#20 de mayo
xjulixred45x · 4 months
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okay, amm.....
This is something I did for something in my country called "the march of silence"
In case you didn't know, in the 60s-80s after what happened with the Cuban missile crisis and it became a communist country, the United States became paranoid that the other countries in Latin America would follow it, so who created several HORRIBLE things like "the school of the Americas" which is basically a school for dictators, and the well-known Condor Plan.
Several Latin American countries (Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, etc.) suffered civil-military dictatorships where, thanks to the Condor plan and the support of the state (with the backing and support of the United States), thousands, MILLIONS, were kidnapped, tortured, murdered and disappeared. people who were suspected of being "communists."
One of the best-known incidents related to Latin American dictatorships is "The Night of the Pencils" in Argentina, where some HIGH SCHOOL kids protested for having the student bulletin for transportation.
Several of those students were disappeared and only one was able to leave after months of torture. for protesting for a BASIC right..
This is what the US thought of as "communist" and addressed this type of people - victims of its horrible tricks - as TERRORISTS. TO TEENS. TO ALL THE MISSING. OF ALL COUNTRIES.
and you will say, but it is obviously something horrible! People know what happened and those responsible received what they deserved!... right?
well not the truth.
Most of the dictators when democracy returned had VERY light sentences or even did not even set foot in prison, the same for many torturers and officials who participated.
And what is worse, several died without having told where the missing people were, without giving closure to their relatives who continue searching to this day.
There are testimonies, evidence, bodies found of the few missing people who were not thrown into the sea on the death flights, and yet there are people who believe these horrible people, these MONSTERS who say that dictatorships never happened. They say that with the military we were "better"
fucking shit
Every May 20th we become relatives, FAMILY, all of us, the relatives of those who lived, those who did not. and we demand TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND MEMORY FOR THESE PEOPLE.
The flower without a petal is the symbol of these people, the torn petal is the missing family member, who was stolen by the state.
I know this seems stupid and sudden because most of you are English speakers and you probably don't care, but I think it is VERY IMPORTANT that this be known, that we inform ourselves and fight these types of things as we can. so that they NEVER happen again.
okay, amm.....
esto es algo que hice por algo de mi pais llamado "la marcha del silencio"
por si no lo sabias, en los años 60-80 después de lo ocurrido con la crisis de los misiles de Cuba y que pasará a ser un pais comunista, Estados Unidos se volvió paranoico de que los otros paices de Latinoamérica le siguieran, por lo que crearon varias cosas HORRIBLES como "la escuela de las Americas" que es básicamente una escuela para dictadores, y el conocido Plan Condor.
varios paises de Latinoamérica (Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Etc) sufrieron Dictaduras civico militares donde gracias al plan condor y el apoyo del estado (con respaldo y apoyo de Estados Unidos) secuestraban, torturaban, asesinaban y desaparecian a miles, MILLONES de personas que tenían bajo sospecha de ser "comunistas".
uno de los incidentes mas conocidos relacionados a las dictaduras latinoamericanas es "La noche de los Lapices" en Argentina, donde unos chicos DE SECUNDARIA protestaron por tener el boletin estudiantil para el transporte.
Varios de esos estudiantes fueron desaparecidos y solo uno pudo salir despues de meses de tortura. por protestar por un derecho BÁSICO..
es lo que EEUU pensaba como "comunista" y se dirigia a este tipo de personas-victimas de sus horribles jugadas- como TERRORISTAS. A ADOLECENTES. A TODOS LOS DESAPARECIDOS. DE TODOS LOS PAICES.
y diras, pero es obviamente algo horrible! la gente sabe lo que paso y los responsables recibieron su merecido!...no?
pues la verdad no.
la mayoría de los dictadores cuando regreso la democracia tuvieron penas MUY leves o incluso nisiquiera pusieron un pie ej la carcel, lo mismo para muchos torturadores y funcionarios que participaron.
