#2018 toyota
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 2 years ago
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Mitsuoka Devilman Orochi, 2018. An art car collaboration with Go Nagai, creator of Devilman Crybaby, to create the Devilman Orochi, modeled after a car from the anime series. It was limited to one car.
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stevebattle · 5 months ago
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CUE2 AI basketball robot (2018), Tomohiro Nomi (team leader), Toyota, Japan. CUE2 wears shirt number 92 – the number 9 is 'kyuu' in Japanese. Standing on two legs that bend at the knees, it has range sensors in its chest and shoots three-pointers 7m from the basket.
"There was just half a year between CUE's debut and the unveiling of CUE2. In six months, the sturdy box on which CUE had stood had disappeared, leaving CUE2 to stand unsupported on its own two feet. But there was more: while CUE had only taken shots within the free-throw area, CUE2 was able to stand outside the three-point line. According to Nomi: "The longer the shot distance, the greater the influence of small errors in movement. CUE2 is unable to score a three-pointer if the shot motion errs by even a single degree." On November 24, 2018, CUE2 took part in a half-time show performance. The robot spectacularly sunk two three-point throws in a row." – The Development Diary of CUE, the AI Basketball Robot.
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robinfrinjs · 14 days ago
Sometimes I think about the fact Robin was close to a Toyota LMP1 seat but went to race in DTM instead cuz Ekström left
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aurianneor · 7 months ago
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La imprecisión artística de los coches ecológicos
I) ¿Qué significa esta tabla sobre coches ecológicos?
Los fabricantes de coches más serios tienen distintos enfoques para reducir las emisiones tóxicas:
Mejorar la eficiencia del motor y la combustión con una mejor calidad de construcción (por ejemplo, Mazda Skyactive-G).
Ayudar a un motor de gasolina o diésel con una batería autocargable. Son los coches híbridos (por ejemplo, el Toyota Auris).
Alternar entre gasolina y electricidad utilizando una batería para cargar el enchufable a la red eléctrica. Son los coches híbridos enchufables (por ejemplo, el Toyota Prius o el Volvo V60).
Carga 100% eléctrica en el punto de recarga (por ejemplo, el Nissan Leaf).
El Nox es el gas de escape responsable de la niebla tóxica en las grandes ciudades. Se debe principalmente a la combustión incompleta del combustible. Eche un vistazo a esta explicación TED-Ed del fenómeno del smog: https://youtu.be/CdbBwIgq4rs?si=39OCCQvY8WW_69v3
Las emisiones de CO2 deben medirse no sólo en el tubo de escape, sino también en la central eléctrica si el coche utiliza electricidad de la red. Hay grandes diferencias entre países según la fuente de energía. Países como Francia recurren a la generación de energía nuclear, que no emite C02, pero traslada el riesgo al de una catástrofe industrial y la contaminación creada por los residuos nucleares. Puede consultar aquí las emisiones de CO2 por kilómetro de los coches eléctricos por países: http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/electric-car-emissions
Algunos fabricantes optan por utilizar aluminio para la carrocería. Esto hace que el coche sea más ligero y, por tanto, consuma menos combustible en carretera. Pero producir aluminio requiere 20 veces más combustión de petróleo que producir acero. Fabricar un coche de aluminio equivale a 2 ó 3 años de consumo de combustible en carretera en términos de emisiones de CO2. Así que, a la hora de comparar vehículos, hay que reevaluar las cifras de los coches de aluminio.
Para la elaboración de este cuadro se ha optado por utilizar datos de «conducción real», es decir, realizada por grupos de científicos independientes.
II) Cuando l’Open science cruza con la industria automovilística
No hay que olvidar que el escándalo Volkswagen fue el resultado de un enfoque de Open science. Investigadores universitarios midieron y compartieron su trabajo sobre la medición de las emisiones de CO2. Hasta entonces, sólo lo habían hecho los fabricantes de automóviles. Los científicos de la Open science comparten sus técnicas y resultados en línea. Este nuevo fenómeno ha pillado por sorpresa a Volkswagen, pero también a otros fabricantes como Fiat y Renault. Ya no pueden jugar con las cifras todo lo que quieran.
