#16th clan head of the Akimichi
lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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enchantingpeachfury · 7 months
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Chunin exams 1st stage in Shippuden.
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bushcloverprincess · 4 years
The Top 10 Best Ino Yamanaka Moments in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden Manga 🏆:
10🎖- Healing Naruto
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Apart from Ino's Yamanaka Clan Techniques, Mind Reading Techniques and Sensory Perception, Ino is also a Medical Ninja. The Databook explains Ino learned medical ninjutsu with her thirsts for knowledge and good instincts. It also explains she is skilled enough to make immediate conclusions on a patient's condition and heal fatal wounds. However, her Medical Abilities were never really explored in the Manga, specifically. The manga has only two moments of Ino using her Medical Ninjutsu: One is her failed attempt to save Asuma from death, and second is her healing Naruto after his first use of Wind Release: Rasenshuriken against Kakuzu in Team 10's quest to take revenge for Asuma. As we all know, the Rasen-Shuriken was declared to be a dangerous poison by Tsunade, the Greatest Medical Ninja of all time, because it inflicts a severe damage to the user and hence it was forbidden. As such after Naruto's first use of this technique, he was in a serious condition, and without the medical aid from Ino, it was highly unlikely Naruto could have survived until they reached Konoha for further treatment. Eventhough not very noticeable, it was Ino's best moment with Medical ninjutsu in the manga.
9🎖- Her part in the Ino-Shika-Cho Formation-E (Human Bullet Yo-Yo) in the War
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Formation Ino–Shika–Chō are formations used by the members of the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi clan members designed to use each member's abilities in the best way possible that complements the others, as a result of their long history of working together. Shikamaru, Ino and Chōji represents the 16th generation of this legendary Ino-Shika-Chō trio, with each one of them being equally crucial for every formation. Their one of the most iconic moment is the formation E (Human Bullet Yo-Yo) they used in the War, against the Mini Ten-Tail Clones. In this formation, Chōji increases his size, while Shikamaru connects their two shadows. At the same time, Ino detects any enemies with her sensory ninjutsu and transmits this information directly to Shikamaru. As Chōji begins to attack with the Human Bullet Tank technique, Ino continues to track their opponents so that Shikamaru can direct Chōji's movement by manipulating the shadow. In the telepathic dimension of Ino and Shikamaru, this technique when shown as a silhouette looks similar to Ultraman. This is the moment Ino demonstrated her great sensory perception, as well as her new ability of combining her telepathy with her sensory perception to relay what she senses to her allies, being one of the best moments of Ino.
8🎖- Spying on the Akatsuki
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In Team 10's quest to take revenge for Asuma's death from the monstrous Akatsuki Organization, their first task was to locate the Akatsuki duo who murdered their sensei. As mentioned by Kakashi, it was going to be quite a wide search, and of course, Ino, being a Yamanaka, was best suited for reconnaissance and espionage in the team. Ino used her Mind Transfer Jutsu on a Hawk to recon the entire desert to pinpoint the location of their target. This was the first and only time in the Manga Ino used the Mind Transfer Jutsu for what it is originally intended to: Spying. This also revealed that Ino gets access to all the abilities of the victim of her possession, such as being able to fly when she possessed a bird. Thus, Ino became the key to Team 10's fight against the Akatsuki, and eventhough Ino was not able to contribute much during the fight, due to her status as a medical ninja and her abilities not being suited for battles, Ino fulfilled her role as a spy, medical assistance and sensor for the team perfectly.
7🎖- Saving Choji's life twice from Edo-Asuma
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In the Fourth Shinobi World War, the most challenging moment for Team 10 was having to fight against their reanimated late sensei, Asuma. Out of the three, Chōji was most hesitant at confronting his teacher while Ino and Shikamaru suppressed their emotions as they realized they are the only ones who can stop Asuma with the least risk to the Army. Throughout the fight Chōji failed to hit Asuma twice; Both of the times putting himself into risks. Both of these times, the one who saved his life was Ino. First time, Ino tackled Chōji away from Asuma's Dust Cloud Jutsu with her impressive strength and speed, while shikamaru failed to react so quickly to save him. Second time, when Chōji gets distracted midway before landing a blow, Asuma takes the advantage and attacks him. Chōji however stops Asuma's attack, much to everyone's shock to see Chōji reacting, before realising that it was Ino who had transferred her consciousness into him, saving his life once more which also lead Shikamaru to comment on Ino's quick thinking. Ino, while present in Chōji's body fought Asuma one-on-one with her surprisingly impressive Taijutsu. In this fight, Ino also demonstrated her new ability of taking control over more than one body at once. Being useful for the teammates, being able to fight side by side with them while saving their lives is indeed one of the greatest achievement for a female in Naruto.
6🎖- Catching Sakura in her Chakra Hair Trap
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Ino's strategy against Sakura in the Chunin Exams Preliminarily match was objectively one of the most iconic and best moments of Ino in Naruto Part 1. While seemingly offended by Sakura's insults, Ino cut her hair off in the midst of the battle. Ino then got Sakura into lowering her guard by seemingly using the Mind Transfer Technique, despite Sakura being a moving target. While Sakura easily escaped the Jutsu and thought Ino lost her mind, Ino actually didn't use the technique and used her scattered hair to create a chakra rope to restrain Sakura's movements, and thus, guaranteed that her Mind Body Switch Technique won't miss. She then reveals her previous attempt of using the Mind Transfer Jutsu was all an act, to fool Sakura so that she'll run right into her trap. Not only she surprised Sakura with this strategy, but the entire Chūnin Exam audience including her own teammates and Jōnins like Asuma and Kakashi as well because no one could predict Ino's strategy and no one believed Ino could hit Sakura with her jutsu. It was a perfect portrayal of Ino's battle intelligence and the fact that she graduated top from her academy class and that she was an exceptional female among the rookie kunoichis.
