#2023 also has the colorful suits but here's a different outfit
landofanimes · 8 months
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☆ Three ☆ Lights ☆
Sailor Moon (Manga Stars Arc)
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (Anime)
Sailor Stars | Eternal Legend (Bandai Musicals)
Starlights ☆ Legends of the Shooting Stars | The Advent of Princess Kakyuu (Bandai Musicals)
Le Mouvement Final (Nelke Musical)
Sailor Moon Cosmos (Anime)
Updated from this post: [x]
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Hi, Miss Raven! What're your thoughts on the new characters' designs and the new cards we're getting?
[You can see the designs for the Halloween 2023 cards and other related TWST news here!]
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I'll post my general thoughts below! I unfortunately don't know enough about Pinocchio myself to point out all the little easter eggs in their outfits, so I'll leave that to those who are more knowledgeable than me.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
Regarding the NRC boys' looks overall, I think it's a very fun theme and very fitting for the location of the event. I like that they all still wear masks, just in a different context than in Glorious Masquerade. One thing I did notice is that the masks seem... same-y? Like they all resemble thick tree roots or something like that. So maybe they aren't masks at all, but they're associated with whatever the conflict in the story is. (I previously suggested mind control or the loss of consciousness, so maybe the "roots" play into that???) You can see the marionette theme Yana was going for, as well as some design elements from Black Butler's circus arc, very clearly. The poses for each of the boys, even the R cards, are extremely dynamic and imply a strong sense of movement. The ribbons are such a simple detail that contributes a lot to this sense of whimsy and flow.
Some comments I have on specific designs and poses:
I like it when Trey makes these kind of slightly sus but plausibly deniable faces... He should make more of them...
I can't see the front of Jack's outfit that well, so I don't know if I can fully comment on it??? But I can see his. Like. Physique... coming through... That chest to waist ratio/j
Seeing Jack's tail like that kinda weirds me out. I think that's the first time we've gotten a "full" view of how the tails look coming out of the pants??? So maybe I'll get more used to it with time...
J WORD MY BELOVED dghgqwktvwukdviu1vdutw1513FR7vuofOTVUofvfaafvfyivs.,bk;mobsdb;ibuafetvuqoffSEythTOTqebivfguovqnafCUtuiUIEtt please ignore my bias 🤡 The way his top hat is angled and how there's a dark blue ribbon around him... It vaguely looks like he's trying to pass as Crowley, LOL
I like how his undershirt is frilled and how he has that sash at his waist it reminds me of the genderbent design for my TWST OC! The fact that both he and Floyd have the eel emblem that resembles a heart is also really cute~
Lilis is my favorite design of the R cards!! There's a very good distribution of ruffles throughout the look, and his knotted skirts fit well with his personal flair.
I'm not a huge fan of the style of hat Cater's wearing (sorry to all the Cay-kun stans out there), but I can appreciate his look. His dress appears more militant than Trey's, and his posing is certainly more aggressive--it's nice to see him in this new light.
Love L*ona-san’s new hairstyle here!! 👀
The way Floyd is posed reminds me of those people that walk around on stilts. I think I much prefer the coloration on Floyd's outfit than on Jade's, but I prefer Floyd's jacket to Jade's. I think Floyd's the best of the SR designs!
Shockingly, Vil's look doesn't stand out to me that much??? I enjoy his sash, but I don't immediately pick up on anything in his illustration that catches my eye.
His pose resembles that of a ballerina, which just makes me think about the time he assigned Epel and Deuce extra (ballet) dance lessons in book 5 ajdbhasivldsadued
Of the SSRs, Ace is definitely my favorite one. He just looks so dramatic soaking up that spotlight and trying to look cool while doing it... Bro's 100% thinking, "heheheheh, I'm SO awesome :))" in his head.
Ace's design also reminds me a lot of Jack Hearts (from Disney Villain Recruiters). Not sure if it was intentional or not, but I'm definitely super into it!
I was pretty much expecting a SSR Ace (because he's a trickster with a brother that works in an amusement park) and Ortho (literally a robot that became a real boy), but Kalim took me by surprise. In hindsight, I guess it makes sense though...? Kalim has a similar immature vibe as the other two (plus I do remember there being this one scene in Aladdin where the Sultan was dressed like a jester that was being maneuvered on puppet strings).
It's great that Kalim gets to be a little out of his usual element and make darker, more mysterious expressions like what we see in his new illustration. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with how he's dressed (the yellow jacket is WAY too bright), but I love his his coattails (???) trail behind him in waves.
OR-KUN MY SON 😭😭😭 As is the case with all of his gears, I adore how the devs creatively adapted clothing into metal parts for Ortho! The half-caplet is easily the best part of the whole look for me (the pattern on it reminds me of stars falling down)--and because Ortho has a smaller stature, the type of hat he's wearing isn't as offputting; it actually looks very cute on him.
... Is that the fucking cricket on Ortho’s cape... and the goldfish on Kalim’s scarf… AND THE CAT ON ACE’S WAIST… What does this meeeean 🤡
And now for my thoughts on the two new boys!! Honestly?? I don't actually have much to comment on in this regard because I try to reserve my judgment of characters until I've actually seen them in action. I haven't seen Pinocchio either, so I don't have a strong basis for what their personalities would be like based on their original Disney counterpart. I only vaguely understand that Honest John and Gideon trick children into visiting Pleasure Island... That's it, that's the full extent of my knowledge on that pair. I don't have any other expectations going in other than "yeah, these two are going to swindle me".
Gidel looks like a mix of Cheka and Ruggie to me (because of the hair and the eye shape). He seems like he’ll be the other guy’s goon, similar to how Jade and Floyd/Ruggie follow Azul/Leona. Nothing else for me to add, Gidel seems alright… Just a silly lil’ guy!
I have more… mixed thoughts on Ferro. One one hand, he looks like the exact kind of shady bitch I’d love. (You know, the ones that smile and lie and manipulate and drive a knife into your back and—LOOK, HE’S VERY J WORD CORE) On the other hand, I’m beating back the “you like cat/dog boys” allegations from my friends, so 💀 I can’t give in so easily/j
Looks-wise, Ferro’s iteration of the rat tail hair is not as ugly to me as Malleus’s is. (I think it’s because it looks more windswept!) I also really like how he dresses—very dapper 😌 and he can pull off green eyeshadow well!
I’m wondering how they’ll make Ferro different than the other con artists we’ve seen so far *eyes Octavinelle* but I’m keeping my hopes up since the devs did a good job remixing the “I have a dead brother and I feel immense guilt about it” backstory for Rollo (when Idia had a similar one). Looking forward to that~
I’m sure my thoughts will chance once I actually get to see them in the event! ^^ I’ll keep you posted. For now, I’ll keep cautious. (Actually, this fan art basically summarizes my current feelings on the two! I’m Rollo/j)
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sylviegunpla · 3 months
Gunpla: Completed Collection of Minis Part 1: EFSF Alliance
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Here's all the minis i've painted over the past few months!! They are as complete as they're gonna get and also top-coated and everything now. Let's run down the list under the cut! I've also rephotographed them on a matt that has scale, and using a ringlight. Each square on the matte is half-centimeter square, to appreciate the tiny scale of these guys. You'll notice that i have some duplicate figures above. Various people have gifted me some figs, so you can also see the evolution of my mini painting techniques in some of them. Because of tumblr post image limits, i'm splitting this up into multiple galleries. I will start with a gallery of minis associated with the "EFSF" (Earth Federation Space Force) group from the Gundam series.
PG Unleashed RX-78-2: Amuro Ray and Sayla Mass
I've already posted these guys but let's ass some scale, for fun.
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I don't have much new to say about these guys, except that they were the first figures i painted in my "second run" of figure painting. I'll go into more detail about this later. I painted them and the others according to the color guide provided in the manual, as best i could. I think Sayla's collar badges could be done better and tbh, i can still fix that. I'll give an update if i do. Anyway, this kit came with TWO pilot figurines that sit inside the core fighter / cockpit. I present to you images of them in their homes:
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This also serves as a preview for some parts of the PGU! I don't believe i made a post yet about the final build. I still need to do that, as well as edit the VODs of the build (the painting was also done on camera! ... mostly. I did some touchups off camera). This is the core fighter, and if you want you can put it inside the mobile suit, but there's no reason to. So i prefer to have it displayed outside, because there's a separate "core block" that you can also put inside the gundam, and it also has its own pilot!
