#2018 toyota
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 2 years ago
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Mitsuoka Devilman Orochi, 2018. An art car collaboration with Go Nagai, creator of Devilman Crybaby, to create the Devilman Orochi, modeled after a car from the anime series. It was limited to one car.
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stevebattle · 4 months ago
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CUE2 AI basketball robot (2018), Tomohiro Nomi (team leader), Toyota, Japan. CUE2 wears shirt number 92 – the number 9 is 'kyuu' in Japanese. Standing on two legs that bend at the knees, it has range sensors in its chest and shoots three-pointers 7m from the basket.
"There was just half a year between CUE's debut and the unveiling of CUE2. In six months, the sturdy box on which CUE had stood had disappeared, leaving CUE2 to stand unsupported on its own two feet. But there was more: while CUE had only taken shots within the free-throw area, CUE2 was able to stand outside the three-point line. According to Nomi: "The longer the shot distance, the greater the influence of small errors in movement. CUE2 is unable to score a three-pointer if the shot motion errs by even a single degree." On November 24, 2018, CUE2 took part in a half-time show performance. The robot spectacularly sunk two three-point throws in a row." – The Development Diary of CUE, the AI Basketball Robot.
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aurianneor · 6 months ago
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La imprecisión artística de los coches ecológicos
I) ¿Qué significa esta tabla sobre coches ecológicos?
Los fabricantes de coches más serios tienen distintos enfoques para reducir las emisiones tóxicas:
Mejorar la eficiencia del motor y la combustión con una mejor calidad de construcción (por ejemplo, Mazda Skyactive-G).
Ayudar a un motor de gasolina o diésel con una batería autocargable. Son los coches híbridos (por ejemplo, el Toyota Auris).
Alternar entre gasolina y electricidad utilizando una batería para cargar el enchufable a la red eléctrica. Son los coches híbridos enchufables (por ejemplo, el Toyota Prius o el Volvo V60).
Carga 100% eléctrica en el punto de recarga (por ejemplo, el Nissan Leaf).
El Nox es el gas de escape responsable de la niebla tóxica en las grandes ciudades. Se debe principalmente a la combustión incompleta del combustible. Eche un vistazo a esta explicación TED-Ed del fenómeno del smog: https://youtu.be/CdbBwIgq4rs?si=39OCCQvY8WW_69v3
Las emisiones de CO2 deben medirse no sólo en el tubo de escape, sino también en la central eléctrica si el coche utiliza electricidad de la red. Hay grandes diferencias entre países según la fuente de energía. Países como Francia recurren a la generación de energía nuclear, que no emite C02, pero traslada el riesgo al de una catástrofe industrial y la contaminación creada por los residuos nucleares. Puede consultar aquí las emisiones de CO2 por kilómetro de los coches eléctricos por países: http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/electric-car-emissions
Algunos fabricantes optan por utilizar aluminio para la carrocería. Esto hace que el coche sea más ligero y, por tanto, consuma menos combustible en carretera. Pero producir aluminio requiere 20 veces más combustión de petróleo que producir acero. Fabricar un coche de aluminio equivale a 2 ó 3 años de consumo de combustible en carretera en términos de emisiones de CO2. Así que, a la hora de comparar vehículos, hay que reevaluar las cifras de los coches de aluminio.
Para la elaboración de este cuadro se ha optado por utilizar datos de «conducción real», es decir, realizada por grupos de científicos independientes.
II) Cuando l’Open science cruza con la industria automovilística
No hay que olvidar que el escándalo Volkswagen fue el resultado de un enfoque de Open science. Investigadores universitarios midieron y compartieron su trabajo sobre la medición de las emisiones de CO2. Hasta entonces, sólo lo habían hecho los fabricantes de automóviles. Los científicos de la Open science comparten sus técnicas y resultados en línea. Este nuevo fenómeno ha pillado por sorpresa a Volkswagen, pero también a otros fabricantes como Fiat y Renault. Ya no pueden jugar con las cifras todo lo que quieran.
Si quieres saber más, lee estos artículos:
– This is the testing rig that caught Volkswagen riding dirty – The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2015/9/23/9387613/volkswagen-emissions-test-photo-scandal
– Researchers Who Exposed VW Gain Little Reward From Success – New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/25/business/vw-wvu-diesel-volkswagen-west-virginia.html
– Exhaust particles of modern gasoline vehicles: A laboratory and an on-road study – Science direct: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231014006190
III) No dejes que los gobiernos te avergüencen. Los individuos no son ni mucho menos los únicos culpables.
Aunque la búsqueda del coche más limpio es un objetivo importante, el transporte sólo representa el 14% de las emisiones de gases tóxicos. Para poner estas cifras en perspectiva, compare este porcentaje con los de la industria agrícola y los sistemas de calefacción doméstica, que juntos representan el 49% de las emisiones de CO2. Los datos están disponibles en este documento: Emisiones por sector económico: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data
Hagamos un paralelismo con los antibióticos. La gente debería usar los antibióticos con sensatez, pero el 50% de la producción mundial se administra a animales de granja(http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/93/4/15-030415.pdf) y el 70% de la producción en Estados Unidos (http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/fact-sheets/2016/12/antibiotics-and-animal-agriculture-a-primer). 
Para más información, consulte mi artículo Le parapluie à cachetons: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-parapluie-a-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les/
Es importante volver a centrarse en lo que más contamina: la fabricación de bienes de consumo, el sector inmobiliario y la ganadería intensiva.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster – The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need – Bill Gates
IV) El alquiler social es una subvención camuflada para los fabricantes
Cuando el Gobierno ofrece un coche eléctrico a 100 euros al mes, el dinero público paga la diferencia con el precio de venta al fabricante, que puede subir el precio a voluntad porque el cliente final siempre pagará la misma cantidad. Con la excusa de ayudar a la población, es dinero de los impuestos que va directamente a los bolsillos de los vendedores.
V) El proteccionismo no siempre es virtuoso
El Gobierno francés impone un recargo a los coches eléctricos producidos en China. La medida llega tras el enorme éxito de MG, que ofrece modelos de bajo coste con una tecnología de baterías menos contaminante y más resistente al frío. Esta medida proteccionista significa que los fabricantes europeos no tendrán que innovar y seguirán vendiendo caros vehículos eléctricos de litio que pueden incendiarse cuando hace frío y que se explotan en condiciones ecológicamente deplorables para extraer litio en tierra o bajo el mar.
Es más, estos coches tienen ajustes que contaminan: por ejemplo, el aire acondicionado se enciende cuando no hay nadie en el Tesla, automáticamente porque Elon Musk así lo ha decidido.
Sería mejor concentrarse en los coches eléctricos que utilizan sal o hidrógeno.
VI) Contaminación de los neumáticos
Los neumáticos producen una media de 1850 veces más partículas que los tubos de escape. Con la tecnología actual de coches eléctricos de litio, que tienen una autonomía de unos 500 km, los vehículos necesitan una gran batería, lo que los hace más pesados. Las emisiones de partículas de los neumáticos están relacionadas con el peso. Esta contaminación relacionada con los neumáticos es más importante que la de los tubos de escape. Esta contaminación por partículas aumenta el riesgo de cáncer y actúa como disruptor endocrino para la fauna. El 87% del Mediterráneo está contaminado por microplásticos.
