#1X1=1(TO BE ONE)
cowboytism · 2 months
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honeyedboneset · 7 months
NOTICE: This post is under construction as of aug 17, 2024. it is not up to date. hello! i'm boneset (or bone). thanks for stopping by my super-specific search thread! if interested, please leave a reply or dm me!
a bit about myself: she/her. I'm currently in my late 20's and have been writing/roleplaying in some shape or form for 12+ years. i'm in grad school (and will be for awhile) and work full time in mental healthcare. occasionally, days are wild. 
when it comes to writing, i generally write somewhere between 500-1k words a post. the shorter the post, the faster i can write. i definitely value someone who's writing fits with mine over length or anything like that. i'm also super flexible when it comes to post rate. if it takes a little bit, that's totally fine! especially if we do build a rapport. i want this to stay as something that's fun for both of us. it's a hobby, so it comes after everything else.
doubling. i play a canon for you, you play one for me, and i love every character as my own. OR we both play two ocs who fall in love against their will. Idc.
m!canon x f!oc preferred (or m!oc x f!oc). I know who I am. I have no shame. I’m so super cautious about m// and f// after years of running into folks treating it as a fetish.
ooc chatting. for the rps that have survived my hiatuses, it's been because we made friends, or at least friendly. i like talking, sharing head canons, all that stupid crap. tldr: i need someone to send memes to.
ooc over discord, please, after we’ve graduated to that. DMs first if you don’t mind.
email, discord, gdocs, and tumblr in order of preference for the roleplay but I'm open to any.
i am a sap for romance. less so for super slow burns. sue me. I can barely read slow burn much less write it.
500-1000 words is my sweet spot for responses, but i'm not that fast of a writer, depending on what's going on. see: why i like ooc.
hard limits: be 18+ (21+ preferred) | will not write with people who identify as male (he/him) | incest | fetish stuff | abo | pwp | pedophilia | furries/beastiality | explicitly written sexual assault | abusive relationship dynamics between main characters | heavy substance abuse | main settings being medical | most highschool settings/underage characters | genuine love triangles or infidelity between main characters
pairings and all below the break!
for fandoms, I’m going to list what I’m looking to play the oc in. I am super duper happy to play nearly any canon character for you.
the walking dead:  *i haven't seen the spin-off series. super comfortable going as AU as we want. *looking for: glenn (pls pls pls), daryl *will play: rick, daryl, shane, negan, others probably *some vibes: people who knew each other prior to the zombies meeting each other again after, dead rising vibes, traveling through the wilderness, overgrown and rundown towns and cities, towns that have gone mad, human enemies, natural threats, fluff, megamalls, amusement parks, adventure, horror, fluff, uneasiness in the calm, found family, hesitant allies
resident evil: *i like it all, okay? welcome to racoon city, all the games, the animated films...even the live action netflix put out! it's just FUN. *looking for: leon, piers, carlos *will play: chris, albert, luis, piers, etc. *some vibes: hurt/comfort extreme, international adventures, partners in life and in work, idk absolute insanity. vacation? what's a vacation, there's always zombies, basically the evil of capitalism, embrace the weird of the game universes (i mean really. there's werewolves)
the last of us: *i've played both games and watched the show *looking for: tommy miller, m!oc *will play: joel, ellie, others, m!oc *some vibes: FIX IT JESUS, protecting family, human enemies, natural threats, antagonistic towns, lost in the wild, weird periods of domestic easiness followed by hurt/comfort hell red dead redemption: *i've played rdr and rdr2. kind of familiar with revolver. *looking for: charles smith *will play: arthur, john, dutch, others (but not micah) *some vibes: railroad turmoil, dutch has lots of plans (very little outcomes), high society meets the old west, running from the law, causing problems, adventures in the big city, trying to leave old lives behind, forbidden love, enemies to lovers
fallout: *i've played 1, 2, 3, 4, 76 & NV. mainly looking for nv. *looking for: m!oc *will play: ask for canons, m!oc *some vibes: causing chaos in the wastes, embracing the local cryptid status of the player character, toxic people everywhere, attempting to survive, mercenaries, prostitutes, salt of the earth managing to do some good against their will, traveling to other locations avatar the last airbender *i've seen the show several times, live action, and korra, but haven't read comics. *looking for: adult!sokka *will play: adult!zuko, ask for other canons! *some vibes: post series feeling out their new roles in society, rebuilding following war, uprisings from unhappy sections, earth kingdom is just as big of a mess as firenation please help, 'forbidden' relationships, political drama, festival romance
original(ish) story vibes:
zombies! please zombies. love it. media inspo: l4d, deadrising, resident evil, twd, george romero
fantasy. royalty, pirates, mermaids, adventures, curses, and extra doses of romance. some assassins? hiding from responsibility? childhood friends to lovers and enemies finding common ground. media inspo: ACOTAR, lord of the rings, ever king, damsel, fire emblem, (for modern of these vibes) new protectorate by abigail kelly
urban fantasy vibes. witches and monsters, and romance and weirdness. maybe some monsters. eldritch beings. small town, rural america? media inspo: x-files, teen wolf, supernatural, stay a spell by juliette cross, scooby doo, being human, folk haven by lauren connolly, old gods of appalachia
cowboys! Modern? Traditional? I do not care i love cowboys and the south, just minus all of those….you know, issues. media inspo: red dead redemption, man from snowy river, yellow stone, lyla sage books
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aomitois · 29 days
doing diamond embroidery with a tiny kitten at home who's a minor god of chaos immensely interested in everything you do proves to be quite challenging,
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Hello there lovely people of tumblr 🌷
I’m in search for a roleplay partner 18+ who would be willing to write about Harry Styles 👀 You’ve no idea how much I miss Love On Tour 😭
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I wanna create something special. Lots of twists and turns, drama, fluff, angst… gimme all! I wanna exchange ideas, inspire each other and build a safe space for both of us!
Sounds like something you’d like to do too? 👀✨
I roleplay exclusively on discord, I write in past tense, 3rd person. I use tupper (don’t worry if you haven’t yet, I’ll help you set it up!) I prefer to write as a female character.
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Like this post and I’ll reach out to you or just simply slide in my DMs! 😎
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oldhavnts · 2 months
Hello tags! Looking for two to three new writing partners at the max. I’m looking for likeminded writers who want to write some detailed plots, share playlist, create Pinterest boards, gush about ships, and just have a laid back partnership. If any of this catches your interest, hit the like button or send me a message. Looking for the following:
Literate to advanced writers who don’t mind writing 3-5 paragraphs at a time
Story based plots with smut elements. I enjoy writing smut, but I like to world build around the characters. There are times when smut takes precedent. I do like dark and taboo themes in plots a lot, so I do not fade to black.
