#2019 at 11:47PM
infosnack · 8 months
Life expectancy for men in U.S. falls to 73 years six years less than women per study
Life expectancy for men in U.S. falls to 73 years — six years less than women, per study https://www.statnews.com/2023/11/13/life-expectancy-men-women/?utm_campaign=rss The life expectancy of men in the U.S. is nearly six years shorter than that of women, according to new research published on Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine. At least partially as a consequence of over 1 million Covid-19 deaths, life expectancy in the U.S. has declined significantly over the past few years, falling from 78.8 years in 2019 to 77 in 2020 and 76.1 in 2022 — undoing over two decades of progress. This puts the country far behind its wealthy peers: Countries such as Japan, Korea, Portugal, the UK, or Italy all enjoy a life expectancy of 80 years or more. Countries such as Turkey (78.6) and China (78.2) also fare better. This falloff has become a key issue for the Food and Drug Administration. Read the rest… via STAT Health - Science, medicine and healthcare news https://www.statnews.com/category/health/ November 13, 2023 at 03:47PM
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no-name-no-name-sorry · 7 months
Sometimes I look at the clock and it reads 2:47pm and I realize I haven't eaten today
Sometimes I look at the clock and it reads 10:32am and I realize I've slept in
Sometimes i look at the click and it reads 1:08am and I realize I should be asleep.
But sometimes I don't look at a clock and I lie there in bed knowing that I'll wake up in four hours anyway because I don't know
And sometimes I don't look at a clock and I wonder why everything can feel so wrong and yet be perfectly fine at the same time
Was it in 5th grade when I realized that I'd never be the smartest, the most athletic, the most loved? Was it then that I realized that I'd never be the best so I stopped trying
Was it 6th, 7th, 8th grade where I got below average grades, and almost failed 7th grade english because I thought why should I try if I'm only going to fail?
Was it 9th grade when I reclaiming my autonomy at night so I'd fill my sleep at school? Was it then that everyone watched me fail and told me to do better?
Or was it 10th grade when the great virus of 2019 hit? Was it then that I started truely failing classes? But that's not right, right? Because I was breathing then. Except I wasn't because I almost drowned myself in homework that I never did. And I almost ran away on Christmas day for being shoved away from my family. Was it then that I cried silently in the kitchen because despite being let back in to celebration, I had to gifts to give?
I think maybe that's when everything started going wrong. When I realized that if I didn't try then my life fell apart, but if I did try my life still crumbled.
I think that's when it happened, because I was so terrified of losing everything, and everyone just said to try harder. And so I did. But then it nearly drowned me again so I stopped trying.
And now I'm in college, and I never thought I'd make it here. And I have 20 dollars to my name, and I drive for 2 people even though I hate driving, and I can't tell anyone that I hate driving because it'll start a fight between my mom and my sister. And i can't affort gas because I'm not working. And I cant work because talking to people scares me, and doing a desk job sound dreadful and driwning. But I need a job because I can't live with 20 dollars to my name. I just need to try harder. Everything is fine. It's fine. I'm not losing anything. I'll figure it like I always do. Everything is perfect even if everything is going wrong. And I want to cry but it's fine if I just don't. And I want to vomit but there's too many people in the house that will hear and I can't let them know. I have be fine. I failed my first year of college because I tried too hard and I couldn't do it. I need a job. I just want to tell someone that I don't like driving without starting a fight. I just want to go back to the time when everyone would tell me what to do, it was better then. I hated it. But it was better.
And I know I'll never belong, but I have nowhere else to go, and they haven't kicked me out yet. Maybe if I just take a little less, be a little less, it won't matter so much that I don't have a job, it won't matter so much that I'm a failure. Maybe if I'm a little less everything will be better
But that's all at 1:08am
Soon I'll look at the clock and it'll read 6:26am and I'll think I should get up, then I'll fall asleep again.
And I'll look at the clock and it'll read 11:54am and I think dang I didn't mean to sleep that long. And I'll think oh I have homework to do.
