#2020 parkner project
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alwaysonlineau · 1 year ago
hi! welcome to the always online au!
for anyone who was into the hype of parkner back in late 2019/the early quarantine days, this might be a little bit familiar to you. basically, this is a social media au for marvel that i created when getting into parkner and thompsborn and when one of the main wlw ships was mj/shuri. it consisted of screenshots of (obviously fake) social media accounts (mainly twitter) of some of the marvel characters and it was mostly shitposting with a tiny hint of a plot. however, because of the mental health kick that came with quarantine, i ended up deleting the account while in a depression drop.
it’s been over 3 years and i honestly miss making this au, as it was just fun and gave me something to do, and a few days ago i realized that i still have the apps i used when i originally made this au and all of the fake tweets and messages were still on them, so… well.
basically, i decided to bring it back!
so, if you don’t remember or never saw this au when it was originally happening, you might have some questions! under the cut is a very basic q&a:
what is the always online au about?
nothing! also everything! like i said, it was entirely a shitpost account that very vaguely had a plot, but it was 100% just something i did in my free time for fun!
it’s essentially me throwing my sense of humor in a box with ships and characters that i like and then violently shaking it until something that i find funny comes out and then i would post it !!
ships and characters? which ones?
like i mentioned above, i made this during like the late 2019-2020 era of parkner hype, so, obviously, it was mainly parkner (peter parker/harley keener) BUT it also features many other marvel ships! i am going to be changing the ships up a bit to better match my current preferences. i’ll include a list of ships below this paragraph, but first, this is also going to include PLENTY of platonic/familial dynamics as well! so if you love stucky, sorry they aren’t dating in this but they are obviously besties, and there’s irondad, stuff like that, okay? i’ll try to include it all!
parkner (peter parker/harley keener)
ironhusbands (tony stark/james rhodes)
gwemj (gwen stacy/michelle jones)
peppermay (pepper potts/may parker)
sambucky (sam wilson/bucky barnes)
thompsborn (harry osborn/flash thompson)
nedbetty (ned leeds/betty brant)
thorbruce (thor/bruce banner)
and more that i will add to this list as i figure them out! suggestions are more than welcome!
characters include everyone in the above mentioned ships (obviously lol) as well as any and all marvel/mcu characters that feel relevant to include! such as:
happy hogan
the guardians of the galaxy
matt, foggy and karen from daredevil
funny accounts for villains
norman osborn (ew)
loki (and maybe mobius? maybe include that ship too? i haven’t watched loki season 2 yet so we’ll see i guess lmao)
and more! again, i am open to suggestions!
if anyone has ideas for characters, ships, or dynamics to include, feel free to message me or send an ask!!
how often should i expect updates?
that one is kind of tricky, because i am an adult with a full time job who is also balancing hobbies and family and everything all at the same time. this is something that i’ll try to work on during my free time, and when i did this before it wasn’t hard to make updates once i figured out what i wanted to do for them, but still, my free time kind of depends on the day and the week.
i’m not going to commit to a strict schedule, but i don’t work weekends so my goal is to update every weekend! if i miss a weekend, i’ll try to get it posted during the week, and if i have a week with extra free time, i’ll do some additional posts as well.
i’ll do my best to be regular with it!!
anything else i should know?
yes! this is an ongoing creative project that i’m doing for fun, and i want it to be fun for anyone and everyone who may come across it! that means i want it to be interactive!! this is something i did before, as well.
for instance, when i was running this au in 2019/2020, someone sent an ask wanting to see harley finding out about the vulture after him and peter start dating, so i answered the ask with this:
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obviously this au isn’t picking up from where the old one left off, so those tweets are not considered canon to the current always online au, BUT that’s just an example! i want people to feel free to send in asks and questions for the characters or for situations, and i will do my best to make it fit into the canon of the au!!
i think that’s it?
if anyone has any additional questions, comments, or concerns they would like me to address, feel free to send them in! i’m going to try to get the first update of this au posted today (october 17, 2023) but no promises! if not today, it WILL be up tomorrow!
once the official au is being posted, i’m also going to create a pinned post that links to this one as well as all the au updates and anything else necessary to include (like the tagging system i’m going to create and things like that) so that will be posted shortly after the first update is out! for now, thank you for reading!
i hope to see you guys always online ;)
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flareta · 5 years ago
2020' Rea Parkner Project
5 | Sunflower - Post Malone, Swae Lee (Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, 2018)
Requested by @flowersofparkner @frog-in-tom-hollands-mouth
Character: Peter Parker, Harley Keener
Category: Pre-Relationship | Post Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) | Food & Drinks | Gift |
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You're a sunflower, I think your love would be too much.
Harley's is 100% sure with his plan today. Not until Peter show up in the lab without any smile or story of his school. He just came up, sat on his desk, and continued his unfinished projects.
That's enough to make Harley confused. Peter never do something like that, not as long as Harley started work in the lab about a year ago and always in the lab when Peter come. It's kind of first time.
"You've got problem, Parker?"
And Peter not answering his questions, he didn't even look away because of course he's already put his goddamn headphones. So, Harley stuck in this silentness, which is weird. After 30 minutes, Peter finished his project and go from there, not even giving Harley a damn smile or wave.
That's more than enough to make Harley rethink about his plan.
Peter is always something since Harley first met him. His smile, his Bambi eyes, and his nerd science shirt, Harley just can't. The way his shy face after he realized he talked too much about the last Star Wars movie in front if Harley, red blushing in his cheek after Tony tell Harley some of fire case in lab which is hilarious for him, his happiness every gathering night in tower, whether it's movie night, boardgame play, karaoke...
Peter is everything about happiness, except when the day he came up to the Tower in blood, tears, and failed heroic story. When he got shot, hit, or can't save people, he turn into sadness. That's something to make him fall for Peter.
People would describe him as sadness until he meet his own happiness. And, it's just for his family, Mama and Abby, Tony & Pepper, Happy & Rhodey, and now, Peter
Peter Parker.
Harley look at his gift for Peter. He sighed. May said Peter has something with flower and as she remembers when Peter's young, he really likes sunflower that Ben bought for her as weekly routine. His Mama, Macy Keener said boy like Peter is love something that physically similiar with his favorite object. Tony said Peter likes to eat because of his super metabolism. Ned & MJ confirmed that fact and added fries as symbol of friendly that could led to something, which Peter knew it but he's recognize in the end.
But, now, Peter is not here and looks in bad mood, Harley assuming that, since he can't just ask FRIDAY and had to connect with KAREN which will lead to Peter. So he just laying in the couch, seeing the necklace, gold sunflower that could be opened and there's the seeds with word "you are my sunshine", the thing he want to give Peter so bad. People would say it's too girly, but fuck 'em, he has to ask May, his Mama, and MJ. They're 100% sure and agreed with it and Harley couldn't resist their opinion.
Yeah, now he failed to make the first move, the first move since this feeling started long time ago. Stupid Harley.
"Harley, you have one unread messages from Spider-Man,"
As FRIDAY tell him, he immediately run to his Stark watch that abandoned in couch, and open the messages.
Spideybaby: Meet me in 15?
Harley is confused.
"It's like 5 minutes ago you didn't even look at me and now you asking me to go? The fuck?"
But he answer.
The Mechanic Lad: okay, see you
Harley pack the necklace in his pocket. He also grab his nano tech suit, because it might be trap but it can't be (he sure about that and don't ask him again how he can be). He made it on time.
There's nothing except Peter, in his clothes as before, look like idiot because of he talk alone. Maybe with KAREN but whatever. He's not facing Harley at all so Harley start calling from behind.
"'Sup, Pete? Anything go wrong?"
Peter stops his conversation and turn around to look at Harley.
"Wanna go out?"
