#2018 at 10:43AM
gesau-it · 2 years
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Presto vi verrà detto di usare la vostra fede per creare una campagna politica intorno al mondo per salvare i poveri https://messaggidivinamisericordia.blogspot.com/2018/05/presto-vi-verra-detto-di-usare-la.html ººººº — █ █ December 17, 2022 at 10:43AM
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bjornmeansbear · 6 years
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When you have no ideas https://ift.tt/2PcTeth November 05, 2018 at 10:43AM
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colieco · 6 years
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So today is the first #worldrecyclingday !! Our entire PORTO range is made from a fabric called RPET, manufactured from recycled plastic bottles! The unique tile design inspired by the azulejos tiles of Portugal is digitally printed onto the recycled fabric in a process that uses hardly any water creating less waste and damage to the environment through water contamination. ♲💧❤️ #azulejos #ihavethisthingwithtiles #bluetiles #rpet #recycledfashion #recycled #recycledplastic #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #ethicallingerie #shopindie #supportthemakers #makersgonnamake #highwaisted http://ift.tt/2FUQgRC
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Mystery – Tell Stories To Get The Girl
Click Here To Get Seduction Hacks You Needed Yesterday: http://bit.ly/2gn90fZ
The post Mystery – Tell Stories To Get The Girl appeared first on Singleman.co.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2mlny4y January 10, 2018 at 03:47AM
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10 February 2021 Additions to Reylo Roommates/Neighbors
These fics have been added to the Roommates/Neighbors list located here.
Hey Sweetheart by SuchaPrettyPoison (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Anytime a guy flirts with Rey, her flatmate Ben swoops in and pretends to be her possessive boyfriend. She was never going to get laid. Six months since moving in with him, and he scared away all her potential ‘suitors’.) And Let Me Kiss You by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey are best friends, and are cuddling on the couch. Rey’s head rests on his chest, his breathing as relaxed and steady as the calming beat of his heart. When she’s sure he’s asleep, she leans up and places a soft kiss on his lips. He pulls her closer. He was awake the whole time.) The Revelation by ClaireLou (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey have lived together for 3 years, it was a housemate of convenience type effort. They got on from the start, and are the best of friends..... The thing is, neither of them can see what more they have become. Until Rey comes home one evening shouting "Darling I'm home". Unfortunately Bens date doesn't take to well to that.... Well, until she sees with her own eyes the things these 2 idiots have been missing.) Losing It by Crysania (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "I'm never going to lose my virginity," Rey announces one day to her roommate Ben Solo. When she finds out that he, too, has no experience, she decides to get them both laid. Things, of course, don't quite go the way she expects them to.) I'll Show You Mine, If You Show Me Yours by CaliforniaQueen (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is getting ready to get back into the dating world. His roommate Rey interrupts him preparing for his date and sees something she wasn't prepared to see.) Neighbors
Midnight Snacks by bellestar (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo just wants make a grilled cheese sandwich at 1:43am when a girl wanting to make Midnight Noodles interrupts him. Her midnight snack of choice just won't do.)
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jccamus · 5 years
Las mejores narrativas interactivas de 2019 (I)
Las mejores narrativas interactivas de 2019 (I) https://ift.tt/2wpwq0C
Además de las coberturas minuto a minuto, los titulares clickbait y el branded content, por fortuna, numerosos medios apuestan por un periodismo explicativo, que a través de diversas narrativas aborda temas en profundidad de modo creativo e innovador. Se trata de formatos interactivos que combinan el rigor informativo y una experiencia interactiva, inmersiva y, en ocasiones, lúdica.
En una serie de artículos, os mostramos los formatos interactivos más sobresalientes de 2019. ¿Echas en falta alguno? Envíanos la referencia a jagarciaaviles(arroba)gmail.com y la incluiremos en nuestra próxima selección.
