normal-about-the-dca · 6 months
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honeybeeofficial · 20 days
okay I know your post was about how annoying it is when people make comments about selling your craft and while I certainly can’t speak for other people I would spend mmmmh I’d say $450 on horseshoe crab bag. I have $450 in my bank account right now and would use it to buy a horseshoe crab shaped bag.
This illustrates another piece of the issue that maybe I didn't fully spell out in my post about how badly people underestimate the cost of handmade goods– which is that even when a non-crafter hears "handmade crafts are expensive," they still often don't really grasp the scale we're talking about.
When the same friend I mentioned in the original post found out that I handmade the journal I carry around, he asked if he could pay me to make him one. He said he would happily pay $15–20 for a good journal. I laughed and told him that the labor involved would make it a lot more expensive than that, and he went "oh, like… 30–40? Yeah, that might be more than I'd want to spend." …The actual cost for that journal would likely be around $80–100.
What makes me think you didn't fully comprehend my original post is that in that post, I gave a rough estimated overview of what the cost would be. I said that if I'm charging what my labor is actually worth, $615 is the bare minimum for that item, and that it would likely be more.
After updating my math and factoring in things like packaging + shipping, the "fair price" for a horseshoe crab bag comes out to $780 USD. That's with me charging $25/hr, which is less than I make at my actual job even though leatherworking is more physically taxing. I made a post about how commissions would work if anyone actually wanted to spend that much.
I'm not mad at you, anon (nor am I mad at the friend I've mentioned), but it's clear to me that the original point about how expensive handmade goods are didn't really click for you. Fast fashion and mass industrial production have really degraded our sense of how much things are actually worth, because you can get just about anything almost instantly for a tiny fraction of what it would take an individual to produce.
For the same reason, I've ruled out ever taking my graphic design career in a freelance direction– anytime I've taken a freelance project, or considered it, I get to the point where I calculate what to charge and I just wince and shy away from the project entirely… because I have a gut feeling that something like a logo "should" cost around $100–200… but when I do the math for my time, I would actually have to charge $600–1000 (for a logo! Just a logo!), and I'm just mentally incapable of enforcing that for myself day in and day out to make a living wage.
If you have 5–10 minutes, I'd recommend this exercise to anyone:
Think of a project or task you've done lately. Pick something with measurable start and end points, such as an art project, folding laundry, washing the dishes, writing an essay, etc.
How much do you think you would pay someone else to do that task for you? Write that down. This is "A."
How long did that task take you to do? Write that down (in # of hours). This is "B." Approximate number is fine.
Did that task require any special tools? What about materials? Even basic things like sponges, paint, etc. Roughly estimate the cost of all the tools and materials you used. Because you'd likely get multiple uses out of most tools/materials, divide that number by 5. Write down the new number; this is "C."
What do you think is a fair minimum wage for your area? Many people have been fighting for $15/hr for a long time, but arguably this is still too low. If you're not sure, use $15/hr as a baseline. Write that down. This is "D."
Multiply B by D. Add C. This new number is "E."
How close is E to A? I'd be willing to bet that E is quite a bit higher than A. Remember, the hourly wage you used to calculate this might not even reflect what this work is actually worth. Does this give you a better idea of what you would actually need to pay someone to do that task for you?
Not all work is quantifiable in this way, and modern technology does allow for processes to be combined and optimized in ways that won't be reflected in your process. For example, buying a single bagel would not cost $60, because a bagel shop can make lots of bagels at the same time, using the same materials and equipment. But this absolutely does apply to things like hiring someone to clean your house, do your homework, or– of course– create handmade crafts.
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monstersdownthepath · 9 months
Herald of Torag: The Grand Defender
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CR 15
Lawful Good Huge Construct
Inner Sea Gods, pg. 310
Among the strangest (and least creatively named) of the Heralds, the Grand Defender is one of the rare few Heralds that did not begin their existence as a mortal follower or an elevated celestial, instead being literally crafted by their god's own two hands. In this case, if you couldn't tell by the title nor his physical appearance, the God of the Forge (and of dwarves in general), Torag. He's even stranger than most other divine constructs, though, because the Grand Defender was built with an explicit and bizarre purpose: as a tomb for the bodies of Torag's chosen dwarven heroes.
Given how the Defender is Huge, and dwarves are Small, one can only come to the conclusion that they're all jammed into its limbs and torso to form into some kind of corpse Voltron. Just... rattling around in there as it moves, hopefully so secure they don't actually move that much when it attacks. What do you think happens if it loses and then regains a limb? Does it teleport the bodies back into itself? Does Torag launch a rescue mission for what is essentially one of his most holy relics to inter them in his Herald again? Did he ever consider a less risky location? Who's to say; the poor thing's lore block is literally a sentence long, and it hasn't appeared in any AP or module, thus our information on it is tragically limited.
But if its lore block is tiny, that must mean its statblock is impressive, right? Well...
It's just an Iron Automata with some extra bells and whistles. Before you go clicking off this page, please know they're amusing bells and whistles... but it's a little disappointing to see "this ability works like it does for the Iron Automata" be pasted onto two of its four unique powers. It's an Automata Except Bigger, and with sapience so it can adjust its tactics on the fly.
It should give you a fair idea of what to expect from it, at least: A smash mook with no magic and very little defenses besides those conveyed by its Construct typing. It's got pathetically low saves (+6/+5/+8), low HP for its level (157 while most other Heralds are pushing 180 or 200), and no immunities or resistances besides it gains by being a Construct... oh, and the Iron Automata's complete Immunity to Magic, making it significantly more resilient than its statblock would suggest. Suddenly, its low saves and zero elemental resistances make a little more sense, as few offensive spells can actually pierce this impervious shield, and almost no common debuffs can work on a Construct. Electricity damage from a magic effect may slow it and prevent it from using its Full-Attack, but any magic trying to bring fire against it heals it instead, turning the most popular damage type against its holders.
It's got DR 15/Adamantine as its standard, but it's got an amusing ability called Ablative Armor that turns it into a towering, hammer-wielding matryoshka doll: As a standard action, the Defender can shed its outermost layer of metal to reveal another, very slightly smaller version of itself underneath that's made out of a different metal, swapping its DR to another source to thwart attempts to damage it. It can swap between DR 15/Adamantine, /Cold Iron, or /Silver at will, and whatever damage type its DR is bypassed by is also what types of DR its own weapons can bypass, letting it pierce several common resistances. Ablative Armor also shields it from the same death most Constructs would suffer at 0 HP, shutting down but not dying unless its body is fully destroyed and torn to pieces. 1d4 hours after it's slain, its armor automatically triggers, revealing yet another Defender under the first while restoring half its HP and allowing it time to either retreat and recover or stalk after its destroyers to end them.
Fun fact: Any armor shed from its person crumbles to powder 1d4 minutes later to prevent it from just generating infinite raw material. The only way to stop it from dissolving entirely is if the Grand Defender eats it, but we'll get to THAT tidbit later.
For now, the Grand Defender is tremendously resilient and doesn't die unless you take special precautions to put it down permanently... but on the downside, it's also the slowest Herald by a country mile, having only a 30ft movespeed. This is somewhat made up for by its immense 15ft space and 15ft reach, but its ability to keep enemies in that range is extremely limited. Stand Still is reliable due to its +31 CMB, but it can only use the feat once per round, because despite having Combat Reflexes, it has a Dexterity score of 9, meaning it can't even use the extra Attacks of Opportunity! It's got to be really choosy about when and on whom it uses Stand Still, if it even gets to do so in the first place because, again, it's got no mobility beyond its 30ft movespeed, no magical movement methods, and no capacity for Stealth beyond its ability to look like a statue when it doesn't move, so its options for getting the drop on the party are also limited. If someone doesn't want to be in melee with it and it can't catch them in its radius during the surprise round, there's virtually no way for it to force them back towards it.