After sightseeing New York from different ways and way, having new knowledge about this city that he lived for one year, watching people doing painting in some spots and try some (because Peter know these people), now they're standing in front of fries restaurant.
"Tadaa! Here we are! Best restaurant in New York, bet you couldn't get better fries except this,"
He's not wrong, because Harley would order food from here too if he could ask Peter first. But for the goddamn reason he didn't, so Peter make the first move.
Peter let Harley choose for them, but Harley resist and said, "You're the one who taking me out, why would I choose for us?"
So, they're eating together and Peter still talking about the paint they did. His eating behavior became funny.
"You such a mess,"
"Hey, if you don't like me at my worst, you don't deserve me,"
"Oh, really?"
Peter's pouting and Harley laugh. They finished the food and go out, walking for a bit till Peter stops. He turns back and frowned.
"Wanna sightseeing from up?" Peter smirking.
"Best view ever!" Harley commented, not lie, it's from his deep heart. New York looks amazing. It's not like from Stark Tower this city not amazing, but changing view is kinda refreshing.
Peter chuckling and look at Harley, "Yeah, best view ever,"
They sat in silence in few minutes, before Peter start again, "Hey, Harley." Harley turn his head over Peter and Peter giving him a box.
"What? Is it for me?"
"Yeah, open it,"
The box is a gift. When he open it, there's a necklace with small pedant. It's...
"Arc reactor necklace? I..." The light blue from arc reactor necklace is so soft and adorable. There's light play that make Harley in awe. "It's beautiful,"
Peter look at the necklace then Harley, "I've been working on it about 3 months. Can't get over easily, 'cause y'know, the detail, the color, it's really freaking me out. I had to begging Tony to tell me about how his old arc reactor look when he first met you. I guess it's something I want to give you for, uhm,"
"It's like we just met in one year and I-I really like you, like a lot and it's not just as friends, uhm,"
Harley laugh and take his gift from pocket. His bite his lips, he really should do it.
"Um, actually, I've been meaning to give you this if I could make the first move, but at earlier I thought you're in the bad mood-"
"I make up my plan-"
"That turns out you're planning to take me out which is amazing, so," Harley takes a breath, "it's for you," Harley handed the necklace.
"Oh my, it's sunflower. I, oh my goodness this is the best thing I've ever seen, I really love it!"
"There's something in the seeds, by the way,"
Peter open the cover and read it, "You're my sunshine. Harley, I-"
"You're the sunflower and the sunshine. That's what described you as a person and someone I like,"
They look at each other, softly and warm, like the first when they met each other. It's worth, do it. Their mind tried to convince each one of them.
"Be my boyfriend?"
Peter said "yes" at the same time. Harley grin and Peter blushing. Then Harley kisses first, he makes Peter melt with him, he want to feel 'they'.
When their lips separated, now Harley is the one who blushing.
"Now, you make the first move,"
"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't."
I've been thinking so hard to make this fic. Thank you for asking♥️♥️♥️
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the-precious-peter-parker · 3 years ago
Future Drabble
So I wrote this back in November of 2020 and then forgot about it until now. I am pretty sure it was for Parkner week but this is the only prompt that I completed. With a bit of editing I now bring you this little story based on the prompts: “2029, that’s not a real year” / time travel / future au 
Peter takes a moment to survey the scene from where he’s perched atop one of the many trees within Central Park. The sturdy branch that he stands on is far different than the usual skyscrapers that he perches on but today’s mission is a far cry from his usual patrols around the city. 
It’s true that the world had adopted a new normal after the events of the blip. Peter’s definition of normal had changed more drastically than most after being brought back only to have to fight to save the earth in a massive battle and then nearly losing Mr. Stark in the snap. But the battle was won, earth was saved, Mr. Stark recovered, Peter settled fully into his role as Morgan’s older brother and partner in crime, and Peter became close with the one and only Harley Keener. The world adjusted to its new normal and Peter found himself adjusting with it. 
However, the scene unfolding before him in central park was so bizarre that neither the world’s new definition of normal nor Peter’s new definition for it could make it seem any less strange. An alien ship that somewhat resembles a snowflake if it had been painted in a grotesque shade of mustard yellow and accented in a muddy green color is hovering just above Central Park. The ship itself isn’t the largest that Peter has ever seen and neither are the aliens that are pouring out of it. In fact, Peter is fairly certain that the creatures would only come up to about his hip if he took a moment to stand beside one. The idea of standing beside one to properly gauge its height is completely lost on Peter when the ship lets out a loud creaking sound before releasing a fuchsia beam of light. 
Peter’s spider senses flair and he dodges away from the beam fast enough that it misses him. He turns his head to follow the path of the beam but he can’t see any noticeable damage. He opens his mouth to ask Karen to patch him through to the Avenger’s coms so he could update them before they arrive on scene in a quintet but he is cut off as his senses flare loudly in the back of his mind once again. He attempts to lunge out of the way again but it seems that the aliens have taken note of Peter’s quick reflexes and broadened the width of the ray they are targeting him with. 
Peter finds himself encapsulated in a blinding fuchsia light. He tries his best to call out to the Avenger’s to let them know that he has been hit and is in need of backup but he feels as though the air has been ripped from his lungs. He remains aware long enough to feel the startling sensation of being weightless for just a moment and then beginning to fall rapidly before unconsciousness finally pulls him under. 
Waking up on the floor of the lab is not an unfamiliar feeling for Peter but the half finished projects around him are so technologically advanced that Peter has to wonder who on earth has been working in the lab. He groans softly and slowly sits up so that he is now sitting cross legged on the floor just beside his usual work bench. He looks around blearily to try and figure out how he’d ended up in the lab. The last thing he remembers was being hit by the fuchsia ray from the alien’s ship and now he’s sitting on the floor of the lab. 
“Uh, hey Friday?” Peter calls out into the empty lab, hoping that the AI could shed some light on whatever situation he’d managed to get himself into. His eyes sweep curiously around the lab as he takes in the sight before him. On top of his work bench is what looks to be a half finished spider suit but it’s a design that Peter can only recall barely beginning to plan the logistics of let alone actually building the suit. He steps closer to the table and begins to inspect the composition of the suit and is relieved to find that it is not much different than the suit that he is currently wearing. 
Before he can further examine the suit, a familiar voice sounds from the ceiling, “Peter, would you like me to alert Mr. Stark of your presence?” The AI asks and Peter cannot help but notice that there seems to be the slightest hint of confusion in Friday’s tone, well as much confusion as a AI’s voice can hold. Peter contemplates the question for just a moment and decides that he doesn’t want to worry Mr. Stark if not necessary and would rather question his boyfriend about what is going on. 
“No thanks Fri, but could you maybe ask Harley to come down here? I’ve got some questions for him.” Peter replies and makes his way over to sit on the comfy couch in the lab. He pauses in his steps when he finds that the couch in the lab is not the slightly oil stained tan couch that he was expecting but instead is a very cozy looking grey couch that has a very soft looking maroon blanket strewn over the back of it.
“Hey Friday, how long has this couch been here?” Peter asks in confusion, he tries to ignore the dread that is beginning to pool in his stomach as his mind begins to piece together the clues that his surroundings are giving him. 
“That particular couch has been in the lab for four months. The prior one had to be replaced after an accident involving Harley and Morgan adding a bit of food coloring to your web fluid as a prank but the compounds did not react well to each other and created a slightly acidic explosion of web fluid.” Friday explains and Peter’s mind races as he takes in the new information. He definitely would not have forgotten something as memorable as an explosion of colorful web fluid capable of dissolving parts of his favorite napping couch. He is also aware that he would have noticed if he’d been taking naps on a new couch for the past four months and yet Peter can’t think of a single memory of ever seeing this grey couch before. He nods slowly and takes a seat on the plush grey couch before addressing Friday again. 
