#18-Liter autoclave
zaynabberry · 7 hours
12 L Table Top Sterilizer
Labdex 12L class B tabletop sterilizer ensures fast, efficient sterilization with a rapid steam generator and drying function. It features microprocessor control, an LCD display, and safety mechanisms like automatic shutoff, air exhaustion, and protection against high pressure. Stainless steel chamber and easy-to-clean water tank.
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kimberlabtron · 3 months
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Labtron Medical Autoclave is a class B automated autoclave with eight sterilization systems. It has a capacity of 14 liters, sterilization times of 4–18 minutes, and operates at 121°C/134°C with stainless steel shelves. Safe, reliable sterilization with automatic water feeding and drainage.
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labmate-inc · 7 months
Class B tabletop Autoclave
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Class B tabletop Autoclave LMTA-B100 is designed to offer compact yet highly efficient sterilization capabilities for both solid and liquid samples. It has a capacity to sterilize both solid and liquid samples effectively.The autoclave features an open-type water tank with a capacity of 18 liters. The open design makes it easy to fill and empty the tank as needed. The autoclave is equipped with inspection features to ensure optimal operation and performance, enhancing reliability and safety during use.
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elezalabmate · 11 months
Class B tabletop Autoclave
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The Class B tabletop autoclave, offers compact and precise digital control for dependable and cost-efficient sterilization of both solid and liquid samples. It features an open-style water tank with an 18-liter capacity and operates within a sterilization temperature range of 105°C to 138°C. The LCD screen displays all operational parameters, accompanied by comprehensive inspection features, ensuring optimal performance.
Product link:
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Juniper Publishers - Open Access Journal of Ecology
First Record Fungi for Iraq
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Authored by : Hussein Al-Nasrawi
Abstract 44 fungal species were isolated from plant parts submerged in Al-Huwaiza marsh within Iraqi borders, and 7 new first records fungi in Iraq were isolated too, which have been illustrated and described as follows: - Carbosphaerella leptosphaeriodes, Curvularia lunata var.aria, Graphium sp., Helicascus kanaloanus, Leptosphaeria obions, Stagnospora sp. and Ulocladium tuberculatum, Carbosphaerella leptosphaeriodes, Curvularia lunata var.aeria, Graphium sp., Helicascus kanaloanus, Leptosphaeria obions, Stagnospora sp., Ulocladium tuberculatum.
Keywords: Fungi; Submerged plants; Marsh; New record; Iraq
Introduction Al-Huwaizah marsh is an aquatic ecosystem extend between Iraq and Iran with freshwater body.Al-Huwaizah marsh locates between latitudes 31˚45ˉ and 31˚00ˉ in the north and longitude 47˚50ˉ and 47˚ 25ˉ in the east , passing through Iranian borders , 80km X 30km [1]. Reed plants (Phragmites Australis Trin) and Typha (Typha Australis Schum & Thonn) are the main components of the vegetative cover in the marsh ecosystem [2]. Many endemic fungal species play an important role in the biodegradation and bioremediation of marsh environment. Fungi play an important role in biodegradation process of plant debris submerged in marsh and bioremediation occurs during mycoremediation during decomposers (fungi) in the aquatic environment along with some types of bacteria [3-5]. Hussein Al-Nasrawi (2006) was confirmed isolation of fungal diversity (fifteen species) as a new record for the first time in Iraq, isolated from the plant remains submerged in aquatic ecosystems in Iraq , in addition to many studies conducted in Iraq for the same mycological puroses [6,7]. Many species of Basidiomycetes were isolated from stems and leaves of the reed plant submerged in salt marshes in Belgium [8].
Materials and Methods Collection of samples 50 pieces of decomposed plants were collected from water body and sediments in Al Huwaizah marsh in Iraq during 2016. Samples were washed gently by tap water and then by distilled water. Plant debris were cut into small parts 7-5cm long and each 10 pieces were settled in the bottom of petri dish.
Preparation of culture media Potato Carrot Agar (PCA), which was obtained by weighing 20g of potato and carrots after washing and peeling, then sliced and boiled with a quantity of distilled water, was sprayed well in a ceramic vase , filtered and placed in a 1 liter flask then added to the prepared mixture of each of the potatoes and carrots media .the media objected to sterilizing process in autoclave under standard conditions for 20 minutes (250mg of chloramphenicol as antibiotic to inhibit bacterial growth.
