#1787: William Herschel Discovers Titania and Oberon
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seashorepics · 2 months ago
11th January
Here are notable historical events that occurred on January 11th across different years: Historical Events 1908: Grand Canyon Declared a National MonumentU.S. President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed the Grand Canyon a national monument, preserving its natural beauty and paving the way for its later designation as a National Park. On this day in – film, television, music, and modern culture On…
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livingforstars · 2 months ago
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Titania's Trenches - January 11th, 1997.
"British astronomer Sir William Herschel discovered Titania and Oberon in 1787. He wasn't reading Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' though, he was making the first telescopic observations of moons of the planet Uranus (a planet which he himself discovered in 1781). On January 24th, 1986, NASA's robot explorer Voyager 2 became the only spacecraft to visit the remote Uranian system. Above is Voyager's picture of Titania, Uranus' largest moon - a composite of two images recorded from a distance of 229,000 miles. The icy, rocky world is seen to be covered with impact craters. A prominent system of fault valleys, some nearly 1,000 miles long, are visible as trench-like features near the terminator (shadow line). Deposits of highly reflective material, which may represent frost, can be seen along the Sun-facing valley walls. The large impact crater near the top, known as Gertrude, is about 180 miles across. At the bottom the 60 mile wide fault valley, Belmont Chasma, cuts into crater Ursula. Titania itself is 1,000 miles in diameter."
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months ago
Events 1.11 (before 1940)
532 – Nika riots in Constantinople: A quarrel between supporters of different chariot teams—the Blues and the Greens—in the Hippodrome escalates into violence. 630 – Conquest of Mecca: The prophet Muhammad and his followers conquer the city, and the Quraysh association of clans surrenders. 930 – Sack of Mecca by the Qarmatians. 1055 – Theodora is crowned empress of the Byzantine Empire. 1158 – Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia becomes King of Bohemia. 1569 – First recorded lottery in England. 1654 – Arauco War: A Spanish army is defeated by local Mapuche-Huilliches as it tries to cross Bueno River in Southern Chile. 1759 – The first American life insurance company, the Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Presbyterian Ministers and of the Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of the Presbyterian Ministers (now part of Unum Group), is incorporated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1779 – Ching-Thang Khomba is crowned King of Manipur. 1787 – William Herschel discovers Titania and Oberon, two moons of Uranus. 1805 – The Michigan Territory is created. 1851 – Taiping Rebellion: Hong Xiuquan proclaims the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, starting the Jintian Uprising. 1861 – American Civil War: Alabama secedes from the United States. 1863 – American Civil War: The three-day Battle of Arkansas Post concludes as General John McClernand and Admiral David Dixon Porter capture Fort Hindman and secure control over the Arkansas River for the Union. 1863 – American Civil War: CSS Alabama encounters and sinks the USS Hatteras off Galveston Lighthouse in Texas. 1879 – The Anglo-Zulu War begins. 1908 – Grand Canyon National Monument is created. 1912 – Immigrant textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts, go on strike when wages are reduced in response to a mandated shortening of the work week. 1914 – The Karluk, flagship of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, sank after being crushed by ice. 1917 – The Kingsland munitions factory explosion occurs as a result of sabotage. 1922 – Leonard Thompson becomes the first person to be injected with insulin. 1923 – Occupation of the Ruhr: Troops from France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr area to force Germany to make its World War I reparation payments. 1927 – Louis B. Mayer, head of film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), announces the creation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, at a banquet in Los Angeles, California. 1935 – Amelia Earhart becomes the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California.
