#1883 mag
morsesnotes · 7 months
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I'm still not over this interview and these interactions specifically. They're so dorky in a very endearing way:
Shaun Evans: I think [Donna Tartt] herself is kind of extraordinary. Have you read “The Goldfinch”?
1883Mag: Yes! Weirdly enough, I started with “The Goldfinch” and loved it, thought it was incredible, and then wanted to go back and read her other work. She has another book, “The Little Friend”, I don’t know if you’ve read that?
Shaun: I’ve not read it yet!
1883Mag: It’s probably not as good as the other two.
Shaun: That’s good to know actually. She’s such an extraordinary writer. I feel like…and this is so rare but so amazing when you do get it, but when you read something and you’ve felt everything there with those people. I was totally there, I was totally present. That is an extraordinary thing when you think about it, right? Someone has sat at their kitchen table or wherever they’re sitting…at their desk…and they’re just putting words on paper but it’s translated and makes you feel something and you go on an experience. And I feel like that with Donna Tartt. Her work is…I started to watch videos of her on YouTube…weird [laughs] but she takes years to write her books, doesn’t she?
1883Mag: It’s nice that they facilitated an environment where you could feel comfortable asking questions and why they made the artistic choices they made. It must be such an interesting filming experience because…it feels cramped, when you’re watching it. It feels claustrophobic on the ship.
Shaun: The set was like that! It was like that. It was vast in a way that was incredibly detailed and enabled you to shoot in a very narrow and condensed, claustrophobic way, so it was an extraordinary set, so I have to pay tribute to those guys. But, to go back to the director thing. I would never ask them, Why did you do this? Tell me about it. Because, as a director, you don’t want to feel like people are breathing down your neck. So I would simply observe them.
1883Mag: You’re not like, What’s going on here? [Laughs]
Shaun: [Laughs] Excuse me, before we go on, why are you doing that? Is that a wise choice?
1883Mag: They’re sweating, like Uhhhh…
Shaun: And it’ll be my last job as an actor as well!
1883Mag: You’re getting fired from everything. Now you have to do photography full time because they’re like, This guy is overly excited…[Laughs].
Shaun: [Laughs]. That’s me, jack of all trades, master of none!
1883Mag: It’s nice that you were able to start it off by directing, and that you didn’t do anything so crazy that they just took the camera away from you. [Laughs].
Shaun: [Laughs]. Quite the attempt! I chained myself behind the camera, so.
1883Mag: You’re like, I’m fine, I’m fine, I just needed to get it out of my system! [Laughs].
Shaun: [Laughs]. All right guys, come on, please?!
1883Mag: [Laughs]. Totally throw your entire reputation away. They’re gonna be like, So, he’s gonna be recast for season 9…
Shaun: [Laughs]. And could you lose our phone number, please? Trying to call them like, Hey, I’m Endeavour! And they’re like, Not anymore!
1883Mag: [Laughs]. Everyone can be replaced! You’re just muttering in your dark room like, I used to be an inspector once.
Shaun: [Laughs]. Like, I much preferred photography anyway. As I just do some interesting self-portraits.
1883Mag: As long as you don’t cut your ear off, you’ll be totally fine! [Laughs].
Shaun: Can you imagine?
1883Mag: Terrible, but hilarious.
Shaun: [Laughs]. Terrible but hilarious, yeah!
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myhouseisthecvlt · 5 months
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new photos from 1883 mag shoot
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dailytomlinson · 2 years
was he ever on the cover of magazines for walls like this?
I don't know watch you mean by "like this" but he hadn't done Music Week before, no. If you mean photoshoots as often, I could be wrong but I think he did 6 photoshoots total during Walls era. House of Solo, 1883 Mag, Cosmopolitan, Fabulous Mag, Telegraph Mag and TMRW Mag.
