davemeec · 3 years
Zi*nism - and the law of unintended consequences
Zi*nism – and the law of unintended consequences
Zionists may claim that Zionism is simply about Jews having a safe and secure place; but, if that is obtained at the cost of safety and security for others, what message is conveyed?  If those – Palestinians and Middle Eastern peoples — are now insecure, vulnerable, oppressed because of Jews is that not a contradiction of Judaism and Jewish heritage?  Certainly many Jews think so. And, what then,…
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davemeec · 3 years
Power, or ...
Power, or …
We live in a world where Might is Right. We declare for democracy, but act for power. And we, the ‘developed ‘ West, are upset when others take us at our actions rather than our words.
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davemeec · 4 years
What is it with Zionism
What is it with Zionism
Latest post is a podcast https://meec.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/whatisitwithZionism.mp3
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davemeec · 4 years
What is it with Zionism
What is it with Zionism
In church I remember singing songs about ‘beautiful Zion’, the beautiful city of God. I realised later from the Bible that Zion was a mountain and later still
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davemeec · 4 years
Hello again
After a period of unwellness, not covid related, I hope to return with a ‘Friday Post’. Maybe tomorrow?
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davemeec · 4 years
Tumblr media
‘An Ambiguous Future’: The Impact of Coronavirus on Education By EA Helen. Empty classrooms and quiet school halls. Like many places all over the world, children in the occupied West Bank have not been able to go to school for months due to the outbreak of Coronavirus.
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davemeec · 4 years
Israel, Palestine? It's Simple
Israel, Palestine? It’s Simple
Seriously, at it’s core it is simple.
One inoffensive people were driven out, ethnically cleansed from their lands, by a different group of people from far away, themselves seeking a place safe from oppression and persecution.  That group, now most powerful, continue to oppress and persecute those that remain of the original indigenous people, while the survivors of those dispossed remain in…
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davemeec · 4 years
George floyd
If we don’t want people tearing down statues of racists we must build together a state of affairs where those symbols represent only history, not the present.
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davemeec · 5 years
UN diplomacy will continue to shelter Israel from accountability
UN diplomacy will continue to shelter Israel from accountability
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davemeec · 5 years
Jeremy Corbyn’s visit to Tunisia cemetery exemplifies defamation campaign against him – Mondoweiss
Jeremy Corbyn’s visit to Tunisia cemetery exemplifies defamation campaign against him – Mondoweiss
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davemeec · 5 years
The Liberal Left and Zionism
The Liberal Left and Zionism
The Liberal Left in the UK and USA, with a few notable exceptions, has perhaps unwittingly enabled and encouraged Zionist Legitimised Racist Nationalism. I know, that’s a big call and some big words; but it’s little use criticising the outspoken racism of Trump, Orban, Modi, and others while the architecture of Zionism is applauded by those same critics. Right-wing extremists in UK (and…
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davemeec · 5 years
Allegations of antisemitism and the UK Labour Party - ICAHD submission
Allegations of antisemitism and the UK Labour Party – ICAHD submission
I am very happy to post, with permission, the ICAHD UK submission of 10th JUne 2019 to the Equality and Human Rights Commission enquiry into antisemitism in the Labour Party.  Below is an extract, the full submission can be seen HERE
‘ … defining anti-Semitism is not a straightforward matter, nor is it free from controversy.  In particular, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s…
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davemeec · 5 years
On 4th May 2018 I published a post about the ‘Campaign Against Antisemitism’, (see below). I am re-posting now since CAA is one of the groups that has pressed for the Labour Party to be investigated by the Equality and Human Rights commission.  I’ve just re-visited the CAA website page and find that the most recent ‘incidents’ are still dated 2017.   If the commission do their job properly they…
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davemeec · 5 years
One Day in Gaza
One Day in Gaza
I wonder what your impressions were if you watched the BBC2 documentary. By the time we hear the IDF and Hamas apologists at the end we may have forgotten the poet near the beginning. But I’m going to stay with those apologists because both sides spoke of strategy. The Israeli spokespeople criticised Hamas strategy, which sounds fair until we ask, “what are the alternatives?” What could the…
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davemeec · 5 years
Honest Reporting
Well, that would make a change.  We’ve become so used to ‘fake news’ it’s difficult to be sure about anything. Did Spurs win yesterday (a local UK, sports issue) and is it true that the President of USA is someone called ‘Trump’?
I just happened on a link to a website ‘honestreporting.com’ with an article dated 8th May  headed ‘Five Must-know Facts for Reporters in Israel. That should be…
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davemeec · 5 years
Christian Zionism - the evil within
Christian Zionism – the evil within
The following is a quote from Revd. George Browning the retired Anglican Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn on Christian Zionism:
“It should not simply be left to secularists to describe this for what it is – absurd, dangerous, nonsense; but Christian voices should cease politely tiptoeing around, seemingly to avoid causing offence to fellow Christians, or being characterised as anti-Semitic by…
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davemeec · 5 years
Why I'm at Spring Harvest
Why I’m at Spring Harvest
See the video.
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