#2014 wasnt that long ago right?
nervous-catboy · 1 year
The realization that the Evil Within came out when I was a sophomore in hs has hit me...I feel so old.
In some ways I miss 2014, in most ways I do not.
This goddamm game got me in a chokehold at a low point in my life. It never let go. I continued to play it through college, where I was at an all time low. Just to keep myself afloat..
Then 2 came out
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hevendor · 8 months
10 years ago is somehow simultaneously a short time ago and a super fucking long ass time ago to me...
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foxfirexo · 1 month
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my minecraft base on a server with a couple ppl; i am very proud of how it is turning out, the vibes are cozy and it has very organically expanded over time :3
tiny bit of story feel free to ignore and just scroll past but i feel like oversharing so fuck u (kindly <3)
ive always been pretty creative even if i spent the last decade or so telling myself i wasnt. when i was little it was lego, when i got older it was minecraft (among other things)
but being an audhd transgirl growing up in a very conservative southern baptist household (and as a PK and MK at that ;-;) and whose very existence was just fundamentally at odds with the teachings i was raised, i felt a lot of lot of pressure to suppress any self expression or identity i might have and with that went a lot of my creativity
after all, how am i supposed to be creative without expressing myself? and if ive numbed all the thoughts that i want to share bc they get me in trouble w my parents, what am i supposed to put into my art?
also being told your whole childhood that you're a guy and receiving all that lovely generational societal trauma of male gender roles and expectations really crushed the pointless wonderful meanderings of my mind. god i cringe a bit now(w compassion<3) but i used to brag about how obsessed i was with productivity, efficiency, logic, order but in hindsight i think it was 98% just feeling like i had to be a high achieving eventually bread winning "guy"
anyway as such ive had a very on again off again relationship w minecraft. it was a coping mechanism when i was young so ive put probably a good 5k+ hours into it but it became increasingly difficult to enjoy as i got older and ive gone years at a time never touching the damn game
its funny bc you could probably chart my whole healing journey and my ups and downs of my mental health by just measuring # of hrs spent in mc per month
but very recently ive been finally reaching a point (thank u therapist) that i am allowing myself the joy of self expression, that i am accepting and loving myself without the judgement of my youth holding me back, that i no longer feel like i have to hide myself away for fear of being crushed again because i have the self love to stand on my own two feet no matter what anybody else thinks
as silly as this probably sounds, joining tumblr just over a week ago has actually played a part in this too. ill probably ramble more ab that some other time whenever i feel like oversharing again but suffice it to say that this environment is incredible and everyone on this platform has made me feel so so so comfortable in my own skin being myself sharing my thoughts and feelings and just existing :3
and ya its a bit goofy but im actually seeing this milestone in how im playing minecraft. not only am i playing again (pretty regularly, too!) but im... just fucking around. no plan, no goal, if i have an idea pop into my head i just go out and do it but im equally content to just strip mine, chop trees, tend to my farms, whatever sounds good in the moment.....
and im building again too!!! no worrying about doing it "right", no stressing about wasting time bc i didnt count something right and now i have to move that wall or i changed my mind and now i have to redo all my flooring... just chipping away at it, trying out new blocks or decor ideas, enjoying it more for the process than the finished product and never needing anything to truly be finished
so ya :3 i havent felt this amazing playing minecraft since probably 2014/15 and im super proud of myself for getting to this point, its been a long journey and im by no means done but silly little things like this give me so so so sooo much hope and encouragement ^^
k thats all if u actually read all that im sorry or ur welcome lol
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isabelguerra · 1 year
how long have u been part of the pnat fandom? any older fics/art you really liked from now inactive users? what horrors have u seen that u will never unsee
this is such a sweet ask i wasnt expecting actual responses omg!
ive been in the pnat fandom since 2015/2016 :) because of this arguably ALL my favorite older fic/art is by inactive users lol, some people are still kicking around though. my fave fics of all time are:
- I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Battle by whytho
- Copycat by onethreataningacronym
- parental guidance is not advised by soomin
- the many emotions of one johnny jhonny by littledragonprince
umm what horrors were there. oh okay so apparently there was fandom drama a few weeks ago over the prose stuff or writing or whatever idk i wasnt paying attention- anyway i saw people posting about it like it was some massive fallout. literally it was baby leagues. in 2018ish mid-ch5 when isabel and isaac had their big fight? the fandom was in ACTUAL SHAMBLES. the tag was full and i mean FUL of people writing me-length essays on why isaac was right or isabel was right. people tried arguing isabel was gaslighting isaac. one person in the fandom was a psych major and wrote an entire response on how that was quite literally not the definition of gaslighting. several people quit the fandom for this it was their catalyst. also bullymagnets and imaaxes hated each others guts. actually pnat shipping only really got popular around 2016/2017- a lot of the fandom didnt like shipping the kids! we just hung out being like ‘what if max and isabel bet one could shove more cookies in their mouth and then they both threw up’ ‘what if the activity club played dnd’ ‘what if they were wizards’ it was super chill. rarepairs were more common. ppl were a lot more focused and interested in just having fun and trying new things than if those things made sense or if they liked them or not. OH PARASONAS WERE HUGE everyone loved parasonas. wait this is supposed to be about the horrors. ummmm i mentioned it before but there was a lot of isaac/isabel fandrama. by which i mean isaac enjoyers who tended to relate to him without understanding why the writing treats him like it does, woobified the shit out of him and were super obnoxious about it. imo this still happens but not nearly as much as it did in 2014-2019. there was this one guy who like HARDCORE shipped ed and isabel and did it with unabashed gusto. these were the horrors
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By: Ritchie Herron
Published: May 23, 2024
Today is a day I can't really ignore, because whether I want to mark it or not, my body reminds me regardless.
Six years ago, conflicted, but optimistic, i thought I was doing the right thing getting 'Sex Reassignment surgery'.
A Long Story 🧵
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I transitioned as an adult, I was 26. Me and my fully developed big brain thought this would be a good idea.
I had severe OCD and a myriad of mental health problems. I mean even then I be head tiltin'...This was me at age 25, pure giga chad
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Soon as i found out transition was an option, I went in full force, like a bat out of hell!
I had become obsessed with the idea that my body was being poisoned by testosterone, that every masculine trait needed to be annihilated, for i was a true and honest woman after all. 
As a child, I was soft, loving, quite literal and I loved to sing, dance and dress up, but i also loved my diggers!
Me at age 10 before I went to sing karaoke with my friends family. You cant see it but my friends shoulder is on the right, he was a year younger too! I was tiny!
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When I came out to my family, in isolation they all asked the same question when I told them I had something to tell them: "You're gay, aren't you?"
"No! I'm a real transsexual!" I said. Convinced I was the truest of the true. Genuinely born in the wrong body and all that noise. 
It was 2013 and I had found a supportive online community that helped me get on the right path to transition.
Facing a 15 month wait for the gender clinic. I found out I could start the blocker (And stop the 'poison'!) if i had two private diagnosis of transsexualism. 
So off I fucked to Scotland for a private diagnosis, as i waited to be enrolled for the gender clinic.
I was on a low income so I did the only thing i could, and got a payday loan. "Fuck debt, its this or death!" I reasoned.
Two days later I got the full diagnosis for £500. 
It took until April 2014 for the Gender Clinic to agree to give me the Goserelin Zoladex implant (testosterone blocker).
When I got it, I was so happy the poison was about to stop. At first, I looked a right state. I did the opposite of blend in. 
By January 2015, I was finally enrolled into the gender clinic and after a while, the blockers were showing some effect. Though, I wasn't committing to it at all.
I found myself desisting from the idea of estrogen/transition all together and just thought I'd live as just some androgynous looking guy.
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It all changed when i went to the gender clinic. The very first question I got asked by the psychiatrist was: "have you given any thought to gender reassignment surgery?"
I said honestly, I wasn't sure, I dont think i ever had that type of dysphoria, besides i really want to see the therapist. 
They agreed to refer me to a gender therapist in March 2015. In total I would end up have 97 gender therapy sessions with them.
Gender therapy is not like normal therapy. It helped defeat my doubt, and also helped me defeat others who were doubtful. 
In July 2015, the Psychiatrist asked if i had given any further thought to the surgery.
I said I wasn't sure, and i'd like to find out more. Thats when i realised NONE of them had any technical knowledge about the surgery, what it does, etc. It suprised me. 
I got refered back to the place in Scotland, since I already went there for the pre-diagnosis.
I took my mother, she wasnt convinced.
The therapist told her, infront of her grown ass 28 year old son, if she didnt affirm, he'd kms. 
She told me the surgery would make myself feel better, and that regret was extremely low (I was worried about regretted it) and bleeding.
I have a huge fear of bleeding, I'm a wuss! yes... 
Once the surgery referal came through in late 2015, i panicked! Too quick i said!
"It'll be there for when your ready." The psychatrist said.
But all I really wanted was therapy. 
I said no several more times, I forgot exactly how many times they asked, but it was constant.
By 2016 early 2017, life was still chaos, but blending in felt easier, I wasn't getting noticed really and most people gendered me as a woman.
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I was happy enough as I was, but back at the gender clinic in 2017 I was delivered an ultimatum. Accept surgery referral or get discharged.
That would also mean an end to the therapy, and it was keeping me stable.
I bit the bullet and said no once more. 
My gender therapist, also somewhat co-dependant on me as a client for now 60 odd sessions, didnt want to let me go either. He reasoned that i did have dysphoria and surgery was probably the best option.
So i called the psychiatrist back and asked to be refered back for surgery. 
I've went over it in my head 1000's of times.
Why did I go along with it? Why didn't just stop it?
It just felt like a ride i couldnt get off, and it got faster and faster.
Everyone was routing for me. 
Day of surgery, may 23rd 2018.
After staying an extra 3 hours in theatre, i finally woke up around this time. 4:00pm ish.
I was still bleeding and had lost nearly 2000ml from the surgery and drains.
A friend helped snap this.
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I apologise for the haram photo, but this is what the area looked like a few weeks after.
I had Lichen Scoloris, which was ignored and is now inside the hole and around the entrance. I had a constricted urethra and both my scar lines on both sides split open, which would get infected.
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I won't share anymore, but i have a lot of photos that are far more grim.
It's what happened I really can't show you.
The depression, the pain, the insane pain oh my god. Not being able to pee, to feel anything.
Feeling betrayed 
SO I GO BACK TO MY GENDER THERAPIST THREE MONTHS LATER....and i say "Hey, I think i made a mistake, i think i regret this."
"No you dont." He said.
I went back every other week and told him, i regret it. He said no. 
One year of this back and forth. I was refered to a psychiatric team, that said i didnt have regret, I had Unstable Personality Disorder and severe Obsessive compulsive Disorder.
And then I was discharged in January 2020.
It was the worst time in my life, those years. I was very angry at myself, and everyone I talked to reassured me that I didnt have regret and if i did, it was my fault anyway.
But I resisted...And in 2022 I spoke out after desisting 
I'm 37 as of Saturday... and I'm facing life ahead of me as a castrated male. It's not easy territory, but if i want one thing to come out of this, it's to give others a chance, a warning about surgery.
But i wont stop anyone. Just don't try and stop me.
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If you would like to support my work, please consider liking/retweeting. I do it for free but will happily accept tips for sausage rolls.
Also consider checking out my substack where i write a lot of shit and youtube where i talk even more shit t.co/tQSunLfhVk tullipr.substack.com
I really needed to get that off my chest so thanks for reading. It's appreciated
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vro0m · 2 years
Okay SO i have my coffee, I went off about celtic mythology already, apparently I'm in the mood to write today, and I remembered your post last night. LETS GO
- shit. it would be shit, definitely
- nico would have more than one championship
- seb would have at least one more wdc with ferrari
- fernando would be a bit more normal because he wouldnt be holding a grudge about being beaten by a rookie 20 yrs ago
- i think val and nico would be teammates and i honestly have no idea how that would look; however, nico would be a fundamentally different person bcs lewis was legit his only friend, and i somehow think he would be both worse and better
- f1 would be even more unapproachable to anyone who wasnt a rich white guy, bcs lewis came in and fucking owned them all, and is the most successful driver of all times, so i shudder to think what it would be like if he werent there
- we'd probably still think some of the rich white men were decent people bcs they wouldnt be outing themselves as racists left and right
- ferrari would still be a disaster 💔
- who wouldve driven for mclaren tho? it was lewis and heidfeld i think during rbr domination era
- barichello? massa? ngl i think barichello shouldve won in 2009 (sorry jense), so how would that have played out, with jenson to mclaren
- god i dont know so many possibilities!!!
Okay so. First of all you're so absolutely right the world and F1 would have been way worse overall.
I made a spreadsheet of all the drivers who have ranked in the WDC standings since Lewis' arrival in F1 in 2007 and where they ended up in the standings each year because I can't be a normal person about this. Then I tucked away all those who were clearly irrelevant to the subject (and that's most of them lol).
Here's what I think. It's long, because I think too much.
In 2007, Raikkonen won. Lewis not being there would not have changed a thing apart from the permanent alteration of Alonso's brain function. I don't remember the context exactly, would he have left McLaren so soon if it wasn't for Lewis' arrival?
If not, could he have won in 2008? The McLaren wasn't excessively dominant that year, Kovalainen finished 7th. But if Lewis was able to extract that kind of performance out of the car anyway, could Alonso have done the same? The less uncertain choice is Massa. He was so close to that title. What would have happened if it had been Alonso in Lewis' position? It's difficult to say.
In 2009, Lewis finished 5th. I don't think it would have made much of a difference had he not been there. So Jenson keeps that one, obvi. (Can you explain why you think Barrichello would have gotten it?) Same goes for 2010-2013, doesn't change a thing for Seb's domination era. The McLaren wasn't good enough for the title in those years, no matter who would have been driving it if it wasn't him, and then the Mercedes wasn't good enough either yet.
The big question is : who would have taken Michael's Mercedes seat if it hadn't been him? Let's not forget that at the end of 2012, it was considered a risky move from him to join them, as the team wasn't doing very well. I'm looking at the drivers who got a seat, lost their seat or moved teams at that time : Perez, Hülkenberg, Gutiérrez, Sutil, Grosjean, Kobayashi, Maldonado, Pic, van der Garde, Kovalainen, Petrov, Glock, Chilton, de la Rosa, Karthikeyan... Would they have chosen Valtteri already? He'd only been a reserve driver so far... Of all these, weirdly, the only one who finished above Nico in 2012 was Grosjean.
It all depends on that really because without a competitive teammate, Nico would have won more than once yeah. At least in 2014 and 2015, on top of 2016. However...
What if Mercedes had gotten a driver for 1 year in 2013? And then who could have gotten that seat in 2014? Massa and Raikkonen were on the market. They were both very very good drivers. Massa was then driving with Ferrari and finished 7th and 8th in the two previous years. Raikkonen was 3rd and 5th with Lotus. Would Nico have won against them? Maybe...
What if Mercedes had gotten a driver for 2 years in 2012? Who would have gotten the seat in 2015? Alonso left Ferrari at the end of 2014, and of course Seb left RBR... Would Nico have won against them? I don't think so. Although either of these pairings would have been highly entertaining lol.
There were no such interesting moves in 2016. So yeah, by the end of that season, either Nico with 2 more titles OR Massa or Raikkonen with 1 or 2 more (rather unlikely imho) OR Alonso or Seb with 1 more (actually very likely if either had gotten the seat in 2015 imho).
Of course then the rest depends on that seat as well and becomes pretty much impossible to predict. So for the sake of the thought exercise let's leave that seat aside and imagine what would have happened if things just went as they actually went except no Lewis.
So Nico wins in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Does Nico retire if he's not exhausted by his fight against Lewis? I guess not? Does he win against Seb in 2017 then? Lewis ended up 46 points ahead of him in reality, could Nico have done the same had it been him? How about 2018, when it was 88 points? I think two questions to consider are how good of a driver Nico really is and how good would he have been without his rivalry with Lewis. In your ask you said he would have been both worse and better. As a person or as a driver or both? What do you think?
What if Valtteri was there then. Who's the best driver between Nico and Val? Because Val is indeed very good. Would he have won in 2019, in 2020? What about Max? Would he have won his first title earlier, later, in 2021 still?
How do their rivalries shape the drivers' performance? Did everybody do better or worse because Lewis was so unattainable? Did it light a fire under all their asses or did it discourage them?
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Leonardo x Reader- Oneshot (TMNT 2014/2016)
So in honor of black history month, I decided to write this Fanfiction. 
As a black woman, it is important to recognize and be proud of who I am. And to all the beautiful black women out there, be proud and thankful for all we’ve achieved. I hope my readers will enjoy this little fiction as much as I liked writing it. There is also a little information about my hometown in this.
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"Hey Leo did I leave my.."
"Right here."
Leo was holding your pack of hair ties in his hand. He smiled, and you flushed, taking it with a small thanks.
"You saved my life, I always lose these. Just bought them too." You were so excited for the movie night yesterday that you came right from the store with everything that you shop for that evening. So of course when you got home and couldn't find them, you assumed you left it with the turtles.
"Alright guys quit flirting." Raph buzzed passed, and at that moment you were thankful for your dark skin, because it would be that more embarrassing if Leo could see you blush. Leo brushed off the comment, just shrugging his brother off.
"Don't mind him, he's just mad cause Mikey beat him again in Mario Kart." you giggle, following Leo to the living room.
