#2020 Honda Fit Release Date
kimnjss · 4 years
tricky part | knj
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⤑  series: plot twist
⤑ pairing: rapper!namjoon x rich girl!reader
⤑ genre: fluff?? (idk, man. i think they’re cute.) ahem, some smut... nd we get a little angsty, of course.
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 8.1K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: (mentions of alcohol abuse). slight dirty talk, cursing, fingering, nipple play, handjob, unprotected sex, cumshot, doggy style, light hair pulling, multiple orgasms... i think that’s it.
⤑ chapter song: tonight (i wish i was your boy) - the 1975 (the entire song is namjoon is swear...)
⤑ A/N: hiiii! this is wicked late ., i took a nap today nd it was amazing . let me know what you think !! x
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MAY 10TH, 2020 | 17:09
It takes longer than usual for you to get ready, stuck in the mirror contemplating whether or not what you're wearing is good enough. If maybe you should put your hair up instead of letting it fall freely. Would it be showing too much? But you wanted to show a little, right? This was a date after all, who didn't tease a little on the first date?
But this was Namjoon. Sensible, cautious, easily frazzled Namjoon. Would it turn him off? Or fluster him so he's showing off that cute dimpled smile of us. The one that he let slip when without even noticing it, cheeks flushing pink as he tried to avoid eye contact. Gosh, he was so cute!
Okay! Perfect solution, you're thinking as your eyes find the hair elastic on your dresser. You'd bring the hair tie and feel things out, read the room, and with the first desire to jump his bones, you'd tie your hair up. Giving him a perfect look at your shimmery collarbones, thank you Fenty, and the slope of your neck. No doubt he'd find himself thinking about pressing his lips against your skin at the sight of it.
Boys were simple. All of them. A mere flash of skin and they were putty in your hands. Joon was cute with it, though. So you'd let it slide. 
Your phone lights up, humming against your sheets. His name flashes in bold, waking up the butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Weird. He must be here, no doubt outside waiting for you right now. He'd think you looked nice, right? Grant you one of his lingering stares that he's always so quick to avert.
That's when you knew you caught his eye. Pride warms your chest each and every time you're catching him. It took a little bit more effort to get Namjoon to turn his head. Yet, he was still a boy at the end of it. He'd end up looking at you one way or another, it's all about how you present it.
Which is exactly why you were yellow. A yellow two-piece that highlights the best parts of you. And you're sure you've made the right decision when you catch the stutter in his step, eyes flickering from your face to your legs then back again. Forcing himself not to look away the entire time you're walking up to him, black platform heels carrying you with ease. Only a few inches below him with them on.
“Hi,” You're saying with a grin, hand reaching out to grasp his bicep. Giving it a little squeeze and watching the way his eyes go wide. He's wearing sweats but still looks so good. As if he's stood in front of you in a three-piece suit, although you might be exaggerating.
He doesn't shake you off but doesn't exactly relax in your touch either. Fingers tapping against his thigh and you can't help but wonder if he's holding himself back from touching you. Lame. “You're wearing yellow,” He says after a moment, stating it as fact rather than something that was intentionally done for him and his attention.
Eyes rolling on a laugh, you're nodding your head. “Yeah. You like yellow,”
“I do,” His nod is curt and his tone is military.
Huffing, while stepping forward, easily pulling him a bit close to you. “Okay, rule number on to this date...” Lifting a single finger for reference. His eyes flicker to it before he's looking back down at you. “You're not allowed to think tonight, got it? No analyzing, calculating. Weighing the options. Just do and talk, get loose.” Giving his shoulder a playful shake, you're shocked to hear the laugh that falls from his lips.
Like an actual, really pretty laugh. “Alright, deal.” A proud smile threatens to split your face when you feel his hand lift, hesitant at first but landing on the small of the back. Albeit, just to guide you, but it's still something. “Let's get going,” He's guiding you with the gentle hand on your back, barely touching you but you're stomach was doing backflips.
How quickly the roles reversed. Hands clasped in front of you, urging yourself to calm down. To stop acting like some thirteen year old who still hasn't had their first kiss. You were twelve years and eighteen kisses past that. Get it together.
“Where's your car?” Stepping on your tiptoes, attempting to peak up the street to spot it. “Actually, what kind of car do you even drive? I've never seen it?” Eyes shifting up toward him, a quizzical look on your face.
You're missing the soft, “I don't...” That falls from his lips because you're brain is working overtime to guess what car he could possibly drive. “Hm, you kinda look like a Chevy guy... maybe a Honda? But, I could be wrong. Definitely not a sports car, though.” You couldn't imagine Joon in one of those loud, low to the ground car.
Whipping through traffic as if where he had to go was much more important than all the other people on the road. Yeah, that didn't fit.
He's taking offense to this for some reason, nose scrunching, and hands finding his hips. His steps even come to a halt. “Hey. Why not a sports car?”
You're letting out a laugh, not at him, of course. Just at how adorable he looks right now. Actually pouting, with his arms crossed in the middle of the sidewalk. You've never seen him like this, not even sure where this new Joon came from. But he might be even cuter than the Joon you knew and had a huge crush on.
Moving toward him, not even bothering to stop yourself from poking his pouted lip. “Come on, that's totally out of character. You're practical and sensible. You wouldn't splurge on a sports car, that's not even durable. Those cars get torn apart in accidents,” He's not really mad, obviously. Which is why it doesn't take long for him to lose the face.
“So which one is it? Honda or Chevy?”
A large arm is dropping around your shoulder, tucking you into his side as the two of you continue your timed steps down the sidewalk. “Neither. I don't have a car. Or my license,” Eyes nearly popping out of your head with his words, stopping in your tracks to get a good look at him. Just in case you might've heard him wrong.
But he shows no signs of correcting himself or clarifying what he had just said. “Wait. So how are we going to get there!?” Did he expect you to walk!? All the way to Daejeon? In these shoes... they were cute, but not the most comfortable. And they didn't need to be because they weren't meant for walking 100 miles at a time!
“We're gonna take the train, of course. How else?” He's not even looking like he knows he's talking nonsense.
Like, honestly. Did he expect you to ride a gross train dressed like this!? What if you got robbed? Or kidnapped? Or worse, thrown up on!? This outfit was irreplaceable, one of a kind. No way could you take it on a train, that wouldn't do. “No. That won't be necessary. I'll just call one of my drivers, they'll come get us,” You've got your phone out before you're even finishing your sentence.
Namjoon is quick to pluck the device from your fingers, a sly smile playing on his features as he tucks it into his pocket. “Let those people spend time with their families. It's Sunday. There won't even be that many people,” Two firm hands placed on your shoulders, he's turning you effortlessly. “The train, it'll be fun.”
“You're the only guy, in the universe that thinks riding the train will be fun.” He's laughing again and it's not cute as it was a few minutes ago. “Oh no, I meant fun for me. You're gonna hate it,”
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MAY 10TH, 2020 | 17:37
Just as you predicted, the train is gross. And sticky. Crowded and sweaty. Joon holds you close as you weave through the sea of people, fingers laced with yours. Although you know it's purely for survival purposes, the flutter in your heart still rises from feeling the warmth of his skin against yours.
You try not to make a huge deal about it. People rode the train every day and considering how many of them were in here, they've all survived. You'd be fine. Especially with this six-foot angel clearing the way for you at every turn.
