#2/3 have water involved and im gonna have to teach myself how to do the water effect
dyingbluerose · 2 months
finally have a set up for my pc/standing desk and the first things I draw are pinups lmao
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mydearsaddiary · 4 years
Speakeasy Tonight fanfic Neil Season 3 Chapter 9- First, do no harm
This is PART 2, here’s part 1: https://mydearsaddiary.tumblr.com/post/627009658293485568/little-curiosity-notes-hey-guys-were-on-chapter
Mostly me, Vince and Donovan fired and fought against the goons. I couldn’t see where Uncle Charlie was, but I could see Cliff and Julius punching some of Adler’s fellas.
In the chaos, I distanced myself from my peers and found myself facing Mayor Adler himself. He pointed his gun at me, and I reciprocated doing the same right back to him. Time was once more still. Weird the things you notice in these moments, sounds of the water played in my ears, the smell of the docks filled my senses. It was a place that was more dangerous than, anyone else who wasn’t part of the mean and crude underworld of the city, would imagine. Trades of alcohol were common, more than one gang fight had happened there. It created and decimated many competitors. Transportation really seemed like a façade.
Now, my future was about to be decided in the same place. In this unlikely face-off between a pregnant mob boss lady and the Mayor of Chicago, a strong tall man who was supposed to be the epitome of righteousness, but instead was worse than any vermin this city possessed
-Well, Miss Granger. Seems like we’re both where we both knew we would eventually end up. Right to killing each other- A sinister smile took over his face
-No. You didn’t know- I replied, glaring at him- You thought you could lock me away forever, and that I’d never escape. Your mistake- I took a few steps towards him- Was thinking I could be tamed easily.
-I never thought that- He said in an angry tone, uncontrolled. The usual smile on his face was gone along with his composure- You’ll learn along with the others that I always win, no matter what
-You’re wrong again- I said- Bailey, Louis, Vera, and now you. I’ll teach you what happens when you try to mess with me or my family.
He was about to pull the trigger, and then an even taller figure ran into him, tackling him to the ground. Both men were now engaged in a fight, trying to overpower one another.
-Neil!-I exclaimed. But soon realized I needed to finish this. I ran to them trying to grab his gun, but with them fighting it was hard.
Adler pushed me away, punched Neil on his nose making it bleed, and got his gun. He then got up, pointing it right at the Doc.
-Don’t you dare!-I pointed my gun at him from the floor- Back away!
It was surprising to me that I could feel Neil wasn’t scared. It made me wander why that was, but at the moment I was too preoccupied with saving his life
-That’s always been your weakness, hasn’t it? You made up a band of brothers in your speakeasy and now none of them are replaceable! I never have that problem
-That’s the truth, Adler. Hired guns means you lose one and another one can quickly take it’s place, no feelings involved- I gripped my revolver tighter- However, when things get tough, none of them will be there to protect you
He took a look around. All of his goons were either defeated or had fled. Vince and Donovan pointed their guns at him, and Cliff held his baseball bat. Julius was by Uncle Charlie, who himself looked stronger than I had ever seen him with a gun in his hand also aimed at the mayor.
-Time you backed away from my niece, Adler.
His expression turned darker. He turned his focus back to me- Oh, I hate you, Ice Box Flapper. I always win.
My heart sank. I knew in that moment that he was about to pull the trigger on Neil. He was the one that kept me going through every problem the Ice Box has ever encountered since I arrived. I suddenly remembered every single vivid detail of the time we spent together.
How rude and condescending Doc Dresner first was, how he took care of me when I fainted, how he slowly softened up his hard edge, let me into his dark and cynical world. How he was the first to say “I love you”.
The possibility of all that being gone with just a single movement from the mayor overtook me in a way that made me lose my mind. In that moment I knew I could shoot someone
So I pulled my trigger before he had a chance to pull his
Right in the middle of his eyebrows a dark circle formed and started to bleed down his nose. His blank expression was haunted, and his body fell backwards into the massive waters in the dock. It tainted it an angry, cursed red. Soon, he was gone as suddenly as he had appeared in our lives.
Until a few months ago I had never had a gun pointed at me before. A sheltered life like the one I possessed meant I was always looking for danger for my own pleasure. However, this was the kind of danger that gave you adrenaline and made you feel alive, but at the same time made you want to scream, pull all your head off and scream until you can’t anymore. The ambiguity of what I had just done created a fight in my mind. This was the first time I had ever seen someone die and I was the perpetrator.