y lo que es peor, varios murieron sin haber dicho donde estaban los desaparecidos, sin darle un cierre a sus familiares que hasta el dia de hoy siguen buscando.
hay testimonos, pruebas, cuerpos encontrados de los pocos desaparecidos que no tiraron al mar en los vuelos de la muerte, y aun asi hay gente que le cree a estas personas horribles, a estos MONSTRUOS que dicen que las dictaduras nunca ocurrieron. que dicen que con los militares estabamos "mejor"
puta mierda.
cada 20 de mayo nos vovlemos familiares, todos, los familiares de los que vivieron, los que no lo hicieron. y exigimos VERDAD, JUSTICIA, Y MEMORIA PARA ESTAS PERSONAS.
La flor sin un pétalo es el símbolo de estas personas, el pétalo arrancado es el miembro de la familia que falta, que fue robado por el estado.
se que esto se ve estúpido y repentino porque la mayoria de ustedes son anglosajones y de seguro no les interesa, pero creo que es IMPORTANTISIMO que se sepa esto, que nos informemos y combatamos este tipo de cosas como podamos. para que NUNCA MAS vuelvan a ocurrir.
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"Es una noche casi fría...extraño mi invierno."
—La Hija del Molinero
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glamourandviolence · 4 months
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20may · 1 year
La importancia de adoptar prácticas de producción agrícola favorables a los polinizadores para proteger a las abejas y otros polinizadores. Mundial de las Abejas 2023.
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La ceremonia del Día Mundial de las Abejas 2023, que se celebrará en formato híbrido en la Sede de la FAO el viernes, 19 de mayo, constituirá una oportunidad para sensibilizar acerca de la importancia de adoptar prácticas de producción agrícola favorables a los polinizadores para proteger a las abejas y otros polinizadores, contribuyendo al mismo tiempo a la resiliencia, la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia de los sistemas agroalimentarios.
Compromiso con las abejas: por una producción agrícola respetuosa de los polinizadores.
ACTO HÍBRIDO, 19 DE MAYO DE 2023, 10.00 - 11.30 CEST.
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sambuchito · 4 months
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@startrekgaysex @mushroomjar @mearpsdyke fc reyes
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filmsquehevisto · 1 year
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El destino de la humanidad está en juego cuando dos razas de robots, los buenos Autobots y los villanos Decepticons, llevan su guerra a la Tierra. Los robots tienen la habilidad de transformarse en diferentes objetos mecánicos mientras buscan la clave del poder supremo. Sólo un joven humano, Sam Witwicky puede salvar al mundo de la destrucción total. (2007)
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Banda - Orquesta 14 de Julio / Mosaico Muriendo de Amor - Alitas Quebrad...
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cuba-redh · 1 year
20 de mayo de 1902: la nación de rodillas (IV parte). Por Ernesto Limia Díaz
La Administración McKinley evaluó que un convenio con Cuba negociado en forma de tratado tendría que ser aprobado por dos tercios del Senado y ello podía entorpecer sus miras; el modo más seguro de imponerlas era conseguir que el 55 Congreso —de mayoría republicana y responsable de la Resolución Conjunta— sancionara los términos de las relaciones antes del 3 de marzo de 1901, cuando finalizaba su…
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armatofu · 1 year
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miradacali2090 · 2 years
Múltiple homicidio en el sector Brisas de Mayo Siloé de Cali
En horas de la madrugada de este martes 4 de octubre del presente 2022 se registró una masacre sobre la calle 12 oeste con carrera 53 en Brisas de Mayo, sector El Hueco, en el barrio Siloé, comuna 20 de la capital vallecaucana. Este hecho, deja hasta el momento 5 personas fallecidas y 3 más heridas, entre ellas 2 mujeres identificadas como Laura Valentina Granados y Luisa Fernanda Nieto. Hasta…
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mochinomnoms · 1 year
A Floral Inconvenience
