#20% sure one of my former irl friends did this
fang11803 · 2 years
Wouldn't it be funny if one day i just deleted all my accounts across the internet and then made all new accounts under a different username? Like, where'd she go? Lol i dunno!
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chuuyascumsock · 2 years
Hiya! Could you write some Akutagawa fluff? I swear this guy cold and stoic but when it comes to his S/O he sometimes enjoys to be pampered. He likes to feel his partner's warmth and light touch on his skin. Oneshot would be great. Ryu coming home to his love and seeing them sitting on couch already feels like home :] Thank you, I adore your work
Your Embrace Is Home
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Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Reader Drabble
A/N: I sure can do so! But I don’t really do Oneshots at the moment since my Oneshots are usually 2k+ words and I already have a few planned out. So here’s a Drabble (less than 1k word count) to soothe your troubles. Also, I’d like to note that I technically should not be doing this because I have a deal with an irl friend that I can’t simp (AT ALL, INCLUDING WRITING FANFICS) about any characters for $20 and a secret reveal at the end of this month so if any of you snitch on me it’s over for y’all lol.
Rarely did Akutagawa ever fail a mission, yet this one had been exceptionally hard with that weretiger getting in the way, Dazai by his side. Seeing the former mafia executive took a heavy toll on his emotional and mental state, leaving him feeling more exhausted than usual. It seemed to become more of a common occurrence with each passing week. They just didn’t know when to stop interfering.
Trudging into your apartment was like entering a safe space, unarguably, it felt like home more-so than his own place. A place he could lock him and yourself away from the world— the idea was comforting. That feeling of comfort only grew as your head lifted from your book a small smile on your face. The warm light from your fireplace created a soft glow against your skin.
“Hello, how was your— are you alright, Ryuu?” Your smile fell into a gentle look of concern as you noted just how tired and roughed-up he looked.
His lips pressed together, feeling too worn out to answer. Instead, he quietly coughed into his hand and deeply inhaled. It didn’t stop him from making his way around the couch to where you sat, your book now placed on the table stand next to you.
“Was it him again?” You gathered, cautiously wording your sentence.
The cushion next to you sunk as Akutagawa wordlessly confirmed your suspicions with a shaky exhale. He watched your fireplace crackle for a moment as you shifted closer to him. Unconsciously, Akutagawa began to lean into your touch, your warmth carrying over to him as he embraced you, limbs entangling messily.
You fell to your back against the arm of your couch, slightly taken off-guard by the shift in position, yet no complaints fell from your lips. Though he smelt of faint copper and the earthy ground, you melted further into his arms.
There was another heavy inhale and exhale from Akutagawa as his stiff limbs relaxed against you, his eyes screwing shut as he focused on your cleaner scent, wanting to wash the smell of blood and debris from his senses. To wash away the events from earlier that day.
A hand made its way into his slightly tangled hair, fingers curling and stretching to straighten them out as you hummed lightly, “Tough day, then?” You asked rhetorically.
Akutagawa watched through his lashes as the fire flickered back and forth, a content sigh leaving his nose, “Yes.”
A little taken aback by the response, you pushed past it and continued to run your hands through his hair, “Is this helping?”
“Yes,” He responded even quieter.
Taking in the noticeable lull in his tone, you stopped talking altogether and let the warmth of the fireplace and his body seep through your clothes.
With his eyes fluttering closed, Akutagawa felt a home in your embrace.
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bitchapalooza · 4 years
Hetalia actor AU(yes, inspired by the BNHA actor AU specifically)
• Alfred and Matthew are irl twins that got their start in acting as children. They both at first tried out for the roles of Northern and Southern Italy but they were seen to be better fits for the North American brothers. That and their Italian accents were not the best. No one cared they have an Italian uncle. Literally no one asked them. In fact their bad accents prompted the casting list to go more international faster than it already was. They both look exactly the same without the addition of the cowlick or ahoge so it's pretty good Matthew grew his hair out for this role. Otherwise they'd constantly have to correct everyone like they used to in the other shows they worked on.
• Arthur thought he was auditioning for the newest James Bond movie but turns out his agent tricked him. Arthur ended up liking it however and stayed. He managed to drag his son Peter in to audition for the role of Sealand, as Peter wanted to get into acting in something bigger than school plays. His character may be annoyed by his son's character but irl you can catch Arthur being a loving and caring father. Peter however is embarrassed to be around him, just as many kids are to their parents. Arthur is much more relaxed than the character he plays. And Peter isn't as annoying as Sealand is. He's actually always on his phone or doing homework when not working.
• Francis did not know a lick of English when he auditioned. He went into this blind. And yet he got the part after staying up 3 nights in a row beforehand listening to the Google translated script(from English to French and back) to memorize it that way. Presently he may be on par with a 10 year old's basic knowledge of English but that doesn't stop him from frequently speaking only French on set when no one else but Yao and half the writing staff understand him. He even only does his interviews in French because WHY put effort into a second language??? Y'all he's the epitome of lazy.
• Ivan is the prankster on set. He teams up with Kiku, Basch, Peter, Alfred, and Mathias very frequently to prank everyone else in the cast. He also purposefully messes up his lines when his character is being creepy. He'll say the weirdest shit while in the most intense scenes. During the magical pipe of pain scene, Ivan caused almost 20 retakes because he kept making bad innuendos causing everyone to lose their shit. He's the exact opposite of his character.
• Roderich really is a former pianist and former child actor coming back to acting because gosh he missed it. He's actually SUPER irresponsible with his money despite the character he plays. The first paycheck from the show he spent on a bulk of 200 rubber ducks just so he could set them up in his bedroom on his and his wife's 3rd anniversary. All for a chuckle. And to get a use out of them. That was an impulse buy. And he does not regret it. The scenes where Austria is playing the piano really is Roderich playing it, and he asks there to be almost no sound editing to those takes whatsoever. He's extremely forgetful so the staff has resorted to sticky noting his lines into the scene then green screening it out later. He's a good actor but someone help this man's poor memory.
• Timo basically already was Finland before ever auditioning. His friends already called him the dad of their group to begin with. He's a sweet guy and he bakes cookies and other sweets the night before just to bring them in to the set the next morning for not just the cast but the entire film crew too; he has two ovens for this and really knows how to speed bake. He just wants to make sure everyone's morning is as good as his own is. He's just a darling. Everyone is glad Berwald recommended Timo for the part of Finland and even happier that he got the role.
• Gilbert is a brunette with brown eyes irl so no one recognizes him without the white wig or red contacts. Fans meet him and are like "You remind me of that Prussia guy from Hetalia! You'd make a great cosplay of him!" and he just accepts it every time by this point. Every convention he goes to, every interview he does he is in costume. At least he isn't constantly bombarded by fans like Ludwig or Ivan are.
• Feliciano is a very mature and professional guy despite the bubbly and goofy character he plays. Feliciano does have his relaxed and fun moments though, learning to let go from his time acting as North Italy. He's a really pleasant guy to be friends with but it can be a little tough to break through his shell. He's kind of shy, different from North Italy's friendly nature.
• Lovino is a nice guy. He's kind but not super kind, but also not an asshole. He does a lot a Instagram live streams after episode recordings, mostly of him hanging out with the other actors. He and Feliciano get along well but Lovino tends to hang around Ludwig more because he feels so bad for how he screams at him and insults him on set, even though its purely for the show. He apologizes immediately after filming is finished.
• Ludwig is pretty orderly but he isn't exactly mature. He's the one to recite bad jokes and puns to everyone, his favorites being dad jokes. No one likes this. At all. He's a fun loving guy that everyone can get along with. He has fun acting. He's very grateful Gilbert pointed him in the direction of the auditions.
• Kiku is glad his very first acting gig will probably be one of his most successful and popular. He's freshly graduated from college and completely chaotic. He's got a degree in business he's never going to use. He collects weird Japanese products as well as gifting them to his coworkers every Christmas without fail. He once walked into Ivan's trailer and tossed a whole bag of hard boiled eggs at him and ran off. The eggs all had individual faces drawn onto them. Ivan still does not know why he did this and he's honestly too afraid to ask at this point.
• The actor for Chibitalia also plays chibi Romano! His name is Emilio and he's Lovino's nephew. Emilio is a sweetie that pretty much stole everyone's heart. He loves working on the show, especially when he gets to curse and not get in trouble for it.
• Holy Roman Empire's actor was originally a kid who had no prior experience in acting neither had he really been near a camera before. He ended up freezing up his first day. He was recasted by Ludwig's son Otto, especially since Otto had been around a film set dozens of times before. The dad jokes really escalated once Otto was brought on set....
This is all I'm going to do for now without the post getting too long. Plus I'm tired and have a headache. But I really wanted to get this out lol I spent 3 hours figuring this all out with a really bad glaucoma headache please at least appreciate this for my eyes' sake lmao
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historyy · 5 years
The Oxbridge Applications Masterlist✨✨✨
I’ve had a ton of people both online and irl ask me for this, so here it is. I’m sorry its a month or so later than I initially promised but I’ve been pretty busy. This is basically a breakdown of the application process, some advice, and my experiences as an applicant for History and Politics to Oxford in 2018-19; because of that its pretty Oxford / humanities specific. I was lucky enough to have some great resources available at school but applying for Oxford was still daunting, so I wanted to demystify it and give some advice. Hopefully you find it helpful!
Personal Statement
How you write it: 
My main advice with the PS is to get started early, because Oxbridge is early entry so you’ll have months less time than your friends. Do a first draft of your personal statement in summer Y12. Mine was pretty much done by September and it made that early deadline much easier to reach.
Keeping a list of everything relevant you’re doing will be useful when you come to write the PS, as well as for developing your ideas for interview. My list was split into Books, Academic Papers, Extracts, Documentaries, Podcasts, Lectures / Online Lectures, Other Publications, Courses, Newspapers, and Extracurriculars. I also had a list of my particular interests related to my subject. 
It will need lots of editing, but thats what teachers, friends, and former applicants are for! I edited so many personal statements for people in my year, because they knew I was a writer and thus good at cutting words and finding shorter ways to express.