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I wonder if my great grandfather read Sherlock Holmes when it was in the Strand Magazine. He was born in 1883 and Holmes was published between 1887 and 1893 before returning in 1901. So great grandad would have been 4 when they first came out and perhaps grew up with them. And he worked on the railway as a clerk so he might have picked up discarded mags that passengers may have left behind or even bought his own. Obviously, there's no way of me knowing this, but it is possible he was invested in Holmes and may have even been saddened by the "death" of the detective. Great grandad certainly missed The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes as they were published in the 1920s and great grandad was killed in 1918 (WWI).
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berlinbisque · 2 years
The Papier Project
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I have made all these renders for my reference. Too numb but here’s the Final selection of the artworks for my room… if I’ll stay alive I’ll continue and take it up as a challenge cuz I felt really bad, everyone around is doing panelling although I’m always the first to bring such elements and ideas over here to India, I felt left out, I have a POP one which is also beautiful I had given a special order for a moulded base (Victorian) and I should feel grateful for now cuz some foreigners do DIY & nothings as good or as bad as it appears especially on internet so we are all struggling with something or the other. I already know what kind of capping rail and mountboard I want next but I really hope I’m able to find such artisans or moulders, I can’t do the 5 layer one because it’s done by highly skilled professionals and they create those beveled lines right then and there while putting up each individual panel, I wish I could write more… I would’ve explained how it is done, most people opt for other easier options these days because it requires a lot of time and like I said skilled hands. But I have something specific in mind so whatever I’m upto… it won’t be that common. I wish I could do a full on bead board which is slightly different than shiplap or grooving but you don’t get all those proper supplies here, in abroad you nowadays get pre-made beadboards which you just have to nail and paint cuz it’s again quite tricky if you are doing it from scratch. That style is mostly for cottages and stuff, for city homes we need something classic anyway, board & batten or Hampton’s is again not on the top of my list because that’s more of a country style, can’t type much right now I’m relying on autocorrect once I’ll get better and I’ll find someone I’ll share all my thoughts in person along with my ideas that is if they’re close or enough trustworthy. Once our living room is done I’ll shift myself there I hope I’ll stabilise till then… I can’t share my new theme. The 1883 one will go on the back wall along with the Bird lithograph (encyclopaedic) and B&B would be in my entrance below the lamp after entering my room from the door… the small Trees collectible will go next to Annabelle and Warm house would be in the biggest 30 x 40 frame on the front wall. My fav Mag Cover will be on the side below my Russian painting which is already there in my room. I’m gonna keep all my American Folk art as it is and the vintage toys 🧸 painting as well, also the water coloured canvas and my “stationary section” which has a masculine office theme - polo jockey 🏇 water coloured boat and iceberg cruise below my frosted golden wall lamp. The 🦌 elk, Victorian frames and Mid Century artworks will also remain where they are. I won’t elaborate much about the next theme but I’ll share a few points once everything’s done. The front collage will have these artworks now and I’ll be adding a bigger frame in the corner next to my lamp… like I said I have a particular theme in mind and if I would have shared that you would’ve understood my logic but I can’t reveal anything until it’s done. Sorry. To give you a small hint, there’s going to be a lot of minimalism, abstract art, neutrality along with in contrast - traditional richness through various colours & patterns. This time there are going to be fewer oil paintings and more of hand drawn sketches or mute shades and light pastels, Japanese or Koreans are still very traditional in a lot of aspects especially when it comes to art; it reflects their heritage style, you’ll find everything from basket weave to oriental gastronomy, all the warp & weft of their culture plus functionality and style in whatever they do - because of smaller spaces and lots of creativity. I would have added a few elements in lighting as well but you don’t get those accordion pleated lamps in India (as of now) they are based on paper lanterns… nonetheless origami is going to be at its core and all other details will be revealed once my room is ready,
I’ll share what all I’ll be doing to make it more interesting and to give it those vibes. I’m merging 2 things together and alhamdullilah I already have all that I need to go with both (again I can’t share all that stuff) and that is exactly why I’m going to do something I’ve always liked… I recently purchased an electronic item (last week or so my grandfather gave each one of us 5k lol so I added my other savings and I got something from the official site but they’ll be shipping it tomorrow…) and luckily even though I was confused I got it in the same shade as the rest of my stuff and it’ll match my next colour scheme.