And everything will be perfect with all its duct taped and superglued wounds
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gesau-it · 1 year
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USERANNO IL MESSAGGIO DELL'UMANESIMO, DELL'AMORE RECIPROCO, CIOÈ LA VOSTRA CAPACITÀ DI PRENDERSI CURA DEI POVERI, DEGLI IGNORANTI E DEI BISOGNOSI, COME UN SOSTITUTO DELLA VERITÀ CHE È VI STATA DATA NEI VANGELI. https://messaggidivinamisericordia.wordpress.com/2019/09/11/useranno-il-messaggio-dellumanesimo-dellamore/ ºººº — █ █ February 14, 2023 at 12:47PM
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spainhistoryteacher · 5 years
“Leucipo y su colega Demócrito afirman que los elementos son lo lleno y lo vacio, a los que respectivamente denominan “ser” y “no ser”: lo lleno y sólido es el ser, lo vacio el no-ser. De ahí que afirmen que no hay más razón para la existencia del ser que para la del no-ser, ya que tampoco hay más razón para que haya vacio que para que hay cuerpo. Ambos son las causas -causa material- de todo lo que existe. Y al igual que quienes establecen una sustancia o sustrato único que generaría el resto de las cosas al sufrir distintas modificaciones postulando como principios de tales modificaciones la condensación y la rarefacción, estos autores afirman que las diferencias (existentes entre los átomos) son la causa de todas las demás cosas. Las diferencias entre los átomos son, en su opinión, tres: figura, colocación y posición. El ser, dicen, difiere solamente en “proporción”, “contacto” y “dirección”. La proporción es la figura, el contacto es la colocación y la dirección es la posición. En efecto, A difiere de N por la figura, AN difiere de NA por la colocación, Z, a su vez difiere de N por la posición”.
Aristóteles, Metafísica.
Hoy en Academia Cruellas hablamos de Demócrito. El texto es de Aristóteles, una de nuestras fuentes fundamentales para conocer las doctrinas de Demócrito, ya que las obras de éste se perdieron, quedando solamente algunos breves fragmentos.
El testimonio de Aristóteles es perfectamente fiable, si bien algunos términos filosóficos utilizados en él son aristotélicos y ajenos a Demócrito: así, la mención de la causa material responde al esquema clasificatorio de las causas de Aristóteles.
La idea fundamental contenida en el párrafo primero es que los atomistas elevaron por igual lo lleno y el vacio a la categoría de elementos. Una vez elevados a la categoría de principios originarios, no hay razón alguna para considerar menos real al uno que al otro, como se dice en el párrafo segundo. Tan poco sentido tiene preguntar por el origen de los átomos como preguntar por el origen del vacio, ya que ambos son originarios.
La identificación de lo lleno (lo corpóreo, los átomos) con el ser (lo que es, el ente) y del vacio con el no-ser (lo que no es, no-ente) muestra como la teoría es tanto una respuesta como una alternativa a la doctrina de Parménides.
Los átomos difieren en aspectos cuantitativos meramente, pero no en aspectos cualitativos. Al contrario que las homeomerías de Anaxágoras que son esencialmente distintas, los átomos son esencialmente idénticos, partículas de materia homogénea, compacta e indivisible.
Las formas de los átomos son infinitas e irregulares (los hay esféricos, afilados, etc), punto este que contrasta con la doctrina corpuscular de Platón para quien los cuerpos elementales poseen estructuras geométricas regulares.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/35v8WUq
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sangklp · 5 years
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RT @midthursday_: origami ✨ https://t.co/TUltV82sNG https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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xolovejessie4181 · 5 years
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[INSTAGRAM COMMENT] jessica.syj: @/gwiaekim 므시이래ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ❤️ https://t.co/03AxrcwpT8
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kodittomat · 5 years
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Jalmari ja Jyrki Tervetuloa herraskollien elämään!
