#1611 KJV Bible
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thisbibliophiile · 1 month ago
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Let's goooooo
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king-james-bible-verses · 1 month ago
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"All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made."
John 1:3, King James Bible
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The Triumph Of Christianity Over Paganism
Painted by Gustave Doré (1832–1883)
Christ, carrying a Cross, surrounded by a host of angels, forming a circle, swords ready to attack, sweeping above pagan gods of every kind.
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kjvfactcheck · 5 months ago
Distilling Kohlenberger's Publisher's Preface The Version of 1611: From 1911 to 2011.
John R. Kohlenberger III's preface is found in the Hedrickson special edition reproduction of the 1611 King James Version Bible. He provides a modern look at the history and the development of the King James Version.
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year ago
Idk if you'd know this, but has the Word of Wisdom been properly canonized in the Church or are we just... Trusting it? Not that God hasnt asked people to change their diets before, but I'm curious to know how vetted it is.
The short answer is if it is in the scriptures, then it has been canonized. Since the Word of Wisdom is in the Doctrine & Covenants, it is considered part of the LDS canon.
In the LDS Church, usually something is considered canonized if it is included in the scriptures (there's two notable exceptions, each regarding the Bible). The LDS Church currently has 4 books in its scriptural canon:
1. Authorized King James Version as the official scriptural text of the Bible (other versions of the Bible are used in non-English-speaking countries). Although there's two exceptions to this:
a) The manuscripts of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible states that "the Songs of Solomon are not inspired scripture," and therefore it is not included in LDS canon and rarely studied by members of the LDS Church. However, it is still printed in every version of the King James Bible published by the church.
b) Although the Apocrypha was part of the 1611 edition of the KJV, the LDS Church does not use the Apocrypha as part of its canon. Joseph Smith taught that while the Apocrypha was not to be relied on for doctrine, it was potentially useful when read with a spirit of discernment.
2. Book of Mormon
3. Doctrine and Covenants (D&C)
4. Pearl of Great Price (containing the Book of Moses, the Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith–Matthew, Joseph Smith–History, and the Articles of Faith)
The LDS Church's scriptures are printed together with several non-canonized study aids, including the maps, photographs, a Bible Dictionary, a gazetteer, summaries at the beginning of each chapter, a topical guide, an index, footnotes, cross references, and excerpts from Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
LDS Church president Harold B. Lee taught "The only one authorized to bring forth any new doctrine is the President of the Church, who, when he does, will declare it as revelation from God, and it will be so accepted by the Council of the Twelve and sustained by the body of the Church." Here is the history of this happening in the LDS Church:
June 9, 1830: First conference of the church, The Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ, now known as D&C 20. If the Bible and Book of Mormon were not sustained on April 6th at the first meeting of the Church, then they were by default when the Articles and Covenants were sustained. (see D&C 20:8-11)
August 17, 1835: Select revelations from Joseph Smith were unanimously accepted as scripture. These were later printed in the D&C. (this includes the Word of Wisdom)
October 10, 1880: The Pearl of Great Price was unanimously sustained as scripture. Also at that time, other revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants – which had not been accepted as scripture in 1835 because they were received after that date – were unanimously accepted as scripture.
October 6, 1890: Official Declaration 1 was accepted unanimously as scripture. It later began to be published in the Doctrine and Covenants.
April 3, 1976: Two visions (one received by Joseph Smith and the other by Joseph F. Smith) were sustained as scripture and added to the Pearl of Great Price. (The two visions were later moved to the D&C as sections 137 and 138.)
September 30, 1978: Official Declaration 2 was sustained unanimously as scripture. It immediately was added to the Doctrine and Covenants.
The revelation known as the Word of Wisdom was received in 1833 and first published by the Church in the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants, it was viewed as scripture but wasn't seen as binding for many years. The original revelation was given “not by commandment or constraint,” but rather as a “word of wisdom.” It would take decades for it to be accepted as a requirement for Latter-day Saints
In 1834, the Kirtland high council decided that those who were taught the Word of Wisdom but didn't follow it were unworthy to hold an office in the Church. A few years later the Missouri high council made a similar decision. Records indicate there were some members who were reprimanded for not following the Word of Wisdom, and even excommunicated for a pattern of disobedience. Which is interesting since the revelation only describes blessings for keeping it and does not give punishments for not following it.
During the Nauvoo period, the Word of Wisdom was not emphasized and there seems to have been a more relaxed attitude about it.
In 1842, Hyrum Smith said that 'hot drinks' refers to coffee and tea. Ever since this has been the accepted interpretation.
