#2021 Ford Focus Rs Usa
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2021 Ford Focus Automatic, Release Date, AWD
2021 Ford Focus Automatic, Release Date, AWD
2021 Ford Focus Automatic, Release Date, AWD– Dreamed of everywhere you look! Striking the core of buyer’s flavour from either side in the pond is obviously very difficult if your light-weight sector is involved. Toyota and Honda find it challenging to match massive customer’s yearnings due to its compacts inside the US, while EU’s profits statistics are really symbolic. VW is prone to the exact…
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#2021 Ford Focus Active#2021 Ford Focus Active Price#2021 Ford Focus Automatic#2021 Ford Focus Awd#2021 Ford Focus Colors#2021 Ford Focus Crossover#2021 Ford Focus Hatchback#2021 Ford Focus Rs#2021 Ford Focus Rs Usa#2021 Ford Focus Sedan#2021 Ford Focus St#2021 Ford Focus St Specs#2021 Ford Focus St Usa#2021 Ford Focus Usa#Ford Focus 2021 Brasil
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Impressões: Ford Kuga, o SUV que brigará com o Compass híbrido no Brasil
Nos Estados Unidos, o Kuga é chamado de EscapeDivulgação/Ford
Desde que tomou a decisão de priorizar os SUVs em seu portfólio, em meados de 2018, a Ford acelerou o desenvolvimento de novos produtos que já começam a chegar aos mercados.
O primeiro foi o Puma (com a base do Fiesta), lançado na Europa no final de 2019. E agora é a vez do Kuga (derivado do Focus) que também estreou na Europa, mas, ao contrário do Puma, não ficará restrito aos países dessa região.
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O plano antes da pandemia de Covid-19 era ter esse SUV nos Estados Unidos (onde é vendido com o nome Escape) no segundo semestre de 2020, e havia grandes chances de ele ser oferecido no Brasil.
Em um encontro com jornalistas brasileiros, em novembro de 2019, o presidente da empresa para a América do Sul, Lyle Watters, disse que a possibilidade de termos a versão plug-in (que mostramos aqui) era bem grande.
Agora, não se sabe o que vai acontecer, mas (com um pouco de sorte) os lançamentos devem ser apenas adiados.
SUV usa a plataforma do FocusDivulgação/Ford
Na terceira geração, o Kuga pode ser movido por motores a gasolina puros de 3 cilindros 1.5 de 120 ou 150 cv e o híbrido plug-in, que junta um motor 2.5 de quatro cilindros de 164 cv (e 22 kgfm) a um elétrico de 130 cv (25 kgfm).
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O rendimento máximo acumulado é de 225 cv (o torque não foi divulgado), associado a um câmbio automático CVT (as restantes versões usam manuais de seis velocidades ou automáticas de oito).
Além do novo conjunto motriz, o Kuga traz também o visual atualizado, que combina os principais elementos estéticos do Puma e do Focus, no primeiro caso, mais visíveis na dianteira; no segundo, na traseira, notando-se o arredondamento geral dos seus traços.
Em relação à geração anterior, o SUV cresceu 9 cm no comprimento (dos quais 2 cm entre-eixos) e 4,4 cm na largura, e perdeu 2 cm em altura.
A dianteira segue o estilo do Ford PumaDivulgação/Ford
A utilização da nova plataforma C2 permitiu um aumento da rigidez da carroceria em cerca de 10%, ao mesmo tempo que abriu caminho para a redução de peso de até 90 kg, dependendo das versões que se comparam.
Esta 2.5 PHEV não permite uma comparação direta porque é uma versão nova na linha, sendo que seu peso total de 1.844 kg é naturalmente elevado pelo sistema híbrido, composto por bateria de 14,4 kWh, motor elétrico e alternador.
No interior, o painel segue o estilo encontrado no Focus, mas com a instrumentação digital com tela de 12,3”, que muda de cor conforme o modo de condução selecionado (Eco, Comfort, Sport, Slippery e Off-road), e a central multimídia com visor de 8”, do Puma.
Kuga tem 4,61 m de comprimentoDivulgação/Ford
Há materiais de toque suave e agradáveis na metade superior do painel e portas, e outros duros, menos refinados, em toda a metade inferior dos mesmos componentes, o que prejudica um pouco a impressão final de qualidade percebida.