Joon finds a seat for the both of you against the wall. Close with your thighs pressed together and he still hasn't released your hand from his grasp. It's cozy beside him, warm. Leaning your weight on to him, you try to be subtle but probably fail. He's concentrating on something on his phone and from the quick peak you were able to sneak, you see he's checking on your reservation for tonight.
Stomach flipping at the tiny fact he made a reservation for you two. It's so Namjoon to want to be triple prepared for anything, but the fact that it's in your favor makes you happy. No idea why, but that was the truth of the matter. More often than not happy when you were around him.
Even cramped in this stinky train, his hand in yours was enough to convince you, you were in the back of a limo. The unfocused chatter around you replaced with soft music that you'd play. Probably something he likes to listen to. His taste in music was quickly becoming yours the more time the two of you spent together.
He's dropping your hand for some reason that you don't realize until you're looking up to see him standing. Offering his spot to some brat with a broken leg. What the heck? Were you supposed to hold hands with this kid? Up without a word, didn't even bother to ask if you wanted him to get up.
Joining the other people standing, holding on to the railing and you're quickly deciding you don't like the distance. He watches as you stand to your feet, nose brushing against his chin. “Sit,” Gesturing to your now empty spot, earning a raised brow from him. 
“Come on, Yn. Your feet are gonna hurt. Just relax,” He tries to lower you back into your spot, but you're moving to the side with a shake of your head. “I'll be fine. Just sit,” Catching the stubborn glint in your eye, just begging him to argue, he chooses to drop it. Switching spots with you and sinking into the empty spot.
Not even a second after he's settling into the cushion, you're dropping yourself onto his lap. Arm wrapped around his shoulders, legs between his. Bum pressed firmly into his thigh. “Did you really think I was going to stand?” You laugh. He doesn't even look the least bit surprised, eyes rolling – but you catch the smile on the corner of his lips.
His hand finds the outer part of your thigh, holding your body steady as the car jostles. He doesn't move it even after the machine has settled, has even taken to tapping out a rhythm against your skin.
It's nice. Your new favorite song.
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MAY 10TH, 2020 | 21:17
You had to hand it to the guy, Kim Namjoon knew how to put a date together. Pure perfection from beginning to end, you're not sure if it's his careful attention to detail or the small possibility that he wanted to impress you... you've decided to go with the latter.
The entirety of dinner was spent talking about everything and nothing. Actually getting to know each other aside from the surface level, 'I make good music and you screen it while balancing your massive crush on me,'. He was telling you about the time he first met Yoongi: second year of high school, Yoongi was a really cool Senior, the type of cool guy that everyone knows, but like doesn't talk to anyone. He found Joon making out with some cheerleader in the band room, her hand down the front of his jeans... and made it all of his business to tease him about it for the rest of the semester. 
Never would you have deemed Joonie as the type to take part in such excessive PDA, and although he insists it was not his idea... well, agree to disagree.
You were even telling him about the first time you got blackout drunk, which resulted in you being banned from every last Shake Shack. The only thing you remember from that night was getting in the car to head to the club, already started pre-gaming beforehand. But as Jungkook likes to tell it, you were a melting pot of 'types of' drunks. 
Started the night trying to fistfight the bouncer, after only fifteen minutes in the club, which resulted in you... and all of your friends being kicked out. Went from not-so-discreetly trying to mount your boyfriend at the time, Jackson, to crying on the bathroom floor Shake Shack all before you were puking in the booth, after swearing (a million times) that you 'weren't gonna throw up'.
Followed by a screaming match between you and Hoseok as he apologized a thousand times over to the employee he had to call over for the mess, trying to assist her while she tried her best to keep a smile on her face. Jungkook carried you to the car, full-blown had to haul you over his shoulder as you screamed curses at your brother.
You don't remember any of that, though. Next thing you remember from that night after getting in the car to leave, was waking up to the sound of loud video games, hanging half-naked off the side of Jackson's bed.
You're more embarrassed than you though, telling that story out loud. how bad you used to be. That was the worst of it, but the other times weren't too great either. Of course, you've calmed down a bit. Really tried each and every time you were sent away to clean up your act. And you were good for a few months after you came back, and then you were not.
Surprisingly, Joon doesn't look disgusted when you tell him. And you're not sure if that's a good thing or not. Either he's extremely understanding or he was expecting your most embarrassing story to be something of the sort. You hope for the former but suspect the latter.
In reality, though. Namjoon found himself trying to figure out just what could've been going on in your life that you felt like any of that would help. He now knew with you there was always something hidden, a reason to your behavior that you oftentimes liked to brush off. Must've been bad. You probably had a hard time.
The highlight of the night, though, was hands down the play. You're not even sure if he knew what it was about when he chose it, but you were falling in love from the moment the current went up. Characters so vivid and engaging, dealing with real-life shit all while living in fear of the darkness that looms over their tiny village.
It wasn't hard for you to get totally immersed in the show, laughing along, getting upset, crying. And Joon stays seated by you the entire time, holding on to your hand. Not so sure when he picked it up, but he hasn't let it go in a while. Not that you were complaining. You liked the tiny shocks that followed every brush of his fingers.
He smiles when you laugh, laughs when you get upset, and wipes your tears when you cry. You're so sure, he missed the entire show.
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MAY 10TH, 2020 | 21:20
“You know, my best friend's an actor. Kinda a big deal at his agency... I could talk to him?” Joon throws in casually as the two of you make your way out of the theater, talking as he tosses his empty popcorn carton into the garbage. As if he didn't just drop some life-changing news.
You've heard of his friend, Kim Taehyung. Was an extra in his very first big drama role, a historical one where he faced an untimely death. The two of you never crossed paths and shared zero scenes together, but it was still pretty cool. To you. He didn't know you from a hole in the wall and the last thing you'd do was act like anyone's biggest fan.
But, this? What Namjoon was offering... that could be huge. The start that you needed and you wouldn't even have to go through your father. You could do it all on your own... kinda. “Oh! That would be amazing, Joon!? Why didn't...”
As quickly as the excitement hits you, it's being knocked right out of your body. The job that you already have and everything else that surrounded it. No way could you accept this. “Actually,” You're forcing a smile for Namjoon to see, “Let's put a pin in it. I want to focus on the company,” You wonder if it sounds as robotic as it feels.
“Why? You hate that place?” His hand has found yours again, arms swinging slightly as you walk. There's this curious look on his face like you're not making any sense. And you're not.
Why wouldn't you jump on the first chance to ditch that hell hole? The opportunity was right in front of your face, so why wouldn't you take it? You must be an idiot. Stockholm Syndrome? “Can I tell you a secret?” You're whispering despite the fact it's just the two of you on the street.
“Sure,” Gently, he's pulling you just a bit off of the path. Figuring whatever you have to tell him might be something he wants to sit down for, so he's getting comfortable on a bench, tugging you down beside him.
Not once letting go of your hand. “Hoseok is putting out an album in a few months. He's been juggling that and work-work. The time when my dad came down to talk to me... about the whole Hyungwon thing, he said he'd tank the album if I didn't start acting right,” That actually does surprise Joon, eyes going wide as a barely audible gasp leaving his lips.
You can just about guess what he's thinking, 'what kind of father...?'. And the easy answer was, yours. Your type of father would. Your type of father has. “That's why I need to stay focused. I can't screw up, he's been working so hard. I wouldn't be able to live with myself I ruin everything for him. Again.” That was a story for another time.
“Yn. That's fucked up. Does Hobi know?”
