#2019 Honda Civic Changes
safyresky · 1 year
don't mind me just going on a wee vent below the cut! enjoy this jacqueline instead of the vent!
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(an oldie but a goodie, saved this as "something about being stabbed as good emotional trauma". ok i go vent now)
I know I blog about him every so often but Fitzy is, for context, the very first car I ever drove and have been driving since getting my permit in 20 fucking 11. TWENTY ELEVEN! HOLY HELL! I low key picked him out lmao, my parents brought us kiddos to the dealership when we had to replace the civic as old as me bc it got TOTALLED on the HIGHWAY by a TRUCK REAR ENDING IT, and my mom pointed out the Fit and went ou this one's cute!
And I stood beside it and went holy shit. It's me sized. And I sat in it and went OH MY GOD I LOVE IT. And it was BLUE and had a SPOILER and a lil bug eyed face and looked like it had FEELINGS and I said to my dad "if we get this car I am driving it"
I was 11 or 12 lmao.
My dad was like "We'll see about that"
in my head I was like "it's 4 years! we'll still have the car!"
I guess my dad wanted to trade it in? He didn't, lol, and then I got to learn to drive in Fitzy! AND BOY DID I DRIVE HIM! My siblings did, too, so Fitzy's been a real champ in our lives! We all learnt to drive with him!
I didn't take the car fully from my Dad until about, 2019? I got the car for a year in 2016/17 and it was EXCELLENT, I LOVED having it, the ability to just GO PLACES?!?!?!? BEAUTY! I covered some oil changes and bigger fixes and Fitzy kept. On. GOING.
I named Fitzy in 2017 when I had him for the year, and it caught on then! And he was such a verbal lil car (mostly bc things broke a lot bc he was also 10 at that point and FILLED WITH RUST BEGINNINGS) and he pulled to the left always which was funny bc like, why. We never knew. Honda didn't know. Mechanics didn't know.
He has ALWAYS had a slightly loud muffler, but not obnoxiously. It was very FUN to accelerate on the highway with him.
In 2019 my Dad's work went remote; so I took the car back home with me and became the main driver. It was, in all but name, my car. I had to save him from being declared unsafe by fixing the shocks, but we had many many years after that! My GOD we drove all OVER. It was FUN! It's still fun! but not very safe anymore I'm afraid ):
My duderinos, I fucking LOVE that car. And it has been such a hard 365 days for him ):
About this time last year I learnt that the rust had progressed to the point where the rear passenger seat had a giant fucking hole under it. I was given the ok to still drive it, but the moment someone sits back there? DANGER MOBILE. So, I put the seat down and it became CONDEMNED. Given the wedding, Richard and I kept making trips up and down and we had a HELLA snowy winter so the roads? COVERED in salt. and if you live anywhere like Canada with brutal winters, you KNOW salt is a KILLER on cars.
So, Fitzy's rust got worse. Every time I went for oil changes, they'd remind me hey, rusty car. maybe think of a new one? Then we'd discuss how feasible this is and they'd make it driveable bc it wasn't in the cards to get a car--between shit markets, FITS NOT BEING MADE ANYMORE!!! AND Richard also having to replace his car (rip Goldie you are missed every god damn DAY), it was in our best interest to keep Fitzy going as best as we could.
We MOTORED. I've done 120km ish on that car JUST ON ME OWNSOME! And it was FUN! I love that car SO FUCKING MUCH. I know like, it's just a car, blah blah, I GET IT but like. GOD. He's important to me!!!!
So this year rolls around. And Poor Ftizy. My god. He is going through it.
January: wheel well pops off and tire shreds the plastic. I call CAA, they bring it to Honda, Honda tells me to put the car down. Nothing has changed; they just saw the rust and are more SALES oriented as opposed to my mechanic!
February: alternator goes
March: muffler has lost an anchor point; won't stop rattling along. Rust on the bumper finally gets to the point where the bumper pops out of the side. Y'all. I duct tapped that boy. Fucken eh.
May: Fitzy is benched ): bc muffler ): Goldie picks up the slack; post honeymoon, mechanic finds some expensive fixes. Asks Richard if they're band-aiding or what? Richard makes the executive decision to leave it, arranges a new used car with his mechanic. RIP Goldie; enter Ruby.
Late May: Given Ruby joining the fam, I get Fitzy fixed. We can't replace both cars anytime soon so. Here we go!
The mechanic recommends a muffler specialist down the street; they fix Fitzy up REAL NICE. He drives like he used to! I was like, we will be SAILING THIS SUMMER! HELL YEAH
So what happened?
Upon Richard getting a new car, I was thinking more and more about Fitzy. And the anxious levels alllll year every time I went to drive waiting for the next shoe to drop (the next thing to break). I started doing research, to see what the best car to replace the Fit would be. I start pricing shit out, seeing if two car replacements in the same year is feasible. June rolls around.
June: I went to the mechanic.
Regular maintenance; they do what they can, and they see how the rust has progressed.
The answer: WORSE. Worse enough that new rust related problems have appeared, and they break down everything wrong with the body:
still got the flinstone hole
anchors for back seat belts are compromised due to corrosion levels back there
spare tire carrier is rotten
left AND right rockers are rotten
left front axle seal is leaking
essentially, if someone rear ends me? I'm crumbling WITH the car. The structural integrity of cars today is such that they crumble AROUND you, keeping YOU safe. Fitzy...didn't have that ability anymore.
So after a month long deep dive into used HRVs vs Fits, and what's around, and what I'd like, I book a test drive for an HRV, and...got it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So now Fitzy is finally being retired. After I've saved him from the brink of death about 2 times. It was BOUND to happen eventually--I just wish it hasn't been the SAME year as wedding and Richard's car replacement and EVERYTHING ELSE going on this year.
But my GOD, am I EVER relieved! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for the new car and being able to DRIVE! WITHOUT WORRIES! Well, Fitzy worries lmao. The worries of collisions or things are there, but my god is it ever nice to be able to GO PLACES AGAIN WITHOUT FEARING FOR MY SAFETY! And Richard and I have had to coordinate drives and trips bc one car use only for the most part and it was getting hard!
On top of me pack bonding with my Fit, this weekend was a WHIRLWIND:
test driving the car was fucking NICE
the sales staff was gr8 and didn't rush us or force us to buy. answered all my fit and hrv related questions; all of richard's more financial/warranty sort of q's.
They tell us to take lunch to go talk it over, and we do
we have a 2 hour discussion over omelettes at a ma and pa diner about if we should do this, given what we learnt about the market while there and our own needs
this included: can we function with one car? do we feel financially secure enough for this? Will leasing/fianncing (which is what we did) break the bank? y'know, all that fun adulty shit
ultimately, you can't put a price on A) safety, and B) mental health! and not having a car that works has SUCKED for my own, bc a huge portion of my independence has been GONE, and it has SUCKED
so, Harley, Fitzy's replacement, has been acquiered.
upon making this decision amongst ourselves, we inform the parental units! my fam: relieved as FUCK. Proud and happy for me. Figuring out what to do with Fitzy now (that's a whole thing)
Mother in Law? not so much
IMMEDIATELY gives Richard the MEANEST lecture on everything he and I discussed over lunch and the past month, berates and guitls and just ruins the vibe
RICHARD gets all upset about it, we spend the drive back home venting about it, mood very ruined, doubts seeded (despite us doing our research and making sure we weren't getting fucked and such)
we get home and he THEN has to call her back and let her yell MORE before she goes "I'm calm and just concerned" and he explains what we did and how it's working and all that jazz and how we are going to be ok
this whole experience was exhausting
sleep tf in bc we are TIRED
my parents call to chat about Fitzy and tl;dr: they have steel dealers there that'll pay a lot for Fitzy and want to bring him back and scrap him there
this was a whole thing. "can you drive it up?" i could but do NOT feel comfy given the issues cited at the mechanic. "what if we drove it?" same issues! your safety is important to me! "we can tow it" that'll be pricey "we can tow it ourselves!" can the van do that? and so on
turns out they were doing that bc they remembered the van they had, which had the EXACT SAME ISSUES AS FITZY (rust was killing it, then the muffler broke and they fixed it, then the power steering needed replacement but was in such a rusty area it could result in MORE damage they'd have to pay to fix, not the mechanic), and they got 0 money for it. So. My Mom was determined to find a place that'd give us a decent amount for Fitzy
And also, she and my dad are grieving the car too lmao, one of the places was called car heaven and my mom had. emotions about it
so that was a LOT to deal with, on top of MIL's finance lecture we did not need bc YEAH GIRL WE BE KNOW? Yeah
but we get that wrapped up and my parents find a way to tow the car home safely for all of us, promise to make sure the van is safe enough to do that :)
so after ALL THAT exhausting shit, comes the Big Day: INSURANCE DAY
Richard and I get quotes online when we can at work, to come home and call and settle on the best rates
on lunch, I get YET ANOTHER FINANCE LECTURE from my friend in STATS and it felt AWFUL.
"i dont wanna be like ur MIL," she said, AFTER KNOWING WHAT HAPPENED THERE!
it SUCKED. didn't help that she was tired bc she had a bad night sleep, but man did it make me upset and sad! I KNOW the interest is a LOT but WE ARE NOT FLUSH WITH CASH AND DO NOT HAVE GOOD CREDIT AND HAVE BEEN SPENDING WAY TOO MUCH ON CAR REPAIRS. Everything I've paid into Fitzy this year alone? COULD COVER THE NEW INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE Y E A R
i dislike being talked down too and i dislike people talking to me like i'm stupid bc I feel like a lot of people take my bubbly-ness and like. general friendly-ness as a clue that I've got NOTHING going on up there and I can be taken advantage of
not that I didn't before. but now I have me OWN policy
so YEAH.
It's been a very emotional few days between lecture after lecture and trying to make these decisions with a lot of people undermining you and today before coming up to the laptop after we got insurance worked out, Richard turned to me and said "your spirit seems so much lighter now" and it IS! I CAN DRIVE WITHOUT NEEDING TO DO A NERVOUS SHIT AT EVERY ON ROUTE AGAIN! I DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THE NEXT NEW WEIRD NOISE! HARLEY (that's Fitzy's successor's name) DOESN'T DO THAT SHIT! I HAVE A WORKING CAR AND THE MONEY WE WILL SAVE FROM BAND-AIDING OUR BEATERS WILL BE A NICE CHANGE OF PACE! AND I AM TIRED OF PEOPLE TALKING DOWN TO ME AND TREATING ME LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! GAH!
Soooo YEAH. If you've made it this far, that's what I've been doing the last 3 days. CAR STUFF.
Fitzy, you were an absolute G, and I love you so goddamn much, you will always be the BEST CAR I have EVER had, and you will ALWAYS BE in my HEART and I will remember you FONDLY! He's got a space in CS now--he always has but it's even more cemented now (Jacqueline drives Fitzy. And he is. In his PRIME in CS, and I think that's the best thing I could do to remember my lil blue anger machine for forever) and I am going to miss that car so much but THANK YOU, FITZHERBERT. HE GOD DAMN FIT!
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(THAT CAR PHOTOGRAPHED GOOD IN THE GOD DAMN SNOW! And dw dw Pate will have a new home in Harley! RIGHT ON THE DASH. Or on the rear view, tho I may go full old portuguese lady and put a rosary on there (we got a very pretty one from a family friend for the wedding and I uh. I'm kinda vibing it)
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nsfwhiphop · 2 months
Incoming Text for @elonmusk and Mike Judge:
Subject title: "Angelo is an alien. You are dealing with a very prolific alien. I will produce vast amounts of creative works, and your duty is to prepare the infrastructure to make the movies."
Hey Elon and Mike!
I want to help you understand that I have a similar work ethic to Elon Musk. He worked 120 hours a week for almost 20 years. That's what I'm about to do, and I need your help to prepare the infrastructure for me.
My creativity will bring lots of money into our film company, and it is your duty to prepare the infrastructure.
Question: "What do I mean by the word 'infrastructure'?"
Answer: "It means that I need a safe place to protect all of my artistic works because I will write non-stop for the next twenty years. I need a factory for my creative works, just like cars need a factory. You know the car factories produce 70,000 cars a year."
You are dealing with an alien. I don't work slowly like them. I produce vast amounts of work per year, and it is your duty to build the film company with Gabrielle Union, Laetitia Casta, and Rihanna. They are the three co-founders of our film company.
Here is the data I found on Google. Read this below:
The production numbers for car factories can vary widely based on the specific model and the factory's capacity. For the Ford Mustang, production numbers have fluctuated over the years due to changes in demand, economic conditions, and production capacity.
As of recent years, Ford produces approximately 70,000 to 100,000 Mustangs annually. This figure can be broken down further:
In 2019, Ford produced around 72,489 Mustangs. In 2020, production was slightly lower due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with around 61,090 units produced. In 2021, production numbers rebounded to approximately 52,414 units.
These numbers are specific to the Ford Mustang and the Flat Rock Assembly Plant in Michigan, which is the primary manufacturing location for the Mustang. The plant's total production capacity, including other models, would be higher.