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Let's move on. I have many more Amuros for you. But first, a diversion! (EDIT: Turns out tumblr posts can only have 30 images at once. I was originally going to put Tobia Arronax here, but then i wouldn't be able to include the full set of EFSF characters here. So go check out the first entry of the part 2 post here: https://www.tumblr.com/sylviegunpla/753409506351939584/gunpla-completed-collection-of-minis-part-2 and then come back to this post)
MG 2.0 RX-78-2: Amuro Ray
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This is the civilian outfit Amuro from the MG 2.0 kit. This was one of the "first runs" of minis i painted, i think in Fall 2023. I was convinced i could panel line it and make it look good. Honestly it looks fine at a distance but with the details blown up... well you can see it's a mess. Still, not bad for an early work. The rightmost image is when it was WIP, before being panel lined. TBH that might have looked better if i kept it that way, but you live and learn! This kit also had a pilot outfit figure:
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This was also one of my early paints. Here you can see the panel line colors just running wild. I think the civilian outfit has less bleed at least. The helmet is also messy as hell. And as for the pilot that sits in the core fighter... well the actual model kit is currently disassembled for painting, but i can show you the pilot figurine.
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Once i finish the MG 2.0 RX-78-2, i'll include an additional picture here. {NOTE TO SELF: INCLUDE PILOT IN COCKPIT PHOTO LATER}
I still have yet more Amuros though! At a local build jam, i've been gifted some minis that people don't want to paint. I got two extra figures of Amuro Ray, that match the sculpt above. I'm not sure if they're from the MG 2.0 or the MG 3.0 RX-78-2, but i referenced the color guide specifically from MG 3.0 for these. I also painted them this year, so you can begin to see the difference. Why not get the extra practice in, ya know? The biggest differences between my old minis and the more recently painted ones are two fold: 1) I started properly thinning my paints (which i did for the PGU figures, they were the first of the "new" line). 2) Eventually, i began using a pair of binocular magnifying goggles i could wear on my head, giving me a better ability to see mini details. I think the difference speaks for themselves:
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For the one on top, i did a basic paint with flat coat, no panel lining or anything. Since i had two, why not experiment a bit. THe second one, i coated it in Mr Super Clear Gloss and then used some Citadel Paints Nuln Oil (gifted from a friend who's into warhammer) to achieve the "panel lining" / "shading". I think it turned out okay ultimately. I think the nuln oil works as a better panel liner over the super clear than some other pigments i've used, but it depends on the technique and precision involved. Oh yeah, and all these based were also custom made. Here's all 3 standing together!
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Lookit those boys!!
MG Hi-ν (Hi-Nu) Ver. Ka: Amuro Ray
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I think he's supposed to be older than in the previous kits here? You can see i opted NOT to panel line this boy... well except the line down his back which imo kinda turned out not that great looking. I probably could have used some nuln oil to highlight some of his facial details and give the impression of having eyes. ANd then here is the pilot figurine:
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I'll get pictures of this kit entirely in a separate post, too. Right now the kit is disassembled and i need to re-assemble it. It's not a "WIP" kit, the kit itself is all done, got water slide decals, even has the "Heavy Weapons System" setup. Here, i DID use nuln oil, to try to highlight some of the suit details. I'm not sure if the lighting is blown out here, but it's also accurate to say that the suit details didn't come out as nicely highlighted as i'd wanted them to. Still, he's gonna live inside a clear green plastic sphere once he goes inside, so it won't be easy to see anyway.
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BONUS: Watch this boy get Cask of Amontillado'd (and additional pics) I have to admit, sometimes when painting i'm having trouble finding the actual details through a layer of paint. I suspect the Mr. Hobby Aqueous Line may not be as useful for hand painting tiny boys like this, but it's also the set of paints i decided to slowly acquire over multiple years, so it's what i'm using. The Citadel acrylic paints seem to not glob up as much.
MG RB-79 "Ball" Ver. Ka: EFSF Workers
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These boys were also among some of my earlier paints in 2023. You can see i globbed up some paint on one of the faces and kinda ruined it. I think the panel lining is mostly okay, but yeah. This kit also didn't have a color guide, so i basically eyeballed the colors. This kit is also one of the ones i have fully disassembled in the process of painting, so the whole build will eventually be its own post too. This thing also has a pilot figurine that lives inside the ball. I took some pictures highlighting the pilot, but i haven't applied decals to the inner ball yet.
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However, i did get some duplicates of the standing workers from someone at one of the first build jams i went to! Which i used as an opportunity to just... get more practice, and try to paint these guys again.
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Here, i used slightly different shades of yellow and orange. I think the details stand out a lot more. I also used nuln oil here for the shading. I think overall these look a lot better than my first attempt, and i'm rather proud of them. I'll have four workers able to hang out with the Ball once it's completed! This concludes Part 1 of my minis gallery. Continue to Part 2 by Clicking This Link!
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*edited Sept 2023: alternate version of agony because it bugs me how much the original one looks like a penis in this color scheme.
**edited Jan 2024: added another costume for him to use in a different post: (link)
***EDITED AGAIN Feb 2024: to be actually up to date for the years, including the black suit in late 2015/early 2016, between the pink tarantula and the fully pink shocking pink spider costume. Also made some new updates to the styling of the suit because I'd been avoiding figuring out how to give him a more practical suit. Now it's more practical.
agony is still just a hypothetical but I am not removing it from this post.
Anyway here he is, the one with a dedicated color scheme
obvs this uses the costumes i designed from (this post) but like ben's have been modified a teensy bit as i thought of small details i liked better or changed the soles etc. plus some minor additions like the fact that kaine doesn't have *checks notes* fingerprints
closeups under the readmore:
kaine's face is real fucked up esp early on, just fyi
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this is early one when Kaine is still only like... two years old (well, he's like, 24 physically and mentally, but Technically—)
anyway kaine only gets this outfit after a couple years, when warren sends him out to threaten peter's loved ones as leverage to get peter to cooperate/surrender. before this he mostly only wore hospital clothes.
he's pretty lean at this point but def buff.
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because of this fact kaine doesn't know how to tie his own shoes at first (but he figures it out) (he has a lot of amnesia so peter's memories aren't necessarily super helpful and the muscle memory is lacking i guess)
anyway the one (1) outfit warren gets him is probably all from an army surplus store or a thrift store or something, like the salvation army or w/e
(that's how you know he's evil)
i gave kaine's other suits vibram soles on purpose but this one was totally on accident, i was just looking for american army-issue boots that came in black and the ones i found happened to have vibram soles.
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After Kaine is rescued/escapes/starts hunting Ben down for reasons, he ditches the balaclava and starts growing his hair and scraggly beard out and steals a couple of other clothing items including a hot pink rain coat. His hair is greasy.
Also at that point he's homeless and his only source of medication is *squints* stealing ibuprofen and pepto bismol, so he's not doing so hot in general 😅 but at least he has ~bodily autonomy~ while wasting away.
he probably also kills some people (aside from Louise i mean) 🤷
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i haven't been very consistent about what marks, wounds and scars go where (except for some of his burn scars) but i was reading some wikipedia pages and decided i think probably a lot of the open sores and other things follow Blaschko's lines but maybe not all of them.
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so in spring 2014 after the aforementioned Lost Years and Redemption-based stuff, Kaine ends up leaving the country after making himself a costume, which is, of course, pink, and probably mostly stolen fabric.
His mask is like the Tarantula's 100% on purpose cause it ties into a little subplot where he goes to Medellín, in Colombia, gets mistaken for a member of the Tarantula's (Jacinda's) gang whilst minding his own damn business, and ends up dubbed the Pink Tarantula (aka La Tarántula Rosa) because of it. which he thinks is annoying but what can you do
Also he gets braces in Colombia after he starts stealing from rich tourists. i would say not so much out of vanity as much as the fact that his teeth need some help straightening themselves out after being physically (etc) abused by Warren for 3 years but it's probably both. but, you know, it's easier to chew when your teeth aren't aligned like a broken cartoon piano.
He also gets a whole new medical regimen while he's down there so he looks slightly less like a decaying corpse though he's def still plagued by clone degeneration side effects and feels like death a lot of the time but... better than before lol
Only vomiting blood SOMETIMES and not every day
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color matched soles—i saw these and was like omg... they're perfect... black and pink... (in your area) has been updated to be boots which I'll admit make him look extra Tarantula-y...