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donnatheastronomer · 1 year ago
On This Day in Space History: Jan 11, 1787: William Herschel discovers 2 moons of Uranus
Oberon and Titania were the first two Uranian moons ever discovered. The finding came just six years after Herschel actually discovered the planet itself. These were the two largest moons, Titania and Oberon. Astronomers discovered three more moons, Umbriel and Ariel in 1851, and Miranda in 1948. Image of Uranus and its five largest moons taken with the 60-inch telescope at the Mt. Wilson…
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humanhistoricalstories · 4 years ago
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January, 11 #onthisday 630. Conquest of Mecca: The prophet Muhammad and his followers conquer the city, Quraysh surrender. 947. Emperor Tai Zong of the Khitan-led Liao Dynasty invades the Later Jin, resulting in the destruction of the Later Jin. 1055. Theodora is crowned empress of the Byzantine Empire. 1158. Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia becomes King of Bohemia. 1779. Ching-Thang Khomba is crowned King of Manipur. 1787. William Herschel discovers Titania and Oberon, two moons of Uranus. 1805. The Michigan Territory is created. 1861. American Civil War: Alabama seceded from the United states. 1863. American Civil War: Battle of Arkansas Post: General John McClernand and Admiral David Dixon Porter capture the Arkansas River for the Union. 1879. The Anglo-Zulu War begins. #humanhistoricalstories #history #photographie #onthisdayinhistory #thisdayinhistory #todayinhistory #mecca #prophetmuhammad #islam #conquestofmecca #taizong #laterjin #byzantineempire #theodora #bohemia #vladislausii #manipur #chingthangkhomba #williamherschel #astronomy #titania #oberon #uranus #michiganterritory #alabama #unitedstates #americancivilwar #daviddixon #anglozuluwar https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ5afFKHf1u/?igshid=kt7979m2wd2l
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 7 years ago
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Two moons of Uranus: Titania and Oberon. Both moons were discovered by William Herschel in 1787.
Credit: NASA/JPL
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years ago
The moons of the planet Uranus are all named after what?
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Of the 27 moons of the planet Uranus, all but two are named after characters from Shakespeare plays. The other two get their names from a poem by Alexander Pope. Names include Titania and Oberon from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', which were discovered in 1787, and Miranda from 'The Tempest', discovered and 1948.
Although the first two moons were discovered in 1787, they were not named until 1852, by which time another two had been detected. John Herschel, the son of William Herschel who discovered Uranus, chose to name the moons after magical spirits in English literature. It is for this reason that two moons are named after characters from Pope's poem, 'The Rape of the Lock'. Umbriel was a gnome and Ariel a sylph or spirit. Coincidentally, there is also a character called Ariel in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'.
Rather than continuing the airy spirits theme, future astronomers focused on the Shakespeare theme for the names of subsequent planets. The most recent discoveries were made by NASA scientists in 2003. They are named Cupid ('Timon of Athens'), Mab ('Romeo and Juliet'), Francisco ('The Tempest'), Margaret ('Much Ado About Nothing'), and Ferdinand ('The Tempest').
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor, who wrote 38 plays and several poems. Alexander Pope (1688-1744) was an English poet best known for his satirical writing.
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yhwhrulz · 2 years ago
Today's selected anniversaries: 11th January 2023
German-born British astronomer William Herschel discovered two Uranian moons, later named Oberon and Titania by his son John. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titania_%28moon%29
American Civil War: The Battle of Arkansas Post concluded with the Union Army capturing a fort from Confederate forces near the mouth of the Arkansas River. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Arkansas_Post_%281863%29
Troops from France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr to force the Weimar Republic to pay reparations in the aftermath of World War I. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Ruhr
French special forces failed in an attempted rescue of a DGSE agent, who had been taken hostage in 2009 by al-Shabaab, in Bulo Marer, Somalia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulo_Marer_hostage_rescue_attempt
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andromeda1023 · 3 years ago
Don't worry - you are not the only one who thought this was a nice amateur photo of planet Saturn, Lord of the Rings in our Solar System! But then the relative brightness and positions of the moons may appear somewhat unfamiliar... and the ring system does look unusually bright when compared to the planetary disk...?? Well, it is not Saturn, but Uranus , the next giant planet further out, located at a distance of about 3,000 million km, or 20 times the distance between the Sun and the Earth.
