#2.5k words now and they only just started smooching OH BROTHER
hijackalx · 6 months
how has no one asked for the magistrate Astarion wip snippet?
oh i fucking GOT u bestie 💪🏻💯 here u go !!!! 💗💗💗💗
(also feel like i should mention that this is CORRUPT magistrate astarion lol. just to give u an idea of whats under the cut)
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spideyspeaches · 3 years
Gorgeous ↬ b.b
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A/N: Props to @thefallenbibliophilequote​ for getting me into bucky XD (fic lowkey based on Taylor Swift’s Gorgeous.)
Warnings: smut :) very smut and nudity.
WC: 2.5k+
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Peter Parker & Reader (Platonic)
Masterlist || Taglist 
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“Do you think he has a girlfriend?” You asked, sipping at the fairly bitter beer in your hand. Looking over your shoulder, you sighed, slumping on the counter of the bar you were in.  
You had been dragged along with your neighbour- Peter Parker, also known as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, to a club right after an Avengers mission. You were no avenger, just a run in the mill overworked and underpaid preschool teacher. 
It had become customary for you to tag along with him to bars with the other Avengers, after you had discovered about his spidery abilities. You had always been close to him, he was your brother in everything but blood. You were after all, his bonafide babysitter/best friend. 
The others in his team had accepted you with open arms, a weird bond forming between you and them, accepting you as more than "Peter's hot neighbour" and more like a part of their team. 
One particular person seemed to have caught your eye. 
Cranking your neck to see his slumped figure, you smirked at his back, eyes tracing his broad shoulders and newly buzz cut hair. You hadn’t talked to him much, but from when you had, you found him to be very sweet. He was shy, rarely spoke and always in his own shell, cheeks rosy pink whenever you conversed. So different from what the media portrayed him as that you found it utterly confusing that such a man could be brainwashed and used as a murder machine. 
Your heart ached for him, for how misunderstood he was among the antis. You just wanted to hug the man and give him one big forehead smooch. But, oh were you brought back to reality with a hit that you couldn’t really do that without looking creepy.
"Who? Bucky?" Peter smirked, interrupting you from looking at him. Your willed your heart to stop racing and plummeting in your stomach. 
“I thought his name was James?” You said, tilting your head in confusion. From what you had read in a source, his name was James Buchanan Barnes-
“Yeah but Steve calls him Bucky, so everyone does too.”
“Oh, Bucky. Has a nice ring to it.” You nodded, ignoring his smug expression, “answer my question though. I’m not gonna hit on him if he already has a girlfriend. Wouldn’t be surprised if he did.” You grumbled the next part, trying to ignore the flare of jealousy you felt in your chest.
Peter had made it very apparent to you that he was fully aware of your humongous crush on the winter soldier. And that little shit never let go of it, even when you weren't anywhere near the vicinity of said winter soldier. 
"Why do you think I would know?" He scoffed, going back to sipping his own bottle of beer. Scowling at him, you opened your mouth, inhaling sharply. 
"I don't know, cause you practically live there?" You shrugged, trying to feign indifference. You knew he looked right through it, if his shit eating grin and flushed cheeks were anything if not confirmation. 
"Bold of you to assume he even talks to me. And anyway, he hates my guts, him and Sam always prank me, it's practically a routine." He said, rolling his eyes, swirling his bottle lazily, "why do you want to know that anyway?" 
"You know why." You hissed. Turning around, your breath hitched when you saw him staring at You, wondering if he was just staring at your general direction and if you were going to embarrass yourself by waving at him. 
Apparently he was looking at you, because you swore saw a tiny wave coming at your direction, a small smile playing on his face. 
“And what if he did?”
“What is it to you, kiddo?”
"You both disgust me. Bucky with his constant questions about you and you with your constant questions about him" Peter muttered sarcastically. Ignoring him, you sighed dreaming, slumping on the barstool, "don't you already have a boyfriend anyway?" 
“And what about him?” You grumbled, rolling your eyes at the mention of him. He was hardly a boyfriend, more of a fling, an excuse to stop the pain of being single (you were dramatic, you knew). You were over him, broken up not long ago, but Peter didn’t need to know that. You wouldn’t want Peter siccing himself at your worst enemies.
“What I know is that he’s one son of a bitch who doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near you. Why are you dating him again?” Peter said, snapping you out of your daze.
“Do you kiss your girlfriend’s pussy with that mouth?” You scowled, huffing pettily.
“I’m sorry, who’s girlfriend’s what?” Tony said, appearing out of thin air, his mouth hung as he gaped at you and Peter. You snickered at Peter’s flushed and stuttering form, counting that as one win tonight. 
