#2 spite. hatred. pettiness.
yrpalmalikamain · 1 year
"when a/c will have their first time, they-" wdym by that? they been fucking since eden
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icedragonlizard · 5 months
Kracko's opinions on all the Dream Friends
Note: This is all purely my headcanons.
Kracko famously hates Kirby and wants him dead. What does he think about all of the dream friends? Does he hate them all, too?
Here are his opinions on them:
Bandana Waddle Dee: Bandee being one of Kirby's best friends is enough for Kracko to hate him a lot. Yes, Kracko is legitimately petty enough to hate people for simply being really close to Kirby. It also doesn't help that Bandee joined Kirby in beating Kracko up before, and has even talked madly at him for being so mean to the pink puff.
King Dedede: Kracko and Dedede used to be friends. Used to. They were friends back when Dedede wasn't friends with Kirby yet. But once he became friends with Kirby, he and Kracko stopped being friends. Kracko felt betrayed by Dedede at that point. Nowadays, there's nothing but anger and resentment all around in this dynamic. One time, Dedede criticized Kracko for being so stubborn and hateful about Kirby. That boosted Kracko's bitterness towards Dedede more.
Meta Knight: Before Meta Knight was friends with Kirby, Kracko didn't mind him. But once he did become friends with Kirby, the cloud's opinion of him worsened. It worsened even more when Meta Knight challenged Kracko to a fight multiple times and handily kicked his ass every time. Kracko is pissed off about Meta Knight. He also gets annoyed when Meta and his crew take the Halberd on a flight.
Rick & Kine & Coo: Kracko's thoughts on these guys can be summed up by "go fuck yourselves". He's mad at them for assisting Kirby in beating him up during the events of Dream Land 2. It doesn't end there, as they've also become judgmental to him for being so spiteful and mean-spirited to Kirby. These guys heavily get on Kracko's nerves. And by the way, he also has very similar opinions for Nago, ChuChu and Pitch.
Marx: Let me tell you that Kracko DESPISES Marx. To be honest, this might actually be his second most hated person after Kirby. The reason why is because Marx constantly makes fun of Kracko's hatred for Kirby. He also pulls aggravating pranks on him. Kracko has snapped and ruthlessly struck Marx with lightning more than once. But because Marx literally survived impacting onto Nova, he never dies to Kracko's lightning. And it doesn't stop Marx from trolling him.
Gooey: Kracko doesn't like Gooey for being a close buddy of Kirby's, but this is someone he really can't get himself to have an actual hatred for. Partly because Gooey never agitates him in any way. Unlike most of Kirby's other friends who fight Kracko, criticize him or make fun of him, Gooey doesn't do any of that. Kracko ignores him, really.
Adeleine: Very mixed feelings here. On one hand, Kracko likes that Adeleine is a Cloudy Park resident as that's his favorite place on Popstar, and he appreciates the fact that she seemingly admires him enough to have a painting of him that she can summon into sentience on a whim. But he HATES that she's buddies with Kirby. That causes him to resent her. However, the fact that she seems to like him makes him come to his senses a little bit, and so he doesn't attack her.
Ribbon: Kracko does not like Ribbon at all. This is because Ribbon really looks up to Kirby and has yelled at Kracko for being so mean to him. She even became bold enough to try to challenge Kracko to a fight to "make him back off from Kirby", although other people quickly stopped this. Still, Kracko thinks she's a little pain in the ass.
Dark Meta Knight: As Kracko can exist in any dimension and was present for the events of Amazing Mirror, he was temporarily allies with DMK during that. But that ended afterwards. Then at one point, because DMK is an aggressive son of a gun that loves to fight, he once picked a fight with Kracko and it got worse from there. Kracko resents DMK for that, although these two seldom interact overall.
Daroach: Kracko has a lot of hatred for Daroach and his entire squad of squeaks because of Mecha-Kracko, which he hates Doc the most out of them for being the one to create that, and he just hates the rest of the squeaks out of association. Unlike Adeleine who has a sentient painting for Kracko because she actually thinks he's cool, the squeaks made Mecha-Kracko seemingly just because they can. It pisses Kracko off as he thinks they were trying to replace him with it.
Magolor: Kracko hates Magolor nearly as much as Marx. This is because, much like Marx, Magolor also makes fun of Kracko's hatred for Kirby and pulls pranks on him for it. Kracko has angrily struck Magolor with lightning more than once, but it has never killed him. It also drove Kracko insane when Magolor rammed him with the Lor Starcutter one time. What a totally insufferable person, Kracko thinks.
Taranza: They were allies during Triple Deluxe when Taranza got Kracko to fight Kirby. However, post-TDX when Taranza moved over to Kirby's side, Kracko felt betrayed. He grew to loathe Taranza as a result. One time, he got pissed off about the spider wizard enough to even try to attack Royal Road's castle (Taranza's home) out of spite, but then Taranza threatened to get Kirby to beat him up. Damn it!
Susie: Kracko hates Susie a lot for both her bad and good deeds. He hates her for the HWC invasion on Popstar, but he hates her even more for then turning around and becoming friends with Kirby afterwards. That's the worst of both worlds for Kracko. He was once pissed off about her enough to the point he tried to attack the HWC's main headquarters out of spite, but failed miserably as the HWC's army easily beat him and fended him off. Susie scoffed at him for it.
The Three Mage Sisters: By the time of Star Allies, Kracko's hatred for Kirby was so great that he allied with the cult as he attacked the dream friends in Gabbel Moon. Then post-HiAD when the mage sisters befriended Kirby, he felt betrayed. He hates them. He's especially petty at Zan Partizanne as he wants to "best" her in electrical strength and to beat her up for Kirby's friend. This is a one-sided feud, as Zan is annoyed by Kracko rather than hating him back.
Wow. What a big hater this cloud is. I think he should seek help LOL.
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soleilnomoon · 1 year
Prompt: “I don’t like them; I can barely tolerate them.” for Abarai Renji. Once again, I leave it up to you what you wanna do (but maybe enemies to lovers) Yes, I might be on a little Bleach binge right now but it's okay you like it. kiss kiss
*hides face* ok, ok, ok, hear me out, let's pretend i didn't take *insert accurate length of time here* and say i wrote this in a few days. i am so sorry i took forever and ever with this but as u know i can only give u top quality work or else i'll never forgive myself. renji is.......well *motions to him* yk how that man is, he made me suffer!!!! in a good way!!! but still i suffered!!! yk how much i love enemies 2 lovers u big brained beauty 🤭 so ty baby❤️️ also this is my first renji fic and i can't belev it.
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5.2k words (don't look at me, just don't), fem reader, nsfw, 18+ mdni, enemies 2 lovers, angst city, angst angst city biiiitch (yk the vibez babey), smut obviously, no fluff bc who do u think i am? feat. renji being a mean petty bitch (i guess that makes him a mean dom maybe yes), sub reader bc that's what i want; there's a party with alcohol, ichigo and co. make brief appearances, bathroom sex, choking (he's sf romantic), a lot of cursing bc they're grown that's why, renji is a beast when he's jealous, reader is a lil bit of a brat but lbr who wouldn't be in that situation; mutual ""unrequited"" pining, lots of tension, fingering, rough (consensual) sex, lil bit of degradation, lil bit of a size kink, lil bit of praise kink, idk there's probably more stuff but i'm so tired rn i can't think; um renji obviously comes w his own gd warning; reader is determined to not let this man win but, hello, it's renji he always comes out on top wink wink. (if u see spelling errors/mistakes no u didn't hottie)
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“when i write about all of this it becomes its own kind of violence. / i retell the story as myth, as if it were my own body devoured.” — caitlin scarano & “so much of love is violence. the desire / to be split open, invaded, mangled / and made new.” — erin slaughter
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you’ve never been cut out for this line of work, but your insistence on eliminating all your shortcomings is commendable. brave, even. it’s something you don’t really think about unless you want to spend the night half-drunk, rambling about the things you should’ve done but never had the courage to do.
like telling a certain red-haired, bullheaded lieutenant that he’s the most ridiculous and excessively arrogant man you’ve ever come across. all in all, you’re pretty sure telling him off won’t phase him; nothing ever does, not really anyway.
at first you try politeness; your grandmother would be proud of how well you’ve learned to bite your tongue. it’s ungraceful, but you fake it well enough that others think your emotional maturity is far above theirs. little do they know, you actually have to literally bite your tongue; simply remaining silent isn’t easy for you anymore. so, when you bite, it’s with rage, months of unshed tears and accumulated spite; you bite your tongue so hard you bleed more every time.
your unsaid words bunch together — tiny soldiers determined to strike in unison without fail — and sit heavily in the back of your throat, ready to launch forward at your command.
but you never say them, and you choke more than once; an unbearable shame to carry with you as he continues to slash at your patience, thin ribbons cascading off you like confetti. you wonder if your anger will lead to your death— or if it’ll lead to his. you intend to keep all of that hidden, though, and keep reminding yourself that eventually he will tire from berating you, from talking to you as if you’re the most incompetent being in all of soul society, from looking at you like your very being disgusts him.
that’s what you tell yourself these days. you like to conveniently ignore the way his dark eyes linger on yours during meetings — you’ve noticed that people have taken to describing them as soulless, cold and critical, unimpressed at everything and anyone.
but you see him — all of him; the raw, feral, powerful and severe side that not many have the misfortune of knowing. they think they get the real version of renji whenever they deal with him, but they never do; you know that now. you doubt it’s even intentional on his part, or maybe — just maybe — he really does hate you.
to put it plainly, as you’ve told rukia and rangiku, the sixth division lieutenant has the biggest fucking chip on his shoulder. despite the walls he continues to put up to keep others from carving out a place for themselves in his life, despite the way his words roll around his mouth, clumsily coasting down the length of his tongue before they pierce the air around you with their toxicity — you’re tired of the way he purposely singles you out time and time again to point out your inadequacies without remorse.
abarai renji is also sick of dealing with you. whenever he thinks he’s found a means of scaring you off, you scurry right back more determined and more obnoxious than ever. which is rich, coming from him.
he claims you’re inconsequential, a nuisance — a pest, even — one that he intends to get rid of permanently. it’s harsh and he’s more than aware of that, but he finds that this is the most appropriate solution to his problem. he could easily ignore you; he could try to keep his comments to himself and try to be somewhat cordial whenever you cross paths. but he won’t. and he has no damn idea why.
