sjsmith56 · 19 days
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The Flame Burns From Within, Part 6 - Justice
Summary: After the rescue of Lady Arden, Lord Barnes’ forces continue their pursuit of Lord Pierce’s forces, determined to bring the man to justice.
Length: 6.8 K
Characters: Lord Barnes, Lady Arden, Lady Natasha, Father Bruce, John Walker, Ser Scott Lang, Lord Pierce, Ser Brock Rumlow.
Warnings: Minors DNI - Contains sexual content which may be unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. Description of graphic violence resulting in injury and/or death, angst.
Author notes: This is the final part of this story. Although most things are period appropriate there are some changes from normal practices of the times. Bathing was not a regular habit. Men were not permitted in the birthing rooms, except for royal courtiers to confirm the birth happened as reported. Boots were not yet invented as footwear was softer in nature and confined to covering just the feet, although there could be wrappings extending up the leg. Women were not given sovereignty in their marriage for centuries. Muslims living in a Catholic country would be forced to recant their faith and become Christian. Even then, they could expect to be persecuted (as would those born Jewish). The term braies refers to a linen undergarment with a drawstring waist worn by men. They could be long - extending down to the calf, shorter - extending to the knee, a shorter boxer length, or in a stylish version referred to as Italian braies, looking very much like a minimal brief. Source - http://www.cloakedanddaggered.com/related-search/15th-century/#:~:text=Menswear%20at%20it's%20simplest%20consisted,was%20to%20be%20improperly%20dressed. The image above was created by the author using Microsoft Copilot app (because I have no artistic skills to make my own). Divider by vecteezy.com.
<<Part 5
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Part 6 - Justice
Lady Arden
When I saw James' tracker in the forest, Natasha had already spotted him and left our hiding place to sneak up on him, giving me no opportunity to tell her that he was friendly. Her skills as she crept through the greenery were impressive. As I wondered how a maidservant could have acquired such abilities that allowed her to take a seasoned soldier as her prisoner, she acknowledged James, releasing his man immediately. I suddenly understood that she was the spy who had spent the past year in Pierce's domain. Obviously, her story was not a simple one, for women in our time were not given free reign to become adept at the art of subterfuge. Then I was called out of hiding and approached James, our passionate embrace taking over my thoughts. With the restoration of my wedding ring to my hand, our marriage was no longer secret. From this day forward I would be known to all as the Lady of the House Barnes.
James offered us the option of staying behind with Father Bruce, who had accompanied him, but once we saw into each other's eyes, Natasha and I knew that we wished to continue on with my husband. Soon, we were on the road, moving at a brisk pace to catch up with the rest of James' force. When they came into view, he sent a rider to bid them stop for a moment so that we could catch up. My uncle came forth, welcoming me with gladness and affection, reconfirming that in our hearts we were of the same family.
After enlightening the others of Walker's plan to intercept us, James gave the order to proceed, and we started again in the direction of the port. After only a short time of riding James' scouts returned with the news that Walker was waiting openly around the next bend, with about 20 of his own men and 10 sell swords. All of them were prepared for battle, by what the scouts could tell from where they hid, unseen by the other party. James had almost 100 men with him, so he instructed half of them to remain back for a short time while he and the others approached Walker's position.
"My Lady, Lady Natasha, please remain back with the rest of my men. I expect to begin a battle shortly after our arrival."
As much as we wished to witness the capture of Walker, we both knew it was better to allow James and his men to focus on their objective without worrying about our safety. We stayed back with those extra men, my uncle and Father Bruce, who approached Lady Natasha.
"I took the liberty of searching for a crucifix on the soldier, Riley," he said gently. "I thought you would want it, as well as what was attached to it. I believed he meant for you to have it."
She said nothing until he reached into his pocket and withdrew the necklace that Riley wore. On it was a small gold crucifix and a ring. Natasha's lip trembled when she read the inscription written on the inside of the ring, then she smiled sadly at the priest.
"Thank you, Father," she answered, with some difficulty. "I will cherish both forever."
Within an hour James and his men returned, with John Walker tied to his horse, his face, and clothes bloody. He glared at me and shook his head in disbelief.
"They said you and the traitorous maidservant disappeared into the forest, taken by demons in the fog. They found your accomplice though, leaving him to his death." He spat onto the road, then looked towards James, whose face remained impassive.
"My father will not stand for this," stated Walker, still defiant. "He will demand my release from the King."
"Your father has already been arrested," said James. "Your association with Lord Pierce and Ser Brock sealed your fates and the fate of his estate. As far as the King is concerned, your father is just as much a traitor as you are, since several of his men, wearing Walker insignia, were at the church, helping to set it on fire. If you are fortunate enough to be allowed to live it will be in a dungeon where you will never see the light of day again. Otherwise, you can expect to be hung, drawn, and quartered as you deserve."
"Then kill me now," he muttered. "I will not be caged."
Natasha rode to him and raised her dagger, ready to plunge it into his chest. He offered no resistance, so she sliced his cheek open instead, in the same manner I had slashed Lord Pierce's cheek. She sheathed the dagger then spat upon his face and returned to my side. Lord Barnes silently acknowledged her self-restraint.
"Barton, assign three men to take him to the nearest allied house." He thought for a moment. "Ser Scott of House Lang would be the nearest, no more than half an hour's ride, and request they imprison Walker there until our return. They can catch up to us later."
Three men were chosen and tethered Walker's horse to theirs, further adding to his humiliation. As for us, we turned to follow the road, intent on reaching the others as quickly as possible. We rode with haste but did not push the horses too hard. Another discarded wagon was passed, along with several disgruntled servants who were left behind. With their years of service to the House of Pierce no longer valued enough to continue with him, they had no loyalty left to his house. They confirmed after a brief conversation that the main host was less than half an hour ahead of us and headed to Sag Harbor where several ships from his overseas allies waited to transport him to safety.