“Fri could you tell me what the date is?” He asks quietly and sucks in a shaky breath of anticipation. Peter’s heart is beating rapidly in his chest and he thinks that someone without super hearing like him would be able to hear it. The response he receives silences his thundering pulse for just a moment as an icy wave of anxiety washes over Peter. Panic takes hold in Peter’s chest as the teen attempts to process Friday’s reply. 
“Today is August 1st, 2029.” Friday replies in a gentle tone as if she is expecting the answer to startle Peter. Peter such in a sharp breath and curses quietly under his breath. He shakes his head and pulls his knees up against his chest, curling himself into a small ball as he tries to fully comprehend what has happened. His hands grip the fabric covering his shins just a bit too tightly but Peter is more focussed on the way that the familiar walls of the lab around him seem to be closing in and making it harder and harder to breathe. 
“That can’t be right. 2029, that’s not a real year…” Peter breaks off with hysteric burst of laughter. “I’ve been through a lot of crazy stuff recently but time travel can’t be one of them. Aunt May is gonna kill me…” Peter groans as he finally releases his hold on his suit to run his hands through his hair only to find that he has yet to remove his mask in the chaos of waking up in what apparently is the future. He pulls the mask over his head and balls it up in his fist. He mentally curses his Parker luck as he thinks about how the hell he managed to get thrown into the future by some alien time travel gun. His downward spiral is interrupted but the sound of the lab door sliding open and part of him hopes that his Harley will walk through the door, grinning about the hilarious joke that Friday just pulled on him.
All hopes of the situation being a joke are shattered as the door opens fully, making room for a muscular figure to step through. Peter’s mouth falls open in shock as he undoubtedly recognizes the man as none other than Harley Keener. A much more muscular, older, and taller Harley Keener. He looks over the man and notes the slight beard that Harley is sporting and the way that his hair is cut into a shorter and more mature style than he’s ever seen his boyfriend wear. 
Harley pauses in his tracks as well and simply stares at Peter for a moment before letting out a surprised chuckle. He runs a hand through his hair, in similar way to the Harley that Peter is used to does when he is unsure of what is happening, Peter sits up a bit straighter and lets his knees down so that he is no longer curled into a ball. His spider sense aren’t going off so he knows that this not some kind of trick and he is not in any danger but the whole situation still has him on edge. 
“Wow, okay… I thought Friday was kidding when she said you were here. Like really Pete, this is crazy even for you.” Harley teases gently and Peter is taken aback for just a moment. Harley’s voice is familiar but so different. It’s deeper and has lost most of the southern drawl that Peter loves so much. Harley seems to notice the way that all the subtle changes are putting Peter on edge and smiles gently at the enhanced teen before him. 
“Hey, this ain’t a big deal. We kept the time travel tech around just in case any of us got into a situation like this so we can have you back home to your time in well, no time at all.” Older Harley reassures Peter. Peter finds himself nodding dumbly and taking another deep breath to try and collect himself. 
“Sorry, it’s all just so different here but at the same time like not different at all.” Peter murmurs as he looks around the lab again before returning his gaze to Harley who is simply smiling at Peter as if he’s finding Peter’s reaction to be absolutely adorable. 
“Yeah well, the lab hasn’t really changed much other than upgrades to tech but I don’t want to mess up any timelines by showing that stuff to you so lets get you home. Come on, get up. This is probably gonna be a lot easier than you expected but the time travel tech is embedded into some bracelets now and you’re just gonna slip it on and I’ll do the rest.” Harley says and guides Peter over to Mr. Stark’s work station. He rifles through a few drawers before finding what he is looking for and passes a sleek looking band over to Peter who gives it a once over before sliding it on to his wrist. 
Harley grabs a stark pad off the work station and opens up a tab that Peter has never seen before. The logo looks slightly familiar and he thinks he might have seen it once before on some drafts on Mr. Stark’s table but he never payed it much attention. Peter finds his attention drawn to as simple silver band on Harley’s ring finger. 
Harley glances over at Peter for just a second and registers exactly where Peter has focussed his attention. He grins slightly before returning his attention to the StarkPad and typing in the last few details of whatever information he has to input into the device. 
“Is that a… are we… did we get married?” Peter stumbles over his words as he tries to fathom the idea that maybe, just maybe his future self overcame his awkwardness to ask Harley to be his husband. Harley smirks at Peter once again and simply shrugs his shoulders. 
“I feel like that is apart of the spoilers that I am not supposed to tell you but you’ll just have to figure that out for yourself.” Harley replies and cuts Peter off before he can protest. “Alright, I hope you’re ready to head home. Legs apart and knees slightly bent unless you want to end up on the floor again. Deep breath in, this damn thing always knocks the wind right out of you. It was nice to see you again Pete.” Harley rushes out all in one breath and gives Peter a cocky wave before pressing a button on the StarkPad in his hands. 
Peter feels a tugging on his wrist that quickly encompasses the rest of his body. He feels the weightlessness of zero gravity before he is once again falling through time. He manages to remain conscious this time but his reeling mind leaves him feeling just as disorientated as waking up in the future had. His feet connect with solid ground and the dizzying feeling of falling subsides and Peter finds himself standing beside his team. 
“Man of Spiders, it is nice of you to join us! Where have you been?” Thor’s booming voice alerts the others of Peter’s presence. Before Peter can even begin to explain what happened to him, he is being pulled into a ferocious hug by his lover who is still clad in his Iron Lad suit. The face plate on the suit flips up to reveal Harley’s worried face. 
“Do you have any clue how worried you had me? I feel like I’ve aged like ten years just from this experience!” Harley complains and sends Peter into a bout of barely suppressed laughter. The way Harley yells at Peter for laughing in response to his concern is completely worth it as Peter remembers the sight of the silver ring on future Harley’s finger. 
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parknerficrecblog · 3 years ago
Parkner Writer Spotlight
This week’s spotlight is someone who has written parkner since 2020. This week’s writer spotlight is Lira169 (@lira169). They have a interesting take and is always writing something that has a little bit of angst. Round of applause to Lira169.
Here is our fic rec for them:
Breathing - (co-written) “You bastard!” “Yeah.” “You utter moron!” “Yeah.” “You-you bloody idiot!” “Yeah.”
Red Spiders and Silver Bullets - There are many things in the universe that are common knowledge, no matter the language and culture - food and water are needed for survival, the sky is blue in the morning, the grass is green, everyone is born with a soulmark on their body, unique to only them, and the soulmate they are destined for. Peter was six when he asked his Aunt May about the mark on his chest, right above his heart - a red spider, the size of his palm. The red spider would change his life, preferably for the better.
Some Kind of Disaster - Harley likes potato guns, Tony panics at the thought of being a dad, Peter just wants a science project done Alternatively: how a science project brought two geniuses together
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shipskicksandgiggles · 3 years ago
top 5 fanworks of 2021
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2021. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
tagged by @ad1thi. thank you!
ranked by my personal favorites
1. Pattern Recognition and Remembrance - parkner // 7.3k // autistic Harley, fake dating au, getting together // T
When Peter doesn't want to deal with his ex-boyfriend, he recruits Harley to stand in as his boyfriend despite any misgiving they might have about the plan. Neither of them anticipated a dinner date and chances that are too slim to even be considered a possibility, or the potential to unveil the truth
so back around the time I wrote this, I was doing some research on autism for a project and realizing. huh. that sounds familiar. however, a lot of autistic representation felt like it was more built for children, and as an adult, I wanted to write about it from more of that perspective. I was and still am super proud of this, and I would honestly say this is easily in my favorite things i've written ever
2. Commanding Affection - irondad and winteriron, background samsteve // 30k // post tws, what if the avengers had brain cells and ca:cw never happened au, slow burn, getting together // M
After the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes is on the run. Tony Stark makes a choice to bring him home, and a promise to the future. Steve Rogers struggles with ever increasing change, but maybe a piece of his past will help.
this was six months of my life and and easily some of my best work. I technically started this in 2020 but did a lot of it in 2021, so it counts, but I love this fic. for all it's issues, this ended up being so much fun to work with. I literally had to work backwards and fix all of my plotholes on the fly. do you know how hard it is to make up a new SHIELD? anyways yeah I was crazy proud when I finished this
3. Not Every (No Good, Rotten, Very Bad) Day - parkner, samsteve // 2.5k // what if Tony hadn't found Peter as spiderman, civilian mechanic Harley, established relationships, the author's personal frustration of people not thinking Sam is Captain America // G
Harley was having a no good, rotten, very bad day.