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Dentro dos equipamentos destaca-se a opção do modem integrado FordPass Connect, que permite criar um ponto de acesso à internet para diversos dispositivos e dados de navegação com informações de tráfego em tempo real.
É também possível executar funções remotamente, como localizar o veículo, saber o nível de combustível ou o estado do óleo, abrir/fechar o carro ou até dar a partida no motor. E, no caso da versão híbrida, programar o carregamento da bateria ou procurar uma estação de carga disponível.
O espaço interno é suficiente para cinco pessoas, desde que os ocupantes traseiros não sejam muito altos. É possível avançar e recuar os bancos traseiros (ao longo de uma calha de 15 cm) em duas metades assimétricas para compatibilizar o transporte de pessoas e de carga da melhor forma segundo a necessidade de cada momento.
Câmbio tem seletor rotativo no consoleDivulgação/Ford
O porta-malas do Kuga tem formas muito regulares, mas a capacidade não vai além dos 411 litros (64 a menos que nas versões restantes, por conta da bateria adicional). A abertura do porta-malas é elétrica e pode ser acionada sem o uso das mãos, por meio da passagem de um pé por baixo do para-choque.
Ao volante, o arranque é feito em modo elétrico, mas o motor a gasolina entra em ação, seja porque a carga de acelerador é forte, a velocidade máxima elétrica foi excedida ou a bateria está ficando vazia.
A impressão final do desempenho do motor é bastante prejudicada pelo câmbio de variação contínua, que não permite linearidade entre o som do motor e a sua resposta.
Isso obriga a pisar fundo no acelerador para que se consiga uma aceleração mais forte, mas sempre com aquele ruído de máquina de lavar roupa antiga e aquela ausência de potência quando a queremos urgentemente.
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Sobretudo porque aqui temos um motor pensado mais para a eficiência do que para o desempenho.
Painel muda de cor de acordo com o modo de conduçãoDivulgação/Ford
A parte mais positiva é que nas retomadas de velocidade, com o acelerador em carga moderada, a resposta é bastante convincente (o empurrão elétrico ajuda, até porque o torque elétrico é superior ao do motor a gasolina e, além do mais, instantâneo).
Os números oficiais de 9,2 segundos de 0 a 100 km/h e 201 km/h de velocidade máxima indicam que este SUV está longe de ser manco.
Faz sentido pensar no Kuga como uma espécie de Focus mais alto, porque plataforma e suspensão são iguais, no caso das versões mais sofisticadas do Focus, que usam eixo traseiro independente multibraços (as de entrada são servidas por um eixo traseiro rígido).
Central mostra o consumo de energiaDivulgação/Ford
E, como o Kuga é mais baixo do que o antecessor e tem a bateria do sistema híbrido montada numa posição baixa, o comportamento do carro acaba por ser muito próximo ao do Focus, cuja dinâmica é justamente considerada referência no segmento.
A direção é das mais rápidas e precisas entre os SUVs de porte médio e isso ajuda que as tomadas de curvas sejam fáceis e instintivas, começando a notar alguma tendência a sair de frente apenas quando, em estradas sinuosas, elevamos o ritmo para lá do que seria de esperar de um SUV para a família.
Menos eficiente é a mudança da frenagem regenerativa para a frenagem por fricção quando o carro está quase parando, em parte por culpa do câmbio CVT, que não exerce nenhuma ação de freio motor.
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Porta-malas leva 411 lDivulgação/Ford
Uma das motivações principais da compra de um híbrido plug-in é a de poder rodar um dia inteiro em modo 100% elétrico, para quem complete menos de 60 km cotidianamente.
E os 56 km declarados pela Ford são bastante próximos da realidade, como foi possível comprovar, mas só para um motorista com alguma moderação, que faça uma gestão inteligente dos modos de condução (EV Auto, EV Now, EV Later e EV Charge).
Quem estiver disposto a carregar todos os dias a pequena bateria (menos de seis horas são suficientes para carregá-la mesmo numa tomada doméstica ligada ao carregador de bordo de 3,6 kW), ficará próximo do consumo médio homologado de 7,1 km/l.
A autonomia elétrica do Kuga híbrido é de 56 km (mais do que rivais como Peugeot 3008 e Mitsubishi Outlander, também híbridos plug-in) e a velocidade máxima, sem emissões, chega a 137 km/h.
