#2.09 Queen of Hearts
a-happy-beginning · 3 months
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Is that any way to address a queen? Even a pirate should have better manners than that.
—Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time, “Queen of Hearts”
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onceuponarewatch · 3 years
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In which the Narrators Three discuss OOC Hook and Unwarranted Casual Misogyny (Killian Jones Would Never!), Emma Swan’s Sailor Moon Moment, Regina Saves The Day, We Cry About Sleeping-Warrior, Belle Can’t Catch a Break, and Snowing Fills our Hearts with Joy.
Listen to Once Upon a Rewatch: Spotify | Apple Music | Anchor.Fm | Stitcher | Google Podcast | Pocket Casts | Radio Public | Breaker |
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vargesz · 5 years
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Yeah, well, I love you, too! (fitzsimmons ft. swan queen [x])
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watchingfairytales · 6 years
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2.09 Queen of Hearts episode stills
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fyesthesavior · 7 years
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365 days of emma swan: day 322
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castielamigos · 6 years
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{ Killian & Queen of Hearts }
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efnewsservice · 8 years
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Costume Department: Concept to Finished Product:
2.09 Queen of Hearts - Queen of Hearts Soldiers
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME 2.09, Queen of Hearts
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challengerblue · 3 years
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a-happy-beginning · 4 months
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If you love them and they love you, they will always find you.
—Mary Margaret, Once Upon a Time, “Pilot”
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shadlad24 · 3 years
Five Funny Little Moments #33: A Solstice Carol
Aish. Another dud. Ah well.
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So, Lynal here is the head orphan charged with looking after the others. And yet, in the midst of stealing Xena’s chakram, he accidentally steals a fish as well… Food! That he and the other starving children could eat. Which he promptly discards. These kids are so wasteful, I swear. Did you see what they did with their solstice desserts? Ugh / Heh
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Silvus offers Xena anything her heart may desire, and she does not think to procure 1000 dinars worth of loot to cover the orphanage’s back taxes. Despite promising Gabrielle that she’d avoid conflict, particularly violence, by any means possible. I mean, sure, Xena’d still have the problem of the king’s ways to remedy, but a ransom would be a good insurance policy, no? And the king deciding not to shut down the orphanage in the end doesn’t erase its debt. …Also, can we talk about Melana/Analia? This friggin lady- Ahem. Nevermind. For now.
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Senticles is so terrified of getting caught doing something illegal… that he displays hundreds of illegal toys right by the entrance of his house! He “shouldn’t have left them out”? Have they ever not been there? And if so, then why did he take them all out on this particularly risky night? Wut?
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This one was just… weird (and audio-based so it’s hard to tell here; sorry)! Right when the soldiers burst through the door, multiple women’s screaming voices echo across the hall. But Xena and Gabrielle haven’t opened their mouths, and Analia’s down in the basement silently intimidating the king. So, who’s shrieking? I thought it might be a mistake in the backing track, but it plays again down in the basement such that it gets subtitled and the king comments on it. So weird!
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Awww! Poor Argo! And Gabrielle still wonders why they can’t get along! Heh.
But, really! How long has the orphanage been allowed to evade their taxes? They’re 1000 dinars in the hole! Xena and Gabrielle only had 35 to their names, which Gabrielle blew on Tobias. And that old couple in the beginning got shipped off to a hard-labor camp for eleven years for the same crimes committed by Melana! You know, the secret queen who has run an orphanage illegally, presumably for decades, and watched her neighbors be cruelly persecuted without doing a single thing about it… for thirty years!!! What, now? Lastly, is the baby at the end Eli? ’Cuz, ironically, as episode 2.09, this is exactly three years before he dies as a thirty-something year old. I guess Hope and Xenan aren’t the only kids to age crazy-fast on this show, eh? Hmm… (Also-also, are GXe talking to Abba here??? Hmm…)
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isabelleneville · 3 years
The Tudors season 2, reverse
Now, this is my favourite season of one of my all-time favs.
A few things I loved about this season:
That every period drama wants to eclipse this masterpiece of a season with the same beats and does not come an inch close.
The chemistry between Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Natalie Dormer is soooo good, the hot and cold, the heartbreaking moments, the sweet moments the " They are you and me. They are you and her!" to "Don't weep. Don't weep, my own darling. It's all right. Everything is going to be all right." to "I loved you and I love you still".
Hirst's writing was truly the best this season.
The Costumes really stepped up and we had some stunners.
The introduction of Sarah Bolger as Mary who IMHO is one of the best Mary's to date.
Anne's relationship with her daughter, we really see for the first time in a while the true relationship Anne had with Elizabeth and how precious she felt it was.
Hans Matheson as my homeboy Thomas Cranmer who had only one season and decided to peace out, we stan.
Jeremy Northam as Thomas More, where was his award hmmm?, his trial scene/s chefs kiss.
The many factions of court and how they evolved, being Protestant vs Catholics or Katherine of Aragon's faction vs the Boleyn faction and later on the Boleyn faction vs the Seymour faction.
Thomas Wyatt breaking my heart piece by piece during the season, with the culmination of These Bloody Days.
Natalie Dormer, showing she is one of the Queen's of television period drama, her emotional arc and her physicality and how she embodied Anne and gave it everything - also I read her execution scene was the first she shot that season so I am incredibly amazed by her abilities.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers being at the peak thirst trap he is.
Episode 2.07 as a whole, my favourite episode of the whole show with numerous passing the baton moments with the death of KoA, Anne and Henry's last moment of passion, Jane Seymour being introduced, Anne's melancholy moment with Mark, Mary receiving KoA's hood and jewels, Anne finishing the episode with "We are on the edge of a golden world" with viewers knowing her time is tick ticking away.
Jane Seymour not being plain and having a backbone and being sly and scheming and actually enjoying it?, she knew she had an active role in the faction (not just being the face of it or the puppet for the men behind her like in other productions) and it looked like Anita thoroughly enjoyed herself.
Episode 2.09 and 2.10 being etched in my heart and being the first hour/s of television that I could not stop crying afterwards (I watched them together) because of how moving they were.
Again, like season one the score, Mark's violin scenes are hauntingly beautiful.
The promo shoot, kinda like the first point every sexy period drama really wants to eclipse this shoot with similar poses but they can never. (The Borgias come close I must admit).
I can go on for days about this season but yea I will leave it like this for now.
Send me topics and instead of salt or hot takes, I MUST talk abt smth I like about it.
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watchingfairytales · 6 years
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2.09 Queen of Hearts episode stills
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castielamigos · 6 years
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efnewsservice · 8 years
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Hook and Cora 2.09 Queen of Hearts (x)
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years
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REGINA MILLS 2.09, Queen of Hearts
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