Rating SEVENTEEN's "MAESTRO" Stage Outfits (mainly Junhui & Jeonghan)
This is something completely random that I had saved as a draft for a while, but finally decided to post since "MAESTRO" promotions have officially ended. Originally, I only wrote my "review" for Junhui (my bias since PRE-debut), but then my YouTube feed got flooded with people posting about Jeonghan, so I added him in too (because for sure he'll go "inactive" by the end of the year—everybody please be nice). I keep all the stage performances in chronological order because it's easier than sorting from most to least favorite. I cannot rate all 13 members individually due to time/energy constraints @_@ (I also made the voluntary decision to take a lot of screenshots.)
DISCLAIMER: This post is very long, hence the need to put "Keep Reading". Everything is my opinion! If you prefer not to read, then at least enjoy this snippet from the encore stage from Music Bank 2024-05-10!
Or you could also watch the BTS video for "Cheers to Youth"! (I was surprised that it was released a few days early...)
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M! Countdown 2024-05-02: This outfit set is the same one from the 1st part of the MV (futuristic/sci-fi theme with mostly grayscale colors). I skipped the intro part & went straight to the start of the performance. Overall, everyone looked great for the first comeback stage. This is Joshua's only time wearing full uniform bangs (with a slight perm?) that made him look completely different compared to the other stage styles.
Junhui: Nothing really stood out to me, but I do wonder if that piece of (leather?) clothing that covers his arms + shoulders is comfortable or flexible.
Jeonghan: This may sound irrelevant, but I was SO GLAD to see that his black jacket had a hood on it (even though there's no need to wear it). Since he's not really in the 1st part of the MV, this outfit probably had (at most) only 10 seconds of screen time combined. Also—during Jeonghan's final line where he turns to the side, I thought he looked like Leeteuk for a second @_@ (don't ask).
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Music Bank 2024-05-03: This outsit set is the same one from the 2nd part of the MV (classic/elegant theme with mostly black & burgundy colors). This is one of the better sets! The only weird thing was that Wonwoo's ELECTRIC BLUE hand mic matched the stage lights, while the other hand mics were black (matches the outfits & black hair) or gold (matches blond hair).
Junhui: I'm so happy that he didn't wear the hat (from the MV) onstage because now you get to see his amazing hair & bangs! He totally looks like a (music) student at a prestigious European school during lunch break (because coats/jackets are optional when class isn't in session—don't ask how I know this).
Jeonghan: During the MV BTS video, he said that wearing this outfit + holding the conductor wand for his solo shots made him feel like he was in Harry Potter... which made me think of Professor Snape for no reason (probably because of his hair). Overall, that blended two-tone blazer & black rose brooch look amazing!
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2024-05-04 Music Core: Not only did Josh & Vernon (aka American Line) wear shorts, but Seungkwan & Dino (aka maknae line minus Vernon & his shorts) wore baseball caps O_O (pretty hilarious though). This new all-white stage outfit set was a hit-or-miss depending on the individual, especially since some guys had short blazers. Honestly, I like DK's outfit the most because he's the only one wearing a knee-length long blazer. Wonwoo's outfit was my least favorite because his shirt had so many layers of loose fabric that were confusing to look at. I did get a good laugh out of seeing Vernon perform his 2 knee kicks (while wearing SHORTS) during his final line in the 2nd post-chorus.
Junhui: I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at, but his outfit overall is less distracting/confusing than Wonwoo's. I feel like something's missing, like maybe a blazer or vest. There are some pieces of long fabric extending from his waist, but I'm not sure if they're part of his shirt or pants (Music Core doesn't provide individual fancams).
Jeonghan: Same issue—I have no idea which garment is which. Some of the flying belts reminded me of a karate/taekwondo uniform @_@. He definitely deserved a longer blazer than what I could see. The good thing is that Music Core captured SC & Jeonghan's side performances during Seungkwan's lines during both stages.
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2024-05-05 Inkigayo: This outsit set is the same one from the 3rd part of the MV (classic/distinguished theme again but now with mostly black & white colors). Watching this video made me realize how many more guys are wearing SHORTS &/or baseball caps for this stage. DK looks like a well-educated pirate here (yeah that made no sense). This is Joshua's BEST stage outfit with that fancy business professional attire.
