#1d reverse bang round 1
1dreversebang · 7 years
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Thank you!
We’d like to take a minute to thank everyone who made our first 1D Reverse Bang such a wonderful success. We ended up with more than 40 fantastic fics and dozens of works of art, play lists, and mood boards. Thank you to all the authors and artists that participated, as well as all of you who read and recommended and reblogged posts. We couldn’t have done it without you.
In case you missed any of the fics that were posted, here’s a master post (in order of posting date) so you can catch up (most of it is under the cut)!
All I Want Is To Be Free by @lululawrence / prompt & art by @harrehleh
Uh, you saw photos? Of me wearing the shirt?”
The guy nodded eagerly while he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Yeah! I took a picture of the photo I saw so I could remember to look it up. Hold on.”
The guy scrolled through his phone and made a happy sound when he found it. “Here!”
Louis grabbed his phone to look at the picture. Yep. That confirmed it. He was going crazy.
The photo he was looking at was definitely one of him wearing his beloved shirt, but there was a taller man standing beside him, looking at him and laughing as Louis had his hand resting possessively on the guy’s hip. Louis had absolutely no recollection of this ever happening.
Or the one where Louis keeps finding photos around campus of him with a man he's never met before, and the only logical explanation must be he's going crazy.
I Want To Write You A Song by pigslay / @anna-wa // prompt & art by @birdstattoo
Harry Styles is a time traveler who uses the guitar, the microphone, and photography to ignore the pull in his stomach. Zayn Malik is a professional nature photographer who never expected to fall in love with something other than his work, much less a time traveler with brown curly locks. Together they go on an adventure more magical than either of them ever expected.
Let’s Watch The Flowers Grow by shhhhharlotte / @thwrites // prompt & playlist by @polkadotsvstripes
After finishing med school, Dr. Louis Tomlinson returns to his small hometown to give back to the place where his mother spent her last days. Dealing with recent loss and heartbreak make loving and opening up to people difficult, but something about Harry Styles makes it possible.
Gem and The Hunters: The Treasure of Babylon by AsphodelKnox / @iamasphodelknox // prompt & art by @neon--diamonds
“Were you so sure I would say yes?” Louis asked, already knowing the answer. “You’re my best friend, Louis Tomlinson. I know you better than you know yourself.” Niall pointed at him. “You say losing Babylon was terrible and you’re right, it was. But you wouldn’t turn down a second chance.” Louis rolled his eyes at his friend. “What makes you say that?” Niall just grinned. “You’re too curious.” - Louis Tomlinson wished, for one thing, his whole life: to find the ancient city of Babylon. After one failed attempt, he swore to never again attempt a search for the city. His friend, Niall Horan never pushed the issue, but when his family finds themselves in trouble, Niall’s only option is to convince Louis to try and find Babylon again. Niall enlists the help of two famous treasure hunters: Harry and Gemma Styles and their friend Liam Payne. Harry and Gemma love ancient cultures as much as Louis and would give anything to find Babylon. Liam is just along for the ride, running from a shade in his past. The five embark on the adventure of a lifetime… and find much more than any of them bargained for.
No One Like You by myownspark / @myownsparknow // prompt & art by @tomlinshires
Dear Niall,
I was glad to have the chance to talk with you again at the AHA conference. Your idea that the Musee D’Orsay Tomlinson painting is in fact not a self-portrait is an intriguing one, and I may have discovered something that will have a bearing on that theory.
Some background: as you may remember, I’ve been researching for a book I’m writing about Harry Styles. I’ve been in communication with Styles’ last living descendant, who is in possession of a trunk that her family believed to have belonged to Styles himself. It held some personal items she presumes to be his, including two unmounted paintings and a small collection of letters.
Upon spending the last few days in Provins studying these items, I believe there to be a connection between Tomlinson and Styles, and I would very much like your opinion.
Are you up for a trip to France?
Sincerely, Liam Payne
Where Liam and Niall are art historians discovering the truth about two nineteenth century painters on opposite sides of an artistic divide.
We’re What’s Right In This World by BriaMaria / @briannamarguerite // prompt & mood board by @alivingfire
“Why did you talk like that in Brighton? If you weren’t planning on ever telling me?” Louis asked. “Is it because you think you’re going to die?”
“It’s war, Lou,” Harry said finally.
The words were a knife slipped between his ribs. Everything hurt and he was bleeding. He shifted up, his palms cradling Harry’s jaw, his lips against his boy’s. Not kissing, just resting there, so Louis could feel him. “Promise you’ll come back to me.”
Harry’s hands smoothed down the sides of Louis’ body. “You know I can’t do that. I’ll never lie to you.”
“Promise me. We’re going to have our cottage. And our dogs. And our breakfast in the garden where nothing grows because of the wind from the sea. Promise me.”
“I won’t.” Stubborn as always, his boy. “I’ll promise you, I’ll love you all my life. I’ll promise you, you’ll never leave my thoughts. I’ll promise you, you’re my forever and my always. But promising you something I can’t cheapens the things I can.” ---- Or the World War II AU where Harry goes off to fight and all Louis wants to do is be the boy who brings him home.
Too Much To Bare by soloistharold / @flickeralbum  // prompt, art, & original song by @be-brave13
"From where Harry was sitting, Louis’ face looked more angular, more mature. He found himself studying Louis’ features, from the way his hair fell against his forehead, to the prominence of his cheekbones, to the dip of his cupid’s bow, and finally, to the subtle curve of his small lips.
He stared and stared and stared, noticing how his eyes crinkled every time he laughed at one of Chandler’s stupid jokes, watching the way his mouth moved when he smiled, feeling a slight yearning in his chest for more contact. He wanted to reach forward, maybe tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear, press his lips against the warmth of Louis’ cheek… perhaps let them wander to the right a bit and capture Louis’ lips in a kiss.
He wondered what Louis would do if Harry kissed him. Would he get mad and push him away? Or would he welcome it? Maybe bring a hand up to cup Harry’s cheek and use the other to stroke his hair.”
Harry has been in love with Louis for as long as he can remember despite his many efforts to move on, until finally, in a last ditch attempt to put it all behind him, Harry pushes away everyone he loves.