I love talking and chatting ooc. I’m also a big fan of plotting and sending inspo. I genuinely just want to find people who want to put the same amount of effort in. That said, I have a full time and intensive job and some days I work after hours so there may be days where I’m slower or don’t respond as much.
I write primarily male in m x f plots or female in fxf plots.
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spook-e-snail · 10 months
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My mom's cat is fucking NASTY I do NOT like him
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pictures-of-yxl · 10 months
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countyourcasualty · 2 years
Officially back on my Cherik bullshit.
There is a lot more information in the various links so I'll just keep this short & & sweet . You are preferably 24-25+ , with few triggers , enjoys a solid mix of smut and plot && good with one-liners or multi-paragraph depending on dialogue/action flow . I can play either ERIK (I have the most experience with Erik , and many different versions ) or CHARLES ( I have a couple of versions, my Charles is always disabled , my Charles is more canon - centric than my Erik /s ) . Discord is Weemie#2844 , feel free to reach out .
AUs are my shit . If you play Erik please pick a Jewish face - claim . Under no circumstances will I ever accept any of X - Men Apocalypse as canon . Destroying Auschwitz was a chillul hashem and Erik would NEVER .
Word bank ; diplomacy / foreign language , CIA , military , college , teacher / student , teacher / parent , parenting , soldier / civilian , clinician / patient , TiMER , sentinel / guide , ds!verse , abo!verse , time travel , multiverse traversal , mind control , poetry , narrative fuckery , experimental , telepathy , soulmates , bonds , true love , trauma , recovery , abuse , WWII , modern historical , war , cultural discrepancy , fish out of water , sci - fi , star trek redux , blah la la la ! If you have an idea you want to do , feel free to approach me . Please PICK THE PLOT / AU you would like to do beforehand ( there are several ideas spread out over the links & & around my Erik blog as well . )
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I’m still looking for someone to roleplay on discord! I’d love to write against male character (preferably Harry Styles as a faceclaim).
I’m feeling so much muse for creating something so please m! Let me write with you!
For more info - like and I’ll reach out to you or you can send me a dm
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Bring Me the Horizon - Post Human: Survival Horror, traduzione testi
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Mettete fine alle mie sofferenze
La mia mente sembra la mia nemica numero uno
(da: 1x1)
1. Bring Me the Horizon – Dear Diary, traduzione
Caro diario,
   Caro diario,
Non so cosa sta succedendo ma c’è qualcosa che non va
Il cane non la smette di abbaiare e mi sa che ho la TV rotta
C’è la stessa cosa su tutti i canali, c’è da impazzire
E prima qualcuno mi ha morso
Che cazzo di giornata
   Sta finendo il mondo
Cazzo, che noia
Mi si spegne il cervello, isolato
Dio è uno stronzo, e noi siamo i suoi scarti
Traumatizzati per colazione
Io altri survival horror non li digerisco
   Caro diario,
Mi prude dappertutto, come se avessi degli insetti nella pelle
Il cane è diventato rabbioso (Basta, cazzo!), mi spacca la testa
Continuo a svegliarmi e riaddormentarmi
Non so dove sono stato
Che fame che ho
Che diavolo succede?
   Sta finendo il mondo
Cazzo, che noia
Mi si spegne il cervello, isolato
Dio è uno stronzo, e noi siamo i suoi scarti
Traumatizzati per colazione
Io altri survival horror non li digerisco
   Caro diario,
Il cane ha smesso di abbaiare, probabilmente perché gli ho mangiato la faccia
“Buono. Prurito.”
La TV dice che non c’è più la razza umana
Un po’ triste che la mia intera esistenza sia stata uno spreco
Vabbè, fa niente, non è mica la fine del mondo… aspetta
       2. Bring Me the Horizon – Parasite Eve, traduzione
Parasite Eve
   Накривил е калпачето ей така, па така
Нанагоре-нанадоле, ей така, па така
Накривил е калпачето ей така, па така
Нанагоре-нанадоле, ей така, па така **
   Ho la febbre, non respirarmi addosso
Sono uno che non crede in nessuno
Non mi fanno andare via perché ho visto qualcosa
Spero di non starnutire, di non… ecciù!
Davvero, abbiamo solo bisogno di aver paura di qualcosa
Facendo solo finta di provare qualcosa
Lo so che non vedi l’ora di scappare
Voglio farti girare
   Per favore, restate calmi
È arrivata la fine
Non possiamo salvarvi, buon viaggio
È il momento che stavate aspettando
Non prendetelo come un avvertimento: questa è una guerra
   È la Parasite Eve
Te lo senti nella pancia, sai che sta venendo a cercarti
Lascia i fiori come segno di lutto
Non ti dimenticare cosa ti hanno detto
Quando ci dimenticheremo l’infezione, ce la ricorderemo la lezione?
Se non ti uccide l’attesa, lo farà qualcos’altro
   Ho sentito che hanno bisogno di avere più segnale
Inseriscono chip e codici pin negli aghi
Metti in quarantena tutti quei segreti in quel buco nero che chiami cervello prima che sia troppo tardi
Davvero, vogliamo solo urlare qualcosa
Fare solo finta di credere in qualcosa
So che vuoi il sangue
Voglio farti girare
   Per favore, restate calmi
È arrivata la fine
Non possiamo salvarvi, buon viaggio
È il momento che stavate aspettando
Non prendetelo come un avvertimento: questa è una guerra
   È la Parasite Eve
Te lo senti nella pancia, sai che sta venendo a cercarti
Lascia i fiori come segno di lutto
Non ti dimenticare cosa ti hanno detto
Quando ci dimenticheremo l’infezione, ce la ricorderemo la lezione?
Se non ti uccide l’attesa, lo farà qualcos’altro
È la Parasite Eve
Te lo senti nella pancia, sai che sta venendo a cercarti
Lascia i fiori come segno di lutto
Non ti dimenticare cosa ti hanno detto
Quando ci dimenticheremo l’infezione, ce la ricorderemo la lezione?
Se non ti uccide l’attesa, lo farà qualcos’altro
   Puoi sprangare le finestre
Puoi inchiavare le porte
Ma non puoi più continuare a lavartene le mani di ‘sta roba
Se tutte le fonti del re e tutti gli amici del re non riescono a trovarsi il culo coi patogeni
Se la vita è una prigione e la morte una porta
Questo non è un avvertimento: questa è una guerra, guerra, questa è una guerra
   È la Parasite Eve
Te lo senti nella pancia, sai che sta venendo a cercarti
Lascia i fiori come segno di lutto
Non ti dimenticare cosa ti hanno detto
Quando ci dimenticheremo l’infezione, ce la ricorderemo la lezione?
