cates642 · 1 month
The sound is better up front but it louder and harsher in the back, really brutal.
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lasngngna · 1 year
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ilikeit-art · 2 years
Water droplets vibrated by sound sine wave frequencies 100-200Hz.
Cymatics is the art and science of making sound visible.
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scooby-doo-exploration · 11 months
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ilikeit-art - WATER DROPLETS vibrated by sound sine wave frequencies 100-200Hz
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lotusmi · 2 years
when should i use headphones?🎧
A guide so that you will always know when using headphones is better! read this!!!!
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summary! 📖
𝑰 binatural beats vs isocronic tones 𝑰𝑰 how binatural beats work? + headphones needed? 𝑰𝑰𝑰 how isocronic tones work? + headphones needed? 𝑰𝑽 what is morphic fields? + headphones needed? 𝑽 what about frequency? + headphones needed?
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★ 𝑰 BINATURAL BEATS vs ISOCRONIC TONES Isochronic tones are tones of a single frequency, while binaural beats are two separate frequencies played together. Both methods effectively induce various brainwave states.
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✮ 𝑰𝑰 "How do Binaural Beats work?
A binaural beat is created by sending tones of a slightly different frequency into each ear, which results in the listener hearing a ‘perceived' beat at the frequency equal to the difference between the two tone frequencies.  To put that more simply, here's an example:
A tone of 200Hz is sent to the left ear, a tone of 210Hz is sent to the right ear. The different between both frequencies is 10Hz, so the listener perceives a tone beating at a rate of 10 times per second, i.e. 10Hz. With binaural beats the resulting beat you hear is a type of auditory illusion, created and heard inside your head.  No actual beat is sent into your ears, just two plain tones at different frequencies.  The brain recognises that the tones are different in each ear and somehow produces a resulting beat after processing them."
˗ˏˋ ꒰‼️ if the sub contains BINATURAL BEATS, and you want to receive the binatural beats beneficts such like calming your mind, you HAVE to use headphones.
✮"But can I use a sub with binatural beats without earphones?"
you can, but you will not receive the beats beneficts. You will not have the full experience of the audio.
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✮ 𝑰𝑰𝑰 "How isocronic tones work?"
Isochronic tones are consistent regular beats of a single tone.  To explain it in the simplest of terms, an isochronic tone is a tone being switched on and off very quickly.
The key advantage of isochronic tones (and monaural beats) is you don’t need to listen to them with headphones for the brainwave entrainment to take place but the frequencies must be played at a much louder volume to have the desired entrainment effect.
✮ "Can I use a sub with binatural beats without earphones?" YESSSSSSS!!!!
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✮𝑰𝑽 "What is morphic fields?"
"A Morphic field is an energy field that defines the entire biology of all living beings. It provides a force field that guides the development and behvaiour of an organism as it grows."
˗ˏˋ ꒰‼️ Morphic Fields are ENERGY FIELDS. You can put a Morphic Fields in a image if you want. You can even listen to a Morphic Field IN MUTE!
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𝑽 "what about frequency?"
"Solfeggio frequencies are specific sound tones that help promote various aspects of body and mind health. They have mental, emotional, and physical effects. There are a variety of frequencies to choose from.
Frequency does not change whether you are using headphones, earphones, or speakers. Your perception may be different, but the frequencies are the same.
✮ "Can I use a sub with frequency without earphones?" YESSSSSSS!!!!
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📝 Ok that's it! I hope you have undestood, now you know when to use your earphones!
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mesotokyo · 2 months
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エフェクターの設計・試作に向けて、理論通りの特性になっているのかを調べるためにCycling '74 Maxというツールで周波数特性を測定するツールを作ったのですが、これをちょっと改造するだけでVSTプラグインの特性も測定できることに気が付きました。ということで、マルチエフェクタープラグインのLINE6 HX Nativeに含まれている、「Minotaur」というエフェクトの周波数を試しに測定してみました。
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O Monitor Gamer Dahua Ultrawide 30 é incrível! Com cores vibrantes, imagem nítida e uma curvatura que te envolve nos jogos, é garantia de diversão! Confira todos os benefícios deste monitor no nosso artigo completo. Não perca!