Car tyres produce vastly more particle pollution than exhausts, tests show – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show
Do electric vehicles produce more tyre and brake pollution than their petrol and diesel equivalents? – RAC: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/electric-cars/running/do-electric-vehicles-produce-more-tyre-and-brake-pollution-than-petrol-and/
VII) Si quieres comprobar las cifras de mi tabla, aquí las tienes:
– Registre néerlandais des émission de CO2  pour les véhicules routiers: https://www.emissieregistratie.nl/erpubliek/documenten/Lucht%20(Air)/Verkeer%20en%20Vervoer%20(Transport)/Wegverkeer/TNO%20(2016)%20Dutch % 20CO2% 20emission% 20factors% 20for% 20road% 20vehicles.pdf
– Émissions de Nox et de Co2 testées sur la route: https://www.theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/ICCT_RoadTested_201709.pdf
– Calculateur d’analyse des émissions: http://www.nextgreencar.com/tools/emissions-calculator/
– Émissions liées aux carrosseries en acier et en aluminium: https://www.oecd.org/env/cc/2483490.pdf
http://www.electroheatinduction.com/how-to-calculate-electricity-cost-for-melting- métal-dans-induction-fusion-four
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
La Tesla Model 3 obtient la note maximale au test européen de sécurité des passagers – @phonandroid : https://www.phonandroid.com/tesla-model-3-obtient-note-maximale-test-europeen-securite-passagers.html
TESLA Model 3 vs BMW M3 Track Battle | Top Gear: https://youtu.be/DSRWKxytW40
Arnold Goes Undercover as a Used Car Salesman to Prank Customers: https://youtu.be/rXodSqMpuUQ  
Deep-Sea Mining –  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): https://youtu.be/qW7CGTK-1vA?si=7wHLB_cxPz4nx3jb
Transportes públicos gratuitos: https://www.aurianneor.org/transportes-publicos-gratuitos/
Piste scooter / Moto: https://www.aurianneor.org/piste-scooter-moto-healthy/
Le Paon Scooter: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-paon-scooter-econoniques-par-rapport-a-une/
Healthy Road: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-road-etre-en-meilleure-sante-etre-plus-a/
Aviones propulsados con hidrógeno: https://www.aurianneor.org/aviones-propulsados-con-hidrogeno/
Le transport zéro émission: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-transport-zero-emission/
Fund: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-selon-le-dernier-rapport-du-fonds-monetaire/
Consumption: Dream & Reality: https://www.aurianneor.org/consumption-dream-realitymore-love/
Le parapluie à cachetons: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-parapluie-a-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les/
Tomorrow – Chap 2: L’énergie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-2-lenergie-demainlefilm/
Energy and Civilization – Vaclav Smil: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-energy-makes-life-possible-bill-gates/
Solar Oven: https://www.aurianneor.org/solar-oven/
La vivienda: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-vivienda/
Les intermédiaires: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-intermediaires/
The artistic blur of ecological cars: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-artistic-blur-of-ecological-cars-i-what-this/
Le flou artistique des voitures écologiques: https://www.aurianneor.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=1118&action=edit
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sortanonymous · 9 months ago
Life as a Truex fan these past 22 race weekends
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tazweedapp · 9 months ago
Elevate every journey in the 2018 Toyota Highlander Standard. With its spacious interior and advanced technology, it offers comfort and convenience for the whole family.
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aesthetic-streak · 9 months ago
I think my favorite part of getting to know ppl better is that i get to acclimate them to all my weird phrases and such
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dana365auto · 1 year ago
Đánh giá có nên mua Toyota Vios 2018 cũ không?
Toyota Vios là một trong những mẫu xe sedan hạng B phổ biến và bán chạy nhất tại Việt Nam. Xe được nhiều người tiêu dùng yêu thích bởi sở hữu mức giá tốt so với các đối thủ cùng phân khúc như Hyundai Accent 1.4MT và có nhiều ưu điểm như không gian nội thất rộng rãi, trang bị tiện nghi an toàn khá đầy đủ. Để đi đến quyết định có nên mua Toyota Vios 2018 cũ không, bạn nên tham khảo thêm những đánh giá về xe mà Quang cung cấp dưới đây.
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clarkewayne · 11 months ago
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the CHERRY MAGIC universe remains unmatched
30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい (2018) by Yuu Toyota Cherry Magic (2020) Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! (2024) Cherry Magic TH (2023)
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floridakilo · 2 years ago
like do you mfs not remember 3 years ago today i was literally slamming back $100 worth of fentanyl on the daily lets not play games with these high expectations
the way my parents feel the need to run their mouth about every decision i make that isnt 100% in line with what they personally want/would do…like ive learned to just trust my instincts bc no matter what NOTHING will perfectly match their idealized vision of my life…fuck it…
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flagwars · 9 months ago
DNI if you consume any of the following IRREDEEMABLE MEDIA:
Blue’s Clues
Webster's Dictionary
Flag of Kazakhstan
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Curious George
The Sibley Guide to Birds, 2nd Edition
ABBA (self-titled album)
Mastering the Art of French Cooking
Psalm 23
Kirby’s Dream Course
New York Times Crossword
2018 Toyota Camry LE user manual
Snails (Wikipedia article)
Flag Wars
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battleangel · 10 days ago
2008 - 2009: Gaza massacres.
2012: Gaza massacre.
2014: Gaza massacre.
2018 - 2019: Gaza massacre.
2021: Gaza massacre.
2023 - Ongoing: Gaza massacre.
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Chevron also supports Israel’s lobbying effortsfor the construction of the Eastmed Pipeline, a massive, EU sponsored fossil fuel infrastructure project that would exacerbate the climate crisis and whose feasibility is widely contested.
EastMed is a mega pipeline that would carry fossil gas from the disputed waters of the Levantine Basin (Cyprus, Israel and potentially Palestine) to Italy.
It would be one of Europe’s longest pipelines, and, reportedly, the world’s deepest.
The Israeli government is one of the most enthusiastic proponents of the EastMed pipeline, as it would secure a European export market for Israeli gas reserves.
The EastMed continues from Israel to Cyprus, where important offshore gas reserves are located.
Siemens was awarded the contract for building the EuroAsia Interconnector, a  subsea cable that will link Israel’s electricity grid with Europe’s, allowing its illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian (and Syrian) land to benefit from Israel-EU trade of electricity produced from fossil gas.
The Biden administration has been working to give Israel over $14 billion to buy more weapons. This is on top of the $3.8 billion the U.S. already gives to the Israeli military annually. Israel is required to use this money to buy U.S.-made weapons.
This is a form of corporate welfare not only for the largest weapons manufacturers, like Lockheed Martin, RTX (Raytheon), Boeing, and General Dynamics, which have seen their stock prices skyrocket, but also for companies that are not typically seen as part of the weapons industry, such as Caterpillar, Ford, and Toyota.
