#2018 nissan
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zegalba · 2 years ago
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Nissan Altima catches air and crashes into a California dental office (2018)
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aurianneor · 7 months ago
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La imprecisión artística de los coches ecológicos
I) ¿Qué significa esta tabla sobre coches ecológicos?
Los fabricantes de coches más serios tienen distintos enfoques para reducir las emisiones tóxicas:
Mejorar la eficiencia del motor y la combustión con una mejor calidad de construcción (por ejemplo, Mazda Skyactive-G).
Ayudar a un motor de gasolina o diésel con una batería autocargable. Son los coches híbridos (por ejemplo, el Toyota Auris).
Alternar entre gasolina y electricidad utilizando una batería para cargar el enchufable a la red eléctrica. Son los coches híbridos enchufables (por ejemplo, el Toyota Prius o el Volvo V60).
Carga 100% eléctrica en el punto de recarga (por ejemplo, el Nissan Leaf).
El Nox es el gas de escape responsable de la niebla tóxica en las grandes ciudades. Se debe principalmente a la combustión incompleta del combustible. Eche un vistazo a esta explicación TED-Ed del fenómeno del smog: https://youtu.be/CdbBwIgq4rs?si=39OCCQvY8WW_69v3
Las emisiones de CO2 deben medirse no sólo en el tubo de escape, sino también en la central eléctrica si el coche utiliza electricidad de la red. Hay grandes diferencias entre países según la fuente de energía. Países como Francia recurren a la generación de energía nuclear, que no emite C02, pero traslada el riesgo al de una catástrofe industrial y la contaminación creada por los residuos nucleares. Puede consultar aquí las emisiones de CO2 por kilómetro de los coches eléctricos por países: http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/electric-car-emissions
Algunos fabricantes optan por utilizar aluminio para la carrocería. Esto hace que el coche sea más ligero y, por tanto, consuma menos combustible en carretera. Pero producir aluminio requiere 20 veces más combustión de petróleo que producir acero. Fabricar un coche de aluminio equivale a 2 ó 3 años de consumo de combustible en carretera en términos de emisiones de CO2. Así que, a la hora de comparar vehículos, hay que reevaluar las cifras de los coches de aluminio.
Para la elaboración de este cuadro se ha optado por utilizar datos de «conducción real», es decir, realizada por grupos de científicos independientes.
II) Cuando l’Open science cruza con la industria automovilística
No hay que olvidar que el escándalo Volkswagen fue el resultado de un enfoque de Open science. Investigadores universitarios midieron y compartieron su trabajo sobre la medición de las emisiones de CO2. Hasta entonces, sólo lo habían hecho los fabricantes de automóviles. Los científicos de la Open science comparten sus técnicas y resultados en línea. Este nuevo fenómeno ha pillado por sorpresa a Volkswagen, pero también a otros fabricantes como Fiat y Renault. Ya no pueden jugar con las cifras todo lo que quieran.
Si quieres saber más, lee estos artículos:
– This is the testing rig that caught Volkswagen riding dirty – The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2015/9/23/9387613/volkswagen-emissions-test-photo-scandal
– Researchers Who Exposed VW Gain Little Reward From Success – New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/25/business/vw-wvu-diesel-volkswagen-west-virginia.html
– Exhaust particles of modern gasoline vehicles: A laboratory and an on-road study – Science direct: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231014006190
III) No dejes que los gobiernos te avergüencen. Los individuos no son ni mucho menos los únicos culpables.
Aunque la búsqueda del coche más limpio es un objetivo importante, el transporte sólo representa el 14% de las emisiones de gases tóxicos. Para poner estas cifras en perspectiva, compare este porcentaje con los de la industria agrícola y los sistemas de calefacción doméstica, que juntos representan el 49% de las emisiones de CO2. Los datos están disponibles en este documento: Emisiones por sector económico: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data
Hagamos un paralelismo con los antibióticos. La gente debería usar los antibióticos con sensatez, pero el 50% de la producción mundial se administra a animales de granja(http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/93/4/15-030415.pdf) y el 70% de la producción en Estados Unidos (http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/fact-sheets/2016/12/antibiotics-and-animal-agriculture-a-primer). 
Para más información, consulte mi artículo Le parapluie à cachetons: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-parapluie-a-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les/
Es importante volver a centrarse en lo que más contamina: la fabricación de bienes de consumo, el sector inmobiliario y la ganadería intensiva.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster – The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need – Bill Gates
IV) El alquiler social es una subvención camuflada para los fabricantes
Cuando el Gobierno ofrece un coche eléctrico a 100 euros al mes, el dinero público paga la diferencia con el precio de venta al fabricante, que puede subir el precio a voluntad porque el cliente final siempre pagará la misma cantidad. Con la excusa de ayudar a la población, es dinero de los impuestos que va directamente a los bolsillos de los vendedores.
V) El proteccionismo no siempre es virtuoso
El Gobierno francés impone un recargo a los coches eléctricos producidos en China. La medida llega tras el enorme éxito de MG, que ofrece modelos de bajo coste con una tecnología de baterías menos contaminante y más resistente al frío. Esta medida proteccionista significa que los fabricantes europeos no tendrán que innovar y seguirán vendiendo caros vehículos eléctricos de litio que pueden incendiarse cuando hace frío y que se explotan en condiciones ecológicamente deplorables para extraer litio en tierra o bajo el mar.
Es más, estos coches tienen ajustes que contaminan: por ejemplo, el aire acondicionado se enciende cuando no hay nadie en el Tesla, automáticamente porque Elon Musk así lo ha decidido.
Sería mejor concentrarse en los coches eléctricos que utilizan sal o hidrógeno.
VI) Contaminación de los neumáticos
Los neumáticos producen una media de 1850 veces más partículas que los tubos de escape. Con la tecnología actual de coches eléctricos de litio, que tienen una autonomía de unos 500 km, los vehículos necesitan una gran batería, lo que los hace más pesados. Las emisiones de partículas de los neumáticos están relacionadas con el peso. Esta contaminación relacionada con los neumáticos es más importante que la de los tubos de escape. Esta contaminación por partículas aumenta el riesgo de cáncer y actúa como disruptor endocrino para la fauna. El 87% del Mediterráneo está contaminado por microplásticos.