A silence took over. I guessed nobody really knew how to feel or react. But thankfully it ended when I felt the soft touch of the Doc grabbing my arm. My head then turned and my eyes met his. The blue in them made me dizzy, swooned with love. The grace in this moment was amplified. I felt grief for my own innocence, disgusted and somewhat evil, like I’d lost myself. Looking into his eyes, however, I was found. I was loved and alive. I was as disturbed as I was happy to see him again.
-Are you alright?- He said in a whisper
-Yeah...-I said relieved- Yeah, I’m fine. How are you?
-He...-He ignored the question and his hand travelled slowly to my stomach- He’s...?
I nodded, leaning over to hug him tight- Im sorry- It was all I could say
-Never mind that now- He got up, helping me do the same
-Kiddo- Charlie came our way and embraced me. I hugged the old man back. How I had missed him- You alright?
-I’m copacetic! Grangers are tough!- I gave him a soft smile, then looked at all of them now around us
-Gave us a scare- Vince said. It put my heart at ease to see him alive
-Vince, I thought he killed you, what happened?
-He tried to- He shrugged- Two weeks in the hospital was all he got out of me. Besides, now I can let you know.
I smiled softly at him- Guess I should thank all of you for saving my life.
-Where the credit is due, you saved yourself and us along with it- Neil said
-Besides, don’t thank us, fix the three weeks worth of accounts and numbers at the Ice Box and we’re even
I laughed- Yes, I can’t imagine what a horror they must look, no offense, Unc
-Im just glad you’re fine, kid- He pointed at my stomach- Now, what’s this about?
Neil went pale- I’m taking full responsibility for it Charles.
-Well, you better.- He glared at him, but soon smiled- Well, with the wedding I guess it’s fine, we’ll just have to hurry it up a bit. Besides, I was waiting for some grandnephews!
-Besides, who would have thought?- Vince said- Neil’s gonna be a daddy!
-Back off, Moretti- He gave him his angriest expression- Let’s get out of here- Neil said- I’ll take MC to my infirmary and-
-What should we do about her?-Donovan pointed at a scared Vera- I thought she quit town
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about my temporary roomie-Turns out Adler was keeping her hostage, like he did to me- I walked over to Vera- Here’s what we’ll do. Donovan, say you investigated the mayor, found out Vera was being held against her will. You tried to arrest him but he ran away with his goons. Haven’t been seen since. That should discredit him in every way possible- I sighed- And save Vera’s reputation- I said that part less enthusiastically. It meant she’d still be around again to give us a headache
-Crazy mayor locks down own wife, not seen in Chicago, sound good, lassie. Might get me a promotion
-Then I’ll leave- Vera said- For good. I don’t ever want to see this town again
I looked at her surprised and smiled-Works fine by me, Vera- I went back to Neil’s side- I want a hot shower now!- I said stretching.-Hm...-I wandered a little- I need something to lift my spirits. Party at the Ice Box tonight!
In the back of my mind I tried to lock away the fact that I had just killed a man. I was free, Neil was alive, the Ice Box was safe and all was right in the world. I was letting myself celebrate.
Turns out Neil took me to his infirmary after all. He had me laying down in a new fresh set of clothes. He examined the bump and myself in every way he could. It was sweet, but it was unsettling to see him this nervous
-Come here, Neil- I sat up calling him
-I just need to finish-
-Sit!-I pointed at the chair in front of me
He sighed, but obeyed my harsh tone, and then his eyes stared at me. I grabbed the wet cloth on the table, washing off the dried blood on his face
-You get hurt too, so I’m not the only one who needs to be cared for
-I’m not the one who went AWOL for weeks- I spent a few minutes cleaning his nose, and then he gently touched my hand- MC... When you didn’t come back that night I... Well, let’s just say I wasn’t in one of my best moments. And then I saw him pointing that gun at you today... I swore an oath to do no harm, but I was about to commit murder today if it was necessary.
I squeezed his hand- Well, you didn’t need to- I looked down- Because I did- Tears formed in my eyes. In front of him, it was so easy to open up my heart- I don’t regret it, but-
He held my face, getting closer- Hey... MC. You’re a real bearcat, you know that?
I chuckled- Tough as nails
-Nevertheless, you’re done now, alright? I can’t risk you, the both of you, anymore
-Okay, I mean, I can’t stop running the box, but I’ll take it easy on the evil rascals and guns and all that
-Yeah, well, I’ll be tougher on you this time
-Neil, I- I flinched, any will to fight him on that decision suddenly disappeared- Oh my God...- My eyes widened with surprise
-What?! What’s wrong?