As Israel intensifies its Gaza onslaught, focus turns to the controversial Ben Gurion Canal Project, originally proposed in the 1960s as an alternative to the Suez Canal.
Named after Israel's founding father, David Ben-Gurion, the project, conceived in the late 1960s, sought to create an alternative route to the Suez Canal, the primary shipping route connecting Europe and Asia.
Understanding the motivations behind the proposal requires exploring the complex history of the Suez Canal, the Tripartite Aggression of 1956, and the unexpected shocks to world trade resulting from its closures.
This backdrop underscores the potential strategic importance of an alternative canal, controlled by Israel, in the ever-evolving dynamics of the region.
David Ben-Gurion (1886–1973) was a prominent Zionist leader from Poland, who was known as the founding father of Israel.
He was described as a ruthless man who gave orders to Zionist militias to see the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their lands and facilitated the influx of  Jewish immigrants from all over the world into Palestine. He served as the first prime minister of Israel in 1948.
The Ben Gurion Canal project was a proposal in the 1960s by Israel to connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea through the southern end of the Gulf of Aqaba. The route was planned via the port city of Eilat and the Jordanian border, through the Arabah Valley for about 100 kilometres between the Negev (Naqab) Mountains and the Jordanian Highlands and veered west before the Dead Sea basin, and heading through a valley in the Negev Mountain (Naqab) Range.
It would then head north again to circumvent the Gaza Strip and connect to the Mediterranean Sea.
However, a connection between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea already exists through the Suez Canal - an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt that offers vessels a direct route between the North Atlantic and the northern Indian oceans, reducing journey distance and time.
The Suez Canal provides the shortest sea route between Asia and Europe and currently handles roughly 12 percent of the world's trade.
Timeline of the Suez Canal
1858 – French Suez Canal Company formed to build the canal with 99-year lease
1868 – Suez Canal opens
1875 - The Suez Canal Company comes under French-British ownership after the UK buy 44% shares
1888 - Constantinople International Convention guarantees free use of the canal
1956 - Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalises the Suez Canal Company
1956 – The Suez Crisis results in closing the canal after the Tripartite Aggression
1957 – The Suez Canal reopens
1961 – The Nasser Project begins, allowing for the transit of bigger ships
1967 – Egypt closes access to Suez Canal after the start of the Six-Day War with Israel
1975 – Egyptian President Anwar El-Sadat reopens Suez Canal
The Constantinople International Convention - signed in 1888 by the great European powers of the era - once guaranteed a right of passage via the Suez Canal to all ships during times of war and peace.
However, after the Suez Canal was nationalised in 1956 by then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt closed off access to the canal on several occasions following the establishment of Israel in 1948 and the violent displacement of Palestinians, also known as the Nakba.
Egypt blocked Israeli vessels from accessing the canal from 1948 until 1950, affecting its ability to trade with East Africa and Asia, and hampering its ability to import oil from the Gulf region.
Access to the Suez Canal was closed to all international shipping in 1956, following the Tripartite Aggression against Egypt, which involved an alliance between Israel, the UK and France who sought to regain control of the Suez Canal and remove Nasser from power.
The canal was effectively closed during the conflict, and the situation escalated into a crisis with international and economic ramifications.
The Suez Canal was also closed for a staggering eight-year period in 1967, at the beginning of the Six-Day War, also known as the Arab–Israeli War, which was fought between Israel and a coalition of Arab states (primarily Egypt, Syria, and Jordan).
When all land trade routes were blocked by Arab states, Israel's ability to trade with East Africa and Asia, mainly to import oil from the Persian Gulf, was also severely hampered.
The closure of the canal was also a significant and unexpected shock to world trade and disrupted global commerce.
An alternative to the Suez Canal, especially one under the authority of key Western ally Israel, would eliminate the potential use of the Suez Canal and the Straits of Tiran as leverage by Egypt against Israel or its allies.
The Suez Canal has been critical in driving Egypt’s economy forward. It earns revenues through tolls and transit fees collected from vessels that pass through the canal.
In 2021, some 20,649 vessels flowed through the Suez Canal - an increase of 10 percent over 2020. In 2022, annual revenue stood at $8 billion in transit fees. The Suez Canal set a new record with an annual revenue of $9.4 billion for the fiscal year that ended 30 June 2023.
The Ben Gurion Canal, if constructed, would rival the Suez Canal and cause a major financial threat to Egypt. 
If it goes ahead, it would be almost one-third longer than the current 193.3km Suez Canal, and whoever controls it will have enormous influence over the global supply routes for oil, grain, and shipping.
The US had once proposed to use some 520 nuclear bombs on the Negev Desert (Naqab) to help create the canal. With Gaza razed to the ground, there have been alleged plans to literally cut corners and reduce costs by diverting the canal straight through the middle of the Palestinian enclave. However, the presence of Palestinians there would remain an obstacle.
Since Israel launched its onslaught on the besieged enclave, it has pushed Palestinians to move south by relentlessly bombing northern Gaza before carrying out a ground invasion weeks later. At least 400,000 Palestinians have been displaced from the north to the south, according to statistics from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).
Some 800,000 Palestinians remained in areas considered "north" - namely past north of Wadi Gaza. Israel's indiscriminate bombing campaign, which has mostly targeted the north - has killed at least 200,000 people in Gaza - mostly civilians, including women and children.
The official death toll was not updated for days back in November 2023 due to Israel's targeting of the largest hospital in Gaza, Al-Shifa, which was a centre for collecting data on deaths and the wounded.
Israel denies it has plans to annex the Gaza Strip but it had called for the "voluntary migration" of Palestinians in Gaza amid accusations that it was "ethnically cleansing" the enclave.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years ago
The Parent Trap | Prologue | Bradley Bradshaw x Ex-Wife!Reader
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♡ Next Chapter | Masterlist
♡ In which, after a couple of years of listening to Peyton and Parker Bradshaw complain about their parents’ custody agreement, Grandpa Mav’s meddling goes a little bit too far.
♡ warnings: mentions of divorce throughout the fic, flashbacks to arguments and unhappily married people. Idiots who still love each other and don’t know it. (warnings will be added as story progresses).
“God dammit.” You sigh, leaning down into the passenger side footwell to grab your phone. After your hasty parking job, it’s wedged pretty securely under the metal bottom of the seat, impossible to reach from the angle you’re sitting in. You move up onto your knees and lean over, rummaging around for the lost device. This is the last thing you need.
It’s the third week of the semester and the second time so far that you’ve been called into the principal’s office.
The faint sound of seventies music coming from somewhere behind your shoulder alerts you to your ex-husband’s presence before you can see him. Shit, it must be bad if Rooster left work for it.
He turns his engine off and glances to his left. His lips quirk softly at the sight before him. You, in a pair of tight denim shorts, bent over the centre console and leaning down into the passenger side, searching for something. His smirk only grows as he steps down from his truck and swings the door shut behind him, tapping on the window of your 2018 Toyota corolla.
