#2021 at 11:37 AM
2 Parents talk bad to person.
This is Ying Lin, Candy Cai & Willie Dong. But, Mommy saying the curse word in school.
Taken on November 14, 2021 at 7:49PM.
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aroaceacacia · 1 year
if anybody wants to do some casual "Putting MCC VODs On Archive Dot Org" here is a little wishlist
- technoblade! so far I have only found techno's mcc highlight videos saved on archive (in a large cache of all his videos); because of that there are no techno mcc vods on archive that I've found. he has 11 vods that need to go up (0/11)
- in general, because youtube streams appear less volatile than twitch vods, they tend to be saved to archive less. i would love someone to upload smallishbeans (3/26), ryguyrocky (6/15), and mcc pride 2021 (3/25) vods in particular, but any youtube stream is helpful
- the simmers are in pretty dire straits, probably because they're more on the outskirts of the mcyt community: vixella (0/9), kryticzeuz (2/19), james turner (0/8), drgluon (0/14)
- the captain himself has a very reliable vods channel but I'm a big believer in backups. he's currently at 7/32 - most of the needed vods are seasons 1 and 2
- niki nihachu has only 3/12 right now and she deserves better imo
- fwhip is sitting at a pretty 1/11 vods and could use a little help
- the admin stream is the single POV with the most vods! while im now uploading each new admin POV to archive, there's still two seasons' worth of noxcrew streams to put up there (6/37)
btw im not trying to force anybody to upload vods, this is more of a "hey if you want to do this, as of august 12 2023 there are 676 vods and 96 highlights videos that should be backed up to archive and heres a few places to start".
currently just over half of mcc's extant povs have been saved, which is HUGE!!, but theres still a long way to go - and it gets tricky as this is an ever-evolving event. i am like sisyphus, keeper of spreadsheets, eater of gigabytes, uploader of vods. mcc is my rock. but every little bit does help and go a long way and its appreciated. i see you and I appreciate you even if it's just one POV!
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 4 months
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all nct dream imagines can be found here- Mark and Haechan found on the 127 masterlist personal favorites are marked with ☆
last updated August 6, 2024
⭒˚。⋆the newlywed miniseries⋆⭒˚。⋆
[6:47 pm] posted March 27, 2021
A surprise party for the birthday boy with kisses as a gift
you suck at crushes posted August 22, 2021
Renjun wants to help you get with Yangyang who wants to help you couple up with Renjun but they’re both annoying, maybe one less than the other
[5:11 pm] posted January 22, 2022
On your first date with Renjun you get distracted by his pretty eyes
[10:26 am] posted October 8, 2022
You thought Tsundere!Renjun didn’t like you so why is he cuddling you and making it impossible to get out of bed?
☆ [11:56 pm] posted March 12, 2023
You love your best friend, even when she’s throwing up outside a frat house, but you love her brother even more when he picks you both up
[10:14 am] posted October 7, 2023
Renjun would prefer to be awake with you but he can’t bring himself to wake you up himself so he does everything he can to get other factors to do it instead
[5:36 pm] posted January 27, 2024
Your friends find all the lingering touches and glances between you and Renjun to be annoying why won’t you confess?! Wait- did you guys just kiss?!
[4:02 pm] posted February 18, 2024
Renjun is unusually cute and clingy
[3:28 pm] posted March 21, 2021
Prompt generator- Jeno can’t get enough kisses with you rose flavored lip balm
☆ [12:24 pm] posted November 16, 2021
Jeno calls you too often and is too comfortable
[8:51 am] posted April 18, 2022
Jeno is unusually cuddly, why?
☆ [3:43 pm] posted November 5, 2022
Making the bed is something that you and Jeno are supposed to do together, do you even want to be together?
[6:19 pm] posted April 2, 2023
You and Jeno have to work through some relationship issues due to him forgetting your anniversary
☆ [9:19 pm] posted July 8, 2023
When you don’t agree about this being you best time having sex, Jeno decides to imitate your moans to try and change your mind (MDNI)
[12:14 am] posted July 22, 2023
Jeno sleeps can only really sleep well when you scratch his back
☆ [9:33 pm] posted October 31, 2023
Jeno is much too tired to argue with his toddler who should be in bed after a long night of trick-or-treating
[8:41 pm] posted December 19, 2023
Jeno is a nervous dad who happens to get more nervous when your daughter is playing out in the snow 
[3:16 pm] posted February 10, 2024
Jeno would never admit that he likes your trashy reality show-did you watch the season premier without him?!
☆[9:16 am] posted July 14, 2024
Jeno tries to be cute and send you flowers, it's just a shame it wasn't a successful try
☆ mr. worst cup {College and Barista!au} posted April 4, 2021
Jaemin messes up your order and in turn messes up any chance at any sort of relationship with you (or so he thinks)
[2:38 pm] posted June 24, 2021
Some people just don’t like seeing you and Jaemin in love- lovesick they might argue
[4:16 pm] posted January 17, 2022
Jaemin is throwing a fit and you don’t care
[7:14 pm] posted July 15, 2022
You thought Jaemin hated strawberries more than he liked you
[2:37 pm] posted January 22, 2023
Jaemin would do anything for you and that includes running across town and buying you multiple bouquets when he hears you’ve had a bad day
[11:22 pm] posted February 19, 2023
A night out at the club was supposed to help you get over Fuckboy!Jaemin, not get in his bed
[3:41 pm] posted June 17, 2023
You and Barista!Jaemin kiss each other hello and goodbye much to your friends’ disgust- 00′s line cafe 7dream au
[8:02 pm] posted September 17, 2023
Jaemin has been clingy for days, good thing you can have your shower time for yourself, right? wrong.
[2:41 pm] posted October 14, 2023
pregnant!reader experiences a pregnancy scare and Jaemin comforts her
[9:18 pm] posted December 25, 2023
Your son can’t resist the Christmas tree, even less so when he finds out there’s a toy hidden somewhere beneath the tree
[7:09 pm] posted January 13, 2024
Your usually hyper daughter is playing with your cats so gently, why? She’s practicing for a baby you didn’t know about
[8:08 am] posted April 28, 2024
CEO!Jaemin walks his daughter to school
[8:04 am] posted June 1, 2024
you wake up to hear Jaemin and your daughter talking over the baby monitor
[2:51 pm] posted December 11, 2021
Did he just bite you? He just bit you
[3:13 am] posted September 26, 2022
College!Chenle decides to come over, joy… it’s not like you were sleeping or anything
☆[5:18 pm] posted May 13, 2023
Situationship!Chenle likes to steal your phone and make horrible pictures of you your new lockscreen, but your new lockscreen has him change his mind 
[6:22 pm] posted November 27, 2021
You’re supposed to be there for a surprise! Why aren’t you there for the surprise?! Oh…
☆[3:56 pm] posted September 4, 2022
Did College!Jisung mean to kiss you while he was leaving?
[4:12 pm] posted August 12, 2023
Jisung comforts you after a stressful exam
☆[5:51 pm] posted June 29, 2024
You just took a pregnancy test and saw it said pregnant, what does Jisung mean "how did this happen?"
