#150th film
d1rthaus · 6 months
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Filming Virgil’s Sesquicentennial Celebration of Specialness Parade
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drvirgus · 6 months
The shooting Range
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Idol! Minji X Athlete! Reader
Wc: 2k
One Shot
Focused, I stared at the target, my hand outstretched and holding the gun in the correct position. I closed one of my eyes, especially since I needed to train both. I took a deep breath and moved my finger to the trigger. As I exhaled, I fired. This was my 150th shot today.
I pressed the button in front of me, bringing the target towards me, and immediately focused on it. I used 5 shots per target. My eyes narrowed as I counted the points I obtained on this target. Unsatisfied with the result, I sighed and secured the gun, placing it back in its place.
"Y/n," I heard someone say, recognizing my coach. My hand, still holding the target, lowered as my back straightened. My eyes now on my coach, who smiled at me. I smiled back at the taller man. "Yes?" I asked, as he didn't start speaking.
"You need to stop your training," the older man said, furrowing my brow. My head tilted to the side as I saw another girl behind him. She was taller and seemed to be a bit more muscular. Her face also seemed quite familiar. Especially when she politely smiled at me.
My eyes refocused on my coach. "Why?" I asked with a furrowed brow and visibly tense shoulders. "I've only done 150 shots," I added, pointing to the targets next to the gun. My coach glanced briefly at the targets and then at me, sighing softly.
He gestured to the woman behind him. "This is Minji, and she and her team will be filming here shortly," my coach said, causing my eyes to glance at Minji again. "So what? Let them," I replied with a disapproving shrug of my shoulders. Minji seemed to smirk at that.
"You need concentration during your training, and I need to explain and show everything to Minji here. That would only distract you. Plus, you shouldn't be caught on camera during your training," my coach explained, which annoyed me even more. My eyes fell on Minji once again before I sighed.
„How long will it take?" I asked, slightly more annoyed as I placed the used target on the stack. Minii's eyes followed me, but I simply looked at my coach, who then turned to Minii. "Well, I'm not quite sure. Maybe 1-2 hours?" she asked. "We've already shot some footage," she added shortly after, glancing at the clock on the wall.
"What exactly is a K-Pop idol doing at a shooting range?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. Minji chuckled at that as she looked down at me. Her eyes gleamed with a certain curiosity. "I've always wanted to try it," she replied with a smirk, which took all my strength not to roll my eyes.
"So, you're disrupting my training for that?" I asked, but my coach immediately interrupted me. His hand on the back of my head as he gently tapped it. Outraged, I looked at him with my mouth open as I rubbed the back of my head. Minji laughed at that. "If only it were Hanni," I muttered quietly, causing Minji to stop laughing.
"Oh? A fan?" she asked, pointing her finger at me. I shook my head and shrugged. "Not really. But it's hard not to know about you when almost all of Korea promotes you," I replied, which made Minji laugh even louder. She nodded. "But why Hanni, then?" she asked, making me blush a little.
Minji's eyebrows shot up, and she nodded understandingly. She bit her lip for a moment but then turned her head as one of her managers said something to her. Unfortunately, I couldn't really hear it as a sudden tinnitus started in my ears. I sighed. "Alright. I'll go grab something to eat. I'll be back in 2 hours," I said as I took the stack in my hand and placed the gun back in its place. "But you start over," my coach said sternly, causing me to roll my eyes.
With the pistol in my hand, I stared at the target. My eyes narrowed as I tried to concentrate. "And then, out of nowhere, Haerin grabbed my hand. It startled me so much that I stumbled backward into Danielle, pushing her into Hyein. In the end, we almost landed on Hanni. She saw her life flash before her eyes. She didn't even scream and would've just died silently,"
I sighed, lowering the pistol. With narrowed eyes, I looked at Minji, who was sitting relaxed beside me, occasionally reaching into the small bag of chips and popping one into her mouth. "Do I look like I want to chat?" I asked, causing Minji to visibly hesitate.
"Am I bothering you?" she asked, sounding a bit sadder as she looked at me from her seated position. Her doe eyes softened, making me swallow. It looked pretty cute...
"No, not at all," I tried to say with a sarcastic tone, but Minji interrupted me with a broad grin on her face. "Okay, good. Anyway," she continued, which made me sigh again.
Anyway... that was also good training. It was never completely quiet at competitions...
I lifted the pistol once again and tried to focus on the target while Minii continued to chew my ear off. It was weird. Minji came to the shooting range every Monday at exactly the same time. She would shoot for a few minutes next to me, and I had to admit she was really good, but for the rest of the hours, she just sat there and talked to me. All I wanted was to train in peace.
"Hanni said you're cute."
Startled, with widened eyes, I turned my head at lightning speed to Minji, completely missing my target as I accidentally fired. With nervous hands, I placed the pistol on the desk in front of me and looked at the taller woman with obvious interest. She seemed to notice, starting to giggle.
"Oh? Do you still have a crush on Hanni?" she asked, popping another chip into her mouth. Then she held out the bag to me. "Want some?" she asked, but I shook my head. "I don't have a crush on her. It's more... I find her cute. Like a little sister," I replied, which made Minji hum loudly. Her eyes roamed over my entire face. "But she's the same age as me. Does that mean you see me as a sister too?" Minji asked, standing up from her seat, immediately towering over me.
My eyes narrowed instantly. "Why are you standing up? Are you trying to prove something?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Minji laughed. "Let's go get some food. I'm hungry," the younger one replied with just a smile. My eyes fell on the bag of chips and then to Minji.
„I Can't. I have to train," I sighed, but Minii just smiled even wider. "You don't have to. That was your thousandth shot. You're done," she said, surprising me. "Since when do you stalk me? Don't you have better things to do as an idol?" I asked, sighing, which only made Minji laugh. The taller one looked at me with a smile as she took my hand. She shook her head slightly, causing her long black hair to sway from left to right.
"What's better than a date with you?" she asked, making me stutter. My mouth slightly opened. "Date?" I asked, which made Minji laugh even louder. "Of course. A friends date," she replied with a grin, making me blush slightly. My head lowered slightly. Of course, she didn't mean a real date...
I'm an idiot...
"No thanks. I have to do 500 more today," I replied, causing Minii to sigh in disappointment. Her eyes roamed over my entire face as I got back into position and lifted the pistol.