Car tyres produce vastly more particle pollution than exhausts, tests show – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show
Do electric vehicles produce more tyre and brake pollution than their petrol and diesel equivalents? – RAC: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/electric-cars/running/do-electric-vehicles-produce-more-tyre-and-brake-pollution-than-petrol-and/
VII) Si quieres comprobar las cifras de mi tabla, aquí las tienes:
– Registre néerlandais des émission de CO2  pour les véhicules routiers: https://www.emissieregistratie.nl/erpubliek/documenten/Lucht%20(Air)/Verkeer%20en%20Vervoer%20(Transport)/Wegverkeer/TNO%20(2016)%20Dutch % 20CO2% 20emission% 20factors% 20for% 20road% 20vehicles.pdf
– Émissions de Nox et de Co2 testées sur la route: https://www.theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/ICCT_RoadTested_201709.pdf
– Calculateur d’analyse des émissions: http://www.nextgreencar.com/tools/emissions-calculator/
– Émissions liées aux carrosseries en acier et en aluminium: https://www.oecd.org/env/cc/2483490.pdf
http://www.electroheatinduction.com/how-to-calculate-electricity-cost-for-melting- métal-dans-induction-fusion-four
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
La Tesla Model 3 obtient la note maximale au test européen de sécurité des passagers – @phonandroid : https://www.phonandroid.com/tesla-model-3-obtient-note-maximale-test-europeen-securite-passagers.html
TESLA Model 3 vs BMW M3 Track Battle | Top Gear: https://youtu.be/DSRWKxytW40
Arnold Goes Undercover as a Used Car Salesman to Prank Customers: https://youtu.be/rXodSqMpuUQ  
Deep-Sea Mining –  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): https://youtu.be/qW7CGTK-1vA?si=7wHLB_cxPz4nx3jb
Transportes públicos gratuitos: https://www.aurianneor.org/transportes-publicos-gratuitos/
Piste scooter / Moto: https://www.aurianneor.org/piste-scooter-moto-healthy/
Le Paon Scooter: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-paon-scooter-econoniques-par-rapport-a-une/
Healthy Road: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-road-etre-en-meilleure-sante-etre-plus-a/
Aviones propulsados con hidrógeno: https://www.aurianneor.org/aviones-propulsados-con-hidrogeno/
Le transport zéro émission: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-transport-zero-emission/
Fund: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-selon-le-dernier-rapport-du-fonds-monetaire/
Consumption: Dream & Reality: https://www.aurianneor.org/consumption-dream-realitymore-love/
Le parapluie à cachetons: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-parapluie-a-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les/
Tomorrow – Chap 2: L’énergie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-2-lenergie-demainlefilm/
Energy and Civilization – Vaclav Smil: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-energy-makes-life-possible-bill-gates/
Solar Oven: https://www.aurianneor.org/solar-oven/
La vivienda: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-vivienda/
Les intermédiaires: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-intermediaires/
The artistic blur of ecological cars: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-artistic-blur-of-ecological-cars-i-what-this/
Le flou artistique des voitures écologiques: https://www.aurianneor.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=1118&action=edit
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gratuitescu · 8 months ago
Decodarea Rapidă a Sistemului Radio pentru 2018 Nissan Murano
Dacă dețineți un 2018 Nissan Murano și aveți probleme cu sistemul radio AM FM, CD Player sau navigația OEM, ați ajuns în locul potrivit. În acest articol, vă vom ghida prin procesul de deblocare a codului radio și vă vom arăta cum să faceți acest lucru rapid și eficient, apelând la serviciile noastre profesionale de decodare a casetofonului auto.Ce Este Codul de Blocare Radio și De Ce Aveți…
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zoeyleanne · 1 year ago
Throwback to 2018 when i first started learning to drive then i covid ect happened then i passed my theory april 2021 then my practical on july 2021 and then less then a week later i drove 7+ hours to the Lake District 😅🥹
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andavs · 1 day ago
The Cars of 911
All of this talk of Buck’s jeep and whether or not he now has a truck got me curious about how consistent any of the vehicles are in this show. And as of 8x08, here are my results.
ATHENA They don't show her personal vehicle in season one, but from the second season onward, Athena’s driven a red GMC Acadia Denali. It was presumably destroyed in the house fire in 7x10. She hasn't been shown driving a personal vehicle in season eight so far.
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(2x13, 2x18)
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(4x12, 6x06)
BOBBY Chronologically, Bobby's first car is this pickup in St. Paul. It’s older and more beat up, a little boxier.
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When he moves to LA, he drives a dark blue Ford F-150, initially with Minnesota plates.
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In season six, he has a dark blue Chevy Silverado.
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And then in season seven when he goes after Amir, he has a different dark blue Chevy Silverado, this time a High Country. I assume he got it back from the middle of the desert, but then their house burned down, so it was probably destroyed with Athena’s SUV. He hasn't been shown driving a personal vehicle in season eight so far.
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BUCK Chronologically, the first car we see Buck drive is the blue Jeep Wrangler that Maddie gives him in 2012. He drives it around the country and still has it on his first day at the 118 in 2017. 
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But in the first season, which takes place in late 2017/early 2018, he has this gray/gray-green Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. This is the only season where he has this car. (It’s not Abby’s as in 1x09, she drives a silver Chevy Volt.)
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(1x05, 1x10)
In season two he has a dark gray Rubicon, and seems to keep this car until it dies on the road in 6x07. It very well could’ve been different years that all look very similar; I don’t know enough about cars to spot minor differences from year to year.
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(2x08, 3x16)
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(4x11, 6x05)
In season seven, he has a new silver Rubicon, though it's only shown in 7x04.
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CHIMNEY In 1x03, Chimney’s driving a blue Subaru Impreza when he gets in the rebar accident, and that’s the first and last time we see that car.
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In 4x12 he’s driving a silver Subaru hatchback. It looks like it might be the same one Maddie was driving in season three.
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Throughout season five, he’s driving a dark blue-gray Jeep Grand Cherokee.
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I think he’s still driving the same Jeep in season seven when it gets stolen in 7x06. Its fate remains unknown.
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EDDIE The first car we see of Eddie’s is an older gray Toyota Tundra from the early 2000s. It's also visible in 3x15 in El Paso.
