 16 days ago
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2025-01-24: Jungle Encounter Map Hazards
This table is for items that are generally stationary and will primarily cause adverse effects/damage to antagonize players. Unless otherwise specified, the hazard is located where the d12 falls on the map.
Jungle Hazards (d12)
Pollen. Intoxicating flowers release pollen in a 10 foot square that make it difficult to stay awake. 1/6 chance of sleep in an adjacent square, 50% chance in the same square as the flowers.
Covered pit (10 foot square). Vegetation has concealed a 20 foot deep pit. The vegetation can support 20 pounds of additional weight before breaking.
Mosquito Nest. Passing through this 25 foot square imposes disadvantage on attacks, spells, and concentration while within the area. 1/6 chance a creature contracts a disease at the end of each turn spent in the affected area.
Spike Pit. This 10 foot cube pit appears to be for hunting, but it won't stop those who fall in it from taking 2d8 Piercing damage.
Piranha Pond. A roughly 30-foot diameter pond contains 1d6 swarms of piranhas/quippers that will attack creature or food that enters the water.
Howler. An exceedingly loud creature screeches at anyone who comes within 25 feet of its tree where the die lands. Any creature within 10 feet of the tree when the creature shrieks takes 1d4 thunder damage.
Ambush predator. Resting in the branches of a tree is an ambush predator who will drop down and attack the first person who stands adjacent to the trunk of the tree.
Hanging Log Trap. A suspended log on a rope is unleashed to the first creature who enters a 10 foot x 20 foot area. DC 18 DEX to avoid, or take 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
Stacked Log Trap. Several small logs are stacked precariously here and will fall if someone stands adjacent to this 10 foot x 15 foot area. The logs target any creatures within 10 feet of the short side of the hazard and turn the area into difficult terrain. DEX 14 save to avoid damage, otherwise take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Half-fallen Tree. A tree has toppled and fallen against another tree that is holding the first up. DC 16 STR (Athletics) check to push the tree 1 square to either side and have it fall on any creature in a 5 foot x 20 foot area. DC 13 DEX save to avoid taking 2d8 Bludgeoning damage
Camouflaged predator. A small but incredibly stealthy predator lurks camouflaged on the jungle floor. There is a 10% chance that any creature that uses their whole movement (or a 25% chance if using the dash action) will trigger an attack by the creature for 1d4 Piercing damage. Any creature with blindsight or tremorsense can reroll the result once, but must accept the second result.
Detritus. Limbs, stones, and other bulky castoffs from the jungle create an area of difficult terrain 25x15 in size.
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fishrpg · 17 days ago
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2025-01-23: Jungle Encounter Map Set Dressing
Set dressing is information that doesn't have much of an impact on tactics if a combat situation breaks out and serves to flesh out the scene a little more.
Jungle Set Dressing (d10)
A sculpture carved into a boulder and overgrown with vines
Brightly colored markings are painted onto trees here, like a territorial signifier
Frogs crawl over a mossy tree trunk looking for insects to eat
A fragrant shrub emits a pleasantly spicy aroma
Some creature has left a nest/burrow here
Skeletal remains of an animal have been picked clean and are in the process of being reclaimed by the jungle.
A broken stone carving lies in several pieces on the ground
Flowers in seemingly unnatural colors erupt from a low shrub
Partially-chewed mushroom caps dot this spot of the jungle floor
An animal skull is mounted to a tree as some sort of message, perhaps a warning.
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fishrpg · 18 days ago
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2025-01-22: Jungle Encounter Map Description and Modifiers
Each terrain type has different ways that it affects the people traveling through it, usually through small bonuses or penalties. This terrain-specific table is used in conjunction with a more general elevation-focused table to provide about a 60% overall chance for a modifier to be in effect.
Jungle Setting Modifiers (d10)
Dense canopy. Exceptionally dense canopy makes aerial movement difficult. Creatures with a flying/hover speed have those speeds reduced by half here.
Loud. The constant noises of the creatures of the jungle make it difficult to pick out specific sounds. Checks relying on sound have disadvantage.
Humid. The high amount of moisture in the air reduces the intensity of flames. All fire damage is halved here.
A small waterfall envelopes the trees and vines in a cool haze.
Fallen leaves litter the jungle floor, untold insects breaking them apart to use for food and shelter.
Orchids and flowering vines cling to the branches of towering trees.
Dense green moss and countless ferns cover the ground in a soft and quiet carpet.
Iridescent insects, some of which actually glow, flit through the air, oblivious to your presence.
Birds squabble above, the dense jungle canopy hiding their disputes from view.
Trees grow impossibly tall here, though the lack of sunlight getting through the canopy makes it difficult to accurately judge how tall they are.