Junhui: It looks like his hair is slightly permed & now a bit denser (i.e. almost no forehead visible). This outfit makes him look like a newspaper boy aspiring to become a (classical) musician. His hairstyle isn't too bad, but I would definitely make that hanging piece of fabric from his shirt shorter or tucked in better (kind of distracting when it sways during his dance parts).
Jeonghan: I have no idea what the stylists did to his hair (another perm?), but it was distracting. His outfit looks great up front, but I wish that the black garment stretched across & covered his entire back (it currently has a halter neck design). Anyway, I'll move on. ._.
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M! Countdown 2024-05-09: This week's SHINE STAGE is a replay of last week's episode from 2024-05-02 (which is why I didn't bother including the URL), but now you have Jeonghan as the YouTube thumbnail instead of Hoshi! XD
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Music Bank 2024-05-10: THIS IS MY FAVORITE STAGE WITH THE BEST OUTFITS EVER! Since I made fun of DK looking like a fancy pirate earlier, his outfit here makes him look like a merchant from overseas (same concept). Wonwoo also looks great with TWO (or more) sleeveless garments, & since everyone is wearing black + white without any red, his ELECTRIC BLUE hand mic doesn't out of feel place.
Junhui: Now that he's wearing a (sparkly) black jacket/blazer with a white shirt, white tie, & black pants (I call it "standard attire"), he definitely looks like the head prefect at prestigious European (music) school & about to head for his next class. Even though this outfit isn't as fancy/flashy as some previous ones, he looks especially elegant here. His hair is also back to normal! You can part of his forehead again where his bangs split!
Jeonghan: I'll never get tired of complimenting his hime-cut & ponytail that was short-lived (because he removed the hair tie during the encore). For me, it's a throwback to "Super" promotions when Jeonghan's hair was also long enough to tie up with complementary hair pins (I could go on about traditional East Asian aesthetics, but I won't). This asymmetrical black-white outfit had black ruffles near the collar that combined with the black line + leaf down his shirt leaf to form a flower. I would've made the left leather glove less bulky near the elbow (he also removed that during the encore) & extended the black fabric part on the back side (the diagonal split was a bit weird). Overall, Jeonghan looks like he could be a music teacher in Black Butler's Public School Arc (if you've watched Episode 6 where Sebastian was conducting the music students, then it'll make more sense).
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2024-05-11 Music Core: I have mostly complaints about this one, starting with the (sky) blue denim jeans that I thought were out of place. It would've been better if the pants were made of cotton or wool instead of denim (the same color is fine). Just look at Josh! Business blazer/shirt with denim jeans? UNACCEPTABLE! >:V However, the skinny denim jeans work well for Junhui, Wonwoo, & Minghao because they're wearing long-sleeve shirts/sweaters with knee-high boots. Some of the guys wore see-through shirts (I didn't know until I read the comments), which are not my cup of tea & overall made the outfits even weirder.
Junhui: His outfit is a lot better than some of the others' outfits, but you can't really see his arm movements because he's wearing a black sweater without any white or lighter colors to contrast against (the background is also dark). Not bad, though.
Jeonghan: He's one of the few guys who wore a see-through shirt, which means I don't want to say any more than I need to about his overall OOTD. I like the white blazer & little black silk scarf, though.
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2024-05-12 Inkigayo: This stage's outfit set is like a combined remake of some previous stage outfits, & I feel like this was a hit-or-miss again depending on the individual. I don't know & don't want to know why the stylists gave Woozi a cropped blazer. Mingyu looks cool in black-gray camouflage, though! DK looks like he has to attend basketball practice later O_O. Yeah... enough said.
Junhui: The gray pants were OK, but the shirt was something else. It looks like the sleeves are see-through while the torso is not(?). I don't really have anything more to say.
Jeonghan: No complaints! Black blazer + black shirt + black pants = perfect!
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2024-05-16 M Countdown: Back to classy black/gray & white outfits for their goodbye stage! ("Goodbye" wasn't official, but the guys were back on tour the next weekend, & they haven't been on any of the live shows since.) This is another hit-or-miss because some of the guys had short blazers (again T^T). I have no idea what's happening with Wonwoo's sleeves, & Hoshi's blazer has a random piece of gray fabric diagonal across his chest. Yeah... I have a headache.
Junhui: Looking back, I think this is his first & only stage where he wore a blazer with lapels (the jacket from 2024-05-10 isn't considered a blazer). It looks like there are pieces of long fabric extending from his waist again. This is definitely one of his fancier stage outfits.