“If one more person tells me I look like Captain America, I’m going to lose my shit.”
this was born out of frustration and an undying love for Sam Wilson. I don't even think tfatws had come out yet, but I needed to write this. this one was just fun tbh, I didn't have any other reason to write it
4. Missing Details - samrhodeytony // 1.8k // mentions of canon character death, misunderstandings, implied stevebucky and stevenatasha // T
Steve decides that it's high time for Sam to officially meet the rest of the Avengers before he joins the team, so he asks him to attend a party where they will all be in attendance. He had no idea that this wouldn't be Sam's first time meeting some of them.
I had this idea at like 3am, and couldn't rest until I wrote the whole fic. this ship is one of my favorites, and I wish I could write it more, but I haven't had much opportunity to sincee
5. An Irreversible Choice - rhodeytony // 1.1k // post civil war, song fic, friends to lovers, getting together // G
Tony's therapist tells him to find a hobby. One that isn't building enough Iron Man suits to project a legion of people. Instead, he picks up something he hasn't touched since he was a child.
this was a prompt that I was able to work into one of my favorite songs, which was exciting. every time i reread this I yell a little bit, seriously this was so much fun and so fucking cute that I died
tagging: @sarah-sandwich @official-wayward-fairchild @official-impravidus @keenerkey @thompsborn @ anyone else who wants to reflect on their 2021
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thesrctsoftheuniverse · 3 years ago
I've recently decided to finally finish my unfinished series of works from the 2020 Parkner Week and post it all on AO3. I'm hoping this frees up my mind to be able to write other stuff.
We'll see.
All 10 works are posted.
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youre-killing-me-fandom · 5 years ago
Parkner week 2020 Day 1: future au
This trope was not my own idea. Also, this is my first time writing fanfiction so it’s probably terrible. All constructive criticism is welcome. 
The last thing Tony Stark remembered was the white-hot pain of the stones' power rushing through his body followed by the peaceful relief of feeling nothing as his surroundings slowly drifted away. 
Yet there he was, standing inside of a building that looked strangely similar to the Avengers Compound though at the same time, completely different.  
"Tony… you've been gone for over ten years…" said Pepper slowly with tears in her eyes. 
Tony's eyes widened in shock. "What year is it?" 
Tony's mind had to take a second to process what he was hearing. He had been gone for thirteen years, which means Morgan should be almost eighteen, Peter 29, and Harley 30. His kids grew up without him; his baby girl was an adult; Peter and Harley had graduated for Christ's sake, from both high school and college. Tony couldn't have held back the sob he let out even if he tried.
"Oh Tony…" she gathered her husband in her arms. He buried his face in her neck and let out heart-wrenching sobs. His tears were beginning to dampen Pepper's neck when she started to run her fingers through his hair in a soothing manner. 
"They were devastated, you know," Pepper began, "Everyone was, but it took them longer to finally accept that you were gone." 
Tony raised his head and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Who?"
"Harley and Peter," replied Pepper, "Harley locked himself in your lab for days on end and wouldn't come out until someone went in and forced him to get some rest. Peter wouldn't eat and hardly got any sleep from all of the nightmares he was having. It finally got to the point where Helen had to hook him up to an IV after he passed out once. That was when I told them both that you wouldn’t want them doing this to themselves. After that, they started to make progress.” 
Another wave of sorrow hit Tony like a brick wall. His boys were so upset over his death that they neglected their own health. How many times had they willingly allowed themselves to be hurt because of him?
"But they got better," continued Pepper, "They were able to find comfort and start looking after each other." She let out a chuckle. "They were practically attached at the hip. Still are." 
That made Tony smile. He was glad that they got along. He always wanted to introduce them but never got the chance to before the Blip happened. 
"You should see them. You'd be so proud. They're both helping me so much with Stark Industries. I honestly have no idea what I'd do without them," said Pepper, as she wiped away the remaining tears left on his face.
"What about Morgan? How’s she?" 
"She's amazing," said Pepper. Tony tried to make a comment about how of course she is, she’s his daughter, but Pepper just ignored him with an eyeroll.  "Peter says she's the perfect combination of you and me with your brains and my business skills. God only knows one day the three of them are either going to take over the world or destroy it." 
Tony let out a snort, "That sounds about right." 
They continued to talk about everything he'd missed for over an hour when Pepper let out a startled sound, “I forgot to tell you-"
"Hey Pepper, do you know where my..laptop...is…" said Harley as he walked in before making eye contact with Tony and tapping his watch, which turned into a repulser that was aiming straight at the older man.
“Harley?” Tony asked in wonder, tears threatening to spill again. Harley looked different from how he did when he had last seen him, but that was, without a doubt, him. His dirty blonde hair had grown long enough to reach just above his ears, and, Jesus, was he tall. The blue-eyed boy looked like he reached a height of about 6’3”, a full two inches taller than Tony himself. He was about to say more but was cut off by a startlingly hard voice. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" yelled Harley. Pepper jumped up in alarm at the younger boy's harsh tone and stood between the two of them, getting in the way of the repulser's shot.
"It's not him, Harley." Not who? Tony thought.
Harley’s narrowed eyes never left the other man as he replied with a snarl, "Tony’s dead, so who else could it be?" 
"It's not, I had Friday check to make sure it wasn't an illusion. Do you really think I wouldn’t think of that?" said Pepper, her voice laced with accusation. 
Harley looked at her for a second before reluctantly lowering his gun “No...but then how-”
“Your guess is as good as mine. He said the last thing he remembers is using the stones against Thanos before ending up here.” 
Tony watched them talk back and forth for another ten minutes while he processed what just happened. What did this person do to make him so hostile? Before he could stop himself, he voiced his confusion. 
Harley stopped arguing with Pepper and turned to him with a sigh, “You’re really you, aren’t you?” His eyes searched Tony for any hesitation while he waited for an answer. 
“Of course, who else would I be? Seriously, what’s going o-” 
He was cut off by someone throwing themselves at him and wrapping their arms around him in a firm hug. “God, I missed you, old man.” 
Tony relaxed in his grip and returned the hug tightly. “Missed you too, kid” 
It took them several minutes to rein in their emotions and let go of each other, their faces wet with tears. Neither of them were ever really good at emotions, both preferring to make sarcastic comments rather than state their true feelings.
“So, you never answered my question,” stated Tony. 
Harley looked at him in confusion, “What question?” 
“Who did you think I was?” Tony both wanted to change the subject and satisfy his curiosity, but Pepper and Harley gave each other a worried glance before tentatively turning back to him. 
“It’s a, uh, long story,” Harley said, “A lot happened while you were gone," but as he raised his arms to start explaining, Tony noticed something. 
“Hold on a second...Is that a wedding ring?! You're married?!"
“Oh, well, I guess,” The blonde boy sheepishly rubbed his neck. 
