#1940's bucky barnes x reader
s0urw00lf · 7 months
All the time
Bucky Barnes x reader
The three times you called his name. The one time he answered.
1940’s era: James Barnes
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Y/n l/n had regrettably found herself on a date with a something shed be called unladylike for saying asshole. To be fair her mother wouldn’t let her turn the man down, ready to get her married off before the war. She was currently at the movies sitting beside him as his arm draped sloppily over her shoulder and much to close to her breast for her liking all the while he continuously yelled for the movie to start. People all over the theater were ‘shhh’ing him but he didn’t care as he continued on, making y/n want to melt into her seat with embarrassment. You heard from behind you “hey, wanna show some respect?” Someone whispered. You turned around to see a small frail man, you mouthed ‘I’m sorry” and he just nodded back. Again “who cared, Just start the cartoon” he said. Y/n sighed about to get up and leave until the small man spoke up again “hey you wanna shut up?” At that point Tommy heard him and turned towards him.
Somehow you found yourself in the alleyway trying to pull Tommy off of the guy. “Tommy that’s enough” you said pulling his arm, he pushed you down hard making you hit your head on a rock and you felt the blood immediately pool down your face not fully aware of what was going on anymore, until you were pulled up softly “you okay ma’am” you were asked. “Yes, yes I’m fine he needs More help than me” you said pointing to the fight, not even looking at the man that helped you up, more focused on the blood running down your face. You soon saw Tommy walk past you and grabbed your wrist firmly “come on y/n” he said angrily. You struggled against his grip “let me go you pig” you said as you clawed at his hand trying to separate it from your wrist. He didn’t budge “let go of me you disgusting pig” you cried putting as much resistance as you could.
Tommy finally turned and gave you the worst bitch face and forcefully pushed you back as he let go. You fell to the muddy ground, and tears formed in your eyes when you looked down and seen how dirty yourself and your dress was. The two men had seen the whole interaction and rushed to help you up. “Thanks” you said not making eye contact with either as you tried to make yourself a bit more presentable even though those stains weren’t gonna come out without some stern washing. You finally looked up when the shorter man spoke “no thank you for trying to help me. I’m Steve by the way. Steve rogers” he said. You nodded “y/n l/n, wish we could’ve met on better terms” you said with a small laugh. “Steve seems to find trouble everywhere he goes. James Barnes” the other man spoke. You finally took a good look at him and you let out a gasp when you made eye contact with the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen.
He towered over you and his brunet hair only heightened his handsome features. “Oh, uh yeah I mean it happens right?” You replied trying to cover up how shocked you were at his handsome face. He smiled and nodded, making you melt a little. Suddenly you’d felt a little more self conscious. “Hey Steve, how about you go get cleaned up and I’ll walk miss y/n here home.” James says. Steve looked up at him in confusion “why, we goin somewhere?” He asked. James nodded “the future” he said smiling and handed Steve a pamphlet. Steve studied the pamphlet before nodding and making his way home with a nod to you and a pat on James’s back. James led you back to the sidewalk and you began to get dirty looks from people passing by, making you even more uncomfortable and self conscious .
James luckily noticed and started up conversation in hopes to distract you, “So, what where you doing here with, and excuse my language, an asshole like that” he asked. She sighed “my mom, she wants me married or at least in the process of getting married. She’s getting old and my pa passed some time ago, she doesn’t think I can make it on my own.” You said bitterly. You looked at him taking in his attire for the first time “you getting shipped out?” You asked. He nodded “Sargent James Barnes, shipped out to England first thing tomorrow morning” he said standing proud. You nodded lowering your head to watch your shoes as you walk feeling a bit disappointed because he and his friend were the first decent men you’d come across in all of Brooklyn.
“James Barnes”
Winter soldier era
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after being let out of cyro for the first time in decades the soldier was led to a morally grey room, by the same man with round glasses shed seen before she went into the cyro. Aside from the table and two medal chairs, the room was empty much like the rest of the facility.
The only difference from the rest is there was a lingering presence in the darkest corner of the room. All she could see was the shining of something silver. She made no face, showed no sign of weakness, because she couldn’t, she’d been erased of everything. Fear included. But she stayed on high alert, ready to defend herself and her boss. “Sit” zolo demanded.
She took a stealthy seat, not making any noise as she did so, not even as her boot made contact with the ground on the other side of the chair. She stared at the man who had also taken a seat in front of her. “You have been assigned a new partner, it he has been made to match your every move as if it was your own. You fit together like a puzzle.” The man stated.
She nodded letting the man know she understood. “Step out soldat” the man demanded. At the corner of her eye she’d seen it, the smoothest movement as the figure slipped out of the darkness and into the light. “Meet the winter soldier” said zolo. She slowly turned her head meeting the steel blue eyes. ‘Barnes’ the name had echoed in her head but she was careful not to let her expression shift. She looked back to zolo only to see him eyeing the herself and the soldier carefully. She chose not to make it known. “Do we have a mission?” She asked, voice hoarse from not being used in so long.
“You do” he said and smiled his sickening smile. A file was placed in front of her, the soldier came to stand behind her so he could see, she almost felt at ease. She opened the file only to be met with a photo of a blonde haired blue eyed man. Captain ‘Steve rogers’ America. “What do you want us to do?” The man finally spoke behind her. His voice deep and hoarse as well. “Find him. Bring him alive. Beat him to the brink of death if you have to. But. Bring. Him. Alive.” He demanded. The pair nodded in understanding, before bing dismissed.
as they made their way to the jet and got stocked up on weapons and ammo the name ‘Barnes’ kept running through her head. So much so that it slipped out of her mouth.
Fatws era
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The last time you’d come face to face with james it was after the thanos war, you’d lived with nat while you were figuring things out before then you’d been snapped and now you’re living close toSam’s sister Sarah, helping her out with the boys. On this particular day you had walked into Sarah’s house in search of some flour, as you had ran out some days ago, “hey sara-“ you called but stopped yourself as your eyes landed on an all to familiar shield in the hands of Sarah’s boys. “Hey where’d you-“ she began to question but the oldest shushed her and pointed to the couch. Y/ns brows furrowed as she looked only to see that all too familiar face, obviously just now waking up. She ushered the boys away, but was quick to take the shield before they slipped too far out of her reach. “Hey, I uh- i didn’t know that you were here” she said awkwardly. “I just got here yesterday. I didn’t know you lived here” he said as he sat up from his laying position. “Oh no no. I don’t live here. Like here as in this house, I’m neighbors with Sarah.” You said shaking your head.
All he did was smile at you in amusement, making your cheeks heat up. “Uh well i only came to get something, I’ll be out of here soon” you said slowly backing away into the kitchen. Helping yourself to the flower you’d initially came to get. As you passed him again, he looked lost in thought so you cleared your throat, once again catching his attention. “Uh i live next door, if you uh- ever wanna come by and talk things over” you said nervously picking at your fingers. He smiled that charming smile that had you swooning since day one and nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind” he said. You nodded and backed away from the room and out of the door you used to enter the house.
a while had gone by since your interaction with James and if you’re being honest, you are really disappointed because you were looking forward to seeing him again. You are about to pack up for bed when a knock on your door broke you out of your daydream. You went to cautious because old habits die hard, you open the door to come face-to-face with James Buchanan Barnes. “Oh, hey I wasn’t expecting you” you’d said stupidly before you could think. You were totally expecting him, hoping and praying for him to knock on your door. “If im gonna be honest i want going to. Last time we’d seen each other we left off on a kiss and a barely confessed ‘I love you’. Sam told me not to let that go again.” He said sincerely. “ Well, Sam was right. Ever the wingman, no pun intended” you said letting out a laugh, as did he. Before either of you could make another remark, Bucky rushed forward and pressed a kiss to your lips. The kiss was soft and full of longing and warmth, happiness flooded you like you just took your first drink of hot chocolate on a chilly winter morning. The two of you separated breathing heavily
“my Bucky Barnes.”
“My Y/n L/n”
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t0omanyfandoms · 5 months
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate 1940's Bucky barnes
He has me in a fucking chokehold
He's so fucking adorableeeeee
James Buchanan Barnes
Fucking love Buckyyy
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Like look at himmmmm
Look at that precious smileeee
I wanna hug himmmmmm
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eden031 · 2 years
In another time pt. 1
Bucky x reader
Content: loss, grief, World War 2, 1940‘s Bucky, love, engagement, losing a lover
This is not beta read, but I for once actually proof read something, please bear with me
2.3 k Words
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You looked at your fiance with wide eyes and your mouth slightly opened. Anger was rising in your chest and you wanted to punch him so hard that he would not be able to get up anymore. You had known that it would happen sooner than later, but it still hurt. You knew it was not his fault, you knew that Bucky was only doing the right thing and it was his duty to his country, to your country. He was a good man and you knew that war might not be for good men, but he would make a difference.
„James…“ his smile faded, you never called him James unless it was serious. The only time you had called him James before had been the day you had told him that your father disapproved of your engagement. „I thought that there would still be enough time for us to get married.“ your voice was weak. It was true, you had wanted to get married before he would be deployed, he had promised it and now here he was, telling you that he would be leaving New York by the end of the week.
„We could still get married…“ he smiled one of his charming crooked smiles that had made you fall for him. His eyes were sparkling and he looked so happy that he had come up with this idea. „Steve could be my best man and your sister could be your maid of honor. Or we could just go and get it officiated now, there is no one stopping us.“ he laughed softly.
You felt a heavy weight settling on your shoulders. It was pressing down on you and you wanted nothing more than to tell him to stay home, however you also knew that you would not let him be declared a deserter.
„No, let‘s wait until this war is over. Then we can have a proper wedding. With Rebecca as the flower girl, our parents there, Steve can still be your best man and my sister can still be the maid of honor, but maybe then we can have it in peace as well.“ You whispered. Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
„Where we first met?“ he asked, a grin spreading on his face, knowing fully well that where you both first met no wedding could be held. He had met you when he had tried to get Steve, a common friend of yours, out of trouble. It had all happened in an alleyway where you had been trying to keep the attacker off of Steve, but had not succeeded.
„No, in the nice chapel down on seventh.“ You nuzzled your face into his uniform and swayed with him. You had a feeling that this would not come true, you glanced over to the dress hanging from your shelf. It was supposed to be your wedding dress, your mother had handmade it for you and you had wanted to wear it, but things had now taken a different turn.
„Oh, that is a good idea. I really like the ceiling there, it looks very nice.“
You laughed at his comment and took a deep breath of his scent, trying to burn it into your mind, trying to force it to stay there until you would be able to see him again. Luckily you would still be able to tell him goodbye when he would leave at the end of the week, but it still hurt, knowing that you might never see him again after that.
The wind was blowing the salty air in your direction, tears were running down your cheeks as you let go of Bucky. Carefully you grabbed his face and pressed your forehead against his. A single tear was sliding down his cheek and it made your heart ache.
„Remember, I will follow you to the ends of this world and I will travel even further just to keep you safe.“ you whispered with teary eyes.
Bucky laughed, his laugh was a lot more watery than it was probably supposed to be.
„I think I should be the one saying this…“ he smiled softly.
„No, it is alright. You will not have to protect me, but rather help protect this world. Please come back to me in one piece.“ you laughed and kissed him.
„I promise.“ he answered breathlessly.
Your heart ached as you watched how he was walking away and onto the ship that was waiting for the soldiers. One last time he turned around and waved you goodbye.
You waved as well, the light blue dress you were wearing billowed in the wind that came from the sea.
You whispered to yourself, so silently that you were not sure if you actually said it or just thought:“ Don‘t go where I can‘t follow, James Buchanan Barnes.“
You sat in the back of one of the jeeps as you were making your way to the hilltop. Your hands were covered in blood and freezing cold. A soldier was laying at your feet, shaking from his injuries and the cold. You had already given him your jacket and tried to keep him as warm as possible while you were making your way up the hill. The team of nurses you had been working with had found the men among some other injured soldiers at a battlefield that seemed to be littered with bodies. You had tried to save these men and were now transporting most of them back up to the nearest camp of the allies.
„Is someone waiting for you at home?“ the soldier asked, his face was pale and his hand was cramped up around the bullet wound that went straight through his shoulder.
„No…he is out here somewhere…“ you answered him with a kind smile. „Well, my parents are home and they are waiting for me.“
He smiled and pulled out a picture of a girl from his pocket. „Please I want to sit up.“ he croaked out. You bent down and hauled him up so that he was sitting by your feet. „Thank you.“ he whispered. „See she is waiting for me at home. Her name is Mary and our son should be born in a few months.“ He smiled softly and pressed the picture to his chest, a faint smile on his pale lips. „We got married a few months before I had to leave…“ he spoke softly and it almost broke her heart. The wound to his shoulder was not fatal, but she was not sure which other injuries he had suffered from that were internal.
„Will I see her again?“ he asked, tears streaming down his face as he grabbed your hand tightly. „Will I see my Mary and my son again?“ he was crying and you had to hold back not to cry as well.
„Yes, Soldier. You will see them again. Just hang in there. We will be at the camp in a few moments, then everything will turn out fine.“
You looked up and could see the camp getting closer. The jeep was going faster now since it was not going uphill anymore. Shouting was coming from the camp and it seemed as if there was already some sort of issue at hand that they tried to deal with.
„Everything will be alright, Soldier.“ you got up from your seat and held on as tight as possible to the sides of the jeep and made your way over to a man that had sustained an injury to his eye and was probably going to lose said eye. He was staring into the void and you got ready to get him off the jeep.
The jeep stopped and a group of soldiers opened the back of it. Their faces looked sad as if they had just been told of a great loss, but you just pulled the man over your shoulder and heaved him off the jeep.
„Give him some clean bandages to put on his eye and tell your stationed nurses to not let him scratch it. If he does not touch it there might still be a chance to save the eye. Bathe the bullet wound in alcohol, whatever you have.“ you handed the man over to the soldier that looked a little bit flabbergasted to be ordered around by a nurse, but he just obliged. The other nurses had been spread on the other jeeps and there were about three wounded soldiers per jeep. However, the biggest issue was that some of the nurses belonging to your group had been killed in an ambush two weeks ago and there had not been sent reinforcements, which meant that there were less nurses and more injured soldiers.