“My girlfriend’s lips. Y/N’s stuttering cause she’s too busy staring at Bucky.” Peter said, fixing you with a look, his head tilted adorably, jaw clenched like the way it did when he was done with your bullshit.
“Hey I’m not staring at him! He’s just so gorgeous- look at him!” You giggled, watching him stumble from his stool, the alcohol in your veins making you braver than before. You had endured more than one round of teasing from the team about your very obvious crush on one Bucky Barnes, yet you went on with your babbling.
“Yeah yeah, you’ve said what what- oh a million times before!” Peter shrieked, hands up in the air, nearly dropping his bottle. Snatching his bottle, you drowned the remaining liquid, dropping it on the counter with a scow, “are you even old enough to drink?”
“Hey! Let me tell you, I’m turning twenty one in a week, or did you forget?” He said, ignoring Tony, who was shaking his head and grumbling something about being too old for this shit.
“Of course I didn’t forget kiddo.” You said, smiling sadly at him, ruffling his messy brown hair. Ever since you met him, you always loved playing with his hair. They were fluffy, just like your cat’s, “Who allowed you to grow up so fast?” 
“Y/n/n! I’m only four years younger than you!”
“Ugh don’t remind me.” It still iffed you to no end that the boy who was once nine years younger than you was now 4 years younger, nevermind that he was mature much beyond his age. Mind briefly averted from one Winter Soldier, you didn’t notice him sit down next to you, startled when he called for you. You didn’t even notice Peter giving you a look before Tony dragged him somewhere.
“Hey, you’re Y/n right? Peter’s-” He started, your brain short circuiting when you saw his piercing blue eyes- the most beautiful shade of blue you had ever seen, staring at you, a small smirk playing on his stubbled jaw. You gulped internally, clearing your throat and sitting straight.
“Neighbour? Yes that’s me.” You nodded enthusiastically, smiling as much as you could without cringing at your ecstatic behaviour. 
“I know.”
Shuffling in your seat, you opened your mouth to speak, only for him to speak before both of you were interrupted by your laughter. Getting yourself together, you gestured for him to talk, “go ahead.”
“So, should I buy you a drink?”
“Only if you let me buy you one.” 
And that’s how it started. One drink turned to another, and next thing you knew you were kissing him, his hands in your hair, the cold of his metal arm placed firmly on your bare waist as he bunched your t-shirt up in a fist.
For a moment you weren’t aware of your surroundings, the only thing you could feel was his t-shirt fisted in your hands, his freezing palm causing an eruption of goosebumps on your skin as the cold air of the room hit you full force. Panting, you scrambled for the door, holding his hands in the darkened room as you followed him blindly.
Crashing your lips to his once again, you moan under your breath, chest hitching as you scrambled for your shirt and bra, pulling it over your head as you watched him do the same, smirking at the very apparent bulge on his blue jeans. 
“Do you have a condom? You panted, tracing his biceps with your nails as you pulled him so that you were chest to chest, your nipples hardening as your bare chests made contact. You could feel your pussy throbbing, groaning at your already growing lady boner, the place between your thighs slick with wetness.
“In my pocket.” He answered, lifting you up as you wrapped your legs around him, throwing you on the bed with questionable stains. You moaned as he dropped his weight on you, his hands burning flames on your skin as he traced patterns on your bare arms, kissing you with a vigor. 
Your hands reached for his jeans pocket, fumbling to find the packet of condom while he traced his lips on your neck, nibbling at the curve of your shoulder, making you shudder with excitement.
“Are you sure you-”
“Yes. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“Whatever you say doll.” 
Your stomach coiled when he called you that, groaning in pleasure as he roughed you up with his hands, his jeans sliding off, leaving his bare thighs barely visible to your eye. His eyes were somehow still illuminated in the dark room, leaving you even more wet than before. You never knew his eyes could turn you on so much that he made you come even before he could slide inside you.
Thrusting your hips, you watched impatiently as he slid the condom on his hardened dick, asking you for permission once more before sliding into you, his hips thumping with yours as he gradually increased his pace, hitting your spot.
“You’re so beautiful, so pretty under me. Perfect little wet pussy you got there doll.” He whispered, closing his eyes as you continued to run your fingers through his hair, holding onto his back with one of your hands, nails digging into his flesh, unable to form any words.
“I’m close.” You moaned, rolling your hips with his as he continued to move, panting, one hand on the headboard and the other on your boobs, keeping you firmly planted on the shitty pub mattress as he kneaded the soft skin, the brush of his fingers on your pebbled nipple your last straw as you finally gave into your climax.