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The People Map The Pudding
Este“mapa de la gente de Estados Unidos”(también han desarrollado la versión del Reino Unido) es una idea simpática,ya que los nombres de las ciudades más importantes del país han sido reemplazados por el personaje más popular en Wikipedia, que haya nacido, vivido o esté conectado con cada ciudad. El interactivo se ha realizado a través de los datos de la Wikipedia API.Como ellos mismos se definen, The Pudding es una publicación nativa digital que aborda mediante ensayos visuales las ideas que se debaten en la cultura, y destaca por su innovación en los formatos y su planteamiento “gamberro” en muchos temas.
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1.000 mujeres asesinadas RTVE Lab
Es el resultado de un impresionante trabajo colaborativo de documentalistas, periodistas, diseñadores, redactores y realizadores coordinados desde el Lab de RTVE, para contar quiénes son las mil mujeres que han sido víctimas de la violencia machista en España desde que hay registros. El objetivo es retratar su vida, no su muerte, y contar qué fue de sus asesinos, ponerles nombre y apellido tras la sentencia. El usuario juega un papel fundamental para ayudar a completar la biografía: el Lab pone a su disposición un teléfono (676 67 61 48) para que, a través de WhatsApp, quienes conocieran a alguna de las víctimas puedan aportar en qué trabajaba, sus gustos, sus sueños… El interactivo, que ha cosechado dos prestigiosos Lovie Awards y el premio Rey de España de Periodismo 2020, ha sido dirigido por Miriam Hernanz y Estefanía de Antonio.
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I am Mosul BNNVARA
¿Puedes sobrevivir a una guerra? Esta es la pregunta principal del juego, desarrollado por la asociación de la radiotelevisión pública holandesa BNNVARA. Las preguntas se basan en la situación real que viven durante la guerra los habitantes de Mosul (Siria), pero el entorno del juego es la propia ciudad donde reside el usuario en los Países Bajos. “¡Empieza a correr, tienes 8 segundos para elegir lo más esencial!”, comienza el interactivo. Mediante grabaciones en video vertical, el usuario se sumerge en la lucha por la supervivencia: “Se me acaba el tiempo y salgo con el móvil, el cargador y una botella de agua. Corro por las calles entre disparos y explosiones”.
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Tengo 10 años y estreno móvil El País
¿Qué hace un niño con su primer móvil? Dos periodistas de El País se lo preguntan por Whatsapp —la aplicación que más usan— a tres estudiantes de 5º de primaria, que solo llevan unos meses con su smartphone. Este reportaje es la tercera entrega de Crecer Conectados, una serie que explora la vida de niños y adolescentes en un mundo digital. ¿Qué hacen, dónde están y cómo usan los menores la tecnología? Destaca la inmersión del usuario: el diseño le permite “meterse” en los móviles de estos niños y comprobar qué aplicaciones usan y cómo interactúan en su día a día. Coordinado y producido por Patricia Gosálvez y Guiomar del Ser.
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Game of $urvival The Strait Times
En este newsgame, el usuario dispone de un presupuesto limitado para sobrevivir un mes en Singapur. Según sus decisiones y cómo gaste su dinero, podrá ahorrar o acabar endeudado hasta las cejas. El formato, además, aporta abundante información sobre el presupuesto que maneja el gobierno de Singapur en 2018, que sienta las bases de la economía para la siguiente década, y sobre cómo gestionar las cuentas públicas. El newsgame permite experimentar las dificultades de manejar un presupuesto y está reforzado por un notable trabajo periodístico de contexto y análisis. Ha sido elaborado por el departamento de grafismo del diario.
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La indagatoria de Uribe, de pe a pa La Silla Vacía
El expresidente colombiano Álvaro Uribe compareció ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia por un caso de manipulación de testigos que le abrió la Corte en 2018, por supuestamente buscar que exparamilitares cambiaran los testimonios que lo vinculaban a él y a su hermano con el paramilitarismo en Colombia. El interactivo aporta una amplia información (testimonios, documentos, mapas, gráficos) para entender esos hechos, con los personajes y eventos clave. Elaborado porcuatro periodistas (Daniela Amaya, Adelaida Ávila, Juan Esteban y Juanita Vélez) de La Silla Vacía, un nativo digital colombiano que aborda cuestiones políticas desde una perspectiva innovadora.