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(2x04, 2x17)
In 3x08 he buys a black GMC Sierra Denali and seems to still be driving it.
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(3x08, 7x04)
HEN In seasons one and two, Hen drives a blue Toyota RAV4. Apparently only at night.
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(1x07, 2x05)
After that, she's seen driving a dark gray Volvo that seems to be the same car Karen was driving in 1x10. It looked like Hen was driving it in 6x06 in flashbacks to their first date.
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(1x10, 6x02)
MADDIE Chronologically, Maddie’s first car we see is the blue Jeep Wrangler. She had it in 2004 and gave it to Buck in 2012.
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If she has a car in season two, it isn't shown, but in season three she’s driving a silver Subaru Crosstrek. It looks like it could be the same Subaru Chimney’s driving in 4x12, so they seem to have started sharing it.
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(3x06, 3x09)
In conclusion, some characters are really consistent when it comes to their cars, while others are not. Bobby and Buck have changed their cars the most.
But whether it is or isn't Buck's, the truck from the cemetery in 8x05 and in the bts video looks like a Nissan Frontier.
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(8x05, bts)
Disclaimer: I don't know shit about cars. Everything identified here was either done with Google Lens or through IMCDB.
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smallboyonherbike · 1 year ago
i made it out the door and into the office. but at what cost
under 30F outside i should get to stay home bc i'm babeyyyyyy
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girlactionfigure · 10 months ago
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#onthisday, 2018, Sara Ginaite Rubinson z”l passed away. She was a world renowned author and academic, a legendary resistance fighter in Lithuania against the Nazis during WWII. After the war she eventually joined her daughters in Canada and wrote several books in Lithuanian. Her most famous work translated into english was “Resistance and Survival: The Jewish Community in Kaunas 1941–1944.”
Sara was born to Yosef Ginas and Rebecca Virovitch, in Kaunas, Lithuania on March 17th, 1924. Raised in a successful Jewish family, Sara was on the verge of graduating from high school when, in 1941, her life was interrupted by the Nazi invasion of Lithuania. Three of her uncles were subsequently killed in the Kaunas Pogrom that year, and she, along with the rest of her family, were placed in the Kovno Ghetto. That was when she decided to fight back and join the Anti-Fascist Fighting Organization, a resistance of fighters against the Nazis. 
After marrying Misha Rubinson, they escaped together in the winter of 1943-44, she created a Jewish Partisan unit called, “Death to the Occupiers.” She would often bravely venture back to the ghettos to rescue people, helping them escape to safety. Both she and her husband participated in the liberation of the Kaunas and the Vilnius ghettos, although the Nazis had already wiped out most of the region’s Jewish population. Only her own sister and brother-in-law survived of the rest of her family. 
After the war she became a professor of political economics at Vilnius University. After her husband died in 1977, she emigrated to Canada where her two daughters Anya and Tanya were already living. Sara became an adjunct professor at York University and was frequently invited to lecture throughout Canada, the United States, Europe, and Israel. She gave an inspirational lecture in 2013 in Toronto, titled “History and Personal Memory: the Beginning of the Holocaust in Lithuania.”
On April 2nd, 2018, Sara died in her home at the age of 94, the 17th of the Jewish month of Nissan. May her light and legacy shine brightly for Jews and all oppressed people of the world for generations to come.
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bananaofswifts · 2 years ago
Whether she's breaking records or breaking Ticketmaster, Taylor Swift has proven time and again that she's one of the most powerful figures in modern music — and the Eras Tour is a manifestation of that.
But after witnessing it in person, it's clear that Swift is not just delivering the tour of the year — it's the tour of her generation.
Sure, Beyoncé fans can't wait for her tour this summer; Harry Styles is about to embark on the final leg of his highly successful Love On Tour trek; BLACKPINK sold out stadiums around the country too. Yet, it's hard to imagine that any other tour this year will have a cultural impact as big as the Eras Tour — something that's wildly apparent whether or not you were there.
Even before Swift hit the stage for her first night at Nashville's Nissan Stadium on May 5, her influence was felt. Practically every fan of the 70,000 in attendance (a record for the venue — more on that later) was wearing some sort of reference to their favorite Swift era: a beloved lyric, or an iconic performance or music video look. While that's not necessarily a new trend in the Swiftie world, seeing all 10 of her eras represented throughout a stadium-sized crowd was equal parts meaningful and remarkable.
As someone who has been to hundreds of tours and most of Swift's — including the Reputation Tour, which I naively referred to as "the peak of her career" — I didn't think this one would feel much different than a typical stadium show. But even when Swift was just a few songs in of her impressive three-and-a-half hour set, a feeling came over me like I wasn't just watching one of music's greats — I was part of music history.
Below, here are five reasons why the Eras Tour will go down as one of the most iconic of Swift's generation.
It's Treated Like A Holiday
In the week leading up to the shows and over the weekend, Nashville was abundant with special events in Swift's honor. From Taylor-themed trivia nights to pre- and post-show dance parties to wine lists transformed into "eras," practically every place you went was commemorating her return (she last performed in Nashville in 2018).
While it's unclear whether this kind of takeover is happening in every city — after all, she does consider Nashville a hometown, as she said on stage — it's rare to see an artist have such a ripple effect by simply just coming to town.
During her May 5 show, Swift added to the excitement by sharing the highly anticipated news that Speak Now (Taylor's Version) was coming on July 7. Upon the announcement, three of Nashville's monuments — the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge, the Tennessee State Capitol and the Alliance Bernstein building downtown — were illuminated in purple, the album's color.
It's Breaking Records Left And Right
Though Swift is no stranger to breaking records, she continues to do so with the Eras Tour. After setting the all-time attendance record at Nissan Stadium on night one of her Nashville run, Swift topped herself (something has become accustomed to on the charts as well) with another attendance record on night two.
And despite the controversial ticketing frenzy the tour caused, Swift also broke a Ticketmaster record with more than 2.4 million tickets sold — the most by an artist in a single day — in the presale alone. If Swift announces an international leg of the tour, Pollstar projects that the Eras Tour could surpass $1 billion, which would add yet another first to her ever-growing list.
