#2019 Toyota Hiace Australia
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sellatease · 2 years ago
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superautoreviews · 8 years ago
2019 Toyota Hiace Van Price, Review, Specifications
2019 Toyota Hiace Van Price, Review, Specifications
2019 Toyota Hiace Van Price, Review, Specifications – 2019 Toyota Hiace will be the most modern age and organized to become launched in the in closeness to long term by the Japanese carmaker, Toyota. Product Hiace very first debuted in 1998. Around the globe, the newest auto will arrive at the auto industry because the successor of the design Toyota Previa.
New Design Toyota Hiace Entrance

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bryonysimcox · 5 years ago
Driving round the world in an old van? You’re crazy!
Living in unknown places in a confined space and with little money is a dream for some and a nightmare for others. As I prepare to embark on a two-year overland adventure, I reflect on the plan for our trip and my motivations behind it.
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WHAT So. What’s the plan?
In short, we’d like to end up in Chile, having driven eastwards from England to get there. I know, it’s a mammoth task, but for my partner George and I, it’s about the process of getting there (or attempting to!), and not the final destination. So we thought we’d set our sights on something totally aspirational and see how far we get!
Step one is to prepare the vehicle. We’ve always known we wanted to do the trip overland, seeing all the borders and in-between-places rather than just hotspots and capital cities (as you’d usually experience on a trip reliant on flying). We also knew we wanted a van that would serve as our home, to find comfort and constancy in as our surroundings change.
Step two is doing the travelling itself. Starting in the UK, our provisional route will see us moving through the south of Europe, down into Greece and Turkey, then eastwards into India. From there, we’ll go across into China or down into South-east Asia. At that point, assuming the van is still intact and the numbers stack up, we’ll ship the vehicle across into Canada - a considerable journey but one which other overland adventurers have proved is possible. And then from Canada, we’ll head south, down through the United States and Central America, across the DariĂ©n Gap, and eventually, down into Chile.
We know, it’s crazy. And possibly not possible. (But that’s sort of the point!)
Step three, as if we don’t already have enough on our plate, is to launch a documentary channel along the way. Rather than just share the same old #VanLife photos of dreamy sunsets and coffee in the van (which I’m sure we’ll do some of!), our channel, called Broaden, will document the stories, people and places we find along the way, in what we hope is a meaningful and engaging way.
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(image)  Broaden will be our storytelling platform
WHEN When was this wild idea born?
It all begins with eighteen year-old George. Inspired by Ewan McGregor’s motorcycle travels in ‘The Long Way Round’, George decided he wanted to undertake his own epic adventure - from the northernmost part of Scotland to the southernmost part of Chile. But why Chile? Well, George’s best friend is half-Chilean (they later travelled to Chile together in their early twenties), and I think the extreme distance of this trip appealed to George; this idea of going from two polar opposite places, north and south. 
As with many wild dreams, George slowly let go of his Scotland to Chile idea. Life got in the way, but his passion for mechanics and do-it-yourself projects didn’t. He’s a real self-starter and the subsequent years saw him open his own recording studio and then teach himself video production, making films for a living both in the UK and Australia. Not long after I met George in the summer of 2014 at Spanish music festival, he told me about his overland pipe-dream.
The audacity of the idea, the sheer insanity of driving that far, living on the road and making do with very little somehow made a lasting impact on me.
As an architecture graduate, I’m interested in problem-solving. Even though my career path took me away from architecture specifically, I still love strategising, designing things and finding ways to make projects work. And the idea of building our own van to drive around the world seemed like the ultimate design and project management challenge!
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(image) The early days: George and I working together at a festival, Summer 2015
George and I started dating, and moved to Australia. Gradually, we re-ignited George’s idea about driving to drive to Chile. It started as a ‘one-day’ idea that we’d talk about, and gradually became a tangible plan that we could aim towards - saving money up for it and setting milestones. Once we’d told other people we were going to do it, we knew were accountable and it all suddenly felt real.
And so a date was set to move back from Australia to the UK to buy a van and start the trip - April 2019. Since then we’ve been heads-down and knee-deep in van-building (more info on that in a later blog post).
WHO So who’s going to be part of the adventure?
It goes without saying that I’m mainly embarking on this with George - I hope we get along because we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other! Really though, I’m pretty sure we’ll be just fine in each other’s company, considering we’ve forged on through the van-building process together. In fact, these last few intense months have surely made us stronger, and proved our compatibility (or maybe just our mutual stubbornness!).
What I lack, George makes up for with his ‘we can fix this’ attitude, his mechanical-mindedness and his courage to tackle the big scary things head on. And what he lacks, I make up for with my love of planning (a.k.a. list-making), my upholstery skills and my interest in interior design.
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(image) Building cabinetry for the inside of Suzi
But really, part of the very raison d’etre of the trip is to meet OTHERS! Having four seats in the van was always a big priority for us, so that we could pick people up along the way, sharing the experience and splitting fuel costs. These people may be strangers we meet en-route, or perhaps even friends who come along to visit us. There will be nothing quite like the sight of a Brit or Australian we know and love so dearly catching up with us in some far-flung place!
There is a considerable #VanLife community across the globe, so we’ll likely meet up with and travel with ‘vanlifers’ too (I’m still coming to terms with that word, feels so super-cheesy). It’ll give me a chance to snoop on other people’s van interiors and get top tips on places to visit, things to do, and hopefully some hidden campout spots.
HOW But how will you survive?!
Firstly, there is so much planning we could’ve, should’ve, but haven’t done. I know part of this ‘travel round the world’ plan probably comes over as very naive, and I’m not even going to say it’s not. BUT, there is also a lot of planning and prep that we have done, and there’s no better way to find out where the gaps are than just set off and start living it.
One of the biggest hurdles to living on the road will be financing it.
Living in Australia was really the first thing that made this trip feasible. Wages are considerably higher over there and, although it is tempered by the extortionate cost of living, George and I were still able to put some savings aside. Month-by-month we saved what most sensible people would tell you to use for a deposit on ‘that first flat’, but what we decided to put towards a van.
Needless to say, the van cost more than we expected to build and kit out (a lot more). So we’re not necessarily starting with as much of a financial safety-net as we would have liked. But our van overspend and tighter budget was probably to be expected, and it will surely force us to innovate. 
Having both worked in design, George and I are familiar with freelancing. We plan on building our portfolios on the road, whether that be shooting and editing videos, doing graphic design, writing articles, or making collages. Our channel ‘Broaden’ will serve as a ‘production-house-on-wheels’, and we imagine video production to be our main income stream, through both YouTube and traditional commissions. We’re also exploring subscription content services like Patreon, where subscribers can back the films that we make in exchange for exclusive content. Whilst planning to get paid for making the videos/photos/art that we love making feels like a leap of faith, we take comfort in the fact that so many other inspiring people out there are making this model work and proving that you can fund life on the road! 
Of course, for all the pennies that we earn, we’ll be saving those pennies at every possible opportunity. This’ll mean camping freely, conserving gas and fuel, generating solar power, eating locally and living frugally.
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(image) Suzi, our 1994 Toyota Hiace 
WHY Okay. But why on earth would you undertake this whole project?
This is the most important question of all, and also the hardest question to answer (hence why I’ve left it until last!). I can thank my dear friend Chris for inspiring me to write this blog post, as he asked me this very question in a recent letter he wrote to me: “but why are you actually doing all of this, Bryony?”. Whilst his letter left me frustrated that I couldn’t answer it immediately, I was so grateful for the challenge to think long and hard about the motivation behind our plans.
Simply put, the reason why is: Why not? In true ‘YOLO’ spirit, I can honestly say I haven’t got a good enough reason not to want to go and explore different parts of the world. 
To add to that, there’s a practical side of things. If we’re going to do something like living and travelling in a van at some point in our lives, it seems like the ‘right’ time - we’ve got no children, we are miles away from even contemplating a mortgage, we’re not deep into careers, and we’re in good health. Doing something like this is also bound to give us heaps of life experience which will no doubt add value to other parts of our life, like problem-solving, collaborating (and persevering!) with each other, engaging with different people and cultures, being outside of our comfort zones and perhaps even finding a place where we’d eventually like to live.