And you don't want to be nearby, in case it wasn't obvious. That massive hammer deals 3d6+11 damage upwards to 4 times a round with accuracy that's a step above most of the other Heralds, allowing it to sacrifice some of it to pour into Power Attack. Its warhammer deals triple damage on a critical hit, and four blows a round make it likely to see one every odd round, or even every round if you're especially unlucky. That immense threat radius also means its Great Cleave feat can make its turns look down right comical if it's got enough targets around to let it spin and spin and spin.
Besides its hammer, it's got the poisonous cloud of an Iron Automata, exhaling a 10ft cloud of toxic gas into an adjacent space once every 1d4 rounds as a free action. Anyone who enters or begins their turn in the cloud must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or take 1d4 Con damage a round for 4 rounds... but that's not the only weapon it's got coming out of its mouth, which is an admittedly unusual sentence. Even more unusual is the Defender's novel breath weapon: Hammer Storm. This 30ft cone is made up of, as the name suggests, warhammers, blasting everyone who fails a DC 19 Reflex save for 15d6 damage and sending them flying directly away from the Defender, potentially pushing them into hazardous terrain.
These regurgitated warhammers are perfectly mundane in function and, interestingly, do not disappear, allowing creature to pick one up and wield it (the ability specifically creates 24 hammers). These leavings are what the Grand Defender uses as its ranged option, its Throw Anything feat letting it huck the weapons like lawn darts at distant or airborne foes. Hammer Storm is normally only usable once a day, but the Defender can recharge the ability by taking a minute to consume the regurgitated warhammers or an equivalent amount of metal from any source (including the shell that drops off of it when it uses Ablative Armor), allowing the Defender to recycle metal scraps or the armor of its foes into weapons for its people. One must wonder if the dwarves interred inside are actually dead and not just banging away on tiny forges to create the hammers or the next layer of the Defender.
You can read more about it here.
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mamahersh · 2 years
Right... right. MAG 192-194 thoughts. fuck.
Ok, so MAG 192-193 kinda felt like one bigger episode together, so I’m gonna lump them together. Starting off: 193 was really cool with how they set up the sound and the reveal in 194 about the difference in power levels between Jon and Elias in the ascendant Panopticon. Like, we are told in the Jonah room that nothing can really interrupt Jonah’s connection with the Eye as he is the focal point of the apocalypse all the terror is siphoned through and into the Eye. However, less than 5 minutes later we have Jon “taking a Statement” about Elias where Jonah is forced to participate in the Statement instead of Watching the apocalypse. So that was really cool, and actually even more cool for this being the first “collaborative” Statement we’ve ever had? Like, I think this is the first (and probably only) time in TMA that more than one person has participated in a Statement.
Also, I guess, to address Rosie: about all I can say is oof. No one deserves what happens to them in TMA, but Rosie definitely ended up pulling a “Jon” in that she was too close to Beholding and fed it it she could no longer escape even if she wanted. Not quite as literally as Jon, but she’s practically a Revenant or a Vampire’s slave at this point. She has thoughts of her own, but she exists only to serve the Pupil of the Eye at this point. Or just “Elias”? I don’t know if we ever get an answer about what happens to her during the events of MAG 200 from what little I’ve heard about the episode, but I’m definitely curious to find out. (And isn’t that the problem? Wanting to Know but never interfere, no matter how terrible it ends up being. And 100% that’s how Jon was Jonah’s perfect Archivist, because Jonah’s Archivist for Marking needed to fight the Watcher’s implicit tendency to Watch but never interfere just enough to get himself into situations where the other Powers had access to him, but not enough to try to escape the supernatural in any serious capacity. fuck, getting this “on paper” made it actually click holy shit.)
One last note about 193: I know the Statement is OG!Elias’s, but why do I have a very strong suspicion that Jon’s interview went very similarly to Elias’s, and that’s why Jonah/Elias played a part in the Statement recital? What are the odds that Jon pulled something similar in both the “What are you afraid of” and “Why are you here” sections of the interview? Even worse: do you think Jonah managed to give Jon a minor panic attack in his interview as well? Things to think about I guess.
And finally, 194: #1) that was rough. They needed that argument don’t get me wrong, because Jon still can’t actually communicate but he also still struggles with falling to his monstrous tendencies; and Martin is still trying to keep Jon on the straight and narrow. I will say, I thought the “sending all of humanity to it’s ultimate demise faster“ plan had been synthesized with this revelation about being able to control the apocalypse. I thought Jon had told Martin about this plan before the evil spider plan. He still might, and probably will, and it shouldn’t still surprise me that Jon is still incapable of making good plans, but this definitely recontextualizes some of the time travel fix it fics I’ve read in the last several months. (How on earth have I only been in this fandom for upwards of 4 months? It feels like years and my bookmarked fics hit over 120 recently.)
#2) It’s very amusing to me the Eye tries to communicate through Statements. It makes sense that a sapient fear god communicates through other’s trauma, and opens the floodgates to questions like: if the Stranger created it’s own version of Magnus’s apocalypse, how would it communicate with it’s designated linchpin? The Hunt? The Dark? ect.
#3) Ok Martin, I get it. Your BF is impossible and the spider lady who you seem to hate way more now than you used to has a plan, and by God you need literally anything all to convince your BF to not metaphysically kill himself in a bid to move the suffering around to people who “deserve” it. Because you don’t trust that he’ll come back from “thinking” without trying to convince you again that it’s a good idea.
It fucking kills me how terrible these two are at trusting each other. I know at the start of the season I was bemoaning their unhealthy dynamic, got excited mid-season that things were turning and they were making baby steps towards maybe being healthier towards each other.... But nooooooooo.
I think what gets me most though, is that all these problems are normally fine in long form slow burn relationship portrayals. Like, even in a healthy relationship these kinds of pressures would be sure to cause some strife. But we never get to see them have a functional relationship. The 3 weeks in the cabin we can presume they at best “honeymooned” at, was all off screen. We went from them having a moment to reconnect for the first time in months - over a year, to them sounding relatively happy together before Jon accidentally kicks off the apocalypse. I mean, we get snippets of Martin trying to help Jon cope in the cabin, but the moment they’re on their first domain they’re falling apart at the seams with little moments sprinkled throughout that almost feel forced because there’s just... no background to it? augh, I’m so terrible with words, but does any of this make sense?
In any case, I feel for both Jon and Martin in this, but due to my particular leanings towards Jon as Blorbo of my Show; I’m probably going to be more sympathetic to him even if Martin is generally speaking, the better person in every conceivable way possible.
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bubblegumflavor · 1 year
As a fellow fic writer in this fandom I get how you feel. Back in 07, when I wrote fics in Live Journal you'd always get at least one comment even if it was from a mutual. But I'm a bit used to sending things out into a void and not always getting a response.
You gotta do what's best for your creativity! Keep writing for yourself if that's what makes you happy :)
PS~ I love your art~~ you draw them so cute together like I always wanna squish them.
Hi Anon~ <3
I remember when I started (2005ish maybe?) and I wrote in several fandoms since then, I got a good 15 comments per chapter, sometimes 20 sometimes 9.. but that was a regular count depending on the fandom. It got less over the years, sometimes updates with zero but next time a couple of comments and so on. I got used to write with very little response and made my peace with it. I always say if there's one person who enjoys it with me and who is happy about my writing, it's worth sharing!
There's a difference if I see like people subscribing, leaving kudos, active page hits that go ~100/150 per upload... and NO ONE leaves a comment? I got lucky for my last fic, I had a good 3~5 people (out of 70 subscribers) who regulary commented. Not everytime always but enough to keep me going. I cut the story short in the end, ngl. I had planned much more but not only for that but also for me, I cut it short and that helped me decide to do so because even out of those 5-ish people, it got less towards the end.
I had another story in a more or less dead fandom where I always said I had a basic planned plotline with options to expand (I always have XD), to do 'road trips' and stuff... no one spoke up, I ended the story basic planned, people complained that there wasn't more. And I wonder... why do you come now when it's over not while I was writing and asking if people wanted more?
