astrologyenthus · 8 months
Astro observations
people talk about air moons being detached , aloof and all that when it’s actually earth moon that’s are way worse at showing the cars or they have weird ways of dealing with their mental state
I will always stand by Geminis idc , they are not ‘fake’ they match energy so if your vibes is off they’ll blend in with that energy and mirror you and plus maybe don’t be so boring🥰
Scorpio moons/taurus/pisces moons + risings can be into dark/grunge aesthetics and styles
cancer suns are really possessive over what’s theirs no jokes like they’ll threaten you for no reason
4H/cancer mercury people can be really sensual , nursing and supportive with their worth if they have air also in their chair they may lie a lot
scorpio risings have this special effect about them that I just can’t believe, their style is impeccable and especially when they have piercings👩‍🍳😘
Capricorn/10H mars are very pragmatist when achieving their goals and how they reach it and can be a little bit of a perfectionist, too be honest it gives that “NEVER BACK DOWN , NEVER WHAT??” energy lmaoo✨
sagittarius/9H mars can be enthusiastic and energetic about their work/goals bonus points if they have libra placements too (can a sag have libra placements too??)
any fire sign especially aries/leo are the most cocky ones besides sagittarius
people with gemini/sagittarius in their chart are very scatterbrained/chaotic when at work overall they have a million unfinished projects and tasks they need to do and catch up and can eventually become snappy if too overwhelmed my art teacher has this placement lolll
libra/aries placements can be people pleaser and allow people too walk over them easily
scorpio and aquarius/pisces/taurus can be very into occult things like astrology/tarot🔮🪬🩻🧿
libra 12H people can have turbulent relationships
people with Scorpio and virgo in the big 6 calls for very much overthinking and be a detective
2H/taurus venus are very indulgent with their money and will spend it on their lover just like libra will they both value beauty,aesthetics, and being comfortable with the people they love the most plus quality time is THEIR LOVE LANGUAGE OR CAN BE😁
mutable moons/mercury are very unpredictable they like they’ll do something for a certain period of time but than one day they’ll do something completely different
libra 5th could be very talented and expressive through painting,makeup and cosmetics etc.
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
Master list
Welcome superstar, to the front desk of my tumblr. Here is a comprehensive lis of all my articles that are series (concluded and ongoing) in their order of publication. Enjoy! Remember to ring the bell if you need some refreshments, Jean Pierre the bellhop will bring you some champagne and macarons.
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If I was your personal stylist: Zodiac edition.
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
Asteroid Hayao Miyazaki (8883) in your astrology natal chart
by : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
"I believe that fantasy in the meaning of imagination is very important. We shouldn't stick too close to everyday reality but give room to the reality of the heart, of the mind, and of the imagination." - Hayao Miyazaki
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asteroid "Miyazaki Hayao" code number : 8883
The asteroid "Miyazaki Hayao" (8883) is named after the famous japanese animator and movie director Hayao Miyazaki.
Hayao Miyazaki is best known as an acclaimed Japanese film director and animator. He is best known for his imaginative and visually stunning animated films, often called anime. Miyazaki is the co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a renowned animation studio, and has directed some of his most popular and successful films.
Miyazaki has been nominated for and won several Academy Awards. His film "Spirited Away" (2001) won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2003 making it the first and only hand-drawn and non-English-language film to win in that category.
His work often deals with themes such as nature, conservation, growth and the importance of kindness.
Miyazaki's films such as Spirited Away, Totoro, and Princess Mononoke are known for their compelling storytelling, beautiful hand-drawn animation, and unforgettable characters. He gained worldwide recognition and became an influential figure in the animation world. 
Hayao Miyazaki's art style is characterized by attention to detail, fluidity, and the ability to evoke a sense of wonder and magic. His hand-drawn animations are known for their meticulous attention to detail and care put into each frame.
Miyazaki often emphasizes the beauty of nature, including lush landscapes, intricate cityscapes, and fantastical creatures. His characters are brought to life by expressive facial features and subtle movements to capture a wide range of emotions.
Miyazaki's art style also incorporates elements of traditional Japanese aesthetics, including a strong connection with nature and an emphasis on simplicity and elegance.
Overall, his art style is distinctive and recognizable, creating a visually stunning and immersive experience for the viewer. 
