#2023 bring Strika back
Top 5 Decepticons?
5: tfp soundwave. The mans is amazing with he groundbridge skills and has a very pretty design. The datacables are by FAR an interesting idea and I wish I could have a visor like his. He's the oil in the Nemesis's joints and one of the few characters whose body language i can not only read but enhances him.
4: sadly mtmte Tarn. His design is interesting, he's pathetic as hell and that means i must bully him and want to fuck him. The mask is cleverly designed, he interacts with the rest of the DJD in an interesting way, and his Voice is a cool concept and i wish i could further understand how it works. I hate him so much that I'm obligated to put him in juuuuust out of the top three
3: g1 Starscream. His ass is Fun. I absolutely love his color scheme, her helm looks so discordant from the white/red/blue frame that it seems like Starscream is in a full body suit. Her persistent desire to become the leader of the Decepticons, the random screaming like yes! I also have major issues keeping my voice down and I wish i could just scream please. Starscream was a scientist and had a frozen boyfriend and is 100% the face of g1 in my opinion
2: tfa Strika. Tbh we don't see a lot of her in series but I enjoy her design, the anomalous marriage to Lugnut, and in general wish we could see her more in future series girlboss needs to come back. Her being a general makes me have so many questions about the tfa Decepticon command structure besides megs the sic and the tic, and fr her colors are super pleasing and I enjoy how she's not some little lithe mech who looks like a living barbie doll no she's built to cause some damage. She's big, she's destructive, she runs her shit well, and she has serious bisexual husband energy
1: you know full well I'm putting Megatron here, and as far as continuity I cannot decide. I love tfp Megatron's obsession with the purple crack and his design and im biased as that's the first megan i was introduced to and the one i find myself going nuttiest for fanon depictions of him. I find mtmte Megatron so intriguing especially his introduction to the flying asylum known as the Lost Light and the slow and steady redemption arc. I Love how tfe Megatron not only has a human buddy but hasn't lost the g1 energy— instead he's channeled it to help people. BW Megatron is fucking hilarious with his yessssss and his face and being Inferno's royalty. G1 Megatron is So Goddamn Erratic in just the best way possible and I've seen so many fun depictions of him. TFA Megatron is amazing because we see him succeeding at playing nice with the humans, he hates Earth so goddamn much it's hilarious, instead of dealing with tfa Starscream's bullshittery he just up and shoots them, and I honestly think it was a good decision to have him wired into the lab as a head in the first season. Plus, in general you can see the attitude that people have towards Megatron changing and how he's slowly changing depiction to depiction. He's gone from your average literally and metaphorically two dimensional character to a massively intriguing mech known to be many people's favorite.
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Y'know i kinda love Megatron x Lugnut because of the implication that yes Strika knows, yes she's okay with it, and yes Strika gets to tap both of those afts.
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I wholeheartedly believe we need to talk about Strika more, she deserves absolutely all the love
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I really like that Strika is in this fic, she's a great character and I think we need to see more of her hands down. And it's insanely fun to imagine her in the tfp style
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TF ask; 1, 3, 6, 9, 13
1: As far as favorite characters go, that's a difficult question because i have a lot that i love in different ways. Really though? My favorite is shattered glass iterations of Megatron. There's just something amazing about seeing Megatron as the good guy but in the context of him always having been the good guy, and it brings out some of the less savory tones the shows have with the Decepticons and flips them on their head. Plus, the colors work well on him.
3: Honestly it's idw Whirl. Dude's got a unique design, i relate to him more than i should, and i think he deserves better. His inherent connection to the cruelties of the Empurata operation And to the darker sides of the Autobots. The knowledge that he wouldn't have been an autobot if not for Oppy is fascinating. Plus I'm a sucker for the scraplet daughter and how he's often depicted in fanon if fanon counts in this.
6: TFA Strika fr. She's an interesting character and slots into the Decepticon command structure in a very interesting way, and honestly her design can be interpreted in so many cool ways. She plays a very different role than most of the femmes in that era of shows and it's interesting
9: so far, it's IDW, as it's the one I'm most familiar with. I do admit though, I've only truly seen around 13 additions of MTMTE through a youtube dub and currently cannot access any of the comis. But, hey, I'm willing to hear the Marvel comics out as I grew up in a marvel household
13: Least favorite Decepticon. Now, that's a difficult question as i don't usually hate characters. But, I'll make an exception for TFA Dirtboss (if he counts as a Decepticon, he may just be an unaligned nuisance) i don't like his design, his personality is abrasive at best, and honestly i think he represents a missed opportunity in which the show could've introduced the other Constructicons alongside Mixmaster and Scrapper.
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Riot's evil babygirl crew: Megatron, the obvious answer. RID15 Megatronus Prime, I forget he's here sometimes but he's surprisingly fuckable. IDW Tarn, he's here against my will. TFA Black Arachnia, she deserved better and I'm prepared to give her better. TFA Strika, bring Strika back 2023. And, our newest addition, ROTB Scourge, who I damn knew was gonna become an obsession the first time I saw him on screen.
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There are three main campaigns on this blog:
(We are not counting acro jawbreaker as that one is thoroughly dead, and we knew it was gonna die. It was still fun though)
Megatron with glasses agenda
Bring Strika Back 2023
Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy Propaganda
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