#15 real estate business ideas
15 Real Estate Business Ideas
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Starting a real estate business can be an exciting and lucrative venture. With the right ideas and strategies, you can tap into a thriving market and build a successful enterprise. In this article, we will explore 15 real estate business ideas that you can consider in 2023. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, these ideas can help you carve a niche in the real estate industry and achieve long-term success.
1. Real Estate Agent: Become a licensed real estate agent and help clients buy, sell, or rent properties. Develop expertise in a specific market or property type to differentiate yourself and attract clients.
2. Property Management: Offer property management services, including tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance coordination, and property inspections. This business idea is particularly suitable if you enjoy dealing with properties and people.
3. Real Estate Developer: Undertake real estate development projects, such as building residential or commercial properties from the ground up. This idea requires knowledge of construction, financing, and market analysis.
4. Real Estate Wholesaling: Act as a middleman between property sellers and buyers, earning a profit by assigning the contract to another investor. This idea requires networking skills and knowledge of local real estate markets.
5. Vacation Rental Management: Manage vacation rental properties on behalf of owners, handling bookings, guest communication, cleaning, and maintenance. This idea is ideal for locations with a strong tourism industry.
6. Real Estate Photography: Offer professional photography services to real estate agents and property owners, capturing high-quality images that enhance property listings and marketing materials.
7. Real Estate Consultant: Provide advisory services to buyers, sellers, or investors, offering expertise on market trends, property valuation, investment strategies, and negotiation tactics.
8. Home Staging: Stage properties for sale by arranging furniture, decor, and lighting to make them more appealing to potential buyers. This idea requires a creative eye and understanding of current design trends.
9. Real Estate Coaching: Share your knowledge and expertise by offering coaching and training services to aspiring real estate professionals. Help them navigate the industry and build successful careers.
10. Property Flipping: Buy distressed properties, renovate them, and sell for a profit. This idea requires a keen eye for undervalued properties, renovation skills, and an understanding of market trends.
11. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT): Start a REIT and pool funds from multiple investors to invest in income-generating real estate assets such as rental properties, commercial buildings, or mortgages.
12. Senior Housing: Focus on developing or managing properties specifically designed for seniors, such as retirement communities, assisted living facilities, or nursing homes. This idea capitalizes on the growing aging population.
13. Green Real Estate: Specialize in eco-friendly properties and help clients buy or sell energy-efficient homes, promote sustainability, and provide guidance on green building practices.
14. Real Estate Appraisal: Become a licensed appraiser and provide valuation services to lenders, buyers, sellers, or investors. Appraisals are critical for determining the market value of properties.
15. Real Estate Tech Start-up: Innovate and develop technology solutions for the real estate industry, such as property management software, virtual reality tours, or online marketplaces for property transactions.
As with any business venture, it's essential to conduct thorough market research, develop a comprehensive business plan, and obtain any required licenses or certifications. Additionally, building a strong network, leveraging digital marketing strategies, and continuously upgrading your industry knowledge will be crucial to success in the competitive real estate market.
In conclusion, the real estate industry offers a plethora of business opportunities for entrepreneurs. Whether you choose to become a real estate agent, start a property management company, or explore niche areas like senior housing or real estate tech, there are numerous avenues to carve your path and thrive in the dynamic real estate market of 2023.
Content Source - embassyprojectsbangalore
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luckyroll3 · 2 months
Crimson Lights: Chapter 15
Master List
Changbin enters my apartment with a bottle of tequila in one hand and a 12-pack of Modelo in the other, a toothy smile on his face.
I groan as he sets the alcohol down on my coffee table. “You can’t be fucking serious,” I say, but he ignores me to walk to the kitchen for two shot glasses. “My brain is still fuzzy from last night!”
“Hair of the dog,” he responds as he joins me on the couch. He opens the bottle and pours out 2 shots, handing one to me. His playful grin is accompanied by an arched eyebrow as if to say ‘You in?’
I sigh and begrudgingly take the glass from him, silently cursing my weak willpower. “Fine!” With that, he clinks his glass against mine and we both down the shots. I feel the sharp burn of the tequila turning into warmth as it settles in my stomach. He hands me an open beer can to chase it with.
“How’d the meeting go?” I ask as I take another sip of beer.
“Great. He’s giving us double what we asked for, which will allow us to expand the scale of our real estate operations.” He takes a swig of beer, then lowers his voice so that it’s barely audible, and mouths to me, “And even better, it’s all clean money.” It’s common for them to speak in code when discussing their less-than-legal activities outside of their secure offices. I’ve grown accustomed to this over the past few weeks. They never openly speak about the other side of their businesses, only the legal aspects, the entities that Han has meticulously protected within the boundaries of the law to ensure they are beyond reproach if anything goes sideways.
I nod. “That’s great. I have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds like a win.”
He laughs, “Oh, it’s definitely a win!”
“Did you hear back from Lauren?”
“Yes. Thanks for talking some sense into me earlier. I was second guessing everything. But we’ve been messaging all day. I invited her over to my place for dinner on Tuesday.”
“Dinner?” I scoff. “I hope she doesn’t think you’re cooking.”
“Hey, I cook!” Changbin shouts in an attempt to defend himself.
“Pop Tarts don’t count, sweetheart,” I tease.
He pouts playfully. “I’m ordering take out, but I’m telling her that I cooked it,” he admits with a grin, very proud of his plan.
I laugh out loud and pour us both another round of shots. “You’re starting your relationship off with a fantasy.” I hand Changbin the glass.
“I have to learn if I can trust her not to make fun of me when she learns I can’t cook or grocery shop for myself,” he explains with a serious face, complete with a shrug. I start to laugh so hard that I slide off the couch onto the floor, barely managing to keep the contents of the shot glass from splashing. “It’s not funny,” he whines as he takes his shot.
“It’s so funny!” I take my shot and rejoin him on the couch.
“Anyway,” he gives me a very Hyunjin-like eyeroll. “She says she really likes you and wants to do a double date with you and Chan.”
“That could be fun,” I respond. We spend a few minutes talking about potential date options, settling on bowling or pool.
Changbin spots something on the bottom shelf of the coffee table and reaches down to get it. “Is this the letter?” He asks, opening Chris’ note.
“Yeah. Did I not show it to you?”
He shakes his head as he reads. “Wow,” he says. “I didn’t realize it was like, a legit 4-page love letter.” He re-folds the pages and hands them to me. “I don’t think he’s written anything like that since….”
“Since his first girlfriend? What’s her name again? I think it starts with ‘A’.” I place the pages back on the coffee table.
“Aja. I didn’t realize he told you about her.”
“He did.” I respond. Chris and I previously had a conversation about our first loves, the first people to break our hearts. His was Aja. They’d met his senior year of high school and they’d gone off to college together.
“We were not a fan of hers,” he says as he sips his beer. “She was a stuck up bitch. The exact opposite of you, actually.” He pours more shots. “Let’s not talk about her.”
After the third shot and our second bottle of beer, Changbin asks, “Ever thought about learning how to defend yourself? Just thinking about the incident last night and now that you might be associated with us, it could be helpful.”
“Are you offering to teach me?” I chuckle, wiping beer that spilled on my chin with the back of my hand.
"Sure, why not?" He stands up, rolling his shoulders back as he prepares to show me the basics. "Let's start with the stance."
I get to my feet, a bit unsteady from the drinks but eager to learn. “I have had boxing lessons,” I say as I get into my stance, feet apart, knees slightly bent, fists in front of my face. He nods approvingly as he makes slight corrections on my form, his hands firm yet gentle on my hips and shoulders. My skin tingles where he touches me, and I try to brush off the sensation, blaming it on the alcohol.
“Not bad,” he says as he squares up opposite me.
“I know all the punches and everything. But I’ve never actually sparred or been hit. I like my face too much!” I laugh.
"It's a good face,” he agrees with a laugh. “Okay then. Well let’s see what your punches look like. Throw a jab at me—a light one, don't actually knock me out," he instructs, a playful glint in his eyes.
I laugh, feeling a little ridiculous. I throw a soft jab in his direction. He easily dodges it, his reflexes sharp despite our alcohol consumption.
"Come on, Kay, you can hit harder than that," he teases.
Feeling emboldened, I aim another jab his way, this time putting a bit more force behind it. When he swiftly dodges the blow again, I immediately follow it with a hook that catches him off guard when it connects with his chin.
“Woah, killer!” he shouts, rubbing the point of contact where my punch landed. “Nice.” He squares back up and we start to circle each other. “Now since you'll most likely be facing opponents who are much bigger than you, your focus should be on taking them out quickly or causing enough distraction to get away. Aim for sensitive areas like the nose, neck, crotch, groin, and knees. A swift and powerful strike to any of those spots should buy you the time you need to get away.”
“Got it,” I reply confidently as I throw a fake jab towards him, testing his reflexes.