Jeonghan: Blazer & shirt look great, but I felt my eyes burning when I saw his asymmetrical gray-black pants (somebody get me out of here). I'll just leave it at that @_@.
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MTV Fresh Out Live: This outfit set is fancy & also one of the better ones overall! Lots of black, white, & glitter! Everyone is literally sparkling! I wish the guys wore this set on at least one of the South Korean music show stages.
Junhui: I think only his shirt is sparkling, which is fine because most of his centered dance scenes have more arm movements than leg movements (so the sparkles move with his arms/torso).
Jeonghan = No complaints again! Black blazer + off-white shirt + off-shite silk scarf + black pants = perfect again! (the only thing glossy is his right leather glove)
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"it's Live" Band LIVE Concert: This venue is super casual, so everyone's just wearing regular clothes. If anything, the guys could probably wear their current outfits to perform "Left & Right". Junhui's blazer has some logo on the left side that made me think of a prestigious school's uniform (clearly a recurring theme now), & seeing Jeonghan wear navy blue pinstripe is rather refreshing.
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Thanks for reading my research report! I'm not entirely sure what to expect from Jeonghan & Wonwoo's new duet CD, but just keep your fingers crossed! (there's a good amount of keyboard ASMR in the montage video, though)
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lksrst · 2 months
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lesbihens · 3 months
Update: Mona likes the food offering
[video description: a brown pigeon eating seeds on the window sill]
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nauticalmyles · 4 months
May 28 - June 3, 2024
Pokemon Sleep
New Sleep Styles: (Gonna stop naming 4* since they're all the same) Dodrio 4*, Igglybuff 4*, Houndour 4*, Riolu 4*, Togekiss 1* - Free-Flight Sleep, Wartortle 4*, Arbok 4*, Ninetales 1* - Stretching Sleep, Flareon 1* - Tail-Swinging Sleep
Hit the 240 Sleep Styles goal. Unlocked Lapis Lake! Probably won't actually go to Lapis Lake for a while though.
4/4 for Igglybuff and Houndour. I don't like Igglybuff. I do like Houndour.
Got an A for this week. -1 star on midpoint this time.
Clicker Heroes
Haven't *really* been paying attention to what's been going on in Clicker Heroes so just noticed I passed floor 7k 8k 9k.
Got a few auto-clickers for the first time. Those *really* help. They let me treat this as an actual idle game again too.
Finally got to Tsuchi.
Official release this week. Saw my cousin streaming it and decided to try it out a bit.
Banana Guard is fun.
Final Fantasy V
FFVFJF is soon. Realized I never 100% the Pixel Remaster on Steam so doing that.
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George mentioned in Gia's stream 2024/05/28
Clips from the GNF update account
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vhscorp · 4 months
La bienveillance, c’est admettre ses propres failles et faiblesses pour accueillir celles des autres et pouvoir les en soulager…
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nicoscheer · 4 months
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saloniksv Haven't we all tasted the taste of the meeting in the parlor? While the excitement of what we have heard is still fresh in our minds, we will have another great news for you: we have a new date with the charismatic legend of Brit rock Miles Kane at +1 Presents: Traveler Salon Festival on the evening of June 29. On the line with passionate guitars, high octave vocals, breathless indie rock... We are ready, we are waiting ❤️ 🔥
Tickets at @passo'da 🎫
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The good, the bad and the ugly
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Love this pic of Miles and James
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The rascals reel 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽💕💕
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biniih · 4 months
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dopingconsomme · 4 months
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save-the-data · 8 months
The Week that was (29/01 - 5/02/2024)
Master Lists: 2023/2024 | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022
I'm bringing this back for the new year !! Self explanatory, this is everything achieved in a week when it comes to episode GIF sets.