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You came into Twisted Wonderland with nothing but the clothes on your back, a literally fiery cat, and an immune system not conditioned to handle the foreign antibodies in the air, earth, or water. It was honestly a miracle that you hadn’t caught some sort of incurable disease, probably because most diseases here required magical output to survive, like plants and water. You weren’t immune to your own feelings though, and magical disease and illnesses have a funny way of adapting themselves to their potential host. It was then that you found yourself prepared for springtime hay fever and allergies, after all pollen was pollen no matter where you were at. What was unexpected, and thus not prepared for, was the disease known as hanahaki, or the flower sickness. Long ago, there existed a family of mages that lived in a small mountain village deep within a jungle that was established by a family of mages. The family protected their village with fantastical and magical abilities, each unique and extraordinary as generation from generation grew. One of those mages, the Flower Bride, had the ability to grow a magnificent array of flora with just the wave of her hand! Flor de mayo, jacarandas, figs and vines all made their home with the Flower Bride. She had a heart so full of feelings, love for her home, family, and her beloved, of course, that her very emotions affected how dazzling those blooms were. The Flower Bride then decided that others should be able to demonstrate their love in the same beauteous display as she did: after all, who wouldn’t want their love developing into only the most lovely blooms? As such, hanahaki was born. Some see it was a blessing, a push, an opportunity for one to confront their feelings. It’s a realization that what they’re feeling is indeed true, the type of love that can only be achieved in fairytales. Others saw it as an inconvenience: after all, sometimes it just wasn’t the right time to confess your love, or they’d be coughing up petals mid-speech, kind of annoying honestly. Yet the sickness would continue until they acknowledge their feelings, the love died down, or it became a chronic illness. Officially dubbed hanahaki by researchers in the East, the disease was also referred to as the flower sickness, being twitterpated, and sometimes even the lovesick florae by the general population. The most commonly afflicted persons fit into two categories: the positively, without a doubt, enamored sort, the twitterpated or lovesick sort of folk. Or, they were the kind to bury their feelings deep deep down and just one day die. It wasn’t unique to any singular species either. It had adapted to afflict humans, beastmen, and even merfolk. Why, not even fae were immune despite their natural immunity to magical disease. Really, it shouldn’t have been any surprise that the emotionally stunted students of Night Raven College would be prime targets for their own bout of hanahaki.
An event to christen the creation of my blog! Please feel free to request or use for your own!
Requests Close 10/20/2023
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Anyone can use this event and prompts on their own blog! Tag me in so I can read all your stories!
This event will be for TWST on my end, others are free to use for whatever they'd like!
All request will be up to 2000+ words, with a max of 3 characters per request.
Chose up one prompt for each character and indicate if you want romantic or platonic. You can also indicate if you want fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive, etc.
No NSFW for this event (on my end at least, everyone else go nuts)
Reader will default to gender-neutral unless asked otherwise
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Dialogue Prompts
“Why is your trash can full of flower petals? Are you secretly a botanist, or is there something you're not telling me?”
“So, I hear you've been coughing up daisies lately. Got any plans to enter the flower business?”
“You know you have it bad when you start sneezing petals every time your crush walks by. At least it's a colorful allergy!”
“I can't believe you're faking a cough just to get some attention. And you're using fake flowers for the petals? That's commitment!”
“I think the local florist is in love with me. Their shop is making a killing off my Hanahaki. Do you think they'll give me a discount?”
“You've got to stop sending secret admirer bouquets to yourself. The delivery guy is starting to think you have a dozen secret admirers.”
“I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.”
“I have a steady, loving partner. you on the other hand have a left hand and a sunflower cough.”
“Why'd I have to get a nose full of lilies? I'm allergic, this is so unfair.”
“You think with all the lavender on my head I could make my own syrup out of it?”
“No, I've been practicing my sleight of hand! Watch as I make a bouquet of tulips magically appear—ACK!”
“No, I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. Why would you even ask that?!”
