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freesia-writes · 3 months ago
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I don't have it in me to write full scenes, so here are some fun little drabbles of what it might be like to party with some of the boys on New Year's Eve! PLEASE feel free to add your own and use the tag #2024cloneNYE
Shoutout to @lornaka for the sweet helmet art. Find other dividers like these here.
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Tup - Tries to take you somewhere neat to see fireworks, holding your hand and glancing at you sheepishly every now and then, but gets lost along the way. Is simultaneously frustrated at himself and nervous at what you’ll think of him until you pull him into a side alleyway to show him some fireworks of your own. 😎
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Jesse - Is so delighted to be spending the evening with you that he nearly gets into three different fights with troopers at the bar because he's just so dang excited. Dances your ass off then takes you out for street food, where he does get in a fight with a handsy vendor. Gives you the best kiss of your life at midnight. 🥴
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Fives - Tells you to wear a disguise. Dies laughing when you show up and he is wearing a simple poncho while you have donned a huge fake mustache. Sneaks you both onto a large cargo freighter that is scheduled to depart from Coruscant a bit before 00:00, so that as it’s slowly lifting into the sky, you get a bird’s eye view of the fireworks all around you. Of course, he now needs to figure out how to get you both off the ship without being caught. 🥸
-=-=-=-=-=[SORRY BABES, no Corrie dividers!!]=-=-=-=-=-
Fox - Shows up at your apartment in sweatpants and cracks up at the side of you as you open the door, as you are in sweatpants as well, even though you both had said you were going to “go celebrate” together. But you both knew exactly what you meant by “celebrate”, and you watch crappy holofilms while snuggling on the couch, dozing off until the sound of fireworks rouses you. You gaze blearily out the window, watching the flashing colors as you’re nestled into his arms, then you both drift back to sleep after a feeble “whoo!” 😴
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Howzer - Dresses to the nines to take you out to dinner but feels awkwardly self-conscious about it until you distract him by coaxing him into sharing stories about his squad, which light him up immediately. Then he’s got nothing but soft admiration for you, insists on two desserts, and walks you to your front door to finish the evening with a tender kiss. Comes running back to knock on your door about 10 minutes later when he realizes it’s just now midnight and “he kissed you too soon.” The oversight is quickly remedied. 🤭
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Hardcase - Finds out where they're setting the fireworks off from and sneaks you in. You both tuck in a tiny little corner between a huge metal structure that holds the firework launchers, and when they start going off, it's so loud that you can't help but squeal. Hardcase also yells in delight, catching the attention of nearby employees, and suddenly pretends he's escorting you off the premises after you'd been discovered sneaking into the area. 😂
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Gregor - Grabs some wraps at a food truck and takes you to some random little park where a galactic Mariachi band (they exist, ok?) is playing sweet beats. Dances with zero shame, with and without you. Drags you up a nearby hill to see fireworks and produces a bottle of champagne seemingly out of nowhere. Forgot glasses though, so you take swigs out of the bottle and choke on the bubbles and foam. Spins and dips you at midnight and finishes with the sweetest kiss.
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Tag List?! Are y'all even here anymore!? 😂
Join the tag list by commenting for the discord server link or filling out my form.
@techhasmjolnir @falconfeather23435 @ladylucksrogue @padawancat97 @baddest-batchers
@anxiouspineapple99 @yunggoblin @littlefeatherr @cw80831 @all-mights-babygirl
@totallyunidentified @lightwise @moonstrider9904 @clonemedickix @dangraccoon
@nursekyra @callsign-denmark @heidnspeak @stardusthuntress @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
@ivyyyyy @kashasenpai @followthepurrgil @littlemissmanga @littlemissbshine
@crosshairscrustysock @lamiliani @skellymom @burningnerdchild @galaxyofthoughts99
@sweeticedtea @starrylothcat @mxkyrie @reader6898 @eyecandyeoz
@trixie2023 @vrycurious @youreababboon @photogirl894 @subbing-for-clones
@yve-barr @salaminus @ezras-left-thumb @etod @dhawerdaverd
@techsgalaxy02 @shadowphantomreaper @violatiger8 @flowered-bicycles @nursekyra
@eternal-transcience @somewhere-on-kamino @plotlessvoid @morerandombullshit
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dystopicjumpsuit · 3 months ago
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Waking up on New Year's Day With the Clones - Command Edition
Inspired by @freesia-writes and her lovely New Years Eve with the Clones drabbles! I wrote these on my phone datapad in bed while waking up on New Year's Day and doing precisely none of these things.
Rex: You crack one eye open just as he's slipping back into bed with you. It's seven AM. He's already gone for a run and had a shower. You mumble something incoherent, and he tucks you in against him, kisses your forehead, and tells you to go back to sleep. “Happy New Year, cyar’ika.”
Cody: He surprises you with breakfast in bed, and it isn't ration bars. It's your favorite breakfast, the one you only really eat on special occasions, and he executes it flawlessly. When you get up afterwards, you discover the kitchen is already clean. There's nothing to do for the rest of the day but relax and have fun, whatever that means to you.
Wolffe: You ARE his breakfast in bed. 😏
Fox: There is no such thing as morning. You both sleep until one PM, and when you finally stumble out of bed, you only make it as far as the caf machine before collapsing on the sofa. He chugs his caf and then falls back asleep, lying between your legs with his head resting on your belly while you scroll on your datapad.
Mayday: You wake up slowly to the soft caress of his fingertips on your shoulder. You have no idea how long he's been awake, but the way he looks at you makes you feel like the only person in the galaxy. You don't get out of bed for a few more hours.
Neyo: He wakes you up with a hangover cure and a tube of bacta. You have glitter in places you did not know glitter could exist. After an abortive attempt at crawling out of bed, you both fall back asleep for another three hours.
Bacara: He wakes you up to go for a run, and it's not optional. He ignores your complaints and death threats, and when you get home, he rewards you with a long shower together, followed by a breakfast smoothie that is surprisingly delicious. He opts not to tell you that he set a personal worst speed record for a kilometer.
