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pazaryerigundem · 16 days ago
Balıkesir Ayvalıklı öğrenciye bin 500 lira burs desteği
https://pazaryerigundem.com/haber/207257/balikesir-ayvalikli-ogrenciye-bin-500-lira-burs-destegi/ -
Balıkesir Ayvalıklı öğrenciye bin 500 lira burs desteği
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Balıkesir’de Ayvalık Belediye Başkanı Mesut Ergin, Ayvalıklı ailelerin kent dışında eğitim gören çocuklarına destek sağlamak amacıyla kurdukları Ayvalık Eğitime Destek Derneği aracılığıyla 140 öğrenciye burs verdiklerini duyurdu.
BALIKESİR (İGFA) – Ayvalık Belediye Başkanı Mesut Ergin, ekonomik sıkıntı içindeki Ayvalıklı ailelerin kent dışında eğitim gören çocuklarına destek sağlamak amacıyla kuruluşunu gerçekleştirdikleri Ayvalık Eğitime Destek Derneği’nin 140 öğrenciye burs verdiğini söyledi.
Mezun olanların ayrılmasının ardından burs verilen öğrenci sayısını artırdıklarını belirten Başkan Mesut Ergin, Ayvalık dışındaki şehirlerde eğitim gören 140 gencin 10 ay boyunca bin 500’er lira burs alacağını belirtti.
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Burs almaya hak kazanan öğrencilerin; öğretmenlik, tıp, mühendislik gibi fakültelerde eğitim gördüğünü, ifade Başkan Ergin, “Ülkemizin dört bir yanındaki okullarda eğitim gören öğrencilerimize dernek olarak bir nebze olsun katkı ve destek sağlamanın mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz. Ayvalık’ta yardımseverlerin desteğiyle önemle bir güç birliği yarattık, karşılığında 140 öğrencimizin bütçeleri rahatlayacak. Öğrencilerimiz bu desteğin karşılığında Ayvalıklı olmanın bilincini yaşayacak. Ayrıca burs verilecek öğrenci sayımız önümüzdeki süreçte daha da artacak. Hedefimiz tüm ihtiyaç sahibi çocuklara ulaşmak” diye konuştu.
Söz konusu bursların, öğrencilerin okullarından mezun olacağı güne kadar devam edeceği kaydedildi.
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radarlampungtv · 2 years ago
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Hasil Sidang Isbat, Pemerintah Putuskan Idul Adha 29 Juni 2023
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gadget2ch · 2 years ago
記事を読むにはこちらをクリック http://www.gadget2ch.com/archives/post-207257.html
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Amazon, セール, 新生活
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j-trad · 4 years ago
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#207257 #sunset #sundown #water #日本の夕焼け https://www.instagram.com/p/CHzWuqyAGfn/?igshid=w2wo4lf3ysiy
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Actor Nakamura Denkūrō 2nd, Katsukawa Shunshō, Edo period, 1783, Harvard Art Museums: Prints
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Gift of the Friends of Arthur B. Duel Medium: Ukiyo-e woodblock print in "hosoban" format; ink and color on paper
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oem4spareparts · 3 years ago
Carraro Oem Spare Parts
Carraro Oem Spare Parts
390276 644902 203826 122675 360097 833109 23106 25906 82409 207404 42209 332154 326313 131362 146636 327446 333895 831659 832365 263410 58589 205975 191687 393427 136945 201714 105482 205230 834207 192224 385860 190509 79464 136068 205209 48169 65535 136912 136805 536718 123771 205280 833941 837384 136250 104718 203065 195330 196061 149546 859675 859864 134641 106825 341596 191244 350094 861138 97446 71442 85367 135870 133941 262907 357631 357627 535644 831062 832204 101523 262519 207555 195930 49282 374068 20042 24835 207742 326600 327439 536065 837939 140062 573383 96491 106610 680351 45717 350249 642377 30095 20659 30513 190014 21918 191285 196008 338995 46291 374361 135890 118684 855973 398936 829052 92760 108260 137775 373994 340180 57668 130968 136571 144056 205608 57157 77444 148931 207257 203857 196074 204398 326504 535380 829790 143381 830825 863908 872237 127748 199639 197755 106716 106304 388554 197815 136475 47519 139261 837892 543240 28138 196090 834064 368824 130806 195322 201811 125176 832335 68601 145700 25799 81711 399770 24957 340255 838100 132858 152322 835351 131112 120020 93178 49492 117648 380383 21135 831596 262113 394565 105839 199428 129398 207750 262378 833698 190948 192744 202898 203446 106684 57279 206005 641984 84560 836395 94202 124087 126135 201053 201663 118706 119297 21718 139590 67805 263688 192239 131924 118348 197799 556984 858065 65344 136429 66949 22012 857276 133875 130483 46798 117068 115487 22493 20502 798920 833554 374766 867878 106028 108884 207923 