“What do you mean you ‘guess?’” Tony cried, “Who is it? Do I know them?” 
Harley looked overwhelmed, but it was obvious that Pepper found this all amusing due to the bright laugh she let out. “I told you he would go crazy if he ever found out. Just wait until he hears who it is.” The boy glared at her for a second, wishing she wouldn’t encourage the older man. It wasn’t that Harley was afraid to tell Tony about his husband, but...he was kind of afraid to tell him about his husband. Both Harley and Peter knew that Tony had seen them both as sons, and they had mournfully speculated on multiple occasions what his reaction would be; however, now that he was given the chance to find out for himself, he was hesitant. Would Tony be mad at them? God knows that neither of them would be able to deal with their pseudo-father's rejection very well, especially Peter. 
“Well, you see, it’s-”
“Tony?” Tony’s head shot up at the sound of his name.
“Peter! Wait, it's not-” Harley tried to reach out to the other boy, but he fearfully jerked away from the incoming touch, eyes wide. When he saw this, Harley’s blue eyes softened into something akin to hurt and a small sympathetic noise left his throat. 
“Peter, sweetheart, you’re ok, you’re safe. It’s not Beck,” spoke Harley softly, as if he were talking to a frightened animal, but it didn’t seem to work.  Peter began to hyperventilate the longer he looked at the scene in front of him. In an attempt to block out the illusion, he quickly shut his eyes and covered his ears, trying to defend himself against the more than likely painful experience he was about to have.
“Pepper, get him out of here!” snapped Harley, and it didn’t take long for Pepper to grab Tony’s arm and pull him out of the room despite the boy’s rude tone. At this point, Tony was very confused. He thought Peter would be ecstatic to see that he was back, not fearful. And who is Beck? The name is vaguely ringing a bell. Is that who Harley thought he was? What did he do to Peter that would make him have a panic attack the moment he thought he saw him?
Once he and Pepper were out of sight from the other two, they came to a stop. “What the hell was that all about?” Tony demanded. 
Pepper let out a long sigh, and in that moment, she looked very tired. "Do you remember Quentin Beck?" 
The second Tony heard the man's full name, memories of a brown haired man screaming at him rushed to the surface of his brain. That psycho was who everybody was so defensive against? Tony remembered the project they were working on. Beck was brilliant, but he had proven himself to be unstable when he tried to use an experiment with their work on an unsuspecting intern. After that, Tony had stopped the partnership between them and wrote up a contract that said Tony got full rights to the product and Beck would only get part of the credit since Tony had done most of the work anyways. He really hoped that didn't result in consequences for his protege. 
But unfortunately his hope ended up being dashed when Pepper began to explain all of the things Beck had done to Peter in Europe as revenge for what Tony had done, from revealing his identity and framing him for murder to hitting him with a speeding train (of all things), all while psychologically tormenting him with illusions of his worst fears and most traumatic experiences. Apparently while Peter was on the run as an international criminal, Pepper and Happy had sent him to stay with Harley to lay low while they cleared his name and did damage control. 
Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. His son had gone through hell and back in the wake of his death and Tony wasn't there to help him.  Peter must've felt so alone, not to mention all of the PTSD he must've gotten from the whole ordeal.
Pepper saw the combination of anguish and fierce protectiveness on his face and assured Tony that yes, Peter had been through a lot, but between Harley, Happy, May, Morgan, and herself, he was able to mentally recover for the most part. He still has nightmares and panic attacks about what happened but he is now able to put the suit on and protect New York despite what happened to him as Spider-man. 
Tony still had so many questions, but before he could voice any of them Friday’s robotic voice said, "Mr. Keener wishes me to tell you that you may make your way back to the living room."
As Pepper slowly led Tony back to where the boys were, she cautioned, "Just give him some time. One of Beck's favorite things to torment him with was you."
Tony's anger flared once more. How dare Beck hurt his kid like that. It's a good thing he's dead because he definitely wouldn't be alive for much longer with Tony here now. 
When they finally re-entered the living room, what Tony saw made him freeze. Peter wasn’t cowering against the wall anymore but was now standing in Harley’s arms with his face buried in the taller boy’s chest. Harley had his head rested on top of Peter’s chocolate curls as he serenely swayed the both of them back and forth and murmured something Tony couldn’t hear. He looked over to Pepper to see if she was seeing the same thing he was, but she was just looking at the two with fond eyes before quickly glancing in Tony’s direction with a smug smile. He raised his eyebrows at her in question but she just gently shook her head and cleared her voice to grab  the others’ attention. 
Peter and Harley both looked up, startled, before de-tangling from each other minus one hand. The former looked at Tony with hesitation and asked, “Is it really you?” 
“Yeah, bud, it’s me,” replied Tony, trying to put as much sincerity in his eyes as possible. 
When Peter heard that, he let out a sob and let go of Harley’s hand as he threw himself at his mentor. Tony was quick to meet him halfway in a bone-crushing hug, securing his arms around the boy as he turned his face into the younger man’s temple. Peter was openly crying with his head tucked into Tony’s neck, the tears on his face soaking the older man’s skin, “I missed you...so much,” hiccups breaking apart his speech. 
“God, I missed you too, kid,” was all Tony could say in response. 
It felt like hours before they let go of each other, them both trying to make up for the years they didn’t have together. When they finally took a step back, Peter went back to Harley’s side and grabbed his hand again, seeking comfort from it. That was when Tony noticed the gold band on his ring finger as well. “What the hell?! You’re married too?!” he shouted. 
Peter, Harley, and Pepper all gave each other a look that lasted a little too long, and Tony felt like he was missing something, “What?” 
“You really haven’t figured it out yet?” replied Pepper with a touch of humor in her voice. 
“Figured what out?”
“I guess I never actually told you who I was married to…” chimed Harley, “It’s, uh, it’s Peter. Peter’s my husband.” The couple gave each other a look full of love and adoration before turning back to Tony to see his reaction.
Tony’s breath was knocked out of his lungs, “Holy shit, seriously?” He always knew the two of them would get along together like fire takes to oxygen, but he never imagined this. Though now that he thinks about it, it kind of makes sense. The boys are very similar with their love of science yet are complete opposites personality-wise. Harley is rough around the edges and prefers to avoid discussing feelings or showing his true emotions, much like Tony does. While Peter, on the other hand, is soft-hearted and does his best to think about everybody else but himself. Together, they seem to complete each other, picking up the slack in one part of the other’s life that they weren’t aware was weighing them down. 
This time Peter spoke up saying, “Yeah, uh, we’ve been together for over ten years now. About four years ago Harley proposed to me and we got married two years later.” Tony’s heart dropped at the thought of missing their wedding. 
“They were both pretty upset about you not being able to be there, so we set up a chair in the front with a picture of you sitting on it,” added Pepper. 
Tony tried to will away the tears that were threatening to spill again but a few of them ran down his cheeks anyways. He was touched by their gesture and walked forward to engulf them both in a hug that they returned, “I’m happy for you, boys.” The two of them seemed to relax at that, but by then, everyone in the room was crying. 
“I’m glad you’re back,” whispered Peter with a smile despite the tears running down his face. 
“Me too, kid, me too.”
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parknerficrecs · 4 years ago
Do you have any breakup fics ?
I struggled finding fics I enjoyed of this trope, but here are a couple! Please mind the warnings, and don’t forget to leave comments and kudos :)
Will You Still Love Me When Peter said his best friend’s name was Harry, he certainly wasn’t expecting to be meeting Harry Osborn. Harry Osborn, handsome, home from France, billionaire. Peter could tell too, though he’d hoped that eventually Harley would be comfortable around the other boy. To be fair, everyone was a bit like that the first time they met a billionaire, but after months, Peter could still sense the venom hiding in Harley’s voice every time he talked about Harry.