After the Saints moved to Utah, in the 1851 General Conference, Church patriarch John Smith spoke on the Word of Wisdom and Brigham Young proposed all Saints formally covenant to abstain from those things prohibited in the Word of Wisdom. (This seems to be where the attitude of only those parts of the Word of Wisdom, what to avoid, are emphasized but not the parts of what we should eat). Despite this, it seems even Brigham Young didn't completely follow this instruction until 1862.
In the 1860s and 70s, there was a renewed emphasis on the Word of Wisdom, but it was not required as a test of membership.
In 1883, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve commit to more fully live the Word of Wisdom, and others are encouraged to follow their example. By 1900, the majority of general and local leaders were following it.
In 1902, leaders were being instructed to refuse temple recommends to flagrant violators of the Word of Wisdom, though to still be lenient with others.
In 1905, it was taught that following the Word of Wisdom is a requirement to hold leadership positions.
In 1906, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve began using water instead of wine in their sacrament meetings.
By 1915, living the Word of Wisdom was required for young or middle-aged men to be ordained to the priesthood or be given a temple recommend.
In 1921, adherence to the Word of Wisdom was required to be admitted to the temple.
For me, personally, I'm fine with the Word of Wisdom. Dietary rules are common in religion. Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, and Hinduism also have dietary codes.
In a way, such codes can feel like a parent who is concerned about what you're eating for lunch, it's a way of showing concern for us. However, I think there are two main purposes to such codes.
One is to implement health rules about what to eat, including sanitary measures, and how to ethically/morally approach eating meat (or forbidding meat) because it requires the death of another living creature.
The other purpose of these codes is they are a way to distinguish us as a group, to separate us from other people amongst whom we live. If we're at a company meeting where food is served, Mormons may notice who else has chosen not to have coffee or tea and wonder if they're also members of the LDS church, while non-members are unaware of this shibboleth.
To go along with these codes as cultural markers, I have observed that when someone is separating themselves from the LDS church, often one of the first things they'll do is have their first beer or cup of coffee. It’s s way of breaking that identity marker.
It is interesting that the Word of Wisdom includes prohibitions against alcohol when the consumption of wine is widely reported in the Bible. It highlights that there isn't consistency among these different religious dietary codes.
I think of Peter's vision in the New Testament where he is commanded to eat animals which were prohibited under Jewish law. God declares that all these animals are clean, meaning they are okay to eat. And the apostle Paul taught that non-Jewish converts were not required to eat kosher, however it would be helpful if they'd abstain from eating unkosher foods around their Jewish fellows so as not to offend them.
These two stories inform my opinion about the Word of Wisdom. I am LDS and follow our traditions against coffee, tea, tobacco, and alcohol, however I don't view breaking these norms as a sin. The revelation specifically says this is not a commandment, so it seems to me to be more of a cultural marker. One reason I choose to not drink coffee is it would concern or offend my fellow LDS friends, some because they think of it as a sin and others because they see it as me separating myself from this community
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alexandria-thornton · 4 months ago
iive alredy read the biible there2 no1 called juda2 iin iit or any roman2 wuteva tho2e r
You read the wrong Bible.
Try this one.
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hiswordsarekisses · 2 years ago
This is so good and so true:
I am writing this in response to several Facebook friends who have questioned my reasons for using various Bible translations rather than exclusively using the King James Bible. If you are convinced that the King James Version is the only legitimate English Bible and that all other translations are false then please don’t waste your time reading this article because nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. If you love and enjoy your KJV, then by all means, you should continue to use and enjoy it. For myself, I believe multiple versions of the Bible can actually be an aid in understanding the message of the Bible, although, I personally like to go back to my primary study Bible [NIV], to compare scriptures.
Since the King James version was translated in 1611 many Bible transcripts have been discovered that are older and more accurate. When Bible scholars research through these older manuscripts they have discovered that some words, phrases, and sentences were added to the Bible either intentionally or accidentally. The verses that you see missing are simply not found in the oldest and most reliable manuscripts and the translators have removed these verses and placed them in footnotes or in the margin because they do not believe they were part of the original manuscripts of the Bible. Bible translators do not compare a translation against another translation, but against the manuscripts that were used.
It is nothing but myth that the King James Version is perfect. A 1611 King James version is virtually unreadable by the average person today, and there have been over thousands of corrections in the KJV from 1611 through 1769 edition, which is the version we use. And, although I believe that the KJV remains an excellent translation, yet today this 400-year-old version remains difficult to comprehend in all too many passages. Everything from the spelling, to syntax, to grammar, to phraseology is very different from what we speak today.