He chuckles at me. “You also have to get comfortable taking a hit,” he says, his voice laced with a playful challenge. “It’s bound to happen and you don’t want it to catch you off guard when it does. So for every blow you land on me, I get one on you. Deal?”
“Uhm…okay,” I agree half-heartedly, not really wanting to get hit at all. Before I can get the words out, he lunges forward quickly and strikes my thigh with a solid punch before backing away with a mischievous grin. “Motherfucker!” I squeal from the sting of his fist against my flesh. “Oh, okay! Let’s do this then!” I exclaim as I try to regain my composure and mentally prepare myself for the pain of getting hit again.
“Don’t kill me,” he laughs, getting into his fighting stance and holding his hands up for me to strike him again. I start swinging at him, focusing on trying to catch him off guard again. He easily dodges most of the punches. “You can do better than that,” he taunts with a smirk. I glare at him. I throw a couple more punches near his face, then I switch tactics with an uppercut into his side causing him to jump back. I smile triumphantly, but it is short lived when he tags me in the shoulder in response.
Changbin and I start circling each other and we go back and forth trading blows for about half an hour. He moves with deft agility, as I try to find new ways to surprise him. My punches are getting better and better with each strike, but I’m not quite cutting it against Changbin’s skill, his movements quick and precise. Although I don’t land every hit, I land enough to suffer the consequences of our deal. My legs, which have taken most of the shots, start to get tired. I lunge towards Changbin, but my foot slips on the smooth floor, sending me stumbling toward him.
In an instant, his arms are around me, pulling me tight against his chest. Our breaths mingle and my heart starts pounding so loud, I am sure he can hear it.
“Gotcha,” he whispers, his voice low and unexpectedly husky. Our gazes lock and everything else fades away into the background. His eyes search mine, intense and unreadable. We stand there staring silently at each other, our bodies pressed together, for a few moments. His pink lips are tantalizingly close to mine and for a moment, I think he might close the gap. I stop breathing when I notice his eyes flicker down to my lips and his tongue darts out to lick his own. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, Changbin steps back abruptly, releasing me as quickly as he’d caught me. I steady myself, trying to ignore his sudden distance.
"Good reflexes," I manage to say, my voice barely more than a breath.
"Yours could use some work," he replies in a half-hearted attempt at humor.
We stand there for a few heartbeats longer, the unsaid words hanging heavy between us. I force a laugh, hoping to dispel the awkwardness that has settled over us. "Guess I'll need a few more lessons," I say, massaging my wrists and stepping towards the couch.
"Guess so," Changbin agrees, with a small smile, but his eyes remain a bit guarded. “Another beer?” he asks as he walks towards the kitchen.
“Sure.” I sink back onto the couch and watch him walk away, my mind spinning with confusion about what the fuck just happened. I reach for the tequila bottle and pour another two shots. I down mine immediately in one shift motion, not waiting for him.
He returns from the kitchen and hands me a cold can of beer, but avoids looking at me. He sits down on the couch, but is noticeably further away from me than usual. I can sense the deliberate shift in his mood. I hand him the shot glass and watch as he swallows the clear liquid, followed by a long sip from his beer. I wait for him to say something, as it’s unusual for him to stay quiet for long. But he just looks down and fiddles with the can in his hand.
"Binnie,” I say delicately to get his attention. He raises his head to finally look at me. “What was that about?" My question hangs in the air, a frail thread ready to snap.
"Nothing," he says quickly, clearing his throat and looking away. "Just….,” his voice trails off. He scans the couch and coffee table for something; his eyes eventually land on the TV remote. He reaches for it without another word.
I wait for him to finish his sentence, but when he doesn’t continue, I frown, but before I can press further, he busies himself with the remote. The tension from moments ago lingers like a stubborn fog, both of us acutely aware yet unacknowledging.
"Ah, here we go," Changbin mutters, thumbing the power button. With the flicker of the screen, he navigates to the streaming app and initiates the live broadcast of our show. So I guess we’re just not going to talk about this, I think to myself before lying back against the couch and placing my feet on the coffee table.
We settle into the comfort of our routine, letting the ridiculousness of the Housewives’ cast of characters and their scripted reality drama overscore our own silent questions. The tension eases as we laugh and roll our eyes at the screen. He asks me a question about one of the previous seasons, and that breaks the ice between us. We are relatively back to normal, back to us.
As the episode rolls on, my eyelids grow heavy, each blink longer than the last. My head finds a resting place against the solid warmth of Changbin's shoulder. His body stiffens for a second before relaxing, accepting my weight as if it were a truce. I feel him wrap his arm around me.
My eyes blink open some time later. In my cocoon of drowsiness, I barely register the sound of someone in the kitchen, the faint clanging of dishes. Changbin’s shoulder twitches below my head.
Chris walks into view as he approaches the coffee table, a garbage bag in his hand. “Chris,” I say softly with a sleepy smile.
“Hey, babe. Didn’t want to wake you. I’m just cleaning up.” He grabs several of the empty beer cans from the table and throws them into the bag.
This fucking guy. Too perfect. I sit up slowly. “You don’t have to do that,” I say softly as I stretch my arms wide above my head and let out a contented sigh as I feel the relief in my muscles.
My motion causes Changbin to wake. “What?” he blurts out, slightly disoriented.
I laugh softly. “Nothing. We just fell asleep.”
“Ah shit. Sorry.” He rubs his face before running his hands through his messy hair.
“I can’t believe the two of you drank more!” Chris exclaims as he finishes collecting the cans. “Have fun?”
“Ugh…yeah,” Changbin answers uncomfortably before standing up. “I should go.” He reaches out his fist towards Chris, who daps him up.
"Alright, man," Chris, ever the hugger, pulls Changbin in towards his chest and wraps his arms around Bin’s back. After a moment he pulls away to look Changbin in his eyes and says, "You okay? You seem... off."
"Fine," Changbin answers too quickly, the word a sharp note slicing through the calm.
"Okay..." Chris trails off, unconvinced as he steps back from Changbin. He doesn’t push further.
"See you around, Kay," he whispers, his voice so faint.
“Bye Binnie,” I say as I give him a warm smile.
He smiles back, then retreats towards the door. I hear it click shut behind him.
In the quiet, Chris' presence looms. He furrows his brow, his intuition sharp as I watch him silently ponder the puzzle of Changbin's uncharacteristic behavior.
"Something's up with him," Chris murmurs more to himself than to me. He turns back to me. “Hi.” he whispers, his arms wide.
I stand up and walk into his open arms as he envelops me into a deep hug. I purr a soft “Hi,” back to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest, leaning into his familiarity. Tilting my head up, I press my lips into his. “I’m tired,” I say, my voice sounding like a 6 year old’s.
“You’re drunk,” he says, kissing my temple gently before releasing me.
“That too.” I pick up the tequila bottle and a random plate from the table and walk them both to the kitchen. Chris ties up the trash bag and places it next to the garbage bin. As he washes his hands and dries them on a nearby kitchen towel, I drink a glass of water. I place the glass in the sink, then grab one of his hands. “Let’s go to bed.”
I guide him down the hallway to my bedroom, my fingers interlaced with his. He hugs me from behind and kisses the nape of my neck. We slip under the covers, limbs entwined, and I sink into the comforting heat of his body. Within seconds, I am lulled back to sleep.
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adbros · 1 year
30 ways to make real; money from home
Making money online from the comfort of your home has become increasingly accessible with the growth of the internet and digital technologies. In 2023, there are numerous realistic ways to earn money online. Here are 30 ideas to get you started:
1. Freelance Writing: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to create blog posts, articles, or website content.
2. Content Creation: Start a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog to share your expertise or passion and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
3. Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys and market research studies with platforms like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie.
4. Remote Customer Service: Work as a remote customer service representative for companies like Amazon or Apple.
5. Online Tutoring: Teach subjects you're knowledgeable in on platforms like VIPKid or Chegg Tutors.
6. E-commerce: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or eBay to sell products.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services on your blog or social media and earn commissions for sales made through your referral links.
8. Online Courses: Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.
9. Remote Data Entry: Find remote data entry jobs on websites like Clickworker or Remote.co.
10. Virtual Assistance: Offer administrative support services to businesses as a virtual assistant.
11. Graphic Design: Use your graphic design skills to create logos, graphics, or websites for clients on platforms like Fiverr.
12. Stock Photography: Sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
13. App Development: Develop and sell mobile apps or offer app development services.
14. Social Media Management: Manage social media accounts for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.
15. Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding inventory by dropshipping products.