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1 Year On Testosterone, Androgel Timeline Update
June 10th marks my 1 year on testosterone, and although this post is probably posted after that date, I thought i'd make a big 1 year update on my timeline on (low dose) androgel. Here you'll find my thoughts on using gel instead of shots, my current and future transition plans ,thoughts on still not passing one year on T, and my full timeline of changes. I imagine this will be a very long post, so buckle up. Feel free to ask or DM me any questions
My starting dose in June of 2022 was 1 pump of 1% androgel daily, which has 12.5mg of testosterone. In December of 2022 my dose was upped to 2 pumps of the same gel, so 25mg of testosterone applied daily. The gel has the same consistency as hand sinitizer and dries within 20 or so seconds when applied. The gel has risk of transferring to other people or harming pets, especially within that first hour of applying. If you go on gel, be careful about tranfering it to people who might not want extra testosterone in their system. That being said, one year on androgel, and I have had no issues with tranfering the gel to other people or harming my 2 cats and dog. I started off applying the gel to my left upper arm and shoulder, but occasionally switched to my right arm and shoulder, but recently have been applying the gel to my abdomen
Now onto the timeline part
The immediate and most impactful effect was the change testosterone had on my mood. I struggled with depression for all of my life, and suddenly that was just gone.
One year on T, and I am happy (as well as EXTREMELY surprised) to say that I don't have depression anymore. I have a lot more energy, I'm rarely sad these days, let alone depressed. This won't be the case for everone, but it was the case for me. 4 days on testosterone I was flexing as I passed mirrors, not proud of that
one. I also noticed that my general body temperature went up, I have bad circulation so my hands used to always be cold, and that has lessened. Also within the first
month, I noticed increased hair growth. Stomach hair, and also hair where I applied the gel on my arm. Just a little bit more, but noticable. My labido went up a lot, like it was insane. I was able to gain muscle mass easier. I started growing hair on my thighs, which I never had before. I also noticed a small amount of facial hair growth.
Not many more changes happened until my dose was upped in December, because I was started on a really, low dose and still am on a fairly low dose. after getting my dose upped to 2 pumps of gel, I did start actually noticing bottom growth, but looking back i'm sure I did have some amount of bottom growth before December, but it definitely got more noticable when the dose was upped. Around mid February, my voice had some drastic changes. The median of my voice used to be 190-200hz, and now it's 130-140hz. Technically in the "male range", but I still don't think my voice passes, maybe it's androgynous. The voice drop was rather sudden, although not extremely drastic. I had to sort of learn how to speak properly again without my voice cracking, not being used to the new range. Before my voice even got lower, I knew it was going to drop soon because I noticed it just couldnt go higher like it used too. My voice drop started with losing the higher range rather then going lower. I've noticed that my body fat has I think begun to redistribute, I hold a lot of fat in my stomach rather then hips. I never dealt with much acne on my face, but my back around the left shoulder where I first applied my testosterone has a lot of acne. Hair growth has continued, which honestly has been one of my favourite things. I never thought i'd have such a strong attachment to stomach hair. I still have my period, which absolutely sucks.
Thoughts On Not Passing One Year On T
I'm still not where I want to be one year on T, and that is a little bit hard on me. I'm not saying I regret it, because testosterone is the best thing that has ever happened for me, but it's a special kind of hurt seeing other people with the same timeline that i'm on that pass while I still don't. which is exactly why I think I wanted to add this part in here. I still don't pass as male, while being one year on T. I think maybe starting T made me feel more present in my body, which is good, but also led me to have to really face all of the dysphoria and issues I have with myself. I used to be able to ignore it by dissociating, without even realizing that that's what I was doing. Being misgendered has just begun to hurt more, because now it feels like a failure on my part (or my bodys part) because I can get angry, asking myself why after a year on tesosterone I still am not passing. It leaves me afraid, I think. Maybe I always testosterone was THE thing I needed and then i'd pass consistently after just a couple of months, but that just didn't happen for me. I assumed that it would just be easy. I think that has to do a lot with the culture when I came out. People didn't share timelines if they were unhappy or non passing, or if they did they were laughed off the internet. This is because I started questioning my gender around 2016, and came out in early 2018, where "SJW TRANS CRINGE COMPILATION" was like... the norm on YouTube.
People shared a lot less of their struggles in fear of being lumped into that and being harassed, or they just felt like maybe during those times the passing trans people should take the stage because it was easier for cis people to digest and understand. I don't blame anyone for not sharing the hard parts of their medical transition, because this is very personal stuff and people will question you if you say youre not 1000% happy to be where you are, but i'm glad that I see more people talking about not being satisfied with how their transition is going, and how they still don't pass X amount of time into being on testosterone. It's nice to see posts and videos and timeline updates like that. These things take different amount of times for different people, and that's alright.