Scoffing, your eyes roll automatically. “Of course not and don't tell him. He thinks our dad is the best. 'Strict, but the best'.” Your tone changes slightly to mock his deeper voice. “Thinks he's hard on me only because of how I act and while I know that doesn't help, that wouldn't change anything. We're all just pawns in his game. His stupid Legacy.”
It's weird because you don't even sound sad. Just numb. Like you've accepted that this was how the way things were and this was how they were going to be. He wished there was something he could do, stand up to your dad for you, tell him all the things you're afraid to. But that would be stupid, for him and for you. It wasn't his place and he'd only make it worse. No matter how badly he wanted to just step in, there was really only one thing he could do.
Your hand is much smaller in his, soft and cute. Nails painted a pretty deep blue to compliment the yellow of your dress. Squeezing softly, he's lifting his lips into a smile for you to see. And since he's been trying to take your advice and stop thinking so much, he's lifting your hand. Pressing feather-like kisses against your knuckles.
The gesture so sickeningly-sweet, you're not sure if you should puke or cry. Or both. He's looking up at you, smiling really wide before he's moving closer, lips finding your forehead making you feel warm all over. Butterflies holding a wrestling match in your stomach and you might just burst into tears.
“I can't interfere with your family. Especially when you're not asking me to. Just know, if you ever want to start doing what you really want I'll support it. I'll support you.” You feel the pressure building behind your eyes, the thickness in your throat. All over three stupid words that you had no idea you've been waiting to hear.
It's overwhelming. Desperately fighting back the wetness that teases your waterline. With a hard blink and a huff of air – you're pushing a smile onto your face. Aware of how fake it looks, but it'll have to do as you lean in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you,” You're grinning, hand patting his knee before you're hopping up from your spot beside him on the bench.
A hand extended down to him. “Come on, dessert on me!” You giggle because it feels right. And he takes your hand, allowing you to pull him from to his feet. Tugging him along behind you with your face pointed to the night sky. Not saying anything until you're sure your voice won't break.
And even then it's a quiet mumble, “You've earned something sweet.”
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MAY 10TH, 2020 | 21:59
Your hair has gone up. Revealing the slope of your neck and the shimmer on your collarbones. And as you predicted, Joon watches you through the entire process. Lips wrapped around your ice cream cone, holding it in place as your hands move quickly to pull your hair out of your face. His gaze dropping to your mouth as you lick mess the treat his left from your lips.
Hook. Line. And sinker. 
“Do you have any weird kinks?” You don't even look at him when you say it, focus on creating a peak on your ice cream cone.
Joon's choking a cough out around his shaved ice, eyes blinking hard as he clears his throat, lifting his gaze up to you. “Excuse me, what!?” An easy laugh falls from your lips, shoulders shrugging slightly. Taking pride in how easily you could fluster. “You know... weird kinks. Things that get you going, but are kinda weird,” 
“Like a fetish?” You're shrugging, barely interested in the choice of word. “I'm sure there's a difference, but for the sake of this. Sure,”
He had to have something, there was no way he didn't. Everyone had something and you refused to believe that he was even composed and well thought out in that area. There had to be something that made him lose his cool. Had to be.
“Uhm,” He's clearing his throat, cheeks seeming to grow darker the more time you spent staring at him. “I wouldn't say it's weird, but I like...” His attention falls to his dessert, twirling his spoon around in the frozen shavings. Would you think it was too weird? Consider it a deal-breaker and decide to not talk to him again. You probably wouldn't even care, there wasn't much that you cared about he was finding.
But, you could surprise him. And what if... wait, why was he even stressing about this in the first place!? “Why are you even asking me this?” Such a random topic interrupting your peaceful silence staring at the water.
Again, you lift your shoulders in a shrug. “I'm curious. Here, I'll tell you mine.” You pause to flash a breathtaking grin up at him. “Put your hand up,” Joon doesn't even hesitate to lift his palm, heart stuttering when you're pressing yours against his. As if you're comparing sizes and he can't help but curl his fingers down into the space that's left.
“See that? What you just did? Drives me crazy. And also...” Hand dropping from his to lay flat on his chest and on reflex his muscle is tensing, pecs jumping underneath your touch. It's actually so sexy you contemplate dropping to your knees right then and there. You suppress the urge, but don't make any moves to lifting your hand. “Big hands? And muscles. Phew. Throw in a pair of cute dimples and it's over,” 
It's obvious at this point that you're literally referring to him, not intentionally of course. He just happened to check every last one of those boxes. “Why's that?” He's staring at you with these eyes that you've never seen before. Dark and filled with want.
You liked it.
“Makes me feel cute and small, I guess. Like if you... or any guy, but let's just say you, were to use your big hands to pick me up and hold me there while we-” His eyes go wide when he catches on to the end of your sentence, rushing out a frantic, 'Oh okay, I get it!'. Watch as you bursting into a fit of giggles.
He ignores you, taking to peering around the bridge, checking for anyone within earshot that might've heard what you were about to say. Only to find that you two were the only people out here. Unless he was worried about judgmental glares from the birds, you were fine.
“So...” He's starting only after he's done his full scenery check. “You like feeling small, then? That's interesting,” Forever impossible to read, no idea what he meant by interesting, but as always you were running with it.
Steering this night, which had been an amazing date, in a direction that was a little less PG. Brow arched and a smirk playing on your lips, you move into his space. Hand sliding down the front of his body, meeting his waist. Holding a soft grip on the fabric of his sweater, you rise onto your toes, nose just inches from his.
“And? What do you plan to do with this information?” Could swear a small gasp falls from his lips, feeling your free hand tug on the long drawstring of his pants.
There are a million and one thoughts running through his mind right now. Every last one of them revolving around you. How good you look underneath that skirt, how good you smell standing this close to him. The way he could see the faint freckles on your cheeks, faded from your makeup. Yet, through all of his mangled thoughts, there's one that stands out amongst all of them.
You're so beautiful.
And not in the ways that you'd think. Yes, your face fit the standard, and the confidence you carried yourself with was more than deserved, but there was more. Beautiful underneath all of that and he could see it and even with this new stiffness tenting at the front of his jeans, it's all he can focus on.
Soft giggles fill his ears, coming from you realizing the way he was staring at you. Not saying a single word, just looking. “You're stalling. What's yours?” Taking a step back, you allow him a chance to breathe. Just barely noticing the twitch of his arm, ready to pull you close to him again.
“Okay, fine.” Joon's saying with a roll of his eyes, not the annoyed one that you've grown used to. It's playful, cute paired with the smile on his lips. “I like...” Large hand reaches out, landing firmly on your hip, effectively catching you off guard but he doesn't even give you a second to react before he's twisting your back toward him.
A shiver dancing down your spine as the tips of his fingers gently trace the link in the middle of your back. Actually having to bite down on your lip to keep from any noises slipping out in response to his light touch. “That. It looks sexy,”
Now you know how he feels when you tease him. Breathless and flustered all because he touched your back!? Come on, it was about time you got your shit together. Turning in his grasp, your features morph feigning confusion. “You like backs?” 
“No! Not just backs. I Mean the dip... and if there's dimples back there. That's always a plus,” He says with a shrug, but you know exactly what he's doing. It was your game, basically invented it.
But judging from the flutter in your chest, he was better at it. “I have dimples back there,” It sounds dumb to your ears, like 'duh, he knows that stupid.. that's why he said it,' but you can't think of anything else to say. Thoughts clouded with how good being touched by him felt and coming up with ways to get more of that.