Si quieres saber más, lee estos artículos:
– This is the testing rig that caught Volkswagen riding dirty – The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2015/9/23/9387613/volkswagen-emissions-test-photo-scandal
– Researchers Who Exposed VW Gain Little Reward From Success – New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/25/business/vw-wvu-diesel-volkswagen-west-virginia.html
– Exhaust particles of modern gasoline vehicles: A laboratory and an on-road study – Science direct: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231014006190
III) No dejes que los gobiernos te avergüencen. Los individuos no son ni mucho menos los únicos culpables.
Aunque la búsqueda del coche más limpio es un objetivo importante, el transporte sólo representa el 14% de las emisiones de gases tóxicos. Para poner estas cifras en perspectiva, compare este porcentaje con los de la industria agrícola y los sistemas de calefacción doméstica, que juntos representan el 49% de las emisiones de CO2. Los datos están disponibles en este documento: Emisiones por sector económico: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data
Hagamos un paralelismo con los antibióticos. La gente debería usar los antibióticos con sensatez, pero el 50% de la producción mundial se administra a animales de granja(http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/93/4/15-030415.pdf) y el 70% de la producción en Estados Unidos (http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/fact-sheets/2016/12/antibiotics-and-animal-agriculture-a-primer). 
Para más información, consulte mi artículo Le parapluie à cachetons: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-parapluie-a-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les/
Es importante volver a centrarse en lo que más contamina: la fabricación de bienes de consumo, el sector inmobiliario y la ganadería intensiva.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster – The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need – Bill Gates
IV) El alquiler social es una subvención camuflada para los fabricantes
Cuando el Gobierno ofrece un coche eléctrico a 100 euros al mes, el dinero público paga la diferencia con el precio de venta al fabricante, que puede subir el precio a voluntad porque el cliente final siempre pagará la misma cantidad. Con la excusa de ayudar a la población, es dinero de los impuestos que va directamente a los bolsillos de los vendedores.
V) El proteccionismo no siempre es virtuoso
El Gobierno francés impone un recargo a los coches eléctricos producidos en China. La medida llega tras el enorme éxito de MG, que ofrece modelos de bajo coste con una tecnología de baterías menos contaminante y más resistente al frío. Esta medida proteccionista significa que los fabricantes europeos no tendrán que innovar y seguirán vendiendo caros vehículos eléctricos de litio que pueden incendiarse cuando hace frío y que se explotan en condiciones ecológicamente deplorables para extraer litio en tierra o bajo el mar.
Es más, estos coches tienen ajustes que contaminan: por ejemplo, el aire acondicionado se enciende cuando no hay nadie en el Tesla, automáticamente porque Elon Musk así lo ha decidido.
Sería mejor concentrarse en los coches eléctricos que utilizan sal o hidrógeno.
VI) Contaminación de los neumáticos
Los neumáticos producen una media de 1850 veces más partículas que los tubos de escape. Con la tecnología actual de coches eléctricos de litio, que tienen una autonomía de unos 500 km, los vehículos necesitan una gran batería, lo que los hace más pesados. Las emisiones de partículas de los neumáticos están relacionadas con el peso. Esta contaminación relacionada con los neumáticos es más importante que la de los tubos de escape. Esta contaminación por partículas aumenta el riesgo de cáncer y actúa como disruptor endocrino para la fauna. El 87% del Mediterráneo está contaminado por microplásticos.
