#1d romance
rozartzzzz · 1 month
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old illo i did for a magazine pitch on fan girl bedrooms over the years
☆Open Commissions here!☆
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bakanokiwami · 1 year
To make these bar chart race, all series titles in the Music & Bands Category on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
Locked fanworks aren't included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.
Popslash was in the top 10 in 2010-2011. It got as high as top 3 in 2010. By 2022, this tag was removed from the Music & Bands Category list and fanworks tagged with it show up in Music RPF instead.
American Idol RPF was in 3rd place in 2009, and 2nd in 2010-2012. This tag was then removed from the Music & Bands category by 2013, and can be found in the Celebrities & Real People and TV Shows categories instead. I’m leaving it out in this bar chart since it means this tag was miscategorized.
Fandom tags that are no longer in the Music & Bands category tag as of posting this are left out of the bar chart race. These tags are usually either miscategorized or already have other tags referring to the same fandom.
For tags that existed on the same years before eventually merging into one tag later on (such as Popslash and Disney RPF which later on merged with Music RPF), I use the data of whichever tag has the highest number for that year. 
I'll make another version of this next week leaving out the super broad tags like [Genre] RPF and [Country]-pop RPF since almost half of the top 10 each year are occupied by these tags.
Please refer to this post for more bar chart races.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
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self-assigned-dyke · 1 year
shut up about your ships in your bands! all of the members fucked each other! all of them! hope this helps!
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yourimagines · 4 months
What he likes about you Fluff
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Fluff
A = Admiration, what he absolutely adore about you: That you come up for yourself, your not afraid to tell people your opinions.
B = Body, what is his favorite part of your body: Your lips, they way they feel when he kisses you, the way you bite down on your lip when he makes you all shy, the way you smile.
C = Cuddling, how he likes to cuddle: He's like to be the big spoon but also the small spoon, he just loves to cuddle you.
D = Dates, what his ideal date with you would look like: Going out, drink and have fun.
E = Emotions, how he express his emotions around you: He knows how to communicate with his emotions, he isn't afraid to cry or show he's a bit angry but he would never harm you no matter what.
F = Family, does he want one? If he does, when: Yes, he wants children, he wants them with you and he's already a father and would love to be a family with you.
G = Gifts, how he feels about gift giving? What is his habit when it comes to this: He loves to spoil you, he doesn't care what others think about it, he gives whatever you want. He orders stuff what you placed in your wish list, surprising you with it. He also brings you your favorite snacks from the store.
H = Holding Hands, when/how he likes to hold hands: Always holds your hands in public but also when your laying together, cuddling.
I = Injury, how he would act if you got hurt: He would freak out, he already lost to many people he loves, he would be angry at himself for letting this happen to you.
J = Jokes, does he likes to joke around with or prank you and how: He loves to joke around, giving you sarcastic remarks or saying the obvious things, he likes to see you laugh and rolls your eyes at him.
K = Kisses, how he likes to kiss you: Pecking you lips when you talk to him, or just holding your face and just kissing you deeply.
L = Love, how he shows you he loves you: Always texting you or calling when he's away, Saying ever day he loves you, asking you you feel. He's always checking in on you, He cares to much that it hurt him sometimes.
M = Memory, favorite memory together: Meeting his family, seeing how much he loves them and how much they love him. The pranks and the fun that day, they all loved you and he fell even more in love with you but that day taught you sometime that life is too short and you better enjoy it.
N = Nightmare, what is his worst fear: Losing you, he already lost so many people in his life. He needs to check in with you every day, he needs to know your okay.
O = Oddity, what is one quirk he haves: His sarcasm, he's also sarcastic with you. You don't mind and sometimes you get him back at his own games.
P = Pet Names, what he likes to call you: Love and darling.
Q = Quality Time, how he likes to spend time with you: Spending time with his family, enjoying life and loves to stay at home and just enjoy each others presence.
R = Rhythm, what song reminds you of him: My blood from twenty one pilots. You both would do anything for each other, you cheer him up and he does the something with you. When you hear this song it reminds you of him, doing anything for you because he loves you.
S = Secrets, how open is he with you: He tells you everything, how he feels, what he saw on the road. He has no secrets for you.
T = Time, how long did it take you to get together: It took a while, he was afraid and unsure about himself, till one of his sister said he should asked you to be his before he's actually to late.