„Can you walk?“ you asked the man you had just been speaking to. He just nodded and started to slide off the jeep, slowly wobbling after the soldier that was carrying the other man to one of the tents.
The last man that was in the jeep was unconscious and was running colder and colder by the minute. With shaking hands you pulled him closer to you and hauled him over your back and your shoulders. Suddenly you realized something, you had gotten stronger over the last months. Carrying equipment and injured men daily had made you stronger and you knew that it would come in handy sooner or later.
As you carried the man towards the tent you caught a part of the conversation two men had. Only two words and your heart almost jumped out of your throat. ‚Sergeant Barnes‘, Bucky was maybe here.
After you had put the man on one of the cots and the nurses that had been stationed there told you to rest a little since to put it in her words:‘ looked a little bit pale, hungry and shaken.‘ Slowly you made your way out of the tent and started to look for a place to wash your hands. You found a bucket filled with some dirty and grimy looking water, sighing you started to wash your hands, scrubbing hard and trying to get away the dried blood.
„(Y/N)?“ The voice was confused and happy at the same time. You recognized it right away and spun around with a bright smile on your face. It was the first time in what felt like months that you were truly glad to see someone. Steve stood there, the blue and white and red suit looked worn and dirty and so did he. There was something sad about his expression, that you could not quite place. His usually bright eyes looked glossy and sunken into his skull.
„Steve!“ You cried out and laughed. You had heard of the Howling commandos and had also heard that Steve and Bucky were part of it. Meaning that wherever Steve was Bucky was nearby.
„Steve! I am so glad to see you and I do not want to seem impolite, but where is Bucky?“ excitement filled your voice. You had been longing to see him for ages and you knew that he would be glad to see you as well.
Steve‘s expression seemed rather neutral, but sad. He turned his head away from you and looked at the ground.
„Steve?“ you asked. A feeling settling in your stomach that this could not mean something good, not even remotely so. Your heart clenched and you reached out to grab his shoulder.
„Steve?“ you repeat yourself, knowing fully well that the answer is going to be heart shattering.
„I am sorry…(Y/N)…Bucky is…he is gone.“ he whispered.
Knowing it was different from hearing it from another person. A sob left your gut and you started crying. Big, ugly tears were running down your cheeks as you looked at Steve. Sob after sob was wrecking your body, it was a miracle that you did not scream. It was a miracle that you did not try to charge at Steve. It was a miracle that you did not let yourself fall to the ground and never get up again. You just swallowed hard and let the sobs wreck through your body as Steve pulled you into a tight hug.
He knew what you were feeling. He had loved Bucky, maybe not the same way you had loved him, but he had loved Bucky and he had lost a good friend. Steve tried to soothe you and only succeeded partially. After he let you go you swore to everything that was dear to you that you would make H.Y.D.R.A pay for what they did. You did not care how long it took or what measures were required, the only thing that you wanted at that moment was vengeance.
The war was over and you had finally been able to return home. However, home was not the same anymore without Bucky. Your apartment felt empty, the dress was still hanging on your shelf where you had left it and it would continue to hang there for the years to come, never touched, only dusted.
Your friends were dead and the only person you had was the widow of the man you had promised to bring home. Mary was a good woman and needed help after losing her husband to the war. The two of you worked together and helped each other to come to terms with the loss. Mary made you the Godmother of her son who she had named Christopher. When you were not with Mary you were out and about. Trying to help as many people as possible, that‘s how you ended up working for Howard Stark and the SSR. However your time away from work and from Mary you spent the same.
Every night you would go to his grafe, an empty grave, cleaning it and lighting the candles. They had never found his body, never brought him home. Every night, shortly before you would leave you would repeat the same thing over and over again.
„Maybe in another time we will meet again, maybe in another life.“
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elixirfromthestars · 12 days
Boulevard Confessions
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Pairing: 1940s!Bucky Barnes x Nurse!Reader 
Summary: Being a third wheel to Peggy and Steve wasn't your ideal Thursday night fun. However, when they tell you Bucky is tagging along you eagerly decide to join them. That is until a third party makes its presence known.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning(s): drinking / fluff / jealousy / divergent from canon timeline / suggestive language / tipsy symptoms / mentions of war + the hardships that came with it
a/n:  Here’s a little piece that’s been sitting unfinished in my drafts for ages. For context, this timeline is one where Steve and Bucky both made it back from the war safe and sound and are enjoying their lives now that the war is over. Thank you for reading! ₊˚⊹♡ As a little psa my writing challenge is still ongoing!! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!! ♡
for ambiance 🎶
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“ I am about to spew my dinner all over this table,” you grimace, downing the rest of your martini. The bitterness of the spirits was lost on you as your consumption grew in time with your sour mood.
Peggy eyed you from across the table, holding back her amusement, “ If you keep stuffing your face with martinis you will.” You reach out to grab another unclaimed drink, but before you could, Peggy slid the rest of them away from you. You crossed your arms, blowing out a resigned sigh. Even in your inhibited state, you knew better than to argue with an SSR agent. 
Peggy shook her head at you, “ As your best friend I have an obligation to put a stop to this. Don’t you have a shift tomorrow at the clinic?” Your eyes went wide at the reminder. 
You slump in the booth, dreading the bad hangover awaiting you in the morning. “ I do, but thankfully it's in the afternoon. I won’t feel it by then. . .” You trailed off, failing to convince Peggy, or yourself, you wouldn’t be miserable at work tomorrow. Peggy turned to look at the dance floor before returning her attention to you, “ You know, maybe you should dance the dizzy away. It might help you sober up.” Your lips purse at her suggestion, noticing a certain blonde-haired blue-eyed super soldier returning from the bathroom.
 “ It's easy for you to say. You have a dance partner,” you motioned over to Steve. 
“ You would too if you would only go up and ask him,” she pointed out. 
You glanced at the dancing couples, “ No way. With the way that leech is clinging on to him—I’d never get one word in.”
She shrugged, “ You’ll never know until you try.” These were her parting words before Steve arrived at the table and escorted her onto the dance floor. You watched them, your head bopping along tiredly to the swing music. 
Maybe you should have stayed home. 
You almost didn’t come to the outing—being the third wheel to Peggy and Steve wasn’t exactly your ideal Thursday night fun. However, Peggy had mentioned Bucky would come along, and seeing as you hadn’t seen him in a few weeks due to conflicting schedules, you thought this would be the perfect opportunity to catch up. 
That was until the leech—a woman named Darla—decided to hog Bucky all night. Darla had been trying to get with Bucky for over a month now. You found this out tonight when Steve made a comment about it. Bucky hadn’t paid it much importance, so you thought it must have not been anything serious. However, right about the time you and Bucky were starting to catch up, Darla came over and dragged him away. 
Since then you’ve been inhaling martinis like your lungs preferred them over air. 
You couldn’t help the way your eyes drifted over to Bucky’s figure. Handsome as ever in his navy suit—your favorite color on him—and hair neatly combed. Watching as Darla threw herself at him with the courage that you lacked. Pulling him every which way on the dance floor, holding his hands to her hips in a tight grip. 
Your stomach contents were threatening to come up again. 
When did things get so complicated? You scratched at your brain for an answer. Spending time with Bucky had been so easy back at the military base where you met. You were stationed there in the medical unit caring for wounded and ill soldiers. During that time, you became great friends with Peggy and everyone on the Howling Commandos team. Bucky would frequently visit the medical unit even when he wasn’t sick or wounded. Sometimes you swore he would fake injuries or aches just to come and see you. Anytime he came in with something new he would refuse to see any other nurse but you.
It made you feel special. While other women were smitten with his charms and stumbled over seizing his attention—you had it without effort. You had so much more than just his attention without even trying. On hopeless nights he shared his fears, on days where the war seemed endless you eased his worries, and when he felt like the world was crashing down on him his heart spilled all vulnerabilities to you. 
You found refuge from the horrors of war in each other—a balm to each other’s wounds that went beyond the physical. In no time, something deeper for him bloomed within your heart. 
Ever since the war was over, however, things have been different. It’s been a couple of years and Steve and Bucky work alongside Peggy for the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Going on missions has become their norm, so seeing your friends is a rarity nowadays. 
You on the other hand were given a job at a children’s clinic in Brooklyn. You were grateful for this small piece of normality coming back to you. Treating smaller wounds on smaller bodies instead of lethal wounds during a relentless battle. Your senses are permanently burned with sights, sounds, and smells horrific enough to induce nightmares—and they do—managing to steal precious hours of sleep from you almost every night.
It was something you and Bucky especially bonded over.
“ May I have the honor of a dance, gorgeous?” A voice interrupted your thoughts. You looked up to meet a pair of unrecognizable hazel eyes. A handsome stranger stood in front of you, his hand outstretched for you to take. If you had but only one percentage less of alcohol in your system you would have declined his offer. This of course wasn’t the case, and not wanting to reminisce on more melancholy thoughts, you decided to listen to Peggy’s advice and dance the dizzy away.
Even if it wasn’t with the man you wanted to dance with.
“ You may,” you smiled at him, taking hold of his hand. Swiftly you were swept into the sea of couples on the dance floor. The handsome stranger—who you soon learn was named Thomas—was an impeccable dancer. With one hand holding yours, and the other holding you gently at your lower back, he spun you around the dance floor in rhythmic kicks and slides. Thomas’ energy was infectious and you couldn’t help but match his enthusiasm. 
After two dances your footwork and Thomas’ were practically synchronized. Thomas twirled you, causing a giggle to escape your lips. It seemed the alcohol was stubborn about staying in your system as the twirl caused the dizziness to come back—for a split second—making you trip over your own foot. Thomas caught you and steadied you, both of you laughing at your clumsiness. The carefreeness of it all lulled the ache in your heart.
Behind Thomas, you caught a glimpse of Peggy who was dancing as joyfully with Steve. Her eyes met yours and she sent you an encouraging smile. Soon after, her eyes drifted to something behind you, turning her smile into a smirk. You went back to dancing with Thomas, but manoeuvered around to get a look at what caused Peggy to smirk. Your heart did a little jump when you discovered she had been looking at Bucky and Darla, dancing a few feet from where you were. 
Correction. She had been staring at a Bucky you barely recognized. His jaw clenched and body rigid as he glared daggers at the back of Thomas’ head. Darla beside him looked snubbed, tugging on Bucky’s arm to get his attention. His tense demeanor didn’t move an inch no matter how much she protested. The pair were no longer dancing, merely standing in the sea of all the couples. This piqued your curiosity. 
Why had he stopped dancing? And to glare at Thomas of all things?
You didn’t have much time to think about it as Darla, clearly fed up by Bucky’s lack of attention, grabbed him by his arm and pulled him away from the dance floor. You swayed to and fro with Thomas, controlling the direction you were swinging in to try and not lose Bucky from your line of sight. 
Where was Darla taking him?
Your heart stopped when you realized where they were going. Darla was making a beeline for the back of the bar where the honey hallway was. The spot where all the couples went to have a little more privacy and fool around without having to leave the bar. If he was going there with Darla, then maybe things were more serious between them than you previously believed.
Your heart dropped to your stomach when reality sank in. 
You excused yourself from Thomas, scurrying away in need of some fresh air. He offered to follow along, but you declined wanting to be alone. You threw the entrance door open into the Brooklyn night as a sickly feeling spread throughout your body. 
You stepped into the street, the swing music fading into the background as the door closed behind you. You took in a deep breath, once again regretting the amount of alcohol you had consumed.
If you weren’t drunk seeing Bucky with someone else wouldn’t have hurt so much. It wouldn’t have knocked the air out of your lungs like it's doing now.
You know that’s a lie. That’s a damn lie you’re telling yourself to get you through the night. To give you the strength to focus on your surroundings and trudge home. 
You’d eventually do that. First, however, your body seemed to want to cling to a street lamp to bring the world back to you. The cold metal underneath your palms grounding you for a moment. The breeze blowing past you threading through your hair as if to comfort you.
“ Doll, everything alright?” Your heart stuttered when you heard his voice, the thud of the bar door closing following it. You shut your eyes and bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from saying or doing anything the liquid courage in your system was trying to wrestle out of you. 
You knew you needed to make a quick getaway. 
“ I’m fine. Just heading home,” you were straight to the point before turning to walk away. Not looking at him as you put one foot in front of the other—and then stumbled. 
Bucky caught you, his arms offering a strong support,“ Woah, Y/n, how much did you drink?” There was a slight annoyance in his tone. As if the mere thought of you having fun was preposterous. 
Or at least that’s how your tipsy state interpreted it.
“ Doesn’t matter. I can have a drink or two if I want to. I get to have fun too,” you retort, trying to push his arms away from your body. Your arms are no match for his, as he doesn’t budge an inch—on the contrary, his hold gets more firm. The world started to spin more, but at this point, whether it was because of the martinis or his proximity—you wouldn’t know. 
Bucky huffed and rolled his eyes,“ This isn’t having fun. This is going overboard,” he counters. His constant need to hold you steady and scold you for drinking irked the part of you that was already upset with him—fueling it more. Especially when you had the image of him heading to the honey hallway with Darla ingrained in your brain. And his arms, the ones around you now, swinging her around on the dancefloor. 
There was something dark bubbling an envious brew within you. 
“ Why do you give a damn?” you snap out harshly. He stills at your tone and it's enough to shake his hold off of you. You force yourself to look at him. Intending to shoot him an annoyed glare. Something to convey what your heart felt when your words failed to—but when your eyes met his you froze. 
They were dark—virtually stormy—and yet, there was a hint of pain in them. Almost as if you had kicked him, but he was toughing it out.
“ What was that about?” He finally spoke after what seemed like too long. 
“ What was what about?” You feigned innocence. 