James' force picked up the pace and we passed several other abandoned wagons with servants seated despondently around them. My husband's face grew darker with each encounter, as it signified a total abandonment of the responsibilities of Lord Pierce. As a nobleman, elevated to his position in service of the king, he would have promised in front of witnesses, to be the head not just of his house, but to bear an obligation to the wellbeing of every farm worker, servant, soldier, and tradesperson who lived on his lands. It was obvious he felt no such obligation to them at all, as shown by the ones he left behind on his lands, and the ones he abandoned on the way. His very actions, from the first attack on my family, the more recent attack on the king, to the invasion of the church, my kidnapping, and now this sorry spectacle revealed him to be a man completely devoid of honour.
"My Lord, a rider approaches," said Barton and we paused, awaiting the arrival of one of the scouts.
He saluted James and Barton. "Lord Pierce's force is but minutes away. He is aware of your position and has ordered his men to attack you from several locations. Rumlow's men have taken a side route, but my partner believes he plans to double back and flank you from this direction."
"Why does he believe that?" Barton posed the question. "Is it possible Rumlow goes on to secure the harbour for their departure?"
The man grinned. "Nay, the tide isn't favourable for a departure. It will be morning before they can leave. His wife and daughter have been sent on with his younger son and two men to get them out of the field of battle, but they are the only ones who departed separately in the direction of the port."
James turned to Barton. "Prepare the men for battle."
His eyes met mine with a mixture of regret and determination. Dismounting, he handed his reins to Barton, pulled a package out of his saddlebag then came to me, helping me slide off the horse. Taking me aside, he touched the side of my face, then smoothed my hair which had become unruly from all that I had been subjected to since the abduction.
"You wish me to stay here," I said, anticipating his words. "I am able to fight as well as any man. I am not afraid."
"I know," he replied, smiling fondly at me, then he placed his hand on my front just below the waist. "But if you are truly with child then you carry the future of not just my house, but the House of Rogers within you. Please, stay as far away from the battle as you can. If I fall, Barton or his designate will come for you and take you to the House of Lang. Ser Scott will make sure you return safely to the Citadel."
His attention was diverted by the sounds of swords being unsheathed and bows being strung. He placed the package in my hand.
"I took the liberty of picking this up from your bedchambers. It is the blue dress you wore when I first met you in the library. That is when I first felt the stirrings of love as you declared your wish for sovereignty in a marriage. If I do not return from this battle, you will be the head of the House of Barnes. My last will and testament declares that you are to be regarded as a woman independent of the power of a husband, father, brother, or uncle."
"I would rather have you with me," I answered, touched as I was by his gesture. "I never knew love until I knew you."
"My flame," he whispered, before kissing me tenderly. "My love for you will burn within me forever.”
His eyes were glassy, as were mine, then he strode back to his horse and mounted it, leaving me, Lady Natasha, and Father Bruce, who was given the task of staying with us. The order to proceed was given, and the entire force rode out. I returned to my horse, placed the package in the saddlebag and mounted. Then we found a path into an area where we could see the road but were well hidden from view and began our wait.
Lord Barnes
As we rode into what was certain to be an ambush, I prayed for the safety of Arden first and foremost. Although I desperately wanted to return to her side, I also knew that the years I wasted drinking, carousing, and whoring had made it likely that payment was due for those sins. No quarter would be given to me by Pierce or Rumlow as I felt sure I would face one or both men at some point in the battle to come. Then again, I fully intended to give them no quarter either, although they would be given the opportunity to die as men. Walker was allowed to live after his capture because he was too shallow a man to contribute to the devious plan that Pierce had spent years developing. Rumlow, his own ambitions spurring him, had also personally performed many of the atrocities committed by their men. They were the two architects of their own demise, and I had no intention of allowing either man to live.
An arrow whizzed by my head just moments after this thought and I looked up in time to see one of my bowmen take the man out. As other men on horseback streamed out of their hiding places I used my sword, furiously swinging and hacking at anyone who came within my reach. My horse, Soldier, was magnificent, as if he knew exactly what was expected of him, as he sidestepped, reared, or backed up whenever the need was there. A young man, who I recognized as William Pierce, the eldest son, approached me with raised sword and we fought on horseback for some time. He was good at it. I will give him that, but he wasn't committed to the task, not in the way he should have been. At some point our swords were pressed against each other and we struck each other with our gloved fists about the head and shoulders.
"Your father has betrayed you," I uttered to him. "You have no lands to return to but if you give up now, I will allow you to join your mother, sister, and brother in exile."
I received two more sharp blows to my head as an answer, threatening to stun me. Sliding my hand to my boot I slid out my dagger and plunged it into his side, his cry of pain heard loudly. When I withdrew the dagger the blood that came out was dark and ominous in its volume. His free hand went from pummelling me to attempting to staunch the life force that was pouring out of him. As our horses separated, he looked at me with fear, then hunched over and fell from his horse.
"Barnes!" I turned to see Pierce almost upon me with a furious look upon his face. He glanced at his son, realizing that his heir was gone. "You have killed my son!"
"You were warned it would come to this," I said. "I gave him the chance to withdraw but he would not. His death is on you and your actions."
"Damn you!"
He swung his sword at me, surprising me with the strength behind it. If his son had fought with as much purpose, he would have still been alive, but now my own life was in peril at the hands of this man, who I had once called friend. His own horse, well tested in battle, seemed to be using his own tactics against Soldier, attempting to make him stumble so that I would fall. Afraid for his safety I launched myself at Pierce, tackling him from his saddle so we both fell heavily to the ground. Winded for a moment, we both hesitated before grasping our swords again and began fighting against each other as the battle raged around us. We traded blow for blow and once again I wondered how a man his age had the stamina to fight me, for he was at least 25 or 30 years older than me and fully clothed in chain mail. Then an errant arrow grazed his leg as his sword was raised to strike and he stumbled. I hit his hand with the flat side of my blade hard enough for him to drop his own sword then kicked him backwards onto his back, with the tip of my sword at his throat.
"Yield," I ordered. "Surrender and your men can go into exile with your wife, daughter, and younger son."
"Never," he gasped. "Just end it. I would if you were in my place."
As much as I wanted him dead, I didn't want to do it this way, with him at my total mercy. So, I stepped back and pushed his sword over to him with my foot.
"Pick it up. Die as a soldier."