“Here, your favorite flower! Hmm? Where'd I get them? Uh, I just found them, around…”
“I'd rather have the thorniest, pesticide ridden roses grow in my mouth before I'd ever admit having any sort of affection for them!”
“Sooo, are you gonna apologize for puking dahlias all over my breakfast?”
“I've never heard of a flower sickness, are you talking about seasonal allergies?”
“Look, even if confessing would let me get rid of the poppies, I'd rather not. Maybe I'll just learn how to make poppy seed muffins or something.”
“Is this normal here?” “Only for the emotionally unavailable folk.” “Ah, so it is.”
“Dude, are your freckles turning into baby's breath?” “AHH!”
“Aren't lotus flowers really good for your skin? Babeeey, I'm set for life—” “NOT WHEN THEY'RE GROWING OUT OF YOUR EARS!”
“Look, I care for you and want you to get laid, but imagine all the money we'd save on tea if you kept growing chamomile from your head.”
“Blehhhg…” “You know I always knew I'd be holding your hair back as you puked your stomach out at a party, I thought it be from the alcohol though, not flowers.”
“You know, some people pay a lot of money for Hanahaki bouquets, have you considered—OW! It was just a suggestion!”
“I'm so happy that you confessed first.” “Why?” “If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.”
“Man, sunflowers have got to be the worst to be puking up.” “Nah man, it's roses and their thorns! They scrap up all up your gums, my dentist bill after was ridiculous!”
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🌸 a floral inconvenience masterlist 🌸
gardenias & peonies: silver x f!reader – #13
stargazer lilies: sebek zigvolt x f!reader – #5
dahlias; zinnias & cosmos: ruggie bucchi, trey clover, [separate] x gn!reader - #15, #1
teonanácatl mushrooms: jade leech x gn!reader - #18
lavender roses: floyd leech x gn!reader - #14
lavender: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #18
marigold: vil schoenheit, platonic!ace trappola x gn!reader - #7 & #12
blue hydrangeas: idia shroud x f!reader - #24
baby's breath & red roses: riddle rosehearts x f!reader - #14 & #19 [QUEUED]
amaryllis: lilia vanrouge x gn!reader - #1 [PENDING]
carnations: leona kingscholar x gn!reader - #18 [PENDING]
asters; purple hydrangeas: ace trappola, jamil viper [spearate] x gn!reader - #22, #24 [PENDING]
gerbera daisies: trey clover x gn!reader - #3 [PENDING]
orange poppies & water lilies: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #17 [PENDING]
sunflowers: jack howl x gn!reader - #8 [PENDING]
chrysanthemums: jamil viper x gn! reader - #1 [PENDING]
green roses: malleus draconia x gn!reader - #13 & #14 [PENDING]
pink poppies & cala lilies: jamil viper x gn!reader - #17 & #22 [PENDING]
sunflowers: leona kingscholar x f!reader - #8 [PENDING]
azaleas, cornflowers, & white roses: ace trappola, deuce space [poly] x gn! reader - #6, #3, & #22 [PENDING]
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latinotiktok · 1 year
Me tomé la molestia de averiguar qué signo son los paises de Latinoamerica según su cumpleaños aka dia de la independencia
Argentina: CÁNCER (9 de julio)
Bolivia: LEO (6 de agosto)
Brasil: VIRGO (7 de septiembre)
Chile: VIRGO (18 de septiembre)
Colombia: CÁNCER (20 de julio)
Costa Rica: VIRGO (15 de septiembre)
Cuba: TAURO (20 de mayo)
República Dominicana: PISCIS (27 de febrero)
Ecuador: GÉMINIS (24 de mayo) (10 de agosto, primer grito de independencia)
El Salvador: VIRGO (15 de septiembre)
Guatemala: VIRGO (15 de septiembre)
Honduras: VIRGO (15 de septiembre)
Mexico: VIRGO (16 de septiembre)
Nicaragua: VIRGO (15 de septiembre)
Panama: ESCORPIO (3 de noviembre)
Paraguay: TAURO (14 de mayo)
Peru: LEO (28 de julio)
Uruguay: VIRGO (25 de agosto)
Venezuela: CÁNCER (5 de julio)
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20may · 1 year
Compromiso con las Abejas por una produccion agricola respetuosa de los polinizadores.