“no, no come in, i have plenty of snacks for everyone.”
rukia’s voice is a constant in his life that he’ll always be thankful for. he watches her glide into the room, grinning at the friends she’s invited over, her laughter like soft bells that is easily recognizable even with all the conversation happening. when he feels his chest constrict, an uncomfortable, yet familiar warmth stretching over his skin, he decides to drink so that he can ignore the sensation and forget.
a feeble attempt, because he knows how this will all end — with him drunk off his ass in an even worse mood than he started.
mouth opening, renji prepares to tell rukia to get better sake, when rangiku leads you into the living room where he’s lounging comfortably. the bottle in his hand grows heavier by the second and suddenly he’s not very interested in drinking anymore. already, his foul mood from earlier returns, and every step you take only fuels his irritation; it bubbles underneath his skin, making him frown and grip the bottle tighter.
you don’t need to look at him to know that he’s glaring at you — he always is. rangiku feigns obliviousness as she encourages you to go make yourself comfortable while she fetches snacks with rukia. you stare at both of them, wide-eyed, confused — a pleading look sliding onto your face after a few moments, but they assure you both that they’ll be back shortly.
with a sigh you sit on the armchair adjacent to him, determined to just remain quiet in the hopes that he’ll just ignore you for once. sitting up straight, discomfort finds its way to the pit of your stomach, swirling around as you fidget with the bracelet around your wrist. his eyes watch your movements with an obsessiveness that startles him; there’s no reason why he should be interested in the shape of your fingers, there’s no reason why he should be interested in the way you keep brushing stray curls away from your face, and there’s no reason why he should be interested in possibly fucking you when he knows for a fact that he is absolutely uninterested in you.
his disinterest runs so deep it spoils the taste of the sake, but he takes another swig anyway. the alcohol burns as it travels swiftly down his throat, and it just so happens that you glance over at him — innocuous, an attempt to gauge his annoyance level — as his throat bobs and your mouth dries at the sight.
you turn your face away quickly, a traitorous flush crawling slowly along your skin, unjustly warming your cheeks. inhaling deeply, you do your best to will the blush away to no avail. where the hell are rukia and rangiku? surely it can’t take that long to grab snacks. you’re tempted to go find them, but you have a sinking feeling that it would turn you into a coward.
and you refuse to give that man any more ammo against you.
what initially starts as a small get-together, quickly turns into a party; leave it to rangiku to liven things up, her laughter infectious and whimsical, flitting about like a persistent hummingbird as she encourages everyone to play drinking games with her. experience taught him better than to engage because despite his high tolerance, there’s really no beating rangiku when she’s on a roll.
but when you emphatically agree to play with the rest, fury rises in his chest; your audacity, it seems, knows no bounds — and, yes, he understands the hypocrisy in his critique. he just doesn’t care.
the games are every bit as simple and ridiculous as you thought they’d be, but as everyone seems to be in relatively good spirits, you play along. not normally competitive with things like this, you get into the swing of things when you win round after round.
cheers resound nearby at your success, but throughout the evening, you feel renji’s stare and do everything in your power to not give in and look back at him. a tough feat to say the least, as you are always acutely aware of his presence; and when you do happen to sneak another glance, his legs are spread and you curse under your breath for finding that attractive.
foolish, you chide, so fucking foolish.
renji sucks his teeth as he feels a heaviness in his head; groaning loudly he swirls around what little sake he has left in his glass before finishing it.
“you lose again,” rukia’s voice is soft and teasing, but he’s annoyed and can’t be bothered with talking to her right now. she pats his shoulder gingerly before standing up to head to the kitchen. his mind is a mess and he blames you for it completely.
“i don’t fucking care,” he says gruffly to her retreating figure, not bothering to elevate his voice as he’s sure she heard him. and he really doesn’t care; he’s trying to tell himself to calm down, but he can’t.
the fault completely lies with you — of course it does, everything you do agitates every cell in his body. the reason is simple, and he hates that he doesn’t want to admit it — he’s so undeniably attracted to you that it pisses him off. he takes in your appearance for the twelfth time that night, admiring the softness of your cheeks, the fullness of your lips, the way you seem entirely too animated as you laugh at someone’s lame joke — and yes, he can tell it’s not funny from how your laughter dies down after a few seconds.
if he had better sense, he’d stop looking at you, but he can’t now; he might blame the sake for this later.
the intensity behind his gaze is enough to bring an inextinguishable heat along your skin. it’s only unpleasant because it travels down to your lower abdomen and brings about an agonizing ache between your thighs. at first, you do the sensible thing and ignore it; but the longer he stares, the more you want to look over, until finally you can’t take it anymore.
“i’ll be back,” you mumble to the other guests, although you doubt they hear you with how rowdy everyone is being; the noise isn’t unwelcomed, the distraction serves to mask your footsteps when you scurry from the living room to the back corridor, turning corner after corner until you find the bathroom.
a coward — that’s what you are.
you barricade yourself in there without thinking, heart pounding loud enough to disorient you. after several long minutes, you splash water on your face and take a few deep breaths.
“i can’t believe i ran away,” your voice is so soft you barely hear the words — almost as if you’re still in disbelief over the entire situation. there’s something off about renji tonight; the tension between you was more palatable and tangible than normal.
even though you feigned nonchalance as best as you could, there were so many moments where you couldn’t help but watch him too. pitiful. absolutely pitiful. there’s no excuse for it, and yet you struggle to find one anyway.
as you look at your reflection in the mirror above the sink, you try to convince yourself to head back out there. sooner or later, people will realize that you’ve gone missing — and rangiku is nosy enough and like a bloodhound when she’s drunk. your time is incredibly limited now.
there’s no reason for you to continue to avoid the inevitable, so you sigh and give yourself a small pep talk before heading back outside.
renji’s mood doesn’t improve at all; in fact, it worsens the moment ichigo sits right next to him. he’s not even sure why this sets him off, but even closing his eyes and counting backwards does nothing to keep him calm.
with slight difficulty, renji grits out, “what do you want?”
undeterred, ichigo stares at renji pointedly, voice steady as he says, “you could go after her, you know.”
again, renji sucks his teeth loudly, arms folded against his chest, right leg bouncing slightly as he taps his foot on the floor. punching ichigo would be pointless, and then rukia would get involved and he doesn’t have time to deal with the fallout from that so he keeps his hands to himself.
besides, his anger is obviously misdirected right now. he knows — he knows —but he doesn’t care, so he doesn’t mince his words when he responds with, “go after who?” through his peripheral, he can see ichigo’s patience has also reached its limit.
“you’re not that stupid, so stop acting like it.”
normally, renji would take the opportunity to mes s around and argue back and forth, but he might actually fight his friend if he doesn’t walk away. so, he does; abrupt and without looking back, footsteps heavy on the hardwood floor.
maybe he just needs to change his approach with you, maybe talking things out would work in his favor; or maybe he needs to fuck you hard enough to purge you from his mind.
he lies to himself when he considers the first option, because it’s the second option that drives him to walk a little faster, head full of impossible thoughts as he wonders just how far you’d let him go.
when renji finally finds you, you’re in the middle of rebuffing the advances of an unfamiliar guest — they’re drunk, handsy, and keep oscillating between giving you cheesy pick-up lines and berating you for rejecting them. but you stand firm, and your voice is relatively loud when you tell them, “for the last fucking time, go away.”
under normal circumstances, renji would let you handle this yourself; he has no desire to play prince charming or be a knight in shining armor. you’re more than capable, and he’s seen the way you fight and argue to defend yourself — but, it’s when they place a wandering hand on your hip that he loses sight of all of that.
a brief moment passes, where your blood boils as you contemplate how best to kick their ass, but you never get the chance. a rather large shadow hovers over you both, but you already know who it is without having to look properly.
renji is a force to be reckoned with on a good day, but he’s at his fucking limit right now.
he doesn’t ask, doesn’t give any options for retreat, doesn’t say a word when he yanks them off with a brute strength that surprises even you.
now, can he really be blamed for throwing them into the neighboring wall hard enough to make a noticeable hole? and is it really his fault that the drunk can hardly walk as they clutch their broken arm while murmuring something unintelligible, something that renji takes as a sign of them wanting a repeat demonstration?
consequences be damned, he gives the drunk a lethal look before they scramble away in fear.
“loser,” he says loud enough for them to hear, but they don’t double back or even try to go toe-to-toe with the hot-headed lieutenant. you watch, half-amused and half-impressed with the unnecessary machismo, but still, you know better than to chastise him right now, especially when your heart sputters out of control from his proximity.
“…thanks,” you say, a faint flush on your cheeks, voice soft, head fuzzy when you realize that renji — aka mr. “i’ll fight you on everything any day of the week unprovoked for no reason other than to drive you crazy” — saved you. unprompted at that.
you make the mistake of looking up at him, your nerves prompting you to take a small step back when you realize that the usual hostility that renji reserves for you specifically is nowhere to be found. in its place is something more unreadable — or, rather, you don’t want to read into it for fear of being wrong.
renji steps closer, which makes you back up again until your back hits the wall and you’re no longer able to escape.
“we need to talk,” he says suddenly, but you shake your head, non-verbally objecting to the idea, curls bouncing wildly with your exaggerated movements. since he knows he’s pressed for time, he grabs your face with his large hand and stops you from moving. “that wasn’t a request.”
swallowing rusty nails would be better than dealing with your conflicting feelings over renji right now, because he’s much too close to you and now you’re forgetting why it is you hate him in the first place. ironically, he’s in the exact same position. so far, he’s acted on impulse over you more times than he can count tonight, but he supposes that’s to be expected — you are a wildcard, after all.