Insolation and identification of fungi In this study, two methods were used to isolate the fungi: direct isolation from the substrate. The humid chamber method was used to remove the previously prepared vegetable pieces from the beaker using sterile forceps and placed 7 to 5 pieces in a glass bowl of 15cm diameter Petri dishes Sterilize the filter leaves, then moisten the filter leaves with sterilized distilled water and incubate the dishes under 25°C. The second method is the method of dilution. Dilution method to isolate the fungus from the washing of submerged plant parts and summarized the method by withdrawing 10ml of sterile distilled water, which was washed by the samples previously using a sterile pipette placed in a flask containing 90ml of distilled water and a well and withdraw from it 1ml transferred to A sterile glass dish with a diameter of 9cm. The food medium, plate roast and incubation were incubated under 25°C. Three replicates were made of each sample. The isolated fungi were classified under light microscope by using international taxonomic keys published in the following literatures: [9-20]
Ascocarp 90-120um in diameter, globose to subglobose shape. The Asci 40-45 × 60-80μm with 8 Ascospores. The Ascospore 15- 18 × 25-30μm, devided by triseptate, the two mid cells within the ascospore dark to brown color, whereas the terminal cells pale and surrounded by mucous sheath. The present isolate nearly like the isolate of Schmidt [21]. This species considers as a new record for Iraq. The isolate was illustrated and kept in under no. BASRA 2011 (Figure 1).
Curvularia lunata var.aeria (Batista, Lima & Vasconselos) M.B.Ellis.1960, publcos inst Micol Recife 263: 5-10
The colony with black to gray color, the hyphae immersed under substrate surface. Conidiophore thicker than fungal filament (macronematous), subhyaline. Conidiogenous cell is polytretic. The conidia with curve shape divided with three septae to form four cells, the two mid cells thicker and darker from the two terminal pale cells. Conidia 10-15 × 20-30μm. This species was previously isolated from painted wood and soil whereas our present fungus isolated from reed sample submerged in marsh sediments. Dry culture was kept in Basra herbarium under no. BASRA 2012 (Figure 2).
The colony is gray to Olivaceous brown, Conidiophore thicker than fungal filament (macronematous) appears under dissecting microscope as Synnemata. Fungal hyphae immersed under the epidermis. Conidiogenous cell is monobasic type. Conidia 5-7 × 15-20μm. Oval to cylindrical shape, with rounded end, pale color without, unseptated. Our isolated fungus resembles species Graphium putredinis isolated by Huges [19]. Our present isolate differentiated by its shape and size (cylindrical 2-4 × 5-11μm. The species isolated from reed segment submerged in marsh sediment. Dry culture was kept in Basra herbarium under no. BASRA 2013 (Figure 3).
The Ascocarp globose, immersed, 400-250μm high, 400- 800 with ostule. Black to dark brown color. Asci 200-300μm., bitunicate, with 8 ascospores. The ascospore 15-25 × 35-50μm. Arranged inside ascus as uninervate. The ascospore divided by septum into 2 dark cells, with funnel shape. cell wall of ascospore surrounded by two layers. There are two germination pores in the ends of ascospore. The ascospore differentiated by gelatinous layer clearly appears when immerse in water drop (disappear with lactophenol stain). The present fungus isolated from Typha segment submerged in marsh sediments, illustrated and kept in Basra herbarium under no. BASRA 2014 (Figure 4).
Leptosphaeria obions (Crouan et Crouan) Saccardo Syll Fung 2,24,1883.
Ascocarp sub globose, immersed, with high about 100-300 and diameter 200-400μm., black to dark brown color, usually covered by brown filaments. The ascocarp coated by two layers, large dark external layer and pale small internal layer. The asci thick, bitunicate,14-20 × 150-300μm. Each ascus contains 8 ascospores, 8-15 × 25-40μm. Arranged inside the ascus as uniseriate in the top of the ascus whereas as biseriate in middle site. The ascospore divided by three septae to form 4 cells, the two middle cells dark brown and larger than the terminal smallest cells. This species was previously isolated from herbal plants and from mangrove area in Australia. The present fungus isolated from Typha segment submerged in marsh sediment, illustrated and kept in Basra herbarium under no. BASRA 2015 (Figure 5).
