#2 rough and tough agents
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😭throuple goals! 😭😭
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redflagshipwriter · 16 days
Red Hot Ghouls 14 part 1/2
“Hey, what’s up? Just checking in. Any luck so far? I finished my books!” Danny read mockingly off the burner phone with only one contact. He felt his eyebrow twitch. “What is this guy’s problem?” He got up in a jerky motion and started pacing around his one room apartment like the world’s most broke-ass tiger. It took three steps to get off the rug and onto the 3 tiles in front of his front door. He wheeled on his heel and did it again, and again, and then he forcibly collapsed back onto his couch in a huff. “What a bitch,” Danny complained. He kicked at the cushion. “Where does he get off talking to me like he doesn’t know…”
His voice trailed off as he accidentally had a thought. The thought happened to him entirely against his will. He really hated the thought.
Like. What if, just as a guess. What if he supposed that Jason the hapless performance-art biker tough guy rough guy had not found his secret identity? What if he had just like, gone out to a dark coffeeshop to read a new book? And from his perspective, some weird guy had yelled at him and made a funny face like a pissy toddler?
Shit. Shit, fuck, and damn. Danny groaned. Was Jason just a local??? Had he walked into that place by chance- oh. Holy fucking shit.
“I am the dumbest engineer I know,” Danny marveled. He looked up at the ceiling and sort of wished it would fall in and kill him instantly. “Jeremy is in Arkham. That implies he committed this crime in Gotham. That would imply his victim was from Gotham.”
Honestly… He had kinda just thought that Jeremy was in Arkham because it was convenient for him. But of course not. No one knew he was in Gotham. If Jeremy knew that Danny Phantom was on Gotham he would have been taking out creepy billboards to beg for his attention and damnation or something.
‘So Jason just thinks I am a total weirdo.’
Pain. Pain. Psychic damage. Danny threw his arm over his face and muffled a scream into his forearm, fucking mortified. Why was he so embarrassing? 
‘I don’t actually know that this happened in Gotham; Jeremy could have gone outside of city limits for his little ritual. Jason didn’t ask me to take him to Gotham from the GZ,’ Danny clung to in faint hope. ‘Maybe he really did hunt me down. Or maybe he looked up ectobiologists, learned about my family, and just sought out the geographically closest Fenton.’ 
…Get real. Come on. Jason wasn’t a detective. The straightest line between two points was the most likely path of events.
He unlocked his phone with numb fingers and started searching for any proof that this guy was a Gothamite. 
Jason Gotham
A bunch of Linked in profiles, a bunch of articles about rich people, and a flood of bookface profiles. It was a common name.
“That figures,” Danny huffed, feeling a little stupid for thinking that would work. He blew out a long breath. “It’s not like there’s ever just one guy in the world. There’s a billion Dannys out there for chrissake. There’s a Danny in my Econ class.”
Jason Gotham big strong guy
There was a wrestler from Gotham whose agent was named Jason. Danny clicked through the article to look at the photos just in case. No dice. His Jason was built prettier than the agent or the wrestler, Danny thought absently. Oh. He did have something that a wrestler didn’t, though.
Jason Gotham guns
Weirdly, the Linked-in profiles came back up. Danny was baffled and curious enough to read through a couple. “Gotham is such a goddamn place,” he marveled, eyebrows traveling up. “I thought you weren’t supposed to talk about things like…” Then the penny dropped. “Henchmen get hired off Linked-in?” He sat up explicitly so that he could shake his head in disbelief at the state of this city. “Wild.”
Well. The mission was not a success. Danny buried his face in his hands and accidentally smacked himself with the phone still in his hand. He ignored the stinging of his cheekbone to wallow in self-pity. It would heal up fast anyway.
“I think I need to answer his message,” Danny said. He felt real low. He felt like such a silly bastard. “I have to be smart and feel out if he knows I’m Danny.” He paused. “Danny Fenton, not Danny Phantom. Because I introduced myself as Danny Phantom.” Danny groaned. That seemed like an unnecessary clue, now that he really thought about it.
‘I need to avoid Jazz,’ Danny thought grimly. ‘If she sees me, she is going to sense weakness and find out what I did.’
He mulled over his options for a bit, trying to plot a response that would reveal all of Jason’s secrets and also make sense in conversation.
He failed. “I’m not a smart man,” Danny said conversationally, and sent,
You finished all those books already?? You unemployed, dude???
Jason must have been waiting on him. His response was pretty fast. 
Self-employed, actually. 
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johnwickb1tsch · 7 months
Tex Johnson x Witness!Reader x John Wick Imagine Part 2 by @treedaddymcpuffpuff @sweetwolfcupcake and @johnwickb1tsch GIF credits to @scarlettspectra ❤ and Illustration credit to @boredth ❤️
Original Post Part 1
Warnings: So many dead doves! Don't eat! Unless you like dead doves, that is. Violence, sexual content, blood, murder, kidnapping, possessive behavior, yandere sh!t...it's all here! Please take care! 😘
As it turns out, faking your death involves taking some very gnarly photos with copious amounts of blood spread about. They will be released to the dark web, as well as the Underground network. John and Tex will get paid for a job well done. The FBI will receive the intelligence in due time, mixed with finding your blood and hair and skin at the scene. And once they off Dmitri, the man you witnessed killing the owner of the restaurant you used to work at, there will be no one left to care but Agent Bradford.
If he survives his wounds.
John and Tex are still perplexed about that one. He must be a tough bastard, but getting shot up even with a vest on would slow anyone down. Not to mention his blown out knee…
When next you wake you know you’re in a different location, even through your blindfold. Your hands are bound again, this time over your head. It feels like you’re laying on a soft surface, a mattress, and not a cheap one. You debate the merits of pretending to still be knocked out, or screaming your head off for help, when you hear, “Looks like sleepin’ beauty’s awake.”
From your other side there is silence, but you feel gentle fingers touching a lock of your hair. It sends a forbidden trill of desire through you, straight to your loins, and for the umpteenth time you wonder what exactly is wrong with you that you don’t 100 percent hate this the way you should.   
“Please let me go.” Your words are raspy; your throat is dry as a desert. How long have you been out?
“We have to talk about that,” says Tex. “See, there’s a whole lot gonna be ridin’ on you.” You can just hear his shit-eating grin for his double-entendre.  
“You’re a pig.”
“Aww, don’t be shy, darlin’. What did you think we were goin; to get up to when you got in my car? Playin’ pinochle? You wanted me, and I reckon’ that hasn’t changed.” You feel a rough hand sliding up your thigh that must belong to him. You try to buck him off, and find your legs aren’t bound. You try to kick towards the sound of his voice, but your limbs are heavy, and he catches your ankle.
“Boy howdy, someone’s flexible!”
He has you in an iron grip, and you give a frustrated scream.
“Don’t hurt her,” says the other one, in that quietly forbidding tone.
“Was I supposed to let her kick my head off?”
“Fine by me.”
Tex snorts in response, squeezing your leg in his big hand, just to give you a taste. You feel your bones creak beneath his grip.
The whimper escapes you before you realise it. He doesn't hurt you yet, but the looming threat could not have been more explicit.
You utterly hate the helplessness, and the feeling of being trapped like this does not help.
"Tex..." The icy warning in his tone makes you gulp down and suppress another whimper.
"Loosen-up John, I'm not hurtin' her." You feel tge 'yet' is silent but hanging in the air.
Right, the other man's name- John. It slipped your mind before.
You feel the bed shift beside you before the warmth of the other body goes missing. You strain your ears, trying to guess what he is doing. When something touches your lips, you jump slightly, only to feel a large hand on your shoulder-- gentle and warm.
"It's just a straw. Try sipping through it."
John's voice is reassuring, soft even-- a stark contrast to the tone he used on Tex, whose fingers are still wrapped around your ankle. Much to your relief, John unlocks your hands from above your head, letting them rest on your front. You are disappointed when you realise that they're still bound, though. He helps you sit up a bit, adjusting pillows behind, before you feel the straw poking on your lips again. Taking the hint, you wrap your lips around it and sip the water eagerly.
You were parched, you realise.
They take the blindfold off, and the world swims for a bit. You can barely keep your eyes open and your voice is soggy and slow. Once you come up for air, you realize you’re laying in a big bed with some kind of soft restraint holding your wrists together. Tex is sitting with you - he’s got your trouble making legs pulled into his lap, securing them.
You don’t bother fighting again, mostly because it feels like your arms and legs are made of sandbags. Everything is dull, blunted. Feels like you’re deep inside the dark, squishy confines of your brain, unable to break surface. You watch as John checks his phone, then looks up.
“Dimitri wants to meet.” It’s like he teleports out of the chair, gives you whiplash. He’s fast. He discards his shirt and jacket, replaces the bulletproof vest and gives you a perfect view of a scarred, tattooed, broad torso.
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(Gif by @scarlettspectra ❤️❤️!)
“Close your jaw, honey, or else you’ll start drooling.” This from Tex, who you try to kill with a glare. He seems highly amused. You look away from John quickly, not even realizing you were starring so blatantly. Your body fills with different types of heat, ones that are much harder to hide the effects of under the heavy drugs clouding your judgement.
“He wants both of us?” Tex asks.
(Gif by @scarlettspectra ❤️❤️!)
“Tex, c’mon.” John drapes his suit jacket back on, pulls his Glock and does something with one big hand that makes it click and shift - you're starring again.
Tex whistles low, brushes some sticky hair off your neck and makes you flinch. “Dimitri’s grown some big cojones.”
John throws a spare vest at him. “Get. Ready.”
Tex rolls his eyes. “You can handle it, Wick. Lemme stay here and give this sore little girl a massage.” He knuckles into your calves, and you groan louder than you want to, trying to pull away unsuccessfully. It feels way too nice, because he’s right, you are sore.
Your masseuse complies, makes a show for you - chest, muscles, masculine energy overly potent. You really do try not to watch, but it’s so hard, especially while Tex has that shit eating grin plastered to his face. And then there’s the weapon work, too. You’re not a fan of guns or knives, but seeing them handle and prep them, tuck them into straps and belts, it invokes carnal desire.
They’re going to leave you here again, alone, and you hate that, but what else can you do besides watch them go with a pathetic, doped up look on your face?
They leave with the bedroom door locked, windows shut, and the room quiet.
Bizzarely enough, their absence bothers you. A strange silence hangs heavy in the air. You realise it eventually that it is the aftermath of the rollercoaster day.
In the silence, you finally break. Sobs break out with tears and snoot. You are really in a mess that is deep enough to have your life on the rocks, finely balanced by the intention of the two men who simply plucked you out of your life, your potential safety net and...That is tge scary part-- you are still unsure of their intentions.
You know that the smartest thing you can do is to adapt to the situation, but with the great powerr imbalance and unpredictable circumstances, every breath seems to be a nearing step towards death. You are not an optimist - never were - you cannot say that you are absolutely in love with your life, but you want to live. Your life before the mess was no fairytake-- an average life of an average girl, average problems that weighed you down. Now, when you think of it, you might even really fall in love with your average monotonous life only if you manage to somehow get out of the situation.
You try the windows and doors, although you know in your heart that they're no amateurs. They are seasoned professionals-- they took on Bradford with ease, the same Bradford you have seen handling four people with ease.