(source : chat gpt)
In astrology the asteroid "Hayao Miyazaki" (8883) could indicate : your artistic expression, your imagination, your storytelling, your environmental consciousness, or ur a sense of wonder and magic, where could hayao miyazaki's work inspires or influence ur life in a type of way, ur interest in animation, your interest in art , where u are widely respected or admired for your artistic work, where your artistic work could gain wide or global recognition, where u plan to retired a lot of times when u are old but you still do ur job anyway lmao
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
🤍 JUNO 🤍 :
Astroids in Astrology Part 1 :
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Aka Queen Hera. Queen of heaven.
Goddess of Love, Fertility and Marriage.
She is the daughter of Saturn & the wife and sister (🤮) of Jupiter (aka Zeus).
She is actually well known as the jealous wife of Jupiter. And I don't blame her... Since Jupiter is fickle af.
She is the embodiment of royalty and dignity.
No matter how much of a man whore Jupiter is.. Hera was forever loyal to him.
She is also the watcher, protector and counselor of women. More particularly the protector of pregnant women.
Juno in the birth chart shows us our commitment to lawful marriage. Shows your soulmate and their qualities.
Juno placements :
Juno - Sun : Marriage is important. These natal's life kind of starts after marriage. They keep their partner over a pedestal. They attract a devoted partner.
Juno - Moon : Attracted to nurturing and caring. A strong emotional bond. A strong desire to start a family with this person.
Juno - Mercury : Attracted to witty people. Drawn to a talkative & humorous person. There is a lot of open & honest conversation in this marriage.
Juno - Mars : This marriage is filled with passion. Intense af. Very obsessive & possessive of their soulmate. The natal is the dominating one in this marriage.
Juno - Venus : There is a lot of affection and care in this marriage. There is a strong physical attraction. There is also a lot of jealousy in this marriage. Especially from the Venus person. The Venus person cannot tolerate anyone looking at the Juno person.
Juno - Jupiter : In marriage they seek comfort, pleasure and luxury. Optimistic and jovial kind of marriage.
Juno - Saturn : They have a sense of seriousness and discipline in this marriage. Care a lot about their public image / status. Both people involved in the synastry are practical and mature.
Juno - Neptune : Marriage is a spiritual experience for this natal. Will meet their soulmate.
Juno - Uranus : People with this aspect are drawn to eccentric people. People who have unconventional hobbies and style are found attractive to the natal.
Juno - Pluto : Marriage will bring a lot of transformation to the natal. Possessiveness is a strong theme in this marriage.
Juno - Lilith : There is a lot of trust in each other in this marriage. They don't trigger each other in any way. There is no doubt about another person's character in this marriage.
Juno - Ascendant : Natal has an innocent looking face. Untouched beauty kind of aura. Made for a long term relationship. Marriage material. Loyalty & faithfulness comes easy to them.
Juno - MC : Your soulmate will help you in your career advancement. An overall positive public reputation. Have a powerful / influential partner.
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
Moon Placements (Synastry Chart)
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1st House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 1st house suggests a deep emotional connection and a sense of emotional security in the relationship. Partner B may feel understood, nurtured, and supported by Partner A. This placement can create an instinctive and intimate bond, where both partners are attuned to each other's needs and emotions.
2nd House: With Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 2nd house, emotional security and shared values become important aspects of their relationship. Partner A may have a significant impact on Partner B's financial matters, providing emotional support and stability in the area of material resources. They may help each other develop a sense of self-worth and nurture a shared approach to financial security.
3rd House: When Partner A's Moon is in Partner B's 3rd house, communication and intellectual connection are vital in their relationship. Partner A brings emotional depth and sensitivity to Partner B's mind, stimulating meaningful conversations and fostering a deep understanding of each other's thoughts and emotions. They may engage in activities together that involve learning, writing, or exchanging ideas.
4th House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 4th house highlights a strong emphasis on the home, family, and emotional foundations of their relationship. Partner A may bring a nurturing and supportive energy to Partner B's domestic life, creating a sense of emotional security and belonging. They may feel like a family unit, with a shared focus on creating a warm and loving home environment.
5th House: With Partner A's Moon falling in Partner B's 5th house, their relationship is likely to be characterized by creativity, romance, and a sense of playfulness. There is an emotional connection and mutual enjoyment of shared hobbies, entertainment, and artistic pursuits. Partner A may inspire Partner B's creativity and bring a sense of emotional joy and passion to their shared experiences.
