#2024 is interesting so far she makes me curious. shes still taking shape shes not sure what she is yet
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superm4ks · 10 months ago
fren is it over for us???😭😭😭😭 i cant witness max being a flop again im so serious i feel feral i need him to win every race ever
Nooo baby not at all be calm. SC and the stars aligned for Lando today. rb20 wasnt the best car on track either not on any compound. That shit wid the cone was goofy from Max but he was never overtaken on track or fleeced or anything without the safety car he sinks his teeth into it no doubt in my mind. It wasn't a surprise either not really. Car had been slipping in and out of its usual window both for Max and Checo all weekend. Max had no business starting p1 today Mclaren and Lando were just doing extreme levels of sandbagging. Ill say tho, to debut these type of changes on a sprint weekend in Miami and immediately fine tune them to a winning level is kinda scary and impressive. Personally I will wait to c what the Horrors ((Ferrari upgrades)) have in store in Imola before making any predictions
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starlight-time-machine · 1 year ago
Week in Review
01/07/2024 – 01/13/2024
SpyFam was the only manga that updated today, and it was pretty cute. It hits all the typical SpyFam comedy beats, and I’m guessing that Anya will end up with 8 Stellas and 7 Tonitruses by the end for the drama of it all. We finally got to see Demetrius and wow…I guess he takes after his father in the looks department. I really hope that with all of the Desmonds introduced now, we can actually explore their personalities and dynamics in more depth.
Chainsaw Man is back, and it’s still pretty bleak. I’m curious to see how this arc plays out, but it’s not looking good for our boy.
This really isn’t a good look for the first Week in Review of 2024, huh. But in my defense, the weather’s gotten cold enough that my hibernation instincts have kicked in…
DunMesh is still really good, I love all the little animation flourishes and comedic moments, and the look and feel of it all is quite comforting. I guess the only little nag that I have is that because they’re putting all these manga chapters into one episode, I wish there was some more indication of time passing because it felt like they were eating three lunches in one day lol. I’m also glad to see Chilchuck, my favourite character, getting a lot of screentime and fun bits throughout the episode. The ending theme was cute if a little plain, but at least we got some gorgeous Ryoko Kui illustrations out of it.
It’s time for the second Drag Race premiere, and it was pretty okay. Megami and Nymphia were the two on my radar after the Meet the Queens video – Megami for her nerd cred and entrance look and Nymphia for her Taiwanese rep and polished fashion sense and perspective. As a Chinese person, it’s really exciting to see a Taiwanese girl on Drag Race for the first time, and I think she might be my frontrunner after this episode…but more on that later. I also liked Plasma’s entrance line and personality, and her talent show number was fun. The photoshoot improv bit was much funnier than last episode’s – TS Madison is always a joy to see. The talent show was more lowkey, though, with only a few girls doing high energy dance numbers. I looooooooved Nymphia’s Chinese style makeup and water sleeve dancing, that was really the highlight of the episode for me. And it was ironic to me that Plane Jane was like “what’s your talent, holding up a sign?” when I could say the same for her (“what’s your talent, squirting condiments onto your boobs?”). Nymphia and Plasma were my favourites of the bunch for sure. Runway-wise, Nymphia’s was a little disappointing to me, but I’m hoping that after this episode she can veer away from the banana theming a little bit. Hershii’s dress was absolutely incredible – the color is stunning, for one, but also the fact that it’s all so perfectly smooth on her body is so impressive, plus I like the triangular glasses.
Plane Jane is a little…her incessant quips feel less fun mean and more just mean mean, so I’m not really enjoying her. Her attitude throughout the whole episode was kind of off-putting to me, especially with how she acted in the lip-sync and flipping in her hair in Geneva’s face. I’m usually not a reality TV villain fan, but I can see their merit in shaping an interesting narrative – here it just feels like she’s going beyond entertaining villainy and just into unsportsmanship and attention-seeking behaviour. Maybe she’ll get a sympathetic redemption arc later on, but right now I just want to see her comeuppance.
The theme across this split premiere has definitely been breastplate shenanigans…I’m looking forward to seeing the two groups mingle next week. As for my little Fantasy Drag Race activity, Megami unfortunately did not impress me enough to make the cut, so my final roster is Sapphira, Dawn, and Nymphia. I think these three are all multitalented and have a clear sense of self that’ll carry them far in the competition, so let’s see how the points stack up by the end of the season.