Stagnospora sp
The Pycnidium sub globose, partially immersed, with pale brown ostiole and short papillate. High of pycnidium 150-180μm, 100-200μm diameter with a neck about 10μm diameter. The conidia pale to brown color, cylindrical in shape, 4-8 × 40-70μm., divided by 5-7 septae. The present isolate resembles Stagonospora haliclysta which was previously isolated by Kohlm [22] (conidia size 3.5-4.5 × 20-27μm, smaller than our isolate). The present fungus isolated from reed segment submerged in marsh sediment and consider as first record in Iraq. It was illustrated and kept in Basra herbarium under no. BASRA 2016 (Figure 6).
Ulocladium tuberculatum Simmons, 1967, Mycologia 59: 83 -84.
The fungal hyphae immersed, sub hyaline, with thick conidiophore 4-6μm. 160-200μm. length, pale brown color, divided by septae. Conidia 10-16 × 10-20μm. sub globose, like potato fruit, divided into several parts by septae cross shape.
The species was firstly isolated in united states. The present isolate resembles Tetracoccosporium paxianum, which isolated by Szabo,1905. Our species was isolated from reed segment submerged in marsh sediment, kept in Basra herbarium under no. BASRA 2017 (Figure 7).
Fungi Inhabit plant segments submerged in aquatic ecosystems used their enzymic complex system to biodegrade cellulose and produce carbon source, the most important matter for fungal metabolism process [23,24].
Guaro et al. [25] & Guaro et al. [26] the pioneers who worked on wetland area in Iraq, they isolated and identified many new fungal species and new record fungi forom plant segments submerged in marsh ecosystem in southern area of Iraq. The present study choosed one fresh and natural premium deep marsh ecosystem called al-Audem in Mysan province to suray fungal diversity and new records .This ecosystem consider a natural , undiscovered mycoflora enriched with organic materials and with high quality sediments settle in the bottom of water body , that encourage growth of different fungal species. The present study contributed in recording seven new record fungi for Iraq from this marsh environment [27-34].
Several marshed in southern area of Iraq still waiting more studies and novel works to discover more new species and new record fungi. The high-quality water parameters of marsh ecosystem with enrichment of plant diversity, leads to establishment a perfect foundation of sediment layers embedded in the bottom of marsh environment. This study opens the track for researchers to investigate the ecological niche of fungi in marsh community to detect more aquatic and sediment mycoflora of wetlands.
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trendingtattoo · 5 years
Myths About Tattooing
  1. Getting a tattoo is more painful than giving birth to a child.
HAHAHA, this one really made me laugh!
FALSE: Absolutely false. Getting a tattoo is nowhere near as painful as giving birth to a child. When you get inked, it does hurt, but the pain while tattooing is nowhere similar to the one when a women delivers a baby. If at you wonder what it feels like to get a tattoo, then the best description for it is – it’s like scratching a bad sunburn, or when several ant bites you on one place, nothing more than that. It is painful, but not like childbirth.
2. Multicolored Tattoo Can’t Be Removed.
FALSE: It is however true that colors like yellow, white and pink are the most difficult to remove even with laser treatment also. But black colored tattoos can be removed with laser as they respond better to laser treatment. Also, the more pigments there are in a tattoo, the more likely it won’t be removed.
3. Tattoo guns contain only a single needle.
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FALSE: Have you ever seen a tattoo gun? NO….. Actually, tattoo guns contain multiple needles which are grouped in odd numbers, which depends on how much coverage and shading the tattoo requires.
4. Scratching or peeling a healing tattoo won’t harm the final tattoo.
FALSE: However, scratching or peeling or pricking at a tattoo can even cause a permanent loss of pigmentation in those areas.
5. Applying a lot of ointment can heal a tattoo faster.
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FALSE: In fact, applying a lot of ointment to a tattoo can cause bubbling at the surface of the tattoo and complicate the healing procedure because the skin can’t breathe due to too much of ointment on the area. Also, if you keep your tattoo too dry that can cause the skin to crack. So, there needs to be a medium application of ointment rather not too much not too less.
6. A medical- grade autoclave is always required to ensure the disinfection and sterilization of tattoo tools.
TRUE: In fact very true! A medical- grade autoclave is always required because boiling or disinfecting liquids are not the same and hence do not provide the same results as does the medical –grade autoclave.
7. Getting into a chlorinated pool with a tattoo will fade the colors.
FALSE: The truth is chlorine cannot get below the first layers of skin just like a needle and, therefore, chlorinated water cannot cause the colors to leak out or fade. And, and you don’t have to worry about chlorine fading your precious tattoo. However, make sure that you do not enter into a pool with an unhealed tattoo that is still oozing and raw, that’s all the precaution is!