U = Upset, how does he acts when you’re upset: He tries to understand but sometimes he just doesn't get it. He always tries to cheer you up and give you some advice and just be there for you, it pains him when he can't help you and cheer you up.
V = Vaunt, what is he proud of, Does he likes to show you off: He's proud you stick up for yourself, he even says to to his fans to not mess around with you because your just like him.
W = Warrior, how would he feel about you fighting? Would he fight for you: He would be proud and joins you, he always has your back and would punch anyone who wants to hurt you.
X = X-Ray, how well can he read you: He knows they way you react if somethings wrong, he knows when you love something or when your angry/hurt.
Y = Yes, how would he propose to you: Somewhere private at a holiday trip.
Z = Zen, what makes him feel calm: knowing your okay, makes him feel calm. knowing your safe and happy with him.
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niallsgoldhoop · 6 months
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thinking about putting this story here instead of wattpad…
a fake dating/age gap/work romance story that would have like 20 parts maybe?
what are your thoughts?
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goldenminutes · 7 months
being a fan of both mcr and 1d is stressful bc yes mcr5 is real and yes there will be a 1d reunion and no i’m definitely not delusional
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ierofangz · 5 months
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hourlystonem · 5 months
shit, maybe i miss you...
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bisexualseraphim · 7 months
Studying One Direction lore is like learning of the culture of an alien planet because I was in their target demographic at the time of their peak and I’ve never grasped the hype around them and still don’t to this day. Like there were girls several years older than me acting like these gangly awkward 16 year olds who could sing okay-ish and were forced into a factory manufactured boyband were the Second Coming of Christ and many STILL act this way today. Genuinely, what was it about them??? I was an MCR kid at the time and despite my obsession I didn’t really give a shit about the members, just the music. And not to shade but at least MCR played their own instruments and wrote all their own music with very little control from management lol.
Just don’t get it but I also don’t get Beatlemania so 🤷🏻‍♂️
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1dir3ction-loverr · 2 months
My Hatred Feeling For Him
(harry x louis fanfic)
Chapter 2
Haven't read part 1?
The club was filled to the brim with people. The floor and walls were throbbing from the rhythm of the loud rave-like music. The bodies were bumping to the beat and you could feel their drunk breaths in the air. Even though the place was big, you couldn't avoid being touched by the sweaty figures dancing tight against each other.
Everyone was so carefree, dancing like there's no tomorrow and I wish I could forget all my problems just for one night. The lights were striking as I was sliding more and more into the heart of the nightclub. The vibe was very unpleasant for me. Bright lights were blinding me, worsening my state, as people kept pushing me. I couldn't bear the screaming and the loud beat of the music. I couldn't breathe. I was all sweaty from the stress and felt like as if all these people and music were strangling me. I was sure I'd faint any minute now, falling on the dirty floor, littered by broken glasses and sweat.
Maybe I shouldn't have come. Why did I let my sister control me? I felt so weak, like a lost child, looking for someone to save him.
I suddenly felt a strong hand grabbing me from my collar, making me gasp.
"Well, well, well what's the freak doin' here?"
"Are ya here hoping to get a chick?"
Laughter filled my ears. I turned around trembling and looked at the people disturbing me. Then I realised, they were Louis' clique. Before I was able to respond, I felt multiple fists grabbing and messing with my curls. Louis' best friend, Douglas, started messing with my blouse.
"Ah, look! He even dressed up with his fancy shirt!", said Douglas and laughed ironically.
"He came here to have fun, so we ought to give him some.", he continued, making the others, Chad, Todd and Christian, agree with a smirk on their faces.
Before I was able to respond, Douglas' well-built arm wrapped around my neck, like a handcuff, locking me in place.
"Let me get ya to loosen up."
"Doncha want that?"
I couldn't reply to Chad's question. Having Douglas' muscles strangling me wouldn't allow me to.
"Alcohol it is, then.", Douglas whispered in my ear.
They pushed me against the bar, making all the chairs fall on the floor with a thud. Todd grabbed my neck, lifted my head up. Christian took a bottle of vodka from the bartender and gave Douglas a look of approval.
"W- What are you going to do?!", I said with a shaking voice.
"Shut up.", Douglas said with a grin.
