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yogacoinspire · 4 years ago
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Sur le départ ... 108 #om au #pointdevue Énergies au top Coinspire.fr • • #humour #retour #joie #tristesse #nop #beauty #yogini #yoga #professeurdeyoga #ttc #200hyogateachertraining #hiver (à Yoga, Nature et CoInspire.fr en Inde et en France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHfII2qD3-O/?igshid=ie5q9ck90nd
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journeykeeper-blog · 6 years ago
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Join me for another transformational 24 week journey in 2020. Repost via @lunula_yogastudio - 🖤🖤 200H YOGA IMMERSION & TEACHER TRAINING 🖤🖤 - Our current trainees are finishing their training in a couple of weeks. If you would like to immerse yourself in yoga with us in 2020, send an email to [email protected] for more info. Our course is a deep immersion aimed at assisting you in developing a home yoga and meditation practice, as well as gearing you up to become a yoga teacher if you choose to. - Delve in deep with @nadya_booyse for 24-weeks as we explore yoga philosophy, energy systems, asanas, pranayama, meditation, self-study, and foundational anatomy. All of these aspects will bring you to a deeper understanding of yourself, your practice, and the science that is yoga. - Our course is part time, with one day's attendance required during the week (for 24 weeks, with day-time and evening options available), and 1 weekend per month (6weekends, being both the Saturday and the Sunday). For more information contact [email protected], or check out our website on www.lunula-yoga.com. #200hyogateachertraining #200hyigaimmersion #yogaimmersion #showupforyourself #alwaysastudent #yogateachers #yogainspiration #soulgrowth #yogajourney #yogapractice #deepenyourpractice (at Midstream Estates) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzxyb5QpG1W/?igshid=1jb6yfxegnhxk
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seeyoga · 6 years ago
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If you are already thinking about joining our 200h Yoga Teacher Training, this could be the best opportunity to do so. Early bird prices will be offered for the next moths. ⚡⠀ .⠀ Take the opportunity to join us for the better possible price and fly high! ⚡⠀ .⠀ For more information you can check our website or contact us. www.seeyogaretreats.com/yoga-teacher-training⠀ .⠀ A life lasting gift.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #yogaeverydamnday #yogateachertraining #seeyogateachertraining #yogalaspalmas #vinyasa #yogaalliance #bestyogateachertraining #laspalmas #yogateacher #200hyogateachertraining #yogini ⁣#yogateachertrainingspain #vinyasayogatechertraining⠀ http://bit.ly/2WmJyiE
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yogacoinspire · 5 years ago
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Full concentration La formation de yoga Coinspire s’intensifie en dernière semaine... Enthousiasme , courage et patience pratiques tous les jours par nos babys yogis • • #enthousiasme #saddhaktatvas #patience #yogis #yogaintense #jyarriverai #constance #retraitesdeyoga #200hyogateachertraining (à Yoga, Nature et CoInspire.fr en Inde et en France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD5kWF6DDWN/?igshid=16z70xhqvwd2p
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yogacoinspire · 5 years ago
En Himalaya , au froid du petit matin ... soleil et thé ou CHAI ...aux #epices, #gingembre #cannelle #cardamone La recette ici.. https://www.coinspire.fr/blog/2018/08/11/bien-commencer-journee-lindispensable-chai/ . . #masalatea #theaugingembre #theauxepices #theindien #himalaya #ausoleil #prana #pranivore #breakfast #yogaeninde #yogaenfrançais #formationdeyoga #200hyogateachertraining #apreslaformationdeyoga #300h (à Rishikesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5o2DDhlLaA/?igshid=1wtkc8q7pdkk8
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yogacoinspire · 7 years ago
Bienvenue....Welcome Sur un nouveau chemin... #formationdeprofesseurdeyoga En 2018 MAI-JUIN -AOUT #200hyogateachertraining JUILLET : Formation de professeur de yoga avancee 300 heures .. en francais & english Avec www.coinspire.fr #yogaetmeditation #retraitedeyoga #stressetypga #gererlestress #yogaetayurveda #intelligenceducorps #moisdeyoga #yogaintensif #changerdevie #setransformer #riviereetpix #sereniteauquotidien #bestmonth #changeyourlife
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yogacoinspire · 7 years ago
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Nos premiers essais de la posture du scorpion #scorpionpose dans le #200hyogateachertraining #formationdeyoga a www.coinspire.fr (à Co.inspire)
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yogacoinspire · 8 years ago
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Golden sunset and orange melon for diner at www.coinspire.fr pour ce mois de retraite de yoga #sunset #melonorange #dinerausoleil #formationdeyoga #200hyogateachertraining #200hyogattc #retraitedeyoga #reposapresyogicfoid #yogicfoodfordiner #chienteteenbas (à Co.inspire)
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seeyoga · 6 years ago
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Did you wanted to join our Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training but you already had plans this June? We have organized new dates for you!⚡⠀ .⠀ The three editions of the training will be held in 2020. You can join us in April, July or October. ⚡⠀ .⠀ For more detailed information, feel free to check our website or contact us! ⚡www.seeyogaretreats.com/yoga-teacher-training⠀ .⠀ You are here for a reason.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #yogaeverydamnday #vinyasayogateachertraining #seeyogateachertraining #yogalaspalmas #vinyasa #yogaalliance #bestyogateachertraining #laspalmas #yogateacher #200hyogateachertraining #yogini ⁣#yogateachertrainingspain⠀ ⠀ http://bit.ly/2M9b8fr
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seeyoga · 6 years ago
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We want to give a big THANK YOU for the warm response we had after announcing our next Yoga Teacher Training. 🙏⠀ .⠀ There has been so many people asking us to organize more editions in other dates to fit them easily in their plans that we took it as a sign. So your wishes have been heard!⠀ .⠀ Very soon this week we will announce new dates for our 200h Yoga Teacher Training. Stay tuned!😊⠀ .⠀ Teaching for change can be the change you need.⠀ .⠀ ⠀ Empowered by @allyoucanyoga⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ ⠀ #yogaeverydamnday #yogateachertraining #seeyogateachertraining #yogalaspalmas #vinyasa #yogaalliance #bestyogateachertraining #laspalmas #yogateacher #200hyogateachertraining #yogini ⁣#yogateachertrainingspain⠀ http://bit.ly/2Qi9I0r
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