You flinch at the sound and turn your head to look back at him over your shoulder. He smiles, lifting his hand and waving his fingers at you. No matter how long passes between you seeing him, he always looks the same — and he’s usually got that smug look on his face. You roll your eyes and turn back towards your mission.
It’s been two years since the divorce became official. Still, Bradley glances down at those form fitting shorts and reminisces. It’s an outfit like that that got you into this mess in the first place. Fingers curling around your phone, you huff and catch ahold of your bag, then sit upright again. Rooster grabs the door and pulls it open, stepping out of your way.
“How’s it going, Mama?”
You scoff, shaking your head as you drape the tote over your shoulder and slip your phone into your back pocket. “I’d be better if your kids stopped being such miscreants.”
He chuckles, flightsuit tied around his waist and gold rimmed sunglasses covering his eyes. The teachers around here always go wild when he shows up like this. “My kids, huh?”
You step around him and nod your head, wishing that you were less familiar with the path to the principal’s office than you currently are. Rooster trails behind you, taking another quick glance down at those shorts he’s so fond of, “Did they tell you what we’re here for?”
“No, the lady on the phone just said that Principal James needed to speak to the both of us.” Rooster confirms your suspicions. This must be pretty bad. You groan in frustration, pushing through the front door.
“That’s what they told me too — I wonder what they did now.” You can only shake your head at the thought as the two of you sign in and are led to the principal’s office. Rooster takes his time, looking around at the colourful artwork on the walls, seemingly unfazed by whatever havoc your children have caused this time. He’s always so calm when it comes to them. He had been so different in the beginning. Terrified when those two blue lines showed up. Nauseous when the doctor confirmed that there were two heartbeats. He had almost blacked out during your labour. You can still remember the way he had periodically baby proofed not only the place that you shared, but also his Uncle Maverick’s house and your parents’ place. Anywhere his kids were going needed to be up to his standard.
Somewhere after the year mark, they had become significantly less fragile in his eyes. When they’re jumping off of high surfaces or climbing trees, dangling off of the slide at the park, he’s usually nearby with a smile on his face. He likes seeing his kids be more carefree than he ever was in childhood.
Rounding the corner, the girls’ reactions to the two of you are exceptionally polarized. When you had been told that you were expecting identical twin girls, you had expected the polar opposite trope — a mischievous daredevil tomboy and a goodie-two shoes who loved to dress up. Instead, you had received two partners in crime who were somehow all of those things at once. Freckled skin, rounded, rosy cheeks and long curls, it’s hard to tell them apart sometimes, but they still have their differences.
Peyton, Twin A — as determined by your first ultrasound, your firstborn, sits upright and beams at the two of you. It’s a rare occasion that she sees both of her parents in the same place these days. “Daddy!”
At her side, Parker, Twin B, your youngest, shrinks down in her chair in immediate realization. If you’re both here, then they’re in big trouble. For a seven year old, she’s getting good at reading the room. She turns those big brown eyes towards the ground and purses her lips.
Peyton leaps up and rushes forwards, wrapping her arms around Rooster’s waist, pressing her freckled cheek into her stomach. He grunts softly as she hits into him, then breaks out grinning as he hugs her against his middle, “Hey, Honeybee.”
He looks towards his remaining daughter. Parker glances up sheepishly, hands folded into her lap. Bradley smiles softly, “How about you, Peanut? — You got a hug for Daddy?”
You fold your arms over your chest as he pushes herself up from the chair. Bradley settles down onto his knees, opening up his arms and taking one of them in each. He hums as he hugs them tightly against him, then pulls back and scrunches his nose just slightly. “So, what’d you guys do?”
The twins stop and then share and equally worrisome glance. You squint at the two of them. “Girls.” You prompt.
“It was an accident!”
“Yeah, we didn’t mean to!”
Rooster lifts his head and this time it’s your turn to share equally worried looks. The door clicks open ahead of you.
Principal James steps out and rests her wrinkled hands on her hips. Rooster stands upright at your side. Under that cold, weathered gaze, it suddenly feels like the two of you are the ones in trouble. You swallow softly as she lifts a hand and beckons you into her office without a word.
“Sit down, girls, we’ll be right back.” You say softly, tapping their shoulders and nudging them back towards their seats. Rooster tucks his sunglasses into the collar of his black t-shirt and closes the oak office door behind him. You sit down in one of the chairs opposite her impressive, heavy mahogany desk.
She has been teaching for twenty years, and your twins have still managed to surprise her on this occasion.
“Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, I wish I could say that it’s a pleasure to be speaking with you today,” Her tone is sharp. Rooster presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek, whilst you count the tiles on the ceiling. “Unfortunately, today’s meeting has a rather unpleasant subject matter. Are you at all aware of the twins’ mission to… impersonate each other?”
Rooster’s lips quirk. They’ve been trying to swap places since they were two. They usually get caught pretty quickly. They’ve done it at school before, but they always mess up quickly. Their longest record for being undetected was three days at your parents’ house. “Yeah, they do that as a joke sometimes.”
“Well, today they switched outfits in the bathroom and went into each other’s classes.”
Your brows scrunch slightly. Sure, it’s a dumb thing to do, but it can’t be a punishable offense to swap outfits with your sister. Principal James looks between the two of you and finds no remorse on either of your faces so far. Clearly you aren’t following.
“Has Parker ever mentioned a boy named William Prescott?”
“Oh my god.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Bradley frowns at your side, looking between you and the principal, lost. You turn your head. “He’s been picking on her. He pushed her down in the playground last week.”
“That’s what that cut on her knee was? — She said she tripped.” Bradley frowns, immediately engaging in that protective parent mode that’s neither helpful or impressive.
“She didn’t want to tell you because she knew you’d freak out.” You explain sitting back in the chair and rubbing at your temples. Her judgemental stare is just about enough to bring you out in a stress rash.
“So, why didn’t you tell me?” Bradley’s tone is accusatory, his expression even more so. He’s always been protective when it comes to his girls, including you not too long ago. It’s a sweet sentiment, but sometimes it’s too much and the girls are quickly picking up on that.
“Because I knew you’d freak out, and I already spoke to Billy’s mom about it.” You speak gently, acutely aware of the way that the principal’s crows feet deepen when she squints dubiously at you like she’s doing now. Rooster remains completely unaware of her judging your parenting at your side.
“Clearly that worked because —“
“The twins switched classrooms so that Peyton could, in their words, ‘take care of’ the issue.” Principal James interrupts. Both you and your ex-husband are silenced as you stare ahead at her. “Peyton proceeded to walk over to William’s desk and hit him in the face.”
You press a hand over your mouth and close your eyes, exhaling softly. Bradley sits back in the chair, leaning his head back and groaning quietly.
“At this moment in time, we have no choice but to place the twins on a short suspension.”
You purse your lips and wince. Seven years old and suspended for plotting out, and executing assault. This isn’t your proudest parenting moment.