Whilst all of the above are valid reasons to be setting off into the unknown in a 1994 Japanese van, I think there are other, more intrinsic reasons that I’m embarking on such a massive project. And it’s so hard to put my finger on what those reasons are, because they’re so deep down (and have, until recently, been buried by the everyday frustrations of building the van itself), but I’ve tried to dig them up from inside of me and put them into words:
1. The bigger the project you attempt, the greater the sense of achievement when you succeed.
I think that’s why this project is about proving something to myself (and perhaps others). Whether that is healthy, I’m not entirely sure, but I can see that I’ve set myself a goal that is far bigger than any of the ones I’ve ever set before, and I want to prove that it’s possible.
2.  Living and travelling in a van also reduces life to something very fundamental.
By being so far removed from the comfort zone of a stable city, house and job, the very act of surviving each day will be a cause for celebration. The ‘mental clutter’ of social pressures, disposable income, hobbies, norms and status will go completely out of the window, and be replaced by primitive needs and desires like finding somewhere to park up at night and making sure we have water to drink and gas to cook with.
3.  Taking ourselves on this journey maximises the opportunity for revelatory moments.
This last point is the crux of it all for me. I’ve come to realise that when the stakes are so high, and when you live a life centred on fundamental daily needs, the potential joy you receive is unlike any other. And although I am sharing this journey with George, I can already say that I’ve had some of these moments of deep internal joy in a very personal way. I feel immense gratitude and appreciation for the experience so far and the lessons I’ve learnt both about myself and the world around me. That’s not to say I haven't felt pain, anger, frustration and helplessness too but, along with the ‘revelatory moments’, they have put colour into my life and given me perspective about what really matters. And what are life’s highs if you they aren’t seen in light of the lows?
So yeah, it is all a bit of a crazy plan. To drive to Chile in a van together with your boyfriend, picking up people along the way, making films and living frugally is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. But it is for me.
It’s a chance to set the stakes high, live life fundamentally, and hopefully experience moments of joy along the way.
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informationpalace · 5 years ago
Manhunt for mafia son after the Murder of Ellie Price in South Melbourne
Police are investigating after the murder of a woman of 26 - Ellie Price - in South Melbourne, a member of one of the country's most infamous crime families. Ricardo "Rick" Barbaro, a 33-year-old with links to the Gold Coast and the west of Melbourne, is on the run from police following the discovery on Monday afternoon of Ellie Price's body in a townhouse on Park Lane. Police think the body of Ms. Price might have lain undiscovered for up to a week. Detective inspector Tim Day, the homicide squad chief, told The Age that Mr. Barbaro may have fled interstate. He stated investigators from both the homicide squad and the fugitive task force, along with a number of other police forces, had undertaken a substantial search over the past three days for Mr. Barbaro, but were unsuccessful. "At this stage we are looking in all states of Australia and interstate police are assisting us," he said.
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Mr. Barbaro is a scion of the mafia's Barbaro crime family, an Australian branch, and slain Sydney underworld leader Pasquale Timothy Barbaro, 35, who was gunned down in a gangland attack in 2016. When contacted Thursday morning by The Age, the family declined to comment. Detectives spent Wednesday night negotiating with Mr. Barbaro's family, visiting his father's house, Giuseppe "Joe" Barbaro, in the west of Melbourne, trying to negotiate a surrender for the 33-year-old. "We've relied on our own methodologies and inquiries to locate him, and 99 times out of 100 they're successful, but at this stage we have not been able to locate him," Detective Inspector Day said Thursday. The senior officer has encouraged anyone who may have seen suspicious activity over the past fortnight in South Melbourne's Park and Ferrars streets to contact police.
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"We are looking for information from residents, and people in that area, during the two weeks leading up to April 29," he said. "In particular the afternoon of Tuesday the 28th and into the early hours of Wednesday the 29th last week." Police started looking for Mr Barbaro on Tuesday hoping to query the Queenslander after it was reported that since around October 2019 he had been in a casual relationship with Ellie Price, one's mother. Police had been called to two-storey Park Street townhouse of Ellie Price at the back of a residential complex after Monday's family confirmed losing touch with the 26-year-old. They find her body inside. Detectives said she had been "significant assault" Forensic investigators have spent over 24 hours trying to piece together what had happened inside. Neighbors were told to turn in any CCTV camera footage they might have had from the six days before. Residents said their suburb pocket on the west side of Ferrars Street mainly housed families and elderly people and was typically free of violence. Police sources have told The Age Ellie Price may have been dead for several days before it was discovered. The Barbaro family are no newcomers to the spotlight, with proven ties to the Calabrian mafia. Another of Mr Barbaro's children, Queensland man Rossario Dom Barbaro, took his own life at age 28, a few months after the 2016 murder of his older sibling. Another brother is Harley Barbaro, 27-year-old Gold Coast man and alleged leader of the Villains gang. All four are sons of Joe Barbaro, a cousin of gangland icon Pasquale Barbaro, who was gunned down in a van alongside Jason Moran while attending a 2003 football training session for children in Essendon.
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Joe Barbaro was jailed in Melbourne and Sydney for six years in 2005 for his involvement in an illegal drug ring. His father and his uncle, both also known as Pasquale, were killed in gangland attacks-his father in 1990 in Brisbane. In a brazen abduction, in 2004 Joe Barbaro's baby daughter Montana, just three weeks old, was abducted from her car seat at a Brimbank shopping centre. Two days later she was discovered in a derelict house in North Melbourne with a shaved head, after a passerby heard her shouts. In 2012 another linked Pasquale Barbaro, Joe's uncle's friend, was sentenced to life in prison for smuggling into Melbourne what was then the largest ecstasy haul in the world.
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Detective Inspector Day on Thursday said police knew the guy they wanted was in contact with family and friends. He warned those people that someone who has been caught harboring a fugitive or helping to flee could face serious criminal charges. "Barbaro, this is not going to go away. This is an opportunity for you to come forward," Detective Inspector Day stated. "We have a young female, 26 years of age, who has died impulsively. "She has a family who is grieving for her and a community that is needing and deserving of answers."
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Ricardo Barbaro is defined as 185 centimeters in height with a solid foundation, black hair and olive complexion. Police said he is notorious for frequenting Melbourne's north-west and west suburbs. Detectives are also searching for the 2009 Toyota Hiace white van with 1OZ 8PC registration.
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The victim's car, a 2017 white E350 Mercedes sedan featuring distinctive 22ZERO pink numberplates, is missing from her house. Police have released Ricardo Barbaro's image and a photo close to that of the vehicle of Ellie Price in the hope that someone can provide information about his whereabouts. Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about the earthquake struck in Indonesia, view our construct, ‘Earthquake Darwin from Banda Sea, near Indonesia and Timor-Leste’. Read the full article
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brianhiltontoyota · 6 years ago
All-New HiAce Delivers Improved Value And Efficiency
The all-new Toyota HiAce will offer superb value for money when it arrives in Australia mid-year with powerful and efficient new engines, comprehensive safety features and a long list of standard equipment.
Original article is found on the official Brian Hilton Toyota website.