O espaço interno é amploDivulgação/Ford
A última notícia interessante para os potenciais interessados (na Europa) é que o preço do Kuga 2.5 PHEV Titanium é de 34.260 euros (R$ 192.500).
E isso é menos do que concorrentes de outras marcas como Citroën, Peugeot e Mitsubishi. Esse posicionamento atrativo vale para as outras versões do Kuga.
No Brasil, o Kuga híbrido seria rival de outros SUVs que, como ele, ainda não estão disponíveis, como o Jeep Compass, por exemplo, que também será uma novidade mundial e tem previsão de desembarcar por aqui em 2021, se os planos da FCA não mudarem.
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O Kuga tem bom desempenho para um SUV familiar e comportamento dinâmico de cupê. Além disso, é espaçoso e tem preço atraente.
Ficha Técnica
Preço: 34.260 euros (R$ 192.500)
Motor: gas., diant., transv., 4 cil., 16V; 2.488 cm3; 164 cv e 21,4 kgfm
Motor elétrico: 130 cv, 24 kgfm. Potência máx. combinada de 225 cv
Baterias: íons de lítio, 14,4 kWh
Câmbio: automático, CVT, tração dianteira
Suspensão: McPherson (diant.) e multilink (tras.)
Freios: disco ventilado (diant.) e sólido (tras.)
Direção: elétrica
Rodas e pneus: liga leve, 225/50 R18
Dimensões: compr., 461,4 cm; larg., 188,3 cm; alt., 167,5 cm; entre-eixos, 271 cm; peso, 1.844 kg; porta-malas, 411 l; tanque, 51 l
Desempenho: 0 a 100 km/h, 9,2 s, vel. máx., 201 km/h
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Impressões: Ford Kuga, o SUV que brigará com o Compass híbrido no Brasil publicado primeiro em https://quatrorodas.abril.com.br/ Impressões: Ford Kuga, o SUV que brigará com o Compass híbrido no Brasil publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Impressões: Ford Kuga, o SUV que brigará com o Compass híbrido no Brasil publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/
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2021 Ford Focus RS USA, Price, Release Date, and Review
2021 Ford Focus RS USA, Price, Release Date, and Review
2021 Ford Focus RS USA, Price, Release Date, and Review. 2021 Ford Focus RS will likely be a ridiculous auto which quickly began to be a preferred in between automobiles and also truck fanatic many thanks to the total efficiency and also essentially ideal framework. An upgraded and also far better variant of the Focus Saint, automobiles and vehicle which is a much better design of the common…
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#2021 Ford Focus RS Changes#2021 Ford Focus RS Engine#2021 Ford Focus RS Exterior#2021 Ford Focus RS Interior#2021 Ford Focus RS Powertrain#2021 Ford Focus RS Price#2021 Ford Focus RS Redesign#2021 Ford Focus RS Release Date#2021 Ford Focus RS Specs
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2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
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2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
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2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
0 notes
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
0 notes
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
0 notes
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
0 notes
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
0 notes
História e novidades do Festival of speed em Goodwood
O festival criado em 1993 pelo Lorde March para trazer o automobilismo de volta a Goodwood, um evento com carros de competição variados, super carros, motos e além da subida da montanha tem o rally stage.
O recorde é do Max Chilton com Mcmurty Automotive Sperling em 2022 com o tempo de 39.08s
Lamborghini vai apresentar seu LMDH que vai andar no WEC e no IMSA em 2024 em Goodwood.
A MG vai levar o 6X Power EX4 para Goodwood
O carro da MG faz varias referencias ao carro do Grupo B de rally dos anos 80,O 6R4
Carros do WRC Rally 1 também estarão presentes com a Toyota ,com GR Yaris Rally 1, Hyundai com o I20 N Rally 1, e a M-Sport estará novamente com o Ford Puma Rally 1 ,onde testaram o carro em 2021.