“Suspension? — They’re in the second grade, it was just—“
“We won’t be reconsidering our decision, Mr. Bradshaw,” The principal interrupts, holding out a hand to silence him. He glances across at you. “There is some paperwork for you at the front desk, we look forward to having the girls back in a week’s time. Maybe the two of you could have a word with them about their behavior during their time off.”
Scolded, the two of you step out into the hallway, each of you silently blaming the other. The twins look at the two of you expectantly.
“Give us a second to talk, okay? — Don’t move, you’re both in big trouble.” Rooster warns them, his face stern. They frown at him in unison, then look towards each other. He reaches out, tapping his fingers against your forearm to nudge you away from the two of them. Once you’re out of earshot, he folds his arms over his chest.
“Alright, we should probably talk to them about this together, so I can swing by your place tonight after work. Like six?” He checks his watch and looks back up at you.
“Wait, wait — I can’t take them right now, I have meetings with clients all afternoon. Today’s your day to pick them up.” You frown at him. The custody agreement was fifty-fifty, two days with you, two days with him. It’s inconvenient for both of your schedules and the twins hate moving around as much as they do, but neither one of you has had the time recently to call up the lawyers and fix a new schedule.
“No, I have a debrief today that I’m already going to be late for. It’s your day.” Bradley shakes his head quickly and crosses his arms over his chest. Sometimes you think that he just does that to show off his arms. His biceps strain against the fabric of that fitted black shirt.
He’s bigger now than when you met him, filled out more into his adulthood. Years of lifting two growing girls up whenever they ask him to. Heading to the gym often so that they won’t outgrow being held by him.
Still, there’s a reason that it’s over and tanned skin and arm veins won’t change that.
“No, it’s Tuesday. The seventh.” You argue.
“Actually, it’s Wednesday. The seventh.” He mocks you back. Real mature. But, unfortunately— your phone confirms that he’s correct. You sigh and throw your head back. You’ve been so out of sorts all week, turned around with work and the kids.
Two kids running wild around a boutique that’s smaller than some of your clients’ closets. You can just see it now, them breaking into the expensive fabric whilst you’re distracted with clients. You shake your head quickly. “Shit. I can’t take them to work with me.”
Bradley purses his lips. Two kids on a naval base while he’s in a confidential meeting that they can’t sit in on sounds like an even worse idea.
When you found out you were expecting, the two of you had made an agreement that your career wouldn’t suffer as a result of parenthood. Given that Rooster is practically government owned, it’s hard for him to be as flexible as he would like. But, he has always made sure you had the support you needed. “Hold on, I’ll call Mav.”
It seems like a bad idea to send the twins to practically their favourite place on earth when they’re supposed to be being punished, but you’re out of other options.
“Idiot, I told you to wait until recess to—“ Parker’s voice trails as she spots her parents headed back in her direction. Peyton squints at the frown on her father’s face. The two of them learned early on that their Dad was wrapped around their fingers, he could barely stand to punish them and so he let them get away with more. The look on his face now tells them that he’s serious.
“I was doing you a favour.” Peyton whispers back angrily.
One look at their guilty little faces and they’re already tugging at your heartstrings. Still, you need to be strong.
“Your father and I have to get back to work, but we want you to know that we are taking this very seriously — we’re going to have a long talk about this later tonight, okay? — What you did was so wrong!”
Rooster glances across at you. Watching the same girl that he was doing body shots off of ten years ago turn out to be such a good mother is an interesting turn of events. He bites his cheek to contain his smile. If you told him back then that things would have turned out like this, with two incredible children, he wouldn’t have believed a word of it.
“We’re sorry.” They say at the same time, looking up at the two of you with those brown doe-eyes. It’s the winning combo, they inherited that puppy-dog look from their dad and mastered it years ago, and they are expressly aware of how funny Rooster finds it when they say the same thing at the same time.
As Rooster stands firm, both of you unwavering before them, your twins give in to their fate and sit back, groaning in complaint.
After his retirement last year, which he was practically forced into, kicking and screaming, Maverick was practically itching to babysit the girls every chance he gets. With Amelia off at college now, and Penny banning him from around the house DIY, he likes the chaos that they bring. For similar reasons, they adore Maverick.
“I’m serious, Mav,” Rooster frowns, his face stern as he holds the twins still. They’re practically buzzing with excitement at his sides as they wait to be allowed inside. “They’re in big trouble. No TV, no games. Have them sit there and finish the worksheets their teacher gave them, or have them clean the floors or something, I don’t care. No fun.”
Maverick takes a quick glance downwards at his freckle-faced granddaughters, both of them staring up at him in worry, hoping that he’ll disagree with their dad.
“Sure thing. I’ll keep ‘em busy.” Maverick agrees seriously, giving a quick, orderly nod of his head. The girls both frown, dejected as they pout at the wooden slats of the porch.
“Alright. If their Mom gets here before I do,” Bradley lowers his voice and squints at his uncle. “Do me a favour and please don’t be weird.”
“Weird? — I’m never weird.” Maverick answers defensively. Bradley squints at him. That’s far from true and they both know it. Maverick was always a big fan of you — you remind him of himself in some ways, and he’s always thought you were good for Bradley. Rooster still jokes that Maverick was more upset about the divorce than anyone else.
“Uh… alright. Be good for Mav, I’ll see you guys later. I love you.”
Maverick ushers the girls inside at once and waits until Bradley’s truck disappears down the road before he turns to address them. With it pouring rain outside, and the trouble they’re in, there’s limited fun that they can have. Something with no evidence. Before that, he needs a chore that they can complete that will satisfy Rooster but not take all afternoon and kill Mav’s fun.
“Alright, we’re clearing out the hallway closet, kids. Move it.”
An hour later, Maverick’s brows are furrowed as he’s thirty pieces into a two hundred piece puddle, sitting in the middle of the hallway floor. His navy expertise means that the twins have a good system, Peyton pulling down items, Parker sorting them into keep or toss.
Only, given the difficulty of piecing together the dozen shades of blue that make up the sailboat puzzle, Maverick hasn’t noticed that they stopped sorting through items five minutes ago. Now, they’re both leaning over a photo album, flicking through pictures.
“Is this Mommy?”
Maverick looks up, brows furrowed. He spins the album towards him without question and smiles at the picture. This was when he was teaching Top Gun that one time, it’s a picture of you at the beach, holding a football and posing with your arm flexed into a muscle.
“Yeah, look at this one.” Maverick flicks to the next page and spins it back towards the two of them. Their faces twist up in a mixture of excitement and amusement. It’s a picture of Rooster draped around you, squeezing you in his arms, his head resting against yours, the two of you beaming. Behind the two of you, the twins’ Uncle Jake is flexing both of his biceps, sticking his tongue out to bomb the picture.
“Daddy’s tummy doesn’t look like that anymore.” Parker snorts, shaking her head, cheeks dimpling as she looks up with a grin on her face. Maverick smiles. He sees so much of the both of you in the both of them.
“They look really really happy.” Peyton adds on.
Maverick nods. “They were. Here, you want to see some more?”
Chores quickly abandoned, daytime movie channel playing on the TV, cutting out every now and again as the weather screws with the signal, the living room floor is littered with old albums.