And he's moving as if he's read your mind, arm wrapping around your waist. Pulling your body to him with this newfound boldness that has a shocked gasp falling from your lips. “I know you do,” His voice is so deep and so sexy, only loud enough for the two of you to hear. You could spend hours just listening to him talk, no doubt. God, you needed to get it together.
“Oh, yeah? You've been sneaking peaks?”
He nods. Like, doesn't even bother to try and hide behind some half-assed explanation why he might've noticed, just owns it. He's so hot. “I'm very observant,” His words have you wondering what else he's noticed about you. How much time did he spend just 'observing', as he liked to call it.
You could figure that out later, there were much more pressing matters at hand right now. Kissing him. Through with the back and forth, you needed to feel his lips against yours. The fragmented memory of the first and only time was quickly fading, you needed something fresh.
With your fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck, you lean into him. Chin tilted up and eyes slowly falling closed, you're just inches from his mouth when that deep voice of his is breaking through. “Are you gonna kiss me?”
“Wow, you are observant,” Breathing out a laugh, you're nodding eyes lifting to find his. He even looked good from this close. “Wait.” His quick movements startle you, a not so cute squeal filling the night air as he bends to lift you, effortlessly wrapping your legs around his waist.
You're both laughing, like side aching chuckles. And you're certain you've never seen him like this before. Eyes forming crescent moons as loud snickers fall from his grinning lips. He's pretty. You're so dazed by that simple fact that you don't notice the way his laughter has died down into soft breaths.
Not until silence is falling over both of you and he's leaning up to press his lips against yours. Large hand lifting to tangle in your hair as he kisses you.
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MAY 10TH, 2020 | 23:29
And he doesn't stop kissing you. Not on the train home where you sit on his lap and he swallows every last one of your whines. Not on the walk to your place where he keeps his arm around your shoulder, occasionally leaning down to press kisses against your cheeks. Even stood at your doorstep, you're still like teenagers who just discovered making out.
“Do you want to come up?” You're murmuring against his lips, sentences barely coherent through the push of your lips.
He's registering your words a few moments after you've said them, pulling back to reveal the worried expression on his features. Doesn't say anything, though. Like he's stuck between taking you up on your offer and whatever concern is plaguing his mind.
And then it's hitting you. “Hoseok's out with some girl. Just in case you're worried about that,” You don't miss the way his face relaxes, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. Pulling a blase expression, moving into your space again. “Why would I be worried about that?”
Eyes rolling, you let out a laugh. “Oh, my mistake.” You mock, turning to unlock your front door. Joon is following steps behind you into the house, no sign of Hoseok in sight. Not like he'd really care, on Namjoon's part. Just give you an ear full about how your actions would affect the company.
So, you're glad he's out. In no mood to hear any of that tonight. “Do you want a glass of wine?” Namjoon is following you into the kitchen, nodding along to your words.
He just can't seem to take his eyes off you. Followed your movements from the pantry to the cabinets all the way to the island where you poured alcohol into glasses for the two of you. Watched the way your lips tickled the neck of the bottle, sucking up the droplets that had spilled, dark eyes finding his the moment you're pulling back.
Daring him. To do something. Anything. Joon knew he needed to be bold. Impulsive. Throw caution to the wind and deal with the consequences later. It's how you got what you wanted all the time and right now, he wanted you.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he's rounding the island. Closing the space between the two of you. Hand cupping the side of your face as he wraps an arm around your waist. His gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips, rhythmically. “I don't want wine,” Your heart hammers in your chest.
“What do you want?” You ask, although, you already know the answer.
He takes to showing you rather than telling you, using the grip he holds around your waist to lift your body onto the counter. Stepping into the space between your legs before he's covering your mouth with his. 
This kiss is much different from the others, no longer testing the waters. There's determination behind each movement of his lips. Both hands gripping your waist, pulling your body forward until his hips are pressed to yours. His tongue slips past his soft lips to graze your bottom lip. And you're opening up for him without a moment of hesitation, fingers tangling in his messy locks, and pulling – a low groan emerging from the back of his throat.
He's pushing his body flush against yours, hips lifting rightly and you feel the twitch of his cock through his sweats. Sweet moans fall from your lips with every roll of his hips, deliberately pushing down desperate to feel more of him. Your senses are filled with him. The taste of his tongue, the sweet smell of his cologne, how good it feels to have him pressed up against you.
Strong hands roam around your body, gripping the fabric of your skirt tight enough to have it inching up the smooth skin of your thighs. Gently cupping the back of your neck to hold your head steady as he licks into your mouth. He can't seem to make up his mind, greedily wanting to touch all of you at once.
You're meeting everyone of his upward thrusts with a downward roll of your hips, moans growing louder between the two of you with each brush of your most sensitive parts. And you want more. Legs wrapping around his waist to pull him closer, you needed more.
“Fuck, princess.” He's gasping out, not leaving a moment to spare for you to marvel at the pet name that fell from his lips so easily. His mouth makes steady work on your neck, suck red blotches into your skin as the palm of his hand moves down the front of your body. Sneaking underneath the hem of your skirt, your body jolts when he's pressing the tips of his fingers to your slit through the soft fabric of your panties.
Pretty moans fill the room as he teases you, fingers tight in his hair. Heady becoming heavy for your shoulders as the pleasure he's ensuing washes over you. “Namjoon,” You're gasping, hips bucking up when he's pressing his fingers against your sensitive clit. Above the cotton, but each stroke has electricity cruising through your veins.
He chuckles as your whines become more insistent, hips following the movement of his fingers. “That feel good?” Head bobbing frantically, your legs spread wider for him. So sure, you're soaked all the way through from the way he's palming roughly at your panties. He's confirming your thoughts with a groan and a breathy, “You're so fucking wet,”
“Please, Joon. More.” Panting as your hips lift up toward him. He's grinning wide, pressing a soft kiss to the skin of your neck before he's nudging your panties out of the way. “So greedy,” He teases, at the same time his fingers find your clit. He's pressing lazy circles into the sensitive nub, taking his time despite the needy roll of your hips. “Tell me what you want,” Dark eyes travel up the length of your body to your face, you don't even bother to mask the moan that slips at the sight.
An experimental finger teases your entrance, sneaking in past the first knuckle before quickly pulling out and repeating the same action. If it wasn't for the solid stiffness pressed against your thigh, you'd guess that he was torturing you for the hell of it. But judging from the steady rut of his hips, he was enjoying this just as much as you were.
You couldn't wait any longer, though. This moment has plagued your thoughts since the first time you were meeting him. What it would be like to be with him like this. Have him fuck you. You'd surely die if it wasn't now. “Fuck me,” The words come out more whiny than you originally intended but, hey. “Please, Namjoon.”
“Soon, princess.” He promises, sinking his middle finger into your tightness. Eyes flickering between your bodies so he can watch the way the single-digit disappears within your walls. So fascinated with the movement of his own fingers and egged on with your pretty moans, he's quickly pushing another finger in.
Namjoon's mouth finds yours, swallowing every last one of your hushed moans as he fucks into you. Scissoring you open with his long fingers, free hand tugging at the bottom of your top until it's around your waist, tits spilling out. He's groaning against your lips as his palm cups you from underneath, thumb lifting to brush against your nipple.