Creditos imagens motor 1
Porcshe 911 com motor TAG
o carro equipado com o mesmo motor TAG que tinha nos Modelos MP4 da Na Mclaren na F1 nos anos 90.
inscritos até agora
Rally cars
M-Sport-Ford Puma Rally 1 Hybrid-Otto Tanak\Adrian Fourmoux
Toyota Gazzo Racing-Toyota Yaris GR Rally 1 Hybrid
Hyundai Sheel Mobis WRT-Hyundai I20 N Rally 1 Hybrid
Prodrive-Mini Cooper WRC-Jimmy McRae
Prodrive-Ford Escort RS1600 MKII
Prodrive-Subaru Impreza Grupo A-Alister e Max Mcrae
Ford Fiesta R2
Audi Sport-Audi Q RS e-Tron Dakar
Audi Sport-Audi S1 Hoonitron-Tom Kristenssen
Special One Racing-Lancia Delta Evo e RX-Sebastien Loeb
Subaru USA Motorsports-Gymkhana GL Wagon-Travis Pastrana
Toyota Gazzo Racing-Toyota GR Yaris H2
Ford Fiesta RX43-Mark McCANN
Ford Fiesta GYM43-Enda Garvey
Mercedes 280GE Dakar-Mercedes Benz Classic
60 anos da Mclaren racing aniverasrio
Mclaren M8A-Ema Gilmour
Mclaren MP4\8-Sebastien Vettel
Odyssey 21-Neom Mclaren XE
Mclaren-Mclaren F1 Team-Lando Norris\Oscar Piastri
Lamborghini LMDH-Lamborghini Squadra Corse\Iron Linkx
Mazda 787B
Radford Type 62-2-Jenson Button
Peugeot 9 x 8 LMH-Peugeot Sport\Stellantis
Mclaren 570s GT4-Aaron Morgan-Team Brit
Dodge Viper GTS-R-Floriant Moulin
Mercedes-AMG GT2
75 aniversary Porsche Motorsport
Porsche 917k
Porsche 935
Porsche 919 Hybrid LMP1
Porsche 963 LMDH-Hertz Team Jota
Porsche 963 LMDH-Porsche Penske Motorsport
Porsche 911
Porsche RS Spyder LMP2
Porsche 911 DAKAR 2023
Porsche 962
100 YEARS OF 24h Le Mans
Mazda 787B
Porsche 962
Porsche 936
Audi R10 TDI
Porsche 911 RSR "PINK"
Mclaren F1 GTR
Matra MS670
Ferrari 250 TR
Ford GT40 MKII
Audi R18-Tom Kristenssen
Glikenhaus 007 LMH-Ryan Briscoe
Aston Martin Vantage AMR GTE
Ferrari 499 P LMH-AF Corse
Ford Mustang GT3-Ford Performace
Toyota GR010-Hybrid LMH-Toyota Gazzo Racing
WRC 50 Years
Peugeot 206 WRC-Max Mcrae\Tom Williams
Lancia 037 Rally
Citroen C4 WRC-Max Girardo\Marcus Willis
Alpine-Renault A110
Toyota GR Yaris Rally 2
Ford Escort Cosworth-Nick Jarvis
Ford Focus WRC-David Wright
Ford RS200-Alister Mcrae
Lotus 18
Mercedes WGP 2011-Mercedes AMG Petronas F1-Mick Schumaker
Mercedes W12-Mercedes AMG Petronas F1-Esteban Guerrieri
Williams FW14B-Sebastien Vettel
Mclaren MP4\8-Sebastien Vettel
Ferrari F60
Ferrari SF70H-Marc Gene
Red Bull Racing-Renault RB7
Red Bull Racing-RB18
Renault RS10
Supercar Run
Porsche Mission X
Mclaren Solus GT
Porsche Spyder RS
1 note
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2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
0 notes
Impressões: Ford Kuga, o SUV que brigará com o Compass híbrido no Brasil
Nos Estados Unidos, o Kuga é chamado de EscapeDivulgação/Ford
Desde que tomou a decisão de priorizar os SUVs em seu portfólio, em meados de 2018, a Ford acelerou o desenvolvimento de novos produtos que já começam a chegar aos mercados.
O primeiro foi o Puma (com a base do Fiesta), lançado na Europa no final de 2019. E agora é a vez do Kuga (derivado do Focus) que também estreou na Europa, mas, ao contrário do Puma, não ficará restrito aos países dessa região.
Quer ter acesso a todos os conteúdos exclusivos de Quatro Rodas? Clique aqui e assine com 64% de desconto.