“Mommy’s wedding dress was so pretty.” Peyton traces her fingertips over the picture, examining the intricacies of the dress. Maverick smooth his hands over her curls and nods his head.
“That day was so special. Your Daddy was so nervous all day.” He chuckles fondly at the memory. Standing at the end of the aisle with Rooster and periodically reminding him to breathe. After so much missed time with Bradley, all of those years of not speaking, sitting here and listening to these delighted little giggles makes his heart warm.
He hadn’t ever been ready for children, but it turns out that being a grandfather was his calling. Passing on his stories, explaining funny faces and little anecdotes about each picture that they come across, seeing their little faces just light up.
They work through the wedding pictures, the work events, the beach days. The pregnancy, the birth, the newborn pictures.
“Is that me or her?” Parker asks as she squints at a picture of you holding a chubby-cheeked newborn on Mav’s porch, smiling tiredly. Maverick remembers that first year of parenthood, you and Bradley stumbling around half-awake that entire time.
“Honey, I’m not even sure who’s who right now.” Maverick admits with a smile. They roll their eyes fondly and continue to flip through memories they’re too small to remember.
They move onto pictures of their toddler years. Lots of pigtails and matching dresses back then, muddy knees and toothy grins. Peyton lingers on one page, lips falling down into a soft frown as she slips the picture from its place on the page.
It’s a picture of them in the backyard at their house, sitting in the sandpit that Rooster had built one summer after reading that it’s good for safety and motor skills all at once. Him, sitting in a pair of shorts and those gold rimmed sunglasses, shoulder reddened under the sun, dog tags hanging around his neck, grinning. Peyton, on his lap, eyes squeezed shut as she squeals excitedly, sand balled in her chubby fists. You, at his side, wearing a pretty sundress and grinning against his cheek, right about to kiss him once you can stop laughing. Parker standing between your legs, lips parted, staring towards the camera like she just heard something shocking.
Mav, behind the camera, his heart so full.
“I wish they were still together.” Peyton mumbles dejectedly. Her sister looks over and examines the picture, then gives a small nod. They hate being without one of you all of the time.
Maverick looks up and looks between the two of them. Those pouted lips, that sad look in those eyes. He looks back down at the happy couple in that picture. The two of you were so in love back then.
It should take him longer to think about than it does. He probably shouldn’t include them in the decision making, but it’s not the worst idea he has had in the past couple of years.
“Have you guys ever seen the Parent Trap?”
@thedroneranger @xoxabs88xox @khaylin27 @unordinare @shanimallina87 @sufferingophelia
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boxboxblog · 3 months ago
Driver Profiles: Lance Stroll
Updated December 2024
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Name: Lance Strulovitch
Age: 26
Nationality: Canadian
Years in F1: 8 (Williams 2017-2018, Racing Point/Aston Martin 2019-Present)
Number: 18
Driving Style: Stroll is know to have a rather reactive and sensitive driving style. This sensitivity means that he his highly tuned in to his car, and can easily analyze if anything is wrong with the setup, which is very helpful for his team. He is also a driver who takes corners at high speeds, allowing himself to gain seconds where other driver lose them. In general he pushes to the limits, and so this paired with his sensitivity makes him a great driver to develop a car around. He tends to take much more risks than other drivers do, which has led to some stand out performances. The negative side of his style is that his aggression in turns can sometimes be sacrificed for precision, meaning he is prone to crashing in tough battles around corners. He has also been criticized as being over eager in overtaking situations and pushing the card too hard, leading to contact or lost positions.
Stroll is the son of Canadian Billionaire Lawrence Stroll, and started karting at the age of 10 in 2008. He would win multiple races and championships in North America, and won rookie of the year in 2008. That same year, Stroll won the Italian Open Masters 60cc category, showcasing his natural talent and determination. 2 years later, he became the youngest champion in the Florida Winter Tour - Rotax Max Junior category, impressing the racing community and garnering European attention. He would become a Ferrari Academy Driver in 2010. In 2013 he had a breakthrough year, winning the CIK-FIA European Championship - KF category, his first real foray into intense European competition.
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(Stroll in his karting days)
In 2014 he debuted in car racing, at the Florida Winter Racing Series. he would have positive results, achieving multiple podiums and pole positions. Stroll took part in the 2014 Italian F4 Championship, and despite missing the final round due to injury, Stroll emerged as series champion, taking seven race wins, thirteen podium finishes, and five pole positions.
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(Stroll on top step after winning the 2014 Italian F4 title)
At the beginning of 2015, Stroll won the New Zealand-based Toyota Racing series, earning ten podiums and four wins. In the same year, he also drove in the FIA Formula 3 European Championship. He won one race and achieved six total podium finishes, coming in 5th in the standings. 2015 was also the year Stroll left the Ferrari Drivers Academy and joined Williams as a test driver.
In 2016 Stroll competed yet again in the F3 championship, and dominated the season, clinching his win before the last race 187 points above his nearest competitor. He earned 14 wins and 20 podiums throughout the year, in the process gaining more attention from F1 teams. In late 2016 it was announced he would be driving for Williams in the 2017 season.
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(Stroll after winning the F3 title)
His first year with Williams was a very positive ones. His early races saw a few retirements due to crashes and mechanical errors, but he achieved his first podium and became the second youngest driver after Max Verstappen to finish on the podium in F1, at the age of 18 years and 239 days. He also broke a record at the 2017 Italian GP, when he became the youngest F1 driver to start on the front row at the age of 18 years and 310 days. He ended the season 12th in the championship and winning half of his teams points. Furthermore, he gained more positions on opening lap than any other driver that year.
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(Stroll on the podium with Williams)
2018 he remained with Williams and had a much more negative year, mostly due to the Williams car being the slowest car on the field by a wide margin. He finished 18th in the championship that year. This led Stroll to sign with another team for the 2019 season.
2019 was when his saga with Racing Point (later renamed Aston Martin) started and he still remains with the team today. He replaced Esteban Ocon to team Sergio Perez after his father led a consortium to purchasing the dying Force India team. This move gained him a lot of criticism, as many detractors stated he bought his seat. His first year with Racing Point was not particularly good. He only finished in the points a few times and was outpaced by his teammate on multiple occasions. 2020 was a better year for Stroll. He regularly found himself in high points positions, and earned his 2nd career podium at the Italian GP and his 3rd at the Sakhir GP. He was on his way to earning 4th in the championship, until a series of mechanical failures and a stint of illness dropped him down to finish in 10th.
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(Stroll's second podium)
2021 saw the team become renamed Aston Martin and his new teammate was 4x WDC Sebastian Vettel. This year was less positive than 2021, and his highest finish was 6th at the Qatar GP. 2022 was an even more negative year, and he only was able to earn points a handful of times. In 2023 Vettel retired and Stroll's new teammate was 2x WDC Fernando Alonso. This year was a mixed bag for Stroll. While he had some of his highest finishes since 2020, he also was heavily out paced by his teammate, and scored 74 points to Alonso's 206. Again he was criticized by the public, and Aston Martin had to publicly defend his seat against critics.