His head is lowering until he's able to latch his lips around the hardening bud. His sharp teeth graze over it slightly, gentle tongue washing over the slight pinch of his bites. You're whimpering at the feeling of his thumb pressing into your clit, back falling against the cool countertop as your hips move in tandem with his fingers.
It's not long before he's nudging a third finger past your walls, lips moving to mouth on the other side. Thumb moving expertly over your clit while his fingers provide such a delicious stretch, you're squirming beneath him. Searching for something to grip onto as the pressure begins to build in the pit of your stomach.
You take to tugging his hair, pushing his face against your chest as your back arches off of the counter. Wanton moans filling the room, you're being so loud but you can't find the strength to quiet down. Not while he's making you feel this good. And then all at once, he's pushing in deeper, fingers curling and brushing against that rough patch of skin hidden deep inside of you.
“Oh, fuck! Don't stop, don't stop.” You're chanting over and over, hips rocking into his palm and Joon has no plans of stopping. Not when you sound like that, each whine and whimper shooting straight to his cock. He feels the way your walls flutter around his fingers and he's quickly lifting his head to watch your face.
There's a sheen layer of sweat on your forehead. Eyes rolled back as your lashes flutter, lips slightly pursed. Jaw falling slack, a breathless gasp slipping at the same time he feels a gush of wetness surrounding his fingers. Incoherent mumbles of thanks fall from your lips as your body shakes. He keeps his fingers buried inside of you, thrusting slowly until your words are dying down to soft breaths.
Opting to give you the time you may need to regain your composure... which only lasts a few seconds before you're sitting up. Arms and legs pulling him toward you. “Fuck, that was so good.” You say through a laugh, mouth finding his in a sloppy kiss as you work to pull his sweatshirt from his body.
Joon follows your lead, working on tugging his sweats out of the way. Your soft hand meets his, gently pushing it out of the way and dipping into the front of his boxers. Palm closing around his thick shaft and your eyes are going wide, fingers not being able to meet around the base.
“Holy, fuck...” Your hand drags over his length, more so measuring him than anything. Excitement igniting in your chest the longer it takes for your hand to meet the tip. Which is leaking with precum at this point, you feel it when your palm finally covers the tip and then use it to make moving your hand back down easier.
His hips follow the movement of your hand, attempting to fuck into the opening your palm created. Spaced out as the pleasure slowly clouds his mind. He looked so good. Chest and stomach flexing as he moves, shining underneath the dull kitchen lights. Brows furrowed and jaw clenched, making dimples appear at the sides of his mouth.
Your free hand slides down the front of his body until the tips of your fingers are brushing against his balls. Massaging them underneath the slight pressure while your wrist twists over his cock. “Yn, baby. Wait... fuck,” His hips are stuttering to a stop, hand reaching down to still the movement of your palm.
“I won't last,” A soft pink dusts his cheeks as he looks up at you, eyes glossed over and barely focused. He's letting out a breathless laugh before he's leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your lips. “I wanna fuck you first,”
The admission is waking up something entirely different inside you. Something you can't easily place and are in no mood to decipher. Instead, you grin, returning the kiss to his lips before grinning. “Fuck me, please.”
That's all he needs to hear before he's taking a step back from you, not giving you a moment to feel his absence before he's sliding you from the counter. Hands on your hips to turn your back to him, his large hand resting on the middle of your back. “Bend over,” Voice deep in your ear, you'd very much walk off the edge of a cliff if he was asking you like that.
You bend forward without any protest, the cool granite pressing against your exposed nipples. Joon holds a hand just above your ass, the other wrapped around the base of his cock – guiding himself toward your aching core. His thick head nudges against your tight hole and you both gasp as you swallow him in.
He takes his time, allowing you to feel every inch as he slips in. And you don't miss the way his thumb has moved to rest in the indent just above the swell of your ass. Pulling your body toward him with his grip. His huffed breath tickling your back the moment he's bottoming out.
Palms formed fists beside you, concentrating on your breathing as you get used to the feeling of being stretched this way. Slowly, he's pulling out until the head is catching at your entrance then he's pushing his way back in, your body sliding up on the counter with the movement. The stuttered movement of his hips slowly shifts into a steady rhythm that has a string of moans falling from your lips.
Strong, bruising thrusts into your backside paired with the gruff groans that escape his throat. He's so deep, the tip of his cock nudging against your g-spot with each thrusts forward. “Fuck, look how perfectly you take my cock, baby.” He groans, eyes glued to the way your lips are wrapped around him.
All you can muster back in response is a weak whine, a garbled cry of big he was... or how good he feels. Mind nothing but mush at this point, the overwhelming pleasure from the way he was fucking, softening your brain. Either way, he takes the incoherent noises as a compliment, speeding up the snap of his hips.
You all about lose it when he's reaching down to grip your hair, lifting your body onto his, keeping a steady movement of his hips as he reaches around you to find your clit. Rolling it between his knuckles until he's feeling that familiar squeeze around his shaft. Soaking up every whimper and every cry as he brings you closer and closer to release.
“You gonna cum again for me, baby?” Gasping out, your head bobs up and down, back arching in hopes to steal more than what he was willing to give you. “Please, make me cum.” He can feel the way your walls flutter around him, the whine in your voice. And since he's inclined to give you whatever you want, Joon's angling his hips in a way that he knows will make you cum.
And it's not long before the pressure is snapping in the pit of your stomach, loud cries filling the room as your hips lift into a shake. Walls clenched so tight around his cock, it's enough to nudge him over the edge. He fucks into you with great fervor, leaning your body back onto the counter as his hips snap against yours.
Thrusts becoming sloppy and untimed as he feels himself falling apart, an odd mixture of curses and your name falling from his lips as he feels his body tense. He's pulling out as a hurried afterthought, hand acting as a lame substitute for your wet core as he strokes himself to completion. Spilling onto your back with a strained groan.
And then the kitchen goes silent, nothing but the sounds of your heavy breaths and the hum of the fridge filling the room. Neither of you says anything, both trying to come back to your senses. A few moments pass before he's hearing the soft sound of your giggle, body rising off your stomach to turn and face him. He looks so dazed and fucked out, cheeks flushed and eyes blown. Hair a mess and breath ragged. He looked so hot.
A hand finds the back of his neck, fingers tangling into the soft hair there. Joon's grinning when his eyes find yours, an arm wrapping around your waist. Pulling you closer, because it never felt like you were close enough. “We just fucked,” You state the obvious, can't find it in yourself not to.
It was nice. You liked it. You liked him. Everything about him, you just found yourself liking. His laugh. His smile. How easily he was annoyed. The cute dimples. The sound of his voice. You liked him.
“Yeah, we did.” He's replying, a little breathless but he still manages to lean down to capture your lips with his. A short kiss that has you leaning up, silently asking for me. He denies you with a cute shake of his head. “Let's go upstairs. I wanna go down on you,” Okay, bold Joon was something you were definitely going to have to get used to. 
He's twirling you around when you don't move to lead him, large hand dropping to tap against your ass cheek, pulling a giggled squeal from your lips. “Ah!” You're laughing when he's reaching to do it again, instead taking hold of his hand. Fingers easily intertwining as you tug him behind you.
His back pressed to yours, cock growing hard against your backside as you lead him up the stairs and into your room. The sound of laughter only growing between the two of you.
Yeah, you liked him a lot.