The photo shows Uranus surrounded by its rings and some of the moons, as they appear on a near-infrared image that was obtained in the K s -band (at wavelength 2.2 µm) with the ISAAC multi-mode instrument on the 8.2-m VLT ANTU telescope at the ESO Paranal Observatory (Chile). The exposure was made on November 19, 2002 (03:00 hrs UT) during a planetary research programme. The observing conditions were excellent (seeing 0.5 arcsec) and the exposure lasted 5 min. The angular diameter of Uranus is about 3.5 arcsec.
The observers at ISAAC were Emmanuel Lellouch and Thérése Encrenaz of the Observatoire de Paris (France) and Jean-Gabriel Cuby and Andreas Jaunsen (both ESO-Chile).
The rings
The rings of Uranus were discovered in 1977, from observations during a stellar occultation event by astronomer teams at the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) and the Perth Observatory (Australia). Just before and after the planet moved in front of the (occulted) star, the surrounding rings caused the starlight to dim for short intervals of time. Photos obtained from the Voyager-2 spacecraft in 1986 showed a multitude of very tenuous rings. These rings are almost undetectable from the Earth in visible light.
However, on the present VLT near-infrared picture, the contrast between the rings and the planet is strongly enhanced. At the particular wavelength at which this observation was made, the infalling sunlight is almost completely absorbed by gaseous methane present in the planetary atmosphere and the disk of Uranus therefore appears unsually dark. At the same time, the icy material in the rings reflects the sunlight and appears comparatively bright.
Uranus is unique among the planets of the solar system in having a tilted rotation axis that is close to the main solar system plane in which most planets move (the "Ecliptic"). At the time of the Voyager-2 encounter (1986), the southern pole was oriented toward the Earth. Now, sixteen years later (corresponding to about one-fifth of Uranus' 84-year period of revolution), we observe the Uranian ring system at an angle that is comparable to the one under which we see Saturn when its ring system is most "open".
The moons
Seven of the moons of Uranus have been identified in ESO Press Photo eso0237b [1]. Of these, Titania and Oberon are the brightest (visual magnitude about 14). They were first seen in 1787 by the discoverer of Uranus, William Herschel (1738-1822), working at Bath in England. Ariel and Umbriel were found in 1851 by William Lassell (1799-1880) at Liverpool in the same country. Miranda was discovered in 1948 by Gerard Kuiper (1905-1973) at the 5-m Palomar telescope in California (USA).
The much smaller and fainter Puck and Portia (visual magnitude about 21 and barely visible in the photo) were first found in 1985-86 by Stephen P. Synnott of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA), during a study of Voyager-2 photos obtained soon before this NASA spacecraft flew by Uranus in January 1986.
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Not Saturn But Uranus with its moons in near-infrared
ll ESO l Chile, 2002 l moon info
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marialeto · 3 years ago
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 Today the moon is a waxing gibbous in Taurus all day.
 Today in history;
It’s the Quartz Crystal Capital of the World
The United States and Australia export more milk and milk products than any other country. Those products include cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter, cream, powdered milk, and much more.
During the Middle Ages, people called milk the virtuous white liquor because alcoholic beverages were more reliable than water
In 1884 Hervey Thatcher of New York City developed the first modern glass milk bottle. He called it the “Thatcher’s Common Sense Milk Jar.” He used a waxed paper disk to seal the milk in the glass bottle. Later, in 1932, plastic-coated paper milk cartons were introduced as a consequence of their invention by Victor W. Farris. 
 German-born British astronomer William Herschel discovered two
Uranian moons, later named Oberon and Titania by his son John.
 American Civil War: The Battle of Arkansas Post concluded with
the Union Army capturing a fort near the mouth of the Arkansas River
 Troops from France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr to force the
Weimar Republic to pay reparations in the aftermath of World War I.
 Sergei Prokofiev's ballet "Romeo & Juliet" premieres in Leningrad 1940
 "The domain of the ballet dancer is not earth but air." – Lincoln Kirstein
 Today is Appreciation Tuesday.  
 It is also the day we concentrate on our wrist chakras.  
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livingforstars · 11 months ago
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Uranus's Moon Oberon: Impact World - March 8th, 1996.
