#2 likes and ill draw more of them /lh
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any yhs fans in the chat!! ! !!
#yhs#samgladiator yhs#yhs fanart#im aware its not. the most *un*problematic series ever but it. holds a lot of fond memories in my head i watched it so much as a kid#this silly show is half the reason i ever started drawing in the first place#it was so fun to draw them again#samgladiator#taurtis#grian yhs#taurtis yhs#yandere highschool#samgladiator yandere high school#2 likes and ill draw more of them /lh
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Hey it’s been like 2 months since u last posted, everything okay? /nf /lh
hey!!!! i appreciate the check in so much thank you i promise i have a realygood excuse basically i moved out hours away from home to start university on the last day of august (hence the start of the Absence all of the dots are connecting)and i won’t get specific but im majoring in the sciences so never in my life have i had this many different class tasks to remember while also remembering that i need to buy food and schedule appointments and get to them with buses ive only just learned how to use
im not gone by any means im not even that busy most of the time my time management is just awful my biology midterm is tomorow and i started studying at 10 pm today so hopefully i know more about anatomy than i think i do But generally i get nervous a 🤏little bit whenever im doing things i like because im aware there’s so many things i should be doing so i draw less but as i get more used to it hopefully ill be able to rock back up ALSOliteral new dsmp content in 2024 and ctubbo mention what if I went Insane im also getting into ace attorney and im still into genloss and sally face etc all of that good stuff im really excited to like spending time again long story short im going crazy but its ok because i own an actual lab coat
#its 4 am i wont even remember writing this probably#how are you doing ITS BEEN AGES#genuinely i appreicate it so much this is really well timed#living alone is a lot harder than I thought it would be
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(threataning with art anon) yes! Rambles! Also you are so incredibly real for imagining all that stuff in different mediums (I have had similar experience) wish I could make a full animated film. That would be So Cool.
And! At one time or another I think I’ve read through the majority of the aus, but you are so right I freaking. Love the Mech AU. And coupled (uncoupled) looks like it would a verrry interesting character study (in like a “I wouldn’t do this but ingo would. Huh” kinda way)
help I’m reading them all again
also! I am here to encourage prattling I love prattling (it gives me more ideas for drawing-)
Hiii hii welcome back thank you for continuing to enable me :D
:D Yayy I'm so thrilled you like them. I never know if people actually think my wild bullshit is interesting or they just follow me for one thing (wheeze) ((Which, to be clear, is still totally fair and valid. No shame)) Of the AUs I've uploaded, I think the one that has gotten disproportionately ignored the worst is Coupled (Uncoupled). I am fucking obsessed with the coupled twins, and you're exactly right on the money there because holy Shit it's Such a character-study-rich situation to put them in. They were my in my top 3 indisputably Favorite AUs for a very long time (along with Steady Tracks and Spirit Keeper as the other two) and while I feel like I'm not super vocal about them they're still extremely high on that metaphorical list.
Realistically I could never actually list my Favorites, for the same reason why I can't really pick favorite pokemon. I like all my AUs for different reasons, so I may like one aspect of a given AU more than a different aspect of a different AU, but actually Ranking them As Favorites would be virtually impossible. Just know that I'm horribly fucking ill about coupled uncoupled more than most of the other smaller ones. Some day I'll vibe check you all so fucking hard with art or animation or writing out of left field that is about them, and then none of yall fucks will ever be normal again /lh /j
Actually. I've been struggling to write a caption for this thing so I can post it for months. Check this out:
Slaps top of this guy. He can fit two people's worth of the worst existential socio-emotional crises in him. I love gel pens.
I've decided to keep rambling about whatever the fuck on this topic, but I'm putting a cut here for my sanity:
Anyway! I really did make this AU entirely because I saw a fandom trend and went Whoa! Did we consider The Implications! And then didn't wait for an answer. Considering the implications is actually the Thing I Do the Most as I am writing in general, as any friend of mine can easily confirm. It's how a decent number of my AUs happened. I also have a trend towards either 1. trying to make an AU that doesn't touch on anything I've seen other people doing or 2. is explicitly inspired by what I perceive as trends in the fandom. Coupled Uncoupled is one of the latter, being directly inspired by Diamond Crossing. God I was not normal about diamond crossing. I'm Still Not Normal about diamond crossing.