My eyes focused on the people who were talking loudly and laughing. My mouth shifted to the side as I bit the inside of my cheek. I could hear Minji laughing loudly and then she glanced at me. Her smile disappeared from her face, and I immediately stared back at the target. Minji was doing it on purpose. She knew I always trained at this time of day...
"Um. Excuse me?" I heard someone say shyly. My eyes widened as I noticed Hanni next to me. She had a pistol in her hand and held it firmly with both hands. I politely smiled. "Yes?" I asked as I briefly glanced at the pistol in her hand and then into her eyes.
"Could you explain this to me?" she asked, which surprised me even more. My eyes wandered back to Minji, who was currently teaching Danielle how to shoot. Hyein was just shooting without proper stance. With a smile on my face, I nodded. I gestured for her to use the desk next to me.
Quickly and carefully, I explained the key points to the equally tall person. I observed every movement and kept a safe distance. When she hit one of the targets, she looked at me with big, happy eyes, which made me smile contentedly. But my eyes kept wandering back to Minji, who seemed to be busy with the others.
I sighed in annoyance. "I hit it," Haerin's voice rang out as she threw herself into Minji’s arms. My forehead creased at the sight, and my mouth twisted into a disgusted look, of course without me noticing. Minji looked at me, her eyebrows raised.
I saw Minji start to giggle and slowly let go of Haerin. With a very relaxed, almost too slow pace, she came over to me. But my arms crossed over my chest, which only made Minji laugh even more.
"What?!" I asked, probably sounding a bit annoyed, but Minli didn't seem to mind at all. Her eyes wide as she looked first at Hanni, who was focusing on shooting, and then at me. "So? How's it going with your crush?" she asked with a grin, which only made me furrow my brow even more.
"Not good."
"Why not?" Minji asked, a grin on her face, her hands on her hips as she looked down at me. Her eyes were expectant as they met mine. "It's none of your business," I replied, annoyed, turning my back to her slightly. Minji laughed as she now covered her mouth with her hand. Feeling offended that she was really laughing at me, I gently hit her arm.
"My crush isn't going well either," I heard Minji say, which immediately made me roll my eyes. "Did I ask?" I retorted, which made Minji huff. "She doesn't even care about me," Minji continued, which only made me angrier.
So I started to ignore her. "Her training is always more important than looking at me. She didn't even want to go eat with me," Minji said, emphasizing each word. My expression twisted. Unaware that the taller one was talking about me, Minji continued, "Even though I visit her every Monday and spend a few hours with her."
Slowly furrowing my brow, I looked up at the younger person. She smiled gently at me, nodding slightly with her head. "Yes, Y/n. I'm talking about you," the younger one said, shocking me visibly. My mouth opened as my arms uncrossed from my chest.
I looked at the taller woman for a while.
"You... you said it was a friends' date."
"That was a lie. I didn't know you liked me."
"Neither did I."
My head lowered as I felt my cheeks blush. Embarrassed, I laughed, "I... I didn't know I liked you either," I replied, which made Minji laugh a bit. Her cheeks were also visibly flushed. I took a deep breath.
"Do you-"
„Do you-"
Surprised that we spoke simultaneously, we both paused. Laughing, I looked at the younger one. "Do you want to go get something to eat? As... a date?" I asked, which immediately made Minji nod. Her smile turning to a big gummy smile.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
ALSO. IRRELEVANT SIDEBAR. i seem to be the only person in the fandom who a) took it as a given that ‘the girl who fell through the world’ was at least a century old and thus predated the great war by at least two or three decades, and b) didn’t think the author’s identity being unknown was odd enough to require an explanation.
and i’m wondering now if the xkcd average familiarity curse Got Me bfgrbxcjk
alice’s adventures in wonderland! that book is One Hundred Fifty-Eight Years Old. it was published in november 1865. through the looking glass was published six years later in december 1871. CAN YOU NAME THE AUTHOR?
if you answered “lewis carroll,” bzzt! incorrect!
(well, correct in that the books were indeed written under that pseudonym BUT I MEAN HIS REAL NAME.)
alice’s adventures in wonderland is a hundred and fifty-eight years old. it has never been out of print. it’s been translated into a hundred seventy-four languages and it’s one of the best known works of nineteenth century english literature in the world. it’s been adapted many, many times for stage and radio and film and video games. “retelling the true story of alice in wonderland” is like an entire niche fantasy YA subgenre; i could name seven different examples off the top of my head. it’s as close to UBIQUITOUS as it’s possible for a story to be in a world with seven billion people living in it.
and… in a world where the non-pseudonymous identity of the author is thoroughly documented and easily accessible via the internet, the average person who Fondly Remembers watching the disney animated film or having the book read to them as a kid doesn’t know that ‘lewis carroll’ was a pen name.
his real name was charles dodgson.
and the reason the average person doesn’t know that isn’t any kind of individual failing or whatever, it’s just that the book was published almost a hundred and sixty years ago under a pen name. the pen name is what’s on the cover. most people don’t go Looking for biographical information about the authors of books their parents read to them as kids unless they have a particular reason to be interested. such as high octane nerdery.
(i own the 150th anniversary edition of the annotated alice and have read it cover to cover multiple times. and i’ll do it again. i am an Owns Books About The Math In Wonderland kind of nerdy about alice.)
—the point. being. the real world has a lot of things going for it in terms of historical preservation that remnant does not, chiefly the absence of a Fuck Ton of monsters trying to eat everybody all the time and making international travel and communication horrifyingly dangerous on a good day. the CCTS has only existed for a few decades; before that, sharing information between kingdoms was matter of “send an armed convoy and hope they don’t get killed and eaten by The Horrors en route.”
so the scholars of remnant are at, to put it mildly, a serious disadvantage in terms of information being retained over time.
anyway. ‘the girl who fell through the world’ is established very clearly to be remnant’s equivalent of our alice’s adventures in wonderland, in that it is a quite old children’s story that became MASSIVELY POPULAR worldwide, to the point that nearly everyone alive has at least some familiarity with the plot, many remember it as a cherished childhood bedtime story, and the more bookish characters can quote favorite passages from memory.