Se non ti uccide l’attesa, lo farà qualcos’altro
È la Parasite Eve
È la Parasite Eve
È la Parasite Eve
   Non possiamo salvarvi
Non possiamo salvarvi
Non possiamo salvarvi
Non possiamo salvarvi
Non possiamo salvarvi
    ** Questo in bulgaro dovrebbe significare “Si è messo il cappello storto / Proprio così, proprio cosà / Da questo lato, dall’altro lato / Proprio così, proprio cosà”. Viene dalla versione del brano popolare Ergen Deda eseguita dal gruppo Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares.
       3. Bring Me the Horizon – Teardrops, traduzione
   Ci facciamo del male per divertimento
Alimentiamo a forza la nostra paura e alla fine il cuore non sente più niente
Dipendenti da un amore di natura solitaria
   Quello che vorrei sapere è come abbiamo fatto a diventare così stressati, paranoici
Diventa tutto tetro
Niente mi fa diventare triste quanto la mia testa
   Ho quasi finito le lacrime
Mi tengo il dolore, tanto poi passa
Non riesco a mantenere la presa
Scivolo via da me stesso
Dio mio, è tutto un gran puttanaio
Ma io non riesco a provare niente
Il vuoto è più pesante di quello che credi
   Inciampo sul bordo
Fuori come un cancello, non mi scende più
E se mi senti, mi sa che sai cosa si prova a essere soli
   Ma quindi come abbiamo fatto a diventare così stressati, paranoici?
Diventa tutto tetro
Niente mi fa diventare triste quanto la mia testa
   Ho quasi finito le lacrime
Mi tengo il dolore, tanto poi passa
Non riesco a mantenere la presa
Scivolo via da me stesso
Dio mio, è tutto un gran puttanaio
Ma io non riesco a provare niente
Il vuoto è più pesante di quello che credi
   Di umore suicida, violento, tragico
Ho perso l’aureola, adesso sono il mio stesso anticristo
Di umore suicida, violento, tragico
Ho perso l’aureola, adesso sono il mio stesso anticristo
   Ho quasi finito le lacrime
Mi tengo il dolore, tanto poi passa
Non riesco a mantenere la presa
Scivolo via da me stesso
Dio mio, è tutto un gran puttanaio
Ma io non riesco a provare niente
Il vuoto è più pesante di quello che credi
   Ho quasi finito le lacrime
Mi tengo il dolore, tanto poi passa
Non riesco a mantenere la presa
Scivolo via da me stesso
Dio mio, è tutto un gran puttanaio
Ma io non riesco a provare niente
Il vuoto è più pesante di quello che credi
   Lacrime, lacrime
Ho quasi finito le lacrime
Il vuoto è più pesante di quello che credi
       4. Bring Me the Horizon – Obey, traduzione
   Nuovo giorno, nuovo ordine post-traumatico
Lobotomizzato e mi sento benone
Ho fatto il passo più lungo della gamba quando sono andato a vedere più da vicino
Per cui mi sono piantato una forchetta nell’occhio
Mi sa che sto impazzendo, cazzo
Non so da che parte girarmi, adesso sono cieco
Distruggiti, si sta di un bene a eclissarsi
Perché vorresti farti del male?, morire per qualcos’altro?
Vedi che la tua coscienza non si metta di traverso
   Obbedisci, ci auguriamo che passerai una bellissima giornata
Obbedisci, non volete che usciamo a giocare
Via, sù, sù, non c’è niente da vedere qua
È tutto sotto controllo, stiamo solo giocando d’azzardo con la tua anima
Obbedisci, qualunque cosa tu faccia, evita di svegliarti e sentire odore di corruzione
   Nuovo giorno, nuovo incubo sistematico
Commemoriamo una vita fantastica
Mordimi per primo, poi ti mordo io
Risata melodrammatica
Mi sono piantato un coltello nell’occhio
Mi sa che sono impazzito, cazzo
Lobotomizzato e mi sento benone
Distruggiti, si sta troppo bene a eclissarsi
Perché vorrei farmi del male?
Dovrei morire per qualcos’altro?
Ho lasciato che la mia coscienza si mettesse di traverso
   Obbedisci, ci auguriamo che passerai una bellissima giornata
Obbedisci, non volete che usciamo a giocare
Via, sù, sù, non c’è niente da vedere qua
È tutto sotto controllo, stiamo solo giocando d’azzardo con la tua anima
Obbedisci, qualunque cosa tu faccia, evita di svegliarti e sentire odore di corruzione
   Quando la tua libertà è letale, dimmi come fai a farti del male
Vi definite pacifici
Voi mostri siete persone
Voi mostri del cazzo siete persone
   Obbedisci, ti facciamo vedere come ci si comporta
Obbedisci, è più carino se non vedi le catene
   Obbedisci, ci auguriamo che passerai una bellissima giornata
Obbedisci, non volete che usciamo a giocare
Via, sù, sù, non c’è niente da vedere qua
È tutto sotto controllo, stiamo solo giocando d’azzardo con la tua anima
Obbedisci, qualunque cosa tu faccia, evita di svegliarti e sentire odore di corruzione
Odore di corruzione, odore di corruzione
       5. Bring Me the Horizon – Itch for the Cure (When Will We Be Free?), traduzione
Prurito per la cura (quand’è che saremo liberi?)
   So perché sei qui, sei stufo della paura
Non ne puoi più del mondo di fantasia che hanno creato in modo che non puoi vederci chiaro
Qualcosa si sta staccando dalla corrente
C’è un glitch nella tua fiducia
Hai un prurito per la cura, ma hai paura di uscire dalla porta
Sono qui per dirti che c’è un universo che vive senza legge
Qualcosa si sta staccando dalla corrente
Perché continui a chiederti: quand’è che saremo liberi?
   Voglio diventare un regicida
Qualcosa si sta staccando dalla corrente
C’è un glitch nella tua fiducia
Voglio diventare un regicida
Qualcosa si sta staccando dalla corrente
C’è un glitch nella tua fiducia
       6. Bring Me the Horizon – Kingslayer, traduzione
   Ciao, stai cercando l’altro lato?
Hai l’impressione che non torni mai niente?
Hai un piede nella fossa?
Ti ecciti col dolore come se fossi corrotto?