His eyes got darker, a disapproving half smile on his face,“ Don’t play coy. I come out here to check on you. You’re stumbling like a drunk fool. I try to help and you snap at me?” 
“ I didn’t ask you to,” you’re quick with your dismissal.
“ You…unbelievable…” Bucky lets out a scoff, not knowing how to respond. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into you. In his mind, you’re simply too drunk to regulate yourself. He doesn’t know the vile jealousy that bubbles in the pit of your stomach and gnaws at your heart. He doesn’t know the intense battle your emotions are having with your brain—right in front of him—to stay silent before you truly say something you cannot take back. 
“ Go back inside. I’m heading home,” you say simply, not wanting to dwell on this conversation any longer. You feared what might come of it if you didn’t.
“ No. I'm walking you home,” he shakes his head firmly, his tone matching in conviction. 
“ No, you're not,” you reply, turning to make your way down the boulevard. Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose, “ Like hell I'm not, doll. I'm not letting you walk home alone.” 
“I'm not letting you walk me home. I don't want you to,” you say adamantly as your feet start moving. Bucky is right beside you as they do, not letting you get away,“ I don't care what you want or don't want. I'm walking you home and that's final.” His voice leaves no room for argument. 
The martinis in your system don’t particularly give a damn, but it is enough to quiet you for the time being. Your speed increases slightly, but Bucky can match it easily. For a moment you consider running—as ridiculous as an idea that may be. 
The sharp patter of your footsteps against the pavement synchronizes with the thudding of his as they mingle down the boulevard. The city sounds around you are an otherwise low hum of the occasional car and distant conversation. The city still whispering its signs of life at this time of night.
The walk to your place isn’t too far. And you know if you don’t shake him off soon there would be an unpleasant conversation awaiting you when you arrive.  
“ Don’t you have someone waiting on you at the bar?” You remind him with a little sting to your heart. Secretly hoping this wasn’t the reason he’d walk away from you.
Bucky frowns, thinking for a moment before speaking,“ What? You mean Darla?” The sound of her name on his lips bristles you. 
“ Yeah, her,” the word her spills from your lips as if it was venomous. Bucky catches that and is taken aback for a second. His footsteps coming to a stop. You push yourself to keep walking. Taking this as a sign to ignore the tiny part of your brain that begs you to stop moving.
Not a minute later Bucky strides to your side,“ Doll…are you jealous?” He asks with the tiniest bit of doubt, his small smile overshadowing it. 
“ Me? Ha! No,” your denial is quick—too quick. His small smile turns into a wide grin. You’ve just confirmed his conjecture,“ Yes, you are.” 
“ No. Go ahead and marry her for all I care. I won’t be at the wedding anyway,” you don’t mean what you say and yet you said it anyway. Playing up the indifference act you’ve dawned. 
“ You won’t be at my wedding?” He’s not upset when he responds, he's amused. He has to hold back his laughter at your train of thought. This gets under your skin and you grumble a snippy no before picking up your pace. You’re now imagining Darla in a wedding dress next to Bucky in his suit and it does devastating things to you. 
“ That’s impossible.”
“ How so? I just won’t go.”
His tone takes a more serious turn when he replies, “ It’ll be hard to have a wedding without the bride there.” You come to a halt, your head whipping so fast to look at him you almost gave yourself whiplash.
“ What?” You manage to find your voice. His gaze softens,“ You heard me, doll.” He’s being completely sincere—you know this deep down. However, there’s still a part of you that doesn’t believe this is happening. That believes this to be a dream.
“ You don’t mean that.”
“ I do. If you were to ask me where I see forever—I see it with you.”
His confession takes your breath away. The mere admission of him thinking of you as his eternity—as the one he wants beside him for life—your heart could burst at how delightfully overwhelmed it feels. 
“ But you—” you start and his pointer finger gently presses against your lips to shush you. He already knows what you’re about to bring up and he needs to nip it before your drunken mind jumps to wilder conclusions.
“ She’s just a friend. She’s a secretary at the SSR—nothing more. I was dancing with her to be nice. Honestly, I was trying to find a polite way to leave her and get back to you until I saw you dancing with that guy,” he removes his finger from your lips once he’s done explaining. At the mention of Thomas, his jaw clenches briefly and annoyance flashes in his eyes. 
It dawns on you why he was glaring at Thomas earlier. The realization of Bucky having felt as jealous as you did sends your heart ablaze. Your heart had gone through so much tonight, you were surprised it hadn’t gone into cardiac arrest already. 
“ Who’s the jealous one now?” you tease, an almost giddy smile on your face. 
Bucky rolls his eyes playfully,“ Yeah, doll. Unlike you, I’ll admit it. I was jealous. I don’t like seeing you with another man. Laughing and dancing—should've been me, not him,” he says stepping closer to you. His eyes reflected pure adoration.
“ Why didn’t you ask me?” your question comes out quieter than you’d like. Enamored with the way he’s looking at you. You can barely focus on anything else. 
“ Because when it comes to you I get all nervous and worked up. It's like I’m a punk again—a dumb kid with a crush. I don’t want to mess it up with you, Y/n. I would never want to do anything to lose you. Guess I got too caught up in doing things right I didn’t do anything at all,” Bucky opens up to you, his answer shedding away any last bit of hesitance in your body.
“ Bucky…I wish it would’ve been you instead too,” you say softly, stepping closer until you’re only a few inches away from him. His features match yours in fondness as he gently reaches out to grab hold of your waist, pulling you even closer, and closing the final bit of distance between you.
Your hands rest delicately at his chest. You can feel the way his heart races under your fingertips, drawing out a small gasp from you. Knowing you had this effect on him delighted you. It made you wonder how long you had been making him feel this way—and how long you had missed the signs.
“ Told you. I’m a dumb kid with a crush,” he reiterates with a soft chuckle. You giggle at his words, beaming dreamily at the way that all of this is real. That Bucky has feelings for you, and you two can only grow closer from here on out.
For a split second his eyes dart to your mouth. Having you so close like this tempts Bucky to no end. Everything he’s ever wanted to do with you crosses his mind and it drives him crazy. He has no idea where to start or if he’ll even let himself start anywhere. 
Your body thrums with anticipation as it waits for him to make a move.  
Bucky ends up tenderly kissing your forehead, “ Come on, doll. Let’s get you home.” Your lips form a light pout, disappointed his lips didn’t touch yours. He sees your reaction and he laughs, giving your hips a light squeeze, “ Doll, our first kiss will happen after you get that alcohol out of your system,” he says, one hand reaching up to lightly swipe at your nose—finding you endearing. 
“ We’ve already had our first kiss.” 
“ Doll we—oh, we have…” 
The memory of you two drunkenly kissing in the medical tent on one particularly lonely night during the war flashes through your minds. The already tension between you rising to a palpable form. 
There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes,“ Still. If I’m being honest, I’m not stopping at just one kiss. So let’s wait until you’re sober, alright?”
“ Not stopping?” Your tone is playful as you pry for further explanation. 
“ Oh no, doll. I'll be doing so much more than kissing you,” he smirks, his words laced with suggestion. His hand goes out to cup your face, caressing your cheek. It warms under his fingertips at his implication. The air around you buzzes with electricity. 
He can tell where your mind went and he’s enjoying every second of it,“ Yeah, doll. Like taking you out on a proper date,” he winks at you. A genuine laugh erupts from you at the way he side steps what he really meant. He joins you in the laughter, his eyes telling you the truth of what he really desires.
You. Every bit of you.
You interlace your fingers with his, knowing deep down he has a point. When you kiss Bucky you want to be all there. You want all your senses to be fully awake to drink in every bit of him. 
Especially if it goes farther than a kiss.
Bucky moves you over so he’s walking on the outermost part of the sidewalk, holding your interlaced hands to his waist so you’re pressed right up against his side as you walk. You tease and playfully banter all the way to your apartment. The unspoken promises and unmistakable yearning for one another dancing around you two. Assuring you there was so much more to come. 
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
sooo here is my request! thank you!
Reader is bucky's ex fiancé (40's) and she is like a supersoldier too (she froze with steve and now she is an avenger)
but bucky does not remember her, so she has to deal with watching him dating some agents while she tries to make him remember that part of their life together (maybe with some letters and pics of them)
some angst - hurt / comfort with happy ending! 😭🤍
just bc i love this blog i would like to be "🕷️ anon" 😂
Remember Me » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Ex Fiancée/Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Ex Fiancée/Avenger!Female Reader
Summary: You and Bucky used to be engaged in the 1940s, but he doesn’t remember you and you have to deal with him going on dates with other agents so you do everything you can to get him to remember you.
Warnings: mix of Angst and Fluff, language, crying, flashbacks, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵 also you can be my 🕷️ anon🥰
A/N #2: Italic text is flashbacks. I imagined this as Bucky’s post Winter Soldier phase and the reader is a Super Soldier in this.
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You stood in the doorway of the conference room, patiently waiting for Bucky to stop flirting with an agent so you can get him to sign paperwork from a previous mission. You couldn’t help but feel jealous. You and Bucky were engaged in the 1940s, but it didn’t last long. After a few minutes, Bucky finally noticed you standing in the doorway.
“I’ll see you tonight, doll.” Bucky says to the agent and kissed her cheek.
Hearing Bucky call her doll felt like someone ripped your heart out of chest and crushed it in their bare hands. That’s what he used to call you.
“Can I help you, Agent?” He asks you.
“I need you to sign these papers from your mission last week.” You tell him, handing him the file.
“I’ll get these to you later.” He says.
You nodded and walked out of the conference room. You were about halfway down the hall when you had to lean against the wall and take a moment to yourself. Your back slid down the wall and you sat down on the floor. Your mind began to wander.
“You know I love you, right, doll?” Bucky asks.
“Of course I know that, Bucky.” You say with a smile.
Bucky intertwined his fingers with yours and kissed your lips sweetly.
“Are you ok?” Steve asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Yes.” You lied.
You stood up from the floor and walked past Steve. Your walk was cut short when Steve gently grabbed your arm.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” He pleads softly.
“You already know what’s wrong.” You said. “I have to live with the fact that my ex fiancée doesn’t remember me at all and I have to deal with him dating other agents.” You say.
“Give him time, Y/N. He’ll remember you.” He says softly.
You gave him a soft smile before walking away.
Later that same day, you were in the gym, punching the punching bag as hard as you could. You were trying to get the thought of Bucky out on a date with that agent. You punched the punching bag one last time before leaving the gym.
You got on the elevator to go to your bedroom. As soon as you got off of the elevator, you seen Bucky kissing that agent. You stood there with a shattered heart. You quickly went to your room before he seen you.
You immediately caught a glimpse of the picture of you and Bucky from the day he proposed to you. You picked up the picture from your nightstand and looked at it, reminiscing that day.
“Where are you taking me, Bucky?” You asked, followed by a giggle.
“You’ll find out in a minute, doll.” Bucky says.
Bucky told you he had a surprise for you and blindfolded you for it. Your walking came to a stop and Bucky let go of you.
“Take the blindfold off.” He says.
You took the blindfold off and gasped. Bucky took you to yours and his favorite tree. Your favorite flowers were surrounding the bottom of it and he carved “Will you marry me?” on the tree with a pocket knife.
“Bucky-” You turned around and gasped.
“What do you say doll?” Bucky was down on one knee with a small velvet box with a beautiful diamond ring in it. “Will you marry me?” He asks.
“Yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” You answered with happy tears streaming down your cheeks.
Bucky smiles widely and stood up. He slid the ring on your ring finger and kissed you passionately.
That memory slowly faded away. You let out a shaky breath and your eyes began to water. You took a deep breath before taking a shower and went to bed.
The next morning, as you were getting dressed you seen something shining on your dresser from the corner of your eye. It was Bucky’s Army dog tags. You picked them up and looked at them. A smile grew on your face when an idea popped into your head. You immediately went to the kitchen, already knowing Bucky was in there.
“Morning, Bucky!” You chirped.
“It’s Sergeant Barnes.” Bucky corrects you.
“What?” You asked, blinking a couple times.
“You called me Bucky. Only friends call me that. Agents call me Sergeant Barnes.” He says.
“Oh…” Your voice sounding sad. “I umm…” You found what you were trying to say. “I just wanted to show you something.” You finally say.
“What is it?” He asks.
You held out your hand, showing him his Army dog tags. Bucky snatched them from your hand, making you flinch a little.
“Why the hell do you have these?” He asks harshly.
“I uhh… Steve gave them to me in 1945 when you di- fell off the train.” You tell him. “He thought that I might want them cause you’re my ex fiancée.” You explained.
“I’m not your ex fiancée.” Bucky’s words cut you deep like a knife. “I don’t know who you think I am, but I sure as hell know that I’m not your ex fiancée.” He says before walking away.
You stood in the middle of kitchen with tears streaming down your face. You hoped that showing Bucky his Army dog tags would spark something in his memory of you, but you guessed wrong.
“Why would you give these to Agent Y/L/N after I fell off the train in 1945?” Bucky asks Steve when he walked in the conference room.
“She’s your ex fiancée. I assumed that’s what you wanted. I was just honoring your wishes.” Steve answered.
“She’s not my ex fiancée! I’ve never been engaged in my life!” Bucky raised his voice. “You’re the second person to say that to me today!” He says.
Bucky walked out of the conference room before Steve could say anything else. He stood up from his seat and went to find you. He found you crying at the kitchen table. He sat down next to you and immediately started comforting you.
“I’m fine, Steve.” You lied, your voice cracking.
“No you’re not.” Steve said. “You have every right to be upset.” He says softly.
You turned towards Steve and laid your head on his shoulder, letting your tears free fall. Steve being the good friend he is, comforted you in the only way he knows.
“He basically said that I’m not his friend and I can’t call him Bucky.” You cried against his shoulder. “It’s like I never existed to him.” You say.
“You’re more than his friend.” He says softly.
“I know that, but he doesn’t.” You say, followed by a sniffle.