8. With a tattoo donating blood is not possible.
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FALSE: It is not true however, according to the American Red Cross, if you are tattooed at a parlor that uses proper sterilization and is state regulated, you can donate blood even immediately. On the other hand, you cannot donate blood until a completion of a year after getting inked.
9. You can always get a bad tattoo removed with laser.
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TRUE: Yes, it is true that laser tattoo removal treatment is gaining popularity, but there are a few pointers to be considered. Firstly, it hurts… it literally hurts a lot! Secondly, it is very pricey affair, and moreover your area where you got inked will be left with a pretty visible scar. Most importantly, laser removal of tattoos depends on the quality of the ink used in the tattoo, if the ink used in your tattoo is of high quality then it may not completely vanish from your skin.
10. You can contract HIV/AIDs from tattooing.
FALSE: If you are getting tattooed at a parlor that uses proper sterilization and is state regulated, hygienic and clean and uses fresh new needles for every sitting, there is hardly any reason to worry about getting HIV. Just a precaution, everyone claims to be a tattoo artist these days, make sure you are not getting tattooed by a shady dude under a staircase of a bar, then the minimal chances of contracting diseases via tattoos are there.
11. Don’t get any water on your tattoo.
TRUE: Yes, you must not “soak” a new tattoo, only a gentle hand-washing of it is required in order to remove harmful bacteria from the healing tattoo. Make sure when you shower, just apply a little extra coating of ointment to the tattoo and avoid direct water splashing on it. Also, when done with bathing just blot off excess ointment. That’s all!
12. You are disease ridden if you have a tattoo.
FALSE: Absolutely false, nothing like that. As, having a tattoo has nothing to do with your state of health. In fact, few decades back it was believed that tattooing would spread HIV, hepatitis or other diseases. Today, there are many procedures for sterilization and even the industry is regulated, contracting HIV or any other disease is also nothing but a myth. Every professional artist uses sterile equipment before tattooing.
13. Tattoo loses its form when the body goes through a transformation.
FALSE: Losing or gaining weight is a huge body transformation. If your tattoo is not too detailed to begin with, losing weight will not change the look of your tattoo. Though, lines that run too closely together could blend and cause a distorted image that too a bit, but this is a very rare occurrence. Similarly, weight gain also causes minimal changes in each body area. The only problem with weight gain, however, is the possibility of stretch marks. If you get stretch marks in the area of your tattoo, then it will spoil your ink. And if the stretch marks are deeper than the damage will be more – and it is irreversible
14. Tattoo stays forever.
FALSE: Tattoo will generally not go like that, but the fact remains that tattoos are not as permanent as you think. It is highly likely that your tattoo will begin to fade as time passes especially due to too much sun exposure, or improper healing etc. However, there are still measures that slow down the fading of tattoo to some extent, but, it can’t be completely unavoidable.
15. Making a tattoo makes you look cool or gangster.
FALSE: No, it isn’t like that. No tattoo can make you look cool or gangster. Tattoo is just a type of art that is done on one’s body. It has nothing to do with making people look cool or gangster.
16. Tattooed people are hooligans.
FALSE: It is not like this. This is just a mindset of few who personally do not like getting inked or them who are inked that’s all. Stereotyping is a common habit amongst us all and eradicating it absolutely is not possible, but you go and get inked if you want……now is the right time to start.
17. Is it a good idea to show off your love through a tattoo?
FALSE: Actually it depends on situations, as such there is no problem in getting inked to declare your love for your partner as long as you are 100% sure that yes this is the one you are going to get along all your life. More often than not, at the spur of the moment thing may change, your own tattoo start to bring sadness to you whenever you will see it after the break-up. Well, I am not saying that you will surely get a break-up but just in case, when things start to turn sour it is a bad idea.
18. Getting a tattoo will make you look better.
FALSE: There is a famous saying, “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” You may take tattoo a reason to make you look better, but that is not true, it only depends how you take beauty, what is the definition of beauty for you. That is all and nothing much. Your looks have nothing to do with your tattoo and vice versa.