“You good?” He asked, his dick still inside you as you came all over him. Sliding out, you lay on the dirty sheets, your bare body shivering with the excessive hormones that took over you, realising that you had just fucked James Buchanan Barnes. 
“Yeah, I’m good, Great. Amazing. Wow I can’t believe this happened.” You said, holding the thin sheet up to your chest as you saw him in the dim lights. His chest was glistening with sweat, his hair stuck to his forehead as you saw him discard the condom in a bin. Biting your lip, you tried not to stare at his bare ass, clenching your thighs. 
He gave you a friendly smirk when he caught you, thankful for the dark room, for you couldn’t stand him looking at your burning cheeks. 
“You know you can look right?” He smiled, holding your cheek in his cold palm, your own palms sweating as he straddled you, his frame encompassing yours as he towered over you, your thighs already pulsing, begging for a round two as-
“Oh, oh jesus you have nice fingers.” You giggled as he inserted his two fingers in your pulsing core, jerking your hips as he navigated through your slick folds. 
“It’s actually Bucky, but Jesus would do too.” He said, silencing you with another kiss. He gave a throaty growl as you kissed him harder, slicking back his hair with one hand, scratching at his scalp with your nails. Smirking under the kiss, you continued to do so until he increased his pace, your throbbing core giving in to the stimuli.
It was somehow easy for you to forget that the man you barely knew had made you come twice in the same night.
“Do you- do you want to go out sometime? Preferably without that Parker kid trailing behind you like a puppy?” Bucky huffed, ceasing his movement to look at you, your mouth open, wiping the smudged lipstick with a finger. 
“Aw he has good intentions.” You smiled, licking your lips teasingly as he rolled his eyes, “admit it he’s a good kid.”
“Are you really talking about Parker while I’m fingering you?”
“What? Ew. No, just, he thinks you hate him.” You giggled, shifting on the sheets a little to release your straining pelvis from cramping. 
“I don’t hate him, he’s a good kid, but he’s also a little shit at times.” He said, a fond look in his eyes. Your heart clenched at his expression, slowly pulling out of his grasp as you flopped on the bed, turning and looking at him. 
“He do be like that sometimes. But to answer your question, yes I would love to go on a date with you.” You smiled, burying your nose in his neck, not even caring that some drunk people might walk in on you two. No one had so far, so you didn’t really care.
To say that you were whipped would be an understatement. You started visiting the compound more often, came to movie nights, spent more time with everyone (especially him). 
“No!” You laughed, giggling as he picked you up bridal style, “Bucky! Jeez put me down right this instant or I’ll stick fridge magnets on you!”
You were instantly dropped on your feet, sighing when you felt his arms circle your waist, pulling your back to his chest. The tower was empty, everyone going back to their respective workplaces. It was only the two of you. You could hear him hum under his breath.
“Fridge magnet? Are they those sticky things that stick on fridges?”
“Yes Bucky, that’s exactly what they are. I thought they existed in the 20s?” You scoffed, turning around, falling on his firm chest. Circling your hands around his waist, you pondered at how close you had gotten with him in just a few days. Heck, every time you visited, it felt like you were just growing closer, until you felt your relationship tying in a tight knot. With a snap, you realised that your life might as well be in ruins was he not yours at this moment. 
“Only rich people had them.”
Maybe you were going overboard with your feelings, maybe you were rushing things, but you didn’t mind. Getting close to people wasn’t always your strongest suit, but with this man, you didn’t mind having silent conversations. Until you could feel his fingers on every inch of your being. 
With your heart thudding in your chest, you realised that you could spend your entire life tightening the knot of your heart with his, listen to him breathe as you laid by his bedside, play silly games with him. You were in love with this man.
“What are you thinking about?” He smiled, still swaying in your embrace.
“Nothing much.”
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A/N: the ending is a little questionable but lemme know what you think! Requests are open! :)
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Honest mistake [Ron Weasley x Reader]
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Title: Honest mistake Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word count: 2.5k Published: 13 April 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Warning: Alcohol, drunk teenagers Summary: [x] Winning a quidditch game means one thing and one thing only, drunken teenagers stumbling across the corridors of Hogwarts. Ron Weasley isn’t any different, he is anything but sober by the time you catch up with the trio and for once you don’t mind drunk people.  Bingo: [x] This is part of my Band–psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Card by @band--psycho​ 
Square filled: Drunken Confession 
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Band–psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Masterlist
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Winning a quidditch match meant one thing and one thing only. Teenagers drunkenly stumbling around the castle trying not to be caught by Filch and Mrs. Norris. It was a hard task, one that many failed to achieve. But you seemed to be on the right path as you hid in empty classrooms, behind statues and hidden passages. You were on your way to the Gryffindor common room to continue the party, you simply slipped out to help your friend going back to the Ravenclaw common room after she had decided that clumsily undressing herself on a table would be the best way to entertain the rest of the school. Although she was somewhat comical, you couldn’t let her go through with it, so there you were, trying to sneak back in.