I am totally okay with little response.. that's all I want, some interaction with readers, knowing if people are there and if me sharing my story does something for anyone. I even started again to say: 'please leave a comment if you liked the chapter ' and out of 200 hits, no one does. It's pretty hard to not start to take it personally if I am completely honest, especially on a bad day. You wonder why people can't spare a minute to leave some kind words. It's not about having the most liked most commented most awarded story of all, I don't care about clicks and counts and comparing myself to others.
You start a new story and back in the days people used to leave some motivation like: I'm interested, I'm curious to see where this is going. Something like that... now... Nothing. Now finally a few people made themselves visible but after what? Me begging and honestly considering to not keep posting. I'm annoyed about myself that I see no other way than beg people to interact. I feel pathetic for doing so but I don't wanna just suck it up either, if that makes sense..
So yeah, maybe I will switch to.. finish a story for myself and then decide if I share it. It won't be the same fun I used to have but it has an impact on my motiviation, I can't deny that. If the story is done, it's done. Maybe I can spice it up with some artwork then or sth.. idk.
Thank you so much for reaching out, it means a lot! And I am happy you enjoy my dumb fluffy art-stuff =) <3
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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LGC STUDIOS ( Q4 2022 )
SCHEDULE TYPE: BI-WEEKLY GIG SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
thanks to BAE SIWOO and SEO HANEUL’s radio show and the influence it has with the public, LEGACY decided to have their own building called LGC STUDIOS ( it’s somewhat similar to dive studios ). all the vlive shows that were once filmed in the small practice rooms have been expanded, allowing hosts to have their own show in a bigger space. furthermore, as more celebrities dive in to the world of podcasting so has the company too! this means that there will be additional rooms for people to film and record their podcast shows. 
for some muns who have been here a while back, we’ve had vlive shows and radio shows before. however, with more people taking on radio shows through the NOTORIETY TIERS, we thought that this would be a great opportunity to bring in podcasts. the vlive shows and podcasts both have different requirements so please read through the below portion before pitching to us any ideas you may have! 
to host a show and pitch an idea:
a trainee must have at least +50 VARIETY and +60 KOREAN. please keep in mind their skills while pitching an idea — someone who has 50 variety points but 0 hosting points will be best suited for a game show or something similar to it. 
you may not team up with another muse, but remember that there will be a guest on every episode.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post when the episodes air on our lgcmedia sheet!
duration of the gig is from OCTOBER to DECEMBER. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
before pitching an idea, please note that this is a long term commitment (3 months minimum) and will require you to write multiple threads during this period of time.
since the show is biweekly, there will be 5 episodes (each episode is 45 minutes).
you may write up to three (3) threads of four (4) replies minimum each to collect +3 MCING/HOSTING, +3 VARIETY, and +3 NOTORIETY per episode (for a maximum total of +9 MCING/HOSTING, +9 VARIETY, and +9 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another season, you must complete the writing requirements for at least 2 THREADS.
to be a guest on a show:
for those who aren’t interested in having a regular show or simply don’t have the minimum skills required, it will still be possible for your muses to participate! once shows are announced, hosts will be tasked to post a call for guests.
trainees and any MODELS or ACTORS with less than 200 notoriety can participate as a guest.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited (5 per show) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
for the time being, hosts cannot guest on another show or podcast.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their five (5) guests and may only collect points for two (2) threads.
guests without threads will be rewarded +1 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
guests with threads will be rewarded +2 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show. there’s a one trimester cooldown period before a muse can return to a show. they may guest on other ongoing show.
to host a show and pitch an idea:
a trainee must have at least +50 MCING/HOSTING and +75 KOREAN. because podcasts are more of a talk show, the concept idea should be related to that.
you may not team up with another muse, but remember that there will be a guest on every episode.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post when the episodes air on our lgcmedia sheet!
duration of the gig is from OCTOBER to DECEMBER. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
before pitching an idea, please note that this is a long term commitment (3 months minimum) and will require you to write multiple threads during this period of time.
since the podcast is biweekly, there will be 5 episodes (each episode is 50 minutes).
you may write up to three (3) threads of four (4) replies minimum each to collect +4 MCING/HOSTING, +4 VARIETY, and +4 NOTORIETY per episode (for a maximum total of +12 MCING/HOSTING, +12 VARIETY, and +12 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another season, you must complete the writing requirements for at least 2 THREADS.
to be a guest on a show:
for those who aren’t interested in having a regular show or simply don’t have the minimum skills required, it will still be possible for your muses to participate! once shows are announced, hosts will be tasked to post a call for guests.
trainees and any MODELS or ACTORS with less than 200 notoriety can participate as a guest.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited (5 per podcast) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
for the time being, hosts cannot guest on another show or podcast.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their five (5) guests and may only collect points for two (2) threads.
guests without threads will be rewarded +1 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
guests with threads will be rewarded +2 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show. there’s a one trimester cooldown period before a muse can return to a show. they may guest on other ongoing show. 
if you are interested in hosting a vlive show or podcast, fill out the form below and send it to lgcmanager before OCTOBER 22, 2022 at 11:59PM EDT.
muse name: vlive show or podcast: ( list which one you’re interested in. make sure that your muse meets the point reqs for this ) format: ( live show or prerecorded show. if the host has a busy schedule they will most likely be doing prerecorded shows ) show title: concept: ( must be at least 50 words. please explain in depth the show/podcast idea you have in mind. if there are any areas that might need clarification, we’ll notify you about it )
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growbusinessworld11 · 5 months
Cyber Crime Complaint kaise kar
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So, if any cyber fraud or online scam has happened to you and you want to register your complaint under cyber crime, then in today's blog I will tell you how you can file your complaint under cyber crime. Now I am saying the right complaint here because many people register complaints under cyber crime but there some details are wrong or the complaint itself is wrong due to which it takes a long time. The complaint that remains for some time remains pending and after that the complaint is closed. Now this is not my first blog. Even before this I had made a blog and posted it on my channel on how to register a complaint in cyber crime.
And on top of that, you people have got around 2 lakh views, in which the money of many people has been frozen and the money has also been returned. Now I am making this blog after the new update of 2024 that within 2024, there will be a rise in the cyber crime website. What new changes have happened and in what way can you people lodge your complaint and this will not be a demo complaint, this is the complaint of our client or subscriber who wanted to register in cyber crime, then I will give you a live complaint of absolutely everything. I will show you how to file the correct complaint and I will also show you how many minutes or hours after filing the complaint, action is taken on it and your money gets frozen.
Also Read- bank account freeze by noida cyber crime
So without wasting time let's start the blog. If you are visiting our channel for the first time then make sure to subscribe the channel because a lot of such content keeps coming on our channel and such content is already there. If any fraud or scam has happened to you then you can know how you can get your money back and share this blog with your friends who have also been cyber fraud or cyber scammed. And if you want to register your complaint under cyber crime, then let's start the blog while sitting at home, so first of all you guys have to go to google.com.
And the search here is Cyber Crime. As soon as you type, the first option you will see is Cyber ​​Crime Portal. You people have to click on it. Let's click, after that you people will get to see multiple options here. So you people have to click on Register a Complaint and Financial Fraud, okay here also you will get to see multiple options, you people have to click on Financial Fraud and after that you can read this detail, after that you people have filed complaint. Have to click on And click on this act. Okay, so what are the things you should have to lodge a complaint? Any complaint, no matter whether it is financial fraud or any other kind of fraud.
Also Read- Vapi cyber cell bank account freeze karde to kya kare
So, what all should you have, which is the Mentorial details, it is given inside every complaint, okay, so first of all, you people should have the date and time of the incident, meaning on which day that thing happened to you, you people should know the incident. Key detail means a rough detail, you can write it in Hindi or English, it should have 200 characters and no special character should be used inside it. Apart from that, you should have some ID proof like Aadhaar. You can apply card here or apart from that here you can also apply PAN card. Okay, apart from PAN card, you can also apply driving license or anything else. Age ID proof, the format of which you are making your complaint should be.