I Ain’t Leaving Without Your Love by calmemal / @youngandmadeoflightning prompt & art by @harrehleh
Anne puts her hand on Harry’s bicep and looks at him, obviously concerned. “Are you alright, m’love? What is back there that’s had you distracted all night?”
There is no way Harry is getting into this discussion with his family, especially not in the middle of the dining room, so he just shrugs it off. “Nothing, mum,” he promises, “just thought I recognised someone. It’s nothing.”
Later that night, they have family game night in Anne and Robin’s room. Harry loves it, really; it’s a tradition that he cherishes, especially now that he sees his family so rarely. It’s just hard for him to focus. There’s a guy somewhere in this resort, a really, really handsome guy, and he may or may not be wearing Harry’s hoodie.
How is he going to find him? And more importantly, did that guy really take his clothes?
Or, a holiday AU in which Harry goes to St. Ives for Gemma’s wedding and his baggage gets lost at the airport, only for him to find a stranger at his resort who is definitely wearing his clothes and definitely won’t admit it. The little shit.
Sounds of you sounds like love by @sweariwouldnt / prompt & art by @curleduphl
Louis can’t sleep. Enter a very special YouTube channel.
A love story about how something ordinary can become very extraordinary, and how feeling rootless and like you’re drifting can - with a little bit of help from fate - turn out okay.
Sunrise on Your Sins by cuppalouie / @same-white-shirt // prompt, mood board, & play list by @dimpled-halo
Louis Tomlinson is at his wit’s end trying to keep up with all the responsibilities and demands that come along with being the Crown Prince of England. Exhausted and desperate for an escape, his life is suddenly derailed when in walks Harry Styles, renowned rentboy and expert on all things BDSM. Blessing or curse, Louis decides to see where this unlikely partnership will lead.
Or: Sometimes the things that aren’t meant to last end up being the only reason we keep holding on.
watch what happens by fakeheaux / @fourgoddesses // mood board by @jessimond
“Liam,” Louis says slowly, turning to him bodily. His hands are clasped together in front of him, as if in prayer. “I’m not the one who bit the bleedin’ prince!”
“You bit me?” Prince Harry cries, hands shooting, inexplicably, to his chest, hands covering where his nipples must be under his shirt. “Are you insane?”
or liam bites harry, the prince of england
Quite Unconventional by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird / prompt & art by @harrehleh
Louis Tomlinson's mother asked for one thing for her birthday, a murder mystery party. One of the families invited drops out last minute, and Louis absolutely needs to find replacements for their characters or the party will be ruined. A hero emerges in the form of the cute new guy at work that Louis has been crushing on from a far.
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy / @daisyharry / prompt, mood board, and interactive travel blog by @allwaswell16
Harry stares at him, the line of his jaw standing out scarily. “I wanted to get the most out of this trip so I planned it carefully.” His voice is low and steady and somehow that’s worse than when he was yelling. “So far, you’ve put your sticky fingers on everything I’ve tried to do.”
“Sticky fingers?” Louis repeats, offended. “Are you saying it’s my fault you got stung by a bee? Had you been alone you would have gotten halfway to the Dotty Diner and ran the car off the road because of an allergic reaction, so don’t go blaming me.”
“Polk-A-Dot Drive In,” Harry spits before getting out of the car. He slams the door shut with a deafening reverb and Louis rolls his eyes. - A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
Boots & Boys by Ashtarok / prompt & mood board by @suddenclarityharry
Model Louis Tomlinson had a hard climb to the top, fraught with betrayal and lies. He’s been there long enough to be tired of the same old games. Could Harry Styles, up and coming, way too endearing for this kind of cutthroat industry photographer, be the one to pull him out of his funk?
Like One of Your French Girls by @elsi-bee / prompt & art by @curleduphl
Harry thumbs through his sketchpad before he stops on a blank page. He looks Louis over for a moment, seemingly studying him. It’s a odd feeling, even if it is what Louis signed up for, just sitting in a crowd in broad daylight while a stranger looks him up and down. Louis is the subject of Harry’s first year art project, and what starts as an assignment blossoms into a friendship. It’s unfortunate that only one of them wishes it could be more.
Yellow by 13ways / @13ways-of-looking // prompt & art by @twopoppies
The city of Gotham turns blood red with a new, mysterious criminal element, a beautiful woman named the Blind Cupid.
She threatens to tear the fabric of the city apart, aided by her deadly protégé, the Cat.
Can Batman stop them?
Will he resist the bewitching allures of the Cat?
A Batman/ Catwoman AU
Burn by @anchortied / prompt & art by @pupperlouis
Louis is plagued by nightmares of being burned at the stake. Every time he closes his eyes he can see the flames, smell the smoke, taste the acrid smell of his own death in his nostrils. There is nothing he fears more than this. Besides being something other than what he truly is. Which is, to say in the very least, a powerful witch. One of the most powerful in in the world, as far as he knows. His magic can't even be matched by Liam, who learned quicker than anyone he's ever met, or Niall, who's magic fire could burn through a whole village in a mere moment if he wanted to. When Louis meets Harry however, he realizes that his magic isn't as strong as he thought. And as he tries to navigate through this magic, and the trials of friendships and lost loves that come along with it, Louis finds that being powerful is more of a plague than he realized. A plague that infects more people than he is comfortable with. (A Witch AU based off of The Craft -a very loose interpretation)
Just Holding On For Something Great by DuchessKitty16 / @duchessknowseverything // prompt & art by @crurulbys
Steve and Louis have been best friends since they were kids. They’ve seen each other through good times, family dramas, bad haircuts, first loves, first heartbreaks, and all of the milestones that make up the bonds of friendship. The BFF roommates share a ramshackle cottage in Venice Beach, CA, and a large cat named Smoky. They also have a band with their friends Ed and Niall, and while they dream of making it big, the reality is that they’re just a semi-popular local band that plays gigs in the Santa Monica bar scene a few times a month. Steve is getting engaged, moving in with his girlfriend and moving on with his new life. Everything seems to be changing fast; Louis isn’t sure he’s ready to handle growing up and being the adult he’s been so good at avoiding becoming. Will Louis finally buckle down and finish his degree and get a job that doesn’t require waiting tables? Will he finally get up the nerve to ask the cute guy that comes to his coffee shop everyday and to all of their shows, out on a date? And when an unexpected opportunity lands in the band’s lap, will the 4 friends be able to capitalize on it and finally get the big break that they’ve wanted for so long?