Breathing heavily, he sat up, grasped the grip of his weapon, and wearily pulled himself up. Then the sounds of an arriving force reached our ears, and he looked at me with a knowing smile.
"Your mercy will be your undoing. That is Rumlow and he has flanked your force. Perhaps, I'll have him finish you off. He has wanted your head for a long time."
I looked past him and saw it was Rumlow, except he was tied to his saddle and his horse tethered to two soldiers wearing the insignia of the House Lang. The force who had him was led by Ser Scott. He rode towards me, keeping well away from Lord Pierce's reach.
"Lord Barnes, I am sorely vexed that you didn't call for my help sooner," he said. "I would have gladly accompanied you to arrest these two. When your men arrived with Walker, I summoned most of my men at once, hoping we wouldn't miss the encounter." He looked around to where his men now encircled the entire scene of the battle. "Lord Pierce, I would suggest that you surrender."
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Arden, Lady Natasha and Father Bruce arrive.
"No surrender," shouted Lady Natasha, dismounting. "He doesn't deserve to live!"
Pierce rolled his eyes as she approached. "What did I ever do to you, girl? I gave you a place in my household, food to eat, a place to sleep, and protection. Then you betrayed me by helping Lady Arden escape."
She strode to him, her face resolute. "You really don't remember, do you? My father was Ser Ivan, of the House Romanoff. Eight years ago, you attacked the estate on Lord Dreykov's word that I was the lost heir of Arthur and Guinevere. I was 14 years old, and I only survived because the son of the garrison commander spirited me away."
"So, I was wrong," muttered Pierce, dismissively. "You were of no consequence to me as I learned when Dreykov asked if I killed his nephew like he intended when he gave me that information, knowing of my search for the heir."
"I was of no consequence? My parents and sister slaughtered like cattle because Dreykov lied to you? Then you killed Riley, my one and only love. Well, you might as well kill me, then. Finish what you started."
"Lady Natasha, no, don't put yourself in jeopardy for him," I interrupted. "He's not worth it."
"No, but my family are," she declared, turning to look at me.
At that moment, Pierce raised his sword to strike her down, but she moved so quickly that his sword fell on air as her hand thrust a dagger into his throat. He dropped his sword, looked at her, then at the dagger before he uttered his last word.
"Seven years spent learning the arts of subterfuge under the tutelage of a woman master of the discipline. Another woman you wronged when you killed those who were precious to her." She looked at Arden. "Are you satisfied, my Lady?"
Arden nodded, then looked at me with questions in her eyes, questions that I knew she needed answers to. Pierce fell over, dead, his eyes still open. Lady Natasha spat on him, then approached me.
"His death was always my intention," she said. She looked at a ring on her ring finger. "I leave now to seek out a convent. Your wife is a brave and capable woman. She told me of how you promised her sovereignty in your marriage. Honour that promise, My Lord. I know that Riley held you in the highest regard, as do I."
I bowed my head towards her, respecting her right to justice and her right to determine her own path. She stopped beside Father Bruce's horse and waited while he prayed for her, then made the sign of the cross. Continuing towards her horse, she mounted it, then looked once more at me before riding back in the direction we came from.
Many of Pierce and Rumlow's men were dead, and the sell swords escaped when they could, seeing the writing on the wall. Remembering what many of them looked like, I knew we would be able to hunt them down at our own pace. As for the remainder of their men they were herded together in front of me. I mounted my horse so all could hear my words.
"You have a choice," I said. "We can take you into custody and offer you to the magistrates for justice or you can choose exile to Brittania. If you ever attempt to return you will be considered criminals and hunted down, then dealt with on the spot. How say you? Arrest?" None raised their hands. "Exile?" They all raised their hands. "So be it. Barton, please assemble a force to escort these men to the coast. Ser Samuel, I trust you to deliver the news to Lady Pierce and her family of the death of Lord Pierce and his eldest son. Advise her that exile is her only course and that a return will never be possible for any of them."
Before they left Ser Scott invited us all to rest at his estate for as long as we needed. It had been a long journey in a short time, and I knew that Arden needed rest and nourishment. I also wanted the chance to speak with her in private about her true heritage, not to mention have time alone with my wife. His offer was accepted, and we rode the short distance to his home. His garrison made room for my combined force, while Ser Brock was escorted to a cell in the foundations of the castle, where John Walker already was. The rest of us were assigned to guest chambers and I requested a bath be prepared for both of us. As soon as I closed the door and bolted it, Arden wrapped her arms around my neck, and we kissed deeply until I gently pried her arms away.
"We must speak frankly," I insisted. "I tried to tell you in the church, but Lord Pierce was not in a mood to give me more time."
She looked down at her hands then took mine and pulled me over to a padded bench. Before we sat, I unbuckled my scabbard and removed my chain mail, eager to remove the weight I had carried for several days. She sat demurely, which drew a smile from me, as it was not a true representation of her fiery nature.
"You heard what Lady Natasha said about the attack on her family and why it was perpetrated against them," I said. "She is but a year older than you and like you, one of a few noble women who have the same hair colouring. Like you, she was known for her fiery temper and her mother was a foster sister of your mother, a fact that Lord Dreykov used to convince Lord Pierce of her heritage."
I took her hand in my own, and touched her mother's wedding ring. Then I told her how the true history of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere was kept secret, shared only when needed between trusted individuals. She was a descendant of the daughter of those mythical individuals, who was raised by her godparents after her birth in the convent where Guinevere remained. On their daughter's marriage, a love match, she was told the truth, and she wore her mother's wedding ring. It had been passed from mother to daughter over the many years since, as the bloodline delivered only girl children, no boys by means that were unknown.
"I'm a descendant," stated Arden, accepting the truth. "Why was I not told sooner?"
"You would have known if the marriage negotiations had progressed normally, but Lord Pierce found out your identity and made his move, several times. Ser Anthony tried to protect you and even though we were betrothed from the time you were a babe in your mother's arms, he didn't trust me for some time, especially when Pierce befriended me. That in itself showed Pierce to be false as he only befriended me to weaken me in an attempt to take my lands after my father's death."
"You said on our wedding night that our child would secure your House. If it is a girl, how can that be possible according to the laws of our realm?"