O plano antes da pandemia de Covid-19 era ter esse SUV nos Estados Unidos (onde é vendido com o nome Escape) no segundo semestre de 2020, e havia grandes chances de ele ser oferecido no Brasil.
Em um encontro com jornalistas brasileiros, em novembro de 2019, o presidente da empresa para a América do Sul, Lyle Watters, disse que a possibilidade de termos a versão plug-in (que mostramos aqui) era bem grande.
Agora, não se sabe o que vai acontecer, mas (com um pouco de sorte) os lançamentos devem ser apenas adiados.
SUV usa a plataforma do FocusDivulgação/Ford
Na terceira geração, o Kuga pode ser movido por motores a gasolina puros de 3 cilindros 1.5 de 120 ou 150 cv e o híbrido plug-in, que junta um motor 2.5 de quatro cilindros de 164 cv (e 22 kgfm) a um elétrico de 130 cv (25 kgfm).
Continua após a publicidade
O rendimento máximo acumulado é de 225 cv (o torque não foi divulgado), associado a um câmbio automático CVT (as restantes versões usam manuais de seis velocidades ou automáticas de oito).
Além do novo conjunto motriz, o Kuga traz também o visual atualizado, que combina os principais elementos estéticos do Puma e do Focus, no primeiro caso, mais visíveis na dianteira; no segundo, na traseira, notando-se o arredondamento geral dos seus traços.
Em relação à geração anterior, o SUV cresceu 9 cm no comprimento (dos quais 2 cm entre-eixos) e 4,4 cm na largura, e perdeu 2 cm em altura.
A dianteira segue o estilo do Ford PumaDivulgação/Ford
A utilização da nova plataforma C2 permitiu um aumento da rigidez da carroceria em cerca de 10%, ao mesmo tempo que abriu caminho para a redução de peso de até 90 kg, dependendo das versões que se comparam.
Esta 2.5 PHEV não permite uma comparação direta porque é uma versão nova na linha, sendo que seu peso total de 1.844 kg é naturalmente elevado pelo sistema híbrido, composto por bateria de 14,4 kWh, motor elétrico e alternador.
No interior, o painel segue o estilo encontrado no Focus, mas com a instrumentação digital com tela de 12,3”, que muda de cor conforme o modo de condução selecionado (Eco, Comfort, Sport, Slippery e Off-road), e a central multimídia com visor de 8”, do Puma.
Kuga tem 4,61 m de comprimentoDivulgação/Ford
Há materiais de toque suave e agradáveis na metade superior do painel e portas, e outros duros, menos refinados, em toda a metade inferior dos mesmos componentes, o que prejudica um pouco a impressão final de qualidade percebida.
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Dentro dos equipamentos destaca-se a opção do modem integrado FordPass Connect, que permite criar um ponto de acesso à internet para diversos dispositivos e dados de navegação com informações de tráfego em tempo real.
É também possível executar funções remotamente, como localizar o veículo, saber o nível de combustível ou o estado do óleo, abrir/fechar o carro ou até dar a partida no motor. E, no caso da versão híbrida, programar o carregamento da bateria ou procurar uma estação de carga disponível.
O espaço interno é suficiente para cinco pessoas, desde que os ocupantes traseiros não sejam muito altos. É possível avançar e recuar os bancos traseiros (ao longo de uma calha de 15 cm) em duas metades assimétricas para compatibilizar o transporte de pessoas e de carga da melhor forma segundo a necessidade de cada momento.
Câmbio tem seletor rotativo no consoleDivulgação/Ford
O porta-malas do Kuga tem formas muito regulares, mas a capacidade não vai além dos 411 litros (64 a menos que nas versões restantes, por conta da bateria adicional). A abertura do porta-malas é elétrica e pode ser acionada sem o uso das mãos, por meio da passagem de um pé por baixo do para-choque.
Ao volante, o arranque é feito em modo elétrico, mas o motor a gasolina entra em ação, seja porque a carga de acelerador é forte, a velocidade máxima elétrica foi excedida ou a bateria está ficando vazia.
A impressão final do desempenho do motor é bastante prejudicada pelo câmbio de variação contínua, que não permite linearidade entre o som do motor e a sua resposta.
Isso obriga a pisar fundo no acelerador para que se consiga uma aceleração mais forte, mas sempre com aquele ruído de máquina de lavar roupa antiga e aquela ausência de potência quando a queremos urgentemente.