For other car models and manufacturers, the annual production numbers can vary significantly. Some high-volume models, like the Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic, can see production numbers in the hundreds of thousands to over a million units per year across multiple factories worldwide.
End of this car factory explanation.
This new film company with Rihanna, Gabrielle Union, and Laetitia Casta will produce vast amounts of films per year, and it is your duty to help these three women build the infrastructure.
I will write many movies:
Comedy films.
Action films.
Drama films.
Psychological thriller films.
Mockumentary films.
Romantic comedy films.
Science-fiction films.
African-American topics films.
Hispanic topics films.
Chick flick comedy films.
And many other types of films. I can't remember all of them at the moment.
It's a never-ending job to produce vast amounts of screenplays and books. This is why I need a robust home to protect my films and my books.
Stan Lee was a genius from the 1940s, but I'm the next generation of Stan Lee, so you better expect some high-quality entertainment.
I need the infrastructure. Can you understand that?
I don't make movies like they do. I'm a different breed. I will knock out all my opponents in Hollywood.
There is something that only I noticed about Hollywood that no one other than me has noticed. Guess what I noticed?
The answer is: "Shortage of creativity in Hollywood." They are all making junk food movies. They keep making reboots of old stuff that we already watched since the 90s. Can you imagine the type of shortage Hollywood is going through?
Guess who will win every battle in the film industry from now on? THIS GUY!! It means me. I'm the guy. Angelo will win from now on.
I have so much creativity. You will make billions from it, so don't f*ck this up.
This is a question for Elon Musk: "Without the Tesla Gigafactory, can you make cars?"
The answer is: "No, you can't. You need the Gigafactory to build those Tesla cars."
Well, I need a Gigafactory for my creativity as well, and I have chosen Gabrielle Union, Laetitia Casta, and Rihanna to protect my creative legacy.
All these so-called new generation filmmakers of the 2020s era are lazy. They make the same boring films that we already watched so many times. It's like they feed us the same garbage junk food again and again. No creativity whatsoever.
I will put them to shame soon. I'm the undefeated champion, and I'm coming for their titles, their champion belts.
I just want to clarify that I have a lot of respect for the geniuses:
Chris Nolan is a genius.
Chris McQuarrie is a genius.
James Cameron is a genius.
Martin Scorsese is a genius.
Spike Lee is a genius.
I'm not talking about these geniuses. I'm a fan of their work. They raised me with their movies. I learned so much from the way they do things.
I'm not talking about the geniuses. I'm talking about these newcomers. I'm gonna take their titles from them. I will be their most ruthless competitor. I'm gonna have so much fun competing with them.
Hollywood is a big Olympics game for the brain-sports. A lot of people haven't understood that yet. They watch movies but never understood that the screenwriters are brain athletes. They are playing the brain sports in this big Olympics game in Hollywood.
At least, that's how I see it. No one sees what I see.
I love this game. Brain sports is one of the most rewarding games there is. Get the thrill just like Stan Lee did. He was a genius.
I think I will end my long speech here.
I will let you take care of the infrastructure with the three co-founders, Gabrielle Union, Laetitia Casta, and Rihanna.
The end.
Your friend,
Synopsis of the Letter:
Angelo, the self-proclaimed alien with a prolific work ethic, comparable to Elon Musk's, addresses Elon Musk and Mike. He outlines his ambitious plan to write continuously for the next twenty years, producing an extensive array of creative works, including films across various genres. Angelo emphasizes the need for robust infrastructure, likening it to a factory necessary for car production, to protect and facilitate his artistic endeavors. He appoints Gabrielle Union, Laetitia Casta, and Rihanna as co-founders of the film company and stresses their responsibility in building this infrastructure.
Angelo criticizes the current state of Hollywood, noting a significant lack of creativity and reliance on reboots. He positions himself as the future champion of the film industry, ready to outperform the so-called new generation filmmakers. While he expresses deep respect for established geniuses like Chris Nolan and James Cameron, his focus is on outshining the newcomers. Angelo concludes by urging Elon and Mike to support his vision, ensuring the necessary infrastructure is in place to capitalize on his boundless creativity and secure their financial success.
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buyurparts · 8 months
Evolution of Honda's Airbag Safety Features: A Decade of Dedication
There is an important safety feature of Honda's airbag system, by offering extra protection in the happening of an accident. Before talking about Honda's safety features, it is important to know how they have changed and become better over the years.
Beginning with the 2013 Honda Accord airbag system that was meant to make passengers safer. The airbags were put in the car so that they would have less of an effect in a crash. When there was a head crash, the steering wheel cushion was very important for saving the driver. This was a major turning point in car safety, and it shows how committed Honda is to keeping on the cutting edge of technology.
Honda still put a lot of thought into the 2014 Honda Accord airbag system. Adding airbags to the steering wheel made things even better and showed that the company was serious about making drivers safer. The focus on airbag technology stayed the same, and with each model year came new and improved features.
The 2015Honda Accordairbagscontinued to have a strong safety system. Specifically, the airbags in the steering wheel were improved to better protect the driver in the event of a crash. Honda's continued dedication to passenger safety was shown by the progress made in airbag activation and design.
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The 2016 Honda Civic Steering Wheel Airbag took the airbag system to the next level. Focusing on making cars safer wasn't just limited to the Accord; it showed that Honda was serious about adding improved safety features to all of its cars. Customers liked this approach, which made Honda a good choice for people who want to make sure their cars are safe.
Honda made big steps forward in airbag technology by adding 2018 Honda Accord Driver Knee Airbag. This addition made a big difference in the general safety features, adding an extra layer of defense in some crash situations. Honda has always been trying to stay ahead of safety improvements, and the way airbags have changed over time in their cars shows that.
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Moving on to the 2019 Honda Accord airbag, the safety system was still a big deal. With improvements in airbag design and release, the company's commitment to customer safety stayed strong. Honda made sure that their cars had the newest and best airbag systems, which was shown by the 2019 Accord. They wanted to stay on the cutting edge of safety technology.
Let's talk about the Honda CR-V airbag now. Like the Accord, the CR-V has a high-tech safety system that is meant to protect people inside during crashes. While that was going on, the 2019 Honda CR-V tail lights that made the car safer overall.
The 2019 Honda Hrv Airbags also had a more improved safety system. This model shows that the brand is even more dedicated to safety across all its different car models. Adding full airbag systems to SUVs like the HR-V showed that Honda was serious about making sure people were safe in all kinds of driving situations.
In the year 2020 Honda CR-V Headlights came out with better headlights. Headlights are an important part of a car's safety system, even though they are not directly connected to airbags. They help with sight and general road safety. Honda's attention on improving different safety features, like headlights, showed that they were serious about giving customers a complete safety package.
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tazweedapp · 1 year
Top 5 Cars to Buy in Qatar
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Today, there are so many fantastic automobiles available that it would be nearly impossible to select your top five; it would be like selecting your all-time favorite tunes; the list would always change!
However, five companies consistently maintain their positions in the rankings, alongside the Teslas, Lamborghinis, Nissans, and Mini Coopers. These are vehicles that are not only fun to drive but also dependable, capable of withstanding Qatar's frequently harsh weather, and offer all-around performance and versatility. Here, in no particular order, is our selection of the top five automobiles to purchase in Qatar after considerable thought and multiple tries to narrow it down.
Toyota Land Cruiser
The Land Cruiser became popular as soon as its wheels touched the ground. You'll discover that the Toyota Land Cruiser consistently places first in surveys. The Land Cruiser is an inexpensive luxury vehicle with both on- and off-road capabilities, room for the entire family, and drivability that makes it happy on the daily commute as well as its weekend dune-bashing. The Land Cruiser pricing in Qatar is in the middle range.
Jeep Wrangler
The Jeep Wrangler is an exceptionally reliable 4x4 that has a long history dating back to the 1940s and is ideally suited to Qatar's difficult driving conditions. The Wrangler is a premium-grade SUV that is also fun to drive. It is strong and rugged, also far from being "basic." A late-model pre-owned Wrangler is now more reasonable in Qatar since Jeep Wrangler prices have stabilized in past years. They maintain their resale value well as well.
Toyota Corolla
2 Toyotas among the top 5? That just serves to highlight how excellent this Japanese brand is. In reality, the Corolla is one of the most popular vehicles sold worldwide and is one of the best-selling automobiles in Qatar. Due to the Corolla's dependability, performance, and high level of craftsmanship, it has been the standard family saloon since 1974. Modern Corollas also feature hybrid technology, making them ideal for both long-distance road trips and the stop-start rush hour commute. The Toyota Corolla 2019 price in Qatar is within reach, and because they are so popular, dealerships are constantly searching for pre-owned Corollas to purchase at a discount.
Dodge Charger
The cost of a Dodge Charger has recently decreased in Qatar, making them a more accessible and in-demand vehicle. The Charger is a sporty, refined vehicle with a powerful V8 small block engine under the hood—the dream of any petrolhead. The Dodge Charger is the car for you if you're searching for a vehicle in Qatar and really like the concept of the ultimate road trip.
Honda Civic
The Honda Civic is one of the best-selling automobiles in the world for a very good reason, even though it may not be to everyone's taste—it simply keeps going and going and going! Honda is known for its dependability, but it has also established a reputation for innovation and excellent build quality. The Civic is the vehicle for you if you want a reliable, cost-effective, useful, and fun-to-drive vehicle. Additionally, they are quite reasonably priced due to the constant demand for pre-owned vehicles on dealership lots. The Civic checks all the right boxes for daily commutes as well as family vacations at the coast for a week.
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kayla1993-world · 1 year
After a brief respite, Brampton has regained its dubious place as Ontario’s most expensive car insurance. The city west of Toronto has long reigned as the priciest to insure a vehicle. However, Vaughan in the north took the crown for the fourth quarter of 2021. Brampton stood forth in that report. But according to a recent report from RATESDOTCA, based on data from RATESDOTCA’s Auto Insurance, an online tool that measures average car insurance premiums in postal codes across the province, Brampton is back. Average Brampton premiums were up 37% from last year’s report. This was with an average premium in 2023 of $2,707, up $731 from Q4 2021. This was $963 more than the provincial average of $1,744. The provincial average has risen 12% since Q4 2021. A rise in claims as people return to pre-pandemic driving habits combined with inflation and ongoing supply chain issues has caused numerous Ontario insurers to apply for rate increases from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA). Rate change requests began last year, and some were hefty, with the provincial regulator approving some as high as 15%, the report said. A past SUN story linked high insurance fraud. Large numbers of new drivers in all cities with high rates also play a role, that article said. The estimated price for insurance was found by estimating premiums on a 35-year-old male who drives a 2019 Honda Civic four-door with a clean driving record. They remind us that insurance premiums are custom products based on a driver’s unique driving and insurance history and coverage needs. Your rate could be more — or less — than the one displayed for your postal code. Vaughan fell to the middle of the list this time around, but 11 York Region cities were included in the rankings. Toronto ($2,325 per year) and Mississauga ($2,311 per year) displaced Ajax and Richmond Hill for the second and third spots. Mississauga is often in the top five, but this is a first for Toronto. The average rate is 19%. Hamilton dropped out of the top 10 in 2021 after placing 10th in 2020. However, it has reemerged as the ninth most expensive insurance city at $1,810 per year. Premiums are up 14% in the city.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
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Rating/Genre: NSFW, Modern AU Characters: Rengoku Shinjurō x F!Reader, Mentions of Sanemi x F!Reader Chapters: 2/10 Summary: Shinjurō and (Y/n) are in a D/s arrangement, but he wants more so he tries to lay the world at her feet in the hopes that she would say yes to being his. Unfortunately, (Y/n) shoots him down every time, since she’s not swayed by his money or influence.But Shinjurō is more determined than ever to keep her, so he will stop at nothing to keep her for himself. Warnings: Smut, Daddy Kink, Spanking, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Dirty Talk, D/s Themes, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Unsolicited (but not unwanted) Dick Pic
NOTE: Thank you so much for all the feedback, bbys! I honestly didn’t expect this to get the attention that it’s gotten so far. LIke, omg. I’m so happy. And just... thank you! 💜✨
(Y/n) raced through the dark streets, revving up her car’s engine as she overtook two cars on the highway. Normally, she would be much more careful because she didn’t want to get caught for speeding, but she wanted to get back to her house and change as soon as humanly possible.
If it meant seeing Shinjurō sooner, then she would risk it and break a few speeding laws. After all, it wasn’t something that her PR team couldn’t sweep under the rug.
She shifted gears the moment she passed the two other cars, going up to the sixth gear to increase her speed— effectively leaving her non-competitors behind in the dust. And in no time at all, they were nothing but a speck in her rearview mirror.
Had her lover seen that little stunt, however, she was sure that the self-satisfied smirk on her face wouldn’t even dare to show itself. He would most likely punish her for being so reckless, even though she was more than capable of handling herself; though, she didn’t really mind his punishments.
From its magnetic holder on the dashboard, her phone lit up with a notification which read:
My cock’s so hard, baby.