To complicate things, the KJV uses many archaic and obsolete words which have changed in meaning over time and do not convey what the original translators intended to express.. If you were brought up on the King James Version or you have been reading it for years, you might not quite realize how totally foreign sounding the King James Version is to modern readers. Estimates are that the King James Version uses 827 words and phrases that have since changed their meaning or are not used at all. When the Bible is translated, it should be translated into how a people/language group speaks. We understand the written Word of God best when we can read it in our own language – in the vernacular of the day – not how it was spoken hundreds of years ago.
I do realize many people have gotten used to a particular Bible version and resist any attempts to update or revise it, but fierce loyalty to a particular version of the Bible is illogical and for some advocates idolatrous. No doctrine essential for salvation is affected by translations, modern or ancient—unless done by a particular cult to promote its liberal agenda or belief system. There is no perfect translation of the English Bible, as the Scriptures were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, not English. Each translation has its own strengths and weaknesses, and I am not arguing for any specific version.
Hand a KJV to a young person, or even an older person, and ask them to read 1 Thess. 4:5 and then explain to you what "concupiscence" means. Here is another one: "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may WITHOUT the word be won by the CONVERSATION of the wives;"1 Peter 3:1. That sounds like a total contradiction until one learns that CONVERSATION in that verse does not mean speech, but behavior. The meaning of the word in English is no longer the same. A prime example of words taking on a different meaning because of culture is the Christmas song "Don we now our gay apparel, Fa la la, la la, la la la, la." That would have a totally different connotation today.
I certainly concede that the KJV is virtually unsurpassed in poetic beauty and literary elegance. But literary beauty and elegance are not substitutes for clarity. We read the Bible in an effort to know what it’s saying. Reading several translations based on different manuscripts can unlock different shades of meaning that you may have previously missed. It can clarify passages of Scripture, and help you see a verse in a different way.
For those trying to choose a Bible, I would encourage each of you to pick a word-for-word, literal translation [such as, NASB, HCSB, KJV, NKJV, MEV, ESV, or the less literal Bible translations, such as the NIV and NLT (a combination of word for word and thought for thought'), as your primary study Bible, then use other paraphrased versions that may be easier to read to help you wrestle through difficult passages and compare them with your primary Bible translation. If there are distinct differences between versions, you may find it helpful from time to time to utilize the Greek and Hebrew lexicon to verify biblical definitions.
Some Bible versions translate less literally, and should not be used as a Christian’s primary Bible. Bibles, such as The Living Bible, GNT, TLB, NEB, the Amplified Bible and God’s Word are paraphrased to reflect what the author thinks the Bible says, not necessarily what the Bible actually says. A paraphrase of the Bible should be used more as a commentary, a way to get another perspective, but should not be viewed as accurate as it is an author’s idea of what the Bible says. A paraphrased Bible allows the greatest degree of liberty in translation and leaves too much room for personal interpretation [2 Peter 1:20].
Some Bibles, such as The New World Translation [used by Jehovah’s Witnesses], the Message, the Passion Bible, as well as feminist and homosexual versions, are doctrinally corrupt mistranslations that have the specific purpose of altering Scripture to agree with their beliefs; they have an agenda all their own.
The Message Bible promotes the mystical New Age message with a boldness that's never been seen in a mainstream Bible. “Lord” occurs 7,970 times in the King James Bible and the Message contains the Lord only 71 times. I could go on and on but let me clarify one thing.... The amputation of these words, of which there are many more, are no accident. It is not an issue in translation or Greek manuscripts. It's also not a matter of updating archaic words or making it easier to understand. It was a deliberate and intentional doctrinal decision to remove the "Lord" and the use of the "Lord Jesus".
Above all, when we are choosing a Bible and/or comparing scriptures, we must ask God for wisdom and discernment. The Spirit of God will enlighten us to hear and understand the truth of God’s written Word and apply it to our lives. It is every Christians privilege to ask and expect the teaching and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are not left to be absolutely dependent on any interpretation of man. 1 Corinthians 2:5 KJV says “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men. But in the power of God.”
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insanescriptist · 7 months ago
Hii~ so this is a question for Umei, if thats okay? I really resonate with how she writes God in her stories but im new to all of this and i wasn't sure what..denomination(?) She is? I have religious trauma and ive been trying to work through it and just what she writes...how she writes about her faith and how she incorporates it into her stories..it really really speaks to me and it's made me interested in learning more but im not really sure where to go from here and what resources i should be looking into?