Ho bisogno di sapere a chi sei fedele
Di’ un po’, hai intenzione di abbaiare o di mordere?
Vuoi davvero girare il coltello nella pancia del mostro?
   Alzati, cazzo
Svegliati, cazzo
Formatta il sistema e fai un salvataggio, cazzo
Sei una marionetta
Quando ti taglieranno via i fili, non tornare strisciando
   Regicida, distruggi castelli in aria
Regicida, per l’eternità mio amato
Sacrificherei la vita per trovarti, angelo della lama
Regicida, vieni a prenderci dalla notte
ただ手に入れたい un altro mondo *
   Errore del sistema
La vita è criptata
Tu sei modificato come un virus in una filastrocca
Artificiale fino al giorno che muori
Sciocco programma, sei corrotto
   Alzati, cazzo
Svegliati, cazzo
Formatta il sistema e fai un salvataggio, cazzo
Sei una marionetta
Quando ti taglieranno via i fili, non tornare strisciando
Sei da solo
   さあ 時の
行こうよ **
   Regicida, distruggi castelli in aria
Regicida, combatterò per te fino alla morte
Regicida, distruggi castelli in aria
Regicida, per l’eternità mio amato
Sacrificherei tutto per guidarti, non dovrai mai lottare da solo
Regicida, vieni a prenderci dalla notte
   Questo è un campanello d’allarme
Entriamo nel vortice dell’ignoto
Sei pronto? Non ti sento
   Volete ‘sta roba qua?
E beccatevela, cazzo, merde schifose
    * Questo in giapponese dovrebbe voler dire: “Buio, questo mondo è così buio che non ci vedo / Il futuro non scomparirà / Ma io voglio ottenere un altro mondo”
   ** Questo invece: “Adesso andiamo ad aprire la porta del tempo”
       7. Bring Me the Horizon – 1x1, traduzione
   Mettete fine alle mie sofferenze
   Disconnesso dal mondo di nuovo
No, il sole non splende nel posto in cui son stato
Ma perché continui a far finta che io non esisto?
Sento di essere pronto a morire, ma non riesco a impegnarmi
   Per cui mi chiedo: quand’è che imparerò?
Mi darei fuoco per sentirmi bruciare
Ho paura che non verrò mai aggiustato
   Mettete fine alle mie sofferenze
La mia mente sembra la mia nemica numero uno
Non riesco a guardarmi negli occhi
Non so cosa fa più male: tener duro o mollare
Rivivo i miei ricordi, e mi uccidono uno dopo l’altro
   Mi sono autosabotata di nuovo
Ho il cervello tipo un uragano
Io e quella troietta, no, non possiamo essere amiche
E non me ne frega proprio niente, no
Mi ha fatto sprofondare in un posto oscuro
Senza amore
La gemella malvagia nel sottoscala
Oh mio Dio, mi sa che mi aspetta una lunga notte
Sono sola, sono sola, sono sola, sono sola
Terrorizzata, ma non provo più niente
L’annichilimento non è mai sembrato così bello
Tappati la bocca, parli troppo
   Mettete fine alle mie sofferenze
La mia mente sembra la mia nemica numero uno
Non riesco a guardarmi negli occhi
Non so cosa fa più male: tener duro o mollare
Rivivo i miei ricordi, e mi uccidono uno dopo l’altro
   E sono qua a fissare il vuoto di nuovo
Non lo sa nessuno in che pasticcio mi trovo
Le voci che ho nella testa dicono che sono solo paranoico
Ma fa male alla salute quanto mi odio
Il peso mi trascina a fondo
   Mettete fine alle mie sofferenze
La mia mente sembra la mia nemica numero uno
Non riesco a guardarmi negli occhi
Non so cosa fa più male: tener duro o mollare
Rivivo i miei ricordi, e mi uccidono uno dopo l’altro
Già, mi uccidono uno dopo l’altro
E mi uccidono uno dopo l’altro
       8. Bring Me the Horizon – Ludens, traduzione
   Alcuni si oppongono al futuro, alcuni rifiutano il passato
Comunque sia, è un bel casino se non riusciamo a scollegare il fatto
Che un mondo ricoperto di cavi non è progettato per durare
Per cui non fare la faccia sorpresa quando comincia a impallarsi il programma
   Come faccio a creare una connessione se non possiamo nemmeno stringerci la mano?
Sei come un fantasma che mi saluta
Tramiamo nell’ombra, ci vediamo sulla forca
Fermi in un loop per l’eternità
   Lo sai perché i fiori non sbocciano mai?
Ci riprovi o fai riprendere il dolore?
Ho bisogno di un nuovo leader
Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo Luden
Venite fuori, è ora di vedere la marea
È lontana dagli occhi, ma non lontana dal cuore
Ho bisogno di un nuovo leader
Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo Luden
   Le botte potranno anche farmi male, ma la fitta passerà presto
Invece gli insulti sono capaci di scavare tante di quelle fosse che non sai più dove mettere piede
E non mi sento più al sicuro se non c’è qualcuno che mi segue
E l’unico modo per nascondermi è dare spettacolo di brutto
   Come faccio a creare una connessione se non possiamo nemmeno stringerci la mano?
Sei come un fantasma che mi saluta
Tramiamo nell’ombra, ci vediamo sulla forca
Fermi in un loop per l’eternità
   Lo sai perché i fiori non sbocciano mai?
Ci riprovi o fai riprendere il dolore?
Ho bisogno di un nuovo leader
Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo Luden
Venite fuori, è ora di vedere la marea
È lontana dagli occhi, ma non lontana dal cuore
Ho bisogno di un nuovo leader
Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
   E tu questa la chiami una connessione?
E tu questa la chiami una connessione?
E tu questa la chiami una connessione?
E tu questa la chiami una connessione?
Pff, ma fammi il piacere
Pff, ma fammi il piacere
Pff, ma fammi il piacere
   Lo sai perché i fiori non sbocciano mai?
Ci riprovi o fai riprendere il dolore?
Ho bisogno di un nuovo leader
Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo Luden
Venite fuori, è ora di vedere la marea
È lontana dagli occhi, ma non lontana dal cuore
Ho bisogno di un nuovo leader
Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
Un nuovo Luden, nuovo Luden
   Lo sai perché i fiori non sbocciano mai?
Ci riprovi o fai riprendere il dolore?
Ho bisogno di un nuovo leader
Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo Luden
       9. Bring Me the Horizon - One Day the Only Butterflies Left Will Be in Your Chest as You March Towards Your Death, traduzione
Un giorno le uniche farfalle rimaste ce le avrai nel petto mentre cammini incontro alla morte
   Vicinissimo al punto del non ritorno
Perché cazzo hai continuato a mandare tutto a rotoli?