6th House: When Partner A's Moon is in Partner B's 6th house, their relationship is focused on mutual support, routine, and overall well-being. Partner A provides emotional nurturing and care in the realm of work, health, and daily life. They may have a strong desire to help each other establish healthy habits, and their emotional connection may thrive through acts of service and practical support.
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7th House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 7th house is a significant placement for emotional bonding and a sense of partnership. Partner B may feel deeply connected to Partner A on an emotional level, seeking emotional balance and harmony in their relationship. This placement indicates a strong desire for a committed and emotionally fulfilling partnership.
8th House: With Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 8th house, their relationship is likely to be intense, transformative, and deeply intimate. The emotional connection between them runs deep, exploring the realms of shared resources, trust, and vulnerability. They may experience powerful emotional transformations together and have the potential for a profound spiritual and emotional bond.
9th House: When Partner A's Moon falls in Partner B's 9th house, their relationship involves growth, expansion, and a shared sense of adventure. Partner A brings emotional depth and sensitivity to Partner B's quest for knowledge, exploration of new belief systems, and spiritual pursuits. They may embark on journeys together, whether physical or intellectual, that deepen their emotional connection.
10th House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 10th house indicates that the relationship plays a significant role in both partners' public image, career aspirations, and sense of responsibility. Partner B may see Partner A as a supportive figure who brings emotional security and understanding to their professional life. They may have shared ambitions and goals, and Partner A's emotional presence helps create stability and fulfillment in their careers.
11th House: With Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 11th house, their relationship is likely to revolve around friendship, shared ideals, and involvement in group activities. They may develop a strong emotional bond through their shared interests, humanitarian causes, and social networks. Partner A's emotional support and understanding contribute to a sense of belonging and camaraderie in their shared circles.
12th House: When Partner A's Moon is in Partner B's 12th house, their relationship is characterized by deep emotional and spiritual connection, as well as a sense of mystery and transcendence. Partner B may feel understood at a profound level, and Partner A's emotional presence may help them navigate their subconscious realms and explore spiritual practices. Their emotional connection may require periods of solitude and introspection.
Remember that this is a general interpretation, and a complete synastry analysis would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship dynamics between both partners.
Stay tune for the more astro posts.
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
Hello Sky! Hope you’re having a smooth recovery 🙌🏼
I was wondering, since you use whole sign system, how do you interpret MC falling in the 11th and 9th house? Would love to know your insight
Have a nice day! 💕
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For those who are confused by this:
In Whole Signs System your MC isn’t always in your 10H like in Placidus System. In Whole Signs your MC can either be in the 9th, 10th, or 11th house
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MC in 9H
》 You’re meant to leave a knowledgeable legacy on this earth that can help others grow and become better people
》 Your career may involve traveling, tv/media, teaching, law/justice, languages, or religion
》 The public sees you as someone that’s very optimistic, adventurous, comical, and honest
MC in 10H
》 You’re meant to leave a legacy that teaches others to achieve their goals no matter how hard they have to work
》 Your career may involve you being in charge/the boss, it may be a similar career to your fathers, it may involve gaining fame, or your career may heavily affect your legacy
》 The public sees you as someone who’s very responsible, put together, and hardworking
MC in 11H
》 You’re meant to leave a legacy through technology that teaches others how to invent new ideas through team work and manifest their dreams into reality
》 Your career may involve technology, politics, humanitarianism, inventing, film, and you can gain lots of success/wealth by making connections
》 The public sees you as someone who’s very intellectual, unique, looks out for others, and is sociable/friendly
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
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• Masterman(21561) conjunct Ascendant can make someone come across as very dominant and authorative.
• Kitty(9563) conjunct Mars can make someone into the pet & owner kink.
• Lilith conjunct Ascendant or MC in the Fama(408) persona chart can be someone whos known as ”promiscuous”.
• People with Chiron in the 1st house usually dont like going places in public alone. Can have some kind of fear of being attacked or looked at.
• Bambi(15845) conjunct Venus might have been preyed on by people they were in love with.
• Dejanira(157) conjunct Ascendant can make someone look very vulnerable.
• People with Ceres(1) conjunct Mercury have the most soothing voice.
• Ive noticed that a lot of people who convert to another religion because someone made them have Lilith in the 9th house. Or they had to convert to be accepted by their partners family.
• I actually know someone with asteroid Hack(88558) conjunct his Leo Moon and he was very dramatic and he would actually hack into peoples Facebook,Email or Snapchat account when he hated them.