which is to say, it isn’t just The Story is an allusion to the wonderland story. the book’s ubiquity is also modeled after alice’s ubiquity, and the lack of popular knowledge about the author’s real identity likewise takes its cue from the fact that in real life most people Don’t Know who charles dodgson is.
it’s not at all unreasonable to think that ‘the girl who fell through the world’ is probably meant to be about as old as alice’s adventures in wonderland—about a hundred fifty years, which would mean lewis published it around sixty years before the great war even started. (he also presumably didn’t publish it as a child; if he was about the age dodgson was when alice went to print, this would have been around twenty years after the fact.)
and it’s also not unreasonable to think that lewis, like charles dodgson, published his book under a pseudonym. or anonymously, but given how certain jaune is that alyx wrote the book, even though it was lewis taking notes and lewis saying he would write the story for jaune to find his way home…
i’d put my bet on lewis having written his book as “A.L. [Surname].” A for alyx, L for lewis, a symbolic way for her to come home with him. but the girls upon discovering the ever after is real and alyx was real would of course think “oh, ‘AL’ as in short for alyx” and the use of initials is also ambiguous enough for jaune to worry his way to the conclusion that he did, after alyx poisoned him.
fast forward a century and a half or so in a setting with no internet for most of that and hordes of man-eating Nightmare Beasts inhibiting international communication and… yeah of course the Real Name of beloved children’s classic author A.L. Whoever isn’t common knowledge outside of academic and hobbyist carrollian-equivalent circles.
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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What is the purpose of the Brooklyn Bridge?
Standing majestically over the East River, the Brooklyn Bridge is not just a remarkable feat of engineering; it is a symbol of ingenuity, resilience, and progress. Completed in 1883, the bridge has played a pivotal role in connecting the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, fostering economic growth, cultural exchange, and urban development. As we delve into the history and design of this iconic structure, it becomes clear that the Brooklyn Bridge serves a multifaceted purpose that extends far beyond its physical function as a pathway for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Connecting Communities
The primary purpose of the Brooklyn Bridge is to serve as a vital link between the bustling boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Before its construction, travel between these two areas was primarily dependent on ferries, which were often unreliable and limited by weather conditions. The bridge, with its impressive span of 1,595 feet, revolutionized transportation, making it more efficient and accessible. This connectivity not only facilitated the exchange of goods and services but also brought together diverse communities, fostering social and economic integration.
Architectural Marvel
Designed by John A. Roebling, a German-born civil engineer, the Brooklyn Bridge is a masterpiece of 19th-century engineering. The use of innovative techniques, such as the use of steel cables to support the bridge's weight, set new standards in bridge construction. The twin towers and the Gothic-style arches give the bridge a timeless aesthetic appeal, contributing to its iconic status. Beyond its functional purpose, the bridge stands as a testament to human innovation and serves as an inspiration for architects and engineers worldwide.
Economic Catalyst
The Brooklyn Bridge played a pivotal role in stimulating economic development on both sides of the East River. By reducing travel time and facilitating the movement of goods and people, the bridge catalyzed economic growth in Brooklyn, turning it into a more accessible and attractive location for businesses. The increased connectivity contributed to the expansion of trade and commerce, transforming the economic landscape of the entire region.
Cultural Symbolism
Beyond its tangible contributions to transportation and commerce, the Brooklyn Bridge holds immense cultural significance. Its iconic silhouette against the Manhattan skyline has made it a symbol of New York City and the American spirit. Countless films, novels, and artworks have featured the bridge, embedding it in the collective consciousness of people around the world. The bridge represents not only physical connection but also the aspirations and dreams associated with the American experience.
Legacy and Influence
As the Brooklyn Bridge approaches its 150th anniversary, its legacy endures. The bridge has become a cultural touchstone, inspiring poets, writers, and artists to capture its essence. Moreover, its design and engineering principles have influenced subsequent bridge construction projects globally. From San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge to Sydney's Harbour Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge has set a standard for excellence in bridge design and construction.
The Brooklyn Bridge's purpose extends far beyond its role as a physical connector between Manhattan and Brooklyn. It is a symbol of progress, a testament to human ingenuity, and a catalyst for economic and cultural growth. As it continues to stand as an enduring icon, the Brooklyn Bridge remains a testament to the power of infrastructure to shape cities and define the spirit of a nation.
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dugdale100 · 7 months
CBS is embracing the Piano Man.
Ahead the Super Bowl, the network announced it would stream Billy Joel’s 100th concert at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, April 14 at 9 pm ET/PT. The two hour special, titled The 100th: Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden — The Greatest Run Of All Time, marks the first time a Billy Joel concert will air on a broadcast network. It will be filmed at his March 28 show, and will also be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.
The news comes as Joel is set to end his MSG residency this July with his 150th career performance at the New York arena. His first came in late 1978, when Joel, who was touring on behalf of his 52nd Street album, headlined the venue for his first time. In early 2014, he began a monthly residency as MSG’s first “music franchise,” and has sold out every show since. He’s shrewdly changed up his set list from performance to performance, and recruited special guests like Tony Bennett, Bruce Springsteen and Olivia Rodrigo.
The final show of his residency is set for July. It will be his 104th show in the series, and his 150th performance there. “I’m kind of flabbergasted that it lasted as long as it did,” Joel said at a news conference last year. “My team tells me that we could continue to sell tickets, but 10 years, 150 shows — all right already!” All told, the record-setting residency is expected to gross more than $250 million, according to Pollstar. Joel has no plans to retire, however; in fact, he’s scheduled to criss-cross the country later this year, headlining baseball stadiums with opening acts like Stevie Nicks, Sting and Rod Stewart.
The televised concert announcement arrives a week after Joel premiered his new single, Turn the Lights Back On, live at the Grammy awards, also on CBS. The romantic ballad, produced by Freddy Wexler, was the 74-year-old singer’s first original song in 17 years. Sample line: “I’m late / But I’m here right now / And I’m trying to find the magic.” Despite prolific stage work, the last time Joel shared new music was way back in 2007, when he released the love song All My Life and protest tune, Christmas in Fallujah.
The CBS/Paramount concert special is a co-production of Sony Music Entertainment and Enliven Entertainment. Steve Cohen, Barry Ehrmann and Paul Dugdale will serve as executive producers, with Dugdale also set to direct. Sony Music Vision is the distributor. It follows other popular televised concert events, including those featuring Elton John, Adele and Taylor Swift.