Car tyres produce vastly more particle pollution than exhausts, tests show – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show
Do electric vehicles produce more tyre and brake pollution than their petrol and diesel equivalents? – RAC: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/electric-cars/running/do-electric-vehicles-produce-more-tyre-and-brake-pollution-than-petrol-and/
VII) Si quieres comprobar las cifras de mi tabla, aquí las tienes:
– Registre néerlandais des émission de CO2  pour les véhicules routiers: https://www.emissieregistratie.nl/erpubliek/documenten/Lucht%20(Air)/Verkeer%20en%20Vervoer%20(Transport)/Wegverkeer/TNO%20(2016)%20Dutch % 20CO2% 20emission% 20factors% 20for% 20road% 20vehicles.pdf
– Émissions de Nox et de Co2 testées sur la route: https://www.theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/ICCT_RoadTested_201709.pdf
– Calculateur d’analyse des émissions: http://www.nextgreencar.com/tools/emissions-calculator/
– Émissions liées aux carrosseries en acier et en aluminium: https://www.oecd.org/env/cc/2483490.pdf
http://www.electroheatinduction.com/how-to-calculate-electricity-cost-for-melting- métal-dans-induction-fusion-four
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
La Tesla Model 3 obtient la note maximale au test européen de sécurité des passagers – @phonandroid : https://www.phonandroid.com/tesla-model-3-obtient-note-maximale-test-europeen-securite-passagers.html
TESLA Model 3 vs BMW M3 Track Battle | Top Gear: https://youtu.be/DSRWKxytW40
Arnold Goes Undercover as a Used Car Salesman to Prank Customers: https://youtu.be/rXodSqMpuUQ  
Deep-Sea Mining –  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): https://youtu.be/qW7CGTK-1vA?si=7wHLB_cxPz4nx3jb
Transportes públicos gratuitos: https://www.aurianneor.org/transportes-publicos-gratuitos/
Piste scooter / Moto: https://www.aurianneor.org/piste-scooter-moto-healthy/
Le Paon Scooter: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-paon-scooter-econoniques-par-rapport-a-une/
Healthy Road: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-road-etre-en-meilleure-sante-etre-plus-a/
Aviones propulsados con hidrógeno: https://www.aurianneor.org/aviones-propulsados-con-hidrogeno/
Le transport zéro émission: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-transport-zero-emission/
Fund: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-selon-le-dernier-rapport-du-fonds-monetaire/
Consumption: Dream & Reality: https://www.aurianneor.org/consumption-dream-realitymore-love/
Le parapluie à cachetons: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-parapluie-a-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les/
Tomorrow – Chap 2: L’énergie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-2-lenergie-demainlefilm/
Energy and Civilization – Vaclav Smil: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-energy-makes-life-possible-bill-gates/
Solar Oven: https://www.aurianneor.org/solar-oven/
La vivienda: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-vivienda/
Les intermédiaires: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-intermediaires/
The artistic blur of ecological cars: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-artistic-blur-of-ecological-cars-i-what-this/
Le flou artistique des voitures écologiques: https://www.aurianneor.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=1118&action=edit
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sortanonymous · 11 months ago
Life as a Truex fan these past 22 race weekends
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tazweedapp · 10 months ago
Elevate every journey in the 2018 Toyota Highlander Standard. With its spacious interior and advanced technology, it offers comfort and convenience for the whole family.
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aesthetic-streak · 10 months ago
I think my favorite part of getting to know ppl better is that i get to acclimate them to all my weird phrases and such
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dana365auto · 1 year ago
Đánh giá có nên mua Toyota Vios 2018 cũ không?
Toyota Vios là một trong những mẫu xe sedan hạng B phổ biến và bán chạy nhất tại Việt Nam. Xe được nhiều người tiêu dùng yêu thích bởi sở hữu mức giá tốt so với các đối thủ cùng phân khúc như Hyundai Accent 1.4MT và có nhiều ưu điểm như không gian nội thất rộng rãi, trang bị tiện nghi an toàn khá đầy đủ. Để đi đến quyết định có nên mua Toyota Vios 2018 cũ không, bạn nên tham khảo thêm những đánh giá về xe mà Quang cung cấp dưới đây.
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clarkewayne · 1 year ago
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the CHERRY MAGIC universe remains unmatched
30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい (2018) by Yuu Toyota Cherry Magic (2020) Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! (2024) Cherry Magic TH (2023)
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andavs · 1 day ago
The Cars of 911
All of this talk of Buck’s jeep and whether or not he now has a truck got me curious about how consistent any of the vehicles are in this show. And as of 8x08, here are my results.
ATHENA They don't show her personal vehicle in season one, but from the second season onward, Athena’s driven a red GMC Acadia Denali. It was presumably destroyed in the house fire in 7x10. She hasn't been shown driving a personal vehicle in season eight so far.
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(2x13, 2x18)
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(4x12, 6x06)
BOBBY Chronologically, Bobby's first car is this pickup in St. Paul. It’s older and more beat up, a little boxier.
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When he moves to LA, he drives a dark blue Ford F-150, initially with Minnesota plates.
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In season six, he has a dark blue Chevy Silverado.
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And then in season seven when he goes after Amir, he has a different dark blue Chevy Silverado, this time a High Country. I assume he got it back from the middle of the desert, but then their house burned down, so it was probably destroyed with Athena’s SUV. He hasn't been shown driving a personal vehicle in season eight so far.
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BUCK Chronologically, the first car we see Buck drive is the blue Jeep Wrangler that Maddie gives him in 2012. He drives it around the country and still has it on his first day at the 118 in 2017. 
