#20000 rats under the sea
sallllltywater · 16 days
They dont get along well…
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Have you seen this?
I have!
While it is conceptually dope as fuck and I really enjoy the version of 20k Leagues Disney did in the '50s despite the. ah. glaring inaccuracies (I love James Mason but PLEASE, no more whitewashed Nemos), I absolutely do not trust the Mouse to do this justice. I would not trust them to do this justice at any time, but I especially don't trust them now with all the drivel they've been churning out for the past few years.
If they allow Nemo to fight against imperialism at all, it's going to be in the slimy, half-baked, self-congratulatory Mouse way we all know and hate. Placing bets now that they will give Nemo a single symbolic enemy (this one imperialist is EXTRA evil and queercoded to boot!) instead of letting him fight any and all unlucky imperialists or showing him monetarily aiding other revolutions - you know, the things he canonically does and would be cool as hell to see/explore.
On the other hand, my Cast Dev Patel As Nemo campaign from 2018 is finally worth something, so there's that.
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sallllltywater · 2 months
⚓️CLAN SKURVY officers
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-Captain Cannonshot-
-First mate, Hookpaw-
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-Quartermaster, Fekiz Powder-
-Heal-rat, Sawbones-
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sallllltywater · 9 months
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Another rat my beloved "big ratty"
"Eight eyes, of course it would make sense, eight eyes for eight portholes. Four eyes on either side and all them looked at Scrim, but only two were eyes like Skaven could have. The others were of strange ocean creatures, the pupil moved and shifted resembling runes and characters from all the languages of the world. Each time it blinked the eyes moved around, never staying in the same spot or configuration very long. It soon started to hurt to look at."
(quoted from the end of first chapter, cannot appreciate more the stories about them)
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sallllltywater · 3 months
Throw some Big Ratty beating the eel out of enemy moments
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sallllltywater · 9 months
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So here is Scrim the Archi-rat
An incredibly talented craftrat that if he were a member at the college of Nuln he would have received very high marks. The talent derived from a set of Dwarven runes on tools he took-stole. Now living with incredible impostor syndrome Scrim has gained a talent all his own but is still incredibly nervous and skittish around his clients. The most skilled archi-rat for higher in most settlements he is under constant employ by Seers and Warlock Engineers. Taking after Dwarf-thing slaves he tries his best, but many clients get jealous-annoyed by him so he has taken to moving quickly after being fired lest some catastrophe happen when he is near.
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Also, the two wolf rats that pulled the cart contained everything Scrim had so that he could work with high mobility.
Meat was a male wolf rat and a mutt of one too. He had been crossbred with so many things, he had a large variety of expressed genes. He still had the hunched body of the Skaven mixed with the wolf but his skin broke out into scales around his haunches and all along his spine he had ridges with connecting scales. While Roll on the other hand was a prime example of a wolf rat. Almost like a pure breed giant rat she was silky furred. A rich dark gray that would be the pride of the Seerlords was covering her sides and back almost completely.
Both were easily the size of Scrim if he were to go on all fours.
here is the story
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sallllltywater · 9 months
going insane augh ough. love big ratty he's so goobysnooby
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May i present you the chubby potato version of him
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