It's hard, but I'm alright with it. The fact that I am where I am at all is something i never thought i'd get to at all. I'm proud to be where I am, when I think about it.
Testosterone has helped me greatly. I'm a happy person now, happiest i've ever been, and I see a future for myself now. A very happy one. Without even passing, testosterone has helped me so much. Just internally. I don't know how much of my happiness comes from just having consistent hormone levels everyday, or if my depression was just all a manifestation of background dysphoria that is being directly treated by hormone therapy now.
On Gel Vs. Shots and Dosage
I'm not really sure what made me decide to take gel rather than the shots, but I was adment on gel. I don't know how I feel about that decision in the long run.
For cons about the gel, it's expensive.
Around $200CAD every 2 months. It's really hard without insurance. I don't think my changes have been slow because of gel,
just because of my low dose. It's hard to contact my endo, and they even sent bloodwork paper to the wrong location, so generally it's been a bit hard to get my dose upped. I also started T as a minor (17) so that is specifically why I was kept on a low dose to start with. I'm assuming that now that i'm an adult, it will be easier to get my dosage upped. Being on the gel I also kind of feel, not left out, but not really a part of the classic transmasc doing their T shot experience, which I did always assume i'd do when I was 12-13 and I first came out because I didn't know gel was an option. These days, there's more talk of gel and patches, which I think is definitely good for people exploring their testosterone options.
For pros of gel, consistant hormone levels daily is very very good for me I find. There's no big spikes and low lows like there would be with weekly or biweekly shots, it's just daily consistent levels. I can feel kind of bad if I miss a day of gel, which i'm unsure if that is caused by me mentally knowing that I don't have testosterone for that day. or if that's actually just due to not having the regular hormones that I get daily. This is one of the reasons Why i'm unsure about switching to shots despite the expense of the gel. I don't think I would do good at all with such major fluctuations to my hormone levels, and it's not something I really want to play around with in fear of my mental health declining again with big hormone fluctuations like that. I also like the little daily routine of putting on gel everyday, it fits into my routine well and I feel i'm more likely to remember a daily routine rather then weekly or biweekly
I think often about maybe switching to shots, but I just don't know if the increased risk to my mental health with big hormone fluctiations is at all worth it.
I'm hoping to ask my endo about 1.62% gel and if its available in my area, because it has a higher concentration of testosterone and one pump would nearly be my current dose of 2 pumps of 1% gel, so id need to refill it the same amount of time for a bigger dose, instead of doing 3 pumps of the 1% gel, which I would need to refill more frequently which would cost more money more often.
Uncertainty of Medical Transition
This may be a shock considering i've been talking about how much medical transition has helped me, but I want sure if I even wanted to go on testosterone at all at one point. I've been out for from ages 12-18, and flip flopped on what I wanted many times. I knew I wanted to be on testosterone when I first came out, but that waned with time. I think after being out for so long without medical internevntion, the idea seemed so far away, I sort of let myself believe that it would never be able to happen. I let myself believe that maybe I didn't want to medically transition, becuase it was easier then addressing the fact that it would take a lot of time and it would be a hard process that I didnt know how to start it. It was a hard, confusing process to get hRT as a minor. There want just a quick guide for my area that I could find, if there was one at all it was in the depths of a website that hadnt been updated in a decade and was hard to traverse. I was at the appointment to get my perscription, uncertain about it. I took the step anyway, holding on to that sliver of hope that maybe I could actually have that life I dreamed of as a child
It turns out that going on testosterone was the best decision i've ever made. I'm glad, and i'm very lucky, that I stepped into the unknown.
The Future of My Transition
I'm largely happy, hoping that my testosterone dose gets upped again soon. I'm hoping to actually start passing with an upped dose, too.
I'm in the process for top surgery, which is another thing I thought could NEVER happen to me. So far out of reach, for more fortunate people, but this month i'm going to be sending all my forms in to see if my top surgery can get covered. I could have top surgery within the year. I have never been more happy in my entire life.
I think that's really all, My life is going good. I'm generally happy with my medical transition, despite not being exactly at the point where I want to be, but every single day gets a little bit easier for me. Feel free to look back on some of my other update posts, which i'm sure go more in depth, and of course ask me any questions. I'm happy to share, I know timelines on gel are a little bit harder to find.
If anybody is reading this who is considering testosterone, debating gel, or early on testosterone and trying to map out what their future will look like, I want to say hi hi hi hello. You'll be alright. You'll figure it out. You can not medically transition ever. or do it later in your life, or go on testosterone and then go off if you decide it isn't right for you. I genuinely believe that everything will all work out. Take your time, enjoy your life, there is community out there for you.
