#2/3 Narry Brothers content
insomniphic · 9 months
Sloppy comic I did during class yesterday. I hate how it’s formatted but oh well, I only had 40 minutes of free time.
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narrysgolden · 5 years
Thanks to @stylesep and @jinglebellhoran for this amazing Narry inspo for the upcoming AMA’s
“post hiatus narry, who haven’t seen each other since an awkward emotional run in at the eagles show, have to share a private flight”
Private Nights - Part 1/3
The house is dark, almost so dark that Harry stumbles over the edge of the bedframe, careful to catch himself. If it weren’t for the glaring light of his phone, he’d really feel blind. Harry continues to pace around his room, swearing under his breath every few seconds, thumb hovering over the call button on his screen.
Another pace around the room and he stops, throwing his head back in dramatic despair as if he were performing for a crowd, he goes for it. With a big sigh and another “Fuck” escaping his chewed on lips, he presses the call button, reluctantly bringing the phone to his ear. It’s 11:30pm and he assumes there will be no answer. Doesn’t want an answer really, but his career might depend on it. Or atleast his reputation.
After five rings, he’s done, doesn’t even want to wait for the voicemail tone to buzz in his ear. Just as he’s about to click end, the ring stops and he hears a breath.
“Harry?” The thick Irish accent breaks the silence in his room. It takes him a second to process the voice before he can speak.
“Yeah, Hey Niall. Didn’t think you’d pick up” he says, clearing his throat.
“Uh yeah, got me worried there H. It’s not every day I get a call from you. Thought something was wrong.”
“Well, I do have a bit of a problem…”
Harry’s in a bit of a situation. Kind of a big one really. Got the AMA’s in less than 48 hours, and no way to get there. Jeff fucked off to Jamaica last week claiming him and the misses needed a “second honeymoon”. Harry was happy to give him the time off, could use a bit of time off for once anyways. Problem is, Jeff was supposed to set up the flights to LA before he left, and it wasn’t until 54 minutes ago that Harry discovered he hadn’t. Usually he was already staying in LA, except he took a family holiday in England while Jeff was gone.
He had just crawled into bed, calling it an early night, and hopping on his phone, opening up Twitter to scroll through his mentions. He laughed to himself at the utter chaos he had created after revealing another letter in this “guess the song title hangman” that was going around for his new album. Scrolling through madness, he noticed a mention from the AMA’s Twitter account.
@amas We can’t stop listening to Lights Up in preparation for Monday! Who’s looking forward to seeing @Harry_Styles in just two days???
Harry smiled to himself, excited to finally be heading back to an award show after nearly 2 years. Oh shit. Never got the flight details from Jeff. He quickly sent out a text to Jeff to confirm his travel plans for tomorrow, only to get an “I’m so sorry H” reply back. In the midst of “second honeymoon” madness, Jeff had completely forgotten the travel accommodations. After apologizing incessantly and giving off a few resources, Harry began to make some calls.
35 minutes later, there were no available flights out of London that would end up in LA on time. Nor were there private jets that weren’t already booked up at 8 hours notice. Harry paced around the room, racking his brain on what could possibly be the solution to this, before going to a place he really didn’t want to think of.
He knew Niall liked his private flights from time to time, especially for big events such as the AMA’s, with him performing and all. He also knew that Niall was one of the only people he knew well enough, that was also in London, that also had to get to the AMA’s by Monday, that he could call up. Problem is, well this shouldn’t be a problem, they’re best mates right? Practically brothers. Well, used to be that way. Harry hadn’t seen Niall since they awkwardly ‘bumped into each other’ at the Eagles concert over the summer. That interaction was less than desirable, Harry fidgeting with the bottom of his t-shirt, trying not to look at Niall directly in those ocean blue eyes of his. Thanking God Niall wasn’t wearing that vintage Eagles shirt he had bought him as a present six years ago. Not that he would, but the thought popped into his mind anyways.
They spent those 30 minutes during the concert talking casually about their summers, keeping their distance despite the undeniable pull between the two. Harry may have lingered just a little too long on their hug goodbye, savoring the scent of Niall’s shampoo, exactly how he remembered. But the interaction left a pit in Harry’s stomach, an intense longing he hadn’t felt in months. All he could do was shove it into the back of his mind and forget it ever happened.
Flash forward to five months later, Harry got that weird twist back in his stomach. He couldn’t tell if it was longing or regret, or maybe he was just awkward. Niall might be his only chance at making it to LA in time, and what’s the harm in seeing an old friend anyways. He remembers that Niall used to be the best of the boys to sit next to on planes. Always having something to talk about, another joke to crack, silly games they could play with just their hands, and a good shoulder to sleep on at that.
“Harry…you’re still freaking me out here. What’s going on?” Niall sounds anxious on the other line.
“Calm down, I’m not dying” Harry chuckles in attempt to lighten the mood. “I need a way to get to LA for the AMA’s. Jeff’s been in Jamaica for the past week, forgot to book my flights, there’s nothing out of Heathrow that will….”
“I’m leaving in the morning, 8am if you’re up for it.” Without a second thought Niall cuts him off with the offer. “ Niall knows this goes against his Hydroflask, saving the planet new persona, but he also screwed himself over for this trip. Him, Tara and friends having a much more wild night in Soho than expected, buzzing about the AMA’s, and forgetting everything having to do with it in the morning. Just yesterday he was calling Tara up begging her to try and get a private plane for tomorrow.
“I’ve got a private plane for me and Tara, was kind of in a similar situation to you myself just yesterday.” Niall says almost laughing at himself.
Harry lets out a sigh, letting his shoulders down from their tense state, relieved that his weekend was saved. “Thanks Niall, that would be great.”
“ ‘course. I’ll text you the details. Be there by 7:30.”
Harry was savoring every last word from Niall, suddenly overcome with contentment instead of the buzzing anxiety as he was calling. “See ya in the morning. Thanks again.” And he ended the call.
He laid back in bed, finally able to relax after the past hour and quickly set a 6am alarm before he could forget. With his phone rested on his chest, Harry closed his eyes, feeling almost giddy for the next couple of days. Although he wouldn’t admit it, he fell asleep smiling to himself, the smooth Irish voice dancing through his head.
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