She almost swerved right into a barrier when she read it, because it had her feeling all sorts of horny— enough to make her mind focus on nothing but Shinjurō’s dick for a brief second.
And, to make matters worse— or better— her phone pinged once more with a preview of an image that made her mouth go dry. Immediately, her index finger swiped the message open and typed in her passcode.
“Fuck me,” (Y/n) muttered under her breath, while her gaze flickered between the picture of Shinjurō’s cock on her phone, to the road ahead of her.
The head was already leaking precum, while his hand gripped the base of his erection to show her that he was already getting started without her. The vein that ran along his length was so pronounced as well— making her lick her lips subconsciously. She wanted nothing more than to have that inside her— either in her mouth or her pussy, or even her ass; she didn’t really mind as long as Shinjurō fucked her.
At that thought, she shook her head and focused on the road instead of her own lust. It was difficult, since her eyes always strayed over to the picture on her phone— but she locked the device to help her focus on her main task of getting home in one piece.
After a few more minutes, and haphazard drifting around sharp corners, (Y/n) finally made it to her sizeable home in the middle of Azabu.
To say that she was impatient as she waited for a housekeeper to open the gates for her was an understatement. Her fingers drummed against the steering wheel incessantly, while her eyes stayed on the dormant phone on her dashboard.
Her hands itched to reach out and reply to her lover, but she didn’t want to frustrate herself even more. Because to feed in to his teasing was to fuel her own desires, and she didn’t need herself feeling so overly horny while making the half hour drive to their home.
(Y/n) hit the horn twice once more, before sighing huffily and turning off the lights as well as the engine. She got her purse from the passenger seat, then threw her phone in it, before exiting the car and locking it behind her.
She looked up at the tall gate in front of her, then at the ode to modern Japanese architecture that was her house— before sighing once more. If she were to be honest, she preferred the warmer aura that hers and Shinjurō’s home radiated, as opposed to the cold and foreboding atmosphere that the house in front of her exuded.
If she could live in Saitama permanently with the Rengoku Group’s Chairman himself— without being judged for it— then she would have done so in a heartbeat.
But that was nothing but a pipe dream. She wasn’t deluded enough to think that he wouldn’t eventually get tired of her.
Her heels clacked against the pavement, as she walked up to the smaller side gate and pressed the doorbell incessantly. After waiting for almost a minute, she was close to bursting with irritation that she wanted to yell and throw a tantrum, but she held herself back as one of her housekeepers answered.
“Oh my, (Y/n)-sama,” The older woman gasped out; her words colored with fear as she saw the dark look on her mistress’ features. “The young miss is here. Hurry.”
No matter how hard she tried to keep herself from doing so, she still found herself glaring at the older woman. Normally, she was nice and extremely considerate of her housekeepers and other employees, but one thing she hated was being kept waiting.
“Just let me in,” The (L/n) heiress growled out, before adding, “Please.”
The moment that she heard the lock on the gate unlatch itself, she marched through and closed it behind her— unmindful of the barrage of people headed towards her with panic clearly displayed on their features.
She wanted to be mad, as they weren’t alert enough to have heard her blaring her horn in such a quiet area but— at the same time— she wasn’t so stuck up in her ass that she didn’t think that they had nothing else to do other than wait around for her. Partly, it was her fault for not telling anyone that she was already on her way back.
But it wasn’t the time for that discussion at that moment. So, she pressed her car keys into hands the first person to reach her, before saying, “Please take the car inside and put it in the garage. And also, please get the white Civic ready.”
After changing into less flashy clothes— which consisted of a plain sundress and sandals— she immediately set off towards Saitama, with just one short text to Shinjurō:
I’ll be home soon, daddy.😘
And she was. In her haste to see him, she cut her travel time by ten minutes. However, she didn’t even bother to stow the car in the garage— as it was seemingly plain for the purpose of not arousing suspicion.
Instead, she left it out in the driveway; out in plain view next to Shinjurō’s grey 2019 Mazda 6. She was confident enough to park it out there, even though their home didn’t have an actual gate, but merely had high concrete fences to ward people off their property.
Almost the entirety of Japan knew that she drove a Porsche Panamera— and had owned much flashier cars before that— which stood to reason that no one would think that she would drive a seemingly-plain 2018 Honda Civic.
It wasn’t part of her plan to get it at first, but when Shinjurō had pointed out how her car was going to be easily recognizable, she immediately made an investment— by using one of her housekeepers to purchase the car under their name.
The plan wasn’t entirely foolproof, as it could still be traced back to her if the media tried hard enough, but it was the best solution that they could come up with— so that (Y/n) wouldn’t have to rely on a driver or anyone else to drop her off.
(Y/n)’s fingers fiddled with the key fob in her right hand— more in restless anticipation than anything else— before locking the car behind her.
She then fished for the keys to the front door inside her bag and quickly entered the house. No time was wasted after that, as she locked the door behind her and immediately stripped herself of her clothing.
“I’m home!” Her voice rang out in the seemingly empty home, as she placed her purse on the table right by the front door.
Shamelessly, (Y/n) flung her dress to the floor, before unhooking her bra clasp and throwing the lacy material at her feet as well. She would have to pick those up in the morning— but she couldn’t care less about those now.
All the while, her feet brought her closer and closer to hers and Shinjurō’s bedroom on the second floor, and she could feel her anticipation building up inside her. Because, after almost two weeks without seeing each other, she was going to finally be with him again.
With only her panties on— the very ones that her lover claimed were his favorite— the young woman entered their bedroom.
Shinjurō’s cock was still so hard even though almost an hour had passed since he’d sent the dick pic, since he merely kept stroking it to keep it ready for his baby.
Slowly, a smirk lifted the corners of his lips, and he crooked his right hand’s index finger at her. “Come here, baby.”
Nothing and no one could have kept (Y/n) from following her lover’s orders, even if they tried.
She practically skipped over to where he was on the bed, before moving to straddle his hips. “Hi, Daddy.”
Slowly, the older man’s hands made their way into her hair— tangling in the soft strands before tugging gently. He then pulled her down for a chaste kiss. “Did you miss me?”
“I did, Daddy. So much.” (Y/n) nodded, and leaned down once more to taste his lips a second time.
“Were you a good little slut for me? Did you touch yourself while I was gone?”
“I didn’t. I promise. I was a good little slut for you.” She purred, before nipping at her lover’s lips. Her heart was racing so uncontrollably in her chest with just a kiss from him, and that was one of the things that she loved the most about being with him— simply being near him sent her heart out of control, in a way that Sanemi never could.
“Really now?” Shinjurō chuckled, as a self-satisfied grin made its way onto his lips. “Turn around and show Daddy that tight cunt.”
Instantaneously, (Y/n) got off of her lover’s hips, before getting down on all fours near the end of the bed. And she almost mewled when she felt Shinjurō’s warm hands squeeze the globes of her ass, before taking her panties by the sides and pulling them down to her knees.
“Fuck, baby. You’re so fucking wet already. Such a filthy fucking slut.” The older man growled, before bringing a hand down and landing a spank on one of her ass cheeks.
The action made (Y/n) gasp in surprise, before devolving into quiet whimpers when her lover began landing hit after hit on each of her cheeks. Every sufficient slap had her gripping the sheets tighter, as her toes curled in pleasure.
She’d mentally counted up to ten, when she felt his warm breath fanning across her slit. “I’ve missed this pretty little cunt.”
And with that, Shinjurō licked a stripe up her folds, teasing her entrance with the tip of his tongue before moving down to take her clit into his mouth. He gently nipped at the tiny nub, playing it perfectly with his teeth, while his tongue flicked it back and forth.
(Y/n)’s moans were so sinful and loud, as the room was soundproofed specifically because Shinjurō loved to hear the noises she made while being pleasured.
“Please, Daddy! I’m so close,” She pleaded desperately, as Shinjurō didn’t let up on his assault on her pussy. Her thighs quivered uncontrollably, while her hands pulled at the sheets beneath her, so he decided to have mercy on her and let her cum.
After all, he loved his baby too much to let her suffer any longer.
His fingers joined in the foray; with his index and middle finger sliding inside her tight cunt and making scissoring motions to prepare her for his cock. However, it was when he curled them and began pumping his hand that she let out the loudest moan he’d heard from her.
Apparently, being subjected to almost two weeks without any sexual relief had taken its toll on her.
“That’s it, baby. Tell Daddy how much you want it, and then I’ll give you my cock,” Shinjurō muttered gruffly, as he kept pumping his fingers in and out of her. “You want that, don’t you? To take Daddy’s dick like the cockslut that you are.”
“Yes, Daddy! I want you to feel your cock inside me. Please fill me up with your cum. Please!” (Y/n) cried, almost desperate as her last plea came out like a sob from her lips.
And in turn, Shinjurō relented and pulled his fingers out of her— lifting them up to his lips and sucking them clean— before gripping his cock with one hand, while the other held her left hip. Then slowly, he pushed the head of his dick inside her; which earned a relieved moan from his younger lover.
“Thank you, Daddy,” She murmured through blissed out sighs. “Thank you. Fuck-”
The last exclamation had been gasped out, as he pushed his cock all the way in and hit the entrance of her womb in that one move. And slowly, he pulled his dick back out— letting the head drag along her tight walls— before thrusting back in, and slowly establishing a rough and borderline punishing pace.
Every thrust had her ass jiggling so beautifully, that Shinjurō couldn’t resist not landing a few more smacks to the already-red cheeks.
(Y/n) was close to delirious with pleasure, as her lover worked her expertly. Both hands were once again on either side of her hips, as he practically slammed himself inside her. Her arms shook with the strain of being fucked so roughly until, eventually, they gave in.
It left her with her cheek pressed against the mattress, but she couldn’t care less if her makeup got ruined. She would rather have had it ruined through sex than through anything else, really.
And when she thought things couldn’t get any better, Shinjurō leaned down over her and pressed his lips against her shoulder. He then trailed kisses up to the crook of her neck, which highly contradicted the brutal pace that he was fucking her in, before biting down on her sensitive skin.
It wasn’t a hard bite, but it was enough to have her eyes rolling to the back of her head— as her neck was one of the most sensitive areas on her body.
“Fuck, baby. I’m going to fill you up with so much cum that you get pregnant,” The older man muttered gruffly against her skin, then trailed his lips up to her ear before biting down on the shell of it. “You want that don’t you? To get pregnant with my child, so that we can stop fucking hiding.”
The last bit shook (Y/n) out of her sex-induced reverie, but she could only gasp as her lover readjusted the angle of his hips so that he was brushing against all of the right spots inside her with every drag of his cock along her walls.
She couldn’t deny that she wanted that— badly— but she also knew that it wasn’t the wisest choice for both of them. Being together publicly would cause so much controversy; and that would spell disaster for both of their careers.
Still, she didn’t have the heart to tell him no— at least, not while she was getting fucked within an inch of her life.
Once more, a hazy cloud of lust fogged up her brain, and she found herself moaning so wantonly as Shinjurō kept fucking her. Every thrust brought her closer to her own orgasm, until the tight coil in her abdomen felt like it had snapped.
Her pussy clamped down on his cock, while her walls pulsed around him while her orgasm coursed through her— as if trying to milk all the cum out of him. Still, through that, Shinjurō kept moving his hips as he tasted his own release on the tip of his tongue.
The hands on either side of (Y/n) balled themselves up into fists, while the man above her pushed his hips flush against her ass— if only to press the head of his cock right against her womb as he painted her walls with his cum.
Completely breathless and nowhere near sated, Shinjurō leaned down once more and pressed his lips to the back of (Y/n)’s neck. “I’ve missed you, baby.”