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The Making of a YoutTube Radical The New York Times
Tras abandonar sus estudios universitarios, el joven Caleb Cain buscaba orientación en su vida. En YouTube encontró un mundo lleno de teorías de conspiración, misoginia y racismo. Este reportaje narra el viaje de Cain hasta la radicalización y su posterior desencanto con la ideología extremista. Mediante un scroll, en la pieza se insertan imágenes, vídeos documentales, infografías y una historia bien elaborada, con un ritmo narrativo muy logrado. El trabajo ha despertado un polémico debate en Estados Unidos.
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Funes: un algoritmo contra la corrupción Ojo Público
Ojo Público, un nativo digital peruano especializado en investigaciones, desarrolló un algoritmo para identificar situaciones de riesgo en los contratos entregados por el Estado a empresas constructoras, proveedoras de alimentos para niños en estado de pobreza y medicinas al seguro social y servicios de telecomunicación. La herramienta alerta que entre 2015 y 2018, unas 110 mil adjudicaciones de todo el país, por 57 mil millones de dólares, fueron entregadas a un único postor que no tuvo competencia y a compañías creadas pocos días antes del concurso. Ojo Público se consolida como un medio indispensable en América Latina.
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Tour of France. A century of yellow jersey Al Jazeera
El Tour de Francia, la competición ciclista más veterana, nació en 1903. Su tradicional maillot amarillo se implantó en 1919. Este interactivo repasa la historia del Tour al hilo de las gestas e historias de ciclistas, anécdotas y efemérides destacadas. Mediante un elaborado tratamiento de documentos, testimonios, imágenes y vídeos de archivo, el usuario disfrutará de la experiencia. Está producido por Sonia Chemaa y el lab de Aljazeera, que ha cosechado importantes premios en los últimos años.
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The story behind an identity theft Pointer
“Al acecho detrás de un simple correo electrónico en nuestra bandeja de entrada, detectamos una red de sitios web falsos, empresas de direcciones fantasma y más de cien víctimas en todo el mundo”. La investigación desmantela una red de cuentas falsas y el rastro digital conduce hasta dos estafadores daneses. Este formato interactivo revela, de forma muy original, cómo los periodistas fueron rastreando las pistas, paso a paso, hasta desvelar la estafa. Pointer es la unidad de periodismo de datos de la radiotelevisión pública holandesa KRO-NCRV.
https://ift.tt/38PgTWC via Blog March 3, 2020 at 10:43AM
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sangklp · 6 years
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RT @shonai59537515: https://t.co/Yotv1AqmPq https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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soul2soulmates · 6 years
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paidfocusgroups · 6 years
October 9, 2018 at 10:43AM
October 9, 2018 at 10:43AM
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xolovejessie4181 · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM STORY VIDEO] jessica.syj: https://t.co/8Crxr3qYd9 https://t.co/x9UT9YmeGY
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via [Kayla Savill]
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sangklp · 6 years
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RT @rmasher2: Spending lots of time & money to build a wall that won't work & nobody wants. Kinda like spending time & money on an elaborate origami-like hair weave to hide the fact you're going bald that makes you a laughingstock & fools nobody. I mean, who would DO that? @realDonaldTrump https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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datacentr3 · 7 years
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via [Architektura]
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euphoriefetzen · 7 years
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/ on Instagram http://ift.tt/2DpUPCc
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huangchechin · 7 years
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Bundled via Instagram via Blogger
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Trump doesn't give a damn about people who live in poverty, he's simply attracting Baltimore because Elijah Cummings is investigating him for his corruption. Elijah Cummings ha provided money for his district but it's up to it's leaders on how to spend the money. And remember Jared Kushner owns one of the largest slums in Baltimore and has done nothing to fix it.