I grabbed him hand, putting it back on my stomach- He’s kicking! Feel it, feel it?!
I took a little while but his expression softened, as much as Neil would let it soften-I feel it.
-Oh, there he goes again!
-I feel it too, right there- And back and forth we went. Nothing else mattered in that moment. He gave the unborn child one of his big smiles. In my heart I was scared he wouldn’t want it, or that he would lose his mind. But all I saw was concern mixed with happiness
In that instant, we had a silent agreement. We would forget all the mistakes of the past and focus on the future. With no words, we promised to be there to protect each other, to love and support one another and raise our baby as best as we could. We’d walk side by side...
... Until death do us part.
Thank you for reading this chapter! I’ll see you in the next and final chapter of my fanfic: Speakeasy Tonight Neil Season 3
Next Chapter: I do
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willexxmercer · 5 years
The 100 Ask Game
Alright here we go!  I was tagged by @boomheda and I think I’m gonna tag @brillermcintyre and anyone else who wants to do this!
1. What station on the Ark would you be from?
idk Hydra Station I guess? I like water.  idek
2. What would you get arrested for on the arc?
Hmmm it would probably be something dumb like illegal downloads or like, stealing meds or food or something for someone I love
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
Probably not, although once it came to “take off the wristband or no food” thing, I mean... I’m hungry.
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: a deer Raven: a raven duh)
An otter!
5. If you could resurrect any minor character who would it be?
Does Monroe count as a minor character?  If not, then Fox
6. Create a squad of characters to go on a mission with, who are they?
Echo, Bellamy, Raven, Harper, and... um... Murphy for the sass
7. What grounder clan would you belong to?
100% Floukru
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? ( Octavia = Okteivia)
Katrina = Kutreena?
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him and others love him so im curious.
I genuinely liked him in early s1, but once the whole cheating thing started I just...couldn’t take him anymore.  Then I felt sorry for him in s2 but not enough to care about his fate tbh.  I was more sad for Raven than for him.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing the horrible things that it does?
Yeah no.  I am a naturally cautious person and someone telling me “this will take away all your pain” would make me go “yeah right”
11. What character do you relate to the most?
Bellamy for the protective older sibling vibes, Monty for the “let’s all just get along” vibes
12. What character do you like the least?
Right now, of the living characters, probably Kane and Abby.  I just... don’t get how they can look at their situation in the Bunker and continue to put all the blame on Octavia
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? be creative, but practical.)
Hmmm I have the worst fashion sense but let’s see.  Probably jeans and hiker boots, and a graphic tee with some kind of jacket over it.  Maybe some fleece involved in the jacket.  Trademark item would be a headband like Harper’s and braids... like Harper’s.
14. Favourite mutant type?
Two headed-deer
15. What would your job on the ark be?
Definitely a teacher
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
NOPE I would be in the corner vomiting
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best heda?
I would say definitely Luna
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like jasper and monty?
Giggling in the corner alone
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy or Bellamy blake approach?
I would have organized a trial, probably
20. Who should have been chancellor if anyone?
MONTY had the best heart and would have been the best chancellor.
21.  Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? or Clarke in Polis.
I probably would have been a silent supporter of Kane.  Like, not actively working with the rebellion but definitely supportive of him.
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities (eg- Maya’s ipod) What is one thing you would have taken?
The iPod or a book
23. What would your grounder tattoos look like? hairstyle? war paint?
Being from Floukru, I’d probably have wavy tattoos to represent water.  Hair would be mostly down, but with braids (a la Harper), and war paint would be blue and green, again in a wavy pattern
24. Favourite quote?
“Let’s show them how to live”
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger games who would have the best shot at winning?
Probably Lexa or Roan.  Or maybe Octavia could pull off the whole “hiding until everyone tires themselves out” trick
26. Least Favourite ship? Favourite canon ship? Favourite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
Least Fave: Finn/Clarke
Fave canon: Marper
Fave non-canon: Sea Mechanic
27. A song that should be included in next season? if there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
Song: Demons - Imagine Dragons
Guest Star: Imma copy Luce and say Marie’s dog
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
A whole lot of talking to try and keep us occupied
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?
Black rain lol
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
Echo!  And definitely Josephine
31. A character you’d bang?
Bellamy, Echo, Niylah, Raven.....