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alessandro-accebbi · 10 months
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Café Landtmann, Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹 ☕️ • 150 years of Café Landtmann Tradition since 1873
On October 1, 2023, Café Landtmann celebrated its 150th anniversary.
A great anniversary event, a spectacular photo film, the Landtmann book, the Landtmann magazine and much more.
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shinyfire-0 · 2 years
Phantom of the Opera - Paris Commune Week 2023!
In May 2021, the Phantom of the Opera fandom commemorated the 150th anniversary of the 1871 Paris Commune with the first PotO-Paris Commune Week. The Third PotO-Paris Commune Week will be held May 21-28, 2022, hosted by @shinyfire-0 and @paperandsong.
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What is the connection between the Phantom of the Opera and the Paris Commune? The Commune is referenced in Gaston Leroux’s novel The Phantom of the Opera several times, principally in three ways:
The narrator tells us the skeleton found beneath the Garnier is presumed to be a victim of the Commune, but the narrator believes it is in fact Erik’s body.
Erik calls the passage behind Christine’s mirror mon chemin des communards (my Communard road).
Near the end of the novel, Erik places Raoul in a room he calls the cachot des communards (the Communard dungeon).
Ways this week could be recognized:
Follow the tag #poto paris commune 1871
Take a look at what was created in the last couple of years
Create new PotO-Commune content: fics, art, meta, historical posts, moodboards - anything kind of content you want to make.
Use #poto paris commune 1871 for Tumblr posts, and the Paris Commune tag for AO3
Repost/reblog any Commune-related content you have created in the past
Support PotO-Commune content created by others by reading, reviewing, reblogging
Suggested Prompts:
Skeletons under the Garnier
Politics: Was Erik an anarchist, a communist, an aspiring member of the bourgeoisie, a nihilist? Was he sympathetic to the Commune or annoyed by it?
What were Erik’s interactions like with the Communards?
Class Warfare
What were the Daroga and Darius doing during the Commune? Had the Daroga located Erik at this point?
Paris Commune 1968 AU: Christine and Raoul participate in the 1968 student protests.
Les Mis 1871 Crossover AU
Look back at the last couple of years’ Commune fics for art ideas (there are some amazing PoTO-Paris Commune fics out there)
Play with the Commune as it appears in the various PotO adaptations:
The Commune is also referenced in Susan Kay’s Phantom. In this version, a very grumpy Erik gives a terse explanation of the politics of the Commune, tells the reader he hates everyone involved (unsurprisingly) and kills a member of the National Guard with his lasso (the National Guard had seized control of Paris in March 1871 after the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian war - essentially, the National Guard were the Communards). He then starts to take the National Guard’s gunpowder and proudly thinks to himself: ‘And so my labyrinth was wired for death, a vast web encircling the minotaur's secret lair. Let foolish, unsuspecting men step with care in the maze of my creation.’  So dramatic! So angsty!
The 2004 PotO musical film was set in 1870 in the middle of  the Franco-Prussian war. At the end of the war, Paris was besieged by Prussia for four months during 1871 and food got so scarce that people started to eat their pet cats and dogs.
There are references to the Commune in the 1925 film and even Argento’s Rat Phantom.
Check the #poto paris commune 1871 tag for research references.
This is a decentralized call for content! You do not have to ask to participate - just tag your work. This is even open to other fandoms - anyone who is interested in creating content centered around the 1871 Paris Commune. We promise to reblog anything tagged as #poto paris commune 1871.
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historybizarre · 2 years
The two-minute, 68-millimeter film was shown publicly this month at the Louisiana State Museum, and it will be incorporated into an exhibition celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Rex Organization.
“This probably, in Louisiana film history, is the most important find,” Ed Poole, author of several books on the subject, tells the Times.
Taken on February 22, 1898, the film depicts six floats from the parade. The theme that year was “Harvest Queens,” per the Times-Picayune/New Orleans Advocate. People carried silver bell-shaped placards before each float to commemorate the Rex Organization’s 25th anniversary. 
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pmkscanlations · 1 year
PMK DVD Booklet Interviews 5
Thanks to @/pmkloveadmin and their kind friend yuunsoba who provided the raws for these interviews! Here’s the fifth set; please enjoy!  I’ll be posting the final set tomorrow!
STAFF COMMENTARY Kimiya Shigeru (Director)
I believe the production work has currently reached its climax, but please tell us your frank impressions as the director of the Peacemaker Kurogane movies.
I’ve always wanted to direct something based on the end of the Edo period, so I was delighted to come across this. In particular, I’m a fan of the Shinsengumi, so seeing all the typical characters like Kondo and Hijikata made me excited. I’m also glad that I got to know the lesser-known member Ichimura Tetsunosuke through it.
In working on this movie, were there any things you kept conscious awareness of?
Above all else, I tried not to change the flavor of the original work. I also thought carefully about the art setting and tools etc., because even though it’s a fictional work, the audience won’t be immersed without creating the world view of the Bakumatsu era. Finally, I was careful not to turn the enemies into mere villains. After all, even with the differing factions, the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate was an era where everyone simply lived according to their own ideas and ideals.
Tell us about a scene you had a particularly hard time directing and put a lot of time into. Please let fans know if there are any points in particular that you want them paying attention to.
There are plenty of parts that mirror real historical fact, so I took care to pay extra attention to Saito’s death chronology records and its consistency with historical timelines. I had the hardest time deciding how far to adjust historical facts and which parts to arrange. Though it’s a small detail, I tried to add a natural Tennen Rishin-Ryu flair to the way they drew and cut with their swords.
In a nutshell, how would you describe Peacemaker Kurogane from the view of a director?
An ensemble drama full of tragedy. As far as easily understood examples go, there’s the budding love between Saya and Tetsunosuke, the brotherly love between Tetsunosuke and Tatsunosuke… All of the main characters in this work are fighting for someone else while suffering. I think even Suzu, who has fallen into the dark path of revenge, still does it out of his admiration and affection for Toshimaro Yoshida. I think there’s something for everyone to enjoy, no matter what relationship diagrams and so on they think up for their favorite characters.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
In part two, the Shinsengumi will be swallowed up by the times as the battle of Toba-Fushimi starts. It focuses on the previously invincible Shinsengumi suffering its first defeat, and the friendship between Tetsunosuke and Yamazaki, who are each struggling with their own ways of life. Last year marked the 150th year anniversary of the Meiji Restoration. I would like to consider this work a bouquet dedicated to it.