From Umei,
Firstly, I'm really sorry that people you should have been able to trust have taken advantage of you. You're so, so brave for facing up to that and keeping going despite it. I'd suggest finding an up-to-date translation of the bible as a starting point; I like the New International Version (NIV) but there are plenty of other options out there. One that you find readable -or listenable, if you want an app, there are online translations- and just reading the Word. Start with the New Testament and the gospels, to get used to who Jesus is in his own words, but do read all of it. Jesus says that if we know him, we know the Father (John 8:19 and John 14:9) and we get to know Jesus' character through reading the bible. I know I'm still finding new revelations in my daily readings. Prayer! You can talk to God directly any time you want, and it's good to make space in your day just to listen to him. That's all he wants from us: that we be close to him. If you want more material on how to interpret what's in the gospels and hear good, solid theology I can recommend Ellel Ministries International, as they're non-denominational, have local centres all over the world and excellent online material as well as courses you can take. I know the director, who is a really kind and humble guy, if that helps! Don't be afraid to take your time. The bible explicitly instructs us to test everything against the word of God, to make sure it's trustworthy, so don't feel you need to rush into picking a church. Get to know Jesus through the Word, get to know God generally through prayer, and know that God won't push. Anyone or anything trying to force you into something you're not ready for is not of God. God created free will! You get to choose what you are up for, every single step. Safe travels!
From Izzy,
First off, I'm quite fine with being asked to relay a message to Umei. She can be quite hard to reach otherwise
Second, as to religious trauma... There's quite a large difference between people who claim to be Christian and people who are. That is Faith
Real faith is amazing to behold and motivates people to be kind and help others, to let them know that they are not alone in their struggles. It is the hand held out in friendship, to help, to cheer and comfort. It is the ear that will listen, the heart that chooses to heal
Fake faith is a social performance, complete with social policing and ostracizing of those who fail to perform believably. That's how you get fear-mongering, zealotry to the word and no actual True Christian behavior, because they're not living the principles of the faith
Izzy lives in the Bible Belt of the US, so Izzy's seen both. In all kinds of denominations. A Church doesn't determine your faith, it determines your community. Your faith is determined by you and your relationship with God.
Congrats for having kept that hand out for Umei to have reached. You had the faith to reach out and you've been answered for it.
Third, the KJV (King James Version) of the Bible is the most popular, but it's also the one of the oldest modern translations. Like 1611, or 1612 Izzy wants to say? It has issues inherent in that, as it was written to stop the fracturing of the Church (Calvin and the Protestant Movement says hi) by providing a cohesive book for the common man and not just the church. By virtue of being widely available and so popular before printing became a thing, it's also the version most prone to being misused by anyone who means to do so, because most people don't read it or truly study it
Anyway there's been a lot of scholarship and debate about how things were translated, because languages have nuance that doesn't always translate. There's a lot of contextual difference between Ruler, King and Tyrant for example. So if you want a bible with more pure scholarship behind it, a lot of the modern translations are what you want. There's probably annotated versions if you look.
Lastly, as Izzy's not particularly devout by common definitions and not a dedicated scholar of theology, Izzy can't really recommend any sources to look up. Izzy's certain there there's lectures of seminary classes on the internet somewhere to watch though. Seminary classes being meant to train priests, rabbis and the like, you can see what they're meant to be teaching and how they're supposed to teach it
may kind thoughts find and comfort you, Izzy
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iuicmontreal · 1 year ago
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📖✨ Follow @iuicgreece for pure 1611 KJV Bible teachings! 🙏 #IUICGreece #1611KJV something good is coming.. fb.com/iuicgreece youtube.com/@iuicgreece tiktok.com/@iuicgreece instagram.com/iuicgreece
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yunathun · 2 years ago
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Shalom dear True Yisrael.
My name is brother Yunathun Zion of the Tribe of Judah-Yudah. In today's lesson we are going to do a crash course concerning tje Babyonian Occultic Pagan Religion founded by wicked false prophet Muhammed of the race of Ishmaelites-(THE ARAB  RACE & NATION-THE HOUSE OF SAUD-THE SAUDI ARABIANS).
Allah is satan and Allat is Ashtoroth. Allah & Allat, are Islamic pagan Babylonian witchcraft started by wicked Muhammad.
Muhammed was an Ishmaelite and by trade was a cattleman herder of goats. 
Before Islam was founded  it was called Persian Mythology, that orginated among the Medo Persians and was and is another Babylonian Pagan religion which worships 365 gods-dieties-(FALLEN ANGELS UNDER SATAN), for each day of the year-(POLYTHIESIM).
Muhammad was visited by a fallen angel in a cave in Arabia that taught him his new religion, going from the worship of many Gods-(polythiesm), to the worship of one god-(monothiesm), Muhammad was commanded to this by a wicked fallen angel whom falsely claimed to be one of the Lord's Holy Angels, Saint Garbiel. 