With your first draft, write big. Go way over the character count and put everything you want to in it, then cut. A few tips for cutting: 
Don’t waffle on about irrelevant anecdotes 
‘Such as’ ‘like’ ‘indeed’ ‘including’ are useful but overused 
Rearranging sentence structure can cut lots of characters and make your syntax snappier. E.g I interviewed a civil servant which showed me… versus Interviewing a civil servant showed me…  
Semicolons will save your life.
It will hurt, but kill your Oxford commas 
You don’t need to give each author / source a bio, assume the reader knows their stuff, and you don’t need to use full names / titles 
What you write in it:
With the PS, a catchy opening is vital; you need to show why you’re interested in your subject and why you’re the right choice. Mine was:
The 2015 Leaders’ Debate sparked my interest in politics and the language surrounding it, when I realised I was focussed both on what the debaters were saying and how they were saying it.
The best advice I got is to treat your PS like you’re narrating your journey with your subject. Start with why you got into your subject, show what you did following on from that sparked interest, then how you built on that action, and so forth. You might want to map this out before you start writing. An example might look like this (this isn’t mine, but assume its for HistPol):
Saw an exhibition on Renaissance artists - interested in social and political context of the art - researched Italian city states focussing in on famed patrons of the arts who were politically eminent  - read Machiavelli’s The Prince as is based on Cesare Borgia - interested in other theories of rule and governed/govt relations - read Locke and Hobbes to compare later theories and the development of these ideas - entered an essay competition about the development of the state citing Locke’s ideas on the social contract
Then you build on this journey, talking about your reading and research. Cite specific papers / books / articles you’ve read, and engage with them. Did you agree with everything they said? Or not? How do they link to other things you’ve read? For example, I wrote:
D’Ancona’s ‘Post-Truth’ with its discussion of disinformation and the collapse in trust also influenced me, though I disagreed with his assertion that the post-truth era only began five years ago (Orwell springs to mind).
Don’t just name drop books etc, actually engage with them, or you might as well not have read them.
In terms of what to include, Oxbridge don’t give a damn if you do Grade 5 piano or were the lead on your ballet show; you should focus your PS on the subject you’re applying for. When I mentioned extracurriculars it was in relation to the subject; I was editor of the school magazine, and I interviewed a senior civil servant on Brexit’s impact for it, increasing my understanding of current affairs and I gave a presentation on sexuality in the Weimar Republic at our LGBT society, exploring oft forgotten facets of history.  
I would suggest that only 10% of your PS should be about extracurriculars, and even those should be related to your subject, or linked to transferable skills.
You should end your PS with a brief concluding statement or paragraph which summarises why you want to study your subject.
Aptitude Tests 
I did the HAT so this is skewed towards that, but other tests are similar.
The aptitude tests are stressful but formulaic, so once you’ve worked out the formula and done as many practices as you can, you should be fine. You don’t need to get a high mark, only pass the benchmark to secure an interview, so it won’t be perfect. No one gets full marks; I think the benchmark for the HAT was 60% last year. 
My main advice on the tests is to go to all the sessions on them with your teachers that you can, and if your teachers don’t offer sessions ask them to hold some, or find a former applicant. Do lots of practices, starting not in timed conditions and work up doing them in time. Talk through your completed papers in detail with your teachers. If there are other applicants doing the same test, talk with them — orally write the essay together and bounce ideas off one another. 
Learn how to pull together an argument in a way which will grab the reader’s attention and show that you’re interested and engaged, and that you think outside the box and are different to the other candidates. For example in our HAT, the source was on a 16C woman’s relations with her servants, and I talked about her household as a microcosm of a class stratified and hierarchical society with moral expectations of servitude.
Basically, its an exam paper, treat it as such! 
The interview is, on the whole, more important than the PS. If you’re lucky enough to get one it means you’ve already done better than most people. I found the experience to be a mix of absolutely terrifying and weirdly enjoyable. 
I had two interviews, one for History and one for Politics, but you can be called to interview at other colleges. I know someone who had six…
The interview is basically like a tutorial will be if you get in, and there are different types (this is a bit humanities specific, sorry). You can get asked about your PS and reference, though this is rare. Extract interviews are common, for my Politics I was given an extract about citizenship. You can also get asked about your submitted work, as I was for History. 
In terms of prep, make sure you’re familiar with your submitted work and PS, as well as all the stuff you say you’ve done in your PS and your reference. You can get asked about any of it. Bring copies of these and your reading notes with you to interview so you’re familiar with them. Also look into some other key concepts of your subject, for example I looked at a lot of historiography, and in the interview talked about the concept of history as teleology and how I disagree with it. I think I was actually asked if I agreed with the Idea of Progress, having read on that a lot I felt equipped to answer it. 
Do as many practice interviews as you can. I got lucky as we had teachers who could do these, and I also did one at my sister’s school. However even if you don’t have that access, ask a friend, parent, teacher, a previous applicant, or even someone online. Even just talking about your subject helps. On the flip side of all this, don’t do so much prep your answers are stale and formulaic, you need to show you’re thinking on your feet. 
Both my interviews were only 20-25 minutes. My Politics interview was really chill, I had an hour reading time before in which I made notes on an extract and basically wrote a script for myself. The questions I was asked were actually given to me in this time so I had lots of material to work with. The man was really nice as well, and I enjoyed the experience. In contrast my History one was a disaster and I felt like I was being interrogated by the two women the whole time, though they were nice.
Don’t be scared if you screw up, in my History interview on my Tudors essay on Tudor parliamentary changes (which I’d been studying only 2 months), my interviewer was an expert on Tudor parliament, writing a book on the subject. This one question about groups of people represented strongly in parliament really threw me, and I went through three answers before I found the right one (lawyers). At another question I blanked for thirty seconds before speaking. I came out in tears and was certain I’d failed, but clearly I did okay…
General advice
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Go chat to that scary teacher who told you your essay was too journalistic and not historical enough and just because you want to be a journalist you can’t write like one in academia (personal experience? me?). Ask them for advice and just talk to them about the subject! 
Leading on to: JUST TALK ABOUT THE SUBJECT. Talking nonstop about History and Politics helped me know my interests inside out and it gave me a way to develop my speaking skills as well as my love for my subject.
Also, read. JSTOR is your bff for academic articles and Niche Stuff here, but you can find plenty of good books at libraries and shops. The A Very Short Introduction series is amazing for this, as they’re all really short and written by Oxbridge academics, I read tons of them. You can even just dip into longer books or collections of articles. 
Keep asking yourself And so? — take your ideas further. This was my History teacher’s advice for essays, but it works for PS, tests, interviews, and general critical thinking. 
For example in the HAT (I’m making up this example, it might have asked you what you could learn about social norms of a time from a source): You could say: The woman bosses her servants around but is subordinate to her husband so we can learn about gender and social roles. Or you could say: The woman commands her servants, yet remains servile to her husband, indicating the prevalence of hierarchical gender and class relations in the society of the time; her role as wife is clearly interlinked with her position as ‘head of the household’, which she is unpaid for. Viewing this through the lens of feminist theory, one can infer that an unequal sexual division of labour exists in this society, and women’s contributions to society are not appreciated, as when the husband ‘dismisses’ his wife. While her command of the servants shows she is elevated by her ‘great wealth’, her subordination to her husband suggests that a woman in this society was unable to further her position as easily as a man could. 
Don’t fret about choosing a college on the form, 1/3 of people (including me) get pooled. 
And finally, don’t set your heart on Oxbridge. They’re by no means the only good universities out there, and they’re not for everyone. If you’re not enjoying the research for the PS, or are finding the aptitude tests unbearable and the interview style uncomfortable, it might not be for you. But if you do decide to apply, good luck!✨
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connixkaydelko · 4 years
8 & 20
Apologies in advance. My second reply got really long winded and I suddenly couldn’t think of any bothersome things...and I know there are some.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
bullying / gossip - pretty self-explanatory
the way female muses are treated ( OC or canon ) - ignored or thrown to the side
how popular passive replies/threads are 
20. Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
Okay I have two stories for you. I won’t super detail but I was very uncomfortable.
When I was really young I was RPing on YIM ( Yahoo! Instant Messenger for those who have no idea what I am talking about ) and had many friends from a group rp that started in a chat room ( back when you could still make your own ). It was nice for a while but I was one of the youngest ones. They all told me my writing was so good and complimented me on things. So as things do, that RP eventually fell apart with people not signing on anymore but we’d still chat individually and start threads with each other etc. Well I was only in middle school at this point and one of them was an older male and he did try and talk about RPing sex between our characters. I told him a now really silly reason for them not having it ( silly because I did not understand human anatomy and my muse was pregnant and I thought having sex might hurt the baby that late in the pregnancy?? ) but also I wasn’t comfortable with it. It was mildly flattering to me back then at that moment because they were always telling me how mature I seemed with my writing. Eventually I ended up just not signing in anymore. My other female friend from that RP group was about my age as well and I am 90% sure it also happened to her.
So that happened.
Then maybe 7 years ago I joined a verse with some independent blogs and we created some OCs for it and came up with a whole plot etc and were writing it out and made a k!k group ( and wow does that also make me feel old to say in RP time. K!k. So long ago. I forgot it existed. ) But we had a group and our generic plot points we wanted to hit and all got along fabulously. So one night I went to sleep as a lot of the others were talking and when I woke up I found out that my muse is now abandoned so that the now former love interest could get married to and start bedding a minor. ( The other members also did not like this and we ended up disbanding less than a month later. ) But I woke up to them writing all sorts of implied things on my dash and my character just dropped like a hot potato. They literally wrote on a thread I’d had going with them that the guy left her a note on her bed while she was sleeping breaking up and left to go back to their home city. ( they were out of town ) My character already had abandonment issues so that sucked for her. But then IRL I started having really bad ( really i should just say intensified ) panic attacks and depression and it affected my school work and got me in trouble with one of my professors who thought it was all stupid and I should just ignore it. But it actually still makes me weary of some group things. That one wasn’t necessarily me writing but they definitely were a large part of the reason for my quitting tumblr for six months. 
I don’t know if any of that made sense but yes. Yes I have felt pressured into writing something I wasn’t comfortable with. ( There was also one time the other RPer didn’t like my character so instead of saying no to writing with me they decided to write with me and basically emotionally abuse my character. )
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wallsalbum · 5 years
all the even ones
oof sarah puttin me to work!! i love it :,) nd i love u!!