It's Spawned Parking Lot Parties
As if history-making attendance and record-breaking ticket sales aren't indication enough of Swift's power, the Eras Tour is so highly in-demand that fans are sitting outside of the venue to still be part of the show. Fans crowded barricades and camped out in the parking lot of Nissan Stadium, ready to watch (and sing along) Swift on the big screen — something that has seemingly been happening in every city.
It Can't Be Stopped By The Elements
Adding to the magnitude of the Eras Tour, Swift performs 45 songs across three and a half hours. And to make her last night in Nashville even more momentous, she did almost all of that in pouring rain.
Swift didn't get to take the stage until after 10 p.m. on May 7 because of storms in the area (she normally goes on around 7:50 local time), but that didn't mean she'd be shortening her set. Carrying on until after 1:30 a.m. — even through the "element of slippiness happening," as she joked — Swift made it clear that she's determined to give each show her all regardless of the weather.
It's Simply A Feel-Good Celebration
Perhaps it was the five-year gap between the last time she toured. Perhaps it was the four new albums of material. Perhaps it was the celebratory nature of the show. Whatever inspired the vibe of the Eras Tour, I've never seen Taylor Swift or her fans so alive. The passion was tangible, the energy was magnetic.
Though Swift has always been known as an artist with a very loyal following, it was still mind-blowing to hear 70,000 people belt out every word for three hours straight. There aren't many artists whose catalogs are as equally beloved as they are extensive, especially one who hasn't even seen her 34th birthday. No matter how many albums and tours are in Swift's future, the Eras Tour captures a special moment in time — and celebrates a legend in her prime.
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official-magnus-institute · 7 months ago
i had some men with weird accents take my precious little super cool rock from me. i was too shy to say anything at the time, but a friend of mine said you may have it? i tried coming to your institute and asking but the person I spoke to seemed uncomfortable about going and checking so i decided not to press futher. i assume maybe asking here would work? i hope you aren’t thieves.
Oh so they tow my car and then what, they give me a stolen rock as.. what, payment? Is it an omen??
I don't know why they took your little fun rock, nor do I know why it's apparently worth as much as a 2018 Nissan. You can have it back.
Oh, and if youre curious, its a carneilian stone.
J. Sims, The Rock-chivist. (How long can I drag this joke out?)
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robinfrinjs · 3 months ago
Formula E Official Jarama Testing
Tuesday 5 November:
14:00 - 17:00 Test Session 1
Wednesday 6 November:
09:00 - 12:00 Test Session 2
14:00 - 17:00 Test Session 3
Thursday 7 November:
09:00 - 12:00 Test Session 4
14:00 - 17:00 Test Session 5
Friday 8 November:
09:00 - 12:00 Test Session 6
14:00 - 17:00 Test Session 7 (Women's test)
Entry Lists
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Women's test:
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Track Map
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- Attack Mode is in Turn 7 and FE added a chicane just before pit in compared to the regular layout
Things to look out for
Attack Charge:
Formula E has been trying to debut Attack Charge for quite some time now. And whether the series will be successful in doing so remains to be seen. This Thursday afternoon, however, Formula E will host an Attack Charge 'race'.
The dummy race will be 24 laps long while 8 minutes of Attack Mode will also have to be taken.
Gen3Evo, AWD, Tyres:
With the Gen3Evo Formula E debuts a new car this season. The test at Jarama will be the first public test outing for the car.
The new car will have AWD, which is something new for the drivers and teams to get to grip with. AWD will be used in the 350kw mode, so during Attack Mode and during the qualifying duels.
Hankook has also come with new tyres after numerous complaints from drivers the past two years. And the Gen3Evo will have new, more robust bodywork
Female Test:
Formula E will host a test on Friday afternoon for female drivers. Each team was mandated to run at least one female driver but most opted for running two.
Many big names will be behind the wheel of which one has previously driven in Formula E. Simona de Silvestro competed in Formula E in the series's early years.
This won't be the first female test either as Formula E has previously hosted one back in 2018 in Saudi Arabia. Where drivers like Flörsch, Chadwick, Visser, Schreiner, Calderón and De Silvestro also attended.
Cost Cap
Nissan and Jaguar will be missing the first session as a punishment for breaching the cost cap in 2023
Following Testing
I will be posting reports after every test session but you can also follow the test through Formula E's website.
Formula E will have a liveblog and livetiming ready
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strictstandards · 3 months ago
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Various Tastes of Nissan Silvia S14/15 ⚡️ Car Photography by Cher P. Lee
Diverse S14/15 Flavours by @cp_fraud ⚡️
Holding it down since our launch in 2018– Fraud has been far and wide through his excursions chasing the Finest of car culture everywhere 🌍
Comparing the flavors of the United Kingdom and the United States 🇬🇧🇺🇸 
Let us know which modified Nissan Silvia is for you in the comments below 👇🏻 
@ura_fraud2 • @drewsjz • @s15_bey • @papo_georgio • #STRICTSTANDARDS • #FINESTFAM 🇺🇸
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sims4cars-breezemotors · 6 months ago
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“Starter” August - Preview
Here we go! Preview of August «Starter»! These 9 cars available for Patrons!
Cars will be available since August 1’st.
2024 Honda Civic Sedan 🇯🇵
2021 Honda e 🇯🇵
2023 Volkswagen Arteon Shooting Brake 🇩🇪
2018 Jaguar I-Pace 🇬🇧
1983 Volkswagen Golf GTI 🇩🇪
2004 Nissan 350Z Roadster 🇯🇵
2018 Porsche Cayenne Turbo 🇩🇪
2022 Ford Escape 🇺🇸
2022 Wuling Mini EV 🇨🇳
Go and join my Patreon!
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aurianneor · 15 days ago
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Die Unschärfe bei umweltfreundlichen Autos
I) Was bedeutet die Tabelle zu grünen (umweltfreundlichen) Autos?
Die seriösesten Autohersteller haben unterschiedliche Ansätze zur Reduzierung von Schadstoffemissionen:
Verbesserung der Motoreffizienz und der Kraftstoffverbrennung durch eine bessere Fertigungsqualität (z. B. Mazda Skyactive-G).
Unterstützung eines Benzin- oder Dieselmotors mit einer selbstaufladenden Batterie. Dies sind Hybridautos (z. B. der Toyota Auris).