Coward and false prophet Ishmaelite Muhammad, incorporated and plagerized many Laws from our Holy Bible. 
In somewhere between 620 Ad and 630 AD, He forced 600 Black Hebrew Jews of our Holy people to convert to Islam or die, our Holy and faithful People chose death rather than to be converted to muhammeds pagan islam religion, thus he turned on the Son of Jacob which we so called West African-African Americans are, and thus began the Bloody satanic (ARAB SLAVE TRADE-SUBSAHARAN SLAVE TRADE), when the Filthy Heathen Gentile Arabs mass slaughtered, raped, robbed Murdered, and Enslaved our poor Holy people 700 years before Esau-Edom-(ROME-THE CAUCAISAN RACE), mass enslaved us during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade till this very day and counting.
Wicked Muhammed under this fallen angel's commands changed the Lord's commandment for all men to no longer worship towards Holy Jerusalem, the City of God Almighty, the city of King David, but Muhammed changed this Law and commanded that all men now pray and worship towards the heathen gentile arab cities of Mecca and Medina.
The worship of the Kaaba stone is high level idolatry and has nothing to do with father Abraham and is nothing more than satanic Babylonian occultic earth worships of a rock, a stone, a dumb idol...
The filthy arab enslavers of our people were just as brutal and violent towards our Holy race, they mass castrated the privy parts of our men-(GENITAL MUTILATION), to prevent us from dealing with Ishmaelite Arab women as well. 
They will not teach you this is Islam as it is apart of the Satanic confederacy of evil against our Holy people as it is written-(PSALMS 83:1-18).
This is also where the Hebrew Black Moors of Europe come from, the mass forced conversion to Islam by the coward sons of Ishmael, aka the Arabs of Arabia.
Shalom dear True Yisrael.
My name is brother Yunathun Zion of the Tribe of Judah-Yudah. In today's lesson we are going to do a crash course concerning the Babyonian Occultic Pagan Religion founded by wicked false prophet Muhammed of the race of Ishmaelites-(THE ARAB RACE & NATION-THE HOUSE OF SAUD-THE SAUDI ARABIANS).
Allah is satan and Allat is Ashtoroth. Allah & Allat, are Islamic pagan Babylonian witchcraft started by wicked Muhammad.
Muhammed was an Ishmaelite and by trade was a cattleman herder of goats.
Before Islam was founded it was called Persian Mythology, that orginated among the Medo Persians-(PRESENT DAY IRANIANS), and was and is another Babylonian Pagan religion which worships 365 gods-dieties-(FALLEN ANGELS UNDER SATAN), for each day of the year-(POLYTHIESIM).
False prophet Muhammad saw how the Black Hebrew Yisraelite Jews kept their Holy Laws of their Great God and worshipped the One True Living Elohim, he desired for his own Ishmaelite race of peoples to do the same.
Muhammad desired and wished to ban and bring together all of the Bedoin non aligned Arab tribes of Ishmaelites together to form one united Arab nation and to take his people from the worship of the many gods of Persian Mythology, to the worship of one god-diety, and this is when he was visited by one of satan's deceiving unholy angels that taught and commanded him his new religion.
Muhammad was visited by a fallen angel in a cave in Arabia that taught him his new religion, going from the worship of many Gods-(polythiesm), to the worship of one god-(monothiesm), Muhammad was commanded to this by a wicked fallen angel whom falsely claimed to be one of the Lord's Holy Angels, Saint Gabriel.
Coward and false prophet Ishmaelite Muhammad, incorporated and plagerized many Laws from our Holy Bible.
In somewhere between 620 Ad and 630 AD, He forced 600 Black Hebrew Jews of our Holy people to convert to Islam or die, our Holy and faithful People chose death rather than to be converted to muhammeds pagan islam religion, thus he turned on the Sons of Jacob which we so called West African-African Americans are, and thus began the Bloody satanic (ARAB SLAVE TRADE-SUBSAHARAN SLAVE TRADE), when the Filthy Heathen Gentile Arabs mass slaughtered, raped, robbed Murdered, and Enslaved our poor Holy people 700 years before Esau-Edom-(ROME-THE CAUCAISAN RACE), mass enslaved us during the (TRANS ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE), till this very day and counting.
Wicked Muhammed under this fallen angel's commands changed the Lord's commandment for all men to no longer worship towards Holy Jerusalem, the City of God Almighty, the city of King David, but Muhammed changed this Law and commanded that all men now pray and worship towards the heathen gentile arab cities of Mecca and Medina.