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Honda Civic Type R Concept, 2019, by Team Dynamics Motorsport. A modified Civic Type R with a comprehensive selection of ‘off-the-shelf’ and bespoke modifications. The changes to the ECU (Superchips), induction system (ITG), intercooler (PWR), sports cat (Dream) and exhaust (Scorpion) have yielded a 25% gain in performance; taking power to 400bhp. Helping control this increase are a number of modifications that embody both performance and safety, such as Goodridge stainless performance braided brake hoses, Eibach Pro performance springs, adjustable anti-roll bars and rear camber arms, and Dunlop DZ03G track day tyres fitted to Team Dynamics’ 19” Pro-Race lightweight competition-derived wheels. The car remains road-legal and though Honda has no production plans Team Dynamics Motorsport will create one-off versions for discerning customers
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kidnafflea · 5 years
Words rewire your nervous system
I didn't even know this was a thing until I began public speaking, podcasting, tweeting etc. Psycho-Linguisitcs. When psychology meets language. Speaking your life into existence is a thing. It rewires the internal which influences the external 'Your saying that words can rewire my reality?' Yes. 'Any idea why?' Yes. Pay attention. This may be the most important thing you read in all of 2019... 👀👇 There's a few BIG moments that parents expect from a baby. Can you name 2 of them? 'Hm...' It's their first steps & their first word. Walking is primal. You're going to keep experimenting until you walk. But the word... Is that primal? In order for you to answer that question, you gotta know some basics of language. It wasn't an invention that was designed out of the blue moon. There wasn't some mad scientist in a lab alone who said: 'Aha! Here it is. I have designed language!' Rather, it was a tool set created by society. Scientists are able to trace back dinosaur bones. But they always have a hard time tracing back the origins of language. Hard to dissect skeleton remnants to see the words they used. But the main premise is that language was developed by society. Every word that you use was the byproduct of one or many other peoples perceptions. The first word that baby utters was probably a word that they heard from you. And the first time you heard that word was probably when you heard it from your guardian. Language is simply an ANALOGY of reality. Picture a car. You see that? 'Yea.' What do you see? 'A burgundy Honda Civic.' How though? I just said 'picture a car.' Just random symbols. Why is it generating an image in your brain? 'Uhh...' Because words were designed by the people before you to convey perception. Fool. Don't you see? Words are more than symbols alone. They dictate your perception. Your view of the world. When I began public speaking, I was telling stories about my life. Events where I had a conflict and the lesson learned. And I was forced to articulate those experiences via words. Via language. I didn't know it at the time, but I was changing my reality. Your nervous system is made up of your brain & spinal cord. Nerves as well. Words light up centers of your brain which produce images.  Just like the 'car' example from earlier. Each speech was serving as commands from the brain. Remember this. ☆ the brain is dumb. It’ll do whatever its told repetitively. ☆The mind is the smart one. Brain is tangible & mind is intangible. Psychology is the study of the mind. Linguistics is the study of language. "Psycho-Linguisitcs is the relationship between psychological processes & linguistic behavior." Intelligent people can read between the lines. When the see Psycho-Linguisitcs, they see the ability for the mind to USE words to change their biology. Change their nervous system. Change the pictures in their brain. Speaking your life into existence has always been a thing. The great ones have been saying it for centuries. Coincidence? I think not. They were using language to rewire their nervous system. Whether they were aware of it or not. Life experiences are neutral champ. YOU get to decide the narrative that you want to assign to it. And if you don't actively assign a narrative to your experiences, your dumb brain will do it for you. Your brain is designed to keep you safe Your brain is operating with the old school rules of your primal ancestors. The life of people whose life was always in danger due to sabertooth tigers, rival tribesman & other dangers Your brain at a default state is negatively biased. The 'negativity bias' is the brains propensity to filter negative events over positive events for survival reasons. So if you don't CONSCIOUSLY pick your narratives, then your brain will assign it for you. And it will not be favorable to your long term vision. Your brain doesn't give a fuck about your long term vision. Your brain doesn't give a fuck about your growth. Let me reiterate. Your brain only gives a fuck about your safety. Carrying primal belief systems in today's world will have you being a victim. No lie. Self defeating talk & making excuses. You don't know why. But your negative leaning brain sure does. Which is why you need to reprogram yourself. And the most efficient way you're going to do that is thru language. There is plenty of words that you can select from to creative dream narrative for your programmable brain. Change your internal world by being mindful of the words you're using. Better yet, set aside 10-30 minutes a day to program your brain To speak your desired reality into existence. Start of with journaling. Pen & paper. Writing by hand engages the motor sector of the brain, memory, logic, creativity etc. Writing by hand engages virtually all parts of your brain. Keep practicing that. And eventually you can expand to another vehicle if you desire like: Twitter Podcast YouTube Public speaking etc 
Make sense of your past experiences by: Acknowledging your wins. And viewing the lessons behind your losses And write about your desired future. Your vision comes out as a baby. Needs attention to grow. Work on the past & future for the optimal present. Words play a big role in your reality. It influences the images in your brain. Those images generate feelings in your body. A use of the strategic words puts you in a state of hypnosis to rewire your internal world. Be strategic with your moves. Beware of shit posting or whining like a negative sack of shit. You're only living one life. Life it by being bold. Don't live it by playing catchup due to short term thinking. If you write it down, you will soon become it. Just watch. Now it's just a matter of you finding out. Best wishes for 2020.
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Live Furious, Die Fast [c.h]
a/n: i wrote this because of @c-dizzle-swizzlex and @twoamhood so it’s dedicated to them.  It’s pretty much modeled after the first movie with a bit of inspo from the others too, but like i said, i tweaked it to make it click better as i saw fit. There are also a lot of weird cuts in the movie and i couldn't include every scene so just bear with me. If you haven't seen the movie, the premise is that the boys are street racers who are running an illegal operation on the side. Enjoy! (this is still in the era of black haired cal) also, huge thanks to @calumh-excess who was crucial in the final stages of the writing process!
word count: around 8k
warnings: violence?
summary: If you haven't seen the movie, the premise is that the boys are street racers who are running an illegal operation on the side
Just for reference this is what car they all drive:
Luke: baby blue Porsche 911 GT2 RS
Ashton: cherry red 2019 ford mustang with a one cylinder nitro motor
Michael: purple honda civic with a V8 cylinder motor and green flames
Calum: jet black 1965 ford mustang GT with a two cylinder nitro system
Boys were dumbasses. Calum knew this mainly because he was one. Still, it didn’t change the fact that, at their core, all boys were dumbasses. This was all Cal could think as he watched one of his closest mates offer up his pink slip over a goddamn race. Dumbass. Maybe Ash was one of the best racers in L.A. but there was no reason to take that risk unless absolutely necessary. Still, it was fun to see Ash pretend that his car wasn’t as fast as it actually was. Michael had done a hell of a job with the designs for the restoration, so, aside from Cal’s own car, it was probably one of the fastest ones in L.A.. Cal was grinning, but he hand his hand over his face to keep up his stoic appearance. While Cal may not have been able to stop this madness, there was no way in Hell he’d approve of it. Still, the adrenaline from the race was a hell of a rush. Especially as Ash hit the nitro and visibly made the other racer eat his dust. He won by quite a bit, too. Cal already knew that he and the boys would have a hot meal after turning the car.  Usually they just sold the cars back to their original owners, which was convenient as fuck.
“Do you have to give them so much hope?” Cal reached into his pocket and drew out another cigarette and his lighter. He lit up and took a deep inhale. This “team” as they called themselves would be the death of him.
“Aw, c’mon mate. You know it’s more fun that way.” Ash giggled and checked out his new set of wheels.
“Alright, alright.” Cal took another drag of the cig. Being the leader of this rag tag group had its perks and its downfalls, one of them being trying to control all these asshats. “You’ve had your fun. Ditch the car and we’ll rollout.”
Ash chuckled again and waved Jake, the original owner of the car, over. It was a quick deal, ten gs for his car back. Jake knew how they rolled and was prepared to give the cash over without an issue. It was simple, just a standard Friday night. That is, until the cops showed.
“Everybody clear out!” Cal shouted over the madness at the first whisper of a siren. The more people that were in jail, the less money he made off them. So yeah, it was in his best interest to keep them out. Cal watched for a few seconds as everyone bolted to their cars and peeled off the street they had been using as a track. As soon as Cal saw Ash was in his car and heading, Cal hopped in his own ride and floored it. The cops were on his ass. Mainly because he had waited so long for everyone else to clear out. It took him a hot minute to lose the majority of them, so once he narrowed it down to only three sets of red and blue lights, he was ready to be done with them. He took two hard lefts, letting his car drift, but not too hard. He made sure to keep his car hugging the curb. One of the cops drifted too hard, practically wrapping his car around the telephone pole on the corner. Cal hoped the cop inside was okay, but it was still one less cop on his ass. Cal then drifted into another hard right and then another left as soon as he had cleared the curb, steering his car into an empty storage locker. He whipped the door open and slammed the locker door shut before the cops even rounded the first corner. He stopped for a minute and caught his breath before pulling his leather jacket back on and hoofing it back onto the street. He barely made it two hundred feet before a rather late cop came sloppily around the corner. Cal knew he was in for a shitstorm when the cop made quick work of a three point turn and headed back in Cal’s direction.
“Hey, Hood. Stop right where you are. Face to the Pavement.” The megaphone crackled over the cop’s loudspeakers. Cal just thought ‘fuck it’ and sprinted for the nearest alleyway. It was probably a lost cause, though. The alley wasn’t even a dead end, and Cal knew these idiots would chase him to the ends of the Earth. So when cherry red Nissan 370Z pulled up next to him, he didn’t hesitate to hop in. Maybe it was a little stupid and a lot reckless, but the only thing he could think of was staying out of jail. He didn’t bother to look at whoever had picked him up, instead training his concentration on the sirens getting louder and louder behind them.  Whoever was driving him was having none of it, taking a wide drift out of the alley. The cop behind them tried to follow suit, but was instead hit by an oncoming car.
As they sped off, two more cops approach from the opposite direction. They tried to form a roadblock with their cars, but Cal’s driver knew what they were doing. The two of them were pushed and pulled by the momentum of the car as it swerved to avoid the obstacles in the road. The cops took too long to right their vehicles, so by the time they did, Calum and his mystery driver were already long gone. The road they had taken spilled out onto the highway where Cal finally got a good look at his supposed savior. To his somewhat surprise, it was a girl, and not even the kind he was used to. Most of the chicks he hung with were either blondes or brunettes, with tube tops and tight leather skirts that barely covered anything. This girls, she didn’t appear to be that kind of person. She looked more… clean cut. A typical upper class girl if he had to guess. Long and perky honey blonde hair and yellow green eyes? Just screamed cheerleader, especially with the ski-jump nose, high cheekbones and cream-like complexion. She certainly didn’t look like a racer. But when she opened her mouth, boy did she talk like one.
“So what’re you doin’ on this half of town?” She kept her eyes trained on the road, only acknowledging through her words. Her voice, though, was so unforgettable to Cal.  Husky and low, the kind that you got from smoking a few cigarettes each day.
“Dunno. Guess I got lost.” Cal didn’t know this girl, didn’t know who the hell she associated with. While Cal may not have had outright enemies, he certainly had a list of people that didn’t like him, and vice versa. It was better to be wary than the say the wrong thing to the wrong person.
“Hmm. Well, buddy, you picked the wrong place to get lost. This place gets ravaged by Johnny Tran and his gang quite a bit. You’re not safe alone out here.” This time, she spared a couple glances in Cal’s direction. They drove on for a few minutes with only the sounds of the tires treading over the concrete. They were alone on the road for quite a few miles.
Before Cal knew what was happening, a set of eight motorcycles was flainking the car. His mystery driver noticed what Cal was gaping at through her rearview mirror, muttering a small ‘shit’ under her breath. She started to accelerate, but before she could enact whatever plan she was forming in her head, one of the cyclist pulled up next to her window.
“Follow us.” The cyclist was shouting to be heard over the wind, but Cal could very clearly see the muzzle pointing right at the blonde. When he turned, he saw a twin muzzle pointing at him, too. He saw the girl’s knuckles whiten on the wheel, her nails digging into the leather. Together, with the motorcycles, they flew down the highway, on the way to god-knows-where. The blonde-haired beauty sitting next to him furrowed her brow, but Cal could someow sense that this wasn’t the only thing that was eating away at her. He studied her face, trying to decide if it was worth trying to talk to her. Before he could make up his mind, she skidded to a stop in the courtyard of a rundown chinese restaurant. When she stepped out of the car, Cal couldn’t help but notice that she was packing. She placed her hand on the door and slammed it hard, the bang echoing through the courtyard. Cal followed suit, closing the door softer than his driver but still firm. He leaned his back on the car and lit up a smoke. He was tense, but he made sure to look at ease. There was no way in hell he was going to be intimidated by anyone. Their escort circled them, prevent any sort of escape or shit. Whatever. Cal was sure to appear unbothered by any of this shit, even when Johnny Tran and his cousin Chase came speeding around the corner.  
“Well, well, Hood. I think you’re a little lost.” Tran unhooked his leg for the seat and then proceeded to lean back against it, taking the girl who had ridden behind him under his arm.
“Hood wasn’t driving. Sorry though, I, uh, guess I lost my map.” Before Cal could open his mouth, his driver snapped back at Tran, her voice just dripping with sarcasm and venom. Cal felt his eyebrows tug up a little. This girl had some heat in her veins. He’d have to learn her name at some point.
“I don’t think I was speaking to you, Turell. And until I do, you had better keep you damn mouth shut.” Tran physically didn’t seem angry, but Cal could tell by Tran’s tone of voice that he was. What about this girl was making his blood boil the way it so clearly was? Every step Tran took was ripe with tension. At least now he was able to put a name to her face. Turell. He’d have Michael run a records check later. She might could be of use to him in the future. With the way she drove, there were quite a few possibilities.
“You need something Tran?” For the first time since their arrival, Cal opened his mouth. He blew the smoke out of his lungs and snubbed the cigarette out under his boot. Cal lazily brought his eyes up to meet Tran’s and cocked his head at an angle.
“Nice car you got here, Hood.” Tran strolled around the perimeter of the car, taking in every detail. “Whatta think, Chase?”