2. talk about the girl who made you realise you liked girls
oh my. i don’t know if there was one specific girl. but i think i realized it in like 4th grade and decided “that’s a problem for another day” and then it resurfaced in like 8th grade and i decided nope not yet and finally. sophomore year i accepted i really did like girls and i fell in love. i fell in love hard. and we dated for about 2 years. and she eventually broke my heart. but god did she make me smile. i think i’ll always love her. she was my best friend first and when we broke up it felt like my whole world fell apart.
4. do you have a crush at the moment?
hmm not really. couple girls i find cute but i’m not actively pining for anyone
6. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
usually more feminine! i’m lowkey a lipstick lesbian but i’m also not super strict with a type. i usually just like the girls i like nd fall more for personality :)
8. what’s your gaydar like?
on a scale of 1-10,,, i’d put it at like a 7 so not the best but pretty good
10. intimidating girls or kind girls?
kind girls 100%!!! i fall in love with personalities for sure
12. do you have an ideal ‘type’? what would they be like?
sporty but feminine, funny, caring, closeish to my height but preferably slightly taller, i have a thing for brown eyes and dark hair, and i’m a sucker for woc almost none of my exes have been white (is that racist? im not trying to be racist)
14. what’s your favourite personality trait for a girl to have?
is sporty a personality trait? bc i almost always fall for other athletes. if not then i’d say good listener
16. do you have any friends who are wlw?
so many! included a whole gc of em in the yeehawlw 🥺 irl, i only have a couple but i appreciate em
18. do you like the lesbian flag?
kinda,,, i hate the color orange but otherwise i like the flag!!
20. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
hmmm probably santana lopez from glee
22. who’s your favourite openly wlw celebrity?
either kehlani or halsey!!!
24. who was the first person you came out to (if you have)?
my former best friend who i then dated for two years (see aforementioned ex)
26. have you found a community of lgbt+ people?
online, yes. in person, no :(
28. do you identify with butch/femme labels?
i’d say i’m definitely more femme leaning but i don’t think either fully capture me
30. what experiences are you looking forward to having in the future (kissing a girl, going to pride, etc)?
oof all of the above! but really i can’t wait to marry the girl of my dreams and raise a child and just be happy :)
send me wlw asks 🌈💖
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hopeful-starship · 6 years
Welcome to the 1st installment of “Chloé finds cool ask lists and answers them despite nobody asking”! This one is courtesy of @bgbygirl, go check them out!
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?  Heck yeah i do. I haven’t found mine yet, but he’ll come around. I believe it.
💌- diary or journal? I’d rather journal! I sometimes just write out my feelings on loose paper when i feel bad, but i’ve rarely kept a diary for more than two weeks.
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most? Holy WOW this is difficult. I’m a mix of chunks from a lot of characters, but i feel like i’m the closest to Cath from Fangirl (a wonderful book by Rainbow Rowell, which i highly recommend you check out).
💕- are you crushing on someone? I was literally three days ago (you’ll know if you follow my crush chronicles tag - which you probably don’t because it’s not that interesting), but i’m thankfully getting over it. I love boys and i love crushing, but he wasn’t good for me - at least not in a romantic setting.
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain? I’d say rain. If i’m kissing a boy, i probably find him handsome, and i want to be able to see him. 
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis I’m on my laptop so i can’t use emojis, but i’d say my aesthetic as a mix of “80s rock dad”, “horny on main” and “pastel cinnamon roll”. It’s a weird mix. 
🍼- what is your favorite memory? The 2nd time i met Captain America in Disneyland Paris this summer. I went to shake his hand (because the 1st one did that) and he said “no, i’ll hug you if that’s okay”, and that was THE CUTEST SHIT. I blog a lot about Bohemian Rhapsody at the moment, but i love the Avengers A LOT, and Steve is my favorite, so that was very special.
🌸- what is your favorite flower? Not orchids, surprisingly! I like them, but i like how the word sounds more than i like the flower itself. Is lavender a flower? I’m going to say it is. Lavender is my favorite flower.
💖- have you ever been in love? I’ve said i was in love a couple times in the past, but looking back, i don’t think i was. I was very fond of them, but i don’t think i was -in love-.
🍰- strawberry or vanilla? Strawberry! (Side not: i’m realising i changed a lot over the past few months, because the answer’s been vanilla my whole life)
🍯- describe your favorite smell I have two, and they’re extremely unrelated lol. The first one is speculoos cookies being baked, and the second one is that generic boy perfume smell (my friends say that doesn’t exist and i’m crazy, but i know what i’m talking about and i hope you do too)
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be? I generally have trouble with this question. The first thing that came to my mind was: i wish i could be sure everyone i love knows i love them, and i wish i wouldn’t constantly doubt they love me back.
🍪- cookie dough or cookies? Cookie dough. Cookie dough always. Any day of the week. I love cookies, but cookie dough is my favorite thing.
☕- coffee or tea? Neither! I don’t like hot drinks!
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies? I’m fascinated by the ocean, so give me those mermaids any day!
🍂- what’s your middle name? My middle name is Jeanne! It was apparently two of my great-grandmothers’ name.
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign? I had no idea what this meant, so i googled it and apparently my sun sign is Pisces, my moon sign is Taurus and my rising sign is Leo! Which apparently means i’m affectionate and emotional (very true), like to be praised and appreciated (also true), and am even-tempered and calm (not so true).
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days? I love sitting/lying next to a window and listening to the rain fall while reading or writing!
🍭- how tall are you? I’m 6′2! (188 centimetres) (basically a fuckin giant)
💒- which show would you want to live in? I know the question probably means TV show, but i’m twisting it around and understanding musical, because damn i love theatre. My answer is Mamma Mia. OF COURSE IT IS. I want to spend my days dancing around a greek island and singing Abba songs at handsome dudes. (this might be a later question, but spoiler: Mamma Mia is my favorite movie)
🎄- what is your favorite holiday? Christmas! I fuckin love Christmas! I’m currently sitting in my Christmas pyjamas (yes, on November 17th, leave me alone)
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite? I’ve never had any candles (my mum thinks they’re too dangerous), but i generally like those that smell like cinnamon and apples.
🎶- favorite song right now? You may have noticed i have a bit of an obsession with Bohemian Rhapsody. My current favorite song is It’s Late by Queen, which i discovered when i was extensively researching their discography after seeing the movie. Oh my wooorld, that guitar riff gets me railing.
💘- 3 ways to win your heart? 1) Sing/play any instrument ever 2) Be kind 3) Have a lot of hair The truth is, if you’re a guy and you’re (even remotely) kind and attractive, i’ll fall in love with you, even if it’s for 20 minutes.
🍩- current mood? A bit weird, if i’m honest. I’m generally good, but it feels like the sword of Damocles is hanging over my head and a depressive episode is threatening to drop on me.
❄️- what is your favorite season? This is a difficult question for me, there are things i love and things i dislike about every season! But i’ll say spring, because i can go out without a jacket, but it’s not too warm yet.
💍- your current relationship status? Married to Gwilym Lee (jk lol, i’m single as all hell - someone date me please, i’m so alone)
📷- a photo of yourself
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Here, have this picture of me being a Captain America fangirl in Disneyland Paris (i’m going back in three days and the excitement is UNREAL)
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled? OH NO. I’m not one of those who can’t accept a gift, but i can’t help but wonder what i did to deserve it and stress about it.
🕊️- 3 habits you have? 1) Arriving at college at least 30 minutes before my class starts and sitting on the floor outside of the classroom, reading or watching videos 2) Dancing a bit too enthusiastically at bus stops 3) Skipping class when i feel overwhelmed and hiding in the library/in a café with something to eat and something to drink, and watching a heckton of videos in hopes of making myself feel better
🦄- how do you perceive yourself? Well it depends on how i feel when you ask the question - but generally, i think i’m a rather good person, or at least i try my best to be. I’m as kind as possible. It’s going sound conceited, but i’m a bit too smart for my own good - which means i overthink everything and end up in a state of existential crisis 9 times out of 10. Physically, i’m mostly ok with how i look - although it sure would be nice if i could find ONE guy who thinks i’m alright too.
🦋- how do you think others perceive you? I’m not answering this question, because i don’t want to end up in aforementioned state of existential crisis. Feel free to tell me how you perceive me though, i’m interested!
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys I’ll answer for guys, since they’re what i’m attracted to! Smile is something super important for me. I love hair, especially when they’ve got a lot of it (hello Brian May). And i seem to have a thing for cowboys and guitarists. (...again, hello Brian May)
🍓- one secret about yourself The main reason i obsess over “celebrities” (and even daydream about being with them) is because it’s easier than falling for guys i know irl and getting rejected.
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush? Like a FUCKIN IDIOT. During the first week i had a “thing” for my former crush, i couldn’t speak to him without stumbling on my words, and i almost fell on him on the tram. I can’t function properly when i like someone.
💔- the reason behind your last breakup? I’ve never been with anyone, so i’ve never had a breakup; so i’ll tell the reason behind my last rejection. Thankfully it didn’t hurt too much, he was in love with one of my friends and she loved him back, and i just knew they’d be good for each other. So just before they got together, we talked it out, just to clear the air, and so he knew that i wasn’t fully in love, i just liked him because he was cute and kind, that of course i wouldn’t do anything to interfere with their relationship, and that i really wanted us to stay friends. He was an absolute peach and he’s one of my best friends today!
💬- what your last text message says? It’s two heart emojis! (to a friend, don’t imagine any boys are talking to me)
🎥- what show are you currently binging on? I’m not watching any show at the moment, i’m trying to catch up on my Watch later Youtube playlist! But i did have half a Harry Potter marathon with a friend this weekend.
⛅- what is your morning routine? Brush my hair, tie it up in a ponytail (or a bun if it’s really greasy woops), wash my face, shower, dress, pack my bag, have breakfast, fiddle on my phone if i have extra time, go!
💗- who do you miss? I miss my friend Antoine. I know we’ve seen the best of each other, but sometimes i just miss the guy he was when i was 15.