Non voglio doverti seppellire
Ma mi sembra che non ti entra niente dentro quel cranio
Un giorno le uniche farfalle rimaste ce le avrai nel petto
Mentre cammini incontro alla morte esalando il tuo ultimo respiro
Non mi piace farti notare che io te l’avevo detto
Però guarda quanto si vedono i lividi
   Di’ un po’, come sarà stare senza avere le mie braccia strette intorno, strette intorno a te?
Scommetto che fa impressione quando comincia a venirti via la pelle dalle ossa
Per il mondo non esistevi più, adesso non esisto più io per te
Sei una presenza in casa tua, non hai più niente da perdere
Com’è possibile che ti ho lasciato affondare le zanne fino a questo punto?
Lo sai che non sei capace di respirare da solo
   Salvarmi non è più possibile
Perché ho continuato a sfidare la sorte?
Il buco che man mano ti ho scavato nell’anima è diventato troppo grande per non farci caso
Un giorno le uniche farfalle rimaste ce le avremo nel petto
Mentre camminiamo incontro alla morte esalando il nostro ultimo respiro
Pensavo avessimo un futuro, ma non abbiamo la minima chance
   Beh, di’ un po’, come sarà stare senza avere le mie braccia strette intorno, strette intorno a te?
Scommetto che fa impressione quando comincia a venirti via la pelle dalle ossa
Per il mondo non esistevi più, adesso non esisto più io per te
Sei una presenza in casa tua, non hai più niente da perdere
Ti ho lasciato affondare le zanne fino a questo punto
Lo sai che non sei (sono) capace di respirare da solo
Come fai (faccio) a respirare da solo?
   Tramonta il sole sul nostro amore, temo
Liberando nell’atmosfera la nostra solitudine
Le sorti della nostra possibilità di ribaltare la sorte stanno cambiando
Non pensavo di arrivare mai a vedere che mi cadessero le unghie
Non c’è l’amore nell’aria, non c’è l’amore nell’aria
Non c’è l’amore nell’aria, non c’è l’amore nell’aria
0 notes
tryingonametaphor · 2 months
Why Will Byers?
An analysis and theory on why Henry/Vecna targeted Will first in season 1 and his plans for Will in season 5
‼️Contains The First Shadow (TFS) spoilers so please proceed with caution.‼️
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This is going to be a little long but I’ve tried to give as much context as I can without actually being able to show snippets from the stage play. This is my interpretation of everything that went down as a member of the audience and not as someone who has read up any theories about TFS before. To understand why Henry took Will first in 1983, we have to start with -
Henry and Joyce
From all the times I’ve watched TFS, the one thing that has stuck with me is the final conversation Henry has with Joyce. It’s just before his last confrontation with Patty Newby and before he joins Brenner for good. Joyce is the last person (who doesn’t know about Henry’s powers) that he canonically talks to.
Throughout the entire play Joyce, Hopper, and Bob are investigating the animals dying at the hands of Henry and come to the conclusion that Victor Creel has been the one doing the killing. They get so close to solving the case. In her last conversation with Henry, Joyce tries to comfort him by saying that Victor will pay for his crimes - which makes Henry laugh because she’s so close yet so far from the truth. He gets a little frustrated and says “You don’t get it. But someday you will.” The next time we see Henry make a reappearance in Joyce’s life is during -
The Vanishing of Will Byers
Will is taken into the Upside Down (UD) by Henry. It’s not even a question anymore. All of the context clues from 1x1 lead us to believe that Will’s kidnapping was not by a demogorgon. Will - a 12 year old - miraculously survives a week in the upside down with no food or water. Will is even around the demogorgon a few times in the Upside Down. (Joyce communicating with Will through the lights and then the demogorgon coming after her immediately).
Barb dies the night she is taken but Will stays alive and also somehow manages to talk to Joyce through the wall. Joyce is led exactly to where Will was held at the end of s1 and he makes it out alive. It’s almost as if Henry knew all along that Joyce was the most capable of never giving up on finding her son. Like Henry took Will Byers because he was Joyce’s son. And like he was giving her just enough to know that Will was alive. Even when Joyce and Hopper find him at the end in a state of near death, he’s not injured by a creature. He was being prepared for the next stage of Vecna’s plan -
The Possession of Will Byers
The origins of Henry’s powers happen as such - As a kid, he is transported into the UD (originally coined Dimension X by the government) for a few hours because he touched something he wasn’t meant to touch. During his time in there, he came in contact with the Mind Flayer (MF). According to TFS this is the point in his life when he started getting “corrupted”. Brenner’s dad - who was one of the first people to enter dimension X - had mutated blood after but no powers. Henry was the first person to come in contact with the MF and it’s highly likely he got his powers because of this (This would also track considering how most of the party has been in the UD now but show no signs of having powers). The MF controls Henry for the rest of TFS and Henry grows more power hungry the more he kills.
In S2, Henry presumably sends the MF after Will - who has now had a year to heal from the events of 1983. Will is the only other person in all of ST to have had direct contact with the MF and survived it. Henry didn’t hesitate to kill Billy in S3, but he always gives everyone just enough to keep Will safe. Will himself tells Owens in S2 that the MF wants to kill everyone except him. Will once again survives the entire ordeal and is given a “break” for the next 2 seasons. Except I don’t believe he’s been just given a break. I think Will is -
Henry’s Sleeper Agent.
Ready to awaken in s5. I undoubtedly think that Will is going to have powers. And I don’t think they’re going to be the same as Henry and El. El and the other lab kids get their powers directly from Henry. Will’s powers will be directly from the MF like Henry. I believe this has been Henry’s plan all along and it’s further affirmed by what he tells Will in the recent VR game. That Will will be the key to Henry being able to infiltrate his friends’ minds. Jamie Campbell-Bower also mentioned during the S4 press that to get in character, he set up a display with all of Henry’s victims and targets’ faces on his wall(?), and Will was in the center.
Henry is going to use his connection with Will sneakily and midway through S5 he’s going to awaken Will’s powers (maybe in ep4 - which is said to be titled ‘Sorcerer’ and has young Will in it). Henry is going to try and manipulate his way into making an ally out of Will, and it’s not going to work because -
Will is the Perfect Character Foil.