16. Online Consultations: Offer consulting services in your area of expertise through video calls.
17. Online Surplus Sales: Sell unused items or collectibles on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.
18. Online Fitness Coaching: Become an online fitness coach and offer workout plans and guidance.
19. Virtual Events: Host webinars, workshops, or conferences on topics you're knowledgeable about.
20. Podcast Production: Offer podcast editing, production, or consulting services.
21. Remote Transcription: Transcribe audio and video files for clients.
22. Online Translation: Offer translation services if you're proficient in multiple languages.
23. Affiliate Blogging: Create a niche blog with affiliate marketing as the primary revenue source.
24. Online Art Sales: Sell your artwork, crafts, or digital art on platforms like Etsy or Redbubble.
25. Remote Bookkeeping: Offer bookkeeping services for small businesses from home.
26. Digital Marketing: Provide digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
27. Online Gaming: Stream your gaming sessions on platforms like Twitch and monetize through ads and donations.
28. Virtual Assistant Coaching: If you have experience as a VA, offer coaching services to aspiring virtual assistants.
29. Online Research: Conduct research for businesses or individuals in need of specific information.
30. Online Real Estate: Invest in virtual real estate, such as domain names or digital properties, and sell them for a profit.
Remember that success in making money online often requires dedication, patience, and the ability to adapt to changing trends. It's essential to research and choose the opportunities that align with your skills, interests, and long-term goals.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Hello! Do you have tips, advices or any helpful resources on financial independence for beginners? Thankyou in advance!
Of course 💞
Generally, to gain financial independence you need to start by setting a goal. After you set a goal you need to write down your actual scenario as it currently standards. Then you brain map different strategies and actions you can take.
This is probably the easiest time to establish financial independence. It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 55, because of all of the tools available to us on the internet.
As a base:
Set a financial goal: Start by setting a specific financial goal that you want to achieve, such as paying off debt, saving for a down payment on a home, or building an emergency fund. Having a clear goal in mind will help you stay focused and motivated.
Create a budget: A budget is a crucial tool for achieving financial independence. Start by tracking your expenses and income, and then create a budget that allocates your income towards your financial goals and expenses. Consider using a budgeting app or spreadsheet to make this process easier.
Mint is budgeting app I use, it helps you track your expenses, set financial goals, and stay on top of your finances.
Reduce expenses: Look for ways to reduce your expenses, such as cutting back on unnecessary subscriptions or finding ways to save on utilities and groceries. This will free up more money to put towards your financial goals. Just like time, people don’t realize how much money they waste. Every bit counts and adds up. Make sure you’re investing your money on things that are absolutely needed- and not simply wasting money you can be using to make more money.
Invest for the future: investing your money in a retirement account or other long-term investment vehicle. Accounts that pay dividends. This can help you build wealth and achieve financial independence over time. This requires some capital and you should have some money saved before you consider starting.
Some authors I recommend would be:
1. Dave Ramsey: The Total Money Makeover
2. Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad. His YouTube channel is a gold mine. https://m.youtube.com/@TheRichDadChannel
3. JL Collins: The Simple Path to Wealth
4. Ramit Sethi: I Will Teach You to Be Rich
In order to achieve financial independence, it’s Important to build passive income streams. Passive income requires a smaller budget than what people may believe. If any, in some scenarios.
Passive income can be for example:
Dividend Stocks
Affiliate marketing
Selling digital products
Real estate investing
Side hustles can also be passive income steam, and/or have the ability to replace your current main income stream.
I can give you a ton of side hustle ideas. Hundreds. That you can do using your computer. If you give me niches that interest you, I can list recommendations.
The most important aspect however, is mindset. Having a positive mindset when it comes to money and wealth. Your mindset will either drive you to take actions or hold you back. Your thoughts and beliefs about money can have a profound impact on your financial success. Learn how to develop a mindset of abundance and to think creatively about how they can increase their income and build wealth.
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1estherrose1 · 6 months
I’ve had so many jobs.
I started working at 15. I worked part time in Coronado Mall as a sales associate at Journeys. Learned a lot of sales technique and how to mess with people’s minds with language and product visuals. At 16 I left Journeys and I went to Buckle and Pacsun. Buckle was hard because it was purely based on commission and all their items were over the top expensive. Pacsun was one of the best places I had been employed at. They gave tons of perks out for their employees and always had fun innovative activities and training during our staff meetings. At 17 I had taken all required credit hours in high school and had mainly elective credits to finish so I worked full time as a sales associate at Bakers Footwear since I got outa school earlier.
At 18 I auditioned at Fantasy World and I continued to work their till I was 21. I also traveled around the US to dance and model. I made relationships with some amazing artists, photographers, and business owners. In between this time of my perminant night time employment, I worked as a Edible Arrangement employee prepping food and arranging fruit. From 7am-3pm. I also worked a short time at ABQ Live the magazine as a representative and sometimes sales person. I was trained in advertisement and marketing and sales strategies.
At 23 years old I decided I need to get a more serious job. I worked at a after school program/summer program which confirmed why I wouldnt allow my child to go to one. I also started my onlyfans. I had been selling content on the low already but onlyfans was an amazing idea. I also took my skills from the afterschool caregiving job to a real in home and hospice job. Where I worked for my grandma as a caregiver. I also jumped into CNA school and got certified. 4 years on that and my mom decided to take over for my grandmother.
At 27 years old, I was still dancing 4-5 days a week and taking modeling gigs regularly. I also worked time to time on set as and extra or stand in. I begin getting jobs for promotion and band representation. Where I got hired by many many different business owners, photographer and designers. It’s been a lot of fun.
I am 31 now. Still modeling, doing brand representation, promoting, and now doing some event coordination when I am hired for it. Currently going to school for real estate.
Last stop for careers.
I’m sure some of you are wondering about school.
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godesssiri · 7 months
I am about to type the most ridiculous sentence ever: I didn't mean to buy a zebra.
I went to an auction today. It's a shabby run down place that's been open for 60 years and does a no reserve auction, where everything must sell, every other Thursday. Mostly estates, insurance stock and business closures. You never know what's going to be for sale and whether it will go for thousands or for a song. I knew there was an antique zebra hide rug up for auction with no reserve price and I figured it would go for hundreds or even thousands and I was just interested in watching the bidding. I collect oddities and it was cool so I was interested to see who would get it.
When I got there I went to have an up close look, they encourage you to thoroughly check what you're potentially buying because all sales are final. It's a bit moth eaten, the fur has worn away in a couple of places, it was cool to see a real zebra hide up close. There were a couple of other things I was actually there to bid on (they all went way over what I was willing to pay) but I did snap up a couple of bargains. Then the zebra came up. The auctioneer opened at $500, no one bid, so he dropped to $400, $300, $200, no bids. He said $100 and I sat there dithering, and thinking how it was super cheap, and I couldn't really not bid on it at that price, but I have NO WHERE to put it. While I was dithering he dropped to $50. My hand shot up so fast. Another guy who was obviously a dealer buying stock for his second-hand business put in a $60 bid just to see if he could get it super cheap or if I'd fight him for it. I put in $70. The dealer didn't want a fight so he dropped out. The auctioneer called that my bid was the winner and I sorta squeaked to the entire auction room that I have No Idea what I'm going to do with it (my voice went up several octaves with the dawning realization of: I Didn't Mean To Do That). It was $81.50 with the 15% auction fees! Less than $100!
So now I've gotten it home and am deciding what I need to sacrifice from my gallery wall going up the stairs to make space because that's literally the only wall big enough to put it on, it can't go on the floor as the cats will wreck it.
And that's the story of how I didn't mean to buy a zebra.
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fategoflatass · 1 year
So, I've created some OCs for the fic I'm writing right now (I don't think I'll be finishing it anytime soon RIP).
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The first one is Hazel Brierley.
Her name would mean something like "thorny hazel woods(?)" (IDK, I'm not very clever when it comes to names).
She's a 16-year-old student who aspires to be an author (she's obsessed with mystery novels).
Only daughter of two real estate agents.
Tall and slender (176cm), she's one of the beauties at her school (although some consider her personality to be pretentious and/or creepy).
She has a rather attractive aura, people often wonder what's going on inside her head (although she gives off "mysterious girl" vibes, Hazel's much of an airhead. This often leads to her being brutally honest since she doesn't give much thought to what she's about to say).
Hazel also gives off nerdy vibes to some, which confuses her and makes the people who know her laugh — she despises everything that has to do with school and, again, she's dumb as hell.
She only talks with people who catch her interest enough to get her out of the clouds (even if they haven't talked much, or at all. She's pretty good at reading people).
But since it's so rare for her to find someone like that, she's pretty quiet. There're some classmates who think she's mute, only for them to get scared shitless once they hear her talk.
She's a part-time model for Sadie, her girlfriend.
Big fan of long skirts, turtleneck sweaters and the autumn-esque color scheme (not like I tried hiding that).
Whenever she finds out someone that caught her interest is younger than her (even if it's for a couple of months), she'll begin acting like a big sister to them (often with no success).
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Then we have Adelaine Goldstein.