19. Avoid exercising immediately after getting a tattoo.
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TRUE: You should try to avoid exercises that may pull or stretch your newly tattooed skin. Like: if you got a new tattoo on your chest, there are certain weightlifting moves which may be irritating. Irrespective of the type of exercise you usually do, apply some moisturizer and cover the area with a bandage to reduce irritation and abrasion. Also, bathing just after your workout just to wash off any sweat and salt that can be potentially irritating. Finally, you should avoid contact sports until your tattoo is completely healed to reduce the risk of skin abrasion. Most importantly minimum gap of 48hours is a kind of must before working out after getting a tattoo.
20. Tattoo fades away when you get old.
FALSE: It is not true, however, tattoo needs maintenance. All you need to maintain your tattoo is to moisturize your tattoo at least once in a day. Make it a ritual.
21. One can get skin allergy and blood poisoning with tattoo.
FALSE: This is just a general mindset which people usually have that getting a tattoo can lead to skin allergies. There is nothing like that. If you get your tattoo done from the right artist and in the right hygienic conditions, it doesn’t create any problem.
22. People below 18 cannot get a tattoo.
FALSE: There is no age limit for getting inked. Yeah, kids can’t get it after all it is a painful affair. But at teen and if your skin is mature enough to get the tattoo, you can surely get a tattoo even if you are not 18. Getting inked will not have any health hazards even if you are not 18. Source From: www.trendingtattoo.com
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labmatecom · 2 years
Portable Electric Steam Sterilizer is a portable autoclave LMSE-A901 with a stainless sterilizer body and a double scale indicator magnitude. It is an electrically heated device that attaches to an outlet tap and has an average heating temperature of ≤±1 °C. It has a 18-liter sterilization chamber. It has a sterilization volume of 280 x 260 mm and an operating pressure of 0.14 to 0.16 MPa.
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transsexualprophet · 3 years
6, 18 & 19 except if it IS hozier i'm judging you /hj
no because id literally judge myself too
6: a song that’s on at least 3 of your playlists
its on 'vampire babey!!!', 'ok yeehaw bitch' (which is different from my cowboy playlist) and 'blasphemy is the sexiest sin'
18: a song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry
i had a bunch of choices for this. honorable mentions are dust and ashes from great comet, autoclave by the mountain goats and literally every other song by the amazing devil
'My dress is on fire and I hurl myself, I heal myself
I drag myself like a rug in the rain
And my saint, she is dancing
And every step I choose to take begins to set the world aflame"
19: a song that you can imagine listening to in an abandoned church
listen the thing is druid for hire on youtube and tumblr does amazing cathedral edits for a bunch of musical songs so thats the first thing that pops up in my mind. the abandoned part makes the vibe more melancholic so im going with this particular one
its doubt comes in from hadestown but edited with a cathedral effect over it and its amazing
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zaynabberry · 1 day
18 L Table Top Sterilizer
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Labdex 18L class B tabletop sterilizer ensures fast, efficient sterilization with a rapid steam generator and drying function. It features microprocessor control, an LCD display, and safety mechanisms like automatic shutoff, air exhaustion, and protection against high pressure. Stainless steel chamber and easy-to-clean water tank.
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indolabware · 5 years
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Autoclave Electric Digital 18 Liter #indolabware #jogjalabware #jogjaupdate #wahanahilabindonesia #asialabware #laboratorium #labbiologi #labkimia #labmikrobiologi #labmania #tokoalatkesehatan #tokobahankimia #tokoalatlaboratorium #tokoalatkesehatan #autoclave (di Wahana Hilab Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bAklzlJUH/?igshid=1knah04pfb0ff
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Sterilization is the process that kills or removes all microorganisms, including bacterial spores. The meaning of the word sterilization is absolute, meaning that there is no partially sterile thing, meaning that things are either sterile or not sterile. Sterilization can also be defined as removing transport factors (such as bacteria and viruses) from surfaces, equipment, food, and from the biological culture medium. Sterilization can be achieved by natural or chemical methods that kill microorganisms or by filtering in the case of liquids.
To understand the basis of the sterilization process, it is necessary to know the Kinetics of Death's kinetics of death, which can be expressed as an irreversible loss of the ability to reproduce, and this characteristic can be relied upon in evaluating the sterilization process since only living cells can form colonies. When subjecting a pure society of microorganisms (a certain type of bacteria) to a fatal treatment such as high-temperature treatment, for example, the movement kinetics is always logarithmic in the sense that the number of living organisms decreases in a logarithmic manner over time and this means that all members of society are of similar sensitivity and only the possibilities are the ones that Determines the actual time of death of any individual cell. If the relationship draws the number of neighborhoods and the time of exposing a specific community of microorganisms to a fatal treatment, then we are on a straight line with a negative slope and the curve represents the death rate.