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is your best year yet. 💋
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@523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49 @arcsimper5 @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @marierg @idontgetanysleep @lonewolflupe
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@heavenseed76 @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @cw80831 @flyiingsly
@lightwise @swcowgal @vrycurious @thora-sniper
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @kimiheartblade
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @somewhere-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned @heidnspeak @maniacalbooper @mae-lou-ron
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shadowphantomreaper · 3 months ago
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🪕New Beginnings, Old Strings🪕
Hours Before Midnight
Being a Mandalorian drifter can have its ups and downs especially when your people are scattered across the galaxy or staying hidden depending on the sect a Mandalorian belongs to with no real leader to finally unite as one people makes it hard to celebrate and keep up with traditions. With the Clone Wars waging across the galaxy made keeping up with celebrations even harder. Before that it didn’t stop my family, the Briggs Clan, for coming up with traditions so as to not lose one’s self of keeping a balance of warrior and civilian traditions. Thankfully it’s because of those traditions I carry with me to someday pass it along to my foundlings.
And that is where we begin New Year's Eve on a neutral planet called Harmonia Prime, named by the inhabitants of the planet, standing for unity and celebration by expressing through acoustic music festivals or known Bluegrass. Harmonia is one of many planets located in the Outer Rim but also near the Mid Rim. It’s also not well known to those high powers for them to visit for a vacation if it doesn’t have pools and a beach house with servants waiting on hand and foot. Then, no, this is not a place for the wealthy and powerful. From past experience there are typically 11,000-15,000 beings from all over the galaxy attending along with their ships spread out various distances, enough room for people to walk around especially with people selling business from their homes or playing their acoustic instruments. The campsite is set up with five states all spread for everyone’s benefit. With the musicians altering between stages so everyone can have a chance to listen to their music.
I landed my ship a bit away from all the excitement, but not far enough away not to hear the noise of the music and the cheers. What caught my eye more than looking forward to the festival and reuniting with my friends and family was there was two gigantic Republic Attack cruisers grounded farther away from the camp and festival ground. Emotions ran through me making me nauseous, this could be really good or bad really bad if these ships are here on the planet. I have heard and seen Separatist’s in slave neutral planets all because they won’t choose a side and that is their choice. If anything happens to disrupt the festival the Harmonian people will take things into their own hands and it is not pretty. Depending on how bad it is will determine if beings are blacklisted or banned for a curtain amount of time.
Taking multiple deep breaths before going back to getting ready to visit the booths set up along the camp grounds. Taking off bits and pieces of my armor putting on black and rainbow tie-dye boho pants, beige cotton tank top crop top, white lace see through cardigan, topped with grey headband. You would think I would feel naked without my armor, but no it’s my bead that feels vulnerable with something to cover my head. Of course I keep a few pieces of my armor on me, my right Kom’rk (gauntlet) to keep a vibrio blade hidden, and my left Tadun’bur (Grieve), along with a few other assortment of weapons hidden on me. Grabbing my Boho crossbody bag, and putting on my sandals before walking down the ramp into the warm air. Making sure the ramp closed and my ship was on lock down before heading toward the hordes of beings and the smell of cooking food.
The day was filled with familiar and new experiences. Sounds of the stages playing in the far distance mixed with groups of families looking and talking with the beings running the booths. Children running around laugh and screaming in excitement. Some booths are playing their own instrument to pass the time if business is slow. Those selling food were just as mouth watering especially those covered in so much spice your eyes also watered. Every once in a while I’d see Mandalorians armor on or particularly off like me either running their booth or just browsing like I am. The best thing about the festival is that no one running a booth is yelling or calling to passer buyers to buy their product. No, they know if someone likes their stuff they know it will be bought. Catching up with familiar faces from previous years.
What was known is to see groups of clones - either wearing grey’s with or without a hat, armor on or missing the top half - looking with excitement and curiosity. Interacting with those behind the booths with genuine enthusiasm and not having to worry about being shunned for being a clone. Bringing a small smile to my face. For one these boys are experiencing what it’s like to be treated like an actual person and not a droid. Another thing I notice is the clones are all in groups and not walking around by themselves. From what I’ve seen there are at least one or two senior members watching their younger brother who definitely haven’t had the experience of being treated like trash or worse killed.
Catching one of the senior’s eyes, and gave him a smile and a sympathetic look before moving on without seeing what his reaction would be. Once I did my initial run through the booths, I started my way back knowing that I know what I want to get before I head back to The Painted Scythe to find my Buir’s ship, Brushfire Marauder. With second go around I noticed more group of more experienced and battle hardened clones also in various stages of dressed, who appear not to have to babysit their shinier members are having a bit it fun with a group of very beautiful beings varying from woman, males, or in between lingering around a decent tent and the faint sounds of moans could be heard if you're looking for it. One the women grabs an arm leading the clone into the tent. Mentally smirking at his luck.
On the opposite side a few tents down one man, about middle age, is selling various types of pipe weed. A few clones are trying a sample and seem to be holding it together as if they were used to smoking. Most likely the cheap stuff if they could scrape up the credits. The best thing about this kind of festival, it’s not just about credits, one kind haggle the price or trade something worth the price. Greeting the booth keeper and was willing to his popular blend of pipe weed. Pulling out my pip from my purse, well are of the curious stares I’m getting from the clones. When the man handed me a sample with a smile. Lighting my pipe for me as I take a few puffs trying to save the flavor. Exhaling smoke out my nose. Taking a few more hits before deciding I liked it, purchasing two tins and another two of different kinds with a variety of mind in the blend. Putting only three in my purse and giving the fourth tin with the popular blend to the clones, who wore faces of shock before they thanked me once it wore off in a few seconds. Giving them a sharp nod and a smile in return before heading my way.
Another good thing about this festival is that it will be going on for another few days, not just today so I have time to enjoy the stalls before I have to buy anything. But I did want a henna design or two before I go find my family for the New Year get together.
Heading towards a familiar booth decorated in hippie tapestries and the hint of incense sticks. Willow, a beautiful Miraluka woman in her mid twenties, eyes covered with a decorative bandanna, wearing a cotton baggy one piece tank-top jumpsuit. Her dark blue hair was put up in a messy bun. Taking a seat at her table.
“I was wondering when you were going to visit me?” She said, amusement in her voice.
“Ya know me I have to look at everything before I even decide what I want.”