“what if i don’t want to.” your response is clumsy, the words tumbling one after the other. “what if i want you to leave?” you don’t actually mean that, but you throw it at him anyway, to see if maybe this was all a fluke, and maybe, just maybe he’ll remember himself and you both can go back to fighting like usual.
he considers your question, goes so far as to release your face to wrap his hand around your throat instead. your sharp inhale and parted lips tell him all he needs to know.
with a slightly raised brow, he asks, “well, do you?”
because if you do, he’ll walk away right now. but he knows what your answer will be, he just has to drag it out of you. he squeezes your neck to remind you to hurry it up, and before you can answer him properly, he places his leg in between yours, pressing close enough that you roll your hips forward while whimpering softly.
he really didn’t think any of this through, but luckily the adrenaline from it all won’t wear off anytime soon, so he’ll improvise along the way. he spent most of the night dealing with a semi-hard cock that wouldn’t listen to reason no matter how many times he tried to stop thinking about you. but now? all of that restraint goes out of the window, and before he can question it, he kisses you.
you’ve kissed plenty of people in your life — some good, most were mediocre and uninspiring — but renji actually takes your breath away. everything about him commands all your attention; from the way his lips move against yours greedily, leaving behind burning kisses that make your nipples harden underneath your clothes — to the way he thrusts his tongue in between your plush lips, licking inside of your mouth hotly, igniting an inextinguishable flame deep inside of you.
he grabs your hip with his free hand, squeezing hard, fingers digging firmly. all the irritation from earlier dissipates completely, leaving you feeling lightheaded and needy; you grind against him recklessly, arousal dampening the front of your panties, clit sensitive as it rubs against the delicate fabric. his cock presses against you — thick, long, and hard — and you wonder if this is why he’s so angry with you all the time.
was it always that simple?
if you asked the question aloud, he wouldn’t know what to tell you — it’s a combination of things, but mostly he’s an idiot; he knows that now, but likewise you’re an idiot too. you just don’t realize it yet.
it’s renji who pulls away first, lightly panting, breath warm against your lips as he releases his hold on your neck. he doesn’t know where he finds the strength to string together a coherent statement, but his voice is low and husky when he speaks. “answer my question.”
you blink at him, completely in a daze, lips slightly swollen from all the kissing. “wh-what?” you don’t remember what he asked you, and you don’t care.
“do you want me to leave?”
for some reason, you completely forgot that you told him that. you rub your lips together and run your hands along his chest. “no.” the answer comes out automatically, without hesitation, and that’s all the encouragement he needs.
he picks you up with ease, almost as if you weigh nothing; a small squeal spills out of you as you wrap your legs around his waist, and renji gives you a sly smile — one laced with mischief and an unspoken promise of what’s to come.
you’re back in the bathroom again, this time sitting on the counter with renji standing in between your legs. his hands coast along your curvy hips and down your thighs. he’s touching you but he’s not touching you and it’s driving you crazy.
with hurried, eager hands you both undress, and for the umpteenth time you internally curse this style of uniform; still, it doesn’t take too long before his hands are on you again, calloused palms rough and warm against your skin. he places a kiss on your jaw, then another on your neck right underneath your earlobe; each kiss he leaves behind distorts your common sense, makes you feel irrational and impatient. your hands are soft and well-practiced, stroking his stiff cock as his hips jerk forward from your touch.
he can’t remember the last time someone had him this worked up, which pisses him off a little; because that means him fucking you once won’t settle things. at that thought, renji bites your neck and your startled yelp quickly morphs into a moan when he runs his tongue along the mark. he dips his hand in between your thighs, rubbing his thick fingers against your slit. a loud banging on the door has you looking over, and you can’t remember if he bothered to lock it once you both were inside.
your attention nearly falters, but when he pinches your clit you buck your hips, a shiver shooting down your spine at the slight pain.
“eyes on me,” is all he says, seemingly annoyed that you would dare to focus your attention elsewhere, “always keep them on me.” what he means by that, he doesn’t know, but you take the command at face value and nod while swallowing. he slides a finger inside of your wet pussy, and while you initially wanted to keep quiet to avoid suspicion and to prevent anyone from intruding, but you can’t now.
“renji,” you breathe, fingers trembling as you hold onto the counter for support, he thrusts his finger in and out, quick and hard, before inserting another. you clench around him, hips rocking forward as he fingerfucks you and grinds his palm against your clit. you close your eyes and moan louder than you mean to, chest heaving, thoughts jumbled and incoherent. he scissors his fingers inside of you, but quickly removes them without prompting.
“fuck!” you open your eyes again and stare at him in disbelief. “why did you stop?”
he laughs darkly and grabs your face roughly, fingers pressing into your soft skin without remorse. “what did i tell you earlier?” everything about this situation is laughable. he gave you very specific instructions, ones he thought were easy enough for you to follow. for some reason your movements are sluggish, mind in a haze as you scramble to remember but nothing comes to mind.
as you open and close your mouth, looking every bit as adorable as you are alluring, he decides to show you a bit of kindness.
“get down.” his command comes swift, his patience practically nonexistent; precum glides down the head of his thick cock, but he ignores it for the sake of teaching you a lesson. you don’t bother waiting for him to repeat himself and slide off the counter. “turn around.”
like a doll, your movements are dictated by renji with simple, short statements. nothing about that phases you, though; it’s all very exciting, so when you do turn to face the counter, you bend forward and lean over the counter. renji admires the roundness of your ass and slaps it hard.
again, you find yourself moaning loudly, without shame and not caring about the volume of your voice. surely the others won’t pay attention, as they’re still very drunk and are entertaining themselves with more games. another slap on your ass has you grabbing onto the counter again, legs shaking, arousal dripping between your thighs in anticipation. if renji doesn’t fuck you soon, you might actually die.
he knows he’s taking too damn long, but it’s much more interesting making you work for him. he rubs the tip of his cock against your puffy pussy, gliding it in between your slick folds, your moans sweetly wrapping around him once he pushes inside of you slowly. someone bangs on the door again, making you look over, anxiety quickly filling your head with unnecessary what ifs that almost command your full attention.
with narrowed eyes, renji grabs onto your hair, curls soft in his hand, and yanks hard.
“the fuck did i say earlier?”
goosebumps travel down your arms as a different kind of awareness and clarity surges through you quickly. you blink at your reflection, watching the way he towers over you, his muscles hard and defined — sculpted from years of training and dedication to honing his skills. it hits you then, what he’s really asking you.
“to,” you swallow thickly, throat dry, “to keep my eyes on you always.” you say it all in one breath, gasping when he runs his tongue along the curve of your ear. you don’t know how much more you can take, but you know if you complain, if you say anything he might stop altogether.
renji’s smile is wicked and dark, his lips graze your earlobe, voice deep and gravelly, a huskiness that wasn’t there before as he thrusts into you, burying his cock deeply.
“good girl.”
he refrains from kissing you properly, instead pushing you down so you can lean over the counter again. your mind melts from it all, and you’re panting, heart beating faster and faster as he firmly places a hand on your back.
“you’re squeezing me so tight,” he remarks thoughtfully, although you note the slight strain in his voice; as much as he tries to act like he’s not that affected by you, you know that isn’t the case at all. your pussy is every bit as enticing and heavenly as he knew it would be; he pulls back and slams his cock into you all over again, filling you completely. you try to keep watching him in the mirror, but he’s fucking you like he’s angry with himself for being so attracted to you.
and he absolutely is. it’s a truth he fought against for so long that he’s given up on denying it now. your moans drip onto his skin like caramel, sticky and sweet, and when you say his name like that — your voice going higher and higher from the ferocity of his thrusts — he nearly loses his mind.
“fuck,” he says out loud, grabbing your hip roughly, your wetness coating the length of his cock, “you’re taking me so well.” he knows you can’t really answer him, and he likes that; you’re beyond caring at this point, instead focusing on the way his cock reaches a spot that has you bouncing your ass and fucking yourself against him. normally, renji would play around and edge you in retaliation, but he’s too far gone, completely under the spell of your pretty pussy, with how soft and tight it is.
you’re not sure how you got here, but you’re drowning in ecstasy right now. he instructs you to lift your leg to rest it onto the counter, pulling out momentarily to help you position and spread your legs further apart. he plunges his cock into you again, keeping his hips closer as he gives you shorter, frenzied thrusts. your head spins and you can’t think straight, but that doesn’t matter. all you care about is the way renji is angling his hips, rolling them forward to pound into your cunt roughly, balls heavy as they smack against your ass.
“oh, oh, oh.” you swear your life flashes before your eyes, because something possesses him, his strokes shorter, brutal, and frenetic. drool slides down your chin, your voice hoarse from how loud you’ve been. you’re sure someone’s heard you by now, but you don’t care.
how can you?
with renji fucking you like this — merciless and possessive, fingers brusing your skin, almost as if he wants to make sure you’ll be as obsessed with him as he is with you — your common decency, your morals, everything that makes you you, they don’t exist.
all that’s left is this burning desire to let him have his way with you for as long as he wants. thankfully, you have enough sense to not admit that out loud; who knows what kind smugness you’ll be subjected to if renji knew.
but you’re pretty damn transparent about it, he can tell from the way you can’t stop clenching your pussy around his cock, from how your pussy makes loud, lewd squelching noises — ones that he’ll commit to memory so he can revisit them from time to time.
tears roll down your cheeks and you sob as you hold onto the counter as best as you can, back arching, hips rocking against him with a neediness you never knew you had. there’s a tightening in your stomach and your pulse skyrocketing as a flash of white practically blinds you. he watches the way your pussy keeps swallowing the length of his cock, and you finally fall over the edge, orgasm suffocating you with its intensity.
your cunt flutters around him, gummy walls soft and hypnotic, an addiction he never thought he’d have; breathing heavily, his muscles tense and renji groans something that suspiciously sounds like your name. the thought alone makes your face burn and warms your chest in a way that doesn’t make sense. and when he finally cums, he humps into you, cum thick and hot as it spills inside your pussy, mixing with your slick wetness. a completely messy affair, but he doesn’t care — it’s not his bathroom, after all.
legs trembling, you’re limp and incapable of movement, whimpering and whining until he finally pulls out of you.
renji runs a hand down his face, feeling spent but more than satisfied. suddenly his shoulders aren’t so tight and tense, and his mood is much more tolerable. you do your best to stand but almost fall — your legs are useless, turned to jelly because of the man behind you. he chuckles at that, then clears his throat once he realizes. he fully expected there to be a moment of awkwardness after, but it never comes. when he sees your face — lips bruised and swollen, face flushed, eyes glazed with a faraway look — he feels compelled to kiss you again. so, he does. it’s not sweet, nor is it tender, but it still makes your heart swell all the same. he holds you close as you wrap your arms around his neck, doing your best to keep standing, even though your legs are ready to give out.
you don’t know exactly what any of this means, but you do understand him a bit better now. he’s terrible with expressing himself, but you kind of like that about him; and maybe this isn’t the healthiest relationship, but life was uncertain and you’d take renji fucking you like it’s his last day alive over him openly hating you any day.