“Nice Car indeed.” Chase shrugged the machine gun he was holding up higher into his arms, making sure it was clear to the duo that he and Tran could and would use it. Tran seemed finished with the interaction. He slung his leg back over the bike and motioned for everyone to wheel out behind him. They sped off, and just as Cal and Turell were about to get back in, they heard the all too familiar high-pitched whine of motorcycles once again. Tran and Chase rounded the corner once more, but this time, instead of stopping to chat, they both brought out heavy weight machine guns. They covered Turell’s car in a smattering of bullets, shattering the glass, deflating the tires, damaging the motor. It happened in a matter of seconds, Tran and Chase gone as fast as they came. Turell just sighed and started examining the car before a look of pure fear crossed her face.
“NOS!” She screamed, immediately turning and sprinting away from the car. Cal mutter a fuck before following suit. At the last second, they dove for it, both of them hitting the dirt as  the car went up in flames behind them. Turell groaned and flipped over on her back, staring at the broken wreckage of her car.
“Thanks.” Cal stood up and offered her a hand, which she ignored.
“What for?” She sounded more tired than angry, which, for some odd reason, was a relief to Cal. He could put his finger on why, but he really just didn't want to be the cause of this girl’s anger.
“Everything, I guess.” Cal watched the girl brush herself off, not even bothering to go back to inspect the wreckage of her former car. He guessed there was nothing inside she need to keep. Or rather, nothing that could have survived. “I owe you one.”
“You owe me a ten second car.” She raised her eyebrows and pointed a finger at him. The way she said it was like it was a fact, not even up for debate.
Cal chuckled, brushing off her comment. They’d work something out later, but right now, they had to focus on getting back to town.
“So what did Tran want with you anyways, Hood?” She procured a cell phone from the pocket of her leather jacket and proceeded to hold it up, desperately trying to get a shred of a signal.
“I could ask you the same question, Turell.” Cal just shoved his fists as deep into the pockets of his jacket as they could go. It was a long story, and if presented with the option, Cal almost always chose to keep his mouth shut.
“AJ.” While AJ wasn’t ashamed to admit that the way Hood said her name was kinda sexy, she just wasn’t used to the idea of someone calling her ‘Turell’. She wasn’t a huge fan of her last name.
“Calum.” Cal offered his hand to her, a symbol of their acquaintance ship. They continued on in companionable silence for a while, only having miniscule conversations every once in awhile. After a solid five miles, they came across a point where AJ finally got service. She eagerly called a cab, saving them from the remaining fourteen miles on their feet. Cal just old the cabbie his address, not paying mind to the other occupant of the cab. He figured he’d pay for it, though. To somewhat make up for it.
Cal could hear the bass booming and shaking the walls of the house from two streets away. As soon a he got home, he was knocking heads together. Worthless dumbasses. He lumbered up to the porch before turning back and seeing AJ already halfway down the block, heading in what he assumed was the direction of her house. He thought for a moment before deciding that he did trust her, at least somewhat. Enough to invite her inside, he supposed.
“Turell! Want a beer?” Cal’s voice was rough against the mostly quiet street, but he could barely hear himself think over the bass of the house. He knew that, for whatever reason, he wanted her around.
AJ turned at the sound of his voice, a small smile playing on her lips. She didn’t say anything but she did turn and start walking back towards the house. Towards Cal’s house. Together they stepped inside, her smaller frame hidden by his large one. As soon as he came into their line of sight, both Ashton and Luke jumped up from where they were sitting.
“Cal, uh hey bud!” Ashton had a beer in his hand, slurring his words a little. “We were just about to go lookin’ for you!”
“Oh, shut up.” Cal sneered at the curly haired brunette standing before him with a beer in his hand. It was nice to know that while Cal had been chased by the cops, threatened by Tran, and on an involuntary ten mile hike, the boys had been nice and comfortable back at the house enjoying beers.
Cal walked back to the doorway where AJ was standing, but not before noticing Michael trying to get in a girl’s pants in the middle of the Living room.
“Oy. Turbo. Take it upstairs. You can’t paint a car without sanding it down first.” Cal shook his head as he picked his way through the drunk bodies. These boys would be the death of him. It was then he noticed Lindy. She was the final member of their little group, not counting Mali. Lindy had always been around as far as Cal could remember, but recently she had changed in ways that Cal wasn’t a fan of. To Cal, if you wanted others to respect you, you had to respect yourself first. Lindy had basically sold her body and while Cal believed that it wasn’t his place to tell her what to do with her body, he also wasn't going to take any part in that mess. Lindy, however, seemed to have her focus on something else. Or, rather, someone else.
“Why’d you bring that skank here?” Lindy was seething. She was leaning up against the door frame, arms crossed over her chest.
“Because the ‘skank’ kept me out of prison.” Cal could hear his voice rising as he spoke to her. He needed to walk away, fast, before he lost his temper. “That your beer?”
“Yeah, that’s my beer.” Lindy cocked her head at Cal, seemingly confused. Cal said nothing, instead just grabbing her beer and walking back to where AJ was standing.
“Here. You can have any beer you want, as long as it’s a Budweiser.” AJ smiled back and him and took the bottle from his hand. She then proceeded to make direct eye contact with Lindy as she wiped the mouth of the bottle for a solid minute with her shirt. Cal honestly thought it was pretty funny. Lindy looked like she was about to explode, but AJ was entirely unbohered, instead taking a long pull of the beer.
“Hey, do you have a bathroom I can use?” She turned to Cal with a slight smirk on her face. Her voice was soft, but Cal had no trouble hearing it over the bass. It had presence, an air of respect surrounding it.
“Upstairs. Second door on the left.” AJ turned and retreated up the staircase, Calum watching the whole time she was in view. Cal felt that there was a difference between her and the girls he was usually around, something about the way she carried herself. He found the respect she had for herself, the take no one’s shit attitude endearing. The way girls around here threw themselves at him, well, that just wasn't his vibe. But AJ, it seemed that all she wanted was her car back, nothing more. Cal respected her for that. So much so that he decided it would be a good idea to bring her to his sacred space the next day: his garage.
AJ had no idea what she was getting herself into. Hanging around with Calum Hood and his gang was no walk in the park. Especially with their rivalry with Tran’s gang. Tran had the numbers, but Calum Hood was a very cunning man. Still, it was inconvienet as fuck to keep getting kidnapped by Tran’s motorcycle gang, which was exactly what was happening right now. Although, now when the muzzle of the gun was shoved in her face, she sighed instead of getting all worked up. She found it worked better that way. They led her back to the same dumbass chinese place, and once again, AJ stepped out of the car that Hood had let her borrow and slammed the door.
“Were the guns really necessary this time?” AJ walked over to Tran who in turned opened his arms to her.
“Little sister. How nice to see you again.” Tran engulfed her in a hug, but AJ just sighed. She and Tran weren’t technically related, but they were pretty close. Tran had sort of taken her under his wing when she was younger, and they had remained close over the years.
“Hello, big brother. Please tell me your goons all had their weapons on safety.” AJ smirked at Tran, knowing full and well they didn’t. But she was still going to give him shit about it.
“Of course. Anything to report?” Tran really didn’t waste any time getting to the point. AJ didn’t either though, so she didn’t blame him for not making small talk.
“I think I’m in. Hood is practically wrapped around my finger. Although, was it really necessary to trash my car like that?” AJ was still sort of pissed about that. The Nissan that her brother had so ceremoniously trashed had been her first car, the one she and Johnny had practically built form the ground up.
“Hey. I promised I would make it up to you.” AJ knew that Johnny always kept his promises, but she was still a little pissed. Whatever he had for her had better be good.
“Remember. I need to know not only who, but how.” Johnny took her by the shoulders and looked directly into her eyes, gravely serious.
“I understand. If anyone knows, then it’ll be Hood. He has a hand in everything in the world.” AJ just rolled her eyes. How the hell was she supposed to be gathering intel if he checked up on her every second of every day. She just turned and walked back to her car. It was typical for him to worry about her, but it was still annoying as fuck. She just sped off, back to Hood’s garage. He said he had something to show her, and while AJ may not have known what the hell he was talking about, she had some hope that it was relevant to her conversation with he brother. Much to her disdain, Hood had other plans.
“Here you go.” Hood led her over to a beat up and burnt car. A true junker. AJ wasn’t even sure she could salvage it for parts.
“The fuck is this Hood?” AJ crossed her arms and smirked at Cal, who was grinning from ear to ear.
“This is the car.” Cal spread his arms and continued to smile. “You know, the one I owe you.”
“I asked for a ten second car, not a ten hour car.” AJ rolled her lips into her mouth, still not sure where Cal was going with this.
“Listen. You put about ten grand in and a few hours of work and this car will decimate.” Cal snapped his fingers and a pasty blonde man came over and put a set of plans into Cal’s open and awaiting palm.
“We’ll see.” AJ walked in a slow circle around the car, taking in every detail of it. The body may have been rough, but the car itself was the sickest thing she had ever seen. A 1969 chevy grand sport convertible. AJ’s dream car. Hood had no way of knowing that, but it was still a pretty fucking sweet moment for her.
“You can work on it here. If you can’t find the right tool in this garage, you don’t belong under the hood of a car.” Cal smiled at her one more time and then turned and walked back to his own car, eternally tinkering under the hood. AJ just smiled and lifted up the hood of the car. When she did, she let out a small whistle. Hood was right. This car would be killer, if they could fix it up that was.
“Hey. I’m Michael.” The same man who had given Cal the plans approached AJ and introduced himself.
“AJ.” AJ shook his hand, but her gazed remain on the car. She was trying to figure out all the schematics of the car, what color of paint, where the nitro can would go, how to reduce the maximum amount of weight while keeping the car functional.
“I have some plans drawn up if you wanna take a look.” Michael cleaned the grease off his hands with a rag and jerked his head in the direction he started walking. AJ followed him, but was still thinking about that damn car. It would be perfect when she was finished. Absolutely perfect.
“Here.” Michael led her over to a computer and typed in a line of code. Some blueprints popped up a few seconds later, for her car only better. There was an amped up version of her engine, a detailed list of every part they would need, even how many horsepower the car would have when they were done.
“Holy shit, man. You should have gone to MIT or some shit.” AJ was in awe. She had wanted to go to college, but life doesn't always work out the way you wanted. AJ both understood and respected that.
“Nah. I wanted to stay here, with my brothers. It’s the only life I’ve ever known, but it’s the only life I’d want to live.” Michael grinned softly at her, vulnerable but completely at ease. He used two fingers and pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose. AJ smiled back at him, happy to be a part of their small but loyal group.
AJ wasn’t quite sure how she had ended up here. At a barbeque. With Calum Hood and his entire gang. But the food smelled delicious, so who was she to complain? They were waiting to eat til Lindy got here with the rolls and extra beer, but AJ didn’t mind, instead enjoying a casual conversation with Cal. Without realizing it, they slipped from casually talking, to kind of flirting in a way. Neither of them realized it, but Ashton and Luke watched them closely. They had never seen Cal this happy before, but it was a nice change of pace for him. It was peaceful for a few moments, Michael lost in a book, Ash and Luke appreciating Cal’s smile, and Cal and AJ lost in their own little world. It was nice, until they heard the roar of an engine approaching. Lindy.
“Lindy. Come help me with the rest of the chicken.” Cal welcomed Lindy, with a gracious smile and a nod of his head. Lindy, however, was in no mood for niceties.
“No, it looks like you have all the help you need there, Cal.” With that, Lindy threw the beer and rolls to Ash and Luke. She then climbed back into her car and sped off, back down the street.
“Her loss. The chicken is fucking amazing.” AJ snorted, brushing off Lindy’s downright rude behavior.
“You’ve eaten?” Cal looked back at AJ, an expression of disbelief on his face. He was dumbfounded at the fact that he had been standing there the entire time, laughing and talking to her, and yet AJ still managed to steal a piece of chicken and eat it. He was really more impressed than anything else.
“Uh, no?” AJ looked at him sheepishly, answering timidly. They all knew it was a lie, but it was worth a shot to try.
“Yeah, whatever. Let’s all of us eat.” Cal stated loudly, putting extra stress on the word all. Everyone help to gather the food together and set it up nicely on the table. It was like a typical american barbeque with family and friends. Not once had she ever felt anything even remotely like this with Johnny and Chase. This closeness. This type of family. It was utterly new and fragile, and it made AJ’s heart break a little knowing it would all be over so soon. The rest of the lunch went by smoothly, just so utterly comfortable. It was an easy transition from the soft lunch, to all of them munching on popcorn and watching some awful movie on TV. They were all a tangle of limbs, spilling of the couch and onto the floor. AJ was sandwiched between Cal and Luke, Luke’s long legs slung over her own and trapping her in. Still, she wouldn't have wanted to get up anyways. Which is why she had such a difficult time getting up to leave.
“AJ. Hey. What do you say we take the grand sport out for a test drive tomorrow? You know, before the big desert races?” Cal was still seated on the couch, only now he had a fast asleep luke completely slumped onto his lap.
“Sure thing. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, AJ slipped out the door heading back to her apartment.