I'm a HUGE fan of fusion in media, just in general. I don't actually know a whole lot of examples off the top of my head other than steven universe, but fusion as a concept drives me totally crazy. What if you and your friend/best friend/closest ally/rival/enemy/lover/a stranger etc could be the same person through a process so crazy intimate and vulnerable that it forces you to expose your deepest weaknesses, insecurities, emotions and motivations fully and without restraint. Sure I can be normal about that 👍
But yeah coupled uncoupled isn't like, me looking at Diamond Crossing or any other fic for that matter and going "I could do it better/I don't like insert plot point A," it was actually me looking at diamond crossing and going holy FUCK this is the COOLEST SHIT I'VE EVER SEEN. I need to participate in this or I am going to die. Then I came up with a million different ideas of fusion stories I thought would be interesting to tell, identified aforementioned trope of using the b2/w2 DNA splicers as a plot device, and went. ohohohohohohhoohohohoo i could do something silly and fucked up me thinks.
What if fusion was great and cool and awesome and a coping mechanism for a trauma/grief and also not what you thought and also more than you bargained for and also didn't give you the closure you were expecting and ALSO you didn't know how to make it stop.
Fusion as a mistake. Fusion as a regret. Fusion as a character flaw. Fusion as a major conflict (that isn't inherently connoted about?? forms of abuse and toxic relationships?? can we use fusion as a metaphor for other nuanced things too?? pls let me have this /lh)
Anyway their story is extremely complex and just by listing off ^ that I am extremely underselling the level of interwoven conflict and complicated emotional states of all parties involved so please do not misunderstand and think that one of the twins is fucked up and evil. I swear i didn't mischaracterize them that badly 🤣 The main point of the story, just off the top of my head, is actually focused around the theme of vulnerability, conflict resolution, and the strength of relationships founded on communication.
Trying to avoid spoiling The Entire Plot because I really think Coupled (Uncoupled) is going to be my next major fic project but in essence it does get better and this new tool available to them only opens the door for them to be closer than ever before and express care and compassion in new ways unique to them. i might make myself cry if I keep yammering. i care them
God I totally just used your ask as an excuse to go off. I've been doing that every time you send an ask, actually. This is why I love asks. Tysm <3 And I hope you enjoyed reading or if you didn't and TL;DR then basically god i'm so ill about them.
Every day I think about how a friend of mine made an entire animatic for this AU and yet we can't put it anywhere because we both want to remake it digitally. thats going to be one hell of a day when that bombshell drops
Thank you for the ask, and as always thank you for listening!
Coupled (Uncoupled) Masterpost
#Submas#Submas Art#Subway Boss Ingo#Subway Boss Emmet#Emmet#Ingo#Pokemon Ingo#Pokemon Emmet#AUs#Coupled (Uncoupled)#Fusion AU#Ramble#Ask#Anon#Killing Me With Hammers anon#I lied I said I wouldn't reuse that tag/nickname but I'm definitely using it now#everyone say thank you killing me with hammers anonnn
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Do you have a dnd character or any other oc I could try to draw? (with any additional information as well bc I’ve been getting so invested in all my friends’ oc lore lmao.) I’ve been trying to draw more recently and I’ve just started collecting other’s ocs apparently. For definitely completely non nefarious purposes >:) /j
BOY DO I !!! also I saw the dnd character drawing you did for Soop it was so cool, like genuinely!!!!! I have 2 dnd characters (and one oc but I want to focus on the dnd characters!!)