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MAY 10TH, 2020 | 23:58
Your body is warm against his, back pressed to his chest. Soft moans filling the air as he holds you close, pushing into you, chasing yet another release. This time in your bed. With you in his arms and it feels different. It feels nice. It makes him wonder... what's next? If there's something more for him to hope for.
He wanted to be with you, to put it simply. Never would've imagined it'd be you, but now he can't imagine it being anyone else. But things just sometimes worked out that way. Namjoon wanted to be yours, but in turn, he wanted you to be his.
Somehow, he felt like that might be the tricky part of it all.
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— daughter of the ceo of the biggest record label, it’s obvious she’d get whatever and whoever she wants. but what happens when she’s meeting the one person that refuses to play into her spoiled brat act?
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komkommertijd · 4 years
F1 2020 Grid as German rap songs
Since the 2020 season has come to an end, I thought it might be a good idea to finally share this thing that I’ve been working on since June. I have no idea as to why or how I had this idea, but I’m sure I’m not the first one to do this, anyway. I’m sorry to all my fellow Germans in advance <3
Disclaimer: I translated all of the lyrics myself so some things might not be completely accurate, for which I can only apologize. I do not agree with the way some rappers portray women, so I made sure to steer clear from those lyrics.
(post under the cut because it got kinda very long whoops)
Lewis - Vintage (RIN)
Oh Lord, wo soll das Ganze enden? Fahr' so schnell, ich wechsel' jede Woche Bremsen
[Oh Lord, where is this supposed to end? Driving so fast, I’m changing brakes every week]
It’s a song about being a champion, living a luxury life, nice clothes, and well...driving fast cars. Any more questions? Rin is one of my favorite German rap artists, so I just had to include his songs, and this one makes you feel like a real badass, just like our king Lewis 😌
Valtteri - In meinem Benz (AK Ausserkontrolle, Bonez MC)
Du siehst mich im Benz sitzen, so wie Lewis Hamilton
[You see me sitting in a Benz, just like Lewis Hamilton]
It’s kind of obvious why I chose that song, right? Other than that specific line there are some more parts about how much the rapper apparently loves his Mercedes and this song just screamed Valtteri to me.
Charles - NENENE (Fero47)
Sitze bald in roten Ferrari Geben Gas in der Hood Ruf' ich danach, "C'est la vie!"
[I’ll soon sit in a red Ferrari Rev up in my hood Shouting “C’est la vie!” afterward]
Ignoring the entire part about Monte Carlo and all the French words, this specific part just always reminds me of Charles when I listen to the song. More badass vibes but less seriously so because I can’t take Fero’s voice that serious at all, which fits Charles.
Sebastian - Ferrari (Eno, MERO)
Roter Ferrari Ich gebe Gas in einem Ferrari Roter Ferrari Yeah, ich sitze tief in einem Ferrari
[Red Ferrari I rev up in a red Ferrari Red Ferrari Yeah, I’m sitting deep inside a Ferrari]
There’s a part about “rolling with [a] bro in a white Mercedes” and my brain said Sewis rights. Other than that, this is once again a rather obvious choice, if not all that up to date anymore. Some lines about racing on the German highway, so of course I had to go for Sebastian with this one.
Max - Fame (Apache207)
Die Rapszene ist nur ein Affenzirkus In dem kleine Kinder gern mit Waffen hantieren Ich steh', wo ich steh', weil ich bin, wer ich bin Und nicht weil hier irgendjemand Apache platziert
[The rap scene is a madhouse Where little kids like to make use of guns I stand where I stand because I am who I am And not because someone places Apache]
This simply gives me Max vibes, I don’t have much more to say as an explanation. It just feels right, with criticism towards mentally “weaker” individuals and the confidence in making a name for oneself based on own achievements and hard work. Also, Apache has become a rather popular musician in the past year(s) (especially to obnoxious 5th graders, all tea no shade), which is just...Max, I won’t elaborate.
Alex - HONDA (Ansu)
Hold on, kommt was Schnell – Konter Dreamer, besonders – Willy Wonka Auto – Honda
[Hold on, there’s something coming Fast - Counterattack Dreamer, special - Willy Wonka Car - Honda]
I mean, it’s a song about a Honda driver? I struggled quite a bit with finding a song for Alex, but when I first listened to this song, my mind threw his name at me in blinking neon letters, so this is the vibe we’re going with - a funky fast Honda driver <3 (PS: I have no clue what the Willy Wonka thing is about but....why not)
Carlos - Habibi (Casar)
Sie schreibt: "Habibi", denn sie vermisst mich Ich fahre weit davon mit mein'n Hermanos
[She texts me “Habibi” because she misses me I drive far away with my hermanos]
I can only listen to the word “hermanos” so many times without my mind associating it with Carlos, so this one was a rather obvious choice for me as well. Also, there are some parts about Spain in this song so I had to be lame and do the obvious with this one.
Lando - 500 PS (Bonez MC, RAF Camora)
Ich drück' aufs Gas, hör' die 500 PS Fahren durch die Stadt, GTA Los Angeles
[I step on the gas, hear the 500 HP Cruising through the city, GTA Los Angeles]
This one’s a solid mainstream German rap song (not that I’d call Lando a mainstream person), liked to some extent by most people, and it gets you moving, which reminds me a lot of Lando. Cars and mentions of a video game make for a hit and Lando unites just that in person as well.
Daniel - Emotions 2.0 (Ufo361, Céline)
Baby, nimm einen Schluck Dom P. für die Emotions Ich erhöhe deine Dosis So viel Schmuck Mehr Drip als ein Ocean
[Baby take a sip Dom P for the emotions I’m increasing your dosage So much jewelry More drip than an ocean]
A bittersweet love song with rich boy summer vibes and one of my favorite German songs to be released this year, in fact, it’s my most listened to song on my phone, make for a combination that just screams Daniel to me. This song hits different when driving into the sunset in a fancy car or when biking through town at 1:30 am on three cans of Red Bull (believe me, I tried), and always reminds me of better times. It’s the ideal song to sing and rap along to, so that matches Daniel just fine.
Esteban - Einsneunzig (Brown-Eyes White Boy)
Bin fast einsneunzig, stell' mich auf die Bündel, das' ein Weltrekord Lass' die Zeit Revue passier'n, selbe Jungs und selber Ort
[I’m almost 1.90, stand on a wad of cash, that’s a world record Let’s recall the past, same guys and same place]
1.90 meters as a reference to Esteban’s height, obviously, simply made sense to me, once again. The second line reminds me of his feud with Pierre, so I had to choose this song. It’s better than Ratten im Hof (rats in the yard), and this reminds me of a wannabe gangster, which just screams Esteban to me, I’m sorry <3
Ich hoff', eines Tages, wir gewinn'n das Rennen Wie bei Red Dead Redemption Irgendwann der Letzte wie Shanks Spinner Rims glänzen
[I hope one day we win the race Just like in Red Dead Redemption One day the last like Shanks Spinner rims are shining]
I know no one will believe this story but I started working on this post like half a year ago and I chose that song for Pierre back then and uhm, manifestation worked, I guess? Once again, I’m a big fan of Rin’s music, so choosing this song for Pierre is a bit like selfcare. The lyrics mention changing the world and well, so far Pierre has as least changed my world 😌
Daniil - One Night Stand (Capital Bra)
Ty moja ljubimaja Takaja diwnaja, krasiwaja-ja Sprawjedliwaja, njepobjedimaja Ty moja-ja, Baby, ty moja-ja
[You are my darling Such a wondeful, beauty Fair, invincible You’re mine baby, you’re mine]
I really hope I got that translation more or less right but other than that, I didn’t simply choose that song based on the Russian part. It’s a song we used to listen to a lot a few years ago and one of those from the days where Capital Bra was famous but less so than he is today. It reminds me of simpler times and it’s a pretty vibey song that, if you allow it to, draws you in and makes you dance. I have a soft spot for Daniil and the song reminds me a bit of him.
