#2022 fic tracking
grittyreadsfic · 2 years
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2022 in a snapshot ig!
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youssefguedira · 6 months
i dont know when ill get around to writing the larger fic this is part of but you know brain worms have this
Nicky offers to pick him up at the airport like it’s nothing, like it hasn’t been almost ten years since they saw each other, because he knows Joe hates planes and won’t want to try and navigate the two trains and two buses it’ll take to actually reach their hometown after the flight. And Joe doesn’t even try to protest, just texts him Thank you before he gets on the plane and then tries not to think about it for the entire flight. He fails.
When he arrives he’s exhausted, because it never really gets easier no matter how many times he does it. Moves through the airport like a zombie, operating mostly on muscle memory. He hasn’t been here in a long time. Still knows it well enough to navigate without really thinking about it. 
His suitcase is one of the last to come through on the carousel, but it does come through, and then he’s walking to arrivals with his heart in his throat. 
Nicky’s hanging back from the crowd, hands in his pockets. His hair is a little longer now, and at some point in the last decade he’s gotten his ears pierced, which Joe didn’t know. He’s wearing a dark green sweater and blue jeans. When he catches sight of Joe he smiles, small and restrained, straightens slightly.
“Hey,” he says as Joe gets closer, voice soft.
Joe has to swallow. “Hey,” he says hoarsely.
And he doesn’t even need to say anything else, because Nicky pulls him into a hug before Joe even has to ask, and Joe buries his face in Nicky’s neck and tries to breathe around the sob catching in his throat. One of Nicky’s hands comes up to cup the back of Joe’s neck, his thumb moving back and forth gently, and Joe is fragile enough that that gesture alone almost undoes him. 
Nicky pulls back first. Smiles at Joe. “You look good,” he says.
Joe has to swallow before he trusts himself to speak. “You too.” 
They linger just a moment longer, Nicky’s hand still on the back of Joe’s neck. Ten years ago, Joe would’ve kissed him; now there’s a gap neither of them quite know how to fill.
Finally, Nicky steps back fully, and Joe feels the loss of contact sharply. “We should go,” Nicky says. Joe nods, and follows him out of the terminal.
The car Nicky heads for is the same battered old thing he’s been driving since he got his licence. Joe wonders to himself how the car is even still going, and the look Nicky gives him tells him he knows exactly what Joe’s thinking.
It does something funny to Joe’s heart. He looks away, and gets in the car. 
“I brought you something to eat,” Nicky says before he starts the car, reaching for the bag by Joe’s feet. 
“You didn’t have to–” Joe begins, but Nicky cuts him off with a knowing almost-smile. 
“You hate plane food,” Nicky says, “and it’s almost two, and the other option would be whatever we can find on the way. I thought you might prefer this to service station food.”
It makes Joe want to cry a little. “Nicky,” he says, and can’t manage anything else. 
Nicky seems to understand. He pulls out what he had been looking for - a silver thermos, and a fork - and hands it to Joe. The contents are still warm when Joe opens it: pasta, warm and comforting. 
“Good?” Nicky asks, watching him.
Joe nods. “Good.”
“Okay.” Nicky looks at him for a beat longer, then turns away and starts the car. 
There’s a moment of delay before the CD player starts up, but when it does, Joe knows it from the opening note: he bought Nicky this CD from a thrift store the summer before he left for university, when they’d taken off for two weeks, just them and the car and the road. And there’s no chance that Nicky’s kept it in his car for ten years, but as they leave the airport and turn onto the motorway it makes it feel like they’ve done this a thousand times before, even though Nicky never picked him up from the airport when he came home, only met him at the station once or twice.
Joe finishes the pasta and tucks the thermos back in the bag. “Thank you,” he says, and it comes out a lot quieter than he means it to. 
Nicky glances at him. “We’re still a few hours away, if you want to try and sleep. I will wake you when we’re almost there.”
Joe might protest under other circumstances, but the flight was long, and he doesn’t sleep well on planes anyway. So he takes off his scarf and folds it into a makeshift pillow before leaning back and closing his eyes. Nicky drums his fingers on the steering wheel in time with the beat, hums along with the tune, and Joe lets the sound of his voice and the tapping of the rain on the window wrap around him like a blanket, carrying him off to sleep.