He is yiyr last hope. You are convinced that sooner or later, you will go crazy here. Who finds their captives attractive?
Embarrassed, you shut your eyes and sigh. You still feel pretty fuzzy, and the bed indeed is comfortable. With a defeated walk back to the bed, you slip under the covers, sleep is your only escape route for now.
It feels like an eternity, by the time they finally return. They look fierce but weary, exhausted from a long night, but their eyes are bright from the excitement of a battle. They both have splatters of blood on their faces—you doubt much, if any of it, belongs to them.
With wide eyes you watch as they start to shed their gear: the cluster of guns and knives that accumulates on the table is dizzying. If you could just get to one of those weapons…
Tex follows your gaze with a devilish smile. “Know how to use one of these, darlin’?”
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“Aw. Is that any way to talk to the man who just removed the gangster boss who wants you dead from the face of the earth?”
(Thank u @boredth ❤️!!!)
“It can’t be that hard, if you manage it,” you snipe, straining against your wrist restraint for the umpteenth time that night. Or is it morning? You just don’t know.
This does perk your interest a little, though you’re almost loathe to show it. “You…killed Dmitri?” If it’s true…good riddance, then.
“Boy howdy. In fact, your buddy John here went a little trigger happy, and I’m pretty sure he wiped out the whole goddamn bratva. Everyone that was there, anyway.”
You blink, looking to the man in the dark suit for confirmation. He, however, is looking at something fixedly on his gun, not ready to crow his own praises.
Your heart is in your throat as you dare ask, “What…does this mean?”
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However, Tex grins at you like a wolf to a sheep, and you do not feel safe, at all.
(By @boredth ❤️❤️❤️!)
“It means you should be safe.” John’s voice is deep, matter of fact. You get the sense that he really doesn’t use his voice much.
“Does that mean…you’ll let me go?”
“Eventually,” Tex answers. “If you’re a good girl.”
You swallow hard at hearing that.
John doesn’t contradict his partner, his intense dark gaze fixed on you. “You can have my half of the bounty.”
Tex’s head whips towards John. “You’re gonna give her 2.5 million dollars?”
“To start her new life,” John says, still looking at you. “In a different country, if she’s smart.”
Tex whistles at hearing that. “I like you, honey, but I’m not sure I like you that much.”
You, however, see exactly what John is doing. He’s giving you a reason to live. A reason to obey, a light at the end of the tunnel. The promise that if you can endure whatever they have in mind…you’ll not just get your life back. You’ll get…something better than your blue-collar working-class self could have ever dreamed of.
If only it didn’t make you feel like such a whore.
You feel pretty stupid, to be honest. So, so stupid for fighting them. But, if they would have just told you - took the time to really explain what was going on - no, you’re pretty sure you’re the asshole here. Maybe?
You’re distracted - a frequent event with these two around. And now they’re covered in blood and grime and sweat from protecting you and the vague, whorish thought crosses your mind that maybe they wouldn’t mind getting their cocks sucked after that long, hard night of being your heroes.
Still, that’s exactly what you feel like - a pathetic whore. And you want to bury your head into a pillow and smother yourself. You look, eyes set and determined, at John. “You don’t have to do that.”
For the first time, a little grin cracks the side of his mouth. He’s devastatingly handsome, this deadly man. “I won’t take no for an answer.” Is his simple reply.
Tex shakes his head, chuckles, cuts in to the intense eye contact John is pinning you to the bed with. “Gonna have to stay with us - one of us - for a while though, darlin’. We gotta make sure that pretty neck is off the chopping block.”
That sounds like a recipe for disaster. Sounds like your libido is about to get a lesson it won’t soon forget. Sounds like you’re gonna be constantly on more edge than one the entire time you have to be with them. Sounds like you’re gonna have your hand in your panties a couple times a day and still come out unsatisfied.
Your voice - scratchy and timid. “Do I have to stay tied up the entire time?”
John swipes a knife off the table, walks over to you, grabs your restraints, tugging your arms up and slicing through the leather holding them together. Your heavy limbs go to fall, but he catches both your wrists in one one - oh, his pretty, stocky hands really are big - then lowers them to your lap gently and tucks the blade back into his waist. “Are you hungry?” That’s it? No threats? No intimidation? Why are you actually a little disappointed? But , god, your stomach comes to life at the mention of a meal. Must have been a while since you’ve eaten. You answer him honestly, “yes.”
What a devil’s bargain.
You think it bold of John, to untie your hands, with all those weapons at hand.
But then, what would you really do with them, against these two trained killers?
The smarter path to survival lays down a darker road, and goddammit if as you look between them, you don’t feel some small thrill of anticipation.  
John has gone off somewhere to get you food, leaving you alone with Tex, who has stripped off his bloody shirt, his flak vest, then his undershirt. You’re not shy about staring this time, taking in the breadth of his bare chest and his toned arms. What’s the point in being shy now?
Tex smirks at your blatant appraisal of his powerful body. “My eyes are up here, darlin’.”
You huff and look away, crossing your arms. “You are such an asshole.”  Your belly has begun to rumble, audibly now. It’s a little embarrassing.
However, a second later he has crossed the room to you, claiming your attention again with a calloused hand on your jaw, directing your eyes up to him. He doesn’t say anything, just pins you with those dark orbs, and like stumbling on a predator in the woods you dare not try to look away. Maybe he hides it with his aw shucks demeanor, but this man is just as dangerous as the other, and a cold chill runs down your spine as you wonder if he’s about to prove it to you.
You couldn’t be more relieved, than when John comes through the door with a paper plate of food and a plastic cup of what you hope is water.
Tex smiles down at you, the warmth returning to his eyes. He pats your cheek just this side of too hard, making you wince. You can tell John doesn’t like it, that Tex touches you this way, but it’s not quite enough to yell at him for.
You wonder how these two extremely dangerous men, who for all the world seem like opposites of each other, are going to manage this situation without killing each other.
Could you get so lucky?
"You have somethin' in your head 'bout the road ahead?"
While you busy yourself with the meal, you keep your ears on the discussion regarding the road ahead. Keeping your eyes on the plate, you try to appear as disinterested as possible-- in reality, though, you want to know everything they have planned. John has been exceptionally kind to you, Tex is an asshole but has been tolerable until now. They promised to let you go and allow you to start anew. But you can't trust them just yet...
There's silence from John's end before you feel his eyes on you. You try to resist the urge to look up, but your eyes just have to glance up before you can force them to remain on the plate. They lock with John's unreadable gaze immediately, and you blink. It's unfair - you feel like he is reading into your soul while you are not able to decipher a single thought that runs in his mind. Even now, he appears to be an indecipherable abyss to you-- you know it's deep and dark, but find no hint of what is in there. You feel that there is a lot in there, though.
It is John who breaks eye contact, turning to Tex.
"Let's talk over a drink."
He offers, and with that, they both are out of the room. They shut the door behind, and you hear the distinct click of the lock.
What are they planning?
Why do they keep leaving you? It’s starting to get really, really annoying. However, while they’re gone, it gives you a chance to take a shower and get cleaned up a little bit. This placed is obviously lived in. The sheets have a faint smell of some woodsy cologne and laundry soap and sweat, the shower has half empty shampoo and soap bottles, the counter has scattered, used toiletries.
Your old clothes are covered in dirt, and probably minuscule flecks of blood and other gross body fluids, so you turn your nose up at them and dig through the closet instead. T-shirts, jeans, boxers - men’s clothing. At least it’s clean and it smells good. You pull on a pair of plain grey boxers and then a black, draping T-shirt, feeling kind of like you’re wearing your dads clothes like when you were six years old and playing dress up.
A pair of black, thick socks completes your look. You’re comfortable, now, to go around the room and stretch a little bit. You still kind of feel too jiggly to properly function, but some back cracking and shoulder rolling doesn’t take too much out of you.
They locked the weapons away in a dresser by the closet, went out still covered in blood. Bold move. Cocky. Daring anyone to say something to them at this very moment, probably.
But, they’re back faster than you think they will be. Outside the door. Loud. Tex is at twice his usual volume, hooting and hollering. “I really do think you’re a bad motherfucker.”
John answers, something lighter perking his usually monotone voice. “Not so bad yourself, Tex.”
They’re getting along it seems, which you’re not sure is good for you. The door unlocks, clicks open, and you can immediately tell that Tex is drunk. He’s boisterous, holding John by the shoulders, laughing, face reddened, and - the biggest tell - he’s got an open whiskey bottle in one hand.
John is smiling, shaking his head, running a hand through his hair. His face is a bit mottled, too. Are they both drunk? Your annoyance spikes. They could have at least offered you some after the shit you’ve gone through.
You perch on the bed, glaring at them. You get more than you bargained for when they both look at you. Their eyes do the same thing in unison - narrow and blow, go hungry and honed. The only difference in the way they stare at you is Tex’s lopsided grin. You feel like quarry again, and it makes you cross your arms and fold your legs into yourself.
Tex leans into John’s ear, voice low and almost taunting. “Those your clothes, Johnny?”
John keeps his eyes right on you. “Yeah.”
"Hey, who said you could wear Johnny's clothes?" banters Tex, approaching you with a swinging gait, the bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand.
You glance to John, who is watching your interaction interestedly, but makes no move to intervene.
"I said," you answer with narrowed eyes, tracking the motion of the bottle. It could be a weapon, or a gesture of friendship, all depending on the context. When Tex extends it to you in offering, you're a little relieved. And, a little thirsty, truth be told. Who knows if its a good idea, mixing alcohol and whatever drug they gave you earlier, but...you're being held captive by two dangerous mafia assassins. You need something to take off the edge.
You reach for the bottle, and almost grasp it, but Tex pulls back at the last second. "Make you a trade, honey."
"Imagine that."
"You can have a drink, if you take somethin' off."
Of course.
Cheekily, you start with your big black socks, throwing them at Tex one after the other.
John smirks as Tex play scowls, but true to his word he hands you the bottle. You take a pull--and immediately wince. Whiskey is such a foul spirit, as spirits go.
Tex chuckles. "Need it in a silver cup with a mint sprig, baby girl?"
A mint julep does sound pretty fucking good about now. If only he was serious.
"I'll live." You reach for the bottle again, but he holds it over your head.
"Nuh uh. It'll cost you more clothing."
In the back of your head, you almost find it interesting, how he engages your complicity in this cat and mouse game.
"Two socks, two drinks. Pay up, cowboy."
He tries to give you a hard look for that, but his eyes glitter with mirth.
"Fair's fair, Tex," nudges John, and Tex just gives a theatrical sigh, extending the bottle again.
"Diabolical woman, drinkin all my hooch."
You salute him with the bottle before taking another pull, longer this time. It should help you stomach...whatever it is they're about to do to you.
You hand back the bottle, and you wait. So does Tex, staring at you expectantly. You lift an eyebrow in a silent question of what?
He extends the bottle again with a pout of full lips that should be absolutely ridiculous on a grown ass man, but somehow is actually cute?
"I'm comfortable, thank you."
John snorts with laughter behind Tex, earning a glare.
"You gonna watch, or you gonna help? I swear, this is the damndest woman I've ever met..."
When John makes his way towards you, his steps silent and graceful as a leopard on the prowl--your heart sinks a little.