Parkner Week 2020 Day 1: Time Travel AU
teetering the line on borrowed time When Peter Parker is partnered with his ex-boyfriend, Harley Keener, for the biggest project of the semester, he learns a lot more than just AP Lit.
Complicated "Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated...
Honestly you promised me I'm never going to find you fake it, No, no, no..."
Harley becomes someone different to fit in at school. Peter is frustrated with it, but let's it go, thinking he'll stop eventually and go back to being the person he loves. Then, Harley does something unimaginable, and everything comes to a head.
Great, Cool Peter starts to find success and Harley ends up supporting him from the sidelines until he's forgotten. But he doesn't realize that Peter feels the same way.
The way Harley remembers it, Peter just grew too big.
The way Peter remembers it, Harley just had too much passion.
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iloveyou3thousand · 4 years ago
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Hey ho everyone! Thank you all for participating in this year’s (or last year’s) 2020 Marvel Holiday Secret Santa event. I hope – for those of you who joined – that you’ve all had fun working on your projects and are all happy with the gifts that you have received from your Secret Santas. The event has now officially ended with all presents sent/received and all well-wishes exchanged, so here’s one final post to wrap it all up with a compilation of all the amazing works that have been created over the past month. Go give them all some love under the cut and I hope to see you all next year!
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Title: “The Boys of Summer” Ship: Parkner Type: Moodboard and fanfic Creator: @katiebug9 Word count: 2094 Rating: Teen and up Tumblr link | AO3 link
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Title: “Winter Thoughts” Ship: Pepperony Type: Moodboard and headcanons Creator: @caitriona-3 Word count: 901 Rating: General Tumblr link | AO3 link
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Title: N.A. Ship: Pepperony & Ironwidow Type: Moodboards and headcanon Creator: @queen-of-the-avengers Word count: N.A. Rating: N.A. Tumblr link
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Title: “Made For It” Ship: Starkercest Type: Fanfic Creator: @unsettledink Word count: 8100 Rating: Explicit Tumblr link | AO3 link
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Title: “Starker Hogwarts AU” Ship: Starker Type: Fanfic Creator: @lokitonypeter Word count: 628 Rating: General Tumblr link | AO3 link
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Title: N.A. Ship: Starker Type: Moodboard and ficlet Creator: @darker-soft-starker Word count: N.A. Rating: N.A. Tumblr link
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Title: “All I Want for Christmas… Is You” Ship: Starker Type: Moodboard and fanfic Creator: @livvibee Word count: 3447 Rating: Explicit AO3 link
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Title: “Lights on a Tree” Ship: Gamora/Peter Quill Type: Moodboard and fanfic Creator: @kickcows Word count: 3322 Rating: General AO3 link
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Title: “Project Starburst” Ship: Starker Type: Moodboard and fanfic Creator: @smallaviatrix​ Word count: 3175 Rating: Teen and up Tumblr link | AO3 link
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Title: “Of Thieves and Pranksters” Ship: Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis Type: Fanfic Creator: @Angel_Leanielsa Word count: 5999 Rating: Not rated AO3 link
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Title: “and a happy new year” Ship: Starker Type: Fanfic Creator: @KassWritesStarker Word count: 1882 Rating: Teen and up AO3 link
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sheps-shepherd · 4 years ago
2020 Fanfic Year in Review
Tagged by @volantium, thanks sweet 💘
How many stories did you publish? 7
Total word count? 33,850 but I make absolutely no promises that math checks out 
What fandoms did you write for this year? As far as published works go, Tales of Zestiria and Marvel, but I did write some more stuff for Tales of the Abyss that never got finished :’)))
Did you write more, less, or roughly the same as you expected you would? All things considered, probably about what I expected. I wish I had written more but I did finish two big writing projects last year and I’m really proud of that. 
What story from 2020 are you most proud of? Do I even need to answer this one 😌 I feel like I do nothing but talk about You’ve Got New York and I’m not sorry for it. It’s actually one of the few things I’ve written that I let myself be unapologetically not humble about.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Posting You’ve Got New York at all was a lot for me to do. I’ve been hanging out in one fandom for so long that stepping outside of that was pretty nerve-wrecking, and I was very aware that the Marvel fandom wasn’t always the nicest. But I have truly done nothing but benefit from posting that and sticking my nose into this fandom, so it was a risk worth taking. 
What is your most underappreciated story? I don’t really feel like I have one? I guess I would say this original work I did but I also never expected that to gain any kind of popularity online. It was really just something I wrote and posted for my friends in a Discord server to read. 
Most unintentionally telling story? You know I wrote the Michigan songfic with the intent for it to be unintentionally telling but turns out I’m very obvious in my softness. And a certain someone just knows what my bullshit looks like 😌
Most popular story of the year? You’ve Got New York by far, definitely to my surprise. I’m beyond grateful for all the new relationships and opportunities that’s brought me. 
Most fun story to write? Perfectly Perfect, it was really fun to explore that side of Sorey’s character after writing him with his more upbeat and bubbly personality not only for a lot of the Zesty Merlin AU, but for Zestiria in general. It was also really fun to explore the identity of Mikleo’s magic and what that looks like on both his and Sorey’s ends. 
Biggest fanfiction related disappointment of 2020? I do wish I had gotten the rest of the Zesty Merlin AU stories finished and posted. They unfortunately fell to the wayside after the Parkner story happened :’) But maybe we can make that a goal for 2021, who knows. 
Biggest fanfiction related surprise of 2020? Absolutely the Parkner fandom, everyone I’ve met so far has been nothing but kind and amazing, and also we all compliment each other a lot here and I love that energy. Also, me meeting and ultimately dating my girlfriend happened to be fanfiction related, as crazy as that sounds, but I’m mentioning it because I’m so grateful to have her and she was easily the best part of my 2020. And I’ll leave it at that. 
Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to play along! Absolutely encouraging everyone to celebrate their accomplishments of such an insane year! 
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official-impravidus · 4 years ago
Happy FFWF! Do you have any writing goals for 2021? Any projects you already have planned?
i have some projects i am VERY excited about!
- my Big Secret Taken Out Of The Timeline story which is already at 23,000 words and is planned to have at least 30 chapters
- a parkner meet ugly series with @coconutknightshade
- a multiverse whumptober collab with @euphoric-melancholyy that is well past 2020 whumptober
- a potential choose your own adventure story collab
- irondad teleportation soulmates story 
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elliot-orion · 5 years ago
Word Count: 3860 for Doll Maker and 547 for The Spider Project
Favorite Line: “And I’m perfectly down to kick out Doll, by the way.”“Hey!” He protests. She blows him a kiss. 
SOMEHOW i just finished TWO of my projects, Doll Maker Draft One and the epic fanfic i wrote for nano!! Doll Maker T1 concludes with 60,436 words, and Spider Project with 70,794 words!! Doll Maker is, of course, going to need another draft, but for the first one, it’s pretty good. There are a ton of inconsistencies and things I need to work on (pacing, character development, foreshadowing, relatonships...) but for a first draft that i entirely pantsed, it’s an excellent start. For Spider Project, I actually cut more than i wrote today, because I realized why i hated the third part so damn much - i was trying to fit in too many ideas. abo and parkner and spiderman and twitter fic while keeping it below fifteen chapters and.... it was a nightmare, nothing got properly developed, and i hated it, plain and simple. SO i took out the whole twitter aspect, changed the spiderman aspect so it fits better, and just kept the parkner  part (and obvi the abo but that’s with the whole three parts so i had to) Still not SUPER happy with it, but its ten times better just with removing those aspects, and the way I set up the ending makes it very clear that their relationship still has a lot of growth needed, so i care less that it’s not super developed yet. There’s no “i love you” or whatever the fuck shoved in like i was originally playing with, instead i ended it at a confession via kiss and asking on a date, which is much more realistic and still a satisfying ending, in my eyes at least. 