That JPG should be inside JPG or PNG is fine and its size should be less than 5 MB. In this case, if any bank scam or online fraud happens to you, then what are the things required by you first of all? You should know your bank or wallet address, the 12 digit transaction or UTRO, the date of transaction, you should know the amount of fraud, apart from that, soft copy of relevant evidence for example, your screenshots. If you have WhatsApp2, you will have to show that here on this platform, you have been cheated. For example, if it has happened on any website, then you can also put that, what should be its format, it should be below 10 MB.
Now apart from this, this is an optional detail for the example of a suspect who has committed a fraud on you. What details do you have regarding him so that the suspect can be caught using the software? For example, you have his mobile number and email ID. If you have any ID proof that he has sent or has sent a photo, then all those things are there. If you apply these things then your chances increase a lot, then all these things are mandatory, you try as much as possible. If you can give more information, you all have to give it. Okay, so what will happen is that the fraudster will be caught soon or he does not have quick identification, so first of all you guys have to click on Create a New Account, after that you People have to select their state, after that you have to type your email ID, whatever your email ID is, type it here, type the mobile number and click on Get OTP, OTP will come, fill it and captcha code. Have to fill and click on submit
This will create your ID which will remain inside the cyber crime. If your ID is already created, if you have forgotten it then you have to click on Forget ID and enter your mobile number. You will get OTP, after that you have to fill the captcha code and click on submit. You have to do this, what will happen with this, your ID will be there, a message will come on your mobile number, so you can see, now we have the ID already created, so we log in directly, okay, so first of all we login. We fill the ID here and after that we enter the mobile number here and click on Get OTP, like you click on OTP, an OTP will come on your phone, that OTP you people have entered here. If you have to fill it, let's fill the OTP quickly.
Also Read- how to unfreeze bank account from ghaziabad cyber cell
After filling the OTP, you guys have to fill the captcha code here, so let's fill the captcha code also which is z a t yvi, the small letters are to be filled only, whether it is big or small, you guys can see it. If you fill it wrongly then you will have to process everything again. Ok, click on submit, after that you will see some details like this. So first of all you people have to go inside the user profile. After this you have to enter your details here like your name etc. So let's fill them. First of all we will fill the name of our client here then it will come in the title Mr. Message Doctor Mr. Mrs. So you can choose as per your choice. If you can, our clients are Ms. So we use Ms. after that their name will come.
So we have filled Kajal here, after that their mobile number will come, so whatever mobile number will be your client's or sorry, it will be yours, you all have to fill it here, after that you have filled their date of birth. You have to fill the same date of birth which will be there on any ID proof. If it is on Aadhar Card then fill that date, it will be better. After that you have to select the gender and after that you all have to fill it here. You have to fill the email ID here on which you will get updates related to the complaint, so we have filled the email ID here, after that you have to fill the name of father, mother or spouse, then we are filling the name of the spouse. And after that you people have to type the complete address here, whatever is the address of your house, you people have to enter it here, after entering everything, you people have to update it. This is for those people who are first. We are registering the time complaint, we will click on update and click on OK, after that you all have to click.
Report Cyber Time Pay and after that you will get to see the pay option here. First of all, we select in all categories whoever has been fraud with you, our clients have transferred money from bank to bank, that is why we You are selecting internet banking related plot. If you have done it through UPI, then you can do UPI. Now here, if you have lost your money, you will say yes. After that, first of all, you have to enter your details, then select your bank account first. Their bank account is Central Bank of India, so we will type it here, after that we will enter our bank account number here, then we will enter the bank account number here, after that we will enter the transaction ID. Which is of 12 digits, which you people have to fill when you transfer money to someone, UTRO there, let's fill it here and after that you people have to enter the amount, whatever. Your amount will be there, you have to fill it here.
And you have to enter the date on which you have transferred the money. You have to enter it here. If you know the time then you can enter it. If you don't know then there is no problem. Click on Save in the same way. You guys have to enter all the details here. Our client had two transactions, so we have entered the two transactions here. Now we have to enter the details of the account in which the money has gone, that is, if the suspect's is ours, then the suspect is ours. If we have transferred within the bank itself, then we will select the bank, after that we will select the name of the bank. Okay, so we search the name of the bank here which is Install Bank. After selecting the bank, now We have to fill the account number of the froster here.
So we enter the account number of Froster's bank account, after that we have to fill the transaction ID and after that we have to enter the amount, that is, the amount of fraud that has happened with the transaction ID, we have to enter it here. You have to select the date again and click on Add More, then in the same way you have to enter the details of the other transactions here, we have entered both of them here, okay, after that it will ask you that Approximate time, when the fraud started with you, then you guys have to put that date i.e. the first transaction, which is the first transaction you did, you guys have to put the details here, so we have mentioned the first transaction. had done
That was done on 26th at 8:8, you people have to put those details. You people delayed in making any report. Yes, we did not do it. After that, we have to tell where the incident took place. If you can, we do not know the ID. If we know the name, then we enter it here. VIP Advance. Okay, after that we know the bank account number. So we have the bank account number now, so we enter it here. There is a little more space here. We will remove the space on it, that's why I had already told you to enter here as much details as you have, so we have put the details here, click on the bank key and save and next, after that whatever is missing of yours is here. You guys have to fill the details like here her husband's name is missing.
So we put it here, okay after that we will scroll down and want to upload any ID proof, I have put the Aadhar card here, so we upload it here, click on save and proof, save and complete. Clicking means that you people have to verify all the details you have entered properly once, I verify everything properly here, whatever I have put here, if everything is correct. If yes, then we will do it by clicking on 'I agree' and 'Confirm' and 'Submit', after that your complaint will be registered, okay, after that you can download its PDF file by clicking on 'Download PDF', okay. If you are seeing this type of error many times, your complete copy is not downloading.
So you have to cross it and then you guys have to go back to the cyber website and here you have to click on the check status. As soon as you guys click on the check status, you guys will get to see your amendment number. You have to click and after that there will be a blue colored button at the top. If you want to print it then you have to click on that button and download your cyber crime complaint copy. So in this way you can People can also register their complaint under cyber crime, however, their complaint was registered on 27th and on 28th they got a message that their money was transferred to their account for free. That is, within a short time of 24 hours, their money was frozen in Froster's account by cyber crime. So, you guys saw how quickly action is taken if you register a correct complaint. Cyber crime. Because this is a cyber crime, it takes action very fast against Frost and if the details are correct then the money is spent very quickly.
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Source: https://www.fastcompany.com/90856183/30-ai-tools-you-can-try-for-free
2. The new Bing
ChatGPT-based conversations and search results inside Bing. 
3. Perplexity.ai
Ask questions and follow-ups, get direct responses with citations. Free to use with the option to upgrade to Pro.
4. YouChat
Ask questions and follow-ups, and engage in ChatGPT-style conversations. Free; sign-in required.
5. Poe
Conversational AI from Quora that includes multiple assistants with differing strengths. Free; sign-in required.
6. Stable Diffusion Online
Free Stable Diffusion artwork generator; no login required.
7. El Pintador
Free Stable Diffusion artwork generator for iOS with a “Learn” section that provides prompt crafting advice.
8. DiffusionBee
9. Dall-E
​​Your weirdest, most obscure art creations can finally come to life thanks to DALL-E. Type anything just about anything into the search bar and watch as OpenAI’s image generation tool churns out multiple pictures for you to choose from.
You can try Dall-E for free through Bing, or use it with a paid ChatGPT Plus subscription. 
10. Craiyon
Online artwork generator that uses the Dall-E Mini model. Removing watermarks requires a $5-per-month subscription.