Eiji Umehara (Script & Series Composition)
Please tell us your first impressions for being in charge of the script for this work.
It was a very meaningful and rewarding script to do. I remember rushing to buy Shinsengumi-related books at the bookstore on the day I got the script order. The original work is quite dense and complex. If you move this, you can’t draw that, and if you add this, then that becomes a contradiction. On top of that, it has some heavy drama. While scripting, I often thought things like, “Chrono-sensei often draws things like this, huh?” and “the staff who chose to make this into a movie were brave”.
Where did you stick close to the source material, where did you struggle, and where did you pay the closest attention to?
I always asked, “do they both reflect the feelings of the characters?” The plan was to start filming immediately after the Aburanokoji Incident. So at this point, for example, Shinpachi and Sanosuke had just lost Heisuke, Tetsunosuke discovered the depth of Suzu’s darkness, Tatsunosuke saw how powerless he was… Everyone’s feelings and situations were quite dire. After writing, I was immediately thrust into having to put them all together in the movie and it was a bit more of a barrier than I expected.
As the screenwriter, are there any scenes you want people to pay particular attention to?
First of all, probably the scenes with Tetsunosuke and Saya in general. Even with all of the various things happening, these two make up the main axis of the drama in the first part. Then, the scenes with Hijikata and Okita. As I mentioned, because the original work was so dense, I didn’t have much space to add original elements. However, I wanted to dig down and see a bit more in-depth interaction between these two in particular, so I added back a few scenes that would have been omitted originally.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
Thank you all for taking time out of your busy lives to watch. While writing the script, I read and re-read the original series and related books many times and became entranced by the world views there. I’m proud to say I’m a decent Peacemaker Kurogane fan, but I’m sure all of you are even bigger fans that I can’t even compare myself to. All staff members brought their all in facing this behemoth of a work by Chrono-sensei. I’d appreciate it if there were parts that tugged on everyone’s heartstrings even a little.
Yoko Shiraishi (Producer)
This work has numerous different forms of media. How did you settle on a movie?
Actually, I’ve been working on Nanae Chrono’s other series since Vassalord. Though that serialization is ending, I heard about Peacemaker Kurogane starting up again and asked if I could take part. We started with talk of a drama CD first but then eventually started discussing a movie instead. It’s been a long time since I’ve made a movie, so I wanted to draw the main character Tetsunosuke with my full heart. That’s why I designed the movie after the theme of the two partings that occur after the Aburanokoji Incident, and Tetsunosuke growing up during it.
From the producer’s point of view, what is Peacemaker Kurogane? Where does its power lie?
I drew the Shinsengumi head-on, parallel to their historically factual story. The Shinsengumi began its decline after the Ikedaya Incident. In it, characters are running away and worrying without caring about looking cool, which felt very human. I was able to empathize. I also cried several times when reading the original when people would die, because my feelings for that character and those around them were so chaotic. As far as characters go, I like both Shinpachi and Susumu, but Tetsunosuke is the one that makes me feel the most emotion.
Did any scenes or lines leave a particularly big impression on you? Please explain why.
The scene where Tetsunosuke and Susumu use Tatsunosuke’s loincloth to play a prank while they’re practicing shooting. I loved how the three had this relaxed conversation in the middle of an otherwise tense movie. Outside of that, the scene where Okita asks Hijikata, “can I have a rifle too?” Even if Okita’s body is yielding, he still wants to be of use to Hijikata and the Shinsengumi. On the other hand, Hijikata wants Okita to live as long as possible, so he doesn’t want to force him too hard. When feelings differ like that, it’s painful and leaves a deep impression.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
Thank you for watching part one of the Peacemaker Kurogane movies. Part two begins with the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, and things just get rougher for the Shinsengumi from there. But there are still plenty of scenes well worth watching, like their actions and the appearance of a certain nostalgic person. Please look forward to it. I hope everyone will continue on to watch part two.
Toshiki Denyama (Sound Director)
What was your first impression after reading Peacemaker Kurogane for the first time? Did the drama CD or anime change that?
When I think about the path from prosperity to ruin that the Shinsengumi, which bloomed like a flower in a troubling time, took – it imbues the characters with a sort of endearing sadness as they struggle bravely and desperately to live. The already harrowing story of loss becomes even more poignant in movie form. But it’s impressive that a certain level of transparency exists in depicting the hearts of these characters.
Various scenes exist in this show, ranging from daily life to serious matters of life or death. As sound director, what did you keep in mind while working?
Seeing these characters all trying to move forward with deep trauma, it lit a fire in my heart and I decided it was my mission to bring that theme into my work. At the same time, when drawing the Shinsengumi – a dying force – I always kept “partings” and the reason why “here and now” is so precious in mind to explain the regret seeping through the story. That’s remained the same even through the movie.
There are plenty of interesting characters, but do you relate to any on a personal level? Please tell me why.
It’s the second division captain, Nagakura Shinpachi. Rather than just calling him a favorite, it’s more like I want to watch over him. Historically, he survives, so I’m sure he’ll survive in the series. But then I think about what he would have thought, crossing the turbulent times into the Meiji era. I imagine that the weight of his losses and the proof of his life are immeasurable, along with the depth of his feelings.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
I think people may not be able to fully realize just how precious the “now” is. Even if you think it’s important now, you’ll have to wait until later to truly feel the weight of that importance. I think that’s why stories like this, which depict the bright souls of people who once lived, shake our hearts. Please stay tuned for more!
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Attention all Princess Daisy Fans! She needs help.
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As you might have heard, Nintendo and Illumination are working together on a new Super Mario Bros. Movie which they plan to release in April 2023. They're even going to release a teaser trailer first on October 6th this year. But do we actually know if the Princess of Sarasaland will make an appearance in the film in any way, where it's an actual role or a respective cameo? Not to mention that since April is also the month Daisy was first introduced by Nintendo in their 1989 game, Super Mario Land, it should make sense for her to appear.