Wechsel zwischen Benzin- und Elektroantrieb mithilfe einer Batterie, die das Plug-in mit dem Stromnetz verbindet. Dies sind Plug-in-Hybridautos (z. B. Toyota Prius oder Volvo V60).
100%ige elektrische Ladung an der Ladestation (z. B. Nissan Leaf).
Nox ist das Abgas, das für den giftigen Nebel in Großstädten verantwortlich ist. Dies ist hauptsächlich auf die unvollständige Verbrennung von Kraftstoff zurückzuführen. Sehen Sie sich diese TED-Ed-Erklärung zu Smogphänomenen an: https://youtu.be/CdbBwIgq4rs?si=39OCCQvY8WW_69v3 (Auf YouTube gibt es die Möglichkeit, alle Videos mit deutschen Untertiteln zu versehen).
Die CO2-Emissionen müssen nicht nur aus dem Auspuff gemessen werden, sondern auch aus dem Kraftwerk, wenn das Auto Strom aus dem Netz bezieht. Je nach Energiequelle gibt es große Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Ländern. Länder wie Frankreich verlassen sich auf eine nukleare Stromerzeugung, die kein CO2 ausstößt, aber das Risiko auf das Risiko einer Industriekatastrophe und die Verschmutzung durch Atommüll verlagert. Hier können Sie die CO2-Emissionen pro Kilometer von Elektroautos in den einzelnen Ländern nachlesen: http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/electric-car-emissions
Einige Autohersteller entscheiden sich dafür, Aluminium für die Karosserie zu verwenden. Dadurch wird das Auto leichter und verbraucht auf der Straße weniger Kraftstoff. Die Herstellung von Aluminium erfordert jedoch 20-mal mehr Ölverbrennung als die Herstellung von Stahl. Ein Auto aus Aluminium herzustellen, entspricht in Bezug auf die CO2-Emissionen einem Kraftstoffverbrauch von 2 bis 3 Jahren auf der Straße. Wenn man also Fahrzeuge vergleicht, müssen die Zahlen für Aluminiumautos neu bewertet werden.
Bei der Erstellung dieser Tabelle wurde die Entscheidung getroffen, „Real Driving“-Daten zu verwenden, d. h. Daten, die von unabhängigen Gruppen von Wissenschaftlern erstellt wurden.
Die grünen Spalten geben die Gesamtemissionen (Herstellung + Nutzung) in CO2-Äquivalenten an. Strom kann erzeugt werden von.
II) Wenn Open Science auf die Automobilindustrie trifft
Vergessen Sie nicht, dass die Aufdeckung des Volkswagen-Skandals, d. h. des Skandals, dass Volkswagen die Schadstoffmessungen seiner Fahrzeuge manipuliert hatte, das Ergebnis eines Open-Science-Ansatzes war. Tatsächlich haben Universitätsforscher ihre Arbeit zur Messung der CO2-Emissionen gemessen und geteilt. Bis dahin hatten nur die Autohersteller diese Messungen durchgeführt. Die Wissenschaftler der Open Science teilen ihre Techniken und Ergebnisse online. Dieses neue Phänomen hat nicht nur Volkswagen, sondern auch andere Hersteller wie Fiat oder Renault überrascht. Sie können nicht mehr so viel mit den Zahlen spielen, wie sie wollen.
Wenn Sie mehr darüber erfahren möchten, lesen Sie diese Artikel:
– This is the testing rig that caught Volkswagen riding dirty – The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2015/9/23/9387613/volkswagen-emissions-test-photo-scandal
– Researchers Who Exposed VW Gain Little Reward From Success – New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/25/business/vw-wvu-diesel-volkswagen-west-virginia.html
– Exhaust particles of modern gasoline vehicles: A laboratory and an on-road study – Science direct: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231014006190
III) Lassen Sie sich nicht von Regierungen blamieren. Einzelne Personen sind bei weitem nicht die einzigen, die man beschuldigen kann.
Obwohl die Suche nach dem saubersten Auto ein wichtiges Ziel ist, entfallen auf den Verkehr nur 14% der Giftgasemissionen. Um diese Daten in Relation zu setzen, vergleichen Sie diesen Prozentsatz mit dem der Agrarindustrie und den Heizsystemen in Privathaushalten, die zusammen 49% der CO2-Emissionen ausmachen. Die Daten finden Sie in diesem Dokument: Emissionen nach Wirtschaftssektoren: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data
Ziehen wir eine Parallele zu Antibiotika. Die Menschen sollten Antibiotika vernünftig einsetzen, aber 50% der weltweiten Produktion wird an Nutztiere verabreicht (http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/93/4/15-030415.pdf) und 70% der Produktion in den USA (http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/fact-sheets/2016/12/antibiotics-and-animal-agriculture-a-primer).
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in meinem Beitrag Der Pillenregenschirm.
Es ist wichtig, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was die Umwelt am meisten verschmutzt: die Herstellung von Konsumgütern, Immobilien und die Massentierhaltung.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster – The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need – Bill Gates
IV) Sozialleasing ist eine verdeckte Subvention für Bauherren
Wenn die Regierung ein Elektroauto für 100 € pro Monat anbietet, zahlen öffentliche Gelder die Differenz zum Verkaufspreis an den Hersteller, der es sich leisten kann, den Preis nach Belieben zu erhöhen, da der Endkunde immer denselben Betrag zahlen wird. Unter dem Vorwand, der Bevölkerung zu helfen, fließen Steuergelder direkt in die Taschen der Verkäufer.
V) Protektionismus ist nicht immer tugendhaft
Die französische Regierung erhebt einen Aufschlag auf in China hergestellte Elektroautos. Dies ist eine Reaktion auf den enormen Erfolg des Herstellers MG, der billige Modelle mit umweltfreundlicherer und kälteresistenterer Batterietechnologie anbietet. Diese protektionistische Maßnahme sorgt dafür, dass europäische Hersteller nicht innovativ sein müssen und weiterhin teure Lithium-Elektrofahrzeuge verkaufen können, die bei Kälte Feuer fangen können und unter ökologisch bedenklichen Bedingungen an Land oder unter dem Meer Lithium abbauen.