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Suit has been updated to be a two-piece so that Kaine can like. go to the bathroom without getting naked. Now it's a leotard which has been DIY'd to have a snap crotch (thus the back zipper).
it's regular ol' spandex... maybe with a slight metallic sheen of bluish idk... not the best material but he was just taking what he could get at the time.
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gloves. modified work gloves from before, and then some uh... well they're pole-dancing gloves to be perfectly honest, but i picked the style because they have a very low cut on the hand and i want as much room as possible for his spikes—could i simply handwave it and say all he needs is a hole in his sleeve, probably, but where's the fun in that.
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if i can't overthink logistics i'll die—anyway in this AU the spikes are a direct malfunction of a spinneret organ that Warren tries to give him, and which Warren does successfully give Ben (who has organic webbing). Kaine's don't work right so instead of webbing he makes spikes. they come out of his wrist and it's hard for me to draw 😂
black suit
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(this black suit has a separate post cause it's new) another leotard over tights. less visible since it's black.
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it's black. it's gothy. etc.
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this is a repurposed suit i was originally gonna give to peter but i changed my mind, adjusted some minor details, and am giving it to kaine instead.
and he'll swap to the pink suit after he stops shaving his head—v
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At a certain point Kaine stops shaving his head and starts wearing a new costume including a new mask... same old same old— expensive fire resistant materials etc.
i just reused the texture overlay from peter's FR suit for this. stretch nomex blend, basically. very durable, fire resistant, but still stretchy.
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OBVIOUSLY this suit is HEAVILY inspired by his red and black Scarlet Spider costume but I modified it a bit in terms of color and some of the patterning (like black arms), to make it pink, because... I think he should wear pink lol and I didn't include his tattered pink cape (i know, tragic) so I had to include something other than the rain coat
it's not a high tech stealth suit though. just regular expensive fabric.
Also updated the logo and has been made mroe practical now—it's tights over a snap-crotch leotard which, of course, means that all three of the boys are rocking the same setup, just in different ways. Even Ben, underneath his hoodie. lol
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Also, as i mentioned before, he has no fingerprints this whole time. because his palm is melted from using the mark of caine/kaine.
oh and his new gloves are made of lambskin and calfskin with perforations to make them more breathable. the claws are probably metal or something though idk.
he does have to take his gloves off to use his mark, though, which is true the entire time. it doesn't work well through fabric (though depends on the fabric) and if it did activate it would probably just burn or destroy anything on his hand since it's essentially just an exothermic chemical reaction related to his wrist spikes rather than... uh... magic? or whatever the 616 version is 😂 i mean lbr it's still basically magic bullshit though but i have pseudo-scientific basis for it (it's superglue)
the whole thing is intended to be durable. still has to get naked to use the bathroom though lmao
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these are also vibram soles. my reasoning behind this was that (i was tired of trying to make up new sole designs) he just buys shoes and takes the soles out, modifies them if he needs to, and attaches them to his suits by hand, either with sewing or glue or both.
decided to update these into boots.
also I originally wrote he has thermasilk underwear under this suit but I think I'm gonna ditch that.
here is a bonus of what the mask would be like for the above costume if he was still buzzing:
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also yeah he doesn't have web-shooters, because of his spikes, OR organic webbing, also because of his spikes, so he is a mostly parkour-based spider-man XD but he can still stick to walls and stuff since that's a different mechanism (electrostatic)
the real reason of course is that i was trying to come up with a design that would let me keep the lenses and also his beautiful long hair LMAO
(for a different design my approach was adhesive lenses which is also what felicia uses)
(speaking of that design i did recycle the body for this:)
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IDK if I'll actually use this, it was mostly for fun as I was thinking about how I could prevent Kaine from... uh... dropping dead and I was like. oh symbiote. Literally their whole thing in this setting is they originated as a medical thing so a symbiote is perfectly suited to Kaine's autoimmune dysfunctions etc.
And then I was like, hm which symbiote though? and then I was on the wiki page of symbiotes and was like, oh, Agony, duh lol she even has acid??? (not that kaine's mark is acid but, still)
also, you know, pink. (and purple since the color of Agony seems to vary slightly depending on artist team, host etc. so i decided to use both)
so i ended up with possibly the most glam rock hair metal blacklight poster symbiote-host pairing I've ever drawn in my life
and of course i couldn't resist making them just a little bit glossy.
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like every symbiote, is expressive, but kaine... isn't, so. you know. they're pretty much always glaring.
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alternately could go without the hair for a sleeker spider-man look i suppose.
i wanna say by this point he's gained some weight as well. I did slightly modify the lineart so that the Agony "suit" is slightly more solid than the Pink Tarantula suits and before but...
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lbr... very minimal difference in the lineup lol which bugs me but... you know. would prob be more of a difference if i was drawing it from scratch for each one instead of editing an existing drawing. he should be slightly less skinny—he's def huge either way tho just by virtue of being 6'4".
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long pretty hair... post 2015 prob. The hair color isn't quite right (his hair is supposed to be a little lighter and redder than Peter's) but I don't care enough to change it.
he is missing a piece of his ear, yes.
anyway his hair grows super fast:
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terminal length is to his knees as an adult, ~5 feet long ish... technically longer since it's curly and doesn't hang as far down.
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here is a bonus pic of him and Aracely from a drawing I have not finished yet which is basically just size comparison with a McLaren 650S lmao. that would be 2015 in-universe probably.
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also for the others:
Peter's high school and college suits: link
Peter's post-college/FF/late 20s suits: link
Peter's 30s-40s/post-Aunt May death suits: link
Ben's suits: link
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themimicbird · 1 year
5 Trends from Spring 2024 Copenhagen Fashion Week
Copenhagen Fashion Week SS24 Video
With the Spring 2024 Copenhagen Fashion Week coming to an official close tomorrow I put together some 5 trends we've seen from different brands. Today I'll be covering a bit about the trend and my take on them. Firstly, a quick disclaimer, I am not a trend broadcaster by any means nor do I have higher education in fashion so much of this is more of an opinion piece if anything.
Earthy Tones
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Ganni at Copenhagen Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024
Firstly, a lot of shades of browns were highly used throughout the collections. On the opposite side we did see some pastels and bold colors in street fashion surrounding the event. In my own opinion, I am kinda over the browns. I have a lot of dark shades in my wardrobe only because it compliments my mexican skin tone better than my favorite colors. Since the rise of interest in dark academia and other aesthetics, these white, browns, and blacks appear unavoidable at this point.
Sheer Materials
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A. Roege Hove at Copenhagen Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024
Throughout the week we saw different sheer and crochet pieces. More of the garments are on the feminine and light brown side appearance wise. However, most collections turned away from the normal crochet pieces we've seen from influencers recently. Similarly goes the sheer garments. Personally this trend doesn't interest me as much as the others on this list. I just feel like crochet style items have been here for a while at this point. Some of the other sheer fabrics interest me but otherwise I'm indifferent.
Printed Denim
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Paolina Russo at Copenhagen Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024
Copenhagen Fashion Week is more known for showing jeans and denim-on-denim outfits. In making the denim items newer, illustrations and details like that made an appearance on them. Personally I love these little details a lot! In the states we are seeing more creative denim although not to the extent that Copenhagen Fashion Week has shown. I'm hoping we continue to see an increase of this trend come next spring.
Trench Coats & Suits Jackets
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Lovechild 1979 at Copenhagen Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024
Throughout the multiple collections baggy and oversized items are noticeable. Most commonly among these types of clothes are trench coats and suit jackets. Color pallet wise, beside just the normal browns and blacks we see with these types of coats, note that there were also spring jackets that embraced pastels from Rolf Ekroth, the Garment, and Baum und Pferdgarten.
Due to my size I tend not to like baggy clothing as such. However, I love how people style this type of attire. I can't wait to see how people continue to style themselves with this trend.
Statement Jewelry
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Gestuz at Copenhagen Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024
For the love its back and hopefully it stays. Not too long ago more and more celebrities or influencers were staying away from jewelry and necklaces for award shows and daily wear. The jewelry they did wear was smaller in size. However, the 2023 Met Gala gave more chucky jewelry which has been put into different Copenhagen Fashion Week looks. We might be seeing a rise in bigger necklaces and brooches this next spring depending on how the upcoming fashion weeks, celebrities, influencers, and marketing teams incorporate the materials.