---SOOP NO READING THIS ONE SPOILERS FOR THE CAMPAIGN The first one is for an active campaign, her name is Alina (cant remember if she has a last name.) Her story is basically, she was abandoned at this wizard/scholar/tower thing and was looked after by like the teachers and who ever. but when she turned 16, she was ousted from the tower because, unknown to her until the moment she was ousted was that she was believed to be the child of a prophecy (THE prophecy, but Ill get back to that). When she was 16 somehow it was revealed she was not the child of the prophecy, Oh also I forgot to mention she's a half elf sorcerer, but she thinks shes a full elf sorcerer. The reasons this is is because she was abandoned by her parents at the school tower thingy *because* her father believes that her mother slept with a human and i.e half elf. Her parents are these really rich nobles. We met them in session 2 of our campaign, and thats when she realised they were her parents because before that she had no clue. After being ousted ffrom the tower shes just been roming the country, until she eventual stumbles upon the other memebrs of our party where they reluctantly work together, first because they were hired for a mission by the barkeep, and now because theres something more sinister afoot with politicians nad shit. Theres more to be explored, but we havent played too much of it but im so so excited too . (The reasons soops not allowed to read it is because it has secrets that she doesnt know). Oh yeah The propechy is like a propechy about waro r somehting and my character was supposed to be the key to stopping it but no longer because they are no longer the propechy child. at the time of the story they are 18. They are heavily inspired by Aelwin Abernathy from D20's Bad Kids campaign (cannot remember what its called) For drawing them, heres a refrence! (i drew this >:DD)
---Soop you can read now. My next character is one for the campaign soop is dming!! It hasnt started yet but im really excited! My character is a tabaxi rogue. They're 19 if I remember correctly. Their lore is more dependent on the worl around them. Basically they were apart of the religion blah blah blah in the religion there was this guy (woman) called the Head Scholar, whose like the pope. They were an apprentice under the Head Scholar and basically the head scholar was/is experimenting on how to cure this disease/make spirits so they killed and revived my character! and a bunch of other people, but after my character was killed and revived they ran away. This was when they were 16. I think? And they also had a found family (that they found after running away) that were taken/killed by the Head Scholar as a way to get my character back. Their name is Tabi, with no last name. Since the campaign hasnt started yet they havent met the rest of the party. THey dont stay in one area too long as they are being sort of chased by the Head Scholar, more details to be added when the campaign starts/if Soop tells me more stuff. Refrence for them under neath, wich i also drew!
You can pick either you want!! Thanks so much for asking me I love talking about these two. I will trust you when you say no nefarious purposes/lh. >:DD
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im actually really proud of the lighting in this one!! this one focuses more on naib himself, unlike the og one i made a couple months back.
extra details- like particular design notes, references, ect + extra for followers utc
in my last post, i spoke abt ‘slightly’ altering his design- basically i just decked his ass out with sierpinski triangles, because i can.
some of the redesigns, going into more depth:
his (button) eyes, in which is inspired by a sierpinski triangle in spherical geometry, projected stereographically.

here is the video link for the inspo of the idea.
his lace and symbols (?) on his hood and back. tbh the lace was more because i couldnt see shit on my ref so i just redesigned it altogether. the symbol on his hood simply js has a few extra add-ons, in which being a couple more squiggles and before mentioned triangles
symbol for the hood…

& the lace on his back.

if im not mistaken, his scars at the corners of his mouth were supposed to be hyperbolic geometry triangles instead of spherical geometry unlike his eye, but i didnt know how to make it work properly, so i… gave up…
anyways, ever since this skin came out, i had been meaning to redraw my MG (Manifold Garden) CoC but w/ DiMe (Dissonant Melody, not using DM as tht could be confused w/ jojo’s skin), and ive finally done it! hooray!!
here’s the original piece, the one with CoC instead, drawn Aug 31, 2024, cus i get it if you dont wanna scroll down for the next 15 business days js to find it in my posts.
once again, similarly to last time, i had drawn over an image and added naib inside. heres the linkie for the source of the og image:
——— > 4️⃣2️⃣ (oh my god??!! is that the answer to life, the universe, and everything?!/ref).
besides that, to my followers/friends, im gonna go on hiatus for a lil while. a week or so, nun to worry abt. maybe its even a partial hiatus, where i post silly doodles at times. who knows? im fr when i say i dont
truth be told, sometimes im scared that all i have to or can post is full masterpieces (or what id like to consider them as) of my art, or post only works of fandom such as idv. thus so, im practically limiting myself a lot. it doesnt help that i do in fact have sonas and ocs tht i love to draw, selfshipping art, and even detailed doodles of ‘something yet nothing at all’. im js not posting them, because i feel like they arent up to par with mine or other’s standards, or they js wont get traction, simple.