Later that day, you kept trying to come with ways to get Bucky to remember you. So far you couldn’t come up with anything. You were sitting in the conference room, filling out paperwork when you got lost in your memories of you and Bucky.
“Bucky!” You squealed as Bucky picked you up from behind and spun you around, making burst into a fit of giggles.
Bucky finally put you down on your feet and turned you around so you were facing him. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately.
The memory was interrupted when Bucky dropped a file on the table in front of you. You looked at the file and then looked at Bucky.
“Steve said to sign these and to get them to him by the end of the day.” Bucky says blandly.
“Will do, Sergeant.” You say.
You watched Bucky walk out of the conference room. You stared at the unopened file for a moment before leaving the room without finishing your paperwork. You went straight to your bedroom to get something. You wanted to try to get Bucky to remember you again.
You went in your closet, going to the back of it. You opened a plastic storage container where you kept all of the letters Bucky wrote you while he was in the Army. You picked them up and immediately went to find Bucky. You found him in the lounge room kissing another agent.
“Sergeant?” Bucky acted like he didn’t hear you. “Sergeant Barnes?” You say louder.
Bucky sighed and rolled his eyes before looking at you. The agent he was kissing walked past you, giving you a small smile.
“Is there something I can do for you, Agent?” Bucky asks.
“I wanted to read these papers.” You say.
You hand him the old letters. Bucky took the letters from your hands and read them, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion when he seen his name signed at the bottom of each letter.
“What are these and why is my name on all of these?” He asks.
“Those are the letters you sent me in the 1940s when you were in the Army.” You tell him.
Bucky continued to read the letters. A hopeful smile grew on your face, but didn’t last long. He stood up and shoved the letters in your hands.
“That’s not me.” He says.
“But-” You got interrupted.
“But nothing. We were never engaged. Stop trying to get me to remember things that never happened.” He says.
You nodded as your eyes began to water. You went back to your room and put the letters back. You were about to close the container when you saw a stuffed puppy Bucky won you at Coney Island on yours and his first date. You took it out of the container and sat on your bed, holding it close to you as the memory of that day appeared in your mind.
You stood next to Bucky and watched him knock down all the bottles with a small ball. You smiled and cheered him on.
“What prize would you like, doll?” Bucky asks you.
You looked at the variety of stuffed animals displayed in front of you. You smiled when you seen a stuffed puppy with a red bow on it.
“That one.” You say, pointing at it.
The worker handed it to you. You took it from him and held it close to you.
“Thank you, Bucky.” You say, smiling up at him.
“Anything for my best girl.” He says, kissing you sweetly.
You sadly sighed and laid down with the stuffed puppy in your arms. You didn’t even know you fell asleep, because you woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door. You got out of bed and opened the door to see Bucky.
“Can I help you, Sergeant Barnes?” You asked.
“Can I come in?” Bucky asks.
You nodded and stepped aside, allowing him to come in your room. You closed the door behind you and waited for him to say something.
“I just wanted to apologize for the way I’ve been talking to you the past couple days.” He apologizes. “I just don’t understand why you keep saying we were engaged years ago when-” That’s when Bucky seen the picture of you and him on your nightstand. “This is me.” He says, picking up the picture to look at it.
“It’s me and you in 1941.” You tell him. “I have more pictures if you want to see them.” You say.
Bucky nodded. You went in the closet to get the pictures. You opened a photo album, showing him a bunch of pictures of the two of you when you guys were together. He took the photo album from you to get a closer look at them. He looked through the pictures without saying a word. Another hopeful smile grew on your face, hoping that Bucky will remember who you are this time. The smile was short lived when Bucky shoved the photo album in your hands and left your bedroom without saying a word. A sad sigh left your lips and you put away the pictures. You were beginning to think that Bucky was never going to remember you, but you weren’t going to give up that hope.
Bucky was supposed to be getting ready for a date with another agent, but those pictures of you and him together were the only thing on his mind. He sat in the lounge room, trying his best to remember who you are, but nothing rang a bell. His thoughts were interrupted when the agent he’s supposed to go on a date with walked in the room.
“Hi!” The agent chirps. “Are you ready?” She asks.
“Yea, I just-” That’s when his memories of you flowed back in his mind like a broken dam. “Actually no. I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.” He says, leaving the room and leaving the agent confused.
Bucky searched around the whole compound for you, but couldn’t find you. He accidentally bumped into Steve without realizing it. Steve walked after him and grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Buck, calm down. What’s wrong?” Steve asks.
“Y/N. Where’s Y/N?” Bucky asks.
“She’s outside.” He tells him. “Why?” He asks.
Bucky didn’t answer Steve’s question. He just ran outside, looking for you. He didn’t have to go far. You were sitting on the bench trying to figure out another way to get Bucky to remember you. He walked over to you and grabbed your arm, pulling you up from the bench and kissed you passionately. You were caught by surprise, but kissed him back. He pulled away from your lips, leaving the two of you breathless.
“I remember.” Bucky tells you. “I remember you.” He says.
“You remember me?” You asked, making sure you heard him right.
“Yes.” He confirms. “Seeing those letters and pictures made me remember everything.” He smiles. “I’m sorry for the way things ended between us. I was just pissed. Please forgive me and give me another chance, doll.” He says apologetically.
Your eyes began to water with happy tears, a couple tears rolled down your cheeks. Hearing Bucky call you doll for the first time in years made you happy.
“Don’t cry, doll.” He wipes your tears away. “I’m sorry.” He apologizes again.
“I can’t help it.” You sniffled. “I just missed you.” You say.
You wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go. Bucky wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him.
“How about we picked up where we left off.” Bucky suggests.
“You still want to marry me?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Of course I do.” He smiles widely. “You’re my best girl.” He says.
“I don’t have the engagement ring you gave me anymore. I accidentally lost it.” You say, feeling ashamed.
“It’s ok. I’ll buy you another one. In the meantime…” Bucky took his dog tags off and put them around your neck. “You can wear these as an engagement ring.” He says.
You looked down at his dog tags, smiling widely. You looked up at him and cupped his stubbly cheeks. You stood on your tippy toes and kissed him passionately. Bucky’s hands found their way to your waist and pulled you against his body.
“I love you so much, Bucky.” You say against his lips.
“I love you more, doll.” Bucky says softly.
-Bucky’s Doll
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
Party For Two
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky discuss what he wants to do for his birthday and what he wants as his present.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex, light dirty talk, pet names, language, creampie, Bucky in his underwear needs a warning all its own
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You could seriously just watch Bucky walk around in his underwear all day and be happy as a clam. You've told him before, and you'd tell him again. That he should just not wear clothes when you two were spending the day at home. 
It didn't matter if he threw on a shirt. Some days, having his arm and his scars completely visible bothered him. Sometimes he had phantom limb pain and needed the arm off completely, prefering to cover his scars as you tried to help with the residual nerve damage in his shoulder and back. 
Shuri did a lot, but she couldn't rewire the mess of his nervous system Hydra had left behind. Despite your assurance that you loved every inch of him, you would never push him to do something he didn't want to do. Some days were harder than others and you made sure he felt safe and loved even on his worst days. So your main rule was just no pants.
A man in his underwear should not turn you into this much of a hot horny mess, especially when you get to see him totally naked regularly. Although Bucky was an incredible specimen of a man.
Even now, you could see his lips moving, but your brain could not process the words he was saying. Not when those tight boxer briefs made his ass look like you could just bite into it. Not to mention how they perfectly cupped his bulge. The way you could just slightly see his cock and balls jiggle as he walked. It felt dirty but still kind of sweet. 
It made you just want to play with his cock. Not necessarily in a hand job sexual way, but just hold it and pet it. Tell him how pretty and perfect his cock was. Gently massage and rub his balls and kiss all over him. He did have the prettiest cock. 
You also loved how much he blushed whenever you told him how pretty his cock was. The old-fashioned boy from the 1940's was still taken aback by such words coming from your pretty little mouth. Even if it was a genuine compliment he still wasn't used to hearing a sweet pretty thing like you talk so openly about liking cock. Especially his. Especially when he wasn't already balls deep inside you.
Bucky agreed to the deal on the condition that you also wore no pants. You were allowed to throw on shorts or pj's on occasion, but only ones Bucky liked. Usually, you just went for an oversized shirt. 
Honestly, the two of you became quite the pair of hermits or homebodies. Your happy place was your apartment. Just the two of you, and Alpine, of course. You had all settled into your little domestic routine quite well. You couldn't help the little contented sigh that left your lips.
It was then that you realized Bucky had stopped talking and was staring back at you, trying not to laugh at your deer in headlights expression. You were caught red-handed, staring at him again. He couldn't be too mad about you not listening if you were gonna look so cute when busted.
"You know I think you have a bigger staring problem than I do, babydoll."
You could feel your cheeks blush as you both dissolved into little giggles. You knew he wasn't mad, but you still apologized anyway once you composed yourself. 
"I'm sorry, Buck. You are just too sexy sometimes for my brain to do anything but stare at you. I kinda like you, ya know." 
You gave him a teasing smirk punctuating your statement. Saying I love you was still new to the two of you, but Bucky would say it over and over the first few days. You couldn't help but tease him about it. All out of your own love for him though, and he knew it.
"Well, if you had been listening, you would know that Sam is inevitably going to try to throw me some sort of birthday party. He's been dropping hints for days, but if he asks please tell him we already have plans. I don't care what, but I really don't want a party." 
Of course, that's right. Sam had been after you about trying to do something for Bucky’s birthday. Sam wanted to go out and do something bigger. You knew all Bucky wanted to do for his birthday was be alone. It was hard for him think about all the birthdays, all the years, he had lost. He wanted to mark the day by enjoying the life he had waited so long for. 
He had waited so long to be at peace. Even though he still had missions to go on and work to do in the field, and in his own head, he felt a stability that he had always dreamed of. He had an apartment. Even if it wasn't the most put together. He had a pet. Alpine the fluffy white feline rescue who has helped him just as much as he helped her. 
Most importantly, he had you. He had an amazing girl that he wanted to settle down with. Create a home with. One day marry and have babies with. Assuming he could. He really didn't know if Hydra had done anything to affect his fertility. He didn't really want to know. For now, the 2 of you and Alpine was enough though.
That was what he wanted to celebrate, and he wanted to celebrate it by staying in with you. Just you, take out, tv or movies. Then, of course he planned to cash in his birthday points on dirty noise-complaint-getting loud sex. Some people may think it sounded boring, other than the sex part maybe, but that was exactly what he loved about it. 
You could see him planning out the evening he really wanted in his mind. He always joked about not wanting anyone else in his head, but he did love that you seemed to be able to read his mind. 
"What if I tell Sam that we are having a party and he just isn't invited? That it's a party just for two. Just you and me. I'll even let you pick dinner." 
He pretended to think about it as he walked over to the side of the couch you were on. Reaching across the arm of the sofa to help you up onto your knees so he could wrap his arms around your waist. Letting yourself slide up his muscular chest and link behind his neck. A mischievous smile curled up on his lips.
"I like the sound of that. I do still want cake though. Are you planning any party games?" 
You nodded at his request. Oh you were planning on cake, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup. Basically, any sort of dessert that could be enjoyed in both appropriate and inappropriate ways. 
"Well cake is a given of course. I'm sure we can find all sorts of creative ways to enjoy it too. As far as games, I do have a couple things in mind. Tell me how do you feel about naked Twister?"
He grabbed your waist a little tighter and growled a little at the idea of the two of you bent into all sorts of compromising positions. His blood starting to rush to his groin as you toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
"You know, I may need a little practice. Why don't we have a little practice party right now? Just so I know what to expect on my birthday." 
You smiled and shook your head at him, he knew you were a sucker for that look he got when he was feeling frisky. The crooked little grin, the way he would bite his lip, and the way his pretty blue eyes would sparkle. It was like your lips were pulled to his by a magnet. Moving closer on their own volition. 
Not that you mind of course. Your thoughts had already been in the gutter from watching Bucky strut around the house in those tight boxer briefs. Now you knew his was there too. The feeling of his bulge hardening against you, confirming that and making you wiggle your hips in anticipation.
He pulled back so his lips were barely touching yours, eliciting a needy little whine from you. You wanted more of him. You always wanted more of him. His hands started to slide down your low back to cup your ass cheeks, bending his knees a little so he could get a firm hold on you. 
"Mmm, can smell you, babydoll. You smell so good. Know you taste even better though. Taste even sweeter than that birthday cake will. I want a taste, baby girl."
He almost effortlessly scooped you up off the couch, your legs quickly swinging to wrap around his waist. Alpine had abandoned the couch to go hide under the table the minute you two started getting lovey. So without fear of stepping on her tail he practically sprinted to your shared bedroom, plopping you down unceremoniously onto the bed before lunging so he was on top of you. 
His lips hurried back to connect with yours in a frenzy of playful, passion filled kisses. Letting your hands wander up and down each others bodies, rubbing and touching any bit you could grab. Slowly working to get your hand down to rub over his cock. Straining against the soft fabric of his underwear. Still getting harder as you massaged him. 
You pulled your lips away from his so you could admire his cock in your hand. Even though it was still hidden behind the dark fabric, you couldn't help the way you licked your lips and moaned at the sight. He was just so perfect and thick. You knew the serum hadn't changed his height and size near as dramatically as Steve, but it did effect his muscle mass. You had a little bit of a hope that it had made his cock this thick. Otherwise those girls in the 40's wouldn't have survived.
"Starting to think you might be a little obsessed with my cock, babydoll." 
He teased you as he started kissing and sucking at your neck. Letting you enjoy your view as he let his hips occasionally roll and rut into your hand. You hummed in agreement as he began teasing his vibranium hand up and under your shirt. 
"Can't help it, baby. It's just so fucking perfect and big. Fills me up so good. So much better than any of my toys. Plus I kinda love the man it's attached to." 
He nuzzled his face into your neck before you felt him grin against your skin. He whispered an "I love you too baby…". Suddenly moving quickly and knocking your balance out from you as he in one smooth move threw off the shirt you were wearing and rushing to get your panties off just as fast. Leaving you suddenly naked underneath him. 