Notably Copenhagen Fashion Week saw several silver and gold pieces even from influencers. It's also good to note that several pieces from Lié Studio, which is owned by Danish models Amalie and Cecilie Moosgaard, were spotted on influencers. The brand is known for more beaded jewelry and rain drop shaped earrings. Their pieces on their site now are mainly completely silver or completely gold and appear more rounded in shape. We'll have to see if this type of jewelry will have a rise this upcoming spring.
Sources: Copenhagen Fashion Week | Instyle | Harpersbazaar
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iristeecom · 1 year
The Rise of Marijuana Clothing Exploring Styles & How to Wear Them 2023
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Discover the latest trends in marijuana-inspired fashion with our top 20 picks for marijuana clothing . From t-shirts and hoodies to unique accessories, learn how to incorporate cannabis apparel into your wardrobe. Plus, explore the future projections for the industry.
The emergence of clothing featuring marijuana motifs or themes.
The Rise of Marijuana Clothing refers to the trend of clothing items featuring designs related to marijuana use, such as cannabis leaves or slogans promoting the legalization of marijuana. This trend has grown in popularity alongside the increasing acceptance and legalization of marijuana in many parts of the world. The rise of marijuana clothing can be seen as a reflection of changing attitudes towards the drug, where it is no longer seen as taboo or criminalized, but rather embraced and celebrated as part of popular culture.
Fashion trends influenced by marijuana.
Marijuana-inspired fashion trends refer to clothing and accessory designs that incorporate elements of cannabis culture, such as marijuana leaf prints, tie-dye patterns, and colors associated with the plant. These trends have become increasingly popular in recent years as marijuana legalization has gained momentum around the world, particularly in the United States. In addition to traditional stoner fashion, which often features graphic t-shirts and hoodies with pot-related slogans, many high-end designers have started incorporating cannabis-inspired motifs into their collections. This includes everything from luxury handbags and jewelry to runway-ready dresses and suits. While some critics argue that these trends glorify drug use, proponents see them as a way to destigmatize marijuana and celebrate its cultural significance. Additionally, the rising popularity of marijuana-inspired fashion indicates that cannabis is becoming more mainstream and accepted in society.
Exploring the Different Styles of Marijuana Clothing
Exploring the different styles of marijuana clothing refers to examining various types of attire that incorporate designs, images, or slogans related to cannabis culture. These may include t-shirts, hats, hoodies, socks, and other accessories featuring marijuana-themed graphics or phrases. Such clothing can range from subtle references to more explicit imagery, and may appeal to both recreational and medicinal cannabis users, as well as those who simply appreciate the aesthetic. Overall, exploring the different styles of marijuana clothing offers an opportunity to understand and celebrate a unique aspect of contemporary popular culture.
How to Incorporate Marijuana Clothing into Your Wardrobe
To incorporate marijuana clothing into your wardrobe, you can start by selecting items that fit your personal style and incorporating them into your outfits. Consider pairing a subtle weed-themed accessory, like a pin or hat, with neutral basics like jeans and a white tee, or layering a printed cannabis leaf shirt under a blazer for a more statement-making look. You may also want to experiment with mixing different textures and patterns, like pairing a graphic weed print hoodie with leather pants or a metallic skirt. Ultimately, the key is to have fun with it and choose pieces that make you feel confident and comfortable.
Top 20 Marijuana Clothing that suits you
Here are the top 20 marijuana-themed clothing items that you might find suitable: 1. Chiefin Smoke Native American Shirt
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Chiefin Smoke Native American Shirt, Weed Shirts For Men,Marijuana Clothing "Chiefin Smoke Native American Shirt" is a piece of clothing that combines Native American cultural imagery with references to marijuana use. The shirt typically features an image of a Native American chief or warrior smoking a joint or a peace pipe, along with other marijuana-related symbols and slogans. While some people may find the design appealing or humorous, others may view it as culturally insensitive or inappropriate. Ultimately, opinions on the appropriateness of this type of clothing may vary based on personal values and cultural perspectives. 2. Let's Smoke Some Pot Skull Shirt
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Let’s Smoke Some Pot Skull Shirt, Marijuana T Shirt, Cannabis Apparel "Let's Smoke Some Pot Skull Shirt" and "Marijuana Clothing" are phrases commonly associated with the use of marijuana. The shirt likely features a skull design, which is a common theme in marijuana culture. The message implies an invitation or suggestion to smoke marijuana. Overall, these phrases are used as a form of expression and identification within the marijuana community. 3. Weed Lips Not Today Bitch Shhh Shirt
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Weed Lips Not Today Bitch Shhh Shirt, Weed Clothes Women, Marijuana Clothing "Weed Lips Not Today Bitch Shhh Shirt" is a piece of marijuana-themed clothing that features the phrase "Weed Lips Not Today Bitch Shhh" on it. The phrase appears to be a play on words, combining references to smoking weed (i.e., "weed lips") and using vulgar language to assert oneself (i.e., "not today bitch"). The shirt may appeal to those who are passionate about marijuana culture or who enjoy provocative or edgy fashion. 4. It's 420 Somewhere Shirt, Marijuana T Shirts, Cannabis Apparel
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It’s 420 Somewhere Shirt, Marijuana T Shirts, Cannabis Apparel "It's 420 Somewhere Shirt" is a type of t-shirt that features a design related to marijuana/cannabis culture. The shirt's name is a reference to the popular phrase "It's five o'clock somewhere," implying that it's always an appropriate time to smoke marijuana. This type of clothing is commonly referred to as "marijuana clothing" or "cannabis apparel." 5. Personalized Weed Dad Like A Regular Dad But Higher Hoodie 3D Shirt
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Personalized Weed Dad Like A Regular Dad But Higher Hoodie 3D Shirt, Marijuana Shirts, Weed Shirts For Men The "Personalized Weed Dad Like A Regular Dad But Higher Hoodie 3D Shirt" is a marijuana-themed clothing item that features a customized message for a dad who enjoys smoking weed. The hoodie has a 3D design and is made from comfortable materials. It is a unique gift idea for Father's Day or any occasion to celebrate a dad's love for marijuana. 6.Don't Care Bear 3D Hoodie
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Don’t Care Bear 3D Hoodie , Marijuana Shirt, Marijuana Hoodie The "Don't Care Bear 3D Hoodie" is a type of hoodie with a design featuring the character "Care Bear" in a 3D format. This hoodie is associated with "Marijuana Clothing", which implies that it may be marketed to individuals who use or support the use of marijuana. 7. Cat I'm Not Crazy My Reality Is Just Different Than Yours Marijuana Hoodie
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Cat I’m Not Crazy My Reality Is Just Different Than Yours Marijuana Hoodie, Cannabis Clothing The phrase "Cat I'm Not Crazy My Reality Is Just Different Than Yours" is printed on a hoodie or item of clothing that also features marijuana imagery. The statement suggests that the wearer has a unique perspective or way of experiencing the world, but does not necessarily imply that they are mentally unstable. 8. I'm Blunt Because God Rolled Me That Way Marijuana Hoodie
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I’m Blunt Because God Rolled Me That Way Marijuana Hoodie, Weed Shirts For Men, Cannabis Tees "I'm Blunt Because God Rolled Me That Way" is a phrase commonly seen on marijuana-themed clothing items, such as hoodies. The phrase plays on the double meaning of "blunt," which can refer both to a slang term for smoking marijuana and to someone who speaks their mind without hesitation. The statement suggests that the individual's tendency to be straightforward and unapologetic is inherent and divinely ordained, much like the way a blunt is rolled by its maker. 9. Personalized Game Weed Marijuana Hoodie
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Personalized Game Weed Marijuana Hoodie, Gifts For A Stoner A personalized game weed marijuana hoodie is a type of clothing item that incorporates designs or graphics related to cannabis culture. These hoodies are often customizable and can feature personalization options such as names, artwork, or slogans. The term "weed" and "marijuana" generally refer to the same thing, which is the cannabis plant. Therefore, this type of clothing is often associated with cannabis use or enthusiasts. 10. Andidepressant Marijuana T Shirts
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Andidepressant Marijuana T Shirts, Cannabis Apparel Antidepressant marijuana T-shirts and marijuana clothing are types of clothing items that feature designs or slogans related to marijuana use. The term "antidepressant" may imply that the clothing is intended to promote the idea that marijuana can be used as a form of treatment for depression, although this claim is not supported by scientific evidence. It is important to note that marijuana use can have both potential benefits and risks, and individuals should approach its use with caution and under the guidance of a medical professional if considering it for medicinal purposes. 11. All I Need Is This Joint And That Other Joint Shirt
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All I Need Is This Joint And That Other Joint Shirt, Stoner Clothes, Marijuana T Shirts "All I Need Is This Joint And That Other Joint Shirt" is likely a shirt design or slogan that mentions two joints, with "joint" referring to a marijuana cigarette. It's a reference to the idea that having access to marijuana is all someone needs to be content or happy, and could be seen as promoting cannabis use. The phrase is commonly used in marijuana clothing or related merchandise. 12. Cannabis Garden Shirt, Cannabis Clothing, Marijuana T Shirts Cannabis Garden Shirt, Cannabis Clothing, Marijuana T Shirts, and Marijuana Clothing are all types of clothing items that feature designs and graphics related to cannabis or marijuana. These products are often marketed towards individuals who support and consume cannabis as part of their lifestyle. They can be found in different styles, colors, and sizes, including t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and other accessories. While some people wear these items as a form of self-expression and identification with the cannabis culture, others may simply find them visually appealing.