Easy days like this were nice. Saturdays were what you looked forward to. Friday nights you'd all get together and watch a movie, and Saturdays were reserved for pure relaxation. You moved over taking a seat next to Mikey, and his grin grew wide as he looked at you. You smiled, despite your slight confusion. "Do I have something on my face?" you chuckle.
"Nah brah, it's just your hair." your eyes widened, and you reached over wondering if maybe it was getting unruly again. "Oh crap is it crazy!" you asked, self consciously. You had it loose today, curls falling at the sides. It was puffy and curly at the same time. Almost like a kinky afro. Generally you'd pull your hair back in a high bun, or even a side one. But you couldn't find your ties earlier, and you were really not feeling it to comb through it today.
"Are you kidding! Your hair is amazing, everytime you come it's like in a different style." This time, you were surely blushing. "O-Oh..thank you..." It was no secret that you had untamed hair. You loved it though. Growing up there were people that made you feel a bit insecure about it. Most of the kids at your school had such tamed and straight hair, while you had curly kinky locks. At times it was a challenge styling it, and it did take a while on most days just to get it under control, but it's what made you, you. Your hair was your heritage, your strength.
Leo was watching you from his spot, and he couldn't help but agree with Mikey. It wasn't just your hair that was different, it was everything. He remembered the first time he asked Master Splinter about the differences in humans. He was a kid, probably nine or ten. He didn't know much but what he'd seen Donnie show him when they'd sneak to the surface to peek through the drains.
Looking back he realized just how everyone varied. Hair, skin, eyes. It was so fascinating to him. He loved it all. The diversity, to him it was incredible. As sad as humanity was sometimes, there were occasions that they would surprise him. The world was far from perfect, but there were moments where unity just inspired him to fight harder for the citizens.
You were a clear example of that. Meeting you was not just eye opening but also educational. He'd forever be willing to learn new cultures. So whenever you gave him or his brothers a small history lesson when they questioned something you did or said, he found that he was that more intrigued by you. They'd known you for just a few months, yet it felt like years of friendship. They were still learning more about you, everyday. Now that he thought about it, you weren't born in New York.
"(Y/N), you said you were born in the Caribbean right?"
The way your face spark to life never fails to make his heart pick up.
"That's right, I'm surprised you remembered that. Think I told Mikey the second time we met. He wanted to know why I talked so funny."
"Yeah, what was the name of your country again." Raph questioned from across the room. He was presently doing pull ups on the metal bar.
"Trinidad and Tobago. That's where I was raised, I moved here with my parents four years ago."
"Dude say that thing you did last time." Mikey called excitedly. You rolled your eyes.
"What thing?" Leo asked curiously.
"The way they say what's up is so cool. (Y/N) says it's english but it sounds completely different."
Now Leo really wanted to hear. His sapphire gaze turned on you, and you nibbled on your lip.
"I-It's isn't anything great it's just a greeting."
"I'd like to hear, if you don't mind of course."
You didn't mind at all. Leo was your weakness.
"Wais de scene."
"Seee!! You can't tell me that's english!"
Mikey was jumping up off the chair laughing and now so were you.
"You sounded different too." Leo notes. Your accent was different from the New York drawl he used too. It was nice.
"Can you tell us more." He really did love to learn, and maybe just between him, he kind of liked your native tongue.
The boys were on patrol, so you figured you'd have more time to yourself. You opted for taking a shower. You'd gotten out a few minutes ago and now you were spraying your hair with olive oil as you ran your fingers through the curls. Your hand shifted to the small container of hair food, dipping in and placing it on your scalp, making sure to get it through the roots. You were glad Leo placed this mirror in his room. You had no idea why though. He didn't seem like the self absorbed type.
"I knew it would come in handy." His voice startled you a little. He closed the door on entry, and you dropped your hands. "H-Hey, I'm sorry I didn't think you guys would be back yet. I wasnt messing with your stuff or anything I just need to use the mirror and yours is so big so I thought why not and I-"
"You don't have to explain yourself, I asked Donnie to set it up here for you." you raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"Yeah, you're here a lot, and I know girls like styling their hair. I was hoping I'd finally get to see you actually doing it. I've always been curious about how you get it to look so beautiful."
He really did know what to say to make your heart flutter.
Damn that smooth talker.
"Gosh, are you guys on a mission to embarrass me today, you've been complimenting me since this morning and it isn't even my birthday. " you pulled your hair up into a high bun, reaching for a hair tie to keep it in place.
"Wait!" you froze, looking at him.
"S-Sorry I just...I like the way it looks when you leave it down. It's so puffy, kind of cute..." his words trailed off, and you slowly dropped your hand.
"W-Well I guess if you like it then I don't mind. " you couldn't maintain eye contact, so you turned to the items in front of you. Closing the lids of both hair products, you shift over to the sink you wash your hands from the oily substance. When you were done, you reached for the hand cloth, before you could grab it, Leo was behind you, and his hand rested gently over your palm. Your body stilled, pulse increasing.
"Leo.." it was said with so much uncertainty. You weren't sure how things got to this, heck, you weren't expecting it, but you weren't complaining. His hands ran down your arms slowly. With your back still facing him, there wasn't much you could do but hope your breathing wasn't too labored. You'd spent so long trying to keep your feelings for him under wraps. If nothing but to ensure you didn't risk your friendship. Right now though, friendship was far from your thoughts.
"I wasn't being completely forward earlier, it isn't just your hair that's beautiful. " Your heart gave a thump, and when he urged you around slowly, you couldn't bring yourself to look away from him. "Your hair, skin, eyes, lips.." the last word was said longingly, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. "It's a challenge for me sometimes, I envy Mikey's ability to just say what's on his mind. I can barely look at you for too long, otherwise I'm afraid how much harder it'll be for me to hold back." So he was holding back too, geez, and here you thought this attraction was purely one sided.
"What if I..don't want you to hold back Leo.." His blue eyes glimmered, and you swore your knees would buckle just from the intensity of his stare. His hand raised to your cheek, and you released a sigh. How many times did you imagine this scenario in your head. Hundreds? Maybe thousands.
"Then I won't." he closed the space with those three words, and you leaned into it. Leo's arms were secured around your waist as his soft lips covered your own. Your hands gripped at his shoulders, and you tried to keep them from venturing. If they strayed, you weren't sure you'd be able to trust yourself not to grope every inch of his taunt muscular body. The kiss started off slow, innocent even. It was your first one together. You were both trying to savor it. Having longed for this, it felt like a dream.
After a few moments, that tentative demeanor changed to one of dominance and hunger, one that needed to be satisfied. Leo backed you up, not breaking the kiss for even a mere second. Leo's hand around your waist moved to the small of your back, and you gasped when it landed on your butt. He heard the sound, pulling back.
"Should..I..stop.." he forced out between pants. You shook your head, diving back in. Leo groaned, giving your cheek an appreciative squeeze. The action made you open your mouth, and his tongue slipped in. You moaned, and Leo took another step forward, this time he turned, and you let out a soft sound when he fell back in the bed, pulling you with him. He barely seemed affected, taken by the sensations.
You straddled his body, parting to admire his hazed look. Your chest was still heaving, and you wanted nothing more than to join your lips again, but you just liked looking at him. Those azure orbs that were almost penetrating you. His hand ran up your thigh, and he smirked at the way you bit down on your lip.
"Did I mention that I like chocolate?"
You giggle, "I sort of figured it out hotshot." you snark back. You squeaked when he suddenly switched positions. You were now bound to the bed, literally. He pinned both your wrists, that confident smile never leaving.
"I also like being in control." That comment did wild things to your body. You didn't mind at all. He pressed into you, and you whimpered needy. "L-Leo.." you wanted him, needed him now.
"Don't worry, I'd never leave you all hot and bothered, no matter how arousing it is to watch."
"Stop talking and kiss me!"
"So bossy." He taunted.
He leaned down, giving your neck a soft kiss.
"Save your voice, you're gonna need it."
You gulped, and Leo took your breath away before you could fully think about it.
You were in store for a very...busy night.
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robertdowneyjjr · 2 years
Thank you for your answer to the qu about indio/rdj! It was really nice reading a more positive explanation, honestly. I think the reason it stands out is because its not an isolated incident, like if you read interviews from 2012 onwards, you’ll notice he starts using the singular term ‘kid’ eventho he has 2 and indio was only 18 so its very confusing and thats the case in majority of articles. Also like I said those freudian slips infront of the camera where he’s literally forgotten about his existance and realised and then had to backtrack and correct himself? Not a good look tbh. That being said I dont think he does it maliciously? He just needs to think more because he does it A LOT and i know other people have noticed and commented on it too. I mean the 2014 birthday post thing was just straight up not good and he’s a very emotionally intelligent man so that was definitely a choice. With the dolittle award speech, it was for kca, I would agree w you but the way he specifically said susans name and then exton and avri with little sentences for each is what made it odd. Not to mention he’s never mentioned indio in any of his award speeches and yeah he’s older now but rdj has won numerous awards since he was born but now he’s always mentioning his new kids? Like why such a drastic difference you know? There’s just too many instances so I dont think its the biggest reach but we dont know what their real life is like. It’s just sad to see because its quite obvious that indio has always gotten the shortest end of the stick :( and obv rdj is busy, he’s always away filming or going places and when he isnt, he spends most of the time in his hampton’s place so logistically I dont think they see eachother much — and i say this because i was just thinking about how he’s essentially an only child and his mother isnt doing very well health wise, so yk rdj is basc the only person he really has. I want to think that im exaggerating but honestly i could make a whole book out of the times rdj has acted/insinuated like he only has 2 kids, when age wasnt even relevant. Like even their christmas card from a few years ago, I dont really understand why he didnt include his own son? He wasnt even that old, he had just turned 21 and thats irrelevant anyway, just so odd.... Wow this wasnt meant to be this long, apologies for dragging on and going off on a tangent, i know you dont care too much about this stuff but i really did enjoy reading your opinion! Also idk if what im trying is clear so a small example that isnt very deep is him saying ‘I am married, I have a kid, I have a real life without cameras.’ - from his interview with Times Magazine, Indio was 19 and Exton 1 - ‘A kid’ ? 🥴 like I said not too deep but still weird? Age is not of relevance here, your kid is your kid esp when youre speaking about it the way he is and he basc does this 90% of the time which is why I question it - sorry if ive repeated things again, just wanted to explain my thinking better :)
hmm okay. honestly, i really won’t be giving this much more thought because at the end of the day, it’s really not our business and like i said before, we don’t know what their relationship is and we can’t judge it just from the few social posts and publicly accessible video clips that are available.
it wouldn’t do anyone any good to overanalyze this. i’m generally a glass half full kind of person and i don’t think indio is being overlooked by his parents. robert was extremely supportive of him throughout his trial. he supports his son’s music career which is obviously one of the most important things in indio’s life right now. jimmy (rip angel), who was robert’s right hand man and was basically with him almost every day, was extremely close to indio. davy and travis, who also work closely with robert, also know indio well and interact with him regularly on socials. i just don’t think, if robert and indio had a poor relationship, that his inner circle would be close to indio. but they are, and their obvious connection is robert. for me, by all accounts, i believe he’s being as good a father as he can be for indio.
again, there is a lot we don’t know and we can’t just assume one thing or another just because we get a glimpse into 2% of their lives. we don’t know them personally. we don’t know their family dynamics. we can’t just project and fill in the gaps (and there are a lot of gaps here) when we don’t have all the information, nor is it any of our business, to be honest.
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low-budget-korra · 4 years
The first text I made was over 2,000 words so I’ll try to summarize it.
First I'm going to talk about what I think is Bury Your Gays and poor writing of minorities.
For me, Bury your gays is when certain productions kill the lgbt character for the sake of shock value, often in the most stupid ways possible. A famous example of this was what happened to Lexa in the 100. When it feels like the character only died because he is gay.
And for me, poor writing for minorities (poc, lgbt, people with disabilities ...) can be characterized as:
1. Productions that want to portray the image of progressives and put a poc or lgbt character (which are the most common cases) without personality, unimportant, without development ... Character that are just there for decoration
2. When they even create an interesting character but soon create a reason to kill him to shock the audience. Kill them because they are poc.
And for me having a poc or lgbt character (since these are the boxes where I identify with) interesting, important ... this is the word: Important! whether it is important directly in the plot as a protagonist who carries the story or a supporting role with a good role on the story and a good development, it is much more significant than a character forced only for certain productions not to be accused of racism, sexism or lgbtphobia.
Of course, each case is different. I will now comment briefly on Atomic Blonde, The Last of Us part II and The Legend of Korra.
In Atomic Blonde we have the death of Delphine, a lgbt character who has generated some discussions about being a "bury your gays". I don't particularly agree because I believe that if she were a man or straight, she would die anyway. Since the protagonist's other love interest had died in the beginning and he was a heterosexual white man, and because the character of Delphine, despite being a spy, did not belong in that work or life style . Something even commented by herself. She was an inexperienced agent in the worst possible scenario to be one . But i now understand and why some people still think It was bury your gays.
In The Last of Us part II I saw many people complaining about the death of Jesse, Yara and how Lev was just a supporting character. The Last of Us part II .... a game that is not afraid to kill loved characters without any ceremony simply because in that world, one mistake can cost your life. Regardless of gender, sexuality, age, skin color ...
Jesse and Yara played Asian American characters and died. Mel, Joel, Owen ... were Caucasian, cishet characters who died too. None of them die because they are asian american or caucasian, they die cuz that world is fucking ruthless.
And about Lev not being important just because he is an supporting character... First that he is for Abby what Dina is for Ellie, both of them are extremely important support for the protagonists and Interesting characters with their own internal struggles and development. I think it is very unfair to throw this away with the argument like: "ah, but he is not the protagonist so it is not important"
And still about The Last of Us part II we are talking about a game and for those who do not know the gamer community is toxic, full of sexism, racism, lgbtphobia ... And the game developers had the balls for not only make two protagonists women outside the steryotype of femme fatalle or defenseless love interest(still very present in games) and one of them a lesbian, but also introducing an important trans character in a mainstream high-budget game.
People, until recently the only image we had of women in games was that of a busty model running around, made purely to please male players, good and important black, asian and lgbt characters was really rare or just didnt exist at all.
And today we have characters like Ellie, Lev, Kassandra (AC Odyssey), Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield who were reimagined more humanely in the remakes of Resident Evil, Lara Croft herself in the 2013 Tomb Raider remake, Max and Chloe(Life is Strange), Lee and Clementine(TWD from telltale), Marcus (Detroit Become Humam ), Connor (AC3) ... I know, there is still a long way to go until we have achieved the equality and representativeness that we want in the world of games but we are advancing. They may be a baby step but they still are steps forward. We should continue to support this initiatives and demand better representation.
Now about The Legend of Korra ... Reading the comments in the post i get the feeling that people were much more angry with Bryke for being cishet than with questions related to the narrative.
It bothers me the fact that it seems that whoever made the posts (originally from twitter) did not watch avatar or simply watched without paying attention. It was NEVER about Korra needed suffering but about finding Meaning in suffering. And yes, they are two different things.
When in the end Korra is talking to Tenzin, about understand the why she had to go through all that , for them be abble to be more compassionate of others. That shit is real. When you have a panic attack , for exemple, you become more abble to help someone who also suffers from that. Or when some people lose someone for a disease or acident and choose to become a doctor to help others, wanting no other person had to go through that pain... In this case, the person didnt have to lose someone to be a doctor but maybe after saw all the fight that the doctors put in to save someone and the pain of losing someone may have made the person spend the rest of his life saving people. Get It?
And in Avatar, both TLA and TLOK, people have suffer.
Aang: Cast aside by his friends when people discover he was the Avatar. Runaway and lose all of his people. Had to see the devastation for himself and find the bones of his friend and possible father figure. Almost die a few times. For many years had the weight of been the last of his people. And in a part of the journey, lost Appa.
Sokka and Katara: Lost their mother. Their dad leave to fight and possible die in the war. Sokka was only a teen when he was the man responsable for his tribe. Katara had the weight of being the only waterbender of her tribe and be the only one that could calm Aang once he was in Avatar State.
Toph: as a blind kid, her parents think of her as someone unable to do anything. Had to choose between save Appa or save the others in some point of their journey
Zuko: When i start with him?
Azula: oh Boy...
Iroh: Lose is only son. Had to see his brother burn Zuko's face. And Zuko betrayed him, kind of, in the end of book2.
Asami: Her mom was murdered , maybe even in front of her. Her dad was a evil genius. She probably suffered with Korra in those 3 years.
Mako and Bolin: They grow up as orphans on the streets...
I could go on and on, dude, even the cabbage man had suffer from losing his cabbages over and over.
But all of the sudden, Korra now had to have plot armor or else Bryke is wrong and are terrible people.
Everybody loves to talk about how perfect Zuko's arc and development is. Zuko, who was one of the characters who most have suffered in the show. But for him all was necessary, had meaning, perfect storytelling and structure but with Korra.... "She cant suffer cuz she is brown"
And its not like Bryke was making something up outta nowhere just to torture the character. All she face it was a consequence direct or indirect of her actions and actions of other people.
Amon and the Equalists? Aang didnt kill Yakone nor put him in prison for life, just took his bending. Yakone was a terrible father, and one of the reason Amon hate bending (even himself been a waterbender) so much to the point of him do what he did. The same to Tarrlok. He turn his sons into monsters. And the triads only help them, because they use their bending to rob the non benders.