so im currently thinking… what if i did? what if i did post them?? im thinking tht i shld be able and want to draw and post things for my own sake, at my own time, instead of drawing for the sake of posting and fame instead. so i suppose from now on, youd still see naib, dw guys, but ill draw and talk abt other things as well. thats right fellas, a personality outside of “ooughhh naib…. oooo. lourve him smm.. mm,, naib ubedar,,,”/ gen, lh, encapsulating last 2 paragraphs
#identity v#idv#identityv fanart#idv fanart#idv mercenary#identity v naib#idv esport series#naib subedar#redraw#manifold garden#my art#sorry i got a lil ranty/personal at the end…#im js not too sure how to say it#but js know these thoughts came to me myself#it aint your (follower or viewer’s) fault!! please dont blame yourself for sumn i came to by myself#i love yall btw!!💕
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*strolls up several days late to your post about time passing in Milgram* okay, so I believe the birthdays are just a fun-for-fans sort of thing, and that events are happening fairly quickly compared to real time! No one is aging, because if they did it's disrupt a lot of the character Vibes they're going for (aka Amane would be like 18 and Haruka would be 23 and no longer fit the 'innocent child' thing, Mahiru would be 30 and no longer fit the 'young love' trope, even Es would be around 20). Also, some of the injuries the prisoners got during the trial hiatus would have definitely healed already -- Mahiru's arm (broken sometime before last August) should have been healed by November, and there's no way she'd sound that weak for her interrogation end of this May.
Sorry if that disrupts your Haruka theory, though ;--; it sounds really interesting and I'd love to hear more about it!!
hiii beans, thank you for answering it!!! has it been that long?? i thought only 2 years have passed :o but even if that was so, the injuries would heal in 2 years so you must be right either way! it makes more sense! it'll be long so i'll just put this here
regarding the time passing, we were trying to notice differences in character art to see if their hair grew longer with my friend and iirc it was only mahiru's and amane's (?) hair that looked different or longer in some way, excluding the style differences. amane's bangs and mahiru's hair completely! (bonus: the ahoge like thing haruka has ahaha) although it's a little funny to imagine all of them except mappi and amane getting haircuts regularly (from jackalope?!), it seems unlikely so it was probably a drawing mistake in mappi's and it looks that way for amane because her hair is messy...? hypomania can last just several days, google is saying 4 days is the criteria, it can still be true as long as haruka's changes didn't all happen in one day, i guess! we at least know it's not 1 day, right? lol i think they were saying mikoto is being weird at "nights", they must have spent some time there, correct me if i'm wrong!
though some stuff i said in that post could be explained with how comfortable he got there because he was accepted by es and mu, so this is mostly me giving my mental illness to my favorite character (i can't even call it a theory just a hc!!) but but!! especially when es asks if he's a different person because that's how it feels for other people when people around them experience mania or hypomania and it usually doesn't suddenly feel like someone changed their whole personality when they get more comfortable with you, you know? he clearly shows depressive symptoms too but i guess no one is doubting that one :') also the impulsiveness! he says he doesn't want to die both in his song and those questions in twitter, then he says he'll kill himself because he doesn't really think about what he's saying. i actually planned to shut up about this until i saw everything about him. i hate being wrong /lh but i couldn't because twitter is dead to me and my friends are usually busy and i get bored if i don't talk about my hyperfixations enough. and i'm getting so comfortable here lately... ANYWAY until we get new info contradicting this i'll be saying haruka is bipolar but again, i'm not assuming the writer did it intentionally so it's more of a self indulgent hc than a theory :33 EDIT: WAIT I JUST LOOKED AT AMANE'S DOOR PIC AGAIN? HER BANGS ACTUALLY GOT LONGER??? DID JACKALOPE REALLY CUT THEIR HAIR, HELP??
#gem talks#thanks for the ask!#god i talked so much. i'm about to diagnose myself too. it would explain why i'm so outgoing lately GHJGHEkjahjgjf
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Multifandom: Sen's Fave Ships
I'm still wondering what ship I should draw for my birthday later this month... It's a week from now.
A compilation post of many ramble thoughts I've had. Multifandom so it's very unsorted
Trying to decide which one of my main 5 fave ships I want to doodle for my birthday will be hard to decide.
Ngl it feels fitting to draw XanLena for it, cuz Selena is my beloved KHR OC and wife 💜💘
But I'm also tempted to draw others too (if I have the time)
Cuz I eventually want to do a rough coloured doodle at least for each of my main fave ships, that can match the quality of the KuroEne kiss doodle that I made.