Luckily the corridor leading to the Gryffindor tower was empty, no sign of Filch or his cat, but you still kept the noise of your shoes as faint as you could possibly manage. You quickly whispered the password to the Fat Lady, who opened the door for you, although murmuring something under her breath that you couldn’t quite catch.
“Finally, where were you?” George slurred as he threw his arm around your shoulder, his scent of alcohol immediately hitting your nostrils.
“You smell like fire-whiskey, George,” you grimaced as you removed his arm from your shoulder.
“It’s the smell of adulthood,” he shouted after you, but you didn’t even acknowledge that you heard his drunken rumbling. You looked around searching for your cousin, Angelina, who previously tried to get you as drunk as she was, unsuccessfully. Drinking wasn’t something you enjoyed, and it wasn’t because of the taste of alcohol, but because it felt like you lost control over yourself and that wasn’t something you enjoyed. You liked to be in control one way or another.
As you tried to push past the sea of people, you caught sight of Angelina, but she seemed to be rather occupied by Fred Weasley’s lips. Rolling your eyes, you turned around, searching for some better company. There was one particular ginger boy you were interested in finding, but you couldn’t see him anywhere nor did you see his friends. Hermione, Harry and Ron were glued by the hips as far as you saw and when one was gone so were the others.
Giving up on your search you flopped down on an empty armchair, not far from Fred and Angelina, who seemed to have better things to do than realise your presence. The sound of their saliva exchange seemed to bother you the longer you sat in your spot and by the time Angelina slipped into Fred’s lap, you couldn’t handle it anymore. The definition of control was something you just wanted to forget as the whole Gryffindor common room was a mess of drunkenly stumbling kids with no self-control. You couldn’t handle the sight, the noises, the crowd, you reached for the lonely bottle of fire-whiskey on the table and chugged a good shot down your throat.
Inevitably you started coughing, your body’s reaction to the unusual substance was obvious rejection, making you feel like you were about the throw up. Taking slow, deep breaths however seemed to have worked as the alcohol stayed down and after taking a second and third round, your body got used to the feeling. The room started heating up and you felt your cheeks flush, your ears burn as though someone changed the temperature in the room. But you weren’t naive, you knew it was simply the effects of the alcohol.
“Someone changed her mind about alcohol,” Angelina quipped as she finally parted from Fred. You didn’t even realise when the smooching sound has stopped, but it felt calm and somewhat pure again, regardless of all the drunk, dumb teenagers crowding the room.
“I couldn’t handle the atmosphere anymore,” you replied in a dry tone.
“Or?” she raised a questioning brow, a rather suspicious smile spread across her face.
“Or what?” you squinted with a deep frown across your brows, trying to understand her indications.
“You know, liquid courage,” she winked playfully, but her words meant nothing to you.
“I have no idea what you are on about. What would I need courage for?” You grimaced, scrunching your nose in the process.
“Obviously to ask Ron out,” she deadpanned you as if her statement was natural.
“Hold on a minute, you have a crush on my brother?” Fred quipped in with a wide grin on his face, one that didn’t indicate you were about to get out of this uncomfortable situation any time soon.
“Oh, she is head over heels for him,” Angelina laughed, slightly tilting her head back, holding onto her stomach. You didn’t find the situation quite as funny as she did, but it might have been because of the difference in the amount of alcohol you both consumed.
“So, when are you going to confess?” Fred asked with a humorous tone to his voice. Although you expected to be made fun of, it felt wrong that they found your feelings for the youngest Weasley brother comical. Watching him for years, yearning to be close to him and being swept aside to be stuck in only a friendship with him was beyond hard for you to handle and now that two people who were close to you made fun of you certainly didn’t help your unfortunate case.
“I’m glad you are enjoying the situation,” you huffed, trying to divert your attention from the couple, indicating that you didn’t find their presence interesting any longer.
“Oh, come on, we were just joking around,” Fred added upon seeing how uncomfortable he’d made you. But there was no reply, you didn’t even spare a glance at him. Fred heaved a heavy sigh and stood up, stumbling over to you and taking a seat on the arm of your chair. “Listen to me, my brother is a complete idiot for not realising your feelings, and I’m an idiot for making fun of you too, but it’s in our blood, maybe he just needs a little nudge,” he grinned proudly as if his idea was some sort of newfound solution. But in reality, you have tried to nudge the boy so many times, giving him hints, staying close to him as much as you could, but he remained blind to your feelings.