“Indeed.” Holding her hand. Giving her my arm with my palms up no questions asked. A routine we both know by heart. Having met so many years back I became Willow’s favorite customer since I let her do what I want on my inner arm. And every year when I come to her booth she asks for my opinion to compare each previous year if the piece is way better than the last one. As she draws on me we catch up on what has been going on this past year. If it’s one thing we - actually everyone here knows don’t talk about war or politics- this place is a safe haven from the negative things going on in the galaxy.
About half way done with my arm do I hear someone,more like two someone’s calling my name. Turning my head to the voice to see two clones in dress grey’s if not an unbutton from the top walking my way. Recognizing them by their tattoos and haircut. One clone with the Republic logo tattooed on half his face and shaved head, the obvious dark outline of a clean shaven face of Jesse and his partner in crime Kix with his lightning bolt haircut. Both smiling as they head towards Willow’s booth.
“Hey, Corvina!”
“Friends of yours.” Not a question. Willow's lips ticked up a bit more than usual.
“You can say that.” Returning the smile to the clones. Waving at them, trying not to move my body.
I met Jesse and Kix on a job where the war came to the planet not long after I landed. I am still here to complete the job. The battles didn't make it any easier on me or my target. I had no way of getting off the planet with the war happening not only on the ground but also in the sky. My ship was hidden behind a hill where the clones were trying to relocate them out of fire range. Which wasn’t working since the droids were attacking them. Not letting that stand I shot them down with my ship guns giving them time to get their injured to safety. The soldiers set a perimeter around the will and my ship. Since I got involved with saving their injured might as well go all the way. That was how Torrent and Anakin Skywalker. I spent most of my time with Kix and Jesse if I wasn’t helping with the injured. Giving them my resources when Skywalker said the Republic would repay me in everything I have to help them win the battle. That wasn't what I worried about, I only cared for the injured clones who needed help but I still took the offer so long I didn't have to replace everything with the credits I earned that same day. Two birds with shot. Help troopers and get all my supplies restocked by a government who is taking part in a war, fine with me. In just those two days I grew more close with Kix and Jesse than I have ever been with anyone in my entire life. But sadly when time came to a close they had to move out and prepare for the next battle when they still had the chance. The long goodbye and a kiss out cheeks was the last time I saw them till today. That was close to ten months ago. I’m a drifter. You tend to move on from things like this.
“Well, what do you know? Long time no see you two. It’s been a while.”
“It sure has.” Jesse said. Kix nodded in agreement.
“How have you both been?” I asked, genuinely curious. I was afraid they were both killed when the next battle started back up.
Jesse sighed, “the usual, fighting and trying to stay alive. You?”
“Same, jumping from job to job, trying to stay alive to make it to the next day. Right now I am enjoying my day off.”
“Speaking of enjoying yourself,” Willow cut in. “You are fished.” Wiping the tip of the tube. Examining her work, with the two clones on either side of her also admiring Willow’s work. It was a banjo with sunflower petals surrounding the head of the instrument and the neck is used as the stem with two leaves on either side of the neck. There were little vines here and there between petals.
“It’s lovely, Willow. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it.” She said, sounding proud of her design. Pulling my purse up to wards me to grab a few credits. No matter how many times she says doesn’t want me to pay, she still pays her with a tip. She won’t take more than that. Since then she hasn't said anything. Before she could say anything I beat her to it, “yeah, yeah, try not to smear it. Be careful. I know.”
“Doesn’t hurt to remind you sometimes.” She playfully huffs.
“You forget I got henna of my own. I know the drill.”
“Uh huh.” Standing up from the booth. “I’ll see around, hun.”
“Give your family my regards for me?”
“I will.”
“And you two young men keep her out of trouble and enjoy your evening.”
“We will ma’am.” Kix says, giving me a knowing smirk. I return it with a question brow. Looking up at the sky to notice the sky is dark, hints of the sun poking out in the horizon making it look the sky is on fire. Relaxing I need to start heading towards my family’s ship. Not thinking about I grab of Jesse’s and Kix’s hand as I lead them away from the booths and towards the camp of ship. Passing groups surrounded campfires or playing together. The farther back we go I see a familiar ship with the ramp down with the canvas’s up to give shade when needed and under it is a long table with a built in seating for a large group of people. I could see buir’s set up around a campfire and a fold out table for putting together the food before being put on the fire. Along with a few other table set up for multitasking.
“Corvina, there you are hun!!” A gruff masculine voice called out in greeting. “Afraid you wouldn’t make it”
“You know I never miss out on this opportunity and besides I met up with a few friends.”
Coming down the ramp sporting a farmer's tan was a tall slim human man with some obvious muscles in his late forties early fifties with shoulder length silver hair and a long mustache also silver with a hint of pepper still there. Only wearing the bottom half of his gear, his long black under suit was showing. Looking at Jesse and Kix with an assessing look.
“Is that so?” His voice is going deep and threatening.
“Buir, knock it off.” Turning to the two soldiers who were also eyeing her father looking for weak points as any good soldier and Mandalorian would. “You too, boys.” Getting down to business before it ends with a dog fight over me. “Jesse, Kix this is my Buir, Warwick Briggs. Buir, Jesse and Kix. The two clones I told you about when I went on that job and had no way of getting off the planet.”
“You don’t say.” Not drooping the death glare on the two clones.
“For Manda sakes, Warwick, stop glaring at the two boys.” A woman's voice said in that tone that makes a man want to run. Which he would ‘cause the newcomer smacks the back of Warwick’s head with a loud ‘SLAP’ with what looks like a flip flop. A short Iridonian Zabrak woman, barely reaching the father’s shoulder, mid thirties with fair skin, short platinum blonde hair, horns on her forehead like a crown, tribal tattoos decorated with her face down her neck disappearing under her tank top. Also matching her husband in only wearing half her gear.
Warwick grunted in surprise but also in pain gritting through his teeth. “Was that necessary?”
“Yes, our daughter brought guests. Instead you hear you are having a pissing contest on who has the right to be with her.”
“No one will be perfect for our daughter.”
“And your ‘daughter’ is standing in front of you and telling you I have the right to be with anyone I want with or without your permission. Anyway, mom, this is Jesse and Kix. Jesse, Kix, this is my mom, Jetta.”