11. Nvidia Canvas
Windows software that turns brushstrokes into artwork. Requires an Nvidia RTX graphics card.
12. Playform
Online app that turns sketches into artwork. Free to try, but requires paid credits to download watermark-free images.
13. AutoDraw
A venerable old-timer, AutoDraw has been around as a Google project since 2017. This free tool turns your haphazardly scribbled doodles into actual drawings by offering up suggestions based on what you’ve put on the page.
It’s great for when you need to mock up a design quickly but you need it to look, well…like you didn’t draw it with your mouse. And it’s free to use, with no account or subscription required. 
14. PicsArt AI Writer
Generate marketing copy, slogans, product descriptions, LinkedIn headlines, Instagram captions, and more. Free.
15. NotionAI
Use prompts to create text inside any Notion document, activated by pressing Space on a new line. You can try it for free with a limited number of complimentary AI responses, then it’s $8-10 per month for the add-on subscription.
16. Chatbot tools
Tools such as ChatGPT, YouChat, and Poe can be used to generate copy as well.
17. Eightify
Create text summaries of YouTube videos, with highlights you can click on to jump to the relevant video section. Up to three free summaries per week (on videos less than 30 minutes). For unlimited summaries, a subscription runs $4.95 per month, or $3.95 per month if you pay annually. 
18. Summarize.tech
Another YouTube summarizer that’s less in-depth than Eightify. It allows you to summarize a few videos a day for free or, with a $10 per month Premium subscription, you can summarize up to 200 videos a month. 
19. Gimme Summary
Chrome extension for summarizing web articles, seemingly works by asking ChatGPT to condense the article content. Free to use, but slow.
20. SkimIt.ai
Email an article link to [email protected], get a summary in 10 minutes.
21. Wordtune Read
View article and PDF summaries next to the full text, with excerpts highlighted. Five free summaries per month, then $9.99 per month.
22. OtterPilot
Feature of the Otter meeting assistant that transcribes and summarizes video calls. Free for up to 30 minutes per call and 300 transcription minutes per month, or you can sign up for a Pro account for $10 per month to increase those limits.
23. Sonoteller.ai
Paste a link to a song on YouTube, get an analysis of its lyrical content, instrumentation, genres, and moods. Free to use.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A North Dakota state senator took off from a remote Utah airport last month with his wife and two young sons in the plane without the runway lights on a night with no moonlight and crashed just a minute later, killing everyone aboard, investigators said in a preliminary report released Thursday.Security video and a witness confirmed the runway lights that are controlled by the pilot remained dark when the plane took off on Oct. 1 from the airport outside Moab, but the report from the National Transportation Safety Board didn't explain why the lights weren't on. Investigators also didn't find any mechanical problems in their initial inspection of the wreckage, so it won't be clear what caused the crash until they finish their full report more than a year from now.Doug and Amy Larsen and their two sons, 11-year-old Christian and 8-year-old Everett, were on the ground in Utah for less than three hours on their way home from a family gathering in Arizona.Security video showed Larsen buying 27 gallons (102 liters) of fuel at a self-serve island at the airport shortly after landing around 5:45 p.m., when it was still daylight, and borrowing a car to drive into town, the NTSB said.By the time the family got back to the airport shortly after 8 p.m., — more than an hour after sunset — it would have been exquisitely dark in an area known as prime stargazing territory because of the lack of lights. After the Larsens got back into the plane, the video showed the plane’s lights illuminate before it rolled down the runway and took off at 8:23 p.m.The plane climbed 200 feet (61 meters) into the air and turned 180 degrees steeply to the right to fly back past the airport, the report said, without noting whether this was the correct path to head to North Dakota.After that, the plane started to descend. Investigators found that it gouged a hilltop before crashing about 455 feet (139 meters) later. The plane finally stopped on a second hill about 65 feet (20 meters) from the second impact point and amid the debris of the landing gear and wheel covers.A pilot can typically turn on runway lights easily with just a few clicks on the microphone at an uncontrolled airport like Moab’s, said Steven Wallace, who led the Federal Aviation Administration’s accident investigations for eight years. But the report said the runway lights remained dark.“I consider it very significant,” Wallace said. “There’s just no reason to do that.”But Wallace thinks the investigation will likely focus on how much experience the 47-year-old Larsen had flying using instruments alone. It was so dark that he could have quickly lost track of the horizon after takeoff and become disoriented unless he relied on instruments.“I think that’s going to be in the minds of the accident investigators. It’s a well-known, documented, recurring cause of accidents — disorientation," Wallace said.Wallace said that when only 200 feet off the ground, there is little room for errors.The fact that Larsen flew Black Hawk helicopters during his 29 years with the North Dakota Army National Guard suggests he was likely trained to fly with instruments, Wallace said, but flying helicopters is almost entirely done visually.He was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, Bronze Service Star and Army Aviator Badge, among other honors. He had logged about 1,800 total military flight hours, according to National Guard spokesperson Nathan Rivard.Larsen was posthumously promoted from lieutenant colonel to colonel, having met the criteria for promotion, Rivard said.The Associated Press was unable to independently verify that Larsen had instrument training. Larsen had recently earned his commercial pilot’s license and had hopes of one day flying for a major airline, state Sen. Jim Roers said.Over the next year, investigators will spend more time examining the wreckage and tearing apart the plane’s engine for clues. But the NTSB said its initial examination of the wreckage “revealed no mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded normal operations.
”Investigators also will carefully calculate just how much weight was on the plane with four people aboard and the additional fuel that Larsen just bought.“I won’t be the least bit surprised if the final report shows the airplane was over its maximum certified takeoff weight," Wallace said.Funerals were held Oct. 10 for the Larsens, and they were laid to rest in the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery.Larsen, a Republican, was elected to the North Dakota Senate in 2020. In the 2023 session, he chaired a Senate panel that handled industry- and business-related legislation.District Republicans recently appointed a successor for his seat representing Mandan, the city neighboring Bismarck to the west across the Missouri River. Justin Gerhardt, a project manager with a construction company who served nine years with the North Dakota Army National Guard, will serve the remainder of Larsen's term through November 2024. The seat is on the ballot next year for a full, four-year term.___Funk contributed to this report from Omaha, Nebraska.
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123whistler-blog · 11 months
EBFusion Review, Bonus, OTOs From Rick Ng
EBFusion – AI Ebook Stores
Posted on November 3, 2023 by Andrew Larder
AI Ebook Stores
EBFusion Review, Bonus, OTOs From Rick Ng – A Brand-New AI-Powered Software Auto-Creates A Fully-Functional Ebook Store In Seconds And Instantly Loads It With 10,000 eBooks
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What NOT to Do in the Travel SIM for USA Industry
There are various means to buy a USA SIM Card of an eSIM for USA, which is the latest technology innovation in travel SIM industry. Before we get into the means of buying a USA SIM Card or a USA eSIM, let us look at how much beneficial can it be in saving you money on your international roaming bill in USA
The alternative to buying a USA SIM or eSIM is to take an International Roaming Plan for USA from your telecom service provider. If you are a postpaid customer, you can avail of this facility. Depending on the terms of International roaming, your telecom service provider may ask you for a deposit or may activate international roaming without the need to pay any deposit. They may, however, put an upper limit on usage or spend, depending on your creditworthiness with your telecom company and their own policies related to International roaming plans.
While this is a great option in terms of convenience, as you do not need to go through the hassle of buying a separate American SIM Card or an eSIM for USA, and also you get to retain your mobile number throughout the journey, it can be an expensive affair. If you company is taking care of your mobile bills on your business trip to USA, this is a great option to go for as you are not paying the roaming bill in USA out of your pocket and hence the savings are not going into your pocket either.