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djeniryuu · 10 months
Last Updated: —
P.S.: Please let me know if any of the links aren’t working
a - angst, f - fluff, s - smut, ✔- completed
♡ - personal favourite
* - newly added
Stories by Year:
2018-2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
⇢ 7:09 PM (1k) - (f) 
⇢ 11:37 PM (0.6k) - (f) 
⇢ 12:16 AM (1.3) - (a) 
⇢ Enemies-to-lovers!Bang Chan (21k) - (f)  » enemies to lovers, office!au
⇢ Illicit & Priceless (26k) - (action, f) » action, mafia!au
⇢ Kinktober Day 5: Breeding Kink (1.2k) - (s) 
⇢ LDR (12.5k) - (f, s) » friends to lovers, university!au
⇢ Love Me, Love Me Not (6.5k) - (a, f) » best friends to lovers, university!au
⇢ Midnight Somewhere (2.6k) - (f) 
⇢ Never-ending, Evanescent (2.8k) - (f) 
⇢ Non Ducor Duco (15.2k) - (f, s)  » historical!au, gang!au
⇢ Parasitic (11.8k) - (f) » enemies to lovers, roommates!au
⇢ Phobia (4.4k) - (a, f) » idol!chan
⇢ Priceless (14.3k) - (a, f) ♡ » enemies to lovers, rich kid!chan
⇢ Vampire!Bang Chan (20k) - (f)  » friends to lovers, vampire!chan
⇢ When We Were Young (1.3k) - (a)
⇢ A Love That Lasts (18.2k) - (f) ✔ ♡  » neighbours to lovers, dad!chan
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,  Epilogue (Final), Bonus: Honeymoon 
⇢ Bedroom Ceiling (4.2k) - (a, f) ✔  » exes!au
Part 1, Part 2 (Final) 
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mpchev · 4 months
You like reading fanfics? How about reading about fanfics? 😏
Here’s what I've read so far (or am currently getting through) for my dissertation on fanfiction bookbinding! I'll be updating it as I go until the end of July. If you have any recs to add to the towering pile or any questions/opinions about something on there, I’m all ears!
on fan studies & ficbinding ✔
Alexander, Julia, ‘Making fanfiction beautiful enough for a bookshelf’, The Verge, 9 March 2021 <https://www.theverge.com/22311788/fanfiction-bookbinding-tiktok-diy-star-wars-harry-potter-twitter-fandom> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Buchsbaum, Shira Belén, ‘Binding fan fiction and reexamining book production models’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Dym, Brianna, and Casey Fiesler, ‘Ethical and privacy considerations for research using online fandom data’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 33 (2020)
Jenkins, Henry, Textual Pochers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (New York: Routeledge, 1992)
Jenkins, Henry, ‘Transmedia Storytelling 101’, Pop Junctions, 21 March 2007 <http://henryjenkins.org/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html#sthash.gSETwxQX.dpuf> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Hellekson, Karen, ‘Making Use Of: The Gift, Commerce, and Fans’, Cinema Journal, 54, no. 3 (2015), 125–131
Kennedy, Kimberly, ‘Fan binding as a method of fan work preservation’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Minkel, Elizabeth, ‘Before “Fans,” There Were “Kranks,” “Longhairs,” and “Lions”: How Do Fandom Gain Their Names?’, Atlas Obscura, 30 May 2024 <https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/fandom-names> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Penley, Constance, Nasa / Trek: Popular Science and Sex in America (London: Verso, 1997)
Price, Ludi, ‘Fanfiction, Self-Publishing, and the Materiality of the Book: A Fan Writer’s Autoethnography’, Humanities, 11, no. 100 (2022), 1–20
Schiller, Melanie, ‘Transmedia Storytelling: New Practices and Audiences’, in Stories: Screen Narrative in the Digital Era, ed. by Ian Christie and Annie van den Oever (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 99–107
on folklore, the internet, other background reading ✔
Barthes, Roland, ‘La mort de l’auteur’ in Le Bruissement de la langue: Essais critiques IV (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1984)
Blank, Trevor J., Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 2009)
Mauss, Marcel, ‘Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques.’, L’année sociologique, 1923–1924; digital edition by Jean-Marie Tremblay, Les classiques des sciences sociales, 17 February 2002, <http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/mauss_marcel/socio_et_anthropo/2_essai_sur_le_don/essai_sur_le_don.html> [accessed 10 June 2024]
McCulloch, Gretchen, Because Internet: Understanding How Language is Changing (Random House, 2019)
Niles, John D., Homo Narrans: The Poetics and Anthropology of Oral Literature (University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 1999)
hopefully coming up next (haven't started yet)
A Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies, ed. by Paul Booth (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018)
A Fan Studies Primer: Method, Research, Ethics, ed. by Paul Booth and Rebecca Williams (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2021)
Dietz, Laura, ‘Showing the scars: A short case study of de-enhancement of hypertext works for circulation via fan binding or Kindle Direct Publishing’, 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ‘23), September 4–8, 2023, Rome Italy (ACM: New York, 2023)
Fathallah, Judith May, Fanfiction and the Author: How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017)
Finn, Kavita Mudan, and Jessica McCall, ‘Exit, pursued by a fan: Shakespeare, Fandom, and the Lure of the Alternate Universe’, Critical Survey, 28, no. 2 (2016), 27–38
Hjorth, Larissa et al., eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography (New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Jacobs, Naomi, and JSA Lowe, ‘The Design of Printed Fanfiction: A Case Study of Down to Agincourt Fanbinding’, Proceedings from the Document Academy, 9, issue 1, article 5
Jenkins, Henry, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (New York: New York University Press, 2006)
Jenkins, Henry, Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning In A Networked Culture (New York: New York University Press, 2013)
Kennedy, Kimberly, and Shira Buchsbaum, ‘Reframing Monetization: Compensatory Practices and Generating a Hybrid Economy in Fanbinding Commissions’, Humanities, 11, no. 67 (2022), 1–18
Kirby, Abby, ‘Examining Collaborative Fanfiction: New Practices in Hyperdiegesis and Poaching’, Humanities, 11, no. 87 (2002), 1–9
Kustritz, Anne, Identity, Community, and Sexuality in Slash Fan Fiction (New Work: Routeledge, 2024)
Lamerichs, Nicolle, Productive Fandom: Intermediality and Affecive Reception in Fan Cultures, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam Universtiy Press, 2018)
Popova, Milena, ‘Follow the trope: A digital (auto)ethnography for fan studies’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 33 (2020)
Rosenblatt, Betsy, and Rebecca Tushnet, ‘Transformative Works: Young Women’s Voices on Fandom and Fair Use’, in eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology, Theory and Policy into Dialogue with Girls’ and Young Women’s Voices, ed. by Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves
Soller, Bettina, ‘Filing off the Serial Numbers: Fanfiction and its Adaptation to the Book Market’, in Adaptation in the Age of Media Convergence, ed. by Johannes Fehrle, Werner Schäfke-Zell (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019), 58–85
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The Story about Hagar and Ishmael
1-3 Abram and Sarai lived in that Canaan country, and after they were there for 10 years, they still had no kids. Sarai had a woman from Egypt working for her, called Hagar. She was Sarai’s slave. That means Sarai owned Hagar, and Hagar had to do everything that Sarai told her to do.
Sarai was sad because she had no kids, but she got an idea about how to get a baby for herself. So she said to Abram, “God has stopped me from having my own kids. But listen. I want you to sleep with Hagar, like she is your wife. You see, she belongs to me, so if she has a baby, that baby will really belong to me.” So Abram did that, just like Sarai said.
4 He slept with Hagar like she was his wife. Then Hagar found out that she was going to have a baby, so she started rubbishing Sarai all the time, because Sarai didn’t have any kids. 5 So Sarai said to Abram, “I blame you for this trouble. I gave Hagar to you, and now she is going to have a baby, and she is rubbishing me all the time. I reckon God knows that I am right, and you are wrong.”