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Cannabis Garden Shirt, Cannabis Clothing, Marijuana T Shirts 13. Green Smoking Device Marijuana Shirt A "Green Smoking Device Marijuana Shirt" or "Marijuana Clothing" typically refers to clothing items with designs related to marijuana, such as shirts featuring images of smoking paraphernalia or cannabis leaves. These items are often worn by individuals who use or support the use of marijuana. It's important to note that even though these items may be legal in some jurisdictions, the use and possession of marijuana remains illegal in many places.
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Green Smoking Device Marijuana Shirt, Weed Shirts For Men, Stoner Clothing 14. Its Okey If You Weed T Shirt, Marijuana T Shirts The sentence "It's okay if you weed T-shirt, marijuana T-shirts, marijuana clothing" doesn't make sense in standard English. It appears to contain grammatical errors and lacks context to provide a clear meaning or intention behind the statement. Without further information, it is impossible to give a meaningful explanation or response.
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Its Okey If You Weed T Shirt, Marijuana T Shirts, Cannabis Apparel 15. I Love The Smell Of Coffee Weed In The Morning Shirt
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I Love The Smell Of Coffee Weed In The Morning Shirt, Marijuan Clothing, Marijuana Shirt "I Love The Smell Of Coffee Weed In The Morning Shirt" appears to be a clothing item that combines two popular scents: coffee and marijuana. It may appeal to individuals who enjoy the aroma of these substances, particularly in the morning. 16. Legalize Bong Marijuana Freedom Club T Shirt
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Legalize Bong Marijuana Freedom Club T Shirt, Cannabis t-shirt, Weed Shirts For Men Legalize Bong Marijuana Freedom Club T Shirt and Marijuana Clothing are likely references to the legalization and normalization of marijuana use, particularly through the sale and wearing of related merchandise. The shirt may feature graphics or text promoting the idea of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, while also celebrating a sense of community among those who support this cause. It is important to note that the legality of marijuana use varies by jurisdiction, with some areas allowing for medical or recreational use while others prohibit it entirely. 18. Marijuana Cannabis Natural Product Green Bud Badass Shirt The term "Marijuana Clothing" refers to clothing items that are designed with cannabis-related graphics, slogans or images. This kind of clothing is often associated with the culture and lifestyle surrounding marijuana use. The phrase "Green Bud Badass Shirt" likely refers to a t-shirt with a graphic depicting a cannabis leaf or bud, along with a bold or edgy slogan. Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a natural product derived from the Cannabis plant. It contains psychoactive compounds called cannabinoids which can produce various effects when consumed. While some people use marijuana for medicinal purposes, others use it recreationally. Overall, "Marijuana Clothing" can be considered a form of self-expression and an outward display of support for the cannabis community.
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Marijuana Cannabis Natural Product Green Bud Badass Shirt, Stoner Clothes, Marijuana T-Shirts 19. Natural Product Weed Plant Inspired Shirt A "Natural Product Weed Plant Inspired Shirt" or "Marijuana Clothing" is a type of apparel that features designs and/or imagery inspired by the cannabis plant. This can include images of the plant itself, slang terms for marijuana, or other related graphics. These shirts may be made from natural materials such as cotton or hemp to align with the eco-friendliness often associated with the cannabis culture. Some individuals wear these shirts as a form of self-expression or to show support for the legalization of marijuana. Read the full article
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sannarinx · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Navratri Chaniya Choli 2023
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Navratri, a nine-night festival dedicated to the Hindu goddess Durga, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor in many parts of India. It is a time of vibrant colors, energetic dances, and traditional attire. One of the most popular and significant outfits worn during Navratri is the Chaniya Choli. This traditional attire consists of a flared skirt known as a chaniya, a fitted blouse called a choli, and a dupatta (scarf). In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the history of chaniya choli, the different styles available, and provide tips on choosing and styling the perfect chaniya choli for Navratri 2023.
History of Chaniya Choli
Gujrati Chaniya Choli has a long history dating centuries back. Its an integral part of gujrati culture, you can see most women wearing it in Navratri festival. The chaniya choli was
traditionally worn by women during folk dances like Garba and Dandiya, which are the main highlights of Navratri celebrations in Gujarat. Over the years, the chaniya choli has evolved in terms of designs, fabrics, and embellishments but still retains its essence and cultural significance.
Different Styles of Chaniya Choli available at Sannari Valsad.
When it comes to Navratri chaniya choli shopping, Sannari Valsad is one of the best places to explore a wide range of styles and designs. Sannari Valsad is renowned for its exquisite collection of traditional Indian attire, including chaniya cholis. Here are some popular styles you can find at Sannari Valsad:
Traditional Chaniya Choli: This style features a flared chaniya with intricate embroidery, mirror work, and vibrant prints. The choli is often adorned with embellishments and comes in various neck patterns and sleeve styles.
Contemporary Chaniya Choli: For those who prefer a modern twist to the traditional attire, contemporary chaniya cholis offer a fusion of traditional and trendy elements. These may include unconventional cuts, innovative drapes, and unique fabric combinations.
Designer Chaniya Choli: Designer chaniya cholis are crafted by renowned fashion designers and feature intricate detailing, luxurious fabrics, and elaborate embellishments. These are perfect for those who want to make a statement during Navratri.
Customizable Chaniya Choli: Sannari Valsad also offers the option to customize your chaniya choli according to your preferences. They gives you options to select color, fabrics and design elements in order to personalise your outlift which can reflect your personality.
How to choose the right Chaniya Choli for your body type at Sannari Valsad ?
Finding the right chaniya choli that flatters your body type is essential to look and feel your best during Navratri. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect chaniya choli at Sannari Valsad:
Consider your body shape: Different chaniya choli styles suit different body shapes. For example, A-line chaniyas are ideal for pear-shaped bodies, while flared chaniyas with fitted
choli accentuate hourglass figures. Sannari Valsad offers a variety of options to cater to different body types.
Select the right fabric: Choose a fabric that complements your body type. Lighter fabrics like chiffon and georgette are suitable for curvier figures, while stiffer fabrics like silk and brocade add structure to leaner frames. Sannari Valsad offers a range of fabric choices to suit every preference.
Pay attention to the neckline and sleeve length: The neckline and sleeve length of the choli can significantly impact your overall look. V-necks and deep necklines elongate the neck, while boat necks and high necks add volume to the upper body. Choose sleeve lengths that balance your proportions.
Embrace colors and prints: Navratri is a time to embrace vibrant colors and bold prints. Experiment with different color combinations and prints to find the ones that complement your skin tone and personal style. Sannari Valsad offers a diverse range of colors and prints to suit every taste.
Why Sannari Valsad is the best place to buy Navratri Chaniya Choli?
Sannari Valsad stands out as one of the best places to buy Navratri chaniya choli for several reasons:
Wide selection: Sannari Valsad offers a vast collection of chaniya cholis in various styles, designs, and price ranges. Whether you're looking for traditional pieces or contemporary designs, you'll find an extensive selection to choose from.
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A wide variety of products which fits with your personality. To just give you an Idea, below are some products mentioned:
1.  Dazzling Cotton Garba Wear Chaniya Choli for Navratri:
When you slip into this enchanting attire, it is impossible not to be captivated by your undeniable charm. This exquisite chaniya choli is meticulously crafted to celebrate the essence of femininity. It is made from a combination of luxurious cotton and gajji silk, ensuring both comfort and elegance.