Un Verso Que Hiciste De Mi by messofgorgeouschaos / @goldbootsandvans // prompt & art by @becomeawendybird
Harry froze as he looked up to his handler’s face. He found himself staring at the most beautiful twin pools of blue he’d ever see, and had to take a second to breathe before he remembered what to say.
“Please, don’t kill my friend,” he whispered.
Louis looked over at the red headed man. “You are to go back to your manor, and tell his family he will only be brought back if my ransom is met.”
or a Scottish Borderlands AU where Louis is a laird that kidnaps his rival’s betrothed, and Harry just happens to be that betrothed.
the stars look very different today by colourexolosion / @jessimond // prompt & mood board by @juliusschmidt
Harry's an alien who blogs about aliens. Liam's a human. Or is he?
an AU
In This Life I Shall Have Joy by polka_stripes / @polkadotsvstripes // prompt & art by @tomlinshires
Assigned to be Mormon missionary companions together in Cortez, Colorado, Elders Styles and Tomlinson find a little more joy in their service than they anticipated.
(we will be) as if chosen by @alivingfire // prompt & art by @harrehleh
There's not a royal in the world who doesn't carry some sort of secret, and Prince Louis has more than his fair share. To protect himself and his family, Louis withdrew from the public eye and tried to live a quiet life, biding his time until his sister Lottie could take the throne in his stead. Unfortunately for him, the national media and the worst person Louis has ever met team up to bring him kicking and screaming back into the spotlight.
Under the watchful eyes of millions, Louis has to figure out how to keep his carefully constructed house of cards from falling, and the first step to accomplishing that is to keep from falling in love with the irritatingly charming Prince Harry, who just won't stop showing up and trying to whisk Louis out of the constraints of his boring life.
Or: the course of true love never did run smooth, because sometimes people are stubborn and sometimes people are scared and sometimes, just sometimes, love can cause just as many problems as it solves.
Boiling Blood Will Circulate by whoknows / @crazyupsetter // prompt & mood board by @louehvolution
The wait isn’t long before something starts rustling in the bushes. Harry takes aim, squeezes the trigger, body moving unconsciously. They’re motions he’s done a thousand times before, and his body knows how to do it without the input of his brain now. It’s what makes him such a good shot.
He misses. The shot misses.
Something howls in the woods, a pretty clear indication that Harry hit it, but there’s no telltale sounds of a big body dropping, no animal charging out at him to take him out before he can finish the job.
Something does turn and run, though. “Fuck,” Harry spits out, scrambling to his feet and slinging the rifle back over his shoulder, giving chase. He’s not going to lose this hunt.
The trail of blood goes on longer than Harry thought it would. He doesn’t know how long he runs for, but his muscles are burning, chest heaving with exertion, until the trail just - goes dead. No more blood, just like that.
“Fuck,” Harry says.
Let’s Move Into Our Old House by stylindad / @larrystylingsun // prompt & mood board by @juliusschmidt
“He’s your son now!” Harry said, clapping his hands together before he leaned over to give some butt scratches to the dor.
“What? Son?”
“Oh, that’s his name! Watson!” Harry insisted. He grabbed onto Zayn’s shoulders and shook him a bit. “You need to keep him, Z! He’s perfect.”
It did worry Zayn, the thought that something big was going to change in his life with the arrival of a new pet. He loved his job, loved his friends, didn’t think he was ready to start a relationship.
In the end the change was none of those things. It happened the day after getting Watson, and began with a knock on the door.
Zayn is a Uni dropout/inventor/pet dad who is suddenly surprised by the death of his great aunt, who left her entire house in his name. There is one catch, though (and no, it's not Liam the realtor).
Funny How The Stars Crossed Right by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove // prompt & art by @tamikare
Liam and Louis round the corner to see a horse trotting around the ring. She (or maybe he) is a beautiful animal, with a dark black coat and white socks. A tall man in riding clothes sits atop the horse, speaking softly. He’s completely focused on the horse, and doesn’t notice their entrance at all. Dark brown curls spill out from beneath his helmet, and his expression is one of total joy.
“Who’s that?” Louis asks, finding himself oddly breathless.
“That’s Chester,” Liam says. “He’s an angel.”
Louis is about to comment that he looks like an angel, but then pauses. “The human or the horse?”
Louis is a photography student, assigned to do a project at Greenfield Stables. Harry is a veterinary student, working part-time at Greenfield to gain experience and make a little money. They both have something to teach the other.
a hundred red balloons (a thousand sleepless nights) by neonmoonlight / @grapesodalou // prompt & art by @pattern-pals
The nights where they got to walk around were some of Louis’ favorite. The two of them would just walk in companionable silence for the most of it, Louis doling bits of his life back home before he moved out for university. Some of his favorite times to walk around the city were the hot and humid nights after a rainstorm when everything was soupy and kind of hazy around the edges. Those nights were soaked in the weird orange color of the streetlamps and tasted like milkshakes and salty fries Louis was fond of getting at the diner near his apartment building.
Louis felt as if Niall was a gift from the universe sometimes.
or the one with vague magic, lirry being meddling mom friends, a dog named Bob Ross the Second, binge watching questionable shows, sunrises and sunsets and nouis being soft with each other.
You Smiled by @taggiecb / prompt & art by @londonfoginacup
Just then, the man looks up, and catches Harry's eye. Harry freezes, feeling as though he's the one trapped. The man doesn't smile, just watches Harry watch him, until finally he lifts his eyebrows in question, and Harry somehow manages to release himself from the spell that he feels he's under.
It's 1758 and on the eve of a battle with the French, Captain Harry Styles of the British army has just begun his appointment as a prison warden in Louisbourgh, Nova Scotia. Harry prepares himself and his guards for their prisoners of war, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight of the most beautiful man he has ever seen- who is now his prisoner.
Hands Clasped Tight by @afirethatcannotdie / prompt & art by @harrehleh
“What am I looking at here?” Harry asks.