When he reaches for you, you recoil, but there's no escape. There's just his hand in your hair, holding you fast, and then his lips on yours.
The latter takes you by surprise, really.
His lips are soft, but exacting. He claims your mouth in a sweeping kiss, and when he pulls away he leaves you breathless, like he has utterly snogged you senseless. When fingers clasp the hem of your shirt, pulling upwards, it doesn't even occur to you to fight, until its halfway over your head.
Suddenly you are bare from the waist up, and you cant help but give a little scream, your hands flying to cover yourself.
The whisky is definitely not helping yet, and you begin to tremble incontrollably.
"Aw, I think she's cold, Johnny boy."
John reaches out to soothe you, petting your hair. "You're beautiful," he tells you.
You don't understand how his look can be soft, yet predatory, all at the same time.
"Ain't he a gentleman?" drawls Tex with a roll of eyes, taking another pull off his bottle.
"Fuck off!"
That is your first response as you reach to snatch back the shirt. Despite getting a hold on it, John does not let go.
"Give it back to me!" You grit out--- the situation is suddenly not playful anymore.
Your gut has been right about John all along, you realise, as you glare back at him. There is a glint of cruel amusement in his eyes that has you making an effort to suppress tears. You hate being powerless, vulnerable, exposed.
In this situation, unfortunately, you are all three.
"How about a deal---"
"No! C'mon! It was gettin' fun." Tex groans earning a glare from you, which he returns with a hungry gaze.
"How about a deal..." John continues.
Your eyes return to the man who still has an iron hold on your (his) shirt. Your arms covering your modesty turn tighter around yourself as you narrow your eyes at him.
"I let you have this shirt, and you sleep with one of us."
"Just sleeping, right?"
John smirked, "Sleeping."
That does not sound very reassuring.
You wanted to demand that he promise, but looking at your position, you realise that you have no upper hand here. The power imbalance is glaring at you in he form of your naked upper half.
"We'll take rounds."
Tex spoke, his heavy hand splayed on your lower back, sliding along your spine, only to leave trails of goosebumps. You somehow contain yourself from arching your back. The tingles that arise are not helpful either.
"Y--you meant every night?" Your surprised gaze meets John's amused one as he nods.
"I'm not doing this every night."
You hiss out before you think and regret it immediately as the part of the shirt on your hold is snatched away by John, you wish to reach out, but you can't and you are almost certain that you see a flash of disappointment in John's eyes when you do not move your arms.
"Forget the shirt then." Tex chuckles out from behind you as his palm slides around your waist and rests on your bare stomach. The implication is clear and you gulp.
Not just gulp, you gulp down your pride and take a deep breath.
"Fine." You grit out.
You eye the shirt in John's hold, expecting him to give it back to you. But he keeps it out of reach.
"Take it."
"Not funny, John, give me the shirt."
"I won't move it away, I promise." Despite how gentle he sounds, his malicious intent is no longer hidden.
"Reach out and take it."
Tex sounds much closer, the smell of whiskey now prominent as his breath tickles your neck. His hold on you tightens, preventing you from moving your body forward.
No, you were wrong. They are anything but good.
At this moment, you sure wish for Bradford to kick their asses-- which are nice to look at--- Wait!
What the hell is wrong with you?
Adjusting one arm to cover yourself properly, you reach out for the t-shirt, and as promised, John makes no move to snatched it away again. His heavy gaze, though, flicks down for a moment before his eyes meet yours once more. This time, they have in them a heavy heat that burns through you. It's the kind of burn that a woman wishes to see in her man's eyes, and it would have been flattering and swoon-worthy if not for the situation you are in. Half-naked, trapped between two very dangerous, very handsome, but morally dark men.
You feel the heat on your cheeks and neck as you try to slip back the shirt. With a disappointed sigh, Tex removes his hold, and you heave a sigh of relief while quickly slipping your shirt back on.
You have this strange, awful feeling that your captor-saviors have made some kind of bet or deal of their own - one that you have been blindly excluded from. You go from being thankful to hating them again. It’s giving you whiplash.
Tex yawns, and bombs down on the bed behind you, making you yelp and jump. “Speaking of sleeping, I’m exhausted.”
“Thought I was first?” John doesn’t sound humored. It reminds you of the fact that he’s drunk, that little pout in his voice like he’s disappointed. So, they did plan this, then. Angry fire blazes your insides.
“How bout we let y/n decide who’s first,” Tex reasons, never taking his hooded eyes off you - never dropping that sharp, horrifying, infuriating, promising grin from his mouth. He takes another chug of whiskey.
They both look at you expectantly, and you have never felt tinier. A fly staring at two huge spiders. You try to glare back, maybe keep some of your self esteem intact.
“Well?” John asks, tipping his head at you.
You’re so tired of playing these stupid little games with them. You’re so tired of being the rat in their maze. You’re so tired of hiding and running and lying belly up. You fix John with a hard gaze - for some reason, it’s much, much harder to do that with him than with Tex - and say, “I don’t want to sleep with either of you. Fucking creeps.” You get off the bed, stand up, hands on your hips, expecting Tex to look surprised instead of filled with gleeful delight - to your dismay, his smile is wider as he watches this adorable attempt at dominance.
“And if you touch me again, I’ll do worse than bite you.” You eye John’s gnarly, bruised hand, trying not to feel bad about it. Trying not to think with your vagina anymore. She’s still there though, tugging at you, a little thrill tensing her up - the reward for your bold behavior.
John’s on you, hand on your throat - not pushing or squeezing, just resting there. He bullies you back. You try to hit him, but he swats your hand away like it’s a stray hair tickling his face. When he presses you into the wall, you’re terrified - shaking, trifling, owl eyed. You expect him to be scowling at you - you wish he was scowling at you - but his grin mirrors Tex’s. That grin could send a pack of wolves running tail between legs.
“It’s okay, pretty girl,” he coos, soothing voice such sharp contrast to the way he handles you and the hellish look on his face. It actually helps your nerves, quells some of that tremble originating from primal fear. “You’re okay.”
You press your palms up against the wall and they slip down, drenched with cold sweat. john has taken up your orbit entirely, so you’re shocked to see Tex suddenly at his side, helping him cage you against the wall.
“You’re okay,” John says again, titling your chin back to only him. For some reason, a part of you believes him - probably your stupid fucking vagina again.
“Why?” You ask, voice cracked and small, all your valiance gone.
“Atonement,” Tex drawls.
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dinomite2 · 10 months
Fem Agent 3 x Female Octarian Reader (platonic)
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Again I asked @sodapoppss for a request and here we are again so enjoy 👍
Also fun fact! if you have the physical copy of splatoon 2 and or 3 behind the logo when you open the case is a special box art which you can flip around at any time
This all takes place after the octo expansion when 8 defeated tarter
● It all started right when after 3 defeated DJ Octavio and all of the Octarians were taken out of their mind control along with yourself
● everything felt so ... free to you being released from mind control and all that but beyond all of that you unexpectedly got lost and ended up in deep sea metro
● 3 was going on a expedition in the deep sea metro after the whole fiasco with Agent 8 and commander Tartar and saving the entirety of inkopolis square and all of its people
● 3 was just looking around hallways and entrances and until that she found you and nearly splatting you because she thought that you were a sanitized octoling but she eventually took you up to the surface and took you in and now you live with her!
● she eventually had to show you the square and what it stores it had what weapons and how things work around here
● now she's a agent who saved a whole entire city from a major power problem and fought a giant robot ridden by old Octarian leader so if you want to she'll train you! By making you do chores.....
"ok so you want to be a Rough and tough agent like me do ya?"
You nodded with eagerness
3 smiled softly
"Ok so I all of my dirty laundry washed and folded by 12:30 am do I make myself clear?"
She threw you a large pileful of nasty laundry on your hands and the smell of was so stinky your eyes were watering and you held your breath
● now Don't get her wrong she is training you but in the of way that it will strangely help you in the long run kind of training
● please at some point remind her to take a shower she doesn't focus on her own personal hygiene because she an agent and just cause she pretty much forgets about it daily and if she doesn't make her
● and also she keeps a good watch on you because since you are still kinda new to the surface and i would be dumb of her to not watch you do stuff that is EXTREMELY dumb
" Hey Y/n have you seen the TV remote anywhe- ARE YOU EATING METAL" 3 screamed out
"Yeah 4 said I needed to increase my iron " you said still biting on pure metal
"Be right back " she said irritated with gritted teeth and walking backwards as she closed the door
she lectured 4 for 3 hours after that
Now overall she will take care of you but must take of her yourself it's a kind of win win for both of ya.
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And Done! Im sorry it's not long as my other ones but I hope you all can enjoy again stay cool stay safe and most importantly be on the nice side Dudes 👍
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luimagines · 11 months
*walks on in tiredly, soaked to the bone and looking like I've just lost a fight with a lynel, hands you a bag of pastries, refuses to elaborate* Hey there, how have you been doing lately? Apologies it's been a while, life's been rough sadly so I haven't been able to properly drop in here, but thank you for all your work in the fandom! As always your work makes it easier to help remember how to smile when the going gets tough ^^
I've yet to fully breakdown the oneshots like how I wish to sadly because the Twilight Wild West Enemies to Lovers has been attempting to fight the Beauty and The Beast Twilight portion of the Fairy Tale AU, so instead I'm dropping this here to see if it will help them settle so that I can actually write those breakdowns and drop each of the fairy tales, of Assassin/Triple Agent Reader and Warriors, more specifically about the outcomes of the Neutral Dramatic Route (Before LU) and the Dramatic Chaotic Route (During LU). And because why not share? XD, technically a scenario/long post ahead? Apologies in advance.
So Assassin Reader defects from being Cia's tactician and joins the party after they get wounded, they and Warriors slowly get closer and rebuild their friendship over time while the war is still going, but just before Warriors and Artemis go face Ganondorf they get attacked by one of Ganondorf's followers (most likely Ghirahim, but either Volga, Zant, Dark Link or even Yuga works because Reader would have worked in close conjunction with them and Cia as the one making the tactics and sabotaging the enemy because they definitely weren't being payed enough to deal with cleaning up after Wizzro, plus I mentally believe Ghirahim and Assassin Reader would have been wine buddies, complaining over the hero and sassing the other antagonists because while Ghirahim doesn't have his head on straight either he at least gave Reader less work to do and Ghirahim wouldn't have wanted to deal with ay of them, he would have been royally FURIOUS that they defected and left him to manage that circus alone after all those times they complained over the hero together and the idea of Warriors being offended/jealous over that is insanely funny to me), and Reader has to stay behind with Impa and the others to give him, Artemis and Lana the opportunity to go on, Warriors naturally protesting because he wouldn't want to leave them behind again after he JUST got his childhood friend back but eventually having no choice but to go as Assassin Reader pushes him towards Artemis with a call of "Don't die! I'll never forgive you if you die now after you survived so many of my attempts on your life!" And leads the fight away from them to hopefully get locked in single combat with one of the opposing generals while they go on. They may be an assassin first and foremost, but they do have knight training so the least they can do is buy him time and survive.