The death rate and the initial number can be used to calculate the remaining percentage of microorganisms after treating microorganisms with a lethal treatment for a certain period of time. Given that most societies in nature are mixed societies, it usually depends on the most heat-resistant microorganisms that are often bacteria germs. Therefore, if you want to evaluate the method of sterilization (for example, by heat), water suspensions are used from high temperature resistant germs. And when wanting to sterilize any treatment or method of sterilization, taking into account the kinetics of the death of microorganisms, we aim to have the possibility of even one cell in the sterilized material is very very small. For example, if you want to sterilize 1 liter of liquid medium (liquid environment), we can reach the goal in a practical way when the treatment leads to the number of the remaining microorganisms not exceeding one cell in 610 liters, and then the possibility of any microorganisms in that quantity Too little to make it important. Most sterilization methods in the industry take into account a significant degree of safety.
Sterilization methods
First: Physical Methods of Sterilization
1) Sterilization by heat
Heat treatment is the most lethal treatment used for sterilization and dry heat sterilization can be done using furnaces under normal atmospheric pressure or Moist heat obtained with Wet steam.
A) Dry heat sterilization:
The dry heat sterilization process requires a longer time and a higher temperature than that in the case of wet sterilization, because the heat conduction with air is less efficient than the wet steam. In addition to that the vegetative cells of the bacteria resist the high temperature under conditions of complete dehydration to a degree that approximates the resistance of the internal germs of the bacteria. Therefore, the rate of death of dry cells is much lower than the rate of death of wet cells. Dry heat is mainly used to sterilize glass tools and solid materials that withstand high temperatures and are adversely affected by steam, after being wrapped in paper or placed in packages that prevent re-contamination after sterilization, as is the case when sterilizing Petri dishes and glass pipettes used in microbiology laboratories. The tools are sterilized in this way by placing them in the Hot-air sterilizer at a temperature of 160 - 180 ° C. for 1- 3 hours.
B) Moist heat sterilization:
Steam-under-pressure sterilization is used to sterilize aqueous solutions and other heat-damaging materials and uses a special device called Autoclave (a pressure device designed to heat aqueous solutions above their boiling point to reach sterilization and invented by Charles Chamberland in the year 1879) which is filled with steam Humid at a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure, therefore sterilization can be reached at a temperature higher than the boiling water temperature. Autoclaves are sterilized at 121 ° C for 15 minutes using steam under pressure equal to approximately 15 psi. At this temperature, the most heat-resistant microorganisms, which are the internal germs of bacteria, when exposed to this temperature for a short period of time. Note that some types of germs can withstand the boiling temperature of water for several hours. (Before the discovery of "Strain" 121 in 2003, it was believed that exposure to the autoclave temperature for 15 minutes was sufficient to kill all microorganisms. To get rid of prion, recommendations recommend the use of temperatures 121-132 ° C for 60 minutes or 134 ° C at least for 18 minutes and prion (strain 263K) can be eliminated relatively quickly by sterilization in this way) and the time required to complete the sterilization process varies according to the type and amount of the substance that will be sterilized in order to reach the temperature of all Over the solution to the sterilization temperature. A temperature of 121.6 can be reached inside the autoclave at a pressure of 15 psi, provided that all air is sprayed from inside the sterilizer so that all the pressure generated inside the sterilizer is caused by the pressure of water vapor (under normal conditions and at standard pressure the water cannot be heated to a higher level From 100 ° C in open containers, additional heating will boil and generate steam but does not raise the water temperature, but when heating water in closed containers
انواع التعقيم
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cloverincinerator · 5 years
www.incinerator.cc has been published on HICLOVER|Clover Incinerator
www.incinerator.cc has been published on http://www.incinerator.cc/supply-of-inclinators-for-interim-arrival-domestic-terminal-project/
Supply of Inclinators for Interim Arrival Domestic Terminal Project