“This, my friends, is a ‘proof’ Instagram account, run by your students,” Liam announces.
“It’s got all this stuff about how the two of you are together,” Niall adds.
“I heard about that,” says one of the math teachers. “Confiscated a kid’s phone today when they were looking at it. I have to say, the evidence that you’re dating is pretty damning.”
“Really,” Louis says dryly. “Do you think being married for three years might have something to do with it?”
Or the one where Harry and Louis are high school teachers and their students have been playing matchmaker for over a year. Little do they know, Harry and Louis are already married.
Calling Out For Somebody by beautifully_cyan / @girlthatsnotafraid // prompt & mood boards by @pretty-pebbles
“Oh, Louis, hi. Do you need something?” Harry furrows his eyebrows. “Yes, I need something. What I need is my phone back,” Louis says slightly annoyed. How has he not realized that he doesn’t have the right phone yet? “Oh, well I don’t have it, sorry mate,” Harry sounds confused, and Louis is going to kill him. Louis lets out a steady breath to stay calm and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Harry, babe, do me a favor. Turn your phone over and see if there’s the initials 'LT' painted in white nail polish on the back of your case.”  Louis takes another deep breath staring at Liam as he listens into the phone for Harry checking the phone. “There is,” Harry slowly admits. “Perfect. Now that we’re on the same page, when can we meet up and switch back?”
or the one where Harry and Louis accidentally switch phones the day before Harry leaves for his world tour
memories of light and green by @sitandadmire / prompt & art by @pattern-pals
“You have all of me,” Louis whispered softly, but clearly. His mouth was so close again that Harry could see his lips moving with each new word. “Please know this and remember it well every day that I’m away.”
Or: The year is 1880. After the sudden passing of his beloved uncle, 24 year old Harry Styles inherits the property left behind. Together with his mother Anne, sisters Gemma and Mabel, and their dog Rufus, he relocates from London’s dark and winding streets to the Cheshire countryside. It isn’t long before he falls in love with the fresh air, the horses, and wandering through the gardens. Anything that keeps his mind off of his own future.
Years later, with questions still left unanswered, Harry runs into Louis Tomlinson: the man and artist he’d only ever heard of through Gemma’s drawn out stories. From lazy afternoons to a dinner party at the infamous Malik estate and an end-of-summer ball by invitation of Lady Stewart, Harry soon finds himself on another journey - feeling confused and drawn to Louis’ presence more than he imagined possible. A Late Victorian AU about life and death, and all the days in between, featuring floral suits, moonlight kisses, and a puppy (or two).
Wanderlust by SexyAssWoman / @thesexyasswoman // prompt & art by @louistomlinsons
As he splashed some water on his face, his mind drifted back again towards the strange picture. Why was he so drawn towards it? It wasn’t even a nice picture. It was jittery and blurry on the edges and just overall not thoughtfully taken. No one looked prepared. But maybe that was the whole reason why it looked so alive. It wasn't fair either that the boy in the picture was utterly attractive. Harry was a mess of tired brain cells.
He wiped his face with a tissue as he dragged his feet out of the restroom, closing the door lightly behind him. The water did not help at all because he still felt sleepy as he sighed in defeat. He really needed some coffee.
It wasn't until a warm breeze hit his face that Harry was forced to open his eyes. Did they crank up the heater or something? Even if they did, it still wouldn't explain the sudden breeze he was hit with. He was inside a bloody building after all.
Except when he opened his eyes, he wasn't.
He was now stood on a sidewalk.
What the actual fuck?
Harry wanted to sleep, not get lost in a city he never visited, nor in the boy with sparkling blue eyes.
We’ll Rise Up by FallingLikeThis / @suddenclarityharry // prompt & mood board by @dimpled-halo
“So,” Liam begins with a smile, “you were the associate pastor at your last church?”
“Yes,” Louis can already feel himself scrunching down in his seat, shrinking against even the reminder of the church he was forced from.
“Was that a good experience for you?” Liam steeples his hands in front of him as he leans his elbows on the desk in interest.
“It was for a while but, to be honest, things ended rather badly,” Louis leans forward too, he needs to get this out and he wants to tell Liam everything, have everything on the table.
Leaning forward even more, Liam seems to be looking for the same thing, “What happened?”
Louis can feel the trembles in his hands again, so he sits on them, biting his lip before admitting, “They found out I’m gay.”
In the hallway, there’s a terribly loud thump and then a grunt of pain and Louis twists around to see Harry, sprawled out on the ground just outside the doorway.
Louis is a Pastor with no church and a heart filled with uncertainty. Pastor Payne is more than willing to give Louis a new place to work, but it's Music Director Harry that helps him rebuild his faith.
Can I just be the same? by Star_Henderson / @tommosgun // prompt & mood board by @suddenclarityharry
“Are you skint?” Louis studied his face. “I can give you the bloody bus fare home, Harry. You don't have to walk.” His voice was soft. Caring.
Harry stopped, his body tingling. Fuck. He shouldn’t have crossed the road. Keep walking. Always keep walking.
“I’m not skint, but thanks for the offer. There’s not many kind people like you around. You’re lovely, you know that?” Harry reached his hand out tentatively, cupping Louis’ elbow and squeezing. “Thank you.” His voice hitched a little.
He’d roamed the country for centuries, coming in and out of people’s lives, never able to forge bonds. Or, if he did, breaking them and suffering the pain of lost love. That was his life forever. Stuck in this limbo with not one other person in the whole world who cared about him. So the kindness of a stranger really hit home, and this stranger with the bluest eyes and brightest smile was making Harry feel alive again. Reminding him of what he was missing
OR Harry is a two hundred year old Vampire with no one in the whole world and Louis is the kind hearted stranger who comes into Harry's life bringing something that Harry had missed. Love. But Harry is forever running, can Louis be the one to change all that?
nobody knows you baby the way I do by 5sexualhomos / @hogwartzlou // prompt & video by @larrystylingsun
Harry meets Louis at university. Once he finally gets the nerve to take their friendship to the next level, Louis vanishes without a trace. Harry doesn’t see him again for four years. Only now he goes by Charlie, and pretends not to know who Harry is. Now Harry wants answers more than ever.