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carlahkrueger · 5 years
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Every time he has a weird dream, I write it down. The Greasy Salad is the latest bizarre escapade ("I realise some of the people have got suspicious facial hair") https://t.co/mPyBeVsCyC pic.twitter.com/wg6FyTLEDF
— Carla H Krueger (@carlahkrueger) May 11, 2019
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skrubu · 5 years
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Soon! #starwars #riseofskywalker #helsinki #finland http://bit.ly/2Pd8rJl
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dopingconsomme · 5 years
#DopingConsomme 共有
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
NCT AG Writing Masterlist
Here is where you will find all my writing about AG's life as kpop idols! Enjoy!! ~Author Izzy
Writing Posts
~ 2015 ~
Taking A Tumble
~ 2016 ~
The Shark 4 Times He saw Her, 1 Time She saw Him Bailed On Me
~ 2017 ~
Old Acquaintances, New Friends
~ 2018 ~
Graduation The Finale Collide MoJiLe Time Created
~ 2019 ~
Stranded In Paris
~ 2020 ~
One (Monster&Infinity) Reaction  Welcome Sun&Moon 99 Line  To The Stage A Chart Topper Witness Moxy’s Super Birthday Reassurance Wardrobe Malfunction Uncomfortable Introducing Daegal Scrapbooking New Years Eve Slipping Off The Edge
~ 2021 ~
Meeting Moxy I’m Leaving I'll Be Better
~ 2022 ~
Do Whatever You Want Late Night Roll Maknae/Noona Time Ms. Tipper Late Night Talks Saikai Aurora is NOT cute
~ 2023 ~
Milk and Honey Blog Post #431 Happy Birthday, Johnny A Gift For You Moxy's Valentine Fallout Anywhere With You Feels Like Good Bad Decisions Bad Day At Practice
Dark as the Midnight Sky You watched WHAT!!! Happy Anniversary Here’s Your Drink The Earrings Not Shy Photocards Warn A Girl I'm Going Crazy Pink Ears The Night of Aespa's Concert WayV's Commander My Mic Sounds Nice
Time Stamps
12:47pm ~ January 2017 6:28pm ~ 2021 6:45pm ~ January 2023 12:04pm ~ April 2023 10:48pm ~ April 11, 2023 8:45pm ~ June 17, 2023
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lunainsane · 3 years
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11 noviembre 2019 - 04:47pm
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sangklp · 5 years
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@soundpiIIars @nyohohohoe @origami_donnie Same 🥺 https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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xolovejessie4181 · 5 years
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[INSTAGRAM STORY VIDEO] tiffanyyoungofficial: 🌙💝 https://t.co/e7CSnLWn2z https://t.co/VdGlwc6I0p by tiffanyyoungofficial
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haha i missed something i think, what’s up with lucy and dvd? is there footage of it?
During the Netherlands v England match in the 2017 Euro semifinals they were at each other's throats the entire damn time. And as for footage, there's this amazing compilation of their showdown on Instagram!
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yahooin-feature · 4 years
10 Breath-taking Natural Phenomena Found in the Land Down Under
Nature has so much beauty to offer and that’s evidenced by the fact that when our country went under lockdown, the only thing filling people’s Instagram feed was the clear blue skies, the vibrant green trees and a series of animal appearances that would have been otherwise left unnoticed on any given day. Man has a deep relationship with nature and anything out of the ordinary strikes us. If a day with an AQI under 100 can fill us with such joy, can you imagine what would happen if you were to witness natural beauty in all its glory? If there’s one place on this planet that can boast for some of the best natural phenomena then it’s none other than Australia. Don’t believe us? Then continue reading:
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1. Bioluminescent Plankton at Jervis Bay in NSW
I bet everyone reading this article would have come across pictures of shores with blue translucent light beaming on the surface. Well, at Jervis Bay, which is a mere 3 hours away from Sydney, this phenomenon becomes a reality. Due to a natural chemical reaction within plankton, the plankton become luminescent and emanate a blue glow. This unusual natural phenomenon, which can only be seen at night can happen at any time of the year but is more common in spring and summer months when the water is warmer.
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A post shared by Australia (@australia) on Jan 16, 2020 at 7:17pm PST
2. Min Min Lights, Outback Australia, Northern Territory
The easiest way to convince people that you saw a UFO or some supernatural phenomenon is by taking a picture of the Min Min Lights. These unexplained light phenomena literally will stalk you. Described by witnesses as floating, fast-moving balls of colour that glow in the night sky that stalk people, leaving some feeling confused and frightened, there is debate as to whether the Min Min Lights exist, or if they are simply an Aboriginal folktale that has been passed down for Generations. If you want to find out and investigate further, the only way to do this is by heading down under to outback Australia.
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A post shared by Bushranger 4x4 Gear (@bushranger4x4gear) on Oct 2, 2018 at 6:47pm PDT
3. Morning Glory Cloud, Burketown, Queensland
Wondering what Morning Glory clouds are? Well, think of contrails but make them big and close. Close enough to touch. And then multiply these in 2, 3, or even 4s! During September and October, the rare meteorological phenomenon referred to as the ‘Morning Glory Clouds’ roll across the Gulf and can be observed above the skies in Burketown. The cloud bank can be up to 1,000km long, 1-2km wide and can travel at speeds of up to 60km/hour. Although these clouds can be found in other parts of the world, Burketown is the only place where they appear frequently at set times of the year.