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fishrpg · 19 days ago
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2025-01-21: Jungle Encounter Map Environmental Features
These are a list of things that may have a small use outside of encounters, but probably aren't very useful in the heat of combat.
Jungle Environmental Features (d8)
A line of marching ants could lead to a small cache of food if followed.
Humidity condenses onto waxy leaves before dripping down, providing a small amount of pure drinking water for those willing to wait.
The flora and fauna here can be harvested to provide a single dose of poison.
Some of the animals nearby seem less scared of people than elsewhere; perhaps one could even make a good pet.
Oil extracted from certain plants here can be applied to items to help protect them from exposure to water.
A certain type of wood is found here, that when burned, keeps away most insects and animals.
Some plants found here increase concentration when consumed; gain a +2 to concentration and perception checks until the end of the next watch.
Soft and fragrant mosses improve morale if camping here.
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fishrpg · 20 days ago
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2025-01-20: Wetland Encounter Map Tactical Elements
Tactical elements are things that creatures in the encounter map can interact with and stack the odds in their favor. Every tactical element is influenced in part by a d6 that is rolled at the same time.
Wetland Tactical Elements (d20)
Stepping stones (1d6 squares, rough line) peek above fetid water. Each square is flanked on two sides by a square of waist-deep water
Quicksand (1d6 squares, scattered) Creatures who end their turn on one of these squares sink waist deep into the quicksand and have their movement reduced to zero until they spend an action to free themselves.
Mud pits (1d6 squares, clumped). Spend a bonus action to submerge yourself in the mud and gain advantage on stealth checks that rely on smell and sight for the next 10 minutes or until the mud is removed.
Beaver dam (1d6+2 squares, line) Holds a shallow pool of water on one side of the dam. If the dam is breached (8 HP) it unleashes a flood of water 10 x 30 feet in size. Anyone caught in the wave must make a DC 15 DEX save or be knocked prone and take 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Rope bridge (1d6+1 squares, line). Rough rope is strung between two trees to cross a chasm or body of water.
Dock (1d6+2 squares, contiguous). Surrounded by water on three sides, but allows someone to hide underneath the dock.
Watercraft (1d6: 1 - Broken rowboat, 2 - Leaky coracle; 3 - Functional canoe; 4 - Functional single person log raft; 5-6 - Floating log)
Pond Slime (1d6 squares, scattered). Slippery slime that gives advantage on checks to escape grapple if you submerge yourself in it as a bonus action. Lasts for 10 minutes.
Big lily pads (1d6 Medium size lily pads, clumped) Float in place in a 4x4 square pond.
Fallen log (1d6+2 squares, line). Provides half cover
Gasbags (1d6, scattered). Decomposition produces gases that fill balloon-like plants. Grab one to gain flying speed 20 with hover as long as you hold onto it with at least one hand.
Primitive stone tools (1d6: 1 - handaxe; 2 - dagger; 3 - leather punch; 4 - mortar and pestle; 5 - fire/spark starter; 6 - stone tipped arrow x 3)
Tar pit (1d6 squares, contiguous). Movement speed is reduced to 5 in these squares.
Shrubs (1d6, scattered). Each shrub provides 3/4 cover to a Medium or smaller creature and half cover to a Large one.
Pond (Body of water that is a rough square 1d6+2 squares to a side). The pond is 10 feet deep and has a few harmless fish swimming inside it.
Whipping vines (1d6, scattered). These thorny vines can be grabbed at the root to function like whips without incurring an improvised weapon penalty.
Phosphorescent fruit (1d6, scattered). Make a ranged attack against a creature up to 30 feet away. If the fruti hits, it functions like the Faerie Fire spell, but its duration lasts only until thel end of the attacker's next turn.
Giant webs (1d6, scattered). Parts of these webs can be picked up and used as an improvised single use melee weapon. On a successful hit, the target's movement is reduced by 10 unless they spend an action to remove the web.
Breathing reeds (1d6 squares, scattered). Hollow reeds growing here can be plucked to function like a snorkel that can be used to breathe while hiding in water or mud.
Puffball spores (1d6 squares, scattered). Large spherical mushrooms release dense clouds of black spores if they receive any damage. The cloud completely obscures a 15 foot cube, lasts for 1 minute or until dispelled by a strong wind, Darkvision can’t see through it, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it.
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fishrpg · 21 days ago
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2025-01-19: Wetland Encounter Map Hazards
This table is for items that are generally stationary and will primarily cause adverse effects/damage to antagonize players. Unless otherwise specified, the hazard is located where the d12 falls on the map.