Running in the Shadows by rainbowninja167 / @rainbowninja // prompt & manip by @sparkling-larry
“Zayn was right,” Liam says. “Someone is searching for his asset, and they’ve got about a month’s head start on us.” “And I assume this is where I come in?” Louis asks wryly. “We don’t have a lot of information – Zayn did a very thorough job protecting him – but we think there are three strong contenders: a photographer, a baker, and a yoga instructor.” “Seriously? Do we even know this bloke’s real name?” Liam shoots Louis a small grin and shrugs. “Yeah, actually. The man you’re looking for? His name is Harry Styles.”
Louis is a MI6 agent, and Harry is...difficult to find.
Blacks Stars and Endless Seas by objectlesson / @horsegirlharry // prompt & art by @twopoppies
A Star Trek Original Series AU where Lt. Styles is a young science officer on his first away mission, and Louis is the headstrong ensign assigned to his security detail, and maybe they would be able to function together professionally in a normal setting, but not when their shuttlecraft crash-lands and they end up marooned together on an improbably and unfairly beautiful planet.
(Take Me Home) Country Roads by Awriterwrites / @a-writerwrites // prompt & art by @twopoppies
“Sir, I can help you. Just let me — “ He tried moving closer but the eldest child blocked his way. He backed off, putting his hands out in a passive gesture. “I’m a physician. I can help,” he tried again.
The man shook his head vehemently, passing the cup back to his grandchild. “Tol’ ya. Don’t need ya.” All of the fire had gone out of his voice, leaving behind a frail, sick old man with barely any breath to talk.
“I have medicines...I could make you comfortable…” Louis’ voice was still small, but pleading.
“Mountain Mama cares for wha’s ailin’ me. Don’t need no fancy city doctors.”
Louis blinked at the man, still shaking from the coughing spell. Mountain — well, fuck. That backwoods, uneducated scam artist…
“Of course he is,” Louis said curtly. ***** OR a Northern Exposure AU featuring Louis as the big city doctor, Harry as a natural healer, Niall as a secretive barkeep, Liam and Zayn head over heels for each other but they don't know it and a lot of hurt, comfort and moonshine in between.
Sleep of the Sword by KelliDiane / @ladsnightout // art by @sleepymouses
The next morning sees Liam leaving the castle’s courtyard among cheers and a massive fanfare that only the King himself could have arranged. He bows once before the royal family, taking note of the pure anger upon the princess’ face, and mounts his horse to begin his quest. He is excited to finally have a proper quest to help him feel like he has earned his position in society. He loves that his father left him with such a title and wealth that would mean he could be barred from nowhere, but the thought of working for all of his wealth and glory was rather appealing as well. He would not fail.
Liam recites a lot of pretty poetry, Louis tries to get Liam to see what’s wrong with his love life, Harry hops along for the ride, Zayn has a fiery temper, and Niall just really like to rhyme.
For Reasons Wretched and Divine by @indiaalphawhiskey / prompt & mood board by @dimpled-halo
Ten years ago, Harry Styles was just a nerdy kid with one friend and a debilitating crush on the captain of his school’s football team. He thought the stars were smiling down on him the day he and Louis Tomlinson were paired for their end-of-term Literature project. But because Harry’s life is decidedly not a fairytale, the budding friendship quickly leads to the least happy ending of all time.
Now, Harry Styles is a household name. Barely twenty-seven with two Grammy nominations to his name, the singer-songwriter is poised to take the music industry by storm with his highly anticipated third album. So, what happens when the best producer in the business is also the only person Harry’s vowed never to speak to again?
An AU in two parts. Two boys, two stories, and hopefully, two chances at love.
Underneath by secretswekeepxx / @theficwritersblock // prompt & mood board by @dimpled-halo
“And this is how fucking horror movies begin. I’m in the middle of fucking nowhere, taking a right onto ‘Payne Lane.” He mutters to himself as he flips his turn signal on and starts making his way slowly down the bumpy lane.
He’s surrounded on both sides by expansive, fenced fields with sparse trees, randomly placed sheds and lean-tos, and various breeds of livestock grazing about. The grass is long and rustles in waves with the dry, late August breeze. There’s a beauty to it, though Zayn’s momentarily unable to appreciate it because the further along he goes the stronger the urge to turn around becomes. It’s as the lane opens up and he can finally see a house materializing in front of him that he sees the sign for ‘Payne Farm’.
Tiny, Beautiful Unknowns by offwiththeirheads / @hazzabooween​ // prompt & art by @pattern-pals​
“If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;”
Louis knows hard work and small dreams, empty pockets and debt. He perfects the art of obscurity, paints the human chaos, and will never wear his heart on his sleeve.
So when Harry Styles, seemingly pretentious art enthusiast crosses paths with him, Louis feels like he's being tested.
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phdmama · 3 years
Part 1 SPS - Larry Edition
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So for this rec, I decided to pull all the fics I have that have art connected to them, either art that was created for them, or that were inspired by art.
So this is a Self-Promotion Saturday post, but really? It’s a love letter to fandom artists. I am not an artist (though I have one piece with my own art in it) and I’m in awe of the talent and generosity of the artists I know or follow. There are too many to list and I’d hate to leave anyone out, just know - if your art has passed my dash, I’ve been amazed!!
I’m actually going to separate this into two posts - these are the Larry fics! All of these are fics I really am so proud of and I’d love them if you’d give them a chance (if you read Larry)!
Gina’s Art @twopoppies​
All I Want is Everything (Larry, 7377 words, Explicit)
Gina’s glorious art HERE!
The Games We Play (Lead to Gold) (Larry, 6525 Words, Explicit)
Gina’s unbelievably stunning art HERE!
Big Bangs and Reverse Bangs
Unveiled (Larry, 65403 words, Mature, One Direction Big Bang Round 4) 
Art by the incredible @londonfoginacup
no heart for me like yours (no love for you like mine) (Larry, 46563 words, Explicit, 1D Reverse Bang 2021 pinch hit)
Art by the lovely @beckydoesthings​
If I Had Three Wishes (They'd All Be For You) (Larry, 66265 words, Explicit, One Direction Big Bang: Round 5 2017)
It appears that my artist, Elliott (blueylouie) has deleted. 