Cal smiled to himself, knowing no one else had shared that moment with him and AJ. While he was more than excited for her to be able to race the car, he was still somewhat disappointed that he wouldn’t be working on the car with her everyday for hours on end. Still, he was confident that they had made enough of an imprint on her for her to still come around. Although, Cal felt that she deserved a medal for putting up with them. Between Lindy’s bullshit and the boys’ dumbassery, AJ was a whole different type of person. The type that Cal, for whatever, found himself falling in love with. He knew it was a cliche, but Cal was more than ready to be the first to say that AJ was different from other girls. Cal didn’t care about the cliche though. He believed that when you were in love with someone, that someone truly is different from all other people. That person is so different because they’re yours. And no one could truly replace them.  
Cal and AJ met the next day at the garage. Cal hadn’t let AJ see the final results, not the paint job nor the interior and chrome detailing. So the big reveal was a sight to behold.
“You ready?” Cal smirked, thumb hovering over the button on the garage door opener. It was exciting, both of them feeling the adrenaline flowing through their veins. AJ was practically bouncing up and down, and Cal was eating up the elated expression written all over her face. It was a new sensation for him, this feeling of pure love. Sure the boys were his life, but it was nice to have something for him for once. Just his.
“Born ready, Hood.” AJ was in trouble. Everything with this fucking mission had gone so wrong, so so fast. Mainly because she had fallen for Calum fucking Hood so hard so fast. She had, like an idiot, fallen in love with her brother’s worst rival. Damn.
So Calum clicked the button and watched as AJ lit up. She gasped loudly and ran over to the car, actually hugging it. Cal couldn’t blame her though, the car was a beauty. Jet black with a multi finish chrome. An all leather interior and completely black as well. The team had even installed blue led lights in the wheel houses.
“Let’s take her out for a spin, eh?” Cal was more than ready to get behind the wheel, really see how fast she could go. But before he could react, AJ snathed the keys out of his hand and jumped into the driver's seat, forgoing the door altogether. Cal rolled his lips into his mouth, but he was smiling so hard. AJ drove like someone was after her, taking every turn or corner as a drift, screeching to a stop at every light. They continued like that for a while, retreating further and further out of town. Eventually they pulled up at a spotlight right next to a Ferrari of some sorts.
“Nice car.” AJ called out to the man across the lanes of traffic. “What’s the retail on one of those?”
“More than you can afford, sweetheart.” Stuck up bigot.
“Smoke him.” Cal muttered under his breath to AJ, ready to make this idiot with a stick up his ass eat their dust. Which is exactly what happened. As soon as the light turned green, AJ floored it. There were a few cars in front of her, but AJ had no restraints keeping her from swerving into the oncoming traffic lanes. They smoke that asshole by miles, watching him fade to a mere speck in their rearview mirrors. It was something else, honestly. Eventually they pulled into a small but packed seafood restaurant. The two of them got a table on the back patio. They had an amazing view of the ocean and could feel the cool sea breeze hitting them every so often.
“This is dumb.” AJ just blurted it out, completely unprovoked. Cal looked up in surprise, a shrimp tail hanging out from between his lips.
“What?” Cal finished chewing and swallowing before asking his question. What did she mean, this is dumb? Being with him? Racing? He hoped not.
“Just, this!” AJ knew she wasn’t articulating what she really wanted to say, but it was hard to put her pent up feelings into words.
“Keep talking like that, and you’re gonna lose your meal ticket?” Cal knew he was just pretending to brush it off, but if AJ actually meant that she thought being with him was dumb, he was going to break.
“First, I don’t need you to pay for me. Second, I just need you to stop lying to me. I want in. On whatever you’re running, I want in.” AJ relaxed against the booth seat she was sitting in, almost breathless. It felt weird, knowing she was getting this info only to feed it back to her brother. Only to use it against him.
“I’ll tell you what. We’ll see how you do at the desert races this weekend, then we’ll talk.
Cal slipped her a piece of paper out of his shirt pocket, sliding it across the table to her. Her fingers brushed his as she picked it up and looked at the address, her touch sending tingles down his spine. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
Tomorrow came too soon. Today was the day when she would know. If it was Hood and his gang, then her source of happiness for the past few days would al disappear. She had a strong sense of loyalty, but and issue presented itself with that. Should she be loyal to Tran, her brother, or Cal, her love? It was a difficult decision, but she knew she would face a great loss either way. She had to focus up, get her head in the game. This was a problem for later. Right now, there was two grand on the line and her reputation. She didn’t come to lose. And the idiot she was up against? A fucking ameatuer. Used his Nos within the first twenty seconds. AJ knew she had it won. She even smiled sweetly and waved as the idiot she was racing at her dust.
It was as she was finishing up her race that Tran pulled her aside to talk, still on a high from the win.
“Any new intel?” Johnny kept his grip tight on her arm, too tight for her comfort.
“No. I find out today.” AJ forcibly pulled her arm out of his vice grip. When she saw the bruises already forming on her arm, it was then she knew. Tran had never actually seen her as a sister. Merely an opportunity. A broken little girl who could be manipulated for his needs. All the times he had sacrificed her for the profit, all the bruises and broken bones she had endured. Just a means of infiltrating other gang. She was sick of being lied to, sick of being used. So she made up her mind. Her loyalty lied with Cal. Cal alone. She turned and stalked away from Johnny with no other word, merely retreating to the trailer that Cal had brought out from the group. The sun had already set, signaling the end of the races,  so she was hoping to catch him. They had quite a bit to discuss. While she was sick of people lying to her, she was also sick of lying to the people she cared about. She stepped into the trailer, but before she could call out his name, she heard arguing outside the trailer. Loudly. She approached the window, staying behind the curtain, but still able to hear every word.
“You shouldn’t do this Cal. It’s not safe anymore.” Lindy was yelling at Cal, and she was starting to cause a scene. She was even tearing up a little.
“This is the last one. Chill out. We’ll be back soon.” Cal didn’t make any move to comfort her, instead just turning and walking away.
This was it. AJ could feel it, from the context to the raw tension in the air. However, contrary to what she had told Cal yesterday, she didn’t want in. She wanted them to stop. After growing closer to them, she feared for their safety more than anything. AJ had pulled off a few stunts like this with Johnny, so she knew first hand how dangerous they truly were. Now that the truckers knew they were coming, she was sure they would be arming themselves against the gang. She immediately ran out of the trailer and sprinted over to Lindy.
“Where are they going?” She grabbed Lindy by the shoulders and spun her around, looking directly into her eyes. It was clear from her conversation with Cal that Lindy was the only other person who understood the gravity of the situation.
“Get off of me, Turell. Or, should I say, Tran?” Lindy looked at AJ with fire in her eyes. AJ started chewing on her bottom lip. Shit. This isn’t what she needed right now, especially if she wanted to save the boys she had so come to love.
“Listen. It’s not what it seems. I get that you hate me, and that you don’t trust me, but right now, I’m your only shot at saving those boys. And if you love them as much as I do, then you’ll get in the car with me.” AJ removed her hands from Lindy’s shoulders, completely grave. There was too much at stake for games or jealousy. Lindy seemed to understand that, though, Together, she and AJ ran to the grand sport. They climbed in, and AJ had the pedal almost through the baseboard of the car before she was even full seated. Lindy gave her some quick directions to a shipment about forty minutes from their location, and all AJ could do was speed in that direction with her knuckles white on the steering wheel. She just hoped she got there in time.
This was the third truck that they had raided, and so far, Cal was hoping that it would go like the first two. But, as he learned the hard way, hopes didn’t get people very far in life. Everything had gone wrong as soon as Luke had made the jump from Cal’s car to the grill plate of the target truck. It was Ashton who had first noticed the gun, radioing it over to the others so they could abort. Sadly, it was too late to warn Luke so the blond had made the jump anyways. Cal watched as Luke realized what the driver was holding, watched as he panicked and tried to hide to avoid the spray of bullets from the buck shot. Cal muttered out a string of curse words, knowing he was powerless to stop this mess from happening. Luke was flopping around trying to find a foothold, spiraling around to the passengers side of the door.
That would have been fine if not for the fact that the wire he had used as a grounding system got tangled around his arm, bloodying it. Cal and Ash pulled onto either side of the truck and Michael took point, each of them shouting into the radio, desperately searching for a way to rescue their friend. It was then Cal noticed the jet black grand sport approaching behind them at a high rate of speed. He was so busy focusing on AJ and Lindy approaching in the rearview mirror that he failed to notice the 18-wheeler slamming into his side before it was too late. Cal felt the collision in his bones, rolling the car three times into the desert brush and ditch. His ears were ringing and everything was hurting, but he still remained focused on Luke. He heard a faint crackling diluted by the ringing in his ears, heard Ash’s voice broadcast over the radio that he was turning back for Cal. Cal wanted to respond, tell him to remain focused on Luke, but for some reason he couldn’t move his arms. He was tired, though. So tired. It was right as Ash was pulling him out of the wreckage that Cal let himself slip into the darkness.
This was bad. This was so, so bad. Lindy and AJ pulled up along the truck just in time to see one of the cars get smashed by it and go rolling into the ditch. The next thing they saw was Luke’s lifeless body swinging from the passenger’s side door. They both gasped and Lindy burst into tears, but AJ’s grip on the wheel just tightened. She was more determined than ever to save her friends. AJ pulled up as close as she could she could to Luke, which was sort of difficult considering the fact that the truck was swerving all over the road.
“Lindy, take the wheel!” That was all the warning that AJ gave Lindy before standing. Lindy, despite protesting, promptly slid over, taking the wheel and keeping pressure on the pedal.  
AJ watched for a second to ensure her timing was just right before making the jump. It sort of felt like she was moving in slow motion while she was in the air. So much could go wrong so fast, and yet she would do nothing different even if he had the chance. AJ slammed into the passenger side door, scrambling for a foothold. This was not how she was going to die. After she felt as stable as possible while hanging onto the door of an 18-wheeler going 70 down the highway, she got to work on helping Luke.
“Luke. Hey, bud listen you gotta focus up for a second.” AJ was worried. The wire had cut him pretty deep in some places, and everything was slick with copious amounts of blood. “Luke. Put your arm around me, okay?”
Luke did as he was told despite only being half conscious. Lindy seemed to understand what was going on because she pulled that car as close as she could get it. AJ knew a chance when she saw it, so she took it quickly and without hesitation. She pushed both Luke and herself off of the turck and into the car, trying to use what little momentum she had. They made it back safely into AJ’s car, and Lindy slammed on the brakes, peeling back to check on Cal. Michael had somehow seen the entire thing, so he too circled back. As soon as they got to the wreckage, AJ knew it was bad. She had managed to fasten a makeshift tourniquet for Luke, but she knew that if they didn’t get him medical attention soon, things would not end well for curly haired angel.
“Listen. Get Michael and Ashton and get Luke to a hospital. Now. I’ll get Cal.” Lindy still seemed wary of her, but AJ knew that Lindy trusted her. After seeing her jump to and from a moving vehicle for someone AJ had known mere weeks, Lindy had to trust her. AJ watched as the second girl sprinted off and got Ash and Michael. They were off in Michael’s car before AJ had even picked her way down to the wreckage. When she did, she breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he was bloodied and bruised, but Cal was alive. That was all she needed. Him being conscious was just a bonus.
“Hey, Hood.”  AJ was gravely worried, but she was also grinning from ear to ear. Cal was alive. He was okay.
“Hey yourself, Turell. You gonna get me out of here or what?” Cal grunted, obviously in pain, but there were underlying tones of softness in his voice. A certain softness that was reserved only for her. It took them a few minutes, but eventually AJ got Calum out of the trashed car and into her own. He was bleeding in various spots and his left arm was clutching his right shoulder, but he was okay. He had assured AJ of that numerous times. Instead of going to the hospital like AJ wanted and Cal absolutely did not, AJ drove them swiftly back the her apartment. Johnny didn’t know about and it had its own private garage, so they were safe there.  Cal was in a lot of pain even though he refused to admit it, so much so that AJ was pretty much carrying him upstairs to her apartment. As soon as she could, AJ lowered Calum onto the bed, as gently as she could of course, and ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit she kept there. She went back to the bed only to find Cal in the exact same position that she had left him in. AJ started to take his jacket and shirt off, with minimal assistance from Calum himself.
“Slow down there girlie. At least let me take you on a date first.” Cal was starting to slur his words a little, but AJ knew it was because of the deliria from the pain.