Now there's two ways this can go:
Neutral Dramatic Route (or In Which Warriors Suffers 2: Hylian Boogaloo)
Assassin Reader manages to hold their ground and/or defeat their opponent, but gets injured in the process, hit on their not quite fully scarred over wound by Dark Link and retreats, but knowing they brought Warriors enough time to seal the gates to each of the ages. They slip away unseen and dwell on their options, just because they defected and worked as practically a triple agent for the rest of the war, that doesn't mean there's any guarantee Artemis might clean their name after getting set up by their family and well, Warriors will be safe now right? Cia is gone (or at least contained safely by Lana) he has Linkle, Mask and Wind so surely he'll be okay now right? They don't want to bring him any more trouble, because he already got enough grief while they were knights and they saw how well he did in the role of Hero. He shouldn't want anything to truly do with them anymore or worse, it'll paint a bigger target on his back than being the Hero already will just by them being around and well... He has Artemis now too. Surely he doesn't need them anymore or truly want them back in his life, he'll be happier without them chaining him down. So instead they make a choice.
The very next day, after the celebrations are done for the end of the war. A list of names of the traitors appear on Warriors' bedside as well as a list of nobles (including from Reader's own family, who framed them for the original crime that brought about theirs and Warriors' fallout), as well as a letter detailing every single underhanded deal to sabotage the Hylian army, corruption within the army AND plots against Artemis that were planning on taking advantage of her absence during the war to gain more power, as well as detailing where to find the evidence to it all, at the end, there's a simple set of words in slightly stained ink, oddly a bit damp compared to the rest of the letter: "My apologies, for everything I've said back then and now. Live happily and well, Link.
I'll see you around."
Assassin Reader is nowhere to be found, no matter how hard Warriors looks after he presented the contents of the letter to Artemis, who indeed find all of the evidence and starts immediately cleaning house, finding some of the traitors with the most active hands in the plot already dead ("Killed in their sleep." details Impa).
Warriors is devastated, but doesn't let the information Assassin Reader left behind go in vain, being the first on the scene when dragging out the members of Reader's family in on the conspiracy, being there through all of the trial process and advocating for Reader's official pardon and for them to be reinstated as leader of their noble house as they should have been had they not been framed, even if they aren't there to actually see it through and the title of overseer goes to one of the members of Reader's family not in on it (maybe a sibling?). He doesn't forget them and still chases after every rumor relating to them he can in an official capacity until Linked Universe happens and Artemis promises to keep a look out as well because even if they started on opposite sides, Reader still did them a huge favor after the confrontation in the Temple of Souls and they deserve to know that justice has been served.
Fast forward to LU, and eventually the Chain circles back to Warriors' Hyrule, where Artemis is hosting a masquerade ball in celebration of the end of the War of Ages, as a way to remember the fallen and honor all who participated in the war, the Chain is participating and so is Warriors (albeit begrudgingly, because you cannot tell me he wouldn't dodge every time of situation involving possible suitors or people offering their daughter's hand in marriage to him as well as nobles planning to backstab one another every chance he got, him and Assassin Reader used to steal away to any non occupied room with pilfered snacks after an hour or two just to enjoy each other's company, avoid Reader's family or people bothering Wars whenever those functions happened in their youth).
Everyone scatters and thinks go as you'd expect, though Warriors can feel occasionally eyes on him and swears he's seen a flash of (h/c) on the corner of his eye, only to be disappointed when it's nothing, only for the dance to happen. After going through at least two dances and planning to bow out after the end of the third, he almost loses his composure at seeing his new partner when they're spun onto his arms once they lock masked eyes. They freeze in his arms as a hand tightens around their own in reflex, sharing in his disbelief.
Because beneath the mask those are Assassin Reader's eyes. Dressed to the nines and undercover because they've been rooting out the remain traitors from the shadows.
The dance goes on, because when you don't know what to say defaulting to try and acting natural helps, near the end, Assassin Reader finally breaks the silence.
"... Ah, I suppose this was inevitable, didn't expect it to happen this soon though." They chuckle, a bit sheepish, awkwardly trying to regain their footing, they look him over, head tilted with a bittersweet smirk as they lift their mask cheekily, showing it really is them, "What? Nothing to say to little old me?"
"You're here."
They twitch, sighing, "... I am, aren't I? Apologies for disappointing you." They pause, their smirk softening into a smile, "You look well, I'm glad." They gently squeeze his hand, seemingly searching for words to say, "... You-" they cut themselves off, swallowing, then try again, just as the dance ends, the breathe, "... This has been a wonderful experience, Li- Sir Hero." They bow, slipping from his grasp, they smile at Warriors, "... Have a good evening, thank you." I hope you have a good life, sincerely thank you for everything. Ends up unsaid, as they hesitate, steel themselves with a heavy heart turn and walk away to search for their target for the night, convinced Warriors doesn't want anything to do with them anymore.
Now does Warriors let them go or run after them? Also I can just imagine the reaction of the Chain if they catch Warriors just bolting into a sudden chase, decorum be darned after someone who literally just seemed like another person going through to the balcony (when really it's just Assassin Reader trying to gracefully remove themselves from the situation because the plan was NOT dance with Warriors, just make sure he was alright after he vanished then try to let him go because he has Artemis already).
Or the Chaotic Dramatic Route (also know as Warriors Does Get to Take a Break, Kinda):
Things play out similar to the Neutral Dramatic Route, but before Assassin Reader can spiral fully down into deciding to leave, Warriors notices they're acting off and immediately drags them over to talk to Artemis about investigating what really happened the day they fell out as soon they fully wrap everything up and in working on that pardon, Artemis, who knows an opportunity when she sees it and has been having alarm bells about Assassin Reader dipping now that the war is over while still injured and she'll be darned if she doesn't thank someone whom she came to see as a friend properly, agrees easily enough.
As long as Reader does some investigation for her of their own so she can clean house more efficiently AND stays under Warriors' custody. (Half protective custody if Reader's family still has it out for them, half really house arrest because Warriors is the only one actually equipped to keep Reader anywhere because they'd feel guilty if they hurt him now after everything and he actually knows all their tells and how to see through their disguises in case they do try doing a runner, and also because she's a meddler and Warriors is onto her.)
Despite Assassin Reader's protests and Warriors tellingly not really objecting, they end up moving in together and properly become friends again, even if their interactions still look like an old married couple or a very amusing comedy routine of Menace Assassin and Feral but Pretending He's Not Soldier™ to anyone who sees them (and Reader's feelings who never really died come back full force while Warriors is doing his best to not say anything until after their name is clear so he can properly try courting them). Think Spy x Family but make it medieval vibes, or "It's rotten work" "Not for me, not if it's you" for them both (Warriors messing with Reader to figure out their boundaries nowadays, and Reader being a menace to keep his reflexes sharp when they don't spar in revenge.)
Except one day (likely when Assassin Reader is sick or otherwise incapacitated), Warriors' doesn't come back home for a full day just after Reader got the letters with the news of their pardon.
Assassin Reader is about READY to become a public menace again and go back to their assassin ways that have really been somewhat retired lately when he's gone to figure out what happened until Artemis intercepts them with Impa (but not before they've already broken into Lana's and Cia's place and are interrogating Cia because she'd be the first suspect on the list), saying that he was just whisked away into a divine quest and that they shouldn't worry much, and for Reader to work on Artemis' payroll now until they reestablish themselves as the leader of a noble house because again, Artemis know how to use her opportunities and to keep her people close.
Months pass and Warriors returns, but not with the Chain. And something about him feels... off.
Tellingly how he's not messing with them nearly as much and doesn't know about the pardon.
Cue Assassin Reader's danger senses immediately going off even as they act natural like how they did back when they started planning to backstab Cia.
One day while they're visiting the castle and walking through the gardens, Reader finally springs an ambush, holding 'Warriors' at knifepoint
"Oh? What's the sudden aggressiveness for? I thought we were already past stage, (Last Name)-"
Assassin Reader's blade cuts him short, barely piercing his neck as they snarl, "I knew there was something wrong. Link doesn't use my last name, hasn't used it since I switched sides. He always calls me by my first name and the nickname he gave me when we were recruits."
The garden is still, before there's a chuckle, black blood drips down Reader's dagger, "...So you two are that close-"
Assassin Reader doesn't even pause as they pounce, grimly satisfied with a second dagger, "I lied."
(Is this a blatant reference? Yes it is because it's basically how the drabble draft that likely won't see the light of day this year is titled XD)
Cue Warriors, just stepping foot into his Hyrule with the Chain after hearing from Impa HIMSELF and you were visiting the castle and went to the garden, walking in on the scene with the rest of the Chain.
And that's where I'll leave it for now because I'm tired XD, hope you're having a good day/night and thank you for all your work in the fandom once again!
-Just a Tired Anon on a Rainy Stroll/WintertimeStoryteller 🐚
I live for Reader and Ghirahim being wine buddies. I love the mental image of that. XD
If you go with Warrior Suffers Part 2: Hylian Boogaloo- you need him to chase after them. It would cause an entire ruckus with people suddenly startling at the Hero of the land chasing after what they assumed was a nobody- while al the guards and the Chain are like "!! Say the word we'll chase them too!!"
Except the Chain doesn't ask and just starts chasing Reader as well and maybe Reader gets cornered by Wind or Time but doesn't recognize them at first. and then there could be more angst! >:D
But then you have the one where Warrior gets a break and just "It's rotten work." that one. that's the one. "I'm sorry I'm a handful." "It's ok. I have two hands."
...I can see why we cannot have both in this scenario.... This is bad. I want both now. XD
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1,2,3,5,6,9,11,14,16,17,23,26,28,34,37,42,44,46,48,50, 51,53,56,58
I know I am a greedy bitch- tell me everything
GREEDY BITCH INDEED A MONTH AND SOME CHANGE LATER I FINISHED BAKING ALL THESE MOTHERFUCKERS OHHHHHH MY GOD thank you for making me think about them more and give them some extra depth i adore you boundlessly
(from these asks!)
ok. as u can see. there are a shitton of asks. ill drop a cut somewhere in this
1: What's the lie your character says most often? LET ME HAVE MY LITTLE RENEGADE LINEAGE — Nuvru / SW|JK "That's the brightest idea I've ever heard! Let's try that!" (She thinks you're a fucking moron.)
— Acedae Owonos Ketuath : Berbtuetr / SW|JK "I'm not scared!" (She's terrified and on the verge of tears.)
— Yuvvai / JK "I know what I'm doing!" (She thinks that swinging her lightsabers can fix everything.)
— Viwza / JC "I know exactly what you mean." (He does not pay attention ever if it's not chaos.)
2: How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'? — Dilieth / JC Not so much loosely, but she uses it hopefully and preemptively. Like "Hello .. friend? :D" - she's under the impression that the galaxy always needs more friendly faces in it, and she's more than happy to not only be one of them but champion even more. Bless her. She's like, 15-16 at the beginning of the story arc.
3: How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing? — Darrash Aron Nealev / IA You just have to be one of his deemed safe people. If you are: - Tylado Bentismo - Eckard Lokin - Vector Hyllus - Raina Temple - Danwya Javgra Giakhal - Johkel Conoguy Nealev - Marrav Arisha Nealev then you're in luck! You are a safe person, and Darrash will tell you how he feels. He will vent about his frustrations, he will share his joys and sorrows, he will partake in space-sharing with you. He will invite you to learn his patterns.