CMC Services for Inclinators for 3 years including all spares, consumables, Skilled Manpower, tools and tackles all complete. As per Scope attached as Annexure Design, Manufacture, Supply, delivery to site, installation, testing & commission of All weather proof Passenger Inclinators in accordance to the Scope and outline specifications mentioned in Annexure Spesifikasi Incinerator 100kg/jam
Spesifikasi dan Daftar Material
Dimensi dan Power Capacity
Nama Barang                                : INCINERATOR Type / Model                 : PWR-INC-KMN 10 Kapasitas                                 : 100kg/Jam (1 m3) Length                               : 288 cm   Width                                : 147 cm   Height                                    : 163 cm   Height of Chimney std            : 700 cm   TOTAL WEIGHT                   : 8000 kg  Panel – timer                 : Digital Included Auto Alarm Finishing                            : Hot endured paint  Fuel tank                           : 200 Liter  Covering Element from steel   : 3-8mm  Banyaknya Burner                   : 2 pcs   Banyaknya Blower               : 2 pcs  Max. Fuel consumption           : 15-30 Liter/Jam  Max. Elektric consumption   : 1100 Watt   Bahan bakar               : Kerosene / Diesel (solar)   Voltage                              : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz  
Type                       : Digital  Buatan                    : Local KAMINE ( Panel dan Incinerator satu Merek) Voltage                   : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz   Safety operator       : Emergency Stop  System                    : Microkontroller  Pengoperasian         : Semi Automatic Temperatur control  : Digital Coupler Type Control panel : Manual dan automatic Tipe : Self Standing Type / Wall Mounted Type Material  : Mild steel Thermocontrol : 2 (Dua)  1200 ºC Set of timer : 0- 2 jam Tombol saklar : on/off
2. CONTRUCTIONS      Fire Brick                  : SK 34 Castable                          : R 16 Castable                    : R 14 Isolator                   : Insulating Brick serat tahan panas Keramik 1.450 ⁰ C Element from steel     : 3-8 mm Finishing                     : Cat Fetalit coating, Epoxy Resin (hot-endured paint) Total berat keseluruhan     : 8.000 kg Ketebalan Dinding Dalam : 21 Cm
3.DIMENSION OF CHAMBER (Dimensi Ruang Bakar)
Chamber 1 Ruang Bakar Utama : 100 x 100 x 98 cm = 980.000 cm3 = 0.98 m3 Chamber 2  Ruang Bakar Kedua: 40 x 100 x 98 cm = 392.000 cm3= 0.39 m3
4. EXHAUST STACK (Chimney)          –     Diameter (inch): Ø 10″, 8″ -Panjang: 700 cm (7 m) dari permukaan tanah  -Cerobong pertama dengan system Cor tipe MWHT -Material Mild steel ( Baja Hitam )
5. INSTRUMENTATION & KONTROL                       1. Suhu Control: Optimal                            – Model: Digital                            – Jumlah (unit): 2 (dua) unit                            – Kontrol Mode: On-Off                       2. Power Supply (volt / fase / herts): 15A / 220 V / 1 Phase / 50 Hz                       3. Panel kandang: Mild Steel + powder coating                       4. Thermocouple: K                            – Jumlah: 2 (dua) unit                            – Bahan: Stainless Steel + Ceramic                       5. Timer: 0-2 Jam                       6. De-ashing: Manual           7. System pembuangan Abu 2 unit  6. PINTU  Pintu    : Baja ringan dan Linning dengan castable  System : Double lock system ( penguncian ganda )
7. AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM  Model / Type: fan sentrifugal 3 “ Kapasitas (m3/minute): 3.000 m3/mnt Statis Tekanan (mmAq): 98 mmAq Power : 200 watt/unit Jumlah (unit): 2 (dua)
8. FUEL SYSTEM  Pembakaran Burner: Type: Gun type OM 2N Bahan Bakar: Diesel Oil / Kerosene Konsumsi Bahan Bakar: 10-18 ltr / jam Power : 250 watt Jumlah unit : 1 unit 
Type: Gun type OM 2N Bahan Bakar: Diesel Oil / Kerosene Konsumsi Bahan Bakar: 10-18 ltr / jam Power : 250 watt Jumlah unit : 1 unit 
9. THERMOCOPLE Ruang bakar pertama dan kedua Tipe : K Protective tube : Stainless steel + ceramic Max. temperature : 1200 ºC Jumlah : 2 unit Sistem pemberian umpan : Manual Sistem pengeluaran hasil : Manual
10. TANGKI BAHAN BAKAR Material : Mild steel        Kapasitas : 200 liter