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(Stroll with teammate Fernando Alonso)
2024 so far has been another mixed bag year for Stroll. While he still was outpaced by his teammate, he had some high points finishes. At the Australian GP he finished 6th and achieved 7th at his home race in Canada. The latter half of the year was worse for Stroll (and Aston Martin ion general), and he ended the season 13th in the standings.
He is set to remain with Aston Martin for the 2025 season.
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(Stroll in his 2024 Aston Martin)
Major Races:
2017 Canadian GP - Stroll's first points, he picked his way up the field to 9th place after qualifying 17th. A fantastic race where he showed how his aggression can help with overtakes.
2017 Baku GP - Stroll's first podium in his rookie year with Williams. The race was a chaotic one, filled with multiple crashes. Stroll managed to maneuver around the drama, climbing his way from 8th to 2nd. He held off much faster cars for the majority of the race, and would have finished 2nd until Valtteri Bottas passed him in the last lap.
2020 Turkish GP - In one of the biggest surprised ever, Stroll took his first pole position after a wet quali session. He demonstrated his skill in difficult conditions and his ability to push the car to its limits. Though he did not finish on the podium due to strategic errors, his qualifying showed he was a capable driver.
2020 Italian GP - Another podium finish for Stroll, he drove a consistent race and managed once again to avoid any on track drama from crashes. He showed his shrewd driving style by taking advantage of other drivers mistakes.
2023 Bahrain GP - When Stroll broke both wrists and his toe, and had to get surgery pre-season, most assumed he would not drive in the season opener. Even though he was still not healed properly, showing grit and massive mental strength, Stroll raced in Bahrain and was able to score high points, finishing in 6th position.
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coimbrabertone · 4 months ago
NASCAR Numerology: How NASCAR's Current Teams Got Their Numbers: Part Five.
Alright guys, we've gotten to the last part of this little miniseries.
Today we're covering:
Front Row Motorsports, who run the #34 Ford for Michael McDowell and the #38 for Todd Gilliland in the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series.
Legacy Motor Club, who run the #42 Toyota for John Hunter Nemechek and the historic #43 for Erik Jones.
and JTG Daugherty Racing, who run the #47 Chevrolet for Ricky Stenhouse Jr.
Fittingly, we get to end on representation for all three brands.
Front Row Motorsports debuted in 2004, running the #92 Ford on a partial schedule with drivers like Brad Teague, Tony Raines, and Stanton Barrett, but they would fail to qualify for any races. Furthermore, the Mach 1 Motorsports team ran the #98/#96 car that year, splitting time between Ford and Dodge, and running drivers such as Todd and Geoff Bodine, Larry Gunselman, Derrike Cope, Chad Chaffin, and Randy LaJoie.
This team did manage to make some races (keyword: some) and in 2005, Mach 1 would attempt the full schedule with a #34 Chevrolet while another slew of drivers (mainly LaJoie, Chaffin, and PJ Jones) but by the end of 2005, the team was up for sale. Front Row Motorsports would buy this #34 car, as well as Mach 1's shop, and build their team around it.
Often running as a start-and-park team with a revolving door of drivers, Front Row finally got some stability in 2009, with John Andretti driving the #34, and dragging it up to three top twenty finishes, at Daytona, Loudon, and Fontana.
Andretti left after the 2010 Daytona 500, but the top twenty streak remained, with Travis Kvapil scoring an 18th at Talladega and Kevin Conway a 14th at the summer Daytona race.
David Gilliland (Todd's father) ran the full 2011 season and scored a third place at the Daytona 500, building on the results of the last three years to make Front Row Motorsports a proper contender on the superspeedways.
For 2012, Gilliland was moved to the #38 (more on that later) while David Ragan took over the #34. This car would top off FRM's superspeedway streak by winning the 2013 Aaron's 499 at Talladega.
Ragan would leave FRM after the 2015 Daytona 500 to get the opportunity to fill in for the injured Kyle Busch, so that season was a bit of a revolving door for the #34 yet again. Yet, for 2016, they got a technical alliance with Roush Fenway Racing in exchange for running Roush development driver Chris Buescher.
And Chris Buescher would win the 2016 Pennsylvania 400 for them on a Monday after a rainy weekend followed by a foggy weekend led to a segmented and ultimately shortened race. It took a bit of luck, but it got FRM its second win, and the first that wasn't on a superspeedway.
Chris Buescher went to JTG Daugherty of all places for 2017 (more on that later), so FRM hired Landon Cassill, without much success, before signing Michael McDowell for 2018.
McDowell has seen FRM become a legitimate team, winning the 2021 Daytona 500 and the 2023 Verizon 200 at the Brickyard at the IMS Road Course. Furthermore, in 2024, now in alliance with Team Penske, Front Row Motorsports is no longer an ironic name, as McDowell has started first or second multiple times this season, including at Daytona, Atlanta, and even Gateway, the latter two being pole positions.
Michael McDowell, however, will be moving to the Spire Motorsports #71 for 2025.
FRM has built their numbering scheme off of the #34, running other cars such as the #35, #37, and most commonly the #36, but its second full time car has been the #38.
Driven by David Gilliland from 2012-2015 and son Todd Gilliand ever since 2022, the car has also seen drives from Landon Cassill, David Ragan (in a return to FRM), John-Hunter Nemechek, Anthony Alfredo, and Zane Smith. With four top tens and a further ten top twenties, 2024 has thus far been the most successful season to date for the #38.
FRM will run a third full time car in 2025, having bought a charter from SHR, and has signed SHR's Noah Gragson, but it is unknown was number he will run. FRM ran the #36 this season for Kaz Grala, but Bob Jenkins says he's not married to this numbering scheme. Still, even numbers in the mid-30s are as close to consistent numbering as FRM has ever gotten, so I hope they do decide to stick with the #36.
Onto Legacy Motor Club.
First things first, this team is a Frankenstein's Monster mess of forgotten NASCAR teams in hilarious fashion. Petty Enterprises, officially ran from 1949 to 2008, when sponsorship could not be found, leading to the team merging with Gillett-Evernham Motorsports for 2009. Gillett-Evernham Motorsports consisted of Evernham Motorsports, the former Dodge factory team that ran the #9 and the #19, MBV Motorsports (which was essentially the #10 car owned by Valvoline at this point), and money from George Gillett, who was at the time the controversial owner of the Montreal Canadiens and Liverpool FC.
So already, you had the Petty #43, Petty #45, Evernham #9, Evernham #19, and Valvoline #10 merging into one team, but for 2010, they also bought Yates Racing to take over Paul Menard and his #98 Ford. This allowed the entire team to switch from Dodge to Ford.
So come 2010, the team is running the #9, #19, #43, and #98 with relics from three different numbering schemes remaining in the team. It's freaking awesome.
The #19 and #98 went away after 2010, leaving the team with the #9 and the #43.
The #9 was initially their most successful car, with Kasey Kahne winning Sonoma 2009 and Fall Atlanta 2009 with the team, before Australian Marcos Ambrose won Watkins Glen for the team in 2011 and 2012.