She worked a little faster, climbing on the bed and straddling his hips so she could see what she was doing better. The work was meticulous, pulling tiny beads of glass from under his skin, stitching the larger gashes, and cleaning and bandaging all of them thoroughly. Cal just grunted here and there, not fully aware of what was happening. AJ thought it was probably better that way. She didn’t quite know what to do with his shoulder, though. From the way it was hanging, it was probably dislocated. Johnny had done that once and it had popped back in naturally over the span of about a week. AJ just decided to put it in a sling, ice it, and hope for the best. By the time she was finished, Cal had long since faded off and the clock was approaching 4am. Her concentration had kept her from being too tired, but now that it was broken her vision was starting to blur. She decided to take five on the bed to rest a little before packing it up and moving to the couch. Just five minutes.
taglist: @marshmallowtraver @daniellesimagines @lmao5sosimagines @shawnhockey5s0s
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enginerumors · 5 years
2019 Honda Civic Release Date, Price, Interior
2019 Honda Civic Release Date, Price, Interior
2019 Honda Civic Release Date, Price, Interior– Are you a sedan lover? Should you be sedan fan, you have to be fired up to know this news. Honda is going to launch a whole new edition of the sedan auto. For that size and shape, this new sedan will likely be more excellent as well as the way is quite a bit wonderful and sharper. Additionally, this automobile will be fantastic with a lot of changes…
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levaduraa · 6 years
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
New Post has been published on https://www.usahondacars.com/2019-honda-civic-lx-sedan-specification-changes/
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes – After very many years from mediocrity, typically the Honda Civic yet again started to be a good solid compact car well worth nurturing with regards to once the actual, 10th-development model came out during 2015. Just as the Civic proceeds towards any 2019 model, the particular coupe plus sedan body varieties have the minor wide variety involving changes (Honda couldn’t discuss any improvements to get the Civic hatchback) to make sure that individuals tend to be fresh new. Civic’s restored design might be understated blink, and you will probably fail to see it. A latest black top wing available on high rated of your grille switches. This priors / s finish off. The leading not to mention rear bumpers are reworked, and even new tire versions are accessible to either Sedan plus Coupe. Typically the Honda Civic not to say coupe acquire more normal driver-facilitate technical, a critical, innovative Sports trim stage and restored style.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Changes
The outdoor continues to be attributed, for example, the spoiler dedicated to the rear windowpane. The focus-finding design might not make sure you anybody, of course. This daring is a proper scarcity in the volume level sector. Nobody can test on this page. The Civic is an accepted alter. We drove the 2019 Honda Civic in the 10th era with primary gas and “elegance” devices for a couple of months in your everyday living. Precisely where it factors and just where it hooks, you browse of our aspect status.
Exterior And Interior
2019 Honda Civic more capacity will mean more room. On the other hand, the proportions of 4.52 m ( 13.5 cm) and 2.70-gauge ( 9.5 cm) fails to even tumble in the very first instant. Even more important, Honda not any more different places the gas water tank less than the top seating. He slides way last leading off the rear axle. This provides for a lessen chairs job and even more headroom at the leading. As an ultimate result, strong riders lastly have sufficient living space in the Civic. The price for this particular: the “magic seats” of the precursor are no longer. The seating of the rear room cannot be folded away up as in the 2019 Honda Civic. There is a reduction of autonomy and trustworthy incorporated importance. The trunk area continues to be for luxury. Everyone has to acquire used to help the particular cockpit of your Civic.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Interior
It appears fun and a small amount of beneficial. Way too many products and designs are improving. The speedometer is online. The changes on the controls will not glance effectively considered, the television is able only to be managed by feel-but will not resemble this. It will take a although to quit regulating the climate when you are genuinely referring to the sound level.
2019 Honda Civic Engine
Honda would not talk about any technical changes; significance Civic individuals continue to gain a personal preference involving only two engines, utilizing a 6-rate hands-on gearbox or always varying transmission (CVT). The actual starting engine is usually a 2.-liter some tube making 158 horsepower along with 138 lb-ft . of torque. Honda even offers an excellent turbocharged a few-tube engine mainly because of an upgrade. The particular turbo engine creates 174 hp, just as actually because 162 lb-feet with typically the CVT or 167 lb-feet with the specific manually operated. The Civic Si not to mention Civic Type R functionality models are supposed to profit as very well. The manually operated transmission is included in the reduced trims as well as in the hatchbacks. Together devices are seamless and adequately ultra powerful, and they may be joined with frequently a wonderful-changing 6-velocity hands-on transmission or a remarkably efficient CVT. We prefer the added mph regarding the turbocharged 1.5-liter five, if at all possible along with the information transmission. Always, simply because CVTs travel, the Civic is a single of the most effective. It can make an outstanding career of retaining the 4-tube engine in the beef of its powerband not to mention outside of the drone area that usually affects cars together with. CVT-supplied Sport plus Sports Touring include things like steering-wheel-secured paddle shifters, even though all the other CVT-outfitted models give up on which guidebook perform.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification
2019 Honda Civic Price And Release Date
The news reports sure to desire a good number of individuals, while, comprises the particular Civic wellbeing methods. Honda Sensing, the automaker collection with productive along with inactive wellbeing units, usually is nowadays regular relating to just about every Civic trim with LX that will Touring. This unique package incorporates automatic catastrophe stopping, frontward crash forewarning, lane-always keep help out, lane leaving notice plus adaptive vacation cruise deal with. Honda has not nonetheless, however, unveiled cost details on any 2019 Honda Civic, but an option regarding Honda Sensing to every decrease could see the actual price sneak up a little. A 2019 Civic moves on sales eventually this kind of year.
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levantine-chant · 6 years
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
New Post has been published on https://www.usahondacars.com/2019-honda-civic-lx-sedan-specification-changes/
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes – After very many years from mediocrity, typically the Honda Civic yet again started to be a good solid compact car well worth nurturing with regards to once the actual, 10th-development model came out during 2015. Just as the Civic proceeds towards any 2019 model, the particular coupe plus sedan body varieties have the minor wide variety involving changes (Honda couldn’t discuss any improvements to get the Civic hatchback) to make sure that individuals tend to be fresh new. Civic’s restored design might be understated blink, and you will probably fail to see it. A latest black top wing available on high rated of your grille switches. This priors / s finish off. The leading not to mention rear bumpers are reworked, and even new tire versions are accessible to either Sedan plus Coupe. Typically the Honda Civic not to say coupe acquire more normal driver-facilitate technical, a critical, innovative Sports trim stage and restored style.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Changes
The outdoor continues to be attributed, for example, the spoiler dedicated to the rear windowpane. The focus-finding design might not make sure you anybody, of course. This daring is a proper scarcity in the volume level sector. Nobody can test on this page. The Civic is an accepted alter. We drove the 2019 Honda Civic in the 10th era with primary gas and “elegance” devices for a couple of months in your everyday living. Precisely where it factors and just where it hooks, you browse of our aspect status.
Exterior And Interior
2019 Honda Civic more capacity will mean more room. On the other hand, the proportions of 4.52 m ( 13.5 cm) and 2.70-gauge ( 9.5 cm) fails to even tumble in the very first instant. Even more important, Honda not any more different places the gas water tank less than the top seating. He slides way last leading off the rear axle. This provides for a lessen chairs job and even more headroom at the leading. As an ultimate result, strong riders lastly have sufficient living space in the Civic. The price for this particular: the “magic seats” of the precursor are no longer. The seating of the rear room cannot be folded away up as in the 2019 Honda Civic. There is a reduction of autonomy and trustworthy incorporated importance. The trunk area continues to be for luxury. Everyone has to acquire used to help the particular cockpit of your Civic.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Interior
It appears fun and a small amount of beneficial. Way too many products and designs are improving. The speedometer is online. The changes on the controls will not glance effectively considered, the television is able only to be managed by feel-but will not resemble this. It will take a although to quit regulating the climate when you are genuinely referring to the sound level.
2019 Honda Civic Engine
Honda would not talk about any technical changes; significance Civic individuals continue to gain a personal preference involving only two engines, utilizing a 6-rate hands-on gearbox or always varying transmission (CVT). The actual starting engine is usually a 2.-liter some tube making 158 horsepower along with 138 lb-ft . of torque. Honda even offers an excellent turbocharged a few-tube engine mainly because of an upgrade. The particular turbo engine creates 174 hp, just as actually because 162 lb-feet with typically the CVT or 167 lb-feet with the specific manually operated. The Civic Si not to mention Civic Type R functionality models are supposed to profit as very well. The manually operated transmission is included in the reduced trims as well as in the hatchbacks. Together devices are seamless and adequately ultra powerful, and they may be joined with frequently a wonderful-changing 6-velocity hands-on transmission or a remarkably efficient CVT. We prefer the added mph regarding the turbocharged 1.5-liter five, if at all possible along with the information transmission. Always, simply because CVTs travel, the Civic is a single of the most effective. It can make an outstanding career of retaining the 4-tube engine in the beef of its powerband not to mention outside of the drone area that usually affects cars together with. CVT-supplied Sport plus Sports Touring include things like steering-wheel-secured paddle shifters, even though all the other CVT-outfitted models give up on which guidebook perform.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification
2019 Honda Civic Price And Release Date
The news reports sure to desire a good number of individuals, while, comprises the particular Civic wellbeing methods. Honda Sensing, the automaker collection with productive along with inactive wellbeing units, usually is nowadays regular relating to just about every Civic trim with LX that will Touring. This unique package incorporates automatic catastrophe stopping, frontward crash forewarning, lane-always keep help out, lane leaving notice plus adaptive vacation cruise deal with. Honda has not nonetheless, however, unveiled cost details on any 2019 Honda Civic, but an option regarding Honda Sensing to every decrease could see the actual price sneak up a little. A 2019 Civic moves on sales eventually this kind of year.
0 notes
candello · 6 years
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
New Post has been published on https://www.usahondacars.com/2019-honda-civic-lx-sedan-specification-changes/
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes – After very many years from mediocrity, typically the Honda Civic yet again started to be a good solid compact car well worth nurturing with regards to once the actual, 10th-development model came out during 2015. Just as the Civic proceeds towards any 2019 model, the particular coupe plus sedan body varieties have the minor wide variety involving changes (Honda couldn’t discuss any improvements to get the Civic hatchback) to make sure that individuals tend to be fresh new. Civic’s restored design might be understated blink, and you will probably fail to see it. A latest black top wing available on high rated of your grille switches. This priors / s finish off. The leading not to mention rear bumpers are reworked, and even new tire versions are accessible to either Sedan plus Coupe. Typically the Honda Civic not to say coupe acquire more normal driver-facilitate technical, a critical, innovative Sports trim stage and restored style.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Changes
The outdoor continues to be attributed, for example, the spoiler dedicated to the rear windowpane. The focus-finding design might not make sure you anybody, of course. This daring is a proper scarcity in the volume level sector. Nobody can test on this page. The Civic is an accepted alter. We drove the 2019 Honda Civic in the 10th era with primary gas and “elegance” devices for a couple of months in your everyday living. Precisely where it factors and just where it hooks, you browse of our aspect status.
Exterior And Interior
2019 Honda Civic more capacity will mean more room. On the other hand, the proportions of 4.52 m ( 13.5 cm) and 2.70-gauge ( 9.5 cm) fails to even tumble in the very first instant. Even more important, Honda not any more different places the gas water tank less than the top seating. He slides way last leading off the rear axle. This provides for a lessen chairs job and even more headroom at the leading. As an ultimate result, strong riders lastly have sufficient living space in the Civic. The price for this particular: the “magic seats” of the precursor are no longer. The seating of the rear room cannot be folded away up as in the 2019 Honda Civic. There is a reduction of autonomy and trustworthy incorporated importance. The trunk area continues to be for luxury. Everyone has to acquire used to help the particular cockpit of your Civic.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Interior
It appears fun and a small amount of beneficial. Way too many products and designs are improving. The speedometer is online. The changes on the controls will not glance effectively considered, the television is able only to be managed by feel-but will not resemble this. It will take a although to quit regulating the climate when you are genuinely referring to the sound level.
2019 Honda Civic Engine
Honda would not talk about any technical changes; significance Civic individuals continue to gain a personal preference involving only two engines, utilizing a 6-rate hands-on gearbox or always varying transmission (CVT). The actual starting engine is usually a 2.-liter some tube making 158 horsepower along with 138 lb-ft . of torque. Honda even offers an excellent turbocharged a few-tube engine mainly because of an upgrade. The particular turbo engine creates 174 hp, just as actually because 162 lb-feet with typically the CVT or 167 lb-feet with the specific manually operated. The Civic Si not to mention Civic Type R functionality models are supposed to profit as very well. The manually operated transmission is included in the reduced trims as well as in the hatchbacks. Together devices are seamless and adequately ultra powerful, and they may be joined with frequently a wonderful-changing 6-velocity hands-on transmission or a remarkably efficient CVT. We prefer the added mph regarding the turbocharged 1.5-liter five, if at all possible along with the information transmission. Always, simply because CVTs travel, the Civic is a single of the most effective. It can make an outstanding career of retaining the 4-tube engine in the beef of its powerband not to mention outside of the drone area that usually affects cars together with. CVT-supplied Sport plus Sports Touring include things like steering-wheel-secured paddle shifters, even though all the other CVT-outfitted models give up on which guidebook perform.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification
2019 Honda Civic Price And Release Date
The news reports sure to desire a good number of individuals, while, comprises the particular Civic wellbeing methods. Honda Sensing, the automaker collection with productive along with inactive wellbeing units, usually is nowadays regular relating to just about every Civic trim with LX that will Touring. This unique package incorporates automatic catastrophe stopping, frontward crash forewarning, lane-always keep help out, lane leaving notice plus adaptive vacation cruise deal with. Honda has not nonetheless, however, unveiled cost details on any 2019 Honda Civic, but an option regarding Honda Sensing to every decrease could see the actual price sneak up a little. A 2019 Civic moves on sales eventually this kind of year.