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As the first new HiAce in 15 years, it has been completely redesigned with a new semi-bonneted configuration to more than meet the needs of commercial, private, corporate and fleet buyers. Toyota Vice President Sales and Marketing Sean Hanley said every aspect of the all-new HiAce has been designed to expand its role as the ideal work partner for people whose livelihoods depend on it. “We focused on making the new-generation vehicle an even better tool of trade through enhanced design, increased performance, a quiet cabin, smooth ride and improved handling and agility,” Mr Hanley said. “It’s also more refined, convenient and comfortable than ever, recognising that many owners rely on their HiAce as a mobile office and spend most of their working day inside their vehicle. “Its impressive carrying capacity is even more flexible and user-friendly with increased internal width and height, and dual sliding side doors on van models which, for the SLWB variants, can take a standard Australian pallet. “At the same time, we’ve built on the HiAce heritage of quality, durability and reliability – factors that underpin its strong resale values and popularity as the world’s best-selling compact commercial van. Independent studies show that HiAce has the strongest resale value in its segment, retaining 68 per cent of its value after four years1. “We are also providing HiAce customers with the same level of safety as people who buy our passenger cars and SUVs with a full suite of advanced Toyota Safety Sense2technologies,” Mr Hanley said. Priced from $38,6403, the new nine-model HiAce range kicks off with the LWB (long wheelbase) Van with a choice of V6 petrol or four-cylinder turbodiesel engines and six-speed manual or automatic transmissions. The LWB Crew Van adds a second row of seats enabling it to carry up to four passengers and driver and is available exclusively with the 2.8-litre turbodiesel engine driving the rear wheels through the six-speed automatic transmission. Starting at $48,6403, the automatic-only SLWB (super long wheelbase) Van provides up to 9.0 cubic metres cargo capacity and is also offered with petrol or turbodiesel power. Safety has been a major priority for Toyota in developing the new HiAce and aside from its improved driving dynamics, all models across the entire range incorporate an extensive array of driver assistance technology as standard.  The Toyota Safety Sense suite of features includes a pre-collision safety system with pedestrian and daytime cyclist detection, lane departure alert with steering assist, road sign assist and auto high beam. Further standard safety features include cruise control, anti-lock brakes, vehicle stability control, blind spot monitor, rear cross traffic alert, reversing camera, front and rear parking sensors and up to nine airbags depending on the model. Offering superb driver comfort and convenience, all models feature height-adjustable driver’s seat, tilt and telescopic adjustable steering wheel, manual air conditioning and extensive storage areas with big front door bins and 1.5-litre bottle holders. All controls for the audio, infotainment and cruise control systems are conveniently located on the steering wheel. The latest generation multimedia system features a large 7-inch touchscreen display and offers AM/FM/DAB+4 radio, CD player, full Bluetooth¼5 connectivity for audio and phone, USB and AUX inputs, satellite navigation6 with SUNA
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live traffic alerts7, and voice recognition, Siri¼8 eyes-free for compatible iPhones¼ and Toyota Link9apps. For even greater comfort, style and convenience, an option pack is also available for the new HiAce turbodiesel Vans (standard on Crew Van) that adds additional features. The $1000 option pack includes body-coloured front and rear bumpers and door handles, halogen front fog lights and front and rear chrome trim. Inside, it adds an innovative auto-dimming digital rear view mirror that can display images from the vehicle’s rear camera when the internal view is obstructed. In addition to offering a three-position second row bench seat with a 60/40-split fold seatback, the Crew Van also gains rear side curtain airbags, two rear ISOFIX child restraint anchors, opening rear windows and a rear vent for the air conditioning.  As well as the HiAce Vans, Toyota will continue to offer a passenger variant with the Commuter available in two grades, both powered by the turbodiesel/automatic transmission powertrain. Based on the SLWB platform, the 12-seat Commuter incorporates passenger comfort features including reclining seat backs, front and rear interior lights, rear air conditioning with vents for every seat position and floor carpet throughout. The Commuter GL takes the exterior style and function to a new level with body-coloured front and rear bumpers and door handles, halogen front fog lights, LED daytime running lights, chrome trim garnishes, power rear sliding door, 16-inch alloy wheels and increased sound insulation and acoustic glass. Inside, the seats in the Commuter GL are finished in premium materials and feature a seat pocket, cupholder and coat hook integrated into the reclining seat back. Rear passengers also benefit from USB charge outlets, eight reading lights, and independent controls for the rear air conditioning. Like all new Toyota vehicles, the new HiAce will also be covered by a full five-year Toyota Warranty Advantage10. 
1 Based on a 2019 Glass's Guide study comparing the top four competitor makes' 4-year-old resale values: The resale values provided in the report are at year, make, and model level. Variant, series, body, engine and transmission is averaged in order to calculate comparison at model level. 2 Driver assist features. Only operates under certain conditions. Check your Owner's Manual for explanation of limitations. Please drive safely. 3 Manufacturer's list price provided for media purposes only. Statutory charges or other on-road costs not included. 4 Coverage dependent on vehicle location. Ÿ Save for Toyota trademarks depicted, all other product and company names are trademarks of their respective owners 5 Compatibility and functionality varies depending on device. BluetoothŸ, is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 6 Coverage varies based on vehicle location. 7 Service varies based on vehicle location. See sunatraffic.com.au.  8 SiriŸ is a trade mark of Apple, Inc . registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhoneŸ is a trademark of Apple, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. 9 Requires installation of a compatible app, third party information, sufficient mobile data & GPS signal. Mobile usage is at user's cost. Toyota Australia reserves the right to add, remove or modify applications. For further information see toyota.com.au/toyotalink. 10 The standard Toyota Warranty Advantage period is 5yrs, with unlimited kms, from delivery. Excludes vehicles used for a commercial purpose, such as taxis, hire vehicles and vehicles transporting people or goods for payment including rideshare. The commercial vehicle Toyota Warranty Advantage period is 5 years from delivery or 160,000kms (whichever occurs first). See Toyota Warranty or your vehicle's Warranty and Service Book for T&Cs. This warranty does not limit and may not necessarily exceed your rights under the Australian Consumer Law.
from WordPress https://brianhiltontoyota.wordpress.com/2019/05/13/all-new-hiace-delivers-improved-value-and-efficiency/
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rebeccaperezbb-blog · 5 years ago
Assessment Three: Develop Deliver
Australia Post (2019). ‘If It Packs, It Posts’ https://auspost.com.au/flat-rate-sending
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013). ‘Australian Social Trends’  https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/Lookup/4102.0Main+Features20July+2013
Carsales (2019). ‘2013 Toyota Hiace LWB Manual MY12’ https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/2013-toyota-hiace-lwb-manual-my12/SSE-AD-6411428/?Cr=0&gts=SSE-AD-6411428&gtsSaleId=SSE-AD-6411428&gtsViewType=Spotlight&rankingType=Spotlight
Carsales (2019). ‘2018 Renault Kangoo Maxi LWB Manual’ https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/2018-renault-kangoo-maxi-lwb-manual/SSE-AD-6181933/?Cr=1
Carsales (2019). 2015 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316CDI LWB Auto https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/2015-mercedes-benz-sprinter-516cdi-lwb-auto/OAG-AD-18162647/?Cr=0&gts=OAG-AD-18162647&gtsSaleId=OAG-AD-18162647&gtsViewType=Showcase&rankingType=Showcase
Commonwealth (2019). ‘BetterBusiness Loan’ https://www.commbank.com.au/business/loans-and-finance/business-loans/betterbusiness-loan.html?ei=BBL
Domain (2019). ‘How much Does a Domain Name Cost?’ https://www.domain.com/blog/2018/09/13/how-much-does-a-domain-name-cost/
Engel, KeryLynn (2019). ‘How Much Money Should a Web Designer For A Basic Website Cost?’ https://www.whoishostingthis.com/blog/2014/07/29/website-cost/
Ethical Clothing Australia (2019). ‘Buy Ethically’ https://ethicalclothingaustralia.org.au/
Instagram (2019). ‘Advertising on Instagram’ https://help.instagram.com/1554245014870700/?helpref=hc_fnav&bc[0]=Instagram%20Help&bc[1]=Instagram%20for%20Businesses
Investopedia (2019). ‘What is the formula for calculating profit margins?’ https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/031815/what-formula-calculating-profit-margins.asp
Lexington Law (2019). ’45 Statistics on Millennial Spending Habits in 2019’ https://www.lexingtonlaw.com/blog/credit-cards/millennial-spending-habits.html
Luna Boutique (2019). ‘Posters’ https://www.vistaprint.com.au/signs-posters/posters?couponAutoload=1&GP=12%2f05%2f2019+17%3a16%3a37&GPS=5556365465&GNF=1
NetRegistry (2019). ‘Domain Pricing’ https://www.netregistry.com.au/domain-names/domain-pricing/
OfficeHub (2019). ‘Sydney’s Best Coworking Spaces for Creatives and Freelancers’ https://www.office-hub.com.au/2019/08/sydney-best-coworking-spaces-creatives-freelancers/
Print Mag (2014). ‘8 Phases of the Web Design Process’ https://www.printmag.com/featured/phases-of-the-web-design-process/
Remnant Warehouse (2019). ‘Manufacturer Bulk Buys’ https://theremnantwarehouse.com/fabrics/wholesale-fabrics-online.html
RubyGarage (2019). ‘How to Use Gantt Charts for Software Development’ https://rubygarage.org/blog/gantt-charts-in-web-development
Spotlight (2019). ‘Knitted Apparel Fabrics’ https://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing-fabrics/dress-apparel-fabrics/knitted-apparel-fabrics
Spotlight (2019). ‘Speciality Apparel Fabrics’ https://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing-fabrics/dress-apparel-fabrics/specialty-apparel-fabrics
Spotlight (2019). ‘Woven Apparel Fabrics’ https://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing-fabrics/dress-apparel-fabrics/woven-apparel-fabrics?q=:relevance&page=1
Strike Social (2019). ‘How much does it cost to advertise on Instagram’ https://strikesocial.com/blog/instagram-ads-costs/
 Multimedia Material:
Spotlight (2019) ‘Stripe #2 Printed Organic Cotton Jersey Fabric Charcoal and Grey 112cm’ https://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing-fabrics/dress-apparel-fabrics/knitted-apparel-fabrics/interlock-jerserys/stripe-2-printed-organic-cotton-jersey-fabric/BP80490564
Spotlight (2019). ‘Stripe Printed Organic Jersey Fabric Grey and Ivory 112cm’ https://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing-fabrics/dress-apparel-fabrics/knitted-apparel-fabrics/interlock-jerserys/stripe-printed-organic-cotton-jersey-fabric/BP80490287
Spotlight (2019) Splatter Printed Organic Cotton Jersey Fabric Pink 112cm https://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing-fabrics/dress-apparel-fabrics/knitted-apparel-fabrics/interlock-jerserys/splatter-printed-organic-cotton-jersey-fabric/BP80490284
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louisonurmark · 5 years ago
Toyota GranAce mula dijual di Jepun dengan 2 varian
Toyota GranAce mula dijual di Jepun dengan 2 varian
Selepas diperkenalkan di Australia sebagai Toyota Granvia, dan di Thailand sebagai Toyota Majesty, kini MPV mewah berasaskan van Toyota HiAce generasi baharu secara rasmi mula dijual di pasaran Jepun dikenali sebagai Toyota GranAce.