32. Would you stay in the bunker? Go up to space? or live in your own Eden?
33. In the bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time?
I’d support Octavia until Bloodreina begins, and then I’d try to silently fly under the radar.  Probably try to help teach the young ones and read a lot, maybe keep a journal, but I’d definitely try to stay out of the way
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
If I was a teacher, I could see myself accidently sharing a detail that I’m “not supposed to teach about” and that being the thing
35. Up in space who do you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
Bond with Harper definitely, Murphy would be a bit difficult because I don’t do well with abrasive people
36.How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
A couple of days, max
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
38. Favourite Eligius character? least favourite?
Fave: Diyoza
Least fave: McCreary
39. Would you spacewalk?
Nope, I’d be terrified
40. Would you prefer to eat windshield bugs, space algae or Bunker meat?
Probably space algae?
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on Earth? what would you do to avoid it?
I would not start a war.  I’d try to arrange a parlay with all of the leaders to talk about it and maybe divide it
42. Would you rather dig out flesh eating worms or stick thumb drives into a bullet hole?
Thumb drives.  Although I’d probably pass out for both
43. Are you willing to Poison your sister for the traitor who you love? what would you do to stop Octavia?
I would never poison my sister.  There’s a theme going here, but I’d talk to her and try to explain things
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
I’d probably go into Cryo
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
Raven, Bellamy, Niylah, Miller, Shaw, Indra
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ollie-oxen-free · 7 years
Fucking FanFiction.net, Man
Thanks to @crushingonsans for tagging me in this because hot damn if this wasn’t fun to do. mine aren’t as good, but whatever. there’s only so much a man can do :’c
Razz (SFS)
Fell (UFP)
Lust (ULS)
Pink (ULP)
Sans (UTS)
Blue (USS)
Papyrus (UTP)
Stretch (USP)
Red (UFS)
Slim (SFP)
-(1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (7) dumps (1) for (9). (1), brokenhearted, goes on one date with (11), has an unhappy breakup with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3).
Razz and Blue are in a happy relationship until Blue dumps Razz for Stretch. Razz, brokenhearted, goes on one date with Slim, has an unhappy breakup with Ink, then follows the wise advice of Sans and finds true love with Lust.
I mean…… I don’t know man,,,,.,.,. I was excited for a split second with the rottenberry and then it fucked me over (although i do like razz/lust)
-If you wrote a Song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose?
he he
I’ve had this one for a while in all honesty.
-3 told you that she will soon be getting married to 2. What is your reaction?
(Lust, Fell) 
*looks at crush and fresh’s roommate bros rp* cool
-When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Hmm i mean,..,., idk man its hard to find a good fic with this character in it, he’s just so rare i mean.,.,
-6 kidnapped you, why is this?
Hey crush, we both got kidnapped by Error, high five! also it’s probably bc im very gay, ngl
-Does anyone on your friends list consider Three hot?
I mean some people may be in denial about it but im pretty sure that everyone thinks that he’s hot lmfao
-If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what warning would it have?
(Razz, Error, Ink) 
In all honesty if i did it would be Razz getting kidnapped by Error for being a “glitch of a glitch” so maybe kidnapping? Though it would probably involve a lot of memes and bad humor too so maybe not too much bad? Mostly just Razz being annoyed that the supposed god-like beings of the mulitverse fight and argue like little children.
-6 is extremely pissed off about something, why is this? And what will you do?
He’s always angry so im not gonna ever grace this one with a response.
-Five/Nine or Five/Ten?
(Sans/Stretch or Sans/Red) 
the second, definitely the second one, im glad at least something in this fucking nightmare is normal, jesus shit
-You and 9 get trapped in an elevator together. What happens? And who are the other random people with you two?
I swear to god if i hear one more pun about elevators i will not hesitate to kill myself
-Would 2 and 6 make a good couple?
(Fell, Error) 
-8 confessed to be a part of your family.
welcome home, son
-4 and 5 are having an argument. Why is this?
(Pink, Sans)
“Stop teaching my bro how to make sexy spaghetti!”
“Well, it’s that or how to be successful in the royal harem. Which would you prefer?”
“I’m tired of finding condoms in my pasta, do whatever the hell you want.”
-Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
(Razz, Papyrus) 
i think i read a fic about it before once, but it was less fluff and more Paps calling Razz out for his shit or something of the like
-2 writes you a love song, plays it for you, and then kisses you on the cheek.
you’re drunk, go home buddy
-What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve kissing?
(Blue, Fell, Ink) 
I mean i like to think that when Blue walks in on anyone kissing he immediately begins to critique their form and then rates their passion on a scale of one to ten, so take that as you will
-Do you think Four is hot?