🥀- last time you cried? Wednesday afternoon! While, you guessed it, watching Bohemian Rhapsody. It’s been 4 times, but i still cry a lot.
🎁- when is your birthday? March 3rd!
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience? I try to steer clear of anything even remotely scary or creepy, i hate that kind of stuff.
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you? I really don’t care as long as the connection’s there, but life has shown that i get along better with people that are a bit older than me!
🎀- any question you want I’m going to make this question into “where do you hope to be in three years?” because i think it’s interesting. If my plans don’t change, i’ll be in Brighton, taking another degree which i’ll hopefully enjoy this time. Which means i’ll have my own flat again - i hope it’s somewhat near the sea, so i can go quite often. I also hope i made friends that are on the same wavelength as i am, and who knows, maybe even found a good guy?
If you read this whole ordeal, thank you so much lol! That was really fun! I hope you have a nice day!
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greekprodigies · 6 years
Why Shows Like Insatiable Are So Toxic, Despite Their Intentions
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As a teenage girl who has only recently grown out of watching Disney Channel, it was safe to say I was intrigued when Netflix released the teaser trailer for their new 12-episode series Insatiable, starring Debbie Ryan, who played the title character of Disney’s Jessie for four seasons. It was a 30-second clip of Debbie Ryan in a hot pink dress, walking down a junk food aisle at a colorful grocery store, smashing everything on the shelves with a sledgehammer. Ryan’s voiceover says, “I’ve heard stories of girls who grew up happy and well-adjusted. This is not that story.” My first thoughts were, based solely on this teaser, that the main character seemed to be the villain, or at least a girl with a grudge. And, based off of this girl’s seemingly bad relationship with food, I also figured it would portray fat shaming in a way that most popular television shows don’t. I was hoping that Netflix would take their power over the teenage demographic and show a perspective that strayed away from the (respectable and still necessary) insecure overweight character still coming to terms with her own body (i.e. Kate from This Is Us or Rachel from My Mad Fat Diary). A perspective that I, an overweight high school senior who has already been through the ringer of despising my fatness, could relate to.
It’s obvious, in retrospect, that I was thinking way too deeply into a vague half-minute teaser video. I had gotten my hopes up. Those hopes were soon diminished when the official trailer was released
The video starts off with Debbie Ryan in a fat suit (I’ll get to why that is so grossly offensive later), introducing herself as Patty and showing her constant struggle as a victim of bullying and fat shaming at her high school. Her classmates (who seem to all be thin) call her “Fatty Patty”, and go so far as to spray paint it on her locker. Irene Choi, who plays Patty’s cruelest offender, is shown shouting “Porky! Butterball!” through a megaphone in the cafeteria, pointing to the main character. Then, after what seems to be a fight over a chocolate bar with a homeless man, Patty is punched in the face. Her voice-over tells us, “Having my jaw wired shut lost me more than just my summer vacation.”
Enter Patty 2.0. She’s the sparkling image of every chubby girl’s dream weight after she watches a show like this and vows to cut off carbs. No stretch marks, no cellulite, nothing that reflects what somebody’s body actually looks like after losing a large amount of weight in such a short period of time. The trailer escalates to a montage style of clips of Patty slapping, punching, and even pouring liquor onto some of her classmates before lighting a match.
It feels like a fantasy that’s trying to be relatable. That’s telling us that every bullied teenager, who’s frontal lobe isn’t developed enough to have a lot of perspective, craves revenge from their tormentors. And it’s easy for this narrative to be confused as a realistic depiction of the experience of being a teenage bullying victim. It’s even in the news, shown in the series of article published about domestic terrorist Nikolas Cruz revealing him being an orphan and being described as an “outcast” in interviews following the Parkland shooting. Sure, Insatiable’s revenge plot is meant to be satirical the same way Dexter (which Lauren Gussis, the writer and executive producer of this show, also worked on) is, but because it’s set in a high school during modern day, Patty (possibly, based on what’s shown in the trailer) killing her classmates hits a softer spot.
In the Teen Vogue article that was released with the trailer, Gussis explains how she “felt it was important to look at [bullying] head on and talk about it.” But it’s hard to look at bullying head-on when its changed so drastically over a span of 20 years. It’s past mean nicknames and cruel but clever comments said as two characters pass in a hallway. And more recently, it’s past cyberbullying. Or, at least, the way adults view cyberbullying based off of tone-deaf shows like Glee and dramatized TV movies like Cyberbully (which stars not one, but two former Disney Channel actresses). I’ve never met a high school student who got called a slut or gay 200 times in the comment section of a Facebook post. And, if I am completely wrong due to the fact that I’ve grown up during the social media transition from Facebook to Instagram and Snapchat, that form of bullying died when the Facebook phenomenon did. It is a subtler conversation than the beautiful cool kids versus the ugly losers.The solution is simple: If you’re going to make a show based off of your experiences of bullying in the 80’s, 90’s or even early 2000’s, make the show take place during those decades. Colliding old stereotypes to a character who exists in 2018 is unrealistic and humiliating.
Intention wise, Insatiable can be easily compared to another controversial Netflix original series, 13 Reasons Why. In the warning videos that are shown before watching, the stars of the show say, “By shedding a light on these difficult topics, we hope our show can help viewers start a conversation. But if you struggling with these issues yourself, this series may not be right for you, or you may want to watch it with a trusted adult,” And this message perfectly conveys a show that’s purpose seems heartfelt but is ultimately clueless. Here we have a television program that is produced by a bunch of 30 year olds, where people in their 20’s play high school students (yes, everyone who plays a teenager in 13RW are actually in their 20’s), pretending to understand what it’s like to be a teenager as if the dynamic between young people and mental illness hasn’t changed immensely in just the past couple of years. Just in five, the use of memes and irony has shifted from simply making fun of something, to helping us cope with the fact that our world is on fire. Everybody is laughing at the jokes about depression because, since the rise of social media and the quantification of how many people like us, we all feel depressed. Suicide, though tragic, has now been boiled down to kids saying they want to kill themselves when they have too much homework. We have an education system that teaches us about the anatomy of sex but never teaches us what questions need to be asked about consent during our sexual experiences. So making a show to start a conversation about depression, suicide, and sexual assault that warns it’s targeted audience (who are constantly surrounded by these topics) that the show might not be right for them is simply irresponsible.
But, if I can counteract what I just said, 13 Reasons Why horrifically also is the only show I’ve seen that has the most correct articulation of modern bullying. That’s not to say that anything else with the show is correct, because it’s not. Perhaps what is so wrong about 13RW is that, because they focus so much on the bullying aspect of high school, it provides a direct correlation between bullying and suicide. Well, that, and the graphic/triggering suicide and sexual assault scenes that were used for shock value. Nevertheless, Hannah Baker doesn’t go home and find a bunch of Instagram DMs of her classmates called her a whore. Any secrets that Hannah’s offenders had regarding what could have led her to kill herself were events that happened IRL. And they were just that: Secrets. Because the bullies were ashamed of what they had done. Even before Hannah committed suicide, Jessica Davis didn’t just go around telling people she slapped her ex-best friend because she thought she had betrayed her.
With Insatiable, it seems like everybody in this fictional high school (except for Patty’s best friend and maybe even a popular girl with a heart of gold) is insanely okay with harassing a girl just because of her appearance. It’s insulting, both as a fat girl and an observer of modern bullying. There isn’t one school in the country where 99% of its students just allow this sort of cruelty. Because we have perspectives and opinions that (surprise!) aren’t always swayed by whatever Instagram model is trending right now. Just because Emma Chamberlain is successful and skinny, doesn’t mean that we’re brainwashed to only make skinny people successful. I’m not saying that there isn’t an institutional privilege that skinny girls have, and have always had when it comes to social acceptance. Because they do. But there’s a gray area where most people stand when it comes to issues as new and contentious as body positivity, and Insatiable is ignoring it. You don’t have to be a body-posi activist to know that making somebody feel like shit because of their weight is wrong. And I hope this show can have a character that, without having any relation to Patty, recognizes that what these bullies are doing is outrageous.
After we recognize that the intention of these shows is ultimately flawed, we can then try to take a step forward and look at the impact. 13 Reasons Why, after being loudly criticized by suicide prevention experts, broke virtually every rule of portraying suicide. And as a result, a study shows that searches such as “how to commit suicide”, “suicide hotline number” and “teen suicide” were elevated after the show’s release. The time period for the search ended on April 18th of that year after NFL player Aaron Hernandez committed suicide, which could have influenced data. And any searches related to the movie Suicide Squad were discounted. Sure, the show had increased suicide awareness, but it also unintentionally increased suicide rationalization. And I fear that Insatiable may be on the same path. Regardless of the revenge plot or the bullying, there is still a skinny actress in a fat suit portraying a fat character who only eats, sits on the couch, and feels bad about herself. Then, after a summer of not being able to eat, returns to high school skinny and composed.
Firstly, the use of a fat suit is sickly but overall not surprising. In a world where blackface and yellowface in Hollywood has only just become unacceptable, fat suits seem more defendable for skinny people who don’t understand that there are a plethora of plus size actors who could have played Fatty Patty just as well (and most likely better) than Debby Ryan with pillows stuffed up her shirt. Perhaps the show could have avoided being so oblivious to its fat-shaming storyline if they had an actual fat person weighing in on it.
Secondly, there is the characterization of fat people as losers who do nothing but eat and watch TV. If there were a time and place for these characters to exist, it is definitely not now, where the call for diversity in Hollywood is louder than ever. Plus, we’ve already seen these people before. And it’s the same plot every time. They are only created to provide a funny prequel to a supposedly more stable version of the character. “Fat Monica” from Friends and “Fat Schmidt” from New Girl show a universe where plus size people can’t be taken seriously until they shed the pounds. When in reality, fat men and women are perfectly capable of being successful in their professional and romantic lives. Ironically enough, another New Girl character comes to mind when I think of plus size characters being accurately portrayed: Emily. She’s Schmidt’s ex-girlfriend from college, who dated him when he was her “Big Guy”. After Schmidt reminisces about losing his virginity to her, she resurfaces into his life as a confident woman who goes on dates and isn’t ashamed of who she is. There even seems to be a layer to her character showing that there had been a time where she was insecure about herself and her body but has overcome them. This is an example of a healthy goal for young girls and boys who are self-conscious of their body. Not Debby Ryan’s character, who only gains confidence after losing an obscene amount of weight.
