#1ll signs up..?
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bt-es · 5 years ago
just found out about dok2 leaving 1llionaire. extremely devastated
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gaogrotesque · 6 years ago
Ash B
老實說除了身材很好之外真的沒什麼印象了(xxx) 啊還有張一直murmur「外套為什麼不穿好」的印象😂 UR我也只看過第一季,總之就是完全不在我的守備範圍,不過男飯們好像是還滿喜歡的啦XD 不知道是不是沒溝通好動線,Ash B在台上到處找水😂 覺得有點可愛(?) 在RTB上唱了新歌,最近也發了新專輯
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大名鼎鼎(?)的Okasian,我一直只聞其名沒有認真去研究過這位,也是我心目中以前Hi-Lite炮兵團ㄉ成員之一(。 連同Keith Ape、B-Free,這幾位都好久沒在韓國活動了,居然就這樣給我好巧不巧的有機會見到生人、聽到了傳說級別的It G Ma 本來也很不懂只��當作mixtape好玩做做的歌為什麼會掀起這麼高的討論度,但現場聽過一次之後好像莫名的有點懂了 https://youtu.be/DPC9erC5WqU 真的是so liiiit 🔥🔥🔥
查了一下發現他居然是87er,明明看起來像個一臉ㄎ一ㄤ的屁孩XDDDDD (欸) 我跟張還說他看起來就像一臉沒睡醒、這個時間(16:30)本來就是rapper剛起床的時間XD 更意外的是他現在居然簽在YG的黑標籤下…嗯(?) Okasian還帶了一個人一起表演,但孤陋寡聞ㄉ我不認識(…對不起)
Hi-Lite (G2/ Reddy/ Paloalto)
老實說有點好奇待機室是什麼氣氛XDD 不知道當初Okasian離開嗨賴時是什麼情況XD
先出場的是G2,身為93er是嗨賴的忙內,也是我目前最喜歡的嗨賴成員 唱了前陣子剛發的新專中的歌 Alive https://youtu.be/oFFhFvCApME
不太確定有沒有唱Butterflies (魚腦啵啵啵) https://youtu.be/RAa2Qlh9rqY
(BTW新專輯 tHROWING uP bUTTERFLIES 真的很好聽QQ https://youtu.be/igZHjuYOyrU 其實一直都覺得G2的專輯對我來說良率很高,希望大家都可以聽聽看,BTW這張專輯中我最喜歡的是Peace of Mind )(硬塞)
還唱了SMTM5中無緣登台表演的Comfortable (後來收錄在 G2's Life 這張專輯中) https://youtu.be/W5HWrQVuHas
G2's Life的主打歌 1999 https://youtu.be/6Fpmn7X9UKU
現場聽到G2的聲音不禁驚嘆一下「真的就是像音源/節目裡聽到的一樣」,真的是很帥氣的聲音 招牌的雷鬼辮拆掉之後少了點氣勢XD 不過我就是私心覺得他很可愛(…)
第二個出場的是Reddy,穿著全身灰色的運動外套配運動褲 跟張ㄉ睡衣有87%像(。 頂著那頭已經持續了大半年ㄉ亂髮 哥太潮ㄌ我不太懂
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不太熟Reddy的歌,只記得唱了Peach https://youtu.be/sYH5VwCYGMY
Like This,真的好嗨!久違的被Bobby的聲音帥了一把(洪宇哥:是我ㄉ歌) https://youtu.be/3955KjVkJvo
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最後是嗨賴的老大Paloalto大哥出場,唱了Good Day https://youtu.be/TUJtpE8rUfY
Save https://youtu.be/xOlRzYsy-Ak
龜船 https://youtu.be/5kVKRfxkg5M
Ghood Life Crew (BLACK NINE/ DooYoung崔瑞鉉/ myunDo/ SUPERBEE)
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首先出場的是BLACK NINE,一開始就先說了狀況不太好(身體不舒服),但還是做得很好也非常投入、完全看不出是在不舒服的情況下演出,這點真的是要加99999分👍 我自己猜測是為了讓黑九可以先表演完先走(?) 所以才把他排在瑞鉉(忙內)前面XD
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高等rapper 1出身的崔瑞鉉(DooYoung) 當初儘管freestyle不是自己強項、但還是挺身而出代表自己地區和freestyle強者元優對決的瑞鉉,前年(居然已經是前年)在看節目時就是我的bias之一
對黑九和瑞鉉私心都還滿喜歡的,但到目前為止沒有打中我的歌曲XD 所以老實說也不知道他們唱了什麼(幹) 不過瑞鉉本人真的長得很好XDD (強調) 當天也唱了最近發行的新歌
到myunDo和超級逼的時候…由於我當天進場時手機已經只剩下60趴電,所以我 真的是一點都不想把電力耗在他們身上。(幹) myunDo頂著一顆超級誇張的爆炸頭 真的是讓人想問「你有事嗎」的那種程度(。 台下還有人喊抹西打 我也是滿想問他有事嗎(好) 就連myunDo自己也表示困惑「哎,你說這樣帥?不要說謊了!」XDDD 唱了Beverly 1lls https://youtu.be/Mln_EMaHnqI ㄟ不是,��違的重看這個舞台,我才發現 myunDo一開頭完全落拍啊XD https://youtu.be/uQ_OQTAl4fw
myunDo聲音真的很好聽 現場其實有些人的聲音聽起來會比音源或節目上稍低一些,像超級逼我就覺得反而live聽起來比較舒服一點XD (BTW超級逼現場人氣超高,是讓我有點 'WOW~' 的那種程度😲 ) myunDo和超級逼表演時也一直留在舞台上一起玩的瑞鉉可愛QQ
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真的是要大讚秉鈺:哥才是人性hiphop啊!(並不能叫哥) 雖然時間有限但還是努力要和台下觀眾打招呼、互動的秉鈺,認真的樣子超可愛又超帥,也因此他的ment做得跟rap一樣XDD 是LTE等級的ment (O) 但老實說我對秉鈺也是私心喜愛,對他的歌曲並不太熟XD 認得出來的大多是SMTM中的表演曲 首先是和超級逼合作的SuperBewhY,承先啟後的開啟了BewhY的舞台 https://youtu.be/UJUn0mufyE0