A lot of us have seen this princess in the Mario Kart, Mario Party, Sport, and Olympic video games (also in Dr. Mario, Super Mario Run, Super Smash Bros, Ultimate, Fortune Street, and her cameo as a costume in Super Mario Maker). But how long will it be till Daisy will actually take part in a real Mario (or Luigi) adventure game?
So, that's why I'm hoping with your help by sending to letters to Nintendo, and maybe even Illumination too, Princess Daisy could actually be seen for real in the new Mario movie, and the Daisy fans wouldn't have to go, "Ugh! Not again! They forgot about Daisy!"
Don't you think there's a lot more Nintendo could let Sarasaland's princess do rather than what we've seen already (including her 1993 Mario movie portrayal which even though it was a box office bomb, it did portray the romance between Daisy and Luigi rather sweetly).
I'm so determined, I've even looked up Nintendo and Illumination's addresses so you guys wouldn't have to.
Primary Address
Nintendo of America
P.O. Box 957
Redmond, WA 98073-0957
Secondary Address: Nintendo HQ
Nintendo of America
4600 150th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052
425-882-2040 / 1 (800) 255-3700
2043 Colorado Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90404
(according to Google Map, this is the right address)
I've already got my letters sent to both Nintendo (P.O. Box) and Illumination, but I don't think I can do this on my own and neither can Daisy.
Though, also know, even if our letters might not even be enough to convince Nintendo and/or Illumination to let Princess Daisy in their 2023 film, at least they'll still be able to see how much we care about her and maybe even think about giving Luigi's crush a role in the sequel, if their first Mario film is actually good enough for one. Thank you, good luck, and please be sure to share this with your other Daisy-loving friends.
Plus, if you'd like to know more about The Princess of Sarasaland, you can check out these videos because We Are Daisy has a lot of good stuff about Daisy.
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pix4japan · 1 year
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Modern-Day Marine Tower from Retired Lighthouse
Location: Yamashita Park, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Timestamp: 20:50 March 15, 2023
As part of its centennial celebration, the Port of Yokohama constructed a tower in 1961 that became the tallest lighthouse in the world, towering at 106 meters (347.76 feet) until 2008. During my first visit in 1984, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a fascinating variety of exotic birds flying freely in an aviary at the top of the tower.
To commemorate the Port of Yokohama's 150th anniversary, the tower underwent renovations in 2009. Recently, in 2022, the tower received further upgrades, which included the addition of new restaurants, gift shops, a wedding hall, and an observation deck featuring a stunning evening light show.
Fujifilm X100V (23 mm) with 5% diffusion filter ISO 80 for 30.0 sec. at ƒ/11 Astia Soft film simulation
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screenviolense · 1 year
just hit my "150th film watched in 2023" milestone in april no less
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dewsdoit · 1 year
we're not really strangers
wonu x y/n | soft romance with a bit of angst ❗️no professional proofreading. may contain grammatical errors.
this is purely fictional so please take it with a grain of salt! this fic is mostly soft and maybe a bit cheesy... I will be updating this post from time to time regarding the chapters as well. hope you'll enjoy it! treat people with kindness, everyone!
We started this about three months ago but we make sure we get to walk on this familiar street and keep going in circles until we sit on the swings at the playground. 
“Last card?” you ask as if you weren’t sure if this is the 150th card inside the box. Nonetheless, I nodded in agreement but not once did I look up to even glance at you. 
We talk about how we both see the world ending and we get too factual about it. I wanted to come up with silly stories and let you build up the plot so we could keep this going, but we ended up backing each other up with scientific facts about global warming and possible alien invasions that may wipe out our existence. “Can you lighten up?” I couldn’t help but make that request, it’s too deafening to deal with the silence after every hum of agreement. 
“You lighten up,” you respond as you playfully kick my ankle, making it hit the other one. I look at you with tired and annoyed eyes, in hopes that you’ll send me home rather than deal with whatever this is. We sit in silence for a while, I think and talk to myself if you’re real at this point. 
“Can I still see you?” you ask. “Hmm?” I couldn’t quite understand, I was somewhere else. “I don’t want this to end,” you press on that sentence with your sober eyes as you look at me. “Come see me again. Let me see you again.” 
First: Perception
I thoughtlessly chose this class because I ran out of electives. You’re not hard to miss because you’re the only one with thick glasses and fluffy hair, making you stereotypically attractive for losers who need someone who will partially change their life forever. But if everyone was going for the last slice of decadent cake, I think I’d rather reserve myself for a flavor no one even bothered to touch. I always thought it was easy to divert myself from the girls who whisper and giggle in your presence. 
The rest of the school year passed by too quickly as I easily came and went to every class, but the day I got partnered up with you slowed everything down. I had to deal with telling people to not sit in my seat that was next to yours, which wasn’t a bother if they decided to leave. I just wanted to discuss our film and get things done but the inconveniences your friends and admirers bring slightly get on my nerves. 
I’ve never met a man who speaks concisely as much as you do. Maybe it’s because we’re at a coffee shop near our school and we don’t want to disturb anyone but you spoke low and soft. I’m just glad we’re getting somewhere and we see eye to eye, mostly because I’m easy to please. 
“By the way, we can make this our meeting place. I’ll give you my schedule so we can align our free time. I also wrote my number so you can contact me to meet up.” 
“Oh, thanks. Looks like you got everything planned out.” You took me by surprise. I mean, I was planning but you were a step ahead of me already. 
“I like to plan things out so we don’t miss our deadline. Besides, I think we have similar breaks. Which is why I insisted we partner up in the first place.” 
“Huh?” I ask. I’m so sure that this coffee shop wasn’t loud enough for me to mishear what you just said but I have to make sure. 
“I got the highest grade from our last exam. The prof gave me the advantage of choosing a partner I want to work with and obviously, I went for the person who has a similar schedule with mine so we don’t have to sweat about this project so much.” You say as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense,” I respond, cutting the conversation short. It was freezing in the shop and I just wanted to start walking to get home. “Anyway, I think we discussed the plot well so maybe I can work on the script tonight. I’ll share the document with you and let you know. I’ll get go—“
“Do you want some coffee?” you ask. 
I was packing my things when you asked, “Oh, no thanks. I already had one today so…” 
“You sure? It’s my treat.” you insist. I kinda wanna bite your offer but I just want to get home and rest. I had math before meeting you, so having coffee wouldn’t be the best solution. 