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Selene Cromswell (@clovenhooved, art by Ana Luiza Garcia) vs. Team Patience & Valerie Wester (@cherry-spot and @toa-arania)
Selene Cromswell info:
Description: okay. OKAY. D&D OC. Selene is a widow of a husband that she killed in the pursuit in higher knowledge and gaining lichdom. She had one son, Cyrus, who was restricted in his formative years, being made to follow in her footsteps in perfecting wizardry. She is headmistress of a magic college.
She grew up in a backwater side of the world, born to ex-adventurer parents with deep cowboy roots, and was the only child out of her siblings to not inherit storm sorcery from her mother. She has deep issues with self worth and always wants to be the most intelligent in any room.
Tried to murder her father in a misguided attempt at vengeance -Burned her family’s home to the ground -Murder in general to get what she wants -Manipulation, gaslighting, blackmailing to get to the top -Killing her husband thru an…. ‘accident’ in the pursuit of being a lich -Terrible mom in general -Didn’t let her son leave the magic campus, causing him to burn down a building and run in the panic
Other notes from the submitter: a milf for your consideration………..
Patience & Valerie Wester info:
Patience and Valerie’s Descriptions: What’s better than one girlboss? Two, of course! Red and green, fire and plants, spiteful god and godless heathen, and just so much drama to go around.
Patience, the self-declared leader of the high court of heaven, looks on the surface to be the kind and selfless leader to those she tries to save face for, with the noble goal of wanting Heaven to be a perfect paradise for all. Her family and the other gods know the truth, thanks to her “encouragement” for them to be her version of perfect. From the people she drives away, and to the countless people she actively seeks to harm, her insidious grasp on the divine beings can be felt everywhere throughout the realms.
Valerie Wester, a plant witch staying with her aunt in Springdale, is outgoing, confident, blasé, and consumed with overwhelming hubris and pettiness. She is notorious throughout the town for a variety of things, and when she isn’t enacting meticulous revenge, saying “we learnt something new” to justify her latest bullshit, or completely failing to understand the concept of altruism, she’s casting hexes, pissing off her ‘friends’, and attempting semi-successfully to get the attention of the various gods.
Patience’s Crimes:
Pushed away one sister (Thena) to the point that she left the entire universe and convinced the other (Tempy) that her husband cheating was her own fault to encourage “improvement”, then convinced her brother to be Heaven’s executioner against his explicit wishes Framed Tempy’s husband for the murder of someone who wasn’t even dead so she could get him and his mistress kicked out of heaven and then put the ‘murder victim’ in a magic stone because she wasn’t good enough at her job, a thing she does a lot and to anyone she just doesn’t like very much. Some of them have been in there for centuries now because Patience “”“forgets”“” about them. Intense demon hatred to the point of getting a demon-hating cult leader to be her understudy and nearly getting someone killed because their brother (not even the guy himself) was trying to convince her to let demons into heaven Unintentionally started a war between heaven and hell because she indirectly caused the death of the Queen of Wrath Total unshakable belief that everything she does is for the good of Heaven. She doesn’t understand why the higher beings of Heaven have effectively disowned her
Valerie’s Crimes:
Kleptomania for use in magic spells that exist almost entirely to fuck with people and extensive breaking and entering Compulsive lying and actively manipulating her friends Fucking with her sort-of-ex (including letting him think he’s being haunted because it’s funny and not doing anything about a rumour that they hooked up because it wasn’t inconvenient for her) Liberal application of poison including to make herself sick to get out of assembly so she could go and steal things Lack of ethical consideration in spellcasting, such as accidentally cursing half the school to see terrifying demonic visions (re-traumatising an ex-infernalist and her ex’s new girlfriend in the process) and spying on her friends to read a book about elder gods A frankly inordinate amount of scheming, including deciding “I’m going to destroy the Queen Bee’s reputation in one week” because she is incapable of flirting normally (also for revenge) and nearly pulling it off, scrying on an agent of the god of trickery and deciding she wants to outwit him, and accidentally giving a venus fly trap sentience that she then used to get the fae king’s attention. Being horny on main and a monsterfucker in a Christian Town™
Other Notes: @cherry-spot’s friends are often split on calling Patience either the worst being in existence or desiring her carnally, and @toa-arania’s friends are all terrified of Val using the word “fascinating” because it means an impending Val Moment.
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beevean · 1 year
Top five Ace Attorney characters?
5) Miles Edgeworth. Yeah yeah we all love Edgeworth :P character development of all time, archetype of the tragic asshole prosecutor. Ngl I remember being hyped when I discovered the Investigation games because boy did I want a whole game focused on him! Anyway I also appreciate his genuinely bruh moments, like his treatment of Adrian in 2-4.
4) Dahlia Hawthorne. This bitch <3 my favorite villain in the whole franchise, for design and theme and sheer, unadulterated hatred against everyone, the kind of spite that makes you rise from the grave. Man her description of her hanging! She's petty and pathetic but still a formidable foe in her manipulation, and a great foil to Mia. The hints of a difficult childhood help understanding her without redeeming her.
3) Susato Mikotoba. She's so cuuuuute 🥺 best assistant do not @ me she's both competent and a little silly when she lowers her guard, and her chemistry with Ryuu is just. Ugh. Deserves all the love really.
2) Ryuunosuke Naruhodou. Phoenix 2.0 and in my opinion even better, with his genuine imposter syndrome and his more Apollo-esque traits. That moment where he challenges the whole British Empire to defend his client, a pickpocket girl, is still one of the best character moments I've seen in this franchise. A king.
1) Barok van Zieks. What if Edgeworth was a Castlevania character? He'd be a great mix of wit, hilarious quirks, and a genuine depressing backstory that makes you wonder how this poor man can even enter in court (and spoiler alert, for five years, he didn't! That was surprisingly realistic). I do have my reservations on the Racism Trauma, but I understand the narrative intent and I think Barok overall benefited from his extended screentime to really show both his weaknesses and his strength. Such a compelling, fascinating character. And his theme slaps <3
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how about 2, 8, 14, and 21 for that one ask game? >:)
Hi Winnie!!!!!!!
2. A compelling argument for why your fav would never top or bottom
Funniest question in this entire ask game, thank you so much for asking me this jsbsjnsnsn
I don’t really have strong opinions for anyone other than Gojo, that man is a BOTTOM, but specifically for Geto!!!! If he did hook up with people after HI then I could see him topping for some semblance of control over his emotions since his situationship left him, but I cannot imagine this man topping Geto. That’s just not a possibility in my head. Mf wants to get railed nasty by his one and only and probably put in his place a little bit. He’d enjoy the loss of control if he’s with Geto because he’d know he can trust him.
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I really don’t get the Panda hate!!! Like I don’t really have any particular fondness for Panda, but like… people really fucking hate him and idk why lol. Seems mostly like a spiteful petty hatred that I just don’t really grasp.
14. That one thing you see in fics all the time
The uwu-ifixation of itafushi or the twink-ification of Gojo. I see Yuuji and Megumi act totally out of character in fics constantly where they’re just flustered messes constantly around each other or are wayyyyyy too into each other in such an aggressive way that it’s off putting. And people love reducing Gojo to the gay/twink stereotype and/or making him a slut for that same stereotype and it rubs me the wrong way.
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped
Probably mechamiwa or whatever their ship name is. They’re sweet, but I don’t really understand the heavy interest lol. I think they’re fine, but they also feel a bit tossed in. I don’t really get why they’re included in fics so often.
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sillylilyposting · 2 days
The main reason Lily claims to despise Steven Universe is because it's Nazi propaganda (“out of stupidity, not malicious attempt” Lily tries to claim) since the main character wins the conflict via non-violent means and convinces the enemy to change their ways. Yet this isn’t even the first Cartoon Network show to take such an approach and it's from a show just as popular as Steven Universe if not more so, Ben 10: Alien Force. The first two seasons of the second Ben 10 show have Ben and co battling against the Highbreed a race of xenophobic aliens who wish to exterminate all other life in the universe with Earth being a prime target for their operations as its tech and relative. The Season 2 finale has Ben and Co. head to the Hybrid Homeworld to get them to stop the war by any means necessary after their attempts to repel the invasion from earth end up futile.
When there they learn the Hybrid’s motive for wanting to kill everybody is they’ve become sterile from generations of inbreeding for the sake of genetic purity, with the species are petty enough to want wipe out all life alongside them. Despite Ben being capable of easily wiping out the council thanks to currently having the Omnitrix’s full power unlocked Ben chooses to use The Omnitrix’s power to cure them of their genetic defects rejuvenating the Highbreed race by turning them into Hybrids, sacrficing the coveted Master Control in the process. The Highbreed are at first disgusted but one Ben had healed and befriended at the start of the Season 2, Reiny, convinces them this is the key to their survival. This speech combined with the fact Reiny is technically now the most genetically pure Highbreed causes the council to elect Reiny as the new leader and he calls off the invasion.
From this description alone, you can see a lot of similarities with the Season 5 finale of Steven Universe, the thing Lily uses to justify her hatred and slander of Rebbecca Sugar claiming she’s a Nazi sympathizer. Yet despite Ben 10 eclipsing (or at least rivaling) Steven Universe in popularity, Lily has never brought up the franchise once, despite the Highbreed having FAR more Nazi-coding than The Diamonds. I have a few theories as to why (not all of which being mutually exclusive) but I’m curious about your thoughts:
Lily is so narrow on the media she consumes that she’s really never heard of or watched Ben 10
Lily didn’t think Ben 10 would draw any views given the franchise was in a slump at the peak of her channel. (Original continuity ended in 2014 and the 2017 reboot was seen as mediocre at best, with Ben 10’s fandom not returning to active prominence until the 2020s).
Lily is harsher on characters and creators who are caucasian. While the Ben 10 franchise was created by four white guys the showrunner of Alien Force was the late Dwayne McDuffie who is African American
Lily knew she couldn’t as easily distort facts or rile up people, as the finale of Steven Universe was already divisive even if you discount people who aren’t crazy like Lily. While Alien Force was at one time contentious, the first two seasons are now seen as a sacred cow amongst the fandom, with the finale in particular being seen as a highlight of the franchise. In other words, Lily does hate Ben 10 but knows that the fanbase is too detail-oriented for her to misrepresent stuff
Her hatred of SU is done solely to spite Lizzy since Lizzy was apperently a fan of the show
Well first
That message was long goodness
Second i think ypus right a major part of the reason for Lily not covering Ben 10 might include it's clear aim towards the action crowd right off the bat
She gots no interest in action media and yeah it was earlier than her general vid essays days but WHO KNOWS really
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adragonsfriend · 5 months
Chapter 2 of The Supreme Chancellor's Diary, part 6 of Biting His Own Tale, is posted.