I smiled. "Because she will marry the son of Steven and his wife Margaret. It had been foretold already that our daughter would wed the son of the heir to the throne. When Steven's father and brother were killed, he became the heir. The bloodline of Arthur and Guinevere was passed through daughters, keeping it hidden until the time was right. The legend stated there was never to be a son, at least not until a daughter married into a royal house, which our daughter will. I am not a man who needs a son to validate my existence as I see no difference in the value of a man versus the value of a woman. Our daughters and granddaughters will always be House Barnes. When the Duke becomes King, he will begin to change our realm so that women are no longer property, and that marriage is no longer a transaction to cement treaties or alliances. His son, as King and our daughter, as his Queen, will continue the process of strengthening the position of women in this kingdom, using the bloodline of Arthur and Guinevere to make it happen. Their son, our grandson, will continue as will generations of sons and daughters after, but it will come to pass."
She smiled then, and squeezed my hand which still held hers. Then she stood and turned her back to me.
"Undo my laces," she said. "I wish to bathe." She looked back at me. "You're welcome to join me."
I untied the laces which bound her, gently touching her figure as she dropped the outer portion of the stiff bodice. Her dress was undone, and she slipped it from her shoulders, revealing the silk chemise she wore underneath. Grasping her shoulders I lowered my lips to her fair skin and kissed it. Already, I could feel my manhood harden at the softness of her body in my hands. She sat, to remove her boots then her stockings, but I kneeled before her and reached for the ribbons that held her stockings in place, undoing them with a single pull. Rolling them off, I kissed along the inside of her thighs, then took her feet in my hands while I gently massaged them, watching as she visibly relaxed.
As she undid the ties of my tunic, opening it to my bare chest, she leaned forward, kissing the spot where it joined with my neck, before nuzzling up further towards my ear. Her soft breath went straight to my cock, stiffening it so much that it pressed on my braies, making them uncomfortable. Removing my tunic with her help, I removed my boots, then my hose and peeled them off so that I was only wearing my linen braies, which were straining under the fullness of my loins.
"You must miss me," she said, gently playing with the tie that would release that garment from constraining my desire for her.
"Seems like forever," I answered, noticing how the curves of her body were pressing against the chemise she wore. "Can we take this off?"
I undid the front tie of her chemise, opening it to reveal the sight of her breasts, burying my face in them. Her garment fell further down her arms, as I touched and tasted her soft skin. Grasping my hair with her hands, she twisted it in her fingers as she directed me down her body towards her womanhood. Smiling at her efforts I placed my hands on her rounded bottom cheeks, kneading them as I used my body to spread her legs apart. She raised herself so I could slip the chemise off entirely then I buried my face in her sex, taking in that which I had sorely missed in the last few days. With her legs resting on my shoulders and her own hands on her breasts, I was spurred on to make her come in a joyous fashion. When she did, with many cries of ecstasy as the pulses flowed through her, I almost came myself. But that would have been a waste of my seed. Pulling her forward so she had to wrap her legs around my waist I lifted her and carried her to the bed, laying her on it, while I undid the tie of my braies, finally releasing my swollen manhood, almost painful in its need to find its home.
"Do you want me, Arden?" I asked, as I laid between her wet thighs and kissed her neck and shoulders. "Do you want me in you?"
"I want you, James," she gasped.
With her consent I plunged into her, groaning at how well her body accepted mine in our union. Our joining blazed in its intensity as we matched fevered touch with fevered touch, burning kiss with burning kiss, and spoke breathless words of passion between us. During the apex of our bliss our heated skin released the fire that burned within us, making it too warm to burrow into the bedclothes after. Instead, we lay intertwined on top, our nakedness visible in the late afternoon sunlight that still streamed in through the windows. We were physically spent. It was only moments later, in the quiet of our chambers that we heard the sounds of fighting outside our door. Without delay I left Arden on the bed and went for my sword, not even stopping to cover my body. A loud strike destroyed the lock, and the door burst open, revealing Ser Brock armed with a blade and a look of wild fury on his face. He looked from me to Arden and sneered.
"Perfect timing. Once I have dispatched you, I will take my prize."
I was never going to let that happen and I advanced on him, swinging away at all the vulnerable parts of his body, his forearm, legs, and head. Samuel and Ser Scott arrived at the door, taking in the scene of me fighting a battle without armour, without clothes, armed only with a single sword. Yelling at them not to intervene, they watched helplessly as I fended off Rumlow's efforts while Arden covered herself in a sheet and tried to skirt her way around the perimeter of the room towards them. I tried my best to direct him away from her path, then she stopped at her own boot and withdrew a long dagger, sliding it along the floor to me before running for the door and into the security of Ser Samuel's arms. With her safety assured I focused solely on the man in front of me. His scarred face was filled with a hatred that became a madness directed at me. Several times I attempted to get to the dagger on the floor and each time he prevented me from acquiring it. Seeing the package containing Arden's blue dress partially out of the saddle bag I lunged for it, tossing it in Rumlow's face. He swung at it, cutting into the leather but it distracted him long enough for me to pick up the dagger. As he advanced on me, I lured him in closer then swung my sword harder than I had ever done before, staggering him to his knees. With all I had left I thrust the dagger into the side of his neck. His strangled cry was short as he attempted to pull it out and I hacked into the other side of his neck ending his life as he keeled over. Gasping for breath, I stood over him, with my sword in my hand. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and my tunic being offered to me by Ser Scott.
"He killed the guard in the cell, freed Walker then began fighting his way up here." I slipped the tunic on and faced my host, who answered my unspoken question. "Ser Samuel dispatched that sorry excuse for a man." He looked at the blood that now seeped into the wooden floor. "Come. Bring your lady to another chamber. Servants will bring your possessions. My good wife can lend Lady Barnes some clothes as I can lend you some of mine. These men chose their path, and we all knew it would lead to their deaths."