But in cases where only the audience knows, well that's pretty much any other scenario. He's a Cipher agent; it's his job to lie and cheat and murder and sometimes fuck - for profit.
5: Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen? — Kovapaqe / BH Yes - but this is a party trick that is only seen in sudden death situations. He thinks of what his life would be resigned to had he never been taken in by his clan; devoid of purpose, reduced to senseless violence, murdering his brethren over scraps that not even carrionbirds eat. Guaranteed breakdown.
6: What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they've never recommended to anyone before? — Iminaran / JC Siblings, because she doesn't talk about them much. Her favorite sibling is her brother Imitarak, or Rayli. He ended up in the Empire somehow as an Operative, but somehow managed to bounce out. Then baby sister Imisharo who started working relief with the Republic military on Taris. That leaves her sister Imifiriv (Jetfire), a smuggler. Not that she does a lot of illegal things, but a lot of little illegal things at once.
But if you ask Iminaran about Jedi sibling-adjacents, that's Yuon's history of taking Padawans; Ivanye ( @grandninjamasterren ) and then young Dilieth, whom she had to briefly act as Master to when Yuon fell ill and was sent to Coruscant.
9: Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? — Unihmawa | Cavern Maw / BH He's a tough lover. Rough, gruff, barks his demands, always seems to be scowling under his mask. Never shows much joy besides sarcasm, or very frank gratitude. (But you'll later get some genuine praise when you're alone with him later, and some massive hugs when he takes off his armor. Lots of back and shoulder claps, or hair ruffles (where applicable) and he will absolutely show you the proud shine in his eyes!)
If he ever were to have a significant other or a partner at all, he'd prefer the tough-love-for-show back.
11: If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference? — Anas Tigra / JK Sure Anas looks like a terrifying sentient blender, but they are insanely clumsy when their attention isn't being directed towards danger. They drop their sabers constantly to the point of friends offering to just carry them FOR Anas, they will always knick their fingers or slice their webs, their ahwey get everywhere in their face, more than appropriately they forget to hydrate.
An impostor would just present themselves as Anas Tigra - the fearless defender of the Jedi and the executioner of the unsalvageable.
The real Anas trips over their own boots at least every ten to fifteen minutes.
14: How do they put out a candle? — The Chiss Pack <3 Teque'evira'zure: Smothers it with the lid or something else.
Mart'adasha'zoani: Blows it out. Simple, traditional.
Sark'anin'loski: Water. He has a spray bottle, or he dumps it in the candle. Sometimes under the faucet.
Ilev'ari'do: With his fingers. He’s a fucking mongrel sometimes. ( @puirell )
16: What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head? — Chixo Kallig | Rukota / SI Oh by name? :) Aloysius Kallig, Lord Ergast, Darth Andru, Kalatosh Zavros, Horak-Mul. Then you have Darth Zash, Khem Val, and occasionally Overseer Harkun (back in the day). Darth Thanaton forEVER.
17: What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? — Protth'owik'hanista | Khanista / IA Khanista feels like the acid burns marring the left side of her face are all people will see about her. While she hopes that they're intimidating enough to get her way, she's always had worry that it'll affect her seduction skills. (It does not.) But on the flip side - people hardly notice, because (a) everyone has scars, (b) she's fucking stunning, and (c) she has the shocking power of appearing like a circling vulture waiting on its meat to drop dead.
(ping for @murder-and-mayhem heehee)
23: What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don't even remember? — Darrash Aron Nealev / IA HUNTER'S DEATH.
Of which I say, of course Hunter can't remember that. Hunter is dead. Vector thinks less of it because he was there, but he didn't know the gravity for himself - only through Darrash, and Darrash hardly let on that he was deeply grieving. He's saved so many lives before, talked countless targets off the ledge.. why couldn't he save this one? Was this karma for allowing Jadus to use the Eradicators to full capacity? For not saving Ardun? Darrash tried. He tried so hard, he had medkits, but Hunter refused. What could he have done differently to have kept Hunter alive? Why did he fail? Why did Hunter think death was preferable to mercy? Was Darrash's mercy not good enough?
26: How would they respond to being fired by a good boss? — Darth Vindican / SI In this case, I'll say it was Darth Ikoral's departure from the Empire, and finding out much later that Ikoral had trained another champion in his stead rather than just .. taking his so-called prodigy along with him. Was Vindican supposed to be an anchor, or was he not worth the effort to bring along? The Master who raised him in the Pureblood ways and brought him as a son really didn’t want to be with him?
He was beyond devastated when the realization hit. He spent over seventy years believing he was the top of the line when he feels Ikoral die, and hears that he died as a traitor. A lost relic.
28: What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want? — Kamada | Lord Nebroa / SW Kamada says she wants nothing, respect. She wants justice, she wants revenge, she wants righteousness. Lord Nebroa is actually a psychopath who sets her sights on one problem and decides the best answer is slaughterhouse.
34: How do they greet someone they like / love? — Nikpiutiuth Umirmi Idojoin Didroits Ditsdai : Ji diu Ana awon ri Wora / Priestess OH LOOK AN EXCUSE TO WORLDBUILD
Nikpiutiuth greets her husbands with a gentle bow in response to their much deeper one, addressing them with their full names and touches their lifestone (a kyber crystal carried with them since birth, a sort of way to summarize their life energy and "vibe check" them!)
Her children are greeted in the same way, especially when they get older. But she will always sneak a tight hug for them and kiss their heads all over, even purposefully messing up their hair.
As for the granddaughter she raised as her own (as the only one to follow her into the Light path), she gets the same greeting - but with kisses, tight hugs, and usually a slip of candy when other priests aren’t looking.
37: What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell? — Darrash Aron Nealev / IA Ohhhhhh good question. Because he has um. Very Many Different Partners to choose from and they all bring different trusts to the table, different AUs bring different circumstances. So I'll break it down!
Tika Kiza | His father was the Eagle, and he killed him. Sorta. Specifically because Darrash had to sacrifice himself for her life twice, once on Nar Shaddaa while he was undercover and again on Quesh when she was marked as a traitor. For her to find out that he wouldn't spare his own father, it would absolutely devastate her. She wouldn't know where or what his boundaries of mercy are, nor whether she's crossed them yet.
Vector Hyllus | Sorry there's like. Next to nothing that Vector doesn't already know about his husband. Darrash turned into an open book for him, and happily offered up words at best to explain what he was feeling; Vector was the only person left standing that he'd be willing to trust with his full heart and soul.
Hunter + Kye'lin ( @grandninjamasterren ) + Merrow ( @firebird-legacy ) + Theron | He would never tell Hunter how badly it hurt to go against him and be constantly controlled throughout those missions, he would never tell Kye'lin how he fears that someone will finally go too far and kill him, he would never tell Merrow how he's paralyzed at the thought that one day Merrow won't be Merrow anymore. And par for course, Darrash is legitimately scared Theron's gonna run headlong into something and get himself killed.
42: If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be? — Samcas Reedjay / RT Why Taris fucking sucks, more than most people think! Not because of the rampant rakghoul problem, not because of the radiation, not because of what the Empire did and/or are doing. But just because this is his homeworld, and this is all he will ever be known for. Or at least, that's what he's afraid he'll only be known for. [ DOES TARIS SUCK? AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY IT FUCKING SUCKS. BY SAMCAS L. REEDJAY ]
44: What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why? — Ohah'veki / Smuggler I'll be frank here and say Basic, since he was born and raised on Ord Mantell - most dealings he had growing up were with other Humans in the area, or just travelers in general who figured it was easier to default to Basic than bother with a translator droid. Secondary to Bothan, since his babysitter was Bothan. Ryl/Twi'leki doesn’t count since it was his first language anyway.
46: Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen? — Markai'leth Ur-Todell / SW He's very much a listener, especially for Leiythir ( @grandninjamasterren ) and their adopted kid Talhehk, who could always use an open ear. If you want to hear him go off on a tangent of any caliber, just start talking shit on the Light side or say something insanely false. He will look at you like you just turned into a hydra and the 'play lecture' button has been pushed. Good luck.
(Or compliment him. He'll infodump on the history of whatever you complimented!)
48: Who would they say 'yes' to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do? — Cas'lava Tiyya Umirmi Crohlava Âlinai : Ri Snaâ Tatyiji Irwasa + Mulaish Tiyya Umirmi Azhadtsûz Jakush : Mohtini Mohtina ir ri Ahctibûn Ardkûiauh Tiranjûu / SI Cas'lava typically has to say 'yes' a lot, mostly to save face with other Darths around her and to keep her alliances as sound as she can. Mulaish is unfortunately learning from her; however, should he start looking to Rukota for any social cues..
Cassie is more likely to say yes to her mother and father, or if Mulaish has something; family first. Then her peers of Darth status, then Lords. Mulaish has to say yes to anyone over the rank of Apprentice anyway.
50: What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don't agree with? — Ruisi ( @puirell ) Power-chasing by any means necessary. Ol' girl Ruisi. She chases power no matter the cost to herself and others. She will betray anyone, kill anything, absolutely slaughter whatever dares to tell her "no". And she will have no remorse in how she distorts her reality and tears herself apart, because she believes this is the ultimate path to power - to outclassing the Sith themselves. Outclassing death.
51: What's a phrase they say a lot? — Krûlkai Usahi Ujûnow Savba Iquqkisy : M'tye Kuris Valia Eikutyr | Eikutyr / SW “Diâ Typhojem tutniri mus wau..” < And Typhojem forsakes us again.. >
Usually reserved for dire catastrophes; Eikutyr finds nearly every waking moment of her day being one of said catastrophes.
53: Who would / do they believe without question? — Ffon Althe / SI He believes himself. He is worthy. He is a worthy being; he is worth love, he is worth life, he is worth a chance to thrive and be happy with whatever he chooses to do with himself. He deserved better than what Harkun gave him.
56: If they're scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear? — Klaprika Vranai / SW They have some extreme trust issues, so self-soothing is their go-to. Do not touch them. They might try to hurt you. This is the same across the board, best friends and family included.
58: How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme? — Tylado Bentismo + Eckard Lokin / IA Let’s see.. individually? (years as of 13 ATC)
Tylado: Basketweaving (2y - X), knitting (8y - X), sewing Eckard’s lab coats back together (31y - ✔), plant husbandry (18y - ✔)
Eckard: Not blowing something up (67y - X), not crossing absurd genetic strains (42y - X), animal husbandry (4y - X), Tylado husbandry (40y - ✔)
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lgcseojin · 2 years
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(    ✱   ㅡ  Hey. PARK SEOJIN cometh. It is Sera and I was here almost 2 years ago, joined since opening. If you know, you know! I am an OG, a ghost that will haunt this dash for a bit, here to be a menace. Everything you need to know is already in your head. Just by reading this, you know what is happening and you're already vibing.  Joking aside! This character has had quite the colorful life already when I was here last and he plans to continue that track! Please proceed to read more information about him in the given links & under the read more! We can plot if you want, but... are you even prepared for that? Your soul will never be ready.   ) 
✱   𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕  /  𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆  /  𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔  
He was born on December 1st, 1998 in Ulsan. ( He is 100% a Sagittarius. Take that as you will! )
Has 3 younger siblings and he will fight to the death for each of them. 