Trump's attacks on Democratic cities ignore poverty in GOP states
Analysis by Zachary B. Wolf | Updated 9:21 AM EDT, Sat August 03, 2019 | CNN | Posted August 3, 2019 9:43AM ET |
Washington(CNN)There are plenty of problems in places President Donald Trump visits for his campaign rallies, but he's more likely to talk about how beautiful they are.
That included Cincinnati, which Trump described during a stop this week as "on the banks of the beautiful Ohio River, with the hardworking patriots of the American heartland."
Compare that description with his attacks on Baltimore spotlighting poverty and urban decay. The majority-black city, the President said this week, is a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" and "no human being would want to live there."
The difference? Baltimore is home to Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, chairman of the House Oversight Committee. In Trump's worldview, people who are opposed to his policies are bad. And people who like him are good. It's a simple, binary equation for him.
The problem with that is the US is a massive, complicated place and Trump is supposed to be leading all of it.
He's not going after his political ally Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, even though Kentucky has some of the poorest areas in the country. Instead, Trump is promising to do things like bring back coal mining jobs, even as the energy industry moves toward gas and solar power. That will not comfort former Kentucky employees of the bankrupt Blackjewel coal company, which declined to pay some workers' final paychecks.
In Cincinnati, Trump had a mostly white audience cheering at the decay of mostly black inner cities. He segued quickly from his praise for Ohioans into an argument that Democratic politicians who run major cities have failed, saying that "no one has paid a higher price for the far-left destructive agendas than Americans living in our inner cities."
It's true that most major cities are run by Democrats. But Trump's message about Baltimore and other inner cities, delivered, as it was, to a MAGA-hat-wearing audience in Cincinnati, came off as a political potshot rather than a constructive effort.
While there was outrage at Trump's attack on Baltimore and its racial subtext, there were also a number of thoughtful examinations of why the situation in inner-city Baltimore has not improved. One disturbing fact is that urban areas, for the first time in years, see more fatal drug overdoses than rural areas, according to a new analysis of statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The issue of inequality in urban areas has fueled much of the political conversation among Democrats in 2020. And the social programs many of the progressive Democrats are proposing -- help with health care, child care and college -- would help the black community, which has a lower median income than other racial subgroups in the US and far less generational wealth to fall back on.
Trump's efforts meant to help urban areas have at times helped his political allies. ProPublica reported on a tax break meant to spur investment in places like inner-city Baltimore that was exploited by Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank and Goldman Sachs to help develop an area of the city that is not particularly poor.
CNN's Lydia DePillis has written about howthat Opportunity Zone tax break has been used in cities around the country to save real estate investors money for high-end projects rather than for affordable housing.
Of the 10 states with the highest poverty rates, according to census data, all but one -- New Mexico -- voted for Trump. They are Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Tennessee.
The area of the country with the lowest poverty rate is the Northeast, which was united, except for one electoral vote in Maine, against Trump.
The area of the country with the highest poverty rate is the South, which is Trump's most reliable bed of support.
The poverty rate can be misleading, however. It's a single threshold set by the federal government's Census Bureau for the entire country. In 2018, the poverty threshold was set at an annual income of $13,064 for a single person and $25,465 for a family of four with two children.
But it's a misleading number in a lot of ways, since it costs a lot less to live in Mississippi or West Virginia than it does in Baltimore.
According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Living Wage Calculator, it costs about $48,000 for a family of four with one working adult to live in West Virginia, compared with almost $60,000 in Baltimore. But the poverty level, according to the government, is the same. This is also why Democratic efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15 would have a different effect in the South than in large cities, where it still might not be enough.
The number of Americans living in poverty has been falling since 2014, according to the Census Bureau, when it released data for 2017. Data for 2018 will be released in September.
For another example of how poverty data doesn't tell the whole story, consider this: The state with the second-lowest poverty rate in the US is Maryland, which includes Baltimore.
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