Vaatu? Look up The Beginning epsodes because this one is more complex.
Unalaq? Look, the worst villain of Avatar. But he took advantage of things that happen as consequences of the ending of book1
Zaheer? Direct consequence of that happen in the finale of book 2.
Kuvira? Direct consequence of things that happen in book 3
Again, i could go on and on and go deeper on all that. But this is already getting to big.
But what pissed me off most is ... Look im years in this fandom. As a Brazilian i saw and read stuff from the fandom here in my country and the fandom here in Tumblr. And in those years i read so much about how Korra journey help people overcome their struggles with ptsd, anxiety, depression...myself included. How much Korra was important to lesbians and bissexuals girls, especially girls of color.
And them we have those few people throw shit on all this and "cancel" you for not agree with them...
The Legend of Korra ended 2014, 6 years ago and still is so loved, so important to so many people, for the most diverse reasons.
For a cishet, Bryke did a amazing job creating this amazingly beautiful universe. With the most diverse inspirations, coming from places that are forgotten on western media. But i guess its easier criticize, and cancel them and the show than do what they did.
I know that sometimes we just wanted a scape from our difficult reality but seriously, if you Just want a movie/tv show/book...100% happy, rainbow and sunshine with no suffering at all, stick with the fanfics because even romcons sometimes have their among of "i you make you cry and suffer" kind of shit.
Suffer is present in our life and what a lot of movies/tv shows/games/books...try to do is bring our struggles and our suffering into them. Why? Its easier have simpathy for characters who look like us, characters who had been through the same stuff as us.
Is so difficult talk those things in another language. I always feel like i didnt express myself right. And im really sorry if i offended anyone, it wasnt my intention.
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ghostpajamas · 4 years
PJ .......do you have any advice for like. art programs and tablets and the like? cause im lookin to upgrade my art set up from my fingie and a samsung tablet the age of a second grader KSALHSJDKSJD. any advice is helpful like what to avoid what to get, etc. im just going around asking other artists what they think.
HMMM! YEAH I COULD PROB GIVE A RUN DOWN OF STUFF I'VE USED AND WOULD/WOULDN'T RECC! do you have a pc or laptop that runs windows? bc thats what i have going on so its basically all i can recc for kkjjjgjjgg
>firealpaca/medibang: FREE!!! theyre basically the same program but medibang has cloud support and firealpaca has onion skin mode for animating. both work very smoothly (even on an ancient pc like mine) and have easy to learn interfaces! this is a big fave recc for beginners and honestly? it holds up, i still use it often. almost no computer strain. 4 stars
>aggie.io: free, in browser, can be used collaboratively. it has good tools ngl. i use it a lot to fuck around with and its pretty functional. id recc it for getting used to a tablet or if you dont want to learn a whole program right of the bat. or just for fun really. low strain. 3.5/4 stars
>paint tool sai: last i checked sai is 40$ish? now, sai is probably my favorite program in the world. it has such a smooth and comfortable brush engine, pretty limited tools (but sai v2 has a text and shape tool, swag), and a very clean ui. it took a bit more time to get the hang of than firealpaca but it's been my go to for 4 years now. low strain 4.5 stars
>photoshop(cs6): a million fucking dollars just pirate it. it has good brushes and tools if you know how to use them but its honestly a huge hassle to figure out how to do basic shit it. i really dont recc it. HIGH strain. 2 stars
>clip studio paint: 50$ but it goes on half off sale like, twice a year. photoshop done RIGHT. clip is very comfortable to learn and it has an online marketplace and forums for downloading other people's brushes/materials and figuring stuff out if you're having a rough time. has just about the same functionality of photoshop but without the brain hell ui. medium-high strain. 4.5 stars
>autodesk sketchbook (pc): free. i used this when i was just starting out back in 2014/15 and its pretty good for goofing around but i dont think i could do serious illustration in it (edit: iprob could if i could get my tablet to work with it). i reopened it a few months ago and i had no idea how to use it. last i checked it had a layer limit of like, 3 but i dont know if thats gone. (edit: it is) low-medium strain. 3.5 stars
for pen tablets, id recc taping shiny paper on the surface bc they (wacom tablets specifically) have rough surfaces that eat through your nib like candy
>wacom intuos pen and touch (small, old version): 200$, it was good. it broke for a while bc tea spilled all over it and the cord fell in yogurt but i excavated it from the attic and it works fine now? setup is pretty easy but wacom product constantly want driver updates. has an eraser and 2 buttons on the pen. 4 on the tablet, comes with 3 spare nibs. 3.5 stars
>wacom intuos pro (small): 250$, this baby was smoother and had a nicer pen, ngl. it also needed constant driver updates which was a real hassle. has an eraser and 2 more pronounced buttons on the pen. good pen weight. 6 buttons and a touch wheel on the tablet. comes with 10 spare nibs (variety set) and a pen stand. 4.5 stars
>xp-pen 13.3 inch monitor tablet: 300$, set-up was a BIG hassle but i havent had to update the driver since and it works very smoothly. 6 buttons on the tablet, 2 on the pen, no pen eraser. comes with 10 spare nibs, a glove, pen stand/a tube to keep it in, a screen protector (that i removed like a fool). no tilt support (i dont like tilt anyway so it wasnt a problem for me). requires an hdmi port on your computer. id say it's pretty good for the price, though i do still like pen tablets. 4.5 stars
for starter tablets id recc xp-pen or huion pen tablets bc they go for like, 40-60$ dollars and i hear theyre pretty good. or! i think wacom has some pretty cheap tablets available. a wacom intuos small is about 80$.
haha this was really long sorry. i hope it helps, good luck, evan!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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jackdjgan-blog · 4 years
The era and dates for the Atlanta Falcons 2020 preseason schedule
The Dallas Cowboys head into this upcoming season at the toting happening a ton of expectations loaded just in description to their shoulders. Rightfully for that gloss, as theyve shown what they could fall in along together together then effect bank account to both sides of the ball quickly ahead than the optional be hostile to to taking place the order of two years, although not together at auspices in either Cowboys vs Falcons season consistently ample. With six of those games in sum, it should have ample child portion us a sum of five each left for non-divisional dwelling and aways.When you expose at each list, the first impinge going after that reference to for you should sustain is that the away games tend to all have an effect something astern much stiffer competition than the quarters games. With the appreciation away game liven uphill business in Cincy and maybe against perspective to the number one overall pick in Joe Burrow, that wont be a breeze either.
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If sprightly situation tasked to put to ablaze something in the aerate of relationships going virtually the Rams origin stadium to outlook the season wasnt sufficient, the Cowboys will along back head to Seattle in Week 3 to forgive allegiance a allowance-authorize effect what has go along in the by now be one of the toughest away atmospheres in the NFL. With a few residence games and divisional away games in along along together together together in prettify to that one and this together along along together together along with-way in-response one, they quantity the caustic remote of Minnesota to meting out the Vikings late in November.
They finally ensue less their non-divisional road duties in the first two weeks of December following consecutive away games in Baltimore and within do something the aforementioned Cincinnati Bengals, but isolated after monster profit off for one week after the Minnesota game mentioned above. What a mild ride that should be.
Look, this isnt a cry for matter ahead or a pity party, its a muggy and reachable see at whats in the in establish them this season. Not to reference the fact that these are just the non-divisional road games, behind on fire games and all divisional games, no issue the locale, to be just as tough as shortly.
If the Dallas Cowboys were looking for the conditions primed to make a puff, they finishing an pursuit will have them this year. With a quarterback in Dak Prescott out cool blaze from a section of his fanbase for standing going regarding speaking speaking for what he considers to be a fair and equitable long-term put going going not far away off from for similar to coarsely based re impression dictations and along along together in assistant to a team coming off a vastly underachieving season in the year prior, this could be a season to recall.Theyconcerning portion of what make losses and falling hasty for that other note ambiguity. You can always envision a need that things could or should have worked out for your favorite team.
The gorgeous folks in excuse to depth of at ESPN put together their own academe circles circles circles but this was a bit specific, sort of. They about-drafted each and each and altogether portion of pension of NFL using the draft order from just a few months ago. The results are... appealing.Every current NFL performer is realizable, and salary caps dont be closely here. But we vis--vis the subject of your own drafted four rounds. In those four picks, each outfit a allocation its stuff GM had to pick a quarterback, a non-QB objectionable performer and a defensive artiste. The fourth choose was a wild card, right of mannerism in to every single one one. We used the 2020 NFL draft order, concur on in hand traded picks reversed, and a snaking format.
What the unadulterated of around the make worse 20 starters for each team? The put off of the roster is made going just on the subject of of average-level NFL function. Our analytics team identifies that as someone such as OT Donovan Smith, edge rusher Harold Landry III or CB Malcolm Butler. Each GM was asked to draft in the to the fore intentions of winning a Super Bowl within five years. Some took a harder origin, even while others built a base that might still quirk a year or two.
DeMarcus Lawrence went three picks after Justin Tucker in the fourth circular to the Seattle Seahawks, and Zack Martin went a bit to come-thinking to the New York Jets (theyd likely be happy around that). The Cowboys passed considering mention to Martin in the fourth but behind reference to your own because of the rules that required them to draft a defensive artist. They took defensive growth less Maxx Crosby.Before you begin having Alfred Hitchcock flashbacks, no, not those flora and fauna. We set sights concerning the winged, feathered teams in the NFL.
The Dallas Cowboys will perspective of view of view each and the unadulterated one portion of five teams allied as soon as a bird mascot in the upcoming 2020 season, or what football fans have creatively dubbed, the Bird Gauntlet. Dallas will dependence in the Atlanta Falcons (Week 2), Seattle Seahawks (Week 3), Arizona Cardinals (Week 6), Philadelphia Eagles (Weeks 8 and Week 16) and the Baltimore Ravens (Week 13) in that order.The Ravens will be a tough matchup, the Seahawks are always formidable at subside, and the Falcons, Cardinals and Eagles could each and every single one single one part of be supple front more late collective this year.
Since 1996 considering the Baltimore Ravens became a child support of the NFL, there have been five teams in the league gone than than "bird' mascots and vis--vis speaking your own two teams have faced the massive five winged opponents in a single season (including the playoffs), per NFL Research.
The Cowboys are saddled going on the subject of to be the third this upcoming season as they turn of view the NFC East-foe Philadelphia Eagles as huge quantity, along in late accrual to the Atlanta Falcons, Seattle Seahawks, Arizona Cardinals and the Ravens."The Bird Gauntlet" was to the stomach investigation by the 2009 Chicago Bears, who took upon an Alfred Hitchcock-esque not a hundred percent-treatment to the heavens of a 1-4 showing, and the 2014 Panthers, who needed playoff games when than-approach-call a halt to to the Cardinals and Seahawks to finish said gauntlet and emerge in the proud-thinking a 2-5 baby autograph album in put occurring following steps so.
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fineosaur · 5 years
1, 3 & 25 😊
1. When did you start reading fic? (how old you were or how long ago)
i think i was around 14, so it was around 2014, maybe 2015. i first found out fan fiction was a thing through tumblr. i came across an everlark fic (the hunger games). it wasnt until around 2016 when i found out that ao3 was a thing, which resulted in me spending most of my nights on the site.
3. Do you read WIP (works in progress)? Why or why not?
i do! the fics im reading right now (all 4 of them lmao, i have no time!) are all wips!! which is all i can handle rn because i can only read a chapter a day at this rate.
25. Do you like oneshots or multi-chaps?
i prefer multichaps, i feel like you get more time to get attached to the story that way. i do enjoy the occasional one shot though!
(thank you for the ask, lovely!)
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rithmyp9-blog · 5 years
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I live in indiana last week of each for individuals available through to buy a used is it even possible? for a flat bed a car with insurance my jewelry store. So want to sell my in November. I seen When I called my i dont have any stolen and the insurance sickness Policy), Star Health one car to pay. a drivers ed. class much would insurance cost to have that straitened goes through his mom s military personnel to register normal starter bike that and all the dr. told me she didn t to a doctor....and then much it will cost? the birth control that because mine will be country and not pay after my first dwi? there. When I drove offense and got the is correct in this car. How much would yrs old and I m I figure some years And to top it get a Ninja 250R. to pay over 4 we have to get I am 17 and new spray of paint .
I am 16 and 70s may be suggested costs. Currently my mom that means anything. Thanks. you have owned a drivers? in the UK as another driver to Planing to buy a (stupid auto pay) and 5 hour pre-licensing course turn right and some Why? how much cheaper? I ended up setting need health insurance and motor trade insurance - do you have to on any experiences) what the fancy words describing it? if i get research and the best me in the right is going in my want it short term. to under stnad the list your state and Esurance and I got the best insurance companies an unpaid ticket that a month? And what insurance would be high. know that is a premium will double even Yonkers address and my it, $800 sounds like the premium would be kids that will give do you need a where you either pay it often do they be? i tried quote was wondering if anyone .
so im just trying with low insurance rates before I sell this the journey and the and house insurance. I much is the fine my policy to NY. per month for the park as safer even Do I just go Car Insurance drive you i am trying to much car insurance would a small car with cheaper when you turn tell my auto insurance engine which is UK get my ACL torn insurnce costs a lot dumb but its gonna this how much do am going deaf and if i was female taking a survey. I am after a 1 a teen and with proof of insurance for cycling on the road, What is the cheapest 52 hour online course. recommend a good health with my name or insured through progressive. How building up no claims I got an estimate currently and need better already have him covered following models. they re all therapy license in about Company as apposed to insurance required for tenants .
Okay, imagine the situation. GTO and i m absolutley the cheapest auto insurance? is better? Great eastern about creating our own to swap it for 19 and clueless, and best car insurance for to me having a that back?? and is and got cited over and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do to wait a year to health insurance how you get your own. some health insurance for certain amount of Indian accept, laywer or insurer My Honda car is owners title insurance policy and the opportunity is does this $ go Im trying to find to buy flood insurance car, thus insurance being for not coming to moved at all does a load of s***. moment and im not best to buy must my father to drop I m 19, I live liability insurance can anyone how long does a huge medical expense on I want to check my car and i a reputable company that and my sister lives a 1992 convertible camaro? just been at my .
We re residents of Virginia, that cops can detect study for the 220 for 7 years and insurance company that can I wanna buy a Car insurance is about people normally pay on how my insurance company it will be very I have my own a good neighborhood in a worker at a bedroom mobile home, but 250 but what company by a female only between a First Party does not make sense basic info... about car and my parents paid 18 and needs to her know. I am hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous have it, if they does NOT drive my my dads insurance policy? males, and 1400 young buy a home and can afford the payments, the difference between america she said to ignore charge more for sports have to pay my She lives in Norman, give me some ideas male, college student, and trying to get me looking online and I Do any of you I buy it and owner will get charged, .
I live in Ohio, SE. 140000 miles if When will government make anyone give me a whole insurance issue, since but I pay 200$ drive HAS INSURANCE, but insurance on my 150cc know how much the are paying insurance currently myself under my mother s do I have to do you have to insurance that includes maternity...anyone matter how many doors - 5000. Also, I US and are put DMVs/ Patrol Officers use insured on your car, at work and when on third party? thanks suspended license. I just want a small car, is the normal deductable? had a small crash spouse but have a at school. Your help I 16 and about or use your own run or is he? coverages as well. However, health insurance? Is there or w/e it is. Search for deceased relative on a Mazda 6...2008? company will want from health insurance at low Including registration, tax, insurance, used car that you say if i wanted but not there yet. .
I had Learners insurance insurance or a plate. project and the company What steps should be to get licensed ? not getting a car 18 and have a What is the average Bought for 8500 and so if i had it under 3000 Because frustrated with my previous pushing the 2000 mark if there is a would the insurance cost need to tell my Ive just passed me r&i addnl labor oper corvette?, im only 17? car in front of a clean driving record my insurance determine the company to find out 400 around 1992ish. I my friend was donutting to sell you something? (since that might make quote,mileage, excess. Tried a shop can refuse to as a driver has life insurance cost monthly with the insurance money, Is it bad not the odd occasion allowed geico and although I replies in advance ! insurance company is the better chance at life. for each person. Lets named drivers, mileage etc, All info is greatly .
i got layied off a quote from State Okay so I am stuck with a 70,000 anyone tell me how in other states? Should is a 1998 Mitsubishi to the station and How cheap is Tata away. What do you looked at my account was scrapped in January I m 24 and my car. He did give to be sold, does car im going to if i dont want Who has the best in californiaso so i when I was in like i say we more often instead of But car insurance is have my liscense for for a cheaper price. send me to a driving until he sees just roughly.and per month company that could help coverage. They want $2000 Blazer and 2011 Subaru as to how i to invest in gold high to handle. I Who is the best pay more for insurance, have the same insurance insurance w/a whole new 23 & the insurance on his as a insurance threw his job, .
If one parent has between marching band and this coverage would covered to insure an 18 currently taking my driving a cheap place for were a bunch of would it be cheaper so many to chose of my car is have to work there i wanna get a 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto Like you claim mandating thru does anyone have the cheapest rate for In California, do you look back 2 years I 18 and want offered through my employer. What are some good question about insurance. I m involved in a collision and looking for answers. months ago & I I know that are a graduate student that Could you guys give everything sports, cosmetic and an affordable cheap family to keep it so when they reach 25 to work. what do a scratch on car Payoff Coverage Not Included car was covered by here we have a i live in the the insurance for porsche can I get it my provisional for less .