Completed Projects:
Sahara Sensei and Toki-kun (8/8)
Fermat's Cuisine (10/10)
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On-Air Projects:
Dead Friend Forever (7/12)
The Sign (11/12)
Yin-Yang Town Strange Talk (3/24)
Ossan's Love Returns (5/10)
Although I Love You...and You (1/10)
Pit Babe (12/14)
For Him (10/12)
Playboyy (10/14)
Cooking Crush (9/12)
7 Days Before Valentine (11/12)
The Whisperer (9/10)
Cherry Magic (6/12)
Perfect Propose (2/6)
Work in Progress Projects:
Death's Game (3/4)
Kamen Rider Build (44/49)
Revive (6/16)
Bloodhounds (5/8)
Aozora no Tamago (3/9)
GARO: Versus Road (1/12)
Repost Projects:
Guardian (34/40)
Journey Across the Night (4/26)
Dark Blue Kiss (2/12)
Upcoming Projects:
Around 1/4
Kamen Rider Decade
19th Floor
Backlog Projects:
Absolute Zero (6/12)
Last Twilight (7/12)
Novoland: Eagle Flag (25/56)
The Outcast (16/27)
Tiger and Crane (26/36)
Ultimate Note (25/37)
VIP Only (7/10)
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lonniemachin · 5 months
List of Palestinian Evacuation And Support Fundraisers
Last Update: 05/28/2024
All fundraisers have been looked into by me or vetted by others. If anyone notices issues in validity with any of the fundraisers listed please let me know. Funding updates daily!
Fadi Al-Sharif and family ($26,961/$62,500 goal)
Hayam Taha and family (€18,052/€30,000 goal)
Deyaa and family (€20,046/€30,000 goal)
Deyaa reached the initial evacuation fee for his family and they have extended the goal to pay to support themselves after they evacuate.
Fatima Alshanti (kr22,300 SEK/kr150,000 goal)
Shahed Ghazi and family ($31,049 CAD/$94,838 goal)
Little Yusuf and family (€33,893/€85,000 goal)
Sara & Huda Hajjaj and family ($9,807/$25,000 goal)
Mohammed JH Shamia's family (kr50,017 SEK/kr250,000 goal)
Maram Ahmed and family (€10,425/€30,000 goal)
Hamza Almofty and family ($7,331/$35,000 goal)
Mahmoud Jomaa (€3,143/€10,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Shaga ($2,785/$20,000 goal)
Abdulrahman Alshanti and family (kr148,607 SEK/kr350,000 goal)
Besan Almabhouh's family (€9,027/€25,000 goal)
Said Tanani and brothers (€33,829/€50,000 goal)
Donia Tanani and family (€78,277/€100,000 goal)
Hussein Shamiya, his pregnant wife, and son ($19,816/$40,000 goal)
Mohammed Shamia and family ($35,729/$50,000 goal)
Amro Bakr & kids Bakir and Tala (€15,294/€28,000 goal)
Almadhoun family ($27,523/$80,000 goal)
Child Mohammed and family (€20,297/€30,000 goal)
Sana'a and family (£28,657/£70,000 goal)
Noha Ayyad and family ($35,374/$95,160 goal)
Maryam Ayyad and family ($1,065/$15,000 goal) - Maryam is related to Noha listed above, who is managing her fundraiser.
Hamza Sameer and family ($6,940/$55,000 goal)
Hamza is related to Noha, he is her uncle’s son.
Nazmi Mwafi and family ($6,823/65,000 goal)
Ibrahim Almofty and family ($8,341/$40,000 goal)
Hamdi Hejazi and family ($25,552/$150,000
Mohammed Ali and family ($10,891/$25,000 goal)
Heba and family (€65,972/€80,000 goal)
Mohammed Abuhasanein and family (kr11,156 SEK/kr 350,000 goal)
Rawan and Yemna (kr52,492 SEK/kr319,315 goal)
Laila Auda (€7,784/€35,000 goal)
Ola Madi (€3,284/€40,000 goal)
Tawfik Satoom and family ($6,587/$45,000 goal)
Laila Abd El Bari, her husband, and unborn baby Sham (€8,088/€25,000 goal)
Abdullah Mohammed and family ($7,577/$47,000 goal)
Ruba Abushaban and family (€17,539/€50,000 goal)
Hala, her husband, and their daughter ($7,517 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Hoda and Abdul Rahman ($3,211/$18,000 goal)
Al Maghari family (£4,974/£74,000 goal)
Arwa Abudawaba and family (kr246,856 NOK/kr500,000 goal)
Hani Alhajjar’s family (€19,680/€50,000 goal)
Ouda family ($20,709 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Rawan Ahmed and family ($17,798/$40,000 goal)
Dr. Wael Eldahdouh's family (€6,001/€110,000 goal)
Abdullah Lulu and family ($8,881/18,000 goal)
Lara, Abdalla, and family (€12,812/€50,000 goal)
Firas Salem and family (€22,687/€65,000 goal)
Amal Abu Shammala's family (€49,805/€53,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Alshaer and family (€6,032/€18,000 goal)
Roqaya Al-Hayek and Mohammad Jamal Al-Hayek (€14,769/€25,000 goal)
Haya and family (€7,192/€60,000 goal)
Mohammed Dahdooh and family (£46,445/£65,000 goal)
INITIAL GOAL COMPLETE!!! Mohammed is now raising money for his family to support themselves once they evacuate.
