joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 months
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crayon shin-chan definitely took me out a bit but this was a nice episode
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samsi6 · 4 months
nur zwanzig meter
da geht es so weiter und
sicher auch so fort
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torri · 4 months
Chýbaš mi. Stále. Aj po roku. Sú dni, kedy menej. A sú dni, ako dnes.
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teaandmisanthropy · 4 months
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Tristana is all ears, 20.5.24
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My amazing and supportive pi sent me a pic of blue tit for inspo. Need to share alongside with my finally emerging metadata table ⭐
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kristies-mewis · 4 months
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[kmewis19 ig story] 20.5.24
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dailytextprompt · 4 months
Hidden agenda
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2o2a · 4 months
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letterswithumlauts · 4 months
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 months
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see now I'm caught up. Show's still not doing much for me but I think we've met all the girls by now and most of them are pretty cute so that's something.
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loveswear · 4 months
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20.5.24 - buenos aires scanner collage 02
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thedapperfrog · 4 months
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mmmmmhgggg yesss comlor
“Sower of Worlds”
chalk pastel and colored pencil on paper
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babyxk0alaxbear · 4 months
God you're pretty xx
Thank you so much 🥹🥹xx
20.5.24 9:20pm
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renklirenksizz · 4 months
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nightcall99 · 4 months
Soul writing from 20.5.24
Now what?
Fold the bread. Kneed and fold, kneed and fold. Let it rise.
I'm tired of your metaphors
I am you and that's what you wanted to know. It looks like the dough is decreasing in size when you fold it, but it's only to let it proof again, rise again until it's finally ready to bake.
Just let me leave
What if we said we're putting the bread into the oven?
I feel like I'm being tortured
That's generally how it is when the dough bakes and takes a different a form
What can I do?
It feels like the temperature and heat is real and it is, but what if you put a plastic bucket in the oven? It is destroyed. The specific ingredients in the dough, and in those amounts, and prepared in such a way, that is what is allowing it to form into a loaf of bread.
Whatever I'm going through is supposed to happen?
Curation. Alignment. The end of the path, the final product. Yes.
I can't help but think of the phrase 'one true home' and feel like it is a play on 'one true love'.
Because it is. The relationship you will have with this man and your life on the new earth, they are synonymous in their meaning, at least with regard to what you need to move through now, to get you to that place you have been longing for.
Okay so according to the dreams, why are there two men wanting to be in relationships with us? Are Clea and I going to have different boyfriends or what?
You're not ready to know yet.
I expected that. What we are waiting for? Why are we waiting around to leave? Sure the bread-baking but what is the energy of this process mean on a cognitive-level?
In this morning's dream, you were getting ready to leave but you pretended to not know what is going on even though the energy is available and is right there. It's being shown to you that this is the case.
But WHY, do I feel that this need to pretend to forget that I have the clothes? That I'm ready?
It has to do with the programming of the NPC and how it is stuck in a cycle of personality where it is used to keeping things going, holding things up, working, role-playing and being in the flow of the system.
Wow, that's actually spot on. Today was really showing me that against my will or lack of will, I am the same and always unchanging. And no matter what I say, do, think, I am helpless and constantly vulnerable to the game. I have nothing in me to push against the tide. So what you are saying is that I have aligned myself to an NPC that allows me to do this work but now that in this final part, it is unable to do carry it out?
Yes it has to do with memory and function. The NPC has been going on for so long at a certain pace and style that it is like we are having to re-wire the energy to move through and reach the mind, in a way we didn't anticipate. It's not resistance, which is when we are being primarily self-protective. In this case, it is more basic than that, and it its like it's hard for the body to register the key change in the music because it's so different.
Okay. And eating less helps with that? Like you're working on it right? It won't take long?
Yes eating and drinking less like you've been guided to do. We don't know how long it will take, we are taking it day by day but you are extraordinarily close. Many things are taking place on the fly, as is always the case. That part has never changed.
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codeinecrystals · 4 months
I’m eating easy mac for the first time since the halls, or maybe 2nd year. It reminds me so much of being that young - 18, 19, 20. It’s raining and there’s this familiar feeling of the coziness of the meal and being warm and bed, but it’s made me think about where I was then and where I am now.
It’s funny (or sad) that I almost don’t want to write this down, because I’d always get scared I’d write about something good to remember it, and then one day I’d read it back and be sad because the good things are gone. But I’m taking the risk this time because it’s so important I want to remember this feeling one day, even if it hurts.
I’m 27, one month away from 28. I’m nearly 12 weeks pregnant. I’m over a year engaged. I’m still renting and I still hate my body. I’m still anxious. But I don’t want to die anymore, I want to keep on living and I want it to keep going forever. I have lived enough to know that good things come and that the emptiness I felt for so many years will be a memory.
The easy mac still tastes as good as it did back then though
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