It may actually be the casting of Debby Ryan that could cause a rise in body dysmorphia in young people from watching this show. Since her face is plastered on every poster, teaser and trailer for the show, Disney Channel fans, and former fans might watch simply because she’s cast as the lead role. It’s certainly what sparked my interest in the show. And since Disney Channel’s demographic has gotten younger and younger, there’s a generation that will watch this show and not see it as fat shaming, but a way to become the person they’ve always wanted to be. Skinny, beautiful and confident while simultaneously making all of their classmates' jaws drop as they walk down the hallway. But Patty doesn’t lose weight healthily, she literally could not eat solid food. Depending on how the show addresses this, it is a possible glorification of anorexia. Just like 13 Reasons Why glorified and romanticized depression. But two wrongs don’t make a right, and anorexia and depression can not make anybody beautifully broken.
To make things clear, I am not telling you to not watch this show. And based off of the 100,000 signatures (and counting) on a petition for the show’s cancellation, none of us may even get to. But speaking as a person who fits into all of these groups, Insatiable gets everything wrong about being a high schooler, a teenage girl, and a fat person.
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springvaletales · 3 years
((Session eight is wrapped!))
Tem the Great is the new party favorite, and the party is already discussing custody arrangements behind his back.
After August and Baglby both roll below a 10 on Perception: “You notice that Tem’s tail sticks out through a hole in his robes. Occasionally, it wags.”
Ena, played by my IRL best friend, is the literal definition of “chaotic”, and I’m not sure if I’m scared or amused by the realization that there will be no predicting her.
Baglby’s player convinced Ena not to attack the evil NPC after he cast a particular spell to get away. I did not plan for this NPC to be that far out of the party’s league, but if they believe he is, I won’t tell them otherwise.
A mysterious, possibly evil NPC has been met, threatened, and not-intimidated. The party immediately assumed it was Vashael’s brother, Crown Prince Kemat. This was never brought up again.
Thiori, after rolling a natural one to try and remember the man’s eye color: “I’m pretty sure he has eyes.”
Baglby, after discovering that Tem can’t summon his own familiar yet: “I must teach him. This is my new destiny.”
The party convinced Tem to travel with them by promising free house-cleaning whenever he finally went home.
“Vashael says nothing, but he’s beginning to regret letting you put things on his tab.”
The party: “We know Tem technically cursed the town in the first place, but we like him, so we’re going to tell a Big Lie and make them all think he saved them, instead.”
After getting back to town, August somehow convinced the entire town to hand over all their coin to be inspected, so that the party could find the counterfeit curse coins, and destroy them.
Asahi assisted by assigning her personal accountant, Catches-No-Fish to start up a ledger and keep track of who turned in money/how much money they turned in to keep the townsfolk happy.
August’s Player: “Hey, I’m a smith - can I make something from the melted coins?”
Me: “You want to make something…from the cursed coins….that boot you halfway off the Material Plane and don’t return you until they’re destroyed?
August’s Player: “Yes! :D”
The party now has a Small Bronze Knife of Partial Planar Shifting. Contact with the blade partially shifts living creatures off fo the Material Plane. The effect is not permanent, as the smithing process somewhat degraded the curse (and I don’t trust my players with a permanent effect like this), but they will be gone for a while.
The evil NPC is now assumed to be the BBEG. We shall see. >:3c
Ena challenged Baglby to a game of beer pong, and they they both began rolling +20s and casting Mage Hand to assist, with Radiant acting as a begrudging referee.
The Knife of Partial Planar Shifting has been dubbed “The Time Out Knife”.
Baglby decided that he wanted to fund a Find Familiar ritual for Tem, and the party pitched in, too.
They summoned a raggedy grey Maine Coon with notched ears, crooked whiskers, and an unnaturally deep meow.
Tem fell head over heels for them and named them ‘Lint’.
New NPC: Meat, former Sunfell Cultist, now Asahi’s new Head of Inventory.
The players are now talking about taking down the Sunfell Cult not by force, but by unionizing the low-ranking members.
Baglby sneaked out of town after the rest of the party had gone to sleep, and went to try and find and investigate the cultist’s nearby hideout on his own.
I didn’t want him to get stuck in combat all alone, so the base was deserted. I can pull a reason out of my ass later.
Baglby got back to town and immediately info-dumped his findings on a sleepy party, and he described it well enough that Asahi recognized an arcane circle he saw as matching one they saw at the first Sunfell Hideout, where they first found Vashael.
Ena offered to contact her patron to see if they could talk to Lokir, the first Sunfell Cultist they recruited (and then subsequently gave to an Archfey) about the arcane circle, but she has to sleep to get a clear answer.
“I have to pray to the acorn and then I gotta nap.”
“I put in a call over the acorn to the Taker of the Lost.”
It takes a while for Ena to communicate which ‘sibling’ she needs to talk to, as “the little one” describes an awful lot of humanoids and non-sentient plants, and “the one with limbs” describes an awful lot of humanoids and trees.
She finally remembered the kid’s name (Lokir), and then put in a reoccurring plea for a cat of her own before falling asleep for real.
0 notes
captainkirkk · 7 years
ok so. so so so. this will be a long message, because frick on a stick there is so much i want to tell you and thank you for. so brace yoself: i read history has its eyes on you only yesterday, but i've been desparately rereading it ever since, almost non-stop, because holy macaroni if this fic ain't one of the most perfect stories these tired eyes have ever seen. i love SO MANY THINGS i'm not sure where to even start, gosh. okay. okay. let's start at the beginning. (1/?)
WEEPS. You sent me A DOZEN messages, bless you? And thank you!!!
This ask and my response got long, so I’m putting it under the cut. There’s a bunch of headcanons about the ‘see it all in bloom’ universe in here, so if you’re interested, keep reading. 
your headcanons regarding class 3-a’s rise to fame/the july attacks/deku’s leap in the limelight as future number one, i adore it all. it makes sense, it’s exciting even if we don’t get to see it on the page word-for-word/in real time, and it’s inspiring too! but most of all, it fits them all so well – they deserve to be written as great heroes and i’m beyond happy you gave that to them in your story – to ALL of them, including shinsou. cookies for you. (2/?)
secondly, the rankings you picked for them – deku as no.1 of course, and katsuki ACTUALLY BEING CONTENT WITH SECOND PLACE, EFF YEAH! and shouto at no.4, holding neither all might’s nor his father’s former ranks, i appreciate the heck out of this. just… all the kids becoming awesome heroes and having wonderful, fulfilling careers just like they’ve always wanted, i’m here for this and i’m here to STAY. (3/?)
thirdly, katsuki’s character. i will be the first person in this fandom to admit my intense dislike of him, but you’ve written him in exactly the way i’ve always wanted him to turn out – significantly less jaded, noticeably more humble (and sane…), actively working to correct the mistakes of his past by becoming an advocate for quirkless kids and participating in anti-bullying campaigns (as an ex bully-victim, reading this made me want to kiss you) with deku, that felt sweet on the soul (4/?)
and also being married to kirishima, of course. DUH. speaking of which, the ships! THE SHIPS! ALL. MY. FAVOURITE. SHIPS. they were all there, they all got attention, and i love you all the more for it. tododeku especially. i just love how tenderly yet comfortably they were written. in my mind, they’ve always felt like the couple that will get the happily-ever-after kind of romance, like two souls mated in a fairy tale come to life. and they, above all others, deserve that everlasting joy (5/?)
and the parts with toshinoti, how he’s dealing with his new(-ish?) lifestyle and the world is spinning on without him, but also taking care of him, because he’s more than earned it – how all his former friends and students have become family to him and are so eager to remain an active part of his life, how he helps bakugou with teaching (for dummies ;P) and is so painfully proud of deku, it was all so deeply touching and heartwarming, i loved every single one of his scenes to bits! (6/?)
the writing was wonderful forma purely technical point as well: there were some typos but nothing serious, and it all flowed quickly yet smoothly – you stylde felt simple and dynamic, but also somehow profound, perhaps precisely because of its simplicity. i still can’t put my finger on it. i just know i loved it. your ocs were a great addition too! their personalities felt distinct and they left good impressions without overstaying their welcome in a class 3-a-centred story, top job! (7/?)
the whole domestic feel of the fic was wonderful as well! it felt like a true slice-of-life piece, even though the lives in question are filled with action and danger. you captured the nature of the balance between working your (adventurous and stardom-speckled) dream job and living your private life/spending quality off-time with friends very accurately. the final excerpt (the description of the photo) left a sweetly nostalgic sense buzzing in my chest. just… thank you for this story. (8/?)
and now that i’m done singing your praises, time for the payback! i adore this verse, and therefore i naturally have questions. first and most importantly, the tododeku relationship development. could you tell me when and how they got together in this verse, how that whole tidbit with suing endeavour went, and when and how exactly they got engaged? i assume it’s in the 5 months leading up to the reunion, but details please? future wedding details too? give me ALL THE DETAILS. (9/?)
then, ranking details! we know deku’s no.1, bakugou’s no.2, and shouto’s no.4, but the fic mentions the class currently has 6 members in the top 10. who are the rest, and who’s the number 3 hero? please tell me it’s momo. PLEASE. also, have their ranks changed since the time they graduated, or have they remained the same for the last 7 years (i.e. deku’s always been no.1 ever since he entered the ranklist, shouto’s always been no.4, etc.)? and what’s shinsou’s rank? (10/?)
what about teaching details? where’s nedzu if aizawa’s principle? is shinsou a part-time teacher or a guest lecturer? does bakugou now do teaching full time, or does he only do homeroom for one class and keeps hero-ing in the meantime? will he even remain in the ranklist if he stops fighting villains? will he even care? and on a less-related note, are bakushima the only married couple? and when did they get married? was deku best man? my shameless curiosity demands to know everything (11/?)
finally, in case i haven’t tormented you enough, i wanted to ask, how do you envision our heroes’ futures? we know they’re only 25 in the story, and tododeku are about to soon get married. and bakushima are married already, bakugou’s switching careers, yada yada. but if you had to plot a course for the rest of class 3-a’s lives, what would it look like? all might mentioned grandchildren, but would tododeku want that? and where even was/is kouda in this entire fic? xDDD thank you!!! (12/12)
Again: thanks for the comments! I’m so glad you enjoyed this.