My Fave Sen-Core Ships' Eye Colours:
JuAli: Red and Gold
XanLena: Red and Gold
LimGuda: Black and Gold
IdaTatsu: Black and Gold
KuroEne: Gold (Black) and Blue
Just had a realization about my top fave ships. All of my main fave ships have a chara with gold eyes. Something is going on here.
Kuroha/Saeru has gold eyes. Manga Route 2 Kuroha/Saeru has red sclera and black eyes. All Eye Ability users' eyes glow red when using their Eye Abilities. But I decided to go with their natural eye colour.
Well, I'm not really surprised. All of my ships are just "Freak x Freak who freaks them out (Or human that tames them)" and "Morally Questionable (Morally Bankrupt) x Morally agreeable"
"Morally bankrupt evil meow meow mf" x "Ball of Sunshine"
(Empathetic sane patient person with a good heart)
The ultimate Sen-core ship tropes.
In my Notion docs, I had these at like ~120 px so they're getting pixellated to hell
My secondary ships' eye colours:
AnKia: Gold and Blue
EdRich: Purple and Gold and Blue
TaiKoya: Purple and Gold
HaoRen: Brown (Red) and Gold
(Didn't get the time to edit images for them)
I picked out ships of mine where one of the charas has gold eyes
As I said, no one has more obvious tastes than me LMFAO
Richard has purple and gold eyes so I put both.
I just realized all of my top 5 main ships have a character with gold eyes
Not every ship of mine has it ofc, but a bunch of my side ones do too
C: So much gold omg
"You're the worst person I met on Toontown"
Rambles from me talking with Cinna and Snow <3
Me: JuAli, KuroEne, LimGuda, HaoRen, Idate and Algol
Me: Not to be that guy but HaoRen (Shaman King) reminds me of that one Toontown meme/shitpost
Hao: You don't understand the suffering of this world
Ren: (This guy is the worst guy on Toontown I've met)
Me: Wait this also feels like KuroEne and LimGuda 😭���
C: I love this image sm
This is also my OC.
Me: This is just LimGuda
Ritsuka to Douman 💚🧡🐈⬛🍊
Kuroha/Saeru's Love
On a side note, since I've been thinking about it.
Reminds me of the KagePro LNs. Seto in Kagerou Daze VIII -summer time reload- talks about "a monster incapable of knowing love"
In that instance, it actually wasn't in reference to Kuroha/Saeru, but it definitely reminded me of him.
Irt canon-verse Kuroha/Saeru, he lacks humanity and genuine tenderness and love compared to my other faves.
This guy is twisted at his core and so sick in the head (/pos) so none of his ships with the Mekakushi Dan members are ever going to be normal.
They're all going to have the aspect of their relationship that inevitably includes his twisted selfish love for the other party. It's fine though, that [character quality of his] makes him more interesting.
I prefer my ships with a certain level of mental illness /lh /j
Misc Rambles
I'm used to writing caption posts with the fandom/series name in the post description, and just copy post the same set of rambles to my socials.
"You're the worst person I met on Toontown"
This is the funniest heading I've had ngl 😭
Oh I SO want draw this meme with JuAli, KuroEne, and LimGuda...
Another reason why I put the fandom/series name in the heading, including for art, is also for my own sake to make it easier for me to immediately recognize when I need to sift through and find a specific post and either organize my posts or edit old ones
Magi: Kou Empire Arc - Ch. 266 - JuAli Confrontation on the Dark Continent
EN Fan-TL by Sense Scans
Official TL by Viz
Reoccurring dynamic
Me: I'm dropping the fan-TL here cuz I generally just prefer their prose over Viz's (and also cuz it gives me the full context of the dialogue)
I'll also put Viz's version just to have the scans in HD
Like in general, when it comes to all the series that I've seen from them, Viz's way of translating things is so boring sounding to me.
Judar: Someone like you, a naive trash bastard who can't sacrifice anything, won't be able to protect anything either!
Alibaba: (He's the worst person I've met on Toontown)
Or Ig change that to "He's the worst person I've met in Balbadd"
Cuz they first met in Balbadd ^^
Just change the wording a bit.
Instead of "You don't know the suffering of this world"
I'd use Judar's dialogue from their encounters on the Dark Continent in the Kou Empire arc for this cuz it just fits so well
If I were to draw this as a really efforted shitpost meme, I'd just draw Alibaba normally not in haniwa form to be able to take it seriously
Highly efforted shitpost meme cuz I'm just like that. I try to put effort into making my drawings look good in general.