"... I'm also kind of obsessed with this pretty pussy. So I guess we're even." 
His body dropping to the bed and your legs thrown over his shoulders as he descended on you. Wet kisses along the crease of your inner thigh, just shy of where you desperately wanted his lips. Jumping to the other side and letting his warm breath dance across your dripping sex.
You could feel his bright blue eyes on you as he placed his first long lick up your slit. Making sure to cover every inch from your tight light hole up to your clit. Stopping to place several small kisses and kitten licks on the bundle of nerves. Hearing your breath already starting to falter.
Bucky loved eating you out. It wasn't something he remembered doing more than maybe once or twice before you, and he can't remember enjoying it nearly as much back then as he did now. Maybe he was more selfish back then. Maybe those women had just been less secure and open about what felt good. Women being so vocal about enjoying sex was pretty taboo in his day, but the way you reacted to his mouth on you made him obsessed. 
Each time you moaned as swirled his tongue around your clit. Each time you would grind against his face as he thrust his tongue inside you. Each time you would pull his hair as rubbed his whole face farther into your wet cunt. It all made him want to spend the rest of his life wirh his head between your thighs. Not even caring that he usually ended up so worked up he would start humping the mattress underneath him in an unconscious effort by his cock to get some sort of attention. 
He didn't even want to stop after he heard you whine and moan his name when you came. Why would he stop when he had the opportunity to lick up even more of your sweet nectar from your orgasm? No, he only stopped when he had his fill of  feasting on your cunt and your cum. Leaving you teetering on the edge of overstimulation. 
"Definitely my favorite treat. Hell fuck the cake, I just want your pussy as my birthday treat. What you think, doll? Can I have your pretty slutty little cunt as my birthday present? Can I eat it and play with it and fuck it whenever and however I want?" 
By now he started working his way back up your body as you clung to sheets arching into his mouth as he moved. Pressing your breasts against his face as he reached your chest. Greedily encouraging him to take one of your nipples into his mouth as his metal fingers pinched at the other. The contrast of his warm mouth and the cool vibranium making your skin prickle into goosebumps. 
After switching sides, making sure to give both perky pebbled nipples the attention they deserved, he made it back up to your lips. Kissing you once before nipping at your lower lip playfully. 
You had already wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to pull his pelvis to yours. Your fingers now tangled and tugging at the fabric of his boxer briefs trying to get them down. Desperately trying to get his cock free so you could feel him against your still soaked and needy cunt. 
"I'm waiting for an answer baby, tell me and then I'll take these off. Fuck you nice and hard. Can I have your perfect tight little hole as my birthday present? I want to spend my party making you scream and cum all over my cock." 
The sound of his filthy birthday wish pulled a deep groan from your chest. You wanted to spend his party doing that too, and what the birthday boy wants the birthday boy gets. You let your body go lax so he would be able to easily position you however he wanted you as you answered. 
"Yes, Bucky, holy fuck yes! My pussy is all yours, birthday boy. Use it however you want, James. All for you." 
"That's my good girl." 
He got back up on his knees and shimmied his underwear down and kicking them off. You eyes glued to his cock before it even sprung free from the fabric. A whimper falling from your mouth when a dribble of pre-cum dripped from his swollen flushed cockhead onto your low belly. A string of fluid running from his cock and starting to make a mess on you. He knew by the look in your eyes that he had you in the palm of his hand. So you promptly obliged when he told you what he wanted next. 
"Spread your legs farther, babydoll. Pull them back and hold onto your ankles for me. I want to see every little bit of my present." 
Quickly you worked to fold yourself in half as best as you could. Opening you up even more to Bucky’s gaze. His eyes raking over your body as be stroked his length a few times. Stopping only when you started to wiggle your hips, trying to urge him to touch you.
"Impatient, aren't you baby?" 
His tongue darting out to lick his lips, still swollen for having his face buried in your pussy, before a faux pout crossed his face. Cooing lightly at you as he started slapping his cock on your sensitive cunt. 
"God you look so fucking good when you get all needy for my cock baby. Saw you get that look in your eyes earlier. Knew that smart little brain had stopped thinking of everything but my cock. It's all yours baby." 
He placed his tip at your entrance and slowly started to push his hips forward. Sliding himself into you one inch at a time. Letting you feel every little bit of stretch he gave you. The feeling making you both moan in pleasure. Stilling in place once he had bottomed out inside you. 
"Fuck darlin', that's the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Look so beautiful getting fucked with my bare cock baby."
You gave him a seductive look and bit your lip. 
"Happy early birthday baby." 
With that, he gingerly drug his hands from the backs of your heels all the way down to the backs of your thighs. Gripping onto the flesh there and bracing you for his next move. Bucky slowly started to pull his hips back and started building speed with his first thrust back in. 
A feral look in his eyes as he watched where his cock was impaling you. Hypnotized by the sight. The image of your pussy stretched tight around his cock. The way his cock shined, wet with your arousal. It tipped him over the edge when he started hearing the wet squelch of your pussy as he thrust into you spurring him on to fuck you harder. 
The headboard starting to thump against the wall under the force of Bucky’s thrusts. A litany of swears falling from both of you. Your moans and squeaks as he pounded you accented by the sound of his full balls slapping against your ass. Each of you getting closer to climax with each sound the other made.
When he could feel his balls starting to tighten and he knew he was close to blowing, he let his flesh hand dip to rub at your clit. Smearing your wetness around to make his action smoother.  
After a moment of him touching your clit he found the perfect speed and spot. Feeling the fire start burning in your belly you let your eyes roll back in your head. 
"Oh fuck Bucky, right there! Don't stop, baby please don't stop!" 
His hips only sped up even more at your reaction. 
"Oh don't worry, dollface. I'm not stopping until I make a mess in my birthday present. You want that babydoll? You want to cum in you pretty girl? Let me hear it baby." 
Few things could throw you over the edge quite like Bucky when he talked dirty. It fueled that fire in your belly and sent it boiling over. As you came undone on his cock you practically cried for him to cum inside you. Your pussy squeezing and fluttering around his cock, practically milking him.
"James!!! Cum in me please, fuck I'm cumming for you baby. God you make me cum so good. It's your pussy daddy. Fuck it and fill it please, please!" 
By the time you had finished cumming, you felt his cock start to throb as he climaxed. Your body still jerking from your own orgasm with each stream of cum you felt him shoot into you until you were nearly overflowing. 
After a few minutes of basking in each other's afterglow, Bucky eventually pulled out of you with a groan and rolled over. Promptly grabbing you up in his arms again and pulling you over to cuddle. Pressing kisses into your hair as you drew little patterns on his chest. 
"If this is what I can expect for my birthday party, then happy birthday to me indeed." 
You gave him a wicked grin as you looked up at him. 
"Oh no, Buck, this was just practice. Remember? Your actual birthday party is going to be even more fun."
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buckys-wintersoldier · 6 months
Personal Protector |Bucky Barnes
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 -> WinterSoldier!Bucky Barnes x Hydra!Politican!Female!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 -> You’re working as a politican for Hydra, and the Winter Soldier is alwas there to protect you, because you're the only person who is nice and soft with him.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 -> 1.817
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 -> (T) Hydra, corruption, political things, mention of violence, mention of sexual conent (just tiny bit), fluff
𝐀/𝐍 -> I wanna thank @amathslutsguidetofandom for helping me to come up with that idea.
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 -> 10 Years Anniversary CA:TWS | April 1 | Theme: Hydra | Lemurian Star, Project Insight, Politics, Post-Credit-Scenes, Favourite fight | @catws-anniversary
Sebastian Stan Bingo | Row Two-Two | The Winter Soldier | @sebastianstanbingo
Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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It's nothing new to hear your name when it comes to the most popular politicians. You've been working for a while in a group with a lot of other politicians, and you always talk in front of other people about the new concepts of your group. What no one knew was that you were kind of undercover there; your 'father' Pierre took you with him into that political group. And together, you try to get Hydra higher in the political system; you try to make it possible for them to rule the world. You're sitting next to Pierre, listening to the others while you prepare yourself for the next speech. Youre slightly shaking, but none of the other people around you see it; they are all too focused on whatever they want to include in the new political concepts.
Pierre looks at you, his eyes narrowing, and then he nods at you. You will walk out of the room with the most polite smile. You are going to tell those people who are going to sit in front of you about the new things your group has planned, and they will listen, but then you will change the topic and the agents will crash into the room. Make sure those people follow their rules.
You get up from your chair, walk through the room with a nice smile, open the door, and turn once again around to see the smiling faces of your coworkers. Half of them belong to Hydra; the others don't know what's actually going on between the lines of the new political concept. Then you make your way out of the room and along the floor to the hall, where you're going to present the concepts. Next to you appear some agents, Hydra agents, and you hear heavy footsteps behind you, smiling softly when you know that your favorite person who works for Hydra as well is walking behind you - the Winter Soldier.
You had a lot of time to read about him, not only in the library but also when you - unknowingly for Pierre - took some files with you, including one of the Winter Solider. James Buchanan Barnes, Captain America's best friend, fell from the train during a mission with him in the 1940's. Hydra found him without his left arm, which ripped off when he fell off the train in the Alps. They made him a new arm, one out of metal, and gave him Super Soldier serum. He was the first super soldier for Hydra, and since then, he has become the most powerful weapon they have. James isn't a human for them; they treat him like a machine, especially since they finally managed to break him. But for you - someone who read the files and knows his past - he is a poor little puppy who doesn't get the love he deserves. You have seen the way they treat him, the way they put him on the chair, brainwashed him, and he wasn't able to get out of there. His screams echoed through the room, and the way he moved to get out of the chair made your heart ache. But when they were finished, he wasn't like a human anymore; he was like a machine, with those cold blue eyes, and he did whatever they wanted him to do; whatever the instruction, he did it. Whenever he became more like a human, they brainwashed him, put him in cryostasis, and then they had the same cold man back.
You enter the room, the agents around you waiting in front of the door, while the Winter Solider follows you into the hall. You hear the gasp when they recognize the man who is following you. Everyone knows him, but who knew he would appear at a meeting between politicians? Who knows that Hydra has agents wherever you imagine?
You only know it because of the files you have read. The mission on the Lemurian Star: you heard about it - about the ship that actually belongs to SHIELD. And you know that Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff stole information about Project Insight. When you read it, you weren't sure why they should do it until you read more, where you found out that Hydra agents were working for SHIELD to get information, and then they could break SHIELD down and get what they wanted. Hydra would control the world. Project Insight is a project that would get rid of everything that could stop Hydra from their plans in the past, in the present, and in the future. And when the information gets into the hands of Steve and Natasha, they could stop the project.
With James next to you, you stand in front of the people, smiling nicely. The super soldier is standing just a few inches away from you, his steel blue eyes scanning the room, his jaw clenched, and his hands into fists. You're tuning your head toward him.
"Thank you, Soldier," you mumble with the softest smile he has ever seen.
His eyes widen slightly when he looks at you; he isn't used to 'thank you's, but since he knows you, you treat him like a human. You say 'thank you' and 'please' when he protects you or when he is doing something you asked him to do. You sometimes slide your fingers over his arm, and he feels a warmth running through your body. He doesn't know why, but you're different; you're not like the other agents. You care for him, and he made his own mission to protect you. When you look into his eyes, you see more than just the cold eyes; you see them light up when he looks at you, and the way he relaxes when you touch him warms him.
"Welcome to the meeting; we have talked about a few more concepts for politics," you say.
You talk about a few things before you come to the topic where you introduce Hydra's plans to the people. Or at least as many of the things Hydra wants them to know. When James recognizes the people tensing, he immediately holds his hand in front of you, pushing you behind him. Your fingers are digging into the metal of his arm when he leads you out of the room. When you just step out of it, you hear the crashing door and broken glass behind you. You hiss softly, and James leads you out of the building and to the car for the two of you.
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A tall, brown-haired man walks through the Smithsonian, his blue eyes roaming over the pictures, and he swallows harshly. He has a cap to hide himself and wears gloves and a jacket to cover his metal arm. James just remembers his best friend again; on his mission, he saw him and fought him. Bucky was confused. Why did he know the brown-haired man? And where did Bucky see the other man? So many thoughts were running through his mind. And then he was towering on top of the blonde man; he was lifting his hand, ready to punch the other man once again. But something inside of him stopped him; he couldn't, and then Steve said something that brought all of Bucky's memories back into his mind. 'I'm with you til the end of the line' he said, Bucky's eyes widening, his hand falling down, and he just stared at Steve. And then they fell, landing in the river, and Bucky helped Steve get out of the water. For a moment, he thought about staying there and making amends. But he told himself to protect you, so he needs to get you before he is going to make amends. He needs you, the person he fell for, and the person who was always soft with him and gave him love he never felt before.
Bucky knows that there is another political meeting, and he has a plan to get into it. So he makes his way slowly out of the museum and to the office building, where the meeting will be. When he gets to the building, he throws his cap, gloves, and jackets to the side, entering the building through an entrance on the back of the office. He doesn't need people to see him when he just gets into the building. Bucky walks up the stairs until he reaches the room where you're having the meeting. He waits until he hears your familiar voice, and when he does, he breathes deeply before he opens the door.
Everyone is looking at him, including you. The way your eyes light up and your plump lips form into a beautiful smile makes him feel warm and tingling inside his stomach. Your eyes widen softly. He really keeps what he said; he is there to help you. Bucky comes to get home with him, into your shared apartment, which he told you he would get.
"Come on, doll," he says with his deep voice, causing you to shiver softly.
The man next to you looks at you, his eyes narrowing, while he wants to reach for your arm. They told you they would hurt whoever you love if you dare to stop doing whatever Hydra wants from you. But the only person you really love is Bucky, and you know he can protect the two of you, and that's what he is going to do.
"Let go of her. Doll, come here."