GranAce ini sebenarnya telah membuat kemunculan sulungnya di Tokyo Motor Show 2019 tempoh hari, dan kini mengambil tempat yang ditinggalkan oleh Toyota Grand HiAce

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theleadernews · 6 years ago
Man allegedly crashes van with $200M of crystal meth into parked Aussie police cars – National
The driver of a Toyota HiAce van is facing charges of negligent driving and large commercial drug supply after he allegedly hit parked police cruisers while transporting as much as $200 million worth of crystal meth in Sydney, Australia on Monday. The incident unfolded just after 10:30 a.m., when the van allegedly hit vehicles belonging [
The post Man allegedly crashes van with $200M of crystal meth into parked Aussie police cars – National appeared first on The Leader News Online.
from WordPress https://theleaderassumpta.com/2019/07/23/man-allegedly-crashes-van-with-200m-of-crystal-meth-into-parked-aussie-police-cars-national/
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superautoreviews · 8 years ago
2019 Toyota Hiace Van Price, Review, Specifications
New Post has been published on http://autocartrend.com/2019-toyota-hiace-van-price-review-specifications/
2019 Toyota Hiace Van Price, Review, Specifications
2019 Toyota Hiace Van Price, Review, Specifications – 2019 Toyota Hiace will be the most modern age and organized to become launched in the in closeness to long term by the Japanese carmaker, Toyota. Product Hiace very first debuted in 1998. Around the globe, the newest auto will arrive at the auto industry because the successor of the design Toyota Previa.
New Design Toyota Hiace Entrance AngleManufacturers will design a new Hiace to offer you an exceptional show in the exterior and interior helping to make this automobile that is best for day-to-day traveling. As compared to the previous product, the most modern era is anticipated to get the greatest in their class. And to attract the interest of customers, makers will attempt to change all aspects and place latest features in 2019 Hiace.
2019 Toyota Hiace Exterior
2019 Toyota Hiace Price
2019 Toyota Hiace Specifications
2019 Toyota Hiace Van
Manufacturers will design the 2019 Toyota Hiace considerably more modest than its precursor by using a make contact with increased around the external seem to produce it the appearance considerably more stylish. The car will have inverted trapezoidal type of grille about the front side fascia. You will have a new put in place of revocation to aid the new engine. Sizes of your automobile will probably be improved to supply a razor-distinct and smooth design. All round, this car will most likely be developed making use of lighter in weight amounts to decrease the body weight in the body. Additionally, the automobile can even be created with a light period of running and some Directed headlamps amazing. But rather than the front side aspect that will get an improve, the rear of your new Hiace you will have no main changes.
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2019 Toyota Hiace Interior
2019 Toyota Hiace Interior
New Design Toyota Hiace Interior For the interior design, makers, can create with considerable sights to supply increased ease in the course of driving a car. The cabins are going to be designed to grow to be broader to aid all travelers and baggage. The interior will probably be designed with strong technology functions and good quality supplies. Seating will most likely be developed using top quality elements are sleek plus delivers a high denseness. With the greater clip sums, the room in the 2019 Toyota Hiace is constructed with all the latest technological innovation heated up. Moreover, some current day features this type of as a sound system with 12 loudspeakers, and food list strategies are going to be put in supply amusement. The rear chairs might be changed so that you will see much more room inside the back chairs to the freight place.
2019 Toyota Hiace Engine Performance
2019 Toyota Hiace Engine
Toyota Hiace Engine According to gossips, within the hood, the brand new 2019 Toyota Hiace works with a 3.5-liter system. This equipment is loaded of delivering a manufacture of roughly 250 kilos-toes of torque and 300 horsepower. Also, this device may also be designed with the much better transmission of 6-pace automatic gearbox to complete the performance. Power will probably be taken to all-wheel generate, and so the new Hiace has extraordinary performance when on-road and away from streets. The brand new minivan is capable of attaining 25 miles per gallon on the highway and 20 mpg in the city for your very best gas usage with the fuel performance of between 5 to 10 proportion.
2019 Toyota Hiace Release Date And Price
Even so, based on gossip, 2019 Toyota Hiace will probably be launched the new year with charges which variety between $ 35,000 – $ 50,000. The new Hiace need to get ready to manage competition like the Honda Odyssey and the Mazda 5.
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jfambrini · 6 years ago
2019 Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab 2400 cc LWB 6 units Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab Facelift Diesel Thailand Video Walkaround Review of Major Change 2019 2020 Toyota Hilux Revo Facelift Tacoma like Grill 2400 cc LWB 2WD from Thailand Car Exporter to Zambia, Mozambique and Seychelles. In this video, we take a close look at the exterior and interior of the Single Cab Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Facelift Model.. Details on Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab Single Cab at: https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/toyota-hilux-revo-single-cab.html. Brand new new model Hiace Commuter, Land Cruiser, Prado are in stock as are used vehicles in right hand drive and left hand drive. Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab, Smart Cab and Double CabRight hand Drive Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab, Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab are on sale at Thailand Car Dealer and Thailand Car Exporter Jim Autos Thailand. Jim is Thailand top Car Exporter to Africa including Seychelles and Mozambique New and Used Toyota Hilux RevoNew 2019 2020 Toyota Hilux Revo and used 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 Toyota Hilux Revo are available at lowest prices in Bangkok Thailand. Toyota Hilux Diesel 2400 cc and 2800 cc and Gasoline 2700 cc available. Toyota Hilux Australia is also in stock. Left Hand Drive Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab are also available.  Cars for Sale Thailand at Thailand Car Dealer and ExporterCars For Sale Thailand both new cars for sale in Thailand and used cars for sale in Thailand are cheapest at Thailand Car Exporter Jim. Please subscribe to this channel for new upcoming videos and please like this video. Feedback welcome. Email me at [email protected] or call/WhatsApp/Viber at +66-89-106-501 if you have any questions about any of our vehicles or if you want a quick quote.  Thailand Vehicles For Sale in BangkokToyota Hilux Revo Exporter and Toyota Hilux Vigo Exporter Dealer always has Smart Cab, Single Cab and Double Cab Toyota Hilux Revo, used Toyota Hilux Vigo Champ Thailand and Toyota Hilux Vigo on sale in Thailand. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Ute Bakkie on Sale. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup is best selling pickup truck in Thailand be it new Revo in Thailand, used Revo Thailand, used Vigo in Thailand. Import cars, luxury cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, MPVs, minibuses, vans, construction equipment, forklifts, boats, motorbikes, commercial trucks and buses as well as parts and accessories from Thailand at best prices in Thailand at Jim. Hilux is also top selling pickup truck Australia, UK and Dubai. Thailand Car, Parts and Accessories Exporter Dealer. Australia, UK, Dubai, US, Europe Car ExporterJim exports cars, spare parts and accessories not just from Thailand but also Australia, United Kingdom, Dubai UAE, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Jim is car exporter to Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas. New 2018 2019 2020 Toyota Hilux Revo Minor Change Facelift and Used 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 Major Change Toyota Hilux Revo is on Sale.Details on Jim Autos Thailand are at https://jim4x4.com/ Details on Revo are at https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/ Rocco details are at https://toyota-hilux-revo-rocco.com/Details on Vigo: https://toyota-hilux-vigo.com/ Contact Info:Email: [email protected]/WhatsApp: +66-89-106-5701 Social Media Accounts:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.motors.thailandGoogle Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/aboutTwitter: https://twitter.com/jimautosLinked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer Revo/Vigo Links:Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab: https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/toyota-hilux-revo-single-cab.htmlToyota Hilux Revo Single Cab: https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/toyota-hilux-revo-smart-cab.htmlToyota Hilux Revo Double Cab: https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/toyota-hilux-revo-double-cab.htmlToyota Hilux Vigo: https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/toyota-hilux-vigo.htmlhttps://toyota-hilux-vigo.comAustralia, UK, Dubai UAE, USA, Canada, HK, Japan Car ExporterJim Autos is also Australia Car Exporter, UK Car Exporter, Dubai UAE Car Exporter, United States Car Exporter, Canada Car Exporter, Hong Kong Car Exporter, Singapore Car Exporter and Japanese Car Exporter and Dealer of Right Hand Drive and Left hand Drive Japanese, American, Korean, German vehicles. USA Car Exporter Dealer: https://united-states-car-exporter.comUnited Kingdom Car Exporter Dealer: https://uk-dealer.comDubai UAE Car Exporter Dealer: https://dubai-car-dealer.comAustralia Car Exporter Dealer: https://australia-car-exporter.com Some Tags#CarReview #NewCar #NewTruck #ToyotaTruck #HotTruck #HILUX #ToyotaHilux #Toyota #ToyotaHiluxRevo #ThailandCar #Thailandnewcars #Thaiusedcars #ThaicarDealer #ThaiToyotaHiluxRevo #4wd #4wdhilux #ToyotaHiluxSingleCab #ToyotaHiluxSmartCab #ToyotaHiluxExtraCab #ToyotaHiluxDoubleCab #ToyotaPickup