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But in the first season, which takes place in late 2017/early 2018, he has this gray/gray-green Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. This is the only season where he has this car. (It’s not Abby’s as in 1x09, she drives a silver Chevy Volt.)
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(1x05, 1x10)
In season two he has a dark gray Rubicon, and seems to keep this car until it dies on the road in 6x07. It very well could’ve been different years that all look very similar; I don’t know enough about cars to spot minor differences from year to year.
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(2x08, 3x16)
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(4x11, 6x05)
In season seven, he has a new silver Rubicon, though it's only shown in 7x04.
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CHIMNEY In 1x03, Chimney’s driving a blue Subaru Impreza when he gets in the rebar accident, and that’s the first and last time we see that car.
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In 4x12 he’s driving a silver Subaru hatchback. It looks like it might be the same one Maddie was driving in season three.
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Throughout season five, he’s driving a dark blue-gray Jeep Grand Cherokee.
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I think he’s still driving the same Jeep in season seven when it gets stolen in 7x06. Its fate remains unknown.
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EDDIE The first car we see of Eddie’s is an older gray Toyota Tundra from the early 2000s. It's also visible in 3x15 in El Paso.
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(2x04, 2x17)
In 3x08 he buys a black GMC Sierra Denali and seems to still be driving it.
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(3x08, 7x04)
HEN In seasons one and two, Hen drives a blue Toyota RAV4. Apparently only at night.
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(1x07, 2x05)
After that, she's seen driving a dark gray Volvo that seems to be the same car Karen was driving in 1x10. It looked like Hen was driving it in 6x06 in flashbacks to their first date.
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(1x10, 6x02)
MADDIE Chronologically, Maddie’s first car we see is the blue Jeep Wrangler. She had it in 2004 and gave it to Buck in 2012.
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If she has a car in season two, it isn't shown, but in season three she’s driving a silver Subaru Crosstrek. It looks like it could be the same Subaru Chimney’s driving in 4x12, so they seem to have started sharing it.
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(3x06, 3x09)
In conclusion, some characters are really consistent when it comes to their cars, while others are not. Bobby and Buck have changed their cars the most.
But whether it is or isn't Buck's, the truck from the cemetery in 8x05 and in the bts video looks like a Nissan Frontier.
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(8x05, bts)
Disclaimer: I don't know shit about cars. Everything identified here was either done with Google Lens or through IMCDB.
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floridakilo · 2 years ago
like do you mfs not remember 3 years ago today i was literally slamming back $100 worth of fentanyl on the daily lets not play games with these high expectations
the way my parents feel the need to run their mouth about every decision i make that isnt 100% in line with what they personally want/would do…like ive learned to just trust my instincts bc no matter what NOTHING will perfectly match their idealized vision of my life…fuck it…
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horse-dylan · 9 days ago
Facts about B.C Spree Killer Kam Mcleod
This one was an absolute pain in the ass to write as Kam's parents have been far more tight lipped about Kam in comparison to Bryer's dad. But here we go, i'll try my best. Some of this information is from Bryer's dad, or it is second hand from a mutual who has better understandings and connections than I and was kind enough to share information with me, you know who you are :D.
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Kam actually had a girlfriend before he and Bryer left for their final road trip. For how long I'm not sure (but am infinitely curious). From here on out i'll call her redacted despite her name being published by some media.
He had an older sister who I will also not name for her sake.
From my understanding Redacted had wanted to go with Kam and Bryer but Kam had left without her. After which Kam shot her a text saying "Seriously sorry, but I'm not coming back.
Allegedly Kam did not want people to know him and redacted were dating (interesting lol.), his friends allegedly stated that redacted was hard to get along with.
Allegedly Redacted lied to the police, I think about whether or not she was supposed to go with Kam ( she was.)
Allegedly Redacted was stalking Kam's property after he died, and his sister told her to stop. redacted then told Kam's sister to kill herself like her brother.
Kam was either going to the local community college for welding or to work on the oil fields (from my understanding.)
Kam did not want to follow in his father's footsteps career wise, it is interesting to me that this was noted in the documents that were made public, it indicates noteworthy strife and conflict that the Mcleod's felt like mentioning in police interviews.
Kam loved league of legends (the murders are far less shocking now lol.)
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Before the shootings, Kam's family had a lot of deaths in it, the most recent one; his grandmother, taking place mere months before the killing spree.