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Las abejas y otros polinizadores son fundamentales para la salud de los ecosistemas y la seguridad alimentaria. Ayudan a mantener la biodiversidad y garantizar la producción de alimentos nutritivos. Sin embargo, el monocultivo intensivo y el uso indebido de plaguicidas plantean graves amenazas para los polinizadores al reducir su acceso a alimentos y sitios de nido, exponerlos a sustancias químicas perjudiciales y debilitar sus sistemas inmunológicos.
Bajo el lema “Compromiso con las abejas: por una producción agrícola respetuosa de los polinizadores”, en el Día Mundial de las Abejas de 2023 se hace un llamamiento a la acción a todo el mundo con miras a apoyar la producción agrícola favorable a los polinizadores y se pone de relieve la importancia de proteger las abejas y otros polinizadores, especialmente mediante prácticas de producción agrícola basadas en datos objetivos.
La ceremonia del Día Mundial de las Abejas 2023, que se celebrará en formato híbrido en la Sede de la FAO el viernes, 19 de mayo, constituirá una oportunidad para sensibilizar acerca de la importancia de adoptar prácticas de producción agrícola favorables a los polinizadores para proteger a las abejas y otros polinizadores, contribuyendo al mismo tiempo a la resiliencia, la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia de los sistemas agroalimentarios.
Día Mundial de la Abejas 2023; 20 de mayo.
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spkyleweek · 5 months
Guidelines // SFW Prompts // Pinned Post
Kyle Week 2024 is a character appreciation event that will run from May 20th - May 26th. Each day has two prompts to choose from, of which you can do anything: write, draw, edit, make a playlist, whatever you like!
La Kyle Week 2024 es un evento creado para mostrar nuestro cariño y apreciacion por el personaje, y se desarrolla desde el día 20 de Mayo hasta el 26 del mismo mes. ¡Cada día encontrarás dos temáticas entre las que elegir, que puedes usar para crear cualquier contenido que gustes; como escribir, dibujar, editar, crear playlists, etc!
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Day 1: Somnophilia, Public Sex – Día 1: Somnofilia, Sexo en público
Day 2: Monsterfucking, Predator/Prey – Día 2: Monsterfucking, Depredador/Presa
Day 3: Masturbation/Selfcest, Favorite Toys – Día 3: Masturbación/Selfcest, Juguetes (sexuales) favoritos
Day 4: Lingerie/Dress-Up, Roleplaying – Día 4: Lencería/Atuendos, Role-play
Day 5: Body Hair, Oral Sex – Día 5: Vello corporal, Sexo oral
Day 6: Free Day – Día 6: Día libre
Day 7: Breeding, Shibari – Día 7: Preñar, Shibari
Further explanation and suggestions for themes are listed below. - Puedes encontrar explicaciones y sugerencias para los temas aquí abajo.
Day 1 / Día 1:
Somnophilia: Giving, receiving, let Kyle have some fun!
Somnofilia: Dar o recibir… ¡haz que Kyle pase un buen rato!
Public Sex: Dressing rooms, alleyways—here’s Kyle’s opportunity to be a dirty, filthy little boy. Maybe he’s an (un)willing viewer!
Sexo en Público: En cambiadores, callejones… Cualquier situación en la que Kyle pueda ser un cochinote. Incluso, ¡puede encontrarse viendo algo que no querría… o si!
Day 2 / Día 2:
Monsterfucking: Monster Kyle, Kyle with a less than human partner. Danger or desire?
Monsterfucking: Kyle monstruo, Kyle con una pareja no humana… ¿Peligro o deseo?