Bucky's stern tone causes the agent to let go of your arm, and you walk over to him. When you reach him, he doesn't waste a second before he pulls you as close as possible and wraps his arms around you. You inhale his scent deeply, resting your chin on his chest, and look up at him with a smirk. He leads you out of the room, closing the door before he picks you up, and you wrap your legs immediately around his waist.
"I've missed you. But you know they will crash down soon," you say, and Bucky shrugs.
"Let me first tell you something. I love you, my precious doll. No one was soft to me all those years but you. You treated me like a human, like a normal human. And I fell for you. I love you so much," Bucky mumles.
"I love you too," you say, and Bucky leans closer.
He captures your lips with his soft, plumb ones. He slides his tongue over your bottom lip, and you part your lips softly. Bucky's hands grasp your ass, and you gasp and make Bucky chuckle. He then walks to the stairs to get both of you out of the building and to his motorcycle.
"I love your motorcycle."
"You can ride something else later, doll. Now let's go to romania there is an apartment for the two of us," Bucky says, enjoying your heated cheeks. 
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Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @randomawesomeperson102 @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf @bucky-barnes-lover @felicitylemon @cjand10 @bookishtheaterlover7 @lives-in-midgard @casa-boiardi @futurequeen2018-blog @flstrawberry @capsbestgirl77 @nervouseden
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chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Be Safe - Bucky Barnes
Bucky x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of Bucky losing his arm
Word count: 1,138
Summary: 1940’s - What if they found Bucky after the fall? What if HYDRA never took him?
Authors Note: Neat little idea I had and I LOVE it!
Avengers Masterlist
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“You promise that you’ll both be safe?” Y/n was worried about her boys. Y/n and Peggy were very similar in the way they fought alongside the men. But they weren’t allowed to go on every mission. When they couldn’t be there it made the two women more anxious. Peggy worried about Steve, and Y/n worried for her friend Steve, but mostly for her husband Bucky. Jame Buchanan Barnes. The love of her life.
“We’ll try.” Steve smiled at his lifelong friend.
“We’ll come back, doll.” Bucky stated reassuringly. He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. “Promise.”
“You can’t promise that.” Y/n wished she could just believe him but that's not how war works.
“I’ll come back to you, doll. I promise and I’ll bring this punk back with me.” Bucky rested his forehead to her’s, not a worry in his eyes. He truly believed the words he was telling her.
“We gotta go back.” Steve spoke up standing next to Peggy. Steve smiled at Y/n as the couple pulled apart. “Bye, y/n/n. We’ll be back soon.”
Peggy and Y/n stood next to each other as the two women watched their men leave. Y/n couldn’t help the feeling that something was gonna happen.
^     ^     ^
Y/n tired to keep busy, keep her mind off the fact that Bucky was in danger.
Luckily they came back before nightfall of the next day. Peggy and Y/n smiled as they saw Steve, knowing Bucky wouldn’t be far behind. But when Y/n saw him on a stretcher that's when her heart rate picked up drastically.
“Bucky?” Y/n said out loud in shock at his state before her eyes. “Oh my God.” she covered her mouth at the site of him missing his arm.
“He’s stable, okay? They're gonna help him.” Steve pulled y/n into him, comforting her the best he could. Steve held her tight hoping to calm her, knowing how scared she must be. Bucky was covered in blood and missing his arm.
“What happened Steve?” Y/n asked pulling back some to look up at the blonde. Peggy rested a comforting hand on Y/n’s shoulder. Y/n was trying to keep her emotions in check. Be strong but it was getting increasingly harder.
“He got shot out of a train. I-I couldn't grab him in time and he fell.” Steve stuttered as he explained, telling it just made it feel more real. Scarlier.
“It’s not your fault.” Y/n reached out to hold Steve’s hands tightly, trying to comfort him. Knowing Steve he was taking all the blame for Bucky being hurt.
“It feels like it.” Steve dropped into a nearby chair, putting his head into his hands.
Y/n sat beside him worried for Bucky as well, but also staying strong for Steve.
^    ^    ^
“Y/n?” Bucky said in a rough voice but loud enough for her to hear.
“Right here Bucky.” Y/n spoke up scooting closer to his bed. Bucky had been out of it for a couple days. They had transferred him to a hospital in the city back in brooklyn the morning after they got back to base. Y/n hadn’t left his side since.
“Where’s Steve?” Bucky asked, turning his head to look at his wife.
“He’s right outside.” She told him lifting his hand to her lips.
“He’s blaming himself isn’t he?” Bucky grimaced, feeling more pain the more he woke up.
“Yeah.” Y/n nodded sadly knowing Bucky doesn’t even blame him for what happened. But Steve doesn’t want to believe it.
“What do you remember?” Y/n questioned him, secretly hoping he didn’t remember to much of the traumatic accident.
“I remember being shot at and hanging off the side of the train. Then nothing.” He told her with a shake of his head and watery eyes.
Y/n explained to him what  Steve had to her in the last couple days of what exactly happened. There were lots of tears shed. Y/n had Steve come in when Bucky was ready. The two talked and Bucky tried to assure Steve there was nothing he could have done.
Bucky had to say in the hospital for a couple weeks but once he left Bucky and Y/n had gotten a call from Howard to come to his lab. So the couple headed to Stark’s  lab to find out that Howard had been hard at work making a bunch of different prosthetic arms for Bucky that were incredibly advanced. He wanted Bucky to be able to have finger control, and to possibly have feeling from the arm, so he could feel hot and cold and touch almost as if it had nerves.
“How’s it feel?” Howard asks, biting his thumb anxiously.
“Good. I can feel heat, cold, touch, just like you said.” Bucky nodded honestly, he was really impressed and immensely grateful. Grateful for everyone's support, and all their hard work to help him.
“Great! That was the goal.” Howard clapped with a huge smile. He felt relieved it had taken a lot of tries and hours to work it all out. But he wanted to give Bucky so normalcy back.
Howard walked away to give Bucky a moment.
Y/n walked closer to Bucky. “You okay?”
Y/n noticed Bucky’s demeanor had dropped once Howard walked away.
“Hmmmhmm.” He hummed not looking at her but at the metal arm now attached to him.
“Bucky I don’t want to push but you have to talk to me.” Y/n pleaded talking lowly so no one would hear her.
“Its not the same.” Bucky mumbled, sadness evident in his voice. He honestly didn’t expect it to be like his real arm, but still it was odd to feel things but feel them in a new way.
“It’ll never be the same. But at least it’s something and Howard is doing everything possible for it to be as much like your real arm as it possibly can be.” Y/n felt bad for him but knew he didn’t need pity. He needed support and someone to tell him the truth in a kind way.
“I know.” Bucky nodded knowing she was right. The arm was made out of the same metal as Steve’s shield, and it had a lot of features that wouldn’t be around for many many decades.
“I still love you. Arm or not my love for you will never change.” Y/n smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips lovingly, hoping to ease some of his insecurities that he is not used to having.
“I love you too. Thank you for sticking with me.” Bucky smiled at her, grateful to have her with him. Staying by his side through everything.
“Always.” Y/n promised. Nothing would separate them. Nothing.
@gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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thefallennightmare · 2 years
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Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death.
Summary: Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York's most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.
Authors Note: Straight, flilthy smut in this chapter. That's all there is. enjoy ;) Tags for this will be open, just shoot me a message or comment if you're interested!
Tags: @alexxavicry @mdpplgtz03 @broadwaybabe18 @samsgirl93 @cherryflavoureds-blog @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @capsgrantrogersclqrosmgc @loumaaria-blog @queerqueenlynn @pampeop @cjand10 @purplerain85 @savannahcole99 @evanstanhoney @sebastianstansqueen @portrait-ninja @honeyglee @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @lilya-petrichor @valsworldofcreativity @buckycallsmeaslut
Arranged Masterlist
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The rain pelted against the open window of my old bedroom as I dragged my feet around, picking up whatever clothes I had strewn about when I was finding something to wear for tonight. The gala was tonight and the clothes I had brought with me when I moved in weren’t exactly gala official.  I was back in the closet, looking through. I had so many different items that I had decided to keep my clothes in the first bedroom I stayed in. 
My fingers traced through the clothes hanging in the closet when I froze on one of the only two dresses I had. The other was the dress I wore at my parents' funeral but this one, this was the one Bucky had gifted me on the first day here when we were supposed to go to dinner. 
And you ditched him. 
Shaking the thought from my head, I reached for the fabric with a scrunched face. It wasn’t really a dress for me so I had no idea how it would look once it was on me. 
It was a black, floor length dress with an open back but a low cut in the front, and skinny straps. It was gorgeous and that’s what I had reservations about. 
Sighing, I grabbed the closet matching pair of shoes I could find and crossed the hallway towards the shared bedroom between Bucky and I. The noise from the shower mixed with a soft 1940’s tune that played from the record player in the bedroom. 
The last few days were spent working my parents' case, chasing leads but running into brick walls at every turn. We came to the conclusion that people saw something but they kept quiet, afraid of the repercussions if they talked. It was frustrating and with the busy night ahead, Bucky suggested that we had a quiet afternoon. 
He opted on not working and we spent the time lounging on the couch as I forced him to watch the trash reality show I had been hooked on. Bucky never once complained, excited to spend some quiet time together; his vibranium fingers traced shapes on the bare skin of my ankle the entire time. 
The water in the shower seized and I tried to scurry out of the room before Bucky walked out. Even if we had gotten closer over the last few weeks, we still had yet to see each other naked. 
Bucky was patient, never rushed me into anything. It was sweet of him, really, but with the way his hand had been ghosting over my core almost every night when we slept, I couldn’t wait any longer. 
He walked out, towel hanging loose on his hips and water running down every crevice on his chest and stomach. My tongue rolled over my sudden dried lips at the sight of Bucky, a hunger burning low between my thighs. 
His lips parted in slight surprise, not expecting to see me. 
“I thought you were downstairs eating lunch,” he said. 
I nodded, remembering that was what I had planned to do but got distracted by choosing my outfit for tonight. 
“Uh, yeah. I-uh-got distracted,” my hands moved as I pointed around to the empty space around me. 
I was becoming a puddled mess of desire in front of Bucky and he knew it. With a hooked vibranium finger, he motioned for me to come closer; I obeyed. The air of the room had encased us in our own bubble of lust and I reached for his hips, nails grasping at the soft skin. 
“You know,” his voice was low, “All I could think about in the shower was you.” 
My core twitched. “Really?” 
Bucky nodded, his hand grazing to the back of my neck. “I almost forgot the way your lips tasted.” 
My heart jumped into my throat at how sexy his voice sounded; gruff. With a quick lick of my lips, I leaned up towards his face and brushed them over his. 
“Well, why don’t I remind you then?” 
His eyes turned dark and without another word, we crashed our lips together in a heated and needy kiss. Bucky began leading me towards our bed and softly we fell together, the towel on his hips barely hung on. My hands that were resting on his shoulders were now dragging down his chest and stomach, the softness of his skin caused me to smile into our kiss. 
I never imagined what our first time together would be like but all I knew was that I needed him now. 
Bucky nibbled on my bottom lip, silently begging for me to open my mouth so he could divulge into me, deeper. Our tongues pressed and folded together and I moaned into it when Bucky’s hands began pulling at the string of my sweatpants. My hips rose from the bed, hoping it would help him. 
He quickly broke from the kiss. “Wait, are you sure?” 
I gave him an answer by pulling his face towards me again, our lips resuming their previous action. My pants were shed in seconds, Bucky tossing them to the floor while attacking my neck in an array of kisses and bites. My nails dug into the skin of his back, a hiss falling from my lips when he found my sweet spot. 
“Bucky,” I gasped while bucking my hips into him. 
“Fuck doll,” he groaned. 
The sensation between my panties and his towel was causing my core to heat up and I suddenly needed to feel more of him. 
Bucky made quick work of my shirt, tossing it to the growing pile of clothes on the ground, and his pupil dilated when he took in the sight of my bare chest, his bottom lip getting caught between his teeth. With a vibranium finger hooked to the waistband of my panties, he slowly dragged them down my legs, eyes drinking every inch of me. 
His warm breath fanned over my swollen mound and I ran my hands through his hair, trying to force his face into me but groaned when he began kissing his way up my stomach. 
“Patience, baby girl.” 
My vision blurred while my head fell to the bed and Bucky began kissing me once again, my hands forcing his hips into me by grabbing a fist full of his ass. 
He groaned and began taking over the pace, our hips rocking together. The friction from the towel was almost making it worse so I hastily shed it from his hips, Bucky now standing in front of me bare. 
Even with the pouring rain outside, the sun had broken through the clouds and casted him in a golden aura as he stood almost God-like. The rays almost emanated from his vibranium arm and my body shook with ideas of how he would please me with it. 
My own gaze drank in every inch of him as it fell lower to his cock and my heart began to beat fast. Long, thick, and the precum that seeped out almost begged me to lick it up. 
“You’re gorgeous, doll.” Bucky mused. 
He hoisted one of my legs over his shoulder, vibranium finger slipping into my folds. HIs name fell from my lips in a needy moan. 
“I’ve been wanting to taste you for so long.” He breathed over my core. 
“Stop fucking talking and do it already,” I ordered. 
Eyes glazed over with desire; Bucky sent me a wink before his face disappeared in between my thighs. His tongue pressed circles in the perfect spot and I rutted my hips into him, begging for more. He knew my exact spot without ever touching me. 
With his tongue and now vibranium finger pumping in and out, I began to see white, the heat burning so low. Bucky could tell I was about to fall apart so he urged me along by pinching and pulling at my nipples. Our eyes locked in a brief second and his pupils had blown from lust. 
My back arched off the bed and my mouth fell open with a silent scream. My skin prickled as Bucky pressed his tongue harder into my sweet spot and I dug my hands into his hair, grasping at the ends. 
“So close,” I let out in a shaky breath. 
“Let go, doll. I’ve got ya.” 