“Seriously, I’m good. Thanks though. I’m just gonna head home. I’ll message you whenever.” 
I was rushing on my way to our class. I woke up late, haven’t brushed my hair, and I need caffeine to beat my throbbing headache. The door was still locked, so it seemed like I was one of the first few students to arrive even though I was 30 mins late. 
I sit down next to the door to catch my breath. Running four flights of stairs is definitely not a joke. I see someone coming up the stairs and you seem relaxed for someone who’s about 5 mins later than me. 
“Is it just you and me?” you ask. “I guess so? I thought I was gonna get reprimanded already,” I respond.  “Well, maybe we can take this time to work on our revisions,” you suggest, and I couldn’t even respond because my head started throbbing more so I had to close my eyes and wait for the pain to settle down. 
“Are you okay?” you ask as I embarrassingly try to open one eye to reassure you that I am. “I’ll be fine, just let me catch my breath.”  You hand me your water flask filled with cold water. I didn’t even hesitate to take it because I needed it. I still had to process the cold water trying to help fight the headache, but I could still feel you looking at me. You patiently waited for me to open my eyes before asking again if I was okay, and I nodded in response to assure you. “Shut up and don’t do this to me,”  I thought to myself.  I think I’m already pathetic enough to think that this whole group work was a test between me and my easily-impressed heart. My intentions are set: We film what we need to film, meet the deadline and pass this class, graduate, and I’ll only remember you whenever I feel like opening our future yearbook. I moved back a little to physically assert the distance I wanted, which was perfect timing since one of our blockmates came to our room to tell us that the prof wasn’t coming. I thought I could use this free cut to get more sleep, but who am I to reject your offer to go to our meeting place? Our…lol 
“You should sit down, I’ll order for the both of us. Just tell me what you want.” “Alright, I’ll just have a latte. How much is it?” “It’s on me, just take a seat,” you say firmly. I know damn well I’m not letting you pay but I did find us a seat and I try to settle down. This cafe is kind of growing on me, it’s so cozy even though it’s freezing in here. It wasn’t too long ‘till you settled down while we wait for our orders to come. It’d be nice if you stopped staring at me from time to time just because there’s nothing to talk about (except maybe, start discussing our film). “Let’s play a game,’ you say out of the blue. “Hmm?” “I bought this online, apparently it’s really popular these days.” You pulled out a box full of cards. We’re Not Really Strangers. Huh, that’s interesting. “This seems...fun. Okay, I’m down,” I say as I fidget the box. Who knows, we might get something out of this game. “You should go first,” you say. I pick out a card from the first level. I suddenly feel tense, why am I so tense?? “What about me is most strange or unfamiliar?” I read the card out loud. “Probably the way you keep shifting your eyes when you’re talking to someone,” you say without hesitation. That took me aback, to be honest. You could’ve let that thought marinate for a while. And it sounds like someone’s been really observant when talking to people. “I beg to differ, I don’t think I do that.” “You do that with me. You’re not even looking at me right now.” And why on earth would I want to do that? “Why do you sound like you’d kill someone for eye contact?” I hope that wasn’t too cold of a response. “I’m just not used to someone who doesn’t make eye contact with me when I’m having a conversation with them. That can come off as rude to other people, you know,” you say with such a soft voice. I kind of stare at your face for a while. You have soft and sharp features. Everything about you is so soft and sharp. Your deep and low voice, but you speak so gently as if we’re sharing secrets all the time. Your bread-shaped cheeks with your sharp nose that might send me into an eternal rest if I touch it. I hope I wasn’t staring for too long because now I find myself unable to find the right words to say something…or anything. Before I could even respond, the server came and gave us our drinks. You ordered pastries too. “You should eat something. I don’t think your body will take the caffeine lightly if you don’t eat something.” You gave me my share of the pastry and I could feel my cheeks starting to warm up. I need to get a hold of myself. 
“Can I see the bill? I’ll pay you right now.” I start rummaging through my bag, looking for my wallet. “You don’t have to pay for anything right now, it’s better that I treat you now than treat your hospital bill if you pass out on me.” I laughed at your remark and you smiled back at me. This is better than I thought, maybe everything will just be nice and lax between us. And this project, of course, is the only reason why we get to see each other this often.
“No but seriously though, I don’t remember taking any class other than this one with you in it,” I express my confusion because you kept pressing that I should remember your face well. 3 level one cards down and we already spent hours talking about our first impressions of each other. I can’t believe this game actually works. “We went to the same elementary school and we were classmates in 1st grade. I was the kid who always cried when my mom dropped me off.” I really couldn’t remember your face. I’m sure I would’ve remembered you because believe it or not, I liked talking to everyone when I was kid. “Did you have glasses back then?” I ask. “No, I didn’t,” you seemed nervous when you responded to me, I guess you do know me well… I reached for your glasses and asked, “Sorry, can I? I just need to see something.” You nodded with a hint of hesitation, but I proceeded to take your glasses off. Who would’ve thought that an accessory would make you unrecognizable? Maybe Clark Kent had a point after all. I remember how innocent you looked when you were a kid but seeing you now, with your grown face without these glasses? My god. I immediately put it back on your face. “You look better with your glasses on,” I teasingly say. You chuckled a bit, but you glared a little bit at my teasing. We stayed until the cafe closed and discussed what we needed to do thoroughly. You gently placed your hand on my head before you said goodbye and take care. It was swift and gentle, I tried to fight every single heartstring from beating so fast but that’s exactly how I knew I was fucked. There’s no use in fighting it. I really need a moment with God or the universe because I feel like the misfortunes in my life are getting out of hand. I heard from our mutual friend that they’ve seen you go to school and home with Jen from your block. I wasn’t even surprised to hear that. I mean of course you’d go on dates with someone else, I guess I’m more disappointed in myself for falling for kind gestures. Nevertheless, my feelings found comfort in staying stagnant. As long as I don’t revisit it, I don’t think it’ll budge. Not even an inch. 