Lithium-ion battery fires are a growing public safety concern − here’s how to reduce the risk: https://theconversation.com/lithium-ion-battery-fires-are-a-growing-public-safety-concern-heres-how-to-reduce-the-risk-209359
Außerdem haben diese Autos Einstellungen, die die Umwelt verschmutzen: Zum Beispiel schaltet sich die Klimaanlage ein, wenn sich niemand im Tesla befindet, und das automatisch, weil Elon Musk es so will.
Es wäre besser, sich auf Elektroautos zu konzentrieren, die mit Salz oder Wasserstoff betrieben werden.
VI) Verschmutzung durch Reifen
Reifen produzieren im Durchschnitt 1850-mal mehr Partikel als Auspuffanlagen. Bei der heutigen Technologie der Lithium-Elektroautos für eine Reichweite von etwa 500 km benötigen die Fahrzeuge eine große Batterie, was die Fahrzeuge schwerer macht. Der Partikelausstoß von Reifen hängt mit dem Gewicht zusammen. Diese Verschmutzung durch die Reifen ist größer als die Verschmutzung durch den Auspuff. Diese Partikelverschmutzung erhöht das Krebsrisiko und wirkt als endokriner Disruptor auf die Tierwelt. 87% des Mittelmeers sind mit Mikroplastik verschmutzt.
Car tyres produce vastly more particle pollution than exhausts, tests show – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show
Do electric vehicles produce more tyre and brake pollution than their petrol and diesel equivalents? – RAC: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/electric-cars/running/do-electric-vehicles-produce-more-tyre-and-brake-pollution-than-petrol-and/
VII) Wenn Sie die Zahlen in meiner Tabelle überprüfen wollen, hier sind sie:
– Registre néerlandais des émission de CO2  pour les véhicules routiers: https://www.emissieregistratie.nl/erpubliek/documenten/Lucht%20(Air)/Verkeer%20en%20Vervoer%20(Transport)/Wegverkeer/TNO%20(2016)%20Dutch % 20CO2% 20emission% 20factors% 20for% 20road% 20vehicles.pdf
– Émissions de Nox et de Co2 testées sur la route: https://www.theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/ICCT_RoadTested_201709.pdf
– Calculateur d’analyse des émissions: http://www.nextgreencar.com/tools/emissions-calculator/
– Émissions liées aux carrosseries en acier et en aluminium: https://www.oecd.org/env/cc/2483490.pdf
http://www.electroheatinduction.com/how-to-calculate-electricity-cost-for-melting- métal-dans-induction-fusion-four
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
Electric cars grab almost half of sales in oil-producing Norway – Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-electric-norway/electric-cars-grab-almost-half-of-sales-in-oil-producing-norway-idUSKCN1TW2WO
La Tesla Model 3 obtient la note maximale au test européen de sécurité des passagers – @phonandroid : https://www.phonandroid.com/tesla-model-3-obtient-note-maximale-test-europeen-securite-passagers.html
TESLA Model 3 vs BMW M3 Track Battle | Top Gear: https://youtu.be/DSRWKxytW40
Übersetzt mit DeepL.com
The artistic blur of ecological cars: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-artistic-blur-of-ecological-cars-i-what-this/
Le flou artistique des voitures écologiques: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-flou-artistique-des-voitures-ecologiques-i/
La imprecisión artística de los coches ecológicos: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-imprecision-artistica-de-los-coches-ecologicos/
Fonds: https://www.aurianneor.org/fonds/
Effektive Ökologie: https://www.aurianneor.org/effektive-okologie/
Die Zwischenhändler: https://www.aurianneor.org/die-zwischenhandler/
Der Pillenregenschirm: https://www.aurianneor.org/der-pillenregenschirm/
Piste scooter / Moto: https://www.aurianneor.org/piste-scooter-moto-healthy/
Le Paon Scooter: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-paon-scooter-good-for-your-budget-compared/
Healthy Road: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-road-be-healthier-with-fewer-traffic/
Free public transport: https://www.aurianneor.org/free-public-transport/
Zero emission transport: https://www.aurianneor.org/zero-emission-transport/
Hydrogen-powered aircraft: https://www.aurianneor.org/hydrogen-powered-aircraft/
Tomorrow – Chap 2: L’énergie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-2-lenergie-demainlefilm/
Wohnen: https://www.aurianneor.org/wohnen/
Fleisch und Umwelt, ist das möglich?: https://www.aurianneor.org/fleisch-und-umweltist-das-moglich/
Ökologische Massenproduktion hat keine Zukunft: https://www.aurianneor.org/okologische-massenproduktion-hat-keine-zukunft/
Consumption: Dream & Reality: https://www.aurianneor.org/consumption-dream-realitymore-love/
My electronic device is slowing down and my power consumption is increasing: https://www.aurianneor.org/my-electronic-device-is-slowing-down-and-my-power-consumption-is-increasing/
Solar Oven: https://www.aurianneor.org/solar-oven/
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feelingrestored · 20 days ago
Couples Challenge ( Daniel && Ciara )
note from the writer: with the inevitable on horizon (danny's breakup) I thought it'd be a cool concept to show you guys a glimpse of their relationship. Idk, I'm in my feels today. Big shout out to @itsyazmin for posting this cute lil couples challenge. read below if you want.
How’d you meet: As most the wrestling world knows, I was in a traumatic and very intense car accident in 2019 that broke both of my legs. Well, i basically had to learn how to walk again and miss grace, her mom, was my PT. Ciara brought her mom lunch that day.
First Date: It was at this small diner that I’m drawing a blank on the name but I never met someone who I just instantly connected with. Not just on a physical level but an emotional level, intellectual level, someone you can just never run out of things to talk about. Two more dates, and we were together.
How long have you been together: the accident was in January of 2019, I met her in March of 2019, we got together in April of 2019.
Married: Not yet 😅
Age difference: 2 years, 1 month, 10 days.
Who is older: She is
Who was interested first: ME! She was not feeling me at all. Took a lotta work!
Who is taller: I’m right at 6feet and she’s 5’7” so me but I don’t even really pay attention like that.
Who said I love you first: guilty as charged, I’m a romantic. i said it maybe a year into being together.
Most impatient: Her, this girl in med school with no patience … get it? anyone??
Most sensitive: I would say we’re both pretty sensitive but maybe her just a lil bit’ more.