6 But Abram said to Sarai, “Hagar belongs to you. You are her boss, so do whatever you want with her.” Then Sarai started to treat Hagar in a really bad way. So Hagar left Abram and Sarai’s camp and ran away.
7 Hagar started walking through the desert, along the road that went to a town called Shur, near Egypt. She sat down next to a water-hole there in the desert. God’s angel messenger went to her there. 8 He said, “Hagar, you belong to Sarai, so why are you sitting out here in the desert? Where are you going?”
Hagar said, “I’m running away from my boss, Sarai. She is too hard on me.”
9 God’s angel messenger said to her, “Don’t do that. Go back to your boss, and do what she says.” 10 And the angel also said, “God is going to give you a really big family. You will have a son, and later on lots of people will be born into his family, and they will be a real big family, so that nobody will be able to count all those people.” 11 The angel said, “You are going to have a baby boy, and you will name him Ishmael, because that name means God listens. You see, God listened to you. He heard about your trouble, and he will help you. 12 And Ishmael, your son, he will live like a wild donkey. He will go anywhere he wants to, and he will fight against everybody, and everybody will fight against him. He will not live close to his relatives.”
13 Then Hagar said to herself, “I have seen the God that sees me, and he looks after me.” So she gave God a name, she called him the God that sees me. 14 So that’s why people call that water-hole the water-hole that belongs to the one that is alive and sees me. That water-hole is between a place called Kadesh and a place called Bered.
15 Soon after that, Hagar had a baby boy, and Abram named him Ishmael. 16 Abram was 86 years old at the time when Ishmael was born. — Genesis 16 | Plain English Version (PEV) Plain English Version Bible © 2021 Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia. Cross References: Genesis 3:9; Genesis 11:30; Genesis 12:4; Genesis 12:16; Genesis 13:16; Genesis 14:7; Genesis 17:20; Genesis 17:25; Genesis 19:31; Genesis 20:1; Genesis 21:9; Genesis 21:17; Genesis 21:19; Genesis 25:12; Genesis 25:18; Genesis 29:32; Genesis 30:3-4; Genesis 31:53; Genesis 32:30; Genesis 37:25; Exodus 5:21; Exodus 24:11; Joshua 9:25; 1 Kings 19:9; Galatians 4:22
The LORD Has Listened
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Who was taking care of her three kids while she was busy have 7 soon to be 8 babies and three miscarriages for other people?
"I get attached like a loving aunt," Emily Westerfield explains of her relationship after giving birth. Courtesy Emily Westerfield
April 25, 2024, 5:39 AM EDT / Source: TODAY
By Rosie Colosi, TODAY
April 21-27 is National Infertility Awareness Week. All week, TODAY will be sharing stories to raise awareness of what it is like to experience infertility.
In the last 13 years, 37-year-old Emily Westerfield has delivered 10 healthy babies. Three were her own biological children. She acted as a gestational carrier for families of the others. Twice, she carried twins.
She is now 28 weeks pregnant with baby No. 11.
“I’m probably the unicorn in this industry,” Westerfield tells TODAY.com.
Her incredible success in navigating the surrogacy experience led her to give birth to Carrying Dreams, her own full-service agency designed to help egg donors, surrogates and intended parents on their parenting journeys in a way that works best for them.
So, would Westerfield consider having baby No. 12?
“In a heartbeat,” she says.
Planting the seed for surrogacy
Westerfield and her husband, Max, live in Celina, Ohio, with their three biological children: Mckenna, 13, Jack, 11, and Charlie, 10.
In 2010, Westerfield spent a lot of time bonding with Max’s cousin, who had been having trouble sustaining a pregnancy for years. She was suffering from secondary infertility and struggled to bring a pregnancy to term.
“She just continuously kept having loss after loss, and it was heartbreaking,” she says.
Westerfield was able to conceive and deliver her three biological children with relative ease, making her feel “guilty” every time she shared the news with her husband’s cousin. Without knowing much about the process of surrogacy, Westerfield offered to be a gestational carrier for the cousin’s embryo.
“They did not feel that surrogacy was the path that they wanted to take,” she explains, “but I knew that there were probably so many other people in the world who needed help in a very similar way. Maybe I could help.”Even while she was pregnant with her third (and last) biological child, Westerfield mentioned to her husband that she was interested in becoming a gestational carrier.
“I was shot down by him so many times,” Westerfield says with a laugh. “The more and more I shared to educate him, I think the more and more he felt comfortable with it. Or he just got sick of me nagging.”
The first surrogacy journey
After her son Charlie completed their family, Westerfield activated her search to find another family to assist via surrogacy in earnest. She joined an online forum that no longer exists. “It was almost like a Craigslist of everybody in the infertility community,” she says. Surrogates, egg donors, sperm donors and intended parents used the site to help create families.
“I created a profile and just put myself out there,” says Westerfield. “I was overwhelmed with the response and just inundated with emails and queries. The more and more that I got into this, the more I realized there’s so many more people out there that need the help than the people that are willing to help.”
Westerfield had initial conversations with a handful of hopeful parents and ultimately chose a couple that seemed like a good match in terms of personality, age and location. They were an easy three-hour drive away.
But the decision wasn’t easy. Each story was more heartbreaking than the one before. The family that Westerfield ultimately decided to help already had two children. During the second birth, the mother needed an emergency hysterectomy, leaving her unable to complete their family with the third child they so desperately wanted.
Calling to tell the couple the good news “was so emotionally overwhelming and exciting and nerve-wracking, all at the same time.” Using the embryos the couple had already created, Westerfield delivered their third child, a girl, in December 2015.
“And that’s when everything started,” Westerfield says.
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Westerfield has had three miscarriages and 11 live births. She was induced and had vaginal deliveries each time.Courtesy Emily Westerfield
Westerfield says, “I noticed that as soon as I had the first one, I wanted to do this again. It was almost just like, ‘Now who else can I help?’”
She delivered healthy babies in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022. She is currently pregnant and due in July.
“I’ve been able to completely just have wonderful pregnancies,” she says. Even so, at age 37, she knows that she may have a limited window in which to continue.
The process of being a gestational carrier is markedly different than being pregnant with your own child, according to Westerfield. For instance, there are screenings and contracts and psychological evaluations. Her husband did not accompany her to appointments. She keeps in mind that the end goal is to deliver a healthy child so that another couple can “start, build or complete their family.”
Wondering if it’s ever hard to let go of a baby you have physically carried for nine months? Westerfield says it’s not.
“I get attached like a loving aunt,” she explains. Knowing the heartbreak that the couple has gone through in the past, “you want to hand that baby over when you get to the end of this.”
Westerfield started her own surrogacy agency in August 2023 in part to help educate and provide resources for both potential surrogates and intended families.
“I feel like there’s so much information out there that it’s overwhelming,” Westerfield says. “And a lot of it is outdated or incorrect, and I want to be able to speak from personal experience going through this process.”
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In December 2022, Westerfield was on her way to her son's basketball game when she had to head to the hospital to give birth for the 10th time.Courtesy Emily Westerfield
She also helps match families with gestational carriers and helps hold their hand through a stressful process, making sure they are on the same page for important topics like physical or chromosomal abnormalities, geographic location, contact preferences after birth and even vaccination status.It’s difficult to find gestational carriers who are willing and fit all of the qualifications. Westerfield also thinks it’s essential for gestational carriers to have completed their own families before helping others grow theirs. She has about six prospective couples for every one potential surrogate.