He was adopted in 2006 by two very lovely people and as far as he knows, they’ve always been his real parents. They never were super well off but the love was always there.
Had some temperament issues but instead of acting out in a negative way, he was encouraged to put the pent up emotions into exercise and music. Taught himself the guitar, took up sports etc.
This is how he discovered and came to love rock music. It was a key factor to expressing his anger in a healthy way.
Didn’t get to Seoul until around 2012. They moved for his dad’s new job.
He and his friends formed a metal band in junior high, Dim, that lasted until 2018.
In 2016, a talent agent at LGC approached him after he participated in a singing contest but after two years of freeloading vocal lessons, he peaced tf out. ( Let’s just say a lot of stuff was going on with his life and he was having a crisis. )
He enlisted in 2018 because he didn't know what to do with his life. He was on cooking duty and a marine and he still holds onto the disciplines a bit even still.
After he came back, he went right into working and became a chef to explore his second passion.
Eventually in Jan. 2020, he was approached by another talent agent interested in signing him again to LGC after an open mic night in Hongdae.
Like I said before: he is a Sagittarius
Master of singing and variety. He is here to continue his class clown antics.
Yes, he still has that Yoon Bora poster on his wall.
Yes, he is amazing at dad jokes and puns.
A bit of an adrenaline junkie. He can’t stand staying stagnant for too long. Though he’s getting better at knowing when to chill out as he’s gotten older. (inb4 he says blonds have more fun then changes his hair again)
An extrovert through and through. The term “social butterfly” was invented for him.
He hasn’t grown out of the punk rock style. Leather jackets? Check. Thankfully stylists have helped him refine his wardrobe so he doesn’t look like a thrift store threw up on him.
Rock music is his bread and butter. He doesn’t mind the softer stuff sometimes but when I say he is a music snob, I mean it and he uses the word “poser” more than I want to admit.
He’s slowly come to acknowledge that to be more public friendly, he will have to tone it down. 
Your typical metal head punk rock guy.
Anyway he’s a pretty decent guy for the most part. Just rough around the edges. He’s a romantic and writes a lot of poetry, lyrics and songs based on his feelings.
He’s extremely straightforward and a tough love kind of guy. Surprisingly strict when it comes to things like worth ethic and achieving the goal he’s got planted in his head. He also can be super competitive, especially in sports or fighting games.
A huge wrestling fan. As in the dramatic people running around a ring wearing spandex kind. He finds it hilarious and hype so he tunes into American and Japanese wrestling programs a lot. Also loves UFC. Not sorry to his roommates.
Works out a lot. Like a lot. Is into boxing and weights and is all about that protein..
Can be loud af or totally ignoring everyone and everything around him. No in between. Not sorry to his roommates (2)
He is always singing. ALWAYS. It’s probably annoying for anyone but at least you’ll always know when he’s in the building.
Does not smoke, doesn’t drink much, and has a special routine to preserve the integrity of his voice.
He has a motorcycle and rides it whenever he gets the opportunity to. Just don't tell his mom!
Loves going to noraebangs and hogging the mic.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Maybe something for the agent au? Taker getting hurt on a mission or something?
I can do. Love the agent au, it is my favourite au so far.
Hbtaker Agent Au- Joy's of the job.
The case was tough. Everyone was stressed and for the first time in a long time the team was witnessing a stressed out Taker.
So as they stand, gathered outside the house were their unsub had two children, a mother and their own special Agent Sable held captived.
"I don't like this takes." Kevin mutters leaning against the car. "None of us do." Bret sighs. "Shawn, go over what we know. Quick." Taker orders. Shawn lifts his head. "Right. The unsub is male, age 25-40. Clearly lacked a mother figure in his life but has a father figure. Has only been targeting families with two boys, single mothers, kills the mother and youngest son, clearly they were a older brother who had their mother and brother taken from them." Shawn explains. "Its likely it'll be suicide by cop" Shawn adds. "After he takes more lives." Taker mutters. Shawn frowns. "Uh guys" goldust asks as he walks over holding a phone. "What is it goldie?" Kev asks. "Its for you sir" goldust states holding the phone out.
Taker accepts it.
"Special Agent Undertaker" he greets. "I know." The rough voice murmurs. Taker looks at the house. "You need to let them go" Taker orders causing the team to look at him. "I bet you really regret leaving agent Sable in here.." the voice chuckles. Takers jaw clenches. "What do you want?" Taker asks. "You. Unarmed, no vest. Just you. I'll let one kid out if you come in." "The youngest or no deal." Taker snaps. The unsub chuckles. "You do know your stuff. Fine. Deal." The unsub agrees.
The phone hangs up. Taker hands the phone back and takes his ear piece out. "Taker?" Bret asks confused as he takes his gun off and places it on the car. "Taker? What are you doing?" Kevin demands as Taker pulls his vest off. "Going in there" "no! Are you crazy? You cannot go in there unarmed!" Shawn snaps. "We do not have a choice!" Taker barks. Shawn stares at him. "Kevin, come with me he's releasing a child." Taker orders before walking towards the house. Kevin glances at the team before following their boss.
"Im not sure about this boss.." Kevin admits quietly. "Ill get sable and the others out and then and only then you come in guns blazing." Taker tells him quietly. Kevin hesitates which causes Taker to look at him. The look in his eyes says everything. "Yessir" Kevin nods, stopping at the steps as Taker opens the door and walks in.
Shawn watches anxiously. He only gets the slightest feeling of relief as the youngest boy rushes out. Kevin picks him up and carries him over. Shawn is quick to move towards the boy. "Are you okay?" Shawn asks kneeling infront of him. "Yes..the masked man had a gun" the boy whispers. "Its okay. We've got the best man in there, he will look after your mom and brother." Bret states. The boy looks back at the house.
Taker stares at the masked man. "Hands on your head and turn towards the door." The man orders. Taker can't see sable or the victims as he looks around. He does as he's told though. "Where are they?" Taker asks. "Dont worry about them. This is about us." He states. Taker sighs quietly. "You truly a good shot?" He asks. Taker doesn't move as something hits his shoe. "What are you playing at?" Taker demands. "You get me, I'll tell you were they are. I get you, I kill them all" the voice states. Taker glances back to see a pistol. "Pick it up. Slowly." Taker sighs, the team will kill him if the unsub doesn't.
As he picks up the gun he takes note of the unsub. Red and black mask, long greasy dark hair. He keeps his back to the unsub. "To make it fair, we will both turn on 3 and shoot. I hope your as good as they say." The unsub hums. Taker doesn't answer, he just checks the magazine. Loaded. What the hell is this unsub playing at?
The team look towards the house as gun shots go off. "Go go!" Kevin yells. The team rush in before swat, Kevin kicks the door down. "Sound off!" Kevin yells. "Here!" Taker groans. Kevin rushes into the living room, takers down and across them him is just a mask. "We found them!" Bret yells, he clearly went with the swat. "We need medical!" Shawn yells. Kevin looks from the mask to see Shawn knelt next to taker, his head rested on his lap and shawns hands slowly being painted red as he puts pressure on takers neck and shoulder. Kevin looks as sable walks in with bret. "The kid and mom are outside.. did he get him?" Sable asks. "Just left that. Takers hurt." Kevin mutters. Sable looks at the mask. "Oh.." she whispers.
Taker groans, his vision blurring as pressure is placed on his body. How did he miss?
"He had to do some damage though. Look at the mask, a small pool of blood underneath it." Bret states. "The blood leads out to the back. But how could he have escaped in the time you lot got to the door?" Sable asks rubbing her wrists. "God knows." Kevin mutters looking back at taker as the medical team kneel next to him. "Its gonna be a long night" bret sighs as shawn stands, teary eyes staring at his blood soaked hands.
Taker wakes to bright lights. "I know I aint in heaven" Taker groans getting some chuckles. "Just a hospital bed sir" Kevin hums. Taker sits up slightly with the help of Kevin and bret to see the team stood around him. They all look miserable. "Jesus, you'd think someone died." Taker huffs as he looks at his slinged arm. "Sir you nearly did. We were scared." Shawn whispers. "Well I'm all good now. What about our unsub?" Taker asks. "You hit him but he escaped. Only leaving this" bret answers holding up the mask sealed in the evidence bag.
Taker takes a deep breathe as he glances at the mask. A sense of familiarity washes over him. He swears he's seen that mask before. "Taker...whoever this unsub is..they know you. You are the real target" sable states. "It does make sense." Shawn pipes up causing them all to look at him. "It does. Taker lost his family, mother, father and baby brother in that house fire. The unsub is targeting family's and doing the same to them." Shawn explains. "Yeah but takers dad also died in the fire. He's not targeting dad's." Bret points out. "Well you think about it, Paul adopted taker afterwards so maybe he sees it like the father figure isn't gone" Shawn tries.
Takers eyes widen. "No.." he whispers. "Taker?" Goldust asks concerned. "The unsub is targeting the people who were lost in that fire." Taker states. "Yeah, shawn just figured that one out" bret states. "Kane wouldn't have lost a father. His real dad was Paul." Taker admits. The team stare at him shocked. "But kanes dead." "And he's making sure I know that. The baby brother I knew was dead..but what if he wasn't in the house when the fire went up? They never confirmed three bodies were in the house, they just assumed his bones being so small burned away." Taker explains. "Oh my god...if kanes still alive he would be angry." Shawn whispers in shock.
"If kanes still alive I have a lot of damn questions" Taker grits in pain.
I'm sorry I didn't really focus on the actual accident itself. I just want to post more about this au and I had a scene already written in which taker basically reveals he's been doing more digging into the case and finding out Paul is kanes real dad and I saw the ask and knew it could use it. Just had to finish it a bit more. Add more detail.
Also I was watching shrek whilst doing this so my concentration was all over the shop. I apologise.
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Game 33 Outlined Tues, Sept 3 8:00pm EDT Washington @ Dallas
Starting: WASH: Atkins, Dolson, Edwards, Sykes, Vanloo (Austin ankle injury) DAL: Howard, McCowan, Ogunbowale, Sabally, Sheldon
1st Quarter Based on the game preview, all we have to do is keep Arike from going left. Austin is still out and we're facing the tallest team in the league I'm pretty sure, and they're starting 2 forwards and a center. Stef plays good D on McCowan right away and we get an efficient offensive possession on the board. Edwards gets a steal, but can't convert. JVL sinks a 3. Make that two of 'em! Sabally steals from Ariel. Beautiful pass around to find the open shot—Sykes for 3. Stef follows suit. I love this. Respect to Dallas' passing though. Our spacing and ball movement is also looking good early. Arike takes her first shot and it's well off. Engstler forces a turn and gets a 3 on the other end. Is Howard a free agent next year? Would love to see her in DC. Koné hits a nice jumper. Earl gets a last second steal to seal the quarter. 26-16.