Wetland Hazards (d12)
Expanding slime (use the Gray Ooze stat block with 5HP) resides here. At the end of each round, the slime grows in size to occupy 1 additional square and gains 5HP. The expansion continues until the slime is defeated.
There is something large and malevolent in 25-foot square pool here. The creature in the pool will grab creatures and immediately start to drown them (DC 10 grapple escape DC). Anyone passing by the edge of the pool has a 1 in 6 chance of being grabbed, while someone who enters the pool has a 3 in 6 chance.
Swarms of mosquitos hover over a 15 foot square patch of stagnant water. While within the swarm take 1 Piercing damage each turn. Concentration is impossible while within the swarm, and there is a chance to contract a disease at the end of combat .
Moss and thick algae covers a jiggling patch of waterlogged mud. If a creature dashes across the cover, it breaks and knocks the creature prone.
Vines that move with malice in a 10 foot square try to grab any creature (DC 10 DEX (Acrobatics) to avoid grapple) and bring it to the middle of the hazard to begin digesting the creature. Vines have a 5 foot reach.
Deadly mushrooms grow in a 10x15 foot patch here. If a creature starts or ends its turn in the patch, mark one failure for Death Save (even if the creature is not actually dying). Accumulated Death Save failures will disappear after a long rest.
Hallucinogenic spores drift in a haze 15-foot square over a patch of mushrooms. Every time a creature enters the area, roll 1d6. On a 1, the creature's vision blurs and every creature behaves as though they are under the Mirror Image spell until the end of the hallucinating creature's next turn.
An old idol to a mythological figure of decay emanates threatening magic. Those who willingly pass into its square or adjacent squares must leave an offering risk taking 1d4 Necrotic damage (DC 8 CON save to avoid).
Thick mud erupts intermittently from a geyser here. Anyone who traverses this square or within 5 feet of it rolls 1d6. On a 1 or 2, the geyser covers any creatures in its square and any adjacent square in mud. The mud inflicts the Blind and Deafened condition until it is removed.
Intense heat emanates from this 10 foot diameter thermal spring. Anyone who starts or ends their turn inside the spring takes 1d8 Fire damage.
A foul stench emanates from a single square. Anyone standing in it or within 5 feet of it risks getting sick if they open their mouth. Consuming an item, speaking, or using a verbal spell component in the affected area will result in taking 1d4 Poison damage.
Half-buried wreckage of a wagon or watercraft occupies this 15-foot square. Anyone traversing this area must make a DC 10 DEX (Acrobatics) check or take 1d4 Slashing damage from the sharp bits of wood and metal hidden beneath the muck.
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fishrpg · 22 days ago
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2025-01-18: Wetland Encounter Map Set Dressing
Set dressing is information that doesn't have much of an impact on tactics if a combat situation breaks out and serves to flesh out the scene a little more.
Wetland Set Dressing (d10)
A bubbling patch of mud releases foul-smelling but non-flammable gas from the depths.
Remains of a rotting log stick out of the mud, no doubt a home for numerous insects.
Stone altar that hasn't seen an offering in a long time.
Croaking animals keep the area from falling into silence, though they keep out of sight.
Dried pond slime clings to a rock above the water line
A cluster of tall mushrooms grow among the bones of some long-decomposed creature
A dead tree with rotting limbs and bark that has been bleached white by the elements
A broken fishing trap
Recently-excavated hole that is filled with dark water
Tree stump whose middle has rotted away and become a container for bitter-smelling water.
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fishrpg · 23 days ago
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2025-01-17: Wetland Encounter Map Description and Modifiers
Each terrain type has different ways that it affects the people traveling through it, usually through small bonuses or penalties. This terrain-specific table is used in conjunction with a more general elevation-focused table to provide about a 60% overall chance for a modifier to be in effect.
Wetland Setting Modifiers (d10)
Luminescent foxfire keeps the entire area bathed in at least dim light. Only magical darkness can make an area here truly dark.
Decomposition in the water works quickly here; any creature ending its turn in the water takes 1d4 necrotic damage
The grasping mud makes it difficult to stand up after getting knocked prone. In order to stand up, you must expend Movement equal to your Speed - 5.
Squelching mud causes stealth attempts involving walking or running to be made at disadvantage.
Reeds and water-loving plants poke up from the slow, shallow waters.
Moss drapes from exposed branches like great beards.
Tiny streams that are narrow enough to step over crisscross the soggy ground.
Spiderlike roots cover the surface of the ground, looking for places where they can stay above the mud.
Stagnant water barely a foot deep surrounds several "islands" bearing grasses and trees
The surrounding area mosly covered by a thin sheet of dark water (ankle deep) and is largely clear of anything larger than grasses and small shrubs
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