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jfambrini · 6 years ago
2019 Nissan Terra SUV Thailand Cheapest Price On Sale RHD LHD This video profiles All New 2019 2020 Nissan Terra Nissan Sport Utility Vehicle SUV and is on sale at Thailand, Australia, Dubai top 4WD SUV and Pickup Truck Exporter and Dealer Jim. All New 2019 2020 Nissan Terra Four Wheel Drive. New and Used Toyota Fortuner, Nissan Navara NP300, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Prado, Mitsubishi Pajero, Mitsubishi Xpander, Nissan Patrol, Nissan Armada, Isuzu MUX, Toyota Hilux Revo and used Toyota Hilux Vigo on Sale at Jim Autos Thailand!! 2018 2019 2020 Nissan Navara NP300 specially accessorized model and Nissan Navara NP300 Raptor are also available now. Nissan Terra (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/nissan-terra.html) is Thailand second Sport Utility Vehicle SUV after Toyota Fortuner and Ford Everest. Nissan Terra comes with an all new 2.3 liter diesel engine that gives even more performance and throughput than the preceding 2.5 liter diesel engine it replaces.Toyota Fortuner is our best selling SUV from Thailand followed by Ford Everest, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport and Isuzu MUX while Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Patrol, Ford Everest and Range Rover are our best selling Right hand Drive and left hand drive SUV from Australia, UK, Dubai and USA.  Toyota Hilux Revo's specially accessorized model named Rocco is also on sale. Rocco may be short in supply but is available at Jim Autos Thailand for quick export. Email now at [email protected] or phone/WhatsApp/LINE/Viber at +66-89-106-5701 for a quick quote. Nissan Terra Thailand, Toyota Fortuner, Ford Escape, Ford Everest, Range Rover, Jeep Wranger, Jeep Cherokee, Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser are beautiful Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks and available in Right hand drive and left hand drive.  All Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks, SUV, MPVs, Vans, trucks and buses are on sale at Jim Autos Thailand.  Thailand top SUV Exporter and Dealer*************************************************************Jim is Thailand SUV exporter, Australia SUV Exporter, Dubai SUV Exporter, Japan SUV Exporter, United Kingdom SUV Exporter and United States SUV Exporter. We export Right hand Drive SUV and Left Hand Drive SUV. Some of our best selling SUVs are Nissan Terra, Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota RAV4, Mitsubishi Pajero, Nissan Terra, Nissan Patrol, Nissan Titan, Range Rover, Jeep Wrangler, Honda CR-V, Kia Sorento, Ford Escape and full range of Sport Utility Vehicles. Toyota Fortuner: https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/toyota-fortuner.html Mitsubishi Pajero Sport: https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/mitsubishi-pajero-sport.htmlFord Everest: https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/ford-everest.htmlToyota Land Cruiser 70: https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/toyota-land-cruiser-70.htmlToyota Land Cruiser 200: https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/toyota-land-cruiser-200.html Nissan Terra*************************************************************Right hand Drive Nissan Terra and Left hand drive Nissan Terra are on sale at Thailand Car Dealer and Thailand Car Exporter Jim Autos Thailand. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Toyota Hilux Revo and Toyota Hilux Vigo, Ford Ranger Wildtrak and Nissan Navara NP300 are also on sale. New and Used Nissan Terra SUV***********************************New 2019 2020 Nissan Terra and used 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 Nissan Terra are available at lowest prices in Bangkok Thailand and Australia in RHD and in Dubai in LHD. Nissan Navara NP300 Diesel 2200 cc and 3200 cc Diesel available. Cars for Sale Thailand at Thailand Car Dealer and Exporter**************************************************************Cars For Sale Thailand both new cars for sale in Thailand and used cars for sale in Thailand are cheapest at Thailand Car Exporter Jim. Please subscribe to this channel for new upcoming videos and please like this video. Email me at [email protected] or call/WhatsApp at +66-89-106-5701 if you have any questions about any of our vehicles or if you want a quick quote.  Thailand Vehicles For Sale in Bangkok****************************************Nissan Navara NP300 Exporter and Nissan Navara NP300 Athlete Exporter Dealer always has Single Cab, Extra Cab and Double Cab Nissan Navara NP300, used Nissan Navara NP300 Athlete Thailand and Nissan Navara NP300 Athlete on sale in Thailand. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Ute Bakkie also on Sale. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup is best selling pickup truck in Thailand,: new Revo in Thailand and used Vigo in Thailand. New and used Nissan Navara NP300 regular, FX4 and Athlete, Import cars, luxury cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, MPVs, minibuses, vans, construction equipment, forklifts, boats, motorbikes, commercial trucks, armored vehicles and buses as well as parts and accessories from Thailand at best prices in Thailand at Jim.  Thailand, Australia, UK, Japan, NZ, Dubai, US, Oman Car, Parts and Accessories Exporter Dealer*********************************************************Jim exports cars, spare parts and accessories not just from Thailand but also from Australia, United Kingdom, Dubai UAE, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Jim is car exporter to Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas. Details on Jim Autos Thailand are at http://toyota-dealer.org/wp1 Details on Revo are at http://toyota-hilux-revo.org/Details on Vigo: http://toyota-hilux-vigo.com/ Contact Info:**************Email: [email protected]/WhatsApp: +66-89-106-5701 Social Media Accounts:***********************Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.autos.thailandGoogle Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/aboutTwitter: https://twitter.com/jimautosLinked-in: http://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer Australia, UK, Dubai UAE, USA, Canada, HK, Japan Car Exporter*****************************************************************Jim Autos is also Australia Car Exporter, UK Car Exporter, Dubai UAE Car Exporter, United States Car Exporter, Canada Car Exporter, Hong Kong Car Exporter, Singapore Car Exporter and Japanese Car Exporter and Dealer of Right Hand Drive and Left hand Drive Japanese, American, Korean, German vehicles. USA Car Exporter Dealer: https://united-states-car-exporter.comUnited Kingdom Car Exporter Dealer: https://uk-dealer.comDubai UAE Car Exporter Dealer: https://dubai-car-dealer.comAustralia Car Exporter Dealer: https://australia-car-exporter.com Jim Autos Thailand is Thailand #1 Car Dealer and Thailand #1 Car Exporter (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1). For more details on Toyota Hilux Revo Thailand please see https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/ while details on Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco Thailand are at https://toyota-hilux-revo-rocco.com/.  Jim Autos Australia https://australia-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of Australian vehicles, Jim Autos UK https://uk-dealer.com/ exports full range of UK vehicles, Jim Autos Dubai https://dubai-car-dealer.com/exports full range of LHD vehicles from Dubai UAE. Jim USA https://united-states-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of vehicles from United States and Canada. Toyota Hilux Toyota Sport Utility Vehicle SUV 2018 2019 Facelift Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab, Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab are in stock at Jim. And for those who cannot afford the new Facelift model we can make 2015, 2016 and 2017 Revo the same face as the new 2018 2019 model Revo. Cheapest prices high quality All New 2019 2000 cc Nissan Terra and used Nissan Terra, Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco also on sale as are Nissan Navara NP300, Nissan Navara NP300, Mazda BT-50, Chevy Colorado, Nissan Terra and all other Sport Utility Vehicle SUVs and SUVs. Our largest SUV exports are Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Prado, Toyota Kakadu, Toyota Land Cruiser 79 Sport Utility Vehicle SUV, 78 troop carrier, 76 Land Cruiser Wagon and Land Cruiser 200 SUV. Used Nissan Navara NP300 and Toyota Hilux Vigo is also on Sale at RHD LHD Toyota Hilux dealer exporter from Thailand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Dubai, Oman, Hong Kong and NZ. Jim is Thailand top exporter of full range of Thai vehicles from Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, MPV, minivans, commercial trucks and buses from Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Vigo, Toyota Hiace Commuter, Nissan Navara NP300 Athlete, Nissan Navara NP300, Chevy Colorado, Nissan Terra, Toyota Fortuner, Nissan Terra and Nissan Terra among others. Jim world's top Right hand drive vehicle exporter from Thailand, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand and exports full range of Left hand drive vehicles from Dubai, Oman, United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Thailand. Social Media Accounts: *********************** Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.motors.thailandGoogle Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/aboutTwitter: https://twitter.com/jimautosLinked-in: http://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer 
0 notes
jfambrini · 6 years ago