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bulltruearchive · 5 years ago
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born  : feb  02  1948  castle  view,  ME died  :  nov  16,  2024  boston,  MA AQUARIUS  (  most  compatible  with  aries,  gemini,  libra,  &  sagittarius  )
traits  :  intellectual,  impatient,  independent,  opinionated
parents  :  julien  &  sylvie  pelletier siblings  :  james  robert  pelletier  (  older  brother  ),  phillipa  ‘  pippa  ’  pelletier  (  older  sister  )
born  in  castle  view  in  castle  county,  maine  on  february  second,  1948,  rosemary  was  the  youngest  of  three,  &  by  far  the  most  spoilt.  she  grew  up  with  a  love  for  pretty  things,  readily  accepting  pippa’s  hand-me-downs  when  need  be,  but  also  developing  a  deep  interest  in  shopping,  &  the  procuring  of  new  things.  when  rosie  wanted  something,  it  often  meant  she  would  get  it.
often  dressed  as  a  young  child  in  soft  pastels  &  hairstyles  made  for  accentuating  her  natural  curls,  rosie’s  style  as  she  grew  never  changed  much.  she  leaned  towards  the  pretty,  the  soft  :  peter  pans  collared  dresses,  &  saddle  shoes  with  white  socks  were  her  go-to  outfit  of  choice,  &  her  teen  years  often  found  her  with  a  cardigan  on,  dress  collar  sitting  neatly  atop  the  outerwear.
she  was  warm,  bright,  &  -  by  virtue  of  being  the  youngest  -  allowed  more  freedom  than  her  sister  had  been  afforded  at  her  age.  yet  there  were  still  restrictions  imposed  on  the  youngest  pelletier  girl,  &  -  like  most  everyone  in  castle  view  &  castle  rock  -  the  most  important  one  was  don’t  engage  yourself  with  the  chamberses.
unfortunately  for  the  pelletiers,  a  life  of  being  coddled  &  spoilt  by  her  parents  had  also  made  rosie  bored.  life  was  nice,  but  it  wasn’t  particularly  exciting,  &  a  lot  of  her  shopping  was  done  to  stave  off  boredom  (  material  goods  often  filled  that  hole  for  a  few  days,  &  then  she  was  suffocating  in  boredom  again  ).  when  one  is  afforded  almost  everything  one  wants,  they  tend  to  want  things  they  cannot  have.
&  for  rosie  pelletier,  that  came  in  1962  at  the  beginning  of  high  school,  in  the  shape  of  chris  chambers.
at  fourteen - almost  fifteen -  chris  was  everything  her  parents  had  warned  her  to  stay  away  from.  he  was  a  leather-jacket-wearing,  duck-tail  haired,  engineer-booted  capital  t  Trouble  in  the  shape  of  a  not-unattractive  young  boy.  she  knew  all  the  facts,  of  course  (  everyone  did  )  :  eldest  brother  in  jail,  older  one  headed  the  same  way,  the  kids  nothing  more  than  punching  bags  for  their  father,  &  a  mother  who  would  rather  leave  her  two  year  old  in  that  house  than  admit  she  needed  help.  then  there  were  the  rumors  :  thieves,  liars,  no-good-nicks,  the  boys  rapists  &  abusers-to-be.  everyone  knew  why  frank  was  in  prison,  &  from  the  outside  looking  in  his  younger  brothers  didn’t  seem  like  they  were  any  different.
yet  there  was  something  about  chris  that  struck  rosie  as  different.  maybe  it  was  the  fact  that  he  didn’t  seem  to  have  any  friends  outside  of  gordon  lachance  ;  maybe  it  was  the  fact  that  he  came  to  school  constantly  exhausted,  as  if  he’d  only  gotten  a  couple  of  hours  sleep  -  at  most  ;  maybe  it  was  the  fact  that  he  was  even  in  the  college  courses  at  all.  nobody  wanted  him  there  aside  from  gordon,  &  no  one  seemed  to  try  too  hard  to  hide  that  fact.
regardless  of  what  it  was,  chris  was  something  rosie  decided  she  wanted  ---  &  she  was  very  used  to  getting  what  she  wanted.   chris  symbolised  danger  (  but  not  personal  danger  ),  rule-breaking,  &  a  sharp-left  turn  from  the  path  of  boredom  her  life  was  heading  down.  he  was  far  from  the  clean-cut,  dress-shirt-tucked-in  boys  she  knew  her  parents  would  approve  of,  &  she  liked  that.
still,  it  took  rosie  almost  a  year  to  work  up  the  courage  to  ask  chris  out.  a  year  of  being  partnered  up  with  gordon  lachance  when  in  reality  she  wanted  to  be  partnered  with  chris  ;  a  year  of  dinner-table  talk  being  interrupted  with  you  don’t  talk  to  that  chambers  boy,  do  you  ?  ;  a  year  of  watching  him  struggle  &  almost  drop  out  a  half-dozen  times  (  she’d  never  ask  him  out  if  he  took  woodshop  ).  because  rosie  knew  it  would  have  to  be  up  to  her.  chris  was  too  focused  on  school,  too  focused  on  trying  to  keep  up  with  classmates  who  had  been  raised  on  blake  &  williams  &  shakespeare  (  ‘  dootchbags  ’  chris  had  once  referred  to  them  as  ).