-7 cooked you dinner.
oh thank god, a night where i dont have to eat cold ravioli from a can or undercooked ramen god bless
-Suggest a title for Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic?
The Colors We Show
-9 and 1 accidentally get hooked up on a dating website and are forced to go on a date together.
(Stretch, Razz) 
They both take one look at each other and then immediately run away, Razz going “to the bathroom” and Stretch jumping out of the nearest window. Blue and Slim are sitting in the bushes outside the restaurant and wondering just how their plan went this wrong.
-8 gets angry and starts cussing at 6 very loudly. 7 is watching it all and is interested…but why is this?
(Papyrus, Error, Blue) 
Papyrus is cussing. End of story.
-Do you recall any fics about 9?
*looks at the huge fucking pile about Stretch being a creepy fucker* yea, im aware of a few of them
-You are about to do something that will make you feel very embarrassed. Will 9 comfort you?
this bitch would encourage me to do it, honestly
-Does anyone on your friends list read 3?
i mean, we all have our guilty pleasures. Read: of fucking course.
-Would anyone one of your friends list write about Two/Four/Five?
(Fell, Pink, Sans) 
i have never seen this and thinking about it gives me a headache. Maybe Galli would? They’re all about rarepairs (and they’re also really great too so go check them out)
-You’re lying on the beach peacefully, and then you turn your head to see 1, 2, and 9, by the water wearing speedos.
(Razz, Fell, Stretch) 
*discreetly pulls out my phone and takes a picture*
-It’s storming outside and 4 allowed you to stay with her at her place until it blows over. And your reaction to this kind gesture is?
Put your dick back in your pants I’m walking home in this fucking tornado, bitch.
-Have you read a 6 / 11 fanfic before?
(Error, Slim) 
No, and i never want to
-5 wakes you up in the middle of the night.
go the fuck to sleep you bitch, i hate you and your fucking off-kilter sleeping habits
-1 asks to talk to you privately. When you are both alone, he admits to you that he is gay.
no.,..,.,? really.,..,, wow i,..,.,,., never would have,.,.,.,., guessed
-5 gave you a teddy bear.
it has a sound box in it so that every time you squeeze it, the bear makes a fart noise. Thanks, sans
-You and 10 go out for a picnic. Everything is peaceful until 2 crashes it by showing up and inviting you to go hang out at a cafe. Would you go with 2 or stay with 10?
(Red, Fell) 
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,,..,......i mean,,..,.,.,..,.,..,.,.,.dont make me answer this, im passing
-1 walked in on you while you were showering. What is your reaction?
i mean i’d be cool bc this shit happens all the time with my housemates, but im honestly not sure how well Razz would react
-What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
(Ink, Papyrus) 
*megalovania playing in the distance* *paperjam quietly cursing bc “for fucks sake, not again, hope you dont abandon this kid too”*
-You catch 10 looking at questionable material on the internet.
*google search bar is open with the history being just the word “tiddy” 278 times*
-Make up a summary of a 3/10 fanfic.
“Red had picked him up off the street, one time, just looking for a night of fun. His Boss didn’t approve of his escapades, of course, but when you’re the center of a crime ring, not much you do is ever approved of. He’d become accustomed to seeing the scantily-clad skeleton walking the streets, a sultry gaze and ecto-body formed, letting himself be pulled and used in any way for a wad of cash. Maybe that was why he was so surprised to be walking past a flowershop one day and seeing the guy standing in the window, smelling a large bouquet. Cleaned up, not covered in various fluids of previous customers and dirt from when he was rejected and thrown against the ground, he looked really, really cute.
Fuck. Boss was gonna kill him.”
And now i want to write/read it. Great. I’m already swamped with shit so if anyone wants to pick this up then feel welcome
-All the listed characters get into a very epic and all-out battle. Who will be the last one standing?
*papyrus standing over eleven other unconscious bodies* “NYEH!”
-7 is having relationship problems, 4 tries to help him out but her advice isn’t helpful. Your thoughts about this predicament?
(Blue, Pink)
“I don’t think that I’m the best at making Sexy Spaghetti.”
“Then try making, erm, Tantalizing Tacos!”
“I don’t think that’s the best idea either.”
-Do any of your friends write or draw Eleven?
I mean.,,., not really.,.,.,., my poor meme-ing son doesn’t get enough love, imo. There’s a few fics abt him, but not a lot where he’s extremely prominent.
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