- Zara Sauleh
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Arizona Falls in Phoenix, Arizona Located in northeastern Phoenix, on the edge of Scottsdale, this unusual attraction highlights a waterfall created in 1883 during the construction of the Arizona Canal. When contractor William J. Murphy and his team came upon a natural 20-foot drop, they decided to incorporate the drop into a new waterfall. Locals started coming to the spot for picnics and recreation, enjoying the cool mist of the waterfall and the area's shady trees. In 1902, Phoenix's first hydroelectric power plant was built at the site and was then rebuilt and updated in 1911. The power plant encased the falls and a dance floor was built on the plant's roof. The plant was shut down in 1950 when necessary repairs and maintenance were deemed too expensive for the plant to continue operation. Over the ensuing years, interest in the site waxed and waned until the city of Phoenix and the water and power organization Salt River Project (SRP) joined forces to create a new hydroelectric plant and public recreational park featuring art installations and educational materials. The current park opened in 2003. Mags Harries, a sculptor, and her husband Lajos Heder, an architect, designed the falls alongside landscape architect Steve Martino.The park features overlooks and a concrete deck where visitors can sit and feel the waterfall's spray. At the park, there's a boulder from each of the dam sites SRP manages, gears from the original powerhouse, and thematic poetry by Alberto Rios, Arizona's first poet laureate, that's been sandblasted into the concrete. Signs throughout the park explain the history of the site, hydroelectric power, and how the white amur fish helps clear the water of weeds and algae. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/arizona-falls
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borisjelinek · 2 years
Hořičský obvodní lékař a majitel sanatoria Mag. Chir. Kašpar Rosa
Narodil se 4. ledna 1844 v Suchovršicích u Úpice, kde byl jeho otec Antonín Rosa obchodníkem s plátnem. Studoval na gymnáziu v Broumově (do roku 1863) a v Litomyšli (1863-1864), lékařství (chirurgii) absolvoval na univerzitě v Olomouci, kde promoval v roce 1868. Poté působil téměř 2 roky v Úpici, kde se 7. července 1868 oženil s Eulálií Teuchmanovou, dcerou zdejšího lékaře a purkmistra MUDr. Antonína Teuchmana. Zároveň se stal členem české sekce lékařské komory pro království České, resp. její župy 19. Severovýchodních Čech a jubilejního podpůrného fondu císaře Františka Josefa I.
Na Hořičky přišel v roce 1869. Tehdy provozoval svoji praxi společně se vdovou po léčiteli Pichovi Barborou, a to až do její smrti v roce 1886 a následně bývalý Pichův ústav čp. 6 u lesíka pod Hořičkami vedl až do roku 1927, kdy se vzdal kvůli svému věku lékařské praxe, kterou převzal jeho syn MUDr. Antonín Rosa (zemřel již o 3 roky později). Jeho soukromé sanatorium mělo roku 1907 k dispozici 12 lůžek. V té době též působil jako zdejší obvodní lékař. K tomu dodejme, že v roce 1883 žádal úpický obecní výbor o bezplatné propůjčení bytu v obecním domě čp. 162, protože zamýšlel z Hořiček přesídlit do Úpice, kde onemocněl jeho tchán MUDr. Antonín Teuchmann. Usneseno bylo, že mu bude ponechána na neurčito pouze polovina tohoto domu.
V letech 1871-1904 byl členem obecního zastupitelstva v Hořičkách, mezi tím po 2 období starostou této obce. Mnoho let byl členem a předsedou místní školní rady, místním školdozorcem (1892-1898). Vždy byl velkým příznivcem místní školy. V roce 1881 se stal prvním starostou zdejšího sboru dobrovolných hasičů a v této funkci působil až do roku 1889. Aby se na něj nezapomnělo, 5. března 1882 věnoval sboru hasičskou signální trubku. Nebyl to však jediný dar, pokud měl dostatek finančních prostředků, vždy se rád podělil. Ať již sponzoroval různé spolky (roku 1896 si zakoupil podíl Národního podniku obchodního a průmyslového ve výši 10 zl.) nebo jednotlivce. V roce 1882 se stal též jednatelem Ústřední Matice školské.