Ending the subject right there by grabbing the two clones hand leading them to the rest of the clans who are departing the ramp to see the chaos that was happening. Besides her father the rest of the family was far more inviting and friendly. The night kicked off conversations between Jesse, Kix and the Brigg’s clan. More made their way to their camp from family to very good friends. Once everyone was there dinner was served with multiple side dishes and desserts. Everyone waited for the trooper to take the first bite when they didn’t get a reaction. Well, that just made respect for them go up a bit more in the Briggs Clan. Even if they didn’t know it. Even Warwick was impressed, even if she doesn’t show it. Jesse and Kix told stories about the war that no one is ever to get a more detailed description without it sounding like shit. Everyone was hanging off of their words waiting for what happened next.
I was laying up against Kix. He had an arm wrapped around me as we watched Jesse tell another story how Generals Skywalker, Kenobi, Mundi managed to get out of another sticky situation on a second go around on Geonosis. How they couldn’t make it to their respective landing zones on how prepared the bugs were. All the while gently plucking my acoustic guitar and watching my henna break apart from drying. Giving it a smile as I turned back to what Jesse was saying.
“….ome to find out. Those brain invaders managed to take over a supply run. It wasn’t till we managed to figure out they don’t like the cold. So Commander Tano managed to get to the heating and cooling system to make sure the worms had nowhere to go when they left their hosts….”
“Sure, that's a good idea to tell them that story?” I whispered to Kix. “We are going to have to sleep sometime tonight.”
“From what I’ve heard from your family they’ve encountered worse than brain invading worms.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s not someone’s secret nightmare.”
“Alright, I think that’s enough for one night.” Jetta said, getting a chorus of ‘aw’s’, and ‘come one more’. The Zabrak woman just gave ‘that I don’t take no BS from anyone look’ which shut everyone up. “There are going to be fireworks at midnight.” As is that is all there needs to be said she left with her husband to find a place to watch the fireworks. Everyone scattered to get in place to watch the fireworks. I put my guitar in my case.
“Want to head to my ship? We can watch from there.” I suggested.
“Will parents be alright with that?” Kix asked, unsure if they should.
“I’m of age they can’t do shit so don’t worry.” Not bothering to look at the troopers. Carrying my guitar case, leaving for Brigg's camp. Both clones followed after me. Jesse offered to take the case. I gave it to him as he put it in his other hand and took mine. Kix also took my other free hand. Once we made it to my ship. Turning off the defenses. Jesse put the guilt case on the first surface he found. Both troopers did not want to lose sight of me. I grabbed a big wool blanket to wrap around three people. Climbing up the ladder to the roof of my ship. Once all three of us were accounted for we wrapped the blanket around each other and sat down up against the cockpit window. Sitting between Jesse and Kix, both have a free arm wrapped around me and their others wrapped around them.
As we waited I lit my pipe of my new stash. Passing it around as we pass the time. Deciding to break the silence.
“I didn’t think I would see you both ever again.” I confessed.
“I’ll be honest with ya, there have been close calls.” Jesse admitted.
“War is unpredictable. Time is the enemy there is no telling if we’ll make it to the battle. All we can do is survive and hope for the best we’ll see another day.” Kix said.
“I thought I could forget about both of you. A drifter who passes from planet to planet, job to job. But I can’t do casual relationships and I haven’t gotten close like this with anyone else. All they want is sex when all I want is something more. But I understand if either of you don't have more than we already have right now.” Both men were silent. It doesn’t matter if you are a soldier in a war or Mandalorian, you don’t know when one day will be your last. But I can’t do it fast, no matter how much it hurts.
Suddenly both clones move closer and hug me a bit tight. Placing a kiss on my forehead and cheek. Also relishing my cheeks are wet.
“We’d be honored to have whatever you give us.” Kix whispered.
“No matter how long it takes we’ll wait for you so long as you wait for us.” Jesse ends.
“I will. I will wait for you both. Either in this life or the next. I’ll wait.”
Out of curiosity I checked the time to see we got seconds before midnight.
“We only got a few seconds before it’s time, kiss me.”
Both men look at each other as if they’re unsure how to kiss someone at the smear time. I smirked. Still so innocent. I grabbed both of their head towards me sticking out my tongue with a piercing in 501st blue. Both men groaned and stuck out their own tongues and we started frenching each other with only a few seconds to spare. The fireworks started going off with loud cheers all over the camp yelling.
Pulling back to look both men in the eyes with love. Both men looked at me with love as well.
“Happy New Years.” I whispered. They simultaneously repeated my words and went back to making out with more tongue than lips.
The End
I want to say thank for @lornaka for creating the helmets and @freesia-writes for adding the dividers. Happy New Years Y’all!!!
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leenathegreengirl · 3 months ago
This is amazing! 🎆
Personal favs are Jesse, Fives & Hardcase 😌💚💕
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I don't have it in me to write full scenes, so here are some fun little drabbles of what it might be like to party with some of the boys on New Year's Eve! PLEASE feel free to add your own and use the tag #2024cloneNYE
Shoutout to @lornaka for the sweet helmet art. Find other dividers like these here.