2019 Mitsubishi Xpander SUV Thailand Cheapest Price On Sale This video profiles Major Change Mitsubishi Xpander Mitsubishi Sport Utility Vehicle SUV and is on sale at Thailand, Australia, Dubai top 4WD SUV and Pickup Truck Exporter and Dealer Jim. All New 2019 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander Four Wheel Drive. New and Used Toyota Fortuner, Mitsubishi L200 Triton, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Prado, Mitsubishi Pajero, Nissan Patrol, Mitsubishi Xpander, Isuzu MUX, Toyota Hilux Revo and used Toyota Hilux Vigo on Sale at Jim Autos Thailand!! 2018 2019 2020 Mitsubishi L200 Triton specially accessorized model and Mitsubishi L200 Triton Raptor are also available now. Mitsubishi Xpander (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/mitsubishi-xpander.html) is Thailand second Sport Utility Vehicle SUV after Toyota Fortuner and Ford Everest. Mitsubishi Xpander falls in the class of mini SUV or Multi Purpose Vehicles as Toyota Avanza, Suzuki Ertiga, Honda Mobilio and Honda BR-V and Mitsubishi calls it a crossover as well because of its greater ground clearance. Even though it is classed as a mini SUV but nothing mini about the seven seater Xpander except for its price. Toyota Fortuner is our best selling SUV from Thailand followed by Mitsubishi Xpander, Ford Everest and Isuzu MUX while Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Patrol and Range Rover are our best selling Right hand Drive and left hand drive SUV from Australia, UK, Dubai and USA.  Toyota Hilux Revo's specially accessorized model named Rocco is also on sale. Rocco may be short in supply but is available at Jim Autos Thailand for quick export. Email now at [email protected] or phone/WhatsApp/LINE/Viber at +66-89-106-5701 for a quick quote. Mitsubishi Xpander Thailand, Toyota Fortuner, Ford Escape, Ford Everest, Range Rover, Jeep Wranger, Jeep Cherokee, Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser are beautiful Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks and available in Right hand drive and left hand drive.  All Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks, SUV, MPVs, Vans, trucks and buses are on sale at Jim Autos Thailand.  Thailand top SUV Exporter and Dealer*************************************************************Jim is Thailand SUV exporter, Australia SUV Exporter, Dubai SUV Exporter, Japan SUV Exporter, United Kingdom SUV Exporter and United States SUV Exporter. We export Right hand Drive SUV and Left Hand Drive SUV. Some of our best selling SUVs are Mitsubishi Xpander, Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota RAV4, Mitsubishi Pajero, Mitsubishi Xpander, Nissan Patrol, Nissan Titan, Range Rover, Jeep Wrangler, Honda CR-V, Kia Sorento, Ford Escape and full range of Sport Utility Vehicles.  Mitsubishi Xpander*************************************************************Right hand Drive Mitsubishi Xpander and Left hand drive Mitsubishi Xpander are on sale at Thailand Car Dealer and Thailand Car Exporter Jim Autos Thailand. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Toyota Hilux Revo and Toyota Hilux Vigo, Ford Ranger Wildtrak and Mitsubishi L200 Triton are also on sale. New and Used Mitsubishi Xpander SUV***********************************New 2019 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander and used 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 Mitsubishi Xpander are available at lowest prices in Bangkok Thailand and Australia in RHD and in Dubai in LHD. Mitsubishi L200 Triton Diesel 2200 cc and 3200 cc Diesel available. Cars for Sale Thailand at Thailand Car Dealer and Exporter**************************************************************Cars For Sale Thailand both new cars for sale in Thailand and used cars for sale in Thailand are cheapest at Thailand Car Exporter Jim. Please subscribe to this channel for new upcoming videos and please like this video. Email me at [email protected] or call/WhatsApp at +66-89-106-5701 if you have any questions about any of our vehicles or if you want a quick quote.  Thailand Vehicles For Sale in Bangkok****************************************Mitsubishi L200 Triton Exporter and Mitsubishi L200 Triton Athlete Exporter Dealer always has Single Cab, Extra Cab and Double Cab Mitsubishi L200 Triton, used Mitsubishi L200 Triton Athlete Thailand and Mitsubishi L200 Triton Athlete on sale in Thailand. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Ute Bakkie also on Sale. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup is best selling pickup truck in Thailand,: new Revo in Thailand and used Vigo in Thailand. New and used Mitsubishi L200 Triton regular, FX4 and Athlete, Import cars, luxury cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, MPVs, minibuses, vans, construction equipment, forklifts, boats, motorbikes, commercial trucks, armored vehicles and buses as well as parts and accessories from Thailand at best prices in Thailand at Jim.  Thailand, Australia, UK, Japan, NZ, Dubai, US, Oman Car, Parts and Accessories Exporter Dealer*********************************************************Jim exports cars, spare parts and accessories not just from Thailand but also from Australia, United Kingdom, Dubai UAE, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Jim is car exporter to Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas. Details on Jim Autos Thailand are at http://toyota-dealer.org/wp1 Details on Revo are at http://toyota-hilux-revo.org/Details on Vigo: http://toyota-hilux-vigo.com/ Contact Info:**************Email: [email protected]/WhatsApp: +66-89-106-5701 Social Media Accounts:***********************Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.autos.thailandGoogle Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/aboutTwitter: https://twitter.com/jimautosLinked-in: http://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer Australia, UK, Dubai UAE, USA, Canada, HK, Japan Car Exporter*****************************************************************Jim Autos is also Australia Car Exporter, UK Car Exporter, Dubai UAE Car Exporter, United States Car Exporter, Canada Car Exporter, Hong Kong Car Exporter, Singapore Car Exporter and Japanese Car Exporter and Dealer of Right Hand Drive and Left hand Drive Japanese, American, Korean, German vehicles. USA Car Exporter Dealer: https://united-states-car-exporter.comUnited Kingdom Car Exporter Dealer: https://uk-dealer.comDubai UAE Car Exporter Dealer: https://dubai-car-dealer.comAustralia Car Exporter Dealer: https://australia-car-exporter.com Jim Autos Thailand is Thailand #1 Car Dealer and Thailand #1 Car Exporter (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1). For more details on Toyota Hilux Revo Thailand please see https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/ while details on Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco Thailand are at https://toyota-hilux-revo-rocco.com/.  Jim Autos Australia https://australia-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of Australian vehicles, Jim Autos UK https://uk-dealer.com/ exports full range of UK vehicles, Jim Autos Dubai https://dubai-car-dealer.com/exports full range of LHD vehicles from Dubai UAE. Jim USA https://united-states-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of vehicles from United States and Canada. Toyota Hilux Toyota Sport Utility Vehicle SUV 2018 2019 Facelift Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab, Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab are in stock at Jim. And for those who cannot afford the new Facelift model we can make 2015, 2016 and 2017 Revo the same face as the new 2018 2019 model Revo. Cheapest prices high quality All New 2019 2000 cc Mitsubishi Xpander and used Mitsubishi Xpander, Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco also on sale as are Mitsubishi L200 Triton, Nissan Navara NP300, Mazda BT-50, Chevy Colorado, Mitsubishi Xpander and all other Sport Utility Vehicle SUVs and SUVs. Our largest SUV exports are Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Prado, Toyota Kakadu, Toyota Land Cruiser 79 Sport Utility Vehicle SUV, 78 troop carrier, 76 Land Cruiser Wagon and Land Cruiser 200 SUV. Used Mitsubishi L200 Triton and Toyota Hilux Vigo is also on Sale at RHD LHD Toyota Hilux dealer exporter from Thailand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Dubai, Oman, Hong Kong and NZ. Jim is Thailand top exporter of full range of Thai vehicles from Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, MPV, minivans, commercial trucks and buses from Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Vigo, Toyota Hiace Commuter, Mitsubishi L200 Triton Athlete, Nissan Navara NP300, Chevy Colorado, Mitsubishi Xpander, Toyota Fortuner, Mitsubishi Xpander and Mitsubishi Xpander among others. Jim world's top Right hand drive vehicle exporter from Thailand, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand and exports full range of Left hand drive vehicles from Dubai, Oman, United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Thailand. Social Media Accounts: *********************** Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.autos.thailand Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/about Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimautos Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer 
0 notes
jfambrini · 6 years ago