Predator/Prey: Is Kyle at the top of the food chain, or is there someone else he needs to worry about? Enjoyment? Shame?
Depredador/Presa: ¿Está Kyle en lo alto de la pirámide alimenticia o hay alguien (o algo) más de quién debería preocuparse? ¿Diversión, o pena?
Day 3 / Día 3:
Masturbation/Selfcest: By himself, with an audience, peeping tom, mutual masturbation. Crossovers with other Kyles (SoT, TFBW, Jersey), have fun!
Masturbación/Selfcest: Él solo, con audiencia, espiando, masturbación mutua, crossovers con Kyles diferentes (SoT, TFBW, Jersey), ¡lo que gustes!
Favorite Toys: Toy preferences for himself, for someone else? Plushophilia. (Sorry, Clyde frog!)
Juguetes (sexuales) favoritos: ¿Sus preferencias para si mismo, o para otras personas? Plusofiliia/ursusagalamatofilia (¡lo siento mucho, Rana Clyde…!).
Day 4 / Día 4:
Lingerie/Dress-Up: An outfit for Kyle or one for his partner. What does he like to wear? What does he like to see?
Lencería/Atuendos: Un traje para Kyle, o para su pareja. ¿Qué le gusta llevar? ¿o qué le gusta ver?
Roleplaying: DnD after dark, BDSM, whatever! Does Kyle take to his character easily, or is it a struggle he has to overcome?
Role-play: DnD para adultos, BDSM, ¡cualquier cosa! ¿A Kyle le cuesta entrar en papel, o se desenvuelve bien actuando?
Day 5 / Día 5:
Body Hair: On Kyle or on others. Shaving, waxing, picking pubes out of his mouth with disgust?
Vello corporal: Tanto en Kyle, como en otros. Depilación, cera… ¿quitándose vello púbico de la boca con asco?
Oral Sex: Giving, receiving, fantasizing about. Fellatio, cunnilingus, ass-eating, oral fixation!
Sexo Oral: Dando, recibiendo, o fantaseando con ello. ¡Felación, cunilínguo, beso negro, o fijación oral!
Day 6 / Día 6:
Free Day: Anything that your heart desires, after dark! (Or… did someone say… free use?)
Día libre: Déjate llevar por los deseos de tu corazón…más cochinos. (¿Quizá alguien dijo… Kyle de libre uso?)
Day 7 / Día 7:
Breeding: Ruts/heats, breeding, being bred, baby fever or just a sexy kink!
Preñar: Kyle en celo… tanto preñando como siendo preñado. ¿Quizá se le despertó el instinto paternal? ¡O quizá todo sea un juego en la cama!
Shibari: Whether it’s rope bunny or rigger Kyle, he’ll look good doing it! Bruises? Immobilized? Defenseless?
Shibari: ¿Has pensado alguna vez si Kyle luciría bien siendo atado? ¿O atando a otra persona? ¿Qué hay de los moretones? Siendo inmovilizado, o quedando indefenso…
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whenyouwishuponastar7 · 7 months
sedona red (1/1, 22427 words) Pairing: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Rating: Explicit Tags: Modern Setting, POV Steve Harrington, Steve Has Bad Parents, Happy Billy Hargrove, author billy salesman steve, they're in their late 20s, Business Trip, Vacation, Cinco de Mayo Festival, Fluff and Humor, Getting Together, Drunken Flirting, Smut, Romance, Long-Distance Relationship, Falling in Love, Pining, Surprises, Happy Ending Summary: In which Steve Harrington has to fly to Sedona, Arizona to land a business deal. It’s one in the morning; he’s tired, moody, and not thrilled that the hotel he’s staying at is overbooked. There’s only one room. He might have to share it, and Steve isn’t at his best, so he promptly pisses off the other tired, moody guest.