Kam had his PAL (gun license in Canada, and not surprising, his family is made up of hunters.) which is how both boys got their guns in the first place.
Kam started his high school at ADSS originally before going to an alternative education school before he graduated, for what reason I am not sure.
Kam had chickens.
His online handles include angelofdeath812, and shadow812
It appears he got to go to Thailand in 2015.
Kam totaled his Toyota 4x4 truck on April 14th, 2018 when he was stunt driving with Bryer and a friend that will remain unnamed. He only had the truck he was driving during the killings for a few months and allegedly was an inheritance.
According to Bryer's dad he had to be rescued with the Jaws of Life and airlifted to the hospital. He supposedly sustained head injuries due to this event.
Kam's friend Branden Mchale (public information by the CBC) described Kam as a really funny guy and a total gaming nerd.
His grandfather was Metis.
I believe Kam's great or great great grandmother was involved in a double suicide or murder suicide.
I'm not sure to what extent, but I know Kam watched anime.
To date, I have not been able to find any clip or videos of Kam talking so there's currently no way to publically to know what his voice sounded like (and I am forever curious).
If anyone procures any more info, or anyone who knew Kam or has info and doesn't want to post it themselves out of fear of drawing the townspeople's ire, feel free to DM me with receipts or pics and i'd be happy to post it. If I missed any info let me know.
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flagwars · 11 months ago
DNI if you consume any of the following IRREDEEMABLE MEDIA:
Blue’s Clues
Webster's Dictionary
Flag of Kazakhstan
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Curious George
The Sibley Guide to Birds, 2nd Edition
ABBA (self-titled album)
Mastering the Art of French Cooking
Psalm 23
Kirby’s Dream Course
New York Times Crossword
2018 Toyota Camry LE user manual
Snails (Wikipedia article)
Flag Wars
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battleangel · 2 months ago
2008 - 2009: Gaza massacres.
2012: Gaza massacre.
2014: Gaza massacre.
2018 - 2019: Gaza massacre.
2021: Gaza massacre.
2023 - Ongoing: Gaza massacre.
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Chevron also supports Israel’s lobbying effortsfor the construction of the Eastmed Pipeline, a massive, EU sponsored fossil fuel infrastructure project that would exacerbate the climate crisis and whose feasibility is widely contested.
EastMed is a mega pipeline that would carry fossil gas from the disputed waters of the Levantine Basin (Cyprus, Israel and potentially Palestine) to Italy.
It would be one of Europe’s longest pipelines, and, reportedly, the world’s deepest.
The Israeli government is one of the most enthusiastic proponents of the EastMed pipeline, as it would secure a European export market for Israeli gas reserves.
The EastMed continues from Israel to Cyprus, where important offshore gas reserves are located.
Siemens was awarded the contract for building the EuroAsia Interconnector, a  subsea cable that will link Israel’s electricity grid with Europe’s, allowing its illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian (and Syrian) land to benefit from Israel-EU trade of electricity produced from fossil gas.
The Biden administration has been working to give Israel over $14 billion to buy more weapons. This is on top of the $3.8 billion the U.S. already gives to the Israeli military annually. Israel is required to use this money to buy U.S.-made weapons.
This is a form of corporate welfare not only for the largest weapons manufacturers, like Lockheed Martin, RTX (Raytheon), Boeing, and General Dynamics, which have seen their stock prices skyrocket, but also for companies that are not typically seen as part of the weapons industry, such as Caterpillar, Ford, and Toyota.
As Israel intensifies its Gaza onslaught, focus turns to the controversial Ben Gurion Canal Project, originally proposed in the 1960s as an alternative to the Suez Canal.
Named after Israel's founding father, David Ben-Gurion, the project, conceived in the late 1960s, sought to create an alternative route to the Suez Canal, the primary shipping route connecting Europe and Asia.
Understanding the motivations behind the proposal requires exploring the complex history of the Suez Canal, the Tripartite Aggression of 1956, and the unexpected shocks to world trade resulting from its closures.
This backdrop underscores the potential strategic importance of an alternative canal, controlled by Israel, in the ever-evolving dynamics of the region.
David Ben-Gurion (1886–1973) was a prominent Zionist leader from Poland, who was known as the founding father of Israel.
He was described as a ruthless man who gave orders to Zionist militias to see the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their lands and facilitated the influx of  Jewish immigrants from all over the world into Palestine. He served as the first prime minister of Israel in 1948.