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Tup - Tries to take you somewhere neat to see fireworks, holding your hand and glancing at you sheepishly every now and then, but gets lost along the way. Is simultaneously frustrated at himself and nervous at what you’ll think of him until you pull him into a side alleyway to show him some fireworks of your own. 😎
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Jesse - Is so delighted to be spending the evening with you that he nearly gets into three different fights with troopers at the bar because he's just so dang excited. Dances your ass off then takes you out for street food, where he does get in a fight with a handsy vendor. Gives you the best kiss of your life at midnight. 🥴
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Fives - Tells you to wear a disguise. Dies laughing when you show up and he is wearing a simple poncho while you have donned a huge fake mustache. Sneaks you both onto a large cargo freighter that is scheduled to depart from Coruscant a bit before 00:00, so that as it’s slowly lifting into the sky, you get a bird’s eye view of the fireworks all around you. Of course, he now needs to figure out how to get you both off the ship without being caught. 🥸
-=-=-=-=-=[SORRY BABES, no Corrie dividers!!]=-=-=-=-=-
Fox - Shows up at your apartment in sweatpants and cracks up at the side of you as you open the door, as you are in sweatpants as well, even though you both had said you were going to “go celebrate” together. But you both knew exactly what you meant by “celebrate”, and you watch crappy holofilms while snuggling on the couch, dozing off until the sound of fireworks rouses you. You gaze blearily out the window, watching the flashing colors as you’re nestled into his arms, then you both drift back to sleep after a feeble “whoo!” 😴
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Howzer - Dresses to the nines to take you out to dinner but feels awkwardly self-conscious about it until you distract him by coaxing him into sharing stories about his squad, which light him up immediately. Then he’s got nothing but soft admiration for you, insists on two desserts, and walks you to your front door to finish the evening with a tender kiss. Comes running back to knock on your door about 10 minutes later when he realizes it’s just now midnight and “he kissed you too soon.” The oversight is quickly remedied. 🤭
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Hardcase - Finds out where they're setting the fireworks off from and sneaks you in. You both tuck in a tiny little corner between a huge metal structure that holds the firework launchers, and when they start going off, it's so loud that you can't help but squeal. Hardcase also yells in delight, catching the attention of nearby employees, and suddenly pretends he's escorting you off the premises after you'd been discovered sneaking into the area. 😂
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Gregor - Grabs some wraps at a food truck and takes you to some random little park where a galactic Mariachi band (they exist, ok?) is playing sweet beats. Dances with zero shame, with and without you. Drags you up a nearby hill to see fireworks and produces a bottle of champagne seemingly out of nowhere. Forgot glasses though, so you take swigs out of the bottle and choke on the bubbles and foam. Spins and dips you at midnight and finishes with the sweetest kiss.
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Tag List?! Are y'all even here anymore!? 😂
Join the tag list by commenting for the discord server link or filling out my form.
@techhasmjolnir @falconfeather23435 @ladylucksrogue @padawancat97 @baddest-batchers
@anxiouspineapple99 @yunggoblin @littlefeatherr @cw80831 @all-mights-babygirl
@totallyunidentified @lightwise @moonstrider9904 @clonemedickix @dangraccoon
@nursekyra @callsign-denmark @heidnspeak @stardusthuntress @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
@ivyyyyy @kashasenpai @followthepurrgil @littlemissmanga @littlemissbshine
@crosshairscrustysock @lamiliani @skellymom @burningnerdchild @galaxyofthoughts99
@sweeticedtea @starrylothcat @mxkyrie @reader6898 @eyecandyeoz
@trixie2023 @vrycurious @youreababboon @photogirl894 @subbing-for-clones
@yve-barr @salaminus @ezras-left-thumb @etod @dhawerdaverd
@techsgalaxy02 @shadowphantomreaper @violatiger8 @flowered-bicycles @nursekyra
@eternal-transcience @somewhere-on-kamino @plotlessvoid @morerandombullshit
125 notes · View notes
cdblake1565 · 3 months ago
I love them all. Neyo sounds the most relatable (in my youth anyway😉😜)
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Waking up on New Year's Day With the Clones - Command Edition
Inspired by @freesia-writes and her lovely New Years Eve with the Clones drabbles! I wrote these on my phone datapad in bed while waking up on New Year's Day and doing precisely none of these things.
Rex: You crack one eye open just as he's slipping back into bed with you. It's seven AM. He's already gone for a run and had a shower. You mumble something incoherent, and he tucks you in against him, kisses your forehead, and tells you to go back to sleep. “Happy New Year, cyar’ika.”
Cody: He surprises you with breakfast in bed, and it isn't ration bars. It's your favorite breakfast, the one you only really eat on special occasions, and he executes it flawlessly. When you get up afterwards, you discover the kitchen is already clean. There's nothing to do for the rest of the day but relax and have fun, whatever that means to you.
Wolffe: You ARE his breakfast in bed. 😏
Fox: There is no such thing as morning. You both sleep until one PM, and when you finally stumble out of bed, you only make it as far as the caf machine before collapsing on the sofa. He chugs his caf and then falls back asleep, lying between your legs with his head resting on your belly while you scroll on your datapad.
Mayday: You wake up slowly to the soft caress of his fingertips on your shoulder. You have no idea how long he's been awake, but the way he looks at you makes you feel like the only person in the galaxy. You don't get out of bed for a few more hours.
Neyo: He wakes you up with a hangover cure and a tube of bacta. You have glitter in places you did not know glitter could exist. After an abortive attempt at crawling out of bed, you both fall back asleep for another three hours.
Bacara: He wakes you up to go for a run, and it's not optional. He ignores your complaints and death threats, and when you get home, he rewards you with a long shower together, followed by a breakfast smoothie that is surprisingly delicious. He opts not to tell you that he set a personal worst speed record for a kilometer.
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is your best year yet. 💋
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@523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49 @arcsimper5 @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @marierg @idontgetanysleep @lonewolflupe
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@heavenseed76 @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @cw80831 @flyiingsly
@lightwise @swcowgal @vrycurious @thora-sniper
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @kimiheartblade
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @somewhere-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned @heidnspeak @maniacalbooper @mae-lou-ron
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peggy7447 · 3 months ago
This is absolutely so perfect 🤩🌟
These feel so spot on - and I just got another confirmation that Fox is my boy 💗 That is just the perfect way I like to celebrate it 😭 (Okay, maybe some board games with his vode, but that's the craziest thing I want to do 😂)
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I don't have it in me to write full scenes, so here are some fun little drabbles of what it might be like to party with some of the boys on New Year's Eve! PLEASE feel free to add your own and use the tag #2024cloneNYE
Shoutout to @lornaka for the sweet helmet art. Find other dividers like these here.