2019 Ford Everest 2200cc Bi Turbo Cheapest Price Thailand Aust Dubai On ... This video profiles Major Change Ford Everest Ford Sport Utility Vehicle SUV with the new Bi-Turbo engine and is on sale at Thailand, Australia, Dubai top 4WD SUV and Pickup Truck Exporter and Dealer Jim. All New 2019 2020 Ford Everest 2200 cc and 3000 cc Four Wheel Drive. New and Used Toyota Fortuner, Ford Ranger, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Prado, Mitsubishi Pajero, Nissan Patrol, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, Isuzu MUX, Toyota Hilux Revo and used Toyota Hilux Vigo on Sale at Jim Autos Thailand!! 2018 2019 2020 Ford Ranger specially accessorized model Wildtrak (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/ford-ranger-wildtrak.html) and Ford Ranger Raptor are also available now. Ford Everest (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/ford-everest.html) is Thailand second best selling Sport Utility Vehicle SUV after Toyota Fortuner. Toyota Fortuner is our best selling SUV from Thailand followed by Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, Ford Everest and Isuzu MUX while Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Patrol and Range Rover are our best selling Right hand Drive and left hand drive SUV from Australia, UK, Dubai and USA.  Toyota Hilux Revo's specially accessorized model named Rocco is also on sale. Rocco may be short in supply but is available at Jim Autos Thailand for quick export. Email now at [email protected] or phone/WhatsApp/LINE/Viber at +66-89-106-5701 for a quick quote. Ford Everest Thailand, Toyota Fortuner, Ford Escape, Range Rover, Jeep Wranger, Jeep Cherokee, Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser are beautiful Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks.  All Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks, SUV, MPVs, Vans, trucks and buses are on sale at Jim Autos Thailand.  Thailand top SUV Exporter and Dealer*************************************************************Jim is Thailand SUV exporter, Australia SUV Exporter, Dubai SUV Exporter, Japan SUV Exporter, United Kingdom SUV Exporter and United States SUV Exporter. We export Right hand Drive SUV and Left Hand Drive SUV. Some of our best selling SUVs are Ford Everest, Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Prado, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota RAV4, Mitsubishi Pajero, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, Nissan Patrol, Nissan Titan, Range Rover, Jeep Wrangler, Honda CR-V, Kia Sorento, Ford Escape and full range of Sport Utility Vehicles.  Ford Everest*************************************************************Right hand Drive Ford Everest and Left hand drive Ford Everest are on sale at Thailand Car Dealer and Thailand Car Exporter Jim Autos Thailand. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Toyota Hilux Revo and Toyota Hilux Vigo, Ford Ranger are also on sale. New and Used Ford Everest SUV***********************************New 2019 2020 Ford Everest and used 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 Ford Everest are available at lowest prices in Bangkok Thailand and Australia in RHD and in Dubai in LHD. Ford Ranger Diesel 2200 cc and 3200 cc Diesel available. Cars for Sale Thailand at Thailand Car Dealer and Exporter**************************************************************Cars For Sale Thailand both new cars for sale in Thailand and used cars for sale in Thailand are cheapest at Thailand Car Exporter Jim. Please subscribe to this channel for new upcoming videos and please like this video. Email me at [email protected] or call/WhatsApp at +66-89-106-5701 if you have any questions about any of our vehicles or if you want a quick quote.  Thailand Vehicles For Sale in Bangkok****************************************Ford Ranger Exporter and Ford Ranger Wildtrak Exporter Dealer always has Single Cab, Extra Cab and Double Cab Ford Ranger, used Ford Ranger Wildtrak Thailand and Ford Ranger Wildtrak on sale in Thailand. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Ute Bakkie also on Sale. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup is best selling pickup truck in Thailand,: new Revo in Thailand and used Vigo in Thailand. New and used Ford Ranger regular, FX4 and Wildtrak, Import cars, luxury cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, MPVs, minibuses, vans, construction equipment, forklifts, boats, motorbikes, commercial trucks, armored vehicles and buses as well as parts and accessories from Thailand at best prices in Thailand at Jim.  Thailand, Australia, UK, Japan, NZ, Dubai, US, Oman Car, Parts and Accessories Exporter Dealer*********************************************************Jim exports cars, spare parts and accessories not just from Thailand but also from Australia, United Kingdom, Dubai UAE, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Jim is car exporter to Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas. Details on Jim Autos Thailand are at http://toyota-dealer.org/wp1 Details on Revo are at http://toyota-hilux-revo.org/Details on Vigo: http://toyota-hilux-vigo.com/ Contact Info:**************Email: [email protected]/WhatsApp: +66-89-106-5701 Social Media Accounts:***********************Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.autos.thailandGoogle Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/aboutTwitter: https://twitter.com/jimautosLinked-in: http://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer Australia, UK, Dubai UAE, USA, Canada, HK, Japan Car Exporter*****************************************************************Jim Autos is also Australia Car Exporter, UK Car Exporter, Dubai UAE Car Exporter, United States Car Exporter, Canada Car Exporter, Hong Kong Car Exporter, Singapore Car Exporter and Japanese Car Exporter and Dealer of Right Hand Drive and Left hand Drive Japanese, American, Korean, German vehicles. USA Car Exporter Dealer: https://united-states-car-exporter.comUnited Kingdom Car Exporter Dealer: https://uk-dealer.comDubai UAE Car Exporter Dealer: https://dubai-car-dealer.comAustralia Car Exporter Dealer: https://australia-car-exporter.com Jim Autos Thailand is Thailand #1 Car Dealer and Thailand #1 Car Exporter (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1). For more details on Toyota Hilux Revo Thailand please see https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/ while details on Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco Thailand are at https://toyota-hilux-revo-rocco.com/.  Jim Autos Australia https://australia-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of Australian vehicles, Jim Autos UK https://uk-dealer.com/ exports full range of UK vehicles, Jim Autos Dubai https://dubai-car-dealer.com/exports full range of LHD vehicles from Dubai UAE. Jim USA https://united-states-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of vehicles from United States and Canada. Toyota Hilux Toyota Sport Utility Vehicle SUV 2018 2019 Facelift Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab, Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab are in stock at Jim. And for those who cannot afford the new Facelift model we can make 2015, 2016 and 2017 Revo the same face as the new 2018 2019 model Revo. Cheapest prices high quality All New 2019 2000 cc Ford Everest and used Ford Everest, Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco also on sale as are Ford Ranger, Nissan Navara NP300, Mazda BT-50, Chevy Colorado, Ford Everest and all other Sport Utility Vehicle SUVs and SUVs. Our largest SUV exports are Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Prado, Toyota Kakadu, Toyota Land Cruiser 79 Sport Utility Vehicle SUV, 78 troop carrier, 76 Land Cruiser Wagon and Land Cruiser 200 SUV. Used Ford Ranger and Toyota Hilux Vigo is also on Sale at RHD LHD Toyota Hilux dealer exporter from Thailand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Dubai, Oman, Hong Kong and NZ. Jim is Thailand top exporter of full range of Thai vehicles from Sport Utility Vehicle SUV trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, MPV, minivans, commercial trucks and buses from Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Vigo, Toyota Hiace Commuter, Ford Ranger Wildtrak, Nissan Navara NP300, Chevy Colorado, Ford Everest, Toyota Fortuner, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport and Ford Everest among others. Jim world's top Right hand drive vehicle exporter from Thailand, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand and exports full range of Left hand drive vehicles from Dubai, Oman, United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Thailand. Social Media Accounts: *********************** Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.autos.thailand Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/about Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimautos Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer 
0 notes
jfambrini · 6 years ago
2019 Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco 2800cc Double Cab 4WD Auto Zimbabwe Thailan... This video profiles Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab Four Wheel Drive Rocco video in white two units are on Sale at Jim Autos Thailand!! 2018 2019 2020 Toyota Hilux Revo's specially accessorized model named Rocco as well as standard Revo are both also on sale. Rocco may be short in supply but is available at Jim Autos Thailand for quick export. Email now at [email protected] or phone/WhatsApp/LINE/Viber at +66-89-106-5701 for a quick quote. Revo Facelift Thailand Model 2019 2020 Double Cab 4WD and 2WD 2800 and 2400 cc are beautiful pickup trucks. All pickup trucks, SUV, MPVs, Vans, trucks and buses are on sale at Jim Autos Thailand. Jim Autos Thailand is Thailand #1 Car Dealer and Thailand #1 Car Exporter (https:toyota-dealer.org/wp1). For more details on Toyota Hilux Revo Thailand please see https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/ while details on Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco Thailand are at https://toyota-hilux-revo-rocco.com/. Jim Autos Australia https://australia-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of Australian vehicles, Jim Autos UK http://uk-dealer.com/ exports full range of UK vehicles, Jim Autos Dubai http://dubai-car-dealer.com/exports full range of LHD vehicles from Dubai UAE. Jim USA http://united-states-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of vehicles from United States and Canada. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup 2018 2019 Facelift Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab, Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab are in stock at Jim. Cheapest prices high quality New and used Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco also on sale. Toyota Hilux Vigo is also on Sale at RHD LHD Toyota Hilux dealer exporter from Thailand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Dubai, Oman, Hong Kong and NZ. Jim is Thailand top exporter of full range of Thai vehicles from pickup trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, MPV, minivans, commercial trucks and buses from Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Vigo, Toyota Hiace Commuter, Ford Ranger Wildtrak, Nissan Navara NP300, Chevy Colorado, Isuzu Dmax, Toyota Fortuner, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport and Ford Everest among others. Jim world's top Right hand drive vehicle exporter from Thailand, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand and exports full range of Left hand drive vehicles from Dubai, Oman, United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Thailand. 