Lance - Bronx (Veysel)
Du musst doppelt zahlen, deshalb krieg' ich es umsonst Audemars, Yves Saint Laurent, eine Villa irgendwo Audemars, Yves Saint Laurent, ein paar Villen irgendwo
[You have to pay double that’s why I get it for free Audemars, Yves Saint Laurent, a mansion somewhere Audemars, Yves Saint Laurent, a few mansions somewhere]
This is a song that you have to listen to on high volume in a fast car, one that once again has really badass vibes. It’s nice to rap along to and hard not to move to. The rich boy vibes in the chorus that I’ve included in this post are pretty inevitable and logically, I had to associate that with Lance. When I turn this song on, everyone enjoys it, and I think Lance deserves to evoke that emotion in everyone as well.
Sergio - AVENTADOR (Dardan, Eno, Noah)
Roll' im Aventador Ich fahr' grad vor Gebe Gas, sag': "¡Adiós!"
[Roll in an Aventador I hit the road Step on the gas, say “¡Adiós!”]
I mean yeah, I could have chosen that song only because of the Adiós but that’s a bit lame even for me. Instead, the entire fast car vibe reminded me a lot of Checo. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for him and this year he once again showed people ([coughs] my brother) that he’s been severely underestimated. So stepping on the gas and outpacing everyone else felt like the right vibe.
Kimi - Sorry Not Sorry (Monet192, Takt32, badmómzjay)
Was du für Karriere machst, mach' ich als Hobby Was du für Probleme hast, interessiert keinen
[What you made your career, I do as a hobby What problems you have, no one cares]
The title itself embodies Kimi and so does the entire song. The not giving a shit vibe, paired with the mention of the hobby thing as an indirect reference to the famous Kimi quote about seeing his job more as a hobby, are just 100% Kimi. I really couldn’t have found a better song for him. 
Antonio - Maserati (RAF Camora)
Capo dei capi Trip noch im Alfa, doch bald Maserati
[Capo dei capi Trip still in an Alfa but soon in a Maserati]
I did very much not choose the song because “capo dei capi” (the boss of bosses) is a mafia related thing, but because of the Alfa part, duh. Roadtrips in an Alfa along the Adriatic coast are cool and all but a Maserati is obviously the main goal, and that reminds me of Antonio quite a lot ~for some reason~. The entire part about making it far in life without a “serious” job is just very F1, so the vibes are there. Happy very belated birthday Toni <3
Romain - HOCH (CRO)
Alles holt dich down, lass es einfach los Und die Dinge unter dir sind gar nicht mehr so groß Ich schau' nach oben und auf einmal geht's hoch
[Everything drags you down, just let it go And the things below you are not as big anymore I look up and suddenly it goes upwards]
This song is just very peaceful and calms my mind when I listen to it, which radiates the same comforting vibe as Romain. The topic of rising despite things dragging you down are a very prominent topic here and reminded me a lot of him, especially with him leaving Haas and everything around that. It just feels nice to listen to a bit of an uplifting song once in a while, and this one does it in a way that still allows you to feel calm and safe, which is something I associate with Romain a lot.
Kevin - Vorbei (Nico Rosseburg, Sierra Kidd)
Sag mir bitte, wie passe ich die Zeit? Der Augenblick war schön, doch es ist vorbei
[Please tell me, how do I pass the time? The moment was nice but now it’s over]
With Kevin leaving F1, I had to go for this song for him. It’s a bit more of a sad topic (so am I with the knowledge of him not being there next year) but without making the entire thing sound melancholic. I only really learned to appreciate Kevin this year and I’ll miss having him around, so this song kind of fits that idea for me.
George - 20 Zoll MAE (Celo&Abdi, Bonez MC)
Ich fahr' mit Schrittgeschwindigkeit, so wie ein Don Hättest gerne meine Felgen, aber wirst sie nicht bekommen
[I drive at walking pace like a Don You’d like to have my rims but won’t get them]
Making this solely about driving at walking pace would be a bit mean but there’s a part in the song soon after about looking beautiful in a Mercedes, so that’s pretty much George. The song just carries that fun vibe and the subtle (not really) flex, which makes it great to listen to if you want to get in a happier mood. It’s a song about Mercedes rims, of course I had to choose George 😔
Nicholas - Standard (KitschKrieg, SFR, Trettmann, Gzuz, Gringo, Ufo361)
Treff' mich in Miami, fliege nur noch First-Class Nur noch unterwegs, kriege Heimweh
[Meet me in Miami, only flying first class anymore Only on the road anymore, getting homesick]
More ~rich boy vibes~ and a song that has been playing what feels like 24/7 on MTV Germany the last two years. It got so bad that some people around me still reply in the trademark Gzuz voice when someone uses the word “standard”. Anyway, I associate this song with Nicholas because just like KitschKrieg did with their first “own” song, Nicholas has joined the game and left an impression on everyone, in one way or another, and I’m willing to see/hear more of that :)
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heaaaaather · 5 years
2020 Honda Fit Release Date, Redesign, Research New, Concept
2020 Honda Fit Release Date, Redesign, Research New, Concept
The clean, straightforward design of the 2020 Honda Fit is let down only by the turbo model’s excessive add-ons.
2020 Honda Fit Engines
The 2020 Honda Fit gets excellent ratings and is an IIHS Top Safety Pick. Its forward-collision warning system in particular works well, and it has acquired more capabilities in the last couple of model years. The 2020 Honda Fit offers a pleasantly high driving…
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0 notes
enginerumors · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Hybrid, Release Date
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Hybrid, Release Date
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Hybrid, Release Date – The most up-to-date only new 2020 Honda Fit Redesigndisplays an unbelievable get. However, there are cheaper option distinct options within subcompact class. Price at-risk folks could possibly wish to take a look at this gorgeous Nissan Versa combined with Kia Rio. 4 doorway auto customers should try to learn about your own Fit exclusively is…
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superautoreviews · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit Release Date, Exterior, Interior, Engine
New Post has been published on https://www.2020hondarumors.com/2020-honda-fit-release-date-exterior-interior-engine/
2020 Honda Fit Release Date, Exterior, Interior, Engine
2020 Honda Fit Release Date, Exterior, Interior, Engine – The 2020 Honda Fit will come with a fresh design in the exterior appearance, elegant design for the interior design, and better performance in the engine used. The improvements carried out this car are forecasted will be able to fulfil the requirements and attention of folks this car.
2020 Honda Fit Exterior
The exterior design of the 2020 Honda Fit is going to be built with new fabric this sort of as chrome and lightweight aluminium. Its outcomes are lighter in weight that can allow the car to have better steadiness plus more successful in energy utilisation. In the lighting system, it will likely be provided with the Brought system for both front lights plus taillights. Then, in the interior design, the design can look much more elegant and present day.