The Ben Gurion Canal project was a proposal in the 1960s by Israel to connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea through the southern end of the Gulf of Aqaba. The route was planned via the port city of Eilat and the Jordanian border, through the Arabah Valley for about 100 kilometres between the Negev (Naqab) Mountains and the Jordanian Highlands and veered west before the Dead Sea basin, and heading through a valley in the Negev Mountain (Naqab) Range.
It would then head north again to circumvent the Gaza Strip and connect to the Mediterranean Sea.
However, a connection between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea already exists through the Suez Canal - an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt that offers vessels a direct route between the North Atlantic and the northern Indian oceans, reducing journey distance and time.
The Suez Canal provides the shortest sea route between Asia and Europe and currently handles roughly 12 percent of the world's trade.
Timeline of the Suez Canal
1858 – French Suez Canal Company formed to build the canal with 99-year lease
1868 – Suez Canal opens
1875 - The Suez Canal Company comes under French-British ownership after the UK buy 44% shares
1888 - Constantinople International Convention guarantees free use of the canal
1956 - Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalises the Suez Canal Company
1956 – The Suez Crisis results in closing the canal after the Tripartite Aggression
1957 – The Suez Canal reopens
1961 – The Nasser Project begins, allowing for the transit of bigger ships
1967 – Egypt closes access to Suez Canal after the start of the Six-Day War with Israel
1975 – Egyptian President Anwar El-Sadat reopens Suez Canal
The Constantinople International Convention - signed in 1888 by the great European powers of the era - once guaranteed a right of passage via the Suez Canal to all ships during times of war and peace.
However, after the Suez Canal was nationalised in 1956 by then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt closed off access to the canal on several occasions following the establishment of Israel in 1948 and the violent displacement of Palestinians, also known as the Nakba.
Egypt blocked Israeli vessels from accessing the canal from 1948 until 1950, affecting its ability to trade with East Africa and Asia, and hampering its ability to import oil from the Gulf region.
Access to the Suez Canal was closed to all international shipping in 1956, following the Tripartite Aggression against Egypt, which involved an alliance between Israel, the UK and France who sought to regain control of the Suez Canal and remove Nasser from power.
The canal was effectively closed during the conflict, and the situation escalated into a crisis with international and economic ramifications.
The Suez Canal was also closed for a staggering eight-year period in 1967, at the beginning of the Six-Day War, also known as the Arab–Israeli War, which was fought between Israel and a coalition of Arab states (primarily Egypt, Syria, and Jordan).
When all land trade routes were blocked by Arab states, Israel's ability to trade with East Africa and Asia, mainly to import oil from the Persian Gulf, was also severely hampered.
The closure of the canal was also a significant and unexpected shock to world trade and disrupted global commerce.
An alternative to the Suez Canal, especially one under the authority of key Western ally Israel, would eliminate the potential use of the Suez Canal and the Straits of Tiran as leverage by Egypt against Israel or its allies.
The Suez Canal has been critical in driving Egypt’s economy forward. It earns revenues through tolls and transit fees collected from vessels that pass through the canal.
In 2021, some 20,649 vessels flowed through the Suez Canal - an increase of 10 percent over 2020. In 2022, annual revenue stood at $8 billion in transit fees. The Suez Canal set a new record with an annual revenue of $9.4 billion for the fiscal year that ended 30 June 2023.
The Ben Gurion Canal, if constructed, would rival the Suez Canal and cause a major financial threat to Egypt. 
If it goes ahead, it would be almost one-third longer than the current 193.3km Suez Canal, and whoever controls it will have enormous influence over the global supply routes for oil, grain, and shipping.
The US had once proposed to use some 520 nuclear bombs on the Negev Desert (Naqab) to help create the canal. With Gaza razed to the ground, there have been alleged plans to literally cut corners and reduce costs by diverting the canal straight through the middle of the Palestinian enclave. However, the presence of Palestinians there would remain an obstacle.
Since Israel launched its onslaught on the besieged enclave, it has pushed Palestinians to move south by relentlessly bombing northern Gaza before carrying out a ground invasion weeks later. At least 400,000 Palestinians have been displaced from the north to the south, according to statistics from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).
Some 800,000 Palestinians remained in areas considered "north" - namely past north of Wadi Gaza. Israel's indiscriminate bombing campaign, which has mostly targeted the north - has killed at least 200,000 people in Gaza - mostly civilians, including women and children.