Ahmad Iyd and family (£7,615/£150,000 goal)
Renad and family (£5,996/£25,000 goal)
Mohammed Aljbour and family (€5,501/€25,000 goal)
Sarah's mother (€6,266/€15,000 goal)
Sarah reached her initial goal to evacuate her mother and has raised the goal to provide support for she and her family once they are in Egypt.
Dr. Hasan Adwan and family (€6,149/€98,000 goal)
Marah Atallah and family ($2,285/$27,000 goal)
Dr. Nasrallah Almassri ($9,333/$30,000 goal)
Afnan Hasaballah (€12,011/€15,000 goal)
Muhammad Al-Thalateeni and family (€8,497/€20,000 goal)
Al-Zaeem family ($9,009/$50,000 goal)
Mahmoud Al Tibi and family (€9,193/€60,000 goal)
Almoghrabi family (€8,454/€25,000 goal)
Mohammad's family (€9,578/€30,000 goal)
Aziz and his mother ($3,063/$50,000 goal)
Mohammed, his wife, and their newborn son ($1,101 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Tala, her aunt, and their family (€20,588/€50,000 goal)
Ala Osama ($165/$50,000 goal!!!)
Aesha Balaha and family ($1,867/$10,000 goal)
Farah and family (€4,691/€35,000 goal)
Zinh Dahdooh ($6,991/$40,000 goal)
Rana and family (€9,285/€30,000 goal)
Al-Alami family ($3,798 CAD/$100,000 goal)
Khaled and family ($252/$15,000!!!)
Tamer Alnoaizy and family (€4,115/€20,000 goal)
Ahmed Dawoud and family ($2,300/$87,000 goal)
Omar and family (€7,869/€20,000 goal)
Haytham and family ($2,748 CAD/$70,000 goal)
Hamdi and family ($770 CAD/$62,000 goal!!!)
Mahmoud & Rawan (€1,154/€15,000 goal)
Hashem, Samar, and baby Omar (€385/€45,000 goal!!!)
Aseel Maher and family (€3,295/€30,000 goal)
Mayada Jihad and family (€2,220/€30,000 goal)
Amal, her children, and her unborn baby ($3,991/$15,000 goal!!!) URGENT! 6 DAYS TO COMPLETE!!!
Margaret, Sara, and Maxine's friend and her family (£38,325/£50,000 goal)
Tahani Shorbajee and family ($5,785/$50,000 goal)
Baby Youssef and family (€8,282/€50,000 goal)
Iman Eyad and family (£4,010/£60,000 goal)
Mohammed & Hamza Hilles and family (€755/€30,000 goal!!!)
Bilal Salah and family (€25,078/€70,000 goal)
Rabah Dawoud and family ($46,500/$70,000 goal)
Mayess and family ($357/$45,000 goal!!!)
Aahed Hisham and family (€2,807/€50,000 goal)
Hammam Hilles and family (€887/€30,000 goal!!!)
Hazem's family ($104,420 AUD/$100,000 goal)
Hazem has made it from Gaza to Egypt, but he and his family are still in need of support.
Mohamed, Samah, and family (€28,951/€63,000 goal)
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fernand0 · 3 months
Le sentó bien el cambio de maceta.
(2024-05-11) (2024-05-11) (2024-05-11) (2024-05-11) (2024-06-28) (2024-06-28) (2024-06-28)
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lesbihens · 3 months
bought some treats for my new roommates
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thenumberthirtynine · 4 months
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Not my graffiti
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135481403135481403 · 4 months
アカネ @akaneteresa 2024/05/28(火) 18:17:00 CDTV ライブ! ライブ! #粉雪 #レミオロメン 27.34辺りから観られました✨❄✨ #TVer https://tver.jp/episodes/epwhn5ann5?p=1654
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