Loudest: Neither. Quiet kid syndrome is in our DNA.
Most stubborn: oooh, me! It’s that buffalo energy.
Falls asleep first: she does, she the sleepiest girl I know.
Cooks better: we’re both absolutely terrible but we’re both very curious people so we look up TikTok recipes and just randomly be in the kitchen.
Better morning person: ain’t no morning people in this house. morning pets though.
Better driver: She is 😅😂
Most Competitive: ME!! WHATS UP? WHAT YOU TRYNA’ CHALLENGE ME IN? I’ll beat yo ass.
Funniest: I really think she’s funnier than me but she thinks I’m funnier so idk how to answer this one. I just say shit and people laugh.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?: Cane’s! 🤤🤤🤤
Who is more social?: Neither of us are overly social but between the two of us, she is more likely to warm up in a conversation quicker.
Who is the neat freak? It’s definitely her cause when I get home from the road?? I’m lazy as shit. I just had a chop fest with Shibata, what do you mean do the dishes??
Where was your first kiss?: It was outside of this club called Bottoms Up in Buffalo. Specifically, in her blue 2018 Nissan Rogue in the front seat.
How long did it take to get serious? - Not long at all!! I was hooked from the start, she was hooked from the 3rd month.
Who's indecisive?: I would say neither because we’re both people who just stand on business and mean what we say.
Who spends more?: Me 🤣 I’m a bad and boujee
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?: 😅😅 uhhhh pass. (me)
Who has more tattoos? - She does. She has a planet writing on her ankle, four leaf clover behind her ear, hibiscus on her wrist, and initially Roman numeral on her other wrist.
Who sings better? - NOBODYYYY but I’m still hitting up your local karaoke bars with Mariah Carey’s greatest hits.
Who hogs the remote? - Me because lately I’ve been on my crime documentary bullshit.
Did you go to the same high school? - No, she would not have liked high school DG.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? - Spain
Who drives when you're going somewhere together? - Me cause again, she’s a sleepy girl.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 5 months ago
Damita Menezes at NewsNation:
(NewsNation) — A man who allegedly pointed an AK-47-style rifle through the fence at Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach on Sunday, while the former president was golfing nearby, has been taken into custody, authorities say. The man, identified to NewsNation by a law enforcement source as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, is described as a white male. He is believed to be the suspect who was crouched in bushes near the golf club perimeter, armed with a weapon equipped with a scope. Two backpacks and a Go-Pro camera were also found with the firearm near the perimeter from which the suspect had fled. Local authorities said the gunman was about 400 yards to 500 yards away from Trump. Routh was convicted in 2002 of possessing a weapon of mass destruction, according to online North Carolina Department of Adult Correction records.
Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg told NewsNation that the suspect was not previously on local law enforcement’s radar. Routh, who reportedly has ties to North Carolina and Hawaii, had made “bizarre” social media posts about Ukraine before the incident. Federal authorities have taken over the case, with Aronberg’s office standing down. The state attorney anticipates Routh will face charges related to domestic terrorism and weapons offenses, though specific charges have not been announced. At approximately 1:30 p.m. local time, authorities received a call reporting shots fired at the golf course where Trump was playing a round of golf. A witness told police the suspect fled the scene in a black Nissan and provided investigators with photos of the suspect’s license plate. Using that photo, authorities say they put out a “a very urgent BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for the suspect’s vehicle and plates. [...]
Routh’s social media posts
Social media posts allegedly belonging to Routh indicate he was a believer in COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and he had posted that he had voted for Trump in 2016 but was disappointed with him after the fact, expressing support for Tulsi Gabbard in various posts. Records show Routh moved in 2018 to Kaaawa, Hawaii, where he and his son operated a company building sheds, according to an archived version of the webpage for the business.
In June 2020, he made a post on X directed at then-President Trump to say he would win reelection if he issued an executive order for the Justice Department to prosecute police misconduct. However, in recent years, his posts suggest he soured on Trump, and he expressed support for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. In July, following the assassination attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania, Routh urged Biden and Harris to visit those wounded in the shooting at the hospital and to attend the funeral of a former fire chief killed at the rally. Voter records show he registered as an unaffiliated voter in North Carolina in 2012, most recently voting in person during the state’s Democratic Party primary in March 2024. Federal campaign finance records show Routh made 19 small political donations totaling $140 since 2019 using his Hawaii address to ActBlue, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates.
Routh’s Ukrainian ties
The New York Times said it interviewed him for a feature on pro-Ukrainian foreign fighters last year. The Times said Routh traveled to Ukraine in 2022 to recruit ex-Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban to fight for the embattled nation. Routh frequently posted on social media about the war in Ukraine and had a website where he sought to raise money and recruit volunteers to go to Kyiv to join the fight against the Russian invasion.
The 2nd Trump assassination attempt shooter was Ryan Wesley Routh.
Routh has expressed political views across the spectrum, such as COVID conspiracies, support for Ukraine and Taiwan, and backing of Donald Trump in 2016 before turning against him in favor of Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 and this year, a Vivek Ramaswamy/Nikki Haley unity ticket.
See Also:
HuffPost: Authorities Begin Probing Life Of Suspect In Apparent Assassination Attempt Against Trump
The Guardian: Who is the man reportedly detained in the Trump ‘assassination attempt’?
Axios: What we know about the suspect in the Trump golf club shooting incident
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years ago
Ko-fi prompt from @thisarenotarealblog:
There's a street near me that has eight car dealerships all on the same lot- i counted. it mystifies me that even one gets enough sales to keep going- but 8?? is there something you can tell me that demystifies this aspect of capitalism for me?
I had a few theories going in, but had to do some research. Here is my primary hypothesis, and then I'll run through what they mean and whether research agrees with me:
Sales make up only part of a dealership's income, so whether or not the dealership sells much is secondary to other factors.
Dealerships are put near each other for similar reasons to grouping clothing stores in a mall or restaurants on a single street.
Zoning laws impact where a car dealership can exist.
Let's start with how revenue works for a car dealership, as you mentioned 'that even one gets enough sales to keep going' is confusing. For this, I'm going to be using the Sharpsheets finance example, this NYU spreadsheet, and this Motor1 article.