Westerfield takes a lot of pride in helping families grow, especially those she has carried children for. She stays in touch with each family in some capacity via text or social media, and she tries to remember to send birthday gifts.
“I am so proud to be able to do this for other people. I know my time is very limited as we’re getting closer and closer to how many people I’m able to help, but still I’m young enough and I’m healthy enough to be able to do so,” Westerfield says. “And I’ll continue to help as long as my body and my family allows me to.”
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gengender · 5 months
gengender is a term described as follows, "Being all genders and no gender, encompassing every aspect of gender, embracing gender completely. Your gender IS gender. There is gender tingling in your bones." occasionally, the phrase culturally available is also included. it is not entirely clear who coined it, however we do have a flag. this flag:
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this flag seems to have slipped through the cracks, and has gone missing. i have dedicated myself into figuring out who made this flag.
i have compiled a nice list for you below of every mention involving gengender that i am aware of in chronological order. it will be updated as i discover. gengender sightings: ~2016, goodpositivitylgbt's spreadsheet, link (archive) 2017, ask-pride-color-schemes, link. (archive) 2018, beyond-mogai-pride-flags' used it as a tag, link. (archive) 2019, imoga-pride's reblog, claiming to post the flag later, link. (archive) ~2020, mogaipedia, archived link 2020, the-mogai-community wikia, term 82, link (archive) 2020, coursesidekick, page 12, link (archive) - assumed gap where the flag was created - 2021, mogai-headcanons, request and post, link and link (archive and archive) 2021, mogai-headcanons splicing tutorial, featured in 0:05, 2:26-2:36, 6:00-6:22, 7:37-11:20, link <2022, perchance, included in list, link (archive) 2024, neopronouns, anon (of whom, i must admit, is me) inquiring about the flag, link (archive) there are two other mentions of gengender on r/xenogendersandmore, but i am pretty sure they are typos of gemgender.
with this in mind, my hypothesis of a timeline goes as follows.
gengender was coined sometime in 2016 or early 2017. the coiner deactivated, but was caught in general consensus in early mogai tumblr. with imoga-pride never having followed up on posting the gengender flag, mogaipedia's last update being from 2020 and saying it is flagless, yet dexter from neopronouns/mogai-headcanons still has one; it is safe to assume that one was posted at some point between 2020-2021. particularly, inbetween january of 2020 and february of 2021. i theorize that this was on the late lgbtq wikia or on uncommongender's revival prior to deactivation. in the three years between 2021-2024, much has happened with mogai wikis. they were poorly archived, primarily due to the 'blink and you miss it' nature of it all. gengender slipped through the cracks once again. ... or it could've just been made on twitter/tiktok or reddit. whos to say :-p but thats what im here to find out! find gengender.
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smittenvixen13 · 8 months
My Top 50 favorite FanFics
These are not in order I am more likely to read, they're in order of chaos. Different fandoms are all listed here and these are only 50 in....i think like 3000 fanfics i've saved over my years on the internet, enjoy! ~
1.) “Chibana’s Emporium” by FrostKitten, part of their Witchtober 2021 series (link) (BNHA) 2.) “Il Dulce” by honeybodies, part of their Mafia!!! On Ice series (link) (Yuri!!! On Ice) (implied NSFW) 3.) “Honesty” by pandao13 (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 4.) “In for a Penny” by WolfsHowl5678 (link) (BNHA) 5.) “Second Chances” by ylc (link) (Good Omens) 6.) “If We’ve Got Nothing (We’ve Got Us)” by Kedreeva (link) (Good Omens) 7.) “Redefining Heroism” by ghostedmemory, part of their Brain Over Brawn series (link) (BNHA) 8.) “Raised in the Underground” by SocialNobody (link) (BNHA) 9.) “Five Minutes” by P_Artsypants (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 10.) “Customized Shoes” by Athygy (link) (BNHA) 11.) “How to get away with murder(ing Lielas)” by M-acln (R_RK) (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 12.) “blinding leaps or faith” by GuardianKarenTerrier (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 13.) “Don’t Let Me Let You Go” by SailorChibi (link) (Miraculous Ladybug)
14.) “The String That Binds Us” by FaithAndATypeWriter (link) (Miraculous Ladybug/Batman Media) (INCOMPLETE) 15.) “The First Step to Recovery is Poor Impulse Control” by Foxquills (link) (BNHA) 16.) “Stepping Side by Side” by schrijverr, part of their Steps of Us series  (link) (BNHA) 17.) “Salvage” by MuffinLance (link) (Avatar the Last Airbender) 18.) “My Neighbor Shouta-ro” by Hound_of_Heaven (link) (BNHA) 19.) “Deku just uploaded: You can be a Hero!!” by iarrelm, part of their Youtuber Deku AU series (link) (BNHA) 20.) “MindJack ASMR: ComfortAudio (M4A) - Cuddle with me” by Erasercat95, part of the MindJack ASMR series (link) (BNHA) 21.) “View From the Patrol Car” by Gracefully (link) (Twilight Saga) 22.) “The Fiercest Ones Wear Pink” by quicksilversquared (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 23.) “Forward March” by lostchildofthenewworld (link) (Twilight Saga) (INCOMPLETE) 24.) “Unexpected” by XueYangsLeftPinky (link) (Twilight Saga) (a few NSFW chapters) 25.) “i walked, i ran (i jumped, i flew)” by reachingforthestardust (link) (BNHA) 26.) “Romeo and Romeo” by supercrunch (link) (BNHA) 27.) “Breaking: Local Man Leaves Apartment for Eggs, Returns with Child” by S_C_G, part of their Breaking: Local Couple Obtains Child series (link) (BNHA) 28.) “rip out those wings, darling” by kewltie (link) (BNHA) 29.) “The Contingency” by AbyssalGuardian, part of their The Contingency And Its Various Outtakes series (link) (Miraculous Ladybug/Batman media) 30.) “The Teacher Chat” by Itslivybear, part of their The Teacher Chat series (link) (BNHA) 31.) “Tell me How to Breathe in and Feel no Hurt” by MxrBoneless (link) (Avatar the Last Airbender) 32.) “You Don’t Have to Burn Alone” by GinnyRose, part of their Zuko Omegaverse series (link) (Avatar the Last Airbender) 33.) “Trust Falls” by EmbeddedinAmber, part of their Trust Feels a lot like Falling (Villain Reform AU) series (link) (BNHA) 34.) “Seduction Gone Wrong (Or Right?)” by FeelingDeadly (link) (BNHA) 35.) “One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Son” by TheFoggyLondonView, part of their Eraserhead and his Feral Dumpster Child series (link) (BNHA) 36.) “On The Prowl” by ghostgirl19 (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 37.) “cause our hearts are locked forever” SailorChibi (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 38.) “Thick Thighs Save Lives” by theseathemoonandthestars (link) (BNHA) 39.) “It’s Called Polyamory” by Arktron66 (link) (BNHA) 40.) “The Train” by Miimaas (link) (BNHA) 41.) “The Gods Have Arised” by wawaka (link) (BNHA) 42.) “Secret Santa” by Thelastpilot (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 43.) “Someone like you, Someone like me” by Innkerfuffle, part of their Standing with an Army series (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 44.) “Rainy Days” by Thelastpilot (link) (Miraculous Ladybug) 45.) “A Lesson in Omegaverse” by ContraryBee (link) (BNHA) (a bit of NSFW at the end) 46.) “Hell Hath No Fury” by LandofWordsandNonsense (Lieutenant_Nonsense) (link) (BNHA) 47.) “A Nanny? In MY Summoning Circle” by pukner (link) (Good Omens) 48.) “Petals in a Storm” by KatcadeCascade (DreamWings231) (link) (Avatar the Last Airbender) 49.) “You’re (We’re) Not Alone Anymore” by minishadowsoul, part of their Family Means Your Problems Are Our Problems series (link) (Descendants) 50.) “Tag, You’re It” by River_Nix , part of their Deku-Centric: Omegaverse series (link) (BNHA)
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exit-path · 2 years
Tumblr Post Compilation: A Masterpost
First of all, let me tell you what you're about to see.