The next ‘in bloom’ instalment will focus on Bakugou becoming involved in anti-bullying campaigns. I’m with you, Bakugou makes me very uncomfortable in canon, but occasionally we get these glimpses of character development (esp in the manga), and I just needed to bring that out and expand on it. 
And there will always be typos in my work, unfortunately. I don’t have a beta, and I’m a dumb-ass who always misses my errors. I do my best, but I am only human.
I won’t give you all the details (partly because I don’t have this universe entirely mapped out yet), but you can have some answers:
TodoDeku have a long engagement. They were engaged before we see them in ‘history…’ actually. They’re in no rush, and are very busy with their work lives, and are enjoying the blissfully engaged lifestyle. They’ve been engaged for about a year, and they have some vague plans, but nothing concrete. At the moment, they’re debating the merits of getting married somewhere private in the city vs. getting married on Toshinori’s estate. I’m not sure which one will win out. 
Their rankings have changed A LOT! When he officially entered the rankings when he was 19, Deku only ended up no. 20, because it had been over a year since the July Attacks, and he hasn’t actually done much since then, being busy with exams/graduating/entering a hero agency. A lot of people were upset by this, but it didn’t bother Deku. He was ecstatic to scrap into the Top 20 as it was.
Sorry, no. 3 belongs to Inasa (from the manga). The top 10 has changed a lot, too. There’s actually seven 1a heroes in the top 10 - Uravity was No. 11 but got a jump in popularity recently. In order: Deku, Detonation, Gale (Inasa), Polarise, unnamed number 5, Creati, Red Riot, Ingenium, an unnamed number 9, and Uravity. 
Shinsou is rankless. He’s an underground hero, and I headcanon that those types of heroes are not typically assigned ranks.
Shinsou has his own role at UA. He does a bunch of stuff: watches the entrance exams, works with some of the Gen. Ed kids, oversees possible transfers between courses, and does guest lectures. Aizawa gives him a lot of independent power.
Bakugou co-teaches Class 1-B. He occasionally guest lecturers other classes (like how Thirteen worked one-off with 1-A during the USJ attack). He has enough time to do hero work too, but he has a less intense work-load now that he’s also teaching.
Kirishima and Bakugou are the only married couple at the moment. They got married when they were 23, before TodoDeku had gotten engaged. They were the first couple to start dating in high school, too. They just … clicked, and never looked back.
Do you mean Kouda or Kouta? Kouda is probably off running a rescue animal shelter while doing minor hero work, too. Kouta is doing amateur film work and arguing with classmates when they don’t believe that he knows pro heroes irl.
I almost wrote Jirou and Momo announcing their engagement at the reunion, but at that point, I had been writing the fic for months, and I needed to upload it before I combusted. So. Yeah. They get engaged around the end of the fic.
I haven’t thought too hard about kids but … I can’t get the image of Kiri/Baku adopting an orphaned girl when they’re in their 30s, and Bakugou ringing up Midoriya to ask him to be the godfather, and Midoriya CRYING FOR HOURS. HOURS. He catches the train over at like 11pm, still in his pjs, still crying, and all over twitter there’s pics of Deku crying into a phone, sparking all kinds of terrible rumours, until he uploads a photo of him cradling his goddaughter in his arms a few hours later. 
I also have more headcanons in my history verse tag, if you’re curious. Thanks again!
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systemic-dreams · 7 years
85 Questions Meme
@wolflec​ hath tagged me in this mammoth meme
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: assam milk tea 2. phone call: mum 3. text message: bank 4. song you listened to: leviathan - ultra sheriff 5. time you cried: like three times this week, period cramps hit me like a truck going 99 on the freeway and I spent four hours in the uni bathroom keeled over in pain >.>
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: not really 10. been depressed: all the time 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, lol. there were cherries involved
— fave colours
12. blue 13. white/silver 14. black
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: can't fall out of love if you don't fall in love *meme* 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. met someone who changed you: no 20. found out who your friends are: no 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: god no
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: pretty much all of them are high school/college buddies or former clients and colleagues 23. do you have any pets: not anymore :( 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i worked 26. what time did you wake up today: 5:20am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying not to scream, period cramps are awful T.T 28. what is something you can’t wait for: my second year at uni so I can start animation 30. what are you listening to right now: skrillex 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 32. something that’s getting on your nerves: excruciating menstrual pain 33. most visited website: Tumblr, hotmail, facebook, reddit 34. hair colour: brown 35. long or short hair: long                                                     36. do you have a crush on someone: nah 37. what do you like about yourself: not much tbh 38. want any piercings: no 39. blood type: a+ 40. nicknames: n/a 41. relationship status: single 42. sign: caparison 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: Lucifer atm 45. tattoos: no 46. right or left handed: right 47: ever had surgery: I once cut my pinky off and had to get it sewed back on 48. piercings: ears 49. sport: ahaHAHAHAHhahaHAHAHHAhaaaa. no 50. vacation: let me chill in my room plz 51. trainers: sure
— more general
52. eating: sushi, burgers, esoteric Russian food, Italian food in large quantities 53. drinking: mostly tea or water. vodka 54. i’m about to watch: nothing, I have assignments to do 55. waiting for: my life to not be shit for like on second 56. want: a job 57. get married: fuck that. just gimme one of those de facto relationships where we spend all our money on ourselves instead of going into debt for some stupid wedding. 3 month long cruise or something 58. career: programmer turned web dev turned graphic designer, now studying 3d animation
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: porque no los dos? 60. lips or eyes: porque no los dos? 61. shorter or taller: taller 62. older or younger: older  63. nice arms or stomach: porque no los dos????  64. hookup or relationships: relationships. miss me with that fuckboi/sidehoe/ open relationship shit 65. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker >:)
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on first date: fuck no 70: broken someone’s heart: I don't know... 71. had your heart broken: no 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: no, most of them are gay lol
— do you believe in
75. yourself: haha no 76. miracles: fuck no 77. love at first sight: sexual attraction maybe, love? no 78. santa claus: no 79. angels: no
— misc
80. eye colour: blue/grey/hazel bullshit 81. best friend’s name: umm, there’s a few of them 82. favourite movie: cat in a hat. don't ask why 83. favourite actor: eh~ 84. favourite cartoon: definitely avatar: the last aribender 85. favourite teacher’s name: Bob
Guess who? @mouzas @cipherr @kaimystic @hetafez314 @aearyn @arctic-silence @captainsaltymuyfancy @notthatkindofwolf @velvetsunset @tehjai @celtic-romulan @white-rainbowff DO THE Qs or like don’t cos this is a waste of time and you have fics and art and reading to do or sumthin, I dunno. *procrastinates*
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murasakiibb · 6 years
I can't come up with a pithy title so here have this
I was tagged by @chrisside!
Rules: answer the 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better. (I'm not sure I can come up with even like five people, so if you see this and want to do it, feel free.)
Nickname(s): Do online handles count lol. I don't really have any nicknames irl, but online I've been called IBB and Murasaki SO.
Gender:  Female!
Sign: Virgo
Height: 5'0", or about 150cm for those using the metric system.
Time: Well I'm starting this at 2:15 pm my time but we'll see how long it takes me to finish this up and post it.
Fav Bands: I... don't usually pay much mind to bands specifically so much as just music lol. My tastes tend to lean towards harder rock/sometimes metal. But if it's good I'll like it regardless.
Fav Solo Artists: See above about bands.
Song Stuck In My Head: At the moment, nothing for once. I've been prone to getting Persona 5 songs stuck in my head lately though. Particularly Life Will Change or Last Surprise lol.
Last Movie I Saw: UUUUUUUUH... I am drawing a blank. I want to say... Lady and the Tramp, maybe?
Last Show I Watched: Probably Steven Universe lol. As far as new shows I've watched, there's the first episode of the Persona 5 anime.
When Did I Create My Blog?: March 28, 2016. My blog's a whole two years old!
What Do I Post?: I reblog a lot of fan art, mostly from Undertale, but also some Persona, Fullmetal Alchemist, cats, and rocks. Lots and lots of rocks lol. I also post about my progress on cosplays and art I've done. Especially the Undertale comic I've been doing for... about two years now, sheesh.
Last Thing I Googled: UUUUUUUH. I think the last thing I googled was actually... right, I was *trying* to find like, a Shujin Academy patch that I could like eventually attach to my costume, but instead I ended up finding like. Someone apparently made the particular plaid pattern for the Shujin Academy pants and made it available for like, actual fabric. I am Highly tempted to get some.
Do I Have Any Other Blogs?: I have like a million RP blogs LMAO. And I've also got a sideblog dedicated to just my Undertale fan comic, @ut-wakingnightmare-comic.
Do I Get Asks?: Sometimes! I kinda hoard all the nice ones like a dragon lol. I tend to get a lot more asks on my RP blogs, really. There is one ask I got here a WHILE back that I keep meaning to doodle something for but we'll see if I ever get around to that within the next century.
Why Did I Choose My URL?: I believe I've made a big post about this before lol. Long story short, it's a username I've had since I was a wee bab that I just sort of default to everywhere.
Following: 448
Followed By: On here, 242
Average Hours Of Sleep: Like about 7-8 hours. I actually try to keep a decent sleep schedule.
Lucky Number: I... don't know, honestly.
Instruments: I picked up a little guitar way way way back when I was in like, junior high/high school, but I haven't really done much with it in... probably at least a decade at this point RIP. I've also collected a few ocarinas thanks to my friend who's a big Legend of Zelda fan and likes to collect them lol.
What Am I Wearing: One of my favorite shirts. It's purple with a glittery, heart-eyed skull on it lol. 
Dream Trip: Probably France or Japan! France because I actually know enough French to get by lol. And Japan because I'm a massive weeb and I think it'd be pretty to go there around like, cherry blossom flowering seasons or something. (Not summer though. According to my former Japanese professor, it's really fucking hot in the summer LMAO.)