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Tup - Tries to take you somewhere neat to see fireworks, holding your hand and glancing at you sheepishly every now and then, but gets lost along the way. Is simultaneously frustrated at himself and nervous at what you’ll think of him until you pull him into a side alleyway to show him some fireworks of your own. 😎
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Jesse - Is so delighted to be spending the evening with you that he nearly gets into three different fights with troopers at the bar because he's just so dang excited. Dances your ass off then takes you out for street food, where he does get in a fight with a handsy vendor. Gives you the best kiss of your life at midnight. 🥴
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Fives - Tells you to wear a disguise. Dies laughing when you show up and he is wearing a simple poncho while you have donned a huge fake mustache. Sneaks you both onto a large cargo freighter that is scheduled to depart from Coruscant a bit before 00:00, so that as it’s slowly lifting into the sky, you get a bird’s eye view of the fireworks all around you. Of course, he now needs to figure out how to get you both off the ship without being caught. 🥸
-=-=-=-=-=[SORRY BABES, no Corrie dividers!!]=-=-=-=-=-
Fox - Shows up at your apartment in sweatpants and cracks up at the side of you as you open the door, as you are in sweatpants as well, even though you both had said you were going to “go celebrate” together. But you both knew exactly what you meant by “celebrate”, and you watch crappy holofilms while snuggling on the couch, dozing off until the sound of fireworks rouses you. You gaze blearily out the window, watching the flashing colors as you’re nestled into his arms, then you both drift back to sleep after a feeble “whoo!” 😴
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Howzer - Dresses to the nines to take you out to dinner but feels awkwardly self-conscious about it until you distract him by coaxing him into sharing stories about his squad, which light him up immediately. Then he’s got nothing but soft admiration for you, insists on two desserts, and walks you to your front door to finish the evening with a tender kiss. Comes running back to knock on your door about 10 minutes later when he realizes it’s just now midnight and “he kissed you too soon.” The oversight is quickly remedied. 🤭
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Hardcase - Finds out where they're setting the fireworks off from and sneaks you in. You both tuck in a tiny little corner between a huge metal structure that holds the firework launchers, and when they start going off, it's so loud that you can't help but squeal. Hardcase also yells in delight, catching the attention of nearby employees, and suddenly pretends he's escorting you off the premises after you'd been discovered sneaking into the area. 😂
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Gregor - Grabs some wraps at a food truck and takes you to some random little park where a galactic Mariachi band (they exist, ok?) is playing sweet beats. Dances with zero shame, with and without you. Drags you up a nearby hill to see fireworks and produces a bottle of champagne seemingly out of nowhere. Forgot glasses though, so you take swigs out of the bottle and choke on the bubbles and foam. Spins and dips you at midnight and finishes with the sweetest kiss.
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Tag List?! Are y'all even here anymore!? 😂
Join the tag list by commenting for the discord server link or filling out my form.
@techhasmjolnir @falconfeather23435 @ladylucksrogue @padawancat97 @baddest-batchers
@anxiouspineapple99 @yunggoblin @littlefeatherr @cw80831 @all-mights-babygirl
@totallyunidentified @lightwise @moonstrider9904 @clonemedickix @dangraccoon
@nursekyra @callsign-denmark @heidnspeak @stardusthuntress @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
@ivyyyyy @kashasenpai @followthepurrgil @littlemissmanga @littlemissbshine
@crosshairscrustysock @lamiliani @skellymom @burningnerdchild @galaxyofthoughts99
@sweeticedtea @starrylothcat @mxkyrie @reader6898 @eyecandyeoz
@trixie2023 @vrycurious @youreababboon @photogirl894 @subbing-for-clones
@yve-barr @salaminus @ezras-left-thumb @etod @dhawerdaverd
@techsgalaxy02 @shadowphantomreaper @violatiger8 @flowered-bicycles @nursekyra
@eternal-transcience @somewhere-on-kamino @plotlessvoid @morerandombullshit
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rinwritesfics · 3 months ago
I love this so much.
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Waking up on New Year's Day With the Clones - Command Edition
Inspired by @freesia-writes and her lovely New Years Eve with the Clones drabbles! I wrote these on my phone datapad in bed while waking up on New Year's Day and doing precisely none of these things.
Rex: You crack one eye open just as he's slipping back into bed with you. It's seven AM. He's already gone for a run and had a shower. You mumble something incoherent, and he tucks you in against him, kisses your forehead, and tells you to go back to sleep. “Happy New Year, cyar’ika.”
Cody: He surprises you with breakfast in bed, and it isn't ration bars. It's your favorite breakfast, the one you only really eat on special occasions, and he executes it flawlessly. When you get up afterwards, you discover the kitchen is already clean. There's nothing to do for the rest of the day but relax and have fun, whatever that means to you.
Wolffe: You ARE his breakfast in bed. 😏
Fox: There is no such thing as morning. You both sleep until one PM, and when you finally stumble out of bed, you only make it as far as the caf machine before collapsing on the sofa. He chugs his caf and then falls back asleep, lying between your legs with his head resting on your belly while you scroll on your datapad.
Mayday: You wake up slowly to the soft caress of his fingertips on your shoulder. You have no idea how long he's been awake, but the way he looks at you makes you feel like the only person in the galaxy. You don't get out of bed for a few more hours.
Neyo: He wakes you up with a hangover cure and a tube of bacta. You have glitter in places you did not know glitter could exist. After an abortive attempt at crawling out of bed, you both fall back asleep for another three hours.
Bacara: He wakes you up to go for a run, and it's not optional. He ignores your complaints and death threats, and when you get home, he rewards you with a long shower together, followed by a breakfast smoothie that is surprisingly delicious. He opts not to tell you that he set a personal worst speed record for a kilometer.
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is your best year yet. 💋
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@523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49 @arcsimper5 @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @marierg @idontgetanysleep @lonewolflupe
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@heavenseed76 @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @cw80831 @flyiingsly
@lightwise @swcowgal @vrycurious @thora-sniper
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @kimiheartblade
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @somewhere-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned @heidnspeak @maniacalbooper @mae-lou-ron
128 notes · View notes
rinwritesfics · 3 months ago
Free, this is incredible!
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I don't have it in me to write full scenes, so here are some fun little drabbles of what it might be like to party with some of the boys on New Year's Eve! PLEASE feel free to add your own and use the tag #2024cloneNYE
Shoutout to @lornaka for the sweet helmet art. Find other dividers like these here.