Also have my attempt at poetry about Anakin making the bouquet from last chapter:
He chooses carefully. 
Color and placement, each must be precise, 
Or meaning lost. 
Flowers, so delicate. 
He and his bloody hands— 
No matter that these young hands have felt neither blood nor fire— 
Do not belong so close. 
They are only holograms, the flowers he holds in his hands, 
And that is good. 
The petals cannot fall when his hands are unsteady. 
The stems cannot break if he fails to be gentle. 
He writes, with holograms, an order to a flower shop he’s known for twenty years. 
The shop is not on that quiet planet 
He still dreams of, 
But it grows their flowers, so 
It keeps him as the terrible, absent patron 
Of a love 
A language of love he’s twisted. 
For his niece he’d made it a warning 
Never sent, 
The moment not arrived before time ate itself to return him here. 
For his Master he’d made it petty vengeance. 
Spiteful declaration of  
This time will be warning again, 
He’d arranged flowers for a different purpose once. 
A better one 
That had nothing to do with war or politics, or subterfuge. 
Secrets, yes, there had been secrets a plenty, but of a different sort. 
A hut in a sandstorm; 
She does not know him any longer, 
As he knows her. 
The storm remains. 
He lays the last flowers; four mines, 
Set to trap himself. 
Before him, a message is written. 
Each stem and every petal is precise. 
Blues and yellows, for Naboo. Not her. 
Not beloved. He must remember. 
His eyes are as young as his hands. They have not seen the fire
But they still burn. 
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
Have you seen the Mark Waid Doctor Doom manifesto? Someone posted it on CBR Forums (Mark Waid's Doctor Doom Manifesto (plus extra material) (cbr.com), and I thought it was an interesting read. Some really interesting discourse in the comments below, too. Just thought you might be interested! :) <3 Love your blog, btw
Hey, thanks for the love and for the link. I did take time to read it over and I have to say this doesn't change my mind about Mark Waid as a writer. Firstly, I think he's a good writer, he's great with characters, and I enjoy most of his work. Big fan of his Wally West/The Flash run.
I think Waid should stay away from writing Doom forever.
Like I'm so serious, I do not like his Doom writing and I feel his thoughts on Doom are very black and white, he sees Victor as a villain, but not like a complicated villain with shades of gray. He's stuck on the early iterations of Doom's character, and he admits further on that he sticks with what the early stuff was and imo if a writer, especially a comic writer, doesn't take into account the general sum of a character and only focuses on one era ignoring any character growth or developments then that's not a writer I want writing my favorite characters.
By the way, the truism that Victor von Doom is, despite his villainy, a noble man is absolute crap and I can point to about a thousand moments in Stan and Jack's run that bear this out. A man whose entire motivating force is jealousy is ridiculously petty, not grandly noble. Yes, Doom is REGAL, and yes, whenever possible, Doom likes to ACT as if he possesses great moral character, because to him that's what great men HAVE, and yes, we HAVE seen Doom exhibit a sense of honor from time to time— —but when I hear Doom say "it does not SUIT him to" do this-and-such, what I hear is, "it has nothing to do with my hatred for Reed Richards, so it's not worth my time." Remember, most of the reportage we've heard about what Doom will or won't do COMES. FROM. DOOM. I think "Doom the Noble" would tear the head off a newborn baby and eat it like an apple while his mother watched if it would somehow prove he were smarter than Reed.
I know Waid says he's read a lot of Doom, but that last line totally defies the fact that no, Doom would not do that. Doom literally adopts Kristoff as his ward, he's not gonna kill a baby just to spite Reed. And I absolutely hate Waid's writing of Victor and the arc where he has Victor kill Valeria for power and then wears her skin as armor. Then again, I think that if Waid wasn't so set on reinforcing his belief that Doom would do the most vile things and actually put in space to account for character growth then he would actually be a good Doom writer. Doom has a moral code and Waid ignores it.
Why has even the pre-scarred Doom always been driven to be the smartest, the most clever, the best? Look at how he grew up! Gypsies are outcasts, derided and shunned; of course Doom grew up eager to prove himself.
That's not true. Not even in in the Kirby & Lee run that Waid worships. Like literally in Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2 we see how Victor struggles, he's not doing all that stuff to prove he's the best. He knows he's the best. He works to fight against those who have hurt his family, his people. And that I think is where Waid totally misses the mark, and it's because he restricts himself to just one version of Doom. Imagine if Magneto had been kept the same way as Kirby & Lee made him, if someone wrote Magneto that way, then wouldn't all the fans who read Magneto's growth, or Claremont's additions, be mad at a writer who only chooses to focus on an early interpretation of the character? Why does Magneto get to keep his growth but writers like Waid and Slott are so stuck on keeping Doom as a silver age villain? It makes no sense to me as a comic fan who loves comics and its characters and their stories to see them constantly try to stay true to an outdated version of a character who frankly is so much more interesting when they add the gray in that was present to begin with. Anyways not to rant on but I just pick and chose the parts of Waid's stories that I feel works and ignore what I feel doesn't fit the character. Waid isn't the end all be all of Doom's writing, he wrote one part of an ongoing saga and as someone who prefers to rationalize characters based on the sum of all their parts I just do not care about Waid's thoughts on Victor because to me he's proven time and again that he views Victor through a very narrow lens and can't comprehend that Doom is an Anti-Villain.
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squadron-goals · 1 year
End of 1918: Ceasefire and revolution
Rudolf Berthold is in the Berlin University Hospital until late autumn 1918, where his sister looks after him. Due to the slow healing of his wounds, further use of Berthold in the troops was no longer an option, nor was he initially granted use at home. He spent the last weeks of the war in his Franconian home.
October 1918
Overthrow! Constitutional change! In a few days, what strong men have built up over centuries will be destroyed. "Peace at any price!" So the seduced people whine. People everywhere have lost their heads. One doubts the army. We are still far in enemy territory and we are supposed to surrender? Madness! Oh Germany, where is your national feeling? How great France is in this respect! Despite all the devastation at home, despite the many defeats, it remains strong. We have been victorious for 4 years, we have smashed armies and states almost in all parts of the compass rose, and yet the homeland has not been behind the front for a long time! Not only because of the privations to which we too were subjected; the internal incitement, the worthless party discord has crushed the spirit of unification of 1914, has crushed all that was good! You dishonourable wretches who have carried the spirit of treason to the people under the guise of the alleged idea of peace, do you believe that the enemy will know justice and mercy? Ceasefire offer ... our honour is over! I still push for the front. The consequences of my last crash are outwardly overcome. Unfortunately, my right arm remains lame. But I shot with it in spring and summer after all. The will and the ability just have to be there! I want my Geschwader 2 back. Precisely because I had the greatest difficulties with it for months until it was flying at its best, until it grew close to my heart. I am attached to each and every one of them.
The belief in the imminent peace of nations is a fantasy of our pacifists: the world will never completely eliminate ill-will and enmity, love even among nations can never be forced, especially when hatred lies in the blood, and a bridge can never be built in the long run between people that differ from each other like fire and water. Only power and the will to defend oneself secure life for the individual as well as the nation.
Wilson replied. We continue on the sloping track and I still have to sit here. I want to go out to the front! I'm supposed to put together a new fighter wing after all. If only I had at least my healthy bones ..., but I'll make it anyway! The will does everything. As long as the battle rages outside, everyone who has experience belongs out there! One can help so much, especially from an educational point of view! How pathetic is this begging in front of Wilson! The front is fixed again and yet we want to surrender, we the actual bearers of the victories! How ridiculous, mean and miserable is fate sometimes! These days I am in my closer home near Bamberg. It is a beautiful piece of German soil. This magnificent German forest, the serious spruce, they seem to me even more gloomy than usual, even sad! They mourn with me over our nation's growing disgrace!... This people without self-confidence should be ripe to govern itself! Disgusting is the poison and spite that is spread against the person of our Emperor! Thus the foreign countries must only despise us all the more.... Join together, all of you who have kept your decent minds in these days of meanness! Cast off all petty party interests, let honour, loyalty and love for the homeland not be empty phrases!
November 1918
There has been such an eerie silence before the storm over Berlin since the end of October, all that is missing is the spark and the discharge is there! Berlin, the center of all intellectual life, the nurturing center of art and science, the center of the greatest industrial activity, on the one hand, the giver of everything good and beautiful. On the other side, again, the breeding ground for the worst impulses and impulses, the abode of all the worst criminals, the rejects of humanity, the revolutionary rabble who can only destroy, not build up, who cannot lose anything, but only in bloody upheaval with murder, robbery and looting has to win! There is also the branch of Russian Bolshevism and these wicked elements, supported by the Soviet embassy, are already beginning to stir. As unbelievable as it sounds, they are hugely popular and the weak Democratic government is letting them do what they want instead of interfering with fire and sword. Instead of coming together and forming a solid fighting bloc, the good citizen is left at a loss. Speeches are made and incendiary articles are written in the newspapers, but there is a lack of initiative. If the storm breaks out, everything will definitely go into chaos, everyone will try to save themselves and go under one by one. Our previous regime can be blamed for not educating the people sufficiently in national consciousness; the press system in particular should have been better supervised and controlled by the state! Because what educates the common man more than his newspaper? With the most ruthless severity, timely intervention had to be made where one was at work undermining the love for the people and homeland, the only source of our strength! They tried to win over these elements through false indulgence and clemency, the result was a strengthening of the un-German direction and the true friend of the fatherland saw his ideals, for which thousands gladly gave their blood, for which they sacrificed their everything, sullied by a brutal hand. As long as a good core, even if it is currently so small, lives in our people and does not die out, we have the indestructible hope that one day loyal German reception and feeling will awaken in the fatherland and will relentlessly demand accountability from those who, for criminal reasons incite the people with mean egoism, tear them apart with incendiary speeches and ignite the revolutionary fire!
The Commission left to accept the ceasefire conditions - unconditional! -. Is there anything else we can do now that Bolshevism, once promoted by the Social Democrats, is becoming increasingly widespread? Kiel, Lübeck, Braunschweig... Workers-Soldiers' Council dominate the field and, to add insult to injury, the cowardly and oath-breaking home troops are defecting to the revolutionaries in droves. The king's coat, which I have worn with honor and pride for so long, is desecrated! How difficult it is, how terribly difficult, to continue living!