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kingsofeverything · 7 years
fuck the bullshit & read fics
1d big bang round 5
potter direction exchange 
hl summer exchange 2017
larried in vegas 
1d a-spec exchange 
word play challenge 
high school au challenge 
1000 feelings challenge
1d canon based fic exchange
yearly fic fest
mpreg fic exchange
werewolf direction fic exchange
MITAM fic fest
31 days of smut
lirry fic exchange
reverse bang
zarry fic exchange
historical exchange
hl 2017 exchange
pink album challenge
tomlinshaw exchange
50 reasons
top louis exchange
winter drabble challenge
literary quote challenge
alex/louis fic exchange
abo exchange
winter fic fest
short fic fest
rare pair fest
marcel exchange
moodboard challenge
spring drabble challenge
one direction big bang round 1
anything but(t) challenge
1d grey sweatpants fest
the flicker collection
larry abroad
hl summer exchange 2018
summer drabble challenge
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1dbigbang · 7 years
Just wanted to know if it's the plan to do a 1d big bang round 6, and if so when sign-ups are happening? Also if you know anything about smaller, mini-bangs or anything like that, would you mind letting me know? I've been searching to no avail. Thank you so much!
Hi there! Thanks for the ask – as long as there is interest in the One Direction Big Bang, we will continue to run it :) 
As for sign ups for Round Six – in line with your other question (about mini-bangs), our friends at the @1dreversebang are working hard, and their Challenge is underway! A reverse bang is like a big bang, except artists make their works first and then authors claim works of art to write fics for (typically shorter than a traditonal big bang – in the case of the 1DRB, it’s 5000 words minimum)! (We here at the 1DBB are THRILLED about this, fyi). Their art submissions are due tomorrow (so there’s still time to submit something!!!), with fic claims going up over the weekend, and we encourage all of our friends and followers here to join in!
Since fics for the 1DRB are due September 15 and posting begins September 30, we will begin our fic sign ups October 1. This way, overlapping authors won’t be burdened with two Bangs at once :). We’re still fudging with the rest of the schedule and requirements (e.g., we may go back to a max wordcount of 20k), but posting for 1DBB Round Six will likely begin on or around April 1. 
Hope this answers your questions!
ETA: Typo! 20k MINIMUM wordcount (as opposed to this year’s 25k minimum) -- thanks for pointing that out, @froggybangbang
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jewishmuseumldn · 7 years
Fragments of Childhood – Then and Now
by Jemima Jarman, Assistant Curator
The Jewish Museum London recently received a generous donation of 14 charming oil paintings, depicting East Ham, Ilford in the 1930s. The artist, A. David Crown, M.D., (1924-2016), created these paintings after retiring from a medical career in Rochester, New York; drawing upon memories of his early childhood and the neighbourhood he grew up in. Each painting is accompanied with written memories of the place he depicts.  
The subjects of his paintings include street scenes, shop fronts, cinemas, synagogues and London buses. Each painting is full of warmth and character in which Crown’s childhood memories are depicted in bright colours and where each scene bursts with nostalgic detail. Dr. Crown wrote in his opening statement: “The paintings do not exactly depict the places, nor are they to scale…but they show what cannot be said. And the accompanying brief recollections have said what cannot be shown.”
Both the series of paintings and the written memoirs were entrusted to the Jewish Museum London by Dr. David Crown’s widow, Deborah Cohen-Crown; who has enabled these stories and images of a Jewish childhood in 1930’s Britain to be shared with future generations.
Of the 14 oils, 6 have been selected to feature in this blog post with Crown’s own (edited) text accompanying them.
King’s Dairy
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“King's Dairy was across High Street North, beside a short road to the Salisbury Elementary School. It was, I was told, the last actual dairy with cows in Greater London. Indeed, there were cows behind the store front - I went past them and smelled them every school day till I was nearly eleven.  
Behind it was my school (not that colour of course). The stairs are where Ivor Good, Saul Cohen, David Miller, Dennis Morris and I nightly fought Gerald Cox and his Jew hating friends many many nights when we came out from classes to go home. Ivor was not Jewish but as we were outnumbered and he adored ideas of chivalry and was taller than us and a good fighter, he was very welcome.
My memories of that school are prolific - of Miss Lindsell who encouraged me to write and in whose classroom at my suggestion we created a lending library which failed dismally - the books were stolen. She's the one who, when I used words like "ichthyology" and "Jewfish" denied they existed. Also that darned anti-Semitic Mr. James who caned me and threatened me with his Luger on the last day before Christmas vacation, when I was ten, because of my response to Dennis William Davis's crude note depicting a "wandering Jew." My drawing was better! So was my reply but James intercepted it, caned me, and as a result the four Jews in the class were segregated in the far back corner and told to be silent throughout the festivities or he would shoot us.”
Fire Engine Fanny
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“The bridge over the railway where the Manor Park Station was located was ideal for roller skating. The game required that you waddled up the hill like a person wearing skis and then come whizzing down, turning the corner at the bottom or else you would shoot off the curb and into the road, possibly into the path of oncoming vehicles - potentially dangerous. In the painting there are only two of us whereas usually there were many more, even 5 or 6.
The first house round the corner, with its hinged gate and gravel path, led to the door of Fire Engine Fanny, so named for her bright red nose. At night, usually frosty and cold, we would silently (except for suppressed giggles) unlatch the gate and shuffle with our skates on to the front door...then we would bang loudly on her door, yell insults through her letter box and flee.
In the painting the coalman's dray horse is coming over the crest with his sacks of coal. But on the way up the other side the horses would often slip slide and stumble to their knees. Their steel shoes on the cobbles would throw up comet-like showers of sparks. I was fascinated when these horses would urinate, a torrent of steaming splashing yellow pee. And I would watch when they lifted their tails to deposit mounds of steaming straw-filled poop on the road. The sparrows loved it. I have left some of it on the road in the picture!”