Though admittedly some of my drawings look way better than others and that's perfectly normal
C: Irt the Toontown meme
Like my SK OC Rei is literally exactly these vibes I've tried to RP with him and almost every interaction of him and other characters has resulted in this NSNHNDNHNFKGKFKF
Your OC is so Sen core 🤭💖
C: He has gained a delusional meow meow in his bubble layer recently he is painfully sen-core now
Me: Yeah imo, being a morally questionable (and/or morally bankrupt) meow meow mf who has the capability for violence and sadism and a level of arrogance and ego that distances them from humanity and/or normal human social interactions is what defines the chara as a Sen-core Meow meow mf.
I think it's necessary to have this in order to be a meow meow mf, the ultimate Sen-core type.
These charas think they're the kings of the world if only inside their own heads. Delusional meow meow living in their own bubble <3
Me: Hao is the best SK chara imo he's like a baby Douman in SK
With that being said, SK is like Magi's anti-thesis /neg
Irt to how mad this fucking series made me with its writing and how insensitive it is about its heavy themes and characters' traumas and horrible backstories
Me: Just looked at my list again of ships where a chara has gold eyes (and it's not even all of it) and wow that's a lot
C: There is so much gold omg
Me: Iirc Hao's eyes are brown but are coloured red in some arts
C: Iirc yes
Me: I just tried to pick out ships where at least one chara has gold eyes
C: Still a massive amount of your ships
Me: Reminds me of Akechi (P5). Brown eyes but with a red~ish hue. His eyes get coloured as red in some arts too
C: Ooo true!
Me: I'm trying not to put too spoilery arts. I think these are totally fine.
#Just gonna start using this tag whenever there's an unsorted ramble post of multiple of my interests#sen's multi#sen's rambles#I'm debating whether to even tag my ships in this ngl 😭#I don't want too many of these unfocused discussion ramble posts to clutter up my ships' tags#Think this will stay untagged#Or Ig I could start using a special abbreviation for my ships just for posts like these#lmgd#jdal#xnln#idts#kurokonoene#kroknoene#I have no idea how to abbreviate theirs so that it doesn't sound like a person's actual name like K*roene or Kr*ene#judaari#xanrina#jdali#xanrena#Gonna pick a shortened ship name eventually Ig
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!! :D Give Me The Lore (/lh /nf)
yknow what splatoon time. so i was gonna do vera but then i got distracted by a million things so it led to me drawing my agent 8. so ill do her instead
putting this under a readmore since its octo expansion spoilers
sooo heres my agent 8. tartar... adjacent?, and has. Problems. she used to not talk much, and be thoughtful but curious like the og 8, but after her sanitization shes more confident and reckless + generally just becomes evil. oh and she WILL conduct tons of tests to figure a single thing out
so my 8 went along canon 8s path as normal until the final boss. but here she just betrays pearl and marina.... and THEN betrays tartar. and takes over the wholw operation for herself. but it doesnt work out and she gets princess canon'd anyway, escaping into the metro. she sanitized herself over time* and got some new workers in this lab place making experiments, mostly from her own boredom. and thats where she is now
*she did this because pearl and marina tried to contact her again and again and the guilt got to her. she was sure she couldnt go back now though and sanitized herself to both ensure it and stop caring about her problems, similar to dedf1sh. she left the walkie talkie thing in the train, which luci found and used to help her out when she become a test subject in the metro
edit (this was a draft before posting): i have drawn yet another 8 and its her new design :) my ipad sucks at keeping images clear and stuff so ill post them another way
edit 2: found another way
the redesign/current design:
other new art (tumbnail sketch i put a buncha effort into bc i liked it):
first is the original, 2nd has the exclusion mode + increased brightness
and finally. a song that is SO her and also a banger (go listen to desuka-ps songs)
#octo expansion spoilers#ty for the ask!!!!!#asks#agent 8#8#fuck it we ball. 8 tag#2 8 tags both bc i cant choose and bc theres more 8s than mine lol
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Welcome to episode ∞ of beetle is obsessed with things, today we talk about SCRIBKYLY!! MAN HE HE STEALING COLORS FR!! AA
[scribbles belongs to @occatorcreator, and freedom ad guy belongs to @starsandsciss0rs! freedom plays a v minor role so ehfgrnk if you came here for that, don't /lh]
oKOK this is gonna be long but!! if i don't scream for a minute i think ill fall apart so ye click at ur own risk!! headcanons theories and doodles under the cut, warning for minor swearing and mild ooc
SCRIBBLES. I have so much to say about this man. I'm not even kidding when I say mentioning them gives me actual goosebumps. I've come to know every obsession comes with its own unique symptoms but still ;; freak . /lh
(oh and also please note that whenever i insult them its affectionate. its a habit of mine ^^' i love scribbles very dearly and would like to punch them into tomorrow please)
Buncha HCs first! for both Scribbles and CDAU in general :] im sorry to whoever is reading this
1. [based on the kitkat thing] He has an odd fascination with preparing/eating food wrong, and cursed things in general. Going off the Discord conversation you might have seen, he drinks cereal out of a cup, and lets just say there aren't many foods he doesn't stuff in a blender first ("Toast juice isn't cursed, its efficient"). Vertical chips enjoyer. Not sure if they have a phone, but if they do, you won't find anything in its gallery besides the likes of le fishe au chocolat and Heinz Mayoreo. Its terrifying. They're terrifying.