• Circe(34) conjunct Ascendant is definitely on of the sexiest and most striking placements. It gives such a bewitching look.
• Bellona(28) conjunct Sun or Ascendant is someone who wont back down no matter whos standing infront of them. They are bad at choosing which battles are worth fighting. Might have beef with a lot of people during their lives. If afflicted might even look for a fight or enjoy it.
• Lilith conjunct Moon is definitely one of the top 3 synastry aspects when it comes to craziness and obsession. (According to me)
• Asteroid Bella(657) and Aphrodite(1388) conjunct Ascendant does not only add beauty but it also makes someone come across as very refined and elegant. They got the manners of a rich old lady.
• Women with Mars Square Juno(3) gets involved with men who ends up being threathened by her Mars traits.
• Archimedes (3600) rules spiraling downwards or upwards. This asteroid conjunct Midheaven shows that your fall might be there for everyone to see. Think Britney. Her downward spiral was made into entertainment.
• I have Stargazer(8958) conjunct Sun and I (obviously) love astrology
• Ive seen asteroid Briede(19029) conjunct Sun in the chart of women who had a lot of people propose to them after just knowing them for a short time.
• My stepmoms Groom(5129) is conjunct my dads Sun and she wanted him at first sight.
• Psyche(16) conjunct Moon in synastry indicates a beautiful feeling of understanding eachother.
• People with Child(4580) conjunct Sun or Ascendant never lost that childlike innocence, sense of fun and curiosity. They can look really cute too.
•I know someone with Paine(5188) conjunct Venus who struggled with her appearance her whole life. Shes not ugly she just think she is because she got bullied for something that has to do with her looks during her childhood.
See more asteroid observations on my masterlist!
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©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
Astro Observations 7
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🎡Having a Taurus moon can make a native somewhat of an enabler if their aspects are not properly balanced
🎡Pluto can give insight into what’s hidden using degrees of the planet. For example, a cap rising who has a Pluto placement at an Aries degree could indicate hidden enemies regarding family or home security seeing that a cap risings 4H would be in Aries
🎡your very likely to attract placements that are similar to yours,
🎡laughing because your extremely upset just exudes fire energy. Also cap mars energy Too oddly enough 🤭
🎡it seems like air moons daydream a lot… as well as water moons too. Air likes to think a lot and water likes to feel a lot. Soo this makes sense
🎡Aquarians do genuinely come off as aloof and distant but they just genuinely like having time to themselves, while air signs are very sociable Aquarius is the most advanced out of all 3 of them so sometimes they’ll just be like that lol.
🎡something about having a Scorpio MC and not wanting to say all to much about what happened at work today 🤨
🎡moon trine Lilith could indicate you intimidate others from some sort of emotional intelligence 🧞
🎡Aries suns can get a lot of flack for being… well an Aries, but If think about how the sun is exalted within the sign of Aries it makes sense. People pleasing and being nice to everyone can only do so much, your gonna have to worry about yourself too before you like crumble, what I mean is sometimes being selfish works out sometimes sense you make sure you get you before anyone else does, this is also why Libra is fall in the sun, too much worry about other people and not yourself!! (This is self drag high-key high-key 😔)
🎡speaking of libra sun, there are a good number of indicators that suggest parental issues in astrology:
Daddy issues: Libra sun, sun square mars, sun square Saturn, Sun square or opposite Chiron,Saturn opposite Chiron
Mommy issues : Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio moon. Chiron opposite moon, North Node conjunct moon (depends on the rest of the chart that conjunct is more nuanced.) moon opposite ascendant. Moon in the 6th
(If you need more reason for these aspects comment, I’ll do my best to answer your questions!)
End of observations! I hope y’all enjoyed it sorry about the inactivity. Life is extremely hectic rn, kinda going through a tower moment of sorts so yea I’m thankful for everyone’s patience though!💜
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
Indicators of writing talent/love for writing in the natal chart ✍🏻✨
Mercury in the 3rd house/Gemini
Stellium in Gemini
Mercury in the 6th house/Virgo
Stellium in Virgo
Mercury trine/sextile/conjunct Jupiter
Mercury trine/sextile/conjuct Neptune
Mercury in the 1st house
Mercury conjunct ASC
Mercury trine/sextile Saturn
Mercury trine/sextile Moon
Mercury in the 4th/8th/12th house
Ceres in the 3rd/6th/10th house
Fortuna in the 3rd/6th/10th house
Pallas in the 3rd house
Aquarius Sun/Mercury/Moon
Ruler of the 3rd house positively aspected
Pisces placements
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
Message for water signs/placements/water dominant
Do people gaslight you when you express your emotions telling you you overreacted or you’re too sensitive ? Have you been hearing that your whole life ?