Fav Food: If you ask some of my friends, they'd probably either say skittles or goldfish crackers lol. And... to be honest, that's probably not too far off.
Nationality: American, basically. If we're talking nationality based on ethnic background, on my mom's side I'm African and Polish Jew, and on my dad's side I'm white Scots.
Fav Song: Probably something from Persona 5 at the moment lol. I tend to like and listen to a lot of video game music.
Last Book I Read: UH. Hell if I know. Does manga count? Because I've read a little bit of One Punch Man fairly recently. I need to sit down and just read so much stuff.
Top 3 Fictional Universes I Want to Join: That's a tough one. Uh... Undertale honestly seems like a pretty chill place to be.  I'd maybe be okay with the Persona universe. What else... I don't know, there's not a lot of places I can think of that I'm like "I absolutely would love to be there." I mean, I could say something like "oh I'd love to live in a universe with magic in it" but there are plenty of magical universes that are... Not Great to be in.
And that’s it! I’m not going to tag anyone specifically like I said above so if you see this and are like “hey I want to give it a shot” then feel free to snag it and tag me as the one who tagged you!
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goldenxchoices · 4 years
i felt like answering a few more of these, just for fun.
3. which book/series would you most like to see turned into a movie or tv show?
i think endless summer would make an amazing tv show. the series has an outstanding cast (both main and supporting), a unique and interesting setting, and a solid plot with a good ending. it's a combination of mystery, adventure, and found family, with a hint of sci-fi and romance. i would watch the hell out of that show.
as far as movies go, i'd recommend something like veil of secrets, ride or die, or either of the it lives books (though i'm not into horror, so i might not actually watch the it lives films). i think perfect match could also make a good duology (you have to have the book 1 cliffhanger, or it just doesn't work). and honestly, i'd be fine with hallmark making home for the holidays into a movie, provided they went with the gay ending.
7. which character do you wish wasn't an li?
ethan ramsey. professor kingsley. marc antony.
8. does anyone you know irl play choices?
i don't know for sure, but i did see an old college friend mention something on facebook about olivia nevrakis merch when pixelberry first opened their merch store, so i suspect she plays. i haven't asked, though.
19. which book do you think collectively has the best lis?
it's a tie between mother of the year and blades of light and shadow. the former is the only book where i regularly rotate between all three lis, and legimately can't make up my mind at any given moment. it's a similar situation for the latter, though blades has two female lis instead of one, and one of them's an orc, so, you know. that's awesome.
i'll give an honorary mention to open heart, because three of the four lis are amazing and i love them.
20. if you have vip, which vip book was your favourite? if not, which vip book looks most appealing to you?
i don't have vip just this second, but i have in the past. i thoroughly enjoyed hot couture, with every heartbeat, and a very scandalous proposal. i didn't really give the unexpected heiress a fair shake, so i need to replay that eventually. of those, i guess hot couture was my favorite, but not by much.
21. which genre do you wish pb would write more books for?
they're very good at fantasy, so i'd love to see more of that. i wouldn't mind some more mystery or sci-fi books either.
22. how many books have you completed? how many chapters?
i've played everything (except ms. match; i don't have vip right now). so... over 90 books and 1400 chapters complete.
25. what is your favourite currently releasing book?
the selection is not good right now. maybe my two first loves, simply because the chapters are so short.
35. what made you join choices tumblr?
i wanted to make edits. specifically, i joined for the 2019 july challenge. i've been hanging around ever since.
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yipyipnohooray · 7 years
Thanks for tagging me babe @slowlyisaid last 1. drink - Mountain Dew 2. phone call - my best friend Anna rose 3. text message - my internet mom Kelsey 4. song you listened to - umm I know I was listening to the radio earlier but the last song I remember is California girls - Katy perry 5. time you cried - friday? I think? 6. dated someone twice? - nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it - nope 8. been cheated on - nope 9. lost someone special - god yes 10. been depressed - yup 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - no fave colours 12. Purple 13. Blue 14. Black in the last year have you… 15. made new friends - surprisingly yes 16. fallen out of love - I guess yeah 17. laughed until you cried - yessss 18. found out someone was talking about you - ohh yess my favorite 19. met someone who changed you - yup 20. found out who your friends are - 9th grade welp what a year 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - don't even have Facebook so 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - ^^ 23. do you have any pets - I have a tuxedo cat named Sam (who I love and adore with all my heart) and a goldfish named star I got from the fair like 5 years ago 24. do you want to change your name - meh if like if some people called me a few different things but nah I'm good 25. what did you do for your last birthday - I went to a coffee shop with my friends 26. what time did you wake up today - 7:05 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - texting someone and feeling depressed 28. what is something you cant wait for - have someone who truly cares about me 30. what are you listening to right now - my sister's soothing music that she sleeps to in the room over 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - no I don't think so 32. something thats getting on your nerves - dogs not liking me 33. most visited website - Dailymail 34. hair color - brown ish 35. long or short hair -medium 36. do you have a crush on someone - sadly 37. what do you like about yourself - I'm loyal 38. want any piercings? - not particularly 39. blood type - A neg 40. nicknames - Ricky, loser, chmielewski (or some variant of this) 41. relationship status - alone 42. zodiac - Virgo 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows -Supergirl, the 100 (pre 307), stranger things, that 70s show, TVD 45. tattoos - nome 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - on my ears for tubes if that counts? 48. piercings - zero 49. sports - archery XD so athletic ikr 50. vacation - Is this asking where I have been or where I want to go?? If the former, notably Hawaii, Bahamas, Michigan, New Orleans and Nashville. If the latter, a dark sky reserve in Germany, rome, NYC and a medieval castle idc where 51. shoes - usually tennis shoes 52. eating - Nothing it's after 8pm 53. drinking - Mountain Dew 54. im about to watch - Stay up late and make myself sad again 55. waiting for - someone to wake up 56. want - death, sleep, love 57. get married - yes 58. career - microbiologist of infectious diseases 59. hugs or kisses - depends on who 60. lips or eyes - eyes 61. shorter or taller - taller 62. older or younger - older 63. nice arms or stomach - stomach 64. hookup or relationship - relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant -hesitant have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - no 67. drank hard liquor - ya 68. lost glasses - nope 69. turned someone down - nah no one has ever liked me lol 70. sex on first date - haha no 71. broken someones heart - idk 72. had your heart broken - into a million little pieces 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - if holding back tears counts bc I didn't want to look weak than sure 75. fallen for a friend - yeah Do you believe in 76. yourself - bad idea 77. miracles - I guess 78. love at first sight - I believe in infatuation at first sight but not love 79. santa claus - duh 80. kiss on a first date - if it feels right than sure 81. angels - yes 82. best friend’s name - Anna Rose 83. eye colour - blue 84. fave movie - I don't have one its just a thing 85. fave actor - basically I just have a lot of girls if you scroll through my blog I'm sure you'll find them all Anddd I tag @kaymarb @lifeisbechloe @majorlygay @insert-something-youlike @carmillicious @carm-bitchy
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I made some asks! Have fun!
1. Are you more emo, scene or punk?
um i think emo but only in music taste, i dress quite casual and stuff like that
2. Favourite band?
right now paramore!!
3. Any New Year's resolutions?
ye several, for example seeing at least 10 artists live, some different drugs and have over 800 songs on my playlist,, i like to keep my resolutions as actually possible goals, so that’s that
4. Favourite music video?
ooh maybe hard times? call me basic but i love it.. or like the short video of forest by tøp, where he walks on a street, ye that ones special too
5. Favourite song?
nooo don’t make me choose i love so many?? but like turn it off, graveyard whistling, ouch, avalanche, sudden desire, let’s go (khalid), ribs and like teen idle be kinda hitting rn ngl
6. Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy?
um old panic, i don’t listen to fall out boy as much as i used to
7. Favourite album?
fight me but vessel and the black parade hasn’t got any bad song, and they will always have a very special place in my heart,, but right now? like nothing but thieves’ self titled, after laughter, amo and melodrama
8. Do you own a pair of fingerless gloves or skeleton gloves (or the combination)?
no but i wish i did
9. Do you own any band merch? If so, from what bands?
some, from tøp, paramore and bmth, but i only use my purple paramore hoodie
10. Got a jacket with pins?
i had one but then i took of my pins so not anymore i guess
11. Have you got dyed hair? What colour?
ye i dyed it black a few months ago, so it’s black/brown-ish rn
12. Any hair dying or haircut plans for 2020?
absolutely i’m going to cut it really soon, and i’ll probably dye it quite soon as well
13. Crush on any band member?
uh hayley williams i’m free on wednesdays please h it me up on a wednesday what are you doing next wednesday i’m free on wednesday hayley please
14. Killjoy name?
oo i haven’t thought of one yet
15. Are you into The Used?
16. Do you want any tattoos? Of what?
i’ve got one small, but i’d like a few more, like a matching with my sister and stuff but i don’t know any other specifically, just that i want it
17. Can you play any instruments? Which?
mm i’m actually quite good at piano, been playing a few years now
18. Favourite My Chemical Romance song?
oof there’s so many slapping songs, but like one from each album would be honey this mirror isn’t big enough, helena, teenagers/disenchanted, sing/planetary go,, and i am aware that’s basic but like there’s a reason why just those songs have become popular? they’re so damn good (and don’t at me with sing hate, it is a masterpiece and do not deserve the slanter i see on the tl)
19. Do you think Twenty One Pilots are emo?
as a former tøp stan myself can i say quite firmly that they’re definitely emo, but we need to re-evaluate what emo actually means, bc like in terms of the 00’s emo music? no, they’re not emo. they’re not like the emo trinity (lol), BUT they’re the perfect description of a modern emo band? so, no tøp isn’t emo in the old fashioned way, but yes they’re emo in a newer context,, and their stans are definitely emo i mean like come on