2nd Quarter Engstler gets a great rebound but we can't do anything with it. The Mystics have yet to score under the hoop (although we've been fouled several times there). This time Engstler breaks through. Earl beautiful jumper. We force a shot clock violation with what may be the best shutdown defensive stand I've seen from DC this year. We won every matchup that possession. Shatori gets her own rebound and puts it away. Jade nearly blocks Satou but gets more than ball. Stef and Howie smiling and chatting now. Come play for DC? Karlie goes from deep. Arike finally gets a shot, a 3. Brilliant pass from JVL to Aaliyah for 2. There's been some beach ball madness at times in this game. Teaira McCowan is eating us up, I'm sure she has half their points. Eric calls break and we come back out with a 3 from Engstler. Hmm, the Mystics briefly forgot that passing was working really, really well. Next play we remember and find Earl for 3. Now it's Karlie for 3. Her shooting motion is so quick and so consistent. A couple strong minutes from Engstler close the second. Wooooow, this announcer just called Teaira's live interview embarrassing—presumably she swore, they cut the first thing she said. Nancy called it powerful, the dude called it embarrassing. 51-39. We only had 3 first half turns.
3rd Quarter Stuttery start to this half for both teams, then Stef swishes a 3. The size matchups are really unfavorable for DC. Sabally is on Atkins and Howard on JVL. Eric checks them both out. They keep cutting away from gameplay so I don't know how it happened but there was a backcourt giveaway. A couple bad fouls and throwaways and the Wings have crawled back within 5. We once led by 14. Engstler hits a 3 to settle us down. We go right back to drives and one-on-one matchups that haven't worked all game. A few rare misses from the perimeter and it's been a poor shooting quarter, allowing Dallas back in it. With 2 seconds left, Shatori streaks down the court and Engstler quarterbacks for 2. 71-65.
4th Quarter Sika makes a tough drive against Howard and gets the and-1. Engstler strips the ball and Shatori does her thing again. JVL with a nice jumper. Now a 3 from the Belgian. JVL to Engstler for the lay-in and Coach Trammell wants to chat. Our 16-point lead returns. Satou with the trey. Engstler is having a game—rebound and reverse gives her 19. Ariel textbook middie. Arike puts up a tough shot and gets tagged. Earl with another jumper. I remember the last time we played Dallas I was impressed by their demeanor in a losing situation. That positivity and composure has not been here tonight. Arike is coming alive a little late. She has brought them back within 6 with a minute thirty left. We run down the clock with multiple missed shots and rebounds, but don't manage a stop on the other end. Dallas needs 4 in 26 seconds. We get the stop. Finally a rough ending that we manage to survive. Credit to Emily Engstler with a clutch performance. 90-86 final.
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lukeswritings · 1 month
Minor MLB Transactions: 8/13/24
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Catching up on some minor league releases recently. It seems that some of these releases were related to contract opt-outs, considering that many transactions involved veterans…
Two Cubs minor leaguers, infielder Kevin Padlo and outfielder Gilberto Celestino, were released over the weekend. Celestino has had a very rough go of it recently. He was traded from the Pirates to the Cubs on July 25 and began playing at Triple-A Iowa. Just a week later, on August 2, he was struck in the face by a pitch from Zebby Matthews of the St. Paul Saints and suffered multiple facial fractures. He understandably had been on the injured list since then and now is on the open market. At the time of the injury, he was hitting .316 in five games for the I-Cubs and .275 over the entire season. We hope that he’s resting up and will return soon. As for Padlo, he’s been with three different organizations in 2024 — the Dodgers, Royals, and Cubs — without any major league playing time. He was traded on August 2 from the Royals to the Cubs but is now a free agent. Padlo has struggled mightily this season, hitting .184 in 71 games. He has limited experience in the majors across the past three seasons, playing a handful of games for each of the Rays, Mariners, Giants, Pirates, and Angels.
The Angels have cut veteran left-handers Amir Garrett and Adam Kolarek. Since 2021, Garrett had a tough time with command and limiting baserunners to a 5.06 ERA, resulting in four teams dropping him from their roster. The reliever was getting ahold of his command this season. In 26 games at Triple-A Salt Lake, he’d only walked 16 and struck out 43 in 33 2/3 innings. He had a brief showing in the majors in May, appearing in six games for the Angels before being DFA’d and returning to the minors. Kolarek is no stranger to the open market, as this is now the seventh time in his career that he’s been let go. The funky lefty has an impressive 3.62 ERA in seven major league seasons but oddly has a much worse 4.20 ERA in eight seasons at Triple-A, including a 6.97 ERA this year. He’s yet to appear in any major league games this season. Considering the stats, both pitchers will likely have to settle for minor league deals as their next contracts.
The Yankees have released utilityman Josh VanMeter, who had been playing at Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. The 29-year-old former Red, Diamondback, and Pirate was hitting a less-than-sterling .177 in 59 games upon his dismissal. He will look for his next opportunity but hopes that teams overlook that he had the seventh-worst batting average among hitters with at least 100 at-bats in the International League.
The Phillies have released right-handers Max Castillo and Ricardo Pinto. Castillo was DFA’d four days ago to clear space on the 40-man roster for two minor league call-ups and was outrighted on Sunday but was quickly released. The robust righty struggled to a 7.62 ERA in 52 innings in the minors in 2024. He and Samad Taylor were once the return when Whit Merrifield was traded from the Royals to the Blue Jays two years ago. He’s bounced from Kansas City to the Red Sox and the Phils in the past year, with only seven games last season to show for in major league work. He’ll look for work elsewhere. Pinto, 30 and nicknamed Pinto Bean, went five years since his last major league action until he returned to the big leagues in April with six games for the Phillies, to stomach-turning results. The veteran Venezuelan has lots of experience playing internationally in Korea, Taiwan, and Mexico, so a return to one of those leagues could be on the horizon.
The Mariners have let go of righty Mauricio Llovera. He’s dealt with injuries that have limited him to just 17 minor league games this year and ineffectiveness – a 4.58 ERA in those games. He also has the unfortunate distinction of being the second pitcher in major league history to give up three consecutive home runs without recording a single out in an appearance, which he accomplished on August 7, 2021. Llovera will now look for his next opportunity elsewhere.
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altamereplanotx · 3 months
How Can PPF Protect My Car During Harsh Winters?
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How Can PPF Protect My Car During Harsh Winters?
PPF is a protective coating that can be applied to any painted surface of your car. It is typically used on high impact areas like the front bumper, fenders and hood. It can be covered with a ceramic coating afterwards for even better protection. PPF is incredibly durable and comes with a warranty that typically lasts between five to ten years. It also has self-healing capabilities so scratches can easily be removed. At Alta Mere in Plano, Texas we're here to help.
1. No Salt or Sand Damage
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Unlike a ceramic coating, paint protection film can be applied on a vehicle with existing paint, making it more versatile than other options. It protects painted surfaces such as the hood, bumpers, fender panels, rocker panels, hood liner, paint-protecting door sills and door handle cavities, and a vehicle’s mirrors and headlights. A quality PPF will also be able to resist UV degradation and etching from road salt, chemical contamination and even bird droppings. Premium PPF like STEK’s DYNOseries offers self-healing capabilities, and hydrophobic properties that repel water, dirt, and snow. The best way to maintain your paint protection film is by regularly washing your car with mild soap and warm water. You should not use pressure washers or harsh chemicals as this could damage the PPF application or your vehicle’s paint.
2. No Moisture Permeation
Unlike vinyl wrap, PPF is not an opaque matte-like armor but rather see-thru plastic that allows glossy painted surfaces to shine through. Premium PPF such as the STEK DYNOseries is hydrophobic, allowing water or salt-melted snow to roll off rather than pooling on the vehicle. This also means it's easier to clean. And unlike older PPF products, which yellowed over time, new paint protection films are resistant to UV and oxidation. If you're ready to enjoy the winter without worrying about rock chips and dents on your car, contact us today for an estimate. We'll walk you through the process, as well as maintenance tips. And if you're looking to add even more protection, we recommend pairing PPF with a Ceramic Coating. These products work together to ensure that your car stays as pristine as possible for years to come.
3. No Scratches or Dings
Even if you don’t live in an area that gets significant snowfall, navigating the rough winter roads can be tough on your car. Whether it’s the sand or salt used for safe tire traction, or corrosive de-icing agents that are flung onto your bumpers or fenders, there is always the possibility of a scratch or ding to your paint. PPF can stand up to these forces and temperatures, keeping your car protected all winter long. The film also protects against etching, which will keep your paint looking pristine and new. PPF is also self-healing, so if you do happen to pick up a minor scratch during the winter driving season, it will simply disappear with time and sun exposure. This is one of the benefits that set it apart from ceramic coatings and clear bra options.
4. No Rust
PPF offers a layer of defense against the elements that can corrode metal car components. This includes rust caused by moisture permeation through small flaws in your paint. Snow that piles up on your vehicle in the winter can lift paint and expose the metal underneath, leading to rust or corrosion. Although many substandard PPFs cracked or yellowed over time, today’s advanced films can last for a decade or more and offer self healing properties that vinyl wraps or ceramic coatings cannot match. A professional can apply a layer of PPF that will look like armor on your car. While a full body PPF installation will guard your car against the day-to-day hassles of life, it’s important to weigh your options. Depending on your budget, you may be better off with a ceramic coat or vinyl wrap.
5. No Water Damage
Keeping PPF on your vehicle during the winter protects it from the harsh conditions that are common in cold climates. It keeps your car looking like new while saving you from costly repairs for sanding and rubbing corrosive de-icers off of the hood, rocker panels and other areas of your vehicle. LLumar, 3M and other leading manufacturers provide high-quality PPF that is optically clear and backed by warranties. They offer a variety of options and grades to fit your specific needs. The latest films can last for a long time in bright environments and even have self-healing capabilities that cause light scratches to disappear when heated by the sun or your engine. This is a huge improvement from older PPF that typically cracked and yellowed in the sun. Read the full article
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johnwickb1tsch · 7 months
Tex Johnson x Reader x John Wick round robin part 2 wip
Let's go, girls... @treedaddymcpuffpuff @sweetwolfcupcake 😈😈
Readers: this is our working doc for part 2. If you're new here, see Part 1, and warning, dead doves abound here.
As it turns out, faking your death involves taking some very gnarly photos with copious amounts of blood spread about. They will be released to the dark web, as well as the Underground network. John and Tex will get paid for a job well done. The FBI will receive the intelligence in due time, mixed with finding your blood and hair and skin at the scene. And once they off Dmitri, the man you witnessed killing the owner of the restaurant you used to work at, there will be no one left to care but Agent Bradford.
If he survives his wounds.
John and Tex are still perplexed about that one. He must be a tough bastard, but getting shot up even with a vest on would slow anyone down. Not to mention his blown out knee…
When next you wake you know you’re in a different location, even through your blindfold. Your hands are bound again, this time over your head. It feels like you’re laying on a soft surface, a mattress, and not a cheap one. You debate the merits of pretending to still be knocked out, or screaming your head off for help, when you hear, “Looks like sleepin’ beauty’s awake.”
From your other side there is silence, but you feel gentle fingers touching a lock of your hair. It sends a forbidden trill of desire through you, straight to your loins, and for the umpteenth time you wonder what exactly is wrong with you that you don’t 100 percent hate this the way you should.   
“Please let me go.” Your words are raspy; your throat is dry as a desert. How long have you been out?
“We have to talk about that,” says Tex. “See, there’s a whole lot gonna be ridin’ on you.” You can just hear his shit-eating grin for his double-entendre.  