This is a list of 118 "funny tumblr posts" taken from YouTube compilations in 2016. I tracked down all these posts on tumblr myself in Nov 2021. The post is broken up into two parts, and is available under the cut. Each of the links is named after a snippet from the actual post (effectively the "punchline"), and clicking on it brings up the full post, which you can reblog and interact with.
These posts are nostalgic to me because I watched these YouTube compilations before I came to tumblr. I recommend you scroll through these posts, as they bring up a form of humor that's rarely seen today which, I think, has almost been lost to time. Also, if you want to learn how to do this, there's some insight as to how I did this at the end of the post.
(This masterpost is a revision of this post, necessitated because the hyperlinks don't work anymore.)
1. outrageously angry man returning a lawnmower and it was our dad
2. Italian exchange student said “Look, the compressed horse.”
3. “im eminem!” “and I’m skittles?”
5. he ate the reeses cup then stabbed himself with the epipen
7. school on lockdown because someone put weed in the vents
8. Can’t cheat with those big ass galaxy phones
9. weirdly self-conscious about wiper blade speed
10. My brother told me not to slam the door and yell “Guess who’s home, motherfuckers”
11. drove by traffic camera 6 times thinking it was funny
12. drill sergeant made kid carry around potted plant to replace the oxygen he wasted
13. A list of things that do not offend people:
14. kid grabbed seagull out of air, all his friends were like “again tyrone?? really??”
16. drunk man proposes to tree, gets rejected
17. “i’m on my way, the traffic is just slow, i’m coming” “mom i called the house phone”
18. a kid’s phone started siri, TEACHER STARTED EXPLAINING IT AGAIN
19. “watch my stuff” what if someone comes and actually tries to steal it
20. our goats think that now whenever they pee they get a treat
21. “it’s for your own good”, mom deleted the internet explorer icon from my desktop
22. a girl called me a lying slut because I was with her bf a lot. we’re siblings
23. I watched an old couple set off their car alarm and drive away… now that i think about it-
24. Rules to learning English: their our know rules
25. a kid got expelled for pretending to be russian for 8 months
26. a girl said she had two moms and a boy started crying, he said it wasn’t fair she had two
27. when a girl changes her clothes in front of you, she hasn’t spotted you in the tree yet
28. my mom is telling me “get a good job” but my heart is telling me “marry rich”
29. my parents split after they made me. i am a volcano. follow for more geological humour
30. I’m saying “excuse me” but I really mean “why the fu-”
31. nun goes “I’m allowed to look at the menu I just can’t order”
32. Hospitals are so weird
33. handed their BLIND SON a menu and he’s like “ah… thank you… I’ll just… read this”
34. on April Fool’s his mom called to say she was in labour, dad laughed and hung up on her
35. “why do I fear bears? because Chester Zoo is 30 miles away and bears can smell fear”
36. dropped her ipad but held tight to her pizza
37. her parents faked a british accent in front of her until she was 7
38. really religious girl who told people off if they swore, gets sworn at
39. he took her to the supermarket to watch the lobsters fighting in the lobster tank
40. so i was the official shia labeouf myspace but i was in fact a 12 yr old canadian kid
41. subway thief told suitcase has “a bunch of laptops” ends up stealing a dead dog
42. “I guess working in fast food just wasn’t my cup of tea”
43. I waited until the professor handed back the papers and angrily asked where mine was
44. so i started trying to kill classmates with my mind
45. my favorite thing is ask 14/15 year old kids on dates if they want a kids menu
46. I blacked out in Disney World, woke up with Mickey Mouse putting a cold towel on me
47. “wanna date me? yes: smile no: backflip” and she did a backflip
48. “do you wanna kiss” “excuse me” he pulled out a bag of hershey’s kisses
49. when beyoncé asked all the single ladies to put their hands up I looked at my bf and
50. 7th grade, his world of warcraft friends threw him a virtual birthday party
51. “she’s the bro and y’all bitches are the hoes”
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womanlifefreedom · 10 months
Shortly after he was released, Toomaj Salehi was arrested again. Prior to the arrest, he released the above video, in which he speaks about his experience in prison, including torture. I have copy-pasted YouTube's English-language closed captions below.
Hello friends, I hope you’re all well.
Today is November 26, 2023
This is the first video I am sharing of myself
Other videos being shared of me on social media
are from after my release in 2021,
when they imprisoned me for the song “Soorakh Moosh”
Sorry that I’m a bit late to pay my respects to you,
, there has been a little psychological pressure on me,
and I’ve been trying to fight it to get to a normal state.
In a picture you can show that you are doing well,
, it’s one second, you smile and take a picture,
but in a video, it’s very obvious how you’re feeling.
And I wanted to be feeling good, very good, when I came to speak to you, which I am now.
Firstly, and most importantly, I wanted to thank you all
for your spirit of support,
, not just because you supported me, but because you’ve supported anyone who has needed you during this time.
And you’ve shown a unity that I, myself, had never seen before.
Because you didn’t get tired, you didn’t forget us, , because you still haven't forgotten the people of Ekbatan
and you haven't forgotten the people who are still in confinement, you’re amazing.
This (your support) has been a huge thing, especially for me.
When I was in the detention center, where speaking is somewhat impossible, even with family,
because visits are very short and there is a guard next to you who doesn’t allow you to speak about just anything.
But even there, sometimes, I would hear some small news about your support of me and others
and this was very very very heartwarming for me, (it gave me) some fresh energy.
If these things didn’t exist, then just like the others who came there and were subject to psychological trauma, we wouldn’t have been able to tolerate it.
I speak of myself and the other political prisoners who came and went.
To be honest with you this is my first video, and it's a little hard for me.
There were a few points that I wanted to share after expressing my thanks.
One is that they are attacking me very very very hard now that they couldn't keep me in prison.
And it's because of you who saved me from there, and before that you saved my life,
, and one time in the year 2021 you saved me. You have saved me three times.
In a lot of places, they call me a hero even though I'm just a normal person,
but you are the heroes who saved me. I haven't ever been able to save anybody, anywhere.
So yes, now that they weren't able to keep me, they are trying like they have before, to assassinate my character,
by using slander but alongside lumpen suggestions.
Like, “he confessed” and “who did he snitch on?” Who did I even have to snitch on?
First of all, as for confession, what did I have to confess? Everything I’ve done has been on your phones, I wasn’t hiding anything to confess to.
Secondly I didn’t rap for them, the only thing I could’ve done is rap for them, which I obviously didn’t do.
No one I worked with musically was arrested before or after me, not directors, songwriters, or anyone else, no one who worked with me, no one.
I was severely tortured during the time of my arrest.
They broke my arms and my legs. They would hit my face and my head, so at first I would try to cover myself with my hands and they broke my fingers.
It’s not something fun to share, but the duration of it was very long.