5🏅- Striking 'poisonous' flowers into a bully's mouth
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Ino's most admirable personality trait is that she radiates herself with self-love and confidence while pushing others to do the same. She loves nurturing flower buds and watching them bloom into beautiful flowers. As such, she took Sakura under her wings, saved her from loneliness, defended her from bullies, supported her and encouraged her to embrace her flaws rather than hiding them. Throughout the years Ino watched Sakura bloom into a beautiful flower, and according to Sakura, she was forever indebted. Once when they were kids, while collecting flowers for an academy lesson, Sakura was confronted by some bullies. Ino quickly chased them away by striking some flowers into one of the bully's mouth and claiming it to be 'poisonous'. Ino apologized for mistaking them for flower vases because their 'heads were so empty'. When the bullies escaped, Ino, the daughter of a botanist explains to Sakura that only the root-tip of that particular flower species is poisonous and hence it'll cause no harm to them. Sakura, like all of us couldn't help but admire Ino's skills, vast knowledge and maturity even as a little kid. This was certainly iconic coming from a 7-9 year old girl.
4🏅- Stepping in to save Team 7 in the Forest of Death
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Ino's sweet friendship with Sakura did not end well. When Sakura was finally able to get a hold of herself, she found out Ino has a crush on the same boy she does. Not wanting to be under Ino's shadow anymore, Sakura took an end to their friendship, decalring Ino as her rival with an aim to surpass her. Ino accepted the rivalry resigned to the fate. While in the Forest of Death for the second phase of the Chūnin Exams, Ino and her teammates witnessed Sakura attempting to protect Naruto, Sasuke and Lee who were all unconscious from some dangerous Orochimaru's pawns. While Sakura was terribly getting beaten to death, Ino had to take a very tough decision; whether to save her and her teammates lives and escape or to step in to save Sakura and her teammates. Despite the rivalry with Sakura, Despite Team 10 being the weakest trio in the Chūnin Exams thus having no chance against those opponents, and despite being in a competition with one another, Ino's decision was to risk her and her teammates lives to help Sakura. An exemplary for Ino's bravery and the love she still has for Sakura. Ino's decision to help Sakura not only saved Sakura, but Sasuke, Naruto and Lee as well. Team 10 was able to put up a fight and buy enough time for Sasuke to wake up.
🥉- Shutting down Kinkaku
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Kinkaku was a Pseudo-Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Beast as well as a descendant of the Sage of Six Paths, the God himself. He is well-known for his prowess, causing shinobis to tremble in fear when he saw him. Along with his brother, Kinkaku was able to defeat the Second Hokage, Tobirama, leaving him on the brink of death. When reanimated in the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kinkaku alone nearly demolished the entire First Division and inflicted massive casualties, nearly leading the Fourth Raikage to disregard his duties as leader of the Allied Shinobi Forces in order to personally confront him. No one was strong enough to even restrain him, he quickly got rid of Choji's Human Boulder and easily broke-off Shikamaru's Shadow Possession. However, Kinkaku was outdone by Ino's Mind Transfer Technique. Ino defeated him by taking the control over his body shutting him down, forcing him to respond to Darui, who had Kohaku no Jōhei, ultimately sealing him. This lead Ino's father Inoichi to compliment her strength and speed of the Mind Transfer Jutsu. Being able to defeat Kinkaku was undoubtedly one of the Ino's biggest feat which surprised us all.
🥈- Connecting everyone in the entire Shinobi Alliance with a telepathic link
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In the Fourth Shinobi World War, after the Headquater of the Allied Shinobi Forces was annihilated by Ten-Tail's attack, Ino was bound to replace her father's role in the Headquarter. Right after her father's death, with no time to grieve, she became the Head of the Communications for the Allied Shinobi Forces. With the Yamanaka Clan's Telepathy technique, Ino surpassed her own limits and successfully managed to connect every single shinobi in the battlefield via a two-way telepathic link for all the communications made within the alliance, without using a head gear for her aid. She connected everyone together in multiple occasions, most significant moments include relaying the Hand Signs of an Earth-Style Jutsu to everyone in order to summon thousands of defensive walls to sheild against another Tailed Beast Bomb, connecting Hashirama to the approaching 5 Kages and the rest of the shinobi alliance to relay his plans, Connecting Shikamaru to the Alliance to motivate them, Transmitting Naruto and Hashirama's feelings and memories to everyone reuniting the Shinobi Alliance once more, etc. Some may argue this was her best moment.
🥇- Controlling the Ten-Tails twice
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The Ten-Tails is said to be the progenitor of all that exists in the world. A God that created countries, it has the power to swallow oceans, split the land, and carry mountains. It was a combined form of a God, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki and the God Tree, the Origin of Chakra and all the Tailed Beasts. It was the strongest creature on Earth, utilising which Obito and Madara decalred a world war against the 5 Great Shinobi Nations. Ino, using her Mind Transfer Jutsu managed to control this Godly creature twice throughout the war. She achieved it by possessing Obito, and using him as a mean to control the Ten-Tails both the times. First time, she misdirected Ten-Tail's Beast Ball attack from the Shinobi Alliance, saving everyone's life, including Naruto's, low-key saving the world. Second time, amped with Kurama chakra, she managed to restrain the movements of Ten-Tails and redirect it's wooden spike attacks from a group of Ninjas saving their lives. Being able to control Ten-Tails twice is indeed the best feat of Ino in the entire series.
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enchantingpeachfury · 2 years
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enchantingpeachfury · 2 years
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enchantingpeachfury · 3 years
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enchantingpeachfury · 3 years
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