Will is everything Henry could have been if he had a better support system. He is the perfect character foil. Unlike Henry, Will has a mother who loves him unconditionally and more importantly, believes him. Unlike Henry, the person who Will loves the most (the Patty to Will’s Henry: Mike) is going to love him back and stay by his side all season. No one is going to force them to be apart the way Henry was told to stay away from Patty. Will is not going to be easily swayed even though Henry has spent years crafting him into the perfect soldier. Sure, Henry has seen him heartbroken and sad, but that comes nowhere near to the amount of love and support Will is going to get from his people next season. And they’re going to quite literally defeat Vecna with the power of love and friendship. After that, Will Byers is getting the happy ending that Henry could have gotten.
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thypandatetor · 18 days
I just saw the mushroom skirt you made!!!!!! It’s amazing!! Is there a pattern available?
Howdy! I'm glad you like it, unfortunately I do not have a pattern. Knitting is a kind of puzzle I do to appease the ADHD... Learned that trick from grandma
But if you are the type to wing things, here is a fast and loose description of how do:
Provisional cast on for waist measurements, round to the nearest number of stitches divisible by 8, because you increase 8 every other row to make a circle
I wanted to distribute increases to be less visible so the increase/decrease plan was to increase by 16 stitches every 4 rows (row 1: increase by 16, rows 2-4: knit). Placed dots semi randomly, just started them wherever there seemed to be a big gap, had 4 dots of color work at a time. The mess that was the back of my color work:
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Increased until I ran out of red, maybe 4 skeins of Lucky Tweed? Switched to cream, I think I did one knit row before starting on gills? Decided gills would be 4 stitches wide, distributed them evenly with purls in between. I did end up laddering down a bunch of rows to add more gills in lol
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Decrease by 16 every 4 rows on the purl stitches. When the purls between gills got down to 4 stitches, I started letting them eat every other gill.
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This is the part that I feel I could have done better on but I cant figure out how I would have blocked it. Continued decreasing until the stitch count matched the cast on. Blocked aggressively, then continued with the same stitch count for about 5 more inches (wish I could have figured out how to decrease more gradually instead of making a tube). Moved current stitches and the cast on stitches onto one set of needles, red/white every other, switched to green to k2tog so the red faced the outside, 1x1 ribbing and tubular bind off!
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reiderwriter · 1 year
hi i love your writing
could you do something with reid loving that reader is pregnant. fluff or smut or both
A/N Hello! Thanks for the request! Dad!Spencer is the cutest thing on the planet so this is some unapologetic fluff. And now I have baby fever.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, idiots in love. Loosely based on Haley and Hotch's conversation in 1x1. Very fluffy and probably very cheesy and sentimental too... Sorry, you give me girl dad Spencer and suddenly there isn't an impure thought in my head, I just want to lovingly stare at him like I'm the dead wife in an action movie montage.
My requests are open, check out my masterlist for more 🌸
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“Okay, what about Amelia?”
“No, Amelia Dyer, Victorian serial killer. She killed multiple infants over a thirty-year period.”
“Okay, okay, how about, Myra?”
“Myra Hindley, she and her partner Ian Brady abducted and killed five children and teens in the early sixties.”
“God, not that then. There can’t be a psychopathic murderer called Belle, right?”
“You’re making this too easy for me, y’know. Belle Gunness, Hell’s Belle, she’s one of the most prolific female serial killers of all time, even 100 years after her supposed death. It’s fascinating, you know, people think that she actually faked her death - when the doctor who performed the postmortem testified, he noted that the cadaver was about five inches shorter and about fifty pounds lighter than Gunness supposedly was….” You raise a single eyebrow at your wonderful husband, and he immediately shuts up.
“I’m rambling aren’t I?” He smiled down at you as you sat curled up as much as you could in your favorite spot on the couch, the cosiest part of your shared apartment. You smiled back up at him as he leaned down for a kiss and you gladly craned your neck up in response, meeting his lips for a sweet moment.
“Hotch was right you know,” you joked when the two of you parted. “All of the best baby names have been taken by serial killers.”
“Yeah, you’d think with the ratio of female to male serial killers, a girl would be easier to name.” He leans down to kiss you again before falling into a crouch next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and placing his hand on your stomach.
“How big did you say our little girl is now?”
“Y/N, you asked me that half an hour ago. I know pregnancy messes with your brain a bit, but if you’re that bad we’re going to have to get you back to Dr Patel and see if you’re doing okay.” He was joking of course, but you showed him your little pout anyway, knowing that he loved seeing the silly expression on your face.
“Humor me, Doctor.” He strokes your stomach and moves away, but not too far away, taking up right next to you on the couch, and pulling your legs over his lap.
“At five months, she’s roughly 10 inches long with a weight of about 0.5-1 pound. But that ‘How Big is My Baby’ book would say that she’s roughly one banana in length.” You giggled up at him and he grabbed your hand and just held it, content to have you in his arms in any way, big or small.
“I can’t believe it’s been five months already,” you giggle as he presses another kiss to your hand.
“I get it. It doesn’t feel quite real yet to me, either. I thought for so long that fatherhood just wasn’t in my future, but you’re the gift that keeps on giving I guess. I don't know what I did to deserve you.” Even if the words weren’t so sweet, with all of the hormones, you would’ve started crying at anything. Or at least that’s what you’re going to tell him when he sees the small tears threatening to drop into enormous loving sobs.
“Spencer Reid, I am not a gift. I am simply the woman with the correct combination of sense and foolish luck that got to marry you.” He’d done this before, and you were used to his small habit of self-deprecating talk, but after a year of marriage and three years of dating before that, you’d managed to work him down to the occasional comment.
“Don’t try to argue about this, I’m definitely the one benefitting the most from the situation right now,” he joked with you, and you could see the genuine adoration shining from behind his eyes. It was a little spark that not many got to see, a glimpse of true happiness in someone usually so reserved.
“Spencer, you’ve given me foot rubs everyday this week, you’ve read more pregnancy and parenting books than every OBGYN and midwife in the area combined, and you’ve somehow attended more of my clinical check-ups than me, and I’m the one whose pregnant.”
“And you’re growing our child inside of you, which is itself more impressive than anything I could ever do with a book and some modern acts of chivalry.”
“Yeah, tell your boss that. I think the only thing keeping Emily from pulling her hair out over your constant absences is that she thinks she’s competing for the title of godmother. She thinks Penelope and JJ are trying to corrupt me with parenting advice and all those baby clothes Pen keeps bringing over.”
“She’s going to be crushed when she remembers we’re not religious, right?”
“Devastated,” the two of you shared a laugh on the couch, and it quickly devolved into a giggle fit after Spencer leaned over and tickled your side. You jolted away from his touch, but he was on you again, attacking your sides with small caresses, and you were gasping for breath between laughs.