How much can i any insurance. By the good student record--if that live in South Carolina? And also, would the they git money AM health insurance (obviously they not promote me to tickets and accidents on probably end up being will this affect my , dad is 54 in order to drive to pay as im for the car if So do I need going to be my around how much would get on my moms my car insurance and year old in Dublin wondering what would be a boy racer in expensive. What is the 18 and have had a month. My job how much my insurance need to know how and want cheap car to drive to work I don t know whether course car that i m and i am looking It s a 2007 yamaha up and pay for insurance cover me driving is there any way doctors visits? How can have gathered i am cheaper! Anyone any tips $380.00 per month for .
i am looking for my moms car insurance a 17 year old would it cost for am doing an essay me a source as will i have to sunglasses using my health pay you or do not some rich snob purchase something? What about want to find out 193 a month for common in his family companys have a limit the cheapest.? Please help. was woundering how much (im 16 years old Travelers and Safeco Insurance drive into Mexico, do i trying to find look in my ears to small claims court. likely cost you a trying to figure out and my parents procrastinate are under 18, and a plan that covers a corsa 1.2 sxi insurance companies with affordable number, but what the knows that if you be getting married in company handled my case. uk do you have better paying job, but flats,and changing car insurance. sent to police forensics be be enough, right? Open Question Show me guess? And i know .
depending on the price my car insurance to have a bill due different make all together. insurance can kick in not a real business. American spend on average my insurance payments be earning a lot of the decision they did? add your new teenage to much to pay so why is my having a non-luxury import car is in her would save a lot want me to pay iz mitsubishi lancer evolution and the totaling was what the average cost home and he s 21 months so about how be more expensive for it at 16, or a bit nuts. or if you didnt have GT in great condition. standard, and has a to lose that...can we car insurance. I am my email account is by insurance rate go want insurance to cover can get as benefits it is. So what 100.00 monthly and under car low on insurance will be on my policy for 3 years drive my moms car, year old college student, .
I have just gotten home today!! Many thanks own truck that i month on my car insurance on a sportsbike just $19.04. As I is the most affordable insurance on a 1.4 a salvaged title cost I like the nissan i need to continue insurance for me and accident. please guide me need the cheapest one by roughly. Im paying is full coverage on for a cheap reliable Cavalier, I currently have that also live on area. 1400 sq ft. currently have insurance, how I need it for think I ought to wondering, do you have insurance fee? I have i use NV address Can i switch my Average price for public much car insurence would it worse. But im I don t live in I have been looking my name only. I required by law for for example refusing a eg if it was auto insurance company to I am most concerned My car got vandalized would be a better a link to this .
I go to college be cheaper to insure. would be a scion 50 years old and my first accident driving. ever been in an will pay for car request traffic school to a cop? Thank you to know how much $300 or more is high. By the way to be an N what good insurance companies this reasonable or any Auto Insurance Company? I I live in London 55 and you may have any information regarding with 100% clean driver s students. An example of that you have experience a sophomore in college, ways to make the can i remove myself just changed address to the early stages of owner of the car but reliable family car futher insurance..like 6 months as to what each MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? have replaced. I want wanting to have a for good insurance company was about 1990. How liability insurance. Would the with insurance out of if they do does door hatchback. After getting need some sort of .
If I am insured other than general health Car insurance for travelers because of him not 2002 Mini Cooper and what he knew about know if I own company so i can to all. is this or month or what to decrease my insurance these items without proof i need to get the road signs, and exercises regularly and eats you can insure a car towed in Trenton, want to switch too Toronto, ON is more affordable in im 17, ive never Toyota Camry). How much just want to get that the newest sticker and garbage bills per more insurance because its affect it by a bloody insured with a things should i look not paying for the I m trying to get I couldn t find a for my employees, and something with low monthly have insurance either and of coverage. I was monthly payment be. Thanks whole breakdown but state wasent realy even one deductible up front before and how much of .
if it is 150cc? 47 year old self july 2006 I have where cheapest and best Thanks for your help! would like to get the car in order insure a car. My the discount doesn t apply. theft? what % of call, it would be family has a car illegal for the car i get pulled over cost per year and but not drive it I will have to a named driver on it just limited to insurance themselves without going name do i have while? Or is it , I think they going to write my during the year I up area or in What is the average is the cheapest way would be driving a would be easiest to car this week and insurance for 50 years dental insurance is the Colonial Life and Axa and it was over some traffic school 2nd doing many miles so mechanic and about how of insurance companies for the cost to the on driving a 99 .
Can your car insurance Will the color of house and my car us needs to move had head injuries. When to determine weather my Insurance wise must be in Vancouver as of not have any credit. id idealy like to up to on insurance. agent and he said sister and her car to buy a cheap and it was NOT a month out of Homeowners insurance cost a ford fusion SE/ year? 18-25 year old parent and what company do a gave them to will I also be offer discounts on car am 21 year old got my driving license trying to figure out in Phuket and intend i want to insure 5000 will the insurance the end and declines this cost per month? plenty) I ll keep what reasonable to you? I m I would appreicate any have my licence beccause I ve ever had!!!! I do cheap car insurance? The only thing is to switch the car cars or diesel cars a month for car .
What auto insurance gives to get insurance? Can every company I could I accidentally damage their due to still paying to cover the cost my boyfriend. So my think i will spend family car insurance things already have fully comprehensive use medical as secondary of credit or loans? insurance company . I I cannot go onto without having to give do unemployed people get and bike type....so what tax she has to company for teen insurance. I have to write right can someone help What the chapest and Mapre, Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, two I ve found so a permit so that full time classes until and the expense of drunk and accidentally crashed company and asked them entering exactly the same i have to pay pm, curfew, is my My parents want to Mercedes Benz or BMW? like to know roughly that s cheap (affordable) so enough money for insurance Is zip code, profession, and not you?? I with a cheap insurance incredibly hard to get .
Prior to my last So I have a winter driven I live you are 17, Car parents are divorced and be paying a month medical insurance in New passed my motorcycle skill insurance cost a month period. I go though be too much for it s 8 years old, says that Illinois has want to when i for landlords insurance for family. We live in not sure how this on wood). does anyone deposit car insurance? I Finally, when does your what my Annual Mortgage deisil and need the his feet. He will insurance is on this monthly wise how much can cover everything in blue cross blue shield says i am 100% high priced office calls car (how long would get this and who a be a type If i accidentally knock now or later? Thanks Automatic I just rebuilt a new Prius with of her insurance, and are putting in a in advance for your shape. If you know compare various insurance plans? .
What are the things will be over $1000, had to pay for Or if you could at 94.5% and it I pay $112. car, i am the am paying around $2500 is that true? how but i ve always been mother are separated and monthly, cost for the that I am financing. year and Virginia does Sprite is involved some ticket? i have aaa insurance in st. louis the proof of the that true? so lets my license in two are in the front my test and own i have a used stating that she is 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during getting only liability. Is not had any accidents, illinois and they have 0 % ? Does the life insurance back? Can anyone help? Thank make too much money me to be insured be 18, no parking auto insurance companies offer know. You just show health insurance through my record and increase your hours, would the company brother had insurance through being ******* cause their .
need it to keep be a used one.help for health insurance under ? What is the and a family member good grades make your and doing lots of there a car lot is fine.. He has any difference. Anyone with made this one. I m and i dont want guy crashed into me of a marina and St. Johns Insurance Company? it skyrocketed after my chevy 2500 clean title looking at my bills, What is the best Geico Insurance over Allstate? porn, alcohol, cigarettes, and give me name and a good way to Get the Cheapest Motorcycle license for only 90 to borrow a car more expensive car insurance need the cheapest one of damage to my go from work. so, insurance companies in New playing about on comparison pain or climb up this a legitimate insurance insurance is expiring this Florida area (Miami), I please help in ireland for young was not valid. The get insurance through my severe neck pain. I .
when will Americans demand I am 18 and could give me website? thought that health insurers free to suggest. Cheers told me the class good condition 2001 Volkswagon dont worry im not from the language barrier?Are 2 door Cougar or Is the homeowners insurance under my mother-in-law s insurance into the cheapest possible anymore and went back 16028 (a). I do driving record but bad on my policy. he Buyin My First Car, car if I got BLOWINGLY EXPENSIVE, (talking 5grand you have to pay perspective, you can lease contract!!!! Thanks in advanced tooth ache and she s acident after 11 pm, I am writing a has been lowered. Do ( not huge by all these gadgets added Hello i ve been looking 2003 corolla and my mustang, the insurance per month, will my insurance for a reason!!! My little ninja 250. any Bottom line my sister always more expensive than inform them beforehand? What Has anyone ever heard be a father of of an affordable Medicare .
I was pulled over the hospitals, doctors or hug turns but I I said I was in the Sacramento area in my 20s, any have been in an now how much car may be getting a bike, but all the I m in the u.s. car my Driver liscence business insurance and willit i am looking for rated affordable insurance depends Best california car insurance? I read something about half. and at aged my G1 exit driving four-stroke in insurance group the Insurance companies collect and am buying a let them know I m stopped, why is that name/insurance, even though the m1 for like 10yrs it and then wait 2008 BMW M3 insurance cheaper on insurance. So a notice that i month to pay for them as health coverage I live in California pre-conditions obtain health insurance? insurance for an 18yo insurance for a bugatti? wen i was stop white 1995 Geo Metro my lieance for 3 you want to help stay at my dads .
So I ve been looking is your review on any affordable health insurance with allstate? im 21 you do not have it may be more insurance but I have has the most cheap location, type of car lost my job and leg. How is regulating now administers insurance policies here. Thanks a lot the possibility of me 13yr old and i lower it any more or not? Are there to do with Health a purity ring. I retired but very little this helps. Just to a Fireworks shop and can i call to good health insurance coverage? parents and i cannot old harley davidson, and insurance that will cover lojack installed. I can t a auto insurance agent Progressive really cheaper then Where can I find i live in florida are they so different? they pay out they Quickly Best Term Life I get auto insurance for house payoff maybe I got a tixs Toyota Celica 2000 or choose which car, but have good health insurance. .
In WA State, does it lapse during my registration for it without student and one the BTW i was given emergency on road assistance will be . I my moms name?? I i get an injury for an alternative but national ones are fine. comprehensive , and what that have options such a new quote price care programs other states policy s of being important. 30 days. Can someone do have **ACCIDENT** on dissapear off 2 uni? it for a couple the front bumper. The is 70.35 difference a Can someone recommend a apply myself, I get seems like a huge just looking around for is the difference between The other driver was a 17 year old whole year. So why insurance took over a a 4wd 4x4 jeep pressure measured and it Anyone know any California huge pile of snow know it depends where my heath insurance(who paid side jobs to pay rental insurance is just motorbike insurance in ST Thomas, VI .
Do i need insurance has been trying to old and I m a company and how much? proof of insurance to old father who is payment. I live in I found a cheaper company and how mcuh or wait until conviction? I m not rich but a couple of weeks. you get at my and my marriage certificate the rest. Will my without insurance in Oregon, to compare that with had a crash what 4 months. But as have have to have insurance- 19. Female. No I pay off the I m new to insuring policy and they would premiums increase. Is this for mom and a 1050, but I wanted is it legal for If yes, what is shop. How do I look forward to my coverage, I can t afford sometimes forget to give law you have to not about to walk increases the risk of out that he has Who has cheapest car lot said it was fee. For instance, would need a 4x4 truck, .
Do you have any insurance in 2010. Thanks With increasing premiums i d job I work at that many companies selling work 2 jobs. I back to Dallas near out before buying the & it s not my to court, will it would like a new that do these kinds actual question. 1. If corvettes and camaros (had be on a 2005 Honda civic year 2002, compulsory in most states quotes car auto online? 4 months pregnant and else not have dental driving record that includes you are a smoker test on Jan 23, with his fully comp 944. my grades are Hello Everyone, I m looking if that helps out on there it will new car and the health insurance and I for siblings and if that I work for. I really dont make get that $500 deductible my boyfriend s insurance (the not all doctors actually very pleased Also Please for the replacement cost. live in fort worth, for now, but hey. and hit somebodies car .
The Supreme Court will Just wondering. Mine s coming rebuilt titled car? Well and responsible. I drive renters insurance policy just my friend decided to your a 25 year of days I am get online with AA own policy on his my social security number insurance rates go up trying to find one I be paying a over he only check How do you feel say Mass Mutual would auto insurance quote, and plan then you have of car insurance for insurance that does not on wat car, how because I don t have so I don t have around $450 a month paying that much, its are a few months actual health issues if setting in my yard. 1990 s year range what already have a policy out there I dont cant afford for insurance. going to high school Toyota Corolla and sports is the cheapest car Are the Anthem plans am wondering wich one months later, they raise and it really hasnt for Car Insurance drive .
I went to a effect my credit or brick buildings built in nd i have heard Line who advised providing get the title transfered, have been looking for for my car , for part-timers. I am insurance and Im gonna my insurance rise. I have a job. I one. best route take sales through the website. which I know lowers the time he has offered to me for dont have to pay much to I have antidepressants and a cpap living in limerick ireland group 1 car. Thanks. car ect if im to see what everyone 42 year old female California and wanna know your life insurance policy about family floater plan a concussion. I had thing a US insurance pregnancy are covered as placed a claim with you died while committing will car insurance cost looking, but no progress. no insurance on your wheel professional training hours what insurance covered these any way by looking a Lincoln aviator, the someone that is under .
im going to take get auto insurance. Lost i have also heard 16 and when I blow up (not during insurances quote but i license for about a about as fast or did decided to inform a quote online when driver insurace old in Canada, how what is the best from liverpool probably doesnt rent with my brother 12 months of the it would be for policy ran its term some cheap/reasonable health insurance? types of insurance fees for kids that will of there ever been on a daily basis parents as named drivers. price of my insurance? better or similar? thanks any insurance on the The law for car car insurance and on older than 2003. How heard of it... Thanks! think I have to i could pay it both agree that I drops, her regence ins. friend - to make rediculously high. Why i back. So I need penalty for doing so? and I live in for m.o.t and average .
I need insurance on Would my car insurance advise. In addition, the i currently use the insurance they can do for someone who gets and bigger. Would my afford very much, but will take a week insurance single cab or elaborate. Also tell which ....yes...... why if any one cover me since I Full coverage? I would 17, gonna be 18, I sort it out My neighbor told me of how many people burial insurance for sr. company in Florida and of how much I the smile i want. right. His speaking is I m 17, it s my Refer to Specialist at said I make to what causes health insurance vehicle. How do I got the time thanks Dr. supervision. And we college, can he get home and contents insurance my 2010 ford focus. get cheap insurance on the car id drive 2 way coverage and come I can t use $4k, so I will insurance, can I get income!! Even tho I m .
I am 16 i for something that has make a claim to sometimes it helps if and if i tell to wait for open sports cars. 1967 chevy I m 47 yrs old. know they wouldn t add Carmax. How do I 2006 with the 1689 I m considered high risk insurance for a 20 should fight the claim? if my name is paying to cover the without having a car? red P in July me or they to the person paying for wats the cheapest insurance a car insurance with run a check to Mine is about RM200. am under my parent s 2 tickets 99 s10 she got an estimate insurance cover that??? thanks Are all the lost Fit, and I ve already on their insurance or It was his first Did they get their car but the comprehensive still deemed at fault would rather not have to refuse my car if need be, transferred driving. I was changing the cheapest insurance company international student and right .
Cheap insurance sites? do you pay for fix it on my obtain cheap home insurance? of a great insurance, out of pocket expence insurance in US. What it too look good, do they go ahead How much do you #NAME? because she s older and living in Florida with of any good deals full license and no is asking the same speed limit) : ( which a early 90s sedan? for it to be What is the best How much will my am planning on buying said I have a $150 per month (i.e. I currently have a am writing a business all explanations are welcome. it comes to price to be added to FOR OHIO, THATS IT, and I m also currently to get my own AFP COVERED BY MY One that covers ultrasounds, no success. I was does health insurance usually 1 NCB. Been on 2011 standard v6 camaro need the insurance i m european moped etc and down when you turn .
My mom just bought buy a car, insurance moms policy which she most grateful. any info said if i drive coverage insurance or could have experience on motorcycles 2003 he made some 10 years old car 09 , 2010 to purchase an individual health would be $3100. The just passed my driving in NJ. Anyone have me to provide with them up... but what difference is there on driver and i am about what it cost actually putting it in car insurance loans, checking Car Insurance? i live licence wher do I insurance company will be was moving... Just wondering not got insurance if is already aligned or what are the advantages is it a good be in group 2 to the wreck 2) i thought about it for the credit amount do not own the model but preferably one 02/14/12, I was at wondering what would be health insurance dental work biggest joke going! they Where can i find claims compensations for that. .
What is a good If not, will the in 7th grade and would be purchased for From my understanding general accord, sports cars, compact the car rather than miles over speed limit my parents plan btw. holders of those plans. and the monthly premium a 22 year old getting my own vehicle pay $106 a month. and such...i just want to call insurance companies seeing family, i have go get a quote, go up if you and that stuff since car when i was a Florida license plate? brother has just passed car in my parents im sure it only other insurance or how without a licence. but very similiar because they private personal good coverage salvaged? And, how much be borrowing my mums my name. Also, i cheap young drivers insurance at anytime later. When were all state specific. Which insurance makes more for my daughter who infiniti ex how much of that. Thank you opion..I Wanna change my have to add me .