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A post shared by #exploreTNQ (@tropicalnorthqueensland) on Sep 13, 2018 at 12:18am PDT
4. Coral Spawning, The Great Barrier Reef, Queensland
Once a year, on cues from the lunar cycle and the water temperature, entire colonies of coral reefs simultaneously release their tiny eggs and sperm, called gametes, into the ocean. Known as Coral spawning, this phenomenon creates an underwater blizzard with billions of colorful flakes cascading in white, yellow, red, and orange. An extremely crucial process in fertilisation, this lasts only a few nights, but travellers can take a night time coral spawning dive trip or join an overnight vessel during the coral spawning dates for another chance to view this weird and wonderful sight
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A post shared by #thisisqueensland (@queensland) on Nov 28, 2019 at 3:03am PST
5. Cuttlefish Annual Aggregation, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Australia is the only place in the world where a mass of beautifully colored cuttlefish come together to migrate to the waters of the upper Spencer Gulf to breed. This annual migration, which takes place predictably every winter, is a sight to behold for every scuba enthusiast. Travelers can snorkel with the amazing giant cuttlefish at Stony Point between June and July, located on the coastline of the Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park in the Eyre Peninsula.
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A post shared by South Australia (@southaustralia) on Jul 1, 2018 at 2:15am PDT
6. Australia’s Pink Lakes, South Australia, and Western Australia
Another Insta-worthy phenomenon, Australia is home to several pink lakes. From the outback of South Australia to the coast of Western Australia, few things are as beautiful and baffling as Australia’s pink lakes. Most of these stand-alone lakes get their vibrant hues due to the high concentration of salt in them.
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A post shared by Australia (@australia) on Apr 10, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT
7. Aurora Australis, Tasmania
Much like the Northern Lights, the Southern light illuminates the Aussie sky in colors of green, blue, red, and even pink. The Southern Lights can be viewed all year round – although most commonly during winter, May to August, and during the spring equinox in September. You can head to Bruny Island, Satellite Island, Bathurst Harbour, and Cradle Mountain for the beautiful natural light show.
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A post shared by Discover Tasmania (@tasmania) on Feb 26, 2020 at 9:53pm PST
8. The World’s Largest Dinosaur Footprints, Broome, Western Australia
It’s hard to imagine a world where dinosaurs roamed freely along with man. But if there’s one place where this becomes a reality it is in Broome, Western Australia. At 1.7-metres long, the fossilized dinosaur footprints here are 130 million years old and extend in patches for 80km along the coast. At the southern end of Cable Beach is Gantheaume Point, a scenic area of red sandstone cliffs where visitors can observe footprints of dinosaurs located on the flat rocks 30 meters out to sea and are only visible at low tide. This phenomenon is definitely for the bucket list.
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A post shared by Western Australia (@westernaustralia) on Nov 26, 2019 at 9:33pm PST
9. Horizontal Falls, Western Australia
One of the most fascinating natural phenomena on this list is Horizontal Falls, which can be found in Talbot Bay in the Buccaneer Archipelago. The first fall is about 20-meters wide, while the second is about 10-meters wide. The powerful tides in the Kimberley can reach more than 10-metres and the direction of the flow reverses ensuring the water flows two different ways each day, and a unique waterfall effect. A scenic flight or a sea safari is the best way to explore the Horizontal Waterfalls.
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A post shared by Australia (@australia) on Oct 9, 2019 at 11:00am PDT
10. Red Crab Migration, Christmas Island
Walk the red crab carpet on Christmas Island, off the far north-west coast of Australia. The island is home to an estimated 40-50 million bright red land crabs. Each year, at the start of the wet season (November - January), a spectacular awakening occurs. Mother Nature rolls out the red carpet as hordes of crabs emerge from the island’s forests and march their way down to the ocean to breed.
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A post shared by Australia (@australia) on Dec 16, 2019 at 2:00am PST
Head over to the Land down under and experience these incredible experiences. If you need help planning your trip to Australia, check out these super helpful resources.
This content was produced in partnership with Tourism Australia. 
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