“If I nudge him anymore, I might as well push him down a hill,” you added bitterly, making Fred snort.
“I think our mother would have a say in that, but whatever you feel comfortable with,” he kept chuckling as he walked back to Angelina and captured her lips again. You never meant to be bitter about other couples, you didn’t want to be jealous, but watching them embracing each other made you feel useless for once. You stood up from the couch, securing your firm grip around the bottle of fire-whiskey as you stumbled around the room, not even trying to control your own body’s reaction to the alcohol. At that moment you just didn’t care anymore.
“Hey, we were looking for you,” you heard Hermione’s voice from across the room faintly. It took you a good few seconds to find her as you glanced around the room in anticipation, hoping the ginger boy was close by. As you caught a glimpse of Hermione’s bushy hair with Ron and Harry on each of her sides, you cut through the crowd, halting in front of the trio.
“So was I. Where were you?” You questioned as you tried to catch Ron’s eyes, but he found his shoes more interesting than your presence. You heaved a heavy sigh, one that has been an hourly occurrence around the boy, each time destroying just a little more of the hope you still harboured for the slightest of chance that you might just have a tiny chance with the boy.
“Ron got a bit too drunk,” Harry huffed in an annoyed tone.
“As if,” Ron quipped in, his cheeks crimson red, his words slurred. You found his pouting adorable, and you could barely contain the small smile threatening to grow wider.
“He confessed his undying love to me,” Harry added with a deadpan expression.
“I didn’t see that it was you,” Ron added in haste, trying to save himself from further embarrassment.
“You were looking straight into my eyes whilst you did so. So, whether you really are in love with me, or you have had way too much to drink. Your choice,” Harry raised a questioning brow, waiting for his friend to reply.
“Well, I’m certainly not in love with you,” he huffed.
“Then I guess you are drunk, what a surprise,” Harry retorted, making you giggle.
“Whatever,” Ron shrugged, heading towards an empty sofa and dropping down on it.
“Can you pay attention to him until I get some food and water for him from the kitchen?” Hermione asked with an exhausted expression and you could just imagine the amount of effort it took her not to strangle her drunk friend.
“Of course, but hurry back. He needs to just sleep it off,” you told her as she nodded and walked past you with Harry in her steps.
You walked over to the couch, looking at the boy, his limbs spread all over the cushions, his eyes closed, clearly in need of a good sleep. “Don’t worry, Hermione and Harry will be back soon and then you can go upstairs,” you tried to reassure him as you sat down beside him.
His eyes opened and effortlessly stared at you, making you feel as though you were tiny under his intense gaze. You attempted to turn away, but his blue eyes completely captured you and as much as you tried, you couldn’t get yourself to take your eyes off him. Gulping loudly, you shifted deeper into your spot, feeling as though it would be better to disappear.
“You’re fairly pretty, you know?” He asked with a lopsided grin, his confidence surprising you.
“Excuse me?” You asked, fearing you have heard him wrong.
“You’re quite pretty,” he repeated himself as he leaned closer, this time making sure you heard him well. His cheeks were slightly blushed, his freckles scattered all over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
“Qu—quiet? What does that even mean? Am I supposed to feel happy and take it as a compliment or were you trying to insult me?” You chuckled awkwardly, although you were rather happy both as a result of the bottle of fire-whiskey you were still holding on to and the compliment or so that you have received from Ron for the first time.
“Well, I mean— I can’t just walk up to you and confess my love for you, can I?” He snorted, laughing at himself, but you didn’t find his words funny. You were stunned, your smile disappeared and there was only one thing going through your mind. How sincere he was. “You would kill me if you realised how much I loved you,” he added, surprising you even more. Trying to control your heartbeat, you took deep breaths, but it didn’t seem to help. His words affected you both physically and emotionally. Your cheeks felt as though they were burning, your breathing was irregular, and you could physically feel your blood pulsing through your veins whilst your brain didn’t seem to process his words.
“What did you just say?” You asked, needing reassurance.
“I said you would murder me if I told you how much I loved you and I can’t risk that,” he slurred, his eyes closed once again, feeling tired from the amount of alcohol he has consumed throughout the night.
“Ronald, you just have,” you tried to reason with him, a small smile hiding in the corner of your lips, his confession making you feel content. It did run across your mind that it was the alcohol talking, but in the end, you just ignored the voices, because alcohol or not, no sane person would make such a silly mistake.
“No, I haven’t. You might have a hearing problem,” he replied cluelessly, shrugging his shoulder. You found his state rather funny, so you decided to push him.
“So, you don’t like me?” You asked, raising your brows curiously.