Joe wakes to Nicky shaking his shoulder gently. “We’ll be there soon,” he’s saying. The rain has stopped; the radio is on, now, chattering in the way in the background. They’ve left the motorway behind for a much narrower road. Joe has to blink a few times before he catches sight of a sign and realises what Nicky means. 
He sits up. The position he’d been sleeping in hadn’t been great for his back or his neck, and he’ll probably regret it soon, but he’d slept a lot better than he might’ve expected. 
Being back always makes the rest of his life feel like a dream, like he’d never left at all. When the sign for their town passes Joe sits up, panic coiling in his stomach. He’s had days to prepare himself and still isn’t ready.
“Wait,” he says when they turn a corner two streets away from Joe’s parents’ house, “Nicky. Wait.”
“What?” Nicky asks. He doesn’t stop, but he does slow down.
“I can’t– I can’t do this.”
Now Nicky does stop, pulling into a lay-by. “What is it?”
“I don’t know, I just. Not yet. I need time.”
Nicky looks at him for a long moment. “When are they expecting you?”
“I didn’t give an exact time. Just sometime this afternoon.” He’d told his sister Nicky was coming to get him over the phone; she hadn’t said anything, but the silence had been enough. 
Nicky doesn’t say anything, but he’s got the look on his face that means he’s thinking.
“I’ll be okay by myself,” Joe says then. “If you need to work.”
Nicky shakes his head. “I have today off.” And then, before Joe can really think about that, he turns the car around and heads back the way they came. This time, he recognises the path Nicky’s taking almost immediately, turning away from the area Joe’s parents live in and towards the outskirts of town, where it starts to become mostly farmland.
“I can park the car by my uncle’s house,” Nicky says, glancing at Joe. “Then we can go from there.”
Joe doesn’t need to ask where; they’ve walked the same route so many times he could probably do it in his sleep. 
The sheep are out in the fields by Nicky’s uncle’s house, but he doesn’t see any of the lambs yet, though they must be coming soon. Nicky’s uncle let Joe try and help with lambing once, up until the point where Joe saw what exactly that entailed, and immediately lost his nerve. But he’d still let him help Nicky feed them every year.
There’s a little paved yard outside the farmhouse, where Nicky parks the car before grabbing the bag that had been by Joe’s feet. “I’m going to drop these off,” Nicky says. “You can come in, if you want?”
Nicky’s aunt and uncle have always been kind to Joe, but they will inevitably ask about his father, and Joe cannot quite bring himself to talk about that, not yet. 
“I’ll wait,” Joe says. 
It’s a few minutes before Nicky reappears, this time without the bag, but carrying a different thermos. He smiles apologetically as he jogs over. “I didn’t mean to make you wait long,” Nicky says. “But you know how they are.”
All Joe can do is nod. Nicky sets off down the path towards the woods that border the farm and Joe falls into step beside him. They don’t talk much on the way there, but they don’t need to: the silence is comfortable enough.
It’ll be spring soon. It’s cold but not cold enough to be uncomfortable, and the snowdrops are in full bloom, bright shards of white in the grass. The rain has stopped, but the smell of it still hangs in the air. They must’ve spent hours walking this path, enough that Joe doesn’t really need to look to know exactly where Nicky’s going.
This part of the river is just secluded enough that he can’t hear cars passing by anymore. The bench by the path is still there, though at some point they’ve built a shelter over it, which probably leaks but has kept it dry even after the rain. Nicky makes for it immediately. 
If he looked at the back of the third slat from the left he’d find their names carved into the wood, side by side. Joe very deliberately doesn’t look. 
Nicky sits down. Nods to the space beside him. When Joe joins him, he holds out the thermos.
“Tea,” Nicky says. “If you want.”
How many times have they done exactly this, over the years? In summer, they’d wade into the river; in winter, Joe always wanted to try skating on it, but the ice was never quite thick enough. Every time Nicky got into a fight with his father, every time Joe couldn’t bear to be in the house one second longer, they’d come here. 