Ale jak to tak bývá, všem se člověk nezavděčí, a tak se stal též cílem různých útoků a pomluv. Dejme však slovo "Národním listům" z 31. prosince 1883, které zveřejnily toto: „Vzorný jednatel „Ústřední Matice“. Pan Kašpar Rosa v Hořičkách stal se jednatelem Ústřední Matice. Aby ukázal, jak účeli Ústř. Mat. rozumí, posýlá synka svého na německé gymnásium, dceru svou dal do německé školy žižkovské a druhá dcera požívá dobrodiní druhého zemského jazyka v německé škole v obci K. Že se pan jednatel o Ústř. Mat. dle toho také stará, rozumí se samo sebou.“
Jak je vidět z jeho další činnosti, žádné křivé slovo ho nedokázalo zlomit, a tak nadále pokračoval ve své bohulibé činnosti. V roce 1885 byl jedním ze spoluzakladatelů zdejší Občanské záložny, v jejímž výboru od 4. června téhož roku zasedal. Po 2 období byl rovněž starostou Okresní záložny hospodářské v České Skalici. Působil též jako cvičitel úpického Sokola, byl dopisovatelem časopisu pro šíření vědy přírodní, země- a národopisné "Vesmír" a byl členem řady různých spolků v celém okolí. 20. října 1910 byl dekorován zlatým záslužným křížem s korunou za obětavé a nezištné více než 40 roků trvající působení v oboru lékařském, a to u příležitosti 80. narozenin panovníka Františka Josefa I. Nevyhýbal se svým povinnostem ani v době války, např. na 2. válečnou půjčku upsal u Živnostenské banky v Praze 3 000 K. 6. ledna 1920 byl dokonce jmenován čestným občanem obce Hořičky a obcí Brzic a Litoboře za zásluhy v léčení a 50letou lékařskou činnost.
Kašpar Rosa byl přítelem a kolegou MUDr. Antonína Čapka, otce spisovatele Karla a malíře Josefa Čapkových. Jejich sestra Helena v knize „Moji milí bratři“ rovněž vzpomíná na návštěvy v Rosově sanatoriu a na jeho vynikající lékařské schopnosti. Zemřel 1. prosince 1930 v Hořičkách, kde byl 4. prosince téhož roku také pohřben.
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Mag. Chir. Kašpar Rosa
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herearethelegends · 3 years
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Sophia Lillis for 1883 Magazine | Spring 2020
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hlupdate · 5 years
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All ten released Louis images for 1883 Magazine are available as posters via the magazine’s merch store - 21/08/19
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thebokinni · 5 years
1883 Magazine
Well first of all this headline makes me feel like an absolute G!
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I spoke to 1883 Mag last week about how I almost gave up on getting into telly (eek) how I prepare for a set as HUGE as Wireless Festival and what advice I would give to anyone who is considering taking up a career in media.
Have a read of the full article here: https://1883magazine.com/yinka-bokinni/
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tummyrolls · 7 years
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1883 Magazine Issue X
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nhupdates · 7 years
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beckfordthecav Because I’m the kind of pup 🐶 in the magazines #blackandtancavaliersofinstagram #puppies #niallhoran #flicker #onedirection#1883magazine #kingcharlescavalier#puppiesofinstagram
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louispicsarchive · 4 years
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1883 MAGAZINE 2019
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actualhumansunshine · 7 years
My music is heavily influenced by that Southern Californian kind of feel, so it felt right to make my album there. The kind of producers that I wanted to work with were all there and Nashville and places like that, so it was kind of - the whole making of the album and where I live in LA, it suits what I was doing musically.
niall for 1883 magazine
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iero · 2 years
New Joseph Quinn magazine cover? For my sanity, I need all those photos now.
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louiseasyflowers · 5 years
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28 Days of LOUIS - Day 12 Louis + Music Idols DONATE Stream Louis Watch Louis
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