“…Anyway, this shot looks fine to me. How about you? Is this okay?” I was spacing out when you asked me for my input. “Yeah, that looks fine.” “Okay, we can do more test shots tonight if you’re free.” “Yeah, sure. I’ll be there.” “Good. If we get home late, I can give you a ride home.” “Hmm? There’s no need to do that. I’ll just book a cab to go home.” If I wanted to die inside, I would’ve just eaten a poisoned apple or something. “Are you sure? It might be hard to book later since it’s Friday. I can just drop you off at the nearest station if you can’t stand my presence.” I close my eyes so you don’t see me roll them in annoyance. “Okay, I’ll think about it.” The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I met up with you at the lobby of the mall near the cafe and we drove to a city close by. There are tall buildings and views where you can see the skyline. I’d love to go back here alone, it looks peaceful. We shot more clips for b-rolls, some test shots here and there while we were each other’s test subjects. We’d laugh about how stupid we both look when we’re the ones being filmed. Most of our shots will be indoors, the outdoor shots are for the last few scenes of the film. “You have a good eye for filming. These shots look really good!” It feels nice to have that compliment come from you. Well, you ARE the film major between the two of us. “Thanks, I just do photography on the side but I’ve never tried film. So that compliment means a lot.” “You should do this more often,” you say. “Really? I don’t know, I mean it’s still a growing hobby for me. I can be good now but I might disappoint myself later and lose interest.” “Just do it without thinking about what happens afterward. Take the opportunity and just...do it. Besides, I can help you whenever you want to film something. I’m just one message away,” you say with a soft smile on your face. I gave myself a second to think about it. “You're right, I should just give it a try." I didn't notice that I was smiling a lot today. I'd be lying if I told myself that I was happy to be here and I'm just enjoying the views, taking photos, and filming.
Somehow your bright energy seeps through me and I allow it. Now I raise the question, how can someone be so familiar yet so distant all this time? I'm sure I'll know the answer when a few months pass by. But for now, I'll have to brave through these moments I have with you and see where the wind takes me.
Hopefully, it's not too far from you, again. part 2
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dippedanddripped · 1 year
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Levi’s and Nigo have announced the launch of their latest collaboration, launching April 6th, 2023. The upcoming collection will be the third installment following previous archival reproduction and Human Made releases over the past two years.
2023 marks the 150th anniversary of the Levi’s 501 jean, one of the most enduring icons of style across the globe. To commemorate this historic milestone, Levi’s has collaborated with Japanese designer, disc jockey, and producer Nigo (Founder of BAPE and artistic director of Kenzo) to create a collection inspired by his favorite personal archive piece, the Hickory Stripe 501 jeans.
A pioneer of Japanese streetwear and denim aficionado, Nigo has spent decades sourcing rare vintage Levi’s and has accumulated one of the most expansive personal collections in the world. For Spring/Summer 2023, Levi’s has worked with Nigo to create a one-of-a collection inspired by the past & recreated for the present.
The two-piece collection features a pair of Hickory Stripe 501 jeans (retailing for $350) and a 557XX Hickory Stripe Trucker Jacket ($260). Both pieces were Made in Japan utilizing traditional manufacturing techniques. The 501 is crafted with 13 oz, Shrink-to-Fit Hickory Stripe selvage denim — specially developed for this collection — and includes classic details like the Levi’s Red Tab, signature button shanks, Two-Horse Pull back patch, and stitched arcuate on the back pockets. It comes in a vintage wash with specific threads and shanks to match the archival reference piece.
The 557XX Trucker Jacket is also crafted with 13 oz Hickory Stripe selvage denim and comes pre-shrunk with specific threads, sundries, and a vintage wash to match the 501. Every piece from the collection comes with a special edition Levi’s x Nigo 150th anniversary tote bag and co-branded hangtag.
The new Levi’s x Nigo collection is presented alongside a short campaign film, shot on location in Nigo’s hometown. Personifying the theme “The Future is in the Past,” the video portrays a young Nigo styled in the collection, exploring many of the formative locations and activities from his childhood in a go-kart.
“As a concept, ‘The Future is in the Past’ means looking at the past to create for the future. I found the original Hickory Stripe 501 at a vintage store in 1995 and haven’t seen it reproduced since then. Using the past as my reference book, I am honored to bring this archival 501 back during the 150th anniversary,” says Nigo.
The Levi’s x Nigo collection launches worldwide on April 6th, 2023, and will be available for purchase on Levi.com, the Levi’s App, select Levi’s Stores, and humanmade.
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updateparishilton · 1 year
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May 17, 2010 —  Chopard 150th Anniversary Party.
Paris Hilton attends the Chopard 150th Anniversary Party at the VIP Room, Palm Beach during the 63rd Annual International Cannes Film Festival in Cannes.
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stefankarlfanblog · 2 years
The stone has been laid
Article written for Morgunblaðið on the 6th of September 2003: https://timarit.is/page/3478661#page/n60/mode/2up
Stones in his Pockets shown for the 150th time
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Hilmir and Stefán stuff their pockets with stones for the 150th time tonight. Photos credited to Billi/Brynjar Gunnarsson
TONIGHT, at the National Theatre, the play Stones in his Pockets will be performed for the 150th time. The exhibition - which features Stefán Karl Stefánsson and Hilmir Snær Hilmarsson - began its run almost three years ago and has enjoyed huge popularity all over the streets ever since. A journalist caught up with Stefán Karl, who is very busy at the moment, as Robbie Rotten from Lazytown who has started to get into trouble as mentioned beore. Stefán is therefore going west to the United States to play Robbie in the American version of Lazytown. But back to the show.*
*Translator note: Lazytown was being filmed/ended up being filmed in Iceland.
"Sure, it will be a real Gala show," says Stefán, and is excited. "It's a great success and it's quite rare for shows to run this long."
But what would it be like to play the same role so many times? "It's undeniably a little strange," admits Stefán. "It's still just like any other job. It's a repeat, yet not. For example, you never go with your head hanging, thinking: "Well, it's one more rocky ride!" Since you hardly believed it. When it came to show number 100 and it was still sold out well in advance, you started to wonder: 'Am I going to be in this until the day I die?'"
Stefán says that since he and Hilmir are on their way to other projects, they plan to lay down the stone for good in September. Shows will be approx. 4–5 more depending on how they differ. As for Lazytown, Stefán is feeling incredible and says it's like getting a gold medal. Now it's just getting in shape because the recording process will be both long and rigorous.
"A friend told me that I should realize that in every home there are approx. five people. And there are 86 million households that have the opportunity to catch the broadcasts," says Stefán in conclusion and laughs heartily.
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