she  spent  a  good  part  of  her  time  partnered  up  with  gordon  trying  to  elicit  information  on  chris  -----  but  it  didn’t  prove  particularly  helpful.  gordon  remained  rather  tight-lipped  on  the  subject,  &  there  were  only  so  many  ways  rosie  could  ask  a  question  before  it  looked  like  she  was  interested  in  chris.  still,  in  early  june  of  1963,  she  took  the  plunge.  she  hovered  by  the  class  door  as  everyone  emptied  out,  &  asked  him  if  he’d  like  to  walk  her  to  her  locker.  a  look  of  absolute  surprise  &  a  momentary  pause  later,  &  he  was  doing  just  that  --  along  with  carrying  her  heaviest  book.  it  didn’t  take  many  more  trips  in  that  vein  before  the  two  began  ‘  seeing  each  other  ’,  &  just  before  summer  began,  they’d  evolved  to  ‘  going  steady  ’.  her  parents  hated  it,  of  course,  but  rosie  was  stubborn  &  couldn’t  be  persuaded  otherwise.  they  tried  taking  away  her  things,  confining  her  to  the  house,  stopping  her  from  seeing  her  friends  -  but  it  all  just  seemed  to  make  her  more  determined. &  so,  for  almost  three  months,  rosie  pelletier  was  happy  being  chris  chambers’  first  girlfriend.  she  taught  him  some  basic  french,  &  in  turn  he  taught  her  how  to  climb  a  tree  &  use  a  pea  shooter.
but  high  school  is  a  trying  time,  particularly  for  those  with  clean  reputations,  &  when  school  started  back  late-1963,  rosie  found  that  she  cared  more  about  how  other  people  perceived  her  than  she’d  thought.  she  still  had  her  friends,  but  they  didn’t  gossip  with  her  as  much  as  they  had  the  year  prior.  conversations  would  grind  to  a  halt  at  the  appearance  of  chris,  &  rosie  found  that  people’s  prying  haze  hurts  when  it’s  less  curious  &  more  judgmental  in  nature.  rebelling  against  her  parents  was  fun  ;  rebelling  against  her  friends  ?  not  so  much.
rosie  broke  up  with  chris  january  eighth,  1964.  she  would  have  done  it  sooner,  she’d  said,  but  she  didn’t  want  to  ruin  his  holiday  period.  when  he  asked  why  she  was  breaking  up  with  him,  she  shrugged  &  said  you  kind  of  have  a  reputation.
they  didn’t  speak  again  until  the  following  year,  when  their  classmates  had  finally  accepted  chris  as  one  of  their  own,  &  the  looks  had  stopped.  rosie  apologized  for  her  behavior  their  previous  conversation,  &  asked  if  maybe  he  wanted  to  grab  a  milkshake  at  nan’s  ------------  but  chris  had  a  steady  girlfriend  now,  &  politely  declined  the  offer.
rosie  was  newly-married  &  living  in  chamberlain  (  as  mrs.  john  miller  )  when  she  read  in  the  paper  that  chris  had  been  killed.  she  let  herself  wax  nostalgically  for  a  moment  before  she  remarked  to  her  husband  that  she’d  gone  to  school  with  him.  i’d  always  known  there  was  something  good  about  him,  she  said.  he  seemed  nice.  she  didn’t  mention  they’d  dated,  &  when  her  sister  -  visiting  from  castle  view  -  mentioned  the  death,  rosie  quickly  shut  it  down  &  changed  the  topic.
she’d  almost  completely  forgot  about  him  by  the  time  gordie’s  book  came  out,  &  it  was  john  who’d  bought  a  copy  of  the  book.  you  went  to  school  with  the  author,  right  ?  rosie  read  it  once,  wondered  -  not  for  the  first  time  -  how  different  her  life  might  have  been  had  she  caved  a  little  less  to  perceived  peer  pressure,  felt  validated  in  her  belief  that  he  hadn’t  been  like  the  rest  of  his  family,  &  promptly  donated  it  to  a  charity  shop.  it’s  a  horrible  memory,  she  explained  when  john  queried  about  it.  the  brower  boy  -----  &  then  the  chambers  boy,  too  ?  i’d  just  rather  not  have  my  childhood  memories  tainted  with  those  deaths.  it’s  just  ---  icky.  thirty-five  years  old,  &  she  decided  ‘  icky  ’  as  the  appropriate  adjective.  that  was  the  last  time  she  ever  mentioned  chris  chambers.
ROSEMARY  EVELYN  MILLER,  NÉE  PELLETIER,  1948 - 2024,  died  of  natural  causes  in  her  massachusetts  home  of  thirty  years.  rosemary,  born  in  castle  view,  maine,  was  a  loving  mother  &  devoted  wife,  who  taught  night-time  sewing  classes  for  anyone  who  wished  to  learn,  &  who  always  had  a  taste  for  the  finer  things  in  life.  she  is  survived  by  her  daughter,  jessica  marie,  53,  &  her  son  lawrence  christopher,  49.
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