With a final pump of his finger, I came hard all over Bucky’s face. My hips began to spasm into his mouth as he lapped up my juices. Once he was free from my center, I did the best I could to roll him onto his back, given his strength, and straddled him. The tip of his dick glided over my folds and I let out a strangled moan. 
I kissed my way from his lips, all the way down to his dick and licked up the precum that had spilled from its opening. While our eyes locked, my pussy throbbed at the sight. Bucky’s eyes were blown, filled with desire as he looked down at me. I rolled my tongue over my lips, to moisten them, and slowly lowered down onto him. A moan vibrated in my mouth when I finally tasted him; Bucky was fucking delicious.
My tongue pressed underneath the shaft while I bobbed my head up and down in slow motions, sucking up every inch of him.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so good,” Bucky uttered.
His hands ran through my hair, gently pulling on my scalp, and the action gave me what I needed to finish him.
Taking the rest of him that I couldn’t fit in my mouth in my hand, I continued my up and down movements until I felt him tense underneath me, legs beginning to shake.
“Doll, I’m going to-,” Bucky couldn’t speak, words coming out of a jumbled mess.
“Let go, baby.”
With my urge, he let go of his orgasm, his hot, sweet liquid spitting into the back of my neck. His ungodly groan of moans echoed throughout the room, and I pressed my legs together at how he tasted and the way he sounded when falling apart into my mouth.
Once I made sure to lick up every last drop of him, I kissed my way back up Bucky’s chest and started to kiss at a spot of his neck, leaving my mark. It didn’t last long, though, because I was flipped onto my stomach, and I internally squealed at what was about to come. 
With his vibranium hand, Bucky lifted my hips up from the mattress and pressed just the tip past my folds from behind. 
“Fuuuck,” I groaned into the pillow. 
His flesh hand tangled into my locks, forcing my face free. “I want to hear you, Y/N. I need to hear your sweet whimpers.” 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head. 
“Are you ready?” Bucky slightly pushed himself into me, not all the way. 
I nodded, the best I could in his grasp. “Please.” 
In one quick snap of his hips, Bucky’s entire length filled me up and then some. I felt every thick vein as he dragged himself all the way out before slamming into me once more. This lasted for a few pumps, a spew of breathy curses falling from both of our lips. 
“You’re so tight, baby. Feels so good,” Bucky muttered into the skin of my back. 
I pressed myself farther back into him, needing to feel more; anything to help chase my second orgasm. 
Bucky had me on my back before I could even process it, his thrusts causing me to almost black out. 
With his vibranium hand, he pinned both of mine above my head and began leaving a dark mark onto the skin of my neck, all the way down to my breasts. The thought of them being in view tonight because of my dress crossed my mind but I couldn’t stop the moan that echoed throughout the room when I realized that’s why Bucky was doing it. 
His hips moved at a brutal pace and I huffed along with each hard thrust. The pad of his thumb found my nub and started pressing slow circles against it.
My toes curled at the pleasure I felt spill through me and my eyes fluttered shut.
Vibranium fingers released the grip on my hands and gripped my throat, forcing me to look up into his eyes; my own almost rolling to the back of my head with how dominant he was. I was climbing closer and closer to the peak of release, it being so close.
He continued to rut up into me, the tip of his cock slamming against my walls. I hissed at slight pain but knew that within seconds, the pain would subside being replaced with sheer desire.
A quick thrust caused me to arch my back and my hands reached to the center of his back, nails undoubtedly leaving marks. A few more thrust from Bucky caused before me to grab his face and I crushed our lips together, it being what I needed to come hard all over his dick.
“That’s it, baby. Come all over this cock.” 
“Bucky,” I stuttered, body completely wrecked with the wave of euphoria that washed over me.
“Oh, fuck. Doll, I’m gonna-.”
Bucky’s hips stilled before burying himself deeper into me and spilled himself, my name coming from his mouth in a messy breath. I rocked my hips a few times, making sure to milk him dry. 
His vibranium fingers gripped my hips, no doubt leaving light bruises. But I didn’t care, the feeling of our climax together was all I could think about.
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storiesforallfandoms · 10 months
the most wonderful time ~ bucky barnes;marvel
word count: 1713
request?: no
description: bucky has his first perfectly at peace christmas since before he became the winter soldier, and it is truly the most wonderful time of the year for him
pairing: bucky barnes x female!reader
warnings: christmas fluff
masterlist (one, two, three)
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When Bucky first came into your life, he was very hesitant to let himself fall. He was still in his de-programming process, so he wasn’t sure if he was safe to be around yet. Not to mention he wasn’t sure if you’d want him around considering his past. But he couldn’t help it. From the moment he laid his eyes on you, he was in love with you and you felt the same way.
The early years of your relationship was hard to say the least. Bucky was staying in Wakanda so that Shuri could successfully rid him of the Hydra brainwashing, so you would visit him every now and then, but you had a job and a life back in New York that you couldn’t be away from for too long. And then there was the whole blip situation, during which you found out you were pregnant with Bucky’s baby.
When he came back, there was so much he had missed. It took a while for things to become somewhat “normal” in your household. But if there was one thing you were determined to give to Bucky, it was his first normal Christmas since the 1940s.
You were sat on the floor, gazing lovingly at your boyfriend as he held your five year old son effortlessly with his left arm while the young boy decorated the Christmas tree. Or rather, while he put a bunch of ornaments in one spot and Bucky fixed them so they were more spread out.
You were supposed to be untangling the lights that were for the outside of the house, but you couldn’t help but get distracted by the perfect sight before you. Bucky’s smile was one of the many genuine smiles you had caught from him since he came back and got to meet his son, and the young boy was just excited at the prospect of Santa coming soon. His wishlist had changed at least once a day since the beginning of December and he still couldn’t understand why you kept telling him he couldn’t send multiple letters to Santa.
Bucky looked over and caught your gaze. He raised an eyebrow at you before playfully asking, “The untangling going good over there, honey?”
You held up the ball of Christmas lights. “As well as you could imagine.”
“You look like you’re really invested in it.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, which he mirrored in response.
“Mommy, come help with the tree,” your son, Steven, said. He had his little arms full with decorations to a point where he was almost dropping them.
You stood from the floor and took a couple from him and started to decorate the other side of the tree. Soon enough, the whole thing was full with store bought red and gold baubles and a small handful of special decorations you had gotten for Steven since he was born. You knew that soon enough, the tree would be more special decorations than store bought ones now that the three of you were finally together for Christmas again.
“What do you think, sport?” Bucky asked Steven. “Should we put the tree topper on?”
“That’s mommy’s job!” Steven said. “She always does it!”
You took the tree topper from one of the containers that held your Christmas decorations. It was wrapped up in many layers of paper and bubble wrap to make sure it didn’t break. You unwrapped it and held it out to Bucky.
“I think you and daddy can do it this year, Steven,” you said. “Mommy will put it on next year.”
Steven reached out with his tiny hands, taking hold of the star very gently. He knew how important it was to you - it was a family heirloom passed down for generations - and he knew to be careful with it as not to break it.
Bucky raised Steven up to the top of the tree so he could perfectly place the star at the top. You plugged it in with the tree lights and then plugged the lights into the wall, illuminating the room in beautiful golden lighting. You stepped back to stand next to Bucky to admire the tree.
“It’s beautiful,” Steven decided.
You smiled at the young boy. “I couldn’t have said it better myself, buddy.”
Later that night, after putting Steven to bed, you found Bucky sat on the couch, just looking at the tree. The sun had gone down, plunging the room into darkness save for the lamp on the end table and the light from the tree. It looked even more beautiful in such a dark setting like this.
You sat down next to Bucky. He instinctively put his arm around you and pulled you into his side. You rested your head on his shoulder, joining him in watching the tree.
“The last Christmas I remember was the one in 1942 before I went off to fight the war,” he told you. “It was the first Christmas after Steve’s mom had died so my parents insisted he come stay with us. They went out and got him presents and everything so that he’d feel more at home there.”
“What did they get him?” you asked.
Bucky chuckled. “They tried to get him some new clothes, but they didn’t make sizes that small for men back then. Almost everything he wore was super baggy around him. He was grateful for it, though. He wanted to spend Christmas alone, but my mom wouldn’t hear of it.”
“That’s so sweet.”
A silence fell over the two of you again. You could feel the steady drumming of Bucky’s heart against your cheek. His metal arm was idly running over your skin, the coolness of it sending shivers through your body.
“I want this Christmas to be memorable for you, too,” you told him. “Like a good memorable.”
“Of course it’s going to be memorable for me,” he assured you. “I never thought I’d have a family of my own to spend Christmas with. I didn’t think I was even capable to have kids anymore, or if it was even a good idea for me to have any.”
When you looked up at him, you could see a hard expression on his face, like something dark had taken over his thoughts.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked him.
“How I can’t believe this is the first Christmas I’m getting with my own son, and he’s already had four Christmases before now.”
“Buck, you can’t be hard on yourself over the blip. You had no bearing in that happening. All of you fought so hard against Thanos to stop it from happening, it was just...inevitable.”
“If we had known you were pregnant, I never would’ve taken up T’Challa’s offer to join the fight. I would’ve come right back to New York to be with you instead.”
“And you still would’ve been dusted. Whether you were in Wakanda in the fight or you were here with me, it wouldn’t have mattered. Besides, I don’t think I could’ve handled watching you turn to dust in front of me with no explanation as to why it happened.”
Bucky sighed and held you tightly to him. You couldn’t lie, you had also often thought about the “what ifs” of the blip. What if Bucky had been in New York with you instead of in Wakanda when the battle started? What if you had been there instead? What if Bucky hadn’t been dusted and had actually gotten to be there for Steven the last five years? But you never talked about it with Bucky. You knew how hard it was for him to look at Steven, a five year old boy who looked exactly like Bucky, and realize how much of his son’s life he had missed. But you didn’t want him to beat himself up over it when there was nothing Bucky could’ve done to change the outcome of battle in Wakanda.
“Enough of this,” you decided, pulling out of Bucky’s arms to stand. “We’re supposed to be holly and jolly, not sad and glum. I’m getting us some eggnog.”
Bucky scrunched his nose. “Eggnog?”
“Spiked eggnog.”
This sparked his attention more. “Spiked with what?”
“Well, for me I have normal whiskey, but for you I got some of that Asgardian alcohol from Thor. He said it works on Gods and on Super Soldiers, so you may actually get a buzz from it.”
“That sounds wonderful.”
You chuckled and went to the kitchen to get your drinks. As you went to walk through the doorway, you noticed something hung at the top - mistletoe. You smiled to yourself. “Hey Buck, can you come here actually?”
“What is it, doll?”
“Just come here for a second.”
You heard him get up from the couch and walk towards the kitchen. You stood in the doorway, watching as he appeared and came closer to you. He looked at you in confusion as you smiled at him and nodded towards the fake flower hanging from the doorway. When he looked up, a small smile tugged on his lips as well. “Oh yeah, Steven may have found that earlier and insisted on hanging it.”
“Steven did, huh?”
“Hey, I’m not lying. You’re the one who should be explaining why you had mistletoe in with your Christmas decorations.”
“Maybe I was hoping to have it hung around the house in case I found myself with a cute Super Soldier as a guest during the holidays.”
Bucky wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him. “Well, this is your lucky year then.”
“I guess it is.”
He leaned down to kiss you. It was gentle and tender, like all of his kisses were. Like he was still afraid he would break you if he kissed you any harder. Not like you were complaining, though. You loved the way Bucky kissed you.
“I think this is going to be the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” he decided once he pulled away from you. “I couldn’t have asked for anything better than to spend it with the woman I love and our beautiful son.”
I playfully pushed against his chest. “Stop, you’re gonna make me cry.”
He just chuckled and pulled you back in for another kiss.
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anonymityisfunwriter · 6 months
Meeting The Parents (Part 2)
Pairing: Grumpy!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader Part 1
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You stand side by side, watching him carefully. You've known Bucky a long time, you've spent a long time loving him, and yet, you've never seen him like this. Quiet and pensive in a different way than his normal stoicism.
This was the man from the 1940's, the boy from Brooklyn, the son that woke from his time as the Winter Soldier to find his parents and sister buried.
There's been nothing but silence since Bucky first pulled into the cemetery on this warm, sunny day. His jaw is tense, his eyes fixed on the spot where his mother is buried. "Are you alright?"
"I don't come here very often," Bucky speaks softly. He shakes his head with a shaky exhale, "This part doesn't ever get any easier. Knowing my mom is here, my sister, my dad..."
"You don't talk about him much."
"My father..." Bucky sighs. "He was - it was complicated, you know? He was a hard-ass, he had one hell of a temper, but he loved my Ma, he took care of us, and he - he was my dad."
You squeeze his hand, "I understand."
"They would have loved you."
You smile up at him, "Thanks."
"I left the flowers in the car, I'll go grab them," you tell him after a long moment of pensive, thick silence.
Both you and Bucky know it's less about grabbing flowers than it is you giving him a moment alone with his parents. You squeeze his hand one last time before you walk off.
"Hey, Ma." Bucky speaks, but only after he's watched you walk out of earshot. He smiles down at his mother's gravestone. He reaches down into his pocket, pulling out the small ring box to show her. "I, uh, I managed to track down your rings. Sam helped me out. Steve, well, you know Steve. It's been 70 years and he still can't keep a secret. I haven't told him yet, probably won't until after I've popped the question. You'd love her. She's perfect. Let's just hope she says yes."
Only moments later, you return with three bouquets, one for each of headstone. "Thank you for bringing me here, for trusting me with this."
"I think you're one of the only people that I trust with this," he confesses, his voice thick with grief. He wasn't sure that there would ever be a time that he would stop grieving the loss of his family. All he could really do was turn to the family he'd built in this time. "It makes me nervous, you know? With everything, that's - that's why I don't come here very often. I feel terrible, but I know I'd feel worse if people came here, if they-"
He doesn't have to finish his sentence. You know what he means. Bucky Barnes is a man that appreciates his privacy, not by choice, but to protect himself. The public perception of him improved day by day, but you know there's people out there that would come here only to hurt Bucky.