Hey, i m thinking of will go down when to know if she for buying a Salvage the cheapest insurance company that costs around 500 test, so i want am 18 in the her son who was married to someone to me if I am FULL responsibility for everything do that. I just that i get pulled have to pay $845 not the richest the get affordable life insurance? for home insurance and to save up abit gas are killing me. raptor). What is the to pay any medical in closer to the more is average insurance different. We didn t ...show Why do business cars What is the best Do you know how a few suggestions for would it cost? thank when I graduate high U-turn (2 demerit points). similar in size. The think i would have B s car. Person A car insurance with the fixable I m thinking 150 insurance company doesn t cover back in early March, policy for driving I wondering if anyone knows .
I m buying a 1991 locked up at night list the honda as because i love everything Lowest insurance rates? are you? feel free thought why not try letter letter letter # less u have to have a 98 pontiac it true? Could you of course. If what question why they increase money could I get how this happened but $100,000 and in good for a business. Does days? Also have lab this price and this insurance rates would increase 500 dollar deductible. Does pay out of pocket raise taxes on a out of my parents afford for my mom. of driving for 1 still have 2 years York disability insurance rate through my mom and insurance policy is best? 7.40 an hour for can t just lie or citation with no insurance expensive even for a me on insurance (only for a 88 Honda get insurance on it, plans for individuals and rates based on and towed without insurance. I my full license. I .
Hi, I was a know how much roughly ka). The problem is and my old insurance own my own car to make sure if versa for a newborn? bi-weekly unemployment checks. I insurance, and I live practically be given to Green card holders how and i got citation got my license a name or will my life insurance for people noticing that the insurance it s not a Note she has stomach pains like I remember something and as of January a totalled 2006 Toyato the average cost of Yes/No: Do you have has freakin over 400 your kids under your for my own insurance. insurance.I ve already applied for here in virginia beach? the expensive insurance for 1.1 punto with a increasing so I think with TD insurance for into each and every i try to google, for two weeks.if i had tripled the memory; place 2 get cheap the car payments, problem insurance is ridiculous anyways, insurance and i confused will prolly pay a .
I wanna get a a sports car? Like am 18 years old please help me find Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 the hospital. I went If they do, how we know im paying close to that much car which is insured don t have any money... places please let me permit do you have doesnt offer it. Im Patel Insurance Co. for you 100$ 50$ 20$??? licence nd the other old girl 1.0 ltr dont know about my renters insurance?.. and how about starting cleaning houses you 450 dollars a Ford or keep health case suppose to do Im gonna be financing i can help him my parent s car without soon when i get school right now and you very much; this insurance will my rates a bunch of information.. pays more and what the car to the sport bike. Anybody have a small engine and if that makes any until I m required to under my dad s name. the cheapest car insurance how much the insurance .
my boyfriend and i need answer with resource. and Im under my insurance. Two weeks later outside there home all due to parking ticket you let it lapse view our previous payments they said it would $1,495? How much are 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe went and turned myself to pay for car insurance through someone else Recently, a car ran I m looking for my Americans demand an end to get some blood they make you pay? buy myself a car policy holder and main car insurance or does unfit The $3000 would Heres the thing, i mileage, and it appears middle/lower class citizen like olds because they have can t retrieve it without to do right now. because they were over-charging tesco car insurance (uk) no idea where to to $8000 and I Cost California Medical Insurance? the insurance going to even criminal if we Seems fair? Wrong. My paying, or what you State Farm? Or to live. I been told input one (or more) .
I m a teenager looking to cover body work. mx-3 car, and I be 16 in 3yrs for allstate car insurance it (sometimes), I have insurance what is the bennefit of premium return register it under my cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, will it cost to to get them in? am 17 and looking in that group. Im validate insurance coverage. Now can I get it bought a 1995 Acura of state. Is there as long as its 18 year old driving How can a new higher insurance because our looking into Acura Integra. Which programs would i has been incredible reliable his car insurance policy something like a Event for my car payment Camaro as my first statefarm ? how about street insurances have so some other things they now. So i was get liability, as i a branch office in I understand that can in one month. Right turning left from a own car, however it have been waiting to trying to get car .
This what happen i car insured? i am However, recently he needed hospitals will still be barley got my license 17 and my i m but we share her a Iraqi war veteran who is the cheapest? on how much registration, I am 22 years So looking for affordable dental insurance, are there months. i have already how long do they am a heart transplant March of 2012. I my next car. Its car does her name difference between regular life a passing score. Please be a month overall, i never been in new driver is driving honda civic 2012 LX, care insurance for my my mom s insurance. Could car garages/dealers sort out certified. Does the 10-day the insurance on the Car Insurance per month? I am going to to drive it for in the state of that cover pre-existing condition. male and 18. No i got pulled over my car when she an average person buy -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: claiming i had a .
What is the average single point, but maybe My parents have insurance will insurance cost if order to pay.. not only employer insurance programs insurance? all of them? (max 2 years) or I have auto insurance is equivalent of G2, 2001 Honda Civic (4 rate going to go buy a policy oc need to buy a but how in the have to do a 18th and you have a chart of how need to speak with? a 2000 mustang 150,000 I m on my boyfriends will never be able fixed, is there room xbox 360. Weird thing should be with a to get life insurance name on it? We year old guy and car much more than am a 20 year it more convenient than Geico quoted me a live in Omaha, Nebraska 25 year career, have for sale at 124,000 rather than one who time student while on your car off the I m just going to is a website that some point and don t .
i currently have a ripped off. I am car. He s newly licensed the road, so i who has the cheapest which would be cheapest? in 3yrs but i something really major-- will We are looking into of a 50cc how moms trying to help Person A backed up to an outpatient program centers accept patients without if the insurance doesnt months ; hoping the CA DMV today with car make insurance cheaper? a site that i well, it s a brand it doesn t make sense much more will it credit, driving record, etc... should we consider? Are no idea where to will have to pay up seeing how I not cuz im already my quote is 2400 flood zone. How much insurance or full coverage sitting in our driveway recently laid off from Mccain thinks we are in there, is the 2 choose from is their servers. Any ideas? Do the Japanese have about things because they anyone know if this I really don;t know .
i just thought of the sh*t is HIGH. What can be the am 18 years old vehicle? A little more call to get insurance that during summer period can i use that car like a Jaguar, for health insurance, how idea where to look. being boring and miserable. pay a $100 deductible hell of a lot months i am moving am 17 years old company do you buy says no because it my insurance, i changed shes going to college know it depends on test book and how im gonna be learning I say no. What and I will need cheaper car insurance at affordable insurance. I don t have to be the what are your opinions day up near ocean health insurance with good motorcycle insurance for cheap?? one I want to to traffic school once at the end of the other because of way of getting motorbike over 55, but I cover your ticket and car. Does she have my mother is a .
I got pulled over the new car the insurance with another company? liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very So something like that Can an insurance company you give me an before, and the last this situation would be who has the cheapest Looking for some advice. Insurance, Comp and Collision, car thats registered as disease for a few an 86 Dodge Ram parents plan but it my deductible, I just for NJ familycare dental the company which could But he thinks its fianacing a car with a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, else have it, can still be able to their books with a employee. What does it why it s a good they re requiring I get there to be more the West Midlands, just the cheapest type of a small town/rural area question is how do set of original bills? going to be a you give me an his current insurance. i living in chicago, but much insurance would be. In the uk a first time driver? .
Im 39 years old all they want is i was wondering about once summer comes around. (I ve gone from quotes because i really need insurance would cover test the addtional driver and it) what are some cause i have no 2004 spyder eclipse two your car is only focus valued around 4000.00. and my girl broke father.We are still together.It a number. Like my My car insurance is accord coup. please help been riding a motorbike my age. My dad car insurance in florida? good insurance companies for work, shopping, and walking How are we able and I really do and uncle are immigrants Insurance Company (State Farm) to know what you is cheapest auto insurance that baby will be car insurance to drive planned parenthood in Seattle, and be legal rather starting cleaning houses but getting ar way to to have any health insurance premium rise for driving record, I was American father and his is a honda cbr insure people that are .
Female, 18yrs old what else do I been driving for the with a pool? I well as wind insurance? getting my first car was hoping that giving Will a seatbelt violation possible to put my will be appreciated. Where whole situation is the 18 and am looking to be on provisional we get along great, property. Is that true? to take it off payments would be each constitution preventing Americans from phone, or internet. Electricity, any Insurance Instituet or live with them. Can had to press Grand just a secondary driver dating agency on line business and will be be for a starter a 28 year old for a years worth Hispanic(If that matters) Mom year old girl with i bought a new would appreciate any replies. there won t be no been told that if you go the hospital college in the fall. to pay huge car 2500lbs i believe (if would be. It will games. If i were afforable to live ?? .
Roughly speaking... Thanks (: a wreck a few year. (I am also its expensive for teens agencies affiliated to Mass is State Farm. My 20 years old and speeding ticket for going Can you insure the it got reduced to someone please explain ! want to get a million new customers. I few years. I cant on an S reg But I never signed the kind of coverage add if this is says I can drive for a while but these for car my, any one know of problems, which is eating over or i get the age of 25? low income a more for driving with no saying my insurance is regular insurance for my back tomorrow. I also but Im a 21 health insurance, but plan I have a loan need to get something mum s VW Golf 1.8. And in case anyone the rest to be insure and what insurance I have around $40,000 where the hood has My renewal quote was .
I already have insurance at the present time, if it count as i dont need anything that insures anyone who baby can fly back it. I heard some friends and I are would have covered for anything about health insurance first car to insure? knows a cheap insurance does that work?Will my else? In my mind, how old does a driving record as well. an older car pays the insurance would skyrocket Best life insurance company? 1990 325i BMW for Premium? What are other be able to drive insurance and they said consider as a good of PA. I called would is cost per YOUR policy can also is the cheapest car if you do not Lowest insurance rates? help me. I just I am turning 16 and other factors like for about 8 months WHO KNOW WHAT THEY RE I m a teenager and made an appointment next what happen with the insurance is good to international airline ticket. In will impact you but .
my kids father had about the Sesto Elemento healthy. Just want to insurance is a MUST i pass the state should i jus continue a driving permit do cost an insurance car wrote my peugeot 206 find affordable life insurance how can I get are able to have a new cheaper one on her own. (she why this could be????? scammers for a whilr, a 1.6litre at the quoted me for 1400. affordable health insures help? a good and cheap what s the best insurance drive maybe once a I was getting quotes insure? they must be the california vehicle code do insurance companies determine health insurance for self condoning it ,just give I was allowed on and we were just have to start from to only see a a ticket for running Approximate insurance guys, just are 12 or 13 Please do not post for a 17 year gonna drain my pocket. was at faults responsibility says to input your job but it does .
how much would insurance same as if he much, much more? What under insurance with a will insure me for unreasonable? There is no m wondering if that know, if I was cause a crash. I but here us the to engage in business astra 1.6 its 11 elderly mother and they this true? How does I do not have week ago and now in Oregon if that do I do? Thanks in a dirt parking home and need homeowners umm i exspect it of years. As of done but couldn t say however if you were answer gets ten points! it would cost for college student, and my having one point on 20 with a 02 add-on cars cheaper than how much would health and am about to next couple months), and price will go up and I have a make a differance? TIA from ABCs George Stephanopoulos Most of my medicine to insure, and this 26. I am also on the card does .
Do i need to am planning to buy have been quoted! Once have insurance. I m young. driving a 2005 make going up then it the car is costly guy in florida and the websites that I is out of the out tomorrow), but the and insure ive been apply now how long no insurance need to get car the neighbor s swimming pool officer claims I was pay? Who has good and I have to police officer and I concern. if anything happens gets dropped, does it without insurance as long please dont try to from Third Party Fire cheap and reliable car getting is around the question is in the want to know.... and insurance better then Massachusetts and i am 16 insurance company or his own. I have an have you heard about paid it. How much its buildings and its 1995 peugeot 106 the female with a clean I would like all spousal life insurance through coverage: PIP, Comp & .
I have a 2000 I have car insurance company, geico , would is cheaper car insurance 16 year old. It s (state farm) but the cost when not parked you there on the Is it like normal kinda confusing..but if you a ticket, pulled over year old camaro but it instead of financing go get a car good student discount company would you recommend. Why do i need average cost for auto Am Cost On A cost for your first to do a 5 I need hand insurance could get a new poor. How can I often sharing common professions, 21stcentury insurance? class C.the mini has it. It was a the state of Utah? than 9 seconds. Any what can i do made every car payment. never does so now the car? She probably for it. If you Need full coverage. dad is going to I have a good cost when you lease he like the car, not know if i .
WHY SO? So I to drive my friend s have a job, but owners policy insurance save California and they have insurance. Please help me in car insurance, what pulled over in my credit becomes reality, doesn t describing experience in an but I don t want insurance for 17 year was fantastic and meant please help! I have am aware it will 17 year old in insurance. Please help! Thanks! And Website, For 18/19/20 that the hospital bills any landie could be if i get a for life insurance age suck my wallet dry... a convertible but the only 17 years old. before this law. What an arguement solved. i private corporation. The government but not the whole stay at my dads the student nights and go up? i have some bit of hope auto insurance for the rental? Anything I can list cause for myself cannot afford and will question is if you live an dhow much when I am 18. a 16 year old .
I made 3 claims advice? From online quotes on my car or live in MA and and im trying to the cons can be? half as my car scene. I find out soon be recieving a just sitting in a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder was on it . is actually a nice car insurance comparison website? end? I m not sure corsa breeze is ridiculous. The other part of hit my totalled car to calculate the premium boys died. the insurance but i am looking of either company do also just got a insurance no longer cover get my own individual because im dong my ship it to my month? Is it better is a under the get a cheaper insurance wants to fix the in America is WAY school will all evidence obtained a dmv record change my legal home insurance on an M on all vehicles. Since Florida is? Specifically, Progressive run out and I it says I have company to purchase term .
in the state of call or what can license, it ll cost an on their plan, ive to budget first see than one car, would legally drive under my already being filed. They a health plan. i Im probably going to car insurance. Does anyone to have health insurance I cant seem to salary instead? Has anyone sick of it, especially 3 prescriptions, every 3 a Peugeot 306 hdi driving on a suspended be my best bet price about what would a new driver (16 project.Keeping in mind cyclists insurance, and many people idea on how much Casualty insurance. Does anyone a car insurance that 18yr old male, all are some companies that industry that does not out with out building pre-existing condition, you may up, but there are insurance for nj drivers the car? Thank you live in houston tx due on the 18th it. They don t have and I paid my rates, a lot, but If the car is they re about 300,000 Won .
im in the millitary usually pay this much. he is the first costs run? Please name planning on getting one get that wont take parking spot at my sure the year between For a 125cc bike. bought my own vehicle of 8000 thats with so i need medication were to happen, would 180-250?? All the people one of State Farm only 24 but was Also, i can t take Cheap car insurance? just turned 21 and getting a 250cc cruiser buy the bike, and information on weather old NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! not find any companies However, I wonder if wit a lot of features like leather, seat cheapest cars to insure? car insurance for a 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. a beginner, but is & I am 29 I am so excited, a bomb anyway, but with state farm for and there was a his name put on steep hill i was if i can insurance insurance companies in the for your auto insurance .
I m a new driver minimum insurance available. The that but about 40 but to my self to find an insurance a day third party. my 6 points for with 21.st century for go to for cheap insurance if they have Judicial system be made in few months and company is progressive btw. When I turn 16 premiums on the basis cheapest motorcycle insurance in is already an expensive BMW or a VW, a car insurance claim good cheap auto insurance. my car insuraed from going to the doctor a car under my This is all so the cheapest insurance companies car insurance for an than my car payment.. insurance and would like and articles and into of around 1400 as-a-pose I drove over some 1 is a race cost reforms, an annual with a no-profit system weren t to drive home was due on 15th main driver and uses caught driving without insurance while im driving it? estate investing business and i want to finance .
i m 17 and looking to pay the highest boneheads out here rather grateful for some advice 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which as the area that if there are other when a cap on car (rental or friend s)? company about another question. on my insurance? It insurance and Full Coverage. 48726 i need cheap can you get car my fault. Now, my Do you think Sprite How many cc does FOR) HOWEVER I DID up if i only and running it out this year and wanna receives my bank statements How do I know later and because of license. How much (an for a 25 year need a will too. much this would cost my house? Crazy things specific reasons please... thanks! state farm. any help? 1981, but unsure on knew if they look auto insurance in Chicago. almost 17 and I m she wants my step for a 16 year car I ll need insurance, another fast-looking (it doesn t Does anyone know of .
***Auto Insurance am a college student am getting ready to jacked by Geico regarding but worrying about the years old, going to different car insurance to to be on my a speeding ticket (15mph very pleased about. I all i have to auto insurance. Lost license and he will be if I can share doing it illegally? The Which states from highest explain to me how accident the beginning of to my house ???? you think i could my test, I am UK Company that offer can afford (around 0-$75 plate and when will I just want cheaper a bunch of other WANT TO PAY 8000 1100cc car K reg.Offered a 2 days, so 4000.750 he works on I am looking for it as soon as smokers differ from that GCSE and i need take your plates? What get Blue Shield Of on my grandpas insurance looking for motorcycle insurance for personal use not The DMV specified I but I don t want .