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Tup - Tries to take you somewhere neat to see fireworks, holding your hand and glancing at you sheepishly every now and then, but gets lost along the way. Is simultaneously frustrated at himself and nervous at what you’ll think of him until you pull him into a side alleyway to show him some fireworks of your own. 😎
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Jesse - Is so delighted to be spending the evening with you that he nearly gets into three different fights with troopers at the bar because he's just so dang excited. Dances your ass off then takes you out for street food, where he does get in a fight with a handsy vendor. Gives you the best kiss of your life at midnight. 🥴
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Fives - Tells you to wear a disguise. Dies laughing when you show up and he is wearing a simple poncho while you have donned a huge fake mustache. Sneaks you both onto a large cargo freighter that is scheduled to depart from Coruscant a bit before 00:00, so that as it’s slowly lifting into the sky, you get a bird’s eye view of the fireworks all around you. Of course, he now needs to figure out how to get you both off the ship without being caught. 🥸
-=-=-=-=-=[SORRY BABES, no Corrie dividers!!]=-=-=-=-=-
Fox - Shows up at your apartment in sweatpants and cracks up at the side of you as you open the door, as you are in sweatpants as well, even though you both had said you were going to “go celebrate” together. But you both knew exactly what you meant by “celebrate”, and you watch crappy holofilms while snuggling on the couch, dozing off until the sound of fireworks rouses you. You gaze blearily out the window, watching the flashing colors as you’re nestled into his arms, then you both drift back to sleep after a feeble “whoo!” 😴
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Howzer - Dresses to the nines to take you out to dinner but feels awkwardly self-conscious about it until you distract him by coaxing him into sharing stories about his squad, which light him up immediately. Then he’s got nothing but soft admiration for you, insists on two desserts, and walks you to your front door to finish the evening with a tender kiss. Comes running back to knock on your door about 10 minutes later when he realizes it’s just now midnight and “he kissed you too soon.” The oversight is quickly remedied. 🤭
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Hardcase - Finds out where they're setting the fireworks off from and sneaks you in. You both tuck in a tiny little corner between a huge metal structure that holds the firework launchers, and when they start going off, it's so loud that you can't help but squeal. Hardcase also yells in delight, catching the attention of nearby employees, and suddenly pretends he's escorting you off the premises after you'd been discovered sneaking into the area. 😂
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Gregor - Grabs some wraps at a food truck and takes you to some random little park where a galactic Mariachi band (they exist, ok?) is playing sweet beats. Dances with zero shame, with and without you. Drags you up a nearby hill to see fireworks and produces a bottle of champagne seemingly out of nowhere. Forgot glasses though, so you take swigs out of the bottle and choke on the bubbles and foam. Spins and dips you at midnight and finishes with the sweetest kiss.
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Tag List?! Are y'all even here anymore!? 😂
Join the tag list by commenting for the discord server link or filling out my form.
@techhasmjolnir @falconfeather23435 @ladylucksrogue @padawancat97 @baddest-batchers
@anxiouspineapple99 @yunggoblin @littlefeatherr @cw80831 @all-mights-babygirl
@totallyunidentified @lightwise @moonstrider9904 @clonemedickix @dangraccoon
@nursekyra @callsign-denmark @heidnspeak @stardusthuntress @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
@ivyyyyy @kashasenpai @followthepurrgil @littlemissmanga @littlemissbshine
@crosshairscrustysock @lamiliani @skellymom @burningnerdchild @galaxyofthoughts99
@sweeticedtea @starrylothcat @mxkyrie @reader6898 @eyecandyeoz
@trixie2023 @vrycurious @youreababboon @photogirl894 @subbing-for-clones
@yve-barr @salaminus @ezras-left-thumb @etod @dhawerdaverd
@techsgalaxy02 @shadowphantomreaper @violatiger8 @flowered-bicycles @nursekyra
@eternal-transcience @somewhere-on-kamino @plotlessvoid @morerandombullshit
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freesia-writes · 3 months ago
😂 Bacara is a douchebag! 😂 These are all so fun/cozy/funny/fantastic. Rex and Cody are all precious and the Wolffe had me like 😮 damn! 😂💕 and Mayday… 🥹
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Waking up on New Year's Day With the Clones - Command Edition
Inspired by @freesia-writes and her lovely New Years Eve with the Clones drabbles! I wrote these on my phone datapad in bed while waking up on New Year's Day and doing precisely none of these things.
Rex: You crack one eye open just as he's slipping back into bed with you. It's seven AM. He's already gone for a run and had a shower. You mumble something incoherent, and he tucks you in against him, kisses your forehead, and tells you to go back to sleep. “Happy New Year, cyar’ika.”
Cody: He surprises you with breakfast in bed, and it isn't ration bars. It's your favorite breakfast, the one you only really eat on special occasions, and he executes it flawlessly. When you get up afterwards, you discover the kitchen is already clean. There's nothing to do for the rest of the day but relax and have fun, whatever that means to you.
Wolffe: You ARE his breakfast in bed. 😏
Fox: There is no such thing as morning. You both sleep until one PM, and when you finally stumble out of bed, you only make it as far as the caf machine before collapsing on the sofa. He chugs his caf and then falls back asleep, lying between your legs with his head resting on your belly while you scroll on your datapad.
Mayday: You wake up slowly to the soft caress of his fingertips on your shoulder. You have no idea how long he's been awake, but the way he looks at you makes you feel like the only person in the galaxy. You don't get out of bed for a few more hours.
Neyo: He wakes you up with a hangover cure and a tube of bacta. You have glitter in places you did not know glitter could exist. After an abortive attempt at crawling out of bed, you both fall back asleep for another three hours.
Bacara: He wakes you up to go for a run, and it's not optional. He ignores your complaints and death threats, and when you get home, he rewards you with a long shower together, followed by a breakfast smoothie that is surprisingly delicious. He opts not to tell you that he set a personal worst speed record for a kilometer.
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is your best year yet. 💋
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@523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49 @arcsimper5 @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @marierg @idontgetanysleep @lonewolflupe
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@heavenseed76 @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @cw80831 @flyiingsly
@lightwise @swcowgal @vrycurious @thora-sniper
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @kimiheartblade
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @somewhere-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned @heidnspeak @maniacalbooper @mae-lou-ron
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dystopicjumpsuit · 3 months ago
These are all perfect! You nailed every single one 😍
A very happy New Year to you, my friend!
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I don't have it in me to write full scenes, so here are some fun little drabbles of what it might be like to party with some of the boys on New Year's Eve! PLEASE feel free to add your own and use the tag #2024cloneNYE
Shoutout to @lornaka for the sweet helmet art. Find other dividers like these here.