One of the other political prisoners told me that the injection they gave me in my neck was most likely adrenaline
so that I didn’t lose consciousness and was made to feel the full possible extent of pain and to suffer it fully for the whole duration of the torture.
And regarding confession, I didn’t even give up my page.
On the last day my family was waiting for my release from 9-10am.
First they didn’t release me from Thursday to Saturday
which is not right according to the laws of the Islamic republic, they couldn’t keep me under temporary arrest for more than a year.
Even my 6 year sentence is against Islamic republic law, it’s illegal,
but when we would speak about their own laws to them, they would say “what are you saying?”, “what is the law?”, “we can do what we want”.
Anyway, on the last day, the Saturday I was released, from the morning for about 4-5 hours they took me to Mr Barati,
the judge for my case, and the investigator— although I don’t know what he does specifically, he was in charge of my case, or the highest person in charge of my case.
He was the one who gave the orders for my torture.
They were saying to hand over my page to them, now I don’t want this to be me storytelling,
but I was there for a few hours saying that I would stay there in prison and would not give up my page to them.
Although I should say that my pages still aren't run by me, they are run by Negin.
Negin is one of the people, just like all of you, who worked harder than anyone else, like as much as my father, for me, and for my freedom.
When I was gone there was a lot that happened, many people came forward and spoke on my behalf, claiming they were my relatives.
I came out with a message that I don’t have family besides my fans.
I was supposed to introduce a spokesperson, so I introduced Negin before my arrest.
Before I was arrested I had also chosen Mr. Raisian as my lawyer.
And I don’t think there are any more points, and I don’t want to talk too much.
Oh, but in regards to those who are upset that I am healthy now that I’ve been released,
if four months ago, when I was going from jail to prison, I had been released, of course they wouldn't say that.
My broken bones are from about one year and one month ago,
they have naturally healed by now.
Some of them are crooked
and they don't bother me that much but sometimes when i'm walking they hurt and shake and I limp a little in my leg.
Or my hands which bother me when exercising.
These past few days I got MRIs and went to radiology for x rays
and I’m going to get work done to fix my teeth over the next few days as well.
And that’s it, and it's ok, I hope this isn't upsetting for you, I don’t want to upset you by talking about these things.
They’re bones, they heal.
And so that I can start exercising again at a professional level and because I wanted to do some things with my boxing, I definitely have to have surgery on my leg.
Hopefully in the next week or the week after I have to have surgery on my leg and on my hand,
and after I’ll go back to probably that character that I wanted to be.
And that’s it, I want to thank you again once more, you’re amazing, you are the strength of our hearts.
I hope that really good days come for us, it might take time but I believe that we will reach it.
And I think we will build a very good and cool Iran.
You’re amazing and I love you a lot. I’m sorry for any sadness I may have caused you.
Oh and, I’m glad I remembered this before saying goodbye!
There was a video that I've seen recently being shared of myself, a video made by (IRI) Intelligence.
I’ll make one more point about the Intelligence agency after this…
There’s a video they’ve made and are spreading of me,
where it looks like I am looking at the investigator and saying
“first I’m sorry to you,”
even though I never said anything like that. I wasn’t talking to the investigator.
For 9 hours I was being interviewed and unfortunately it seems I've made one or two gaffs.
That person asked me something like,
for example, “if right now the mother of such and such person who went out (to protest) because of you and is in prison now, was in front of you, what would you say?”
and they edited it to look like I was apologizing to them, which is very laughable.
And that’s that.
I wont talk about my torture, to be honest it’s really traumatizing for me.
I made a complaint (sued them) in regards to my torture,
and one of the reasons for my complaint was to prove my righteousness so they couldnt say that I lied.
Because if I lied they could sue me again for defamation/slander.
I had other reasons for suing as well, like the side effects it could have, in my opinion.
I also complained about their media for the lies they told.
One of the lies was that Toomaj was sentenced to death but since he effectively cooperated,
they gave him six years instead. Why execution? What did I do to be sentenced to execution?
All that we did at that time was was stand up to the people who would torture people,
who would shoot people with ‘winchesters’ in the universities, as well as other things.
They shouldn’t have even arrested me.
They had no right to arrest me,
let alone keep me in solitary confinement for 8-9 months.
Subject me to white torture (sensory deprivation),
and in the beginning so much physical torture, and, well, other things.
And about the intelligence agency, i wanted to say, why should one organization be higher than the law?
The only thing above the law are only the people.
If they don't want certain laws they could change them
because the country is theirs, those laws have to be there to protect them,
and other than the people, no one person or organization should be above the law.
Intelligence is above the law in Iran.
Intelligence tortures people– I’m speaking of myself– illegally enters homes, destroys homes or whatever else that they want, and there is no one stopping them.
Intelligence comes to the investigator and tells them what accusations to make of me.
An investigator, who I won't name, but who comes to me in secret and tells me “don't write like that there, you aren't feeling well, you don't know what you're writing.”
In those first days when I was delirious.
I was unconscious for two days after they put me in a cell.
So that investigator, now I don't know if his beliefs align with ours or not, that's none of my business, but he has no will.
Why? Why should an investigator have no will? Why should intelligence tell him what to do/ not to do? Why should he be scared of intelligence?
Why should the deputy prosecutor be afraid of intelligence? Why should he have to come and ask how I'm doing in fear?
And ask me indirectly if they are torturing me there as well?
in jail, they didn't physically torture me but they did do a lot of emotional torture, which the explanation of is too detailed.
Why should intelligence be able to give orders to the head of the prison and say he has complained about us, make his situation worse in prison.
And be upset that the personnel in the prison like me, that they are my fans, 70-80% of them.
Now I'm not speaking about all of the personnel in all of the prisons in Iran, I'm just talking about the things that I've seen.
It is with pride that I say that 70-80% of the people working in prison are yours and my supporters.
They are one of us.
And that's it.
I think that's an important point that no organization should be above the law.
Thank you so much, there isn't more to say. you are amazing.
When the time is right I will come myself, take over my pages and be active again
but right now, I want to rebuild myself.
I hope you can give me that time and it doesn't upset you. You’re amazing, sincerely. See you soon.
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nerendus · 7 months
Okay, under the button since it's like almost two hundred movies, but I want to start making some progress on watching these films, but despite it being two hundred, my brain says that it is still a small list, so I am once again looking for more movie recs. 🙇