Day Day https://youtu.be/DDByv3z_z_U
Forever https://youtu.be/jzZ8AB6qNzg
然後還有我個人最喜歡的一首 Puzzle https://youtu.be/7jVQC4N0ocA 老實說聽到他唱這首我有點意外,一直懷疑是不是自己認錯XD 但又覺得這首我真的聽滿熟的、應該不會認錯才對…就覺得好像沒什麼但又有點感動(?) 然後一直想到緩刑(?)假釋(?)中的醬醬。
Zion. T
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金海率真的 超有戲 超可愛 超有魅力。😭 他那天看起來心情很好,奇奇怪怪的(x)小動作有夠多XDD 還一直說「今天這裡的人都是hiphop,但是我不是(怎麼辦)」「我穿得像這樣還可以嗎(拉拉自己外套)」之類的XD
ㄛ對了,隨著每一波藝人下台/登場,觀眾也是一批批的離開/進場XDD 到了Zion. T的時候(從下午4點到晚上8點) 我也從主舞台的超邊緣一路前進到了延伸舞台第二排XD (這次公演的經驗是 通常藝人不太愛待在主舞台,更不用說主舞台邊邊ㄌ、就算站第一排還是很寂寞XDD 延伸舞台周圍才是一級戰區)
Sin$a https://youtu.be/qnBNyqOJmLA 我真的是很愛這首這個舞台 但每次只要想到這幾個人之中洪宇哥是85er還是感覺很魔幻(?)
Hello Tutorial https://youtu.be/nqMYG2Riq54
Eat https://youtu.be/DwO102ffkM0 我的治癒神曲QQ
Snow https://youtu.be/fiGSDywrX1Y
不太確定有沒有唱,一是我可能根本認錯歌(…) 二是我忘記惹XD See Through https://youtu.be/e6ZelDkI6JY
疑問號 https://youtu.be/wo0bnb5U64E
Ambition Musik (Hash Swan/ Keem Hyoeun/ Changmo)
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首先登場的是AMB的舊忙內Hash~真的是有一種特殊的氣場,小小隻的有點可愛但又冷冷的(?) 不太記得順序,總之唱了最近一張專輯中的主打歌 Wang Like Alexander https://youtu.be/Kt7zOX-UcOU
(這張專輯 ALEXANDRITE 也真的是很棒QQ https://youtu.be/Bn3cskALhms 整體的氛圍營造得很好,配上Hash冷靜幹練的rap聽起來流暢又舒服,是一種彩度不太高的優雅感(?) 總之整張專輯的完成度很高,推薦一口氣聽完整張)
還唱了進AMB以前的舊歌 MA$HIMARO https://youtu.be/4zMGUFOkrtA
在SMTM6中無緣個人舞台的Where,目前好像也沒有收錄在哪張專輯或是發過單曲 https://youtu.be/ADunjFAjTQ0 (台上簽專輯是1LLNAMB一脈相承的良好傳統嗎QQ )
Things These Days https://youtu.be/sF8Uk3YyT54
最後一首歌唱完就毫不留戀的回後台去了,非常的chic、非常的1LLNAMB XDD
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第二個登場的是孝恩,老實說超級不熟他唱了什麼歌。(對不起) 我就是盲目的喜歡他的聲線和他這個人!(大聲) 剪掉雷鬼辮之後整個好溫順可愛,是暖男長相(?) AMB舞台時我心裡有點糾結不知道能不能比1LLN手勢,結果孝恩就說了 'put your 1llionaire signs up' (迷妹開心)
AMB家��壓軸是目前聲勢如日中天(?)的二哥蒼謨 個人對他沒啥特別喜好,加上當天在場內遇到他的飯實在 太討人厭ㄌ。XDDDD (粉絲造業藝人承擔)
Beautiful https://youtu.be/wHc_pH1A2xM
Maestro https://youtu.be/gXZUauFMmMw
後來Hash和孝恩又回到台上,AMB 三人行三兄弟一起唱了幾首歌,對不起我不太記得唱什麼ㄌ。(xxx)
Siam Siam https://youtu.be/8rfMcSsir7A
One More Rollie https://youtu.be/TUVXiINIwQM
The Quiett
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就是 我男神。 特地穿了Glow Forever的週邊去朝拜我男神,雖然哥那天穿的不是我同款、但也是巧妙ㄉ同色了ㄋ。😳 (好) 哥就是簡簡單單的走出來,站在台上,rap,就是有種不同於其他人的氣場
THE 1LLEST https://youtu.be/HPy1nxQZOzs
Hangang Gang https://youtu.be/4Uf-Y-feRm0 2018的新專中我最喜歡的一首…真的是沒有想到能夠聽到現場😭 ( Glow Forever https://youtu.be/huCxiHkJrnI 這是繼 AMBITIQN 之後我最喜歡的一張…!QQ )
귀감 https://youtu.be/T51O7XVjTto 剛好唱的都是我特別喜歡的歌😭
Beverly 1lls https://youtu.be/Yv7mBcWQNdc 我個人真的是覺得不同人唱還是很有差拉。(偏見)
Profile https://youtu.be/b0UNQN_WG6c 明明是斌哥的歌,居然還能聽到這首,我真的也是😭 超喜歡這首 是我找工作面試前聽的歌XDDD
YGGR https://youtu.be/Q7AbIQHYidQ 還需要多說什麼,神曲。
Still Got Luv https://youtu.be/ccNQ6SyObcs
Prime Time https://youtu.be/KHsJBx3Zhg0
最後一首歌唱完也是毫不留戀的轉身回後台、甚至還小跑步XDD 哥到底有多迫不及待想下班XDDD
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karkatvantasistrans · 6 years ago
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More of my Rosemary fic! A slightly less Rosemary-centric chapter than usual, actually.