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Tup - Tries to take you somewhere neat to see fireworks, holding your hand and glancing at you sheepishly every now and then, but gets lost along the way. Is simultaneously frustrated at himself and nervous at what you’ll think of him until you pull him into a side alleyway to show him some fireworks of your own. 😎
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Jesse - Is so delighted to be spending the evening with you that he nearly gets into three different fights with troopers at the bar because he's just so dang excited. Dances your ass off then takes you out for street food, where he does get in a fight with a handsy vendor. Gives you the best kiss of your life at midnight. 🥴
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Fives - Tells you to wear a disguise. Dies laughing when you show up and he is wearing a simple poncho while you have donned a huge fake mustache. Sneaks you both onto a large cargo freighter that is scheduled to depart from Coruscant a bit before 00:00, so that as it’s slowly lifting into the sky, you get a bird’s eye view of the fireworks all around you. Of course, he now needs to figure out how to get you both off the ship without being caught. 🥸
-=-=-=-=-=[SORRY BABES, no Corrie dividers!!]=-=-=-=-=-
Fox - Shows up at your apartment in sweatpants and cracks up at the side of you as you open the door, as you are in sweatpants as well, even though you both had said you were going to “go celebrate” together. But you both knew exactly what you meant by “celebrate”, and you watch crappy holofilms while snuggling on the couch, dozing off until the sound of fireworks rouses you. You gaze blearily out the window, watching the flashing colors as you’re nestled into his arms, then you both drift back to sleep after a feeble “whoo!” 😴
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Howzer - Dresses to the nines to take you out to dinner but feels awkwardly self-conscious about it until you distract him by coaxing him into sharing stories about his squad, which light him up immediately. Then he’s got nothing but soft admiration for you, insists on two desserts, and walks you to your front door to finish the evening with a tender kiss. Comes running back to knock on your door about 10 minutes later when he realizes it’s just now midnight and “he kissed you too soon.” The oversight is quickly remedied. 🤭
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Hardcase - Finds out where they're setting the fireworks off from and sneaks you in. You both tuck in a tiny little corner between a huge metal structure that holds the firework launchers, and when they start going off, it's so loud that you can't help but squeal. Hardcase also yells in delight, catching the attention of nearby employees, and suddenly pretends he's escorting you off the premises after you'd been discovered sneaking into the area. 😂
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Gregor - Grabs some wraps at a food truck and takes you to some random little park where a galactic Mariachi band (they exist, ok?) is playing sweet beats. Dances with zero shame, with and without you. Drags you up a nearby hill to see fireworks and produces a bottle of champagne seemingly out of nowhere. Forgot glasses though, so you take swigs out of the bottle and choke on the bubbles and foam. Spins and dips you at midnight and finishes with the sweetest kiss.
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Tag List?! Are y'all even here anymore!? 😂
Join the tag list by commenting for the discord server link or filling out my form.
@techhasmjolnir @falconfeather23435 @ladylucksrogue @padawancat97 @baddest-batchers
@anxiouspineapple99 @yunggoblin @littlefeatherr @cw80831 @all-mights-babygirl
@totallyunidentified @lightwise @moonstrider9904 @clonemedickix @dangraccoon
@nursekyra @callsign-denmark @heidnspeak @stardusthuntress @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
@ivyyyyy @kashasenpai @followthepurrgil @littlemissmanga @littlemissbshine
@crosshairscrustysock @lamiliani @skellymom @burningnerdchild @galaxyofthoughts99
@sweeticedtea @starrylothcat @mxkyrie @reader6898 @eyecandyeoz
@trixie2023 @vrycurious @youreababboon @photogirl894 @subbing-for-clones
@yve-barr @salaminus @ezras-left-thumb @etod @dhawerdaverd
@techsgalaxy02 @shadowphantomreaper @violatiger8 @flowered-bicycles @nursekyra
@eternal-transcience @somewhere-on-kamino @plotlessvoid @morerandombullshit
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skellymom · 3 months ago
Oh my...Wolffe 🫠
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Waking up on New Year's Day With the Clones - Command Edition
Inspired by @freesia-writes and her lovely New Years Eve with the Clones drabbles! I wrote these on my phone datapad in bed while waking up on New Year's Day and doing precisely none of these things.
Rex: You crack one eye open just as he's slipping back into bed with you. It's seven AM. He's already gone for a run and had a shower. You mumble something incoherent, and he tucks you in against him, kisses your forehead, and tells you to go back to sleep. “Happy New Year, cyar’ika.”
Cody: He surprises you with breakfast in bed, and it isn't ration bars. It's your favorite breakfast, the one you only really eat on special occasions, and he executes it flawlessly. When you get up afterwards, you discover the kitchen is already clean. There's nothing to do for the rest of the day but relax and have fun, whatever that means to you.
Wolffe: You ARE his breakfast in bed. 😏
Fox: There is no such thing as morning. You both sleep until one PM, and when you finally stumble out of bed, you only make it as far as the caf machine before collapsing on the sofa. He chugs his caf and then falls back asleep, lying between your legs with his head resting on your belly while you scroll on your datapad.
Mayday: You wake up slowly to the soft caress of his fingertips on your shoulder. You have no idea how long he's been awake, but the way he looks at you makes you feel like the only person in the galaxy. You don't get out of bed for a few more hours.
Neyo: He wakes you up with a hangover cure and a tube of bacta. You have glitter in places you did not know glitter could exist. After an abortive attempt at crawling out of bed, you both fall back asleep for another three hours.
Bacara: He wakes you up to go for a run, and it's not optional. He ignores your complaints and death threats, and when you get home, he rewards you with a long shower together, followed by a breakfast smoothie that is surprisingly delicious. He opts not to tell you that he set a personal worst speed record for a kilometer.
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is your best year yet. 💋
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@523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49 @arcsimper5 @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @marierg @idontgetanysleep @lonewolflupe
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@heavenseed76 @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @cw80831 @flyiingsly
@lightwise @swcowgal @vrycurious @thora-sniper
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @kimiheartblade
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @somewhere-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned @heidnspeak @maniacalbooper @mae-lou-ron
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