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dreg-heap · 10 months
Tuning update:
-the long rear tube works exactly as I hoped, creates a nice bass rise below 200Hz
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-the 5mm dynamic driver seems to be an unlabeled dedicated tweeter. No sound below 3K. Very surprising, and pretty much what I wanted out of it anyway!
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The trouble is I basically have no way of measuring the tweeter, nothing above 8K is measurable without a full head and torso simulator.
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goodvibesatpeace · 2 years
How To Measure Your Vibrational Frequency – Hierarchy Of Consciousness
Your vibrational frequency is essentially your spiritual state. More specifically, it is a measure of your consciousness level and describes the dominant thoughts, moods, and values in your mind.
However, measuring vibrational frequency is difficult to do accurately due to ego bias.
You can get an idea of your vibrational frequency on your own through meditative contemplation, but finding someone with experience in the area will get you a more accurate reading.
Everything is made up of energy, and types of energy are grouped by how quickly they vibrate or oscillate.
The average level at which your energy vibrates is what we call your vibrational frequency.
Ideas, thoughts, and emotions all have specific vibrational frequencies, and the more desirable ones have higher frequencies than the basest, undesirable ones.
Hierarchy Of Consciousness
There is a sort of hierarchy of consciousness, a ranking of the various ideas, thoughts, and emotions that can dominate our minds.
700hz+ – Enlightenment
600hz – Peace
540hz – Joy
500hz – Love
400hz – Reason
350hz – Acceptance
310hz – Willingness
250hz – Neutrality
200hz – Courage
175hz – Pride
150hz – Anger
125hz – Desire
100hz – Fear
75hz – Grief
50hz – Apathy
30hz – Guilt
20hz – Shame
If your vibrational frequency is high, then this is because your mind and soul embody emotions higher up this list.
If it is low, then this is because you are falling victim to negative emotions at the bottom of this list.
The numbers are hertz frequencies, which measure how many vibrations happen every second.
Measuring Your Vibrational Frequency
You can measure your own vibrational frequency, but it is a challenging process that requires complete honesty with yourself.
Meditate on your dominant emotions. Allow yourself to feel how you feel without judgment, making a mental note of the emotions that occur, and how strongly you feel them.
Find your dominant emotion on the chart above, which is your rough vibrational frequency.
The more time you spend contemplating, the closer to the real number you will get. But to be honest, measuring your own vibrational frequency is never going to be accurate.
Ego Bias Prevents Self Measuring
The problem lies in ego bias, which is the tendency for people to inflate their own score simply because their ego wants their vibrational frequency to be higher.
Unless you have surpassed ego, self-measuring your vibrational frequency is going to be inaccurate.
The opposite can occur too. Poor self-esteem usually results in low vibrational frequency, but it also causes people to underestimate their frequency even further.
That’s why, if you care about getting accurate vibrational frequency readings, there is no substitute for an experienced practitioner.
A word of caution: it can be tempting to tie a lot of your self-worth to this number, the same way many do with social media.
But it is not the absolute number that matters the most; it is the direction it is moving in.
Spiritual Frequencies And Vibrations
Your vibrational frequency is the speed at which your soul resonates with the energies of the Universe.
It is a measure of how attuned you are to your higher self and how connected you are to the Divine.
The highest vibrational frequency is enlightenment. When you vibrate at this frequency, you align with your true nature and highest purpose.
There are many factors that contribute to your vibrational frequency, including your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions.
You can raise your vibration by choosing to think positive thoughts, feel positive emotions, and live in accordance with your highest values.
The more you align with your true self, the higher your vibration will be.
The vibrational frequencies of different emotions have been well-documented by Dr. David R. Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force.
Hawkins states love, joy, and peace are the highest vibrating emotions, while fear, anger, and hatred are the lowest.
How To Measure Your Vibrational Frequency
There are a number of ways to increase your vibrational frequency, but there are no known ways to measure your exact vibrational frequency.
However, some methods can give you a general idea of where you fall on the scale.
Start a journal and take an emotional poll. Enter up to 10 times a day, how you feel.
Document the Hertz associated with each feeling you have and you will start to see a pattern over time.
Or for a quick instant check, simply ask yourself how you feel right now, and then rate your emotions on a scale from 1-10.
1 being the lowest vibrational state, and 10 being the highest.
If you are feeling mostly positive emotions, you will likely vibrate at a higher frequency.