Maybe you have internalised that and now you gaslight yourself from showing your emotions and their wide range.
Please stop gaslighting yourself because if you feel this deeply that’s actually an amazing quality. It means you’re alive, you’re more than enough to feel anything and express it instinctively. You feel and you express. It means you’re not dead inside. Many of those who have told you you’re too sensitive are those who are dead inside.
Keep being alive, honour your emotions and use your sensitivity at your advantage. Trust your emotions and yourself.
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astrologyenthus · 1 year
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People with this aspect have a large amount of raw energy to work off. They are very driven and incredibly passionate, they have many inspiring qualities and make for great leaders. However, having this placement does come with some contention. The natives' high levels of aggression scares people off. They tend to intimidate people without trying. It would be good for them to find a worthy cause to channel all this untapped energy into. They understand the underdog and are always going to root for them. Their fighting spirit is needed within activism and social justice. They are unafraid to stand up for others, and do not fear putting themselves first when faced with discomfort.  Their rebellious ways are capable of bringing about much needed change, but they are just as capable when it comes to causing destruction. 
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astrologyenthus · 2 years
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Sun - Jupiter in natal aspects are shown by extraordinary luck by the natal owners. Good shit just happens to them. Having a benefic planet on their side.
Sun - Mars in natal aspects bless the natal owner with  charisma, and a war like work ethic. Natural born leaders. Endless energy.
Sun - Moon in natal aspects present themselves as someone who is very emotionally driven. Jumps headfirst.. or should I say heart first. Listens to their heart over their head.
Mercury - Mars in natal aspects gives someone intense drive when it comes to engaging it in curriculum or career-based projects. Could be nitpicky if this shows up in a square. 
Pluto - Mars in natal aspects marks someone with magnetic energy that draws others in when their passionate or producing some sort of output i.e sports, work, school, art, music etc. Success follows them because people want to support them.
Neptune - Moon in natal aspects bless the natal owner with the bittersweet ability to sense ulterior motives
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(Moon through the signs posted now)
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astrologyenthus · 2 years
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ARIES MOON: lawful chaos. The avenger of the friend group. “do as I say, not as I do”. Way more in touch with their emotions than others give them credit for.
Taurus Moon: stubborn. Emotionally intelligent and emotionally reserved. Stuck in their ways. Money and aesthetic driven. Big dick energy. Plan maker and care taker.
Gemini Moon: truly does not know what what they want until the moment of. The queen/king of communication. picks up on topics/ideas really fast. Really good at expressing their emotions, but it can come across as harsh if they haven’t built any emotional intelligence.
Cancer Moon: empathetic and craves harmony. Probably tends to other peoples emotions before their own. Grandma/grandpa of the friend group.
Leo Moon: center stage. Craves attention. Jovial to the core.  connects with children and animals very well. teacher vibes.  perfectionist, and expects everyone else to be too. Might be emotionally reserved.
Virgo Moon: calculates every single action they might take to see the end result. May appear to be cynical, but really is just a teddy bear.  swamp witch vibes. Healer energy. incredibly intuitive. Gifted with sciences.
Libra Moon: demands harmony with an interpersonal relationship. May struggle with being a people pleaser. loves words of affirmation and gifts. incredibly intuitive within relationships. 
Scorpio Moon: the epitome of angst. Does not like to be perceived. Feels things incredibly deeply, but does not show it. magnetic. Charismatic, leadership energy. Others trust you with their lives.
Sagittarius Moon: goofy. Comes across as emotionally unintelligent on purpose as a protective reason. incredibly perceptive. Struggles to settle down when they know their needs aren’t being met. Low-key a hopeless romantic. 
Capricorn Moon: hermit energy. Incredibly empathetic, even though you may not perceive this at first. selective with who they trust. resting bitch face. The stabilizer for those around them.
Aquarius Moon: aloof. Chooses to disconnect as a means of survival. loves or hates a group setting. Probably has a lot of online friends. Would probably meet their significant other from a dating app or social media platform. emotionally reserved. Picky with trust.