But beyond a business deal, there’s a festival in town and Steve and Billy have front-row seats. Billy gets Steve to loosen his tie and have fun, and after that… well, after that, there’s a love story to tell. --- I had an absolute blast writing this. I really hope you enjoy it!! 💜
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capricosalvation · 4 months
🇦🇷25 de Mayo Special🇦🇷 Star x Arg!Fem! Reader (a couple of silly things and travelling headcannons)
⊹ Feliz 25 de Mayo, viva la patria! ^^
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
• Cathleen do likes to travel, She enjoys a break from work (when She has one) so when you invited her to your country she was like an exited puppy, there was a month before the flight and she already knew basic Words, places she would like to see, food she would like to eat and that little data You can find in the touristic videos. It was cute tbh, it reminded You Of a kid on Disney.
•When both Of You arrived, She was ecstatic, Even if there was some sad things, like homeless people on the Main city, She would kindly give Them some money. You Didnt had the chance to change the dollars for pesos, so lets say that those homeless people were really really happy. (At the time i'm writing this, one dollar is equivalent of 890 pesos argentinos)
• For her, the food Is absolutely heavenly. She Isnt very picky With food, and the fact that is the food of Your land makes her like it even more. It's obvious that She likes asado, but She was amazed to see lots and lots of artisanal ice cream places. There was a gummy bear flavor in one of those places!
• Lets Say You wake up at Night only to find her infront of the fridge With a empanada on her mouth (sin doble sentido)
• You were driving to a little town that had a lagoon. San Miguel del Monte, a gorgeous place. Then You asked her "Gorda me cebas unos mates?" She then abruptly looked at You, confused "Did You just called me Fat?"
You then explained her that Gorda can Mean fat, but in argentinian mannerisms it is a pet name, like a "dearie/dear". You also explained that the word Torta means cake, but in argentinian mannerisms it also means Lesbian. She then let a loud "ooohhhhh i understand now!", She's very eager to learn and understand the jokes that your friends made. "If i'm a cake then... What cake would You think i would be?" - She said, in a joking manner with a smug smile. What cake would She be?
• Cassie dressed like a gaucho dancing "chacarera del olvido" with Y/N dressed up as a paisana.. She would try her hardest to dance, and she actually does decently! The shy look an her face after it is priceless! Please fill her face With kisses and tell her She made it right! (SOMEONE PLEASE DRAW THAT)
• She would use the Boca Juniors oversiced shirt you gifted her as a Pijama. Imagine the sight Of her with that shirt and her undies. Her face still groggy as She asks You if there are some remaining coquitos bc She LOVES THEM.
• Imagine her in a typical party, the saturated cumbia on the speakers, then. El carnaval carioca.
• She would be confused, but trying Her best. Someone gave her a matraca and some silly spectacles. She looks so cute yet ankwardly trying to blend in, the Mountain of a woman in the train of party people, she looks at you with a face that screams "take me out of here, im confused and scared", but when the ankwardness goes away, She enjoys the party. But She's still confused about the Meneaito. If You want to laught Your ass off and then get punished in bedroom by her, make her dance alongside the family. Don't forget to record her!
• As an important person, She attended some military parties, and got interested in learning the history of the land of her beloved. Because it's not only gauchos and meat. Not even tango!
• She got herself like five books, which She reads at night (With her reading glasses, that make her look 20/ more hotter). She wants to know more of the woman She loves and swears to protect, and part of her is the history of the land that saw her grow.
• Cathleen wants to be an expert in the T/N subject, not only her tastes and body languaje, She want to know what You learned at school when You were little, those nostalgic flavors you tasted, those party nights that left You dysphonic,and much more. Cassie wants to know her little Star like the palm of her hand<3
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𓆟 Hi guys, sorry for the delay, i had lots Of work to do. The next work is going to be "Songs That remind me Of Star". A personal take, it's going to have songs that i think She would listen, and songs that i listen and that I associate with her.
𓆉I hope You liked it, i'll try to make it better next time!
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