Joe gives into memory and rests his head on Nicky’s shoulder. Nicky brings one arm up to hold him close, hand on Joe’s upper arm.
Joe closes his eyes, listens to the birds, listens to Nicky’s breathing. 
Nicky says, “When is the funeral?”
“Thursday,” Joe says. He doesn’t want to think about this, doesn’t want to think about the last conversation he had with his father, doesn’t want to imagine walking into his parents’ house and finding him gone. Of all people, Nicky will understand. It’s what brought them together when they were younger: being the only two students in their class who spoke English as a second language, and difficult fathers.
Silence falls between them, and Nicky doesn’t let him go, and Joe’s missed him, more than he really knew. He’d tried to stay in touch, and they had, for the most part, but it’s not the same as having Nicky beside him again.
Joe doesn’t think there’s anyone in this world who knows him the way Nicky does.
He doesn’t know why he says it, but they haven’t talked about it, and it feels like something they should, if only so Joe can lay this all to rest. 
Joe opens his eyes. “You, uh. You seeing anyone?”
Nicky doesn’t pull away, but Joe feels the way he goes still, tense. Slowly, softly, he says, “I don’t think this is the right time, Joe.”
“Is there ever a right time?” Joe asks, half-joking. 
Nicky doesn’t laugh. 
Joe clears his throat. “I’m not. So.”
Nicky exhales slowly, like he’s steadying himself. His thumb moves back and forth, back and forth where it’s resting on Joe’s arm, catching on the fabric of his coat. “Me neither.”
Joe’s not sure if that’s better or worse than if Nicky had said he’d found someone. If he had, perhaps Joe could put to rest the little part of him that will always be in love with Nicky. Not get rid of it entirely, but fold it away in a little corner of his heart and leave it there. This, though – this is possibility he doesn’t know what to do with.
“How long are you here?” Nicky asks quietly, moving his hand up to run his fingers through Joe’s hair, like he used to whenever Joe needed something to keep him grounded.
“I got two weeks off work,” Joe says. “After that I don’t know.”
Two weeks feels monumentally long and yet vanishingly short at the same time. And after?
They don’t talk about much after that. Small talk, more than anything else: Nicky’s still living in the same apartment, still working the same job, but Joe knows he loves it from the tone of his voice when he talks about the shelves he built for his most recent client, how he’s starting to make more of his own stuff, how his boss has been talking about retiring and leaving the whole business to Nicky. Joe could listen to him talk about it for hours. Maybe he does. 
It settles the frantic thing that had woken in his chest when they crossed the town line, and eventually, Joe says, “I think I’m ready.”
Nicky turns his head inwards and kisses the top of Joe’s head. Lingers there for a moment. It isn’t anything; it doesn’t have to be anything. 
“Okay,” Nicky says. “Okay.”
The walk back to the farm is largely silent, just as the walk there had been, passing the thermos of tea back and forth between them. They get back in the car, and Nicky drives them back to Joe’s parents’ house. 
Nicky pulls up on the curb outside the house. “Call me, if you need anything. Or just– call me.”
“I will,” Joe promises. He has two weeks; he’s not going to waste them. They haven’t been in the same timezone in a long, long time.
Nicky smiles, small and hopeful, and there’s nothing really to say, after that. 
Joe gets out of the car, and prepares to face his family.
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cuubism · 5 months
Hey, i hope i'm not being super annoying by asking this but do you ever plan on finishing 'In Waking Dreams'?
This fic is probably one of my favorites of you (along with 'some kinda benefits', 'The Apocalypse Is Nigh!', 'my eyes are up here' .... honestly if i go throught all my bookmarks we would be here all day, your writting is just that incredible aksjka) and it has lived in my head for so long, i love how hob's initial reaction to the news of "you have a husband" is simply oh fuck yeah, i love the whole set up of the marriage just happening because dream said yeah sure why not, what could ever come from this? and then slowly actually falling in love with hob, i love the tenderness that which you write them with when they actually reunite and just, i really love the whole fic 😅
So yeah, i hope you find in you that Dante Alighieri spark of fanfiction inspiration to pick it up again it one day, is a really good story ^w^
i am, yes! i've been ever so slowly working on it
i often find that after the climax is the hardest part of a story to write, especially if it's a really obvious and delineated climax like 'hob rescues dream' - before that you always have the climax as a north star, if you start getting lost you just remember that you're supposed to be going in that direction, but afterwards it's like... where does it go now? there's a lot to wrap up and you want to try to do it organically, not just like... infodump all the answers to the outstanding questions XD so i'm slowly poking away at that.