“Wait what?” he asked as though he finally realised something was wrong. His adam’s apple bopped firmly as he swallowed, his palms sweating in his nervous state. “I—you are my friend, of course, I like you,” he tried to save the situation.
“Then you won’t mind if I leave you here and go and dance with other people. You wouldn’t mind a bit,” you questioned with a rather proud smile.
“Erm— I’m your friend and I don’t feel well,” he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck, trying to keep his hands occupied. “As a friend it wouldn’t be nice of you if you left me like this,” he added, nodding along to his clever thinking.
“Okay, but after you have gone to sleep, it would be perfectly fine if I danced with others, right? You wouldn’t be jealous,” you asked with an innocent smile. Ron was clearly searching for the right words, but they just didn’t come.
“If— if that makes you happy, sure, go ahead,” he nodded along awkwardly, confused about his own words. You couldn’t stop the silent giggle from leaving your lips as you leaned closer and kissed the corner of his lips.
“I like you too, Ronald,” you chuckled at his cheeks taking on an even darker shade of pink and the surprise sitting across his face.
“Hey, we are back, let’s get you up,” Harry added as he appeared in the crowd with Hermione following him behind. “Are you okay?” Harry asked, looking at his friend who still looked at you as though he had seen a ghost.
“He is just tired,” you replied instead of him with a proud smile.
“Come on,” Harry stepped closer, hooking his arm around Ron’s body, placing his arm around his own shoulder.
“I meant it,” you quickly said causing Hermione and Harry to frown, but Ron understood. A wide grin spread across his face as he tried to balance himself.
“So did I,” he chuckled and leaned closer, hinting a small kiss on your forehead. “Hopefully I won’t be dead tomorrow and we can actually sit down and talk without me feeling like a rag doll,” he laughed, and you couldn’t stop yourself from returning his expression.
“I’d certainly love that,” you offered him a sweet smile as he nodded and stumbled across the common room with Harry’s help.
“What was that about?” Hermione asked with a deep frown, for the first time feeling completely clueless.
“I guess you will just have to wait to find out,” you giggled as you headed towards the dormitory, shoving the bottle of whiskey into George’s hand. You left the loud crowd and walked up the stairs to your room, with a wide grin across your face, impatiently waiting to wake up even though you weren’t even asleep just yet.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
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Taglist is in a reblog from now on.
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Empty Words Part 5
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5
Taehyung X Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Summary: Moving to the big city for some inspiration as an aspiring young author, you run into an idol and your simple journey becomes more twisted than originally planned.
Word count: 2.5K
Cycling to work with shaky legs, the scene played over and over in your head, little else mattering at that point. You shouldn’t have been surprised really but you were regardless. It wasn’t your first ever date but you’d never really been on a second date or gone far with anyone at all. Not that you were going to go far with him as far as you knew but still, crazy! 
Work was a haze to say the least, the memory ended up quite blurry and your mind was elsewhere for a larger majority of the time of you being there. Once you got home that evening, you decided to call Tae. Because of the eavesdropping boys and the rush to work, you hadn’t had the chance to discuss when this date was, where it was happening, literally anything to do with it. Phone ringing, nervously waiting, you found a pen to chew to pass time. You spat it right back out again when you heard a husky voice cut the ringing tone to greet you.
Taehyung: Hello? Y/N, are you there? You: Oh, hi, sorry, are you busy? I just wanted to- Taehyung: No no it’s fine I’m not doing anything.
You heard him struggle on the other end of the phone as the boys clearly teased him, wolf whistling and tickling him. Urging them to go away and whispering to them to shut up as if you couldn’t hear everything that was going on, he came back to the conversation though you could imagine them silently sitting around him trying to listen.
Taehyung: Sorry about that, so what is it you wanted to talk about? You: Well I’m sure you remember asking me out this morning right? I just wanted to discuss a time and place and stuff... If you still want to do it! Taehyung: Yeah! I was thinking about it, I finish practice in an hour so I could pick you up in a couple of hours. I say we cycle around the park then get food somewhere on the way... Or we could go to a fancy restaurant then we could walk home in the dark-  You: I really don’t mind, it’s up to you, both sound really good to me. Taehyung: Okay, okay, first proper date, I’ll take you to dinner... In two hours! Fancy too, be ready okay? You: That sounds great, I’ll be ready. Meet where we first met? Taehyung: Nope, I’ll get you at your apartment. See you-
Cut off by Jungkook and Jimin shouting “I love you Jagi” down the phone and smooching noises, he ended the call in embarrassment. You laughed at the goofy kids and felt better. Fancy dinner with a famous vocalist, nothing to worry about. Just have to look hot, hope he isn’t recognised and actually get through the night without any kind of ridiculous disaster. 