Pisces Moon: fantasy land. Intuitive of the emotions around them. Sleepy all the fucking time. May struggle with escapism or addiction. emotions change rapidly. Love with these type is intoxicating. 
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astrologyenthus · 2 years
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒
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◉ ASTEROID SUMMA (1928) shows your crowning achievements and areas of life where you may considered above others or the “top dog”
⟶ ex: summa aspecting venus can make a person very beautiful to a mass amount of people (marilyn monroe has this aspect)
◉ ASTEROID TEHARONHIAWAKO (88611) indicates things we have a stronger ability than others to turn from bad to good in life
⟶ ex: teharonhiawako in sagittarius can mean you’re very good at turning negative situations into positive ones
◉ ASTEROID ATHANASIA (730) can show something that lasts forever in your life that no one will ever be able to take away from you
⟶ ex: athanasia in the 4th house could indicate a strong relationship with your family throughout your whole life
◉ ASTEROID PIA (614) can show areas of life where you have strong faith in yourself
⟶ ex: pia in the 11th house can indicate having strong faith in manifesting your dreams
◉ ASTEROID ANDREJKA (14040) can show how/what about you sways or mesmerizes others
⟶ ex: andrejka aspecting jupiter can indicate people are swayed/mesmerized by your joyful persona and optimism
◉ ASTEROID ARISTOPHANES (2934) can tell about the type of humor you find funny
⟶ ex: my aristophanes strongly aspects uranus and i love dark humor - which makes sense since uranus represents unpredictability/shock and dark humor jokes are usually not something people expect you to make jokes about and creates a bit of shock value
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𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗻
𝘁𝘂𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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© 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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astrologyenthus · 2 years
Faith In The Future as sun signs
✧ Aries: Out Of My System
✧ Taurus: All This Time
✧ Gemini: She is Beauty We Are World Class
✧ Cancer: Holding Onto Heartache/Common People
✧ Leo: Face The Music/Paradise
✧ Virgo: Copy of a Copy of a Copy
✧ Libra: The Greatest
✧ Scorpio: Chicago/ Headline
✧ Sagittarius: Silver Tongues/That’s The Way Love Goes
✧ Capricorn: Written All Over Your Face/Angels Fly
✧ Aquarius: Saturdays
✧ Pisces: Bigger Than Me/Lucky Again
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astrologyenthus · 2 years
Mars Retrograde – What To Expect
Mars Retrograde – What To Expect
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels Mars Retrograde Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system and represents all things action and aggression. Retrograde is when a planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky. It can take anywhere from two weeks to two months for Mars to go through this retrograde phase, and even if it doesn’t affect you directly, you can definitely see the…
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astrologyenthus · 2 years
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➠ Check your fama asteroid persona chart (different from your regular natal chart)
𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗈 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗂𝖽 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇𝖺 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌 - code: 408
➠ Check what house jupiter’s in (in your fama chart) - not in your natal chart
➠ Jupiter in astrology represents joy so in your fama persona chart it can tell you if you’d be happy and enjoy being famous
𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬
⟶ 1st house: You may enjoy fame but there could possibly be struggles with your self image due to others opinions and it could change your identity a lot
⟶ 2nd house: You won’t enjoy fame. It could make you lose your self worth and cause you to be overly materialistic
⟶ 3rd house: You will enjoy fame but may be gossiped about a lot by others which could affect you however, being famous could make you come out of your shell more if you used to be introverted
⟶ 4th house: You won’t enjoy fame because it will cause you to come out of your comfort zone a lot
⟶ 5th house: You will enjoy fame however may be involved/dragged into lots of unnecessary drama
⟶ 6th house: You won’t enjoy fame as it could cause you lots of anxiety. Your daily life will change a lot from fame and won’t be remotely close to how it used to be
⟶ 7th house: You will enjoy fame and may meet lots of lovers from the career you gained fame from
⟶ 8th house: You won’t enjoy fame and may be sexualized a lot by the public
⟶ 9th house: You will enjoy fame and will likely be on television and in the media a lot
⟶ 10th house: You will enjoy fame a lot and accomplish lots of long term goals you had because of it
⟶ 11th house: You will enjoy fame a lot and will make lots of new friends as well as attract many of your past manifestations because of it
⟶ 12th house: You won’t enjoy fame and it will cause you to isolate yourself due to fear of others opinions
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𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗶𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗻
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