My whole body was trembling and my eyes were heavy. I couldn't do or think anything. I was like an innocent lamb to them, letting wolves devour me. I had to accept the fact that I was helpless and was about to get drunk for the first time, without my permission.
Douglas forced my mouth open with his fingers. Christian opened the bottle and poured it all at once down my throat. The alcohol burned my tongue and my eyes closed with pain. Once they were finished they threw the empty bottle on the floor. My legs started wobbling, my body was going numb and my head felt heavy, making me dazed and overwhelmed. All I could hear was laughter coming from their mouths mixed with the music that in my ears was slowed down and muffled, but I couldn't stop giggling like an idiot, myself. I didn't know how to move properly, because I'd probably collapse with any movement. This feeling was something I never thought would happen to me and it wasn't as bad as I imagined. It was rather.. pleasant? Even though my body was weak and corpse-like, I felt more powerful than ever.
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rjalker · 3 months
I'm sure I could keep going but I'm too lazy to change the canvas size for all of them since I wanted them all to be the same size. not perfect but good enough.
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[ID: Six simple geometric drawings, showing the progression from a single point, to a straight line, to a rectangle, to a 3D rectangle, to a 4D rectangle, an finally, attempt at a 5D rectangle. Each progressive shape is made by copying and pasting the one before it, and moving it, then connecting the two with more lines, making a more and more intricate shape representation. The point is a single black dot on the Left side of the screen. The line is two horizontal dots joined by a line between them. The rectangle is the line pasted again below the first, joined by two vertical lines. The 3D rectangle, or cuboid, is the rectangle copy and pasted on a diagonal, with four more diagonal lines connecting the original with the clone. The 4D rectangle, or hyperrectangle, has the copy of the cuboid dragged slightly down and to the side, with six new lines connecting them. The 5D rectangle has a copy of the hyperrectangle pasted again on a diagonal, with eight new lines connecting the two.
these are public domain because I said so. use for whatever you want.
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bakanokiwami · 1 year
This bar chart race leaves out the super broad tags like [Genre] RPF and [Country]-pop RPF. You can see this category unflitered in this post.
To make these bar chart race, all series titles in the Music & Bands on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, manually filtered to exclude broad tags, and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
Locked fanworks aren't included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.
Fandom tags that are no longer in the Music & Bands category tag as of posting this are left out of the bar chart race. These tags are usually either miscategorized or already have other tags referring to the same fandom.
Johnny's Entertainment has been left out in this version, since it's the tag for an agency and has many idol groups in its subtags (such as Arashi and KAT-TUN). You can see it rank in the unflitered version.
After much deliberation, 声入人心 | Super-Vocal (TV), a multicategory tags that ranked 6th place in 2020 and 7th place in 2019, 2021 & 2022, has been left out in this bar chart. It's a singing competition, and since American Idol RPF was removed from the Music & Bands category way back in 2013 and could only be found in Celebrities & Real People and TV Shows categories instead, I thought it would be fair in this case to do the same for this fandom tag. It ranks high enough in the Celebrities & Real People category anyway so you'll see it there (when I eventually make a bar chart race for it).
Fandom tags that are no longer in the Music & Bands category tag as of posting this are left out of the bar chart race. These tags are usually either miscategorized or already have other tags referring to the same fandom.
Please refer to this post for more fanfiction site bar chart races.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
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cowkisserswritingblog · 2 months
Hey guys this list will be update as I right more stories but this is what I have so far
Sam and Colby
One Direction
Larry Stylinson
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yourimagines · 4 months
What he likes about you fluff
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Fluff
A = Admiration, what he absolutely adore about you: That you love his family, you love his mom and his mom loves you. Your also very gentle and quiet just like him
B = Body, what is his favorite part of your body: He loves your legs, they way you wrapped them around him when you cuddle him, he loves to lay his hands on them, just touching your warm skin.
C = Cuddling, how he likes to cuddle: He likes to be the big spoon but he loves it when you just cuddle him when he's sitting on the sofa or on his chair behind his computer.
D = Dates, what his ideal date with you would look like: Staying at home, playing video games together.
E = Emotions, how he express his emotions around you: He doesn't, he mostly keep them to himself, sometimes they slip up and you just hold him, telling him it okay.