Truer words were never spoken. We were shown instead to a bathing room, then left to clean ourselves and comfort each other. A maidservant waited for Arden to emerge from the wooden tub, wrapped her in a drying cloth, and in an attached dressing room helped her don a borrowed gown of soft green hues. She gently brushed and arranged Arden's hair. I was assisted in the bathing room by a manservant who brought with him a fine outfit of a brown shade. Thanking him for his assistance, I entered the new bed chamber, where Arden sat before the fire, gazing into the flames. She rose upon my entry and paced towards me. Offering her my hands, she placed hers in them and I raised them to my lips, kissing every fingertip.
"I was afraid," she murmured. "Never have I heard of a man in your position being able to defend himself against such an adversary so well, then being successful in the battle. How did you do it?"
"With your love," I answered. "The moment he threatened you I felt the heat of battle rise within me. Your safety was everything. My love for you is like an eternal flame that burns from within. It can never be extinguished, not even by death."
"Then I burn with you," she replied, "forever and always, my husband, my love, and my protector."
"My wife, my dearest love and the reason for my existence."
We kissed, then I offered Arden my arm, and together we began the openly known portion of our life as Lord and Lady Barnes. Descending down the stairs we were greeted at the bottom by Ser Scott and his Lady Hope, Ser Anthony, Ser Samuel, and Father Bruce. Following our host into the dining hall, we felt comforted by the warmth of their hospitality. Despite the blood that had been shed in his home, Ser Scott was gracious and complementary to us both, a far cry from the behaviour shown to us by those who considered themselves superior to all others. It boded well for the kingdom in the years to come.
Epilogue, as told by Lord Barnes
In the time since the events that led to the deaths of Lord Alexander Pierce, Ser Brock Rumlow and John Walker, much had happened in the kingdom. All three traitors were buried in a potter's field, with no marker of any kind. Pierce's family stayed in Brittania, dependent on the goodwill of friends there. They never attempted a return to our shores. Riley, the soldier from my garrison who died while he defended my wife and Lady Natasha from recapture, was buried in a prominent spot in a churchyard near the estate of Ser Scott Lang. A large stone was erected with his name and the inscription Vixit et mortuus est iuste; Latin for "He lived and died righteously." A nun was spied at the gravesite the day after the stone was erected but she disappeared quickly when the priest called out to her. We never saw nor heard of Lady Natasha Romanoff again.
Our arrival at the Citadel, and subsequent formal marriage in a cathedral ceremony performed by the Bishop, was welcomed by my mother and sister, who loved Arden from the moment she arrived. The sentiment was returned by my wife, who was indeed carrying our child, conceived on our wedding night. Soon after our return to the Citadel she felt the first pangs of the morning sickness. It didn't last for long and she soon resumed her daily ride, often at my side. Her presence in my life was a gift and I vowed never to take her for granted.
A month after our return a rider from Crown Prince Steven announced the birth of his son, James Samuel Joseph. It was a great honor for both Samuel and I to be his namesake godfathers. At his christening, the Bishop looked slightly askance at the Moor who arrived at the cathedral for the Christian ceremony, and solemnly promised to make sure that the child walked the straight and narrow path. Father Bruce vouched for his character as a good man and the Bishop took the priest at his word. The friendship between the two was strong and they spent much time together speaking of many things for Father Bruce was a very learned man, even before he became a priest. When Samuel fell in love with a noble born woman he requested that Father Bruce and I act as his negotiators for her hand. Their marriage was performed by Father Bruce who learned an Arabic blessing, May Allah bless you, and shower His blessings upon you, and join you together in goodness, saying it in Samuel's first language at the conclusion of the Christian ceremony. Samuel and Father Bruce became trusted advisors of Steven before and after he ascended to the throne, while I became his Right Hand.
On the day my daughter was born, I was several miles away from the estate, intervening in a dispute between a tradesman and the inn keeper who contracted for the replacement of his privy buildings. As I listened to each man lay out their case a rider from my garrison arrived to tell me that Arden was in labour. With apologies to the two men, I mounted my horse and pressed Soldier to run like the wind. My mother and sister were already with her, as was the midwife. Determined to be there when our child was born, a condition I insisted upon when the midwife was first retained, I entered and was immediately chastened by the scene in front of me. Arden, wearing a short chemise was covered in sweat, her hair hanging heavily over her shoulders. Her glistening cheeks were red from the exertion of childbirth. My mother and sister sat with her, but upon my arrival my sister motioned for me to take her place. After washing my hands, on the order of the midwife, I removed my boots and sat with my wife, holding her right hand as she underwent another round of contractions. The midwife, well versed in her trade, both soothed and encouraged Arden to find more strength to get through the process.
When our red-haired daughter was born, I kissed Arden's head and murmured my love to her, to the surprise of the midwife. Her experience with most nobility had always been that they expected a boy child, but my elation at the birth of our daughter was unexpected. After cleaning the babe and wrapping her in swaddling cloths, she was laid in Arden's arms and immediately began looking to suckle at her breast. Although most women of nobility chose to have a wet nurse, Arden was emphatic that she wished to feed our child herself and I was inclined to support her. As my mother and sister watched Arden, I announced our daughter's name as Ember Lark, for the colour of her hair and for the bird that sings when the morning sun's rays break over the horizon. It was an unusual name, but it felt right to us. Briefly, I left to send a rider to Steven, informing him of my daughter's birth. When the time was right, we would formalize her betrothal to Steven's son, but it would always be her choice to proceed with it, just as Arden was given the choice to proceed with our marriage, and the Duchess Margaret was given the choice to proceed with her marriage to Steven. At the least, she would grow up with the young prince and know him well by the time they were old enough to marry.
When I first saw Arden, in her uncle's library, I was taken by the colour of her hair, and her forthrightness. She was an unusual woman for our times, different from many of the women suggested as a suitable consort. I thought that a flame burned from within her, that illuminated her in ways that made other women seem dim by comparison. In reality, she ignited the flame within me. Although I had left behind many of the hedonistic habits of my youth, I was still consumed with the need to satisfy my physical desires for female company by employing the skills of courtesans. Trained in the arts of seduction and pleasure for the use of men of my status I was satisfied with their attention and skills in the bedchamber, until I met Arden. Once that encounter happened, everything within me burned for her, only for her. There was no judgment on those other women, for they did serve a need, but with Arden I finally found what I really wanted all along; a companion for my heart, mind, body, and soul. Until the end of our time together on this earthly plane, she will be the flame of my heart, burning eternally for her.