Her name would mean something like "golden lady".
Mostly known as Addie, she's a 15-year-old student who will become an actress (a widely acclaimed one).
She's the youngest of two sisters. Her parents both work in the show business: her mother is an actress and her dad, her manager.
While she's not as tall as Hazel (163cm), she's considered one of the prettiest girl in the entire area (as she should).
She wakes up every day at 5 am to calmly do her skin care routine and makeup (even if it's the lighest makeup you'll ever see).
Although what takes her more time is deciding her outfit of the day (and ways to steal something from her sister's wardrobe without waking her up. And it's that she always has clothes that match her style. Wonder why...).
Speaking of which: she loves flower patterns and bright colors, especially orange.
You'll never catch her wearing high heels or skinny jeans. If she's not comfortable in it, doesn't matter if it's the best outfit idea ever, she won't wear it.
At first she may seem to be unaproachable and petty, but once you get to know her, you find out she's actually... vain, stubborn and spoiled as hell. She's pretty nice, though.
While people often think Hazel is the brains out of the three, that's actually Adelaine. For some reason, she's not often linked to cleverness.
She stole her favorite pair of hoop earrings from her big sister, althought she will never admit to it.
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The last one is Sadie Petty.
Her name literally means "small lady".
And he is, indeed, small (153cm).
Oldest sister out of three siblings (a boy and a baby sister). Her parents are both bakers.
Is she also petty? Yes, she is. She's also a tsundere (main reason why she doesn't have many friends).
She's obsessed with sweets, fashion and eating sweets while thinking about fashion.
Speaking of, she aspires to be a fashion designer.
Her light red hair is dyed. She's actually a brunette.
Not the biggest fan of her short stature. You'll see her wearing platforms and maxi skirts more often than not.
Her love for cheesecake is so intense she often forgets she's lactose intolerant.
It's not like she's a jealous girlfriend, she just wishes Hazel would spend all the free time she has with her.
She's often confused with a little girl and her attitude doesn't help.
Believe it or not, she's quite needy. She loves cuddling (only with her girlfriend, that is) and, if you're close enough, she'll allow you to pat her head.
She loves doing people's hair.
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shakti-soul · 2 years
Re: July 27th 98 - also totally happy to receive a general reading and not specific to my question/problem 😅 I’m very thankful for so much in my life in general, just feeling a bit lost.
July 27th - Ace of Clubs, age 24
I think a short year reading may be most helpful for you.
In the cardology system, there are 7 yearly cycles that occur. For each cycle, you have two cards that indicate what's happening during that time period. Each cycle is also ruled by a planet.
These are your cycles:
July 27 - September 17 Mercury Deals with communication, information, short trips, education, writing, speaking, mental processes & siblings. Things can happen suddenly or quickly under this influence. Communicate your wishes and set your boundaries for the year. This is the time to write it out! Put your ideas on motion. Write down & burn what's no longer needed. This is a fast-paced period, where things are short-lived.
September 18 - November 8 Venus Relationships, family, the home, money, possessions, social matters, craft, art, beauty, music, women. The next 52 days are alive with love and beauty. You want to relate to others & express feelings of love & pleasure. Venus softens what it touches. You may find that you are avoiding confrontations. Find comfort in your home; connect with your tribe, women in particular. Reconnect with yourself with an emphasis on outward appearance, socializing, romance/sex.
November 9 - December 30 Mars Work, energy, drive, aggression, taxes, legal matters concerning other people's money, conflict, passion & sexual & physical activities. This influence also signifies dealing with men in general. You should always try & focus the energy of Mars in a positive way. Mars governs primal instincts. You are ready for action! There is lots of energy. Your courage is building & you're accomplishing aims & objectives. Make a stand for your convictions. Your will to survive is high.
December 31 - February 21 Jupiter Expansion, business, legal matters overall, travel, blessings, things of a foreign nature, philosophy & religion. The cards that fall in this position, even if difficult, can greatly expand you in some way & be a blessing in your life. This is considered a very beneficial influence. These days are for you to expand. Reach beyond your present horizon & look at the bigger picture. Discover. Open yourself up to new ideas & ways of thinking. Your faith & wisdom will be tested.
February 22 - April 14 Saturn Discipline, restrictions, hard work, responsibility, authority, older persons, things long lasting & possibly health matters. Things done under Saturn's influence should be geared for the long term. A time of lessons and learning. That which you sow, you reap. You may second guess your plans. Definition, form & structure are needed now. Keep your feet firmly planted in the ground. Do not let fears distract you. What keeps you grounded?
April 15 - June 5 Uranus Deals with real estate, labour concerns, things unusual or unexpected, technology, computers, the Internet, freedom, friends & breaking up old structures to rebuild them better. Uranus also governs Astrology & things exciting or sometimes unsure. Sit quietly & reflect on your year so far. Leave space for the unexpected to occur. Open your intuition. This is the time to let go of what you don't want to take into the next year with you. Also the time to goal plan & manifest for your next year. A lot of people tend to do that around the New Year, or right before their birthday, but actually the most beneficial time is during your Uranus period.
June 6 - July 26 Neptune Dreams, long distance travel, illusion, fantasy, escape, psychic experiences, spiritual matters, drugs, alcohol, the hospital, things that are hidden & dealings with or around the water. This can be a very dreamy, romantic period; however, if you have any important dealings or matters during this period, it may be better to wait until it is over. You may not be seeing things clearly under this influence. This is the planet of fantasies & illusions. You may feel like you're in a fog, not seeing clearly. This is a great time to rest up before the next year. It's also why goals are best made in Uranus - you're clear about what you want, now you can rest & gather some energy before you work towards those things.
So you've been in your Mars period for almost two months now, with the 3 of Hearts & the Ace of Hearts influencing you. It makes sense you've been feeling indecisive & frustrated. Getting physically active will help you burn off some of this stimulating energy.
Things will calm down once you enter your Jupiter period. The most influential card during this time for you is the Queen of Spades. She represents spiritual self-mastery; the idea that the external is a reflection of the internal. You asked if there's something wrong with the external factors in your life - I would say no. It's your perception & the meaning you've made out of things that has created your circumstances.
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whiteland · 3 days
Whiteland Westin Residences in Gurugram: A New Benchmark in Luxury Apartments
The rapid urbanization of Gurugram, formerly Gurgaon, has transformed this satellite city of Delhi into one of India's premier business and residential destinations. One of the most talked-about developments in the region is the Dwarka Expressway, also known as the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR), which has emerged as a hub for high-end real estate projects. Among the many luxury projects sprouting along this strategic corridor, Whiteland Westin Residences in Sector 103 stands out for its exceptional blend of contemporary design, world-class amenities, and sustainable living practices.
This article delves into the Whiteland Westin Residences project, highlighting its unique features, strategic location, high-end facilities, and why it’s considered one of the top upcoming residential projects along the Dwarka Expressway. Whether you're a discerning homebuyer looking for a premium residence or an investor seeking lucrative returns, Whiteland Westin Residences offers everything you need for a modern and luxurious lifestyle.
The Location: Sector 103, Dwarka Expressway
The importance of location in real estate cannot be overstated, and Whiteland Westin Residences enjoys a prime spot in Sector 103, along the Dwarka Expressway. This 29-kilometer-long expressway connects Dwarka in Delhi to Gurugram, bypassing the congested NH-8 and linking seamlessly to other important road networks. Once fully operational, this highway will significantly reduce travel time between Gurugram and Delhi, making it a critical infrastructure for commuters and businesses alike.
Key Connectivity Features
Proximity to Indira Gandhi International Airport: One of the key selling points of Sector 103 is its proximity to the airport, located just 15-20 minutes away. This is especially advantageous for frequent flyers, business travelers, and NRI residents, making it a prime choice for professionals who need easy access to global destinations.
Access to Business Hubs: Whiteland Westin Residences offers easy access to major corporate centers in both Gurugram and Delhi. The expressway connects directly to prominent business hubs such as Cyber City, Udyog Vihar, and the upcoming Diplomatic Enclave in Dwarka, making it an attractive residential choice for working professionals.
Educational and Healthcare Institutions: Several prestigious schools and healthcare institutions are located within easy reach. Top-tier educational institutions such as Delhi Public School (DPS), The Shri Ram School, and GD Goenka School are nearby, while reputed hospitals like Medanta, Fortis, and Columbia Asia provide high-quality healthcare services in the vicinity.
Future Growth Potential: The Dwarka Expressway region is witnessing massive infrastructure development, including new metro lines, flyovers, and commercial spaces. With this development in place, property values are expected to rise, making the Whiteland Westin Residences an attractive option for both investors and homeowners looking for long-term value appreciation.