1. Requiem for a Dream
2. Pacific Rim
3. War Games
4. Sharp Objects (2018) dir. Jean-Marc Vallée
5. Les soeurs Brontë (1979)  
6. Crimes of the Future
7. Videodrome
8. Jackass
9. Novitiate (2017)
10. The Sons of Katie Elder
11. El Dorado
12. Raw Deal
13. The Running Man (arnold)
14. The Mist
15. Black Mountain Side
16. In The Mouth of Madness
17. The Fifth Element
18. The Many Saints of Newark (will watch show first)
19. James Bond series
20. Resident Evil (seven thousandth watch)
21. The Boy and the Heron
22. Moulin Rouge
23. Bill and Ted (second watch)
24. The Day The Earth Stood Still
25. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 
26. Jurassic Park (second watch)
27. Robocop
28. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
29. The Boondock Saints
30. Legally Blonde (second watch)
31. The Fog (second watch)
32. Llamageddon 
33. Hellraiser
34. Candyman
35. Shaun of The Dead (second watch)
36. Scarface
37. The Shawshank Redemption
38. Ghost in The Shell
39. No Country for Old Men
40. Kill Bill series
41. The Wolf of Wall Street
42. Watchmen
43. Lone Wolf and Cub series
44. Last Night in Soho
45. Throne of Blood
46. Fargo
47. Hereditary
48. David Lynch:: The Art Life
49. Wayne's World series
50. I Am Legend (second watch)
51. Grease 
52. Good Will Hunting
53. The VVitch
54. Leatherface
55. Fantastic Planet
56. Blue Velvet
57. Pulp Fiction (second watch)
58. Twister (second watch)
59. Donnie Darko (second watch)
60. Tales from Earthsea
61. The Secret World of Arrietty
62. Late Spring (1949)
63. From Up on Poppy Hill
64. Rashomon
65. Intermezzo
66. Casablanca
67. When Marnie Was There
68. The Wind Rises
69. The Tale of Princess Kaguya
70. I Married a Witch
71. David Bowie: The Last Five Years
72. Vampyr
73. Kill Boksoon
74. Glass Onion series
75. The Wonder (2022)
76. Hook (1991) (second watch)
77. Time Trap
78. The Yin Yang Master
79. Hold The Dark
80. All Quiet on the Western Front
81. The Cloverfield Paradox
82. Reservoir Dogs
83. Spider-man (2002)
84. The Karate Kid series
85. Unknown Cosmic Time Machine
86. The Good Nurse (2022)
87. What Did Jack Do?
88. Banyuki
89. Amina (2021)
90. The Colony (2021)
91. Cities of Last Things
92. The Metamorphosis of Birds
93. The Mirror (andrei)
94. Andrei Rublev
95. Nostalgia (andrei)
96. The Sacrifice (andrei)
97. Ivan's Childhood (andrei)
98. The Steamroller and Violin (andrei)
99. Sunset Blvd (1950)
100. Ikiru (1952)
101. Seven Samurai (1954)
102. Citizen Kane
103. Dr. Strangelove
104. La La Land (2016)
105. Noriko's Dinner Table
106. The Godfather
107. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
108. The Good The Bad The Ugly
109. Mad Max Fury Road
110. Goodfellas
111. Indiana Jones series
112. Fight Club
113. Galaxy Quest
114. Dunkirk
115. Groundhog Day
116. Star Trek movies
117. Full Metal Jacket
118. Pink Floyd: The Wall
119. Naked Lunch
120. The Iron Giant
121. Chinatown (1974)
122. Minority Report
123. Velvet Goldmine
124. Dogma
125. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newma
126. The Prestige
127. Annie Hall
128. Taxi Driver
129. Dead Poets Society
130. The Matrix
131. The Green Mile
132. Django Unchained
133. Your Name
134. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
135. Inland Empire
136. The Elephant Man
137. Lost Highway
138. Woman in the Dunes
139. Meshes of an Afternoon
140. Tokyo  Decadence 
141. Limbo (1999)
142. Maps to the Stars
143. The Machinist
144. Under the Silver Lake
145. The Northman
146. Kingdom of Heaven
147. The Grand Budapest Hotel
148. The Revenant (alejandro)
149. A Clockwork Orange
150. Incendies
151. Apocalypse Now
152. Knight of Cups
153. Once Upon a Time in America
154. Valhalla Rising
155. Inception
156. Interview with a Vampire
157. But I'm a Cheerleader
158. Angels in America
159. Pan's Labyrinth 
160. Clue
161. Asteroid City
162. Anastasia
163. Jo jo rabbit
164. Fantastic Mr. Fox
165. Rambo
166. Mission Impossible 
167. Suspiria
168. Jarhead
169. Macbeth
170. Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters 
171. Visions of Ecstasy
172. The Handmaiden (2016)
173. The Fly (cronenberg)
174. Dead Ringers
175. Tenet
176. Sicario
177. Vanishing on 7th Street
178. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
179. Gladiator
180. Once Upon a Time in the West
181. Children of the Corn
182. The Revenant 2016
183. Transformers series
184. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
185. Gaslight (1944)
186. The Road
187. Vesper
188. The Hills Have Eyes
189. Tentacles
190. Die Hard series 
191. Freddy Got Fingered
192. The Day After Tomorrow 
193. The Song of the Scarlet Flower (Teuvo Tulio, 1938)
194. Jane Eyre
195. Northanger Abbey (2007) 
196. Lady Chatterley`s Lover (2015)
197. LA COLLECTIONNEUSE (1967) dir. Éric Rohmer
198. The Lion In Winter
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sp-brawlpinions · 1 year
Best BS Animations Tournament Masterpost
I will be pinning this list on this blog. I have left out a few animations, because I feel they weren’t worthwhile enough to count as one. My criteria was “Is it animated” and a slightly stricter one “Does it add anything new”.
I have now created the match-ups. If anyone has any animations that I have missed and thinks it should be in the tournament, I am open to suggestions up until round one is officially over.
Send a dm, ask, or any other way you wish to contact me on tumblr. :)
I have paired up animations that have enough in common, have the same tone, or is implied to take place as a direct sequel/correlation. If one of the paired up ones is the winner, I will then pit those two against each other.
So... Here are the current entries!
Edit: Darryl's Barrels is OUT. I added Rosa’s Debut in lieu of it. Credit to @wheatleylabs010 for the reminder.
1) No Time to Explain
2) Happy Brawlidays! Light it up!
3) Sakura Spike Series (Meeting, Blossom Ball, Scenic Train, Shopping Outbursts, Spring Sniffles)
4) Welcome to Retropolis!
5) Breached Beach (Bizzare, Doom...ish Day, Mecha Mayhem)
6) Brawl-o-ween: Mortis' Mortuary!
7) Pirate Brawlidays!
8) Free Skin! Enter: Red Dragon Jessie!
9) Summer of Monsters!
10) Piper's Sugar and Spice!
11) Barley's Last Call
12) Amber in: "This is Fine..."
13) Brawl Stars x Line Skins Series (Monumental Team Up!, We've Got Your Back!)
14) Happy Brawlidays! Cold Reception!
15) The Goldarm Heist
16) Buzz's Debut & Buzz Saves the Day!
17) China's First Anniversary!
18) Bad Randoms: We Won't Cooperate!
19) Welcome to the Castle!
20) Brawl-O-Ween Stories!
21) Happy Brawlidays! Symphony of Chaos
22) Year of the Tiger 1+2 (Press Start, Final Round)
23) My Sweet Brawlentine
24) Eve's Debut & The Biodome!
25) Janet & Bonnie's Debut + The Stunt Show!
26) Sam's Debut & Partners in Crime
27) Last Stand!
28) Hank's Debut
29) Train to Nowhere
30) License to Brawl
31) Dark Brawlidays & Last Minute Thievery!
32) Good Randoms!: The One
33) Brawl Stars x BT21
34) Otis' Debut & Deep Sea Brawl
35) Parc des Princes!
36) Community Made Video! (Flash warning!)
37) BSC 2020 Trailer
38) Free Skin!: Wizard Barleys Fired Up!
39) 'Who Stole the Trophy?' Saga
40) Brawl Esports: Fighter
41) BSC: 2021 Trailer: Let's Go!
42) BSC: 2022 Trailer: Rise to the Top!
43) Sandy's Rap: Still Dreaming
44) Stu's Debut + BSC Ads: Stu's Spectacular School of Driving
45) BSC Ads: Byron's Snazzy Snake Oil
46) BSC Ads: Join Starr Force!
47) BSC Ads: Gimnasio Primo (In English, for the quality, and here it is in Spanish, because I think it sounds better.)