The End
Short Fiction Masterlist
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justzawe · 8 months
Would love to see something like this on her tonight (the bright color on her would be amazing) https://www.saksfifthavenue.com/product/sachin-babi-gabby-plunging-gown-0400016526702.html?dwvar_0400016526702_size=6&dwvar_0400016526702_color=MAGENTA&site_refer=CSE_GGLPLA%3AWomens_Dresses%3ASachin%20%26%20Babi&country=US&currency=USD&CSE_CID=G_Saks_PLA_US_Women%27s%20Apparel_Dresses_High%20LTV%3AAll%20Dresses&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAzJOtBhALEiwAtwj8th8Y3w9oM1dUx5wxeDfZln18vmrKMwF5RB7TQUBIYde-nT_TpsSGMBoC6rkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
That’s pretty!
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skippyv20 · 1 year
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scontomio · 1 month
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💣 Calvin Klein Jeans Monologo Vestito in Maglia Sweater Dress 🤑 a soli 30,74€➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/calvin-klein-jeans-monologo-vestito-in-maglia-sweater-dress/?feed_id=266139&_unique_id=66c4329de25a0&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Calvin%20Klein%20Jeans%20Monologo%20Vestito%20in%20Maglia%20Sweater%20Dress Scopri l'abito in maglia con colletto alla coreana, perfetto per ogni occasione. Comfort elevato e stile moderno per un look casual e raffinato. #coupon #calvinkleinjeans #vestiti #offerteamazon #scontomio
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jops08 · 5 months
Business Contexts
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When it comes to protocols and practices in Philippines, the country has a long complex business culture that can stem from the historical ties from Spain and the United States. The Philippines are a welcoming community but also a very optimistic and that means they are more inclined to trade and barter with people that they trust. For a person to show that they are committed, they can start in-market partners and build a long-term and reciprocal relationship. Also, most of the businesses are family-owned which means that key positions in the company are within the family itself. In the long run the company's succession and continuity is most likely will be in the family. To work along these types of businesses present or collaborate that will involve long-term goals and contribute the sustainability of the family business.  
When it comes to business greetings the Philippines are a very formal and respectful culture when it comes to addressing the elderly and people of authority. I advise you use either their title or position or simply by using “Sir” or “Ma’am” accompanied by their last name. Filipinos are also courteous so use polite and courteous language and avoid confrontational and aggressive language.  
Filipinos are not a shy culture and not afraid for small talk. When it comes to initial conversation topics, try the basics and introduce yourself or ask how the other person is. Build a rapport with the other person is the best route when initializing a conversation with someone from the Philippines.  
The dress code for the professional setting with people from the Philippines may be that with majority of the world. You want to stay away from formal wear when it comes to social gatherings and meetings. Men are advised to dress in a suit and tie while the woman are dressed conservatively and modestly.  
Gift giving in the Philippines is actually a common practice and is a way to strengthen a business relationship. As you are trying to give gifts remember to choose gifts that are culturally appropriate and that of good quality. Try not to give expensive gifts but that of equal value. 
The first potential communication problem I can see the individualism vs collectivism. The Philippines is a very communal culture and that might be hard for someone who comes from a culture that focuses on the individual. The second is the respect for authority, Filipinos show deference to those who are in positions of power. People in a seniority position are viewed as important and should not be questioned. Lastly, avoidance for conflict because the Filipino culture values harmony and peace. This may be hard when it comes to business and settling issues amongst other members
As the manager I would first try to lead by example as the new employee is slowly navigating through the company. The second is to try some briefings or cultural sensitivity training for the group of people that are working closely with the new employee. Possibly try team building events with everyone so that they can start building rapport with the new employee. Lastly, try to host workshops for the group and give feedback at the end of them so there is a clear understanding and answer questions that others may have.  
(N.d.). Retrieved from https://my.nzte.govt.nz/article/philippine-business-culture  
Business etiquette in the Philippines: 7 tips for professionals working with Filipinos. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.commisceo-global.com/blog/business-etiquette-philippines  
Filipino dress code. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.worldbusinessculture.com/country-profiles/the-philippines/business-dress-style/#:~:text=In%20business%20circles%2C%20men%20are,advance%20on%20the%20dress%20code. 
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sjanakat · 5 months
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Camera Dress With Mesh Sleeves Black  from Cutie Patootie
The picture perfect dress
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dancehall-flex · 10 months
DJ SWIFF SUITS & DRESSES 2023 DJ SWIFF SUITS & DRESSES 2023 Edit This https://www.dancehallflex.com/videos/dj-swiff-suits-dresses-2023/?feed_id=55260&DJ%20SWIFF%20SUITS%20%26%20DRESSES%202023
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hoplesromanticsblog · 10 months
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chattsworth · 1 year
Gender rolls in fashion
In fashion gender quality is important as despite the illusion that the fashion industry is female dominated the leadership rolls are currently 25% female in the high fashion companies. Gender equality still affects all aspects of the fashion industry as well as a lack of career progress.
Over a period of time clothing became more than fashion as it has also become a symbol of profession. For example people in different job positions may wear different clothing marking the different levels. As well as this women's wear such as dresses symbolise beauty and femineity however men's wear is the complete opposite now symbolising masculinity and handsomeness. This separates men and women in the fashion industry more as gender rolls also name men as the main bread winners where as women stay home and take a house wife roll therefore making it harder or women to make it in the industry and progress to leadership rolls. 
As well as this gender based fashion designs further strike a stake into the gender rolls as sometimes this locks women into feminine or ‘sexy’ designs where as men get locked into masculine and ‘striking’ designs not allowing any gender normality to be broken. As well as this colours chosen for men and women can also reenforce my previous point where colours such as pink or rose would be picked for women's designs and navy blues and darker colours to be chosen for men to show masculinity.
•Gender equality and the Fashion Industry () The Sustainable Fashion Collective. Available at: https://www.the-sustainable-fashion-collective.com/gender-equality-and-the-fashion-industry#:~:text=Gender%20inequalities%20impact%20all%20aspects,companies%20are%20held%20by%20women%2C (Accessed: 09 October 2023).