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The craftsmanship of this garment is truly remarkable. The resham thread work intricately adorns the fabric, creating a mesmerizing pattern that catches the eye. The traditional prints incorporated into the design add a touch of cultural heritage, making it a perfect choice for festivities like garba.
The chaniya choli set comes complete with a matching choli and dupatta, creating a harmonious ensemble that showcases your style and grace. The choli, designed to complement the flared skirt (chaniya), beautifully accentuates your upper body, while the dupatta adds an ethereal touch, draping gracefully over your shoulders.
It’s doesn't matter what is the occasion, with the comfort and elegance of Sannari chaniya choli you get an excellent choice to embrace your personality in a charismatic manner.
2.  Cotton thread work garba wear chaniya choli for Navratri:
The moment the fabric caresses your skin, a sense of graceful elegance envelops you.
The intricate craftsmanship woven into the fabric tells a tale of tradition and heritage. Delicate threads dance across the vibrant hues, forming intricate patterns that pay homage to the rich cultural tapestry. Every stitch, every detail is a testament to the skilled hands that crafted this masterpiece.
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The traditional print, reminiscent of a bygone era, adds a touch of nostalgia and timeless beauty to your ensemble. Each motif tells a story, whispering of legends and traditions passed down through generations.
The matching choli, perfectly tailored to fit your form, enhances your silhouette and accentuates your feminine grace. The intricate design elements extend to the blouse, creating a seamless harmony between the choli and the chaniya.
Completing the ensemble is the ethereal dupatta, draping softly over your shoulders. Its sheer fabric, adorned with matching motifs, adds an ethereal touch to your overall look. As it catches the gentle breeze, it adds a touch of whimsy and movement to your presence.
When you step out in this resplendent garba wear, all eyes are drawn to you. Your regal poise and the sheer beauty of the attire create a captivating aura, commanding attention from everyone around. Each step you take is a graceful dance, echoing the rhythms of the celebrations that await.
In this ensemble, you become a living embodiment of elegance, tradition, and grace. The lovely cotton garba wear chaniya choli embraces your spirit, allowing you to revel in the vibrant festivities while exuding an unmatched charm that lingers in the hearts of those who witness your presence.
3.   Georgette Designer Readymade Lehenga Choli for Navratri:
Renowned fashion designers often unleash their creativity and craft captivating garments with the intention of captivating attention. This particular georgette designer lehenga choli, suitable for Navratri, parties, and weddings, adds a touch of opulence to your personal style.
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It has been meticulously adorned with intricate resham thread work and shimmering sequins. The ensemble includes a matching choli (blouse) and dupatta (scarf), completing the elegant look.
Quality craftsmanship: The chaniya cholis available at Sannari Valsad are crafted with meticulous attention to detail and feature high-quality materials. The skilled artisans ensure that each piece reflects the beauty and authenticity of traditional Indian craftsmanship.
Customization options: Sannari Valsad understands the importance of individuality and offers customization options to create a unique chaniya choli that matches your preferences. You can collaborate with their designers to bring your vision to life.
Exceptional customer service: Sannari Valsad prides itself on providing exceptional customer service. The staff is knowledgeable, friendly, and ready to assist you in finding the perfect chaniya choli that meets your requirements.
Tips for styling Chaniya Choli from Sannari Valsad.
Styling your chaniya choli correctly can elevate your overall look. Here are some tips to help you style your chaniya choli from Sannari Valsad:
Accessories: Pair your chaniya choli with statement jewelry pieces such as oxidized silver necklaces, jhumkas (traditional Indian earrings), and bangles. Opt for a statement waist belt to add definition to your waist.
Footwear: Complete your look with traditional footwear like mojris (embroidered slip-on shoes) or colorful juttis (traditional Indian flats). Ensure that the footwear is comfortable to dance in for long durations.
Hairstyle: Opt for traditional hairstyles like a braided bun, side-swept curls, or a floral-adorned braid to complement your chaniya choli. Experiment with different hair accessories like hairpins, hairbands, or fresh flowers.
Makeup: Navratri calls for vibrant and bold makeup looks. Play with bright eyeshadow colors, winged eyeliner, and bold lip shades that complement your chaniya choli. Don't forget to apply waterproof and long-lasting makeup products to withstand the dancing and festivities.
Navratri is an exciting time to celebrate and immerse yourself in the joyous festivities. Choosing the right chaniya choli is crucial to feel confident and embrace the spirit of the festival. Sannari Valsad offers a diverse range of chaniya choli styles, customization options, and exceptional customer service, making it the ideal place to find your perfect Navratri outfit. Remember to consider your body type, fabric choices, and accessories to create a stunning and personalized look.
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The Dapper Gentleman: Men's Fashion Trends in 2023
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As we embark on a new year, the world of men's fashion is buzzing with anticipation for the latest trends and styles that will dominate the scene in 2023. From sleek and sophisticated to bold and expressive, this year's fashion trends are all about making a statement while exuding confidence and style. So, if you're a fashion-forward young man looking to up your style game, here are the top men's fashion trends to watch out for in 2023.
1. Modern Tailoring: The Power Suit Reinvented
Gone are the days of the traditional, boxy suit. In 2023, modern tailoring takes center stage, with suits that are sleeker, slimmer, and more form-fitting. Think sharp, structured shoulders, tapered trousers, and a clean, streamlined silhouette. This new take on the power suit is perfect for the modern gentleman who wants to make a bold impression in the boardroom or at a formal event.
2. Techwear: Fashion Meets Function
Techwear, a fusion of fashion and technology, is set to make a big splash in 2023. This trend embraces futuristic design elements, such as reflective materials, utility pockets, and high-performance fabrics. Techwear not only looks cool but also offers practical features like water resistance, breathability, and insulation. So, whether you're heading out for a hike or simply running errands, techwear will keep you looking stylish and ready for anything.
3. Vintage Revival: Nostalgia Meets Contemporary
In 2023, fashion takes a trip down memory lane with the revival of vintage styles. From '70s-inspired wide-leg trousers to '90s grunge, retro fashion is back in a big way. Embrace the nostalgia with vintage band t-shirts, oversized blazers, and chunky sneakers. Mix and match retro pieces with contemporary elements for a fashion-forward look that pays homage to the past while staying firmly rooted in the present.
4. Sustainable Fashion: Style with a Conscience
With increasing awareness of the environmental impact of the fashion industry, sustainability has become a key focus for many brands. In 2023, expect to see a rise in eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton, recycled fabrics, and vegan leather. Sustainable fashion is not only good for the planet but also allows you to make a fashion statement with a clear conscience. So, opt for brands that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices and make a positive impact through your fashion choices.
5. Statement Accessories: Elevating Your Style
Accessories have always been an important part of men's fashion, but in 2023, they take on a whole new level of importance. From bold, chunky chains to statement belts and hats, accessories are the perfect way to elevate your style and make a statement. Experiment with different textures, materials, and colors to add a touch of personality to your outfits. Remember, the right accessories can take a simple outfit from ordinary to extraordinary.
In conclusion, 2023 is all about embracing individuality, creativity, and sustainability in men's fashion. From modern tailoring to vintage revivals, techwear to sustainable fashion, there's something for every style-conscious gentleman. So, step out of your comfort zone, experiment with different trends, and let your fashion choices reflect your unique personality. After all, in the world of men's fashion, there are no rules – only endless possibilities. Click on Mens clothing sale for more information.
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bandabags-blog · 1 year
Handcrafted and Eco-friendly Weekender Bag: The Ultimate Travel Choice 
Ready to plan your next trip? Did you fix which bag to carry this vacation? Sounds confusing, right? Every time we plan a trip, choosing the right bag which can go perfectly with your outfits becomes difficult. Also, ladies look for travel-friendly bags that can carry all their essentials.
For all your requirements, the Weekender bag will be the ultimate option. If you are a fan of handcrafted items and follow eco-friendly practices, then you must check out the latest Weekender bags collection. Keep reading to know how the Weekender Bags become the trending choice.
What customization has made the Weekender bags trending?
The love for handmade and naturally crafted bags is massive. The demand for this category has been highly driven. The ladies of today’s generation prefer to carry this type. The eco-friendly collection has become famous worldwide. With the rising demand for weekender bags, the manufacturers have brought major customization into consideration. 
The manufacturers have customized the bags to enhance their look and make them more travel friendly. The eco-friendly embroidered bags have come up with different designs and color combinations. This has made the bag look more vibrant and beautiful. The embroidered designs give a more aesthetic look to suit every outfit type.