F = Family, does he want one? If he does, when: Yes, he loves to start a family with you, he loves to have children with you and getting a dog or cat.
G = Gifts, how he feels about gift giving? What is his habit when it comes to this: He gives spoils you silently, you come home and there are flowers in a vase or some new shoes you love.
H = Holding Hands, when/how he likes to hold hands: He hold your hands when he's anxious, squeezing your hands a little bit, checking that your still here with him.
I = Injury, how he would act if you got hurt: He will get anxious, pacing around and calling his mom for support. He hates it tho.
J = Jokes, does he likes to joke around with or prank you and how: He likes to joke around, he likes to play around when you guys are playing some video games, distracting you.
K = Kisses, how he likes to kiss you: Soft but deeply on your lips. He also places a lot of kisses on the top of your head an hands.
L = Love, how he shows you he loves you: He remembers the small things you like or do, he sees everything and makes sure your always okay. He also makes sure his mom will cook some food for you because he knows you love her food.
M = Memory, favorite memory together: Having a game night for the first time together. The laughs and the fun that night was the best you guys ever had. Playing around and just being yourself with him.
N = Nightmare, what is his worst fear: Leaving him, losing you, you being hurt, hating him. just everything, he hates his anxiety.
O = Oddity, what is one quirk he haves: He's secretly a nerd in video games, he has a steam deck and he always carries it with him.
P = Pet Names, what he likes to call you: Darling and babe.
Q = Quality Time, how he likes to spend time with you: At home, playing video games or just go our for a walk close by.
R = Rhythm, what song reminds you of him: Tortoise by Frankie Stew and Harvey Gunn. When you hear this song, your mind wanders off to him. You need him and he needs you, you miss him when your not with him and life is not the same without him.
S = Secrets, how open is he with you: He tries to be open with you but sometimes his anxiety is in his way, he wants a good communication but needs some help sometimes as he cover up his emotions a lot.
T = Time, how long did it take you to get together: It took awhile, he thought you didn't liked him till a friend of him told him otherwise, he asked you out by text message and asked you later if you wanted to be his.
U = Upset, how does he acts when you’re upset: He thinks it's because of him, he freaks out and gets upset as well, when he knows it not him he stays quiet, thinking how he can fix it.
V = Vaunt, what is he proud of, Does he likes to show you off: He's proud that you like his family, that you like to game with him and that you support him
W = Warrior, how would he feel about you fighting? Would he fight for you: He wouldn't like it but would support you, he would defend you
X = X-Ray, how well can he read you: He knows when sometime up, he knows everything as he sees everything.
Y = Yes, how would he propose to you: Some where private but anywhere what you like and say yes to him
Z = Zen, what makes him feel calm: Knowing you there, holding your hands, listing to music and playing video games. he also calms down when he's alone.
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niallsgoldhoop · 16 days
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Chapter Seven
“I saw the changes you made to the list.”
Using the spoon in my hand, I scoop up a piece of chocolate cake from the plate that sits between us before eating the bite of decadent dessert.
Niall watches me, his deep blue eyes dropping down to my lips for just a moment. “You’ve got— Right there.”
Heat floods my cheeks as I wipe at the corner of my mouth hoping to get the remnant of chocolate off my face. Only when I look back across the table, he only shakes his head with his perfect lips drawn in a soft smile.
“Here.” Leaning over, my breath catches in my throat when Niall drags his thumb just under my bottom lip, the moment so small yet leaving a trail of fire across my skin. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
As he sits back in his chair, my eyes follow his movement as he lifts his finger to his mouth, his tongue darting out to taste the sweet treat. A low, satisfied hum falls from the back of his throat for only a moment before reaching for his own spoon from our shared dessert.
“Tastes divine, don’t you think?” Those eyes sparkle under the lights.
Clearing my throat and shaking my head, anything to get myself out of the spell I’ve been put under, I nod. “Yeah, it’s great.”
Niall’s focus goes to the plate in front of us which gives me the chance to take him in. Wearing the short sleeve pink shirt, the gold of the thin chain around his neck glitters against the low lights— just like the two gold hoops through his ears.
When he cuts a piece of the cake off, even the simple movement showcases the ripple of the vein in his forearm under his skin.
Niall Horan really is… Yeah.
I almost didn’t even show up tonight.