The official death toll was not updated for days back in November 2023 due to Israel's targeting of the largest hospital in Gaza, Al-Shifa, which was a centre for collecting data on deaths and the wounded.
Israel denies it has plans to annex the Gaza Strip but it had called for the "voluntary migration" of Palestinians in Gaza amid accusations that it was "ethnically cleansing" the enclave.
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jack-doohan · 1 month ago
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TYLER GEORGE REDDICK (b. 1.11.1996) is an American professional stock car racing driver. Amongst his many achievements include being the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series regular season champion, a two-time NASCAR Xfinity Series champion (2018, 2019), and making the final four in the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series playoffs. He currently drives the No. 45 Toyota for 23XI Racing, and has won 8 NASCAR Cup Series races as of 2025.
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boxboxblog · 4 months ago
Ex Driver Profiles: Franco Colapinto
Updated December 2024
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Name: Franco Alejandro Colapinto
Age: 21
Nationality: Argentine
Years in F1: Less than 1 (Williams Sept 2024)
Number: 43
Driving Style: While not much has been seen from Colapinto in F1 yet, what we can gather is that he is an aggressive driver with strong defense, and solid overtaking skills. He has taken to the stress and pressure of F1 well, showing a cool head during races and defending well against F1 veterans like Sergio Perez. This shows a degree of adaptability, one that has been seen in his F2 career as well. A negative of his style is that his eagerness and aggression can lead to unnecessarily bold moves. In F2, for example, he is prone to receiving penalties. This eagerness can also cause inconsistency while racing.
Colapinto came from a much more middle-class family than the average F1 driver. His carting career started at age 9, and he showed strong promise, winning the Argentine Championship in 2016 (Pre-Junior class) and 2018 (Sudam class), as well as the Buenos Aires Regional Championship in 2016 (Pre-Junior class) and 2017 (Junior class). Colapinto also won the gold medal at the 2018 Youth Summer Olympics. Due to this obvious talent his family sold their home in order to pay for Colapinto's debut in single-seaters.
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(Colapinto during his karting days)
He debuted in car racing in 2018, participating in the final race of the F4 Spanish Championship. He had a stellar performance, and was able to sign a full-year contract for the 2019 season. That season he scored 11 victories, 13 podiums, and 14 pole positions. He took the title that year by winning the last three races of the season.
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(Colapinto after winning Spanish F4_
Early 2020 he raced for the Toyota Racing Series, and finished 3rd in the standings, winning the rookie championship in the process. He also joined the Formula Renault Eurocup in 2020, and had a very positive year. He took two race wins that year and seven podiums, finish 3rd in the championship. This made him the highest placed rookie in the 2020 season, winning another rookie championship. 2021 saw him take part in the European and Asian Le Mans series, where he took 4th and 3rd respectively.
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(Colapinto shortly before signing for Formula Renault)
His debut into F3 came in 2022, signing with Van Amersfoort Racing (a team that had once raced Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen) and came 7th in the standings, one of his worst championship results ever. He did have some positive results, with one sprint win and three podiums. He took part in F3 again for 2023, this time with a different team, and had a much more positive year, getting 4th in the standings by the end of the season.
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(Colapinto after taking pole for Van Amersfoort)
Late 2023 it was announced that Colapinto would be graduated up to F2 for the 2024 season. He only completed the first half of the season, and gained one victory, before being promoted to the F1 Williams seat to replace Logan Sargent. Colapinto had a relatively strong first season (or half a season really), finishing in the points on a handful of occasions. he did have several crashes and DNFs toward the end, and finished in 19th. He does not have a seat for the 2025 season.
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Major Races (some F3 and F2 ones too):
F3: 2022 Imola Sprint: His maiden victory in F3, Colapinto capitalized on the tricky wet conditions and displayed strong composure and race craft.
F2: 2023 Silverstone Feature: He fought tough battles in the midfield to come. Although he did not place particularly high, he showed he could fight against competitive junior drivers and hold his own to stay in the points.
2024 Azerbaijan GP: Only his second race in F1, Colapinto delivered a stellar performance on a tricky track. He finished 8th (ahead of his veteran teammate) and showed that he could handle the pressure of a F1 race.
2024 Singapore GP: Although Colapinto finished outside the points, he had a standout performance. He fought hard in the midfield (memorably being complimented by Perez for his defense skills) and handled the physically toughest race on the calendar with grace.
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