this is making me think that i should probably just write the very last scene of the fic (don't know what that is yet) and then i'll have a new north star...
but here's a small bit from the beginning of the chapter
Hob’s home was in a bit of a state, thanks to all the crazed research and rescuing he had been doing. Books and ledgers left open, a mug of tea still cooling on his desk, jumper thrown across the couch instead of put away. He tried to remember, as he led his husband to bed, hand low on his back to guide him, if their home in dreams had ever been in such disarray. Home was a bit of a nebulous concept, in their dreams. They had had many different houses over the years, the details of which were hard to remember upon waking. Really, home was the man beside him, an inexorable force that drew Hob back, across landscapes and time, from cottage to manor to palace. King, he thought, it coming to him again, the way dreams appeared and disappeared as context called them. The ragged, slumped form of the creature beside him, leaning into Hob’s side for support. Hob remembered taking his hand, pressing his lips to those fragile bones. My king, he’d murmured, at his side, in bed, like he was in a fairytale. A king would have a kingdom. A kingdom of dreams? His king of dreams turned to him as they stopped by the bed. Now that the rush of power, of darkness, had bled off him, he looked haggard, swamped in Hob���s coat, which was still all he was wearing. Strange, so strange to be here, in Hob’s so ordinary bedroom. Not the half-remembered palace of a hazy dream-life, but just here, standing by the bed. Hob, and his dream-walker. He had come to him, hadn’t he? Once, or so he’d said. Hob didn’t remember the specific instance of someone ringing his doorbell and not being there, but he could imagine it. God, if he’d been just a moment sooner in opening the door. If his Dream had been just a moment sooner in knocking. “Hob,” said his husband, in his solemn, sleepy voice. Hob had missed that voice. The dreams he had had of him, the ones that were memories, were never quite the same, never quite right. He said nothing else, like Hob’s name was all he had wanted to say. So Hob said it back—“my Dream”—and the softening of his husband’s face was worth everything.
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umlewis · 5 months
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📷 @.simonstoeckl / instagram
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lokh · 3 months
oh my god. a manga where everyones actually wearing masks???
edit: NEVERMIND jumped the gun here it was just for one scene cos they were at a nail salon 😭
edit 2: hmm actually. depending on how recently this manga was drawn it could just be reflective of how not everyone wears masks. the customers are wearing masks in the salon but outside usually not but Sometimes. they are
edit 3: I WAS RIGHT??
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
I truly hope you write your own romance novel someday (if you haven’t already) and make millions. I’m more invested in your pink scarf series than my own life ❤️❤️
OMG Nonnie, THANK YOU and you are making me blush, honey, because this is my ACTUAL DREAM and the fact that you think it's even a possibility is amazing. Like seriously. Or that you think I could've already done it brings tears to my eyes, you have no idea... (Because ALL my insecurities want to tell me it could never happen.)
My very serious question(s) for y'all, if you don't mind (and I promise I'm not asking this fishing for compliments, I am just really interested to know), is if I published a romance novel, would you want to read it? Would you want to pay money for it? Would you read it if it weren't quite as smut heavy/not about EP (but in a similar vein)?