833876 863024 58085 112945 395212 68805 206699 157001 190332 833841 834522 204378 201855 108213 121355 197173 370997 832183 153181 57374 77039 86232 263440 190954 102237 191868 190090 155245 47881 145122 641345 838047 46600 125861 97573 140654 195078 149524 44739 261972 373895 155178 107793 22760 67775 47769 125591 386134 529036 385711 118896 835048 57512 127225 43976 147655 837707 20253 207529 124008 137851 146423 839055 860472 359683 100187 42933 42225 27531 27553 114050 113519 136941 338906 262166 209020 22296 49670 204463 327122 139606 680197 200652 21043 137365 112210 134957 136748 643129 101166 122513 838021 390703 140848 76038 113096 28089 74393 192218 141732 48267 97844 198398 149802 66085 834872 834113 200499 91133 68810 57582 123179 857496 192525 83021 107701 829905 21923 208609 195277 131262 198497 836260 84542 136349 205249 21217 206993 326708 68180 148609 22177 23313 146746 340990 113411 116017 113828 371167 262311 202814 190121 196987 830882 198547 196422 43502 386263 104915 196130 90163 39843 130484 837926 838121 57337 834073 385644 41912 28187 388408 154119 390939 535594 862698 116569 126195 134819 198250 147101 857509 206929 198454 151724 194738 136251 21981 27272 26007 25071 130921 77512 204132 831683 863405 835063 350273 373525 262267 24764 831386 642018 261816 200784 357813 201763 206622 261729 357128 833696 191683 156265 195468 209629 23434 128884 140295 384730 838278 138335 46609 23024 193124 194003 21035 20249 262206 68817 834735 130153 388411 149681 20951 197457 22389 22027 114249 144055 529008 864914 195076 858386 57375 112631 197673 40548 261954 384659 381070 374173 798962 203394 138097 390552 22239 372497 833638 262272 21889 58331 536164 203014 201933 798896 193498 397600 22728 20768 143076 206397 326133 340926 339323 535628 828896 327825 834059 42303 838062 190983 641347 40784 153241 140339 371740 833852 837788 31173 198395 205174 47933 195874 193244 117153 830294 120936 190814 129225 82922 153315 837290 260815 155037 105701 197647 190795 22251 143732 119631 382047 830921 111766 119829 190338 536853 861446 861455 47192 152442 203789 151575 74948 57719 326450 20825 326412 536089 20043 833107 147274 203851 95805 191380 93943 863412 837882 66290 108746 28541 830205 199389 201717 535324 837898 327675 24379 96619 368359 134913 143148 20835 22346 24890 108348 47815 529218 101156 536298 136427 20194 143546 106546 132306 395660 203158 68947 23247 82436 104173 855270 373856 199723 190556 350035 105093 68262 326829 374611 832816 57322 341665 112372 865561 532360 829726 204910 198456 66852 109873 401418 145330 146800 126074 136484 142569 535917 835021 838286 858025 838864 45816 340794 193039 190458 49639 798940 66303 107617 58509 830103 132243 48156 134171 828971 57207 327914 858393 205226 128099 132696 81259 102572 110057 833572 535230 857487 126895 342844 106823 110185 117244 146571 21117 832125 380062 77021 21113 206915 262337 128092 374741 359568 529201 532271 535495 829916 643665 138102 661576 208124 203830 20711 200990 200637 836553 192196 833978 208278 836527 134550 195988 106991 126688 837093 192319 205134 205379 65805 89283 535828 339116 46100 28494 839209 368858 208758 192856 263036 863705 859099 200519 387629 860388 388172 40969 106617 143602 117316 137283 374439 203617 536250 350132 203510 194261 58968 643828 834320 864823 71305 262937 96863 141920 57298 642763 832192 206910 40511 155845 49310 201785 139645 106020 368542 862965 138392 190265 838015 41236 104660 108328 137490 48848 201048 138164 190530 47216 195419 68456 204009 149286 836478 95948 59022 138162 146734 78388 148041 47155 140031 124296 144144 152644 22772 53400 202463 77257 834476 21239 145709 126767 856618 87252 53028 834844 46443 141562 535421 105540 67781 374443 23476 103671 119584 373584 403283 863428 149262 96623 76662 326995 263424 661893 47151 95006 27415 391907 679971 204253 202334 208776 47751 837863 380522 641768 68702 263019 326167 683670 834202 107319 834877 190334 48951 132711 81874 28394 49852 67959 83702 204624 31679 198912 340860 30585 194469 536974 388248 135793 357768 368545 132257 333772 535832 858917 198053 117029 374948 199896 21825 40347 118352 208759 372803 190123 115965 832054 128719 57609 263323 313075 203624 57320 529217 196150 200403 57617 200513 139038 206700 201594 201802 401528 136990 66988 194057 836495 137584 107502 47475 47276 202333 130840 798904 200527 142301 46666 48711 262806 75350 46395 393880 43271 46574 359201 389375 82641 263616 383833 832041 857713 