• Gender’s role in fashion () Online Courses and eBooks Library. Available at: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/gender-s-role-in-fashion#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20men%27s%20dress%20emphasizes,will%20find%20gender%2Dspecific%20colors. (Accessed: 09 October 2023).
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Above is a image showing a example of masculinity and femininity merging to create a mash breaking gender rolls within fashion.
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sarambcreates · 2 years
Research for costume piece: technology and clothing
 After researching for inspiration, I now want to research to find the ways technology and clothing is meeting and becoming together, as the movie shoes quite a bit of technological advancement, but not really integrated into clothing. So for my final piece I was thinking of doing a capitol inspired piece, but here it meets in the middle with technological advancement. So to find ideas on how these two can come together I started doing some research.
1)  “The future of fashion” (2018) By V&A at https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/the-future-of-fashion
This article highlights the necessity of change in the fashion industry due to the environmental impact fashion causes. It then presents a few of the technological advancements that are being made that can form solutions to this issue.
- Bolt Threads: a bio-engineered protein fibre that can be produced without the    “polluting chemicals of petroleum-derived materials nor the land, water and pesticides of conventionally farmed fibres” (V&A) It is already being used and big designer Stella McCartney has already released a collection with it.
- Colorifix: Form of dyeing fabric using low quantity of water and without polluting by using microorganisms to bind the fabric.
- Roots: People like Diana Scherer have started innovative ways to use nature to create fabric. She trains roots to grow in a specific way using structures making it into a textile. 
 - Pulp-it: Wearable paper that is easily recycled, made with little chemicals and dyed with natural dyes. Easily customisable in colour, pattern and shape.
These are all interesting ways where people are managing to use technology (and creativity) to change the negative impact of fashion, and hopefully by 2050 a lot of these solutions and more will be already implemented. These are mostly focused on the way the garments are made, and considering my piece will depict the garment itself I might not use this information directly into my piece.
2) “LED and a glass slipper: How technology turned Zendaya into Cinderella”  (2022) by Victoria Purchase at https://sites.psu.edu/ist110pursel/2022/01/26/led-and-a-glass-slipper-how-technology-turned-zendaya-into-cinderella/#:~:text=Zendaya's%20dress%20was%20produced%20by,of%20technology%20was%20the%20LEDs.
When trying to think of times technology mixed with clothing, I remembered of Zendaya’s 2019 Met gala Cinderella dress that started normal and grey, but then started to light up blue and expand. I decided to look a bit behind the scenes and this is what this article revealed:
- LED tape was lined in her bodice and skirt, and satin illuminated fabric was chosen to enhance the light and make it look more natural and complimentary.
- To get the mechanism into action remotely a robotics system had to be installed, as well as lithium batteries. Everything was covered buy a heat resisting material to reduce risk of fire.
- The last technological piece was a software to be made for the movement.
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This dress shows that technology can be incredible with fashion as it created this gown that imitates magic and transforms. This was for a high grade event and worn by a celebrity, which makes it not accessible to the most of us. But if it is like this already I wonder if this is the future of fashion and how maybe by 2050 LEDs and robotics in clothing will be more mainstream and accessible. Maybe this is something I can definitely incorporate into my final costume.
I did a small test on procreate where I studied the skirt of the dress and tried to recreate its light on the same software I will be doing my piece on, Procreate. First I did it with simple brush strokes and layering of colour, and it implies glow and shine but not exactly LED lights. I tried some brushes and this stamp brush with lights sports seemed the best way I could show the LEDs more clearly as well as making it more flashy looking, which is my goal.
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before and after of brush tools in dress study, made in procreate by me
3) “All you need to know about the technology behind Bella Hadid’s spray-on dress” by Suha Hasan at https://wired.me/technology/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-technology-behind-bella-hadids-spray-on-dress/
A even more recent example of technology impacting fashion happened when a dress was made onstage on the model Bella Hadid within 8 minutes. This article says more about the technology used and its possibilities:
- The tech used was an aerosol that when sprayed onto any surface it becomes a non-woven fabric layer
-  “It can be used to make innovative clothes that can be washed, re-worn and even integrated with diagnostic devices that can monitor the health of the wearer “ said the brand responsible for the show.
- The business responsible for this spray on is also developing other technology that will be able to be used both in fashion and even in medicine (with casts and even bandages) and as seen above by mixing fabrics with technology that allows the monitoring of the health of the wearer.
Considering this is here now already, I don’t find this last statement in specific to be unrealistic in the year 2050. We already use health tracking devices (e.g. smart watches), but this could bring it to another level of wear-ability, as well as what exactly is being tracked. However similar to the first article this research might not directly show in the outcome visually, but helps in my understanding of the future of our clothing in the future.
4) “ Has body diversity within the fashion industry *really* improved in the last 20 years?”(2022) by Hannah Banks-Walker at https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/fashion-industry-body-diversity-opinion
Another important aspect of fashion is its models, and how the fashion is shown to the public. Things have improved since the early 2000s for example where incredibly skinny white models was the standard, and now in 2023 we slowly see more body and background diversity. However will it have improved by 2050? This article discusses it.#
-  “Over the past few years, the fashion industry has appeared to embrace body positivity (mostly by sending a few more ‘curvy’ models down their catwalks). But the body fascism that dominated the scene in the ‘90s and early ’00s is still alive and well.”
- Things did not change much as sizes still run small and when there is body diversity in a runway it is not often. (reflection: an many times they put a “plus” sized model, they are still considerably thin and not really plus at all, only plus in the eyes of the fashion industry)
-  “We had 10 girls in the Valentino Haute Couture Show [last season], which was very exciting for us. Let’s put it in perspective, if you compare how many slim models are used in fashion week to the number of curve models, there’s a long way to go. But we are taking steps forward.” says founder of MiLK management, model agency that represents women above size 10 (UK size)
- to leave this standard and make diverse clothing requires a lot of expenses that many small businesses cannot afford, as factories are restricted to only be able to do certain sizes due to capacity
- In many countries such as USA and UK the average women size of clothing is considered plus-size in the industry.