Project Overview: Whiteland Westin Residences
Westin Residences gurugram is more than just another luxury residential project. It embodies the idea of high-end living through its thoughtfully designed apartments, impressive amenities, and eco-friendly practices. The project is being developed by Whiteland Corporation, a well-known player in the real estate industry, known for delivering quality projects that meet international standards.
Architectural Design and Layout
The architectural design of Whiteland Westin Residences is a fusion of modern aesthetics and functional planning. The project consists of multiple high-rise towers that are meticulously laid out to maximize space, ventilation, and natural light. Designed by world-renowned architects and interior designers, the project reflects international standards in residential architecture, combining elegance with functionality.
Each apartment is designed to offer expansive views of the surrounding greenery, landscaped gardens, and the cityscape. The layout ensures privacy while fostering a sense of community. With apartments ranging from 2BHK to larger 4BHK configurations and luxurious penthouses, the project caters to different family sizes and preferences.
Interior Features
The interiors of the Whiteland Westin Residences are a statement of luxury. High-quality materials, superior craftsmanship, and a modern aesthetic are evident throughout. Every apartment is designed to provide residents with maximum comfort and convenience, with features such as:
Spacious Balconies: Large, private balconies offering panoramic views of the surroundings.
Smart Home Technology: Apartments are equipped with smart home automation systems, allowing residents to control lighting, climate, and security systems remotely.
High-End Fixtures and Finishes: Premium materials like marble, hardwood, and designer tiles are used extensively in living areas, bedrooms, and kitchens.
Modular Kitchens: The kitchens come with state-of-the-art appliances, ample storage, and modern fixtures.
Luxurious Bathrooms: The bathrooms are fitted with world-class sanitary fixtures, elegant tiling, and modern conveniences such as rain showers and Jacuzzi tubs in select units.
Focus on Sustainability
In addition to offering luxurious living spaces, Whiteland Westin Residences is also committed to sustainable development. In today’s world, eco-friendly living is no longer a luxury but a necessity, and this project integrates several green practices to promote sustainable living.
Rainwater Harvesting: The project includes an efficient rainwater harvesting system to conserve water and reduce wastage.
Energy-Efficient Lighting: All common areas and apartments are fitted with energy-efficient LED lighting to minimize power consumption.
Solar Power Utilization: Solar panels are installed to reduce the project’s carbon footprint by providing clean energy for common areas.
Waste Management Systems: The project has a robust waste management system, ensuring that waste is minimized and handled responsibly.
World-Class Amenities
One of the standout features of Whiteland Westin Residences is its array of world-class amenities. The developers have gone the extra mile to ensure that residents can enjoy a luxurious and convenient lifestyle within the premises, without having to step out for most of their daily needs.
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Lifestyle and Wellness Amenities
Clubhouse: The clubhouse at Whiteland Westin Residences is a multi-purpose space designed for socializing, recreation, and relaxation. With lounges, entertainment rooms, and party areas, residents can host events or unwind after a long day.
Swimming Pool: A temperature-controlled pool allows residents to enjoy swimming throughout the year, whether for fitness or leisure.
Fitness Center: A state-of-the-art gym, equipped with the latest fitness machines and personal training services, is available for fitness enthusiasts.
Spa and Wellness Center: A dedicated wellness center offers a range of therapies, including massages, saunas, and meditation rooms, promoting mental and physical well-being.
Children’s Play Area: Safe, dedicated play areas with modern equipment provide a fun environment for kids to play and socialize.
Jogging and Walking Tracks: Beautifully landscaped jogging and walking paths allow residents to stay fit while enjoying the natural surroundings.
Sports Facilities: For sports lovers, there are multiple outdoor and indoor courts, including tennis courts, basketball courts, and badminton courts.
Security and Convenience
24/7 Security: The project features round-the-clock security with advanced surveillance systems, CCTV cameras, and trained personnel ensuring a secure living environment.
Concierge Services: A dedicated concierge service is available to assist residents with everything from booking a cab to organizing household services.
Ample Parking: There is ample parking space available for residents and their guests, with designated spots for electric vehicles and charging stations.
The Investment Opportunity
For investors, Whiteland Westin Residences offers a promising opportunity with its strategic location, luxurious offerings, and strong future potential. The real estate market along Dwarka Expressway is booming, and projects like this one stand to gain from future infrastructure improvements and increased demand for high-end residences.
Capital Appreciation Potential
Upcoming Residential Projects in Dwarka Expressway has been identified as one of the top areas in Gurugram for future real estate growth. As infrastructure projects such as the completion of the expressway, metro line expansions, and commercial developments come to fruition, property values in the region are expected to increase substantially. This makes Whiteland Westin Residences a prime investment for those seeking long-term capital appreciation.
Rental Income Potential
Given the location’s proximity to business hubs, educational institutions, and the airport, Whiteland Westin Residences also has strong rental income potential. High-end apartments in the area are in demand among corporate executives, expats, and professionals looking for convenient yet luxurious living options. This ensures that investors can enjoy steady rental yields alongside property appreciation.
Competitive Advantage
Whiteland Westin Residences sets itself apart from other residential projects in Gurugram with its superior construction quality, luxurious amenities, and eco-friendly features. The project also benefits from the reputation of Whiteland Corporation, known for its timely delivery and high standards of construction. This gives it a competitive edge in the growing Dwarka Expressway market.
Conclusion: A Lifestyle and Investment Choice
Whiteland Westin Residences is not just a residential project; it’s a lifestyle choice for those who want to experience luxury, convenience, and sustainability in one of the fastest-growing regions of Gurugram. With its prime location along Dwarka Expressway, high-end amenities, and focus on green living, it offers a holistic living experience that caters to the modern urban resident.
For homeowners, the project promises a premium lifestyle with easy access to essential services, business hubs, and recreational facilities. For investors, it offers strong growth potential in an area that is set to become one of the most sought-after real estate corridors in the National Capital Region (NCR).
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Successfully Navigating Real Estate Cycles: Expert Tips from Chris Prefontaine & Jay Conner
Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
Chris Prefontaine is a 3-time best-selling author of Real Estate on Your Terms, The New Rules of Real Estate Investing, and Moneeka Sawyer’s Real Estate Investing for Women.
He’s also the Founder and CEO of SmartRealEstateCoach.com and host of the Smart Real Estate Coach Podcast. Chris has been in real estate for almost 30 years.
His experience ranges from constructing new homes in the ‘90s and owning a Realty Executive Franchise to running his own investments (commercial & residential) and coaching clients throughout North America.
Today, Chris runs his own buying and selling business with his family team, which purchases 2-5 properties monthly, so they’re in the trenches every single week.
They also help their Associates and students do the exact same thing all across North America, working together on another 10-15 properties every month.
Having been through several real estate cycles, Chris understands the challenges of this business and helps students navigate the constantly changing real estate waters.
00:00 Real estate expert raises $5M in private money.
04:57 Buying deals without cash, creating 3 payday deals.
08:10 Utilize money to work for your advantage.
12:17 Monthly payments to sellers who become a bank.
15:16 Calculating seller's benefit from selling through MLS.
16:09 Real estate investors seek big cash margins.
20:08 Analyze the market and costs for selling houses.
25:49 Real estate success without full-time commitment.
28:30 Repeating ideas, expanding options, promoting Wicked Smart.
29:12 Free Book:  https://www.WickedSmartBooks.com/Jay1
30:10 Connect with Chris: https://www.SmartRealEstateCoach.com/MastersClass
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
YouTube Channel
Apple Podcasts:
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monsterkong · 1 month
Becky Nova's Journey to Real Estate Success
Hey Tumblr fam! 🌟
Today, I’m super excited to share an amazing story with you—a story of resilience, determination, and living life on your own terms. This is the story of Becky Nova, a real estate investor who went from losing everything to living her dream life on the beaches of the Dominican Republic. 🏝️
From Cancer Research to Real Estate: Meet Becky Nova
Becky’s journey didn’t start with real estate. She spent over 15 years working in cancer research, but after becoming disillusioned with the industry, she knew she needed a change. So, what did she do? She moved to Europe and started a tour company in Spain, expanded into Portugal, and even bought a restaurant.
But life threw her a major curveball. After a bad business decision, Becky lost over $100,000 and had to return to the U.S. with nothing but a few pennies to her name. 😱
The Real Estate Game Changer
Back in the States, Becky met her now-husband, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic. While Becky was recovering from her financial losses, her husband was saving every penny with the dream of owning a home in the U.S. It was his idea to buy real estate, but Becky had a twist—she suggested buying a multifamily property, living in one unit, and renting out the other. Little did they know, this strategy, known as “house hacking,” would set the stage for their real estate empire.
In 2018, they bought their first duplex in New York, and from that moment on, Becky was hooked. She dove headfirst into the world of real estate, learning everything she could. And within a year, she had purchased another property—a four-family home with a parking lot, a rare gem in New York!