861548 862149 117755 40738 108597 29605 149736 100616 71079 830984 67999 43233 327503 104955 385606 643458 326110 21285 262236 67855 144017 380067 374719 530135 118414 197343 205468 198673 104234 201154 643187 857328 204229 261898 48158 106493 834892 104789 128855 78694 196776 131057 248161 834687 139527 106737 135442 197782 201769 832157 834990 835053 68834 642950 68826 149256 65898 834054 339071 147853 53123 40070 859993 263336 207545 120738 190492 118206 192254 198945 67561 115899 92708 87033 855979 197652 381021 77562 200509 121465 122389 372743 387488 715536 206997 202584 191860 144623 830111 830811 48845 46778 192159 201792 339676 105323 190361 386628 190900 838155 195255 42400 193024 255406 25483 44706 201165 832003 48398 146527 57215 20109 146105 108716 108708 263398
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prispru · 3 years ago
В Хабаровском крае
В Хабаровском крае обсудили меры поддержки бизнеса http://vybor-naroda.org/lentanovostey/207257-v-habarovskom-krae-obsudili-mery-podderzhki-biznesa.html
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vvsnotes · 4 years ago
Blizzard’s lawsuit and a fight for equality and justice [forefront 13]
In July 2021, the game company Activision Blizzard has been sued by the state of California over sexual discrimination, harassment, and retaliation (Wit, A.D. de, 2021). Over 2,000 current and former employees have signed a letter calling out the company’s poor response to the lawsuit (Schreier, 2021). As the Activision executive Frances Townsend responded that the lawsuit is ‘factually incorrect, old and out of context.’  
The letter consists of the claims that the leadership of the company is dismissing the employees' values and can harm the victims’ reliability today and, in the future. It also makes the notice of fully supporting everyone that had experienced any harassment.  
Following that situation, on 3rd of August, the president of Blizzard J. Allen Brack has stepped down from his position and left the company (Activision Blizzard, 2021). However, at the same time, Frances Townsend remains in her position even though the letter asked for her dismission.  
I decided to write about it as it is known that the discrimination and harassment of women in the game industry is bad. It is not only that industry but also the film industry, which is believed to get better as the ‘me too’ movement emerged (North, 2019). The initial handing of the situation on the Blizzard’s part was terrible, completely dismissing the allegations. Now with the president stepping away, there is a lot of voices that state that the company is still not taking the accountability as the reason Brack is leaving Blizzard is ‘to pursue other opportunities.’  
What really is a positive note, however, is the reaction of the current and ex-employees, along with many voices online that stand with the victims and against the unfair treatment. It is said that among the allegations are the unfair payment for the female workers and sexual harassment (Chapman, 2021). It is also good to see that the state of California issued the lawsuit, and it was not left for the individuals to deal with.  
When I was starting my journey with animation, I wanted to work in the game industry, but I became wary after hearing how bad the situations can go. Since I am the most interested in creation of the worlds, I do believe that I might at some point be part of that industry. So, this lawsuit comforts me a little, knowing that the legal action is being taken and that the abusers of their power will be held accountable.  
The ‘me too’ movement changed a lot for women in the entertainment industries and it is getting better. There are also hashtag events on twitter where the professionals talk openly about their salary to fight the unfair paying rates (Amidi, 2020). This helped a lot of minorities and female professionals to avoid being exploited. I am really for movements like this, I think that someone’s work should be respected of their gender, sexuality, or race. Since these industries were in majority and for a long time owned by white men there is still a lot to change. But at least people can voice their concerns freely on the internet and the community of the professionals online is strong and helpful to many. As a young person starting my journey in this world, I feel reassured that the times are changing for good and that if anything happens my voice can be heard.  