0 notes
jfambrini · 6 years ago
2019 2020 Ford Ranger 2000cc Double Cab 4WD Auto Thailand Sale Cheapest ... This video profiles Ford Ranger Ford Pickup All New 2019 2020 Ford Ranger 2000 cc Double Cab Four Wheel Drive. New and Used Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux Revo and used Toyota Hilux Vigo on Sale at Jim Autos Thailand!! 2018 2019 2020 Ford Ranger specially accessorized model Wildtrak (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/ford-ranger-wildtrak.html) and Ford Ranger Raptor are also available now.   Toyota Hilux Revo's specially accessorized model named Rocco is also on sale. Rocco may be short in supply but is available at Jim Autos Thailand for quick export. Email now at [email protected] or phone/WhatsApp/LINE/Viber at +66-89-106-5701 for a quick quote. Ford Ranger Thailand and Toyota Hilux Revo Facelift Thailand Model 2019 2020 Double cab 4WD and 42D 2800 cc are beautiful pickup trucks.   All pickup trucks, SUV, MPVs, Vans, trucks and buses are on sale at Jim Autos Thailand.   Jim Autos Thailand is Thailand #1 Car Dealer and Thailand #1 Car Exporter (https://toyota-dealer.org/wp1). For more details on Toyota Hilux Revo Thailand please see https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/ while details on Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco Thailand are at https://toyota-hilux-revo-rocco.com/.   Jim Autos Australia https://australia-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of Australian vehicles, Jim Autos UK https://uk-dealer.com/ exports full range of UK vehicles, Jim Autos Dubai https://dubai-car-dealer.com/exports full range of LHD vehicles from Dubai UAE. Jim USA https://united-states-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of vehicles from United States and Canada. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup 2018 2019 Facelift Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab, Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab are in stock at Jim. And for those who cannot afford the new Facelift model we can make 2015, 2016 and 2017 Revo the same face as the new 2018 2019 model Revo. Cheapest prices high quality All New 2019 2000 cc Ford Ranger and used Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco also on sale as are Ford Ranger, Nissan Navara NP300, Mazda BT-50, Chevy Colorado, Isuzu Dmax and all other pickups and SUVs. Our largest SUV exports are Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Prado, Toyota Kakadu, Toyota Land Cruiser 79 pickup, 78 troop carrier, 76 Land Cruiser Wagon and Land Cruiser 200 SUV. 
Used Ford Ranger and Toyota Hilux Vigo is also on Sale at RHD LHD Toyota Hilux dealer exporter from Thailand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Dubai, Oman, Hong Kong and NZ. 
Jim is Thailand top exporter of full range of Thai vehicles from pickup trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, MPV, minivans, commercial trucks and buses from Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Vigo, Toyota Hiace Commuter, Ford Ranger Wildtrak, Nissan Navara NP300, Chevy Colorado, Isuzu Dmax, Toyota Fortuner, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport and Ford Everest among others. 
Jim world's top Right hand drive vehicle exporter from Thailand, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand and exports full range of Left hand drive vehicles from Dubai, Oman, United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Thailand.  Ford Ranger Single Cab: http://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/vehicles/pickup-trucks/ford-pickup-trucks/ford-ranger/ford-ranger-single-cab Ford Ranger Extra Cab: http://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/vehicles/pickup-trucks/ford-pickup-trucks/ford-ranger/ford-ranger-extra-cab Ford Ranger Double Cab: http://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/vehicles/pickup-trucks/ford-pickup-trucks/ford-ranger/ford-ranger-double-cab Ford Ranger Wildtrak: http://toyota-dealer.org/wp1/ford-ranger-wildtrak.html Social Media Accounts: *********************** Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.autos.thailand Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+ToyotadealerOrg1/about Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimautos Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/toyotadealer
0 notes
jfambrini · 7 years ago
2018 2019 Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco Double Cab 4wd Silver Cheapest Price Z...
This video profiles Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab Four Wheel Drive Rocco video in silver are on Sale at Jim Autos Thailand!! 2018 2019 Toyota Hilux Revo's specially accessorized model named Rocco is also on sale. Rocco may be short in supply but is available at Jim Autos Thailand for quick export. Email now at [email protected] or phone/WhatsApp/LINE/Viber at +66-89-106-5701 for a quick quote. Revo Facelift Thailand Model 2019 2020 Smart Extended cab 4WD 2800 cc in black and white are beautiful pickup trucks. All pickup trucks, SUV, MPVs, Vans, trucks and buses are on sale at Jim Autos Thailand. Jim Autos Thailand is Thailand #1 Car Dealer and Thailand #1 Car Exporter (https:toyota-dealer.org/wp1). For more details on Toyota Hilux Revo Thailand please see https://toyota-hilux-revo.org/ while details on Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco Thailand are at https://toyota-hilux-revo-rocco.com/. Jim Autos Australia https://australia-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of Australian vehicles, Jim Autos UK http://uk-dealer.com/ exports full range of UK vehicles, Jim Autos Dubai http://dubai-car-dealer.com/exports full range of LHD vehicles from Dubai UAE. Jim USA http://united-states-car-exporter.com/ exports full range of vehicles from United States and Canada. Toyota Hilux Toyota Pickup 2018 2019 Facelift Toyota Hilux Revo Double Cab, Toyota Hilux Revo Smart Cab and Toyota Hilux Revo Single Cab are in stock at Jim. Cheapest prices high quality New and used Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Revo Rocco also on sale. Toyota Hilux Vigo is also on Sale at RHD LHD Toyota Hilux dealer exporter from Thailand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Dubai, Oman, Hong Kong and NZ. Jim is Thailand top exporter of full range of Thai vehicles from pickup trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, MPV, minivans, commercial trucks and buses from Toyota Hilux Revo, Toyota Hilux Vigo, Toyota Hiace Commuter, Ford Ranger Wildtrak, Nissan Navara NP300, Chevy Colorado, Isuzu Dmax, Toyota Fortuner, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport and Ford Everest among others. Jim world's top Right hand drive vehicle exporter from Thailand, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand and exports full range of Left hand drive vehicles from Dubai, Oman, United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Thailand. 
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