Dave: Continue being Dave – turntechGodhead [TG] began trolling carcinoGenecist [CG] at 03:14 – TG: hey TG: did you still want me to come over TG: or like TG: is it still cool if i come over CG: YOU ASK THIS WHEN YOU’RE ALREADY LATE FOR THE PLANS WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE? TG: fuck sorry dude CG: YEAH THAT’S FINE TG: i got nervous CG: I STILL WANT TO SEE YOU TOO
Dave: Stop being Dave You stop being Dave. You have to stop being Dave because, to your knowledge, you have never been Dave. Not even for a mother fucking second. – carcinoGenecist [CG] began trolling terminallyCapricious [TC] at 03:16 – CG: HEY CG: HE’S COMING OVER AFTER ALL CG: SO I CAN’T CG: SORRY TC: it all is TC: WHAT IT ALL MOTHERFUCKING WILL BE TC: :o) CG: OK. SORRY TC: :o) CG: (:B – carcinoGenecist [CG] ceased trolling terminallyCapricious [TC] at 03:19 – Stop not being Dave. Dave: Be Terezi. You are now Terezi Pyrope. Terezi: Check phone messages Your first task as Terezi Pyrope is to refuse to comply with narrative instructions. You have been ignoring your phone for quite some time. You are sitting, legs crossed, on the floor by your recuperacoon. You are studying. Dave sits in your mind, at the intersection of two potential desicions, and you focus on keeping your breathing even as you feel the familiar tug behind your eyes, branching accross your temples. Reaching further and further into future decision trees isn't something you can do instantaneously, so trying to massage the future pathways out of your mind has taken up a lot of your free time recently. You're only about a sweep ahead at this point, and pushing ahead through mundane decisions is proving to be a more significant test of your powers than you'd planned for. You blame Dave. No, really, you blame Dave. Every time there’s a critical junction in his potential decision making, the potential for a time travel relapse bubbles unexpectedly back up into the realm of possibility; or, initially unexpected at least. You’ve now become painfully accustomed to progressing through individual life trajectories until the recursive looping of Dave’s pathway potentials start interfering with your sense of progress.The focus it takes to navigate these potential outcomes has a physical effect on you: the distinct pull of your stretched abilities reaches backwards accross your think pan, with a hum that resonates through your skull the longer you maintain focus. The rhythmic churning of your own mind would add stability to the exercize if it weren’t for the increasingly tight pinch pulling back from the front of your face. You are pushing further and further forward into his future desicions as you continue to focus on his potential, but your distance from his actual role in your future battle is, to be frank, really chafing your nubs. The stretching pressure in your starts to bleed into a slice of pain; a sign that your mind is forcing you to finish charting Dave’s time-looped bullshit for another day. You let your gander bulbs ease