The next two hours were spent pampering, bathing and agonising over what to wear. Finally coming to a conclusion, you figured you can’t go wrong in a skinny red dress. With classy heals and silver earrings as well as hair done up, you were ready for your night out. Sifting through a couple of boxes to find a necklace, the search was cut short but a knock on your door. He was early. 
“Hi~” You hummed nervously peaking your head through the door. Barely looking at him, you left the door open and ran into your room to quickly grab the necklace you were looking for and get going. He followed you in and watched you from your bedroom door. “Sorry, I’ll be ready in a second, just trying to find a freaking necklace, must have lost it in the move.” With no response, you almost give up but finally spot it at the bottom of the box. Squealing with delight you twirl around to him. Your jaw dropped when you took in the sight of him, he was such a beautiful man. Dressed in a black tux with his black mask under his chin and a big dark coat, he flashed you a timid look as you gawked at him.
“Stop staring, you’re making me more nervous...” He whined and all you could do was close your mouth and nod. He is so out of my league, who the hell am I kidding? About to put your necklace on, he came behind you. “I can make it really romantic like in the movies and put it on for you.” He looked at you in the mirror with a suggestive eyebrow gesture and a naughty smile. You giggled and handed him the necklace. 
Unlike in the movies, your date was so concentrated on actually putting the delicate chain on you, the sexual tension was completely one sided. Or so you thought but once it was on, you caught him looking at the curvature of your neck, standing so close, feeling his breath light and warm on the surface. He leaned in, as if to kiss it, took a deep breath and moved away again. 
“We should go, I made a reservation and we are supposed to be there in 15 minutes.” He darted across the room and over to the front door and seemed to be shaking off his feeling, quite literally as you followed him. shrugging your coat on and grabbing your purse, you linked arms and headed out discussing whether he should try biking you there or calling a taxi. Deciding to call a taxi, it got there quickly and made it to your reserved table just in time. 
The place was beautiful, so classy, full of rich couples and families, as well as what looked like work celebrations and so on. Staring in awe at the expensive environment, you didn’t even consider how out of place you were. You didn’t have to pay for anything so you might as well enjoy the experience right? Turning your attention to the handsome man sitting opposite you, you smiled bashfully under his watchful gaze. 
“Have you never been on a date to a place like this before?” He looked at you, genuinely curious as to what life you must lead that is so different to his. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable you played with the hem of your dress as you answered him.
“I have only been on a couple of dates when I was younger, nothing interesting, mostly ended up holding hands in the barn and hiding behind the hay when our parents came looking for us. I’ve only ever been to one place as posh as this. My brother’s wedding was in a beautiful venue, it’s kind of similar to here. He is pretty wealthy being in the pharmaceutical industry so he managed to pull it off. I’d never seen my parents so happy.” Sighing at the random nostalgia, a thought hit you. “Oh my god, my parents are visiting soon. I still haven’t gotten anywhere with my novel and imagine what they’ll say if I tell them about you, wow.”
Panic rising in him, questions and doubts started to fill his head. “Please tell me you haven’t told them yet. Paparazzi feed off of this kind of thing and I don’t want you to be under that kind of light.” He sighed, his outburst surprised you. But you figured it wasn’t the right time to ask. 
The rest of the evening went smoothly, lovely food, some drinks and heavenly desserts. Having a free luxurious meal, you ate all that you could while still fitting in the dress (barely) before lying back in your seat and smiling widely. Taehyung was the type of person you wouldn’t be embarrassed stuffing your face with, when he saw you stuff your face earlier, he smiled to himself and stuffed his face as well. One thing you took from that dinner was that that man can eat!
“What are you smiling about?” You didn’t realise how strange it must look as you lie there with a grin on your face staring at the ceiling. you chuckled and sat back up to look at him.
“Let’s go. We’ve been here for ages and I want to go walk off the food.” He nodded and got up eagerly waving a waiter over for the bill. You could tell he noted that you avoided his question but it didn’t seem like the time to get all mushy on him in a restaurant packed full of people.
Excitement bubbled in your stomach as you felt the electricity and warmth from his large hand as he clasped yours in his. Once you’d left, it was dark out, the streets lit by artificial light, casting shadows around the crevices in buildings and people walking by. Giddy and hyper, the two of you seemed to have a lot of energy, really enjoying your night. You headed to the park close to your house and walked through it, clutching onto him. There was a cool breeze brushing past your face and legs giving you goosebumps. 