One, I cannot BELIEVE how amazing and supportive this community has been to me and my growth as a writer. I never in a million years expected this response to what started out as a teenie one-shot in my head. Pink Scarf has pushed me in so many ways, and I know I'm still learning and growing with each sentence and PS certainly isn't perfect, but y'all still take precious time out of your lives read and comment and reblog and share and just WOW. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 💜
Two, the reason I ask (and would be hesitant to share if not for so many of y'all being so kind and supportive) is that I am in the very beginning stages of attempting to make this a reality...like I'm actually in the process of making a huge career change. (Well, I actively quit my very stable career this summer because it was killing me and because writing has been calling out to me for years. Now I'm figuring out how to make it actually happen and how to try and make a living at it and OMG is it a terrifying prospect for someone who has made all previous life choices in the name of stability LOL)
I am truly curious to know what y'all think (even if it's "girl, get yourself a day job cuz there's no way!" LOL)...or if any of y'all out there are published author/creatives who have any pointers, feel free to message me!!
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Don't get me wrong, I don't ever EVER wanna experience 2020 again, but sometimes I miss that summer on long drives with my mom listening to folklore, writing fic on my phone while I waited for her in the car
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flameohotwife · 2 years
Rated E | 2.9k words
Written for @kataang-dungeon Kataang Smut Weekend 2022 alternate prompt: Painted Lady x Avatar, and also loosely for Only One Bed, Tattoos, and Reunion
“Avatar Aang, I need your help.” Aang rubs his eyes, waking up slowly to the ethereal sound of her voice. “Please, wake up. A new factory has come to pollute my waters. I need you.”
He fights the stir in his pants at those last words. It has been so long, and her voice is so enticing…It sounds exactly like her. Could it be? Or is it just a dream? 
He sits up and looks around the small room he’s rented, blinking the sleep away. He had stopped in this floating Fire Nation river village last night on his way to visit Zuko. He and Katara haven’t seen each other in almost a year, and though he knows it is for the best, he longs for her touch and her comfort. All of the memories of their time here had come flooding back to him the second he stepped foot on the dock, and he yearns for her. 
Read (the smut. I mean...) more on ao3
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domjaehyun · 2 years
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#if you see me follow up this post with stress that it’s long then no you didn’t mind your business i’ll circle back to this vibe again
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pussy fiend, part 2 (l.dh)
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PAIRING ➢ haechan x fem!reader
GENRES & AUS ➢ smut, humor, fluff; college au, enemies to fuckbuddies to lovers, roommate au
WORD COUNT ➢ 68.9k total, in 2 parts (28.2k & 40.7k)
WARNINGS ➢ invasion of privacy, Haechan’s a sneaky little shit, cocky!Haechan, jokes about emotional manipulation, author pretends to know about stuff she doesn’t, mild dubcon
CONTENTS ➢ (mild) dubcon, bratty switches! boffum!, somnophilia, oral (receiving), allusions to a free-use kink but barely, rimming (receiving), creampie, dacryphilia, brief thigh job, praise, barely degradation but if you’re sensitive note that, some spit kink, panty sucking (?), Haechan’s a bit of a pain slut, fingering, biting
SUMMARY ➢ part two baybee!! uhhh he still likes you and is still a fiend for pussy bestie have fun :)
AUTHOR’S NOTE ➢ thank you so much for all the love on part one!! please do not get upset with me if you ignore the contents/warnings and get your feelings hurt; that is no one’s doing but yours. massive thank you to my love @ncteez for all her help with the initial idea and beta reading this monster for me :')
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2,344 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
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MEMBERS. mark lee x fem!reader x lee haechan
GENRE. smut…that’s it… some humor
WORD COUNT. 28.8k (i’m not apologizing and you can’t make me)
CONTENTS. weed consumption, haechan favoritism (it’s me. what did you expect), explicit smut (slightest of dubcon, chasing kink (? y’all idk), quite a bit of edging/orgasm denial (giving), dry humping, handjobs, blowjobs, cunnilingus, finger sucking, bit of spit kink, unprotected sex, creampie, double penetration, anal, rimming (receiving), overstimulation (receiving), praise kink, some slight degradation, bratty switch!reader, bratty switch!haechan, needy switch!mark, haechan really likes calling you “puppy,” i think that’s it)
NOTES. hi :3 thank you to my love @ncteez​ (hon) for beta reading this for me! i’m on my mark & haechan monster cock agenda thank you very much :)
PLAYLIST. video games - sun // seduce - russ // pth - emanuel
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2,598 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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pairing. mark lee x fem!reader genre. some fluff, smut word count. 6.9k contents. kissing, breast play, fingering (receiving), oral (giving), unprotected sex
summary. in which mark just really wants to kiss you. alternative summary. five times mark wanted to kiss you and one time he actually does.