The note left in my desk had his messy scrawl on it telling me when and where to meet him. It was right on top of my desk along with the list of rules that I’d printed off for him.
Only now there were doodles and that same messy scrawl scratched along the edges along with a handwritten list of his own rules along the bottom.
As ridiculous as they seemed, not to mention his changes, there was no way I was going to argue with them.
Niall didn’t have to be tied to me for the next few months to trick my family into thinking I was in a happy relationship. We barely even knew each other other than what google told me about him and what he could probably find out from my social media if he even cared to look at it.
My sister had already planned for me to have a plus one in a million different circumstances so the thought of having to tell her that my plans changed made me nauseous.
If anything it would send Jenna into a tailspin.
Then everything would be my fault, just like it always is.
“I figured those changes wouldn’t be so bad.” Raising his eyebrow at me, Niall drags his spoon through the chocolate on the plate. “Besides if we are going to make this believable— we’re going to have to put in actual effort.”
My entire life I’ve hated being wrong and right now is no exception.
“Fine.” Crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair, I level my gaze with his. “We can abide by the amended rules but no other changes.”
“So, girlfriend—“ His smile makes me want to punch him. “Tell me every detail I need to know about you.”
Blue eyes pour into mine as I squirm in my seat, hating the attention. “There’s nothing to know really.”
“I think you’re wrong.” He smiles. “I think there are endless things you could tell me about yourself and I wouldn’t get tired of learning.”
Rolling my eyes, I look down at my glass of water. “You’re just saying that because you have to say that.”
“Wren, look at me.”
The low timbre of his voice draws my eyes back to his, a softness I’ve never seen there, just for me.
“I promise you when I say that just because we decided to do this as a team— It doesn’t mean that I don’t want to know you.” Niall runs his hand through his dark hair. “You haven’t told me the whole story of your life and your family, and that’s okay. But I want to be here for you, I want to know you.”
Sincerity drips off his words like a sweet honey in the summer, something that feels so foreign to me.
It feels like a lifetime I’ve spent as the black sheep and the loner, the person who doesn’t mind being on the sidelines.
Watching people step around me like I was invisible felt fine until it had me crying in the closet at work.
I was still fine.
I was still strong.
But as I open up a little bit and start talking to Niall, the way he looks at me like his favorite book of poetry stirs up an emotion I can’t nail down, one I’ve never felt before.
So for what feels like the first time in a long time, I decided that letting someone in might not be all bad.
It might just be my favorite thing yet.
“You did so good!”
Wiping the sweat from across my forehead, I look at Marcy like she has two extra heads and at least twelve arms.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” My breath is still ragged from the kickboxing class she managed to talk me into. “I need a breathing treatment and a dozen margaritas.”
Stretching her arms above her head, she looks perfectly poised. “I can get down with the margaritas for sure.”
Marcy was my best friend.
Really, my only friend.
My circle was small and I was okay with that.
We met in college and have been nearly inseparable ever since.
While I got my degree in marketing, she got hers in teaching. The two of us couldn’t be any more different but at the same time that’s why our friendship works the way it does.
We just click.
“Or ice cream. I could go for some ice cream.” With my hands on my hips, I take a deep breath.
Macy points at me. “Sold to the brunette.”
Reaching out, I laugh as I push her hand away before we make our way to the locker room of the gym to grab my stuff.
Bernie’s is only a block away and with the warmer weather hanging one for just a little while longer, we decide to walk and enjoy the breeze over our skin. Once I’ve got my waffle cone stuffed with ice cream and we sit at a bistro table outside, only then does everything seem right in the world.
With everything going on with Jenna and the wedding we haven’t been able to see each other very much.
If at all.
“So how is everything going with the evil sister?” Taking a bite out of her chocolate ice cream, her eyes meet mine. “Have you told her to go tuck herself yet?”
I can’t help the laugh that falls from my lips as I shake my head. “No, but I wish.”
“Seriously like, not only are you dealing with her but Lucas too? He’s even worse if that was possible.” She mutters.
“I don’t know.” Pushing a chunk of cookie dough around on the end of my spoon, I blow out a breath. “Now that I see him for what he’s worth, it feels like him and Jenna make the perfect couple.”
“You should take me as a date to the wedding.” Pointing her spoon towards herself, Macy smiles. “I’ll get wasted and throw up in her dress for you.”