Horizontal Autoclave 155 Liters Sterilizing chamber:  Steam-heated via double back wall with integrated steam generator Door and lock:  Hinged door with quick lock and safety lock Door seal: Blow-out design, even closure, automatic return without vacuum system Temperature measurement technology: 2 independent sensors for controlling the steam generator + 1 sensor for sterilizing chamber Preheating key Security key switch saves program settings Sterilization phase  indicators Pressurized-air supply: integrated Compressor for door control circuit and pneumatic set valves Feed water consumption per batch 0.7 to 5.6 liters Cooling water consumption per batch for spent-steam condenser 10–25 l at temperatures 15 °C Water-level control:  Within the double back wall Low-water safety fuse: Heater Over temperature monitor Sterile venting:  Membrane filter 0,2um, 0.1 m² hydrophobic, steam-sterillisable, retention  99.5% Control circuits: separate for heater and door seal, process control and monitoring Timer Program start by date and time Selectable Acoustic alarm at program end Transport security device for door  Three Autoclave able (Polypropylene or stainless steel) Pans 5-10L 
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alicecpacheco · 6 years
Beyes Introduces the Masteri Class B Automatic Cycle Autoclave
 Beyes Dental Canada recently launched the highly-advanced Masteri Class B automatic cycle autoclave unit. The Masteri Class B Autoclave also has the following distinctive main attributes:
• Speedy – Thoroughly sterilized instruments are available in 21 minutes.
• Safe – Meets all the latest safety and regulatory requirements. The Masteri includes a hook-type door lock, a micro-switch door locking system and an electronic door lock.
• Secure – Built-in data logger stores your information on a USB drive that is waterproof and shockproof with an internal printer available as an option.
• Simple – A full range of sterilization options can be easily selected via an intuitive touch display.
The Masteri is available in 18 and 23-liter chamber sizes and is built to withstand the toughest environments and high-volume demands. It also incorporates a pre-vac mode which removes air from the chamber to ensure optimal steam penetration, as well as a post-vac mode for removing air from the chamber for ultra-fast drying. The Masteri is also the first autoclave with capacitive sensing control which can detect and measure anything that is conductive or has a dielectric that is different than the surrounding air. Because of this, the touch pad is seamless, and the buttons are fully-protected from dirt and moisture and can be activated while wearing exam gloves. According to company spokesperson, Jannis Tu, “We’re very proud of the newest member of the Beyes product family. The Masteri is the result of a stringent process of research, design, prototyping and clinical testing. The final product is one of the most reliable, high-performance autoclave units currently on the market – and the only one that comes with a 25-month warranty.” For more information on the Masteri Class B Auto Cycle Autoclave, visit http://bit.ly/2N1fkKq or send an email to [email protected].
About Beyes Canada
Based in Toronto, Beyes is Canada’s fastest-growing dental company, thanks to its loyal customers. Beyes combines the expertise of highly-skilled people with its well-established manufacturing chain and advanced quality-control systems to provide the dental community with groundbreaking advancements for precision dental instruments. All Beyes products are manufactured in strict compliance with Health Canada regulations. Moreover, the manufacturing facility is ISO 13485 certified under Canadian Medical Devices Conformity Assessment System (CMDCAS) ensuring superior products quality that meet and exceed user expectations. The Beyes team is dedicated to providing flawless experience to its customers, at all levels assuring that products and service not only meet but exceed current and future demands. For more information, about Beyes Canada, visit www.Beyes.ca.
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unnotantei · 7 years
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labmatecom · 2 years
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Portable Electric Steam Sterilizer is a portable autoclave LMSE-A901 with a stainless sterilizer body and a double scale indicator magnitude. It is an electrically heated device that attaches to an outlet tap and has an average heating temperature of ≤±1 °C. It has a 18-liter sterilization chamber. It has a sterilization volume of 280 x 260 mm and an operating pressure of 0.14 to 0.16 MPa.
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kulturjaringan · 7 years
Autoclav 18 Liter #eshaflora #kulturjaringan #kuljar #tissueculture #skalarumahtangga #visitbogor #eshaid… https://t.co/FOZxtIVZkE
Autoclav 18 Liter#eshaflora #kulturjaringan #kuljar #tissueculture #skalarumahtangga #visitbogor #eshaid #bogorpisan #bogor #plantandtis… http://pic.twitter.com/0gO5XHBtlJ
— Kultur Jaringan (@EshaFloraID) June 1, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/EshaFloraID June 01, 2017 at 01:02PM via IFTTT
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