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“Carlisle Street was a very ordinary street, gray with rowhouses on both sides. About two hundred yards down on the south side was the synagogue. The rabbi, actually a chazen, was Mr. Miller. The front cement yard was quite small and on religious holidays it was packed with men taking a breather. It was enclosed by 6 foot walls except for the entrance. Then came the huge double wooden doors and once inside it was suddenly dark till ones eyes adjusted.
There was a room off to the side with rows of desks for our cheder. The teacher, a short man with an agitated shiny bald head and a few strands of greasy hair, mustard-coloured stains down his front and smelling of stale sweat and pickled herring, would stride up and down the aisles very excited. He carried a black ruler and if he came up behind you and found you were inattentive (like having your book open at the wrong page) he would crack you across your knuckles with that ruler. I did not like him. I did not like being pent in. I played truant, cricket or soccer or street games being preferable. I missed class as often as I could but I had to attend one day each month. That was the day dad gave me 2/6 to pay for my lessons. I knew that if I did not show up that day with the money, questions would be asked, and the truth would come out.
The last time I saw the synagogue a few years ago, it was disused, locked up, derelict with barbed wire along the walls.”
Barber’s Bakery
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“The bakery was a family run affair - rather "low life" types. The toy miniature loaves of Hovis, 1d (1 penny each) were my favourite. I would have it all to myself. I spent a lot of time in the back room where the ovens were, swatting numerous flies for Mr. Barber. But I stopped helping him this way when I encountered a corpse in my slice of raisin bread!
The bakery was very 2nd rate, 3rd, 4th even. Behind the shop the family of 6 or 7 lived and they bought their potatoes by the sack - I'd never seen that before or for that matter, since. One Christmas when we had all of our family and friends for dinner, dad bought a 30+lb turkey which wouldn't fit our oven but he arranged with Mr. Barber to cook it in his bread oven- along with some neighbour’s turkeys. I went with him on that cold day, to carry it home on a wooden board from the bakery...very slowly along the slippery alley and home by the back gate.”
Spare a Copper
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“I go to the movies almost every Saturday afternoon. The Coronation Cinema was probably opened at the beginning of the reign of George V and Mary.  For 3 pence you saw two features, assorted shorts (Pathe Gazette, a couple of gay fellows in tennis togs or evening dress, one playing the piano while the other leans languorously against it and sings daft stuff, and several animated cartoons). And there's an interval when the lights come on for a while and the theatre organ mysteriously rises from profound depths for a recital. All organists seem to be named Reginald. All for three pence. Of course, when the lights are down and the scant audience's cigarette smoke curls up through the flickering beams of the movie, I sneak down to the front sixpenny seats. I might stay on to see the movie, or part of it twice, moving to a different seat believing the usher won't catch me- he doesn't care. The biggest problem was getting into the theatre because sometimes the film was Adult rated. Kids not allowed in except accompanied by an adult. So you hung around the entrance and kept running up to people who were going in and asked them to take you in with them. It never failed. "I've got me thruppence mister...will you take me in?" “The last time I saw the Coronation it was a bingo hall.”
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“The fishmonger was about 8 houses north of 484. The shop was an add-on in front of a rather singular row house. The proprietor was a very friendly man and I would go into his shop and ask him for some oil-paper which was a heavy tracing paper. The fish was wrapped in this and then the package was wrapped in newspaper. I wanted the tracing paper to trace magazine pictures which I would subsequently show to my mother, “Chops”, and claim they were original drawings. No one was fooled. But I developed many variations such as placing the drawing face down on a white piece of paper and rubbing the back to create a reverse image. And I discovered how to enlarge pictures to scale, portraits too, by drawing a grid and transferring it another piece of paper larger than the original. I loved to draw and water colour. When I stated I wanted to grow up to be an artist Leon (my brother) told me it was forbidden for Jews to make a graven image, especially a Cohen. Till my mid-teens I believed there were no Jewish artists! ”
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takecarehair · 7 years
Mizani Butter Blend is BAE! | Short Hair Relaxer | Kaye Wright
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Hey y’all! This is a video on my new BAE – Mizani Butter Blend Relaxer ! I’ve tried a few at home relaxers, but this one is my new love. For more info check out the blog post http://kayewright.com/mizani-butter-blend/
If you like this video – SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=kreyn01 for more like it. ________________________________________________ Other Popular Short Hair Tutorials:
Wavy Bang On A Pixie
How to create a curly pixie style:
How to style a pixie with NO COMB or HEAT!
How to create a feathered pixie style:
How to create a faux hawk on a pixie:
Soft waves on a pixie
_________________________________________________ Find me on social media INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_kayewright/
FACEBOOK: https://m.facebook.com/kaye.wright.752
MY WEBSITE: http://kayewright.com _________________________________________________ FAQ’s
How often do you relax your hair? EVERY 4-6 WEEKS
How often do you do a partial relaxer? EVERY 2-3 WEEKS
What brand relaxer do you use? MIZANI BUTTER BLEND
What flat irons do you use in your videos? JILBERE 1 INCH CURLMASTER 1/2 INCH
What’s your favorite wrapping foam? NAIROBI WRAPP IT FOAM
Do you color your hair? YES
What color/brand dye do you use? CLAIROL 51A/1D with 40 vol develope
HOW OFTEN DO YOU DYE YOUR HAIR? Once every 6 weeks or so.
MUSIC: bensound – the lounge
-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Watch my review of the Jane Carter Solutions products on relaxed hair.
-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- The following pages will definitely walk you by means of acquiring dreadlocks the DreadHeadHQ way. It is actually important to comprehend that dreadlocks are not a one dimension matches all kind-of-thing. The approaches I make use of as well as teach on this website will allow you to earn tight fears of any sort of measurements as well as shape, yet I desire to permit you recognize that these are actually not the only techniques that exist … they are actually merely the absolute best I’ve located. There are actually considerable amounts of various other concepts concerning just how fears ought to be grown … in reality, what constitutes “really good looking” dreads differs from group to team. I do not have the tendency to take sides – I don’t presume this’s my spot to, and I believe everybody is actually qualified to their very own desire.