Berlin and Munich are ablaze, judging by the broken connections! This precisely at the moment when we need to be strong in order to gain as much as possible from the enemy in the negotiations! It has happened: the revolution has broken out! Fate, go your way now! The wildest rumors are circulating in the countryside, which is cut off from all connections. Emperors and princes have been driven out, the Bavarian king has been driven out of Munich! Unbelievable! But now you can trust the mob to do anything! And I have to sit here doing nothing, especially these days! Oh, if only I had a company of my peacekeepers and we would soon have peace restored! I would hunt down the ringleaders; day and night they would have no peace until they had reaped their well-deserved reward: the hanging!
In the last few days I couldn't write: everything was too terrible! One piece of terrible news follows another, leaving no room for calm reflection. What people were afraid to suspect is now reality: the mob has become master overnight! Workers' and Soldiers' Councils everywhere, these canails have chosen the moment well for their work! These new ministers are agitators and shouters, party bigwigs and professional politicians of the worst kind! And nothing is harder to learn than to command well and govern well! What I saw weeks ago: in this chaos, the majority of our people were simply taken by surprise and then lost their heads. Poor Germany, where are you going?
I didn't have my diary in hand for over 4 weeks. I wanted to forget, not think, and yet it was impossible to calm down. Today, on Christmas Day, I'm looking through the pages again and asking you, dear diary, about memories. Like every year, like outside in front of the enemy, like as a child and as a man in peace, this time I decorated a tree just for myself: the Christ child above, with a small airplane underneath, looks at us and smiles. They know that you are my best advisor, my friend in good days and bad. There is snow outside, which I rarely saw in the field, and which I always wished for at Christmas because it brings the real Christmas atmosphere. Snow on German fir trees... and yet no Christmas spirit! This time the snow is like a big shroud that covers so much beauty, so much longing, so much ideal. Why do I always feel this cold shiver when I look out of the window over the fields, meadows and forest in their white dress, even though the cozy warmth surrounds me in my little room?
It's Christmas and yet completely different than usual! Did the time of revolution also bury our old German Christmas, the joyful hope, our childhood faith? Then, German people, if you have forgotten how to be a child, you are no more worth than being thrown into a pit and covered with earth! If earning money and rawness of heart and emotions mean strength for you, then you don't deserve to have thousands of people believe in you like they believe in themselves and bleed, gladly bleed and bleed to death! Free, free, finally free! This is how the masses roar, this is how they rage. One infects the other, everything forms a huge army of drunks, exiles, madmen! The happiness of the new freedom is shouted to each other. You call each other comrade and brother, fall into each other's arms, kiss... and suddenly the stupid citizen, the beer table hero, notices that his wallet is missing! Freedom, equality! How greedily the eyes sparkle! I ask the one who shouts the loudest, he looks at me with stupid eyes, thinks and stutters: "Me, I don't need to work anymore!" He is a worker who I asked about the nature of the new freedom... I ask a farmer who I previously saw walking arm in arm with the worker. First the same stupid face, then a blissful smile: "I don't have to deliver anymore, I can now sell my grain and my potatoes secretly and use the money..." I ask an elementary school teacher. A proud look from above. "Now we are the masters. We will finally get the salary that we have always fought for. Now we demand: now we must be given the social position that we deserve based on our intellectual superiority, our salary!" So this is what the happiness of the new freedom looks like! The worker no longer wants to work, but wages, high wages, money, money. The farmer believes, with the cleverness that is innate in him, that he can drain his fellow human beings, the city dwellers, the workers; He sees human duty as an annoying constraint, he only wants money, money... The elementary school teacher sees demands as his ideal.
Why do you look at me so sadly, my little tree? Only a few families have a Christmas tree and the children run around depressed. Devotional! Brutes mockingly disrupt the church service. That is now the “great thing”, that the freedom of the republic has brought us is a big field of rubble, slavery! And how I longed for this Germany after being outside from the beginning! High and low lay shoulder to shoulder in the same dirt, the officer next to his soldiers, all animated by one thought: to protect the fatherland! That was real democracy, that trench community, it and only it can be the foundation stone for a new building of our German nation! My dear little tree, have no fear: I remain firm and strong inside despite the external collapse and with me many, many Germans. The inner values remain and true inner greatness cannot be lost. German fir, grown in the German forest, a symbol of hope and loyalty, you should not remind us in vain that we too are children of the same earth. German Christmas in German lands! How rich we are for having such a feast! As long as we celebrate Christmas, German loyalty will not die out in German hearts!
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caxycreations · 7 days
Gentle reminder
Not every instance of someone asking "why do you do X thing?" or "why do you want X thing?" is an attack on that thing.
If someone asks you "why don't you wear heels?" or "why do you wear heels?"
If someone asks you "Why do you wear makeup?" or "why don't you wear makeup?"
If someone asks you "Why do you dress that way?" or "Why do you do your hair that way?"
It's not inherently an attack on you or your style or your life or anything else.
Reacting to every instance of "Why do you-" with "UM, BECAUSE I WANNA, FUCK RIGHT OFF" is petty and ridiculous.
Curiosity does exist, and sometimes when someone says "Why do you-" or "Why don't you-", there's a very real, non-zero chance that they legitimately want the story behind it out of good-faith curiosity.
And you can answer that in good-faith, whether or not they mean it in good-faith, and choosing to do so is a far better option than immediately assuming every single person who asks is trying to judge or belittle or attack you in some way.
"Why do you wear makeup?", well, you can answer with "Um, none of your fucking business, I just want to", or you can say "I just like to", or "Because it feels nice", or "I like the way I look in it".
"Why do you dress that way?" You can say "I dress how I want, fuck off." or you can say "It's just my style", or "I like the way I look in it", or even just "It's comfortable to me."
And if they don't like your answer, if they try to be rude about it after that, by all means! Tell them to fuck off, because the answer you give is all the answer they should need.
But can we stop normalizing this instant hatred of anyone who asks?
Can we please not make "Because fuck you" the standard response?
Yes, you are entitled to dress however you like, you're entitled to wear makeup or not if you like, you're entitled to express yourself and who you are in any way that doesn't bring harm yourself and to those around you.
But you can do those things WITHOUT becoming so hateful. You can do those things without every instance of "Why do you-" leading to an immediate, heartless "Because fuck you." when there's every possibility the one asking just wants to hear your side of things.
Don't come at me with that tired old "Well I used to and got sick of explaining myself"
It's not explaining yourself, it's answering a damn question.
I'm transfem. My best friend in the world is transmasc. And you know what we both have in common?
When someone asks us why we do something, don't do something, or prefer something, we just fucking tell them.
Because it doesn't hurt us, at all, to just answer their question.
Someone asks me "Why do you wear a collar?" and I just tell them "It makes me feel cute."
Someone asks my friend "Why do you always wear men's jeans?" and he says "Better pockets."
You don't have to give them a life story, or a big long talk about it. A short, simple little honest answer like that works wonders.
If you don't have the patience to spare 2-8 words to answer a question as simple as "Why do/don't you X", if just being asked that question is enough to piss you off to the point of reacting with hostility and frustration, you need to re-evaluate your emotional response to the things being said to you.
In no world should "Why do/don't you-" result in anger, and in no world should a good-faith answer be met with prejudice.
But we HAVE to be better. We need to stop treating "I do what I want, fuck you" like a good mentality.
Do what you will, do what feels right to you, but don't turn it into an act of spite. Don't let the things you love be corrupted into things you do just to piss people off, that way of living is so exhausting.
Live for fun, act for fun, and when asked why you do it, answer in good faith, to inspire others to do the same.
"I do what I want, fuck you" only serves to continue the cycle of hostility that we're so desperate to break.
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i get what you meant with the anime post but i feel like boiling jjk season 2 down to just "sadness and horror" is really reductive.
like. yes, absolutely. in this comparison jjk is way grittier and darker, and the choice to have most of the season happen within the span of a single night means there is alot of the season happens in the dark of night (although even then i think given the fight that happens in the train terminal that i dont want to spoil if you didnt see it, and alot of the later fights do alot more with their colours so I dont know if i agree with calling out the pallete)
but at the same time, I think JJK isn't a series based around it being sad or horrific. it is, but at every turn, the series presents it as "these are horrors beyond your scope. you are direly outmatched by the literal manifestation of pain and hatred in this world. Find a way to fight against it"
and while this interpretation is alot more relevant in where we are in the manga, it's something I think the series is trying to communicate the entire time. at its core, JJK is about hope; about finding who you are, and using the very hurt that exists inside you to confront a world that is fundementally hostile to you with planted feet and renewed confidence, and i think that when it's given room to breathe (and probably given time to have some later material adapted), jjk is a genuinely refreshing story. its a story that is dark and sad and painful, but its a story about choosing to keep moving forward in spite of that pain and uses its sorld and systems to bolster that theme
I get that yeah, alot of this is more vibes than it is themes, and jjk does absolutely can feel like dark shonen slop at times, but I really do think that it deserves a little more reverence as a series wanting to use its darker tone to explore hope in hopelessness.
hope you can find more of the stuff you like though!! i dont mean this as some sort of inditement I just have hills i want to die on
I know it's MORE than grimdark shonen, however to me that grimdark shonen part was so overpowering that I wasn't able to find much enjoyment in the work as a whole. I compare it to Dorohedoro- just as gory, but with a much lighter heart to it. I also stand by the fact that Nobara was done dirty and her character is paper-thin compared to the other two of the main trio. The end of the season was vague on whether or not she's alive but either way she deserved so much better. That's my petty hill to die on she (is/was) my favorite.
Though it's got flaws, it's undeniably very well made and also just not the kind of story I enjoy. Same with Game of Thrones- I found it tiresome how quickly characters were introduced and killed and just started checking out emotionally altogether. It's like how some people like really dark chocolate or really spicy food. Not for me.
(Also I watch anime on an aging laptop so I literally couldn't see a chunk of stuff going on, like what I saw of the Todo vs Mahito battle was mostly vibes. The choso fight in the bathroom was SICK as hell though)
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Downtown Pythonel
"Founded in 1852 and birthed by rumors of gold in the mountains, the township of Python has always hosted the eerie. Despair and murder rapidly became commonplace for the would-be miners. The first mayor was stabbed in his home, an unknown tart spread chlamydia to the drunkards, and the first bank burnt to the ground. Were it not for the gorgeous Lake Vulcan drawing in wealthy tourists in by the dozens, it is safe to say the town would have decayed into nothing."