The #43 would, to its credit, with the 2014 Coke Zero 400 at Daytona with Aric Almirola, and it would become the team's only car after 2016.
After the 2021 season, GMS Racing, a truck team, bought into Petty, becoming Petty GMS. Ahead of the 2023 season, the team became Legacy Motor Club, with Jimmie Johnson buying in, Richard Petty chasing out, and Maury Gallagher of GMS becoming majority owner. Petty remained involved a spokesman for the team, however.
So, finally, onto their numbers. They run the #43 and have since practically the beginning of time, because that was Richard Petty's number? Why, well, that actually takes us to their second car, the #42, which was Lee Petty's number.
Why did Lee Petty pick the #42? Legend has it was the first two numbers in his license plate.
So, Lee Petty ran the #42, his son Richard ran the #43, Richard's son Kyle would eventually run the #44, and Kyle's son Adam would run the #45. Each generation building on the last. When Adam died, Kyle took over the #45 in his memory.
Thad Moffitt in the Truck series is a grandson of Richard Petty through Petty's youngest daughter Rebecca, and he continues this trend by running the #46.
In any case, when Petty GMS bought a second car in 2022, they chose to run the #42 - recently vacated by Chip Ganassi - reuniting the original two Petty numbers.
This arrangement continued as Petty became Legacy and eventually switched to Toyota for 2024. Currently the #43 is driven by Erik Jones, who won Darlington in it in 2022, and the #42 by John Hunter Nemechek.
Also, fun fact, Kyle Petty drove the #42 at Team SABCO (which would eventually become Chip Ganassi Racing) from 1989 to 1996, so it was a Petty number even when it wasn't.
And now JTG Daugherty Racing. It started in 2007, running a second car (#47) in alliance with the Wood Brothers. I cannot find any specific reason for the #47, only that Tad Geschickter ran a #47 Busch car ever since 1996, so maybe it was an availability thing. In any case, they ran the #47 and made their Cup debut in 2007, with Ken Schrader and Jon Wood each trying and failing to qualify for a race.
The #47 managed a few starts in 2008 with Marcos Ambrose, finishing third at the Glen, which prompted JTG to split with the Wood Brothers to try and go full time for the 2009 season with Ambrose in a #47 Toyota. This lasted two years before Mabrose moved to the aforementioned Richard Petty Motorsports, with JTG instead drafting in Bobby Labonte.
They would sign AJ Allmendinger in 2013 as Labonte began scaling back his races, and with AJ full time in 2014, they'd win at Watkins Glen. Allmendinger would last until 2018, when Ryan Preece was hired for that car, but then Ricky Stenhouse Jr. was chosen for 2020. Ricky would win the 2023 Daytona 500 with the team.
JTG Daugherty also briefly has a second car, the #37 - ten less than #47, also apparently Tad used this number in college sports - the #37 ran with Chris Buescher for 2017, 2018, and 2019, before running with Ryan Preece for 2020 and 2021.
This brings up another interesting aspect of JTG Daugherty Racing - despite the fact that they're a Chevy team, they kinda have this unique relationship with RFK Racing. First of all, Chris Buescher was a Roush development driver. Second of all, that #37 car for Buescher was run on the charter for Roush's #16.
Third, was that when Roush took Chris Buescher back for the 2020 season, Ricky Stenhouse Jr. then went the other way, going from the Roush #17 to the JTG Daugherty #47.
Oh, and as recently as 2023, JTG Daugherty's pit crew was on loan from Roush. Yeah, odd.
So yeah, that is all 36 chartered teams for the 2024 NASCAR Cup series and the story of a couple other numbers that are relevant to the story. I hope you guys enjoyed all that, but I think I'm gonna write about some other motorsports for a little while. The blog has been a bit NASCAR heavy lately and this week added a whole five extra blogposts to it.
I do enjoy blabbing on about NASCAR, but I also enjoy blabbing on about MotoGP and Indycar. Formula One is also a sport that exists.
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lorysims · 8 months ago
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2018 Toyota Century by LorySims
CAR POLYCOUNT: 45159 (midpoly, it should run smoothly on all PCs) DIRECT DOWNLOAD For more Toyota models, or if the direct download link above does not work, CLICK HERE If you like my mods, please follow me and share them! If you want to support me, JOIN MY PATREON to get my content in early access and much more! Follow me on Instagram: @lorysims.official
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racequeenparadise · 2 months ago
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2024 Race Queen Retirements - Rie Kimura
Rie began working as an event companion during university and in 2014 began her career as a Race Queen in the Tracy Sports team in the Super Taikyu. In 2016 she joined the Netz Toyota Tama T's Factory Lady team in Super Formula motor racing class and began her career as a full time Race Queen. 2017 saw Rie join WedsSport Racing Girls and in 2018 the Dunlop Direzza Girls.
In 2019 she began a long term association with Team Tom's in the Super GT and Super Formula classes, first as a Vantelin Race Queen and then in 2021 as a Tom's Lady and later as a Tom's Team Attendant for Super GT. After leaving Tom's in 2022, in 2023 she began her final two years as a Race Queen in the Arta Gals team. When appointed to the team in 2023, she was 32, the oldest team member ever appointed in Arta Gals.
Race Queen Appearances
Tracy Sports Race Queen, Super Taikyu, 2014
Yamaha Thailand Racing Race Queen, All Japan Road Race Championship, 2014
Netz Toyota Tama T's Factory Lady, Super Formula, 2016
WedsSport Racing Girls, Super GT, 2017
Team Kagayama Suzuki Asia Race Queen, FIM Asia Road Racing Championship, 2017
Dunlop Direzza Girls, Super GT, 2018
Vantelin Race Queen, Super GT and Super Formula, 2019 to 2022
Team TJC& MF Kawasaki Army Girl, Suzuka 8 Hours Endurance Road Race, 2019
Tom’s Lady, Super GT, 2021
Tom's Team Attendant, Super GT, 2022
Arta Gals, Super GT, 2023 to 2024
Image Girl and Event Appearances
InterBee, Intel Booth, 2014
Ceatec Japan, JEITA Booth, 2014
Tokyo Motor Show, Omron Booth, 2015
Tokyo Auto Salon, Kanatechs Booth, 2015
Japan Drugstore Show, Asahi Food & Healthcare Booth, 2015
Ceatec Japan, Omron Booth, 2015 and 2016
Wonder Festival, Monthly Heroes Booth, 2015
Japan Drugstore Show, Ajinomoto Amino Vital Booth, 2016
Tokyo Motor Show, Fine Sinter Booth, 2017
Tokyo Auto Salon, Nitto Booth, 2017
Tokyo Auto Salon, WedsSport Racing Girls, 2018
Tokyo Auto Salon, Dunlop Direzza Girls, 2019
Automotive Technology Expo, Emerging Industry Booth, 2019
Ceatec Japan, Everlight Booth, 2019
Nagoya Auto Trend, Tom’s Lady, 2020
Tokyo Auto Salon, Tom’s Lady, 2020 and 2022
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