20. Are you into Taking Back Sunday?
21. Do you wear any make up?
yeah but just casual, i’m always so amazed by people who wear lots of cool makeup every day, i could never
22. Do you have black painted nails?
lol ye always
23. Have you got any band posters? Of what bands?
mm i’ve got one with paramore that i like, and one with blackbear which is only because i likes the color schemes of it, i don’t listen to him otherwise
24. Do you want any piercings?
not right now
25. What's your opinion on All Time Low? Sleeping With Sirens? Pierce The Veil?
they’re cool i guess but i’ve never looked into them any further
26. Do you think it's just a phase or that you'll be emo/punk\scene forever?
oh the music will always live on with me, but how i think and express myself around the subject “being alternative/emo/pop-rock/whatever” will probably change as i grow into another phase of my life,, and like i’m okay with the thought of living my life in phases, and i’ll probably not be too ashamed of my current self a few years from now
27. Favourite magical/mythical creature?
i don’t really know any :(
28. Are you into Black Veil Brides?
29. Do you like any newer emo/scene/punk bands? Which?
no not really i’m a quite boring music person in the sense of that i only listen to like the same five bands for a whole year,, so all the bands i’m listening to currently are releasing new music, but were created a while ago
30. What's your favourite music genre besides emo/punk\scene?
probably indie rock
31. Are you into Mindless Self Indulgence?
32. Favourite Fall Out Boy song?
uh like i’m a slut for folie so like 27 or the shipped golden standard, but dance dance has always been a personal favorite
33. Are you mostly into the so-called "emo trinity" or "emo quartet" or do you listen to a lot of other bands too?
sigh i listened to both the trinity and the quartet a lot in 2018, i was a big fan of this whole trinity/quarter thing, but now do i just occasionally listen to some of them, but they’re definitely the roots of my emo path in this life
34. What's your opinion on Waterparks? Palaye Royale? I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME?
ooh idkhow are both emo/alt/pop-rock and quite new!! i forgot them earlier in this post! ye i love idkhow and their music, but i don’t really listen to waterparks or palaye royale
35. Are you into Bring Me The Horizon?
sure as hell am baby, love them
36. Favourite solo project by a emo/scene\punk band member?
right now is hayley williams solo project petals for armor a huge favorite of mine
37. Are any of your friends IRL emo/scene\punk?
um like kinda yes? or some of them have got the style but not the music, and some have got the music but not the style, so i guess it all adds up to a yes
38. Are you into drawing? If so, show some of your art!
ah i really wish i was creative but unfortunately am i not
39. Favourite colours and colour schemes?
red+black or pastel colors, i shift a lot based on mood, but my go to color schemes are dark blue and black bc i’m always comfortable in them
40. What are some of your favourite lyrics?
damn such a good question, i’ll make a separate post for it and continuesly update it with new lyrics!!
41. The Black Parade or Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge?
sorry but i’m a tbp fan, and you can’t convince me otherwise,, like i love revenge a lot but the black parade just hits different y’know?
42. What's your opinion on Paramore? Green Day? Blink-182?
well my biggest obsession right now is paramore so in short; i absolutely am in love with hayley, taylor and zac, the whole concept of paramore and of course their music+other content, even though they’ve gone through rough (or should i say hard) times
and i’ve listened some to green day, they’re really great and i like them, but there’s too much to get into and i’m not ready to be that much of a huge green day stan yet (will probably never be either) but i can absolutely casually enjoy their music and jam with their songs, without having to get into it any deeper
and for blink-182, i feel like they’re a bit too far away from my preferred genre right now, i will maybe listen to them in the future, probably not, but you never know anything for sure
so that’s all,, i love answering questions like this even though no one will ever read it and i’m cringe i know alright but it makes me feel happy so i’ll keep doing it
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incorrectmidc · 7 years
50 Questions! Yaayyy~
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
Tagged by @theempresskaizer and since I can’t sleep (and I really love tagging games), here I am. Thank you, Ythmir! :) I feel you about your favourite pens btw. The only store that sells my favourite pen closed down recently here and the other store that sells it is in Manila. ;^;
1. What kind of food can’t you stand? AMPALAYA (bitter gourd). It was a traumatic experience. D:
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? if my laptop would just stop malfunctioning every 2 weeks, it would be nice.
3. Have you got any useless talents? i play three different instruments, and it’s not useful now... i think. i really wanted to be either an astronaut or a musician when i was a kid. dad refused to let me enroll at a music school in favour of a “more prestigious” university (parents’ words) so i feel it’s kinda useless now.
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be? ha! i’m an awesome procrastinator. is there even a word? lol. but srsly, i could be a good musician. if i just put effort into it. XD
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking - well, the concept of beauty is relative. my preferences are kuroba mario, cosplayers hikarin and syo seunghyo, kimura tatsunari, matt bomer
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? my sister and i used to sneak into our parents’ room and play with our mom’s beauty kit, like we would mix the lotions, alcohols, colognes, powders and stuff while pretending to be scientists and whatnots. we even tried to eat our concoction, to see what it tastes like. xD good thing someone saw us. lol.
7. What is something you’re proud of? i can learn anything if i just put my mind into it. i’m good at studying (my dad made sure of it lol).
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? nosy. i don’t like nosy people. i’m more of a keep-to-myself person so i really loathe these kind of people.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? both. tho i really don’t like to lead that much since it’s too much work. the laziest person i know is me btw. but i can be a leader when i absolutely have to.
10. What kind of student are/were you? high school, both the teacher’s pet and the kind they hate since i tend to speak my mind. college, i am the ordinary student who doesn’t have any clubs since it’s too troublesome.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? yepppp!
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion clowns. i don’t like clowns. i hate mcdonald’s mascot.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? yes. kei tsukishima of haikyuu!! especially. :P
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? i don’t like parties. i never go to parties if i don’t have to. i hate large celebrations (birthdays, family and school reunions). i prefer the company of my closest friends and immediate family over parties. i only have 4 friends irl that i still keep in touch with tbh. on the other hand, drinking. i have yet to get drunk. lol. but when i have enough alcohol in me, i tend to become the philosopher. like, why do we even exist? are our existence significant or are we just a mere speck in this vast universe? yeah, that kind. oh, my friends and i usually go to karaoke when we get buzzed.
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? i’m not even sure i have fallen in love yet. i get long-time crushes tho. in fact, i still like this certain guy since i was in 1st year college. XD
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? the former. please refer to question 14 for the explanation lol
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? my dad tells me i have a landfill for a room. lol. i don’t mind. it’s organised chaos. XD
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy my room, on a rainy day with no one else at home and i have unlimited internet connection and books and coffee. and did i just mention i’m alone?
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? i don’t have one. not seeing myself getting married or having a child. i’m having another baby sister/brother soon tho so i think it’s enough. :D
20. What was your favorite book as a child? the two-can first encyclopedia series. i love the one that features the solar system.
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES A FIDGET SPINNER DO
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated fanfiction writers. i have nothing against fanarts but i would appreciate it if the same attention is given to fanfiction writers.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? kimura tatsunari hehehe
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? have the time, and the money, to visit japan and prague. and then go to russia. oh, travel the world. alone. XD
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? depends on my mood. sometimes i just want to see the world burn.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? what’s a fad?
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? telenovelas. i wanna live like the heroine back then and now i try to forget all about it. XDD
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? kindness is something i admire and at the same time so foreign to me. sure, i can be nice but i’m never kind. i will never be kind. i know this person who’s so kind to everyone and i wonder what it’s like to be like that.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) i’m a hoarder of cute/pretty notebooks and pens so every year, during my birthday, my family and friends always have a new notebook/pen for me. i even got a fountain pen for my birthday last year which i haven’t used until now. XD
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? yep. filipino/tagalog, english. this native dialect called cebuano and a little bit of ilonggo. i’m currently studying japanese (self-study cos paying for lessons is expensive). i’m shit at kanji tho.
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? in the city tho not at the center of it.
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? HAIKYUU!! my online bff has been convincing me to watch haikyuu!! for 4 years now and i was adamant at refusing cos i’m sure i’d hate it. i don’t even like volleyball. but when i watched it last year, i got hooked. now my main fandom is haikyuu!! //facepalm
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? noooo. i don’t like being put on spotlight. lemme work quietly in the background.
34. Favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS! i love seeing the decorations and the lights. i even go to malls just to stare at the decors and listen to christmas songs. i even have my own christmas tree in my room. it’s a small one tho. with christmas lights and all. hihihi. and also my birthday. i can do whatever i want on my birthday. nyahahaha
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? i only have a plan when i’m writing. i don’t even know what i’m going to do with my life. orz.
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) yes, there is, but i’d rather not forget it and experience it all over again. i’m content with the fuzzy feeling i get whenever i remember it. ^^
37. What hobbies do you have? playing games, going to cons, sleeping a lot, reading, and writing. my only extreme hobby is going mountain climbing. we even went once without any gears. it was fun but i’d rather not do something that unsafe again. o3o
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? the ability to learn different languages easily. wait, how can this be mildly useful? or maybe change my hairstyle at will? lol
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you that i’m 26. srsly, when i go to transact with government offices in behalf of the company i’m working for, they always think i’m an intern. wth.
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out this sounds silly, but putting back the chiller part of the fridge. i dislodged it once and i spent almost half an hour trying to put it back. XD
41. Worst injury you’ve had? i never had one. not a broken bone or anything. i only got hospitalized 2 times - when i was 2 and 9, respectively. and both because of dengue.
42. Any morbid fascinations? i like skulls and blowing zombies heads off. my most favourite game of all time is left 4 dead.
43. Describe your sense of humor corny and dry. sarcastic even.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? in the gundam universe, like Cosmic Era, where people can live on another planet. i would relocate to saturn in a heartbeat.
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at being patient. patience is not my virtue.
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through an hour of jogging for a whole month to prepare myself (and increase the stamina) for a mountain climbing activity 2 years ago
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) the ugly one. i don’t really like markings on my face.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? for a pessimist, i’m pretty optimistic. (wait, is that a song? lol)
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? tbh, compliments about writing and work are the ones i’m usually flattered with. tho i suck at accepting compliments.
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you this is a fact. i have a resting bitch face so people often feel i’m always irritated/annoyed by them. 
you don’t have to do it if you don’t want tbh, but i’m tagging @lustfullyleocrawford @kakihoden @passengersaraht @emigotchi @leorysxi @oh-my-otome @spyroeden @acrispyapple @devanofficial @astridapples
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