Continua após a publicidade
Sobretudo porque aqui temos um motor pensado mais para a eficiência do que para o desempenho.
Painel muda de cor de acordo com o modo de conduçãoDivulgação/Ford
A parte mais positiva é que nas retomadas de velocidade, com o acelerador em carga moderada, a resposta é bastante convincente (o empurrão elétrico ajuda, até porque o torque elétrico é superior ao do motor a gasolina e, além do mais, instantâneo).
Os números oficiais de 9,2 segundos de 0 a 100 km/h e 201 km/h de velocidade máxima indicam que este SUV está longe de ser manco.
Faz sentido pensar no Kuga como uma espécie de Focus mais alto, porque plataforma e suspensão são iguais, no caso das versões mais sofisticadas do Focus, que usam eixo traseiro independente multibraços (as de entrada são servidas por um eixo traseiro rígido).
Central mostra o consumo de energiaDivulgação/Ford
E, como o Kuga é mais baixo do que o antecessor e tem a bateria do sistema híbrido montada numa posição baixa, o comportamento do carro acaba por ser muito próximo ao do Focus, cuja dinâmica é justamente considerada referência no segmento.
A direção é das mais rápidas e precisas entre os SUVs de porte médio e isso ajuda que as tomadas de curvas sejam fáceis e instintivas, começando a notar alguma tendência a sair de frente apenas quando, em estradas sinuosas, elevamos o ritmo para lá do que seria de esperar de um SUV para a família.
Menos eficiente é a mudança da frenagem regenerativa para a frenagem por fricção quando o carro está quase parando, em parte por culpa do câmbio CVT, que não exerce nenhuma ação de freio motor.
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Porta-malas leva 411 lDivulgação/Ford
Uma das motivações principais da compra de um híbrido plug-in é a de poder rodar um dia inteiro em modo 100% elétrico, para quem complete menos de 60 km cotidianamente.
E os 56 km declarados pela Ford são bastante próximos da realidade, como foi possível comprovar, mas só para um motorista com alguma moderação, que faça uma gestão inteligente dos modos de condução (EV Auto, EV Now, EV Later e EV Charge).
Quem estiver disposto a carregar todos os dias a pequena bateria (menos de seis horas são suficientes para carregá-la mesmo numa tomada doméstica ligada ao carregador de bordo de 3,6 kW), ficará próximo do consumo médio homologado de 7,1 km/l.
A autonomia elétrica do Kuga híbrido é de 56 km (mais do que rivais como Peugeot 3008 e Mitsubishi Outlander, também híbridos plug-in) e a velocidade máxima, sem emissões, chega a 137 km/h.
O espaço interno é amploDivulgação/Ford
A última notícia interessante para os potenciais interessados (na Europa) é que o preço do Kuga 2.5 PHEV Titanium é de 34.260 euros (R$ 192.500).
E isso é menos do que concorrentes de outras marcas como Citroën, Peugeot e Mitsubishi. Esse posicionamento atrativo vale para as outras versões do Kuga.
No Brasil, o Kuga híbrido seria rival de outros SUVs que, como ele, ainda não estão disponíveis, como o Jeep Compass, por exemplo, que também será uma novidade mundial e tem previsão de desembarcar por aqui em 2021, se os planos da FCA não mudarem.
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O Kuga tem bom desempenho para um SUV familiar e comportamento dinâmico de cupê. Além disso, é espaçoso e tem preço atraente.
Ficha Técnica
Preço: 34.260 euros (R$ 192.500)
Motor: gas., diant., transv., 4 cil., 16V; 2.488 cm3; 164 cv e 21,4 kgfm
Motor elétrico: 130 cv, 24 kgfm. Potência máx. combinada de 225 cv
Baterias: íons de lítio, 14,4 kWh
Câmbio: automático, CVT, tração dianteira
Suspensão: McPherson (diant.) e multilink (tras.)
Freios: disco ventilado (diant.) e sólido (tras.)