- The Basics of Pythonel's History, Ryan Gabapentin (1973)
Like the cities of old, modern Pythonel possesses a potent cocktail of pleasure and danger. Its culture being tightly intertwined with witches and magic has created a unique society unlike any other in the era of the Spires. From niche and dangerous cottage industries to a vast selection of delightfully disgusting food, Pythonel's human-centric downtown area has plenty to offer for the living and undead alike.
See the sights!
Figure 1 - LS Drive, a must-see street for all nightlife enthusiasts
"As is natural for humanity, the era of the Reconstruction's direct collaborations with new, darker forces harkened many tantalizing opportunities to get high. New brews and drugs, often with unforeseen, crippling or outright deadly side effects, came to be thanks to recreational experimentation with Hell magic and mutated undead waste. New businesses would be founded in order to cater to a young generation of witless hedonists. The most famous strip of these new age opium dens sits on the haggard and depraved LS Drive, made all the more ugly by its abuse of neon decor."
-Brain Pain: The Acceptance of Cannibalism in Human Society, Robby Stimulant (2014)
Figure 2- One of many entryways into the vast, mysterious Subways
"The Subways are, in the most basic terms, an ancient facet of our world which manifests as a maze of empty rooms. This labyrinth is easily recognizable due to its impossible, miraculous points of entry, and tendency to replicate Good Days-era architecture. In layman's terms, if you discover a sealable opening in your home leading to multiple rooms of contrastingly retro appearance, or the more surreal scene of an outdoor landscape foreign to the local area, you have likely found an entrance to the Subways. Magidemics and enthusiasts alike strongly advise against navigating these halls without an experienced guide, as it is very easy to get lost, and the halls have a mischievous inclination to lead unwitting travelers astray."
-The World in Your Walls: A Speculative Paper on the Subways, Radio Davis (1991)
Figure 3- "Fused by Obsidian Roots", unknown artist
"My own personal contribution to this document. Art is, in my eyes, the most valuable tool we archivists can turn to if we wish to understand the emotions of those living through times of turmoil. This mural is one of many that decorate Pythonel's buildings, those decaying and in tact. Venting one's suffering through the desecration of infrastructure is an enduring tradition that can be traced to the Spire's rise. "Fused by Obsidian Roots", an abstract spray painting likely created after the Undead War, is no exception. There is no widely accepted answer regarding its meaning, but I personally see it as resignation to the chaotic blight the Hell monoliths have wrought. Humans will hide and run from it, but when the winged reaper comes for the breathing, all of their remains will be twisted and undeniably bonded together by that sudden awesome, awful source of corruption. In spite of their petty hatred of each other, living and dead flesh have been made equal victims to the Roots."
-Miss Lenore
Who's hungry?!
Feeling peckish after your trot through the mutated necropolis? Fret not! There are multitudes of charming, novel diners and pubs throughout Pythonel's twisted streets! Take some time to relax and enjoy the scarily scrumptious dishes the city of the dead has to offer!
Putrid Eye Curry, from Unsightly Platters ($8.50 USD)
"A handful of chewy, gooey eyes topping a delightful tangy sour sauce. Very filling and perfectly seasoned! The eyes may give you a little wink if you're lucky."
Carnage Coney, from Blazin' Hounds ($2.99 USD)
"A juicy hot dog topped with a large heap of meat sauce and unique spices created with Lake Vulcan's own Red Vines. A mighty satisfying meal for anyone on a tight budget."
Fried Sewerbug with Eggs, from Jary Mane's Swamp Slop ($10.50 USD)
"An intriguing mix of flavors and textures, and easily the most iconic dish from famed Catacombs chef, Jary Mane! All megabugs and eggs used in this dish are 100% ethically sourced."
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tajeethot · 9 months
I've been very quiet about the allegations for a very long time now & I really want to use this opportunity to clear the air.
Multiple women, who are all connected, have came forward about abuse they've experienced while being connected to me, I am not going to sit here & ask, or expect you to disregard their stories, their experiences or anything of that nature. I believe in spreading awareness, I believe in victims speaking up for themselves. I believe in justice.
I can wholeheartedly, honestly, say that I've never caused harm to anyone that didn't harm me. As a masc-presenting woman, I continuously run into situations where I can be hit, disrespected, and degraded & I am suppose to "take it" because of how I look. Because I'm bigger. Because "I'm a stud" ..
When I notice that a situation is becoming unhealthy, I have always encouraged people to leave me alone before anything escalates.
In response to me leaving, I am always harassed with fake phone numbers, email addresses, contacting my family members, its even gotten as far as these women pulling up to my house, banging on doors/windows, in an attempt to "fix" things.
I do not like chaos. I do not like being at war with someone I love, I will always leave. I will let you go.
Multiple times, me leaving, has resulted in women telling me that "I never cared about them" "I give up on things too fast" & due to the leftover love that has nowhere to go, it turns into spite. into hatred. into petty behavior.
Into what you're seeing on the internet.
I attract very possessive women, women who don't like the attention I receive, women who think they're entitled to my time/energy & the situation always ends up codependent.
Living together, never leaving each others side. In a matter of days/weeks/months.
It's been a cycle I've worked hard at breaking.
But when I don't feel like the connection isnt safe, and I ask to end things, I literally wake up to police reports & warrants in my name.
As a lot of you may know, you can go downtown & say someone did ANYTHING to you, and they'll type your report then issue a warrant for whoever you're accusing. It's that simple.
I've been very irresponsible about coming to court because I travel on business a lot & I didn't think missing money was as important as going to court to handle these false allegations.
That was a mistake, so, I've began turning myself in.
Thus, the multiple mugshots, all for FTA's(failure to appear)
Recently, I did go to court to handle 2 of the allegations, from 2 different women— including the women I allegedly "beat with a power cord" & "held a gun to"
Both of those cases were dismissed.
Due to pictures of my bruises, multiple threats & clear evidence of harassment.
(Picture below)
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These women have gone as far as posting messages that I never sent them, bruises that have came from past situations before me- all because they see that I'm still thriving on this platform. I make my money here. The woman I recently ended things with even went as far as following one of my accusers on every app, and "jokingly" informed me that if I broke her heart, she'd come out with a story on Twitter too.
You do not have to be a rocket science to figure out what's going on here.
I wasn't evil until I told you I didn't want to be with you anymore.
I wasn't abusive until I ignored 300 of your calls on TextNow.
I wasn't "demonic" when you pulled up to my house in tears, asking for me back, when I told you to leave me alone.
I am honestly sick of dealing with women's misplaced emotions & the hurt they are failing to heal from.
It's one thing to "spread awareness"
It's a whole another thing to be actively posting/speaking on someone who "traumatized you so bad" after years have gone by.
Adding insane details to your story because you know that's the only way to gain attention every year.
At what point do you become responsible for your own healing?
I believe in karma. It doesn't miss anyone & eventually, the universe will catch up to the people who have wronged you.
If I have wronged you, allow the universe to catch up to me. You are not responsible, or in control, of the karma I receive or when I receive it.
I do not bother these women, I do not contact these women. Yet, the same people who are claiming "abuse" have been on the internet talking about me since 2021.
I hate to be that person but, heal. spread whatever awareness you want & move on, thrive. Love again.
Because that's exactly what I am doing.
I have always been one to let a connection run its course, and leave when it's unsatisfying on both ends.
The women who "came out" about me, beforehand, they did message me for closure, closure that I was not willing to provide & I believe that is one of my biggest mistakes.
I believe these women felt led on, I believe I moved on too fast & made them feel "disposable"
I believe that a lot of these things being said are stemming from my lack of interest in communication/reconciliation when things were said & done.
I hurt your ego, as well as your feelings.
I have never initiated a fight or physical confrontation. I have never put a gun to anyone's head. I have never beat anyone with a power cord. I have never took/damaged anyone's property. These allegations were all proven to be false. I will always walk away, or ask you to leave.
But have I defended myself & protected my space when I was being harmed and harassed? Absolutely.
I am not beefing with anyone who has came out with a story, i don't have any hatred in my heart toward any of these women/ I am not mad/ I am not upset and, I sincerely wish them the best life and the best love that the universe has to offer them. At a point in time, we laid together. cried together. shared souls & secrets. At a point in time, we were exactly what eachother needed and I appreciate being loved for as long as I was.
This is for my other masc-presenting women who have DM'd me with similar stories. We are still women, regardless of how it may look on the outside, you will not use my appearance as a justification for why you respond/react to me aggressively & then play victim when the energy is reciprocated.
Please, Leave. At the first sign of them raising their voice, putting their hands on you, or making you feel unsafe. No it won't change, No it won't get better. No you shouldn't "deal with it" because you're masculine.
Please, leave.
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stepswowdsen · 1 year
Convo between Snow, Cinna, and me [4-01-2023]
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Friend: Help I saw this person’s story and I immediately thought back to all the characters I liked (including the orcas) Yes this is about a fictional character I’m crying LMAO
Me: LMAO This gives me "Dimitri not just kills, but murders" vibes
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Me: The way I only went on Twitter for fanart and still somehow got stupidly petty bad takes from the FE3H fandom from illiterate fans misrepresenting charas jfc
It was at its worst when FE3H first released in 2019 (and 2019 ~ 2020)
“He doesn’t just kill, he murders too” is such a bad take it cycled back around to being funny
Friend 2: Reminds me I've seen someone older than me completly seriously detest there being apologists for SCAR FROM LION KING It's a fictional lion it's not that serious 😭
Friend: SCAR
Friend 2: If people want to defend and poor meow meow a fucked up bastard whose dad named him trash, let them 😭
Friend: 😭😭
Me: (Also I would never post something like this. Have you seen my faves LMAO. One of them is an evil clown demon that tried to unalive humanity out of hatred/spite <3 Thank you Ashiya Douman)
I don’t even IDV, but I’m not taking this seriously, this is just hilarious to me. Like have some god damn critical thinking
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Friend: I'm sorry I’m an Idate apologist for our AU He doesn’t kill people, he murders them
Me: SAME LMAO I'll literally defend our WATGBS AU Idate with my life
And my faves and OCs in general (including our WATGBS AU OCs) It's so funny, OP's post (the murderer one) is just almost every chara I adore /lh
Friend: I'M CRYING MORE CAUSE LIKE I FOLLOW THIS PERSON LMAO Ah yes. We defend homicidal oreocat as if he won’t kill us if he were real
Me: IDATE MY SONNNN <333 Also who tf is Luca Balsa 😭 I'm crying LMAO is OP actually for real or is this a copypasta/shitpost
Friend: Some IDV character 😭
Friend 2: I'm reminded of this
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Friend: LMFAO
Me: I posted this before and [Friend 4] was like "I'm not even gonna say who this is"
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Hint: It's Douman (and tbh, almost all of my faves)
Friend: Literally me
Me: HELPPP I forgot where it was but that one Tumblr post that's like "I don't want to undermine what fictional narratives mean to people and their power, they can be very good things to care about. But at the same time, calm down it's just a cartoon"
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Friend 2: Me
Friend: I like a group of criminals in a cat game Guys and gals me so sorry but I’m getting sent to the guillotine by this person because I liked fictional characters who weren’t goodie two shoes
Friend 2: 😭
Me: Have you considered that the other charas are usually more interesting with better writing. Most protag charas make me yawn bro cuz they have no personality and they're fucking boring as hell
Friend 2: M o o d
Me: Not you Alibaba, you're gold to me. Alibaba gods, he is literally perfect to me. 