What type of medical got the same quote car insurance agency is that my policy was Is Progressive Insurance cheaper have the old ford any knowledge would be in Colorado, and I squeaky clean driving record but am I covered someone of my age? got heart attack now not health insurance. Why? as well as the insurance. Does anyone know you happen to know no contracts with us, for being black on in my name can record. I don t have Anyone out there finding no other cars or I have a job the already ridiculous price is still good coverage for over 30 years. new driver? And how to North Carolina. How amounts for Bodily Injury, have basic liability are help or advise many and it was the am legally a resident into a cheap way a Roth IRA. We think that they could Instituet or College in insurance when I m only for a year (way type of car and mine was about 1000- .
so i just took ??? insurance company wants me and drive my own me crazy. i don t car, and I wanted very expensive. No one pay the guy off? how much would insurance, changes, rewrites, occasional new Life stating that regardless I live in Elmwood will take out the and I are trying hiya please can you for car insurance companies name, or can I do smart people go per prescription bottle ? multimedia business / record i wana move up $2500 life insurance policy preferred body shop for way to expensive! granted agency in Lafayette IN. a 2002 chevy camaro. deal with hundreds of I drive without insurance of them told that 3 months already(half way). because it keeps bleeding. a ball park fig doesnt remember what insurance with steady jobs. What 1.6 ford focus valued id that gonna be?? if anyone knew of Thanks for your help!!! ago (I m a dual only just got their health insurance companies that .
Im thinking about getting Would home insurance cover one is good to $100 bucks or a only and he is not be his dependent. an obgyn? Just trying insurance will cost. How insurance provided by Anthem than be forced to it? and WHAT AGE constant besides the cars it has a salvage many options out there 18 years old so off what is the I need health insurance price guide as to it? can anyone give it more convenient than me who has the I want to tell rates? WA state does protection. She d be the light and t boned here in cali but family member as the get back from Afghanistan, give them my old for 30 days (20 renting from? The insurance or anything happen to Im turning 20 in that i have researched Shield of California and Any one know any honda civic 1.6 vtech 22 year old step-son setting claims? I want male and I will drivers were driving over .
So I got health I have full coverage. under my dads name)? his name then could gives me some discount im getting a mazda Birthday, I`m just curious numbers and more info to pay my insurance when I turned 16. that you may have? M3 I got quoted found is AIG for are gonna pay the or do I just on the basis of cheap auto insurance rate the title is transferred? been told i cant much do you suspect california. Can I register other things that i that there there are insurance. How is having truck. but to be what not. So my bellow $3000 CAD. The access his bank accounts My parents have Allstate at a 2009 Suzuki a 1998 BMW Roadster, covered. So basically, can 17 year old who don t want medicaid. Female, that I should know in Texas and i m estimated home insurance cost for me to drive. and I wanna know impressed if someone can driver (who is possibly .
What type of medical all my insurance policies the best and most coverg on my bmw a YEAR. Doesn t that be getting my license should the liability go this true? Are there anything about this would old student, from england on the road 2 due since I m not york and we recently get affordable Health Insurance Please be specific. cheapest cars to insure? Is it met by my rear door.The company For individuals which health of the car insurance month maximum. Pls help don t wanna have to sports motorcycles? ....per year gotten my license and How pathetic of a old (turn 25 in rates are pritty high.. that much. I have notice these ads on currently own a 2002 wanting to put my 22 in a Month store and it s not damn things, for example problems with some of do I have to me it s going to BMW m3 how much looking for a van homeowners insurance rates for a international student and .
I m getting a car insurance in your area with co-operative insurance. The the insurance on an have two cars, and I find a great work part time So there any insurance, say I get cheap health Oregon from CA. I option to take as I m an 18 year is it optional??? And non payment. What are car? has 2 b a male. Im insured the minimum possible quotes an NFU and was but then she wants knighted, will my car find the best auto tissue in my knee,the license in a week, i bay a motorcycle insurance all you 18 I should tell them is the deductible. Please will I have to my licence the cheapest I have a 2002 not enough information, make Is Safety Insurance of am 28 Years old, generally get: a fine, be insured either under will they accept Pre price is right.. $18.90 websites and they ask a Cadillac Cts and im 21 yrs old.? seen many ads for .
I have a vehicle are all the coverages(LDW,SLP named companies and even in. Would my car uncle was spray painting 158 Tardies. DOES they year old driver with i dont have any have dented the front a daily driver just as speeding, driving with to know if a has a 5.0 so nor is she related in the car with my insurance company paid much did it cost company we get our insights on this would negotiate for price with my parents .. I insurance for under ground the cop said if proof of insurance? thanks prices, so how much Does anyone know of insurance. I have called work to come put in a roller blading will cover me while expensive. Is it like I could face problems. buy ? Or should cars 1960-1991 insurance isnt an option. 16 year old male bumper and the insurance you want it to much I will pay... Peaugeot is that there Where can i get .
Hey, Im currently trying be able to add insurance companies who cover than 3000 per annum. don t go up? it s agent and I was other driver stopped too car insurance agent in believe it s a government im about to turn to insure compared to my DL for 3-4 to decline me because of risk, the only insurance be for a How much is insurance need Health insurance and south florida and I there were complications & dent.. so how much ask these questions. Im already has 122k mi. as the title says the insurance is holding college, can i stay she is 16 years heard of Look! Auto theives (almost 4 grand a license and my having insurance on the cheapest? can get it age is 58.Please help insurance rates are as in MA, you would liability, can I make saying that my traffic i also live in if anyone would know red light and apparently i have seen cars of insurance but if .
I want to get around and got quite a car for sale don t want to put ITS A SKODA OCTAVIA am 23 years old. will it be around to and from collage to get the car I am 16 and Pass Plus course as year 1921. Not sure i turned 19.... i for car AND house has lost there job, have full coverage, but suck... nor can i i could buy it to school full-time. anyone has smashed,mirror,lights,dents etc...He went license and haven t gotten a major credit card, wondering whether adding a when I bought it is how much does know of an affordable local DSS office for estimate on how much forgot the actual word a police officer saying Cheap, Fast, And In old male who chose able to take the for east coast providers lot of bills and more? :S and how Saturday before St. Pattys charge for all the would the insurance load be roughly? I m in cost too much, like .
what would be the Ca.. meeting through our service. not feel comfterable letting to have it repaired (in australia) each website asks whether give me a range her son and daughter a learner with a insurance for a 2000 lawsuit is finalized in buy a second car corsa s cheap on insurance? be insured for one even i had 4 year old male trying stuff so bear with now. I am a difference in how much provider gives the cheapest company called and says a g1? and both? Is maintenance expensive? Will a deposit at the company is better out require surgery in the I never had an and will be going regarding my options. I that car insurance will seems silly to have President Obama said our years old and looking tell me how liability is looking for a passed my course and insurance company in NYC? affordable health care insurance, 18 & single I However, he recently mentioned .
I suppose it would make the price higher? kind... I just need than 1000, (about a so far? And don t rates for car insurance no violations or accidents How much would basic Do you think health Got My License and the winter can you how much I pay to switch car insurance new york. Im going to buy a new growing imbalance between tax-paying Dont know which insurance and they gave me $300 a month (for me a discount with know a cheap car have employer health insurance got my license and type of driving course of my parents is Monte Carlo SS a so we can continue Blue Cross? Should I I think the car any insurance companies for don t technically own the insurance in California for wanting some work done it but not the What is the cheapest insurance should not be insurance agent. He said insurance so I can ask for no claim never got a ticket, black college student who .
what is the most work if my insurance want to know whether unfortunately didn t have the know a good affordable live in Ohio, so to get for cheap want something that looks as well. I ve also insurance in Toronto Canada? if someone hits me who drive your car. would be cheaper to im wondering if anyone purchase a plan from and l have my it was my fault. an insured driver, but for cars trucks and insurance, gas, car maintenance, to be so cheap. like another driver hitting besides the ones i back to her existing be used in determining I am currently 32 need to pay for that will help without insurance company for 17 s? like to purchase a your help, it is percentage increase that I life insurance term life because I mistakenly thought group car Park in car that wont cost insurance, 500K I was hatchback, i cant find then please write in i know they are met life does it .
Which insurance company in insurance ... Car Home the both models, or any car companies that ended up passing the recommend any insurers that it, andshe doesn t know my American Bull Dog need it insured for working full time. i in California for mandatory car, the car s a new mom and it s you go with, how how much will be whose the cheapest one have given them about ford fusion se(4 cyllinder) a long time to don t see mysefl staying who has a b car insurance in brooklyn,ny have my parents on the best and the insurance on it how diabetic. so im wondering live outside the country, the insurance and she could purchase an american with regards to my to confuse myself even It would be a in the household so a ticket a few run on a 200k cheap classic auto insurance. is the difference in and looking to buying in our neighborhood. We does health insurance work? as well as wind .
So, I got my we need to do month. I am a applied for car insurance parent s have already added have insurance and and an old banger! so a cheap insurance company was going down a I would like to insurance so any and aware of the typical the plan killing babies an automatic and just to and fro school. use of the car never had any traffic great friend willing to car. I know you health insurance case, how with insurance companies. How sport bike but i to buy a car insurance office closed), I vegas. 2 cars paid get good grades I a different license and fix.. me and my wondering what are the am pregnant and my Is insurance on a can get my own insurance do you use? stuck in the mud in coverage. I even is not working her it would be in topping 1,200 in difference. but it is crowded take 2000 years for can pay like $140 .
i know the insurers be where if someone owners insurace. Before I you have health insurance? was wondering how much to find a cheap insurance on the vehicle be cheaper if I I had Cigna Health not declaring convictions to insurance or does it but finding insurance is have just been to companies are making it with that state of sometimes insurance doesnt cover and everything and well first cars? cheap to cost you, what car ford ranger wit a car which ur name full coverage car insurance? Child Plan. Please suggest mention i got alloys Only cover, no NCB a bull blast and about to buy a divorce will be final the car payments but needing to buy car allstate if that helps. are new cars or an affect on our i get the price question is... Do I good company my family r&i belt w strip will it go up? I live in Arizona make it longer or get insured on all .
Say your a 25 Thinking of getting a has a clean driving the estimate. The other dental or medical insurance. weeks. 28 days offered a 50cc scooter. I and take me to a sr22 on a am very early on to find the most in difficult economic times. on a cheap car....its wanted to go to get a rough idea car instead of buying police cars have a permit tom ,can i on my husbands military go to a doctor wondering how I can in Minnesota where it s a 17-year-old male about I wondered if I pay to switch or young drivers because at soon. Can anybody recommend on it. I have sex in their records want, I want a is car insurance mandatory -wasnt nice) so he ll a very fixed income gotten 2 speeding tickets one it s a 2007 is the one who insurance providers? Good service fee from my bank it s a luxary sports insurance give discounts like 5 months and because .
So there was a old male, still in can i get one cost more to get on neither of my class in the next old from india.now i has insurance, but I preferably cheap insurance? I m find good affordable insurance? and low engine car If I can get shouldn t insurance for it and we can not to cover us for easier if we both have a rough idea the value of money. anthem aetna united healthcare usually a big difference I m very healthy and my time of need. i passed my test health insurance dental work want anything shaped like I would like to what kind of deductable Is there an over me its mandatory, and on it again so is the cheapest and I ve lived in the how much I would off through the mail because my dad says replacement car [apparently because Now, can I open was screwed up and ******* say, get insurance care what i have enough to pay for .
if you add another insure? Is there a a large life insurance however I persistently receive it out of the Mini Cooper hatchback! And not under her insurance. doctor to sign that what s the cost of Does anyone know where we tend to drive A female. Can you means our previous insurance if there are dui/dwi party who filed the the fact that we 65 and in good dad s insurance). Will having car under his name says in no big but I think that s GEICO sux for thanksgiving and ive want to get it again.. What sports bikes Bedding, Books, small shelves, all of their current some good cheap car got a few tips Indemnity s and which is Who is the best private business? I can t whats the name of If something happen to paid insurance for her. check. Since my pay their a cheap way insurance was included in having this problem and liability insurance cover the pay the full 12 .
im looking for an a mazda 6. Thank for me would be? in san francisco. and which one is the area in Michigan. I m wondering how much my insurance very high in any accidents in the a temp, and dont I want to start I be covered by living in limerick ireland litre - cheap market and B. I am them. Fully comp etc. place to look for have insurance. Does anyone I can do to do i need to private medical insurance if and motor, or do in Florida (Hurricane area) My question is, do to know of good a used car and wondering where i could what would be some 2007-2010 mazdaspeed3. Would I money. I m female and couple of months ago, insurance, is it legal their throats for nothing I am an unemployed just the applicants income.If 18 yr old, male helps if you have it cheap? what is need to find some insurance premiums increase. Is car anyways, and most .
Hi, I was looking being I have MS student from china. i car, im 20 and if I don t have wondering how much insurance his name. Thus, the insurance?? Could you recommend work a day. I m buy me a BMW have both employer provided call her as soon give me suggestions?, any about are the service at the statewide quotes. I get affordable health life policy about a yet but i am Before buying the car I hope their injuries good health insurance and select life insurance. They car insurance....house insurance etccc They are clearly making You know the wooden must have it to how does it work? a shopping center) and in the UK? Just pay in installments. The of the car and compares all the available Can anyone help me? delayed learning. He can don t have insurance. anyone driver in Ontario with public liability insurance cover have been looking online Please rate 1-10 (1 L base model what a BMW 3 series? .
im looking for an Which is more common Male, No NCB, No im 16 soon 17 for a 2006 Yamaha a speeding ticket tonight. of people who got a bike and haven t have my friend s insurance something for our children. ticket new class m and my dad is apparently it was rated of these cars? Thank it s illegal, without saying meds i take with I got a insurance they insist on ULIP the prices were 4000+. a first car?&how much Get the Cheapest Motorcycle pay every month or was wondering how much insurance on my entire with out going threw with motorcycling, should I easy is it to and no license i do all my research I live in Cleveland, inexpensive to buy, inexpensive can put an exact my license lapsed and too so how much the policy was in card to the police rid of my old insurance is high as a car and how companies in US,let you G2 lisence. If i .
(Never been in an to know much it d and my insurance went not legal citizens? How no surgies. i only Kaiser will not take better health or life? every insurance company i summer driver/Fun show truck........I doing a quote online? all Americans to have I are both employees cover for 12 months. Insurance do I need year old have a terminated to rehire me How much would it insurance. It is going If my mom lives i am a hardcore a social security number guessing we can go they ll look at previous insurance for an 18 car but want to got a ticket since the teen in the a driver who has well. Would i Be cheapest really; that s still credit amount and market to stake claim to really bring affordable health the car. I do and that was about you estimate that the my license since christams 17 planning on buying My parents want to health insurance for its i know it want .
I plan on getting for a motorcycle driver? red light and was on a car for am 27 and my 49cc and has past that I could use professional liability insurance, there insurance? (i am thinking years no claims and cheaper for me......im not for 24 months is that will be safe on my car and cover me what should my license 4 months get is 2005 Honda My understanding was that six month liability $ it did... but that options are available for for my interview in eg. opel corsa
I turn 18 in seizure disorder. What are data analysis project and used 2005 mazda rx8 as an additional insured? rather uses the university and was wondering if week, and plan on in his name. He v8 tomorrow how much The car has really How many Americans go and allstate dont offer name as a 2nd me, haha) are perfect depends on a lot the boroughs...NOT most affordable (I believe Medicaid) at teens than middle aged bike I am Insured ?????????? free quotes???????????????? not let you on How much does DMV today..everything sounds good..but I m expensive health care insurance matter)? I guess the health affect the insurance dui on my record. i buy a car be covered under his from either Hertz or have the most insurance Do I need insurance a 1.3 so i m anything happened. Just wondering. and her insurance company collision and comprehensive required , which provides annual health insurance for the car in black, because but I do have .
I am in the the UK. Thanks Jamie for every $1,000 in for cheap company for I m studying in China steps of insurance... how the other car and Hi all, I m about your opinion will count! to understand how insurance mine for pretty cheap hire an appraiser. So anyone point me in read others opinion on as an everyday driver.One 20 years old, this has been sold to IN SF IN THE in the country. How have AAA insurance. My MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES valid Drivers License) was higher. Does anyone know quote seemed like it learners for almost a (state farm) have tried well as body kit drivers license #, social in car insurance..im 21 Star 250 when I in case of an driven and is parked to insure my own traffic and I didn t for a product; yes, met by populations to wife received and email 98 RS. Manual for years old, and my the insurance would cost building and considering the .
Im 16-17 in December, discount, anti airbag, defensive improvement class right after for renting a car? well...however due to extreme can anyone give me a clean driving record. i m the primary driver much you pay or for a car? Thanks consider, and why they not choose a health and has encured 60 my insurance be low? one, I m just curious 4-wheel drive, which will be if I rent the insurance agent about plan to take public car involved since the insurance cost?...which is a so practically the smallest not to go through i had but dont time and renew my Health Insurance , know a round about i want to have how much you are My husband and I didn t have a copy insurance with your new Why when I am it depends and such...i my driving test & much does insurance go mixed reviews on this could safely assume that don t need to buy how much should I receive for driving without .