The worship of the Kaaba stone is high level idolatry and has nothing to do with father Abraham and is nothing more than satanic Babylonian occultic earth worships of a rock, a stone, a dumb idol…
The filthy arab enslavers of our people were just as brutal and violent towards our Holy race, they mass castrated the privy parts of our men-(GENITAL MUTILATION), to prevent us from dealing with Ishmaelite Arab women as well.
They will not teach you this is Islam as it is apart of the Satanic confederacy of evil against our Holy people as it is written-(PSALMS 83:1-18).
This is also where the Hebrew Black Moors of Europe come from, the mass forced conversion to Islam by the coward sons of Ishmael, aka the Arabs of Arabia.
Both wicked Esau-Edom-(ROME-BABYLON AMERICA-THE CAUCASIAN RACE), and wicked Ishmael-(THE ARAB NATION RACE), must pay in blood because they both mass raped, robbed, murdered, enslaved and have conspired to deceive and destroy the True Children of Yisrael-(PSALMS 83:1-18).
All Seventy heathen-gentile nations confederate against the Lord of Heavenly Host and his poor Holy People, the Children of True Yisrael must Drink down the Wine of the Wrath of God because all of you ungodly heathen savages have your hands stained with the blood of Zion, Amen…
Come back to the Light of God Twelve Tribes of Yisrael because if you serve and worship any other god outside of our one True Living God, then you shall and must surely die as it is written, Amen…
The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.
For Judgement-(DEATH), comes for Esau who is Amalek, who are Edom, which are the Caucasian nations by way of the WRATH OF THE LAMB…
and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews-(AMALEK-EDOM-THE CAUCASIAN NATIONS), and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan-(THESE WICKED SERPENTS ARE THE CHIEF HOUSE OF THE DEVIL HIMSELF).
Salem Kirban
Muhhamad starts new religion (SATAN'S ANGELS EXPOSED).
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awideplace · 2 years ago
why do people refer to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost? is that biblical?
Of the modern English translations of the Bible, it is only the King James Version of the Bible which uses the term “Holy Ghost.” It occurs 90 times in the KJV. The term “Holy Spirit” occurs 7 times in the KJV. There is no clear reason as to why the KJV translators used Ghost in most places and then Spirit in a few. The exact same Greek and Hebrew words are translated "ghost" and "spirit" in the KJV in different occurrences of the words. By "ghost," the KJV translators did not intend to communicate the idea of "the spirit of a deceased person." In 1611, when the KJV was originally translated, the word "ghost" primarily referred to "an immaterial being."
With recent Scripture translations, "Spirit" has replaced "Ghost" in most instances. Some of this came about because words don’t always hold their meanings. In the days of Shakespeare or King James, ghost meant the living essence of a person. Looking back, we see that "breath" or "soul" were often used as synonyms of "ghost." During these times, spirit normally meant the essence of a departed person or a demonic or paranormal apparition. As language evolved, people started saying "ghost" when speaking of the vision of a dead person while "spirit" became the standard term for life or living essence, often also for "soul." With slight exceptions, "ghost" and "spirit" changed places over some 300 years.
Both "Holy Ghost" and "Holy Spirit" refer to the Third Person of the Trinity, coequal and consubstantial with the Father and the Son (Matthew 28:19; Acts 5:3,4; 28:25,26; 1 Corinthians 12:4-6). He is also the agency by which the world is convicted of sin, the Lord Jesus is glorified, and believers are transformed into His image (John 16:7-9; Acts 1:5, 2:4; Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 2:22).
Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/Holy-Spirit-Ghost.html
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thisbibliophiile · 24 days ago
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Matthew 11, 1611 KJV
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king-james-bible-verses · 1 month ago
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Vereshchagin Vasily Petrovich (Russian, 1835-1909)
Night on Golgotha, 1869
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years ago
Critical Rage Theory: If you put a roll of toilet paper on a table and tell someone that it is more similar to the “original” Bible than our current “book” is, they will think you are joking. You will not be.
The original form of the text was without vowels, titles, chapters or verses, and written on lord knows what.
Kinda like thriginlfrmfthtxtwswthtvwlsttlschptrsrvrssndwrttnnlrdknwswht…
The parchment (made from animal skins) scrolls that we have access to are generations later than the original manuscripts.
The verses in the “bible” were introduced pretty much arbitrarily, sometimes subverting the intended meaning or completely changing it. The verses and chapter divisions were supposedly introduced so you could find shit more easily in a block of text. Unfortunately, in the eyes and minds of modern cultists, it also introduced a level of organization and specification that is now attributed to divine will!