This example notes that the profit margin (i.e. the percentage of revenue that comes out after paying all salaries, rent, supply, etc) for a car dealership is comparatively low, which is confirmed by the NYC sheet. The gross profit margin (that is to say, profits on the car sale before salaries, rent, taxes) is under 15% in both sources, which is significantly lower than, say, the 50% or so that one sees in apparel or cable tv.
Cars are expensive to purchase, and can't be sold for much more than you did purchase them. However, a low gross profit margin on an item that costs tens of thousands of dollars is still a hefty chunk of cash. 15% gross profit of a $20,000 car is still $3,000 profit. On top of that, the dealership will charge fees, sell warranties, and offer upgrades. They may also have paid deals to advertise or push certain brands of tire, maintenance fluids, and of course, banks that offer auto loans. So if a dealership sells one car a day, well, that's still several thousand dollars coming in, which is enough to pay the salaries of most of the employees. According to the Motor1 article, "the average gross profit per new vehicle sits at $6,244" in early 2022.
There is also a much less volatile, if also much smaller, source of revenue in attaching a repairs and checkup service to a dealership. If the location offers repairs (either under warranty or at a 'discounted' rate compared to a local, non-dealership mechanic), state inspections, and software updates, that's a recurring source of revenue from customers that aren't interested in purchasing a car more than once a decade.
This also all varies based on whether it's a brand location, used vs new, luxury vs standards, and so on.
I was mistaken as to how large a part of the revenue is the repairs and services section, but the income for a single dealership, on average, does work out math-wise. Hypothesis disproven, but we've learned something, and confirmed that income across the field does seem to be holding steady.
I'm going to handle the zoning and consolidation together, since they overlap:
Consolidation is a pretty easy one: this is a tactic called clustering. The expectation is that if you're going to, say, a Honda dealership to look at a midsize sedan, and there's a Nissan right next door, and a Ford across the street, and a Honda right around the corner, you might as well hit up the others to see if they have better deals. This tactic works for some businesses but not others. In the case of auto dealerships, the marketing advantage of clustering mixes with the restrictions of zoning laws.
Zoning laws vary by state, county, and township. Auto dealerships can generally only be opened on commercially zoned property.
I am going to use an area I have been to as an example/case study.
This pdf is a set of zoning regulations for Suffolk County, New York, published 2018, reviewing land use in the county during 2016. I'm going to paste in the map of the Town of Huntington, page 62, a region I worked in sporadically a few years ago, and know mostly for its mall and cutesy town center.
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Those red sections are Commercially Zoned areas, and they largely follow some large stroads, most notably Jericho Turnpike (the horizontal line halfway down) and Walt Whitman Road (the vertical line on the left). The bulge where they intersect is Walt Whitman Mall, and the big red chunk in the bottom left is... mostly parking. That central strip, Jericho Turnpike, and its intersection with Walt Whitman... looks like this:
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All those red spots are auto dealerships, one after another.
So zoning laws indicate that a dealership (and many other types of commercial properties) can only exist in that little red strip on the land use map, and dealerships take up a lot of space. Not only do they need places to put all of the cars they are selling, but they also need places to park all their customers and employees.
This is where we get into the issue of parking minimums. There is a recent video from Climate Town, with a guest spot by NotJustBikes. If you want to know more about this aspect of zoning law, I'd recommend watching this video and the one linked in the description.
Suffolk county does not have parking minimums. Those are decided on a town or village level. In this case, this means we are looking at the code set for the town of Huntington. (I was originally looking on the county level, and then cut the knot by just asking my real estate agent mom if she knew where I could find minimum parking regulations. She said to look up e360 by town, and lo and behold! There they are.)
(There is also this arcgis map, which shows that they are all within the C6 subset of commercial districting, the General Business District.)
Furniture or appliance store, machinery or new auto sales - 1 per 500 square feet of gross floor area
Used auto sales, boat sales, commercial nurseries selling at retail - 5 spaces for each use (to be specifically designated for customer parking) - Plus 1 for each 5,000 square feet of lot area
This is a bit odd, at first glance, as the requirements are actually much lower than that of other businesses, like drive-in restaurants (1 per 35 sqft) or department stores (1 per 200 sqft). I could not find confirmation on whether the 'gross floor area' of the dealership included only indoor spaces or also the parking lot space allotted to the objects for sale, but I think we can assume that any parking spaces used by merchandise do not qualify as part of the minimum. Some dealerships can have up to 20,000 gross sqft, so those would require 40 parking spaces reserved solely for customers and employees. Smaller dealerships would naturally need less. One dealership in this area is currently offering 65 cars of varying makes and models; some may be held inside the building, but most will be on the lot, and the number may go higher in other seasons. If we assume they need 30 parking spaces for customers and employees, and can have up to 70 cars in the lot itself, they are likely to have 100 parking spaces total.
That's a lot of parking.
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Other businesses that require that kind of parking requirement are generally seeing much higher visitation. Consider this wider section of the map:
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The other buildings with comparative parking are a grocery store (Lidl) and a post office (can get some pretty high visitation in the holiday season, but also just at random).
Compare them, then, to the "old town" section of the same town.
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There are a handful of public parking areas nearby (lined in blue), whereas the bulk of the businesses are put together along this set of streets. While there is a lot of foot traffic and vehicle passage, which is appealing for almost any business, opening a car dealership in this area would require not only buying a building, but also the buildings surrounding it. You would need to bulldoze them for the necessary parking, which would be prohibitively expensive due to the cost of local real estate... and would probably get shot down in the application process by city planners and town councils and so on. Much easier to just buy land over in the strip where everyone's got giant parking lots and you can just add a few extra cramped lanes for the merchandise.
Car dealerships also tend to be very brightly lit, which hits a lot of NIMBY sore spots. It's much easier to go to sleep if you aren't right next to a glaring floodlight at a car dealership, so it's best if we just shove them all away from expensive residential, which means towards the loud stroads, which means... all along these two major roads/highways.
And if they're all limited to a narrow type of zoning already, they might as well take advantage of cluster marketing and just all set up shop near each other in hopes of stealing one of the other's customers.
As consumers, it's also better for us, because if we want to try out a few different cars from a few different brands, it's pretty easy to just go one building down to try out the Hyundai and see if it's better than a Chevy in the same price group.
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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