"You've never told me that before."
"Maybe I'm just paranoid."
Though you believed in the good of people, you understood why he didn't. You'd seen firsthand the visceral reactions people had to him. It wasn't fair to him in the slightest.
You squeeze his hand. "I understand. I don't think you're paranoid. You just... want to protect them."
It chokes him up. You're right. He wants to protect them. He wants to protect them the way he couldn't when they were still alive. Though the rational part of him knew it wasn't his fault, he'd always blamed himself for not being there for them.
He clears his throat. "I'm just - I'm gonna go talk to the groundskeeper real quick."
It's his way of telling you that he needs a minute. You nod, giving his hand an extra squeeze before you let go. "Okay."
You watch as he walks away with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"Um...Mrs. Barnes?" you hesitantly speak to the headstone. "I know you don't know me, but I sorta feel like I know you. James still talks about you all the time. And I guess, I just - I wanted you to know that your son means the world to me. And I'll spend the rest of my life taking care of him. You raised a good man. You raised my person, and I'll never be able to say thank you enough for that."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Grumpy Sunshine Series
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064
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s0urw00lf · 2 months
Bucky Barnes
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All the time
call out for help
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t0omanyfandoms · 5 months
Bucky would definitely have "no touch" days but he would still buy you little gifts to show that he still loves you and isn't mad at you.
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My Sweetheart: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You purchase a vintage sweetheart bracelet from an antique store and with it, comes the spirit of the woman who owned it. Through her, you go on an interesting journey to find out what happened to her old lover.
Part 1
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It's been two days since you've basically taken a ghost back home with you. Said ghost named Dot who was attached to the sweetheart bracelet you bought. In the few days since discovering her, you've discovered that she can be pretty powerful. She'll open doors, knock things over, stuff to grab your attention. While she does have a lot of energy, communicating with you can take a lot out of her sometimes. Now it's day three and you're at your computer with a pen and paper beside you to see if she can give you the name of this Jamie person.
You watch as the pen moves a bit but doesn't lift. You're sure she's trying her best, but it kind of frustrates you. You want to help Dot so she can move on and so that you can get back to living your regular life, completely alone without your newfound ghost roommate.
Ways to talk to ghosts
You type the words into google and click on the first link you see: ouija board, a spiritual medium, pendulums, rods, voice recorder, or a spirit box.
Out of all the options, you felt like the ouija board would be the best bet to communicate with Dot. So later that day you go to your local Target and purchase a ouija board, because, yes, they do sell those there. The board being considered as a game.
Later that night, after you've had dinner, you sit in your living room. You have the ouiji board set on your coffee table. The lights are off in the room except for a few candles you lit. You place the sweetheart bracelet beside the board, hoping it'll bring as much of Dot's energy as possible. Beside that, is a pad and paper for you to jot notes
You take the planchette, sliding it over to HELLO.
You take a deep breath, "Dot, are you here?"
With your fingers lightly touching the planchette, they slide towards YES on their own.
"Alright. What is your full name?"
You watch at the device slides over each letter to spell out D-O-L-O-R-E-S-M-I-L-L-A-R-D.
"Dolores Millard. Okay. Nice to meet you, Dolores. But I'm assuming you prefer Dot?"
YES, she says as it slides to the upper left of the board.
"Alright, Dot. Who is this Jamie you want me to look for him? Why do you want me to look for him?"
"James Barnes? Uuuhh, is there anything else you can give me? Does he have a middle name? It'll make things easier to looking him up."
"James Buchanan Barnes. Alright. Give me a second," you pull out your phone and type in James Buchanan Barnes as well as 1940s.
You went through a list of men, Dot either telling you YES or NO. Then it hit you, "Wait. Hold on."
You type in BUCKY BARNES to google and tap on a picture captured of him and Sam Wilson, "Is this your Jamie? Is Bucky Barnes your Jamie?"
"...well shit!"
Bucky didn't expect things to go this way. He didn't think he'd find himself working beside Captain America again. However, he did find it therapeutic in a way. Sure, he still went to therapy, just not with Dr. Raynor anymore, but this was a different kind of therapeutic. This was him doing good, to make up for all the bad he's done as the Winter Soldier.
The newly renovated Avengers Compound in upstate New York was where Bucky stayed a majority of his time. He still had his place in Brooklyn when he needed to get away from Sam and the newbies, but, for the most part, this was where he can be found.
"Uh, hey, Mister Barnes?"
Bucky looks away from the tv to see Kamala looking at him confused, "What is it, kid?" He asks the young Avenger.
"So there's this lady in the main lobby asking for you. She said it's important?"
"Define important."
Kamala shrugs, "I don't know. Something about a bracelet and a lady named Dot."
Bucky's brows raise in interest, "Dot?"
"Yes, Bucky?"
"Bring up the CCTV footage of the lobby?"
"Got it," a holoscreen appears and you're seen sitting in a waiting area. Your leg is bouncing, your fingers are tapping on your lap.
"Is she someone you know?" Kamala asks.
Bucky shakes his head, "Nope, but she's mentioned someone that from my past. So I guess I'm gonna talk to her."
Kamala excitedly asks, "Need backup?!"
He chuckles at her eagerness. Even after working with Carol and Monica, Kamala is always wanting to jump in to help, "I think I'll be okay. You can watch the live footage if you want, just in case."
"OKAY!" Kamala plops herself onto the couch where Bucky previously sat and watched the holoscreen eagerly.
It takes a few minutes for Bucky to get to the lobby. The new Avengers Compound is much bigger now after Thanos destroyed the first one.
His brows furrow as he thinks about Dot. It's been literal decades since he's seen her. He knows she's long passed away after looking her and several other of his loved ones up on the internet. She ended up marrying another guy, had a few kids, and a few grandkids. She died about a decade ago.
When Bucky entered the lobby, you spotted him immediately. One of the security guards rushed to stop you, but Bucky held his hand up, "It's okay."
He then looks at you, "Do I know you?"
You shake your head, "No, sorry, um...can we go somewhere private?"
It's Bucky's turn to shake his head, "Sorry. Since I don't necessarily if you're a threat or not, this is the best we can do."
"Alright," you sigh and pull up your sleeve to reveal a bracelet, "Does this look familiar to you?"
Bucky looks down at your wrist and gestures, "May I?" You slip it off and place it into his metal hand. He looks at it and suddenly remembers, "Dot. I gave this to her before I was shipped out for the war."
"Right. Okay, so, um...do you believe in ghosts, Mr. Barnes?"
He snorts, "Call me Bucky, and, I mean, I've fought aliens, super soldiers, died and came back a few times now, so, sure, I guess ghosts are real. Why?"
"Soooo it seems that Dot's spirit is still connected to this...realm...? Anyway, she's attached to this bracelet and her spirit asked me to find you. I think, maybe, for some closure?"
"Is Dot here now?" Bucky asks, a bit, weirded out by this whole thing.
You shrug, "I don't know. I can't see her."
"Then how'd you communicate with her?"
"She wrote on my steamed up mirror the first time and then it's been primarily through ouija board."
"Those things actually work?"
"Seems so. Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if you helped me give her spirit closure so I can start living a normal life again, sans my new ghost roommate."
Bucky snorts. You're very interesting. It seems you're also very determined and a little desperate to solve this Dot situation out. Bucky's not busy. Sam's away on his own mission, so that leaves Bucky to some free time.
"Yeah. Sure, I guess I'll help."
"Thank you!" you fist bump the air, "Should we start now?"
"What exactly should we do first?"
You slip off your tote bag that you've been carrying and pull out the ouija board you've been using, "We can make contact with Dot?"
"You're...efficient," you shrug and Bucky chuckles, "Yeah. Sure. Okay. Um, we need to get you clearance first so, uh, come with me." You follow him to the desk and watch as he discusses your clearance badge to one of the security. You never thought buying a pretty vintage bracelet from an antique store would lead you to meeting an Avenger.
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renren-006 · 7 months
Car Troubles | Bucky Barns x Fem Reader
plot: fake your car troubles to see the new cute guy in your town- check make sure he doesn’t know you like him- …not a check
word count: 511
a/n: hey! i’m on a marvel kick right now so if there’s anything you guys want written let me know!
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Bucky had been working at a mechanic shop for a few years since he had gotten himself back. You lived in the same neighborhood that Bucky had started working in. A small town secluded from most of the world, perfect for him to not only start a new but to not get noticed. He didn’t account for the fact you knew who he was, and it never bothered you. 
“Another visit hu?” he asked as you stepped out of your car. you scratched the back of your neck. 
“Yea, I uh, I think I did something to my mirrors” you told him, picking up one of your mirrors out of your passenger seat. “I swear it wasn’t my fault” 
You had always been good at it, it was something you had started to pride yourself on in the recent months since your “car troubles” had started. Bucky had picked up on your car troubles and also wanted to see him. He knew, he just didn't know why you were so interested in him.
“Tell me. What did you hit this time to come in?” he asked you. You stopped, everything stopped. 
“How?” you asked shocked. 
“I know a thing or two about people” was all he said, so you let it slip.
“Because you were in the military or because of after?” You asked, this time it was his turn to freeze. 
“How did you…?”
“I know a thing or two about people,” you told him, smirking. You rested yourself up against the car he was previously working on. “My dad was a military buff, studied everything about Steve Rogers, and your team. So when I saw you in town I knew who you were”
“Then why all this?” he asked 
“Because Bucky I know who you are, I mean I don't know you know you, but I know what you did and who you were. What happened after doesn't define you, you broke free.” you told him, “Plus I kind of have a crush on you” you said blushing, “Imagine reading about a man from the 1940s and thinking he was attractive and come to find out he's back from the dead, that never happens”
“You thought I was attractive? In the 1940’s?” He asked you to walk closer to you. You leaned further on the car. 
“I mean yea, but I mean now you are…handsome” you said, blushing even more as he continued to walk over. 
“So you thought let me continuously wreck my car to talk to the handsome, over 100 year old super soldier…” he asked you, coming between your legs. 
“Yes” you said, “And does the 100 year old super soldier like this 23 year old single girl whose father has an obsession with you and Rogers?”
“Yea he does, he just hopes your father won't blow my head off when he meets me”
“Oh? You're going to meet my father are you? A little bold since you haven't asked me on a date yet” you told him, he smirked.
“Then let's arrange something, hunny”
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
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Looks like a group of guys from your college won’t leave you alone.
Oh would you look at that,
1940’s!MobBoss!Bucky Barnes
has got your back, and will continue to have your back forever.
(Also hi babes!!! 🤗🤗Thousand kisses from me to you! 💋💋)
Have Your Back Forever And Always » 40s Bucky Barnes
Pairings: Mob Boss!40s Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky steps in and saves you from the guys in your friend group who won’t leave you alone.
Warnings: Fluff, language, alcohol, smoking, unwanted touching, kissing, use of pet names
A/N: @amathslutsguidetofandom I love the thought of 1940s!Mob Boss!Bucky Barnes and decided to write it as a one shot🥰🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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“No thank you.” You say, politely turning down a drink from one of the guys you go to college with.
“C’mon, sweetheart. It’s just one drink.” Gerald says, wrapping his arm around your waist.
Bucky watched from the other side of the bar as you continued to politely turn the guys down, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer. He could tell how uncomfortable you were.
“It’s just a drink, Y/N.” Fred says, putting his hand on your thigh.
That made you even more uncomfortable than you already were. Bucky downed the rest of his drink and made his way towards you.
“She said no.” Bucky says, standing behind Gerald and Fred.
“No one asked you, man.” Fred says.
“Why don’t you run along?” Gerald says.
Bucky chuckled before grabbing the back of their necks and slamming their heads against the bar counter, making everyone in the bar go quiet and look at them. You quickly stood up and backed away with wide eyes.
“How about you two run along?” Bucky says.
They were too scared to say anything so they just nodded their heads. Bucky let go of them and they stood up. They were about to bolt out of the bar when Bucky grabbed the back of their shirts.
“If I ever and I mean ever see you two near her again, I won’t hesitate to kick your asses, got it?” He says.
“Got it.” They say in unison.
Bucky let go of them and they sprinted out of the bar. You stood there with a surprised look on your face. No one has never done that for you.
“Are you ok, ma’am?” Bucky asks softly.
“I am now. Thank you.” You say, giving him a smile.
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asks.
“I’d like to know your name first.” You say.
“James Barnes.” He held his hand out for you to shake. “Everyone I know calls me Bucky.” He says.
“Nice to meet you, James.” You shook his hand. “I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself. “Now that we know each other’s names, I’ll accept that drink now.” You say with a smile.
You and Bucky took a seat at the bar counter and he ordered you two drinks.
“So tell me, doll face…” Bucky took a sip of his bourbon before asking his question. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing at a bar like this?” He asks.
“I go to the local college and I wanted to come here for a couple drinks after all the studying I’ve been doing lately.” You tell him.
“What are you studying?” He asks curiously.
“I want to be a nurse.” You say.
“That’s amazing. I hope all that studying pays off.” He says.
“I hope so too. I graduate next month.” You say.
You learned that Bucky is one of the most powerful men in Brooklyn, New York. You and Bucky spent the whole night talking and getting to know each other till the bar was about to close. He even offered to walk you home from the bar. Bucky being the gentleman he is, wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you close to him and to protect you.
“Thank you for saving me and for walking me home, James.” You say with a smile.
“You don’t have to thank me, babydoll. I have your back forever and always.” Bucky smiles. “If you don’t mind, I would like to see you again.” He says.
“I would absolutely love that.” You smiled. “I’m free tomorrow afternoon after school.” You say.
“Great so it’s a date.” He says.
Bucky cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately. Your hands grasped his suit jacket to steady yourself. Your lips moved in sync with his. It felt like everything around you guys was in slow motion. Bucky pulled away slowly, looking deep in your eyes.
“See you tomorrow afternoon, doll.” Bucky says softly.
“See you tomorrow, Bucky.” You say, smiling widely.
-Bucky’s Doll
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