Living the Dream: From New York to the Dominican Republic
Fast forward to today, Becky’s real estate portfolio includes multiple properties in New York and the Dominican Republic. She has long-term and midterm rentals, generating passive income that allows her to live life on her own terms.
One of Becky’s biggest achievements? Buying her dream home in the Dominican Republic. Now, she spends several months each year enjoying the beach life. And guess what? She’s not stopping there! Becky is planning to expand her portfolio even further, with plans to buy another short-term rental property in Europe later this year. 🌍
The Power of Community and Goal Setting
One of the biggest takeaways from Becky’s journey is the importance of community and setting clear goals. Surrounding yourself with people who support your dreams and staying focused on your goals can make all the difference. Becky’s story is proof that no matter where you start, with the right mindset and determination, you can achieve the life you’ve always wanted.
Lightning Round Fun with Becky Nova
Before we wrapped up our chat, I hit Becky with some quickfire questions:
Favorite Vacation Spot: Any beach! 🏖️
Bucket List Destination: Russia—for its unique history and architecture.
Best Advice Ever Received: Just do it! Take action and don’t look back.
Becky’s journey is incredibly inspiring, and it’s a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to start chasing your dreams. Whether you’re interested in real estate or just looking for a way to live life on your own terms, Becky’s story is a blueprint for success.
Thank you, Becky, for sharing your story with us! If you want to keep up with her journey, follow her on Facebook at Lady Landlords or on Instagram at @TheBeckyNova.
That’s all for today, Tumblr fam! Remember, life is what you make of it, so keep dreaming big and taking action. Until next time! ✌️
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providafinance · 2 months
Why Should You Consider Buying Property Through Their SMSF? 
The golden rule is that purchasing real estate through an SMSF should only be done with your retirement in mind. 
A large number of SMSF members purchase real estate with their funds. But should you be? It has many benefits depending on your planning, and Everything depends on your goals. For instance, they believe it could be a smart idea to invest in residential real estate that can increase in value or provide rental income. If you are looking forward to accessing SMSF service in Bella Vista, you can get in touch with Provida Finance. 
Rent-related concessional tax: 
In cases where you own an investment property in your name, you will generally be required to pay tax at your rate, which may reach 46.5%. The tax rate is also thirty percent if you own an investment property through a company. 
Your SMSF can only keep 15% of the rent you receive because of the concessional tax rate applied to superannuation investment earnings. Furthermore, since the fund can typically deduct some costs associated with owning the property, like land charges and upkeep, the effective tax rate could decrease even further. So, when getting SMSF service in Bella Vista, ensure that you have rent-related concessional tax. 
Concessional tax on future capital gains  
Capital gains in superannuation are subject to concessional tax rates. If the property is owned for at least 12 months, the fund will pay up to 10% CGT on growth if you sell it during the accumulation phase. But any capital gain on a sale of the property when it's moved into your SMSF's pension phase will be fully tax-free. This provides considerable tax advantages for retirement planning. 
Higher opportunities for superannuation 
There are more superannuation prospects if you own a property through your SMSF. If your business is operated out of your SMSF property, you are required to pay the fund commercial rent. This rent increases your superannuation funds. 
Your company is eligible to deduct its rent payments from its taxes. Most notably, it is not considered a superannuation payment. It does not count toward the contribution caps, currently set at $25,000 annually for individuals under 59 and $35,000 for those above that age. 
Thus, you can contribute tax-deductible rent to your SMSF without exceeding these cap amounts. As a result, you can increase your retirement benefits more quickly and tax-efficiently. This approach offers tax benefits to your business and increases your superannuation savings. 
Extra Advantages: 
Additionally, there can be advantages to owning property inside your SMSF based on your unique situation. 
Generally, in cases of bankruptcy, superannuation assets are shielded from creditors. Owning property within your SMSF may, therefore, give you some extra protection in the unfortunate event that you encounter difficult circumstances. 
Additionally, if you are a small business owner, your eligibility for the substantial small business CGT concessions that come into play when you sell your company or retire is based on something other than your superannuation assets. Making arrangements in advance can improve your eligibility for these incentives. 
Bottom Line: 
Our goal at Provida Finance is to make your financial journey easy and stress-free by offering SMSF in Bella Vista. You don't need to worry because our team will handle every step. We adopt an active approach to help you easily meet your financial objectives. Place your trust in us to manage your money needs and guide you toward success. 
Disclaimer: This is generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. This is written for only SEO purposes; we are not claiming it is 100% accurate as it's general content. The images we use in this context have been taken from the official website of Provida Finance. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website.
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100newbusinessideas · 3 months
100 New Business Ideas for People Who Want to Start Their Own Business
I want to start a business, but have no ideas! Are you aspiring to be an entrepreneur and looking for the perfect new business idea to kickstart your venture in Canada? Well, you're in luck! In this article, we present 100 innovative and viable business ideas that have the potential to thrive not only in 2023 but throughout 2024 in the Canadian market.
1. Sustainable Fashion Boutique: Create a fashion boutique that exclusively offers eco-friendly and sustainable clothing options.
2. Virtual Events Management: Offer virtual event planning and management services to cater to the increasing demand for online gatherings.
3. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: Manufacture and sell eco-conscious cleaning products for environmentally-conscious consumers.
4. Personalized Subscription Boxes: Curate and deliver personalized subscription boxes, catering to specific interests and hobbies of customers.
5. Remote Healthcare Consulting: Provide virtual healthcare consultation services to patients in need of medical advice.
6. Smart Home Installation: Specialize in setting up and customizing smart home systems for tech-savvy homeowners.
7. Organic Skincare Products: Develop and sell organic and natural skincare products that prioritize sustainable ingredients.
8. Drone Rental and Services: Rent out drones for aerial photography, surveillance, and agricultural purposes.
9. Online Fitness Coaching: Offer virtual fitness coaching programs and personalized workout plans for clients across Canada.
10. Urban Farming: Establish a vertical farming business to supply fresh produce to urban areas.
11. Virtual Reality Experience Center: Create an entertainment hub that offers virtual reality experiences for customers of all ages.
12. Language Learning Platform: Launch an online language learning platform to cater to individuals looking to learn new languages.
13. E-Scooter Sharing Service: Introduce e-scooter sharing services in cities with high demand for eco-friendly transportation.
14. Ethical Jewelry Brand: Design and sell jewelry made from ethically sourced materials.
15. Remote Career Coaching: Provide career coaching services tailored to remote work opportunities and challenges.
16. Niche Food Truck: Set up a food truck specializing in unique and niche culinary offerings.
17. Digital Marketing Agency for Local Businesses: Help small businesses across Canada establish a strong online presence through digital marketing strategies.
18. Plant-Based Food Products: Create a line of plant-based food products, capitalizing on the rising popularity of veganism.
19. Pet Services App: Develop an app that connects pet owners with local pet service providers such as walkers, sitters, and groomers.
20. Virtual Home Staging: Offer virtual home staging services to help real estate agents and homeowners showcase properties effectively.
21. Recycled Fashion Accessories: Craft and sell fashionable accessories using recycled materials.
22. Personal Security Gadgets: Retail personal security gadgets for personal safety and peace of mind.
23. Online Business Consultation: Provide online business consultation services to startups and established businesses alike.
24. Mobile Car Wash: Offer mobile car wash and detailing services, catering to busy urban dwellers.
25. Sustainable Packaging Solutions: Launch a business that provides eco-friendly packaging alternatives to businesses across industries.
26. Children's Online Educational Platform: Develop an interactive and engaging e-learning platform for kids, covering various subjects.
27. Smart Home Healthcare Devices: Design and sell smart devices that assist in remote healthcare monitoring.
28. DIY Craft Kits: Create and sell DIY craft kits for hobbyists and craft enthusiasts.
29. Online Resale Marketplace: Establish an online platform for buying and selling pre-owned goods.
30. Renewable Energy Solutions Provider: Become a distributor of renewable energy solutions, including solar panels and wind turbines.
31. Home Automation Installation Service: Offer professional home automation installation services to homeowners.
32. Virtual Corporate Team Building: Organize and host virtual team-building activities for businesses and organizations.
33. Personalized Nutrition Plans: Provide personalized nutrition plans and meal prep services to health-conscious individuals.
34. AI-Powered Customer Support: Offer AI-driven customer support solutions to businesses seeking to streamline their customer service processes.
35. Online Interior Design Consultation: Provide virtual interior design consultation services to transform spaces without in-person visits.
36. Mobile App Development for Local Businesses: Develop customized mobile apps for local businesses to enhance their customer engagement.
37. 3D Printing Services: Offer 3D printing services for prototyping and customized product manufacturing.
38. Mental Health and Wellness Apps: Develop apps that focus on mental health, mindfulness, and well-being.
39. Personal Shopping Service: Offer personalized shopping services for busy individuals who need assistance with their shopping needs.