Besides the embroidered customization, the shift towards handmade collections has driven the demand to the next level. The handcrafted weekender bags give a natural touch. The ethically crafted bag will be your ultimate travel choice. With the embroidered design and 100% natural handcrafted quality, it will flaunt your style well. You can pair it with all types of outfits and be in the limelight.
What makes handmade weekender bags the best choice?
Manufacturers make their travel bags under different names, such as backpacks, overnight bags, mini-duffel, etc. Do you know where the weekender bags stand? The weekender bags are an upgrade of backpacks or an alternative to wheeled travel luggage. These are specifically designed for short trips like weekend vacations. 
So, for your short vacations, get rid of heavy travel bags and carry simple handmade weekender bags. These bags are known for their elegant look. It adds classy style to your entire look and helps you stand out in the crowd. Here are the special features that make eco-friendly and handmade weekender bags the best choice.
Read at more.
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outfitfashions · 1 year
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unitywedding · 1 year
Wedding Wine Trends 2023
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If you are planning a wedding in 2023, you might be wondering what kind of wine to serve to your guests. Wine is not only a delicious and festive drink, but also a way to express your personality and style as a couple. Whether you prefer classic or adventurous, elegant or casual, there is a wine trend for you. Here are some of the wine trends that will rule in 2023, according to experts and sources. White Wines from Rioja Rioja is a famous wine region in Spain, known for its red wines made from Tempranillo grapes. But did you know that Rioja also produces some of the most interesting and versatile white wines in the world? White Rioja has had lots of ups and downs, but a more modern style, as opposed to oxidized and overly oaky creations, helped transform the situation starting about 8-10 years ago, and these wines are showing with force. These are serious food-worthy white wines, with oak used (or not) in a contemporary way, and will become more popular in 2023. White Rioja can be made from different grape varieties, such as Viura, Malvasia, Garnacha Blanca, or even Chardonnay. They can range from crisp and refreshing to rich and complex, depending on the aging and winemaking techniques. White Rioja pairs well with seafood, cheese, salads, chicken, and even spicy dishes. Wine Cocktails Who says you have to choose between wine and cocktails? Why not have both? Wine cocktails are a fun and creative way to enjoy wine in a different way. They can also add some color and flair to your wedding reception. Wine cocktails can be made with any type of wine, from sparkling to still, from white to red. You can mix wine with spirits, liqueurs, juices, fruits, herbs, spices, or anything else that suits your taste. Some examples of wine cocktails are Sangria, Mimosa, Kir Royale, Aperol Spritz, Bellini, or Mulled Wine. You can also invent your own wine cocktails by experimenting with different ingredients and proportions. Wine cocktails are perfect for warm weather weddings, as they are refreshing and light. They can also be served as a welcome drink, an aperitif, or a dessert drink. Midday Ceremonies One of the trends that will influence your wine choice is the timing of your wedding ceremony. More and more couples are opting for midday ceremonies instead of evening ones. This has several advantages: you can enjoy more daylight hours, have more time to rest and change outfits between the ceremony and the reception, and have a longer and more lively party at night. But what does this mean for your wine selection? Well, it means that you might want to go for lighter and lower-alcohol wines during the day, especially if you are serving wine with lunch. You can save the heavier and more complex wines for the evening reception when the mood is more festive and relaxed. You can also offer some non-alcoholic or low-alcohol alternatives for those who want to pace themselves or avoid drinking too much. These are just some of the wine trends that will rule in 2023. Of course, the most important thing is to choose wines that you love and that reflect your personality and style as a couple. After all, it's your wedding day and you deserve to celebrate it with the best wines possible. Read the full article
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kalpanaseth · 1 year
Western Wear Gift Ideas For valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is here, and the search for the perfect gift for that special someone can be daunting. Whether you're looking for a classic romantic gesture or something more fun and flirtier, why not make this Valentine's Day one to remember with western wear? From modern dresses to jumpsuits, there are plenty of western-inspired styles guaranteed to put a big smile on your loved one's face.
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When it comes to western wear for parties, dresses are always an excellent option. From traditional lace and frills to contemporary lines and bold colors, there are a variety of options to suit any personality. For a timeless look that oozes sophistication, opt for a dress in a classic color such as black or navy blue – they’ll never go out of style! If you want to add some extra flair, try pairing it with cowboy boots or accessorising with cowgirl hats and jewellery.
For those who like their style more daring and adventurous, jumpsuits make the perfect choice. Jumpsuits have become increasingly popular over recent years and offer many advantages over traditional party dresses – they’re comfortable, easy to move around in and look fantastic on just about anyone! For an authentic western vibe choose jumpsuits featuring suede or distressed denim - these materials will instantly create a trendy statement look.
Read More: Winter Wear Essentials Lookbook - Revamp Your Wardrobe!
When it comes to accessories you can really take things up a notch by adding unique pieces such as leather cuffs or leather bolero jackets – they’ll make any outfit stand out from the crowd! To complete the look why not throw in some trendy hats too – stereotypical cowboy hats are always great but why not try something different like wide-brimmed felt hats for an elegant twist?
Read More: Restyling the Winter Look with These Latest Accessory Trends
Valentine's Day is all about expressing love so don't forget about sweet details such as floral patterns on blouses or tulle skirts that create softness on otherwise rugged outfits. When choosing gifts for your special someone keep comfort in mind - nothing says ‘I care’ like comfy jeans paired with cozy sweaters or pretty blouses matched with skinny jeans. Whatever you decide on make sure it’s meaningful – add touches such as embroidery designs inspired by animals found in the wild west (a tribute to your loved one’s favourite hobby) or personalise items with initials or images of places you’ve visited together (if they follow western fashion trends). It doesn't matter whether you choose something traditional or modern - what really counts is how much thought went into making this gift truly unique and special just for them!
Read More: Western Wear Outfit Ideas For Different Occasions: A Guide by SJ
If you want your loved one to feel extra special this Valentine’s Day, then it just must include some western wear! With so many options available there really is something for everyone; from dresses and jumpsuits featuring intricate embroidery details right through to cowboy boots adorned with sparkling gems - whatever combination you choose will be sure to impress your other half this year! So don't wait any longer – start shopping now so you can take advantage of everything western wear has to offer this Valentine's Day!
Read More: 7 Voguish Western Female Outfits of 2023
In conclusion, western wear is a great gift idea for Valentine's Day. It allows you to show your love in a unique way that is sure to put a smile on the face of your special someone. Whether it be a hand-crafted leather belt with intricate detailing or a classic pair of cowboy boots, western wear adds a touch of excitement to the day. Not only are these items fashionable and stylish, but they also have sentimental value that will last long after the holiday has ended. Additionally, there is an array of options available in various price points so you can find something perfect for your partner regardless of budget. So, this Valentine's Day, surprise them with something truly special – western wear!
Source Url- Western Wear Gift Ideas For valentine's Day
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What Your Bridesmaids will be Wearing in 2023
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You’ve already chosen your favorite people in your life to be your bridesmaids, right? Your next concern will be selecting the appropriate outfit for them. Each and every bride wishes to see their bridesmaids looking so stunning. To do so, you must be acutely aware of things like the bridesmaids’ outfit design, pattern, color, and more. Thousands of bridesmaid outfit ideas are popular now, but what will differentiate yours from others? The thing is uniqueness; let’s drop the old-fashioned outfit ideas for your favorite one and start thinking about any new ideas. The ready-to-wear dresses are outdated, so start thinking about custom-made options. A customized costume has the potential to enhance beauty, as you’ll end up with so many options in terms of color, material, pattern, design, and the outfit’s length.
Here, we’ll look at some of the new bridesmaid’s outfit trends for 2023. 
Color is an important consideration because a color can enhance beauty. Drop the old-fashioned dewy color and jump into vibrant mixtures like rosy hues, blue, green, burnt oranges. When we talk about blue, “vibrant blue” is a powerful tone to express beauty. Beautiful options for all seasons include lighter hues like Windsor Blue or Bluestone, as well as a dusty shade of blue like Slate. They have a clean, fresh appearance and elicit a soft, dreamy feeling.
Moss is a deep, formal, and moody shade of green that is perfect for fall or winter weddings. While blush is a popular choice for many brides because of its classic appearance, pink tones are all the rage this year! When combined with ivory, this delicate and romantic color palette complements other dusty hues like sage greens or dusty blues. The traditional choice for bridesmaid dresses is jewel tones! You can choose a single color or combine several colors to create a stunning color scheme. Due to their rich, saturated nature, these colors often flatter everyone and may be used for many styles of weddings. These are some of the options of colors you can adopt in 2023.