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It's so funny, Alibaba made 3 people in my friend circle (Hina, Jaqui, me) all obsessed with him when we're usually indifferent or dislike the shounen protag archetype most of the time. 
As Cinna said, “But your love for Alibaba is purely a testament of how well-written he is.” So true! My son :)
And if anyone (somehow) hates him, they’re getting sent straight to hell
I literally never get obsessed with protagonist charas unless they're also a meow meow mf (which our Idate counts as) but then Alibaba happened. I'm-- Alibaba is just so good. I’ll defend him with my life
Like, I do have some exceptions to protag faves I like tho, like usually they’re especially good/well-written or have fun vibes. 
I also tend to go easier on media meant for kids like MegaMan/Rockman (MMBN/EXE) cuz of the audience it’s catered to, I’m obviously not expecting deep writing/characterization since media is primarily for entertainment, especially kid’s media.
Friend 2: What would this person do if they knew I've literally waifufied the slightly even worse Lion King villain
Friend 2: VALID
Me: This person if they knew about me and Jaqui who pretty much exclusively stan morally bankrupt/gray/evil charas: (.)
Friend: They’ll kill you /j
Friend 2: LMAO
Friend: Nobody tell this person their FNAF audience simps for a literal murderer William Afton
Me: I'm so happy my mutuals/friends and followers seem to have similar tastes as me, or are at least fine with my fave character tastes and the charas I stan <3 Thank you for supporting my meow meow endeavours! My cat carrier <3 
Me: Ok but William Afton is a Tunglr sexyman /neg /derogatory Especially when Tunglr sexymen include fuckers like Purple Guy (FNAF) and Spamton (DT) bruh? I'm outta here
Friend 2: I think liking villains being seen as problematic is the most 2020s internet thing ever tbh
Me: [Friend 4] said this but Tunglr sexymen are only good if they're not white
Friend 2: LOL
Me: Also yeah I've seen my friends have stories like "I like manipulative murderous men" 😚 about their faves and OCs LMAO godspeed to y'all
Anyways remember to support your local meow meows and women’s wrongdoings and evil deeds!!! <3 
Friend 2: LMAO VALID
Friend: They’ve drawn William a few times Who’s also the child murderer in FNAF I don’t know how they didn’t see that drawing a murderer won't attract people who are fans of that said murderer LMAO
Friend: Most people like villains it's mainly terminally online people that believe villains bad.
Friend: The pandemic rotted their braincells TRUE
Me: Oh yeah. I've seen fucking adults, even ones in their 20s - 30s act like this, it's embarrassing
Friend: Oh my fucking god
Friend 2: Ok true
Me: But yeah, some people got WAY too much time on their hands I can't be aware of every single thing that happens, like I usually find out about things that circulate in fandom due to it appearing on my feed or my friends, but I'll appreciate them bringing stuff to my attention
Friend: We’re villain enjoyers guys
Me: So true!
Friend 2: The person who said "Scars apologists scare me /serious" is literally over 25
Friend 2: YEAH
Me: My list of top fave charas that would scare these people <3 /j
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kfc-bucketman · 2 years
The lost writing of Aaron Burr, circa. Early 1830s: (please don’t take this seriously)
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“July, 1804: I sat down at the table and watched General Hamilton come in with a cheery mood, he talked with some friends and had a few drinks, he sat on the counter and began singing a song. He had always had such a beautiful voice. At the time I was rageful and spiteful, and I watched him with intensity and for a moment I saw him look back at me with the same intensity as if we were both thinking the same thing. Once it was all over I was still sitting and enjoying a drink by myself and then I heard his voice “Col. Burr.”
“Gen. Hamilton.” I responded in a cold tone not wanting to speak to him “may I join you?” “Go ahead” he sat down in front of me with a drink in hand and we sat there in silence until I finally spoke up “are you seriously going to let this happen? You are that petty to risk your life and not just apologize to me?” “Yes. What I said and all I have said was the truth. I stand by every word of it. You can deny it but it doesn’t make it any less false.” he responded to me. I was flabbergasted and annoyed and I wanted to leave but something kept me there to continue pressing the matter and he spoke again “it’s too late to go back now anyways, whatever happens on that day will happen. I made what I intend to do very clear to everyone who’s spoken to me about it-“ “and what are those intentions?” “I cannot tell you, you will simply find out when we get there.”
“you’re a fool-“ “and you’re a snake who will ruin us all.” I stood up having enough of him “goodnight General.” “I’m not done with you yet” he said bluntly “but seems I’m done with you, sir” I began to walk away but he stood up as well grabbing me by the arm with force and said in my ear in an angry whisper “don’t you dare walk away from me.” His grip becoming tighter.
I looked into his eyes and saw something vile and perverted in them looking back at me. He then led me away into a private room and pushed me against the wall “what are you doing!?” I finally got out “I despise you. you’re immoral, shameless, an insult to good men. Nothing a but lewd disgrace” he said as he wrapped a hand around my throat “screw you-“ “you are mistaken, Col, I will be screwing you.”
I quickly got out of his grip pushing him to the ground; getting on top of the General locking our hands together “I knew you wanted me, bastard…” I hissed out while he was struggling to move which I found hilarious. I leaned down and brought our lips close to each other and whispered “the hatred is mutual” our desires took advantage of us both that night. I began to kiss him roughy and he wrapped his legs around my waist as we were sharing this intimate moment with each other, not caring about anything or anyone else.
once it was all said and done, the sun was rising, we were both lying on the ground with our clothes scattered across the floor and our hearts racing. Hamilton immediately jumped when he heard someone walking by “oh no-“ I stayed because this situation was more than familiar to me but seems he didn’t care to give me any affection afterwards which I found pretty rude “see you on the dueling grounds Col” he got dressed and immediately left the room and I stood up getting dressed as well before someone knocked and opened the door noticing I was still mostly unclothed, by sheer coincidence it was a friend of mine “Aaron, was Mr. Hamilton here while you were changing?” “What? Of course not, don’t be silly-” I cleared my throat and changed the topic after the obvious lie I had just told and got ready for the day.
(🕰 🙏Time skip: it’s Weehawken, dawn. Guns were drawn.)
This is where my memory gets fuzzy, I see Hamilton arrive with his second and he takes first position, he looked at me with determination and like he was a man out for blood and I looked back hoping we could still work this out “present…” we both readied our pistols. “1….2….3…4….5….-“ “STOP” Hamilton cried out. I was confused and for a second I thought he was actually going to call it off- but no- he went through his pockets and took out a pair of glasses putting them on and examining his surroundings “this will do. You may continue” a side note but I didn’t know this at the time but it was the same spot his son perished three years earlier. “6….7….8….9….10! FIRE!” two gunshots rang out, I can’t remember who shot first or if he truly aimed to miss or not. All I remember is seeing through the smoke Hamilton collapsing and the regret immediately washing over me “no- no no no no” I tried to run over but my second was holding me back “sir, we must leave!” “I must speak with him!” I relented eventually and the ride home was a quiet but fearful one.
As soon as I was able too; I wrote his doctor to check his current situation, he was rowed back to the city and is at the home of a friend, with everyone hoping for a recovery- but hindsight has given me the knowledge that the hope was in vain. I decided to visit him in the night knocking on the window of the room he was in. Knock knock. He looked at me and then looked away, but I opened the window and climbed in anyway “I could have you arrested and hung right now…” “I just wanted to see you-“ I stepped closer to his bed. “Well I don’t want to see you….I can’t even feel my legs.” He said in a grim tone of voice “I’m sorry but you left me no choice- I didn’t mean too- or I-“ he bit his lip and finally gave into what I had wanted “I’m sorry.” He muttered out teary eyed “What?” He looked annoyed and tried to hide how frustrated he was to say those words to me “I’m. Sorry.” I was shocked and reached my hand to hold his “it’s a bit too late for that but I accept it nonetheless.” I smiled and he was crying “I don’t have much time…” “you always act like you are running out of it” I chuckled. Please do not judge me for this I was trying to lighten the mood at least a little. I grabbed a handkerchief and wiped his tears “DONT TOUCH ME” he hissed out like an angry kitten “oh, but you allow me to hold your hand?” “…….” He had no response and I was content with the interaction “I loved you, Alex…and you pushed me to this breaking point. You have no idea what you’ve done to me.” “you’re a dangerous man. And I stand by it despite my apology. Now leave before I yell for someone to take you to the authorities” I left back home. Hours later the word would get out that he died. I spent that whole day crying to myself.
I would never speak of the event again to anyone but I write it to you now. And only you will know the full context of those nights me and Hamilton shared. This story will die with me and hopefully you don’t go blabbing about like a gossipy child when you read this.
Your obedient servant, A; Burr.”
“Aaron Burr would die a few years after he told me that story, I have not said a word of it and if anyone were to find this writing it would ruin Alexander Hamilton, my fathers legacy would be tarnished….I cannot for the sake of me publish any of this. I will burn this page and no one shall ever know what has truly occurred. Historians will be left to wonder and I say to you Col. Burr wherever you may be….I hope that you burn” He lit the fireplace and threw the letter inside watching as it crumbled and disintegrated before his very eyes. Once it was it completely gone he let out a sigh of relief and sat at his desk quietly sobbing.
The end.
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