40. Virtual Wedding Planning: Provide virtual wedding planning services for couples looking to tie the knot without the hassle of in-person meetings.
41. Eco-Tourism Agency: Create an eco-tourism agency that organizes sustainable travel experiences.
42. Custom Furniture Design: Design and manufacture custom-made furniture pieces to suit individual preferences.
43. Digital Art Gallery: Launch an online gallery that promotes and sells digital art from talented artists.
44. Eco-Friendly Packaging Supplies: Supply businesses with eco-friendly packaging materials to reduce their carbon footprint.
45. Healthy Snack Vending Machines: Install vending machines offering healthy snacks and beverages in offices and public spaces.
46. Remote IT Support: Provide remote IT support services to businesses and individuals facing tech issues.
47. Online Fitness Equipment Rental: Offer online rental services for fitness equipment, enabling customers to work out at home.
48. Sustainable Tourism Experiences: Develop and organize sustainable tourism experiences that showcase Canada's natural beauty.
49. Virtual Reality Training Programs: Create virtual reality training programs for industries like healthcare, aviation, and education.
50. Personal Finance Coaching: Offer personalized financial coaching services to help individuals manage their money effectively.
51. Artisanal Food Products: Produce and sell artisanal food products, such as preserves and condiments.
52. Remote Project Management: Provide project management services for remote teams and freelancers.
53. Local Experiential Tours: Organize unique and immersive local tours that offer unforgettable experiences.
54. Eco-Friendly Event Planning: Specialize in planning eco-conscious events and celebrations.
55. Green Roofing Installation: Offer green roofing solutions to promote energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
56. Virtual Reality Arcades: Establish virtual reality arcades for gamers and entertainment enthusiasts.
57. Online Personal Styling: Offer virtual personal styling services for fashion-conscious individuals.
58. Customized Pet Products: Design and sell personalized pet products and accessories.
59. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Services: Provide eco-friendly cleaning services for homes and businesses.
60. Virtual Tech Support for Seniors: Offer virtual tech support services catering to the senior population.
61. On-Demand Car Maintenance Services: Create a platform that connects car owners with on-demand maintenance services.
62. Waste Management Consultancy: Provide waste management consultation services to businesses striving for sustainability.
63. Smart City Solutions: Develop solutions for building smart and sustainable cities.
64. Online Mental Health Support Groups: Create virtual support groups for individuals dealing with mental health issues.
65. EdTech Platform for Elderly Learning: Launch an educational platform focused on catering to senior learners.
66. Personalized Home Fragrances: Develop and sell personalized home fragrance products.
67. Remote Family Entertainment: Create and offer virtual family entertainment packages for remote gatherings.
68. Electric Bike Rentals: Start an electric bike rental service to promote green transportation options.
69. Home Healthcare Supplies: Retail and deliver essential healthcare supplies to homes.
70. Sustainable Event Rentals: Rent out sustainable event supplies such as decor and furniture.
71. Mobile Beauty Services: Offer mobile beauty services for individuals who prefer beauty treatments at their location.
72. Online Dating Consultancy: Provide online dating coaching and matchmaking services.
73. Healthy Meal Delivery for Kids: Deliver nutritious and kid-friendly meals to parents' doorsteps.
74. Eco-Friendly Office Supplies: Sell eco-conscious office supplies to businesses aiming for sustainability.
75. Remote Yoga and Meditation Classes: Host virtual yoga and meditation classes for stress relief and relaxation.
76. Biodegradable Packaging Materials Manufacturing: Produce and supply biodegradable packaging materials to companies across industries.
77. Virtual Reality Real Estate Tours: Offer virtual reality tours for real estate properties.
78. Green Energy Consultancy: Provide businesses with guidance on adopting green energy solutions.
79. Personalized Children's Books: Create personalized children's books featuring kids as the main characters.
80. Remote IT Security Services: Offer virtual IT security services for businesses and individuals.
81. Mobile Plant Nursery: Operate a mobile plant nursery that brings greenery to customers' doorsteps.
82. Pet-Friendly Cafes: Establish cafes that welcome pets and their owners.
83. Online Dating App for Specific Communities: Develop a niche online dating app targeting specific communities or interests.
84. Energy-Efficient Home Appliances: Retail and promote energy-efficient home appliances.
85. Virtual Reality Fitness Studios: Launch virtual reality fitness studios for engaging workout experiences.
86. Outdoor Adventure Gear Rental: Rent out outdoor gear and equipment for adventurers and campers.
87. Remote Music Lessons: Offer virtual music lessons for various instruments and genres.
88. Urban Beekeeping: Set up and maintain beehives in urban areas to produce honey and promote bee conservation.
89. Mobile Healthcare Clinics: Provide mobile healthcare clinics for underserved communities.
90. Remote Language Translation Services: Offer online language translation services for businesses and individuals.
91. Green Construction Materials: Retail sustainable and eco-friendly construction materials.
92. Virtual Reality Therapy Programs: Develop virtual reality therapy programs for mental health treatment.
93. Customized Meal Prep Services: Prepare and deliver customized meal plans for individuals with dietary restrictions.
94. Remote Interior Design Services for Businesses: Offer virtual interior design services for commercial spaces.
95. Sustainable Toy Manufacturing: Design and produce eco-friendly and sustainable toys for children.
96. Online Music Collaboration Platform: Create a virtual platform for musicians to collaborate on music projects.
97. Eco-Friendly Event Rentals: Rent out eco-conscious event supplies like tableware and decor.
98. Virtual Art Classes: Host virtual art classes for aspiring artists and hobbyists.
99. Sustainable Transportation Solutions: Introduce sustainable transportation alternatives, such as electric bikes and scooters.
100. Personal Cybersecurity Services: Provide personalized cybersecurity solutions for individuals concerned about online privacy.
Remember that while these business ideas have great potential in Canada, success depends on thorough market research, innovation, dedication, and adaptability. Choose an idea that aligns with your passions and skills, and you could be on your way to creating a successful and fulfilling venture in the vibrant Canadian market. Good luck!
Checkout local businesses in your area at www.shoplocalgta.ca 
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reelvibes91 · 4 months
A Man in Full: A Melodrama without a Punch
An incredible ensemble can sometimes only do so much to carry a show. A Man in Full suffers from this very issue. It has a few notable names sprinkled into a sprawling narrative that should have been the perfect recipe for success.
Led by names such as Jeff Daniels, Diane Lane, and Lucy Liu, A Man in Full tries desperately to capture the eccentric side of business. It also adds in a few social justice issues and hot-button politics to no avail. While I did like the actors enough to watch all the way through the show, it has a few bright moments followed by very many head scratching moments.
Daniels stars as real estate mogul Charlie Croker who is in debt with several banks to the tune of a billion dollars. Charlie will do absolutely anything to hold onto his fortune. That sounds like a marketable premise and an easy to sell plot.
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What the show ends up giving us is over the top dialogue about dying alone. This show features about 10 prominent characters, and 8 of them are despicable human beings who have zero character devolopment through out. Croker is for lack of a better term an asshole who tries to masquerade as a better man than he is. Yet every action he takes shows absolutely no reason to want him to succeed or see him fail. There is no reason to care about what happens to Charlie because his fate is revealed in the firest 10 seconds of the series. Sorry if that seems like a spoiler but it absolutely is not. The show does not hide what is about to unfold.
The journey of the show was supposed to be Charlie and his descent into chaos and destruction. He was always like this, though, and the show has no backbone because this is just a douchey character doing douchey things.
The final 15 minutes of the final episode is absolute insanity and was just laughable in terms of how it played it. The idea was that people get what is coming to them, but yet that was not even what we ended up getting. This show lacked a direction. Most of the storylines, aside from one, had zero resolution. This was just a series where bad people did "shocking" things, yet none of them felt shocking at all.
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This was a series leading into viewing that I had very high hopes for. Daniels has proven to be compelling in the past. He is good here, but the writing inevitably fails his talents. It is a shame because there were elements to this story that could have made for amazing viewing. Yet this show chose the route it did, and here I stand, having watched all 6 episodes and felt very little. That is a shame.
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theartblogbylouis · 5 months
Visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park
On the 16th of April 2024 I visited Yorkshire Sculpture Park to explore the art within the tranquil setting in West Yorkshire. The visit provided a chance for me to experience art in an outdoor setting, and also an indoor setting. There were lots to take away from my visit to the sculpture park. The park itself is set on a vast five hundred acres of fields, hills, woodland, lakes and formal gardens. The area that the sculpture park covers was incredible, though when I first arrived it felt quite an overwhelming space to be explore in the few hours that I visited for.