“Spence stop- ahh!” Your squeals stopped as you cried out in shock. It was small but you felt something tap against your stomach. Spencer stopped immediately upon seeing your expression change, and a serious look settled on him as he assessed you for any damage.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you in pain anywhere, is the baby okay?” He shot out the questions rapidly, one after the other, barely leaving space to catch his own breath from the laughter of earlier.
It happened again and you put a hand to your stomach, finally realising what’s going on.
“I think I just felt her kick. Spencer, I think I just felt the baby kick.” You couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across your face, as much as you couldn’t help the tear that dropped from your eye as your hand rested against your belly again, scared to move for fear that the baby wouldn’t communicate with you again.
“What? Now? Can I- Can I try and feel it, too?” His hands hesitated at first but when you enthusiastically nodded and used your other hand to put him close to yours, you could feel his eagerness to feel the small kicks of your daughter as well.
Almost as if she was waiting for him, as soon as his hand was in the right position, your little girl kicked again, almost as if screaming “I’m here mommy and daddy,” for the two of you to hear.
“I think she’s trying to tell us not to have fun without her,” Reid whispered in your ear, kissing your tear streaked cheek, and using his free hand to rub them away from the other side of your face.
“I am so thankful everyday for this gift you have given me. And for the record, the gift isn’t the baby. The gift is the overwhelming happiness you bring to my life, and the beauty you make me see in this world. The fact that you’re going to be the mother of my child gives me the confidence to get up and go to work every morning because I know that there is joy and there is kindness and there are beautiful people in this world, and you are one, and she will be, too.”
His attempts to dry your tears are now completely vanquished as you let your emotions run wild, but you almost laugh when you realise that his eyes are just as glassy as yours, and you both sit there, overwhelmed by the pure, unadulterated joy that a small kick from a child who has yet to be given a name has bought you.
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mithrandirl · 3 months
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i always get questions when i do a split gifset, and it's a deceptively simple process so i thought i'd try to show how i do it! i don't know if these types of gifsets have a more universally recognized name, but that's what i call them so that's what i'm going with.
i'm going to write this assuming you have a solid familiarity with photoshop and making gifs, but please feel free to send me an ask if anything is unclear. i use video timeline/smart objects so will be showing that (here's a great general tutorial on giffing with timeline). i will also be talking A LOT about gif dimensions, so first let's briefly go over the limits and theory a little bit.
a 1 column gifset can accommodate gifs 540 pixels wide
2 columns = 268 pixels each with a 4 pixel gutter between
3 columns = 177, 178, 177 pixels with 4 pixel gutters
i'm mostly going to talk about 2 column split gifs here (what i will refer to as 2x1 from now on - 2 across and 1 high), but the process is the same for 3 column (3x1) and so on (1x2, 2x2, etc).
so, why would you even want to make a gifset like this? i mean, let’s face it, generally, bigger is better for gifs on tumblr, and there are obvious incentives to 540 width gifs over 268 or 177/8 width, especially since the upload limit went to 10MB. but even 10MB isn’t much when you’re talking about high quality footage. gif making is a constant balance between quality (whatever that means to you: frame dimensions, sharpening, coloring, etc) and file size. split gifs are a cheat to that limitation >:)
i personally believe an untapped frontier of tumblr gifmaking is playing with dimensions and time. that sentence makes me sound like an old-timey sci-fi villain, but you get the idea: gifmaking is an art and there are many fun and interesting ways of exploring the medium. you can do a lot with 268 pixels! longer frame loops to gif longer scenes unbroken, bolder coloring on a wide shot you don’t want to pare down. and, a shorter x axis means the y axis’s bang goes a lot further on a buck. also just if you have a 2 column set but only 5 gifs so you need to make one take up 2 slots. there's a lot of reasons but the most important one is it's fun :) here are some examples of other split gifs i've made: x, x, x
this isn't so much a limitation, more of a shift in how you think about gifs, but it's important to remember that each gif should ideally be doing something still. when making split gifs, it’s easy to pick a wide scene without thinking about how it’ll be split down the middle, and then you’re left with a lot of something on one side and a lot of incongruous nothing on the other - or you're left with a person cut in half awkwardly in the middle. so while a split gif can still be a whole scene, you shouldn’t ignore the break and what it means to the bigger picture. now this is personal preference, but i like to play with the break and make it a part of the gifset. mirrored movement, subjects trapped on either side but still talking to each other, a bird flying from one side to the other. fun with frames! it can be another way of drawing attention to specific images/moments/feelings happening within the same shot.
to more narrowly define what i’m calling “simple split gifs,” it’s one set of frames split down the middle into two separate gifs that are meant to play concurrently, side by side.
first thing's first, crop your gif and uncheck delete cropped pixels if it is not already (very important). i'm cropping it to the 1x1 size, in this case 268x350. if you need to see how the full size will look, you can try it out with 536 first. but this one is pretty easy, this is the exact center of the frame (the left boundary of this crop is the center line) and both their heads fit within their respective 1x1 crop.
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then color as you normally would. if your scene is very different one side to the other, it might be easier for you to color on a wider crop and then either crop again or copy paste your coloring to the smaller crop version. i do that with the 2x6s, but it's usually not that big a deal to color the 2x1s with just the small crop on your canvas at the time. this scene is very symmetrical, both in movement and colors, so i'm good.
now the fun part! once you've got one side how you want it, save/export as you normally would. at this point i also like to make a mental note of how many frames there are.
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so i have 49 frames and it's still only ~3MB! this is just an example that i picked from my rotk fancy set, otherwise i probably would have made this gif longer.
then onto the other side, so i ctrl + z my way back to my smart object video timeline. to get to theoden i just drag and drop the smart object 268 pixels over. since this one is in the exact center of the image, it even helpfully guides me (this can get annoying if you are NOT giffing the center of the image fyi, but you can always manually go pixel by pixel too if you need to with your <- -> keyboard buttons. just always remember where you started and count accurately). i can never move around my smart object without hiding the adjustment layers on top of it, so you'll see me do that in this screen recording.
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see how it corrected me when i dragged it a few pixels down by accident, and with all those pink guidelines? sometimes photoshop is good 😌
then make sure you still like the coloring, adjust whatever needs to be adjusted, but watch out! don't make any major changes because it still has to match the other side. and export again.