However, if your company is not covering your International roaming bill in USA or you are traveling to USA for leisure or personal reasons and have to take care of your mobile bill yourself, it makes perfect sense to buy a USA SIM Card or a USA eSIM. If your cellphone is eSIM compatible (most Apple, Samsung & Google phones are), USA eSIM will be a better option for you. It is easier to buy, install and use and extremely cost effective in terms of data charges. Top eSIM companies such Rocket offer incredible options for USA eSIMs via their website and Mobile APPs.
Simply visit their website or download their APP and make the purchase with just a few clicks. The USA eSIM will be sent to you via e-mail in a matter of minutes as a QR Code with easy instructions to install it on your cellphone, tablet or laptop. The installation process should be done under wifi connectivity and generally takes less than 5 minutes. Once installed, you are good to go. Open ‘settings’ on your phone and set your eSIM for data usage once you land in USA and you’ll be connected to the local telecom operator for all your data needs.
However, if your cellphone is not eSIM compatible, you may choose to buy a regular plastic SIM Card for USA which needs to be configured manually into your phone and will provide you with cost effective data roaming plan and a local mobile number in USA. In terms of pricing, they Global eSIM for USA are slightly more expensive than an eSIM for the same destination, with an added advantage of a local mobile number with free incoming calls and in some cases, few minutes of outgoing calls too.
Installing a physical SIM can be slightly cumbersome though. However, they work with all kinds of cellphones, unlike eSIMs, which work with select 200 plus models only. A list of eSIM compatible phones is available here
Where can you buy them?
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If your phone is eSIM compatible, pick up an eSIM for USA online from here. This is by far the Data roaming in USA easiest and fastest way to get yourself Internet connectivity in USA at an incredible price.
If your phone is not eSIM compatible and you must Mobile plans for USA go for a physical SIM card for US, you can either buy it online – provided your location is serviced by the seller for delivery. If you are unable to find an online seller who delivers to your location, then another option for you is to buy a SIM Card for USA at the airport.
I have always bought my travel eSIM for USA online from Rocket, a highly trusted brand in the field of International Roaming solutions. Visit their website here OR download their APP from here. They service every country you can think of and are highly responsive if you face any issues or need help during or post your purchase. They have a smart chatbot on their platform which takes care of most of your queries. If you do need to interact with a human agent, that option is available in all languages.
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Their prices are competitive and the https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=USA eSIMs platform is extremely easy to use. All it takes is a few minutes and a few clicks, and you’ll have your eSIM for USA installed on your mobile, tablet or laptop – so as to provide you with uninterrupted high quality internet connectivity in USA at a fraction of the cost of a large telecom company’s data roaming plans.
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houseofvape0 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to the 5 Best Dry Herb Vaporizers from House of Vape
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In recent years, Australians are now becoming more interested in the world of vaping and all of the appealing characteristics that give it the edge over traditional smoking. From portable vapes to desktop vapes there are a tremendous amount of dry herb vaporizers on the market waiting to be discovered. 
If you are a little on the green side, then using dry herb vapes can be a more eco-friendly option than smoking because they produce less smoke, ash, and air pollutants. But what features are you looking for? If you are struggling to find the best model then do not panic- House of Vape is here to give you all the information you need concerning the best Australian Vaporizers.
 1.         Mighty Vaporizer by Storz & Bickel (click here)
Mighty Vaporizer by Storz & Bickel is a top-of-the-line option for those seeking  high-quality. Mighty Vaporizer has a slim design with an ergonomic look. The device is also easy-to-use. It's made with materials like medical-grade stainless steel and heat-resistant plastic, ensuring durability and safety.
Heating system: Hybrid conduction and convection
Temperature range: 104-410°F (40-210°C)
Temperature control
Chamber capacity: 0.25 g
Battery: Dual lithium-ion, rechargeable
Long battery life
Auto     shut-off: Yes, after 2 minutes of inactivity
It's worth noting that some of these specifications may vary slightly depending on the version or edition of the Mighty Vaporizer. Additionally, Storz & Bickel may release updated models or versions of the Mighty Vaporizer with different specifications in the future.
 2.       Zeus Arsenal - Arc GTS Vaporiser (click here)
Zeus Arsenal Arc GTS is a premium vaporizer that's suitable for both dry herbs and concentrates vaping. It is a popular choice among many vaping enthusiasts who go for performance and style. It has an advanced heating system, precise temperature control, and a sleek design. The device is also made with high-quality materials, including anodized aluminium and gold plating, ensuring durability and safety during use.
Gold-coated heating chamber uses convection heating
Temperature range: 200-240°C (392-464°F)
Temperature control features
Battery: 3500 mAh, rechargeable
ArcPod Compatibility
Built-in ABV Tray
Auto     shut-off feature
 3.       Boundless - Tera Vaporizer (click here)
The Boundless Tera Vaporizer is famous for its quality and portability. It can be used for both dry herbs and concentrates. Boundless Tera Vaporizer has a powerful heating system, temperature control, and long battery life. One of its key features is a hybrid heating system, which combines convection and conduction heating methods, creating a smooth, flavorful vapor.
Temperature Control: 104-428 F // 40-220 C
Screen: Digital OLED screen
Battery Capacity: 2x18650 (removable)
Airflow: Redesigned mouthpiece produces bigger clouds with less     irritation
Auto shut-off
Long battery life
Heating system: Hybrid convection and conduction
USB     Charging
 4.       Airistech - Herbva 5G - Australia (click here)
The Airistech Herbva 5G is a compact and portable dry herb vaporizer designed for on-the-go use. It's known for its affordability, simplicity, and ease of use features, making it a popular choice for beginners' vapors. One of the main key features among many is its ceramic heating chamber, allowing for even heating of the herb and produces a smooth, flavorful vapor.
Fast USB charging
3 temperature settings
Temperature range: 375°F (191°C), 405°F (207°C), 435°F (224°C)
Led lights
Auto shut-off
Ceramic     heating chamber
 5.       Kingtons - Black Widow Dry Herb Vaporizer (Click here)
The Kingtons Black Widow is a compact and portable dry herb vaporizer. It's known for its affordability, sleek design, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for beginners' vapors or those who want a budget-friendly vaporizer option. Black Widow has a sleek and modern look and is made with high-quality materials, including anodized aluminium for durability and safety during use.
2200mAh Lithium battery
Ceramic heating chamber
Temperature control settings
Auto-shut off feature
Temperature range: 356°F-428°F
House of Vape: A Place for All Your Vaping Needs
At House of vape, we stock all your favourite vaping accessories & vaping gear including Australia’s best vaporizers. We have wide collection of your faovurite brands like Storz & Bickel, Airistech, Kingtons, Boundless, XMAX, Zeus Arsenal, and various others. Our expert team is always there to help you and making sure that your device is running smoothly. So what are you waiting for. Visit our website https://houseofvape.com.au/ and browse your favourite collection today.
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safelumincom · 2 years
More Meetings - B2B Appointment Setting
Cold calling is not something many people are comfortable doing. In this blog post, I’ll share the ways you can succeed in arranging B2B sales appointments during the Covid-19 pandemic fallout.
Arranging good B2B sales appointments is a tall task that most people despise, and it is particularly tricky when calling during the Covid-19 shutdown. You will hear responses like, “Don’t you know what is going on?” or “Now is not a good time to look at anything new.”
I will address this dilemma later on.
To do it right is to understand its basic principles and processes. First off, cold calling is not something many people are comfortable doing. Without proper training and the right mindset, an appointment setter can easily give up, and become frustrated. Being proficient at appointment setting requires far more than speaking on the phone and reciting a script. Below are some tips on how to arrange B2B sales appointments and build a pipeline for Q3 and Q4.
Tips, Tools, Structure, and Goals
1. Acquire the tools.
Carpenters need tools to perform their jobs, and the same holds for appointment setting.
You will need the following:
Quiet work environment, especially if working from home
Headsets are necessary for hands-free CRM recording and clear voice communication. Most decent headsets today offer a noise-canceling feature to lessen background sound.