And from the other side, it is important as well to participate these conversations and support the people that were mistreated.  
Activision Blizzard (2021). Activision Blizzard | A Letter From President and Chief Operating Officer Daniel Alegre Regarding Blizzard Entertainment. [online] investor.activision.com. Available at: https://investor.activision.com/news-releases/news-release-details/letter-president-and-chief-operating-officer-daniel-alegre [Accessed 3 Aug. 2021].
Amidi, A. (2020). Animation Artists Reveal Salary Disparities With #AnimationPaidMe Hashtag. [online] Cartoon Brew. Available at: https://www.cartoonbrew.com/artist-rights/animation-artists-reveal-salary-disparities-with-animationpaidme-hashtag-193034.html [Accessed 3 Aug. 2021].
Chapman, M. (2021). Hit with MeToo revolt, president of Activision’s Blizzard Entertainment is out. [online] CTVNews. Available at: https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/hit-with-metoo-revolt-president-of-activision-s-blizzard-entertainment-is-out-1.5532629 [Accessed 3 Aug. 2021].
North, A. (2019). #MeToo movement: These 7 facts show its impact. [online] Vox. Available at: https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/10/4/20852639/me-too-movement-sexual-harassment-law-2019.
Schreier, J. (2021). Bloomberg - Are you a robot? [online] www.bloomberg.com. Available at: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-26/activision-blizzard-staff-sign-petition-supporting-labor-lawsuit.
Wit, A.D. de (2021). California Sues Activision Blizzard Over Alleged Sexual Harassment And Discrimination. [online] Cartoon Brew. Available at: https://www.cartoonbrew.com/artist-rights/california-sues-activision-blizzard-over-alleged-sexual-harassment-and-discrimination-207257.html [Accessed 3 Aug. 2021].
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tatuajeshombres · 5 years ago
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Por Duda Lozano, hecho en Sao Paulo. http://ttoo.co/p/207257
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met-european-sculpture · 8 years ago
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Pendant in the form of a centaur via European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Medium: Baroque pearl with enameled gold mounts set with sapphires and rubies, and with pendent pearls
The Jack and Belle Linsky Collection, 1982 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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stoneip · 5 years ago
via NEWS – Techritual Hong Kong – 香港 No.2 科技資訊網站
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groningsnieuws · 6 years ago
Buijs leeft toe naar 'speciale' Derby van het Noorden
FC Groningen werkt met een fitte selectie toe naar de Derby van het Noorden, komende zondag. Het uitvak was binnen enkele minuten uitverkocht en ... meer https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.rtvnoord.nl/nieuws/207257/Buijs-leeft-toe-naar-speciale-Derby-van-het-Noorden&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGzdiZTM2OTAwNTFkODk0MDk6bmw6bmw6Tkw6Ug&usg=AFQjCNHENqNoRwo6uVFKornyuoQbw9c8rg
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maxgainzzz · 6 years ago
Avaya Holdings Corp. (AVYA: null) | Smart Link Accelerates Digital Service Expansion with Avaya Cloud Contact Center Solutions
from OTC Markets Group - News, Filings & Corporate Actions http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/AVYA/news?id=207257
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kocpc · 7 years ago
看到昨晚更新的全系列 Touch Bar 版本 MacBook Pro,已經準備要入手來應付你忙碌的 YouTuber 校園了嗎?蘋果也已經準備好了要幫你省點荷包錢,在原本就有的教育價之外,還非常適時地即日起推出 2018 年的「 Back to School 」開學優惠。依然讓你可以用教育優惠購買 Mac 與 iPad Pro 系列產品,卻可以額外獲得超潮的 Beats 耳機。 【 台灣官網 Back to School產品購買頁面(可分期,點我前往) 】 這篇文章 開學想買新 MBP?台灣蘋果 2018 年「 Back to School 」又來幫你搶便宜了! 最早出現於 電腦王阿達。
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breakingnewslive · 8 years ago
Increasing first responder suicide rates spark concern
PITTSBURGH (AP) - Paramedic George Redner III started to grow angry and distant after he failed to revive a 2-year-old who had drowned. But not even his parents saw how deeply his work affected him until he took his life seven years later. “My son was a c http://breakingnewslive.net/news/increasing-first-responder-suicide-rates-spark-concern?uid=207257&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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