open as you climb back down the branches of your future meteor companion's mind, feeling the soft pat of your bulbcurtains on your cheeks as you blink yourself back into the space around you. You have, apparently, been ignoring your phone for a very long time. -– turntechGodhead [TG] began trolling gallowsCalibrator [GC] at 02:47 –- TG: hey man TG: you gotta help me with something GC: SOM3TH1NG BLOODY 4ND HORR1F1C? 1M HONOUR3D TO B3 TH3 ON3 YOU TURN TO WH3N YOU N33D HELP CL34N1NG UP FL3SH CHUNKS STUCK TO TH3 W4LLS OF YOUR R3SP1TEBLOCK >:] TG: what the fuck TG: no TG: i just need advice about karkat GC: OH? 4 LOV3RS SP4T? GC: 4 BOUT OF C4L1G1NOUS V4C1LL4T1ON SO H34T3D TH4T YOUR3 NOW S33K1NG L3G4L 4DV1C3? GC: OR M4YB3 4 P4RTN3R 1N CR1M3? GC: K4RK4T *W4S* MY FR13ND BUT 1 C4N B3 P3RSU4D3D TO H3LP D1SPOS3 OF YOUR 3X LOV3R…FOR 4 PR1C3 >:] TG: holy shit dude TG: no none of that bloodthirsty weird shit youre obviously getting all hot and bothered over TG: i just need some normal ass friend advice GC: BOOOOOORING >:[ TG: yeah cool shut up TG: anyway TG: uh TG: you guys dont have any concept of being uh TG: gay TG: right TG: like everybody is just all about sharing their weird ass liquids with whoever else is around right GC: D4V3 TH4T 1S SO OBSC3N3 TG: yeah yeah borderline pornographic i know TG: whatever TG: but the point is no one is gonna care if whether youre knocking troll boots with a chick or a dude right TG: thats not a thing right GC: NO D4V3 1T’S NOT *4 TH1NG* GC: TH3R3 4R3 C3RT41N 4DV4NT4G3S TO D3V3LOP1NG 4 R3L4T1ONSH1P W1TH 4 TROLL 1N 4 P4RT1CUL4R G3ND3R3D OCCUP4T1ON GC: FOR 1NST4NC3 MOST L3G1SL4C3R4TORS 4R3 F3M3L3 GC: B3C4US3 W3'R3 MOR3 CUNN1NG 4ND THOROUGH 1N OUR 1NV3ST1G4T1ONS >:] GC: SO IT WOULD B3 4 W4ST3 OF TIM3 TRY1NG TO F1ND 4 M4L3 M4T3SPR1T 1F L3G4L COUNS3L 1S WH4T YOUR3 4FT3R 4S 4 R3L4T1ONSH1P P3RK GC: BUT OTH3RW1S3 1T’S NOT R34LLY *4 TH1NG* NO TG: ok cool that was a whole lot of words TG: so its not gonna make a lot of sense to a troll why its weird and confusing for a dude to date another dude TG: and why theres gonna be uh TG: some weird shit going on with that GC: NOT N3C3SS4R1LY GC: BUT TH3R3 4R3 OTH3R 3XP3CT4T1ONS W3 H4V3 ON 4LT3RN14 GC: TH4T C4N B3 D1FF1CULT TO D3V14T3 FROM GC: 3V3N WH3N 1TS B3N3F1C14L TO DO SO GC: ROS3 H4S 3XPL41N3D TH3 CONC3PT TO ME B3FOR3 GC: SO 1 C4N UND3RST4ND TH3 K1ND OF 3MOT1ON4L CONST1P4T1ON TH4T COULD 1NSP1R3 1N SOM3BODY >:] TG: dont you grin about someones emotional butthole problems dude TG: thats just nasty TG: also when the hell do you talk to rose TG: are you two buddies GC: W3LL D4V3 W3 H4V3 ONLY B33N H3R3 FOR H4LF 4N 3NT1R3 SW33P GC: 1T M1GHT SHOCK YOU TO L34RN W3V3 H4D T1M3 FOR MOR3 TH4N ON3 CONV3RS4T1ON 1N TH4T T1ME! GC: 1LL G1V3 YOU SOM3 T1M3 TO 4DJUST TO TH1S ST4RTL1NG R3V3L4T1ON!!! >:] TG: dude shut up i just didnt know you two hung out TG: i kinda figured she spent all her time hanging with kanaya TG: plus im amazed you sat through one of