“You’re a pig.”
“Aww, don’t be shy, darlin’. What did you think we were goin; to get up to when you got in my car? Playin’ pinochle? You wanted me, and I reckon’ that hasn’t changed.” You feel a rough hand sliding up your thigh that must belong to him. You try to buck him off, and find your legs aren’t bound. You try to kick towards the sound of his voice, but your limbs are heavy and slow, and he catches your ankle.
“Boy howdy, someone’s flexible!”
He has you in an iron grip, and you give a frustrated scream.
“Don’t hurt her,” says the other one, in that quietly forbidding tone.
“Was I supposed to let her kick my head off?”
“Fine by me.”
Tex snorts in response, squeezing your leg in his big hand, just to give you a taste. You feel your bones creak beneath his grip.
Your turn! @treedaddymcpuffpuff @sweetwolfcupcake 😘😘
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cosworldwholesaler · 5 months
5 Benefits of Body Lotion
Using body lotion might seem like a straightforward part of your daily routine, but it actually some seriously great benefits for your skin. Whether it's after a shower or just before you head out for the day, smoothing on some body lotion can work wonders. Here, we'll dive into five big perks that come from regular application of body lotion for dry skin. Trust me, your skin will thank you!
1. Hydration Heaven
One of the most immediate benefits of body lotion is hydration. Especially if you live in harsh climates, your skin often demands extra moisture to combat dryness and rough patches.
How It Works
When you apply lotion, you're giving your skin essential hydrating agents and a barrier of protection that helps lock in moisture. This can be particularly soothing during winter months when heating systems tend to dry out the skin.
Personal Insight
I remember last winter, my skin was flaking badly. Once I got into the habit of using a rich, nourishing body lotion every day, the transformation was incredible. My skin went from dull and itchy to visibly moisturized and smooth.
2. Smoothing Scars, Blemishes, and More
Regular use of body lotion can also help mask imperfections, such as light scars and blemishes.
How It Works
Many body lotions contain essential vitamins and acids that can help reduce the visibility of minor scars and blemishes over time.
Personal Insight
I've seen a noticeable difference on my own skin. There's a scar on my forearm from a cooking accident that has lightened substantially since I started moisturizing regularly.
3. Feeling and Smelling Fresh
There's nothing like the soft, fresh feeling of freshly lotioned skin. Plus, the variety of scents available can be a delightful bonus.
How It Works
Body lotions often come in a range of fragrances, from soothing lavender to zesty citrus, which can provide a light and pleasing scent throughout the day.
Personal Insight
I have a lavender-infused body lotion that I use at night. Not only does my skin feel great, but the calming scent also helps me unwind before bed.
4. A Youthful Glow
Frequent application of body lotion can aid in keeping the skin supple and can reduce the effects of aging.
How It Works
Lotions packed with antioxidants and vitamins can help the skin maintain its elasticity and prevent wrinkles.
Personal Insight
Ever since I incorporated hyaluronic acid lotion into my daily routine, I've noticed fewer fine lines, and my friends keep mentioning how radiant my skin looks!
5. Soothes Rough Spots
Body lotion doesn't just hydrate, it can also target particularly tough areas like elbows and knees.
How It Works
Thicker lotions can soften tough skin over time, making even the roughest spots feel smoother.
Personal Insight
My elbows used to feel like sandpaper, which was really embarrassing in the summer. A friend recommended a shea butter-based lotion, and it worked wonders. Now, I feel confident wearing short sleeves again.
Body lotion is more than just a moisturizing agent—it's a necessity for anyone wanting to maintain healthy, vibrant skin throughout the year. So why not make it a part of your daily self-care ritual? Your skin will not only look better but feel better too!
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seo-ahaglow23 · 5 months
Benefits of AHA
When used correctly, AHAs can make a significant impact on the overall appearance of your skin. Here are a few of the many benefits that alpha hydroxy acids have-
1. Exfoliate away: The main benefit of AHA is that it helps to exfoliate the skin by breaking down the bonds between dead skin cells. This process helps to reveal smoother, brighter, and more even-toned skin, making it an excellent exfoliating agent.
2. Reduce hyperpigmentation: Another benefit of AHA is that it can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, such as age spots and sun damage. It does this by breaking down the excess melanin that causes these dark spots.
3. Bye bye acne: Possibly one of the most stubborn skin problems that you’ve had to deal with, acne can be brought under control with the magic of alpha hydroxy acids. AHAs can be an effective treatment for acne-prone skin since they work by exfoliating the skin and unclogging pores. This prevents the buildup of bacteria and excess oil that can cause breakouts.
4. Improve your texture: Tired of tough and uneven skin? AHA to the rescue. alpha hydroxy acids can help improve the texture of the skin by smoothing out rough patches and uneven skin tone. This results in a more radiant and smooth complexion.
5. Glow up: AHA can also help to brighten the skin by removing dead skin cells and promoting the growth of new cells. This reveals the new skin underneath and gives the skin a brighter, more youthful appearance.
6. Hydration is key: Dead skin cells often block pores and prevent moisture from reaching the deeper layers of the skin. AHAs can help improve the skin's ability to retain moisture by removing this build-up of dead skin cells.
Now that you know the many benefits of AHA, you can go ahead and look for skin care products that contain this exfoliating ingredient. One such product is Ahaglow Advanced face wash, which rejuvenates your skin with every wash. Whether you are looking to improve the texture of your skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, or combat acne, Ahaglow is your answer. 
So go ahead, incorporate AHAs into your daily routine for skin that feels as good as it looks.
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vapehk1 · 9 months
The Three-Stage Rocket of Vape Startup Success: A Boss's Journey
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Vaping: The Sunrise Industry of Modern Times Between 2004 and 2010, the e-cigarette landscape was pretty much a desert — just a few players and not much going on. But whoa, did that change in 2011! This industry exploded, and suddenly, e-cigarette start-ups were popping up everywhere. It was like witnessing a revolution! And hey, if you're thinking of joining the fray, remember that registering your business is step one. For the Makers and Shakers Now, let's talk about the companies already in the game. They had the funds, the brainpower, and the tech to quickly design their own products and launch brands. It's like they had the cheat codes to success. But for those just starting out, it's a whole different ballgame. They’ve got to claw their way up, usually through three stages — the 'development trilogy,' if you will. 1. Starting as Agents Most vape start-up bosses fit into three categories. Some were management bigwigs who got the entrepreneurial itch. Others were sales gurus on platforms like Alibaba, hoarding info about e-cigarettes like they're going out of style. And then you have the insiders — the sales managers, designers, engineers — who knew the industry like the back of their hand. Initially, these start-ups took the agency route, playing middleman for manufacturers. This model is low risk, low investment, and can turn a quick profit. Smart, right? 2. Building a Brand Once these companies start rolling in dough and gaining traction, they aim higher. It's time to create their own products and build a brand. This step is all about investing in research and development, expanding the sales force, and pushing those new products out there. And when they nail the product and marketing? Boom! Instant hit. But, let's be real, it's not always a walk in the park. 3. The Big League: R&D, Production, and Marketing Those who make it past phase two are ready for the big leagues. We're talking full-on R&D, upping production, beefing up marketing, and really establishing that brand presence. It's like watching a small-time player turn into a champion. The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster Sure, it's tough to climb these stages. Some leap from phase one to three like they've got a jetpack. Others struggle and, unfortunately, some crash and burn. Reflecting on this journey, those who made it probably won’t forget the rough patches. Chen Yi hit the nail on the head when he said, "Entrepreneurship is difficult, and the battle is more than one." For e-cigarette entrepreneurs, every step is a testament to their grit and determination. Making it through? That's a badge of honor. Read the full article
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saagah · 1 year
5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Embroidered Bags in Good Condition
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Embroidered bags are not just functional accessories but also work of art that add a touch of elegance and personality to your style. Whether it's a handcrafted tote, a delicate clutch, or a trendy backpack, embroidered bags require special care to maintain their beauty and longevity. To help you preserve these unique pieces, we've compiled five simple yet effective tips to ensure your embroidered bags stay in impeccable condition for years to come.
1. Regular Cleaning
Regular cleaning is essential to prevent dirt, dust, and grime from settling into the delicate embroidery threads. Gently remove any loose dirt with a soft-bristled brush or a lint roller. Avoid using harsh chemicals or strong detergents, as they can damage the embroidery and the fabric. Instead, opt for a mild soap or a fabric cleaner specifically designed for delicate materials. Always spot-test the cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area before applying it to the embroidered surface.
When dealing with stains, act promptly. Blot the stain gently with a clean cloth, working from the outer edges inward to prevent spreading. Never rub vigorously, as this can disturb the embroidery. For tough stains, consider consulting a professional cleaner experienced in handling delicate fabrics.
2. Proper Storage
Proper storage plays a crucial role in preserving the integrity of your embroidered handbags. Avoid hanging the bags by their straps, as this can strain and distort the embroidery over time. Instead, store the bags in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and excessive humidity. Opt for a dust bag or a soft cotton pillowcase to shield the bag from dust and dirt while allowing it to breathe.
If your collection is sizeable, consider filling the bags with acid-free tissue paper or bubble wrap to help maintain their shape. Refrain from overstuffing the bags, as it can lead to creases and damage the embroidery. Additionally, avoid storing bags in plastic bags or containers, as they can trap moisture and lead to mold growth.
3. Gentle Handling
Treat your embroidered bags with care and gentleness to preserve their intricate detailing. Avoid excessive tugging or pulling on the embroidered areas, as this can lead to loosened threads and fraying. When opening or closing zippers, do so slowly and steadily to prevent snagging the embroidery.
Always use the bag's original handles or straps to distribute the weight evenly and prevent strain on the embroidery. If your bag has delicate embellishments, be cautious when placing it on rough surfaces to avoid snags and scratches.
4. Avoiding Direct Contact with Water
Embroidered bags are not generally designed to withstand prolonged exposure to water or moisture. While some bags may have a water-resistant or waterproof coating, it's best to avoid subjecting them to rain or spills whenever possible.
If your embroidered bag does get wet, pat it dry immediately with a soft absorbent cloth and let it air-dry in a well-ventilated area. Never use heat sources such as hairdryers or heaters, as they can damage both the embroidery and the bag's material.
5. Regular Inspections
Performing routine inspections is a proactive approach to identify potential issues early on. Check for loose threads, missing beads, or any signs of wear and tear regularly. Addressing these problems promptly can prevent further damage and the need for extensive repairs.
If you notice any loose threads, avoid cutting them with scissors. Instead, use a needle to gently tuck the loose ends back into the fabric. For more significant repairs or maintenance, seek the assistance of a professional embroiderer or a skilled artisan experienced in handling delicate textiles.
Embroidered handbags are not only fashionable but also valuable keepsakes that require tender care to maintain their beauty and durability. By following these five simple tips – regular cleaning, proper storage, gentle handling, avoiding water exposure, and regular inspections – you can ensure that your cherished embroidered bags remain in excellent condition for many years, allowing you to enjoy their exquisite artistry and unique appeal to the fullest. Remember, investing time and care in maintaining your embroidered bags will undoubtedly pay off in the long run, as they continue to be a stunning reflection of your individual style and taste.
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