Looking down into my bowl, I can’t help but bite in the inside of my lip. “Actually, I kind of have a date.”
“What?” Sitting up and putting her ice cream down, Macy stares at me. “Wren… What are you not telling me?”
“So maybe my boss found me crying in a closet and somehow saved me from utter humiliation and we are sort of fake dating until everything is over.” Putting my cup next to hers, I bury my face in my hands. “It’s literally a whole fucking thing. With rules, Mace! Rules!”
“Oh my god.” Peeking through my fingers, her face is one of total shock. “Are you talking about like, Rory? The guy who runs everything?”
“No.” I groan. “It’s not.”
“If it’s not him then— Holy fucking shit, Wren.” Realization dawns on her. “Niall Horan? The Niall Horan?! You’ve got to be shitting me!”
“That’s the one.” I squeak.
She squeals as she reaches across the table and playfully shoves my shoulder. “You’ve been holding out on me with this?! Wren, he’s like— Have you seen him?”
“I have, a few times.” Laughing, I finish off my ice cream. “It’s not a big deal. Everything is strictly for the wedding stuff and I have to go to a few work events with him. No feelings, no attachments.”
“Oh this is going to be so good.” Crossing her arms a sly smile pulls at the corner of her lips.
A crease cuts between my brows as I stack our trash together. “What?”
“Nothing.” Macy stands up with me as we walk to the trash and then start our trek back to our cars. “I’m just writing my speech in my head for when I have to speak at your wedding.”
“Stop!” I laugh. “It’s not like that. Yeah, Niall is— He’s— Okay, he’s attractive and incredibly nice… But it’s not going to go anywhere. It can’t.”
Rolling her eyes, she bumps my shoulder. “May I ask why?”
“I don’t know— It just can’t. He’s just helping me out and trust me, he wouldn’t ever actually be into me.” I kick a pebble along the sidewalk. “Niall is a whole famous golfer who owns the place where I work— Not just like he’s another coworker. Besides, who would actually want to try and date the same girl who spilled an entire jar of pickles on them?”
Reaching into her bag and unlocking her car, Macy stands behind the open driver's side as she looks at me. “Wren, literally anyone would be crazy to not fall for you. I know that you feel like it’s not possible that someone would find you perfect— But you are wrong and I’ll be here to tell you ‘I told you so’ as many times as you want when you realize that.”
“Stop being nice.” I say, opening my own door. “I’m leaving before you get too nice. Text me when you get home?”
Climbing into her car, she calls out an ‘I love you’. “Yes, mother.”
Driving home, her words bounce around in my head and even after I’ve taken a shower and packed my lunch for work, they are still playing on repeat.
So much so that I pull out my phone and open the text thread with Niall’s name at the top, his last text sitting at the bottom without an answer from me.
Away on a business trip, it took me by surprise when the picture came in yesterday, the pinks and oranges of a sunset along with a sandwich sat on the table in front of him.
A reminder of how he found me not that long ago when I needed an escape.
I focus on the words under the picture, the ones that I’ve tried to figure out a response to at least a million times.
The sandwich just doesn’t taste the same without someone else here.
Just like every other time I’ve tried, I type out a response only to delete it and back out of the messages.
I couldn’t let myself get invested.
I wouldn’t let myself get invested.
eeeeeep !!!!!
-a 🍀
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Hermione Granger x Victor Krum
Songfic/ Temporary Fix - One Direction
I do not own nor am I affiliated with anyone who owns Harry Potter related copyright. JKR is a terf and can suck it.
Saw your body language and I know how you're feeling
And you look like the kind of girl who's tired of speaking
Standing with somebody but he doesn't know what you like
Viktor could see her across the room, and knew immediately that she was not enjoying herself. They hadn't seen each other in ages, but they wrote frequently and he knew her schedule was an overwhelming number of ministry social events that she had no interest in attending.
Hermione was good at faking it when speaking to people, but he saw when she was alone that her smile dropped and she was looking for the exit. He decided that if nothing else, he would try and put a genuine smile on her face that night. He snuck up behind her while she was grabbing a fresh champagne glass and whispered "Hermione."
She whirled around and once she had taken a good look at his face, she said with a smile "Viktor? I didn't know you would be here! How are you?"