2. It has siblings. His animator, whoever they are, sucks, right? But they still draw, so one would think they practice a lot? Buncha distorted salty evil freaks is what I'm saying. they bros. He's the youngest, which does say something about how old the rest of them are - as well as his animator... maybe they don't suck, but the tech was just really limited at the time? I dunno. I just think it deserves bros
3. Continuing from #2, since they're all fucked up and unstable, and it sort of hurts to exist, the tech associated one (whoever that is) made a sort of safe space where their bodies are just. more functional. They can't stay there for long, the animator would get suspicious, but its a nice place to hang out and vibe
4. Also, he hasn't seen his siblings in a long while. They sent him out on some journey for revenge, cuz he was the most stable and able-bodied, and he never came back
5. After being separated long enough from their sticks, the colors in their jars adapt to being stick-less and become sort of... sentient? Not really intelligent or able to communicate, but they still fill some criteria of being a living being. They move around and respond to certain stimuli (which makes it kind of heartless to leave them in small jars, maybe he builds like a little glass room for them to fly around in? I dunno), and after being isolated for long enough, they can even begin to talk. After it begins to talk, Scribbles finds Second's color especially to be good company, even if its a bit of an overthinker sometimes. Its powers come in handy, too. Red's is good at distracting him from whatever he's worrying about, which is a lot more useful than you'd think, but most of the time he lets it chill with the others.
6. He's not on the hunt for colors as much as names. There's a reason he won't tell us his real name and just goes by Scribbles; he hates it, maybe he's even ashamed of it. Once he finds someone with the right name, one that represents him, he'll probably stop. Getting their color will just be an added bonus.
7. He can also steal the colors/names of black/grayscale sticks, not even the likes of Chosen, Victim (if he was still around), Gray, or Freedom are safe.
8. A bit of explanation for the last two - how does he take colors? My theory is, as long as their name doesn't represent them anymore, their color will come with it, since names and colors seem to be inherently tied. So for someone named the Chosen One, all he would have to do is spread propaganda telling everyone he's evil and whatnot, "and who'll choose you as their hero then? The main five? The stick figures so weak they got robbed of their own names? Didn't think so."
When it comes to some others, it gets more complicated. In the case of Freedom, though, it was easy; take away their freedom and they're not free duh ._. idk i really like the idea of freedom and scribbles together, polar opposite little bugs i would like them to watch a movie
In the case of RGBY (as well as Gray (??), Mango (?) and Purple) its kind of a paradox - their name represents their color, and their color represents their name, so how would you take either away?