If you are feeling mostly negative emotions, you will likely vibrate at a lower frequency.
To increase your vibrational frequency, simply focus on raising your emotional state.
However, there are some tools and techniques that can help you to do this more effectively.
One popular method is using a tool called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
EFT was developed to help us understand and overcome our problems.
It does so by tapping on the supposed pathways through which energy is believed to travel in the body (meridian points) to unblock obstructions.
EFT is said to work by helping us to access our higher selves, which vibrate at a higher frequency than our lower selves.
When we tap on the meridian points, we are said to be aligning our lower selves with our higher selves and thus raising our vibration.
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onedirectdeals · 10 days
Samsung UE55C8000 800 Hz TV
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: Features HD Ready:Yes Frame Colour:Brushed Titanium Resolution:1920 x 1080 DLNA: Yes Frequency: 200Hz Image Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Integrated Freeview HD:Yes Viewing Angle:176 / 176 degrees Deflecting Panel:Crystal Clear Internet TV: Yes Sound System: Dolby Digital plus Audio Output: 2 x 15W Dimensions ( H x W x D)With stand: 1282 x 832.7 x 303mm Weight: 22kg Vesa…
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stranotizie · 1 month
Affrettati a prenotare il fantastico monitor LG UltraGear pensato per gli amanti dei videogiochi grazie a una delle promozioni più allettanti dell'Amazon Gaming Week! Vai alla pagina dell'offerta su Amazon e scopriamo l'LG 27GS75Q UltraGear Gaming Monitor, un pannello IPS da 27 pollici con risoluzione QHD (2560x1440 pixel), pieno supporto all'HDR 10 e tempo di risposta di soli 1 millisecondo (GtG).
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integrating-sphere · 1 month
Application of Common Mode Chokes and Electromagnetic Interference Filters
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Principle of Common Mode Chokes Common mode chokes (CMCs) are highly effective in dealing with common mode interference signals. Their working principle includes: • Common Mode Interference: When common mode interference current passes through a common mode choke, the magnetic flux direction in both coils is the same. This increases the total inductance rapidly due to coupling, presenting a large inductive reactance to common mode signals, making it difficult for them to pass through. Thus, a common mode choke is also known as a common mode choke coil. • Differential Mode Interference: For differential mode interference signals (i.e., differential mode interference), the magnetic flux cancels each other out, resulting in a small inductance, allowing differential mode signals to pass through without attenuation. The two coils of a common mode choke are wound on a low-loss, high-permeability ferrite core. When current flows through the coils, their magnetic fields reinforce each other. The inductance of a common mode choke is related to the rated current of the EMI filter. X Capacitors and Y Capacitors • X Capacitors: With capacitance ranging from 0.01μF to 0.47μF, these are mainly used to filter differential mode interference. • Y Capacitors: Connected to the output end, with the midpoint grounded, they effectively suppress common mode interference. Their capacitance ranges from 2200pF to 0.1μF. To reduce leakage current, the capacitance should not exceed 0.1μF. Main Functions of Common Mode Chokes • Suppress Common Mode Noise: Common mode chokes present a high impedance to common mode noise, preventing it from spreading to other parts. The coupling between coils creates a high impedance loop for common mode signals, blocking the propagation of common mode noise. • Improve Signal Quality: By reducing electromagnetic radiation and common mode noise in sensitive circuits, common mode chokes enhance signal quality. In communication systems and high-speed data transmission, they reduce signal distortion and crosstalk, improving reliability and transmission speed. • EMI Suppression: As part of a filter, common mode chokes effectively suppress electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated in electronic devices, reducing electromagnetic radiation caused by high-frequency oscillations, switching interference, and power supply noise. • Solve Signal Integrity Issues: In high-speed data lines, common mode chokes address signal integrity and crosstalk issues, providing proper impedance matching and common mode suppression to ensure accurate and stable signal transmission. • Enhance System Stability: In applications like variable frequency drives, common mode chokes effectively suppress common mode interference caused by power supply noise and switching interference, improving system stability and reliability. LS8517CX Common Mode Inductor Balance Tester Role of Electromagnetic Interference Filters Power supply noise is a type of electromagnetic interference with a conducted noise spectrum range from 10kHz to 30MHz, reaching up to 150MHz. Depending on the propagation direction, power supply noise is categorized into: • External Interference: Noise introduced from power lines. • Internal Noise: Noise generated by electronic devices and conducted through power lines. These noises are bidirectional interference signals, where electronic devices are both noise sources and affected objects. Types of Noise Interference • Differential Mode Interference: Noise between two power lines, mainly below 200Hz. • Common Mode Interference: Noise between two power lines and the ground, mainly above 