her long winded speeches about anything GC: SH3 1S PR3TTY LONG W1ND3D 1TS TRU3 GC: BUT 1 4M SORT OF US3D TO TH3 L1GHT PL4Y3R 4PPRO4CH TO CONV3RS4T1ONS TG: oh right i forgot vriska was all about being long winded as shit too GC: Y34H! TG: glad we’re stuck with two players who have ‘can’t shut the fuck up’ as their aspect GC: H3Y TG: anyway TG: uh TG: its cool that you get whats hard about the whole human grappling with sexuality thing lets not get into all of that but TG: i dont think karkat gets it TG: like at all TG: and its kind of freaking me the hell out GC: Y34H K4RK4T IS K1ND OF 4N 1D1OT! TG: jesus dude GC: NOT N3C3SS4R1LY 1N 4 B4D W4Y GC: BUT H3 D3F1N1T3LY 1S GC: 1T W1LL PROB4BLY T4K3 4 LONG T1M3 OR 4 LOT OF H4ND HOLD1NG GC: ROS3 W4S SURPR1S1NGLY 1LLUM1N4T1NG ON TH3 SUBJ3CT GC: M4YB3 YOU COULD PERSU4D3 H3R TO H3LP >:] TG: oh hell no what kind of dumb idea is that TG: theres no fucking way she wouldnt do something weird with that TG: im gonna have karkat coming up to me one day like TG: oh dave i cant believe you never told me about your rare condition where youre terrified of intimacy with other men blaarrg im yelling because i yell 24 7 and dont know how to stop TG: rose told me all about the 400 doctors who came from around the globe to witness your freakish inability to even look at another dude without instantly sprouting hideous growths all over your body and also probably some kind of horrible foot fungus or something TG: wow you are so brave im so glad rose explained exactly this real scenario to me and nothing else that could have possibly contributed to your overall weirdness wow you are so brave and so totally disgusting TG: no more do i long to discover the hot bod youre continually hiding under that big ass cape from my tender troll lovin because it is probably covered in some weird nasty growths as we speak GC: WOW TG: also ha ha illuminating i get it cuz shes a light player very fucking clever GC: >:] GC: YOUR3 R1GHT D4V3 GC: YOU PROB4BLY SHOULDNT 3NL1ST ROS3S H3LP W1TH TH1S PROBL3M GC: B3C4US3 1T SOUNDS L1K3 YOU H4V3 ~4 LOT~ TO WORK THROUGH 4LR34DY TG: what the fuck GC: BY3 D4V3 TG: what are those fucking tildes for GC: GOOD LUCK W1TH YOUR R4R3 HUM4N PHYS1OLOG1C4L COND1T1ON TG: dont fucking tilde at me i thought we were cool -– gallowsCalibrator [GC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] at 03:13 –- TG: man what the fuck Dave: Continue not being Dave You are now Karkat, one week into the meteor trip. A set of seven pins push upwards on a jagged metal spine, and a gasp falls between them as their partners are all turned away. Both sets brush against the curvature of the metal hill until their guide is forced against a wall, immobilized. There is a soft "click", but no one present in this tunnel is equipped to hear it. Be Gamzee, one week into the meteor trip. Gamzee: Feel the dull light of the meteor washing over you as your moirail pulls open the door to the fridge.