Well-written scripts are essential. Keep them short and to the point. After all, you are intruding on someone during their workdays. Always ask permission to take the prospects time, and if you say, “May I have three minutes?”, keep it to three minutes.
CRM Systems for list management is necessary. Choose one with a click feature for easy and fast phone dialing.
Acquire new data from a reputable B2B list provider; avoid getting ripped off. (Discover.org is my personal favorite.)
Align with a VoIP Carrier and utilize a Softphone system. I recommend softphones for better integration with your PC. Softphones are a piece of software that allows the user to make telephone calls over the Internet via a computer. (Ring Central or Zoom offers this service.)
Lastly, you need to dial 200 to 300 calls per day, with the primary goal of arranging two to four qualified leads per week. Most inside sales people never crack 80 calls in a day.
2. Create structure.
Formulating a mindset creates structure. Whether you work from home or the office, dress professionally for work, especially when working from home. Wearing your PJ’s all day does not put you in the same professional mindset as the people you are calling.
Create a schedule and get to your desk on time.
Open all of your programs, being sure to check your calendar and email first.
Take five-minute breaks at least every 60-minutes, especially if you are sitting. Alternatively, utilize a standing desk, which allows you to take fewer breaks, with the bonus that you will feel less fatigued once you get used to using it.
Don’t be a clock watcher. Come in early and stay late periodically. The goal is to speak to a prospect at a convenient time. Between 5:00 PM and 5:45 PM can be an excellent time to dial. Admins go home, and the prospect’s day is over. People tend to be more relaxed.
3. Set goals.
Without goals and structure, your foray into B2B appointment setting will not be successful.
Track the gross number of phone calls and emails placed each day, including hangups and how many people you contacted. Use a recording device when possible, and review the phone calls that did not go well. Ask a colleague to critique the call or several calls to get a fresh perspective on your pitch and delivery.
Set personal goals, such as the number of outbound phone calls and the number of emails sent. Track your time in and out of the office. Without goals and a substantial time commitment, you will fail.
Lastly, arranging a qualified sales appointment is the goal. Strive for one meeting per day. People that average three to four qualified sales appointments each week are in an elite class. When you achieve numbers like this, you are bringing real value to your organization and management will take notice.
4. Calling During Covid-19
Calling into the enterprise during the Covid-19 shut down is awkward at best. Here are a few tips.
As mentioned earlier, the script is critical to your success. Build in a request to speak with someone once you have told the prospect your name, company name, and why you are calling. Simply ask to continue the conversation and set a time limit. Two or three minutes should be sufficient. If you are going over the agreed upon time limit, ask permission to continue. By asking permission, you are showing respect to the prospect, and it goes a long way.
Regarding Covid-19, you should mention that it is an awkward time to call, and simply acknowledge that many companies are not change-minded at the moment given the uncertainty of their future economic condition. Tell them that you want to lay a foundation for a future conversation in the next quarter and propose a short web meeting.
Often prospects will still decline to meet now. It is essential to ask when it would be convenient to call them back, or try and secure that web meeting a few months out. Getting on the calendar is half the battle. In the callback scenario, send them an email thanking them for their time and put a reminder in your schedule. Save that email, and you can forward it as a reminder of your original conversation when the time is right.
In closing, cold calling is not for everyone and not for every organization. Corporate inside sales teams require management and a fixed budget for salaries, benefits, and office space/equipment, with no guarantee of success. When inside sales teams do not produce, it can be a complete waste of money and can also create friction between marketing and sales.
Alternatively, companies often consider outsourcing the inside sales functions to performance-based companies with a proven track record.
MoreMeetings.com, in business since 2001, is a virtual inside sales force trusted by the nation’s most respected hardware and software companies. Its core services are appointment setting, lead nurturing, trade show qualification, and sales training. Why trust MoreMeetings? 72% of their initial sales meetings become funnel opportunities with next steps. For a fixed price, MoreMeetings guarantees a certain number of qualified appointments. Companies enjoy the flexibility and avoid high fixed cost and management overhead.
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Please feel free to visit us at: https://moremeetings.com/
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theassetsadvisors · 2 years
Real Estate Mailings - Get More Lapsed Real Estate Postings
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Each real estate specialist has utilized some type of real estate postcard promoting over the range of their vocation. However a considerable lot of these specialists squander great many dollars a year since they don't settle on brilliant conclusions about who to send their real estate mailings to and what the mailings ought to contain.
As a specialist for as far back as decade, I have earned enough to pay the bills by utilizing real estate mailings to produce terminated real estate postings. This article will make sense of how I get it done and how you can utilize real estate postcard showcasing to take down your opposition and rule your nearby market. The best part is, on the off chance that you utilize these means, you'll save huge number of dollars consistently on your mailings and sell a greater number of houses than you at any point have!
Stage 1: Focus on Your Real Estate Mailings
The greatest slip-up specialists make while beginning a showcasing effort is to make their location list excessively enormous. The normal reasoning among specialists is that the more individuals they mail to, the more business they will get. While this might be valid, barely any specialists know how to mail to a lot more modest rundown regardless create a similar measure of business. Throughout the long term, I have consistently decreased my mailing list size while emphatically expanding my income. Here are the stunts I use:
With uncommon exemption, I never again mail to whole areas (or "homestead"). All things considered, I target just lapsed real estate postings and those that have been removed from the market.
When I recognize the terminated and removed homes, I distinguish the homes I need to market to. On the off chance that a house is in a sluggish or discouraged region, I take them off my rundown. I just objective homes that have a high likelihood of selling. My insight into the market permits me to distinguish these homes rapidly, however a few homes I really want to do more research on. While this might require 5-10 minutes for every home, it will get a good deal on the real estate mailings (see underneath)
I filter every one of the lapsed real estate postings for the words "Short Deal." If the mortgage holder necessities to arrange a short deal with the bank, it is never worth my time or the expense to add them to my mission. It might appear to be drawn-out, however these means will recognize a rundown of homes in your market that merit your total consideration. Having an exceptionally designated rundown of one to 200 homes is undeniably more significant than having a rundown of thousands of houses that may not be hoping to sell.
Stage 2: Brilliant Real Estate Postcard Showcasing
Since you have invested the energy to investigate and recognize the removed and terminated real estate postings, you're prepared to out-showcase your opposition. Click over here property advisors Dubai
While the other specialists in your market will have burned through all of their cash sending one postcard to large number of individuals, you can now spend substantially less cash sending a few postcards to the little, designated list you've made. Here is a rundown of things I convey to my little rundown:
On the principal day the posting falls off of the market, I send a gigantic, full variety postcard to the property holder. This postcard should be large and great, on the grounds that the day the house is off the market, numerous specialists will send their solitary postcard to the home. Make yours stick out.
On the subsequent day, I send one more postcard to the home. This is generally a more modest, full variety 6 x 4 postcard. Make this postcard seem to be like your first (for example same logo, colors, and so forth). For my real estate postcard advertising effort, this postcard lets the mortgage holder know that I really need to sell their home and I won't ever surrender.
On the third day I send another enormous full variety postcard. It utilizes similar logo, colors and so forth, and expresses something with the impact of "See, I let you know I won't ever surrender."
After two days, they get another postcard inquiring "Don't you need to sell your home? Why haven't you called?" My opposition abandoned day two. I currently have 4 promoting pieces conveyed to this property holder. The mortgage holder knows who I am and they realize I need to sell their home.
The reaction to this mission is unimaginable and keeping in mind that I truly do spend the cash to send four, full variety postcards (and once in a while a fifth development), since I was brilliant about my rundown, I'm spending substantially less than my rivals and my real estate postcard showcasing efforts have an extraordinary pace of return!
Stage 3: Get a good deal on Your Real Estate Mailings
Assuming that you follow my means, you'll currently be saving a large number of dollars on your real estate promoting while at the same time getting more cash. This is the way to save significantly erring on your real estate postcard advertising:
Utilize online printers and utilize a coupon! Numerous web-based printers that give postcard printing offer advancements and limits.