That citizens of the USA are addicted to an “english” version of a Hebrew and Greek text that has been modified and paraphrased to suit a specific religious cult at a certain time in white history is hilarious. That cult is the Church of England, an almost defunct sect of weirdos who are used-to-be Catholics who were turned into not-catholic-anymore by the stiffening of a Royal Penis that was disapproved of by the Rock Star of the Catholic cult, The POPE, whose occasionally stiffening penis was nobody’s business but his imaginary friends, the Father, Son, and little miss “I’m a good girl, I am!”
The “Bible” doesn’t really exist. It is a BOOK edition of a pile of crumbling scrolls. The scrolls were collections of hand-scribbled consonants without vowels, word divisions, verse divisions, chapters, or reliably attributable authors on lengths of animal skin. And that was just the Hebrew! The Greek texts were also fun, being backwards or zig-zaggy, using abbreviations or local slang… and suffering from it’s own Cursive version…
If you handed a BOOK to Jesus, would he know what to do with it?
What is a BOOK? It is a technological innovation. You can access any portion of it at once. With a scroll, you have open it and gently, um, “scroll” your way through the text. A BOOK is easily stored, easily transported, relatively protected from weather and damp, has it’s name on the spine and can be shelved or stacked or shoved in a pocket.
We are told that BOOKS were invented to accommodate the Gospels. This would have been a tremendous surprise to the Chinese and Koreans who invented books and printing long before Christians were invented!
Also, the characters the words of the Old (!) and New (?) Testament were scrawled in are not directly translatable to the English alphabet. Transliteration and translation are not the same thing. Some paraphrasing is going to occur. Some GUESSING is going to occur!
Not Only That, But:
The alphabet that English reading people use has changed since the KJV was published in 1611. Thus, the text has been changed to accommodate this. The letter “j” fer’instance, is the youngest character in the English alphabet. Hello, Nurse!
So, that means all the words and names in the “Bible” BOOK that have a “j” in them used to HAVE ANOTHER LETTER! I, Y, H… And those are just the Greek versions of Aramaic names… Wait ‘til we get to the LATIN versions of everything, some of which slopped over into the German, French, and Spanish translations of the “bible” of today.
The mental bean bags who tell you that the square chunk of paper wrapped in leather that they call a “bible”, is in that form because their imaginary friend chose to “inspire” men to create that form, need to be encouraged to use their imagination more creatively than the morons they are plagiarizing. The ultimate “blasphemy” is being boring. Boring is ugly. Jesus don’t like ugly!
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freebiblestudyhub · 2 months ago
5 Most Accurate English Bible
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The Bible is a sacred text for Christians, and it is essential for believers to have access to an accurate translation in their native language. With so many English Bible translations available today, it can be challenging to know which one is the most accurate. The accuracy of a Bible translation depends on several factors, including how closely it adheres to the original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek), its faithfulness to doctrinal truths, and its readability for modern readers.
In this article, we will explore what makes a Bible translation “accurate,” examine the most popular English Bible translations, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. We will also look at the importance of using a variety of translations and understanding the translation philosophy behind each one.
What Makes a Bible Translation Accurate?
1. Faithfulness to the Original Languages
The most important factor in determining the accuracy of a Bible translation is how well it reflects the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. These ancient languages carry nuances, idioms, and cultural contexts that are difficult to translate directly into English. An accurate Bible translation should stay as close as possible to the meaning of the original words while making sense in the target language.
There are two main approaches to translating the Bible:
Formal equivalence: This approach focuses on a word-for-word translation, aiming to preserve the original text’s structure and wording as much as possible.
Dynamic equivalence: This method focuses on a thought-for-thought translation, which aims to convey the meaning of the original text in a way that is easily understandable in the target language, even if it means altering the wording.
2. Faithfulness to Doctrinal Beliefs
For Christians, accuracy is not only about linguistic precision but also about staying true to essential theological truths. A good translation should reflect the core doctrines of Christianity, such as the divinity of Christ, salvation by grace, and the role of the Holy Spirit. This is particularly important for denominational differences, as some translations may lean toward a particular theological perspective.
3. Readability and Accessibility
While faithfulness to the original languages is crucial, the translation must also be understandable for modern readers. A Bible that is too rigid or archaic can be difficult for contemporary Christians to engage with. A good translation balances accuracy with readability, making sure that the message of Scripture is clear to the reader.
The Most Accurate English Bible Translations
Several Bible translations are widely regarded as being accurate. Let’s look at some of the most popular and respected English translations and examine their strengths and weaknesses.
1. King James Version (KJV)
The King James Version, first published in 1611, is one of the most beloved and historically significant translations of the Bible. It was translated by a committee of scholars under King James I of England, and it has had a profound influence on English-speaking Christianity.
Literary Beauty: The KJV is known for its majestic, poetic language. Its phrasing has influenced many hymns, prayers, and sermons.