The concentration this website is actually to assist you attain whatever sort of fears you prefer. I‘m presuming you have some suggestion of exactly what you will like your hates to look like -dimension, shape etc. I’ll give you the tools and you can use them to make your showpiece. There are those that decide on certainly not to participate – they permit their hair carry out whatever it prefers rather than belonging to the procedure. Certainly you have that possibility as well. I can not forecast the outcomes you’ll acquire, yet I recognize that if your main top priority is that your fears form (or somewhat kind) by themselves, along with no aid coming from you, then you’re essentially limited to merely standing by … I presumed this was actually needed to develop a message along with a small amount from info that may be necessary for you before you begin. If you’re on the fence, this should help you make a decision.
Dreadlocks, to start with, can be a great deal of work. They’re visiting do what they would like to carry out and also if you try and also combat them, properly … all the best along with that. I’ll specify – every collection from dreadlocks is other, you can easily get dreadlocks, yet you can easily not acquire dreadlocks the same to an entertainers, famous people or pals established. It‘s merely not possible. Every person has actually various coloured hair, different thickness, curly, direct etc etc. You have some control over just how fat deposits they’re going to end up being if you start along with a technique apart from the neglect method. (If you go overlook at that point the only factor you can possibly do as for defining all of them is actually tearing the fibers apart to cease massive dreads creating). Therefore, you know you do not have as a lot control over all of them as ‘regular’ hairdos, as they’re heading to secure and develop nevertheless gravitational force and also different rubbings consider proper.
Backcombing Conveniences: Hair resembles fears the exact same time and also reaches maturation faster compared to other procedures. You can handle the shapes and size from the hates, anywhere from excessive and also smooth to slim as well as gorgeous. It is actually an all all-natural procedure. Backcombing will certainly service all hair sizes 3″ and longer. Drawbacks: The initial fearing takes a few hrs and also is rather labor intense, absolutely nothing a friend or 2 can not take care of. The very best method to back comb is actually to have your time and also create the dreads as smooth as well as limited as achievable. Guidelines: 1st part the hair right into squares. Square parts bring in rounded apprehensions. Between 1″ as well as 2″ squares works well for most people. Much smaller areas make thinner apprehensions. The areas can be actually secured temporarily along with rubberbands. After the hair is sectioned utilize a fear comb to comb the hair in reverse. Beginning close to the scalp, not more in comparison to an inch out. Comb consistently towards the scalp. Ultimately hair will begin to leave at the roots. It is not essential to twist the hair. This is useful nevertheless to roll the hair you are actually storing between your fingers a bit you are actually backcombing. Continue backcombing, little by little functioning to completions of the hair, creating the apprehension as tight as feasible as you go. When you get to the ends you can protect the dread along with a rubberband. Yet another rubberband on the roots are going to help the dread remain tight at its own bottom. The rubberbands may be actually cleared away after the hate has an opportunity to mature. After the rubberbands are related to each fear the fears should be waxed along with an apprehension wax that performs not have petrol. A really good dread wax will tame loosened hairs and help the hair fear much faster.
The post Mizani Butter Blend is BAE! | Short Hair Relaxer | Kaye Wright appeared first on Black Hair Talk.
from Black Hair Talk | Black Hair Talk http://www.blackhairtalk.com/relaxer/mizani-butter-blend-is-bae-short-hair-relaxer-kaye-wright/
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1dreversebang · 7 years
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Thank you!
This is a huge shout out and thanks to all of the amazing artists who helped make our first Reverse Bang such a huge success. Without all of you offering your prompts and your art, videos, songs, mood boards, and play lists, none of the 40+ fics we posted could have happened. Thank you all for your creativity and your enthusiasm...we look forward to working with you again for Round 2!
Here are all the artists who took part in round 1. Please go give them some love and check out the fantastic work they created!
@harrehleh art for All I Want Is To Be Free: here
@birdstattoo art for I Want To Write You A Song: here
@polkadotsvstripes playlist for Let’s Watch The Flowers Grow: here
@neon--diamonds art for Gem and The Hunters: The Treasure of Babylon: here and here
@tomlinshires art for No One Like You: here and here
@alivingfire mood board for We’re What’s Right in This World: here
@be-brave13 art for Too Much To Bare: here and original song here 
@harrehleh art for I Ain’t Leaving Without Your Love: here
@curleduphl art for Sounds like you sounds like love: here and here and here 
@dimpled-halo mood board for Sunrise on Your Sins: here
@jessimond mood board / manip for watch what happens: here
@harrehleh art for Quite Unconventional: here
@allwaswell16 mood board for Walk That Mile: here Interactive travel blog: here
@suddenclarityharry mood board for Boots & Boys: here
@curleduphl art for Like One of Your French Girls: here and here
@twopoppies art for Yellow: here, here, here, here, and here
@pupperlouis art for Burn: here and here
@crurulbys art for Just Holding On For Something Great: here
@becomeawendybird mood board for Un Verso Que Hiciste Me: here
@juliusschmidt Harry’s tumblr for the stars look very different today: here and Harry’s bulletin board: here
@tomlinshires art for In This Life I Shall Have Joy: here and here 
@harrehleh art for (we will be) as if chosen: here
@sparkling-larry manip for a fic that sadly didn’t post: here
@louehvolution mood board for Boiling Blood Will Circulate: here
@juliusschmidt mood board for Let’s Move Into Our Old House: here
@tamikare art for Funny How The Stars Crossed Right: here and here
@pattern-pals art for a thousand red balloons (a hundred sleepless nights): here
@londonfoginacup art for You Smiled: here and here
@harrehleh art for Hands Clasped Tight: here and here
@pretty-pebbles mood board for Calling Out For Somebody: here and here
@pattern-pals art for memories of light and green: here
@louistomlinsons art for Wanderlust: here Mood board: here
@dimpled-halo mood board for We’ll Rise Up: here
@suddenclarityharry mood board for Can I just be the same?: here
@larrystylingsun video for nobody knows you baby the way I do: here
@sparkling-larry manip for Running In The Shadows: here and here
@twopoppies art for Black Stars and Endless Seas: here and here and here
@twopoppies art for (Take Me Home) Country Roads: here and here and here
@sleepymouses mood board for Sleep of the Sword: here
@dimpled-halo mood board for For Reasons Wretched and Divine: here
@dimpled-halo mood board for Underneath: here
@pattern-pals art for Tiny, Beautiful Unknowns: here
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