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hanhae · 7 years ago
my VIP illionaire ambition concert in san francisco
~disclaimer: this will be a hella long post so if you don’t care, just scroll past!! also i have lots of opinions here so if you can’t take that then scroll past haha~
so for those who don’t know, i won a pair of free VIP tickets to the san francisco illionaire ambition concert through a contest online. i ended up going with another person from my school. 
so the group that gave me the tickets told me that i should be at the concert venue by 5 and that all the VIPs would go into the meet and greet at 5:30. my friend and i arrived by 4:50ish and were shocked to find a huge line already there (we later found out that people were waiting since 12…). not only this, but people were already waiting for general admission as well, which went into the venue at 7. damn the dedication…
anyway, we probably got in around 6 (not 5:30 smh) and everyone was super excited. they put everyone into groups of five (one for each artist: dok2, the quiett, hash swan, changmo, hyoeun) and lined these groups up. basically we were told that what each group would do is go up to them, take a picture with them, get to talk to them, and receive a signed poster (poor photo shown below). i was super excited when they got in view. they were lined up next to each other (like in the instagram picture that dok2 posted). first thing i noticed was how small hash swan was and second thing i noticed was that changmo looks a lot better in person than he does in pictures and he also had a really nice outfit today compared to his usual all black garb. he seemed really tall (but it might be bc dok2 and hash swan were next to him LOL). third thing i noticed was that they all looked hella awkward and didn’t seem to be even talking to the people at all.. they had these awkward smiles plastered on their faces and idk it was a bit disappointing. when it was my turn to go up my friend and i greeted them (in korean saying annyeonghaseyo–my friend is korean too) and they just kinda nodded. i didnt really feel like trying to strike a conversation anymore just because the atmosphere was so awkward. even for the picture, they had us five kneel down or squat in front of the five artists in the back. :/ the photographer snapped two pictures and then they quickly ushered us out. then there was a volunteer who handed each person a signed poster.
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(can’t tell whose is whose except changmo bc it’s right on his picture.. someone help!!)
that’s basically it with the meet and greet.. i was really disappointed but the tickets were free so i was like alright with it but i couldn’t help thinking about how others spent about 100 more bucks just for that awkward ass encounter… thank god my tickets were free. i heard other VIP people complaining about it around me afterward and i just felt so bad. 
however, i guess a good thing was that the VIP people filled up the first two to three rows so we got a better view of everything. the general admission people were let in around 7pm and the concert started around 8 (which was annoying bc the facebook event said it would start at 7 and everyone just kinda waited there for an hour wondering when it would start).
but damn, the concert was AMAZING though. i was so surprised and shocked (even though i shouldn’t be surprised) about how extremely talented each and every one of them are. hash swan came out first, opening with his verse from yozm gang. i noticed that compared to the other 4, he tended to be a lot more sedentary and didn’t move around the stage as much;; he tends more to just bounce in a few different areas. it was pretty cute and his raps were great but his minimal movement (coupled with his small height) made me think that his stage presence wasn’t too great. still, my eyes kept drifting to him when all of them got on stage because he was just so small and cute. his unique voice sounds even more unique in person. i think most people got hyped when “mashimaro” turned on.
then came kim hyoeun. to be very honest i was not a huge fan of him. like it’s not that he wasn’t talented to me bc he is but idk i just never cared TOO much about him. today though i was so impressed by his big voice (+his amazing effortless vocalization..발성 in korean) and his huge stage presence, especially after hash swan. he was all over the stage and like lunging(?) vigorously as he rapped. it was so impressive how he could move so much and at the same time maintain his vocalization and his often tight flows. most people got hyped when “air dotheq” turned on.
then it was changmo. like i said he looked especially good today so even when all of them were on stage i think my eyes drifted to him the most. was slightly disappointed that he didn’t take out his keyboard for this performance but didn’t have too much hopes of that anyway. he was all over the stage too and esp since he’s pretty tall the presence was magnified. i also realized that when he moved across stage he kinda had this floppy, swaggering gait. i don’t really know how to explain it better than that but it was kinda funny to watch. he got the girls screaming when he was like “where all my ladies at??” extremely talented, but we all knew that already. biggest cheers for “maestro” and maybe “aiya”
the quiett was next. idk if it’s just me but i feel like his solo tracks aren’t very publicized or something? or just not as popular? i didn’t even realize til today but i haven’t really listened to any of his solo tracks except for like 2 songs but they weren’t even popular. like he was really good and his unique voice/good vocalization/consistent flow showed that he’s good, but like there were no huge cheers for any particular song. :// 
dok2 was last;; man i feel like we all overlook dok2 sometimes on tumblr because idk everyone already knows he’s good but DAMN like watching him rap today was amazing!! he is a tiny person and had a beanie pulled almost over his eyes (wonjae much??) but still can capture your attention so much. he’s so skillful… i was amazed. like i already knew he was good but hearing it right in front of me was a whole another level of WOW. here, i was blessed with dok2′s water splash ((that he drank from beforehand!!just saying!!)) there were lots of big cheers during his segment..i think the biggest were for “beverly 1lls” and “gamble gang” and “내가” 
((( i wish zino was here UGHH it would’ve been perfect )))
then all of them came on stage and performed the collab songs. it was so overwhelming having all five of them on stage like only a couple feet away from me.. all of them moving around (hash swan less though) the stage and spitting rap and echoing each other’s lyrics and supporting each other.. it was glorious. i had no idea where to look (but like i said i think i ended up looking the most at changmo then hash swan). biggest cheers for “one more rollie” and “1llusion” and “yggr” (the latter two were encore pieces). hash swan did some fan service here and took someone’s phone and snapped some pictures or videos i think. i’m jealous. but then again this was also the time when i was blessed with changmo’s holy water. #blessed!! man i love them all so much ughh..