Prior to my visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park, I was aware of an Austrian artist called Erwin Wurm with an exhibition at Yorkshire Sculpture Park called Trap of the truth running through until the end of April. The indoor museum at the park felt spacious and this was down to the design of the museum itself with soaring ceilings and large windows. The whole aim of the sculpture park is to present and investigate sculpture, and Erwin Wurm’s works do just that. The way that Wurm’s art practice is about what sculpture can be. That anything can be a sculpture. This intrigued me the most and goes back to my previous posts on this blog on how that the artist has complete freedom in this case to say what a sculpture is.
The standout works inside the indoor space of this exhibition were Wurm’s one-minute sculptures. The work Just about Virtues and Vices in General (2017) was a great one-minute sculpture to interact with on my visit. (See Fig 14). This is down to the fact that he wants the public to engage with his work for say a minute with an everyday object. The whole idea of the one-minute sculptures is to be able to create a short living sculpture. The interactivity with this exhibition to essentially become part of the art was amazing, whilst even just being able to create something in the moment for me was an impressive experience.
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Figure 14. Image of Just about Virtues and Vices in General (2017). Image courtesy of Erwin Wurm's official website.
Available at: https://www.erwinwurm.at/artworks/one-minute-sculptures.html
[Accessed: 18th April 2024]
An intriguing aspect to the indoor sculptures by Wurm was the sense of if they were actually a real object or not. (See Fig. 15) the idea that the car is there but is it really a car? That was exactly what Wurm wanted the audience to question, and to give the idea of cornering at speed. It is almost like an illusion that you see something a way that your mind wants you to see it, and this could be said for the idea of a fast-moving vehicle. The fact the object is still but the impression that it is cornering really did interest me on the physics involved with the creation of the sculpture.
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Figure 15. Photograph taken by me of Erwin Wurm’s Renault 25 (1991).
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Figure 16. Photograph taken by me of Erwin Wurm's Truck II (2011).
The outdoor sculptures of Wurm’s were also fascinating in the way that they are part of Wurm’s vision for what a sculpture should be. There is a psychological aspect to the works that makes you think of being in this imaginary world. It reminds me of something like being at Disneyland, and how that is one big illusion. One example of a large-scale outdoor sculpture by Wurm is Big Mutter which shows Wurm’s take on an item of comfort. This also shows that the artist is able to add a comical element to a lot of his works.
The vibrant 13ft tall bronze painted water bottle (See Fig. 17.) certainly does grab attention standing out in a natural setting against the backdrop of a Yorkshire estate.
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Figure 17. Photograph by me of Erwin Wurm’s Big Mutter (2015) 13-foot-tall painted bronze sculpture.
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Figure 18. Photograph by me of Erwin Wurm’s “Big Disobedience” (2016).
Erwin Wurm has kept with a vibrant colour for the work “Big Disobedience.” (See Fig 18.) The way that Wurm has taken business suits and brought them to life in his own interpretation really does take the idea of a dull boring suit and make it into a fun object with the use of a lively pink. I enjoyed Wurm’s use of bright colours throughout the whole exhibition.
The standout ideas Wurm brought to Yorkshire Sculpture Park were a playful factor to his works. The fact that he has used everyday objects and turned them into quirky sculptures really does highlight the talents of the Austrian Sculptor. Wurm has been sculpting for years and this can be seen throughout the show. The most interesting factor to the outside sculptures is each one is given a character and its own attitude. This adds a sense of uniqueness to the works of Wurm and how that the works are there to be questioned.
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digg2024 · 6 months
Exploring Post-MBA Career Paths: Where Can Your MBA Lead You?
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Are you considering pursuing an MBA but feeling uncertain about where it might take you in your career journey? You're not alone. Best Management Colleges In Lucknow Many individuals who embark on the MBA path are seeking clarity on the myriad of career opportunities that await them post-graduation. Fear not, as we dive into the diverse and exciting world of post-MBA career paths. Let's explore where your MBA can lead you and how it can shape your professional future.
1.Understanding the Value of an MBA
2.Corporate Leadership and Management Positions
3.Entrepreneurship and Start-up Ventures
4.Consulting Roles
5.Finance and Investment Banking
6.Marketing and Brand Management
7.Operations and Supply Chain Management
8.Healthcare Administration
9.Nonprofit and Social Impact Organizations
10.International Business and Global Opportunities
11.Technology Management
12.Real Estate and Property Development
13.Sustainability and Environmental Management
14.Education and Academia
1. MBA: More Than Just a Qualification
An MBA can be a powerful springboard for your career. It's more than just a qualification on your resume. Best MBA College in Lucknow program equips you with in-demand skills, deepens your knowledge of specific industries, and connects you with a valuable network of professionals. This powerful combination can propel you towards your dream job and give you a competitive edge in the marketplace.
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2. Corporate Leadership and Management Positions
An MBA equips you with the strategic thinking, decision-making, and leadership abilities necessary to excel in corporate environments. You could find yourself leading teams, departments, or even entire organizations.
3. Entrepreneurship and Start-up Ventures
For the aspiring entrepreneur, an MBA provides the essential toolkit for turning innovative ideas into successful businesses. You'll learn about business planning, financing, and market analysis, setting the stage for entrepreneurial success.
4. Consulting Roles
MBA graduates are highly sought after by consulting firms for their analytical skills and business acumen. As a consultant, you'll tackle complex challenges across various industries, offering strategic advice to clients.
5. Finance and Investment Banking
With an MBA specializing in finance, you can pursue lucrative careers in investment banking, asset management, or corporate finance. Your MBA will prepare you for roles involving financial analysis, risk management, and investment strategies.
6. Marketing and Brand Management
Marketing is all about understanding consumer behavior and creating compelling brand narratives. An MBA with a focus on marketing equips you with the tools to craft innovative marketing strategies and drive brand growth.
7. Operations and Supply Chain Management
Efficient operations and supply chain management are critical to the success of any organization. With an MBA specializing in this area, you'll learn how to optimize processes, manage resources, and streamline supply chains for maximum efficiency.
8. Healthcare Administration
The healthcare industry is complex and rapidly evolving, presenting numerous opportunities for MBA graduates. Whether in hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, or health tech startups, you can play a vital role in shaping the future of healthcare delivery.
9. Nonprofit and Social Impact Organizations
Passionate about making a difference? An MBA can open doors to leadership roles in nonprofit organizations and social enterprises. You'll leverage business principles to drive positive social change and create sustainable impact.
10. International Business and Global Opportunities
In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses are expanding globally, creating a demand for professionals with international expertise. An MBA with a focus on international business prepares you to navigate cross-cultural complexities and seize global opportunities.
11. Technology Management
Technology is reshaping industries and creating new business paradigms. With an MBA in technology management, you'll gain insights into emerging technologies, innovation strategies, and digital transformation, positioning you for leadership roles in tech-driven organizations.
12. Real Estate and Property Development
The real estate sector offers diverse career paths for MBA graduates, from property management to real estate investment. With an MBA, you'll learn about real estate finance, market analysis, and property development, opening doors to lucrative opportunities in the field.
13. Sustainability and Environmental Management
Businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility. An MBA focusing on sustainability equips you with the knowledge and tools to drive eco-friendly practices and sustainable business models.
14. Education and Academia
Passionate about education? An MBA can pave the way for leadership roles in educational institutions, ed-tech startups, or academic administration. You'll apply business principles to enhance educational outcomes and drive institutional excellence.
15. Conclusion
Your MBA journey is a gateway to a world of endless possibilities. Whether you aspire to climb the corporate ladder, launch your own venture, or make a positive impact on society, your MBA can be the catalyst for achieving your career goals.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What is the best MBA college in Lucknow?
Lucknow boasts several esteemed MBA colleges, each offering unique programs tailored to students' needs. Some top choices include [insert college names], renowned for their academic excellence and industry-relevant curriculum.
2. How long does it take to complete an MBA program?
The duration of an MBA program can vary depending on factors such as full-time or part-time enrollment, specialization, and program structure. On average, full-time MBA programs typically span two years, while part-time or executive MBA programs may take longer to complete.
3. Can I pursue an MBA without prior business experience?
While some MBA programs prefer candidates with prior business experience, many also welcome applicants from diverse academic and professional backgrounds. Admissions criteria vary by institution, so it's essential to research program requirements and prerequisites before applying.
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4. What are the key skills gained from an MBA program?
An MBA program equips students with a diverse set of skills, including leadership, strategic thinking, problem-solving, communication, and financial analysis. These skills are highly valued in various industries and are essential for career advancement.
5. How can an MBA enhance my career prospects?
An MBA can enhance your career prospects by providing you with a solid foundation of business knowledge, expanding your professional network, and opening doors to diverse career opportunities. Whether you're seeking advancement in your current field or transitioning to a new industry, an MBA can significantly boost your credentials and marketability.
Embark on your MBA journey with confidence, knowing that the opportunities awaiting you are as vast and varied as your ambitions. Top B.Tech Colleges in Lucknow.
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