1MHz. Electromagnetic interference filters must meet electromagnetic compatibility requirements and function as bidirectional RF filters. Specific requirements include: • Filtering External Interference: Filters should eliminate external electromagnetic interference introduced through AC power lines. • Suppressing Internal Interference: Filters should prevent the device itself from emitting noise interference. By fulfilling these requirements, common mode chokes and electromagnetic interference filters effectively suppress electromagnetic interference, ensuring the normal operation of electronic devices. Conclusion Common mode chokes and electromagnetic interference filters play crucial roles in electronic devices. Common mode chokes improve signal reliability and transmission speed by suppressing common mode noise and enhancing signal quality. Electromagnetic interference filters ensure devices are free from external interference while preventing them from emitting interference signals. The proper application of these components can significantly enhance the stability and performance of electronic systems. Read the full article
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valuepress · 1 month
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mar-donni · 3 months
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Me compré un monitor Ultrawide uno de la marca Acer Nitro XZ6 🌸✨
Los juegos se ven muy claros, es Freesync Premium de 200hz, Respuesta de 1 milisegundo y con una pantalla curva de 29.5 pulgadas ♡
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ronansgansey · 3 months
Exploring the Science of Brainwave Entrainment and Auditory Stimulation
Brainwave entrainment is a fascinating field that delves into the manipulation of brainwave frequencies through auditory stimuli, such as binaural beats and isochronic tones, to induce various mental states. This technique has been researched for its potential to enhance relaxation, meditation, focus, and even alter consciousness. By understanding and utilizing specific sound frequencies, individuals click here can potentially influence their cognitive states and overall well-being.
Understanding Brainwave Frequencies
Our brain operates at different frequencies, each associated with various states of consciousness and cognitive functions. These frequencies are categorized into five primary brainwave states: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. Scientific studies have shown that the dominant brainwave frequency can influence our mood and behavior. For instance, the Alpha state is often linked to relaxation and meditation, while Beta waves are associated with alertness and concentration.
The Power of Sound in Shaping Our Experience
Sound has a profound impact on our emotions and can set the tone for our experiences. From the calming melodies in elevators to the suspenseful music in thrillers, soundtracks play a crucial role in influencing our feelings. The strategic use of sound can evoke a wide range of emotional responses, demonstrating its potential as a tool for brainwave entrainment.
How Brainwave Entrainment Sessions Operate
Brainwave entrainment sessions begin by introducing sound pulses at a frequency that the brain's neurons can synchronize with. This synchronization typically occurs within six minutes of an uninterrupted session. As the session progresses, the frequency of the sound pulses gradually shifts to guide the brainwaves towards the desired state, whether it be relaxation, focus, or deep meditation.
The Role of Binaural Beats
Binaural beats are a form of auditory illusion created by playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear. The brain perceives the difference between these frequencies as a third tone, which can influence brainwave patterns. For example, if a 210Hz tone is played in one ear and a 200Hz tone in the other, the brain will process a 10Hz binaural beat. This method requires headphones and the cooperation of both brain hemispheres, making it an immersive experience.
The Effectiveness of Isochronic Tones
Isochronic tones are distinct, sharp pulses of sound that turn on and off rapidly. This clear rhythm allows the brain to synchronize more effectively, potentially making isochronic tones a more efficient method for brainwave stimulation. They are known for producing strong responses and can be used without headphones, making them versatile for various settings.
Applications of Brainwave Entrainment
Brainwave entrainment has a wide array of applications, from achieving deep relaxation to enhancing cognitive performance. Research suggests that certain frequencies can help alleviate conditions such as ADD, depression, stress, and anxiety. On the other end of the spectrum, Beta waves may assist with issues like chronic fatigue and improving concentration. Some even claim that these sound technologies can facilitate extraordinary experiences, such as out-of-body experiences and psychic exploration.
Health Considerations and Precautions
While brainwave entrainment is generally considered safe, it is not recommended for individuals prone to seizures or epilepsy due to the repetitive nature of the beats. Pregnant women are also advised to exercise caution. As with any form of therapy, individuals should remain informed and responsible for their health when exploring brainwave entrainment.
In conclusion, brainwave entrainment offers a unique avenue for self-improvement and exploration. It harnesses the power of sound to potentially enrich one's life and enhance mental well-being. For those interested in this field, it may be worth investigating further to discover its benefits.
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