"Oberon is the most distant and second largest moon of Uranus. Discovered by William Herschel in 1787, the properties of the world remained relatively unknown until the robot spacecraft Voyager 2 passed it during its flyby of Uranus in January of 1986. Compared to Uranus' moons Ariel, Titania, and Miranda, Oberon is heavily cratered, and in this way resembles Umbriel. Like all of Uranus' large moons, Oberon is composed of roughly half ice and half rock. Note that Oberon has at least one large mountain, visible on the limb at the lower left, that rises 6 km off the surface."
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nebris · 3 years ago
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Uranus and its six largest moons compared at their proper relative sizes and relative positions. From left to right:  Puck, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon 
Uranus, the seventh planet of the Solar System, has 27 known moons, most of which are named after characters that appear in, or are mentioned in, the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.[1] Uranus's moons are divided into three groups: thirteen inner moons, five major moons, and nine irregular moons. The inner and major moons all have prograde orbits, while orbits of the irregulars are mostly retrograde. The inner moons are small dark bodies that share common properties and origins with Uranus's rings. The five major moons are ellipsoidal, indicating that they reached hydrostatic equilibrium at some point in their past (and may still be in equilibrium), and four of them show signs of internally driven processes such as canyon formation and volcanism on their surfaces.[2] The largest of these five, Titania, is 1,578 km in diameter and the eighth-largest moon in the Solar System, about one-twentieth the mass of the Earth's Moon. The orbits of the regular moons are nearly coplanar with Uranus's equator, which is tilted 97.77° to its orbit. Uranus's irregular moons have elliptical and strongly inclined (mostly retrograde) orbits at large distances from the planet.[3]
William Herschel discovered the first two moons, Titania and Oberon, in 1787. The other three ellipsoidal moons were discovered in 1851 by William Lassell (Ariel and Umbriel) and in 1948 by Gerard Kuiper (Miranda).[1] These five may be in hydrostatic equilibrium, and so would be considered dwarf planets if they were in direct orbit about the Sun. The remaining moons were discovered after 1985, either during the Voyager 2 flyby mission or with the aid of advanced Earth-based telescopes.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year ago
Events 1.11 (before 1940)
532 – Nika riots in Constantinople: A quarrel between supporters of different chariot teams—the Blues and the Greens—in the Hippodrome escalates into violence. 630 – Conquest of Mecca: The prophet Muhammad and his followers conquer the city, and the Quraysh association of clans surrenders. 930 – Sack of Mecca by the Qarmatians. 1055 – Theodora is crowned empress of the Byzantine Empire. 1158 – Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia becomes King of Bohemia. 1569 – First recorded lottery in England. 1654 – Arauco War: A Spanish army is defeated by local Mapuche-Huilliches as it tries to cross Bueno River in Southern Chile. 1759 – The first American life insurance company, the Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Presbyterian Ministers and of the Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of the Presbyterian Ministers (now part of Unum Group), is incorporated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1779 – Ching-Thang Khomba is crowned King of Manipur. 1787 – William Herschel discovers Titania and Oberon, two moons of Uranus. 1805 – The Michigan Territory is created. 1861 – American Civil War: Alabama secedes from the United States. 1863 – American Civil War: The three-day Battle of Arkansas Post concludes as General John McClernand and Admiral David Dixon Porter capture Fort Hindman and secure control over the Arkansas River for the Union. 1863 – American Civil War: CSS Alabama encounters and sinks the USS Hatteras off Galveston Lighthouse in Texas. 1879 – The Anglo-Zulu War begins. 1908 – Grand Canyon National Monument is created. 1912 – Immigrant textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts, go on strike when wages are reduced in response to a mandated shortening of the work week. 1914 – The Karluk, flagship of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, sank after being crushed by ice. 1917 – The Kingsland munitions factory explosion occurs as a result of sabotage. 1922 – Leonard Thompson becomes the first person to be injected with insulin. 1923 – Occupation of the Ruhr: Troops from France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr area to force Germany to make its World War I reparation payments. 1927 – Louis B. Mayer, head of film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), announces the creation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, at a banquet in Los Angeles, California. 1935 – Amelia Earhart becomes the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California.