No seriously how I haven't filled in this plothole help-
Uh, moving on
9. (again from the Discord conversation) His favourite Pokémon is Scrafty! They share energy
10. if it ends up getting a redemption. the song Little Do You Know (s/yt/am). thats all
okAYYY time for doodles! Not entirely settled on how to draw him yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon, considering all the drawing I'll be inevitably doing ^^'
song lyrics from You Can't Hide :]
this would be on digital but i can't find my pen so :p
...And wow, look at that! You've made it to the end. Congrats! I'm not entirely sure how you've maintained your sanity, but that's none of my business ':D I'm... probably going to be talking about this guy for a long time, so prepare yourselves :)
#long post#animator vs animation#ava au#color drained au#ava color drained au#eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE#🐞 || fandom: ava
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(same anon that threatened you with art)
legally required to tell you which ones I like- understood. Namely it’s steady tracks (bc I’ve actually had a wip drawing of that for uh *checks files* a… year? And a half?) bc I freaking Love It when the twins become Creature.
by extension that means I adore comebee ingo and emmet and the fossil au and spirit keeper.
those are! The main ones but I really like a Whole Lot of ‘em. Very few will be spared in my (eventual) rampage
whoa epic awesome cool wicked thesaurus.com synonym for great
Welcome to the steady tracks curse! you have it in your wips and then years go by! no one is spared, not even me! /lh
That's a great trio to follow up with though. Those four combined are barely similar /lh You've got the two pokemon AUs and the two ingos in the Oldest Guy Ever club. You love to see it.
But no seriously, this is a serious all star team of favorites. I haven't elaborated on a lot of them beyond the masterlist posts I made, which is super on me, but Steady Tracks, Combee AU and Spirit Keeper Ingo are three of my oldest AUs. By extensionm they're also the ones I am most emotionally attached to. I don't know what form/s it will come in, but spirit keeper and combees are DEFINITELY getting more stuff eventually. I just have to figure out. How. and what, and when.
Fossil AU is one of the ones I've had a while but only started developing more recently, so it's currently in my head all the time. I wish I could elaborate on it but unfortunately it is in the stage of mental illness where I have no idea how to talk about it or explain it to anyone outside of two (2) very close friends. that will absolutely fucking happen though i still stare at that drawing i made a few months ago with fossil ingo and little pearl. i'd fucking kill for little pearl so we're clear. I'm so unwell about fossil it's just in the intangible inexplicable kind of way currently
Downside of having all these AUs is that they all exist in different forms in my head. Spirit keeper is probably supposed to be a comic, but might also end up having longer fic-like sections. Combee AU i want to be a fic i think, but I haven't actually WRITTEN anything for it in SO long. it's gotten swept under the artistic rug in favor of silly doodles. Steady tracks is in eternal hell under the curse, as we all know (nodding sagely)((ITS GOING TO BE FUCKING FREE SOON SO HELP ME GOD)) and I'll be honest I haven't thought about fossil au long enough for it to have a solid medium, but i feel like looser doodle comics would be fun. Or maybe more Big Cool Artwork + smaller written thing. Unsure.
But like, god forbid we talk about Mecha AU or Coupled Uncoupled. The original timeline of the mecha au is an official pokemon animated feature-length movie in my head. I have since developed it in a different direction and I have no idea what the hell I'm gonna do with that. There may or may not be a fully 3D animated goodbye to a world animation for that in the next 3 years because i learned how to model and animate in blender and my power is now unlimited. Coupled (Uncoupled) is a series of Long Fics (like, steady tracks long) mixed with song animatics and animation memes. That thing is so not going to end up being told in the form it exists as in my brain. Many of the other aus are like this
Oh that was a Ramble:tm: my bad. All of this was to say hey, if you ever need a reference for steady tracks ingo, I'm trying to make a 3D model for him rn. It's currently being sidelined in favor of the chapter itself and a 2d artwork I'm doing, but some day he'll be Real. I've got everything modeled except for his legs (hell) and prat of his head (also hell but less) so that's at least something
I forgot where I was going with this. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to fuckin prattle. love prattling. in controlled environments
If you like it when there are Creatures, consider also checking out omgPMD AU and Take My Hand. Similar but slightly different concepts. I imagine you've probably already seen them but I figured i'd mention anyway
Thanks for chatting!! <3 <- i did most of the chatting via ramble but i still value you engaging with my work more than i can put into meaningful words
#Anon#Ask#Submas#AUs#Steady Tracks#Spirit Keeper Ingo#Combee AU#Fossil AU#Mecha AU#Coupled (Uncoupled)#Killing Me With Hammers anon#(this title is a joke and the chances of me reusing that are extremely low)#hiii hiii thank you for talking with me!!! my favorite thing inthe whole world#Ramble#Long post
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