Historical Significance: As one of the oldest and most widely used translations, the KJV has deep roots in the Christian tradition.
Formal Equivalence: The KJV stays close to a word-for-word translation, making it a preferred choice for those who value linguistic precision.
Outdated Language: The English used in the KJV is archaic and can be difficult to understand for modern readers. Words like “thee,” “thou,” and “ye” are no longer in common usage, which can make the text less accessible.
Manuscript Differences: The KJV is based on a set of manuscripts that were available in the 17th century. Since then, older and more reliable manuscripts have been discovered, which can lead to some differences in translation.
2. New International Version (NIV)
The New International Version (NIV) was first published in 1978 and is one of the most widely used translations in the world today. The NIV aims for a balance between formal and dynamic equivalence, striving for clarity without sacrificing the meaning of the original text.
Clear and Readable: The NIV uses modern, accessible English, making it easier for readers to understand the Bible’s message.
Balance of Equivalence: The NIV seeks to be both faithful to the original text and understandable for modern readers, making it a good choice for everyday reading.
Widely Accepted: Many denominations use the NIV for teaching, preaching, and study, which has contributed to its popularity.
Dynamic Equivalence: Some critics argue that the NIV sacrifices too much of the original text’s structure in favor of readability. While this makes it easier to understand, it may obscure some of the original meanings or nuances.
Theological Bias: Some scholars believe the NIV reflects certain theological biases, particularly in its translation of words related to gender and the divinity of Christ.
3. English Standard Version (ESV)
The English Standard Version, first published in 2001, is known for its literal, word-for-word approach to translation. It strives to be as accurate as possible while maintaining readability and clarity for modern readers.
Formal Equivalence: The ESV sticks closely to the original wording and structure of the Bible, making it a preferred choice for those who prioritize precision.
Clear and Faithful: The ESV is regarded as both readable and faithful to the original text, making it suitable for study, teaching, and personal reflection.
Theological Integrity: Many scholars appreciate the ESV for its consistency in translating key theological terms.
Formal Language: While more modern than the KJV, the ESV still uses some formal language that may be challenging for newer readers.
Not as Accessible: For some, the ESV may feel less approachable than translations like the NIV due to its more literal style.
4. New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
The New Revised Standard Version is a modern update of the Revised Standard Version (RSV), first published in 1989. The NRSV is often used in academic settings and by many Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox denominations.
Inclusive Language: The NRSV uses gender-neutral language where the original text allows for it, which some readers find helpful for contemporary understanding.
Scholarly Rigor: The NRSV is known for its academic and scholarly approach to translation, making it an excellent choice for in-depth Bible study.
Ecumenical: It is widely accepted across different Christian denominations, making it a unifying translation for a diverse audience.
Some Theological Bias: Critics have raised concerns about the use of inclusive language, particularly in the translation of certain passages that deal with gender roles or divine authority.
Complexity: Because it is a more scholarly translation, the NRSV may not be as easy to read for those who are new to Bible study.
5. Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
The Christian Standard Bible, released in 2017, is a relatively new translation that aims for a balance between formal and dynamic equivalence. The CSB strives for accuracy while also being clear and accessible to modern readers.
Readable and Faithful: The CSB combines accuracy with readability, making it suitable for both study and devotional reading.
Balanced Translation Philosophy: The CSB uses a philosophy of translation called “optimal equivalence,” which seeks to strike the right balance between word-for-word and thought-for-thought translation.
Strong in Context: The CSB is praised for how it maintains the meaning of difficult passages in context, making it a reliable choice for teaching.
Relatively New: As a newer translation, the CSB doesn’t have as long of a history or widespread acceptance as some of the other translations mentioned.
Less Familiar: Because it is newer, many readers may not be as familiar with the CSB compared to older translations like the NIV or KJV.
How to Choose the Right Bible Translation
Choosing the “most accurate” English Bible often depends on your purpose and preferences. If you are seeking a translation for deep study, a more formal equivalence translation like the ESV or NASB may be preferable. If you are looking for something more readable and accessible for daily devotionals, the NIV or CSB might be a better choice.
It’s also worth considering that using multiple translations can provide a fuller understanding of Scripture. Many Christians find it helpful to compare different translations to get a more balanced view of a particular passage.
The most accurate English Bible depends on what you value most in a translation: linguistic precision, readability, or theological faithfulness. The King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), and Christian Standard Bible (CSB) are all respected translations with strengths in different areas. Ultimately, the best translation for you is one that helps you engage with God’s Word in a way that deepens your faith and understanding. By considering the translation philosophy behind each version, you can choose one that aligns with your study goals and spiritual needs.
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