gotta say though, the lighting was shitty. you will be able to tell from my pictures and videos that i will all eventually upload but their faces were real dark because there was no spotlight on them really.. it was more like dark lights that swirled around the stage and not really on them :/ sad :(
thanks for reading~!! <3 
and this is an extra side thing but my other friend from college was a volunteer there. he delivered coffee for the artists and hash swan apparently very sweetly said “thank you”. he also got to be on stage and watch while they all did rehearsal. he also said the quiett gave him a once over and nodded at him. his life must be great rn..
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vileart · 8 years ago
Updated: Heads up on Tour, 2017. Kieran Hurley @ across the UK
Heads Up
Kieran Hurley with Show And Tell
credit: Jassy Earl
A city. Just like this. Right now. A woman staggers home after a two-day bender. A priest who doesn’t believe in God stares blankly at the endless disasters on the TV news. A finance worker tears down a Keep Calm And Carry On sign outside a Café Nero. In just one moment, all their worlds will end. With an original innovative score by Michael John McCarthy, multi award-winner Kieran Hurley (Beats, Chalk Farm, Hitch) weaves a picture of a familiar city at its moment of destruction, asking what would we do if we found ourselves at the end of our world as we know it.
Tron Theatre
63 Trongate, Glasgow, G1 5HB
Wednesday 22 February 2017 (as part of TAKE ME SOMEWHERE, a new citywide festival of contemporary performance that builds on the legacy of The Arches arts programme)
7.45pm | £14 (£10)
Tickets: 0141 552 4267 | www.tron.co.uk
Traverse Theatre (Traverse 2)
10 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2ED
Thursday 23 – Saturday 25 February 2017
Post show discussion: Thursday 23 Feb 2017
8pm | £16.50 (£13.50/£8.50)
Tickets: 0131 228 1404 | www.traverse.co.uk
Crewe Axis Arts Centre
Cheshire Campus, Manchester Metropolitan University, Crewe Green Rd Crewe, CW1 5DU
Thursday 2 March 2017 
7.30pm | £8 (£5)
Tickets:  0843 2080 500 | http://ift.tt/1H1L78a
Dundee Rep Theatre
Tay Square, Dundee, DD1 1PB
Tuesday 14 March 2017
7.30pm | £14
Tickets:  01382 223530 | www.dundeerep.co.uk
Crucible Theatre (Studio Theatre)
55 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 1DA
Thursday 16 March 2017
7.45pm | £12
Tickets: 0114 249 6000 | http://ift.tt/Z3Lm6I
Battersea Arts Centre
Lavender Hill, London, SW11 5TN
Monday 20 – Saturday 25 March 2017 | £10 (all tickets)
Monday 27 March – Saturday 1 April 2017 | £12.50 (£10)
Tickets: 020 7223 2223 | www.bac.org.uk
Oxford Playhouse
Oxford Burton Taylor Studio, 11 - 12 Beaumont Street, Oxford, OX1 2LW 
Monday 3 April 2017
8pm | £10
Tickets: 01865 305305 | http://ift.tt/NsSQwI 
Marlborough Theatre
4 Prince's Street, Brighton, BN2 1RD
Tuesday 4 April 2017
8pm | £12 (£10)
Tickets: 01273 570028 | http://ift.tt/1OvbEQ7
South Street Arts Centre
21 South Street, Reading, RG1 4QU
Wednesday 5 April 2017
8pm | £12 (£10)
Tickets: 0118 960 6060 | http://ift.tt/2jFeTpKstreet 
Northern Stage
Barras Bridge, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RH
Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 April 2017
7.45pm | £10 (£8)
Tickets: 0191 230 5151| http://ift.tt/S38ALY
HOME, 2 Tony Wilson Place, Manchester, M15 4FN
Thursday 18 – Saturday 20 May 2017
7pm (Thu & Fri) // 2.15pm & 7.45pm (Sat only) | £10 (£8)
Tickets: 0161 200 1500 | www.homemcr.org
ARC, Stockton Arts Centre Dovecot Street, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1LL
Thursday 8 June 2017
7pm | Pay what you decide
Tickets: 01642 525199 | www.arconline.co.uk
What was the inspiration for this performance? I don't think it's possible to point to one singular moment of inspiration for a show - at least not this one - so I'll be a bit annoying and avoid answering the question directly.  I wanted to make something that was about how it feels to live in a
world that is built on catastrophe. I was aware - for myself at least - of this world we find ourselves living in feeling more and more like a constant cavalcade of crisis. The disaster of now.  I also think it feels like we're living in times of great change, like the end of something big, be it this particular stage of capitalism, or old certainties around nationhood and social structures. I knew I wanted to think around some of this stuff, and I wanted to do it by telling an apocalypse story. I also really wanted to make something in a kind of DIY way again, like I did when I was first starting out working in a room in the Arches basement collaborating with musicians or whoever before a word was even written. You'd know a show was going to happen at the end of it because there was a date in the programme where I'd stand in front of a room with a microphone with some people. I'd begun to miss some of the urgency and immediacy of making work and meeting an audience in this way, so I rang up Tom Searle (of Show And Tell) who helped me get the necessary stuff in place and away we went. How did you go about gathering the team for it? After Tom came on board I brought in Alex Swift, who I've been developing a completely different piece with and who I've built quite an important working relationship with over these last couple of years. Alex and I spent some time supported the Playwrights' Studio experimenting with stuff do with form and storytelling and he's really made a significant mark on the work.  