Direção: elétrica
Rodas e pneus: liga leve, 225/50 R18
Dimensões: compr., 461,4 cm; larg., 188,3 cm; alt., 167,5 cm; entre-eixos, 271 cm; peso, 1.844 kg; porta-malas, 411 l; tanque, 51 l
Desempenho: 0 a 100 km/h, 9,2 s, vel. máx., 201 km/h
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Impressões: Ford Kuga, o SUV que brigará com o Compass híbrido no Brasil publicado primeiro em https://quatrorodas.abril.com.br/ Impressões: Ford Kuga, o SUV que brigará com o Compass híbrido no Brasil publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/
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2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
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2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
New Post has been published on https://usaford-cars.com/2021-ford-fiesta-rumors-review-and-colors/
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors, Review and Colors – While Ford continues to have not significantly claimed about the car in the possible, appears like they are implementing the progression of the constant platform. This could be larger than old to as clearly as have a longer wheelbase. From Assess Mules It is versions viewed looking at up to now, and this also seems as if that the car is going to be a great deal more comprehensive, extra lengthy and a tiny less than onward of. This tends to help Ford to design a more present-day and severe car that we all in many cases locate recently. Ford purposes to introduction 12 new models working with 2021. The Focus RS will unveil in the to start with the stage. The Fiesta 2021 lowers in Level II and also will be provided with at the terminate of 2019 considering that the 2021 model.
2021 Ford Fiesta Rumors
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
Exterior and Interior Design
The Ford Fiesta is unquestionably also during improvement; however, with the awareness we attained, we could develop new model needs. The cars will implement the Ford B Community comprehensive platform with about three or half a dozen entrance doors. It is mandatory to think about no more than 2,700 excess weight. A motor vehicle can facet 17-” featherweight metal tires plus a 98-in. Wheelbase. The car is going to stretch out 160.1 ” quite extended and 71.6 ” vast and 57.2 in. Remarkable. The fascia entryways can offer a bigger trapezoid stainless steel fine mesh. Leading and rear bumpers ought to be increased. The car would also feature department-engineered front side part essential safety bags and a new front part cabinet we all think that is carbon dioxide roughage customized. A Ford Fiesta would also feature entrance Encouraged and rear devices and lighting. The rear is also discovered as a huge substantive spoiler.
2021 Ford Fiesta Interior
The rear fender also acquired modern particulars and carried with 2021 Ford Fiesta an included diffuser with 2x steel tire out. Fiesta RS may get some insides, in particular, levels of competition of which lent a whole lot because of Ford Focus. Usually, the cabin might be just a very little above the preceding model and are made of spectacular sources and determined in stainless steel insights. The interior matches a few people. The extra features would come with a nicely toned-reduce portion setting, a remodeled shifter and as well sports pedal prepare. Your rear recliners are destined to be protected in deluxe synthetic leather material and sport Recaro car seating on the front side facet. We believe that the car even gives you a Sync link feature which may feature an 8 ” touchscreen display which is to be introduced as excellent generally. The screen will experience the info and enjoyment model of MyFord Touch. Also, it provides new sports telescopic manages and programmed interpersonal local climate restraint in-built.
2021 Ford Fiesta Engine
On this occasion approximately we visualize all the standard engines organically aspirated by way of the 2021 Ford Fiesta steadily to disappear. If possible, the prototype is almost certainly going to take advantage of added in comparison to the 1-liter acoustical powerplant. These really should current 80 as a way to 140 horsepower, and all of them may wish to permit like energize assimilation. 1.6 of the 50 % dozens of cheaper 1.5-liter tools could be substituted with considerably more strength and torque. Regarding diesel engines, minimal will alter — a 1.5-liter product with 75 or 90 he needs to be on sale. Some also asserted that half a dozen diesel could just be presented, but this is not affirmed nonetheless. We are all aware despite the fact which all the RS model of 2021 Ford Fiesta is destined to be offered. This is used as correctly as a 1.5-liter engine or a system much more important than 2 liters from Focus 6. At any amount, more than 250 hp ought to be manufactured.
2021 Ford Fiesta Redesign
2021 Ford Fiesta Price and Release Date
The price, just as before, may vary approximately only $13,000 as clearly as through $23,000 for the most excellent 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA, And Release Date terminates of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not promoted but the average-2021 release appearance ideal. The price, just as just before, may vary all over only $13,000 as accurately as around $23,000 for the premier 2021 Ford Fiesta Price, USA And Release Date terminate of 2021 Ford Fiesta. The release date is not publicized but the platform-2021 release visual appeal ideal.
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