48) Meg's Debut
49) BSC Ads: Junker Garage
50) Gray's Debut
51) BSC Ads: Mortis' Tombstones
52) Mecha Mortis!
53) BSC Ads: Barley's Bar Behavior
54) Rosa's Debut
55) Lola's Debut
56) Grom's Debut
57) Ash's Debut
58) Mandy & Chester's Debut
59) R-T's Debut
60) Willow's Debut
61) The Rescue
62) Maisie's Debut
63) Buster's Debut
64) Snapdragon Mobile: To the End
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notjordie-gvf · 2 years
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I posted 526 times in 2022
That's 526 more posts than 2021!
235 posts created (45%)
291 posts reblogged (55%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 221 of my posts in 2022
#my recipes - 80 posts
#greta van fleet - 80 posts
#danny wagner - 70 posts
#josh kiszka - 69 posts
#sammy kiszka - 64 posts
#jake kiszka - 61 posts
#gvf - 59 posts
#danny gvf - 59 posts
#sammy gvf - 53 posts
#josh gvf - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 37 characters
#y’all she had the best of both worlds
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
15 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
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i’m being basic but i’m gonna do it
i cant even express how loved i feel in this fandom as a bisexual plus size woman. this app has given people i can call my best friends.
for starters, @mywaykiszka always makes me laugh and @moonlightloverr is always willing to pop a titty (pls don’t kill me lo). @streamingcolors-gvf makes me smile and deals with my bipolar ass in the groupchat. @idk-anymore50 always makes sure we’re all okay. i’ve just started talking to @sarakay-gvf and @kels-gvf but i already know that we can all be the best of friends.
not to mention @gretavanlace for making me EXTREMELY horny at 3 am. as well as @mintysammykiszka for always being there and writing amazing fics. there’s so many others that i love and appreciate so much
trust me, i didn’t forget about @lmaowhat-trin. one of my best friends, i could literally see them being one of my bridesmaids. i do not know what i would do without them.
i love all of you so much.
@sparrowofthedawnsworld @obetrolncocktails @daisyful-gvf @jake-kiszkas-smirk @joshkiszkas @earthlysorrows @ageofbarbarians @gretavalfleet @gretavanval @tripthelightfandomtastic @streamsofstardust @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @babyhoneygvf @allieisacrybaby @allieboop @golddustwoman777 @myfriendtheghost @s0livagant @shutupdevvie @greta-van-heat @greta-van-chaos @spark-my-nature
there’s so many more! i’m so sorry if you don’t see yourself on this post but just know i love all of you so so much words couldn’t even describe it.
jords 💋
32 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
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i’m not okay
33 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
season 14 reid supremacy
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34 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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look at his lil dump truck
pc : @s0livagant
36 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Exhortation to Patience and Trust
1 Do not fret because of the wicked; do not be envious of wrongdoers, 2 for they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.
3 Trust in the Lord and do good; live in the land and enjoy security. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. 6 He will make your vindication shine like the light and the justice of your cause like the noonday.
7 Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him; do not fret over those who prosper in their way, over those who carry out evil devices.
8 Refrain from anger and forsake wrath. Do not fret—it leads only to evil. 9 For the wicked shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land.
10 Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look diligently for their place, they will not be there. 11 But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.
12 The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them, 13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that their day is coming.
14 The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows to bring down the poor and needy, to kill those who walk uprightly; 15 their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
16 Better is a little that the righteous person has than the abundance of many wicked. 17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous.
18 The Lord knows the days of the blameless, and their heritage will abide forever; 19 they are not put to shame in evil times; in the days of famine they have abundance.
20 But the wicked perish, and the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures; they vanish—like smoke they vanish away.
21 The wicked borrow and do not pay back, but the righteous are generous and keep giving; 22 surely those blessed by the Lord shall inherit the land, but those cursed by him shall be cut off.
23 Our steps are made firm by the Lord when he delights in our way; 24 though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.
25 I have been young and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. 26 They are ever giving liberally and lending, and their children become a blessing.
27 Depart from evil, and do good; so you shall abide forever. 28 For the Lord loves justice; he will not forsake his faithful ones.
The righteous shall be kept safe forever, but the children of the wicked shall be cut off. 29 The righteous shall inherit the land and live in it forever.
30 The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak justice. 31 The law of their God is in their hearts; their steps do not slip.
32 The wicked watch for the righteous and seek to kill them. 33 The Lord will not abandon them to their power or let them be condemned when they are brought to trial.
34 Wait for the Lord and keep to his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on the destruction of the wicked.
35 I have seen the wicked oppressing and towering like a cedar of Lebanon. 36 Again I passed by, and they were no more; though I sought them, they could not be found.
37 Mark the blameless and behold the upright, for there is posterity for the peaceable. 38 But transgressors shall be altogether destroyed; the posterity of the wicked shall be cut off.
39 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; he is their refuge in the time of trouble. 40 The Lord helps them and rescues them; he rescues them from the wicked and saves them because they take refuge in him. — Psalm 37 | New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE) New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: Genesis 6:9; Genesis 37:18; Numbers 6:26; Deuteronomy 6:6; Deuteronomy 15:8; Deuteronomy 30:20; 1 Samuel 2:4; 1 Samuel 2:9; 1 Samuel 26:10; Job 5:3; Job 5:20; Job 7:10; Job 11:17; Job 38:5; Psalm 1:4; Psalm 1:6; Psalm 18:21; Psalm 18:37; Psalm 26:10; Psalm 33:5; Psalm 35:10; Psalm 73:3; Psalm 112:5; Psalm 112:10; Proverbs 10:13; Proverbs 10:30-31; Proverbs 15:16; Isaiah 31:5; Jeremiah 12:2; Ezekiel 27:36; Matthew 5:5; Matthew 7:7-8; Matthew 8:12; 2 Corinthians 4:9; Ephesians 4:31; 1 Timothy 4:8; Hebrews 13:5; James 1:11; 1 Peter 5:7; 2 Peter 2:9; 3 John 1:11
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save-the-data · 9 months
The Week that was (08/01 - 14/01/2024)
Master Lists: 2023/2024 | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022
I'm bringing this back for the new year !! Self explanatory, this is everything achieved in a week when it comes to episode GIF sets.
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Completed Projects:
Oxygen (13/13)
I Am Your King (5/5)
High&Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D (10/10)
On-Air Projects:
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Dead Friend Forever (4/12)
The Sign (8/12)
Dragons of Wonderhatch (6/8)
Yin-Yang Town Strange Talk (2/24)
Ossan's Love Returns (2/10)
Although I Love You...and You (1/10)
Twins (11/12)
Pit Babe (9/14)
Sahara Sensei and Toki-kun (6/8)
For Him (7/12)
Playboyy (7/14)
Cooking Crush (6/12)
7 Days Before Valentine (8/10)
The Whisperer (7/10)
Work in Progress Projects:
Fermat's Cuisine (4/10) 3↑
Death's Game (1/4) 1↑
Kamen Rider Build (21/49) 6↑
Revive (3/16) 3↑
Bloodhounds (5/8) 2↑
Repost Projects:
Together With Me (4/13) 4↑
Guardian (33/40) 2↑
Hikaru No Go (31/36) 2↑
Upcoming Projects:
Around 1/4
Backlog Projects:
Absolute Zero (6/12)
Heroes (34/38)
Last Twilight (7/12)
Novoland: Eagle Flag (25/56)
The Outcast (16/27)
Tiger and Crane (26/36)
Ultimate Note (24/37)
VIP Only (7/10)
Cherry Magic (4/12)
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