Request your postcards in mass at the same time. I utilize similar postcards for each home, so I request all of my real estate postcard showcasing materials simultaneously. I request them without postage and have them sent to me. I then, at that point, print out names and fasten the postage myself for each mailing. Most providers provide limits for orders north of 500 pieces.
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kichuguu1 · 2 years
Money on paper: Paper Cups Production
Industrialization Now
where the money is?
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Start with less than 10,000$
Where the money is!
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New niche products and changing technology are opening up whole new manufacturing business ideas for startups. From meal kits to non-plastic packaging, consumer demand is creating exciting opportunities for enterprising manufacturers.
Before investing in a business, check out local demand for your production, typical pricing as well as competition to be sure that you can create a profitable business model. Your chances of success will increase if you can get one of your potential customers to act as a mentor who will help you fine-tune your business plan for your market.
Here I’m going to walk you through some brilliant and affordable ideas for making money really quick, with ROI less than 6- month if executed properly, get your hands dirty NOW, for more details never hesitate to contact the writer [email protected]
Money on papers!
Food-Kit Packaging (Bio-degradable packaging)
Branded Paper Cup (coffee cups)
Paper plates
Paper Straws
Napkins and Tissue paper
Paper bags
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Paper Cup Manufacturing
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Food and Drinks business ideas never go out of style as everybody needs to eat and drink, several times a day. That’s why starting a business centered on food can be a truly rewarding enterprise. Food cooked or raw need to be packed, and presented in a good clean way!. Here we will present simple business plan and insight for paper cup factory.
Machine needed
The paper cup forming machine passes automatic paper feeding, cup wall sealing, cup bottom punch and insert to cup wall ,bottom pre-heating, main heating, bottom knurling, top curling, discharging and collecting.It is an ideal equipment of making paper cups for hot or cold drinks (coffee, tea, ice cream, juice, beer, soup, food , snacks, etc).
click to see the video https://youtu.be/Eg2iK7R5h2c
Optimal output
For profitable business model, we recommend you look for machine output of at least 50,000 standard cups per day (that is 60 cups per minutes); price start at 6500 USD, you can start this business with 10K, that plus starting raw material and set up cost.
Raw material needed
Supported Cup Dimension:
Top Diameter: min 45--max 110mm
Bottom Diameter: min 35--max 80mm
Height: Minimum 40mm---Maximum 130mm
Simply saying a cup holds 3-12 oz (matter of fact you can make different sizes with different molds)
raw Material: 1. PE coated paper reel (For cup bottom)
2. Die cutting paper (For cup body)
For cold drink recommend to use PE coated paper for both cup body and bottom
The machine Dimension is 2500 by 12000 by 1400, pretty handy to fit in your extended backyard or a small godown facility, the machine use 4.5 KW of power at 3-phase power line.
Standard cup use 170-420 gsm, single or double PE coated paper, and please be noted for this proposal, you will need to buy “die cut” paper, already cut and printed for the cup body, the machine only weld the cup body to bottom.
Product Price: Standard paper cup: about 0.015$/Pc (minimized)
per day production: 50,000units (assume 5 gram per cup)
Sales per day : 1,000 USD
Material cost: 1500$ (DDP most major port) per ton (average cost for PE coated and uncoated)
material per day cost: 0.3 x 1500 = 450$ (maximized)
Production cost: assume 20% of sales = 200$ (Max)
Minimum Profit: 1000 - 450 -200 = 350 USD
That about 2,400 USD per week or 10,000USD per Month!
Learn more about this machine
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hazard-and-friends · 3 years
i see so many people turn up in forums and say “i’ve tried everything with my reactive dog, can i use an ecollar now??” and first of all, what were you doing, looking for an excuse?, but second of all, let’s talk about that “everything” and how you’ve “tried it”.
if we’re working with reactivity (vague), aggression (even more vague), barky-lungey (better!), or just plain frantic dogs, we’re working with a dog with HUGE FEELINGS. they might have huge feelings about other dogs, about people, about non-dog-non-human-animals, about the world at large, about cars, about bikes, whatever.
but all of this boils down to they don’t like their distance from some Thing, and they want to get far away (fear-based, some forms of defensive aggression) or get up close and personal (over excitement, the rest of defensive aggression, prey drive). (occasionally they want to get up close and personal in order to make sure that they can get far away, which is fear-aggression and it’s a bastard.)
so: big feelings, gotta move about it.
in very very short, when training dogs you can either work on their thinking brain (operant conditioning, cause-and-effect learning) or their emotional brain (classical conditioning, associative learning). when training BIG FEELING dogs, sure you can settle for operant conditioning and teaching them that despite their BIG FEELINGS, they’ve still got to behave in polite society and not sing the song of their people about the lab across the street. for some dogs, this is all you have to do, because if you smile you get happier, you teach your dog to behave in a relaxed manner, they become more relaxed.
except that won’t always work. i have ptsd and had a therapist tell me to be less scared of new situations, which went over like a lead balloon. some dogs are not capable of behaving in a relaxed manner until they are genuinely relaxed.
and all of this is just setting the stage for my actual point here which is: changing emotions? is a long fucking process.
if you come into a forum and say you’ve tried everything and you’ve had the dog for four fucking months, my response will be “how many methods did you try and how long did you try each method for” and if the answer is not “at least 3 weeks for each of them” i will tell you to go back and try again, do not pass go do not collect $200.
i say 3 weeks for 2 reasons.
1, because in humans it takes at least 3 weeks to make a new habit and longer than that to break old ones, so why the fuck would we cheat our dogs of that time? slow down and put in the goddamn work.
2, because 3 weeks is enough time for a trainer to get something done with you. the first session is establishing the foundations, clearing up your misconceptions about how learning happens, and generally making sure nobody will get hurt in the next week. the second session is where the trainer goes through their toolbox to find the best setup for this dog and this owner. and the third session is where they find out if it’s working and adapt. so if after all that, you are not seeing improvements, something needs to change. the method, the trainer, a vet consult, something. but 3 weeks is enough time to see change, and if the trainer can’t see it, it’s not there.
(a sidebar: i also heard about 3 weeks to see change in a separation anxiety forum, where separation anxiety trainers use it as the litmus test to refer for medication. that’s 3 weeks of training, each week has 5 sessions, each session is 20-30 minutes. 6 to 7.5 hours of training. something should change by this point, and if it’s not, and you’re following the subthreshold method, something is never going to change without pharmaceutical intervention.)
okay so: 3 weeks. if you just got the dog in [spins wheel] june, that’s 3 weeks to decompress. 3 weeks to try BAT 2.0. 3 weeks to try CAT. 3 weeks on click to calm. and 3 weeks to work on control unleashed. that’s 15 weeks since the dog came home, or a week from today, give or take. and that’s just the methods off the top of my head, i’ve got 2 or 3 more on my bookcase. you’re probably looking at 6 months of dedicated work (with a week or two for personal time), bare minimum. if you really want to do it right, add time between each method for decompression.
and if you’re going “but julis the dog BIT my NEIGHBOR’S KID I CAN’T HAVE THIS HAPPENING FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS” you’re right! you can’t!
put a muzzle on the dog (train it first, ideally). get a DO NOT PET vest (for the dog AND you). if the dog pulls you down, work through the anti-pull devices. rent sniffspots. go walking at 10 pm. drive into the woods to walk. do nosework in the backyard or closest grassy area (aka: scatter treats there). put a muzzle AND an anti-pull device AND a backup harness AND a chain leash if you’re really worried. get a (very very good) friend and have them get people out of the way for you. talk to a vet for medications earlier rather than later.
but these are all management, not training. training is slow. training is slow, and boring, and has these tiny amazing moments where you go HEY MY DOG JUST MET A HUMAN WITHOUT GROWLING and then realize that you sound absolutely insane to anyone else.
dog training doesn’t involve quick fixes. quit asking for them.
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