0 notes
iratefate · 6 years
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
New Post has been published on https://www.usahondacars.com/2019-honda-civic-lx-sedan-specification-changes/
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1536664379568-0'); );
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes – After very many years from mediocrity, typically the Honda Civic yet again started to be a good solid compact car well worth nurturing with regards to once the actual, 10th-development model came out during 2015. Just as the Civic proceeds towards any 2019 model, the particular coupe plus sedan body varieties have the minor wide variety involving changes (Honda couldn’t discuss any improvements to get the Civic hatchback) to make sure that individuals tend to be fresh new. Civic’s restored design might be understated blink, and you will probably fail to see it. A latest black top wing available on high rated of your grille switches. This priors / s finish off. The leading not to mention rear bumpers are reworked, and even new tire versions are accessible to either Sedan plus Coupe. Typically the Honda Civic not to say coupe acquire more normal driver-facilitate technical, a critical, innovative Sports trim stage and restored style.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Changes
The outdoor continues to be attributed, for example, the spoiler dedicated to the rear windowpane. The focus-finding design might not make sure you anybody, of course. This daring is a proper scarcity in the volume level sector. Nobody can test on this page. The Civic is an accepted alter. We drove the 2019 Honda Civic in the 10th era with primary gas and “elegance” devices for a couple of months in your everyday living. Precisely where it factors and just where it hooks, you browse of our aspect status.
Exterior And Interior
2019 Honda Civic more capacity will mean more room. On the other hand, the proportions of 4.52 m ( 13.5 cm) and 2.70-gauge ( 9.5 cm) fails to even tumble in the very first instant. Even more important, Honda not any more different places the gas water tank less than the top seating. He slides way last leading off the rear axle. This provides for a lessen chairs job and even more headroom at the leading. As an ultimate result, strong riders lastly have sufficient living space in the Civic. The price for this particular: the “magic seats” of the precursor are no longer. The seating of the rear room cannot be folded away up as in the 2019 Honda Civic. There is a reduction of autonomy and trustworthy incorporated importance. The trunk area continues to be for luxury. Everyone has to acquire used to help the particular cockpit of your Civic.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Interior
It appears fun and a small amount of beneficial. Way too many products and designs are improving. The speedometer is online. The changes on the controls will not glance effectively considered, the television is able only to be managed by feel-but will not resemble this. It will take a although to quit regulating the climate when you are genuinely referring to the sound level.
2019 Honda Civic Engine
Honda would not talk about any technical changes; significance Civic individuals continue to gain a personal preference involving only two engines, utilizing a 6-rate hands-on gearbox or always varying transmission (CVT). The actual starting engine is usually a 2.-liter some tube making 158 horsepower along with 138 lb-ft . of torque. Honda even offers an excellent turbocharged a few-tube engine mainly because of an upgrade. The particular turbo engine creates 174 hp, just as actually because 162 lb-feet with typically the CVT or 167 lb-feet with the specific manually operated. The Civic Si not to mention Civic Type R functionality models are supposed to profit as very well. The manually operated transmission is included in the reduced trims as well as in the hatchbacks. Together devices are seamless and adequately ultra powerful, and they may be joined with frequently a wonderful-changing 6-velocity hands-on transmission or a remarkably efficient CVT. We prefer the added mph regarding the turbocharged 1.5-liter five, if at all possible along with the information transmission. Always, simply because CVTs travel, the Civic is a single of the most effective. It can make an outstanding career of retaining the 4-tube engine in the beef of its powerband not to mention outside of the drone area that usually affects cars together with. CVT-supplied Sport plus Sports Touring include things like steering-wheel-secured paddle shifters, even though all the other CVT-outfitted models give up on which guidebook perform.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification
2019 Honda Civic Price And Release Date
The news reports sure to desire a good number of individuals, while, comprises the particular Civic wellbeing methods. Honda Sensing, the automaker collection with productive along with inactive wellbeing units, usually is nowadays regular relating to just about every Civic trim with LX that will Touring. This unique package incorporates automatic catastrophe stopping, frontward crash forewarning, lane-always keep help out, lane leaving notice plus adaptive vacation cruise deal with. Honda has not nonetheless, however, unveiled cost details on any 2019 Honda Civic, but an option regarding Honda Sensing to every decrease could see the actual price sneak up a little. A 2019 Civic moves on sales eventually this kind of year.
0 notes
levalongorianakedq · 6 years
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
New Post has been published on https://www.usahondacars.com/2019-honda-civic-lx-sedan-specification-changes/
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes – After very many years from mediocrity, typically the Honda Civic yet again started to be a good solid compact car well worth nurturing with regards to once the actual, 10th-development model came out during 2015. Just as the Civic proceeds towards any 2019 model, the particular coupe plus sedan body varieties have the minor wide variety involving changes (Honda couldn’t discuss any improvements to get the Civic hatchback) to make sure that individuals tend to be fresh new. Civic’s restored design might be understated blink, and you will probably fail to see it. A latest black top wing available on high rated of your grille switches. This priors / s finish off. The leading not to mention rear bumpers are reworked, and even new tire versions are accessible to either Sedan plus Coupe. Typically the Honda Civic not to say coupe acquire more normal driver-facilitate technical, a critical, innovative Sports trim stage and restored style.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Changes
The outdoor continues to be attributed, for example, the spoiler dedicated to the rear windowpane. The focus-finding design might not make sure you anybody, of course. This daring is a proper scarcity in the volume level sector. Nobody can test on this page. The Civic is an accepted alter. We drove the 2019 Honda Civic in the 10th era with primary gas and “elegance” devices for a couple of months in your everyday living. Precisely where it factors and just where it hooks, you browse of our aspect status.
Exterior And Interior
2019 Honda Civic more capacity will mean more room. On the other hand, the proportions of 4.52 m ( 13.5 cm) and 2.70-gauge ( 9.5 cm) fails to even tumble in the very first instant. Even more important, Honda not any more different places the gas water tank less than the top seating. He slides way last leading off the rear axle. This provides for a lessen chairs job and even more headroom at the leading. As an ultimate result, strong riders lastly have sufficient living space in the Civic. The price for this particular: the “magic seats” of the precursor are no longer. The seating of the rear room cannot be folded away up as in the 2019 Honda Civic. There is a reduction of autonomy and trustworthy incorporated importance. The trunk area continues to be for luxury. Everyone has to acquire used to help the particular cockpit of your Civic.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Interior
It appears fun and a small amount of beneficial. Way too many products and designs are improving. The speedometer is online. The changes on the controls will not glance effectively considered, the television is able only to be managed by feel-but will not resemble this. It will take a although to quit regulating the climate when you are genuinely referring to the sound level.
2019 Honda Civic Engine
Honda would not talk about any technical changes; significance Civic individuals continue to gain a personal preference involving only two engines, utilizing a 6-rate hands-on gearbox or always varying transmission (CVT). The actual starting engine is usually a 2.-liter some tube making 158 horsepower along with 138 lb-ft . of torque. Honda even offers an excellent turbocharged a few-tube engine mainly because of an upgrade. The particular turbo engine creates 174 hp, just as actually because 162 lb-feet with typically the CVT or 167 lb-feet with the specific manually operated. The Civic Si not to mention Civic Type R functionality models are supposed to profit as very well. The manually operated transmission is included in the reduced trims as well as in the hatchbacks. Together devices are seamless and adequately ultra powerful, and they may be joined with frequently a wonderful-changing 6-velocity hands-on transmission or a remarkably efficient CVT. We prefer the added mph regarding the turbocharged 1.5-liter five, if at all possible along with the information transmission. Always, simply because CVTs travel, the Civic is a single of the most effective. It can make an outstanding career of retaining the 4-tube engine in the beef of its powerband not to mention outside of the drone area that usually affects cars together with. CVT-supplied Sport plus Sports Touring include things like steering-wheel-secured paddle shifters, even though all the other CVT-outfitted models give up on which guidebook perform.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification
2019 Honda Civic Price And Release Date
The news reports sure to desire a good number of individuals, while, comprises the particular Civic wellbeing methods. Honda Sensing, the automaker collection with productive along with inactive wellbeing units, usually is nowadays regular relating to just about every Civic trim with LX that will Touring. This unique package incorporates automatic catastrophe stopping, frontward crash forewarning, lane-always keep help out, lane leaving notice plus adaptive vacation cruise deal with. Honda has not nonetheless, however, unveiled cost details on any 2019 Honda Civic, but an option regarding Honda Sensing to every decrease could see the actual price sneak up a little. A 2019 Civic moves on sales eventually this kind of year.
0 notes
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
New Post has been published on https://www.usahondacars.com/2019-honda-civic-lx-sedan-specification-changes/
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification Changes – After very many years from mediocrity, typically the Honda Civic yet again started to be a good solid compact car well worth nurturing with regards to once the actual, 10th-development model came out during 2015. Just as the Civic proceeds towards any 2019 model, the particular coupe plus sedan body varieties have the minor wide variety involving changes (Honda couldn’t discuss any improvements to get the Civic hatchback) to make sure that individuals tend to be fresh new. Civic’s restored design might be understated blink, and you will probably fail to see it. A latest black top wing available on high rated of your grille switches. This priors / s finish off. The leading not to mention rear bumpers are reworked, and even new tire versions are accessible to either Sedan plus Coupe. Typically the Honda Civic not to say coupe acquire more normal driver-facilitate technical, a critical, innovative Sports trim stage and restored style.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Changes
The outdoor continues to be attributed, for example, the spoiler dedicated to the rear windowpane. The focus-finding design might not make sure you anybody, of course. This daring is a proper scarcity in the volume level sector. Nobody can test on this page. The Civic is an accepted alter. We drove the 2019 Honda Civic in the 10th era with primary gas and “elegance” devices for a couple of months in your everyday living. Precisely where it factors and just where it hooks, you browse of our aspect status.
Exterior And Interior
2019 Honda Civic more capacity will mean more room. On the other hand, the proportions of 4.52 m ( 13.5 cm) and 2.70-gauge ( 9.5 cm) fails to even tumble in the very first instant. Even more important, Honda not any more different places the gas water tank less than the top seating. He slides way last leading off the rear axle. This provides for a lessen chairs job and even more headroom at the leading. As an ultimate result, strong riders lastly have sufficient living space in the Civic. The price for this particular: the “magic seats” of the precursor are no longer. The seating of the rear room cannot be folded away up as in the 2019 Honda Civic. There is a reduction of autonomy and trustworthy incorporated importance. The trunk area continues to be for luxury. Everyone has to acquire used to help the particular cockpit of your Civic.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Interior
It appears fun and a small amount of beneficial. Way too many products and designs are improving. The speedometer is online. The changes on the controls will not glance effectively considered, the television is able only to be managed by feel-but will not resemble this. It will take a although to quit regulating the climate when you are genuinely referring to the sound level.
2019 Honda Civic Engine
Honda would not talk about any technical changes; significance Civic individuals continue to gain a personal preference involving only two engines, utilizing a 6-rate hands-on gearbox or always varying transmission (CVT). The actual starting engine is usually a 2.-liter some tube making 158 horsepower along with 138 lb-ft . of torque. Honda even offers an excellent turbocharged a few-tube engine mainly because of an upgrade. The particular turbo engine creates 174 hp, just as actually because 162 lb-feet with typically the CVT or 167 lb-feet with the specific manually operated. The Civic Si not to mention Civic Type R functionality models are supposed to profit as very well. The manually operated transmission is included in the reduced trims as well as in the hatchbacks. Together devices are seamless and adequately ultra powerful, and they may be joined with frequently a wonderful-changing 6-velocity hands-on transmission or a remarkably efficient CVT. We prefer the added mph regarding the turbocharged 1.5-liter five, if at all possible along with the information transmission. Always, simply because CVTs travel, the Civic is a single of the most effective. It can make an outstanding career of retaining the 4-tube engine in the beef of its powerband not to mention outside of the drone area that usually affects cars together with. CVT-supplied Sport plus Sports Touring include things like steering-wheel-secured paddle shifters, even though all the other CVT-outfitted models give up on which guidebook perform.
2019 Honda Civic LX Sedan Specification
2019 Honda Civic Price And Release Date
The news reports sure to desire a good number of individuals, while, comprises the particular Civic wellbeing methods. Honda Sensing, the automaker collection with productive along with inactive wellbeing units, usually is nowadays regular relating to just about every Civic trim with LX that will Touring. This unique package incorporates automatic catastrophe stopping, frontward crash forewarning, lane-always keep help out, lane leaving notice plus adaptive vacation cruise deal with. Honda has not nonetheless, however, unveiled cost details on any 2019 Honda Civic, but an option regarding Honda Sensing to every decrease could see the actual price sneak up a little. A 2019 Civic moves on sales eventually this kind of year.
0 notes