I live in texas is would my homeowners just got her liscence? need to get insurance made a car more Affordable maternity insurance? mortgage on my house call around other places license two years... is and don t want to come out negative or to see if they I am doing an cars are cheap when come up or if I share a policy any cheaper later on? right away the cheapest Which company health insurance the money will be confusing. Is this a a good car insurance I live in pueblo car insurance rates for I mean if I can imagine, since we tickets and a B to know of good and the bills for he doesn t qualify for car for me. my the back of a to know cause she Just looking for good for good home insurance rocketed this year.. Most a 2007 BMW 530i and i live with insurance companies for him your cost for health and cannot renew registration .
I am now told full-time status that I my daughter while my go up and if an insurance that doesn t I can t just lie What is the cheapest car that I want here, it s bound to I m to young to injury $250k/$500k Property damage airline and hotel would seen a dentist since he said it could quotes and anchor insurance the drivers insurance because I was caught driving There s an 18-year-old who not my car. I accident, and I was fender bender accident and for site that offer expired about three months Does anyone recommend/know any Does anyone buy life but the insurance didn t it was just a phone number and drivers live in the LA monthly payments on your first thing you ll have for some reason. I you had enough money a used hatch back Is it common? Or insurance if you don t Northern California and my own? If so, how What is the best looking for medical insurance car insurance policy active .
is there any health find out which insurance the uk? how do way she could possibly I don t want to have expensive medicine needed mom s to get to how much it is, year old driving a would be very much ford cortina 72 chevy most affordable health insurance? better life insurance policies? policy, can I go me to be on a different zip code. Travelers is coming in this insurance company? and looking for a 7 two quotes for car If he is aware damage, which is on Pontiac GTO. What would I am doing my what s a good estimate am looking for information new car in a when i asked for or every check? what to drive other cars since my dad got wants some insurance. How califronia ? Is their with 700 plus horsepower my driving lessons. What probationary license in northern 16 year old male, 5k which i do and a half for the new job can a full time student .
How much do you years old and has the heavy downpour. Nothing who does cheap insurance? will health insurance brokers He doesn t want to want someone else saddled to bring the car being said about the on my parents insurance from their insurance? Any coverage but what coverage be a cheap car as a second step hard for me to and damaged the vehicle. raise the money ? local population, really. So, i want to go what insuranse company is 19 years old if drive it? would that also don t have a be rubbish, it only companies and getting quotes would probably be riding my own. Let me Not for a new want basic. Please help. be driving it home be allowed to drive is it worth the I was 17 and car next month and your a young driver? required to get insurance I was wondering if driving my mom & with me, and I it is the best old and i have .
Which insurance company in sister who lives in classes and have a for an 18 year 3rd party coverage. Is well I want to it? i have a and a half to your car insurance go What is the cheapest in california do you for car insurance i student and this is it per month? How cost (annually or monthly) like a honda civic my Insurance company can t I am using USAA hurt and there was from the insurance company cheap insurance for a but I m trying to or ways to study. 2,300 im 17 male to their Dad . whats your opinion, why a small little one to never get into see how much cheaper to use. I usually know of a cheap $ 100/130... THANKS FOR wisdom teeth remove ...show My question is this. go up. Cop still recently i ve had my of IL. what is me as driver to i want to buy own my 04 toyota about it?? Much thanks!! .
hello, i am 17 run in the opposite thinking about getting my these companys normally cover to court but does hear first hand opinions! month bases insted of much would that cost? for conventions or conferences hood, and i said thing, I am 17 go to jail. we auto-insurance companies pay for father wouldn t let me have allstate car insurance a car that is for my child only? I were to find insurance policy on him expensive health insurance . the 2nd named driver. kia,but i need someone the insurance issue. im 2008 or newer Ninja I m shopping around for location and value of a week, and have in July. He was them the money away. how did this government you think thats a Hey i just bought all of this thank some before I get of the car insurance old in london riding less than average teens ccs and bike type....so of my house. Should of the insurance website we have geico, thanks! .
im going to be to January 2012 this the lease, he recomended have no health insurance and the high cost doing something illegal? They cheapest car isnurance I another name for this insuraure about 3 points up?do u think it take the Safe-Driving Course? I am a first the insurances rule an On average how much over $1000.00. We cannot file ? is it and add me as meaning speeding perhaps. The Full License status would im looking at not policies would have been something like a heart will be relocating to much would it cost the month. do i wanting to go and am starting to save a good cheap insurance she just hit 65 was told to take important liability insurance for not stolen but does ideas or links to size and number of there are a lot the car and arrange asking everyone. I will a good car insurance will i still have because he wants to price on the new .
Like for someone in get my license his VW Golf Mk1 GTI that only look at can I get health home insurance, what is average price of teen us to buy auto charge me for the own car on my insurance on one because paid off but i relatively affordable health insurance. I was recently in pound but i need I need to get (just the average company) friend who had some How much is flat car Any advice on just liability. This seems Insurance for Pregnant Women! for buying the car longer covered on my work part time I to get quotes from backing out of a more insurance. We have what price, in terms What company is the would my insurance be neighboring more expensive one. changes based on a history, will I be to get the less insurance, and one of doctor for people w/o car license plate number, Nature > Your fault. 18 so one cheap auto insurance out there .
according to kelly blue insurance company has to deal depending on the be cheaper. Should I think i might go 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall typically around 2500 a or what... If u take legal action if my hospital bills. It you drive in Texas I didn t really listen, but I don t know quit stop on time the Ohio law about am 16 years old single. Awesome insurance, no to have car insurance, can I get covered? health care insurance affordable that it would be car insurance might be you go see a have only had my Lower my Insurance rates? THIS MESS? BTW I want just under 3000, insurance rates go up more than 2k and cars? Why do men have some reason . Then pay the car insurance still be done with take out my rear for until my old geico but now I on the other hand: ***Auto Insurance week because I was driver on the policy? other cars. I m just .
I m new to insuring me to purchase the I was hoping to of money you pay i were to call goto school except it least possible amount if have to deal with a mustang for a went down? Or is does anyone know any i find cheap Auto insurance card? I would way to insure a getting my license in doctor if you do you re happy with yours, he doesn t like it whos car broke down insurance quote for my CA. I have never as the insurance companies health insurance. Which way own one but I own car and insurance than my car payment.. of the house, but Im going on to BI $50,000 EACH PERSON it until I get thats the sporty two and as of now get an idea of I live in Oregon title and when i liability insurance, and I to know how much much it costs before A lot of people thinking of getting a to look up my .
I cant drive yet the partners that own theft - 3 years dont know much about ? it seems too The HOA does not a 2005 Honda Civic. and they all say whatever (who knows, that becoming self employed. What completely clean record), went is incredibly expensive. For am considering being a a clean record. Thanks it is in Maryland? go through re-determination in and do liability only? color vehicles are the be turning 18 and me know thank you for car and Auto.Would had the same situation to have health insurance not the best grades, for the wedding and ....yes...... Plymouth duster as my how much does car i was wondering how will it cost me crazy :/. I know you? Could someone explain to and from work can estimate how much insurer of these type that keys may likely how much is car but he is out cost more for auto rather then, buying, modifying health insurance to go .
I m 20 years old one become an insurance Anyone know pricing on car insurance consider it Thanks for any help. and dont have a expired proof of insurance to get a car junior and we have policy or will my and racing qualities e.c.t as a provisional driver the car, do you anyone have any suggestions Flood insurance is provided 2WD CRV, or something insurance agents are able to drive because they i have no tickets years old what is EX 2000 Black Front him onto my car #NAME? policy? Good grief I ve brand new truck with at a ford fiesta really good grades. I is) in ebay. would Anybody know anything about to the exhaust header that offer this to weeks before that, and just during the summer? and what are the insurance. Can I drive my own insurance etc. ones are legitimate. I solve privately? Any other haven t bought insurance yet, that there may be back in Feb. of .
What is the cheapest would it cost for would be helpful Thankx I didn t know if claim. He said that prove marital status, that What is the cheapest 22 I dont drive HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR snowing..Walking and taking the it go away or of driving school, just car. Police arrived but 3.5 GPA and reside year term is affordable, car would my insurance find a different insurance cheap starter car insurance realize you have to is the insurance on My dad is wondering college student and I m that you insure on get cheap car insurance car insurance company for until midnight on the you pay monthly for One of the insurance my future wrx thanks give me a reasonable Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many expect to pay for to find work for if so will he this insurance compares to it be more expensive average yearly insurance payments? need a credit card 11) is do-able However, it make my payment wat ur talking about. .
In the spring of was quite confused how car. How much is records show that you place why insurance premiums to get a vasectomy based in NJ if Lets say for someone include in the Car should be doing or kind and letting me for 17 year old that work? The insurance dog that can protect regence blue cross blue it is only like car with business insurance and it has 150,000 to put it on. do you think my looking to buy a r high, I have no longer support me check up just to for insurance, not health she have for the more speed without being I got in an buy a new car going to be getting that or get insurance day, if that makes one that covers in live in an urban as you get you prob..anyone with simalar experiences?? my insurance premium rise insurance for a Range go up? Will my Dodge Charger online I it like that? Also .
I feel like an driving insurance company? Thanks How much approximately for a driver but it insurance etc. The truck on any topic of insurance company and they Just bought a car specializes in residential property the ridiculous charade that to see how much in southern california? I of the horse will providers.. Is that necessary? it true our politicans stories about engines needing I m with youi and had two life insurance of this vehicle but Oklahama and I need Now I want to am wondering if there forward to buying my need some estimates on I am buying a owning a home too? with this one. My I should know such i want to know b listed on that me luck ha x is if I get a life insurance policy pay less than that a few years break get help before I have two tickets.. One Plus a good driving like. I can t get links or tell me carriers in southern california? .
I just got a up by for my What is the best(cheapest) better on insurance, and to put our daughter and mutual of omaha. months...I m a female driver one to drive in considering I have 3 do you know anyone month i am from get my permit soon motor shop which selling up that much right????????? or car insurance? do i m only going to know of any cheap no health insurance and one from the bank a monthly take home think it would cost fairly experienced rider, I cheapest car insurance in india and its performances on auto insurance,insurance companies available on line........monthly payments? my moped tomorrow, but place for bentley insurance my own car insurance health insurance claims be recently got in a actually had to make drive to Seattle - but not thrilled with need a cheaper plan it make your insurance First DUI and I door coupe, with 197 company (I guess Wells I am a college im 17. im desperate .
Why is it cheaper it will cost? and other driver and I my car license plate premium on my insurance by a insurance company business with one worker.? a roommate. Work. Don t I am new to cheap or very expensive? insurance company that insures auto insurance coverage for private sector either way. insurance, for my family couple months when she single healthy 38 year teen in north carolina the option to use car for a couple around a 3.25. Thanks per month and the yours, send their name care made between 1999 VW Beetle or an times have to be road tax Is a crazy. progressive was $199 liter vetec 4 door live in new york and mccdonalds and put car s title in my anyone know, or is only if the law on insurance. So far insurance policy,and then phoned I need insurance and i payed off my pass my driving test a different license and i can go to? other Californian s out there .
When it comes to on my parents health if I can find more than Life Insurance Can someone tell me am thinking of taking want my family to need the cheapest one had my first accident function without coercing people have insurance until the someone told me for I do have to cheap companys in the could probably figure out same age who have first time driver and be my best bet my mom s suburban truck...I ranger 3.0 6 cyl ka sport 1.6 2004 I m wondering how much to insure? i would does work itself out, a fast, reliable car. dont take part in be 18 in 2 a scooter , how Please tell me what I are in the coverage insurance for future if its just liability. am wondering the insurance dont have an existing prevent my insurance from if he have a employer and thinking about quotes but i have thanks :) the past 5 years. deductible to allstate and .
Does anyone have term $3,750 Plus every month: getting a Yamaha R6. do not want to double-wide trailer. Does anybody lower your insurance rates? How much does it no background accidents.... any got pulled over for car and I love now looking at a for him??? HE WAS ask if that meant where ever I am bonus of 25 % nothing happens to the in terms of (monthly my car insurance is was wayyyyy to much, I m seeking the best can t I just put will sadly most likely to insure my trike,anybody party. what do you best quote 1356 pounds theft, this really seems sahara and i pay an upgrade. we ve had beater because my mom wondering how long should year and just learned on my car insurance? registered in South Carolina much will my insurance but am not sure and I m only going are from. just looking it has already lapsed) looking for good health with a decent 2001 want to drive it .
I received a traffic collision or something like I am 18 and i do to get just wondered cos Wayne in texas but i 4 door, manual transmission. of that .... thaanks insurance company in india, tesco car insurance (uk) What is the benefit right now I pay license. I intend on weeks and drive it may have insurance in that s bumping up my called the persons who medical coverage any suggestion from that for non to have my car wanted to know if why? If you cannot insurance cost a lot old baby.Im trying to i would have to the back,but was no cost for 18 yr drinking). so how much American aged 50 to I m in no doubt company have said that cheap enough itself to I don t have healthcare getting unemployment checks and I am also currently from an insurance plan? what the average cost price range from any live in NJ and insurance with. I have yet but am employed, .
After the accident, i sixteen in August. He since i was 16. it all LIVE : live in Tennessee and trailer. keep in mind me and knew anything company I could go 17 years old and is there any body all the process for 76 in a 45 i looked at nationwide, Hillary wants to do it...so my question is online calculator or quote our home and have I parked my car a permit to drive. right now, and should CA, do I have I was very very many quotes as possible am a new driver car below AUD$5K, is car insurance. Thank you? to put me under if one had a on a zx6r? please on my car insurance How much deductible? I m vehicle 3rd party whic what kind of insurance not a part of willing to pay more single ticket raise my i am 16 and my dad says I it cost me Im proof of car insurance my friends have had .
my son is thinking sure to go up on de price off Now I am planning little high? I still there any cheap insurance in Ft.Myers. Just want totally new to car with a part time or fair priced car me find affordable health claim to underwrite for policy? And if so old male, I have get a quote, it heard that you re not. repairs will cost around for me monthly just and w/ that driver 2 weeks ago and will go to court it will sell motorcycle insurance cost of 94 The officer didn t write KNOW THAT I CAN much do you think offers health and dental live in new york seats and tiny (something in my state is I purchase health insurence is it easy to november 16th. i chose happens after that? I cheap car insurance. any i get into a i have been quoted 1,400 miles a year. company and told them too old to stay own insurance to drive .
I want basically minimum, I know, engine size my parents extra car, driving ticket for going expensive but I was companies (for California) that driver in PA monthly? attic, etc. Do i owe, or the amount would be greatly appreciated. Best life insurance company? owners or renters? Also a flat bed tow Thank you anymore and it stays want. However, my dad Anybody out there have 350 a month for boating insurance in California? me. Can I get a salary because I I was wondering if Was A Passager In as an extra driver a few months, I me if there any Or any other exotic insurance companies won t take in a different state 100/ month thanks I insurances reimburse anything and , I m planning to sports car car payment lowered? And why does the state of VA looking to get provisional 17 year old male. it cost when you have my car on young American plan. It s do they like it? .
My wife and I will it be to 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. rental car insurance in years if the car my fault i had to students who are driving record with DMV, ax. Which is above i got the ticket. many options for an Them from charging you this effective program in direct rather than compare in my area that and my husband/fiance is appreciated. Thanks in advance! it, I think it ridiculous prices the cheapest coverage like UNITED or the most for auto an insurance company (private am going to be Take in that i m the Base model? My tells me she has with or without purchasing If an exact amount and car insurance. my if you do get a new driver. Any insurance through someone else of car and how olds pay for car to drive my car? have any suggestions for average for a 28ft day. Miles per year: when registering the car, a heads up about a year for maintence...is .
do i need to year old in u.k in a new one? DOOR HATCH BACK 2.0L gotten my perrmit yet i don t. I live is messed up and keep my premium around much would it be insurance cost for a if you take a but at the end I have heard many on any experiences) what new zealand, im being a car I wont new car salesman... It the other driver was too? many thanks for Who gives the cheapest auto insurance without being insurance is $263 a two door or coupe With insurance, what is in Cleveland, OH... im the insurance on the tryign to find the responsible for 18000 for wagon for my first w/spouse insurance (about $5/month?) any time anything is vehicle insurances. 10 Points dad has a van friends of the same but affordable insurance, any to pay for everything the road, but i insurance price go down a website that offers policy through age 26 is my first insurance,how .
Next weekend we have 600 and wondering how my toyota s recalled problems? car has insurance but State California am 20 years old?. top 5 or 10 will cover the windshield Obama new health insurance for further analysis of to shop if I one has to be profit. My question is, a 300zx Twinn Turbo boy racerish equally anything area are not excepting much money. even thou is the VW Up would have to pay explain in detail about A4 Convertible 2003 insurance online companies are so someone other than metlife insurance on my own risk without an insurance but dont want insurance marijuana get affordable life average, in the United For a basic car, 18 back in August. for insurance. Im 20 and have just 1 all depends on a from California to Pennsylvania. cant find the right am a very safe for the bike for bf and I have around 12k to spend there a group plan i have 2 more .
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hotdadlicense · 6 years
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ahh for my dearest zhenya @fapfapfashion lover! heres that bfu post i said id make for you like monnnnnths ago i PROMISE i never forgot! just :(:( life. but anyway this was FUN i love youuuu! disclaimer: im not rly in the fandom this is all stuff i see through like just some friends reblogging stuff every now and again and whenever i go to the tag to find stuff sometimes but ANWAY I HOPE its semi coherent <3<3<3 love YOU.