2020 Honda Fit Exterior
2020 Honda Fit Interior
The cabin will come with the much more large space which will advantage the area for the head plus a lower leg. The car seats will likely cover with the excellent quality of natural leather that will boost the ease and comfort in the seating system. Besides the chairs, the cabin will also include some features that are added to the new technologies. They are Bluetooth relationship, USB ports, LCD touch screen system, new audio system, air conditioning unit, and others. Then, in the safety measures, there will be the chair straps, atmosphere bags, rear perspective camera, new front door panels, mountain commences, ESS, city car system, yet others. All around, the new design in the interior of the car will increase the comfort in driving a vehicle new Honda Fit.
2020 Honda Fit Interior
2020 Honda Fit Engine
The new 2020 Honda Fit is expected it is going to be run with the 1.5-litre engine capacity along with the Atkinson 4-cylinder unit. This engine will be able to provide strength up to 130 horsepower plus 114 lb-ft of torque. Some rumours also point out that the company may also offer this car with the 1.3-litre engine potential that can produce energy up to 130 hp and besides 103 lb-ft of torque. The gearbox that can be used is the 6-speed gearbox or even CVT system. The transmission system will probably be the 7-speed double transmission system. The engines that are outfitted to this car are expected will result from much better performance as well as gas utilisation.
2020 Honda Fit Engine
2020 Honda Fit Release Date And Price
This car will be introduced in the market place in close to the previous quarter of 2019. Nevertheless, the precise information about the release date of the vehicle is not confirmed, however. The price that is branded of this car begins at $22.000 up to $31.000. People that are enthusiastic about this car need to await the precise information of 2020 Honda Fit from the Honda.
0 notes
joshjailbait · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Price, Specs, and Release Date
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Price, Specs, and Release Date
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Price, Specs, and Release Date. That notion aptly describes FIT by Honda. Because of that, people are curious to see how this automaker is going to make 2020 Honda FIT the most popular product in its market segment.
People love this car because of the compact size but great cargo capacity for its size. Even if the car was heavily camouflaged, there are still some obvious…
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0 notes
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Release Date, Price
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Release Date, Price
2020 Honda Fit Redesign, Release Date, Price– For all, they might be establishing to connected to a car carrying out operating possessing a typical to seem but nonetheless discomfort substantially far better complete, Honda fit could undoubtedly be actually completely excellent doable delivered tricks to fit demands. With straightforward in excellent in the open air seem to prove to become, this…
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5hit-i-l00k-at · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
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2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
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2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
0 notes
mariokolaric · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
0 notes
candello · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
0 notes
iratefate · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
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2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
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2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
0 notes
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
0 notes
levalongorianakedq · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
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enginerumors · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit Manual Performance & Release Date
2020 Honda Fit Manual Performance & Release Date
2020 Honda Fit Manual Performance & Release Date – The latest entirely new 2020 Honda Fit Manual Performanceexhibits an amazing acquire, however, there are actually cheaper choice swap choices on the inside of subcompact class. Price weak individuals could very well want to examine this amazing Nissan Versa together with Kia Rio. 4 doorway car customers must know about your Fit only is actually…
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mrgoodbar25-blog · 6 years
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
0 notes
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
New Post has been published on https://www.2019hondausa.com/2020-honda-fit-ex-release-date-changes-rumors/
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors
2020 Honda Fit EX Release Date, Changes and Rumors – If the private-transport options of People in America have been structured exclusively on condition and performance, we may undoubtedly have a lot narrower variety of automobiles on our streets. From a large number of models readily available at the moment, we might definitely demand just 4: 50-cc mopeds for solitary folks, teeny several-entrance hatchbacks for married couples, minivans for larger sized homes, as properly as pickups for people who weight nail weaponry or aviator a Dump Witch. In reality, we’re really certain this is the way they undertake Honda Fit EX in Europe.
2020 Honda Fit EX Design
Should they at any time put us in control, the Honda Fit will likely be humanity’s hatchback. Considering that it made an appearance on the scenario in 2006, the exciting-dimension Honda Fit EX continues to be our reflexive advice for pretty much everyone on a finances strategy, such as the older woman in the shoes. So far, this huge, remarkable cube has drawn in 7 10Best trophies as correctly as 3 evaluation-examination wins. So its redesign for 2016 can make us emphasized.
2020 Honda Fit EX Exterior
Interior and Exterior
It sits on a company-new platform, it’s operated by a brand name-new engine spinning manufacturer-new transmissions, as well as it dons a change. That final stage, a minimal of, is a number of pluses. For the initial time, performances seem to have in fact been the best thing to consider in the Fit’s format. The same as the creating of quite a few minicars, it’s polarizing. But the prior two Matches haven’t polarized any person; they have got really searched dorky to everyone. In spite of the small surge in size, the vehicle recognizes big benefits in solidity. It’s nonetheless a vibrant chassis for a spending budget-warm and friendly things-shuffler. There’s very little roll, plus tire as properly as body pursuits are properly handled regardless if you slap a middle of the-spot lump. Without having a supplied rear contra roll nightclub like this on the outgoing Fit Sport, the 2016 model isn’t definitely extremely as fairly neutral. But Honda Fit EX’s entertaining, as effectively as definitely much more than any of the absent automobiles that provide a Fit-size interior around this price. The carrier-attached electricity-directing electrical motor will take orders placed from a tougher shaft; although a level of truly feel remains, it’s a bit muted and much less fast in comparison to in the earlier, and that squashes the exciting on change-in. Each of the .79-g skidpads understands as effectively as 178-feet quitting range are common due to its B-section partner.
2020 Honda Fit EX Interior
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
There’s a hue a lot less desire underhood, as properly. While stronger, the engine is passing up on the feel of rasp that suggested its motorist of other leading-degree VTEC screamers. It displaces 1.5 liters. Nonetheless, that’s regarding this for resemblances among Fit engines new and older. At present, it’s filled with the immediate photo as nicely as dual expense video cameras (in which before there seemed to be harbor chance as well as merely a single love stick). In addition to i-VTEC‘s double-account intake camera, the 1.5 packages VTC, or Factor The right time Handle, which decelerates ingestion control device the right time at reduced rpm and improvements it at higher engine prices. New oils jets amazing the undersides of the pistons, as well as the crankshaft has in fact been lightened 27 pct using small scaled periodicals as well as a 50-% lowering of counterweights, from 8 to some. Another 13 horse potential plus 8 lb-toes of torque, for complete portions of 130 as effectively as 114, correspondingly, usually do not appear to be significantly obtain for every single 1 of that motivation, but this is merely a 1.5. That boost in strength plus a lot smaller gearing decrease the absolutely nothing-to-60-miles per hour time from 8.4 moments to 8.. At 16.2 moments and also 86 miles per hour in the quarter-distance.
2020 Honda Fit EX Engine
2020 Honda Fit EX Price and Release Date
But it’s not merely a much roomier; this honda Fit ex usually takes delight in a designated uptick in materials high quality as well as format. The entry doors as properly as dash boast stylish gentle-contact individual panels; plus flat-finish off “aluminum” flourishes feature the dash board, doorway relates to, plus atmosphere air vents. Along with the update looks arrives an up grade standard and also presented gear. Not to the manufacturer-new bodywork restrictions awareness so much, but a rearview electronic digital camera is regular. Keyless-entrance as properly as -get started as effectively as satellite FM radio is at the moment optionally available. The base vehicle commences basically $100 better, at $16,315. Entirely packed types go over the final technology by about $1000. Nevertheless, the further articles are worthwhile.
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