I tend to work with musicians a lot, and I thought of MJ McCarthy for this because of how versatile and collaborative he is and also because he's got a really sharp dramaturgical brain as well as a musical one. Julia Taudevin has had a major hand in everything I've ever made that I perform in, so I knew I wanted her by my side for this again. 
It's true that there's no such thing as a solo show, and everything I do is really collaborative because it's theatre. I knew that I wanted this show to be kind of back-to-basics in terms of process, but that I wanted to take risks and make new demands on myself through that - so I needed a team that I could trust but who could also challenge me and breathe a different kind life into what I do. How did you become interested in making performance? Dunno, really. I liked drama at school, I suppose. I have a running joke that I probably always just wanted to be in a band but can't play an instrument, so ended up doing this - hence my longstanding admiration for and collaboration with musicians of various stripes. Was your process typical of the way that you make a performance? Yes and no, in that there are different strands to what I do I think. In terms of this kind of writer-performer work, I suppose it is typical in that I was in a room with some collaborators before the script is even close to finished and that music is a big part of it. But the process towards making each show always feels completely different. I don't have a rule book.
What do you hope that the audience will experience? That's a tricky question and I don't know if I know how to answer it to be honest. It's stories, I just tell stories. My stuff has often been described as political, and that's probably true but so is everything else, all the time, always.  I can tell you that I think this piece is more challenging than a lot of my previous work, both formally and in tone. It's more angry, more hurt, more difficult - and I want it to be difficult. Sometimes difficulty feels like the most appropriate response to the way the world is. Or maybe it's just a reflection of where I'm at just now. I wasn't interested in revisiting the warm-hearted fuzzy optimism of some of my early stuff, like Hitch. That said, I do hope and believe that there is heart and humanity in here. I hope it cares for its audience. I hope there are still some laughs. What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience? With all the love in the world for both critics and academics (I tried to be one once, don't you know) I do think this is the kind of question that only one of you guys could really come up with. I've chewed it over and I can't think of a helpful way of answering it and I think it's because, for me, the "strategies of shaping the experience" are just like, the whole of the thing of making the show. It's really important but so fundamental that it's actually pretty hard to summarise it in a general way, and a lot of it is way more instinctive than the question suggests. What I can say is that I realised recently that basically everything I've made has been a variation on a search for connection and community in the face of a hugely atomised and isolating world. It's about a belief that we need each other, even when the world we've built seems set-up towards the opposite.  And theatre can be a good place to unpick some of this, for obvious reasons. The real reason I continue to persevere with theatre, for all that it infuriates me a lot of the time, is that I still think that theatre and the stories that live within it can create a space for us to meet with each other and take stock of where we're at, together. And that that matters. So in terms of strategies for shaping the audience experience - that sense of meeting an audience, of being present and alive to each other is, for me, always at the forefront of everything.
Do you see your work within any particular tradition? Not really, if I'm honest, in that I think that's for other people to decide. There's definitely overlap between what I do and what many of my peers do, and there are other people who I admire hugely, of course. But it'd be presumptuous of me to place myself in a lineage of artists that are better than me,
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2jfO1QF
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