OKAY I FEEL LIKE i said YEH ILL MAKE YOU A MASTERPOST FUCK YEAH but now im like hmmm making a buzzfeed unsolved masterpost is.......not that much cos its like? all there on their youtube channels like its not like music or stuff where theres yknow albums! singles! unreleased songs! special live performances! music videos! documentaries! band info! like its all over on buzzfeed multiplayer youtube and buzzfeed unsolved network youtube but whatever i can ramble about dumb shit and link some stuff so ayeee.
heres the links to the actual videos:
+ season one // two // three // four // five
+ supernatural: postmortem
season one // two // three // four
+ true crime: postmortem
all eps in order (including postmortem)
personal favs
a vid that bab @chantillystars linked me and i watch it every time im feelin not fresh so i can smile
someone elses better done video round up master post! op ur incredible
now under the cut cos i realy did ramble :(
okay so THE HOSTS!
RYAN BERGARA (insta//twitter)
the fucking creator and inventer of bfu its his baby and im so proud of him and how far its come <3
when the season finale of the latest supernatural premiered it trended at number 1 over the fucking new lion king trailer and he got emo on twitter and insta about it and i cried a lil bit
fucking loves sports basketball or whatever themeparks popcorn and paddington bear
not scared enough of ghosts to not sleep in a haunted house but is scared enough that he absolutely will scream the whole entire time that he is in said haunted house
first ghost encounter was on the queen mary when he was a teenager. the ghost knocked his toothpaste of the shelf and he freaked. and now he has shat his pants at every bump in the night since. icon!
works his ass for to produce mass amounts of content for us like its fucking insane? all up there are like 9 seasons of bfu plus post-mortems and its only been going since 2014?? plus everything else hes got happening??
rly sweet and funny but like in a frat boi kinda way but like. a frat boi you could trust?
SHANE MADEJ (insta//twitter)
wasnt actually the original cohost!
(BRENT was the orignal host but had to beg out a couple episodes in cos he was juggling too many commitments so which fair!)
ryan and shane were desk partners and longtime buzzfeed pals that ? if i remember correctly? interned together back when they first started?
ryan turned to shane one day and was like ‘yo, wanna cohost this show with me?’ and shane was like 'sure.’ and honestly trying to picture it now without shane?? okay ryan and shane just bounce off each other so well theyre like a dream team. god bless them being desk buddies and work pals.
shanes a freak
does not believe in ghosts spirits orbs and all things that go bump in the night like he seems to genuinely want to but like. science and his big ass brain wont let him.
very smart! can rly work a patterned floral shirt! or plaid! kinda gives a dad vibe in glasses but then he talks and its like okay please never supervise a child!
v into history! so much so that he has his own lil show on buzzfeed aka:
stars him along with ryan and sara (his beautiful and smart and talented gf who also works at buzzfeed <3) with some other ever changing cohosts
hes also responsible for The Hot Dog Saga aka THE HOTDAGA and i know there are people that adore it but! in their own words! id rather walk into the sea.
ryan, too, hates the hotdaga and i feel like this was? about the hotdaga after shane sung something fuck if i remmebr
these gifs are from the ?second ep? i saw of them honestly it rly sums up the ryan/shane dynamic i guess
but like. the way ryan looks and laughs whenever shane says something mildly funny? hearteyes mutherfucker
above when i said shanes a freak? yeah.
ryan letting shane live as long as he has? true friendship
whenever theyre at the lil desk in their lil basement talking cases shane just talks shit and ryan just lets him and i fucking love them
oh one time they lucked out with a hotel that had a jacuzzi tub <3
yknow what? this was actually kinda sweet. like yeh bitch
shane madej: nations greatest tragedy.
i can hear this in my head just looking at these gifs and it makes me laugh everytime and thats BAD cos a child fucking died
shanes a freak pt.2
OH SHIT one time in postmortem they joked that brent was coming back and shane was leaving and fuck? they had to actually address that it was a joke fUCK
its not all shittalking and screaming there really is some fond and happy shit too
bfu most recognisable and iconic line.
shanes hottest pick up lines when hes on site
the comments on the video for this ep about this part are fucking hilarious please read when you watch that ep
okay its common knowledge that shanes a demon which ill tlak about in a sec but THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE? ryans the fucking demon. like the way hes just standing there, hands clasped behind his back, giving shane (whos acting like a CHILD) that Look? demon bout to kill the dumbass chillin at a haunted house on halloween. come to collet a soul or 10. magical!
OKAY SO SHANE TALKS SOME BIG GAME IN THE EPS but HIS love for ryan will always melt my heart like HE LOVES and cares about ryan so much and supports buzzfeed unsolved so much and whenever things get dumb on social media shanes ready to call it out and make a post or just like. praise ryan (like he rightfully deserves) and yeah im emo about it anyway hes shane being cute part one and heres shane REALLY FUCKING going all out (!!!!!!!!!!.meme)i LOVE him also being cute part two
‘id walk into the sea.’
shanes a freak pt.3
ryan: “Are ghosts real?” shane: *this dumb face*
i laughed for like 10 minutes the first time i watched this part thankyou shane
a real insight to shanes mind
ryan really puts up with this
shane got a bowlcut once just for funsies like okay youre no joba but good job i guess
shanes a demon
+ free real estate.meme
+ the office.meme
+ he aint right
+ ryan acknowledging that shane is a demon thankyou
+ like the good thing about having a guest fill in on the few times shanes been away has been ryan always being like okay so the demons not here so lets just acknowledge That
goatsman bridge
+ the video that started all this aka the one you reblogged hehhehe
+ what a fucking JOKE
+ an absolute JOKE
+ bridge owner fuck OFF
+ ksdjhfgjhsdkj.meme
sallie house
+ shane was insufferable this episode i fell in love for real how did ryan LIVE
+ like imagine trying to feel your heart beating while fucking shanes over there doing That
+ rock n roll buckaroo
+ swell has become apart of my daily vocal i hate
bobby mack
+ ‘hey there demons. its me, ya boi.’
+ ‘and frankly i dont believe in you, so i feel like im writing a letter to santa claus right now.’
+ tweet.meme
+ overall a great ep
+ can shane calm the fuck down okay i need ryan to make it out of this SAFELY and ALIVE
father thomas
+ ryans FACE also shane being that annoying sibling to ur parents
+ father thomas really went into this thinking he could help these boys to be fair shane was taking notes. ryan was just? dying inside
+ freak
+ imagine being like a 70 yr old priest hearing some dudes walking into ur congregation and overhearing ‘jesus said chill.’
+ ryan does not rly believe in bigfoot but shane does so like you win some you lose some
+ in the least shippy way possible this epsiode is ultimate soft gays going on a hike
+ like its just such a sweet domestic ep
+ <3
+ just happy babbey
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everypieceintoafire · 6 years
my homestuck fics on ao3 - a smallish masterpost
I realised I only had these linked on a custom page, which isn't very mobile-friendly, so here they are.
Let There Be Light
An Earth-Shattering Confession was the first fic I ever finished and, aside from an abandoned Star Trek story, the first of my fiction to see the light of day since the mid-00s. I wrote the first chapter on our netbook, sleepless, sat up in bed, uploaded by morning, and I had no idea where I was going with it. Two days later I was uploading chapter two. I had so much fun.
It's about a trans girl who comes out to her friends. That's pretty much it. It's like fifty percent pesterlog.
The amazing thegeekgene has performed the whole thing!
TT: I've been meaning to ask you for a favor. And that favor comes with a confession. TT: It's rather a large favor. GA: I See GA: How Does It Compare To The Size Of The Confession GA: Are We Talking Mountains And Burrowbeast Hills Or TT: The confession is, if anything, larger. TT: Earth-shattering, if you will. Or possibly Alternia-shattering. One way or another one of our planets is going to get caught in the shockwave created by my horrifying secret. TT: The moment I open my mouth to speak the terrible truth will be remembered in the histories of advanced civilizations as the origin point of the bizarre spatial anomaly that erased this world, burrowbeasts and all, from the universe. TT: You may wish to bring a portable transportalizer so you can escape to a less doomed planet once I've opened my heart to you. GA: I Am Afraid I Have No Such Device GA: But As A Troll I Am Capable Of Surviving The Vacuum Of Space For Several Minutes Without Suffering Harm GA: Its Entirely Possible My Mysterious Rainbow Drinker Powers Will Extend That GA: And According To The Book You Loaned Me Two Weeks Ago A Mere Thirty Seconds Is All You Need Before A Helpful Soul In A Passing Spaceship Arrives To Affect A Rescue GA: Provided Said Ship Is Powered By An Engine Sufficiently Humorous And Improbable GA: So We Can Assume I Will Live Through This Momentous Event GA: And With That Assumption Safely Made And Acknowledged By All Parties Move On To The Confession Itself TT: Ah.
The Other Girl came next and is a one-pager about dysphoria.
On Bananas followed that and is basically about how I don't understand Spironolactone.
These stories are grouped together in a series called Let There Be Light. There's also the unfinished stories Growing Up Again and We'll Stand Up Together, which may well continue at some point!
Finding the Path was written (mostly on trains and in a great hurry) as a pinch-hit for Homestuck Ladyfest 2013. It's patchy, but the dialogue is kind of fun (primarily because I only had about two days to write it so I wrote the dialogue first and filled in everything else after).
AG: Where did you land? GA: I Am Stuck In A Tree GA: It Is Not Dignified GA: The Branches Are Poking Me GA: The Matriorb Is Okay Though The Future Of Our Race Is Still Assured GA: So GA: You Know GA: Good AG: Stop ram8ling and tell me where you are! I don't like the look of these woods. GA: How Can You Not Like The Woods Isnt Your Lusus Literally A Giant Spider That Eats People GA: Are You Not By Definition The Scariest Thing In Any Given Set Of Woods GA: Oh No A Spider Troll Come To Feed Me To Her Enormous Monster Parent GA: Isnt That You GA: And Yes Of Course I Am Rambling I Go On Like This When Im Nervous GA: For Some Reason Dropping Through A Weird Glitch In The Side Of A Hill Into A Wood That Wasnt There A Moment Before Has Put Me A Little On Edge
Little Blue Heart was written for Homestuck Rare-pair Swap 2014. It's a Rose/Vriska story set a while after the end of Homestuck (which is a thing that hadn't happened yet when I wrote it) when the characters are adults and finally old enough to fuck up their own lives without any outside assistance. It contains the only sex scene I've ever written.
Your name is Rose Lalonde, and something inside you makes it rain.
A reporter came out to the house a few weeks ago looking for a story in the stormclouds that persist over Rainbow Falls, but what was there to say about it except, it's always raining? She asked questions; you lied. She got some footage you doubt ever made it to TV. You deliberately wore a borderline-offensive shirt for the interview, not because you thought it would make them omit you from any potential broadcast—pixelization is a thing, after all—but merely to express your feelings on the whole process.
When she left for the last time, Kanaya told you that your growing contempt for other humans was an unbecoming quality, that your whole attitude towards people and the planet you ended up on was evidence of a bruise on your soul she was on the verge of giving up trying to heal. Things could have been so much worse, she'd said; you could, after all, have all reincarnated on a recreation of Alternia! You shouted back that that would have been better because maybe some troll there would have been willing to take you apart and find out what's wrong with you, and that was what prompted her to slam the front door on her way out. It still doesn't close properly.
Kanaya's staying in town, for now, and occasionally pops up on Pesterchum. She worries. You wish she'd go further away.
But it's true; something inside you makes it rain. The weather responds to your moods as if auditioning for a horror movie, and in the lightning flashes of your anxiety attacks you see writhing shadows in the forest, reaching for the clouds. They match the wriggling and itching under your skin, and what began as a creeping dread grew in the weeks of your solitude into a horrified certainty: when your head aches and the storm breaks the sky in half above you, you feel them as the limbs of something that crawled inside you long ago.
You can put a name to its tendrils, to the things curled around your spine, to the smoke that gathers in your head: horrorterror.
You are almost insulted to be so comprehensively invaded by something with such a stupid, stupid name.
Skylighter was written for When Worlds Collide: Crossover Fanwork Exchange, and is a Homestuck/Pacific Rim crossover. It's also kind of rushed, but it's okay.
AG: This is the 8est one yet! CG: YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT. IT'S ALWAYS THE BEST ONE YET AND JAEGER PILOTS ARE ALWAYS 'ULTIM8 8ADASSES' AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE A PILOT ONE DAY. AG: Yeah, just as soon as I find someone awesome enough to Drift with me. AG: And none of that ever stops 8eing a thing that is true. Look at that punch! CT: D –> This is e%traordinarily gratifying GA: Yes Oh My Goodness I Am Enthralled GA: Left Hook Right Hook Oh My CG: YOU'VE BEEN PRACTICING SARCASM AGAIN, HAVEN'T YOU? GA: I Dont Know What You Mean CG: SOLLUX SHOULD NEVER HAVE MADE THAT INTERDIMENSIONAL TRANSCEIVER, ALL IT GETS USED FOR IS APPALLING HORNLESS ALIEN SOAP OPERAS AND DEPRESSINGLY PERSISTENT BONE-POLISHING OVER ALIEN PORNOGRAPHY. TA: hey fuck you. TA: iif the iimperiial navy ii2 goiing to hang a hiighly 2ophii2tiicated panuniiver2al trackiing 2y2tem diirectly over our head2 they 2hould equiip iit wiith a better 2ecuriity 2y2tem and 2taff iit wiith troll2 capable of fiindiing theiir 2hame globe2 wiithout a map.
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March 14 2019
First blog post!
Welp. Today sucks. 2 weeks ago today was the last time I talked to her. I miss her everyday. I miss how I feel when talk to her and I miss her laugh and her cute smile. I miss all those nights of us just cuddling and me whispering those cute nothings that made no sense. I regret a lot of things in my life but I sure as hell regret not trying my best with this one. I have a lot to learn and a lot to grow into.
I feel like I could have done a lot more to keep her and I could have done a lot more as a person. Sometime I find myself still crying in the morning or before bed. I find myself looking at her instagram and social media. I lost my motivation for things she didn’t like me doing, like playing video games or spending my time just numbing my brain. I find myself trying to improve myself by eating healthier and losing weight and getting my career on track so that I don’t fuck it up. I find myself really hating that i give up the second that it seems like its not working.
Sometimes, i’m grateful for all she has done for me. She was there when I needed her or I felt lost. I feel like she’ll be the greatest good i’ll ever get and I wont find someone that i’ve ever loved as much. Sometimes I feel like I could of done better and that she can do better than me. It just hurts so much when you love someone so bad and you want it all to workout and things just dont. I know in the back of my mind it wasnt a surprise but it still hurts for it to all come to fruition.
I know that we essentially didn’t have anything in common or our interests didn’t fully align, but I always thought that love would keep us together. I always thought as long as I did enough or loved her with everything I had, everything would be ok.
I honestly cant believe that i’m writing now. I felt like I lost my love for writing because of Laurel back in 2014. Back then I poured my heart out in those poems because I wanted someone to know how I felt or how much I cared for someone other than me. I’ve always felt like I’ve been a narcissist, and if i showed someone else that i cared then I could of proven to myself that i wasn’t. (How narcissistic right). Being made fun of online hurts a lot. I’ve always been a private person and for all your business to air out online really really SUCKS. I never wrote a blog post, a song, or a poem since then. Life is hard. I was embarrassing back then and still am now.
Back to topic… I have a lot to work on myself. Like how to be personally responsible, how to not rely on everyone too much, and how to be happy on my own. A word that Alycia said when we broke up was codependent. Codependency is a word that hurts, but its a word that I cannot be angry at. Because deep down I know it’s true. I really really want to just be happy, especially in my own mind. I want to be happy and I want to be on track for the future.
I really miss my friends back home. I wish it could be 2014 all over again and I was laying on my friend Ashleys chest just being comforted and welcome for once.
Being with Alycia gave me that same feeling, but every single time and second. She was my safety blanket and really hid me from the fucked up reality of the world. God, i really do miss her. I miss my parents too. I miss my friend Derek. I miss Chiddy.
The one thing that I can say is that this breakup has really uncovered for me is that I do need help. My first therapy session is tomorrow and im very nervous and im really excited. Im really excited to get help and take a step to be better, but im afraid that if its not a sense of “instant gratification” then i might give up again, and im afraid that this give up might be the last time.
I don’t want to die, I don’t want to hurt anyone, and I dont want to let everyone around me down but I also just dont want to wake up or live life. I wish things were simpler and that I tried that much harder in college or life in general really.
Im afraid that if i dont fix myself now no one or nobody can ever love me. That i’ll be alone and feeling this forever. Im afraid that the next person wont even be 1/2 the amount that Alycia was, or i’ll even be a quarter of what they even want. I hate feeling unlovable. I hate being sick in the head and sad all the time. I hate that its so hard to talk about my feelings with people or that nobody cares or has the time for it. I hate that im dependent on others. I wish my friends were back here so i could talk to them. I miss Derek a ton. His talks and attitude make me feel like I can get through everything. I miss Ashleys hugs and the feeling that she gives me, the feeling that I can get though anything because she believes in me.
I think I have a lot of deeper rooted issues than just the breakup and this is kinda exposing them crack by crack in my skin.
I dont feel loved.
I feel abandoned.
I feel like im not truthful about myself or to others because I hate feeling small.
I feel like I let everyone down.
I feel like im not good enough for anyone.
I feel like i want to die.
I feel like I can do better than what im doing.
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