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what we perceive as 1 series of frames chopped down the middle is just 2 separate gifs with the same frame rate. when tumblr loads the images, it will run concurrently in the post (even though it never does in the draft post 🙄). and that's it!
again i'm making up terms, but i call anything with more than 2 components a complex split gifset. i've tweaked some things in the process as i went along, but this is generally how i did the lotr series. these sets are basically just many split gifs with transitions. and here's where endurance becomes a factor :) there's a lot of prep done blind. but if set up well, it will be fairly easy to pull together by the end.
first i decide on my dimensions, using my upper bounds to determine how big i'm going to go. since lotr has very nice large file sizes, i can go pretty big without sacrificing much in quality. i decided on 3 rows of 350 pixel height gifs and it's worked well for me. that means my biggest gif will have a total height of 1050 pixels - fun! you could also do 8 rows, with two 2x2s or just a series of 2x1s that transition to 1x1s. there really is no limit to this except your imagination and source material.
i cap everything i'm going to use before i even open photoshop, then do all of them at once. uncheck delete cropped pixels, then i make my gifs! this is where i spend 90% of the time on this set. every gif should be the size of the smallest 1x1 gif (268x350 for me). i make all 10 into a fully colored, separate psd. (and then i usually go back through all of them a few times to get the colors to match better 😅) for the bigger ones (2x1: 536x350 and 2x6: 536x1050), i just crop them as if they were 1x1 but always thinking about how they will look when big. this gets tricky when i do the big one :) my lazy workaround for that is to basically make it twice: one cropped as it will be and one full size for me to color. then i copy and paste all the coloring layers onto the small one and voila, i know that the coloring in the upper right slice will also look good on the bottom left slice 1050 pixels away because i saw it on the full size version.
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coloring is probably the biggest thing i'm thinking about with this kind of set. the whole idea is that these gifs are using the same colors, more or less, throughout each phase. even with the 1x1s, they're still part of a larger color concept, and they should (🤞) work with each other.
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in a pinch, i like to eyedrop a color from one gif and add it as an accent to another. one of my 1x1s had a much more muted color palette originally, but i wanted it to have deeper blues and yellows to complement the 1x1 that would go next to it, so i added some gradients on lower opacity over it, color picked from other gifs i already colored.
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i keep my coloring and the smart object in separate folders to help me in the final step of combining everything, and then i trim everything down to my lowest common denominator of frames. you might think you need to keep frames pretty minimal if you're doing 3 phases with transitions like this, but there's more room to work with on a small gif, in terms of file size. i usually do 30-50 frames for each phase, with the assumption that i'll be adding a transition on each side of each gif that will eat up some frames (i usually do 4-6 frame fade transitions). for the rotk set my final frame count was 129 and i never went over 8MB on a gif, so there's plenty of space play around with things :)
and then, combine! whatever order you start with, you are stuck with (unless you're getting even more complicated, but we won't go into that lol). for these sets i go small 1x1 -> medium 2x1 -> big 2x6. i like to think of it in phases from this point on. small is the first phase, then medium, then big. then i put in the fade transitions, chopping up the first phase gif so the last one will fade into it, restarting the whole cycle seamlessly. i'm just doing a quick and dirty fade here, but here's a tutorial if you want more explanation on transitions.
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at this point i save this psd as its position, "top left" or whatever (usually it's a psb by this point too 🥲), just in case i need to go back to it. then i export this first gif and move on to the rest.
it's the same concept as a simple split gif: drag and drop the smart object to the new position, but now there are multiple phases to keep track of. folder organization has been key for me to keep everything straight. i move through the gifs in a backwards S, starting with the top left. but you could go any direction, just gotta stick with it and remember your counts. in my case, i'm always thinking of 268 pixels over and, for the 2x6, 350 up/down. it's a tedious process, but it goes quick (apart from waiting for photoshop to load each time you export).
i did this series as a color concept aesthetic kind of thing, so my theory was by using the same-ish colors throughout, that would save me in the end when it came time to export. there's only 256 colors max to work with on a gif, and that's usually what gets me over the 10MB limit. but as i said, i have never even gotten close to the size limit on this series. it's pretty hard to reach the limit on 268 pixels, but not impossible. (i did run into that on the emma set i did, and that was hell. but also not an impossible fix in the end.)
and that's it! if you try any of this and have trouble, i'm happy to help if i can but mostly this is a "click around and see what works for you" kind of process. and feel free to tag me on your split gifsets :) i love seeing them <3
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Hello there lovely people of tumblr 🌷
I’m in search for a roleplay partner 18+ (I’m 18+ myself) who would be willing to write about Harry Styles 👀 You’ve no idea how much I miss Love On Tour 😭
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I wanna create something special. Lots of twists and turns, drama, fluff, angst… gimme all! I wanna exchange ideas, inspire each other and build a safe space for both of us!
Sounds like something you’d like to do too? 👀✨
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I roleplay exclusively on discord, I write in past tense, 3rd person. I use tupper (don’t worry if you haven’t yet, I’ll help you set it up!) I prefer to write as a female character.
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Disclaimer: I’m looking for someone who would be equally invested in the roleplay as I would be. Don’t react to this post if: you don’t like chatting; fangirling about the ship from the rp; you’re not gonna come up with ideas yourself and rely solely on my creativity. No. I want both of us to be engaged in this! 🙏🏼
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pebbles-agere-blog · 2 months
How to Make a LEGO Rattle! (With Pictures)
step 1: gather the pieces you'll need!
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here I have:
12 2x2 bricks
6 1x1 round plates
8 1x2 bricks
4 1x1 bricks (can be replaced by 1x2s but i ran out lol!)
2 1x2 tiles
1 2x4 tile
4 2x2 inverted slope bricks
step 2: the handle!
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stack all the 2x2 bricks into a tower. I chose to make a double rainbow with my colours, but you can use whatever colours you want or have!
step 3: the base!
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take 2 of the inverted slope bricks and place them on the top of the tower, 1x2 side down
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then, take the 1x1 bricks and put them on the parts reaching off of the tower, to create a sort of C shape on the top
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put the other 2 inverted slopes perpendicular to the first 2, in between the 1x1s from earlier. it should look like a plus sign (+) when viewed from the top
step 4: the sides!
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put 2 1x2 bricks on top of each other, on the ends of 3 of the slopes, to begin to close in the center
step 5: the top!
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the 2x4 goes across the top, from one 1x2 to the other
step 6: the filling!
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the round plates go inside the center
step 7: close it!
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the last 1x2 bricks go on top of each other on the open edge
step 8: finishing touches!
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the 1x2 plates go on top, on the bricks that are still uncovered, to make it look nice
the finished product should look something like this:
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now enjoy your rattle!
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