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kidsneedscience · 7 years ago
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Shakespeare, Astronomy, the Mad King George, and William Herschel
The planet Uranus has 27 known and named moons, the first two of which (Titania and Oberon) were discovered in 1787 by the man who discovered Uranus, Sir William Hershel, born on this day, November 15, 1738.  Although Herschel believed he had seen as many as 6 moons and possibly a ring, nothing more was confirmed for another 50 years when the next two moons were discovered by William Lassell, which he named Ariel and Umbriel. Lassell deviated slightly from Herschel’s naming tradition and found Umbriel in Alexander Pope’s poem the Rape of the Lock. Since then all additional moons have been named for characters from either Shakespeare or Pope.  But before he named anything after characters from Shakespeare, Herschel was famous for the discovery of Uranus.  
Herschel named his discovery George, oddly enough, to commemorate his new patron, King George III.  At the time he said this:  
In the fabulous ages of ancient times the appellations of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were given to the Planets, as being the names of their principal heroes and divinities. In the present more philosophical era it would hardly be allowable to have recourse to the same method and call it Juno, Pallas, Apollo or Minerva, for a name to our new heavenly body. The first consideration of any particular event, or remarkable incident, seems to be its chronology: if in any future age it should be asked, when this last-found Planet was discovered? It would be a very satisfactory answer to say, ‘In the reign of King George the Third’.
Few astronomers outside of England liked the name, however, and astronomers began proposing alternatives almost immediately.  German astronomer Johann Elert Bode called it Uranus  (Ancient Greek: Οὐρανός) after the Ancient Greek god of the sky, the logic being that as Saturn was the father of Jupiter, the new planet should be the father of Saturn.  It wasn’t until the middle of the next century that atlases dropped Herschel’s name and adopted Uranus.
Years later, Herschel would discover the moons of Uranus.  And although he did not discover all of them (or even see most of them), his convention paved the way.  First, moons named after characters from Shakespeare:
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Titania, Oberon, Puck
The Tempest: (Ariel), Miranda, Caliban, Sycorax, Prospero, Setebos, Stephano, Trinculo, Francisco, Ferdinand
King Lear: Cordelia
Hamlet: Ophelia
The Taming of the Shrew: Bianca
Troilus and Cressida: Cressida
Othello: Desdemona
Romeo and Juliet: Juliet, Mab
The Merchant of Venice: Portia
As You Like It: Rosalind
Much Ado About Nothing: Margaret
The Winter’s Tale: Perdita
Timon of Athens: Cupid
Next, moons named from characters from Pope:
The Rape of the Lock :
Ariel, Umbriel, Belinda.
Learn more about the plays (including plots, characters and full texts) at www.shakespeare-online.com. You can find Alexander Pope at www.poemhunter.com. You can also click on any of the links above for links to wikipedia.
Image of Uranus’s moons to scale courtesy NASA, in the public domain
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jtem · 8 years ago
Today in Strangeness: Snowfall was recorded for the first time on this date in Los Angeles in 1949. William Herschel discovered Titania and Oberon, two moons of Uranus, on this day in 1787.
Gravity & Levitation/ Secret Space Program: In the first half of Wednesday's show, engineer and independent researcher Maurice  Cotterell talks about his most recent work on the nature of gravity, levitation and contradictions in physics. Followed by pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', Michael  Salla , discussing evidence that the US Navy began its initial development work on a secret space program in the 1940s, and signs that the Trump administration is poised to reveal startling new data about secret space programs.
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worldstop10 · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on The top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!
New Post has been published on http://theverybesttop10.com/largest-planetary-moons/
Top 10 Largest Planetary Moons in Our Solar System
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Top 10 Largest Planetary Moons in Our Solar System
Some of these moons are still much a mystery to astronomers as to what their surfaces are like and some are even thought to host life! But what we do know is estimates on how big they are and this list features the ten biggest moons in our known universe…
Top 10 Largest Planetary Moons in Our Solar System
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  Oberon, Moon of Uranus
10 – Oberon, Moon of Uranus (Mean Diameter in KM: 1523)
Wiki Info: Oberon, also designated Uranus IV, is the outermost major moon of the planet Uranus. It is the second-largest and second most massive of the Uranian moons, and the ninth most massive moon in the Solar System. Discovered by William Herschel in 1787, Oberon is named after the mythical king of the fairies who appears as a character in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Its orbit lies partially outside Uranus’s magnetosphere.