So this is... fucking amazing? I’ve been duel working on these for i want to say 3 months for Doll, 1 and a half for Spider (doll just took so long bc i stopped for nano to focus just on spider project lol, for actually working on it time, it was more like 2 months) and now i have... no projects? that was the two i was focusing completely on and now i have... nothing half started? i mean obviously i have half finished things, but none that i’m particularly focused on. Meaning i have time to start something new.... two things new actually, since I realized i work a lot better bouncing between two stories every day or two than just one, which gets me burned out so quick. I’m playing around with a cool steampunk floating city thing in my head, got some cool worldbuilding and character building up there, i might try that. And i want to do a draft four of Sparks fly soon (Draft 5? what’s sparks fly up to at this point? fuck if i know) but idk if it’s quite ready for that yet, i want a beta reader to look at it and give me feedback for it. Idk it’s just super exciting to be able to start TWO new things now!! I’m kind of freaking out over this, sorry, not sorry. So yea, expect a few more rambling about what ill be starting sometime soon, and YAYY MEEEE!!!!!
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sunnysideofsaturn · 5 years ago
2019, oh how you’ve destroyed me.
basically i’ve seen a ton of posts like this, especially by one of my best interweb pals (lookin at you, C @hey-im-pan ) and it’s inspired me to make one of my own! i journal a LOT but it’ll be interesting to try and sum everything up in little synopsis.
*side note: i struggle with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and ocd, so those and their effects may be mentioned. be cautious. This also doesn’t include a lot of the more personal instances, so don’t take it as an accurate representation of what it is like living with these issues*
Honestly, not much happened. I went on a college visit trip with a few of my friends to my dream school, which was stressful but informative, and my anxiety attacks were far and in-between. Sleep schedule was wack (has been since 7th grade), but i was functioning. Dysphoria (i’m nonbinary, but hadn’t really even come out to myself then) was pretty high this month in particular for some reason, so i finally started trying to convince my mom to let me cut my hair off. (I had like 2.5 feet it was a mess)
Finally came out to one of my close friends as pan, kinda accidentally but she was chill with it :) My grandma had a weeklong sickness that scared the shit out of me, but she got better for the time being. I was constantly pushing myself academically and physically at practice, but my grades were taking a bit of a nosedive because i didn’t have the capacity to deal with everything, but i bottled it up because i hate feeling weak. I continued to explore my sexuality, and started to research the gender spectrum.
School and Crew (rowing sport) were the only things on my mind at all times. I started having more anxiety attacks again, and decided it was time to talk to my doctor about going back on meds after 3 years off them. IB was kicking my ass, but i’m so grateful for all of my teammates for giving me an escape on the water. Started to accept I was non-binary.
A month full of good vibes i really needed. Got my drivers license on 4/20. I hiked my grades up with the help of extra credit, held a “wedding” in a Dillard’s try-on section, and spent a few days of spring break at the beach with two friends. I finally cut my hair off!! That feeling was literally incredible and i try to get a haircut every other month to actually keep up with it now. Saw endgame, died inside, and competed in an art show! I was doing really well, so I went off my meds again (don’t do that without a doctors permission like me).
BAdddd time to be off meds, anxiety and depression were dropping my health and IB finals kicked my ass and the class i had been most excited about taking had become my worst at this point, but I got through the exams without missing any. Went to Jr. Prom though! We actually used going to Jr. Prom as a coverup to throw a surprise birthday party for my best friend. I still have no idea how she didn’t figure it out. I also started talking to one of my internet buds, Rosie. She’s helped me through so much she doesn’t even know about, and it such a beaut inside and out <3
MADE IT TO PRIDE MONTH!! I finished my actual finals with minimal panic attacks, and join a Parkner discord! That was short lived, but from it was born… The What the Actual Fuck Fam, whom i love dearly. You guys still crack me up, and i know i’ll always have people to fall back on ( or help me commit murder.) Turned 17 and watched Monty Python (again.) Was forced into not one, but tWo bible camps, but also went to my first pride in my city! I have never felt so loved by so many people i don’t know :)
Depression hit me HarD. I was constantly in a bad mood and taking it out on other people and myself, and I was losing even more sleep. Went back on meds for a bit. I got to see Far From Home, but pretty much isolated myself from anyone in my real life. July is always hard for me to get though for some reason. On a happier note, I started talking to @winterrs-child , who I now love dearly and @exbrodokills , which started out by exchanging memes but i think we can now call a friendship :D
More depression, yayyyy, but Rosie and my irl friends helped me through it so much, even if they didn’t know it was happening. I finally came out to my parents and grandma as pan. They honestly took it pretty well, even if my grandma thinks it’s a ‘phase’. Also came out to C, B, and T as non-binary. Ya’ll were the first people I told after a YEAR omg <3 developed a huge celebrity crush on a cosplayer i won’t name even though they’ll never see this :’) Also fell back into the kiribaku pit after finally stabilizing my Parkner obsession. Also, joined a sapphic server which is basically a big gay support group :) (thanks to Rosie)
Started my senior year of high school. So far, it’s pretty much been one big panic attack but i’m managing. I’m a mentor on the crew team this year and have adopted pretty much every underclassmen on the team. I love them all equally (except for my favorites) Cut my hair even shorter! I love it! Got back into writing poetry and short stories after an intense writer’s and reader’s block that lasted for almost a year. Went off my meds again (I should stop doing that, ik) Went to a Harry Potter fest, which was great, but started building up major anxiety for planning the rest of my life.
SPOOP MONTH. October is my favorite month, so I was determined to make it good. Went on a couple more college tours, but also celebrated fall and halloween with my favorite people. Came reallllly close to stabbing my IB Bio teacher, but he’s survived, so far. Cosplayer mentioned earlier followed me on insta, cue gay panic. i also accidentally created a huge cuddle pile of 30 girls on my team in the captain’s backyard. It was as amazing as it sounds :0 Applied for 6 colleges
CAVETOWN omg. I was also murdered with a bent hammer (don’t ask) and my mental health was pretty stable. I joined yet another server created by the cosplayer, and have made so many friends through it, plus gained a new dad figure :). Contemplated buying a binder on black friday, didn’t and deeply regret it (planing on getting one with the christmas money i get from my homophobic grandfather we pretend doesn’t exist) Discovered the goodness of Baby Yoda. Did pretty much no spanish homework. Solid 7/10
Honestly, school wise december has been the most stressful month of this year so far, and the 2nd worst depressive episode. I’ve written 6 essays and done 5 projects this month and that was not a good time for the already low seratonin levels. i got waitlisted for the school i mentioned earlier, but was accepted into the other 5 :) I got to see an Of Monsters and Men concert, and I’m trying to push thorough til break, but my grandma has been getting sick more and more frequently over this year and now she’s been in a lot of pain for over two weeks and in and out of emergency care 6 times. Just hoping to make it to 2020 with everyone in tact and healthy :) I’m doing a secret santa with my friends im looking forward to. My friends have been amazing support through all of this mess, even if ii didn’t tell you about it, and i love you all!!
special mentions:
@everyone’s users i don’t know/remember
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parkerparts · 5 years ago
life update!
life’s been super busy, and my activity on tumblr has been very erratic, so here’s an update on wips, prompts, projects, and my life
i have a handful of prompts sitting in my inbox right now. i promise they’ll be answered before the year is over (at the latest)! good things are coming
haven’t been writing that much because i have about three papers due in the next week. needed a way to channel my creative energy into something without words, so i started sketching! i might post pics later
however, i do have a fic i’m super proud of that will hopefully be posted in the next week! 
i’ll be out of town next week, so my activity will definitely drop. i'm going to italy for a school trip with my latin class, and i’m super excited! there is a time zone change, and also we’ll be busy, but i’ll be somewhat active
no longer doing nanowrimo lol. my muse is too flighty and my days are too short.
once the holiday season is over, 30 days of you and me will be my main focus. i hope to finish it in 2020.
i have a few other wip ideas and may post a poll in the upcoming weeks to get your opinions about what i should write. stay tuned!
i hit 300 followers! thank you to my lovely friends and mutuals who have supported me endlessly. i love the parkner fandom, and it has allowed me to be a part of a community and to do what i love - write. your kind words have kept me going in the past months, and i’m eternally grateful for y’all
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flowersofparkner · 5 years ago
thank u, I am in love with it <3
2020' Rea Parkner Project
5 | Sunflower - Post Malone, Swae Lee (Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, 2018)
Requested by @flowersofparkner @frog-in-tom-hollands-mouth
Character: Peter Parker, Harley Keener
Category: Pre-Relationship | Post Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) | Food & Drinks | Gift |
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You're a sunflower, I think your love would be too much.