“Are you cold?” He seemed concerned and stopped walking. He took you by the shoulders and stood in front of you. His posture changed and he suddenly seemed quite vulnerable and timid as he looked at you. “I...” sighing at a loss for words, unable to voice what he wanted, he rolled his eyes back and tried again. “I really enjoyed dinner with you and... Well, I also enjoyed kissing you on the couch and you’re cold so I was wondering if it was okay to do it again, might warm you up.”
He seemed alarmed as he watched you double over laughing. “Taehyungie you’re so cute. I really enjoyed dinner with you too. Come on my apartment isn’t far, I’ll race you?” Flashing a grin to cover his grimace as you dodged addressing kissing all together, he got into a racing stance on one knee looking up at you. You joined him and counted to three together. “Wait wait, I can’t run in these heels.” You took them off and put them in your purse, and regained your stance, readying yourself to run with nothing but your tights separating you from the floor. Once you counted to 2 he stopped.
“Won’t your feet hurt?” You seized the opportunity for a head start and began sprinting down the path, sound of your evil cackle echoing through the empty park. “Now you’re playing dirty!” He screamed after you, voice laced in mock pain from your betrayal. He caught up to you way too quickly due to your restricting tight dress and the pain on your feet. You couldn’t feel the pain as much because of the sheer innocent joy that filled your chest.
Arriving at your block of apartments panting at the door for just a second you looked up at him and laughed. The same thought popped into your heads and you pushed passed each other to get through the door and run up the stairs taking it two by two. He won of course. 
Unlocking your apartment and trailing yourselves in, you plopped on the sofa, the only sound was you both inhaling deeply trying to make up for the oxygen dept from running so hard. “I won even though you cheated.” he giggled and started tickling your sides as you tried to wriggle out of his grip. You ended up lying on his lap, looking up at him. He smiled down at you and cupped your cheek with his hand. His eyes flickered down to your lips and back to your eyes. Remembering you dodging his request earlier he was reluctant and held back from what he really wanted to do. 
You didn’t miss his hesitation and smiled sweetly at him. You snaked your hand up his chest to the nape of his neck and guided him down to your lips. At first he was frozen and mildly shocked but he then melted into the kiss and wrapped his arm behind your back and sat you up. He pulled away and looked at you. 
“I really like you Y/N, I want to be your boyfriend but I’m scared.” Your stomach flipped at hearing that word. 
“You want to be my boyfriend? Why are you scared?” Your voice cracked as you struggled to speak. Heart racing and hands shaking, you dared yourself to keep looking at him. His beautiful brown eyes looked back, wide with worry and want. 
“I’m scared because I hurt someone before that I cared about and I don’t want to hurt you. I’m also scared because I don’t think you want me in that way. Your life may become difficult if you were to date an idol as well, I just-” you cut him off with a tender kiss and smiled to yourself against his lips. 
“I’m surprised you’re so interested in someone like me. You run into beautiful female artists all the time and they understand your lifestyle way more than I would.” Doubts started to flood into your mind as you thought of how ridiculous it was that he was interested in you because, why? What did you have to offer. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Planting a kiss, you said yes against his lips and you pulled away to see his rectangular grin. He slid his hand behind your head and brought you in for more kissing. It was deeper this time, more passionate and desperate. He slid his hand under you and carried you to your room and laid you on your bed. 
Yawning with your head resting on his chest and feeling his warm skin against yours, you felt his heart beat under your ear. It had finally slowed and you had been lying quietly for a while. Startled by the sudden break in silence, you look up at him, his voice low and soft.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He said while stroking your hair and staring off into space. 
“I really do. I mean I’m nervous because I’ve never really done anything like this before but you seem worth it, I enjoy myself around you.” Planting kisses on his chest, all the way up across his jaw and playfully nibbling his chin won you a giggle. 
“I think you’re quite special. Whatever book you write, it’ll be a best seller. I’ll make Namjoon publicise it and support you through it all.” He kissed your forehead and lay facing you. “Sleep well Y/N. We have to go to my place tomorrow to keep Jin from panicking about not coming home.”
“Why do I have to go?” You protested. You were in for a world of torture with the boy if you went into the pit of immature men waiting to tease you both as Tae spent the night. 
“I need you as back up. Jin will shout at me, and the rest of the members...” He sighed and shuddered at the thought of their reactions. “Please? If you’re my girlfriend now,” he paused to smile shyly at the word ‘girlfriend’, “it is your duty to stick by me through hard times and protect me from my band members.” He said as a matter-of-factly. You groaned in agreement and snuggled into his open arms. Drifting into sleep, you welcomed the feeling as you lay snug with your back against his chest refusing to think about the taunting you’d face the following morning.
Hope you guys liked it, sorry it took so long. I’ve honestly just been so busy and I needed to make this chapter right. Share it and let me know how you think if you want more.
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