On a whole this article highlights both improvement but flaws in the system. If I think optimistically of this as an exponential improvement over time, I imagine that by 2050 fashion will be a LOT more diverse and that the clothing we see online will be modelled by multiple different models. For positivity I will take this optimistic and hopeful view in my piece, and show the costume represented by a model with curves, ideally two different women of different ethnicities and body type. However, if I am being realistic with my timeline for this project, I might not have enough time to draw two models.
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beatrixiv · 2 years
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helensavoncosmetics · 2 years
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Strut your stuff with confidence! 🌟 Spray the radiant new Little Black Dress Lace EDP with notes of citrus, jasmine and amber, and pair with the matching body lotion to make the scent last a while 🤩 Add a new fragrance to yours or your favourite person's collection and get yours now from my shop! https://www.shopwithmyrep.co.uk/search/results/?q=little%20black%20dress&?attach=16616627&utm_source=retortal&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=C11LittleBlackDress #Avon #Beauty #AvonBeauty #Fragrance #AvonFragrance #Perfume #FragranceGift (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CljnpuWo2bh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scontomio · 2 months
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💣 Lacoste EF5473 Dress Donna - Eleganza e Stile per Ogni Occasione 🤑 a soli 88,35€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/lacoste-ef5473-dress-donna-eleganza-e-stile-per-ogni-occasione/?feed_id=259839&_unique_id=66a51bf38274f&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Lacoste%20EF5473%20Dress%20Donna%20-%20Eleganza%20e%20Stile%20per%20Ogni%20Occasione Il vestito Lacoste offre un design elegante e sportivo, realizzato in piqué di cotone stretch. Con un colletto a polo e un taglio slim fit, è perfetto per ogni occasione. Il logo ricamato aggiunge un tocco distintivo, mentre le finiture a costine sulle maniche conferiscono un aspetto curato e raffinato. Questo abito è ideale per chi cerca comfort senza rinunciare allo stile, perfetto per una giornata casual o un'uscita con amici. Indossato con scarpe da ginnastica o sandali, si adatta facilmente a vari contesti, rendendolo un must-have nel guardaroba di ogni donna. La versatilità di questo capo lo rende adatto a diverse stagioni, permettendo di abbinarlo con una giacca leggera in primavera o un cardigan in autunno. Le recensioni degli utenti lodano la qualità dei materiali e la vestibilità, evidenziando come questo abito riesca a valorizzare la silhouette femminile. Un acquisto che combina eleganza e praticità, perfetto per chi desidera un look sempre impeccabile. Scopri un abito che unisce comfort e stile, ideale per ogni momento della giornata. Non perdere l'opportunità di arricchire il tuo guardaroba con un pezzo iconico e senza tempo. Meta description: Scopri l'elegante abito Lacoste in piqué di cotone stretch, con colletto a polo e logo ricamato. Perfetto per ogni occasione, stile e comfort in un solo capo. #coupon #lacoste #vestiti #offerteamazon #scontomio
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aboutandinfo · 2 years
20Dresses Women's Black Faux Leather Pu Stiletto | Slingback Strap Closure
20Dresses Women’s Black Faux Leather Pu Stiletto | Slingback Strap Closure
Price: (as of – Details) Shoe Width: MediumIdeal for Any Place/ Occasion: Comfortable Footwear are suitable for any seasons, go well with all outfits. Perfect for daily walking, working, casual, dress, shopping, travel, long time standing, driving, running, etc.Comfort Assured: It is Very Comfortable and can be Worn for Long Hours.Strong & Durable: Manufactured with Good in Quality materials and…
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kateprom01 · 2 years
Where To Buy Perfect Prom Dresses
It is squeezing to find the perfect locations for prom dresses. From the countless amount of shops, you can find prom dresses on the web to territorial retail plazas loaded down with cut-cost outfits, young women have numerous sorts of decisions to swim through. Nonetheless, where is the ideal situation to purchase these outfits?Kateprom.com offers Custom Made Prom Dresses and evening dresses. We have a team of expert dress designers who can create the perfect dress for you.
  Before going to the popular shops, you ought to warily consider what particular outfit providers give about spending plans, and excellent and extraordinary administrations, like cutting, consideration, and taking care of. Just because an outfit seems perfect in an image doesn't guarantee it will well search face to face. Correspondingly, outfits purchased from the retail plaza at a clearance room cost aren't plausible to accompany cutting administrations, and economic textures can show deserts when they're conveyed home.
  Dress buying without claiming a specific financial plan can prompt spending a lot as you wish, so it's a fantastic idea to go into the buying methodology in light of a set financial plan kept. You need to cause in the cost of the clothing yet, in addition, the cost of related frill. Looking to Buy Cheap Custom Prom Dresses? Kateprom.com offers high-quality but low-cost custom prom dresses, cocktail dresses, and bridesmaid dresses. Find your perfect dress online!
  Deciding the amount you're burning to spend exhaustively can assist with driving your buying results. On the off chance that you have a solitary height, maybe you want to proportion more cash to uniquely designed clothing. In condition you have your heart with a specific set of shoes, you might want to distribute a lower financial plan to the outfit. The amount you're craving to spend on all that will choose the ideal spot for you to purchase.
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  For various young women, a prom party is the best event of the educational time. Everybody wants to show up and feel superb! Bunches of modest outfits seem great on the holder and may try and show up well in the dressing place, yet after some time at the party, shoddy outfits will crush, tie or become extremely free. 
  Ineffectively raised adornment can become tumble-off. Remember, you want to seem wonderful the entire evening, and feeling comfortable in your apparel without having to continually change it will make your party extraordinary for the appropriate causes!
  Shopping on the web will set aside you much cash, however, you ought to be mindful. Colors shown up in dress pictures may not routinely go with the genuine outfit, and there are no guarantees if you need a fitting size. Track down decent shops, and be sure to peruse merchant reactions before purchasing. Be certain the prom dress goes with a size and bring rules back. Regardless of how safe you play it, buying on the web is a bet, simply fare thee well. Shop online for Long Sleeve Prom Dresses and sexy formal gowns at affordable prices from Kateprom.com. We offer the best quality and customer service. 
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