Harley's is 100% sure with his plan today. Not until Peter show up in the lab without any smile or story of his school. He just came up, sat on his desk, and continued his unfinished projects.
That's enough to make Harley confused. Peter never do something like that, not as long as Harley started work in the lab about a year ago and always in the lab when Peter come. It's kind of first time.
"You've got problem, Parker?"
And Peter not answering his questions, he didn't even look away because of course he's already put his goddamn headphones. So, Harley stuck in this silentness, which is weird. After 30 minutes, Peter finished his project and go from there, not even giving Harley a damn smile or wave.
That's more than enough to make Harley rethink about his plan.
Peter is always something since Harley first met him. His smile, his Bambi eyes, and his nerd science shirt, Harley just can't. The way his shy face after he realized he talked too much about the last Star Wars movie in front if Harley, red blushing in his cheek after Tony tell Harley some of fire case in lab which is hilarious for him, his happiness every gathering night in tower, whether it's movie night, boardgame play, karaoke...
Peter is everything about happiness, except when the day he came up to the Tower in blood, tears, and failed heroic story. When he got shot, hit, or can't save people, he turn into sadness. That's something to make him fall for Peter.
People would describe him as sadness until he meet his own happiness. And, it's just for his family, Mama and Abby, Tony & Pepper, Happy & Rhodey, and now, Peter
Peter Parker.
Harley look at his gift for Peter. He sighed. May said Peter has something with flower and as she remembers when Peter's young, he really likes sunflower that Ben bought for her as weekly routine. His Mama, Macy Keener said boy like Peter is love something that physically similiar with his favorite object. Tony said Peter likes to eat because of his super metabolism. Ned & MJ confirmed that fact and added fries as symbol of friendly that could led to something, which Peter knew it but he's recognize in the end.
But, now, Peter is not here and looks in bad mood, Harley assuming that, since he can't just ask FRIDAY and had to connect with KAREN which will lead to Peter. So he just laying in the couch, seeing the necklace, gold sunflower that could be opened and there's the seeds with word "you are my sunshine", the thing he want to give Peter so bad. People would say it's too girly, but fuck 'em, he has to ask May, his Mama, and MJ. They're 100% sure and agreed with it and Harley couldn't resist their opinion.
Yeah, now he failed to make the first move, the first move since this feeling started long time ago. Stupid Harley.
"Harley, you have one unread messages from Spider-Man,"
As FRIDAY tell him, he immediately run to his Stark watch that abandoned in couch, and open the messages.
Spideybaby: Meet me in 15?
Harley is confused.
"It's like 5 minutes ago you didn't even look at me and now you asking me to go? The fuck?"
But he answer.
The Mechanic Lad: okay, see you
Harley pack the necklace in his pocket. He also grab his nano tech suit, because it might be trap but it can't be (he sure about that and don't ask him again how he can be). He made it on time.
There's nothing except Peter, in his clothes as before, look like idiot because of he talk alone. Maybe with KAREN but whatever. He's not facing Harley at all so Harley start calling from behind.
"'Sup, Pete? Anything go wrong?"
Peter stops his conversation and turn around to look at Harley.
"Wanna go out?"
After sightseeing New York from different ways and way, having new knowledge about this city that he lived for one year, watching people doing painting in some spots and try some (because Peter know these people), now they're standing in front of fries restaurant.
"Tadaa! Here we are! Best restaurant in New York, bet you couldn't get better fries except this,"
He's not wrong, because Harley would order food from here too if he could ask Peter first. But for the goddamn reason he didn't, so Peter make the first move.
Peter let Harley choose for them, but Harley resist and said, "You're the one who taking me out, why would I choose for us?"
So, they're eating together and Peter still talking about the paint they did. His eating behavior became funny.
"You such a mess,"
"Hey, if you don't like me at my worst, you don't deserve me,"
"Oh, really?"
Peter's pouting and Harley laugh. They finished the food and go out, walking for a bit till Peter stops. He turns back and frowned.
"Wanna sightseeing from up?" Peter smirking.
"Best view ever!" Harley commented, not lie, it's from his deep heart. New York looks amazing. It's not like from Stark Tower this city not amazing, but changing view is kinda refreshing.
Peter chuckling and look at Harley, "Yeah, best view ever,"
They sat in silence in few minutes, before Peter start again, "Hey, Harley." Harley turn his head over Peter and Peter giving him a box.
"What? Is it for me?"
"Yeah, open it,"
The box is a gift. When he open it, there's a necklace with small pedant. It's...
"Arc reactor necklace? I..." The light blue from arc reactor necklace is so soft and adorable. There's light play that make Harley in awe. "It's beautiful,"
Peter look at the necklace then Harley, "I've been working on it about 3 months. Can't get over easily, 'cause y'know, the detail, the color, it's really freaking me out. I had to begging Tony to tell me about how his old arc reactor look when he first met you. I guess it's something I want to give you for, uhm,"
"It's like we just met in one year and I-I really like you, like a lot and it's not just as friends, uhm,"
Harley laugh and take his gift from pocket. His bite his lips, he really should do it.
"Um, actually, I've been meaning to give you this if I could make the first move, but at earlier I thought you're in the bad mood-"
"I make up my plan-"
"That turns out you're planning to take me out which is amazing, so," Harley takes a breath, "it's for you," Harley handed the necklace.
"Oh my, it's sunflower. I, oh my goodness this is the best thing I've ever seen, I really love it!"
"There's something in the seeds, by the way,"
Peter open the cover and read it, "You're my sunshine. Harley, I-"
"You're the sunflower and the sunshine. That's what described you as a person and someone I like,"
They look at each other, softly and warm, like the first when they met each other. It's worth, do it. Their mind tried to convince each one of them.
"Be my boyfriend?"
Peter said "yes" at the same time. Harley grin and Peter blushing. Then Harley kisses first, he makes Peter melt with him, he want to feel 'they'.
When their lips separated, now Harley is the one who blushing.
"Now, you make the first move,"
"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't."
I've been thinking so hard to make this fic. Thank you for asking♥️♥️♥️
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ao3feed-harleypeter · 5 years ago
by LilacsAndLilies
Daniel only wanted to talk to the head of R&D to see if he could finally lead his own project. He got what was probably one of the most exciting lunch breaks ever in response. After all, who could say they had met both the head of R&D and the CEO of Stark Industries?
Parkner Week Day 1: “2029, that’s not a real year” / time travel / future au
Words: 1345, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Parkner Week 2020!!!
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Daniel Cobb (OC)
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Established Relationship, Future Fic, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, parkner week 2020, Day 1, Secret Relationship, Stark Industries, Married Couple
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