notes. happy (belated) birthday @najaemarkl !! this fic is based off the song ‘kiss u right now’ by duckwrth 🥰
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2,767 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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4,682 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
pussy fiend (l.dh)
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PAIRING ➢ haechan x fem!reader
GENRES & AUS ➢ smut, humor, fluff; college au, enemies to fuckbuddies to lovers, roommate au
WORD COUNT ➢ 68.9k total, in 2 parts (28.2k & 40.7k)
WARNINGS ➢ invasion of privacy, Haechan’s a sneaky little shit, cocky!Haechan, jokes about emotional manipulation, author pretends to know about stuff she doesn’t, mild dubcon
CONTENTS ➢ (mild) dubcon, bratty switches! boffum!, somnophilia, oral (receiving), allusions to a free-use kink but barely, rimming (receiving), creampie, dacryphilia, brief thigh job, praise, barely degradation but if you’re sensitive note that, some spit kink, panty sucking (?), Haechan’s a bit of a pain slut, fingering, biting
SUMMARY ➢ uhhh he likes you and is a fiend for pussy idk bestie
AUTHOR’S NOTE ➢ long time no see! please consider sending a donation/tip if you enjoy the fic! please do not get upset with me if you ignore the contents/warnings and get your feelings hurt; that is no one’s doing but yours. if you enjoy the fic, please consider tipping me here or here!! ALSO massive thank you to my love @ncteez for all her help with the initial idea and beta reading this monster for me :')
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5,052 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
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spice up your life
ian and mickey attempt to spice up their sex lives — even further — by embarking on a thirty-day sex challenge.
day 9: movie night
kinktober prompt: "i guess i’ll just get off all by myself"
bust out the popcorn, it’s movie night! snuggle up and enjoy some adult entertainment. who knows? maybe you’ll just find yourselves inspired to try something new.
chapter: 5 / ? rating: e word count: 3.2k / 11.2k
day 9 of @gallavichthings kinktober!
thanks to @shameless-notashamed and @you-are-so-much-better-than-that for beta-ing piles of porn 💕
🌶 read day 9 here on ao3 🌶
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parmahamlarrie · 1 year
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grittyreadsfic · 2 years
time for some hrpf fic reading stats pivot tables that no one asked for
top 15 hrpf authors i’ve read
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total word count for fics by hannah_baker
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total word count for fics by lotts
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thomine · 1 year
@truck-senpai replied to your post “wanna write a platonic thoma & reader fic because...”:
A platonic relationship with our greenest flag would be awesome tbh,thoma just gives off very wholesome sweet groupmom vibes😭💓👌🏻
​he does!!!! and if i'm being ambitious, i can totall make a "fic" for each of his voicelines. i'll think about it and add it to my wip list!!!
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princeresnikov · 2 years
So i tend to write snippets from all around the fic when I'm out and about if a moment comes to me, and I had a stroke of inspiration for the epilogue and I just need y'all to know that not only is there a happy ending to this whole thing, but the epilogue is so fucking fluffy I want to SCREAM. rn I'm all soft and emotional about Lemon eventually falling in love with a NB kindergarten teacher (El, short for Elpis) who is a huge history buff, and loves Greek mythology specifically just as much as Lemon loves Thomas & Friends, and the two of them have a daughter together (his daughter's name is Persephone but everyone calls her Percy).
I care so much about this little family I've just invented 🥲🥲 Lemon, El, and Percy.
I've also just realised I have to include a scene in the epilogue of when Lemon first tries to introduce El to Tang & Clem 😅😅
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
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#i actually can’t tell if people have found it because my notifications are exploding with peoples’ reactions to the daniel craig gifs ahahah
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643 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
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769 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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This man is winning, actually.
871 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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DANIEL CRAIG from Jessica Henwick’s Instagram.
903 notes - Posted December 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,102 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
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so uhm. i might have posted something else if anyones interested
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