"Good, good." Viktor chuckled, "Indulge me?" and he offered her his right hand. As she placed her hand in his, he grabbed the champagne flute from her hand and placed it back on the tray behind her.
He pulled her onto the dance floor and they slowly began to sway to the music. He leaned forward and whispered so that his lips brushed her ear "You look beautiful tonight."
Hermione suppressed a laugh and ducked her head towards his shoulder. She could feel the room's eyes on her and closed her own as she pressed her forehead into his shoulder.
Tonight is on your lips and I feel like I'm locked in
There's a million eyes, I don't care if they're watching
Viktor moved his hand across her back to hold her a little tighter. He cast dark looks at a few people who were staring and appeared to want to interrupt their moment. He wanted Hermione to enjoy her quiet reprieve, and he wanted to relish the time he had with her.
He ducked his head next to hers, and murmured "Let's get out of here, have a drink. We can take some time to catch up." Hermione nodded softly and he guided her off the dance floor.
He summoned their cloaks wordlessly and wrapped her grey shawl around her as they walked to the apparition point. "Somewhere muggle, perhaps?" He spoke low, so only she could hear, and he watched goosebumps appear on her neck as she nodded.
She wrapped her hand firmly around his forearm and he apparated them to a back alley, a block away from his favourite muggle pub.
"I used to come here to escape when we would play Quidditch in England. No one will recognize us here." He rested his hand on hers and guided them both down the street.
You can call me
When you feel like
Having a good time
They found a booth in the far corner of the pub and settled in. They chatted for hours, laughing and, to any outward eye, they looked like two young people clearly infatuated with each other.
"And then we called it quits. It had been a long time coming, but I think we both just expected that it would eventually work, so we didn't give up quite as fast as we should have." Hermione lifted her drink to her lips, and Viktor could not pull his eyes from the stain her lipstick left on the rim of her glass.
"You know, Viktor, you always make me feel so normal. It's so nice to speak to someone who isn't emotionally attached to Ron, I really can't listen to Ginny -"
"Can I kiss you?" He cut her off and she looked up in surprise. "I'm sorry that was, ah, too forward. I just meant, I still find you terribly attractive, Hermione, and I know that you're not interested in a relationship, and neither am I, really, but, well.." He trailed off. When she didn't say anything he looked up and saw her grinning madly.
"What?" She started giggling. "What, Hermione?" He asked, a bit bewildered.
"Oh Viktor, is that all? You almost had me convinced that you were going to propose with how tightly you've been gripping your drink this evening!" She laughed and scooted closer on the circular velvet bench. "If what you want is a one-off date with an old friend, that I can certainly do." And before he could react, she had put her lips on his.
I'll be your temporary fix
As they got up to leave the pub, Hermione grabbed Viktor's hand. As they got to the door, however, Viktor grabbed her waist as she tripped over the step.
"I admit, I had not taken into account the amount either of us have drunk and I have no idea how to get us home without apparating, however I do not want to end up splinched!" He laughed, and she leaned into him as they began to walk.
"That's alright; my flat's not far from here. Walk with me?" Hermione looked up at him, her eyes wide and expectant.
"Of course, priyatelka." He said, and captured her lips again. They stood there for a moment, before he pulled away and wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her closer.
Even if it's just tonight
Let me be your good night
"This is me." Hermione said, reaching into her bag to retrieve her keys. They had stopped in front of a white two-story home with a blue door - just the kind of place he'd have expected of her.
They walked up the few stone steps to the door, and Hermione turned to face him.
"This has been wonderful, Viktor. Thank you. This was exactly what I needed tonight." She smiled up at him.
He kissed her gently, and when he tried to pull away she put her hand behind his head to keep him there. When he did pull away, he gave her a small smile that bordered on a smirk.
"Even if it's just tonight, I'm glad I could be of service." He slid his hand down her arm, and grasped her hand, and as he had done every time before, he ended their passing moment with a kiss on her knuckles, and then placed her hand back by her side.
"Goodnight Hermione. Till next time." He said as he turned to leave; he could hear her keys jangling.
"I have a rather comfortable pull-out couch you know." Hermione called from the door while he was at the bottom of the steps. "Stay." She said, extending the hand he had kissed towards him and pushing open the door of the house with the other.
He smiled.
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