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Rhea, Moon of Saturn
9 – Rhea, Moon of Saturn (Mean Diameter in KM: 1529)
Wiki Info: Rhea is the second-largest moon of Saturn and the ninth-largest moon in the Solar System. It is the second smallest body in the Solar System, after the asteroid and dwarf planet Ceres, for which precise measurements have confirmed a shape consistent with hydrostatic equilibrium.It was discovered in 1672 by Giovanni Domenico Cassini.
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Titania, Moon of Uranus
8 – Titania, Moon of Uranus (Mean Diameter in KM: 1578)
Wiki Info: Titania is the largest of the moons of Uranus and the eighth largest moon in the Solar System at a diameter of 1,578 kilometres (981 mi). Discovered by William Herschel in 1787, Titania is named after the queen of the fairies in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Its orbit lies inside Uranus’s magnetosphere.
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Triton, Moon of Neptune
7 – Triton, Moon of Neptune (Mean Diameter in KM: 2707)
Wiki Info: Triton is the largest natural satellite of the planet Neptune. It was discovered on October 10, 1846, by English astronomer William Lassell. It is the only large moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit, an orbit in the opposite direction to its planet’s rotation. At 2,700 kilometres (1,700 mi) in diameter, it is the seventh-largest moon in the Solar System. Because of its retrograde orbit and composition similar to Pluto’s, Triton is thought to have been a dwarf planet captured from the Kuiper belt.
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Europa, Moon of Jupiter
6 – Europa, Moon of Jupiter (Mean Diameter in KM: 3122)
Wiki Info: Europa, is the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter, and the sixth-closest to the planet. It is also the sixth-largest moon in the Solar System. Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and was named after Europa, the legendary mother of King Minos of Crete and lover of Zeus (the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Jupiter).
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Moon, Moon of Earth
5 – Moon, Moon of Earth (Mean Diameter in KM: 3475)
Wiki Info: The Moon is thought to have formed about 4.5 billion years ago, not long after Earth. There are several hypotheses for its origin; the most widely accepted explanation is that the Moon formed from the debris left over after a giant impact between Earth and a Mars-sized body called Theia.
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Io, Moon of Jupiter
4 – Io, Moon of Jupiter (Mean Diameter in KM: 3643)
Wiki Info: With over 400 active volcanoes, Io is the most geologically active object in the Solar System. This extreme geologic activity is the result of tidal heating from friction generated within Io’s interior as it is pulled between Jupiter and the other Galilean satellites—Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
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Callisto, Moon of Jupiter
3 – Callisto, Moon of Jupiter (Mean Diameter in KM: 4821)
Wiki Info: Callisto was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. At 4821 km in diameter, Callisto has about 99% the diameter of the planet Mercury but only about a third of its mass. It is the fourth Galilean moon of Jupiter by distance, with an orbital radius of about 1883000 km.
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Titan, Moon of Saturn
2 – Titan, Moon of Saturn (Mean Diameter in KM: 5150)
Wiki Info: Titan is the sixth ellipsoidal moon from Saturn. Frequently described as a planet-like moon, Titan’s diameter is 50% larger than Earth’s natural satellite, the Moon, and it is 80% more massive.
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Ganymede, Moon of Jupiter
1 – Ganymede, Moon of Jupiter (Mean Diameter in KM: 5262)
Wiki Info: Ganymede is composed of approximately equal amounts of silicate rock and water ice. It is a fully differentiated body with an iron-rich, liquid core, and an internal ocean that may contain more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined. Its surface is composed of two main types of terrain. Dark regions saturated with impact craters and dated to four billion years ago, cover about a third of the satellite.
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