The fabric must be your next consideration. If you pick the incorrect fabric, your design won’t turn out perfectly. There are many different types of fabrics available, but all you need to do is pick the one that best fits your model and body. Here we’re describing some of the fabric ideas you can opt for this year.
Chiffon is probably what comes to mind when you picture your bridesmaids wearing a dress made of a “flowy” material. This is one of the most widely used materials for bridesmaid gowns since it complements a variety of dress styles and gives them a lovely, ethereal aspect as they walk down the aisle. Additionally, it’s important for warm-weather weddings because it’s lighter and reasonably breathable.
Weddings in the winter are the ideal occasion for velvet! On bridesmaids’ gowns, it not only has a warm, romantic appearance, but it also has a similar tactile quality, which is ideal in frigid climates.
Don’t overlook crepe if you want your bridesmaids to wear structured gowns. This fabric has a tendency to look “crinkly,” much like paper, yet it is lighter weight than satin.
The dress style pattern is one of the crucial things, we can see some trending ideas for this year. This dress’s unexpected aspect will undoubtedly draw attention. For this trend, there are many options available, such as alluring criss-cross straps, enchanting keyhole cut-outs, and even charming bows and ribbons.
Off-shoulder and one-shoulder bridesmaid dresses are really charming as the cut suits every body type. These are some of the bridesmaid’s dress pattern you can choose in this year.
A happy Bridesmaid makes a happy Bride!
At Vintage Blossom, we offer Online Bridesmaid Gown Customization in Trivandrum. Customization is one of our major key components, design your dresses by your wish. Only an experienced designer can help you find out the perfect colour, design, and pattern. 
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sikhaccessories · 2 years
10 best websites to buy turban Online in 2023
The Sikh Turban which is also called Dastar is a symbol of spirituality, Holiness and humility in Sikhism. The turban is also a symbol of Honor and Self-respect in Punjabi culture.
 Why people give preference to online shopping
Online Shopping is in trend. Moreover, it has become the first choice of people all over the world because of the availability of numerous product options.
People prefer online shopping due to its convenience, time savings, and affordability.
 Benefits of buy turban online
As Online shopping has become a major part of people’s life. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to discuss some of the benefits that can be obtained from purchasing items online.
·       It is convenient to purchase a turban online. At any time of day or night, you can shop from the comfort of your home or office. Unlike going to a physical store, there is no need to spend time traveling to one.
·       Online stores offer a wider variety of turbans than physical stores. You can choose from a range of colors, fabrics, styles, and designs to find the perfect turban to suit your needs.
·       Online shopping allows you to read reviews and ratings from other customers who have purchased the same product. This can help you make a more informed decision about which turban to buy.
·       You can easily compare prices, styles, and features of different turbans from multiple online stores, which can help you find the best product for your budget and needs.
·       The quality of the products available online is very good. So you can find the best quality Turban online.
 10 Best Websites for Buy Turban Online
As online shopping has become a part of life of modern people so almost everyone is bringing their business online so you can find so many websites to buy Turban Online. Below here we have mentioned 10 popular websites to buy online turban.
1.    Sikh Accessories - Sikh Accessories is the preferred store to buy turban because they offer a diverse selection of high-quality turbans that cater to all styles and preferences. Their user-friendly website and fast shipping ensure a hassle-free ordering experience, while their commitment to customer satisfaction guarantees a pleasant shopping experience with competitive prices.
 2.    Singh Styled- They offer a wide variety of turbans made from premium quality fabrics such as cotton, silk, and chiffon, and in a range of vibrant colors. Their turbans are known for their durability, comfort, and excellent knotting style.
 3.    Sardar Pagri House - With their vast selection of styles and colors, they offer a perfect turban for every occasion. Their affordable prices and excellent customer service make them a top choice for turban shoppers.
 4.    Khalsa Store - Khalsa Store offers a wide variety of colors and materials, from lightweight cotton to luxurious silk that can be matched to any outfit. They also have a selection of pre-tied turbans, and can even provide custom-fit turbans tailored to your exact measurements.
 5.    Etsy - Etsy's platform allows independent sellers to showcase their products to millions of potential customers. With its vast selection of turbans, Etsy provides an easy way for shoppers to find a variety of styles and colors, as well as to support small businesses.
 6.    Utsav Fashion - Customers can choose from a variety of turbans, ranging from traditional styles to contemporary styles, at Utsav Fashion, a popular website for traditional Indian clothing and accessories.
 7.    The Turban Shop - With an emphasis on comfort and style, The Turban Shop offers a range of turban options for everyday wear, special occasions, and weddings. It also prioritizes quality, as all of its turbans are constructed with premium fabrics and designed for a comfortable fit.
 8.    Singh Turban - A well-known manufacturer of handmade turbans, Singh Turban has a broad range of turban styles and colors made using premium fabrics and materials. These turbans are lightweight and designed to provide comfort, making them ideal for wearing on a daily basis.
 9.    Pagri House - Offering a wide range of turban options in different materials and designs, Pagri House is a go-to destination for those seeking quality turbans at reasonable prices. With a commitment to utmost customer satisfaction, Pagri House ensures that all turbans are of top quality and excellent craftsmanship.
 10.                       Sikh Turban Store - This store provides an opportunity for people to find quality turbans that are specifically designed to suit their individual needs. The range of styles and fabrics available gives customers a variety of options to choose from, ensuring that they can find the perfect turban for their needs.
 So these are some famous websites where you can find turbans of any color, best quality of fabric and at a very affordable prices. You can also find other information about Sikhs on these popular websites.
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gupshupworld22 · 2 years
We are introduced to the most recent spring and summer 2023 men's fashion trends in Vogue each year. There is fashion that completely captivated us, whether it was on the runways, on the streets, online, or anywhere else. Men's summer fashion trends include wide-leg jeans, boldly branded shirts, and accessories. There is something that is ideal for you, whether you want to experiment with gender-neutral silhouettes or you want to add some fresh colors to your regular outfits. Bold-Brand Shirts for Men's Fashion in Vogue! When Hawaiian shirts first became popular in the 1930s, printed shirts were among the most popular options in men's spring fashion trends. These striking pieces of clothing are a wonderful way to dress up a basic outfit, such as a pair of jeans or pants. There are many different styles available from names like Louis Vuitton and Amiri. But you may also discover reasonably priced ones that offer the same impact. You can choose between a traditional style with palm trees and something slightly more graphic. Such as color blocking or being covered with logos, depending on the look you choose. Knits in Vibrant Colors! Who said knits could only be worn in chilly weather? You'll want to wear them all year round when you have outerwear like this. Consider a colorful and vibrant color instead of a standard neutral one. These hues are simple to incorporate into your existing outfit. You can, of course, choose a tight sweater, or you can try a cardigan with a light knit and a t-shirt below. Cargo shorts for Men's Summer Fashion Trend! After once being the most popular men's fashion trend, cargo has reclaimed its place as one of the season's top men's fashion in vogue trends. Of course, some people may still think they're mistakes, so this year we're here to disprove them. When dressing this divisive item of apparel, make sure the remainder of your ensemble is chic and wouldn't be mistaken for "daggy" or "uncool." This entails pulling on a sharp button-down shirt or blazer and a pair of brand-new sneakers. Checks and Plaids! Although checks are generally timeless, this season they are becoming more extravagant. This chic pattern, which ranges from a houndstooth to a plaid, is simple to include in your regular attire. You can use this idea for casual suits for men, and it will significantly improve your overall style. Depending on your preferred style, you can choose from a wide variety of checks and plaids. Some of the most common larger checks include windowpane, graph, and buffalo. Choose argyle, Black Watch, or Clan Wallace if tartan or plaid is more your style. Chunky Chains! For years, chunky chains have been on the list for women. Now it's time for the guys to try this style out! Every aesthetic is compatible with this adaptable accessory. Which can give any ensemble a Men’s Fashion Latest Ideas, Style, and Trends in 2023. It will give your outfit depth and intricacy without overdoing it. Whether it's a conventional t-shirt and jacket or streetwear clothing. Choose a design with a variety of hues, such as black, and silver, or a cluster of silver intertwined in itself. https://gupshupworld.com/?p=21361&feed_id=741
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